9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2010 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers

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GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level and GCE Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2010 question paper

for the guidance of teachers

9700/31 Paper 31 (Advanced Practical Skills 1),
maximum raw mark 40

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

• CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2010 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version Syllabus Paper
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2010 9700 31

Question Expected Answers Marks Additional Guidance

1 (a) (i) Prepare the space below and record your results. [6]
1. table with all cells AND heading (top or left)
drawn surface area/cm2 or length/mm; [1]
PDO recording 2

2. Reject
• if units in body of table
• t or T
• additional columns details of method
time with units; [1]

3. collects data as times for all four pieces of potato;

collection 2


4. (A) recorded time different from other pieces;

5. Reject
MMO decisions 2

units must be clear so 1.2 or 1:2 must have min and s or secs
records all times correctly as whole seconds or minutes with seconds;
UNITS must be clear somewhere [1]
6. replicate recorded; [1]

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(ii) Identify two significant sources of error in your investigation. [2]

Cause of error Error

1. timing /dropping/distance not accurate/delayed/different;

long pieces of potato
2. ora shorter pieces different height to top
there is shorter distance to surface
longer distance to surface;
ACE interpretation MAX 2

3. (pieces of) potato stick to sides/bottom of tube

don’t sink to bottom; [max 1]
(standardised variables)
4. potato not same
or position in potato different/variety
or age old;
or storage

5. water left on potato not same/different;

6. (test)-tubes not same size/height;

7. hydrogen peroxide concentration changes/decreases

evaporates/degenerates/breaksdown; [max 1]
(independent variable)
8. lengths/size/surface not same
areas/volumes different
vary; [max 1] max 2 overall

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(iii) Suggest how you would make three improvements to this investigation. [3]
1. same potato or position in
same age or storage or fresh
use micrometer/cork borer/vernier callipers; [1]
2. use same volume/mass/volume ratio
ACE improvements Max 3

more surface areas/sizes; [1]

3. use a wider container or smaller potato
use deeper container
use tubes of same size
clamp tubes in vertical position; [1]
4. method to dry the potato
lid to cover hydrogen peroxide; [1]
5. (collect oxygen) use a gas syringe or water displacement/oxygen
sensor; [1]
6. replicate/repeat; [1] max 3

(b) (i) Three of the values in table 1.1 are anomalous. Draw a circle around each of these values. [1]
all three figures circled;
MMO decision 1


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(ii) Complete table 1.1. by calculating the missing value. [1]


7; Allow 9.

(iii) Plot a graph of the data shown in Table 1.1. [4]
O x-axis pH Reject t Must have units
AND y-axis time/s or seconds; [1]

S Reject awkward scale Must use more than half grid in x and y.
scale as each pH to 2 cm AND 5 seconds to 2 cm; [1]
P Reject intersection of cross must be clear to
plotting if scale is awkward show plot.
PDO layout 4

if only dots/blobs or blobs in NO cross must touch the line for the
circles next square.
Allow cross in circle
correct plotting using
crosses/dots in circle only; [1]

L straight line through points; quality – no thicker than on grid, not

error carried forward if scale feathery for the complete line.
or plotting incorrect joining plots –
• ruled lines plot to plot
• curve through all plots
• not beyond x- or y-axis [1] Reject if any extrapolation

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(iv) Explain the relationship between pH and the enzyme catalase shown in the data. [3]
(in correct context of pH and
activity (below 7/acid or above 7/

effect on) changed/altered/destroyed/no longer

structure of protein/enzyme/active complementary
ACE conclusion 3


or bonds broken; [1]

(below 7 or above 7) do not accept collision(s)/react

fewer ECSs (enzyme substrate complexes)

or less/no substrate can bind/combine/attach fit into enzyme/active site; [1]
(below 7/above 7)
(enzymes) denatured; [1]
[Total: 20]

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2 Make a large, high-power drawing to show the details of five of the structures specialised for gas exchange (alveoli). The walls of one
alveolus must be touching the walls of at least two other alveoli. Label where gas exchange takes place. [5]
1. Reject
if drawn over the print of question
PDO layout 1

• thick lines
• feathery lines
• 2 ‘tails’ or overlaps
or gaps AND AND
no shading use most of the
clear, sharp, unbroken space provided;
continuous lines [1]
collection 2

2. five structures drawn AND at least 3 structures touching; [1]


3. at least three alveoli AND thickness of one wall irregular;

different shapes/sizes [1]
4. (walls with) at least 2 AND at least one nucleus drawn;
cells drawn [1]
MMO decisions 2

5. Reject
• if any label is biologically incorrect e.g. cell wall.
• label within drawn area
• into centre of alveolus
correct label with label line to wall of alveolus; [1]

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(b) (i) Draw a large plan diagram of the bronchiole shown in Fig. 2.1. Label the lumen. [5]
1. Reject
if drawn over the print of question
PDO layout 1

• thick lines – than grid

• feathery lines
• 3 ’tails’ or overlaps or
clear, sharp, unbroken no shading use most of space
lines provided; [1]

2. no cells drawn AND

collection 2

width of base of fold greater than width


of tip of fold; [1]

3. 13 to 15 folds in lumen; [1]
4. shows indentation; [1]
MMO decisions 2

5. Reject
• if any label is biologically incorrect e.g. cell wall.
• label within drawn area
correct label with label line to lumen;

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(ii) Calculate the ratio of the mean thickness of the outer layer of the bronchiole compared to the mean thickness of the wall of the
blood vessel shown in Fig. 2.1. [4]
If lines not shown on both bronchiole and blood vessel
MMO collection 2

shows one measurement on each of bronchiole and blood vessel;

If no units
If not both same units
If metres or converted to metres or micrometres or standard form
(one bronchiole measured) AND mm;
to nearest 0.5 mm [1]

shows mean AND shows division by number of

adds measurements measurements; [1]
MMO decisions 2

• If given as decimal :1
• If smaller to larger number Either must be to lowest common
• If include units denominator
answer is larger whole number to smaller whole number
or leaves as fraction;

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(iii) Prepare the space below so that it is suitable for you to compare the observable features of the bronchiole and blood vessel in
the photomicrograph Fig. 2.1. [6]
PDO recording

organise as a table/ AND headed bronchiole AND differences opposite bronchiole blood vessel
Venn diagram/ and blood vessel each other;

ruled boxes [1]

heading for similarities/similarity/compare (with contrast)/same; [1]

attempted one similarity ;


Do not accept If no organisation if in same sentence or
• tick and cross without a key following sentences.
• diagrams
• 3-D description
• incorrect biological terms e.g. endodermis

bronchiole blood vessel

ACE interpretation 3

S lumen smooth muscle epithelium
max 1
D1 lumen shape irregular/lobed/folded smooth/oval/not folded;
D2 lumen size small(er) larg(er);
D3 folds many/present none/absent;
D4 no. of layers more/2 less/1;
D5 outer/muscle layer/wall thick(er)/wid(er) thinn(er)/narrow(er);
D6 overall shape circular/round oval/squashed circle; [max 3]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2010

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