Computer Science Paper 1 SL Markscheme

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November 2017

Computer science

Standard level

Paper 1

12 pages
–2– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

This markscheme is the property of the International

Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed
to any other person without the authorization of the IB
Global Centre, Cardiff.
–3– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section A
1. Award up to [2 max].
Fixed vocabulary;
Unambiguous meaning;
Consistent grammar;
Consistent syntax;
Provide a way to define basic data types and operations on those types (ability to write
Provide ability of Input and output handling;
Provide some kind of loop that can be stopped / conditional statement / branching
(conditional and unconditional branching);
It should have variables that reference computer memory, syntax for basic arithmetic
and logical;
Operations on those memory locations;
It has to run on/be able to be processed by a computer (ie it must have a

Note: do not accept aspects that address interoperability/portability/standards/user

friendliness [2]

2. Compare (accept Check);

Store (accept Write / Save);

Note: Accept the following wording for categories of operations

Input (Read);
Processing/execution (eg calculate, decode, fetch, delete, evaluate, sort, transfer,

Remark: Beware of repetitions with the wording in the question paper, or repetitions
between the two given examples. Marks should not be awarded twice in those cases.
For example,
Search/look up, or comparable wording, are synonyms of the given Retrieve;
Insert/put, or comparable wording, are synonyms of the given Add;
Lists of repeated arithmetic operations that fall under examples of calculations (subtract,
divide, multiply, square) are all examples of calculations, and hence processing. [2]

3. (a) A piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service made

available by a server /
The role of a client is to access a service made available by a server by sending
a request for service;

Note: the term client is to be understood only from the computing perspective, ie
this is not a human. [1]

(b) A program/host computer that awaits and fulfills requests from client programs (in
the same or other computers) /
The role of a server is to fulfill requests from client programs (which can reside in
the same or in other computers)

Note: the term server is to be understood only from the computing perspective,
ie this is not a human. [1]
–4– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

4. Award up to [1 max].
Voice recognition;
Braille keyboards;
Touch screen;
Input from scanner; [1]

5. Award [1] for all correct input values, [1] for a correct A NOR B column and [1] for a
correct (A NOR B) OR A column.


6. Award [1] for each correctly placed gate, up to [3 max].


Note: Award only [1] for an answer of:

–5– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

7. (a) N2 [1]

(b) N; [1]

(c) Award marks as follows up to [4 max].

Award [1] for correct initialization.
Award [1] for correct condition.
Award [1] for correct output.
Award [1] for changing the value of controlling variable.

Note: The question explicitly requires one while loop.

Do no not accept a for loop. Do not accept two while loops.

Example answer
K = 1
loop while K <= N
output K
K = K + 1
end loop

Example answer (including J variable)

K = 1
J = 1
loop while K = J AND K <= N
output K
K = K + 1
J = J + 1
end loop [4]

8. (a) Primary memory / RAM [1]

(b) Award up to [2 max].

Note: there must be explicit reference to both address and data bus

Example 1
Buses are used as physical connections to carry information to the CPU;
The data bus transports data from/to CPU, whereas the address bus the memory
address where the data is supposed to go/be.

Example 2
Data bus is a physical connection to transport data from-to CPU to be
Address bus is a physical connection to transport an address of memory storage where data
(transported in the data bus) should be read/written;

Note: Award [1] mark, for responses that show some understanding of use of
buses in CPU, for address location and data transport without using specialist
terminology [2]
–6– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

9. Binary digit;
(Minimal) unit of storage that can be set to 0 or 1; [1]

10. Award up to [2 max].

Involves sending sample software to the intended audience;
(Selected audience do not pay for this software);
To try/use the software product;
And give the feedback to the authors (which help in correcting bugs); [2]
–7– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section B
11. (a) Each word in the text file is compared with words in a dictionary (held in
If the word is found in the dictionary it is correctly spelt / if the word is not found in
the dictionary, spellchecker will recognize that it is incorrectly spelt; [2]

(b) Award [1 max].

If power goes off, only the text typed after last (automatic) save is lost;

NOTE: accept responses that express evidence of just a partial loss of the file. [1]

(c) Award up to [2 max].

Apply styles, effects;
Insert (tables/pictures/graphs/formulas/...);
Mail merge;
etc. [2]

(d) Award [1] for stating an application software package and [1] for stating its use in
the office, up to [2 max].

Example answers
For graphically presenting various data;

Database software;
For holding employees/customers data;

Web page creators/editors;

To create/manage the office’s web pages;
etc. [2]

(e) Award up to [2 max].

Off site data storage;

Make backups regularly/periodically/frequently;

Prevent physical damage to the computers / Keep equipment in safe and dust-
free places / Protect equipment from static electricity that can erase data or
damage components / Protection during lightning and electrical storms;

Note: Accept any reasonable examples, but there should be more than one.
The focus of the question is on data loss, and not in relation to
security/hacking. [2]

(f) Award [1] for stating a problem and [1] for an elaboration, up to [2 max].
Users/employees might be afraid of these changes (for various reasons);
And not willing to help in this change;

Data migration problems;

For example, different file formats so conversion must be performed;

Employee efficiency may drop;

As they learn to use the new system;

Issue of compatibility with legacy software/hardware;

So features of new software/hardware may not work correctly; [2]
–8– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

(g) Award [1] for outlining what is meant by direct changeover, [1] for outlining what
is meant by phased conversion, and then [1] for an advantage or disadvantage
of each, up to [2].

Example answer:
Direct changeover, the old software and hardware is completely replaced, in one
move, by the new software and hardware;
Phased conversion involves selecting one section in the office for the direct
changeover and other sections will be switched when the first section selected is
running satisfactorily. Eventually the whole office has been changed;
A phased conversion is less risky than a direct changeover as any problems that
might arise will be isolated in only one section in the office;
Direct changeover means everyone in the organization has same
software/hardware and so there are no compatibility issues; [4]

12. (a) Award up to [1 max].

Wireless router/modem;
Access points;
Wireless repeater/extender/booster; [1]

(b) Award [1] for identifying a disadvantage and [1] for an expansion, for two
disadvantages up to [4 max].

Data transfer will decrease (compared with a wired LAN);

Because the number of computers using the network increases;
(and because) WLAN has lower bandwidth than a wired LAN;

Less data security;

As devices from outside the school can access the network/intercept

More easily open to misuse;

As teacher/administrator cannot directly monitor a specific student/teacher/

Intermittent connectivity due to physical barriers (walls);

Results in low transfer/speed and may hinder operations.

Note: Accept any reasonable points, provided they are appropriately

elaborated. [4]

(c) Award up to [3 max].

Give each user appropriate login details/passwords;
Different access rights for students, teachers, school administrators (file-level and
share-level security);
All passwords and files should be encrypted;
Use the latest WiFi protocol/WPA2;
Require MAC address authentication;
Password protect the documents;

Note: the focus of the question is on confidential data (firewalls not accepted) [3]
–9– N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

(d) Set of rules for data transmission; [1]

(e) Award up to [6] as follows:

Award up to [3 max] for a general description of how data is transferred by

packet switching. ([1 max] if this general description is very simplistic and refers
to just the Header/Data/Trailer already shown in the question paper).

Award up to [3 max] for added detail that references the contents of the given
data packet in the answer.

Example of general description

Data is organized in specially formatted units (data packets) which are routed
from source to destination using network switches and routers;

Network switches and routers determine how best to transfer the packet between
a number of intermediate devices (routers and switches) on the path to its
destination (rather than flowing directly over a single wire on the path to its

Data packets are reassembled at the destination;

Example of referencing content

Addresses have to be in a standard format so that each switch/routing station

recognizes the address;
Address of sender identifies the sending computer, so that any packets not
received can be re-requested;
Address of receiver identifies intended recipient so it can be forwarded on
The protocol used must be identified so that the correct rules are followed;
Size of packet / size of fields in packet – All packets/fields must have the same
size so that the data can be reassembled;
Sequence number so that packets can be reassembled in correct order;
Transmission codes to show whether the data packet is transmitted or
Control bits, to maintain the integrity of the data by ensuring that the data
received is the same as the data sent;
Error checking code – when an error is detected, an algorithm either corrects
the error or requests that the packet is resent; [6]
– 10 – N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

13. (a) 3; [1]

(b) Award [1] for each correct column, other than column K.

K CL K < len(S) S[K] = "E" output

1 " " "
2 1 " TRUE
3 " " FALSE
4 " " "
5 " " "
6 " " "
7 " " "
8 " " "
9 2 " TRUE
10 " FALSE 2

Note: The symbol " appearing in cells above means that the value in that cell is
the same as the one in the cell just above it; unfilled cells means that no value
must be present.

Remark: Accept drawings of tables where the values of the column CL are
shifted downwards of one cell only, therefore showing the first value 2 when
K = 10. Do not propagate by FT to the other columns, they are independent from
the way CL has been filled.) [4]

(c) Example answer 1

Award marks as follows up to [5 max].
Award [1] for correct boundaries in first for-loop.
Award [1] for correct assignment of array SUBSTITUTE in first loop.
Award [1] for correct boundaries in second for-loop.
Award [1] for correct assignment of array SUBSTITUTE in second loop.
Award [1] for incrementing IND in both loops.

IND = 0
loop for K from N to len(UPCASELETTERS)-1
// accept ‘K from 0 to 25’
end loop
loop for K from 0 to N-1
end loop
– 11 – N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Example answers 2 and 3

Award marks as follows up to [5 max].
Award [1] for initializing array SUBSTITUTE.
Award [1] for repeating the process N times.
Award [1] for temporarily storing SUBSTITUTE[0]
Award [1] for correctly shifting to the left the contents of array SUBSTITUTE.
Award [1] for correctly placing the temporary stored value in the last position in
SUBSTITUTE, after shifting

Example answer 2
loop for K from 0 to 25
end loop
loop for K from 1 to N
IND = 0
loop while IND <= 25
IND = IND + 1
end loop
end loop

Example answer 3 (with for loops)

loop for K from 0 to len(UPCASELETTERS)-1
// accept “K from 0 to 25”
end loop
loop for K from 1 to N
loop for IND = 0 to len(UPCASELETTERS)-1
end loop
end loop

Example 4 (single loop)

Award marks as follows up to [5 max].
Award [1] for correct outer for loop (correct boundaries)
Award [1] for correct condition in if statement.
Award [2 max] for correct first assignment as follows:
[1] for using correct expressions of both indexes 26 –(N-K) in
[1] for using appropriate direction of assignment (UPCASELETTERS is used
to rewrite into
Award [1] for correct assignment of SUBSTITUTE in the other branch;

loop for K from 0 to 25

if K < N
end if
end loop
– 12 – N17/4/COMSC/SP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Example 5 (with mod)

Award [1] creation/generation/instantiation of array SUBSTITUTE of length 26.

Award [1] correct main loop boundaries
Award [1] for fully correct mod expression in IND
Award [1] assignment of IND of mod expression
Award [1] correct assignment of values to SUBSTITUTE, via IND index.

loop for K from 0 to 25

end loop
// SUBSTITUTE [K] = ”A” or new array SUBSTITUTE

loop for K from 0 to 25 //main loop

IND = (K+N) mod 26
end loop

Remark: no marks for calculations of indexes that can become negative. [5]

(d) Award up to [5 max].

Search the array UPCASELETTERS;
Using a linear/sequential or binary search;
Search for the position/index of character CH;
If CH is found in UPCASELETTER;
Return the value stored in the array SUBSTITUTE at this position/index;
Otherwise return CH; [5]

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