Fusing Equipment: Two-& Three-Phase Magnex Interrupter
Fusing Equipment: Two-& Three-Phase Magnex Interrupter
Fusing Equipment: Two-& Three-Phase Magnex Interrupter
Electrical Apparatus
Figure 2.
Three-phase MagneX Interrupter,
single-phase sense, single-phase trip.
Figure 3 demonstrates the circuit The three-phase MagneX Interrupter Optional Handle
diagram for the three-phase MagneX with single-phase sense, three-phase Assemblies
Interrupter with single-phase sense, trip should always be used in series with
three-phase trip, containing one at least one backup current-limiting A standard handle, as shown in Figures
sensor in two of the three phases. fuse in each of the three-phases. 5, is typically used in overhead pole-
This product should only be applied to type transformers. It is also used in
The backup current limiting fuses (see underground pad-mounted transformer
delta-connected primary transformers, ELSP catalog section 240-50) provide applications. The MagneX Interrupter
where any fault current flow in one high-current interruption capability. handle is reversible to enhance
phase will also flow in an adjacent
phase. It reacts to fault currents on Figure 4 shows the circuit diagram functionality and provide for optimal
one phase and will cause tripping of all for the two-phase MagneX Interrupter. orientation of the handle in pad-mounted
three phases. The MagneX Interrupter The two-phase MagneX Interrupter transformer applications. It is made of
then can be reset via the single was specifically designed for single- an ultraviolet stabilized high-strength,
operating handle by opening all three phase, two bushing transformers, glass-filled thermoplastic material. The
phases and closing all phases back in where disconnection of both bushings lower slotted portion of the handle is
simultaneously. is desired following fault/overload made of a flexible ultraviolet stabilized
detection. The MagneX Interrupter elastomeric material. The handle
will react to a fault sensed in either requires five pounds (2.27 kg) of force
leg of the transformer primary. to operate manually. It allows flexibility
Interruption takes place in both for excessive force during operation.
interruption chambers simultaneously,
Sensor disconnecting both legs of the
transformer from the circuit.
Interrupter Ganged
Chambers Trip Sensor
Interrupter Ganged
Chambers Trip
Figure 3.
Three-phase MagneX Interrupter,
single-phase sense three-phase trip.
Figure 4.
Two-phase MagneX Interrupter.
4.40" (75.3 mm)
(111.7 mm)
4.52" HANDLE (46.9 mm) 1.53"
(114.8 mm) NUT 6.52" (38.9 mm)
TANK (165.61 mm)
3.75" WALL
(95.3 mm) 13.11" (LENGTH OF 2 PHASE)
6.20" HANDLE SHOWN (333 mm)
(157.5 mm) IN STANDARD 19.70" (LENGTH OF 3 PHASE) .32"
ORIENTATION (500.4 mm) (8 mm)
(4.8 mm)
Figure 5.
MagneX Interrupter assembly — front/side/back views (with standard handle hardware kit).
Note: Dimensions given are for reference only, inches (mm)
The MagneX Interrupter is mounted
under-oil on the primary side of the
transformer. No special tools are
required. The MagneX Interrupter CONNECTION POINT FOR
assembly is mounted through the ISOLATION LINK (2 PHASE ONLY)
transformer wall. The incoming CURRENT LIMITING) FUSE
high voltage lead is connected (2 OR 3 PHASE)
first to the isolation link or to the [THE HIGH VOLTAGE LEAD
current-limiting fuse and then to (FROM BUSHING) IS
the MagneX Interrupter. The coil CONNECTED TO THE OTHER
lead is then connected to the lower OR ELSP FUSE]
MagneX Interrupter connection point
(See Figure 8). Refer to Installation CONNECTION POINT BETWEEN
Instructions S240-33-1 for details. MAGNEX AND CORE COIL
Figure 8.
HANDLE Lead connection points.
STANDARD Production Tests For three-phase delta primary
OPEN connected transformers, use
POSITION Tests are conducted in accordance with Table 3 to determine the correct
Cooper Power Systems requirements. MagneX Interrupter sensor size
n 100% Physical Inspection and the appropriate ELSP backup
current-limiting fuse required for the
STANDARD n 100% Electrically Tested to Meet
HANDLE application. Use Table 7 to determine
ORIENTATION Minimum Trip and Maximum Trip the exact MagneX Interrupter catalog
SWING Clear TCC Curves number.
n Periodic Fluoroscopic Analysis
For three-phase wye primary
(X-ray) connected transformers, use
(114.8 mm) CLOSED Ordering Information Table 4 to determine the correct
POSITION MagneX Interrupter sensor size
3.75" The three-phase MagneX Interrupter is and the appropriate ELSP backup
(95.3 mm) available in two design variations. current-limiting fuse required for the
(157.5 mm) The first is a single-phase sense, application, or refer to Table 6 for the
single-phase trip version, for wye- appropriate isolation link. Use Table
connected transformers. This design is 7 to determine the exact MagneX
Figure 6. ideal for applications where customers Interrupter catalog number.
Open/Closed handle positions (Standard desire fault sensing on one phase and For the two-phase MagneX Interrupter,
positions shown). tripping on that phase only. This option refer to Table 5 to determine the
can be used with either an isolation correct MagneX Interrupter sensor
link (recommended as a minimum) or size for the application. Use Table 6
backup current- limiting fuse. to determine the appropriate isolation
1.125” The second three-phase MagneX link, or Table 9 to determine the
(28.5 mm) Interrupter design option is a single- appropriate ELSP backup current-
phase sense, three-phase trip version, limiting fuse for the application.
2.25” for delta connected transformers. Use Table 7 to determine the exact
(57 mm) MagneX Interrupter catalog number.
This design is well suited for three-
phase delta connected transformer Note: When ordering a MagneX
applications (this design should NOT Interrupter, the standard
be used on wye-connected transformer handle kit and hardware
0.156” rad. primaries). The three-phase MagneX must be ordered separately.
(4 mm)
Interrupter with single-phase sense, See Table 8 for the
three-phase trip should always be appropriate handle and
hardware kit catalog
used with backup current-limiting number.
Figure 7.
Tank mounting hole detail.
Note: Exterior mounting surface extending 1/2” outward
from the tank hole outer edge shall be flat and clear of
surface obstructions.
Two- & Three-Phase MagneX Interrupter
3-Phase MagneX Interrupter Recommendations for Transformers with Delta Connected Primary
Windings (Single-Phase Sense, Three-Phase Trip)
Assumed Recommended ELSP Rating
Transformer Primary Minimum MagneX without Emergency
kVA Rating Voltage Impedance Sensor Overload
45 1.60 E10 65
75 1.60 E18 100
112.5 1.80 E25 125
150 2.00 E30 150
225 3.00 E50 150
300 3.50 E50 165
45 1.60 E06 40
75 1.60 E10 65
112.5 1.80 E12 80
150 7.2-7.96 2.00 E18 100
225 3.00 E25 100
300 3.50 E30 125
500 4.00 E50 150
45 1.60 E03 30
75 1.60 E06 40
112.5 1.80 E10 50
150 2.00 E12 65
225 3.00 E18 80
300 3.50 E25 80
500 4.00 E30 100
750 5.75 E50 150
45 1.60 E03 30
75 1.60 E06 40
112.5 1.80 E10 50
150 2.00 E10 50
225 13.2 3.00 E12 65
300 3.50 E18 80
500 4.00 E30 100
750 5.75 E40 125
1000 5.75 E50 150
TABLE 3 (Continued)
3-Phase MagneX Recommendations for Transformers with Delta Connected
Primary Windings (Single-Phase Sense, Three-Phase Trip)
Assumed Recommended ELSP Rating
Transformer Primary Minimum MagneX without Emergency
kVA Rating Voltage Impedance Sensor Overload
45 1.80 E06 40
75 2.00 E10 50
112.5 2.00 E10 50
150 3.00 E12 65
225 4.00 E18 80
300 4.00 E25 80
500 4.00 E30 100
750 5.75 E40 100
1000 5.75 E50 100
1250 5.75 E50 150
45 1.80 E06 40
75 2.00 E06 40
112.5 2.00 E10 50
150 3.00 E12 65
225 4.00 E18 80
300 4.00 E18 80
500 4.00 E25 80
750 5.75 E30 100
1000 5.75 E40 100
1250 5.75 E50 125
MagneX Interrupter recommendations based on
n Minimum trip curves, and Maximum trip and clear curves, R240-91-302.
n Deration factor of 0.5% per degree C above ambient (25° C).
n Allowable loading greater than 140% for four hours in accordance with IEEE Std C57.91™‑1981 standard Guide for Loading Distribution Transformers, Table 6.
MagneX/ELSP coordinations based on coordination requirements of single-phase sense, three-phase trip version MagneX interrupter. Proper coordination requires delta con-
nected transformer primary.
Proper protection requires that a backup current-limiting fuse be used in series with each MagneX interruption chamber. DO NOT USE AN ISOLATION LINK WITH THE
THREE-PHASE MagneX Interrupter. Failure to use backup current-limiting fuse in series with the MagneX Interrupter can result in an unprotected phase.
Backup current limiting fuse may be rated for line-to-neutral voltage, as the three-phase MagneX Interrupter is three-phase rated. Added backup protection can be achieved
using phase-to-phase rated backup current-limiting fuse.
Two- & Three-Phase MagneX Interrupter
3-Phase MagneX Interrupter Recommendations for Transformers with WYE Connected Primary Windings (Single-Phase Sense,
Single-Phase Trip)
ELSP Rating
Transformer Primary Assumed Minimum Recommended without
kVA Rating Voltage Impedance MagneX Sensor Emergency Overload
45 1.60 E10 50
75 1.60 E18 80
112.5 1.80 E25 100
150 2.00 E30 125
225 3.00 E40 150
300 3.50 E50 150
45 1.60 E06 30
75 1.60 E10 50
112.5 1.80 E12 80
150 7.2-7.96 2.00 E18 80
225 3.00 E25 100
300 3.50 E30 100
500 4.00 E50 150
45 1.60 E03 30
75 1.60 E06 30
112.5 1.80 E10 40
150 2.00 E12 50
225 3.00 E18 80
300 3.50 E25 80
500 4.00 E30 100
750 5.75 E50 125
45 1.60 E03 30
75 1.60 E06 30
112.5 1.80 E10 40
150 2.00 E10 40
225 3.00 E12 50
300 3.50 E18 80
500 4.00 E30 100
750 5.75 E40 100
45 1.60 E06 30
75 1.60 E06 30
112.5 1.80 E10 30
150 2.00 E12 40
225 20.8 3.00 E18 80
300 3.50 E25 80
500 4.00 E25 80
750 5.75 E40 100
1000 5.75 E50 100
45 1.60 E03 30
75 1.60 E06 30
112.5 1.80 E06 30
150 2.00 E10 40
225 22.86 3.00 E12 50
300 3.50 E18 80
500 4.00 E40 100
750 5.75 E40 100
1000 5.75 E50 125
TABLE 4 (Continued)
3-Phase MagneX Interrupter Recommendations for Transformers with WYE Connected Primary Windings (Single-Phase Sense,
Single-Phase Trip)
ELSP Rating
Transformer Primary Assumed Minimum Recommended without
kVA Rating Voltage Impedance MagneX Sensor Emergency Overload
45 1.60 E01 30
75 1.60 E03 30
112.5 1.80 E03 30
150 2.00 E06 30
225 3.00 E10 40
300 24.94 3.50 E12 40
500 4.00 E18 80
750 5.75 E25 80
1000 5.75 E30 80
1500 5.75 E50 125
2000 5.75 E50 150
45 1.60 E01 30
75 1.60 E03 30
112.5 1.80 E03 30
150 2.00 E06 30
225 3.00 E06 30
300 27.6 3.50 E10 30
500 4.00 E18 80
750 5.75 E25 80
1000 5.75 E30 80
1500 5.75 E40 100
2000 5.75 E50 125
45 1.60 E01 30
75 1.60 E03 30
112.5 1.80 E03 30
150 2.00 E06 30
225 3.00 E06 30
300 3.50 E10 30
500 4.00 E12 40
750 5.75 E18 80
1000 5.75 E25 80
1500 5.75 E40 100
2000 5.75 E50 125
2500 5.75 E50 125
Line-to-neutral rated fuses can be used on Gnd Y-Gnd Y transformers with less than 50% delta loading
MagneX Interrupter recommendations based on
n Minimum trip curves, and Maximum trip and clear curves, R240-91-310.
n Deration factor of 0.5% per degree C above ambient (25° C).
n Allowable loading greater than 140% for four hours in accordance with IEEE Std C57.91™ ‑1981 standard Guide for Loading Distribution Transformers, Table 6.
MagneX/ELSP coordinations based on coordination requirements of single-phase sense, single-phase trip version of the MagneX interrupter. Proper coordination requires WYE
connected transformer primary.
Backup current limiting fuses may be rated for line-to-neutral voltage for Gnd Y-Gnd Y connections, with less than 50% delta loading ONLY. If this guideline is not followed,
recovery voltages exceeding the backup current-limiting fuse may cause fuse failure.
In all other cases, voltage rating of the backup current-limiting fuse must be line-to-line rated.
Note: The MagneX Interrupter recommendations above 22 kV are for Gnd Y-Gnd Y transformers with less than 50% delta loading ONLY.
Two- && Three-Phase
Two- Three-Phase MagneX
MagneX Interrupter
Two-Phase MagneX Interrupter Recommendations
Primary Voltage kV
kVA/kV 2.4 4.16-4.8 6.9-8.0 12.00-14.4 19.92
10 E06 E03 E03 E01 E01
15 E10 E06 E03 E03 E01
25 E18 E10 E06 E03 E03
37.5 E18 E12 E10 E06 E03
50 E30 E18 E12 E06 E03
75 E40 E25 E18 E10 E06
100 E50 E40 E18 E12 E06
167 - E50 E40 E18 E12
Recommendations are based on:
n Minimum trip curves, and Maximum trip and clear curves, R240-91-310.
n Deration factor of 0.5% per °C above 25 °C.
n Allowable loading greater than 140% for four hours in accordance with IEEE Std C57.91™‑1981 standard, Guide for Loading Distribution Transformers, Table 6.
Isolation Link — MagneX Interrupter Hardware Kit
Correlation Chart
Description Catalog Number
Number Isolation Link Standard Handle Kit
& Hardware, w/o 3638535A09
E01 3637803B01 Emergency Overload
E03 3637803B08 Hotstick Adapter 3639585A01
E06 3637803B02 Two- and three-phase MagneX Interrupter is not yet
available with emergency overload feature.
E10 3637803B09
E12 3637803B10
E18 3637803B03
E25 3637803B03
E30 3637803B05
E40 3637803B05
E50 3637803B05
MagneX Interrupter Significant Digit Catalog Number System
Example: To order a three-phase MagneX Interrupter with single-phase sense,
three-phase trip, with float and E12 sensor, the catalog number would be MX3BN1MDE12
Standard Options
Digits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Digits 7 8
M X 3 B N 1 M D E 1 2 M D
MD-Multi-Phase Trip with Delta System Connection
Product Trip Type Sensor S Y
MagneX M-Multi-Phase Trip* Size
S-Single-Phase Trip** E01 SY-Single-Phase Trip with Wye System Connection
NOTE: For 2-Phase MagneX E03 Note: Choose “MD” for Two-Phase MagneX Interrupter
Phases must be “M”
2-Two * If M, only select D for System
3-Three Connection (digit 8) E10
**If S, only select Y for System E12
Connection (digit 8) E18
Indicator E25
B-w/o Indicator System E30
1-w/Float Connection E40
2-w/o Float D-Delta E50
NOTE: For 2-Phase
Overload MagneX
N-Non EO must be “D”
Recommended Two-Phase MagneX Interrupter and ELSP Current-Limiting Fuse Combinations
Two- & Three-Phase MagneX Interrupter
Two- & Three-Phase MagneX Interrupter