Impact of Generator and Power Grid On Unit Transformer Reliability
Impact of Generator and Power Grid On Unit Transformer Reliability
Impact of Generator and Power Grid On Unit Transformer Reliability
1) 2)
Wydział Elektryczny Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach, BOBRME Komel w Katowicach
Zakład Pomiarowo-Badawczy Energetyki "ENERGOPOMIAR-ELEKTRYKA" Spółka z o.o., Gliwice
Streszczenie. Transformator blokowy najczęściej jest połączony bezpośrednio z generatorem synchronicznym. Na uzwojenia transformatora
działają wszelkie zaburzenia, tak od strony od strony generatora jak i systemu elektroenergetycznego. W artykule wymieniono rodzaje możliwych
zaburzeń i podano przykład jednej awarii transformatora blokowego, która miała miejsce w jednej z elektrowni cieplnych. (Wpływ generatora i sieci
elektroenergetycznej na niezawodną pracę transformatora blokowego).
Key words: Unit transformer, transformer failure, transformer repair, transformer protection
Słowa kluczowe: Transformator blokowy, awaria transformatora, naprawa transformatora, zabezpieczenie transformatora
Fig.1. Power unit circuit: G – synchronous generator, T – Perturbations coming from the power grid
transformer, CB – circuit breaker, PG – power grid Overvoltages (voltage waveforms) may occur in the
power grid, they are characterised by high voltage over time
Perturbations in power unit during normal operation rates of change and short durations (microseconds). These
Perturbations in synchronous generator operation waves may be traced back to atmospheric discharges or
Types of synchronous generators perturbations are operation of current-limiting circuit breakers, switching off
listed in relevant service manual (Ramowa Instrukcja large inductive loads e.g. transformers supplied from 110
Eksploatacji Generatorów Synchronicznych) [2]. This kV, 220 kV or 400 kV grids, or emergency shut-downs of
manual identifies all possible disturbances in generator PG sections. These microsecond-long overvoltages are not
operation together with the protective devices. These recorded by measurement apparatus, because they are
disturbances are: attenuated by instrument transformers. Theory of
short-circuiting of stator windings, phase-to-phase and transformers [5] demonstrates that external voltage
phase-to-ground, in wires connecting to buses and in waveform UX incoming to transformer winding will be
external network, distributed non-uniformly among individual turns of winding.
overloading of stator and rotor windings, This voltage distribution among turns depends on the ratio
over-excitation and loss of excitation, of winding's capacitance to earth C0 to equivalent turn
increased stator voltage, capacitance CZ. Its maximum value is assigned to foremost
non-symmetrical loading, turns looking from the phase side.
disconnection of driving system,
loss of synchronism in excited generator, ∆
Fig.2. Electrical scheme of power block "generator-transformer" with measurement points marked
Power unit transformer is directly connected to the
generator and via circuit breaker to the power grid. The
transformer is affected by generator perturbations and
perturbations induced in the power grid. These events
greatly influence reliability of the transformer. The authors
present example of power unit transformer failure
Fig.5. "0" point leads (transformer ratings: 270 MVA, 15750 V / 250000V), which