MV Solution Up To 3825 kVA at 1000 VDC: Medium Voltage Inverter Station, Customized Up To 3.83 Mva
MV Solution Up To 3825 kVA at 1000 VDC: Medium Voltage Inverter Station, Customized Up To 3.83 Mva
MV Solution Up To 3825 kVA at 1000 VDC: Medium Voltage Inverter Station, Customized Up To 3.83 Mva
1,000 Vdc
MEDIUM VOLTAGE This brand new medium voltage solution inte- Plug & Play technology
grates all the devices required for a multi-mega- This MV solution integrates power conversion
INVERTER STATION, watt system. equipment –up to 3.83 MVA- and a liquid-filled
CUSTOMIZED Maximize your investment
pad-mounted transformer up to 35 kV. The In-
verter Station has been conceived for a fast on-
UP TO 3.83 MVA with a minimal effort
site connection with up to three PV inverters
Ingeteam’s Inverter Station is a compact, cus-
from Ingeteam’s B Series central inverter family.
tomizable and flexible solution that can be con-
figured to suit each customer’s requirements. It Complete accessibility
is supplied together with up to three photovol- Thanks to the lack of housing, the inverters, the
taic inverters (one dual plus one single inverter). switchgear and the transformer can have imme-
All the equipment is suitable for outdoor installa- diate access. Furthermore, the design of the B
tion, so there is no need of any kind of housing. Series central inverters has been conceived to
facilitate maintenance and repair works.
Higher adaptability and power density
This PowerStation is now more versatile, as it Maximum protection
presents a pad-mounted integrating the HV Ingeteam’s B Series central inverters integrate
switching and fuse protection. Moreover, it fea- the latest generation electronics and a much
tures a great power density: 3.69 W/in3. more efficient electronic protection. Apart from
that, they feature the main electrical protections
and they deploy grid support functionalities,
such as low voltage ride-through capability, re-
active power deliverance and active power in-
jection control.
Furthermore, the electrical connection between
the inverters and the transformer is fully protect-
ed from direct contact.
[email protected]
SUN InverterStation U 1,000 Vdc
Suitable for slab mounting. Electrostatic shield, reducing disturbances, Up to three inverters with an output power of
Compact design, minimizing freight costs. distorsions and overvoltages. 3.83 MVA.
Drain valve with sampling device. Liquid-filled pad-mounted MV transformer up to
Upper fill valve. 35 kV class (ask Ingeteam for transformer details).
Liquid level and pressure vacuum gauges On-site commissioning and training.
with auxiliary contacts. Remote communications.
Standard temperature and altitude service Dial type thermometer gauge with auxiliary Minimum site installation with close-coupled
conditions as per ANSI IEE C57.12.00. contacts. AC flex copper busbars.
Dead Front Loop Feed arrangement. T-blade switch rated 200 A for loop Minimum site installation with close-coupled
Reduced power losses: high efficiencies rated configuration. AC flex copper busbars. AC cabling instead of
at 50% load. Dead front HV bushings rated 200 A. busbars also available upon request.
Auxiliary Services Transformer.
Auxiliary Services Panel.
SKL - Single Inverter SKL - Dual Inverter SKL - Dual + Single Inverter
Number of inverters 1 2 3
Voltage class 12 - 35 kV 12 - 35 kV 12 - 35 kV
Operating temperature range -4 ºF to +131 ºF / -20 ºC to +55 ºC -4 ºF to +131 ºF / -20 ºC to +55 ºC -4 ºF to +131 ºF / -20 ºC to +55 ºC
Notes: (1) For installations beyond 3,300 ft / 1,000 m, please contact Ingeteam’s solar sales department.
Transformer HV Protection
T-blade switch
2 1 2 1