LDM1 LAC Session 2 Guide - PDF
LDM1 LAC Session 2 Guide - PDF
LDM1 LAC Session 2 Guide - PDF
Getting Started The LAC Facilitator briefly reviews agreements on LAC 5 minutes
Small Group sharing The LAC Facilitator asks the group to subdivide into 3 15-20 minutes
*In small LACs (2-5 members), groups. Each group is assigned one Module 2 activity
you can do this activity as a to share and discuss outputs:
Big Group/Plenary sharing Group 1 – Activity 1: Distance Learning Matrix
Group 2 – Activity 2: Distance Learning Ranking Table
Group 3 – Activity 3: Targeted Intervention Table
*Small groups can be held as break-out on platforms
that allow this (e.g. Zoom), or via FB, Viber, WhatsApp
chat or others
Small Groups report The LAC Facilitator will give each small group 15-20 minutes
representative an opportunity to share their answers
and reflections.
Big Group/Plenary sharing The LAC Facilitator synthesizes the small group 10 minutes
reflections and asks the big group/plenary to reflect on
and answer the following question:
Big Group/Plenary synthesis The LAC Facilitator asks for 2-3 volunteers to share 8-10 minutes
their thoughts.
Looking forward to the next The LAC Facilitator sets the assignment: Study LDM1 3-5 minutes
session Module 3 on Choosing the Appropriate Learning
Delivery Modalities for Your Division and Schools
Completion of reports The LAC Facilitator completes LAC Form 3. LAC Session 5 minutes
LAC members complete LAC Form 4. LAC Engagement