LDM1 LAC Session 2 Guide - PDF

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LAC Component Activity Suggested


Getting Started The LAC Facilitator briefly reviews agreements on LAC 5 minutes

Small Group sharing The LAC Facilitator asks the group to subdivide into 3 15-20 minutes
*In small LACs (2-5 members), groups. Each group is assigned one Module 2 activity
you can do this activity as a to share and discuss outputs:
Big Group/Plenary sharing Group 1 – Activity 1: Distance Learning Matrix
Group 2 – Activity 2: Distance Learning Ranking Table
Group 3 – Activity 3: Targeted Intervention Table
*Small groups can be held as break-out on platforms
that allow this (e.g. Zoom), or via FB, Viber, WhatsApp
chat or others

Members should continue to write personal reflections

or interesting ideas and suggestions from the
discussions in their Study Notebook.

Small Groups report The LAC Facilitator will give each small group 15-20 minutes
representative an opportunity to share their answers
and reflections.

Big Group/Plenary sharing The LAC Facilitator synthesizes the small group 10 minutes
reflections and asks the big group/plenary to reflect on
and answer the following question:

What are the 3 most important factors in successful

implementation of distance learning?

Big Group/Plenary synthesis The LAC Facilitator asks for 2-3 volunteers to share 8-10 minutes
their thoughts.

The LAC Facilitator synthesizes the discussion.

Looking forward to the next The LAC Facilitator sets the assignment: Study LDM1 3-5 minutes
session Module 3 on Choosing the Appropriate Learning
Delivery Modalities for Your Division and Schools

The LAC Facilitator ensures agreement on the schedule

and venue/platform for LAC Session 3.

Completion of reports The LAC Facilitator completes LAC Form 3. LAC Session 5 minutes
LAC members complete LAC Form 4. LAC Engagement

TOTAL 61-75 minutes

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