Fs 3
Fs 3
Fs 3
Subject Instructor
I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who were so generous
with their time and expertise:
To our Almighty God for the knowledge, strength and wisdom. His
guidance leads me to select the most desirable way to success.
To my parents who provided me their financial support, love, moral values
and advices.
To Mr. Rudy Alipin as my mentor for my Field Study 3. I really appreciate
your utmost effort in facilitating and checking my errors. Thank you for molding us to
be competent and knowledgeable about Technology in the Learning Environment. I
am so grateful to have you as my mentor and I feel so blessed.
To Mrs. Marites A. Alvarez for your cooperation and to your students who
also gave their cooperation. I wish I could express my appreciation to them for their
warm hospitality.
My classmates and board mates who shared their brilliant ideas—-Jasmine
Sifel Sanchez, Preslene Palmos, Jevimar Acesto
The expertise in this portfolio belongs to those listed above. Any errors are
Table of Contents
1. Slideshow Biz
1. Tools
2. Slides
3. My Analysis
4. My Reflection
1. My E-World
1. Tools
2. My Reflection
Additional Entries
Statement of Purpose
Episode 1
My Target
Learning resource center was a facility within a school which was operated by a
specialist and containing several information sources. It must be developed and
benefitted to educate all people and provide quality education. It must have current
resources for it is an avenue for learning.
As I visit and observe the different learning resource center, the learning
resources that were available or present were computers, textbooks, magazines,
newspapers, television, articles, DVD player, tapes and etc… All materials were
properly arranged according to their types and functions. It seems that all materials
have a proper maintenance because they were free any dust.
Every learning resource center has its own guidelines or procedures and
also rules. Those guidelines or procedure and rules do not involve great exertion or
discomfort on the part of the users because they were just easy to adhere or practice.
Learning resources are the materials used by teachers to enhance the skills of
students, help to discover the different aptitudes and it provides learning experiences
to the students. All learning resources must be contemporary and the person in-
charge must know how to efficiently utilize it because learning resources support
All learning resources or materials were arranged properly according their functions
and characteristics. The books inside the library were properly arranged as to their
types and functions. The proper arrangement of learning resources help the teachers
and students to locate it and it brings convenience to both teachers and students.
1. 2. Do the guidelines and procedure facilitate easy access to the materials
by the teachers? Why? Why not?
The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials in such a way
that the guidelines and procedures do not involve great exertion or discomfort on the
part of the teachers or any users of it.
Learning resource center can be developed and benefitted to educate all people and
provide quality education. It will become strong when the person in-charge knows
how to efficiently utilize it and the resources must be sufficient and must be
contemporary that will suit to the latest trends in the society.
A learning resource center was only good as the resources they have and the person
running it so if a learning resource center has insufficient or outdated resources it
will be weak. If they have current resources but no one knows how to efficiently utilize
them so it will be also weak.
It was the book that caught my interest because they were properly arranged
according to their types and functions. It seems that there was a proper maintenance
because most of the books were free from dust.
The books, computer, projector and other materials that were related to multimedia
presentation were the gadgets or materials that give me a strong belief in my own
ability to use or operate it.
I need to learn more about the use of computers in presenting topics. It is important
for me to be familiar and understand clearly its appropriateness and effectiveness in
delivering a topic.
Episode 2
My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be competent in appraising the effectiveness
of display boards as learning resources.
As I look around and examine the board displays, I have found out that every
classroom has its own board display. Some classrooms have a bulletin board for
birthdays of students, classroom cleaners, classroom officers, classroom activities
and announcement and the most common was the board display that contains the
topics to be discussed in a certain grading period.
I have seen 3 board displays outside the classroom but it was more than
that if I will examine the whole campus. Board displays were located in front of the
canteen, near the faculty room and also near the entrance gate. Most of it was
announcements, activities or events in school and etc… The announcements were
written in a formal way that everyone can quickly and clearly understand , the
information were arranged past to latest and the materials used have a high quality
that can last for a longer time. Board display near the entrance of the gate was
covered by a class, so as to give protection to the content and materials used.
Messages were clear enough as I read it and it can be easily understood
because there were no misspelled words or any inconsistencies in grammar.
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
(Option 2)
Location: Near the entrance gate
Strength Weaknesses
It can last for a
It can be only weak
longer time; it can easily
if it is not updated and if the
Observations: attract the attention of the
content is not clear
viewers because of its
Board display was c location where many
covered by a glass, it was located near the viewers can see it.
If the person who
entrance gate, it was attractive and there
made the board display is
were no misspelled words or even The content was
not knowledgeable and just
inconsistencies in grammar. easy to understand because
took it for granted can also
it was free from any
become weak.
grammar errors.
Judgments or evaluation of educational
content and other aspects:
The contents were
It will be very It will be weak if
relevant to the activities for that month.
effective if the viewers or there is no involvement
students perform the task from the students and if the
being posted. contents are not updated.
Recommendations or
The legibility of the board display was good but it
needs an improvement in terms of the arrangements of its content in order for it to be seen from a
good distance and messages must be cogent enough in order for the viewers especially the students
to have an involvement.
1. Analysis
2. 1. Did the board display design reflect the likes or interest of its target
audience? Why? or Why not?
Definitely yes because of its style, selection of colors and materials, the title and the
theme seem to be a student made. Since it is made by certain students, so I can say
that everything being posted are being reflected on the likes or interest of its target
audience because the main target audience are also the students but it is not the
totality because every student has its own style. It simply means that one student is
different from another student in terms of their likes or interest.
1. 2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why? Or Why not?
Yes, it was. The font and size of the words were formal enough to be read by the
target audience and the words were also bold enough to be clearly seen. The words
used were appropriate to the level of the students where in the students who will read
it can understand its thought.
1. 3. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it
effective? Why? Or Why not?
In my own point of view, the purpose of the boards was to convey information to the
students such as information about the content of the subjects, proper hygiene, values
information and latest trends in the society. It also serves as motivation tool for the
students to do their best and as I look in it, it really works for it s purpose. By it
designs it holds attention, the contents were appropriate that provide learning
information, and the boards were not merely filled with written words but also
pictures that facilitates easy understanding.
I suggest rearranging some of the words to convey much clear thought of the
sentence. The content must have something new that gives opportunity to the student
to participate or interact and it is important also to update the content. It would be
also nice to add more contents which will invite the participation of the students aside
from information that it conveys.
Board title:
To enhance students’ participation in learning by using board display and the ability of students in
responding to the questions posted.
The students will be able have additional information or learning aside from what is discussed
in the class
Best features of my propose bulletin enhancement:
It will consist of health information, trivia, and latest educational trends in the society and activities
for the students to do.
Content resources (name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
Students output- can be displayed in the board (must be attractive, cogent and legible)
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
1. Reflection
2. 1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come
up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
Idealistic– the teacher must think of an idea of what his/her board display would look
like and how it will work for the learning of the target audience
Artistic- the teacher must have a sense of art in order to make an attractive board
1. 2. Which of the skills do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I practice those skills every time I do artworks such as making portfolios and
1. 3. Which skills do you need to develop? Reflect on how you can improve
on or acquire these skills?
I think I need to develop my artistic skills because in designing a board display I must
know how to combine colors, make designs appropriate to the theme and purposed of
the board display, and to make it attractive. To have an artistic skills, I must practice
it while still a student, thus I must apply it every time I’m doing an artworks such as
portfolios and scrapbooks. There is also a need for me to accept criticism from others
towards my work in order for me to develop or improve my work.
Episode 3
My Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in
determining the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.
Subject: English
As I observe the class, the topic was about idiomatic expression using participle.
Through the use of visual aids, the teacher delivers her lesson effectively. The topics
were written in a manila paper and there was legibility in the content because it can
be quickly and clearly understood by students sitting at the back. There was
experiential learning that happens inside the classroom and one of the reasons was
that, students interact on the learning materials that the teacher provides. The teacher
let her students read every detail in the visual aids, actually what was written on the
visual aid were questions for the students to be answered.
Many of them were raising their hands to answer questions and it simply
indicates the student’s attentiveness, eagerness and understanding. As I closely
observed the student’s simple gestures, it was inevitable for me to conclude that they
were interested on the lesson. The focus of their sight was merely on the teacher and
the learning resources, and some of them were frowning maybe it’s because they were
very doubtful or dissented about the answer of their classmate. Those simple gestures
of students were the indication of attentiveness, eagerness and understanding.
The inquiry approach was used as a teaching approach. Inquiry is a recursive, ever
revolving process driven by the learner’s ideas, questions and purposes for learning
begins with personal connection.
1. Analysis
2. 1. What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the
materials/learning resources that she/ he used?
In my own understanding, the teacher wanted to let her students to be attentive and
participative in their lesson, and also let her students utilize their analytical skills.
The instructional materials used were the perfect fit because the purpose was
accomplished. It really catches the attention of the students and it aids the teacher’
intention. The instructional materials serves as a clear representation that was
capable of giving clear information, through this, ht students were actively engaged
in the discussion and the teacher was trying to use her creativeness and
resourcefulness to facilitate the learning.
1. 2. What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be
As I closely observed, there was no difficulty that the teacher experienced. The class
was well managed and the teacher did not find it hard to convince her students to
participate in the discussion and activity. There was an interaction between the
students and the teacher, and the teacher makes sure that her students stay on task as
Yes, all students were actively engaged in the discussion by answering the questions
written in the visual aid and some of them were able to answer what was asked. The
teacher gives appreciation to those students who answer the questions correctly and
to those who were not able to give their correct answer; the teacher gives feedback to
improve learning. Through the score of students on their quiz that shows a positive
result, I can conclude that learning material was used effectively.
1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and
what would you do differently if you will teach the same lesson to the same
group of students? Why?
If I will be the teacher of that class teaching with the same lesson, I will also provide
activities in order for students to have an opportunity to practice and apply their
learning after learning a particular knowledge, skills and attitudes. I will also use the
same teaching approach which is the inquiry approach.
If it is possible, I will integrate the use of ICT tools because the concept of computer
literacy for students has been redefined (creating web pages, digitizing multimedia
and the use of social networking sites) thus I have to be aware of this trends, as my
own teaching effectiveness will depend on my understanding of these recent
technological trends. With this reason, I will create a game through the use of
projector in a way that has relation to the tropic. I will also present a power point
presentation that contains my topic for that day. Through this, the students will be
attentive and participative in the lesson and it brings convenience to my part. If the
resources are not available, I will use the chalkboard and I will provide them an
interactive activity by dividing them into groups to be followed by a short discussion,
this is to facilitate the visual, auditory and bodily or kinesthetic learners. After I
implement the instruction, I will evaluate students by providing an assessment method
that is suited to the needs and interest of the students in order for me to measure the
retention of students if they have achieved mastery, and to know if I’m going to
proceed or revise the instruction.
Episode 4
At the end of this activity, we will gain competence in preparing instructional
materials that are appropriate to the learning content.
An Observation/Survey Guide
Some learning resources in the resource center seem to be useful for my chosen topic
which was the parts and functions of microscope. As I parts and functions of
microscope as my topic I also choose several learning resources such as chalkboard,
books, power point presentation, mock ups, realia, photocopies, pictures and visual
aids. I choose those several learning resources because for my topic because I believe
that it can help me achieve my lesson objectives and to maximize learning inside the
classroom. Since my topic is about parts and functions of microscope, so I can say
that available materials are appropriate for my target year level which is the second
Aside from power point presentation and visual aid I can also make flash cards, cut
out letters, and as much as possible learning resources that are made from
indigenous or recyclable materials.
I Use graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen.
On the line inside the box, I indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE MAY
1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why?
I like making power point presentations because it’s easy for me to put different
graphic designs, effects and transitions. I can also insert pictures, video clips and
even sounds. My purpose of selecting power point presentation among other
instructional materials is to make a clear representation and while presenting a topic,
it is necessary for me to monitor and facilitate to make sure that students stay on task.
I believe that making power point presentations aids in enhancing creativity.
2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How
did you overcome them?
I do not encounter any problems in making presentation because the power point
program has a guide on how to use it. Making a presentation using power point
program is just an easy task for me. The only thing which I consider a problem for me
is on how I’m going to deliver the content in my presentation.
My Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing
instructional materials (hand –out) that are appropriate to the learning content.
Grade/Year Level: 3rd year
A good handout must be concise and can be understood by the readers. There must be
subtitles that make it easier to read and the key words must be in bold type in order to
have an emphasis. To shorten it, the use of bullet point format may contribute as well
as the use of diagrams, flowcharts and etc… Make sure that all the important pints of
the presentation are on the hand out and do not include too much information,
otherwise it can become cluttered. The content must be easily recognized and it must
be sequence properly to avoid confusion. The content must have legibility.
The use of bullets and concept map helps me to summarize the types of chemical
Honestly, there was a poor legibility on the handout that I made. My penmanship was
not good enough to make my handout very attractive to the eyes of the readers, yet
there is a chance to enhance its legibility by using one of the applications of a
computer specifically the Microsoft word office.
I did not use any subtitles because in my own point of view it is not necessary to use
subtitles for that subject matter.
1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter been making the handouts?
How did you overcome them?
I also find difficult in providing examples in every chemical reactions. So what I did
was to read and understand the details in every chemical reaction so that I can give
correct examples.
The teacher must identify first her objectives and the purpose in making the handout.
Then he/she must conceptualize the flow and the content of the handout by making an
outline. The teacher must also read several references so that the handout will be an
informative tool for the students learning.
In terms of the content of the handout the teacher must use subtitles in order for the
students to read it easily and the keywords must be in bold type in order to have an
emphasis. Bullet point format and concept map must be use to summarize the content.
The teacher must put all the important points in the handout and he/she must not
include too much information to avoid cluttering. The teacher must know how to
sequence the content in order to avoid confusions
Episode 6
My Target
At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in developing and utilizing
materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning.
My slide presentation was not too long or too short and I give
emphasis on the contents because they are the important points of my lesson.
1. 3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?
Making power point presentation is very interesting to me because I can do most that
I wanted to do to make my slides a clear representation and as a tool of information
sources. So far, there were no difficulties that I have encountered because the
program has guides on how to use its features. If there is a certain feature which I
don’t know how to use, then I just simply click help or go to a website specifically the
Google to find the answer if there is an internet access.
Episode 7
MY E-world
My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be decisive in terms of using on-line resource
materials and interactive programs.
Name Of Site
Name Of Site Crick web-free online education resource and games
Posting Or Revision
August 2, 2012
Science category
Date Of Access September 18,2012
URL www.crickweb.co.uk/k2sciencehtml#lcycles5b
Brief Description Of Materials used were appropriate and effective in obtaining
The Material In The the learning outcome. The materials were also attractive and were used for
Website labeling the different kinds of skeleton.
Evaluation of the website
Strengths Weaknesses
It allows the students to interact with real life
situation without danger, expense or difficulty often It will be only weak if there is no
associated with real situations. The website has an internet access and if the content of that
easy access tool for learning. website cannot provide the needs and
interest of the students.
It provides the needs and interest of students.
Before I give the topic or activities to be searched by students, I must ensure first that
those topic and activities are consistent in my learning objectives. I must also give
proper instruction to the students before they search such websites by explaining to
them the learning goals to be achieved before searching any websites so that the
students will stay focused during the activity. When students get confused, I must
provide guidance and directions, guide questions and activities or scenarios. It is also
important to have a follow up discussions to make some generalizations for that topic.
Using the internet as an information tool is good and effective. Upon
surfing on the internet, I saw many websites that have programs to make learning fun
and effective. Some of the websites have games and other has tutorial programs but
aside from those benefits, internet access may also be dangerous to the learners.
From the websites I visited, some of the learning is incorporated with violence games
and pornographic photos and videos which are not good influence to the students.
Using internet as an information tool is good and effective but proper supervision of
the teacher is highly needed and before giving the topic or any activity to be
searched, I must check first the websites and choose those that are safe for the
To be good teacher someday I must have passion to both my work and
to my students, I must have also humor in a way that has connection to the topic, also
values and attitude, fairness, sincerity and honesty, and professionalism.
100% 95% 90% 85%
Has the 100% of
Has 95% of the Has 90% of the Has 85% of the Has 80% of the
the needed
needed content. needed content. needed content. needed content.
Objectives are
smart but cover Objectives are Some Objectives Most objectives are
Objectives are
only a smart but cover are not smart and not smart and cover
smart and cover
minimum of only less than 80% do not cover the only a minimum of
the whole course.
80% of the of the course. whole course. the course.
Entries are Entries are of Some entries are Few entries are of
Entries are best
better quality; acceptable quality, of acceptable acceptable quality,
quality, well
many are well some are well quality. Limited not well selected
selected and very
selected and selected and selection and and very minimal
substantial. substantial. substantial. substantial.
Creative, neat Minimal
Creative, neat Creative, neat and No creativity, In
and has a very creativity, neat
and has a an average disarray and no
strong with minimal
strong impact. impact/appeal. impact/appeal.
impact/appeal. impact/appeal.
Submitter 3 weeks
Submitted ahead Submitted on Submitted a week Submitted 2 weeks
or more after the
of the schedule. schedule. after the schedule. after the schedule.