Field Study 6 Portfolio Requirement

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Field Study 6


Field Study 6

On Becoming a Teacher

<Student Name>

Guidelines and Requirements

What is Field Study 6?

Field Study 6 is designed to complement the professional education subject,

the teaching profession. It relates real-life experiences of a teacher as a
person and as a professional. It provides a wide array of opportunities for
self-reflection that would prepare one to become a student teacher.
A. Determine various teaching values and educational philosophies.
B. Reflect on the concept of teacher as a person and teacher in the classroom.
C. Express one’s views on the different issues and challenges that confront
the teacher in the practice of profession.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Field Study Student:

1. Take the field study courses congruent to their professional education
2. Observe proper decorum and behavior when making field visits and
observations in the schools where they are assigned;
3. Accomplish the requirements of the course as scheduled.

General Requirements:
1. Students of Field Study 6 are tasked to look for their cooperating schools
where they intend to conduct field study. A letter of recommendation is
provided through the LMS once the student is officially enrolled in the
2. Students of Field Study 6 are required to fulfill thirty (30) hours of
classroom observation.
3. Students of Field Study 6 shall complete the worksheets required for the
subject. Worksheets are provided through the LMS once the student is
officially enrolled in the course.
4. The last part of the Field Study portfolio shall include the following entries
as proof of observation:
- Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work
Take at least five (5) shots of your actual observation and field work. The
photos should be relevant to the focus of your field study work (e.g. FS1 is
“The Learner and the Learning Environment”, FS2 is Experiencing the
Teaching- Learning Process, etc.). Feel free to increase the number of
photos depending on the design you prefer in presenting this part of the
- Daily Time Record
Field Study 6

Provide your own Daily Time Record which you will use during your
actual observation. Include a photo or scanned copy of your DTR as proof
of observation.
- Weekly Accomplishment Report
Together with the worksheets, weekly accomplishment report form is
also provided on LMS. The Weekly Accomplishment Report records your
weekly activities after the observation or field work.
- Related Articles
Look for five (5) articles or journals online which are relevant to the focus
of your field study work (e.g. FS1 is “The Learner and the Learning
Environment”, FS2 is Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process, etc.).
Include the copies of the selected articles as an appendix to your over-all

Submission Guidelines:
1. Save your portfolio as document (.doc/.docx/.pdf).
2. Upload your portfolio (completed worksheets) on LMS using the following
file name:

FS6_Last Name_First Name

(e.g. FS6_Marx_Karl)

Episode 1: Teacher’s Values and Educational Philosophies

Episode 2: Professional Growth and Development
Episode 3: The Teacher as a Person
Episode 4: The Teacher in the Classroom
Episode 5: Teacher in the Community
Episode 6: Achieving Excellence in Global Education
Episode 7: Issues and Challenges in Teaching

Proof of Observation

 Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work

 Daily Time Record
 Weekly Accomplishment Report
 Related Articles
Field Study 6

Episode 1: Teacher’s Values and Educational


Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of this activity, I will be able to recognize the different

educational philosophies and how it is reflected on the teachers’ way
of teaching.


Analyze the answer.

Identify the
Create your own
Interview a teacher philosophy based on
the result of the
An Interview Guide in Determining Educational Philosophies
Interview at least two teachers. Use the interview form in completing this

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Subject: ___________________________________________________________________________
Year level handling: ______________________________________________________________

1. What are your goals for your students?

2. What do you really want to teach to them?
3. In what way are you going to teach your student?
Field Study 6

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish

the matrix to record your data.

Use the response of the teachers in accomplishing this matrix. Analyze what
are the values shown and the philosophies.

Analysis of the
Teacher’s Analysis of the
Teacher’s Reflection
Response Teacher’s Values

Why teach?

What to teach?

How to teach?
1. Create your own educational philosophy. Based on your own
philosophy, state how are you going to take part or do your role in the
learning of the student. Answer the interview questions that you
asked to your cooperating teacher.

a. What are your goals for your students?

b. What do you really want to teach to them?
c. In what way are you going to teach your student?
Field Study 6

Episode 2: Professional Growth and


Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain a complete understanding of the

importance of professional growth and development in achieving
goals in the field of education.


Interview a
teacher about
her professional

Ask also a
teacher about
the guidelines
and policies that
a teacher should

Create your own growth an

professional timeline as
well as your own reflection
in the activity.
An Interview Guide for Professional Growth and Development

Interview a teacher. Ask the following questions then create a timeline

of Professional Growth of the teacher you have interviewed.

1. When and where did you finish your bachelor’s degree? Your
Master’s? Doctorate?
2. How did you prepare yourself to become the one you plan?
3. When did you start teaching?
4. What are the achievements/promotions you have
received/attained throughout your career?
5. Are you a member of any professional organizations? If yes, what
are those?
6. As a teacher, what makes you happy?
7. As a teacher, what makes you disappointed?
8. What make you stay in this field?
9. What do you think are the qualities that makes you a true
professional teacher?
10. What are the challenges that you have experienced throughout the
11. What are your dreams in this field before you reach your
retirement age?
Field Study 6

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish

the matrix to record your data.

Ask a teacher about the policies/guidelines of the school and a license

teacher should follow. Answer the matrix below.

Policies and laws/Provisions that
Values Shown
Guidelines served as the legal basis
of the policy/guideline.

Rights of Teachers

Duties and Obligation

Economic and Social



1. What are your plans for your professional growth and development as a
future teacher? Create your own timeline.
2. With the knowledge of the different laws in teaching, would you say that
it is easy to be in this field?
3. What do you think is the most difficult challenge that you might face as
you enter this profession? Why?
Field Study 6

Episode 3: Teacher as a Person

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of the activity, I will be familiar of the different qualities

that makes a teacher a positive role model to students.


Create a Interpret Answer

survey and and the
administer Compare analysis
it to the and
atleast 50 results. reflection
students. questions.

Create a survey form containing the desirable traits of a

teacher. Administer the survey to a minimum of 30 - 50 students and
10 teachers. Create a graphical representation and compare and
interpret the results.

1. A teacher came in inside the classroom and found out that her classroom
is messy, the chairs are not properly aligned and the board is full of
unnecessary writings. She suddenly throw the notebooks in the table and
began to shout to students. What do you think is the attribute that she
needs to improve? Why?
2. A student who is noisy and keeps on loitering around the classroom was
punished by the teacher. The teacher told the student to face the
chalkboard throughout the one hour period. What can you say about
what the teacher has done and what attribute does she lack?
3. Why some teachers are having conflict with other people and in the

1. What makes a teacher a person?
2. Among all the attributes that you have given, which among the following
would you like to imbibe the most as you go out and teach? Why?
3. Some students have their favorite teacher. What do you think is the
reason why they have their favorite teacher?
4. What do you think is the reason why some teachers abuse (sexual,
physical, emotional, neglect) their students?
Field Study 6

Episode 4: The Teacher in the Classroom

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of the activity, I will gain competence in establishing

routines and procedures in making the learning environment
conducive to teaching and learning.


Observe a class. Look how the teacher

handles it.

Look for the the areas that are

commendable and needs improvement.

Make some suggestions on how are you

going to improve it.
An Observation Guide for Classroom Setting

Observe a particular class. Fill in the table with the necessary information
with what you have observe.

Comments on the Recommendations for

Classroom Description of
Effectiveness of the Enhancement/Improvem
Management Area supportive Measures
Area ent


Field Study 6

Record Keeping




Learner’s Activities


1. What area of the classroom management is commendable? Would you do

what the teacher has done on that area? Why or Why not?
2. What area of the classroom management needs most improvement? What
can you do to improve that area?

1. What can you say about how the teacher handles the classroom?
2. If you are the teacher of the class that you had observed, would you do
the same? Why? If not, what will you do?
3. What is the most difficult part in classroom management?
4. What makes a teacher an effective classroom manager?
Episode 5: Teacher in the Community

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of this activity, I will be able to recognize the different

linkages in the community where the teacher is engage and on how
teachers play a role in these community links.
Field Study 6


1. G o around the vicinity of the barangay.

2. Look around and take note of the problem s in the locality.

Interview the School adm inistrator or one of the Barangay O ffi cials and
3. ask how the school and the governm ent help in addressing these issues.

An Interview Guide in determining how Teachers take their part in the

List down all the problems/issues/concerns you have encountered in the
locality. Interview a School Administrator on a Barangay Official in solving
these cases.
How do schools or the barangay
Problems/Issues/Concerns in the
take their part in solving these
Community or in School
Field Study 6


1. What are the other linkages of the school? How do they help in the school
2. How the school and the government do collaborate in solving different
issues in the community?
3. On what way does the school address the problems in the community?
4. On what way does the community help in addressing the problems in the

1. What will be you role in the community as a future teacher?
2. How can you encourage people in the community to participate in
different activities?
Episode 6: Achieving Excellence in Global

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of the activity, I will gain knowledge and understanding of

the different qualities and competencies of a global teacher.


Reasearch on
Analyze each
Ask a teacher the
and determine Create a poem
on the qualities qualifications
what NCBTS about the
of a global required on
Domain is global teacher.
teacher. different
Field Study 6

An Interview Guide for the Qualities of a Global Teacher

Interview a teacher. Ask her about the qualities of a global teacher. Analyze each and determine what
National Competency-Based Standards is reflected in her answers.

NCBTS Domain
Knowledge Values Skills
Be guided by these tasks then accomplish the matrix to record your

Every country has their own standard for professional teachers. Choose at
least five countries and research the personal and professional qualities that
is required for each countries, as well as the requirements to become a
Professional Teacher.
Field Study 6

Requirements to
Personal Professional
Country become a
Competencies Competencies
Professional Teacher


1. What do you think is the most important characteristic of a global

teacher? Why?
2. What do you think are the challenges to be considered as a global
3. Based on the answers of the teacher, what do you think made the global
teachers different from others?
1. Is a teacher not working abroad can be considered a global teacher? Why?
2. Examine yourself. Do you have the qualities of a global teacher? What
qualities are those? How can those qualities help you to become a
successful teacher in the future?
3. Create a poem on the qualities of a global teacher should have.

Episode 7: Issues and Challenges in Teaching

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target
Field Study 6

At the end of the activity, I will be aware of the different issues and
challenges in the field and on how to address each with


Interview a teacher.
Ask her about the
problems she

Ask him how he

addressed each and

Think about the

problems you have
encountered and
your solutions to

An Interview Guide in Addressing Different Issues in the Teaching Field

Interview a teacher. Ask her about the challenges he/she went throughout
her teaching career. Fill in the table below.
Possible solutions to
Issues and Challenges How did you handle it? Effects
prevent it




School Policies

National Policies

Field Study 6

1. Would you also do the same thing when you encounter the same problem
in the future as you teach?
2. What can you say about how the teacher handles all the issues?

1. How do you consider the issues and challenges in your career?
2. With all the issues and challenges in the teaching profession, would you
still consider teaching as a career after you graduate? Why?
3. Ask yourself regarding all the issues that you have encountered. Answer
the matrix below.

How did you handle Possible solutions to

Issues and Challenges Effects
it? prevent it




School Policies

National Policies
Proof of Observation

 Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work

 Daily Time Record
 Weekly Accomplishment Report
 Related Articles


Bilbao, P., et al. (2012). The Teaching Profession. Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Salana, J. (2013). Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher. Quezon City: Rex Book Store

Gargarita, R et. al (2014). Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher. Retrieved from

Imperial, M (2017). Field Study 6. On Becoming a Teacher. Retrieved from

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