Module 4 (Finals)

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Module 5

History of Food Service


In the early days, when the world was plagued by war, food had
to be carried along the warriors. As one country conquered, the victors
brought with them their favorite foods. When people first traveled away
from their homes, whether for warfare, barter, worship and adventure,
they had the place to rest and eat. The growth of railways brought travel
whether dining stations. As town cities grew in population, eating
places were established.

In this module, we will discuss the history, development,

foodservice in the Philippines, and types of Food Services.

Questions for Discussion!

A. Fill in the blanks: Write the correct words on the space provided for:
1. An eating place that serves on food item is a _________________________.
2. A types of eating place tat has refrigerated or heated counters ___________________.
3. Catering places in factories are called ______________________.
4. 5. The early practitioners of quantity food production _____________ and _________

B. Essay
a. What is food service?

b. Do you have experience regarding food service?


At the end of this module, the student should be able to:

a. Name some factors that have influenced the growth and status of the food service industry;
b. Trace the history of food service
c. Appreciate what food service contribute from the history
History of Food Service

THE DEVELOPMENT OF showed their custom of social events

characterizes there was no traditions preventing
FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY the other people in participating in social meals.
The economic status of people as well as the
type of food eaten also influenced the serving of
foods to various group. These countries
contributed with the development of the
Did you ever wonder what was served foodservice industy.
for dinner in prehistoric cave? Or how early The early practitioners of quantity food
presidents dined in the white house? The history production were thosein religious orders. Even
of food is fascinating, ever evolving and the though the kind of foodservice was different
mirror of the social and economic times of the from the kind of what we have today, it marked
world in which we live. on the evolution of institutional foodservice.

Today the food service industry defines Religious Orders

in its broadest sense to mean all establishments
where food regularly served outside the home.
Abbey that is usual in country
Such establishments includes restaurant, hotel or
particularly in England. It served not only the
motel, and department store dining rooms,
brethren of the order, but also thousands of
coffee shops, family restaurant, and fast food
pilgrims who flocked to worship. At Canterbury
outlets. Foodservices that are operated in
abbey, a favorite site of innumerable
schools, colleges, and universities, hospitals.
pilgrimages, the kitchen measures 45 feet wide.
Nursing home and other health care setting.
It also showed that the preparation of food in
abbey are much higher than in the inns at that
time. The strong sense of stewardship brough
the beginning of he detailed accounting system.



The food service industry has two

categories: (1) Commercial Establishment which
Early Day of Foodservice Organizations are committed to earn profit. The restaurant is
king in this category. (2) Institutional Catering
Dated back in middle ages foodservice that provides to institutions such as factories,
organization in operation it has been believed business houses, schools, military, prisons,
originated in food habits, customs, and traditions railways, airlines, etc. many institutional
of the people that characterize the civilization. programs are subsidized by the government.
Food service organization has established well-
organized from as early as feudal times. Most
countries contribute with the development of the
food habits and customs: Great Britain, France,
Germany, and Sweden. From those countries
History of Food Service

Restaurants standardized ready-to-eat food and service. Fast

food operations date back to at last the 1920’s
Restaurants make huge part of the and 1930’s when A&W Root Beer (the first Fast
foodservice business and create extensive Food Restaurant) Howard Johnson franchised
employment. Restaurant may be independent or some of their units they concentrated mostly on
part of hotel operations. An early type of Hamburgers. Some leading fast food chains in
restaurant was the coffeehouse, which appeared the world are given below:
in England in m-1600s. by the 18th century there
were approximately 3000 coffee houses in

The restaurant, as we know today, began Fast Foods Products

in 1765 in Paris, France. There is an interesting 1. A&W Restaurants Hamburgers
story about proprietor of, perhaps, the first 2. Arby’s Sandwiches
public restaurant. Before 1765, inns and catering 3. Baskin Robbins Ice-creams
operations offered public foodservices. The 4. Big Boy Family Dining
caters formed a guild union to protect their from 5. Buffalo Wild Wings Grills
scrupulous competition. This when a soup 6. Burger King Corp. Hamburger
vendor created a soup made of sheep’s foot and 7. Chilis Tex-Mex fast
white sauce. He was brought to court ruled that Foods
this specialty dish did not complete with any 8. Dairy Queen Ice-creams
dish prepared by the Guild and the vendor was 9. Denny’s Inc Family Dining
allowed to continue. Because of publicity, the 10. Domino’s Pizza Pizza
vendor’s soup kitchen became famous and even 11. Dunkin Donuts Doughnuts
the king of France wanted to taste the specialty 12. Hardees Inc Hamburger
which created public commotion. The soup 13. KentuckyFried Chicken Chicken
vendor merchandised the soup as “le restaurant 14. Leeann Chin Chinese Fast
divine” – the divine restorative, coming from the Food
Latin word resturare, meaning “to restore”. This 15. McDonald’s Corp Hamburgers
give us the word restaurant, which is place to 16. Pizza Hut Pizzas and Pastas
restore health. 17. Red Lobster Sea Food
18. Shoney’s Restaurant Family Dining
The credit of the first restaurant in the 19. Subway Subs
US goes to Demonico’s established in New 20. Taco Bell Mexican Fast
York City in 1827. The Delmico family operated Food
nine restaurants until 1923. The restaurants were 21. Wendy’s International Hamburgers
known for lavish banquet and extensive menus
of 371 dishes.
Institutional Catering
There are many institutional food
Fast Food Restaurants
service programs, but there are worth
mentioning, as they were he original trailblazers
Fast food operations had great impact on or institutional catering.
the food service industry. Fast food restaurants
History of Food Service

Today the foodservice industry has

bloomed into a big business. A total of over
Evolution of Present day Foodservices 32,066 eateries are found all over the country
per data gathered by the National Census Office
Providing board and lodging has long
in 1979.
been a practice in colleges and universities. In
the twentieth century, several changes in
foodservice took place in the United States. FOODSERVICE ESTABLISHMENT
There was a shift from the very strict
administration of the 17th century to a laissez- COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT
faire policy. Students were trained in the social
graces in addition to satisfying their dietary
Types of Restaurants
needs. Students serves as host/hostesses and
1. Coffee Shop a concept borrowed from
waiters/waitresses in rotation. At present, this
the United states, distinguished by its
practice has become an exception rather than the
quick service. Food is pre-plated kitchen
the chef prepare complete and balance
Other trends in universities dining halls
meals and arranged them in a plate.
Coffee shop
1. Long hours of services menus are
2. Fewer restrictions on the number of quite light
servings and simple.
3. “pay as you eat”
4. Diversity of other campus foodservice

2. Specialty Restaurant: the entire

Foodservice in the Philippines
atmosphere and décor is geared to a
In the Philippines, foodservice could be particular theme normally related to
traced back as early as time of the datus who regional cuisine, Chinese, Indian,
had a whole village to feed. This required Polynesian, Japanese and French
quantity cooking. restaurants are all geared to the specialty
Commercial foodservice in the food they offer.
Philippines was believed started from the
Chinese peddlers who introduced a variety of
dining pleasures.
The popularity of chinese food during
the Spanish era gave rise to a more permanent
structure where the food could be sold and made
available instead of being peddled by street
Foodservice in schools, colleges and
universities evolved from the American
Cafeteria concept which was utilized not only to
offer food but was also used as a laboratory for
foodservice and management courses under
Home Economics.
History of Food Service

3. Grill Room: This is restaurant that 5. Discotheque: it is a restaurant which is

specializes itself in grills of different principally meant for dancing to
meats, fish and poultry. Grill rooms are recorded music. Discotheque in hotels
casual and may have log tables and permit only formal casual clothing,
benches and the décor would be while independent ones allow casual.
distinctly American.

4. Dining Rooms: Dining rooms are found 6. Fast food Restaurants: Fast food
in smaller hotels, motels, resorts, inns or restaurant have practically taken over
heritage hotels. Dining room specializes the modern dining experience. Fast food
in a good buffet spread or a choice of restaurants give ready to serve foods at
two tables d’ hotel menu. reasonable rates.

7. Cafeterias: cafeterias are found in

institutional catering. Schools, colleges
and universities adopt this type of
service for expediency and least fuss.
Food is displayed at counters, Prices are
displayed on large menu boards. Diners
choose the items according to the
budget. Trays and basic cutlery is placed
at the beginning of the counter and ask
the attendants behind the counter
History of Food Service

A. Fill in the Blanks: Write the correct words on the space provided for:
1. A favorite site of innumerable pilgrimages are called __________________.
2. The type of food service system requires no production are called ___________________.
3. An eating place that serves one food item is a ________________.
4. 5. The early practitioners of quantity food production are ____________ and ____________.

B. Enumerations
a. Give atleast 15 leading fast foods around the world.
b. Give the 8 types of restaurants.

C. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer.

1. This is found in institutional catering. Schools, colleges and universities.
a. Cafeteria c. Discotheque
b. Food courts d. Grill room

2. This is restaurant that specializes itself in grills of different meats, fish and poultry.
a. Cafeteria c. Discotheque
b. Food courts d. Grill room

3. It is a restaurant which is principally meant for dancing to recorded music.

a. Cafeteria c. Discotheque
b. Food courts d. Grill room

4. The variant to fast food operations brought about by emergence of mega malls
a. Cafeteria c. Discotheque
b. Food courts d. Grill room

5. Defines in its broadest sense to mean all establishments where food regularly served outside
the home.
a. Food Service Industry c. institutional catering
b. Food Service d. Restaurants

D. Essay
a. What is foodservice?
b. Can you imagine without food in our life? Explain.
E. Research & Interview
a. Research the latest school canteen/cafeteria that is still existing in our country.
b. Interview at least 3 person who already experienced any type of food services. Ask them
how and why did they choose to grab that opportunity to serve people with food and love.

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