Seminar - 2018
Seminar - 2018
Seminar - 2018
Dept. of Zoology,
Syed Ammal Arts and Science College,
Email: [email protected]
Bacterial infectious diseases are important cause of mortality in developing countries. These
infections mainly spread through poor hygiene and poor environment conditions. Many
pathogens develop antibiotic resistance. These pathogenic populations are slowly increases in
an around the world. The control of these pathogens is very difficult and also expensive. The
important prevention method is vaccination; the vaccine development research is going on in
many countries, now scientist very close to develops appropriate vaccine for Staphylococcus
Bacterial infectious diseases mainly spread through contaminated food and water. The main
reason for spreading diseases are poor hygiene, practice, over explosion of the population and
poor environmental conditions .Nowadays, due to improper use of antibiotics pathogen
develops antibiotic resistance. So it is difficult to eradicate these pathogens from people.
They survival long term, gives lot of illness to people. For control these pathogens, new
antibiotic discoveries are must. Our marine resources have many unexplored bioactive
compounds. Nowadays drug industries are screening new drugs from various marine
Staph Infections
Staphylococcus aureus infections range from mild to life threatening. The most common
Staph infections are Skin infections, often causing abscesses. However bacteria can travel
through the blood stream called bacteremia.and infect almost any site in the body,
particularly heart valves endocarditic and bones called osteomylitis.The bacteria also tend to
Proceeding of Spark Seminar on Recent trends in Biotechnology 16th Aug 2018
accumulate on medical devices in the body, such as artificial heart valves or joints ,heart
pacemakers and catheters inserted through the skin into blood vessels. Certain conditions
increase the risk of getting a Staphylococcal infections, such as Influenza,Tumour,chronic
lung disorder,leukemia,burn,An open wound or sore, chronic skin disorders, surgery, diabetes
mellitus,etc. There are many strains of staphylococcus aureus. Some strains produce toxins
that can cause staphylococcal food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome. The toxic shock
syndrome is also produced by Streptococci. This syndrome causes rapidly progressive and
severe symptoms that in clued fever, rash, dangerously low blood pressure and failure of
several organs.
Antibiotic Resistance
The Antibiotic resistance mechanism are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our
ability to treat common infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability and
death. It also increases the cost of health care with longer stays in hospital and more intensive
care required. Due to poor infection control, inadequate sanitary conditions and inappropriate
food handling encourages the spread of antimicrobial resistance pathogens. People with
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.) are estimated to be 64% more likely to
die than people with a non-resistant from the infection.
Some people always thoroughly washing their hands with soap and water or applying an
alcohol based sanitizer can be protected from spread of these bacteria. People with
staphylococcal skin infection should not handle food. Taking old food is not good, it may be
contaminated, so better avoid old food items. Boiling drinking water help to prevent water
borne infections. Staph infection also spread through wounds. So carefully maintain wound
up to complete healing. Discovery of new drugs help to control these infections. If maintain
good immunity by using natural immunostimulants, fruits, vegetables, are help to prevent
these infections and also use best disinfectants to use our surrounding to destroy the
pathogens..The effective tools for preventing infection in human and animals. These include
immunization, safe water and sanitation, maintance of good hygiene in hospitals and animal
husbandry. Appropriate use of existing and new antibiotics is also essential.
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Staphylococcal skin infections are usually diagnosed based on their appearance. Other
infections require samples of blood or infected fluids, which are send to a laboratory to grow,
identify and test the bacteria. Laboratory results confirm the diagnosis and determine which
antibiotics can kill the staphylococci called Susceptibility testing .In the Bone infections, X
rays, C.T scan, MRI scan, Radionuclide bone scanning or combination is also done. This test
can show the damaged area and determine how severe it is. Bone biopsy is done to obtain a
sample for testing. The sample may be removed with a needle or during surgery.
Staphylococcus aureus infections are treated with antibiotics that are effective against MRSA
which includes Vanomycin linezolid, tedizolid, quinupristin plus dalfopristin, ceftaroline,
telavancin or daptomycin.Depending of the severity of the infection antibiotics may be given
for weeks. Usually, infected bone and foreign materials has to be removed surgically to cure
the infection.
Vaccine Development
The vaccine development still going on around the world, because there are different
virulence factors, and different strains are present. So still there is difficult to prepare
successful vaccine. In our lab works, various types of vaccine trails going on such as Mutant
strain inactivated vaccine, Plasmid DNA vaccine, Engineered Plasmid DNA vaccine, and
Heat shock protein vaccine. All these vaccines produce good immunity. The plasmid DNA
and their fragments produces good immune responces.The Heat shock protein induce good
immunity. If plasmid DNA is combined with Heat shock protein or any antigenic protein, it
will produce long term immunity.
The are many methods are used in nowadays such as Intramuscular injection, Intradermal
particle Bombardment, Intranasal drops, Tattooing, Oral vaccination, Skin cream, Skin
Patches ,etc Based on the nature of the vaccine and the target number, the vaccination method
is selected. Nowadays Needle free vaccinations are followed around the world.
Global warming rise the temperature and ozone layer depletion increases Ultraviolet radiation
in sunlight. There are many factors produce skin cancer, U.V radiation is one among them.
It is a major cause for skin cancer. The peak sunlight and U.V radiation present only in day
time at that time better to avoid unnecessary movement in out side the world However many
people day time life is present in outside world ie) they are exposed to direct sunlight at long
time for their survival. So bin that condition, maximum try to follow all the precaution
methods and avoid exposure of sunlight which help to present skin cancer.
Cancer is a danger disease. It is the common cause of death in the developed countries. In
Europe approximately one in five people die in cancer. Cancer is term used for disease in
which abnormal cell divine without control and is able to invade other tissues. Growth of
cancer cells leads to formation of a tumour. There are two types of turn our one is benign
tumour and on is malignant tumour. The benign tumour will not spread to other part of the
body. But malignrent tumour spread other parts of the body, it is very dangerous one. The
common types of cancers are carcinoma, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, Breast cancer
colorectal cancer and lung cancer. The carcinoma is reported in first place. It is an epithelial
cancer. The skin cancer comes under carcinoma.
Skin cancer
Continues exposure of sunlight for several years leads to damage the Skin . If has on increase
chance of developing one the forms of skin cancer,. Mainly exposure to ultraviolet radiation
increases the risk of developing these cancers while the exact relationship is not 100%
defined it appears that inter mitten exposure and exposure during childhood and adolescence
are likely important predictors for basal cell carcinoma and Cutaneous malignrent melanoma
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High levels of chronic exposure such as working out doors, its more often associated with
squamous cell tumours.
People who are work long time in direct sunlight exposure they may affect by skin cancer.
The important people under the risk of skin cancer is Agricultural workers, military person,
fisherman /athletes, pipeline, workers police man Brick Manson, Gardeners, life Guards, oil
field workers, sailors, construction workers etc.
Spreading Nature
Three different types of skin cancer are linked to sunlight exposure such as Basal cell cancer
squamous cell cancer and malignant melanoma. The Basal cell carcinoma tends to grow
slowly. It is very rare for a basal cell cancer to spread to other parts of the body. But if a
basal cell cancer is left untreated it can grow into nearby areas and invade the bone or other
tissues beneath the skin squamous cell cancers are more likely to grow into deeper layers of
skin and spread to other parts of the body than basal cell cancers. Melanomas are much less
common than basal and squamous cell cancers but they are more likely to grow and spread if
left untreated.
Ultraviolet rays damage the DNA of the skin cells. Some of the genes that help cell grow
divided and stay alive which are called proto-oncogene. This proto/Oncogene mutated and
became Oncogene. Genes that keep cell growth in check by slowing down cell divisions or
causing cells to die at the right time are called tumour suppress or genes Cancers can be
caused by DNA damage that turn on Oncogene and turn off tumour suppress or genes.
Usually the tumour suppressor genes inhibit the cell cycle and proto apoptosis
The genes most often altered in squamous cell cancers is called Tp53 This tumour suppressor
gene normally cause cells with damaged DNA to die when Tp53 is altered these abnormal
cells may live longer and perhaps go on to become cancerous. A gene often mutated in basal
cell cancers is the PTCH1 gene, which is part of the hadgeohog signalling pathway inside the
cells. The PTHC1 is a tumour suppressor gene that normally helps, cell growth check, so
changes in this gene can allow cells to grow out of control. People have based cell nervous
syndrome (Gorlin syndrome) which is often inherited from a parent and results in getting
many basal cell cancers which have an altered PTCH1 gene is all the cells of their body.
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Based cell carcinoma usually develops on areas exposed to the sun, especially the face,
head, and neck but they can occur anywhere on the body. These cancers can appear ass flat
firm pale or yellow areas, similar to a scar. Raised reddish patches that might be itchy small
punk or red, translucent, shiny, pearly bumps which might have blue, brown or black areas
pink out growths with raised edges and a lower area in their centre which weight contain
abnormal blood vessels spreading out like spokes of a tire. Open sores which may have
oozing or crazed areas) that don’t heal or that heal then come back
Squamous cell cancers tend to occur on sun exposed areas of the body such as the face ear,
neck lip and back of the hands less often they form in the skin of the genital area. They can
also develop in scars or skin in sores elsewhere. These cancers can appear as Rough or scaly
red patches which might crust or bleed raised growth or lumps, sometimes with a lower areas
in the centre. Sometimes It is wart like growths.
Malignant Melanoma
Malignant melanoma although rare it is the most serious of the skin cancer . If oten shows
itself as a mole or pigment spot that begins to bleed, grow or change its colour shape or
Physical examination is commonly followed If any small tumours are present, different types
of biopsy techniques are used. There are three important types of skin biopsy followed such
as shave biopsy pang biopsy and Incisional and Excisional biopsies, based on the nature of
tumour biopsy techniques will be selected and used . Apart from these biopsy techniques in
some cases fine needle aspiration biopsy and surgical lymph nodded biopsy followed Based
on these techniques skin cancer will be confirmed.
Many types of therapy used in skin cancer treatment Commonly followed methods are
surgery, chemotherapy and Radio therapy. In radio therapy laser is used. In rare case signal
Proceeding of Spark Seminar on Recent trends in Biotechnology 16th Aug 2018
target therapy and Immunotherapy are used, In chemotherapy , chemical peeling is used
nature of tumour The important surgery techniques are excision curettage and Electro
discat, Mohs surgery Lymph node surgery, skin grafting and reconstructive surgery .
For the prevention, first Best to reduce the exposure time of sunlight with U.V.
radiation. Avoid harmful chemicals such as arsenic, Pesticides, Herbicides, etc. Check skin
regularly by self exam and with the help of health care professionals. Always keep good
strength of immune system.
Sunlight U.V. radiation is a major cause for skin cancer. So Best to avoid unnecessary
movement in outside world at 10.00am to 4.00p.m. Because these time U.V. radiation is
more, suppose if spend more time at the outside world use precautions like apply body
lotions, body will be covered fully, use sun creams and use cooling glass for protection of eye
etc. The pre cautions measures help to avoid skin cancer.
Web reference
1 Canadian centre for occupational Health and safety-1997-2016
2 conquer cancer foundation of American society of clinical oncology 2005-2016.
3 The International society of Dermatology -2010
4 American cancer
Proceeding of Spark Seminar on Recent trends in Biotechnology 16th Aug 2018
Vitamin E is essential for normal growth and survival. In this study graded level of
vitamin E was provided to different group of fish loach. This experiment conducted
240days. At the end of the experiment growth performance was analyzed in all the treatment.
Maximum growth was observed in 40 mg/100mg vitamin E treatment. After that growth was
decreased. So this recommend to fish farmers who develop own farm made feed.
Vitamin E act as growth promoter that inhibits lipid end fatty acid oxidation (Bell and
cowey, 1985 Lall et al., 1988) peroxide haemolysis of erythrocytes also determine vitamin
E deficiency in gold fish (Hung et al, 1981) and carp (, 1970) Vitamin E
deficiency has been implicated in steatites or yellow fat disease in which there are deposits
of yellow globular material in the subcutaneous and adipose tissues (Wallach, 1971)
Testicular degradation has been observed due to vitamin deficiency in dogs, monkeys, pigs,
rabbits, rats, cockerels and fish (Marson,1954) In this study graded level of vitamin E was
given to different of group of Loach and growth performance were analysed..
The feeding experiments were conducted in plastic troughs (15L capacity) filled with well
water. Each trough contained 10 fishes and replicated were maintained for each treatment, the
water was changed daily. The fish was collected from river tembiraparani Tirunelveli
Tamilnadu, after tbe week acclamentation fishes introduced in experimental setup. For this
experiment (USP-12) for mineral supplementation and H440 for vitamin supplementation
formula were used before introduce the fishes weight lf individual fish was recorded. Test
Proceeding of Spark Seminar on Recent trends in Biotechnology 16th Aug 2018
fishes were fed once a day (8.00Am) at 5%of their body weight. The unfed were regularly
collected. The fish weight was recorded once in 60days and feeding ratio was adjusted
accordingly. In this study, semi purified diet was prepared (45% protein range) and graded
level of vitamin E was provided to different group of fishes. And finally growth parameter
was studied. Duration of the experiment is 240days.
Vitamin E is essential nutrient for growth and immunity of the fish..In the present study,
graded levels of vitamin E were provided to different group of albino rats and growth
performance was studied..In this work, weight, weight gain, SGR and ADG was slowly
increased up to 40mg/100mg treatment after that these are decreased. The minimum FCR was
also observed in 40mg vitamin E dietary treatment. The control diet has lesser growth rate
compared to other treatments. Based on this study, it is concluded that, 40mg/100mg vitamin
E supplementation is best to prepare loach feed.
Dietary vitamin E level greater than 53mg/kg diet are needed to support maximum growth
and survival of Chinook salmon in Sea water.( Thorarinsson et al., 1994).The minimum
dietary requirement of Vitamin E for Chinook salmon (wood et al.,1964) and Atlantic salmon
(Lall et al., 1988) are reported to be 30mg/kg diet. In the presence of selenium vitamin e
requirement for growth are 30-80mg/kg diet for carp. In this study, 400mg/kg vitamin E
supplementation produces maximum growth rate compared to other treatment. The growth
rate was slowly increased up to optimum level then it was decreased. Similar trend was also
observed in Channa striates fry.(Muruganandam et al.,2003).The vitamin E status in most
tissue are mainly depends on dietary supplementation( Frigg et al.,1990,Hardie et
al.,1990,Waagbo et al.,1991).
Table-1 Weight, Weight gain, SGR, FCR and ADG of L.thermalis fed diets with
different levels of vitamin E.
Dept of zoology
Syed Ammal Arts and Science College
Ramanathapuram- 623513,
Email; [email protected],
Mosquito spread many dangerous diseases in all around the world. If reduces the
mosquito population by suitable ecofriently methods, we can control disease spreading
ranges. In this study twelve common spices are used to screen mosquito larvicidal activity,
fennel and ginger has more larvicidal activity compared to other spices. Cardamom, star anise
and pepper have second range of larvicidal activity. If prepare the appropriate mix of those
spices extracts, we will develop new Larvicide and control the mosquito larval population,
this control method is also ecofriently.
If control mosquito population, we will reduce the disease burden. Chemical control
is good to reduce insect population. But very soon resistant verities will be developed. So we
will find out alternative way and these chemicals are also not ecofriendly. The biological
control is one of the best ways to reduce mosquito population. Usually larvivorous fishes are
introduced in water bodies. It will control mosquito larval population. In this study common
spices are used to screen for mosquito larvicidal activity.
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Naturally all the spices have medicinal value that is why they are added in our
regular food items. Here spices effect on larval mortality was screened. In this study, among
12 spices only 8 spices have larvicidal activity, higher larvicidal activity observed in fennel
which kills the larvae within two hours. Very slow and lesser activity observed in ginger,
mustard and clove. But they kill the entire larva within 24 hours. The pepper and clove has
medium activity and more or less equal level. In these treatments all the larvae died within
six hours. After apply these extracts the larval activity was slowly decreased and finally all
are died. In the star anise treatment all the larvae died within four hours, some epically
materials such as red chills, turmeric, mint and coriander has no larvicidal activity
1 Fennel 02
2 Pepper 06
3 Mustard 24
4 Garlic 12
5 Star anise 04
6 Ginger 24
7 Cardamom 06
8 Clove 06
9 Red chilli No mortality
10 Turmeric No mortality
11 Mint No mortality
12 Coriander No mortality
Proceeding of Spark Seminar on Recent trends in Biotechnology 16th Aug 2018
Insects are only flying invertebrates. Their population is mainly climate sensitive
(Muruganandam. 2016). Many insects act as vectors for many dangerous diseases, mosquito
is one among them. Mosquito carry many dangerous virus and parasites. Still vaccine is not
discovering for many parasitic pathogens. Best example is malaria, this parasite enhances the
morbitality and mortality rate in many poor countries .Parasites has many stages in life cycle.
So vaccine development is very difficult .But drugs are discovered to eradicate these