Qualitative Research Methodology (PHD 502) Professor: NICLIE L. TIRATIRA, PH.D Student: Bernie P. Ibanez The Special Nature of Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research Methodology (PHD 502) Professor: NICLIE L. TIRATIRA, PH.D Student: Bernie P. Ibanez The Special Nature of Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research Methodology (PHD 502) Professor: NICLIE L. TIRATIRA, PH.D Student: Bernie P. Ibanez The Special Nature of Qualitative Research
Ans. It is described its aims, methodology, and the kind of data collected to understand the
different facets of social life. Qualitative approaches to research are universal and holistic.
They follow these beliefs: -A single reality is not observed. -Reality is based upon concepts
that are distinct for each person and change over time. -What we perceive has meaning only
within a given situation. Characteristics of Qualitative Research are follows: The direct
source of data is the natural setting and the researcher is the key instrument in qualitative
research. Researchers go directly to the particular setting of interest to observe and collect
the needed data; Data collected are in the form of words or illustrations rather than
numbers. The kinds of data collected may include, but not limited to, audio recordings,
diaries, field notes, memorandums, official records, personal comments, photographs,
textbook passages, transcripts of interview, videotapes, and anything else that convey
actual words or actions of people.