Review of Experimental Research Muhammad Ivan Fauzi
Review of Experimental Research Muhammad Ivan Fauzi
Review of Experimental Research Muhammad Ivan Fauzi
where a set of variables are kept constant while the other set of variables are being
be successful only when the researcher confirms that a change in the dependent
experiment are due to the cause. As naturally, occurring event can be confusing for
research to understand the effect of food on cholesterol and derives that most heart
patients are non-vegetarians or have diabetes. They are aspects (causes) which can
Time is a vital factor for establishing a relationship between cause and effect.
The different types of experimental research design are based on the how the
research design. A group, or various groups, are kept under observation after factors
are considered for cause and effect. It is usually conducted to understand whether
further investigation needs to be carried out on the target group/s, due to which it is
considered to be cost-effective.
Static-group Comparison
prove or disprove a hypothesis. It is the only type of Experimental Design that can
Control Group (Group of participants for research that are familiar to the
Experimental group but experimental research rules do not apply to them.) and
rules do apply.)
Random distribution
exactly that. The difference between the two the assignment of a control group. In this
are not randomly assigned as per conditions. The independent variable is manipulated
before calculating the dependent variable and so, directionality problem is eliminated.
not required.
Once the results are analyzed, they can be applied to various other similar
Cause and effect of a hypothesis can be derived so that researchers can analyze
greater details.
Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (1993). How to design and
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