About: MOA Not Known, But Induction of Bilateral Generalised Seizures Required For Effects. An in

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About: MOA not known, but induction of bilateral generalised seizures required for effects. An  in
GABA transmission (depletes cortical GABA) and receptor antagonism observed – these changes raise
seizure threshold during ECT. ECT may also lead to  of endogenous opioids which may have
anticonvulsant properties. Nearly every neurotransmitter system is affected by ECT.

 Major depression
Indications  Mania
 SCZ/Schizoaffective d/o

C/I No absolute C/I – except ICP (brain tumours)

 Cognitive: retrograde + anterograde amnesia, confusion (post-ictal) or persistent

memory disturbance
 H/A, muscle aches
 Nausea

 For pts ina cute phase of major derpession with high degree of SX severity +
functional impairment or those w/ psychotic SXs or catatonia
 Therapeutic response not sustained w/o continuation or maintenance TX, approx.
90% relapse within 6 months of cessation of acute course

 For severe or TX resistant manic/mixed eps of bipolar

Bipolar d/o
 An option for pts experienceing severe mania/depression during pregnancy

 Effective for SXs of acute SCZ but not chronic

 ECT no better than antipsychotics
SCZ  But continuation of ECT + antipsychotics superior to antipsychotics alone
 ECT an option for pts with prominent catatonic fts. that do not respond to
 Pacemakers: risk of ventricular tachycardia + fibrillation
 Pregnancy: safer during 1st trimester. Recommended in 2nd & 3rd trimester when
medications do not control illness or when patients has HX of good results with ECT
 Beyond 1st trimester: risk of regurgitation is high. Thus intubation should be
considered on case by case basis

 Recruiting phase: low amp, fast activity
 Tonic phase: bilateral synchronouse polyspikes
 Clonic phase: high amp, polyspike, slow wave complexes that slow to 1-3Hz just before
seizure termination
 Postictal suppression: EEG flattening, lasts approx. 90s
 Postictal phase: high amp, irregular delta waves, rhythmic theta waves progressively merge
into pre-seizure rhythms (20-30mins after seizure termination), as number of TX, EEG
slowing persists for longer into postictal period (returns to norm by 30days)

Efficay – what to look for Subthreshold dose – what to look for

 Substantial delay in actual seizure onset

 Seizure onset
 Tonic reaction,  clonic movements
 Symmetry (general)
 Irregular, slow pattern w/ variable amp
 Seizure duration (20-120s)
  development of well defined slwo wave activity
 Amplitude + degree of hypersynchrony
 Brief (<15s) or prolonged (>120s) seizures
 Postictal suppression
 Poor postictal suppression (<80%)

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