Anti-Epilepsy Agents: DR Gareth Noble
Anti-Epilepsy Agents: DR Gareth Noble
Anti-Epilepsy Agents: DR Gareth Noble
Dr Gareth Noble
To describe the pathophysiology of epilepsy
To determine the pharmacological agents
Mechanism of action
Adverse effects
Patient management
1 person in 20 will have an epileptic seizure at some
time in their life
Epilepsy is diagnosed on the basis of two or more
epileptic seizures.
Around 450,000 people in the UK have epilepsy (40
million people worldwide)
A seizure is triggered by a sudden interruption in the
brain's highly complex electro-chemical activity
Thank you.
Textbook References
Karch AM (2006) Focus on Nursing Pharmacology,
3rd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Rang et al (2003) Pharmacology, 5th Edition.
Churchill Livingstone.
Lilley et al (2005) Pharmacology and the Nursing
Process, 4th Edition. Mosby
Page et al (2002) Integrated Pharmacology, 2nd
Edition. Mosby.
Martini (2005) Principles of Anatomy and
Physiology, Pearson Education Publishers