Theatre History - Individual Project Guidelines: Each Individual Project Is Worth 20% (200 Points) of Your Final Grade
Theatre History - Individual Project Guidelines: Each Individual Project Is Worth 20% (200 Points) of Your Final Grade
Theatre History - Individual Project Guidelines: Each Individual Project Is Worth 20% (200 Points) of Your Final Grade
Each individual project is worth 20% (200 points) of your final grade.
The goal of this assignment is for you to extensively research a historical theatre topic &/or
person and then lead the class in a 20 minute engaging discussion/presentation on said topic. Your
classmates will have read the material in our textbook prior to your presentation but you must make
yourself the “in-class expert” on your topic. Please utilize at least three different sources for these
projects (our textbook is your 4th source). No more than one of your official sources can be a website.
Under no circumstances will Wikipedia be accepted as one of your sources. We have a wonderful library
on campus that can get you almost any book you need. Your report should be accompanied by an
outline of discussion points that lead us through your presentation… be specific and thorough. Some
questions that you should seek to answer as you do your research:
What makes this topic/person important to theatre today? How have our current theatre practices been
influenced by your topic?
What are the social, economic, and/or historical events that will help us more fully understand your
How does your topic/person fit into the Great Chain of Theatre History particularly in terms of topics we
have covered in class?
Above all have fun and be creative. Some sort of visual/audio stimulus should be provided for the class
(film clips, music, power point, pictures etc).
In the Individual Projects make sure you use the assigned play (if there is one) to help us understand the
writer’s style and voice. You do not need to give us a detailed recap of the story…be concise but maybe
bring in a sample clip for us to see (most of these plays are very popular).
Please rehearse these presentations and keep an eye on the clock…you will be asked to stop when your
allotted time has elapsed. The use of note cards and power point to economize on your time is highly
encouraged. Try to both present your findings and engage the class in discussion.
(All work legible, clean, and emailed to me by the start of class. Proper formatting and being able to
open the attachment are the student’s responsibility.)
Rubric 100-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-0%
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely pretty prepared somewhat not seem at all
prepared and but might have prepared, but prepared to
has obviously needed a couple rehearsal was present. More
rehearsed. more rehearsals. lacking. 2 mins than 2 mins
Exactly on time. Close to time. over or under. over or under.
Content Shows a full and Shows a good Shows a basic Does not seem
artistically understanding of understanding to understand
mature the topic. of the topic. the topic.
of the topic.
Power Point Student uses Student uses Student uses The student
and/or multiple stimuli multiple stimuli some stimuli uses little to no
supporting that show that show some that show little stimuli OR the
stimuli considerable work/creativity work/creativity stimuli chosen
work/creativity and which and which detract from
and which help mostly help us vaguely define understanding
us understand understand the the topic. the topic.
the topic. topic.
Completeness Student has fully Student has Student has Student has
addressed all of addressed all of basically addressed only
the questions the questions, addressed most a few of the
and gone but one or two of the questions.
farther than could have used questions.
what was more
required. thought/support