Clean Rooms IAEA

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Clean laboratories and

clean rooms for analysis of
radionuclides and trace elements

January 2003
The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was:

Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section

International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria


ISBN 92–0–100603–9
ISSN 1011–4289
© IAEA, 2003
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
January 2003

The need for reliable and accurate measurements of elements at trace and ultra trace
concentrations is now well established and has been addressed in numerous textbooks and in a
number of publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Less well known might be the
fact that the reliable analysis of samples is often found to be hampered by insufficient control of the
analytical blank. As methods become more and more sensitive, the target elements of major interest in
natural matrices become less abundant (e.g. platinum metals in the environment, ultra traces in
biomedical research, or semiconductor analysis) and there is increasing demand for speciation
analysis, where only fractions of the total trace element content are targeted. Because of the need for
stringent control of contamination during sample handling, preparation, separation and enrichment as
well as during the determination process, establishment of a clean laboratory environment is

Particulate contamination in the laboratory air may be controlled by the use of high efficiency
particulate (HEPA) filters, which were developed during World War II for the Manhattan Project and
were used to provide containment of radioactive particulates within the laboratory. Today the same
application of HEPA filters is used in radioactivity laboratories worldwide. The Class 100
specifications for measurement of particulate air quality apply for clean room facilities as laid down
in the regulations, such as Federal Standard 209E or the ISO Guide 14644.

This publication summarizes the requirements of clean laboratory environments, for

construction materials as well as for materials used during routine analysis, maintenance, and pitfalls
in the analysis of radionuclides and elements at trace- and ultra trace levels. Included are papers
contributed by experts from India, the Netherlands, the United States of America and the IAEA
Laboratories, Seibersdorf.

The IAEA wishes to thank all the experts who helped in the preparation of this manuscript for
their valuable contributions. The IAEA officers responsible for this publication were A.V.R. Reddy
and M. Rossbach of the Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
This publication has been prepared from the original material as submitted by the authors. The views
expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the IAEA, the governments of the nominating Member
States or the nominating organizations.

The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the
publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and
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1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Clean facility options...........................................................................................................1
1.2. Classification of cleanliness ................................................................................................2
1.3. Calculation of particulate concentration..............................................................................2
1.4. Origin and control of particulate matter ..............................................................................3
2. TYPES OF CLEAN FACILITIES..................................................................................................4
2.1. Inflatable glove bags............................................................................................................4
2.2. Simple clean bench..............................................................................................................5
2.3. Clean glove boxes................................................................................................................6
2.4. Recirculating clean bench....................................................................................................7
2.5. Clean exhausted hoods ........................................................................................................8
2.6. Air shower enhancement .....................................................................................................9
2.7. Recirculating clean room...................................................................................................10
2.8. Clean laboratory concepts .................................................................................................11
3. CLEAN ROOM ATTIRE .............................................................................................................14
3.1. Clothing .............................................................................................................................14
3.2. Basic components ..............................................................................................................14
3.3. Gloves ................................................................................................................................15
4. MATERIALS................................................................................................................................15
4.1. Materials for construction of the clean room ....................................................................15
4.2. Laboratory materials for ultra trace analysis .....................................................................15
4.3. Plastics ...............................................................................................................................16
4.4. Purification of reagents......................................................................................................16
5. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOLS ..................................................................................................16
5.1. Monitoring of facility parameters......................................................................................17
5.2. Use of the facility ..............................................................................................................18
6. EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................19
6.1. Particle counts ...................................................................................................................19
6.2. Blanking.............................................................................................................................19
6.3. Control samples .................................................................................................................20
6.4. Control charts ....................................................................................................................20
7. TECHNIQUES..............................................................................................................................20
7.1. Radionuclide measurement................................................................................................20
7.2. Neutron activation analysis ...............................................................................................21
7.3. Mass spectrometric techniques..........................................................................................22
7.3.1. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ....................................................22
7.3.2. Thermal ionization mass spectrometry..................................................................22
7.3.3. Secondary ionization mass spectrometry ..............................................................22
7.3.4. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) .................................................................23
8. MAINTENANCE OF THE FACILITY .......................................................................................23
9. STAFF AND TRAINING.............................................................................................................23
10. CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................................................24

Metal free clean room for ultra trace analysis ..................................................................................... 29

T.R. Mahalingam
Quality control of the laboratory environment..................................................................................... 43
S. Vogt
Isotope specific analysis and clean regime .................................................................................................49
J.R.W. Woittiez, J.E. Sloof
Project planning for an environmental clean laboratory:
A summary of requirements and approach ..................................................................................... 57
R.E. Perrin

CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW.......................................................................... 65


Reliable and accurate measurements of elements and radionuclides at trace and ultra trace
concentrations are often needed in a variety of analytical activities related to environmental,
nutritional, biological tissues and fluids, and high tech materials. Key components determining the
quality of the analytical results include the selection of an appropriate analytical methodology,
laboratory environment, reagents, samples and standards and, above all, the experience of the analyst
and his approach to the problem. Rigid management of each parameter with proper quality control
(QC) is of paramount importance for achieving overall reliable results. The accuracy with which an
element or isotope can be measured at ultra trace levels is limited by systematic errors associated with
all the listed parameters, e.g. the very process of sampling and sample preparation which carries the
risk of changing the trace element composition of the sample. It is a fact that accurate analysis of a
sample is linked to the control of the analytical blank. One of the main sources of contamination of
samples is through particulate matter from the laboratory environment. The laboratory determination
of elements at trace and ultra trace levels can be jeopardized by the introduction of particulate matter
from the laboratory environment. Uncontrolled air usually contains inorganic and organic matter in
the form of aerosols of natural and anthropogenic origin. The composition of air particulate matter
differs widely depending on the geographical location, extent of industrialization, vehicular traffic,
etc. The development of clean rooms/laboratories for controlled environment is the answer to meet
the demands of the ultratrace and trace analysis. This includes providing clean room/laboratory
facilities for the various steps in sample preparation, storing the samples if needed, purification of
chemicals, and finally for carrying out analysis. A Class 1001 laboratory is ideal though expensive.
Often a judicious use of a Class 1000 or even Class 10000 facilities with a provision for Class 100
boxes, may meet the requirements of many analyses.

The state of the art in the development of clean room/laboratories probably reached a plateau
around the mid 1980s. With the increasing demand for ultra-trace element determinations and quality
assurance and quality control (QA/QC) in the studies of life sciences, environment and new materials the
need for controlled laboratory environment is ever growing. Application of clean techniques to
biomedical work has added many improvements in air control technologies. Clean laboratories are
required for radionuclide analysis in safeguards and environmental samples and also for trace element
measurement where nuclear and related analytical techniques like neutron activation analysis (NAA) and
X ray fluorescence (XRF) are involved. Spectrometric techniques like ICP-AES, ICP-MS and AMS
require utmost care in sample treatment (digestion, separation, dilution, etc.) as these analytical
techniques accept only dissolved samples. It is essential to provide harmonized guidelines to the users of
clean facilities so that appropriate QA/QC procedures may be implemented.

This report intends to include salient features of the concept and design for clean
rooms/laboratories, the materials needed for clean laboratories, describe current methodologies and
practices for planning the installation of a clean environment, protocols for maximizing the benefit-to-
cost ratio and for achieving QA/QC. The report aims to provide information to the general researcher
and user about the clean facilities. Special emphasis is given to the analysis of radionuclides, and
measurement of trace, minor and major elements using nuclear and related analytical techniques such
as NAA and XRF. A section on literature is provided for ready reference and details.

1.1. Clean facility options

Selection of components for a clean facility can be taken from a large array of equipment
options. A series of options from the simple (less expensive) to the complex (more expensive and

Cleanliness is defined based on the number of particles of a defined diameter per unit volume. According to
the US Federal Standard 209E[1], a Class 100 clean room must have no more than 100 particles of diameter
0.5 mm per cubic foot of air. Corresponding SI classification and ISO definitions are compared with Federal
Standard 209E and given in Section 2.2.

comprehensive) are described in Section 3. The choice of options will be dictated by the operation
processes, financial resources and desired life cycle for the facilities. The simplest system can be
installed in existing laboratories to provide significant improvements in processing blanks. However,
this environment will significantly shorten the life cycle and degrade the ultimate performance level
of the components. An attempt is made to provide with guidance concerning both the advantages and
limitations of each example discussed. A few simple explanations are also provided to differentiate
between clean facilities, clean rooms and clean laboratories. An understanding of these differences is
considered essential for developing operational protocols, maintenance protocols and QC protocols.

1.2. Classification of cleanliness

The level of cleanliness in a laboratory is defined by a maximum permissible number of

particles of a particular size, per unit volume of air. Several standards of classification are currently in
use worldwide, including the US Federal Standard 209E, Guidelines developed by the Verein
Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI-Richtlinien) and the new ISO 14644 series developed by the International
Organization for Standardization in Switzerland. Table I shows airborne particulate cleanliness
classes and maximum number of permissible particles for defined particle sizes according to the new
ISO 14644 guidelines.

The contamination control industry currently uses a government specification known as Federal
Standard 209E to provide a qualified and standardized method for measuring how clean the air is in a
clean room. Six classes have been established to designate clean room cleanliness, ranging from
Class 100,000 to Class 1. The class number refers to the maximum number of particles bigger than
one-half of a micron that is allowed in one cubic foot of clean room air. A Class 100 clean room, for
example, would not contain more than 100 particles bigger than half a micron in a cubic foot of air.

This US Class 100 is similar to the new ISO Class 5 classification. Airborne particulate
cleanliness, according to ISO 14644, is designated by a classification number, N. The maximum
permissible concentration of particles, Cn, for each considered particle size, D, is determined from the

Cn = 10N (0.1/D)2.08 (1)

where units of Cn, in [particles/m3 of air].

1.3. Calculation of particulate concentration

Clean laboratories have been extensively used to reduce analytical blanks in recent years. It is
important to understand that this reduction in analytical blank is accomplished by removal of airborne
particles from the area where samples are processed. ”Clean” facilities will not reduce blanks which
have their origin in the gas phase.


ISO classification Maximum concentration limits (particles/m3 of air) for particles equal to and larger
number (N) than the considered sizes shown below
0.1 Pm 0.2 Pm 0.3Pm 0.5 Pm 1 Pm 5 Pm

ISO Class 4 10000 2370 1020 352 83

ISO Class 5 100000 23700 10200 3520 832 29
ISO Class 6 1000000 237000 102000 35200 8320 293
ISO Class 7 352000 83200 2930
ISO Class 8 3520000 832000 29300
(Source: ISO 14644-1)

Clean facilities are classified according to the number of particles of a specific size range per
unit volume of air as described in section 2.2. The most commonly used cleanliness class for blank
reduction is the ISO class 5 (Equivalent to class M3.5 and the US Federal Standard Class 100). This
cleanliness class permits 3520 particles of 0.5 Pm per cubic meter. Additionally 10,200 particles of
0.3 Pm diameter are permitted per cubic meter for this cleanliness class. The number of atoms or
molecules (A) of substance contained in a single particle can be calculated by equation 2.

A = (4/3) 3 (r × 10-4)3UA0/M (2)


r is the radius of the particle in microns,

U is the density of the substance in gm/cm3,
M is the molecular weight of the substance,
A0 is Avogadro’s number.

An example is worked out here.

A particle of 0.5 Pm diameter and a density of 2 will have a mass of (4/3)(.00025)3 × 2 or 1.211
× 10 g. If the molecular weight of the substance is 100, the particle will contain: 7.29× 1010


The total number of particles (N) of a specific size that can impact the work surface of a clean
bench can be calculated by equation 3.

N=AV (3)

where A is equal to the number of particles of a specific size range per m3 permitted by the cleanliness
class of the bench and V is the volume of clean air flowing over the work surface per unit time.

Another example is described below.

For a class ISO 5 clean bench with a laminar flow of 31 m per minute and a work surface area
of 1 m2, the number of 0.5 Pm particles impacting the work per minute will be 31 × 1 × 3530 or
1.943 × 105 particles. The mass of these particles will be 1.331 × 10-6 grams of substance. The surface
area of the work surface is 104 cm2. The mass impacting the work surface is therefore 1.321 × 10-11 g
per cm2 per minute. For an exposure cross-section of 10 cm2 and an exposure time of 10 minutes, the
sample could be exposed to 1.321 × 10-9 grams of substance just from the 0.5 Pm particles permitted
by the ISO Class 5 clean bench. Thus it becomes important to consider methods to control the
composition of particles and trajectory of particles as well as the total number of particles. If the
elemental composition of the ambient air particles can be determined, one can then calculate the
elemental blank to be expected due to particles from the laminar airflow.

1.4. Origin and control of particulate matter

Clean facilities control ambient particulate matter by two mechanisms. The first mechanism is
by providing the laminar airflow. Laminar flow prevails at an air velocity of about 32 linear meters
per minute. At this velocity, air will sweep particles from the work area with high efficiency as long
as the airflow remains laminar. If obstructions cause turbulence, the efficiency of particle removal
will be severely reduced. The second method of particle control in clean rooms is by maintenance of
the pressure differentials between rooms. The cleanest zone is maintained at a higher pressure than
the less clean zone. A pressure differential of 10 pascals is considered adequate to prevent diffusion
of particles between clean zones.

Particles that are external to clean room facilities have a variety of origins in nature including
volcanic releases and windblown dust. Most particles originate from such sources and can be
efficiently controlled by filtration systems.

Particles can also originate from the facility itself. By careful selection of construction
materials both quantity and composition of particles can be controlled. Choosing the right materials is
one essential step in providing the best environment for the highly specialized analytical work carried
out in a clean room facility.

The third source of particles is one that comes from the sample processed within the facility. In
addition to controlling the number of particles by managing the air quality, number and type of
particles are also controlled to some extent by sample analysis protocols, personnel gowning protocols
and material quantity limitations for facility entrance.

To calculate the number of particles that can contribute to an analytical blank, it is necessary to
know the exposure cross-section area of an open sample and the exposure time during which a sample
is exposed to the clean airflow. These parameters, which are developed for each process, are beyond
the scope of this document. However, it is clear that a reduction of either of these parameters by a
factor of 2 will result in an approximate factor of 2 in that portion of analytical blank that is due to
particulate contamination. Reagent contamination and process ware contamination will not be


The required class of clean environment depends on the type of analysis to be carried out.
There is no general rule on the requirement of the cleanliness class. However, one can decide about an
optimum cleanliness depending on whether a system is an open or closed one. There are various types
of clean facilities from simple inflatable glove bag to a clean laboratory. In this section principle of
operation, basic units, performance capabilities and limitations and operational limitations of a few
systems are described. They are inflatable glove bags, clean bench, clean glove boxes, clean exhaust
fume hood, recirculating clean bench and the clean laboratory concept. Although clean environment
may reduce the blank levels in most of the analytical problems, it may be noted that in some cases like
dealing with air-borne materials, clean environment alone is not the solution.

2.1. Inflatable glove bags2

The inflatable glove bag is not a primary particle control system. Instead, it functions only as a
barrier to prevent particles of sample origin from contaminating the clean work area and prevents
particles of non-sample origin from contaminating critical samples. The glove bag is a flexible plastic
film bag with full length gloves moulded into one surface of the bag. A long, narrow tube of the same
material extends from the rear surface of the bag. This tube provides an entry point for inserting
samples and/or processing equipment into the bag. After insertion of all items required for the process
the end of the tube may be sealed either with mechanical clamps or with a heat-sealing device. If the
insertion is done in a laminar flow of clean air then the exposure window can be minimized when
performing which require lengthy exposure of the sample. A smaller tube is provided which permits
inflation of the glove bag with an inert gas selected. The system remains pressurized during all
manipulations required by the process being performed. When all operations have been performed the

Inflatable glove bags can be purchased in a variety of sizes from companies such as Cole Parmer or other local
suppliers. An 11” × 20” × 20” glove bag costs approximately US $20.

products are sealed in pressure sealed plastic bags and placed in the entry tube. A double heat seal is
applied between the bag and the items to be removed. A cut is made between the two heat seals and
the products removed for transport to the area where the product is to be further processed. The sealed
bag may then be depressurized and folded for storage if the contents have a future use, or discarded

Glove bag, sealing clamps, heat sealer, inflation gas supply and pressure regulator are the
components of inflatable glove bag.

Inflatable glove bags may be used to handle, inspect and subdivide samples of relatively high
concentrations of materials that are incompatible with other operations within a clean zone. The only
function provided by the bag is as a barrier to prevent transport of material from one processing area
to another. The integrity of this barrier is a function of thickness and strength of the material used to
fabricate the bag.

The use of inflatable glove bag will result in contamination of all inner surfaces with the
material being processed and by particles from the non-clean facility. Thus these are not re-usable.

These bags should not be used for processing samples containing hazardous quantities of
penetrating radiation, as prescribed by the local regulatory bodies. Thus these can be used for
processing permitted quantities of alpha, beta and gamma activity.

2.2. Simple clean bench

A clean air bench provides a curtain of clean air within which simple manipulations such as ion
exchange column operations, precipitation, sample transfers and equipment cleaning may be
performed in a particle protected environment. The cleanliness class of the clean bench air is limited
by the efficiency of the installed filter module, e.g. class of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)

The primary components required for installation of a clean bench include the filtered air
recirculating module, a clean non-particle generating work surface (table or bench) and an isolation
curtain to separate the operator from the clean air environment. The air recirculating unit may be
purchased from a large number of manufacturers worldwide3. Materials of construction include steel,
aluminium and plastic. Automatic flow controllers, epoxy coated impeller fans and low noise baffels
are useful mechanical options. The device may be hung from the ceiling of the room where required.

The isolation curtain can be a simple 0.3–0.5 mm thick piece of clear plastic sheeting. High
optical clarity and good flexibility are desirable features. An antistatic coating of the material is also
desirable though not essential. This curtain should be installed from the air recirculating module to
within 15–20 cm of the work surface. The clean, non-particle working surface is easily achieved by
the use of a self adhesive Teflon film such as Bytac. This product usually consists of vinyl layer
(necessary to be adhesive) and a Teflon overlay which are thermally bonded. The use of this film on
the surface of the workbench and other exposed surfaces within the clean airflow provides a particle
free surface, which may be installed in a few minutes.

The simple clean air bench provides a curtain of clean air over the entire work surface. When
items are introduced into this clean air many of the particles on the item are dislodged from the
surface and transported into the room air. Laminar flow prevents these particles and other room

Modular units with a size of approximately 6 m × 12 m are most commonly used and can be purchased at a cost
of approximately USD 800 to 900.

particulate matter from entering the clean air curtain. By using clean swipes (wet or dry), surfaces of
the items in the clean air can be cleaned of nearly all particulate matter. When working in the clean
zone the operator must wear laboratory coat and gloves that do not generate particles. The junction
between lab coat and gloves must be sealed in a manner that contains the particles which are
constantly generated by the skin of the operator. When operated with appropriate attention to
clothing, gloving and cleaning techniques Class 100 conditions can be maintained for a wide variety
of operations.

The principal performance limitations of a simple clean air bench are, as follows:

- A significant waiting period must accompany each introduction of a new item into the
clean air. This permits the airflow to remove and flush the particles that are on the surface
of the item.

- If there are any hazardous particles on the surface of the items being processed, they will be
redistributed to the air within the room.

- Because no preconditioning of the air entering the filters is possible, life of both pre-filters
and HEPA filters is significantly shorter than can be expected when the same equipment is
operated as part of a recirculating clean room.

- The clean bench is the only line of protection of items in the room. Therefore, cleanliness
of the room will directly affect the ultimate capabilities of the bench.

The clean bench can only be utilized for processes that do not emit hazardous components.
Acid fuming, volatile organic extractions and other hazardous operations are not practical in these

2.3. Clean glove boxes

The clean glove box, when properly designed, also provides a flow of laminar air to a clean
workplace. The principal difference between a clean air bench and a clean air box is that all particles
are contained within the system and are not mixed with room air. Clean air glove box can be operated
in more hostile environments by personnel who do not wear special garments.

A clean glove box should have, at a minimum, an air re-circulating system, a HEPA filter of
special cleanliness class, a containment box, a perforated secondary floor to assure laminar flow over
the work surface, an air lock for introduction of items to be processed into the glove box and glove
ports fitted with sealed gloves of non-particle generating material. A cross-sectional view of the glove
box is given in Fig. 1. Desirable accessories include illumination system, separate filtered supply to
air lock, electrical distribution system within containment box, waste removal port, attachment port
for particle monitor and a flushing system to periodically refresh the internal atmosphere.

A clean glove box will supply Class 100 laminar flow air over a clean work surface. All the
operations that can be conducted on a clean air workbench can also be conducted in a clean air glove
box. In addition, the enclosed system permits handling of materials, which might be considered too
hazardous for clean bench operations. An additional advantage with the clean air glove box is that the
operator may work without special clothing. Also, toxic materials can be handled safely.

FIG. 1. Glove box.

The operational flexibility of a glove box is much less than that of a clean bench. All
equipment, reagents and processing items must be introduced through the air lock. Manipulations are
more difficult due to the necessity of working through gloves. This problem can be minimized by
operating at a slightly negative pressure to simplify the glove entry process. However, this possesses a
significant cost penalty for the added complexity.

The clean air glove box is unsuitable for handling flammable liquids and strong acids. Special
air purification systems may be added but are usually so expensive that the use of clean air fume hood
would be cost competitive and provide greater flexibility.

2.4. Recirculating clean bench

The recirculating clean bench also provides a flow of Class 100 air over a work surface. There
are two main differences between the recirculating bench and simple bench. First, the work surface of
the recirculating clean bench is perforated to permit the laminar airflow to pass through the work
surface into a plenum where it is redirected to the input of the air recirculating unit. Second, an
airtight plenum connects the lower exhaust chamber with the air intake chamber. This effectively
permits continuous cleaning of the laminar airflow. Two types of benches are available. In one of
them the airflow is horizontal from the back to the front of the bench. The second type of bench
utilizes a vertical airflow from the top to bottom in the system. The first design is not efficient for
most of the operations involving processing of low-level samples.

The basic components of the recirculating clean bench include a powered fan and HEPA filter,
a cabinet enclosed on three sides to confine the airflow, a perforated work surface, an air collection
plenum beneath, a return air plenum which conducts airflow from the collection plenum back to the
intake of the air recirculation unit, a movable clear plastic curtain and a support structure for the
bench system. A recirculating clean bench is depicted in Fig. 2.

These units are available in steel, aluminium, fibreglass vacuum formed plastic and welded
plastic forms4. Accessories can include water taps, gas taps, electrical connections, special integrated
support structures and sealed internal light fixtures.

Cost for such devices can range from US $2,000 to $15,000 depending upon sizes and accessories.

FIG. 2. Recirculating clean bench.

These units are capable of supplying air cleanliness of Class 10 quality. Because the access
openings can be completely closed the contents can be well protected in the event of a power failure.
This is not true of the simple clean bench. Access to material placed in the clean zone is excellent and
good isolation of different processes can be accomplished by installation of vertical dividers.
Operators must use appropriate gowning and glove protocols if good cleanliness is to be maintained.
Because the air is recirculated through the clean bench the filter life is significantly longer than the
units that use room air while operating in a non-clean room.
These units are primarily limited by the environment in which they are installed. If the room is
dirty the personnel entry protocols become more critical. The units do not provide humidity and/or
temperature control. These units are not to be used for processing toxic materials and flammable
liquids in significant quantities. Additionally, they may not be used for fuming operation.

2.5. Clean exhausted hoods

The clean air hood provides a source of laminar air to a perforated work surface in much the
same way as the recirculating clean bench. There are two main differences. First, the air recirculating
unit removes air from the room and circulates it through the HEPA filter in a single pass cycle.
Second, the air from the collection plenum is removed through an externally mounted duct that is
connected either to an acid scrubber system or to an approved laboratory exhaust system capable of
handling corrosive fumes. The system requires a means to balance the input capabilities of the HEPA
air recirculating system and the exhaust capabilities of the exhaust system. Materials of construction
must be compatible with the corrosive nature of the fumes being processed. Special units of
aluminium or steel coated with Teflon are available for use with perchloric acid. These units require a
separate exhaust system equipped with appropriate scrubbers.
All the basic components of the recirculating clean bench are required except the return air
plenum. In addition an external exhaust duct and fan system is required. Additional supply air is
required in the room where the unit is installed to make up for the air exhausted by the hood. This is
approximately 1280 m3/h for a 0.6m × 1.2 m unit. Materials of construction are usually PVC,
polyethylene, Teflon coated aluminium, or fibreglass-epoxy laminates. It is recommended that
multiple 0.6 × 1.2 m units be considered rather than single larger units5. Flexibility of operations is
the primary reason for this recommendation. A cross-sectional view of a clean exhaust fume hood is
given in Fig. 3.

The cost of the fume hood with required accessories may range from US $2,500 to $15,000 depending on the
size. Cover units will be decided based on the requirements of local regulatory bodies; they could be very

FIG. 3. Clean fume hood.

The modern clean air fume hood is capable of handling any fuming operation conducted in a
conventional fume hood. However, the quantities of the acid processed are significantly smaller. The
use of perchloric acid requires special material choices, exhaust air handling and HEPA filter media.
All are very expensive. The total heat load and fume load within the fume hood must be matched with
the exhaust capabilities of the laminar airflow input system. Exceeding these limits can result in both
losses of laminar flow and uncontrolled fume releases into the room. If this occurs, particle control is

These fume hoods cannot be used for simultaneous acid fuming and flammable liquid
evaporation. Separate exhaust systems should be supplied for hoods used for evaporation of
flammable liquids. This is a safety limitation that is common to all fume hoods.

In general terms a single 0.6 m × 1.2 m exhausted fume hood should be limited to contain no
more than three 25 cm × 25 cm hot plates. Larger units will interrupt the laminar flow of the air and
degrade system cleanliness.

2.6. Air shower enhancement

When clean benches and fume hoods must be operated in a non-clean environment, use of air
showers enhances the overall performance of these components. The air shower is placed in front of
the bench or hood. This configuration, when implemented with strict clothing protocols, permits short
term cleanliness performance which is nearly equivalent to the performance of the same components
in a clean room. The air enhancement shower serves the same purpose as room pressurization in a
clean room. It minimizes the back streaming of particles into the clean work area.

The components required to install an air shower are only a powered HEPA filter unit and a
plastic isolation container. Fig. 4 is a conceptual representation of an air shower to enhance
performance of a simple clean bench.

When installed in a non-clean room, air shower provides a curtain of clean air which will flush
particles from the exterior surfaces of the operator and minimize re-suspension of these particles in
the clean work area. The quality of air within the air shower will be nearly equal to the cleanliness
quality of the HEPA filter installed in the powered HEPA unit. This will enhance the air quality
achievable in the clean bench or clean fume hood by minimizing the quantity of particles available to
diffuse into these work zones.

FIG. 4. Air shower enhancement.

As with all filtration systems, operation of the air shower within a non-clean room will degrade
the service life of the HEPA filter as compared to the operation of the same unit with in a clean
environment. The time required to flush particles from the exposed surfaces of the operator is about
10 minutes. Therefore, the effectiveness of this approach is greater if a protocol requiring an
appropriate waiting time is always followed. For this concept, the minimum acceptable clean room
attire will be hair covering, laboratory coat and clean gloves with the junction between lab coat
sleeves and gloves sealed either by elastic bands or tapes.

2.7. Recirculating clean room

A clean room makes use of some or all of the devices described up to this point. In addition, a
clean room uses a dedicated air supply system. This air supply system includes air dehumidifiers, air
pre-filter systems, air pressure control systems, air heaters and coolers, air humidifier controls and fire
detection sensors to precisely control the air quality within the room. This preconditioned air is
supplied to the room via pressurized ducts or via a pressurized plenum above the sealed ceiling of the
clean room. This conditioned air is then introduced into the clean room envelop through HEPA filters.
These can be either passive terminal HEPA filters or connected with individual pressure controlled
ducts or individually powered HEPA filters. The total volume of the air introduced into the clean
room envelope is calculated to pressurize the rooms to the specified pressure and replace all leakage
air from the room.

The capability to provide preconditioned particle controlled air to an entire room is the primary
distinction between a clean room and a room which only contains a clean work station such as those
discussed in Sections 3.1 to 3.6. An additional requisite for a clean room is the provision of a
dedicated, particle controlled area for replacing or covering street clothing with clean clothing that
must be worn in the clean room. This area may provide only for donning this clothing over the street
clothing, or facilities may be provided for a complete change of clothing. Clear and well thought-out
protocols for clean room entry are absolutely mandatory if the integrity of the clean room is to be

The air circulation system may be designed to permit continuous recirculation of room air
through the HEPA filters. This recirculation capability provides two benefits. First, the air is
continuously re-cleaned. Second, quantity of makeup air required is reduced in direct proportion to
the percentage of air that is recirculated. This minimizes heating, cooling, humidification and air
volume requirements. The quantity of air that must be circulated through the room is a function of the
cleanliness class of the room. The higher the room cleanliness class is, the higher the volume of

recirculated air. For blank reduction operations the use of Class M2.5 is only necessary in work areas
where sample processing is carried out. General room cleanliness requirements are usually Class
M4.5 or Class M5.5, depending upon the processes to be performed. Gowning areas should be at least
M5.5 class.
A clean room may make use of all of the system components discussed in the previous
paragraphs.6 There are additional systems that must be provided for a clean room. These are: rough air
intake filter system, dehumidifier system, air circulation fan system, 85% filter system, air transport
ducts, heating coils, cooling coils, hot water supply, cold water supply, humidifier system, heat,
pressure and humidity sensors, control processor, exhaust air ducts, fume hood exhaust (if required),
recirculation ducts and gowning room. Fig. 5 shows a conceptual diagram of one type of clean room
with the various air paths, and a typical floor plan showing the orientation of the clothing change area
is given in Fig. 6.
The primary limitation of a clean room as compared to a clean laboratory is in the flexibility of
the system to accept a variety of processes. Because a specified cleanliness class must be a design
criterion, all processes must be conducted by protocols designed to maintain such cleanliness level.
This will cause extra effort for operations that do not require such strict protocols and has to use
special accessory systems when a more restrictive cleanliness class is needed.
The principal operational limitation for a clean room as compared to a clean laboratory is to
limit the types of processes that may be conducted simultaneously. This imposes a requirement for
intelligent scheduling of the non-compatible processes which must be conducted sequentially. This in
turn imposes longer time delays upon completion of the various processes. This limitation is usually
unacceptable for continuous sample load of competing sample types but may be acceptable for many
research programmes where such scheduling constraints are not a limitation. If only two or three
competing processes are involved it may be economically practical to construct additional clean
rooms. For larger numbers of processes a clean laboratory should be considered because increasing
the capacity of the air supply and control systems is significantly less than the cost of constructing
several stand-alone clean rooms.

2.8. Clean laboratory concepts

A clean laboratory utilizes all of the components which may be useful to minimize particle
contamination. The defining difference between a “clean laboratory” and a “clean room” is that the
clean laboratory combines clean components and clean rooms in a systematic way to provide support
to a wide variety of processes. In this way the facility to support each process can be optimized to
provide the appropriate cleanliness class, services, and space required. The net result is a laboratory,
which is very flexible in scheduling the processes conducted and more efficient in the overall use of
resources. The basic components of a clean laboratory and a clean room are not conceptually
different. The clean laboratory simply incorporates several clean rooms, transport corridors, personnel
support facilities (toilets, clothing change areas and data processing areas) and special purpose rooms
(waste management, equipment cleaning, reagent preparation, and weighing rooms) into an integrated
facility. The clean laboratory concept facilitates the use of different room pressures to further direct
the flow of particles away from the most critical rooms towards rooms with less critical cleanliness

The cost of providing a clean room instead of utilizing the basic clean air components is quite high. The
minimum incremental cost for a very simple clean room is estimated to be more than US $35,000. This cost
will increase by as much as a factor of 10 for a complex room.

FIG. 5. Basic clean room.

FIG. 6. Clean room floor plan.

The clean laboratory concept places greater emphasis on automated control systems. This in
turn requires more accurate testing strategies to monitor the overall system performance. It also places
a much greater burden on both facility maintenance and spare component inventory management.
Unless these processes are well documented and managed the facility performance and operational
availability will be both degraded. Fig. 7 is a floor plan presentation for the IAEA clean laboratory.
This plan represents a relatively versatile laboratory capable of processing a rather wide variety of
sample types.

Clean laboratory provides the capability to simultaneously support many processes which
would require sequential scheduling in single clean room. The clean laboratory environment is
optimized to achieve the desired cleanliness class more quickly and reliably than the facilities
discussed thus far.

Room 24

Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 3

Chemistry 4
Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 14 Sampling
Room 15
Room 10

Filament Ladies Mens Preparation
Preparation Changing Area Changing Area Screening and Reference
Room 22


Room 23
Room 8 Room 7 SIMS
Room 6 Room 9
Room 16

Spectrometry Data Acquisition Electron
TIMS Room 5 Microscopy
Room 4 SEM-
Room 2 Room 17

Room 21

FIG. 7. Floor plan of the IAEA’s clean laboratory, a unit of the Safeguards Analytical Laboratory.

Limitations of the clean laboratory are primarily the limits imposed by particle sizes present in
the room of specified cleanliness class. The measured blanks are most often limited by reagent purity,
material purity and instrumental sensitivity than by particle contamination. With the improvements in
technology, sensitive limits in many instrumental analytical techniques are rapidly improving. This
demands lowering of the blank levels by either improving cleanliness class or devising alternate
cleaner sample processing strategies. Experience has shown that cleanliness can be more quickly
improved as compared to improvements in material science and reagent purification. This pattern is
likely to continue and even be more pronounced as lower detection limits become possible.

There are a few operational limitations for a properly designed clean laboratory beyond those
imposed by the design limitations of the individual components. However, because of the system’s
complexity, more resources must be devoted to system maintenance. A more in-depth knowledge of
the design parameters is required for the rapid and efficient trouble shooting of functional problems.
To achieve the state of the art in clean lab environment is clearly not inexpensive. This is the price of
having operations and facilities that is nearly state of the art.


All clean facilities require the use of clean room attire to minimize the release of particles
generated by the operating personnel. Normal street clothing fabrics generate very large number of
particles. In addition, particles adhering to street clothing may introduce contamination into the
laboratory environment for trace element analysis. Use of hair cover, lab coat and gloves may be
required for operation of simple clean room systems. For operation of clean rooms the minimum attire
includes hair covering, lab coats, gloves and foot covers. A separate area is recommended for putting
on the required attire. This area should be just outside the entrance door to the clean room. In a clean
laboratory, a clothing change area is recommended. This area should provide separate cabinets for
storage of street clothing and clean room attire. The two types of clothing should not be stored in a
common cabinet.

3.1. Clothing

Clothing protocols can vary from the simple procedure of putting on a minimum clean room
attire in a gowning area to complete removal of street clothing, showering with soap and water, and
dressing in dedicated clothing of clean room garments stored in cabinets that are reserved specifically
for such garments. Each step in strict attire protocols will improve the operator’s cleanliness
performance at the cost of some increase in complexity of entrance protocols.

3.2. Basic components

Selection of the type of clean room attire will depend primarily on the infrastructure in the
proximity of the clean facility. Unless a certified clean room laundry is commercially available, use of
disposable clean garments is mandatory if operational costs are to be minimized. Disposable clean
room attire is available in a variety of fabrics such as TYVEC. This is a Teflon based fabric with very
low particle content, good chemical resistance, good flexibility and low cost. Other fabrics may also
be used with equal success. A comparison of chemical resistance, chemical composition, heat
dissipation characteristics, local availability and cost is advised when making purchasing decisions.

Hair coverings may be loosely classified as partial and full head coverings. The bouffant cap is
an example of a partial head cover. A hood type, which covers not only the hair but also the ears, neck
and sides of the face is an example of a full head covering. For most sensitive work, full head
covering is recommended. Partial head covering is more easily worn for a wide variety of hairstyles.
However, because more skin is left exposed while using partial head covering, the cleanliness
achievable is significantly less. For operations, which require close inspection of the process being
conducted, addition of a full face covering that covers the nose and mouth is recommended. This face
covering minimizes expulsion of particles through breathing by the operator.

Body coverings can be either partial as in the case of laboratory coats or full coverage as in the
case of coveralls. Laboratory coats permit the release of particles from the operators’ lower legs. For
rooms where the clean areas are benches and hoods, these particles are usually excluded by laminar
flow air and do not significantly contribute to analytical blanks. For areas to be maintained at
Class 1000 or 10000, use of coveralls is usually a safer choice. All body covering garments should fit
snugly at the neck and wrist to simplify sealing the interface between head, hand and body coverings.

Foot covering can be either dedicated shoes which are changed when entering or leaving a
clean zone; shoe covers which cover only the shoes but not the interface between foot and ankle, or
shoe covers which seal the junction between foot and leg. It is recommended for the most sensitive
work. For areas where a particular tracking hazard exists, use of shoe covers over full coverage boots
is often recommended. Foot covers are removed when exiting the zone.

3.3. Gloves

A very large selection of glove styles and materials of fabrication is available to the clean room
practitioners. Each has a practical application. Gloves that require a lubricant such as talc should
never be considered for clean room applications. Nitrile, vinyl and polyethylene gloves have useful
applications within a clean facility. The length of the glove should be adequate to permit easy sealing
of the junction between hand and forearm. In general gloves that fit the hand snugly are desirable for
clean facility operations. However, use of thin film polyethylene gloves that have been fabricated by
heat sealing two films together is a good option for multiple glove operation requiring rapid glove
changes between operational steps. These thin gloves must be used only in addition to more robust
gloves and never as a substitute for the primary protection.


4.1. Materials for construction of the clean room

Sufficient care has to be taken in choosing material for construction of the clean bench and
room. As the primary goal of the clean room is to control analytical blank, it is important to ensure
that construction materials neither contain the analytes of interest and nor pose any contamination
problem. The conventional galvanized iron ducting tends to get corroded fast and hence should not be
used. If the analysis of aluminium is not envisaged, aluminium with a protective coat of epoxy paint
could be used for making ductings, door, glass panels, etc., as it does not corrode fast and is fire
retardant. But if the clean room is meant for ultra trace analysis of metals including aluminium, it is
advisable to go for non-metallic construction, as the metallic parts will start corroding fast with the
use of acids and these particles would cause a far more serious problem than the air particulates. But
if metallic parts have to be used inevitably, then they could be covered properly with silicone cement
or epoxy paint. Teflon coated metallic ducts are available at a higher cost. These will meet fire codes
that are too strict for polymeric duct materials. The integrity of such protective coatings shall be
periodically examined as the coating may give way with constant use of acids in the bench. The work
stations can be made of wood, laminate covered wood, or rigid polymers such as polypropylene or
PVC. The HEPA filters with aluminium separators are to be avoided for trace metal applications.
Although these filters are acceptable in nuclear and isotopic labs, HEPA filters with plastic
separators, or the variety without separators, is preferred in a clean environment. The filters and
prefilters are to be mounted on a wooden or plastic frame. Care must be taken to ensure that the
blower is made of plastic (fibreglass reinforced plastic or polypropylene) and the motor is epoxy
painted. The ductings are to be constructed with HDPE or similar material. The water taps and other
fixtures are to be made of PVC or HDPE and only deionized water supply is to be used in the taps.
Lights should be covered in non-metallic sockets. Thus, all possible precautions must be taken to
prevent generation of metallic particles from the construction materials.

4.2. Laboratory materials for ultra trace analysis

The pipettes and burettes made of borosilicate glass, which find extensive use in conventional
laboratories are not suitable for use in trace analysis. Glass has been found to release trace elements
(Na, Al and B) especially at both extremes of pH. High pH results in dissolution of the glass surface
itself, whereas low pH leads to metal dissolution and desorption from the glass surface. In addition,
the clean glass surface is highly reactive, primarily because of the presence of highly reactive Si-OH
groups. These groups are acidic in nature and act as effective ion exchange material. Cationic analytes
are, therefore, effectively scavenged from solution onto the glass surface [1], as shown below:

GlassSiOH + M+ -Æ GlassSiOM + H+ (4)

A better but somewhat expensive option is vitreous silica prepared from the vapour phase
hydrolysis of silicon tetrachloride or tetrafluoride. Vitreous silica is almost a pure material that can be
rigorously cleaned further with acids to remove any surface contamination. It could be used at
elevated temperatures as it is stable at high temperatures with nearly zero co-efficient of expansion.
Alternatively, silica ware prepared from the rejected lots of silicon from the electronic industry could
be used. Silica ware is supplied by several US companies; it is found to be suitable for ultra trace
work and is cost effective.

4.3. Plastics

A wide variety of plastics have now been used in the construction of laboratory apparatus and
careful selection of materials for trace analysis applications is necessary. The following factors to be
considered for assessing the suitability for trace analysis: adsorption properties of polymers for the
analytes and contamination arising from residual catalysts and additives used in the manufacture of
these plastics [1].

For most applications, a low permeability material is desirable. Permeability is derived from the
migration of molecules through microscopic voids between the polymer chains [1]. Absorption of
material by polymers is in part due to its migration through the polymer structure. Discolouration of a
plastic container is often associated with the migration of material into the polymer matrix. Movement
of materials out of the container by permeation takes two main forms. Long term storage of solutions
in unsuitable containers is known to result in loss of water through permeation. The resulting change
in the concentration of the analyte may not be noticed unless precaution has been taken to weigh the
sample before storage. The second complication may arise with analytes that are in equilibrium with
some volatile species such as ammonium and sulphide salts. Although only a small proportion of
ammonia or hydrogen sulphide may leak out of the container, wall equilibrium will be re-established
generating these gaseous products to permeate out of the container [2]. Other considerations are of a
physical nature, e.g. whether these containers can be dried at elevated temperatures. Considering all
these factors, vitreous silica and PTFE ware are recommended for ultra trace analytical applications.
HDPE ware is suitable for room temperature applications.

4.4. Purification of reagents

Water should be purified using a suitable purification system (Millipore or equivalent) to get a
resistivity of 18 mega ohms cm found to be suitable for ultra trace work. Deionized water is fed to the
purification system for further purification. The analytical reagent (AR) grade acids available in the
market should be further purified by sub-boiling or isothermal distillation in vitreous silica or Teflon
apparatus [3]. A priori validation of organic reagents is mandatory. The organic solvents and other
reagents that may be used for preconcentration/separation work should be further purified using
suitable methods [2]. Reagents purified by sub-boiling distillation from several sources are available
with certificates of analysis. These are provided with trace element analyses for each lot of reagent.


All operations carried out in clean facilities with controlled environments must be properly
designed and executed to avoid contamination of the work areas, samples, and possibly the analyst.
Clean laboratories require maintenance and certification procedures to ensure uninterrupted
cleanliness of the working areas. Consequently, a set of protocols is required to run and maintain a
clean room facility effectively. Instructions must ascertain continuous operational functionality and
cleanliness of the facility. Operations carried out in the clean room facility need to be in accordance
with the initial specifications to which the facility was built. Any change to this set of specifications
should be reviewed by the facility’s management and endorsed by appropriate clean room support,
such as engineering, maintenance and staff. In addition, changes to the initial specifications and/or

uses of the facility should be recorded for future reference. Changes to the existing engineering
should be made with caution, as they might render the facility or part of it unusable. An example
could be the alteration of humidity control within a facility, negatively impacting on the life
expectancy of instrumentation.

The level of operational protocols are determined largely by the size of the clean facility, which
ranges from the most basic laminar flow/workbench in a conventional laboratory (Sections 3.2–3.4) to
a state of the art clean laboratory comprising multiple dedicated rooms (Section 3.8). Operational
protocols are also dictated by the extent of automation and control of the facility environment. The
specific area of activity, i.e. use of the facility, will require specific adaptations reflected in the
protocols. Research, training, service, and production facilities require operations with stringent
protocols in certain areas such as safety. Instrumentation rooms will require different protocols than
those used for digesting sample matrices and performing chemical separations. Handling of toxic,
flammable, and radioactive materials in a facility require additional protocols. Multi-room facilities
have the option of dedicating rooms for specific purposes. Single room facilities require very strict
protocols as the clean area will be used for different analytical tasks, possibly interfering with each
other. Multi-user facilities require a high level of managerial responsibility to the facility and
establishing protocols for specific applications in collaboration with the end user.

5.1. Monitoring of facility parameters

Continuous monitoring of critical facility parameters is the best way to ensure that the level of
cleanliness inside the facility/room complies with its specifications. Moreover, differential records
can simplify detection of malfunctioning components, signaling that additional maintenance is
required or that certain parts, especially filter media, have reached their effective life expectancy.

(a) Monitoring clean room parameters can be as simple as determining the particle counts that
measure the number and size of particles present in the air. These measurements are compared
to the expected number for a given class of cleanliness as provided in the US Standard 209E or
the new ISO 14644-1. More sophisticated clean rooms have a central ventilation system for air
handling in the facility, which is partly or fully automated. Ventilation systems must be
calibrated, maintained, and periodically certified.

(b) Temperature, humidity, and lighting are critical parameters in the laboratory environment.
Their measurement can be readily automated via sensors, or using inexpensive hand held
thermometers and hygrometers. Adequate systems need to be installed, such as dehumidifiers,
humidifiers, or entire air-conditioning systems. For example, rooms used to house expensive
and sensitive instrumentation, require humidity control to prolong life expectancy and
temperature control in order to ensure continuous quality in the measurement process.

(c) Testing and accepting of a facility: upon completion of the clean room or facility an acceptance
test should be performed and documented for future reference. This test can be as simple as
recording particle counts in a laminar flow work area. Complex facilities must be tested and
validated by trained specialists following strict protocols according to the ISO standards
ISO 14644-1.

(d) Engineering change orders and work orders: clean rooms run using sophisticated and complex
engineering. Changing the airflow path by obstruction or purposely changing initial settings can
adversely affect the facility’s performance. Any change to the operational parameters of the
facility should be recorded for future reference to ease debugging of the system should it
become necessary.

(e) Records: any changes, enhancements, and maintenance need to be recorded. Records must be
stored for as long as possible. Again, differential records will be helpful in identifying possible
problems in the future.

5.2. Use of the facility

(a) User training: adequate education and training of people working in the laboratory environment
are prerequisites for sustaining cleanliness in and smooth operation of the laboratory.
Complexity of work in and maintenance of clean rooms requires that even highly educated
personnel need from time to time additional training due to advances in technology, to sustain
awareness towards the sensitive environment, and to the introduction of new measurement
techniques. Informal education and training of personnel are important. Attendance of meetings
and visits to other laboratories afford opportunities for exchange of ideas and specific

(b) Entering clean rooms and facilities: to maintain integrity of the clean laboratory environment it
is mandatory that personnel undergo basic training on how to enter the laboratory. Visitors
should not be permitted into the facility unless their purpose is to work on a project in the
facility. In such cases visitors must complete basic and advanced training sessions appropriate
for their involvement in the laboratory activities. Maintenance personnel would require special
training. All the work to be performed in the laboratory must be discussed prior to entering the
facility. Procedures for addressing unanticipated situations via reporting or emergency actions
should also be covered. All personnel entering the facilities must be aware of most current

(c) Clothing procedures: clean room garments are required in clean rooms and laboratories. Clean
workbench and laminar flow restrictions should be set at the discretion of the facility owner.
Wearing special garments is mandatory and serves the main purpose of preventing the release
of particles from normal clothing or skin into a clean room. Wearing clean room shoes and shoe
covers, hair and beard covers and face masks are other preventive measures to reduce
particulate matter given off by personnel. It is always a good protocol to encourage personnel to
enter the laboratory “clean” in the morning, after having showered and wearing clean street
clothes. Clothing procedures may include taking off the street clothes completely before
gowning up. Double gowning and gloving procedures are appropriate if personnel have to move
between different rooms in the facility to avoid cross-contamination. Activities to be performed
in the clean lab should be planned well ahead of time to enable development of the clothing

(d) Cleaning procedures: thorough cleaning of laboratories is mandatory to maintain cleanliness of

the laboratory environment. Different techniques and equipment are available for this purpose.
Detergents and decontamination solutions should be used only in emergency. High purity water
and water iso-propanol mixtures are recommended for wet cleaning of surfaces. Quality of
wipers used should be in accordance with the classification of laboratory environments, i.e.
Class 100 wipers should be used in areas where this level of cleanliness is required. Potential
cleaning materials must be pre-analysed for their inherent content of contaminants. A cleaning
schedule should be established, documented, tracked, and followed strictly.

(e) Introducing equipment and supplies into a clean laboratory environment: special care must be
taken as to (1) the type of materials (e.g. equipment, supplies, and samples) permitted into a
clean laboratory environment, and (2) establishing maximum permissible quantities for
particular elements and nuclides. The means of introducing such materials is equally important.
Vacuuming, wet-wiping, and double bagging techniques are commonly used to avoid
contamination of the laboratory environment.

(f) Practices for interlaboratory transfer: transfer of materials in between laboratories and work of
personnel on different projects in multiple areas should be considered carefully. Bagging and
even double bagging techniques for materials, wearing multiple coveralls, and double gloving
are common techniques.

(g) Tracking and management system: since even extremely small quantities of contaminants will
compromise analyses and can possibly render parts of a facility unusable for certain activities, a
tracking system must be established and implemented. Each item, from the basic disposable
pipette to the spike solution, requires an entry into an appropriate database. The tracking system
must comprise such information on vendors and lot number of a reagent.

(h) Cross-referencing of materials: it is imperative to cross-reference each reagent and solution

prepared from it, as well as samples where certain equipment and reagents used are recorded.
This system is the only means of tracing poor analytical performance and uniquely relating it to
a particular batch of reagents.


Quantitative measurements are always estimates of the value of the measure and involve some
level of uncertainty. Measurement must be made so that the limits of uncertainty can be assigned
within a stated probability. To achieve this, measurements must be made in such a way as to provide
statistical predictability. This can be achieved by a well designed and consistently implemented QA
programme that includes requirements for low and reproducible analytical blanks. QC should be an
integral part of every clean facility.

The main objective of QC is to fit and maintain analytical processes including measurement
process in a desired state of stability and reproducibility. In a clean laboratory environment special
emphasis must be given to the particulate concentration in the air, its qualitative and quantitative
composition, and its time-dependent variability. If trace element analysis is performed for elements
that readily form volatile compounds or with a predominant gaseous phase chemistry additional
measures of control need to be taken. To ensure continuous and adequate operation of the facility, a
QC programme covering the following processes should be maintained: (1) particle counts,
(2) blanking processes, (3) repeat analysis of control (blind) samples, and (4) establishing and
maintaining control charts for all QC measurements.

6.1. Particle counts

Airborne particulate matter contributes to contamination of samples and blanks at undesirably

high levels in ultra trace element analysis. The main purpose of using expensive filtration systems in
clean laboratory environments is to control and maintain low particle concentrations in the ambient
air. ISO 14644-1 protocol provides a detailed account of classification of air cleanliness and statistical
measures associated with it. Particle counts can be performed readily and accurately with modern,
multi channel laser particle counters. Many of them have built-in software that performs all necessary
calculations. Laser based particle counters are very sensitive instruments and a particle counter built
for measurements in a Class 100 environment cannot be used in “dirty” areas.

6.2. Blanking

Measuring the number of particles per unit volume of air does not necessarily correlate with the
elemental or nuclide concentrations in the ambient air. For example, a 1Pm particle of uranium oxide
contains approximately 1010 atoms of uranium. Inadvertent contamination of a sample with just one
such particle can adversely affect the trace and ultra trace analysis of uranium, e.g. pre-concentration

To account for such unwanted particles of specific composition, whatever may be the
probability of finding such particles, environmental blanks, sometimes referred to as room blanks,
need to be prepared. This can be done by exposing an acidified solution of isotopically altered spike,
and measuring by means of isotope dilution analysis.

(a) Blanking of crucial equipment and reagents for leachable and inherent contamination that is
used in the analysis need to be performed for each new batch (identified by “lot number” of a
particular vendor).

(b) Processing blanks finally need to be run simultaneously with unknowns to account for the
overall analytical uncertainty of a particular batch process. Processing blanks play an important
role in trace and ultra trace elemental analysis as it is this “blank” value that will ultimately be
subtracted from the unknown as “background”. Keeping processing blanks as low as possible
and as reproducible as possible is imperative and a fundamental objective of all blanking

(c) Trackability is a crucial concept of good laboratory practices (GLP) in ultra trace elemental
analysis. Trackability requires identification of each piece of equipment and relating it to a
particular batch that has been received from a vendor and keeping records of such. The same
concept applies to solutions and reagents.

6.3. Control samples

An additional measure to check on the overall analytical performance (accuracy, precision, and
repeatability) of a laboratory involves control samples. A control sample must have a high degree of
similarity to the actual samples analysed. Control samples must be sufficiently homogeneous and
stable so that individual aliquots measured at different times will have less variability than that of the
measurement process. If the value of the measured property is known with sufficient accuracy, both
precision of measurements and systematic errors in the measurement can be estimated. Control
samples can be well characterized standard reference materials (SRM), but often less characterized
(facility internal) materials that have been cross-checked with SRMs might suffice.

6.4. Control charts

Control charts are basic tools for QA. They provide graphical means to demonstrate statistical
control, diagnose measurement problems, document measurement uncertainty, and generally aid in
methodology development. They are also often used to monitor and document critical aspects of
samples and sampling operations [4].


The requirements of a clean lab may vary from one technique to the other. They also depend on
a specific element or radionuclide and its levels being measured, as well as on the location of the lab
where measurements are made.

7.1. Radionuclide measurement

Radioisotopes are characterized by measuring energies and intensities of radiations emitted by

them, e.g. D, E and J, and the half-lives. As the phenomenon of radioactivity is independent of
physical and chemical state, radiation measurement is not hindered by the presence of non-radioactive
contaminants, particularly J ray measurements. This is true where the concentrations are above the
trace levels. However, in the sub-trace concentration region, radiation measurements become difficult
and often not so reliable. In this concentration domain, to ensure reliability, samples must be prepared
in clean environment to avoid extraneous contamination. As long as the measurements are passive,
clean room requirements are not demanding. A clean bench or a clean fume hood (Sections 3.1–3.3)
would meet the requirements. When measuring alpha emitters in the sub-trace level using solid state
nuclear track detectors, it has to be ensured that the sample is not contaminated with other alpha
emitters. This is true particularly for measuring environmental samples. In the case of measurement of
long lived radionuclides in the environment using techniques like ICP-MS and SIMS, sample

preparation and introduction should be carried out in the clean environment (see Section 8.3).
Similarly measurements of trace quantities of different elements using PNAA techniques need
moderate clean environments.

7.2. Neutron activation analysis

NAA techniques can be broadly classified under two categories depending on whether chemical
separations are employed. If an element can be determined without the need for physical destruction of
the sample by chemical treatments, the process is called non-destructive NAA or instrumental NAA
(INAA). If chemical separations are employed in conjunction with NAA, the process is referred to as
destructive NAA. This type of NAA can be further classified into two categories. If irradiation is
followed by a chemical separation the technique is known as radiochemical NAA (RNAA). If, on the
other hand, the element is chemically separated prior to irradiation, the technique can be further sub-
classified into pre-concentration NAA (PNAA or CNAA) and derivative NAA (DNAA). In DNAA, the
element of interest that has a poor sensitivity for NAA is either replaced or complexed with another
element that can be determined by NAA with higher sensitivity. All other pre-irradiation chemical
separations are included in PNAA.

The advantages of RNAA over other forms of NAA and other analytical techniques include
freedom from reagent blanks, improvement of detection limits, precision and accuracy, and no
requirement of a clean room. In RNAA, however, competing nuclear reactions cannot be eliminated,
large volumes of sample cannot be easily irradiated in most of the reactor facilities, and short-lived
nuclides cannot be conveniently measured. RNAA methods are generally time consuming and there
exists a potential for radiation hazards. Alternatively PNAA methods are employed. There are several
advantages of using PNAA [1,5,6,7]. It is important to keep the reagent blanks should be kept to a
minimum when pre-concentration methods are employed. It is necessary to select ultra pure reagents
and non-contaminating apparatus and to maintain an ultra clean environment for obtaining reliable
results. With the increasing availability of highly pure reagents and clean rooms, pre-concentration of
trace elements is becoming popular among analytical chemists.

A clean facility is absolutely essential for obtaining reliable values for elements like Al. Al is
ubiquitous and has a crustal abundance of 7.83%. The main source of Al in air is soil re-entrainment.
High levels of Al are found in air in countries with dry terrain (e.g. African countries), with bauxite
deposits (e.g. Jamaica), and with aluminum industries. Long range transport Al has been reported.
Some researchers observed an increase in Al levels in indoor air from air-conditioners. It is also
present in chemical reagents.

Class 10000 clean lab can give reliable values for elements such as the rare earth elements
(REE). High concentrations of REE in air are not that common except at locations or countries with
bauxite deposits (e.g. Jamaica) and monazite sands (e.g. India and Thailand). They are present in
cosmetics. They are not commonly found in chemical reagents. Due to these reasons, a clean facility
is not essential for the determination of REE.

Some elements such as Cd are generally found at very low levels in normal indoor air. These
levels do not usually interfere with their determinations in biological and other materials. Levels of
Cd, for example, can be higher in some chemical reagents and plastic containers. Good laboratory
practices and good methods can do the job.

In conclusion, a clean facility is absolutely essential for reliable measurements of most

elements at ultra trace (ppb or less) levels as well as for low blanks, high accuracy, and high
sensitivity works and when the sample has to be used for other techniques followed by INAA. In some
cases, it may be possible to use less expensive means such as clean benches, boxes, fume hoods,
and/or closed systems for obtaining equally reliable results.

7.3. Mass spectrometric techniques
7.3.1. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) enjoys excellent sensitivities and
promising detection limits in the sub-picogram/mL for many elements. It is recommended that
samples be processed in Class 100 work benches located in a clean room of at least a Class 10,000
type. This will minimize and control the blanks so that the best detection limits of the technique are
realized in practice. The sample introduction port, including the plasma torch of the instrument, can
be arranged to have the class 100 clean air conditions by having a suitable clean air module around.

ICP-MS has proved to be a valuable technique for the determination of long lived radionuclides
like Pu, U, Np, Th, Tc and Ra in environmental samples [8,9]. As there are isobaric interferences, in
the presence of high uranium, these nuclides have to be separated by a suitable chromatographic
method before these could be analysed by ICP-MS [10]. The separation procedures are better done
under class 100 conditions to minimize the blanks with respect to the naturally occurring nuclides like
uranium and thorium. Use of high purity spikes as internal calibration for multi-isotopic elements will
significantly improve accuracy of these elements.

7.3.2. Thermal ionization mass spectrometry

Thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) is a well established and recognized technique
for high precision and accurate measurements of isotope ratios for a wide variety of elements
throughout the Periodic Table [11]. Combined with isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) and
using spikes with isotopic compositions significantly different from the natural ones, this instrumental
technique is also used for elemental assays in a variety of different matrices. As a result of sensitivity,
selectivity, and high precision and accuracy this technique has found widespread use such as in geo-
and cosmochronolgy, nuclear technology, and life sciences. Because many applications of TIMS rely
on measurements of very small changes in the isotope ratio a clean laboratory environment is
mandatory. Most laboratories maintain costly clean work areas or clean rooms. Chemical and physical
sample preparations and instrumental measurements are performed preferably inside of a clean room

TIMS is used routinely in safeguards oriented applications to assay for uranium and plutonium,
and measure the isotopic composition in inspection samples to verify the correctness and
completeness of declared values. However, most of the applications are in the geological sciences
measuring isotope ratios of element pairs, such as the U-Pb couple, for dating purposes.

7.3.3. Secondary ionization mass spectrometry

Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) is widely used for trace element measurements
in solid materials, especially semiconductors and thin films [12]. The SIMS ion source produces ions
directly from solids without prior vaporization by a process called “sputtering”. Accelerator mass
spectrometry (AMS), see Section 8.3.4, also uses this type of ionization process. SIMS primary ion
beam can be focused to less than 1 micrometer in diameter. Microanalysis can be facilitated by
precisely focusing the primary beam onto the sample surface. During SIMS analysis the sample
surface is slowly sputtered away. Continuous analysis while sputtering produces information as a
function of depth.

SIMS can also be used as an ion imaging tool and to measure isotope ratios. Ion images show
secondary ion intensities as a function of location on the sample surface. Isotope ratio measurements
are operational, similar to depth profiling, except that precision and accuracy requirements are higher.
Significantly, in SIMS each individual particle becomes a sample on its own. This makes SIMS
studies vulnerable to contamination with particles chemically and isotopically foreign to the sample.
Sample preparation, sample loading and instrument should be kept in a clean environment, depending
on the application, to preclude contamination.

7.3.4. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)

Accelerator mass spectrometry is the analytical technique of choice for the detection of long
lived radionuclides, which cannot be analysed with conventional radiometric or mass spectrometric
techniques. AMS allows an isotopic sensitivity as low as one part in 1015 and detection limits of 106
atoms for 14C (5.73 ka), 10Be (1.51Ma), 26Al (720 ka), 36Cl (301 ka), 41Ca (104 ka), 129I (15.7 Ma) and
other natural and anthropogenic, long-lived radionuclides. AMS has been recently used in the analysis
of 236U and other actinide nuclides and fission products with important applications in environmental
monitoring for nuclear safeguards and nuclear waste management [13].

The main transport mechanism of AMS radioisotopes in the environment is by particulate

matter, such as aerosols and in the gaseous phases, e.g. CO2. An immediate consequence is that AMS
sample preparation is best performed in a clean environment. Samples in the sub-milligram range and
samples with very low specific activities can be seriously affected by airborne contamination and a
controlled clean laboratory environment is very desirable [14]. Prime examples are analysis of rare
actinide nuclides, such as 236U in microgram samples of uranium oxide, and processing volatile long
lived fission products (e.g. 129I), or products of neutron irradiation (e.g. 36Cl) in the vicinity of nuclear
reactors [15].

Isobaric interferences adversely affect AMS detection limits. Some isobars, e.g. 36S, 10B, or
K, are ubiquitous in the environment and can contaminate the target materials used in the ion source
or may be inherent to ion source materials. As for elemental contamination, isobaric interferences are
introduced into the sample by airborne transport mechanisms. Clean environments are desirable and
mandatory for state of the art analyses. In addition to sample preparation areas, sample loading
environments need to be free of those constituents, a fact that has been often neglected in AMS


Proper maintenance of clean facilities is required to achieve continued satisfactory performance

of the facility. The more complex the system is, more effort is required for maintenance. Table II is a
partial listing of maintenance activities that must be documented and scheduled. The clean room
shares many of these requirements. The complexity of each item will however be greater than for a
clean room. Clearly the maintenance of the components is much less complex for maintaining a clean
room than for a clean laboratory.


It is essential for the analysts to be provided with suitable training in clean room practices in
ultra trace measurements. The training course must consist of lectures by experts in the field to cover
the following topics: (i) Trace and ultra trace measurements, (ii) concept of clean facilities like
laboratories and clean rooms, (iii) materials for clean facilities, (iv) protocols for clean room
practices, (v) QA/QC in ultra trace measurements, (vi) maintenance of clean facility and (vii) man in
the clean environment.

It is also mandatory to provide training to the existing staff on the latest developments
periodically, both in the maintenance and awareness of measurement techniques.

S. No Requirement Clean facility Clean room Clean lab.
1 Maintenance schedule X X X
2 Filter changes X X X
3 Spares inventory X X X
4 Gowning requirements X X X
5 Particle count test X X X
6 System lubrication X X X
7 Shut down protocol X X X
8 Restart protocol X X X
9 Cleaning protocol X X X
10 De-ionized water system X X
11 Chilled water system X
12 Hot water system X
13 Air supply system X X
14 Humidity control X X
15 Airflow control X X
16 Air pressure control X X
17 Sensor calibration X X
18 Primary filter system X X
19 Intermediate filter system X X
20 HEPA filter system X X X
21 Exhaust air system X X
22 Fume Exhaust system X X
23 Drawing controls X X X
24 Change order controls X X
25 Prepare log X X
26 Work order control X X
27 Electrical connection maintenance X X X
28 Required performance tests X X X


(1) A clean facility is essential to meet the analytical challenges of today and tomorrow. Steps must
be taken to establish such facilities for trace element and radionuclide monitoring and research.
(2) Clean facilities are needed more so in countries with dry terrain where the suspended
particulate matter load of air is high due to the re-entrainment of soil particles to atmosphere.
As the clean facilities are rather expensive to build, possible locations may be identified (RCA,
AFRA, and/or ARCAL countries), in establishing and maintaining one or two multi-user,
regional “Class 100” clean facilities to start with.
(3) All measurements do not necessarily require elaborate clean facilities. The alternative systems
such as closed clean sample processing systems, which are neither as expensive and nor as
difficult to maintain, suffice for such purposes.
(4) Maintenance of clean facilities is expensive and needs an appropriate infrastructure, and
sometimes a change in the thought process.
(5) As the attitude of man and awareness about latest developments are essential in maintaining
and using a clean facility, continued education and training activities of laboratory staff to
stimulate further advancement are very important.


[1] HOWARD, A.G., STATHAM, P.J., Inorganic Trace Analysis-Philosophy and Practice,
J. Wiley & Sons (1993).
Preconcentration Methods in Inorganic Trace Analysis, Ellis Harwood Limited (1982).
[3] ZIEF, M., MITCHELL, J.W., Contamination Control in Trace Element Analysis, J. Wiley &
Sons (1976).
[4] TAYLOR, J.K., Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements, CRC Press, Boca Raton
[5] CHATT, A., Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 60 4 (1989).
[6] CHATT, A., IANCAS Bulletin (1999).
[7] CHATT, A., Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 81 (1999).
[8] ALVARADO, J.S., ERICKSON, M.D., Determination of long-lived radioisotopes using
electrothermal vaporization — Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, J. Anal. Atom.
Spectr. 11 (1996) 923–928.
[9] BECKER, J.S., DIETZE, H.J., MCLEAN, J.A., MONTASER, A., Ultra trace and isotope
analysis of long-lived radionuclides by inductively coupled quadrupole mass spectrometry
using a direct injection high efficiency nebuliser, Anal. Chem. 71 N15 (1999).
[10] YASUYUKI, M., UCHIDA, S., TAGAMI, K., SATOSHI, Y., TAKASHI, F., Determination of
plutonium concentration and its isotopic ratio in environmental materials by ICP-MS after
separation using ion exchange and extraction chromatography, J. Anal. Atom. Spectr. 14 (1999)
[11] PLATZNER, I.T., Modern Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Wiley, New York (1997).
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS VIII, Wiley, New York (1992).
[13] TUNIZ, C., BIRD, J.R., FINK, D., HERZOG, G.F., Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Ultra
Sensitive Analysis for Global Science, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1998).
[14] VOGT, S., WANG, M.S., LI, R., LIPSCHUTZ, M., Chemistry operations at Purdue’s
accelerator mass spectrometry facility, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B92 153 (1994).
[15] BIRD, J.R., et al., Problems of contamination in 36Cl studies, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B52 348


Materials Chemistry Division,
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, India


Clean laboratory environment is a prerequisite for all kinds of analytical tasks, particularly if trace or
ultra-trace concentrations in natural matrix materials are targeted. A pragmatic approach to install a clean-room
facility is described, and advice is given on how to circumvent potential sources of element contamination in
laboratory air. Following such advice it should be possible to operate an ICP-MS for U, Th and trace element
analysis in biological tissues and fluids.


The need for accurate measurements of trace element concentrations has been felt long back by
the semiconductor industry. But of late the importance of several essential and toxic trace elements in
our health has been recognized so much so that biological trace element research has evolved as a
major field of research [1]. Trace measurements are thus required in a wide range of disciplines, from
medical diagnosis through nuclear science and the semiconductor industry, to the environment. Our
understanding of the chemical composition of the environment has changed radically with the
development of new sensitive analytical techniques and appropriate methodologies. For example, over
the past two decades, concentrations of many trace constituents in the deep ocean have appeared to
drop by orders of magnitude. Needless to say this has little to do with a real drop in concentration, but
reflects improvements in sample handling and analytical techniques. Graphite furnace AAS, NAA and
the more recent TXRF and ICP-MS are some of the techniques which have capabilities of ultra trace
detection. Isotope dilution mass spectrometric (IDMS) techniques guarantee very high accuracy.

As ours is a nuclear research centre, the job of our section is mainly to cater to the chemical
characterization including the trace analysis of reactor materials like uranium, plutonium; sodium
used as a coolant in our fast reactor; stainless steels and other structural materials; and water and
organic solvents used in fuel reprocessing research. Accordingly we had developed new sensitive
analytical methods for the trace metal characterization of sodium and uranium [2]. A novel on-line
solvent extraction method has been developed for the analysis of uranium with levels of detection in
the ppb regime [3]. Similarly a novel laser vaporization technique has been demonstrated for the
introduction of very small sample volumes in ICP-MS [4]. In addition we also cater to the analytical
needs of research on superconductors and sensors. In collaboration with the Geological Survey of
India we have developed and standardized a nickel sulphide fire assay method for the determination
of platinum group elements in geological minerals and ores [5]. In addition we have some interests in
biological and environmental trace elements research [6–9]. We have developed the necessary
analytical methods for the determination of several trace metals in blood plasma and red blood cells
and generated the reference values for these trace elements in the blood of the Kalpakkam population
and got some interesting correlation between trace metal profile and coronary risk index [6–8].

It has been our experience that if the analytes are present at parts per million levels, the
measurements do not pose any serious problems and are handled routinely taking some simple
precautions to avoid contamination. The determinations at lower concentrations viz. parts per billion
and below are termed ultra trace analysis. In ultra trace analysis the effects of contamination from
laboratory air or furnishings, apparatus, containers, reagents and even humans have become
increasingly important, as the high sensitivity of several instrumental methods has lowered the
detection limits to the nano, pico and even femto gram regime. So, development of clean sampling,

handling and analytical procedures, which in themselves can involve a substantial investment of time
and resources, has become a necessary step towards obtaining accurate analytical measurements. The
importance of controlling the analytical blank with the help of a clean room to produce a particulate
poor environment has been discussed by several researchers [10–12]. Such particulate contamination
may be controlled by the high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. The design of a clean
laboratory making use of HEPA filters, as used at NIST, has been discussed by Moody [13]. We
based the design of our clean room based on the available information in the literature. Especially we
took very good care to avoid any metallic components in our clean room. Wherever it is unavoidable,
these parts have been covered with a lining of HDPE or painted with a good coat of epoxy painting.


It is now known that the environmentally induced blanks originate largely from the particulate
matter in the laboratory air. Both the elemental composition and numbers of particles may be
expected to vary with the location. The particulate counts above 0.5 Pm in the atmosphere could
range generally from 106–107 counts per cubic foot. The Federal Standard 209D defines a number of
air qualities, with the class 100 standard being widely adopted for clean rooms. Although the
requirement is frequently stated as a measurement of no more than 100 particles per cubic foot, which
are 0.5Pm or larger, it is actually a bit more complicated. The important analytical consideration is the
total mass of particles, regardless of their size or number. As can be seen from Table I, the standard is
considerably stricter on larger particles. Fortunately, the efficiency of HEPA filters is at a minimum at
0.3 Pm rather than between 1–10 Pm where the particles that contribute most to the analytical blanks
are found. Hence air filtration with HEPA effectively controls the particle counts and air borne
contamination. HEPA filters are composed of thin porous sheets of ultrafine glass fibres. The sheets
are pleated with aluminium or plastic separators. The analyst must select the filters with plastic
separators or the separatorless variety that are available nowadays. As the aluminum has been found
to corrode and contribute to large blanks, it must be avoided. Both the prefilters and the HEPA filters
should be housed in wooden or some non-metallic frames.


Particle size (Pm)

Class 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 5.0
1 35 7.5 3 1 0
10 350 75 30 10 0
100 na 750 300 100 0
1000 na na na 1000 7
10000 na na na 10000 70
100000 na na na 100000 7000
x The numbers shown are the maximum number of particles greater than the specified size (in Pm) permissible
per cubic foot (0.028 m³) of air. Note that the numbers of particles shown do not make any assumptions about
the actual size distributions of particles to be found in particular situations [10].
x na — not applicable.


Two types of airflow systems have been designed to remove particulate matter. The first is the
conventional clean room that contains several HEPA filters spaced at intervals at the ceiling. The air
is removed by return air grills located at the side walls at floor level. Because of the turbulent flow
conditions prevailing within such a facility, an airborne particle can pass a critical work area several

times before leaving the work environment. These rooms generally meet the Federal Standard
Classes 10,000–100,000.

The second type is the laminar flow clean room making use of laminar patterns of
unidirectional flow. Laminar air moves in one pass from a bank of HEPA filters to the work area and
exits from the clean room without any turbulence. When one wall of a room provided laminar flow,
Class 100 conditions are maintained in the area close to the HEPA filters. When a HEPA filter bank is
mounted in the ceiling with suitable perforations in the floor for the return air, then the entire room
can be maintained at a more uniform level of cleanliness that could be close to Class 100.


Since maintaining a high class of air cleanliness in a large environment is quite expensive, one
can have task-specific air cleanliness: a clean workbench in a clean room, where the air cleanliness at
the bench or work station is one or two orders of magnitude higher than the surrounding environment.
We have adopted this approach in our design of the clean room. We have installed four numbers of
class 100 vertical laminar flow chemical workstations in a compact clean room of Class 10,000.

FIG. 1. Clean room facility.

The air supply line and exhaust are separate for the workstations and the room. For the room, it
is purified and cooled air that is recirculated with 10% of fresh air added each time. For the
workstations, the air is separately supplied through prefilters and HEPA filters and exhausted by
separate blowers continuously. So it is a once through system without any recirculation to facilitate
rapid exhaust of the acid fumes in the chemical workstations. Also it is uncooled air that is supplied in
three of the workstations to minimize the cost. This is adequate, as the operations will involve
sampleroom, where the air cleanliness at the bench or work station is one or two orders of magnitude
higher than the surrounding environment. We have adopted this approach in our design of the clean
room. We have installed four numbers of class 100 vertical laminar flow chemical workstations in a
compact clean room of class 10,000. The air supply line and exhaust are separate for the workstations
and the room. For the room, it is purified and cooled air that is recirculated with 10% of fresh air
added each time. For the workstations, the air is separately supplied through prefilters and HEPA
filters and exhausted by separate blowers continuously. So it is a once through system without any
recirculation to facilitate rapid exhaust of the acid fumes in the chemical workstations. Also it is
uncooled air that is supplied in three of the workstations to minimize the cost. This is adequate, as the
operations will involve sample dissolution with acids and other pre concentration steps. Cooled air
provision (once through) has been given in one of the workstations to carry out any solvent extraction
with volatile solvents. So in the workstations where the samples are to be processed, Class 100
cleanliness will always be maintained.
We have taken all precautions to see that the materials used in the construction of the room and
the work stations are essentially metal free, as the metallic parts will start corroding fast with the use
of acids and these particles would pose a far more serious problem than the air particulates. The
workstations are made of wood with melamine laminations. The HEPA (patented Gradvel) [14]
separatorless Minipleat variety prefilter both mounted in non-metallic frame. The motor is epoxy
painted and the blower is in polypropylene housing with polypropylene impeller. It has polypropylene
perforated table, lights covered and held in non-metallic sockets. The water taps and sinks provided
are also made of polypropylene. The bolts and nuts are made of HDPE and wherever metallic bolts
are required they were coated with epoxy paint. The door is made of wood and the door handle of
plastic. The false ceiling is made of wood and the entire room is painted with antifungal epoxy paint.
The sharp corners have been made into smooth curves (coving) so that continuous smooth clean
airflow is facilitated and segregation of dust in these corners is avoided. The main blower supplying
air to the room and the split air conditioners are located at a distance of about 20 feet in a separate
building to avoid both the vibrations and the noise. The main blower is epoxy painted and the casing
is made of FRP. The ducting to the clean room is made of HDPE, suitably insulated. So all possible
precautions have been taken to prevent generation of metallic particles from the materials of
construction of the room. As horizontal laminar flow could produce cross contamination problems,
vertical laminar flow is preferred in the workstations where acid digestion of samples is planned. The
sample solutions thus prepared will be transported in an airtight Teflon box to the instrument lab.
Sample introduction into the instrument will be carried out under class 100 conditions. A compact
Class 100 workbench has been designed to house the sample introduction port of the ICP-MS and
graphite furnace AAS the two principal techniques, which would be used for ultra trace analysis.
The air pattern in the laminar flow hood or in the laboratory can be conveniently examined by
placing some liquid nitrogen in a polythene beaker and observing the “smoke” flow at any location in
the laboratory. Commercial “smoke sticks” based on titanium tetrachloride contaminate the laboratory
with titanium and HCl and hence to be avoided. Drawing the beaker of liquid nitrogen along the face
of the HEPA filter will immediately show the airflow during actual working conditions. This practice
also will help to find out the extent to which bulky equipment in the hood causes turbulence. The
position of the equipment could be adjusted to have a minimum of turbulence. The liquid nitrogen
should be placed frequently at the bottom of the laboratory entrance door to verify that the clean room
is indeed under a slight positive pressure.
Vertical flow units require a sliding polycarbonate front panel to keep it virtually closed when
fuming operations are on. If the exhaust of the hood is too powerful then some room air will be

sucked in. Smoke patterns with liquid nitrogen define the exhaust capability needed to remove the
toxic fumes. A simple test is to fasten a strip of plastic with cellophane tape to the front of the clean
hood. If the strip is drawn into the hood, then the airflow is not balanced. The exhaust louver must
then be positioned so that the plastic strip is forced gently toward the open laboratory. The shutter is
to be opened only for intermittent operations and to be quickly closed to minimize ingress of fumes in
the room. If the fumes are known to be quite toxic then it is advisable to wait till the complete fuming
is over before the hood is opened or the fume hood could be kept at a slight negative pressure to
ensure operator's safety.
The vertical flow also directs the chemical fumes downward that is on to the surface of the hot
plate. Hence the traditional metallic hot plates cannot be used. Hot plates with ceramic tops should
be used. Even the metallic body of the hotplate should be painted with epoxy paint and covered with
Perspex sheets. This is very important as the hot plate will be continuously showered with hot
corrosive acid fumes and with time, will be generating lot of metallic particles and giving rise to
severe contamination problems.

In a turbulence study [11] with titanium tetrachloride smoke tests in vertical flow velocities
ranging from 3.05 to 19.8 m/min, no smoke particles were detected 0.6 m upstream at velocities of 6.1
to 19.8 m/min. At 3.05 m/min counts averaged 18–25 × 106 smoke particles per cubic foot of air. 4.6
m/min appear to be a marginally slow flow rate, which dramatically removed air borne bacteria from
an operating table during surgical procedures. Speeds below 4 m/min lower the efficiency of the
HEPA filter. Fewer particles impinge on the filter medium; more particles can find their way through
the maze of the filter. In addition air currents from the general laboratory area encounter less
resistance in gaining entry into the hood. Generally in the laminar flow installations, an airflow of 20
m/min is maintained. Speeds higher than 30.5 m/min tend to produce electrostatic charges on
polythene and Teflon containers[11]. The air flow has been kept at 20 m/min and the number of air
changes per hour has been kept at forty per hour in our clean room.


The air quality in the room and in the workbench should be periodically checked with particle
counters which work on light scattering principle. The general clean room area is class 10,000 and the
workbench is of class 100. Monitoring of the air in our room shows about 2000 counts/cft and in the
work bench 20 counts/cft. These levels can be maintained by daily maintenance of floors with a
vacuum cleaner or by wet mopping with pure water with a sponge mop. By way of maintenance,
periodic replacement of HEPA and prefilters is essential, and the need for replacement can usually be
determined by the pressure drop across the filter as it becomes progressively blocked by particles. If
this operation involves the replacement being carried out within the clean area, then the facility will
need careful cleaning of surfaces, and key equipments if any, before any sample processing is taken


In between two operations, it is a good practice to clean the floor of the workstation thoroughly
to avoid cross contamination. Once the particles are deposited at a surface, they are strongly held by
gravitational and Van-der-Waals forces and if the particles are moist the surface tension forces also
aid to keep the particles on to the surface [11]. To release the particles back into atmosphere, the
adhesion forces operating on it must be overcome by the air flow. When air flows over a surface,
there is a static layer of air at the surface which is termed the boundary layer, the thickness of which
depends primarily on the air velocity. In clean rooms or unidirectional flow hoods, the boundary layer
of static air at a surface is typically several millimeters thick at normal air velocities; thus as the small
particles do not extend out to this layer, they cannot be remobilized into the atmosphere by this flow.
Hence they are not readily removed by the ambient airflows in a clean hood or clean room.

Hence appropriate surface cleaning methods are important. Libermann [11] has investigated
different cleaning methods, which included sophisticated high pressure washing, ultrasonic agitation,
and use of hydrophobic solvents such as Freon, the most effective method for removing particles was
the simple procedure of wiping with a lens tissue using ethanol. In many cases high purity water can
also be an effective wash agent. Wiping with ethanol periodically also helps in eliminating the static
electricity that tends to build over the plastic surfaces.


Human tissues and secretions are likely to come inadvertently into contact with the sample.
Problems, which arise from this source range from the deposition of finger lipids to the introduction
of dandruff. Cosmetics can be a significant source of contamination, because of metal oxides and
other materials that are added for colour and texture. Coughing and sneezing can produce a large
number of particles (about 6 × 105 of 0.5µm dia.). The human skin continuously sheds dead cells and
cell fragments typically 20–40µm in dia. and 2–4µm in width. The number of particles emitted by
individuals rapidly increases with increasing activity. Thus, an individual in normal clothing sitting or
standing motionless can generate on the order of 105 particles (>0.3µm) per minute, where as a person
working normally can generate about 107 particles [10]. Hence, the analysts should cover their body
with special garments.


Cosmetic Particles 05 Pm or larger Per Elements present
Lipstick 1.1 × 109 Bi
Blusher 6.0 × 10 Mg, Si, Fe, Ti
Powder 2.7 × 10 Si, Mg
Eye shadow 8.2 × 10 Bi, Si, Mg
Mascara 3.0 × 10 Fe

A pro-active attitude of the analysts who work in the clean environment is essential. There
should be a continual awareness of problems, which may be developing, e.g. corrosion of a
component or a build up-of unused materials and equipment in the laboratory, which may lead to
subsequent contamination problems. It is much better to deal with them at an early stage than to find
high and variable blanks later, which invalidate a series of analyses that have involved time and
resources to undertake. Appropriate training must be imparted to the analysts on contamination
control measures.


The entry of both men and materials in the clean room should be carefully controlled. Only the
things absolutely essential should be taken in. The bottles and other apparatus should be wiped clean
using a lint free tissue with suitable solvent to minimize particulate loading in the room. A compact
vacuum cleaner should be kept in the airlock room for cleaning the pieces of equipment before they
are taken inside the clean room. To minimize particulate contamination from humans, the analysts
working in clean rooms should wear special laboratory coats, head masks and gloves. These garments
should be:
(1) made from materials that do not shed fibers
(2) made without any metallic components (buttons, zips) that can corrode and contaminate
(3) able to retain particles
(4) comfortable to wear, and if possible resistant to acids and reagents.

Materials used for clean room garments include polyester fabrics, spun bonded nylons and
polypropylene composites [10]. Thin clear disposable polythene gloves are recommended for use in
the clean room. These can be generally used fresh off the pack and comfort can be improved by
wearing glove liners made of non-particle generating fabric.

Footwear can transport significant amounts of debris into a clean environment. This is generally
controlled effectively by adopting the following practice: the analysts should remove their shoes
outside the clean room and enter the anti-room through a tacky mat, which effectively removes the
footprint. Special footwear with shoe covers is kept in the garment cubicle in the anti room, which
serves as an air lock between the outside area and the clean room. The analysts should wear these
special garments, shoe covers and gloves before entering the clean room. This anti room also is
Class 10,000 and is at a positive pressure (0.25 inch water) as compared to outside atmosphere, and
the clean room itself will be at a positive pressure as compared to this anti room. The garment cubicle
is provided with UV illumination to kill all bacteria.

There are many other sources of contamination in an apparently clean trace analysis laboratory.
The injudicious use of some paper products can cause significant contamination. One must especially
guard against the practice of wiping the sample or the spillages with tissue papers. It is advisable to
use a damp clean lint free cloth for wiping the spillages. There is a range of other materials commonly
used in the laboratory that contain significant amounts of potential contaminants (see Table III).


Material Zn Fe Sb Others
Paper tissues 49 1 Cr 0.5
White plastic tape 3000 67
Adhesive tape 1.5 5
PVC tubing 7 270 2.5 Cu 0.6
Rubber tubing 40000 0.36 Cr 420, Co 7.5
Co 3.1, Sc 3.1

NOTE: Concentration in Pg/g except for Fe, which is given in mg/g [16].


The pipettes and burettes made of borosilicate glass, which find extensive use in conventional
laboratories, are not suitable for use in trace analysis. The major chemical constituents of glass are
given in Table 4. Glass has been found to release trace elements (Na, Al, B) especially at both
extremes of pH. High pH results in the dissolution of the glass surface itself, whereas low pH favors
metal dissolution and desorption from the glass surface. In addition the clean glass surface is highly
reactive, primarily because of the presence of the highly reactive Si–OH groups. These groups are
acidic in nature and are an effective ion exchange material. Cationic analytes are therefore effectively
scavenged from solution onto the glass surface [10].

GlassSiOH + M+ -Æ GlassSiOM +H+

A much better but more expensive option is vitreous silica prepared from the vapour phase
hydrolysis of silicon tetrachloride or tetrafluride. Vitreous silica ware could be satisfactorily cleaned
with acids. It could also be used at elevated temperatures if necessary. The trace metal contents of
different kinds of silica are given in the Table IV.

Typical concentration (wt %)
Type SiO2 Al2O3 ZrO2 Na2O K2O Li2O B2O3 CaO MgO
Soda A 73 1 17 0.5 5 4
Soda B 74 2 13 0.5 3 11 0.5
Borosilicate A 81 2 4 0.5 13
Borosilicate B 73 6 7 0.5 10 1 2
Alkali-resistant 71 1 15 11 0.5 1
High silica 96 0.5
Vitreous silica 100


Element Transparent from quartz Transparent from SiX4 Translucent from silica
Al 74 <0.25 500
B 4 0.1 9
Ca 16 <0.1 200
Cr 0.1 0.03 nd
Cu 1 <1 nd
Fe 7 <0.2 77
K 6 0.1 37
Li 7 nd 3
Mg 4 nd 150
Na 9 <0.1 60
P 0.01 <0.001 nd
Ti 3 nd 120
nd = not detected.


A wide variety of plastics has now been used in the construction of laboratory apparatus and
careful selection of materials for trace analysis applications is necessary if apparatus is not to interfere
in the procedure. The following factors to be considered for assessing the suitability for trace analysis:
adsorption properties of polymers for the analytes and contamination arising from residual catalysts
and additives used in manufacture. Other considerations could be more of a physical nature such as
whether the containers can be dried at elevated temperatures. The trace element content of some
plastics is summarized in Table VI.

Another important factor in the choice of polymer is its permeability (Table VII). For most
applications, a low permeability is desirable. Permeability is derived from the migration of molecules
through microscopic voids between the polymer chains. The absorption of material by polymers is in
part due to its migration through the polymer structure. Discolouration of a plastic container is often

associated with the migration of material into the polymer matrix, and the removal of such material is
quite difficult. The movement of materials out of the container by permeation takes two main forms.
The long term storage of solutions in unsuitable containers is known to result in loss of water through
permeation. The resulting change in the concentration of the analyte may go unnoticed unless
precaution is taken to weigh the sample before storage. The second complication may arise with
analytes, which are in equilibrium with some volatile species such as ammonium and sulphide salts.
Although only a small proportion of ammonia or hydrogen sulphide may leak out of the container
wall, there will be re-establishment of the equilibrium generating further gas to permeate out of the
container [10].

Based on the above considerations, vitreous silica and PTFE seem to fit for ultra trace analysis.
HDPE could be used at room temperatures.


The fresh silica or plastic ware should be thoroughly cleaned as follows: degreased by cleaning
with a non ionic detergent like Triton X-100, followed by 8 hours soaking in 1:1 nitric acid and 1:1
hydrochloric acid. Final washing and soaking in high purity water should last for eight hours before
they are taken for use.


As a general practice, every effort should be made to carry out the analysis as soon as possible
after obtaining the sample or preparing a solution of it for analysis. But many a time it may not be
possible to avoid storage completely. Two factors that are of concern to a trace analyst are the
following: (1) there should not be any contamination from the container, (2) there should not be any
analyte loss by adsorption to the container walls. Both of these factors are taken care to a large degree
if vitreous silica ware or PTFE containers are used at the low acidic pH.


Na 1300 15000 4800 2200 2700 20000 160 400 600
Al 500 30000 55000 500 3000 230 200
Cl 7000 30000 180000 50000 major 800 10
K >5000 >600 90000 1100
Ca 800000
Ti 5000 60000 1000
Mn 10 20 20 60
Co 40 6
Zn 520000
Br >20 800 >5 >1 29000 >6 >2 240
Sn 2.4×10
Sb 5 200 600
La 0.3 0.6 1
W 700
Au 0.1 0.04 0.03 0.4 0.4

FEP: Fluorinated ethylene propylene; HDPE: High density polyethylene; LDPE: Low density polyethylene; PC:
Poly carbonate; PP: Polypropylene; PS: Polystyrene; PVC: Poly vinyl chloride; PTFE: Poly tetra fluro ethylene;
ETFE: Ethylene-tetrafluroethylene.

Element Teflon FEP HDPE LDPE PC
Pb 2 2 0.7 0.3
Ti d d 1 d
Ba 4 d 2 0.3
Te 0.6 0.2 d 0.3
Sn 1 1 d 0.2
Cd 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3
Ag d 0.2 nd nd
Sr 0.2 1 0.2 d
Se 0.2 0.4 3 0.5
Zn 4 8 2 0.8
Cu 2 0.4 2 0.8
Ni 2 1.6 0.5 0.7
Fe 20 3 3 3
Cr 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.3
Ca 80 0.6 10 3
K 2 2 2 2
Mg 8 0.6 10 3
Al 6 1 1 5
Na 6 10 8 3
TOTAL 148 50 38 23
ƒFEP: Fluorinated ethylene propylene; HDPE: High density polyethylene; LDPE: Low density polyethylene;
PC: Poly carbonate
ƒConcentrations in ng per square centimetre of surface. Leaching experiments were carried out at room
temperature except for the Teflon bottles, which were leached at 80°C nd = not detected [10]


Polymer N2 O2 CO2 Water
FEP 21.5 59 17 500
PTFE 0.09–1.3 0.25–5.4 0.48–12.5 3–360
PP 4.4 23 92 700
LDPE 20 59 280 2100
HDPE 3.3 11 43 120
PVC 0.4–1.7 1.2–6 10.2–37 2600–6300
PC 3 20 85 7000
Silicone rubber 1000–6000 6000–30000 106000
Polyamide 0.1–0.7 0.38 1.6 700–17000
ƒUnits; cm3(STP)/cm2/mm/sec/(cmHg) × 1010 [10].
ƒFEP: Fluorinated ethylene propylene; PTFE: Poly tetra fluro ethylene; PP:Polypropylene; LDPE: Low density
polyethylene; HDPE: High density polyethylene; PVC :Poly vinyl chloride; PC: Poly carbonate.


The standard solutions for ultra trace multielement techniques such as ICP-MS should be
prepared from spec pure metals or salts of high purity six nines or five nines. The concentrated stock
solution standards of concentration 1g/L for multi elements can be kept in polythene (HDPE)
containers at 1N nitric or suitable acid medium. Under these conditions these standards have been
found to be stable for about 3 months. The working standards in the ppb-ppt levels should be prepared
freshly each time by suitable dilution of the stock standard just before the analysis. These are best
prepared in small volumes of 5–10 ml in clean polypropylene vials with screw cap. Micro pipettes
(Finn pipettes or equivalent) with disposable polypropylene tips are used for making these dilutions.
Of course the vials and other apparatus used should be thoroughly cleaned by soaking them for eight
hours in 1:1 nitric acid, 1:1 hydrochloric acid , followed by cleaning and soaking in high purity water
(18 M:cm resistivity) for eight hours. These vials are tested for blanks by ICP-MS before they are
used for the preparation of working standards. The high purity water is prepared by purifying the
distilled water further through the Millipore water purification system based on ion exchange. The
acids are purified by sub boiling distillation in a vitreous silica apparatus. Right now the levels of
trace metals in the acid are found to be in the sub-nanogram/ml levels for the different elements and
our process blanks for e.g. in blood analysis has been found to be in the range 3–18 ng/ml for the
various analytes, the maximum being for zinc and copper. . These purification facilities are now being
installed in the class 100 workstations in the clean room. With this arrangement, our reagent blanks
from acids and our process blanks in our experiments are expected to go down by two or three orders
of magnitude to improve our ultra trace analysis in future.


ICP-MS has proved to be a valuable technique for the determination of long lived radionuclides
like Pu, U, Np, Th, Tc and Ra in environmental samples. Excellent detection limits in the femto gram
regime have been reported in the literature [18,19]. As there are isobaric interferences, in the presence
of high uranium these nuclides have to be separated by a suitable chromatographic method before
these could be analysed by ICP-MS. Two types of chromatographic resins, Dowex IX8 and TEVA,
have been examined for separating plutonium from environmental matrix elements. Sufficient
decontamination factors 104–105 have been obtained for many of the matrix elements including
uranium, which interferes with Pu estimation in ICP-MS. The detection limit for Pu was found to be
0.1 pg/g for the sediment samples. Many certified reference materials from the IAEA have been
analysed [20]. Similarly, use of high efficiency nebulizers such as direct injection nebulizer (DIHEN)
has found to yield excellent detections limits in the pg/L levels for the actinides [21]. Clean room
practices are essential for controlling the blanks with respect to the naturally occurring nuclides like U
and Th especially so in a radiochemistry laboratory like ours where U, Th are handled routinely. The
sample handling involving dissolution and pre-concentration/separation are to be done in a clean
room. Because of the highly toxic nature of these elements, even though at environmental levels, it is
essential to observe special precautions while carrying out the pre-concentration stage. After pre-
concentration, if the concentration levels of these nuclides demand safe handling, all the precautions
associated with handling radioactive substances are to be followed. The chemical workstations shall
have good exhaust and preferably under slight negative pressure as compared to the clean room. Most
of the operations are to be carried out with the front panels closed. Once prepared, the sample
solutions can be sealed in an airtight Teflon container and transported to the instrument laboratory.
The instrument should also be adapted for the glove box operation if necessary. Details of glove box
adaptation of ICP-MS have been reported in the literature [22,23]. We too plan to house the plasma
torch and the sliding interface of our ICP-MS in a glove box to facilitate handling radioactive
samples. This not only will serve as a safe barrier for the operator to handle radioactivity, it will also
serve as a clean Class 100 enclosure (by equipping with HEPA for air filtration) around the plasma
torch and the sample introduction port of ICP-MS that are exposed to the atmosphere. The sample
solutions prepared in the clean room can be satisfactorily analysed both for radionuclides and other
heavy metals. But the latest commercial ICP-MS instruments claim very high sensitivities with

specially equipped interfaces and nebulizers. Probably some of the nuclides present at environmental
levels could be directly measured without any pre-concentration. In that case there is no need for any
glove box. It is sufficient if we have class 100 clean air modules around the ICP torch and the sample
introduction port of the ICP-MS.


We intend to use the clean room for our future work involving study of long lived radionuclides
and toxic element speciation in the environmental samples. Use of Certified Reference Materials or
independent alternate techniques are essential for validating the analytical measurements. With the
commissioning of the KAMINI (Kalpakkam Mini reactor) reactor at Kalpakkam, the technique of
neutron activation analysis also could be used in future in addition to ICP-MS and GFAAS. The
extent to which the clean room practices are needed will ultimately depend upon the elements of
interest and the level and reproducibility of the blanks. In all cases, if the precautions are to operate
effectively, there must be continual awareness of the potential problems by the operating analyst, and
regular and effective protocols must be maintained. Future trends in ultra trace analysis probably will
involve the increasing isolation of the analyst from the analytical operations through the use of robots
in controlled closed environments.

[1] VENKATESH IYENGAR, G., "Elemental Analysis of Biological Systems — Vol. I,
Biomedical, Environmental, Compositional and Methodological Aspects of Trace Elements",
CRC Press, Florida (1989).
Application of ICP-MS for the trace metal characterization of nuclear materials, S. Atomic
Spect., 13 (1992) 61 pp.
Determination of trace metals in uranium oxide by ICP-MS coupled with on-line solvent
K.S., MATHEWS, C.K., Laser Vaporization ICP-MS - A technique for the analysis of small
volumes of solution, J. of Anal. Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 8 (1993) 565 pp.
MAHALINGAM, T.R., "Nickel sulphide fire assay-ICP-MS method for the determination of
platinum group elements: a detailed study on the recovery and losses at different stages”,
(IGCAR) — Frezenius J. of Anal. Chem., 348 (1994) 350 pp.
"Studies on some trace and minor elements in blood — a survey of the Kalpakkam (India)
population, Part I: Standardisation of analytical methods using ICP-MS and AAS", Biol. Trace
El. Res., Vol. 57 (1997) 191–206.
“Studies on some trace and minor elements in blood — a survey of the Kalpakkam (India)
population, Part II: Reference values for plasma and red cells, and correlation with coronary
risk index”, Biol. Trace El. Res., Vol. 57 (1997) 207–221.
"Studies on some trace and minor elements in blood — a survey of the Kalpakkam (India)
population, Part III: Studies on dietary intake and its correlation to blood levels", Biol. Trace
El. Res., Vol. 57 (1997) 223–238.

MAHALINGAM, T.R., “Foliar levels of rare earth elements and thorium in coconut palm in
relation to root (wilt) — disease”, Current Science, Vol. 75, N11, (1998) 1180–1184.
[10] HOWARD, A.G., STATHAM, P.J., Inorganic Trace Analysis — Philosophy and Practice, John
Wiley & Sons, England (1993).
[11] ZIEF, M., MITCHELL, J.W., Contamination Control in Trace Element Analysis, John Wiley &
Sons, New York (1976).
[12] LIBERMAN, A., Contamination Control and Clean rooms: Problems, Engineering Solutions
and Applications", Von Nostrand Reinhold, (1992).
[13] MOODY, J.R., "NBS clean laboratories for trace element analysis", Anal. Chem., Vol. 54, N 13
[15] PHILLIPS, Q.T., AUSER, W.D., BALDWIN, J.M., WASHINGTON, G.J., "Cosmetics in clean
rooms", J. Env. Sci., 26 (5) (1983) 27–31.
[16] ROBERTSON, D.E., "Role of contamination in trace element analysis of sea water", Anal.
Chem., 40 (1968) 1067–72.
[17] ADAMS, P.B., "Ultrapurity: Methods and Techniques (M. ZIEF, R.M. SPEIGHTS, Eds.),
Dekker, New York (1972).
[18] CHIAPPINI, R., TAILLADE, J.M., BREBION, S., "Development of a high sensitivity
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer for actinide measurement in the femtogram
range", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 11 (1996) 497–503.
[19] ALVARADO J.S, ERICKSON M.D., "Determination of long lived Radioisotopes using
Electrothermal Vaporization- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry" J.Anal.
Atom.Spectrom., 11 (1996) 923–928.
"Determination of plutonium concentration and its isotopic ratio in environmental materials by
ICP-MS after separation using ion exchange and extraction chromatography", J. Anal. Atom.
Spectrom., 14 (1999) 859–865.
[21] BECKER, J.S., DIETZE, H.J., McLEAN, J.A., MONTASER, A., "Ultra trace and isotope
analysis of long lived radionuclides by inductively coupled quadruple mass spectrometry using
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[22] ALONSO, J.I.G., SENA, F., ARBORE, P., BETTI, M., KOCH, L.,"Determination of fission
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WQEISMANN, H., "Performance characteristics of a glove box inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometer for the analysis of nuclear materials", J. Anal. Atomic. Spectrom., Vol. 8


International Atomic Energy Agency,
Clean Laboratory, Agency’s Laboratories, Seibersdorf,
Seibersdorf, Austria


A laboratory performing U and Pu analysis for safeguarding of legal limit compliance has to demonstrate
the utmost care to avoid any sources of cross-contamination and source deterioration during sample handling to
satisfy the customers’ requirements. An example is given, from the IAEA Safeguards Laboratory in Seibersdorf,
how a clean room is designed to accommodate the TIMS facilities for U and Pu analysis in the femto- or
attomole range. Continuous blank monitoring and particle counts are mandatory to ensure absence of any
accidental sources of contamination.


The objectives of quality control in the laboratory environment are to assist in maintaining and
fine tuning a measurement process in a desired state of stability and reproducibility. In its pursuit, the
demand for analytical data is steadily increasing. Decisions need to be made such as to the health of
individuals, quality of the environment, or for verification purposes in nuclear safeguards that nuclear
materials are not diverted from declared nuclear activities. Modern, highly sophisticated
instrumentation allows rapid measurements as low as in the femto- to attomole range. The quality of
analytical data is normally evaluated on the basis of its uncertainty when compared with requirements
of their final use. If data are consistent and the uncertainty is small when compared to the
requirements, the data are considered of adequate quality. Data with highly variable uncertainties are
normally viewed of low or inadequate quality.

Achieving quality control objectives require a thorough QC programme of the laboratory

environment. Safety in the laboratory, efficiency in performing a requested task, preventive
maintenance to avoid expensive repair works, and customer satisfaction are important goals of such a
QC programme. In trace and ultra-trace analytical work, whenever blank corrections are significant,
special emphasis of such a programme must be given to blank control. The extent of control over the
analytical blank, reflecting the contamination from all sources external to the sample, can seriously
affect the accuracy of low level trace determinations. Most sources contributing to the blank are
variable, and it is this variability that determines the uncertainty of the blank correction and often the
limit of quantification that can be determined reliably. To improve both accuracy and limit of
quantification, it is imperative to control the variability of the analytical blank. The principal sources
of contamination are the environment where the analysis is performed in, equipment used in the
analysis, reagents used for the analysis, and analyst(s) performing the analysis.


Controlled clean environments can be as simple as a laminar flow hood used to perform certain
steps during sample preparation or as sophisticated as a clean room facility. Inflatable glove bags are
cheap solutions for carrying out single steps during sample handling usually to avoid contamination of
the sample or the environment with sample material. They do not, however, provide a controlled

The IAEA’s clean laboratory performs three major tasks in support of nuclear safeguards
administered by the Department of Safeguards [1]. All sampling kits are prepared and assembled

under strict clean room conditions. Only materials identified to be devoid of the elements of interest
to the safeguards efforts are used. All returned sampling kits are screened using radiometric and other
techniques such as electron-microscopy (SEM-EDX/WDX), and finally archived. Sampling kits
returned from inspections are delivered to the Clean Laboratory carrying only a bar code label, so as
to ensure the sample’s confidentiality. All returned materials are archived and distributed by the Clean
Laboratory Unit. Control samples are maintained and administered by the Clean Laboratory, and are
prepared under strict cleanliness requirements. Finally, the Clean Laboratory participates as a
Network Analytical Laboratory for the Department of Safeguards in the analysis of inspection
samples. Analytical requests are mainly for uranium and plutonium isotopes and elemental ratios in
bulk samples using thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), and uranium isotopes on individual
particles using secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS).

FIG. 1. Air circulation in the clean rooms [2].

The IAEA’s Clean Laboratory uses dust filtered air at 22°C and 40–60% relative humidity. The
pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure and is set up to 30 Pa in each chemistry room of the
clean laboratory. The laboratory inclusive traffic areas and chemistry rooms, has a pressure gradient
of 30 to 10 Pa [2]. In general, the 85% pre-filtered air comes from the plenum through the High
Efficiency Particulate (HEPA) filter down to the bench and into the room. These filters supply air of
class 100 (defined as ” 3500 particles of • 0.5 µm per m3 air) or better to the work areas, such as
work benches and clean fume hoods, where open samples are handled. Traffic areas are at class
100000 without adding any additional filter units in these areas. A cross-sectional view of the air
circulation in a typical chemistry room is shown in Fig. 1.

Because many of the measurements to be performed require determinations of multi-elemental

isotopic composition it is important that potential sample contamination by metals be minimized.
Consequently, all interior walls are from epoxy covered aluminum walls. Cabinets are constructed
from wood and hoods from welded polypropylene. To minimize the possibility of introducing dirt
generated by the deterioration of floor material into the air stream, the flooring is from seamless PVC.

In order to maintain controlled environments such as a clean room facility, it is necessary while
in routine operating mode to develop and follow a formal set of procedures and work instructions.
These encompass regulations such as access to all or certain parts of the facility, cleaning and
gowning requirements for entering and working inside of the facility, equipment cleaning procedures
as well as access restrictions for equipment. Appropriate training of the personnel working in the
facility, including cleaning schedules and practices, is mandatory. To maintain blank levels at the
desired levels, restrictions in the type and amount of materials, including chemicals, must be imposed.
Table I presents some activity limits for open radioactive sources in the IAEA’s Clean Laboratory.
Preventive maintenance, such as changing the filter media and performing calibrations of sensors at
fixed time intervals, will assist in the efforts to maintain the laboratory in continuous operating mode.
Depending on the regulations and work performed in the controlled environment, re-certification to
the original specifications at the inception of operation might be required. The IAEA’s Clean
Laboratory is re-certified annually by an independent clean room engineering contractor.

Isotope Activity limit Specific activity Mass limit
[Bq] [Bq/g] [ng]
234 3 8
U 3.7 × 10 2.29 × 10 1.62 × 103
U 3.7 × 104 7.77 × 104 0.48 × 109
U 3.7 × 104 2.35 × 106 1.58 × 107
U 3.7 × 104 1.23 × 104 3.0 × 109
Pu 3.7 × 103 6.44 × 1011 5.75
239 3 9
Pu 3.7 × 10 2.26 × 10 1.63 × 103
Pu 3.7 × 103 8.36 × 109 4.40 × 102
Pu 3.7 × 103 4.14 × 109 0.89
242 3 8
Pu 3.7 × 10 1.44 × 10 2.56 × 103


3.1. Particle counts

To verify that a controlled environment is operating within specifications, certain

measurements have to be performed routinely at fixed time intervals. The maximum permissible
concentration of particulate matter in the ambient air is defined in the US Federal Standard 209E and
similar standards, such as the new ISO 14644 series or the German standard as given in the VDI
series 2083.

In the IAEA’s Clean Laboratory five individual particle counts for each designated clean area
per room are taken once every month using laser based particle counters. Table II shows data from a
measurement campaign in the sampling kit preparation room of the Clean Laboratory. Presented are
averaged counts for each area, workbench where the kits are physically assembled and traffic area of
the room, before and after a six hour working day. As expected the particle counts increased sharply
during the assembly of sampling kits. However, the higher particle counts after completion of the
sampling kits are well within specifications of the US Federal Standard 209E for a Class 100 area
(”10500 particles of • 0.3 µm per m3 air and” 3500 particles of • 0.5 µm per m3 air).

Particle size Particle counts Particle counts
[µm] Workbench (Class 100) Traffic area (Class 10000)
(before) (after) (before) (after)
0.3 0 ± 0(0) 3990 ± 4095 1085 ± 104440 ±
(5705) 525(1295) 14525(110530)
0.5 0 ± 0(0) 420 ± 525(630) 12 ± 10(17) 3815 ± 595(4095)
1 0 ± 0(0) 35 ± 35(35) 245 ± 140(280) 174 ± 35(175)
5 0 ± 0(0) 0 ± 0(0) 0 ± 0(0) 0 ± 0(0)
Particle counts are given in number of particles per m3 with standard deviation (n=5), and the 95% UCL (in

3.2. Blanks

It is not sufficient for the tasks of the IAEA’s Clean Laboratory to rely on particle counts to
prove that the ambient environment is free of contamination. While the particle counts can be
considered as a more qualitative measure, the routine measurement verifying the absence of uranium
in the ambient air is mandatory. This type of blanking is called room blank. The detection limit for
uranium using TIMS is about 107 atoms (5 × 10-15 g), and just one particle of UO2 with a diameter of
1µm contains 1010 atoms (10-11g) of uranium [3]. This shows the importance of performing room
blanks routinely, to verify that no contamination of sampling kits occurred during their assembly and
that no elevated uranium concentration in the ambient environment might alter the analytical efforts,
i.e. give rise to episodic or continuous high blank levels.

Verification of the absence of uranium or establishing its very low concentration in reagents
(reagent blank) and equipment (equipment blank) used during the chemical sample preparation for
bulk analysis by TIMS is also mandatory. A typical example is the loading blank to verify that the
solutions used during the filament preparation, the filament, and the ion source of the mass
spectrometer, are free of contamination. Fig. 2 shows a control chart for the loading blanks of uranium
using the 233U enriched spike used during routine sample preparation.

In addition to particle counts and the elaborate blanking efforts, routine analysis of control
samples has been added recently to evaluate the robustness, i.e. accuracy, precision, and
reproducibility, of the overall analytical procedures. Control charts, as the one presented in Fig. 2.,
showing the accuracy, precision, and the variables contributing to the background of the analyses
assist in obtaining statistical quality control.

FIG. 2. Results of loading blank measurements of U enriched spike IRMM 04/01 on the Finnigan
MA T262.


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, “Safeguards techniques and equipment”,

International Nuclear Verification Series No. 1, Vienna (1997), 67 pp.
of a clean laboratory for safeguards”, (Proc., ESARDA Conference) (1997).
[3] DONOHUE, D., “Strengthening IAEA safeguards through environmental sampling and
analysis”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 11–18 (1998) 271–273.



Netherlands Energy Research Foundation,
Petten, Netherlands


Isotope specific clean regimes for accurate isotope specific analysis are based on the awareness of the
conflict that arises when a sample is introduced in the clean area. Sample matrix, spikes and standards will
inevitably contaminate the clean-lab and facilities. The conflict can be controlled by acknowledging that each
analytical problem demands its own specific clean facilities. The use of a “sub-unit”, being a small, stand alone,
temporarily dedicated collection of clean facilities, is suggested as a practical approach. The validity of the
concept is demonstrated by successfully solving two Isotope Specific Analytical problems using dedicated sub-
units. One is the determination of trace amounts of uranium, cadmium and chromium in municipal wastewater.
The other is the determination of uranium and its isotopic composition in nuclear waste material.


Each analysis is subjected to systematic errors. These errors can arise in all phases of the
analysis. During sampling, transfer, storage, preparation of the sample and actual detection, sample-
specific changes or analyte-specific changes will occur. Contamination is an important cause of
analyte-specific changes. Contamination could be defined as an unintentional addition of the analyte
of interest to the sample through exogenous sources. Addition of the analyte has to be done
intentionally in case of spiking such as in isotopic dilution measurements, radiochemical separations
or tracer experiments, using either stable or radioactive tracers. Strictly speaking, the definition
should thus be extended to an unintentional and unknown change of concentration and isotopic
composition of the analyte of interest by exogenous sources. Sometimes the analysis is focused on the
chemical form of the analyte. Now a rather complete definition of contamination could be an
unintentional, unknown change of concentration, isotopic composition or chemical form of the
analyte of interest by exogenous sources.

To minimize this unintentional influence of exogenous sources, many technical solutions have
been developed during the past decades, leading to the well established and documented concept of
clean laboratories equipped with clean facilities. A comprehensive review is given by Iyengar,
Subramanian and Woittiez [1]. A summary on exogenous sources of contamination and their impact is
given in this contribution.

The principle of the concept “clean lab and facilities” is to protect any sample against an
environment that potentially contains one, some or a large number of contaminants. To maintain the
validity of this concept, it is necessary to apply the same “philosophy of protection” to the clean lab
and facilities themselves, i.e. to consider the clean lab and facilities just as vulnerable to
contamination as the sample. Introduction of any sample into the clean lab and facilities for execution
of analytical procedures inevitably means introduction of contaminants via the sample matrix.
Introduction of contaminants also occurs with standard addition and spiking procedures. Processing
the sample outside the clean lab and facilities violates the protection of the sample. It is clear that
application of the “philosophy of protection” to both a sample and clean lab and facilities will lead to
a protection conflict. The importance of the conflict may vary.

In this paper, a more refined set of principles is proposed to meet the contradictory demands of
isotope specific analysis and clean labs and facilities. The practical use of these specific principles is
demonstrated in applications on the determination of chromium, cadmium and uranium by neutron
activation analysis (NAA) and uranium assay and uranium isotopic ratio determination by thermal
ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and isotopic dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS).


Well known exogenous sources of contamination are air particulate matter, the analytical
laboratory, analytical personal, chemicals and equipment (including inappropriate cleaning

A clean air environment is defined by the maximum number of particulates per m3 of a certain
size. The US standard for permissible particle size distribution defines different classes, Class 100
being the most stringent. Class 100 environments should have no particles larger then 5 mm, not more
then 10 particles per ft3 (350 per m3) larger then 2 mm and not more then 100 particles per ft3 (3500
per m3) larger than 0.5 mm. For a Class 1000 environment these numbers are 10, 100 and 1000
respectively. This division in classes not only refers to particle sizes, but intrinsically also to the total
mass of airborne particulates; it is clear, that 10 mm particulates have bigger masses than 0.5 mm
particulates. Class 1000 labs are acceptable as non-laminar-flow clean labs, while class 100 is the
requirement for laminar flow boxes. Not only the number and size of particles are importance with
respect to contamination, but the composition of the particles is just as vital.

All constructive material inside the analytical laboratory (walls, floors, ceiling, doors) and all
furniture should be made from polymers or coated with epoxy resin. Concrete, paint, stainless steel,
etc. will eventually become sources of contamination by corrosion.

The analysts’ skin, hair, clothes and shoes are always a source of contamination. The entrance
of the clean lab is usually a chamber where special clean lab clothing and shoes, have to be put on. To
minimize transfer of contamination from the entrance to the clean lab, the analyst has to step on
cleanable sticky mats on the clean lab floor, which adsorb dust particulates. Entering the clean lab is
quite an operation. In practise, the elaborate protocol in the entrance enhances the cleanliness of the
clean lab; it serves as a real and a psychological barrier.

A strict regime on allowed activities has to be maintained, which determines what equipment
and chemicals are needed inside the clean lab.

A refrigerator may be needed in the clean area, but its heat exchange unit is a notorious source
of dust. The same is true for the vacuum unit of a freeze-dryer. Here also, oil vapour from the pump is
the unavoidable consequence. A balance is necessary and should be placed in a laminar flow box.
Preferably, open dry or wet ashing should be done in a clean lab to prevent contamination with
particles from ordinary laboratory air, thus a hot plate (ceramic instead of stainless steel) or oven is
obligatory. To do so, a laminar flow hood has to be installed. Stainless steel cods of Teflon-lined
pressure vessels are eventually corroding and should not be used or stored in the clean-lab.

No chemicals should be allowed but high purity water and acids used for wet ashing. Standard
solutions, stabile or radioactive spike solutions, pure elemental compounds, their oxides or salts are
prohibited. Also, ordinary cleaning products like detergents, soap, abrasives, etc. should not be used.
Cleaning is to be performed by water and non-fraying textile.


Analytical procedures for the determination of trace amounts of isotopes (either for isotopic
ratio determination, element determination, or activity determination) demand clean facilities.
Maintenance of clean facilities asks for a protection philosophy similar to that for samples. A
“philosophy of protection” conflict arises with the introduction of the sample in the clean lab and

Three illustrations of such conflicting situations are given here:
- One example is the determination of elemental impurities (Cr, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, Tl, U etc.)
on the lower ng/g level in isotopically enriched pure CdO. Determination of the impurities
asks for sample preparation using clean facilities; introduction of hundreds of milligrams of
the CdO sample in the clean facilities results in a contamination with Cd with deviating
isotopic composition. This is a disaster for any future trace determination of Cd using
isotope specific techniques.
- A second example is the determination of a few ng/g of Pt in road dust. The Pt
determination on this level asks for clean facilities, while the road dust matrix contaminates
these facilities with many transition elements to an extent which exceeds many times the
contamination by air-particulate matter from an ordinary chemical laboratory.
- A third example is the determination of less than 1 Bq amounts of Cs-137 as an impurity in
a solution containing MBq’s of some “pure” radionuclide. The determination of Cs-137
asks for clean facilities. Processing of MBq of the “pure” radionuclide needs radiochemical
facilities that have been designed to face radioactive samples of variable nature, amongst
which are spent fuel samples containing MBq’s of Cs-137. Cross-contamination is
inevitably present here.

A practical approach in solving the “protection” conflict for the analyst is to acknowledge the
specific nature of each analytical problem and attribute selected clean facilities to that particular
problem. Therefore, clean facilities are subjected to permanent re-design. Preferably, a collection of
small, temporary, problem devoted, stand alone clean facilities — so-called sub-units — have to be
designed in the clean lab to protect the sample against the environment, as much as to protect the
clean environment against the sample. This means that digestion and chemical separation take place in
devices that have no contact to the outside world, i.e. closed systems. When necessary each sub-unit is
provided with its own balance for weighing. Once all necessary analyses have been done, the unit is
dismantled, decontaminated and, as far as applicable, disposed. In order to minimize the risk for
cross-contamination, as many disposable clean facilities as possible would be required, and a rigid,
specified decontamination regime when non-disposable clean facilities have to be re-used. A
consequence will be an increased production of solid and liquid (radio)chemical waste. The sub-unit
approach, when applied in a clean lab, may consequently enhance the exploitation costs of the clean
lab. However, when the approach is tried in a normal chemical lab equipped with selected,
appropriate clean facilities, it will be cost effective compared to the construction of a complete clean-
lab. Future developments in clean facilities and waste management may even further lower the cost-
effect ratio.


Two examples are presented which show application of clean sub-units with closed systems.
One refers to the determination of selected trace elements in municipal wastewater, the other to the
determination of uranium and its isotopic composition in nuclear waste material.

In both examples emphasis is laid on the description of the closed systems.

4.1. Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in aqueous samples

The chemical principles of the technique are based on the work of Greenberg and Kingston [2].
They developed a method to concentrate transition- and rare earth elements from natural waters on a
chelating agent and determined the elemental contents by neutron activation analysis of the agent. At
the Isotope Specific Analytical Laboratories of NRG-Petten, the design of the method was modified
as to make it a permanent clean sub-unit. This sub-unit was recently applied for the certification
analyses of ng/g amounts of uranium, cadmium and chromium in municipal waste water.

The heart of the sub-unit is a twelve channel liquid chromatograph, based on a twelve channel
peristaltic pump. Each channel is completely isolated from every other channel, to avoid cross-
contamination. All parts of the chromatograph, including the frame, are made of polymeric materials.
Samples only contact Teflon (TFA), Tefzel and Polyethylene (PE). A picture is shown in Fig. 1 and a
simplified scheme in Fig. 2.

The first and second channels of the chromatograph are always used for multi-element
standards, processed as samples. The results are used to check chemical recoveries. Aliquots of the
same standards are pipetted directly on the chelator, which is irradiated without further processing, to
serve as the reference for the specific sample batch. The third channel is always for a certified
reference material (CRM) and the fourth (and if necessary the twelfth) channel, for blanks.
Channels 5–11 are used for samples.

FIG. 1. Image of the twelve channel chromatograph.

c Polyethylene column
with chelator

Peristaltic six-way valve
pump Teflon tubing

TFA sample vessel

TFA collection vessel

FIG. 2. Scheme of one of twelve identical channels of a chromatograph for pre-concentration of trace

Each sample to be processed is transferred to the appropriate TFA sample vessel and weighted.
This happens in a dedicated laminar flow box. The TFA sample vessel is closed with a screw cap
which contains Teflon tubing already connected to the tubing of the peristaltic pump (cf. Fig. 2,
item a). From this moment on the sample is isolated from the outside world.

Subsequently, the PE column is connected directly to the six way valve. The column is filled
with the chelator and closed with a PE snap cap. From this moment on the chelator is isolated from
the outside world. The cap contains a connection for both the Teflon tubing and PE syringe with PE
cap (cf. Fig. 2, item b). The chelator is cleaned and equilibrated using a syringe.

Next, the column is connected to the Teflon tubing from the six-way valve (cf. Fig. 2, item c)
and the pump is started. In this way, the sample passes the column without experiencing the outer

After sample loading the chelator is washed to remove interfering elements like Na, K, Ca, Ba,
Cl and P. The chelator now only contains transition, rare earth, and actinide elements from the

Finally, the PE column with chelator is provided with a new PE cap, removed from the
chromatograph and provided with a PE foot closure. Without transferring the chelator, the closed PE
column is irradiated, i.e. the PE column serves as the irradiation containment of the chelator. Only
after the irradiation, the chelator is removed from the column to a suitable counting vessel and
analysed by low energy, low background gamma ray spectrometry.

By operating as described, both sample and chelator do not experience any outer world between
the moment they are transferred to their respective containment and the end of irradiation. Likewise,
the outer world does not experience anything of the samples and standards processed in the

Table I shows some results recently obtained with this system for the analysis of uranium,
cadmium and chromium in municipal wastewater. Also values for blanks and the Canadian CRM
NASS-2 sea water are given.


U-content Cd-content Cr-content
Sample (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg)
Blank 0.010 r 0.003 0.002 r 0.002 1.0 r 0.2
NASS-2 sea water 3.28 r 0.10 <0.1 <1
Certified value 3.00 r 0.15 0.029 r 0.004 0.175 r 0.010
Municipal waste 0.68 5.24 19.6
ibid. 0.63 4.90 16.3
ibid. 0.68 4.62 19.1
ibid. 0.65 4.59 17.8
ibid. 0.71 4.50 20.1
Average r st. dev 0.67 r 0.03 (N = 5) 4.77 r 0.30 (N = 5) 18.6 r 1.5 (N = 5)
Intercomparison not known 5.39 r 0.77 20.2 r 3.5

It is clear from the results that the sub-unit approach works properly. It only generates
procedural blank values on (Cr) or far below (U and Cd) the µg/kg level. It is also shown on Table I
that the analytical results for uranium, cadmium and chromium on the lower µg/kg level in aqueous
samples are satisfactory when compared to the certified values or inter-comparison averages.

4.2. Determination of uranium and its isotopic composition in nuclear waste material by

Nuclear waste material that is high in Cs-137 and Sb-125 activity had to be analysed for
uranium and its isotopic composition. The uranium content was expected to be a few mg/kg. The high
radioactivity of the sample, unknown uranium isotopic composition and low uranium content ask for a
“clean sub-unit approach”.

The sub-unit was constructed from a dedicated laminar-flow box, a closed quartz Bethge-type
digestion system in a dedicated fume-hood and a 1 channel/multi-eluent chromatograph (BioRad
Biologic-LP). After mineralization, uranium is separated from the sample by a solid-liquid extraction
column chromatographic procedure using a diamyl-amylphosphonate column. Detection is done by

Samples are mineralized in a quartz Bethge device. Its use is extensively discussed
elsewhere [1]. The relevant feature here is the complete isolation of the sample from the outside world
during operation.

For the solid-liquid extraction column chromatographic procedure, use is made of a one
channel/multi-eluent chromatograph (BioRad Biologic-LP).

A schematic view of the chromatograph is given in Fig. 3.


sample water 0.02 M 3M
six-way valve nitric nitric

Radiometry UV

fraction waste

FIG. 3. One-channel/multi-eluent BioRad Biologic LP chromatograph for the separation of uranium

from spent fuel.

The Biologic LP functions as a stand-alone apparatus. By remote control several different
eluents, amongst which is the sample, can be pumped through the column. The chromatograph runs a
sequence of loading, washing end elution steps fully automatically. The performance of the separation
is followed on-line by UV- and conductivity monitoring, as well as by on-line radiometry. All eluent
vessels are made from TFA, all tubing from Teflon, the column container is made of PE and the
selector, six-way valve and diverter are all Tefzel lined.

In the laminar flow box, a sample is weighted in a newly prepared quartz vessel, which is part
of the Bethge device. When samples are meant to be for the uranium determination with IDMS,
spiking is also done here. The quartz vessel is closed with a stopper and transported to the Bethge
device for mineralization.

After mineralization, the sample is evaporated to near dryness and diluted in the Bethge device.
The quartz vessel is removed from the Bethge device, closed with a stopper, transported to the
laminar flow box and its content transferred to a TFA sample vessel. The TFA sample vessel is closed
with a PE screw cap, already containing Teflon tubing. It is placed inside the chromatograph and the
tubing is connected, which isolates the sample from the outside world.

The PE column container is filled with the phosphonate material and connected to the six way
valve. From this moment on, the phosphonate no longer experiences the outside world. The column is
washed and equilibrated using water, 0.02 M nitric acid and 3 M nitric acid.

The sample is passed through the column. Fission-and activation products and most elemental
impurities are removed by washing with 3 M nitric acid. Uranium is recovered by eluting the column
with 0.02 M nitric acid. The column is treated as nuclear waste.

After each run, both the Bethge device and chromatograph are decontaminated by extensive
washing procedures. Each sample has its own quartz vessel, TFA sample vessel and column.

Aliquots of the uranium fraction are used for uranium isotopic analysis by TIMS or NAA and
for uranium assay by NAA. In case of a spiked sample, the fraction is used for uranium assay by
IDMS. Table II shows selected results.

Sample number Isotopic abundance Isotopic abundance Uranium content Uranium content
of main U isotope of main U isotope by IDMS (mg/kg) by NAA (mg/kg)
by TIMS (at%) by NAA (at%)
1 90.735 90.8 0.812 0.86
Duplicate 90.719 91.4 0.813 0.80
2 91.324 92.6 0.894 0.86
Duplicate 91.314 91.4 0.895 0.85
3 91.291 93.1 1.043 1.06
Duplicate 91.338 92.8 1.046 1.05
4 91.425 92.8 0.975 0.96
Duplicate 91.422 93.4 0.975 0.96
5* ND ND ND 0.010
Duplicate ND ND ND 0.010
Blank ND ND ND 0.006
Duplicate ND ND ND 0.006
* = chromatographic waste fraction re-analysed.

It is obvious from the Table, that the “clean sub-unit” approach generates reproducible and
accurate results. Results obtained by NAA, though less precise, support the results obtained by

The major pitfall in using a chromatograph for chromatographic separation lies in memory
effects (cross-contamination) between samples. Valves, selectors, tubing and on-line detectors all may
absorb uranium from one sample and deliver it to the next one.

A similar reasoning is valid for the quartz Bethge device. The first sign of (cross-)
contamination would be non-reproducibility in the isotopic composition of duplicates.

It is demonstrated here, that a conscientious use of digestion equipment and a single-channel

analyser, with thorough cleaning and decontamination procedures between samples, results in reliable
determinations of µg amounts of uranium and its isotopic composition and thus that memory effects
can be controlled.


It is clear from the results that a sub-unit approach can be used successfully for accurate isotope
specific analysis, both in the field of elemental analysis on the lower µg/kg level and in the field of
isotopic composition analysis. The concept of small, dedicated, temporary sub-units may generate
increased amounts of (radio)chemical waste, but it might prove to be a cost-effective practical
alternative to a complete clean lab.


[1] IYENGAR, G.V., SUBRAMANIAN, K.S., WOITTIEZ, J.R.W., Elemental Analysis of Biological
Materials, Principles and Practise, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1998).
[2] GREENBERG, R.R., KINGSTON, H.M., Analytical Chemistry (1983) 1160–1165.


Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier (EG&G), Inc.,
Littleton, Colorado,
United States of America

Planning for the design, construction and operation of an environmental clean laboratory is a complex
operation. Key elements of the project are process engineering, laboratory and facilities, management and
infrastructure, and demonstration of operability. This paper describes in summary detail the overall approach and
work processes that have been used to develop the systems requirements for a facility now under construction.


The purpose of this paper is to describe the requirements and activities associated with planning
for a highly sensitive environmental clean laboratory that can handle and analyse micron-sized
samples of nuclear material collected from the environment. This paper describes in summary detail
the overall approach and work processes in following a systems engineering requirements concept. It
is designed to assure that all elements of project planning are reflected in the design and operations
objectives for the facility. For illustration purposes, work performed under a co-operative bilateral
agreement between the US Department Of Energy (US DOE)/Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) is referenced to illustrate the
complex planning requirements necessary to establish a functioning clean laboratory that will perform
with the required sensitivity and accuracy. This example, though specific to the JAERI objectives,
represents those requirements, regardless of application, that must be addressed from a planning basis
to assure that an operable laboratory exists.

The USA is assisting Japan to design, construct and operate a clean laboratory. The laboratory
is to provide the following capabilities:

(1) Capability for low-level nuclear isotopic measurements specifically aimed at analysis of nuclear
safeguards environmental samples

(2) Capability to support nuclear research by internal JAERI staff and visiting researchers

(3) Future expansion capability into analysis of particles and noble gases collected at monitoring
stations in the Japanese territory.

This assistance is being provided through action sheets or bilateral agreements written jointly
by JAERI and the US DOE. Los Alamos National Laboratory has the prime responsibility for the US
effort. Radian International and now EG&G have provided much of the engineering and technical
support to the project.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 6925, Woodland Park, Colorado 80866-6925, USA.


Fig. 1 shows the model that was developed for defining the systems requirements for the
project. The key elements of the project are process engineering, laboratory and facilities,
management and infrastructure and demonstration of operability. The progress of the project is shown
from top to bottom. Co-operative two way interactions between elements are shown horizontally in
the diagram. The process engineering phase precedes the “laboratory and facilities “ and
“management and Infrastructure” elements and is interactive through quality assurance in all phases
of the project. A similar project model will be helpful for any entity wishing to plan, construct and
operate a similar facility.

To support any such facility, specific activity based processes are required. These processes
combine laboratory and facility resources, protocols and procedures, and trained staff to produce a
desired output. Process engineering develops the process flow diagrams that guide laboratory and
facilities design, specifies instrumentation, materials and equipment, and guide personnel recruitment,
training and procedure development.

FIG. 1. Project model.


What follows diagrams the activities that have developed from application of the project model.
It will be helpful to discuss a number of these activities in detail to demonstrate the scope of the effort
required to provide adequate assistance.

Example: assistance activities for clean room planning

Prepare process engineering model Prepare equipment specifications

Identify primary processes Identify training requirements
Identify sub-processes Identify required protocols
Identify facility requirements Identify required procedures
Prepare facility requirements document Prepare protocols for contractor, startup
Prepare flow diagrams for each sample type and operation
Prepare detailed requirements for each room Cleanliness requirements
Prepare integrated facility design specifications Space requirements
Assist in contractor selection Equipment requirements
Perform quality control inspections during HVAC requirements:
construction phase pressure differentials,
Specify As built inspections and tests air flow, heat loads, exhaust volumes
Demonstration of operability Electrical requirements
Assistance in implementation of startup protocols Service requirements (gases, water, etc.)

We have already discussed the development and application of the project model. Identification
of the primary processes required several interactive meetings between the JAERI staff and the
assistance team. Extensive written reviews of proposals preceded each meeting. The primary
processes required to meeting the goals of the laboratory are.

- personnel support
- sample receipt and management
- bulk analysis
- particle analysis
- material receipt and control
- reagent management
- spike preparation and calibration
- reference material and management
- sample kit preparation, validation and distribution
- TIMS analysis
- SIMS analysis
- SEM/X ray analysis
- ICP-MS analysis
- high resolution gamma spectrometry analysis
- liquid scintillation alpha and beta analysis
- alpha spectrometry analysis
- demonstration of facility operability.

Each of these primary processes requires detailed specifications, operating protocols and
personnel training plans for successful completion of the project. Each primary process includes a
number of sub-processes that must be identified and evaluated. Table I illustrates the sub-processes
required for one primary process. Each of the 17 primary processes required evaluation similar detail.
In addition to identifying the sub-process, their effect on facility design, equipment specifications,
staffing and training, the requirements for procedures and protocol preparation were estimated. This
process identified over 150 separate sub-processes. Many of these were common to several primary


Sub-processes Project Generic Clean Support Proc. Staffing Protocol

Lab. and
Data validation X X X X
Gross activity X X X X X
Coding & analysis requests X X X X
Alpha screening X X X X X
Beta gamma screening X X X X X
Passive neutron screening X X X X
Cleaning and repacking X X X X X
Interim storage X X X X X
Archive storage X X X X
Final disposal X X X X

SVR = Sample receiving validation and packing

SS = Sample screening analysis
SR&D = Sample request preparation evaluation
SW = Sample weighing
SSP = Sample spike addition
WA/DA = Wet ash/dry ash
SID = Silicon destruction
RD = Residue dissolution
ES = Element separation
PP = Product purification
TIMS = Thermal ionization mass spectrometry
DR&C = Data reduction and calculation
QAE = Quality assurance
RP&D = Report preparation and distribution
USAS = Unused sample to archive storage.

FIG. 2. Flow sample diagram of aerosol sample.

Flow diagrams were then prepared for each of the sample types expected to be received in this
laboratory. The most simple of these diagrams is shown in Fig. 2.

These diagrams were found to be very useful in identifying sub-processes and in tracing the
flow of the sample through the facility. In some cases rooms were relocated to optimize the sample
flows. A more complex sample flow diagram follows is shown in Fig. 3.

For this sample type, several treatment options are available. Each can yield different
information from the same sample. The resources for each treatment option must be provided for in
the facility design. Complete flow diagrams can assure that this is done.

FIG. 3. Flow diagram for smear samples.


Based on the information gathered during the development of the primary process lists,
sub-process lists, and flow diagrams, a listing of facility requirements was prepared. Table II
illustrates one page of this list. A total of 47 separate facility requirements were identified for this


Facility Location Processes

Clean Attached Other served
room support support
1. Sample receiving and X 6,7,8,14,15,17
repacking room
2. Sample storage room X 10–17
3. Sample X 7–17
4.Particle recovering and X 3,4,8,10–13,16,17
mounting room
5. Particle picking room X 3,4,8,10–13,16,17
6. Men’s change area X 1
7. Women’s change area X 1
8. Toilet area X 1
9. Shower area X 1
10. Materials cleaning and
repacking X 3–17
11. Chemical separation room X 3–10, 13,17
(3 required)
12. Wet and dry ashing room X 3–13, 15,17
13. Balance room X 1,3, 6–12, 15,17
14. Spike and reagent
preparation room X 3,4, 6–10, 16, 17
15. Radiometric measurements
room X 1, 3–9, 12, 14–17

From this list, a “Systems Requirements Document” was prepared. This document contains
details concerning all the items outlined below. This document forms the basis for all agreements
required for US support and assistance to Japan on this project, and for design of the facility.

Standard clean laboratory systems requirements document:

Table of contents

1.1 Project objectives
1.2 Project model
1.3 Organization of document

2.1 Process engineering design
2.2 Sample handling and management
2.3 Material handling and management
2.4 Personnel support
2.5 Laboratory and facility maintenance
2.6 Analytical production
3.1 Design requirements and considerations
3.1.1 Facility layout
3.1.2 Laboratory facility requirements
3.1.3 Interfaces with the JAERI Tokai facility
3.1.4 Permits and approvals
3.2 Design
3.2.1 Site work
3.2.2 Arcitectural
3.2.3 Air recirculation system
3.2.4 Required utilities
3.2.5 Mechanical
3.2.6 Communications system
3.2.7 Electrical
3.2.8 Landscaping
3.3 Specifications
3.3.1 General requirements
3.3.2 Site work
3.3.3 Architectural
3.3.4 Construction materials
3.3.5 Specialties
3.3.6 Furnishings
3.3.7 Special construction
3.3.8 Conveying systems
3.3.9 Mechanical
3.3.10 Electrical
3.3.11 Communication systems
3.3.12 Landscaping
3.4 Construction
3.4.1 Contractor approval
3.4.2 Requirements verification
3.4.3 Change control
3.4.4 Schedule
3.4.5 Interface issues
3.4.6 30 clean construction protocol
3.4.7 Construction testing and certification
3.5 Instrumentation, equipment and materials
3.5.1 Instrumentation
3.5.2 Equipment
3.5.3 Materials
4.1 Staffing and personnel
4.2 Training
4.3 Procedures and operating protocols

5.1 Systems performance tests
5.2 Instrument acceptance tests
5.3 Work area blanks and standards tests.

The design of the clean rooms reflects several personal preferences developed over the years.
The preferred criteria for environmental clean rooms are, as follows:

- All work surfaces to be Class 100 or better

- All sample treatment rooms to be Class 1000 or better
- All corridors to be Class 10,000 or better
- All instrument rooms to be Class 100,000 or better
- All spike, reference material and reagent processing rooms to be Class 1000 or better
- All spikes, reference materials and reagents to be handled only in Class 100 work areas
- Construction materials for exposed clean room surfaces limited to aluminium, plastics and
- Only high purity deionised water supplied to sinks
- All supply air and return air ducts fabricated from aluminium or PVC.
It is emphasized that these are preferences resulting from personal experience in clean
laboratories. Other preferences may work equally well if data exists to support the performance of
preference selection. Our experience has shown that a facility designed to accommodate these
preferences will permit the analysis of low-level uranium samples with a total process blank below
7 7
5 × 10 atoms. A 0.2 micron diameter spherical particle of U3O8, with a density of 8, contains 7 × 10
atoms of U. This process blank is adequate for all of the analyses required to meet the objectives of
this project.


In summary, these illustrations demonstrate the complexity of planning an environmental clean

laboratory. One aspect of this planning process may require additional emphasis. It is not enough to
design a well thought out facility and plan for all necessary operations. If a comprehensive preventive
maintenance plan is not included in the planning process, the facility will not meet its long-term
objectives. Performing only failure maintenance will compromise both facility availability and
analytical quality. Because of the inherent complexity of such facilities, a comprehensive plan for
regular maintenance and component replacement is required if high productivity of the facility and
staff are to be achieved.


Chatt, A. Dalhousie University, Canada

Horvat, M. Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Mahalingam, T.R. Indira Ghandhi Centre for Atomic Research, India

Perrin, R. Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier (EG&G), Inc.,

United States of America

Reddy, A.V.R. International Atomic Energy Agency

Rossbach, M. International Atomic Energy Agency

Tuniz, C. Permanent Mission of Australia in Vienna, Austria

Vogt, S. International Atomic Energy Agency

Woittiez, J.R.W. Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Netherlands


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