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Theoretical & Applied Science

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© «Theoretical & Applied Science»
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
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21 Prof. Konstantin Kurpayanidi Uzbekistan h Index RISC = 8 (67)

International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science

ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 480.

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Impact Factor ICV = 6.630

Impact Factor ISI = 0.829

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ISSN 2308-4944

9 77 230 8 49 419 5
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
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QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 26.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Zilola Safarova
Karshi engineering-economics institute
Teacher of the Department “History of Uzbekistan”
[email protected]


Abstract: This article talks about the passion for the arts of the Uzbek people during World War II, and the
selfless work of art workers during the difficult years. In addition, the creative works of leading Uzbek artists are
Key words: education, art, culture, war, theater, performance, Soviet union, concert, team, musician, creative,
spectators, wartime, genres, artistic, composers.
Language: English
Citation: Safarova, Z. (2019). Factors of the development of art in Uzbekistan during World War II. ISJ
Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 301-306.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-53 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.53
Scopus ASCC: 1202.

Introduction dramatic productions, performed 1,668 performances

Art as one of the main means of education, in a and concerts and served 6,667,303 viewers.
particular historical period, encourages people to be On November 28, 1941, in the propaganda and
inspired by the beauty of life, to hate the evil forces, propaganda department of the Central Committee of
and to form a certain worldview. During the war, the the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, a meeting was
arts, such as singing, theater, fine arts, cinema, circus, held on the military search and reconstruction of art
have evolved differently. Also, the activities of art work with the participation of art workers - theater
workers were focused on the short-term needs of the directors, directors, artists, composers and others. The
wartime. head of the art department A. Valiev made a speech
The urgent tasks arising from the sudden war and commented on repertoire of national theaters. In
have created genres of art that can respond to rapidly his report, he noted that none of the pre-war theaters
evolving events. had defensive plays in the repertoire2. It was also
Theater art is one of the most popular forms of noted that the artistic performance of most regional
culture affecting the general public. During the war, theaters is very low 3.
there were 51 theater teams operating in Uzbekistan, During World War II, the Hamza Academic
16 of which were evacuated from the western regions Drama Theater team was productive. He performed
of the former Soviet Union1. At that time in about 100 plays. Among them are "Front", "German
Uzbekistan the Academic Drama Theater named after invaders", "Girl from Ukraine", "Flight of the Eagle",
Khamza, Mukimi Musical Drama Theater. Navoi "Mukanna", "Jaloliddin Manguberdi", "Girl without
Opera and Ballet Theater, M.Gorky Russian Drama Separation". This drama was the first play of the
Theater and other theater groups operated. From July theater's war drama "Prof. Mammock" by the German
1941 to 1944, Uzbek theaters released 203 new playwright F. Wolfe (autumn 1941). During the period

1 2
MDA of the RUz. Fund R-2087, list 1, case 100, pages 8-9. Red Uzbekistan, 1941. November 30.
MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2087, list 1, page 63, Red Uzbekistan, 1941. November 30.
page 228.

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

from 1941 to 1944, 16 new plays were played and and the courage of Uzbek fighters in the battles in
more than 1,100 performances were performed in this Moscow 8.
theater. About 440,000 people attended the Historical themes were also given to theatrical
performances. On March 18, 1945, the “Red scenes during the war years. For example, in
Uzbekistan” newspaper reported about the drama November 1942, he performed at the Uzbek State
“Mukanna” by the Hamza Theater: was of great Opera and Ballet Theater. Gerus and A. Kozlovsky
importance. 'Mukanna' is also unique in that it became libretto and A. The premiere of the opera "Ulugbek"
the first original drama on the Uzbek scene to date4. with Kozlovsky's music took place. In December
Abror Hidoyatov, Shukur Burkhonov, Sora 1944, this theater team Oybek libretto and O.O.
Eshonturayeva, Nabi Rakhimov, M. Kh. Kariyeva, H. Chishko staged an opera "Mahmud Tarobi" with
Latipov has created such actors. Such artists have music. 10 new productions were shown on this theater
penetrated deeply into the hearts of the people with stage during the war. The performances were
their images and roles. performed 670 times and were watched by 150,000
During the war, a series of patriotic plays were spectators.
also staged at the Mukimi Uzbek Musical Drama and In 1942, the Russian State Opera and Ballet
Comedy Theater. In August 1941 the theater team Theater performed a historical play called "Suvorov."
staged a musical drama "Kurban Umarov" telling the The image of Suvorov was created by artist
story of an Uzbek warrior. Theater artist Tursunoy R.R.Trifonov. He was awarded the title "Honored
Jafarova and orchestra musician Ali Ashur Yusupov Artist of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic" for this
were awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Uzbek image9. The years of war have focused on the
SSR"5. establishment of many Russian theater groups in
Theatrical teams have tried to incorporate more Uzbekistan. For example, in May 1942, the Russian
historical, folk-genre plays into the theater's annual Operetta Theater was separated from the Russian State
plans. For example, on December 16, 1942, the Soviet Opera and Ballet Theater10. In 1943 the Russian State
repertoire of the Theater of Musical Drama discussed Drama Theater was established on the basis of the
the 1943 repertoire. The artistic director of the theater, Samarkand regional theater. In November 1943, the
Tuhtasin Jalilov, said that next year the repertoire of State Theater of Young Audiences was restored11. The
Hamid Alimjan will include a performance of M.Gorky State Russian Drama Theater team
Mukanna, staging of Sobir Abdulla's "Tohir and performed 32 new productions during the war. F
Zuhra" and "Alpomish". Speaking at the meeting, VI Professor Wolf's "Wolf" by K. Wolf. Simonov's "The
Schneiderman said that the recent removal of the Russian People," Leonov's "The Invasion," Slenyan's
Tohir and Zuhra performance from the theatrical "Crash," by Yu. Chenurin's works, such as
repertoire caused a decline in the number of "Stalingrad", are among them12.
spectators. The meeting discussed the shortcomings in Despite the war years, theaters in Uzbekistan's
the work of the theater team and measures to address provinces have continued their creative work. For
them, such as resolving such issues as strengthening example, theater in Ferghana region presented 9
the theater management, appointing a director, dramas and 9 musical dramas during the war;13. A
replenishing the creative team6. special attention was paid to the display of works by
The first performance of the Uzbek State Opera Russian and Western European classics in regional
and Ballet Theater on the theme of war was the theater performances. During this period, the Bukhara
musical drama "Davron ota". This work was Uzbek Drama Theater hosted a concert. Gogol's
performed by Komil Yashin, Sobir Abdulla and "Revision" comedy, Namangan Music Drama and
Chustiy libretto, T. Sodiqov and A. Kozlovsky7. Comedy Theater by Gulak-Artimowski's "Backstory
In January 1942, the theater was visited by N. of the Dunes" piano by Andizhan Theater
Pogodin, H. Olimjon, Uyghun and S. Abdulla Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. During the war
librettosi and A. Sadykov, M. Burkhonov, S. years, new theater groups were also established in the
Weinberg, T. Jalilov, N. Hasanov and A. The drama provinces. In 1944-1945, Uzbek Drama Theater,
“Sword of Uzbekistan” was performed by Klumov. It Farhod Construction Theater, Russian Theater in
tells about the creation of the Uzbek national division

4 10
Red Uzbekistan, 1945. March 18. MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2087, list 1, 85, page
MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2087, list 1, page 63, 76
page 228. Red Uzbekistan, 1944. August 12. MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2087, list 1, page
MDA of RUz, Savings 2438, list 1, works 2, pages 7-8. 103, page 51
Korsakova A. Uzbek Opera and Ballet Theater. Ocherki's 12
State Russian dramatic theater im. M. Gorkogo 20 years –T.:
History. –T .: 1961. –S. 194-200. 1955. –S. 8.
The same place 13
Uvarova G. Uzbek Dramatic Theater. Essays on Essays. –M .:
MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foundation 2087, list 1, 1959. –S. 174.
case 87, page 98

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Andijan, Namangan, Kokand, Samarkand, Bukhara, compositions. Muzalevsky wrote an article and tried
Turtkul and Andijan Theater opened14. to analyze the positive side of the plays21. A.F. V.
The Kashkadarya Regional Musical and Belyaev, who commented on Kozlovsky's opera
Comedy Theater moved from third to second "Ulugbek", did the same, counts the achievements of
category. The theater has a total of 168 people and 67 the work, and does not dwell on its shortcomings22.
of them are creative15. In the summer of 1941, the War years in the development of Uzbek musical
Bukhara regional administration and Karshi city culture. Jalilov, K. Jabborov, S.. Kalonov, Yu. Rajabi,
administration issued an order for theatrical artists to F. Sadykov, A. Umrzakov, M. Harratov and others did
serve in the pioneer camps and collective farms under a great job. At this time, young composers graduated
the new plan16. Accordingly, in July 1941, the Karshi from college and began their creative career.
RKKPP (b) and the State Music Drama Theater were Graduates of the Tashkent Conservatory Akbarov, D.
instructed to re-release the play "Chegarachi", which Zokirov, Pak Endin, I. M. Khamraev, graduates of
was removed from the repertoire. Despite the Uzbek Opera Studio, Moscow Conservatory
difficulties, the theater team managed to present the Burkhonov, T. Sadykov, M. Ashrafi, a graduate of the
play within 7-8 days. The theater team earned 400,000 Leningrad Conservatory. The Levnews are among
sums in 1943-1944 because of its various them.
performances. This theater only staged 5 works in On June 22, 1941, on the day of the war, the first
194317. Evacuated theater teams were also deployed graduates of the Tashkent Conservatory's
in the regions of Uzbekistan. For example, in Termez Composition Faculty Akbarov, B. Gienko, V. Meyen,
the creative team of the Horkov Operetta Theater I. Diplomas will be awarded to the treasurer23.
operated 18. Throughout the war Boris Gienko worked in the
In August 1944, the Committee on the Arts at the military amateur circles. As a member of the cultural-
Soviet Union of People's Commissars adopted a enlightenment brigade set up in August 1941, he
resolution to further develop art in Uzbekistan. It was taught songs and marches to the soldiers of the
noted that the Republican Art Administration should Turkestan District. He then went on to work in an art
include more Russian plays in theater rehearsals. ensemble of the Turkestan Military District and go to
There were also "recommendations" to enrich concert Germany. He wrote a number of marches and songs.
programs with works by Russian and Western For example, his song "Cavalierskaya" became a
European composers19. battle march of one of the regiments in Uzbekistan24.
During this period, more than 30 creative teams, In all, during the first six months of the war,
music schools and 17 theaters were evacuated to about 100 march and defense songs were created in
Uzbekistan20. From evacuated artists, I.N. Bersenev, Uzbekistan25. In late 1942, about 400 defense and
M.I. Babanova, V.A. Ziskin, A.P. Yursky, E.P. patriotic songs were composed 26.
Ponomarenko, M.M. Krushelnitsky, A.M. Serdyuk, "The military songs of the Uzbek composers,
V.N. Chistyakova was conferred the title of People's though mostly devoted to a single theme, were very
Artist of the Uzbek SSR and 17 people honored artist different in style and tone27. Thus, V. Uspensky's
of Uzbekistan. "Uzbekistan", ed. Kozlovsky's "Pesnya o
The Leningrad State Theater of Variety and Tymoshenko" and "Spravedlivoye", G. Mushel's
Miniatures, the Ukrainian State Ensemble of Singing "Matter of Pismo", by M. Steyberg's songs "Rodnaya
and Dance and the Belarusian State Jazz Orchestra Moscow" and "got got Uzbekistan" were created. The
performed in Tashkent and performed to the audience. music created by the Uzbek composers was also
The issue of literary criticism in the theater developed according to the requirements of popular
industry has been overlooked. For example, press song traditions. For example, M. The song "Warriors"
releases often featured positive reviews of opera and by Burkhanov is one of those songs. Uzbek theater
other musicals, but did not dwell on their groups and artists also participated in the military
shortcomings. For example, about opera parade. The work of creative teams was also carried

14 21
Red Uzbekistan, 1944. August 12. Truth of the East, 1943. August 10.
The Republic of Uzbekistan, Savings 2087, list 1, 100 cases, True East, 1942. November 26.
page 45 23
The History of Uzbek Music, -M.: Music, 1979. –S. 90-91.
Kashkadarya Province Archives, Fund 133, Box 4, Issue 1, pp. 24
History of Uzbek soviet music. Т.1. (1917-1945). –Т.: 1972. –P.
122-123. 269.
16 25
Kashkadarya Province State Archives, Fund 11, List 1, Works Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2731, list 1, case
30, Page 21 37, pages 10-11.
17 26
Kashkadarya Province State Archives, Fund 11, List 1, Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund 2731, list 1, case
Works 30, page 13. 37, page 10.
In Theaters of Uzbekistan, 1985. No. 10. 27
History of Uzbek soviet music. Т.1. (1917-1945). –Т 1979. –С.
Red Uzbekistan, 1944. August 12. 94.
The Republic of Uzbekistan, Savings 2087, list 1, 100 cases,
page 45

Philadelphia, USA 303

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

out in a paternalistic way. The process was organized end of August this year among the active army
in four directions: single service to city institutions fighters. The Brigade has been given a very important
and industrial enterprises, kolkhozes and sovkhozes, and responsible mission, and the brigade has
regular communication with military units, and direct performed 76 times in the front lines, from 8
concerts. On August 18 and November 14, 1942, the September to 17 November, in various units of the
Government of Uzbekistan issued an order to the army and brave guerrilla units32. The team included
Department of Art to form and send four teams of such artists as Boborahim Mirzaev, Rahima
artists to provide artistic service to the army28. During Ermatova, Roziya Karimova and Isahar Akilov.
the war, 30 concert groups of Uzbek artists were Much attention was also paid to the creation of
formed, giving more than 5,000 concerts in the army. works in the symphonic genre of music. G.Ashel tried
They performed in extreme conditions. Decade of to study Uzbek folk songs and create symphonic
Uzbek Literature and Art in Moscow in December works. His initial efforts in this regard have not
194129. received much attention. The second symphony was
During the war Uzbek philharmonic society was dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Alisher Navoi.
one of the main centers of musical activity of the This work was performed for the first time in the
republic. Organizational measures for military follow- summer of 1942 in the Decade of the Central Asian
up of the philharmonic society were made, the staff republics in Frunze 33. Symphonic works can be
was revised, and branches were opened in Samarkand, divided into three main categories: the courage of war
Andijan and Ferghana. The philharmonic performers participants, the national heritage, and socio-domestic
were mainly focused on the performance of Russian issues. Heroic M.O. Stepperberg's "Vperyodor", M.
and Western European composers30. T. Jalilov. He Ashrafi's First and Second Symphony, G.A. Mushel's
worked as the artistic director of the front brigade. third symphony was created. In honor of the 500th
From the artists of Uzbekistan Rahimova, B. Mirzaev, anniversary of Alisher Navoi Uspensky's "The Lyrical
R. Karimova, R. Baglanova, F. Sadykov, S. Poem Pamyati Navoi" was also developed34.
Gabrielants were the most active participants in the Mukhtar Ashrafi was one of the first Uzbek
front brigades. composers to produce music in the genre of music. His
Halima Nasirova was one of the most productive "Heroic Symphony" was written on the basis of Uzbek
artists of the war. He played the lead role in cast folk songs and received the State Prize in 1943. This
performances. Nodira starred in 1941's The Great symphony consists of three parts, the first depicts a
Channel, Love in Davron Father, Edda, a Jewish girl peaceful life disturbed by the Nazi invaders, the
in the musical "Sherali", and Star in "Sword of second represents a triumph of the people, with
Uzbekistan." During the war Tamara Khanum was triumphant triumphs, and the music of the third
also productive. On January 1, 1942, an article in the triumph35.
newspaper "Red Uzbekistan" about Tamara Khanum The first Uzbek romances Burkhonov, S.
entitled "My New Year's Gifts." The article quotes Created by Yudakov. M. Burkhonov in his Uyghur
Tamara Khanum as follows: “Since the beginning of speech “Ishqida”, p. Yudakov H. There were
the Patriotic War, I have written new songs on romances like "Habibi tu manam" for Yusufi's words.
defense. These include songs like "The Hero of the S. Yudakov AS to the poem of AS Pushkin, "What a
Heroes", "Forward to the Struggle", "The Will of the song, what a man,"36, He has also worked on such
Mother" (in Uzbek), "Mahbub Stalin" (in Tajik). I romances as "Solovit", "No Zephyr", "Ya zdes,
prepared a dance on the subject "Border". The master- Inezilya" 37.
puppet master, Olim, helped me with this difficult Music schools evacuated to Uzbekistan, along
dance. Since the beginning of the Patriotic War, my with the creation of musical compositions on various
ensemble has performed 59 times in military units ”31. topics, have contributed to the training of music
Tamara Khanum performed in about 20 languages. personnel38. The Leningrad Conservatory, for
On December 8, 1942, an article entitled "On the example, is a PA Under the direction of Serebryakov,
Front" was published in the Red Uzbekistan he worked in Tashkent and trained 153 composers and
newspaper about artistic brigades. The article was musicians in 1942-1943. B. from evacuated
written by Gavhar Rakhimova, the head of one of the musicians. Arapov, S. Vasilenko, V. Voloshinov, L.
front brigades, saying: “… at the request of the Revutsky, Yu. Tyulin, M.. Steinbergs contributed to
warriors, our 12-man team of artists departed in the

Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund, 89-list, 114-page
Book of memory. The Republic of Uzbekistan. –T .: Publishing
House of Commons, 1995. –B. 39.
Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund, 1-list, 86-case, 174-
list, 91-case.
Red Uzbekistan1942. January1.
Red Uzbekistan1942. December 8.

Philadelphia, USA 304

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

the training of young musicians39. Professors from the Directed by Petrosants. The people's master Usmon
Leningrad Conservatory Brick, A. Merovich, N. Zaripov was invited to the laboratory.
Perelman, P. Serebryakov, V. Sher, Symphony Thus, the study of the history of art in Uzbekistan
Orchestra Conductor Professor I Musin and many during the war has allowed us to draw the following
others have participated in a number of concerts in conclusions: Artists in music, theater, cinema, and
Uzbekistan. fine arts have created works in accordance with
During the war years, research in musicology national and traditional requirements. The party
was also continued. On August 23, 1943 the organizations have developed an activity to promote
Government of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution "On the activities of these cultural centers, the content of
the establishment of the Scientific Research Institute their repertoire and the propaganda activities of the
of Art criticism of the UzSSR"40. In the Music theater. y control was carried out. The theater teams
Department of the newly established Institute were required to play more works by Russian and
Uspensky, E. Romanovskaya, I. Akbarov, V. Belyaev, Western European writers on defense, heroism and
T. Vizgo, M. Kovbas, and M. Akhmedova worked. patriotism. During the war many creative teams and
Also in the theater department Verkhatsky, V. Choral, artists were evacuated to Uzbekistan. This allowed to
A.E. Levitini, A. Khojaev, I.G. The gardens worked. enrich Uzbek national art with new traditions, to raise
In the activity of the Institute was the leader in the them to a new level, to exchange experiences. Many
field of music. Since 1943, sources on the history of evacuated masters of art have lived and worked in
Uzbek music have begun to gather. In 1943, by the Uzbekistan, working on various areas of art and
decision of the Government of Uzbekistan, an exploring classical artists, and have published works
experimental laboratory for the revival of folk musical on the history of Uzbek art. During the war, Uzbek
instruments was established in Tashkent. The head of music culture has been enriched with new aspects and
the laboratory was V. A. Uspensky was appointed. new genres have entered.
Since 1944 the laboratory was opened by A.I.


1. (n.d.). MDA of the RUz. Fund R-2087, list 1, 14. Uvarova, G. (1959). Uzbek Dramatic Theater.
case 100, pages 8-9. Essays on Essays. (p.174). Moscow.
2. (n.d.). MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 15. (1944). Red Uzbekistan. August 12.
Fund 2087, list 1, page 63, page 228. 16. (n.d.). The Republic of Uzbekistan, Savings
3. (1941). Red Uzbekistan. November 30. 2087, list 1, 100 cases, page 45
4. (1941). Red Uzbekistan. November 30. 17. (n.d.). Kashkadarya Province Archives, Fund
5. (1945). Red Uzbekistan. March 18. 133, Box 4, Issue 1, pp. 122-123.
6. (n.d.). MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 18. (n.d.). Kashkadarya Province State Archives,
Fund 2087, list 1, page 63, page 228. Fund 11, List 1, Works 30, Page 21
7. (1944). Red Uzbekistan, 1944. August 12. 19. (n.d.). Kashkadarya Province State Archives,
8. (n.d.). MDA of RUz, Savings 2438, list 1, works Fund 11, List 1, Works 30, page 13.
2, pages 7-8. 20. (1985). In Theaters of Uzbekistan. No. 10.
9. Korsakova, A. (1961). Uzbek Opera and Ballet 21. (1944). Red Uzbekistan. August 12.
Theater. Ocherki's History. (pp.194-200). 22. (n.d.). The Republic of Uzbekistan, Savings
Tashkent. 2087, list 1, 100 cases, page 45
10. (n.d.). MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 23. (1943). Truth of the East. August 10.
foundation 2087, list 1, case 87, page 98 24. (1942). True East. November 26.
11. (n.d.). MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 25. (1979). The History of Uzbek Music, (pp.90-91).
Fund 2087, list 1, 85, page 76 Moscow: Music.
12. (n.d.). MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 26. (n.d.). History of Uzbek soviet music. Т.1. (1917-
Fund 2087, list 1, page 103, page 51 1945). (p.269). Тashkent.
13. (1955). State Russian dramatic theater im. M. 27. (n.d.). Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Gorkogo 20 years. (p.8). Tashkent. Fund 2731, list 1, case 37, pages 10-11.

Philadelphia, USA 305

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

28. (n.d.). Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 31. (1995). Book of memory. The Republic of
Fund 2731, list 1, case 37, page 10. Uzbekistan. (p.39). Tashkent: Publishing House
29. (1979). History of Uzbek soviet music. Т.1. of Commons.
(1917-1945). (p.94). Тashkent. 32. (n.d.). Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
30. (n.d.). Savings of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fund, 1-list, 86-case, 174-list, 91-case.
Fund, 89-list, 114-page. 33. (1942). Red Uzbekistan. January1.
34. (1942). Red Uzbekistan. December 8.

Philadelphia, USA 306

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 27.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Saboat Orifova
Namangan regional in-service and retraining center,
The teacher


Abstract: This article provides information about emotional stress and its prevention on the pupils at the school
Key words: emotional stresses, change, case of the stress, adolescence period, problem, prophylaxis.
Language: English
Citation: Orifova, S. (2019). Emotional stress and preventing it in an adolescence stage. ISJ Theoretical &
Applied Science, 09 (77), 307-309.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-54 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.54
Scopus ASCC: 3200.

Introduction teenager, his mental state, physiological and social

Addressing and raising psychological issues in conditions. In most cases, they have opposite
adolescence has become one of the most pressing situations. By this time, the child is no longer a child
problems of our time. The moral, political, social and and yet still not an adult. His relationships to himself
ideological demands of the family, school and society and those around him reveal a completely different
for the younger generation are growing. character. The system of his interests, social
Most researchers studying adolescence focus orientation is re-shaped, the system of self-esteem,
more on how aggression, emotional excitement, and values changes. For himself/herself, the importance of
psychological problems appear in juveniles when they myself and that of mine will grow. (10)
are angry. Because at this age, they do not have One of the most important issues in adolescence
enough life experience but try to be recognized and is emotional stress and its consequences.
independent. Adolescence is one of the most When psychological stress is manifested in
characteristic stages of human ontogenetic changes in the various functional systems of the body,
development, which transmits a person from its intensity or strength can range from mood disorders
childhood to adulthood and, in turn, differs from other to stomach ulcers or heart attacks. (1)
periods in a more acute and complex way. This period By examining the situations of anxiety and
is referred to in the psychological and pedagogical worry that can lead to emotional stress or anxiety, Dr.
literature as transitions, critical times, times of crisis. Nutt outlines the following four components:
This period roughly corresponds to the time of - Mood (or excitement);
children in grades 5-8 and ranges from 11-12 to 14-15 - Cognitive field (unpleasant memories,
years. In some children, this period may be observed foresight and wrong prediction);
earlier or later than 1-2 years. With this in mind, it can - Physiological signs (tachycardia - pulse
be said that some adolescents (mainly girls) can begin acceleration, sweating, movement disorders);
at the age of 9-10 and continue for some 16-17 years. - Behavioral disorders.
The fact that adolescence is a difficult and complex Psychomotoric changes are manifested in
period is associated with many psychological, excessive tension of the muscles, especially the
physiological, and social factors. The essence of all muscles of the face and neck, shaking of hands,
aspects of development: physical, mental, moral, disturbance of the respiratory rhythm, vibration,
social and so on will change during this period. During decline in the rate of sensomotor reactions, speech
this time, there is a significant change in the life of the disorders. In the experiments by Yu.Shcherbatix,

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

stress and other emotional stresses also affect a functioning of the body. During exams, the frequency
person's writing. For example, under the influence of of heart contractions increases. The level of emotional
a bad mood, the distance between the letters increases and psycho-emotional tension increases. After passing
and the letters become enlarged. And in a good mood, the exams, these indicators do not return to normal.
the writing of the letter is written in small letters and This may take several days. (7)
beautiful. (3) There are many methods for correcting psycho-
Change of the daily routine - shortening of sleep, emotional stresses, and the choice of them should first
shifting of working hours to night time, refusal of of all take into account the individual traits of
useful habits and inability to find suitable ways to deal individuals and the ways in which they are
with emotional stress. appropriate. In his book “Individual Resilience to
Social role-playing disorders are manifested as Emotional Stress”, K.V.Sudakov lists some of the
insufficient time to communicate with loved ones and anti-stress measures. They are:
friends, increased tension, decreased sensitivity - Autogenic exercise;
during communication, and signs of social behavior.In - Different methods of relaxation;
addition, a person who has been in emotional stress - Biological feedback system;
for a long time will be neglected by social norms and - Respiratory gymnastics;
standards. He may not even pay attention to his - Positive feelings in the life of the person;
appearance. Discontinuing relationships with deep - Music;
emotional stresses create a feeling of guilt and despair, - Exercise;
leaving the underlying problem unresolved. - Psychotherapy;
Emotional stresses associated with learning activities, - Physiotherapeutic procedures (massage, sauna,
in adolescents' opinion, are associated with reduced sleep);
job capacity and increased fatigue. The negative - Needle injection, etc. (2)
effects of emotional stress are also manifested in sleep In addition to the methods developed by
disorders, ineffective rush, and lack of time. psychologists, the use of traditional methods can be
The fact that the mind is constantly analyzing the used to relieve emotional stress:
causes of emotional tension, and looking for ways to - Communication with nature, music, drinks,
get out of it, narrows the amount of memory and sleep, pets, socializing with friends, engaging in fun
makes it difficult to recall the necessary material. (6) activities, taking a shower, watching a good movie,
Symptoms of stress in intellectual activity: reading books, doing sports and more.
Attention - it is difficult to concentrate, distracts In addition to these vital methods, several other
quickly and narrows its scope. methods, called "psychological", are shown:
Thinking is a violation of logic, fragmentation, - To be so busy with work that there is no time
difficult decision-making, and a reduction in creative left for the experiences;
potential. - Change of attitude to the situation;
Memory is a deterioration of operative memory, - To think of people who are in a worse situation;
which is difficult to recall. - Pouring out their feelings to a friend or friend;
Emotional stress affects all physiological - A sense of humor is needed in the situation;
processes in the body - digestive, circulatory and - Follow the advice of the person with the
respiratory systems. knowledge and experience in this area. (5)
Psychosomatic changes related to stress are more As this example shows, even though people have
dependent on those who are shy, humane, shy, some knowledge of coping with emotional stress, they
pessimistic, weak in the nervous system, introverted. still face life's stress and emotional stress. The reason
Stress related to learning activities can be for this is that in most cases these methods may not
manifested in future situations - fear, high levels of yield high results due to the misuse of these methods.
stress, lack of self-confidence, depressed moods, (9)
depressing thoughts, feelings of helplessness. (4) Emotional tension can be controlled
Educational stresses: Exam stresses are independently or by a variety of techniques. Practice
central to the mental stress of secondary school has shown that the most effective way to manage
students, especially in high school adolescents. emotional stress is to use psychologist support.
Adverse factors during exam preparation are: Educating psychologists individually studying the
- Intensive mental activity; causes of emotional stress in working with
- Muscle stress; adolescents, teaches them how to use these techniques
- Restriction of activity; correctly and how to control them. That is why the use
- Sleep disorders; of the services of a psychologist is much more
- Emotional stress related to the possibility of effective. (8)
adolescents' social status change.
All this causes excessive tension of the
vegetative nervous system, which ensures normal

Philadelphia, USA 308

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


1. Tigranyan, R. A. (1998). Stress i ego znachenie 8. (2006). Pedagogik ta"lim. (pp.92-99). Toshkent
dlya organizma. Moscow. 2006 yil .
2. Sherbakov, Y. V. (2006). Psikhologiya stressa i 9. Tўlyaganova, S. (n.d.). “Ўsmirlarda
metody ego korreksii. P. khovotirlanish va қўrқuv kholatlari
3. Nishanova, T. (1998). Bolalar psikhokorrektsiyasi”. (pp.198-20). Respublika
psikhodiagnostikasi. (p.87). Toshkent. ilmiy amaliy anzhumati materiallari. pp.198-
4. Nishanova, T. (2004). Psikhik tarakkiet 20
diagnostikasi. (p.134). Tashkent. 10. Vilyunas, I. K. (1976). Psikhologiya
5. Adizova, T. M. (2005). Psikhokorreksiya. emotsionalnykh yavleniy. Moscow.
Uchebnoe posobie. Tashkent. 11. Sherbakov, A. I. (1991). Esh psikhologiyasi va
6. Karimova, V. M.., & Akramova, F. A. (2000). pedagogika psikhologiyadan praktikum.
Psikhologiya. Ma"ruzalar matni. Toshkent.
7. Khalilova, N., & Tulyaganova, S. (2006).
“Shakhsda stressning namoen bўlishi”

Philadelphia, USA 309

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 27.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Nargiza Raximjonovna G’oyibnazarova
Namangan regional in-service and retraining center,
the senior teacher


Abstract: This article describes the process of integration of teaching native language and mathematics in
elementary education.
Key words: Integration, primary education, methods of teaching the native language, teaching mathematics,
learning content.
Language: English
Citation: G’oyibnazarova, N. R. (2019). Integration between mother tongue and mathematics in primary
education. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 310-312.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-55 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.55
Scopus ASCC: 3304.

Introduction pedagogical technologies in teaching. Ensuring

Educational reform is renewing the content of interdisciplinary engagement in the learning content
education, and new subjects are being introduced in of the elementary grades provides a number of
the school syllabus. Due to their interrelationship, the pedagogical opportunities.
effectiveness of education is increasing. The In primary education, students will be able to
methodology of teaching native language in improve their cognitive abilities, activities, interests,
elementary schools is based on the methodological and intellectual abilities while ensuring effective
and didactic basis of the interrelation between two interactions with the native language in mathematics.
subjects. It is necessary to develop theoretical and Integration with native language and
practical foundations, to improve the methodological mathematics is provided. It is necessary to select the
bases and didactic directions of interaction between relational content of these two subjects in order to
native language and mathematics in elementary substantiate the scientific basis, and to develop a
school and to identify the intersections and principles system of interdisciplinary disciplines with the use of
of these subjects. the latest pedagogical technologies used in the
As is the case with social and economic fields, it educational process. It is necessary to explain the new
is important to improve the content of education by topic in teaching native language and math, to learn
ensuring that it interacts with the native language and the rules, to do exercises, to solve problems and to
mathematics. Our observations show that there is a make them relevant to other disciplines. As a result,
need to make mathematical education relevant to other students will have a deeper understanding of the
academic disciplines in the elementary grades. There subject and will be able to effectively master the
is insufficient integration of language and mathematical phenomena. No matter how complex
mathematics in the content of elementary education, the language and mathematics evidence in elementary
but a number of problems arise because of the mother education may be, they enable us to perceive
tongue. And the practice of ensuring that the phenomena in the material world.
mathematics is interconnected within the Expression of mathematical concepts in the
requirements set out in the State Educational content of other disciplines is important for ensuring
Standard. The interaction of mathematics with other the effectiveness of the learning activities of
subjects in the learning process enables the use of elementary students. In the context of teaching
various interactive methods and advanced elementary school students based on interdisciplinary

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

learning, the content is based on the knowledge gained of the harmony of these two disciplines, how students
from lessons learned in close-knit disciplines and in interpret the terms used in their native language in
the process of teaching native and foreign languages. mathematics lessons, how the words are written in
In teaching, teachers use the opportunity to interact letters in their native language, and in mathematics
with different subjects. The content of the material is bread. In the elementary classes, the categories of
evidence of the work and activities of historical and words are formed of nouns, adjectives, numbers,
great people, examples of achievements in science, verbs, and individual pronouns. In Class 1 -2, the word
technology and culture. Using a variety of materials constellation is taught as a word without the need for
during the course, students use native and foreign a person to indicate the name, the symbol, the
languages as a means to learn not only the information movement and the count.
but also the world. Elementary learning in the methodology of
As a result of the study of mathematical teaching the native language is learned from the 2nd
expression, the interdisciplinary approach of the grade. How many words do you give that person and
elementary school curriculum provides some degree items count? What are the words that indicate the
of connection. It enhances students' cognitive and order of the person and the thing? How many are
memory abilities. there? How many answers are to one of the questions?
The features of interdisciplinary learning in the For example: sixteen, twenty-five, seven
sciences are determined by the general objectives of hundred thirty, two thousand four. The numbers are
the humanitarian education, aimed at spiritual and written in both letters and numbers: eighty, ninety,
aesthetic education of students. Interpretation of the hundred; 80, 90, 100. Two types of numbers are used.
elements of the letters in beautiful, accurate writing, In the 4th grade textbook, the series of last words
counting tone, number of letters, and large, small, will continue.
distance, graphic elements in the study of subjects is Exercise 314 Read the text. Find the numbers by
in the section of science. The classroom student asking questions
acquires the content of these subjects, such as self- “Accountant”
control, attention to their appearance, and a sense of Three boys, aged 6, 8 and 10, went fishing. The
responsibility. These qualities evolve under the hook was thrown into the water. The bucket was
influence of speech, artistic, visual, musical placed 30 steps away from the water. They caught
instruments. their fish in a bucket.
The interdisciplinary interrelationship of “How many fish did we have?” The older boy
mathematics with the mother tongue teaches the asked.
commonality of the subjects, how they are interpreted "I think we caught 50 fish," the average said.
and analyzed in these two disciplines. It is important The little boy was sent to count the fish. The little
for students to come to their senses and to show that knew only about 20. (From Serik Boytukayev)
each discipline is unique in its content and Move the numbers with the horse you are tied to.
methodology. Write the numbers in alphabetical order.
If theoretical knowledge of the native language Six years, eight years, ten years, three children,
provides students with the correctness of the speech fifty fish, counting up to twenty.
by equipping them with linguistic concepts and Exercise 315 Move the numbers along with the
literary language rules, new words, grammar, and word they relate to.
speech patterns are areas of speech development. Italian chefs make a huge cake. It is listed in the
Although elementary classes have a profound role in Guinness Book of World Records as the largest cake
language classes, phonetics, graphics, pronunciation, in the world. The length of the cake is 2 kilometers -
and spelling, the language phenomena that 396 meters. 500 kilograms of butter, 900 kg of sugar,
interconnect words and expressions (Grammar) also 500 kg of plum jam and 14,000 eggs were used for its
have their proper place. preparation. 200 people worked hard to make a big
The importance of word-of-mouth work is that cake. (From Gulkhan)
students reinforce the pronunciation and spelling of 2 km 396 meters of cake, 900 kg plums, 14,000
the words while at the same time familiarizing eggs, 200 people.
themselves with new words used in exercises, In this class, numbers are reinforced by the
composing phrases, sentences, and reading the following exercises and tasks. They are asked how the
content. They tell stories and look at pictures. This numbers are expressed in the inscription.
means that the reader, on the one hand, learns the How many numbers do the numbers represent?
language phenomena. On the other hand, they try to The numbers are expressed in three ways:
use them in speech, to learn the pronunciation of 1. Alphabetical expression: fourth grade, sixth
speech based on the spoken word and spelling, the house.
educational aspect of speech. 2. Arabic number: September 1, 2003
How does the teaching of the native language 3. Roman number: Class IV, XXI century (to tell
coincide with the science of math teaching? As a result about Roman number 4 in class)

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

How are the numbers tied to the horse? Numbers the impact of innovative processes, the introduction of
are connected to the horse using a ring. new research programs, choral experiences, and
Exercise 336. Read the numbers and write participation in international research. The TAMSS
letters. international program also focuses on the integration
14, 12, 4, 7, 8, 9, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 1000.1 000 of five areas, which seems to be very relevant today.
000. For example, a crossword in a native language
Fourteen, twelve, four, seven, eight… .000, one class has two letters, two collars, three consonants and
million. two vowels, and what is the verb in the category?
Fourteen children, twelve stars, seven miracles. Answer to the question - In mathematics, the cross
Build and write numbers using horses. section is taught as the cross-section of this line. It is
Please specify the number of horseback riding. represented by a single line and a symbol representing
Example: two students a restricted part.
Test your knowledge! Questions will help your Or, when students are given information about
students to know. sounds and letters, they are first told by numbers. M:
1. How do you separate numbers from other The alphabet is all letters given in order. Of these, 24
categories? (twenty-four) are taught as consonants and 6 are
2. Which numbers are the same consonants? vowels. For the connection of native language and
3. Explain the ordering of numbers in the mathematics the numbers are written in alphabetic
numbers expressed in the order? expressions. How many letters and joints are included
4. How do counting numbers be written in more in this entry? In mathematics, this number means the
than one word? amount, the weight, the small It is written in numbers
5. What role do numbers play in our speech? in mathematics, and in their native language they
Through these exercises, students will see that understand that it is written in words. This shows the
native language is associated with math. But today, combination of two subjects.


1. Ernazarov, G. (2013). Ona tili o`qitish metoikasi. 6. Qosimova, Q. (1998). “2-sinflarda ona tili
Toshkent. darslari”. Tashkent: “O`qituvchi”.
2. Jumayev, M., & Ttadjiyeva Z. (n.d.). 7. Ikromova, R., & G`ulomova, S. (2017). 4 – sinf
Boshlang`ich sinflarda matematika o`qitish Ona tili darsligi. Toshkent.
metodikasi. 8. Fuzailov, S., & Xudoyberganova, M. (2018). 3-
3. Ishmuҳamedov, R., & Yuldashev, M. (2013). sinf Ona tili darsligi - 2018 yil Toshkent.
Ta"lim va tarbiyada innovatsion pedagogik Toshkent.
tekhnologiyalar. (p.278). Tashkent: “Niҳol 9. Bikboyeva, N., & Yangiboyeva, E. (2018). 4 -
nashreti. sinf Matematika darsligi - 2018 yil Toshkent.
4. Qosimova, K., Matjonov, S., G`ulomova, X., Toshkent.
Yo`ldoshеva, S., & Sariеv, S. (2009). Ona tili 10. Burhanov, S., & Xudoyorob, O. (2018). 4 - sinf
o`qitish mеtodikasi. Tashkent: Noshir. Matematika darsligi - va boshq. Toshkent.
5. G`ulomova, X., Yo`ldoshеva, S., Mamatova, G.,
& Boqiеva, H. (2013). Husnixat va uni o`qitish
mеtodikasi. Tashkent: TDPU.

Philadelphia, USA 312

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 28.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Muhayyo Soliyeva
Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies,


Abstract: The current political processes in the world are influenced by various trends. In most cases, these
tendencies are out of the reach of close cooperation, compromise and political negotiation, and attempts are being
made to address military conflicts in parts of the world. This requires regional diplomacy in every region and at any
time. Central Asia is one of the strategically important regions of the world. The dramatic changes taking place in
this region will have an impact on the world political life as well. Today, the interests of the leading nations in the
region are intersecting and various non-traditional threats remain. In these circumstances, there is an urgent need
to strengthen regional diplomacy among the Central Asian states and jointly address pressing issues. In this regard,
the Republic of Uzbekistan through its political vigor and practical efforts has been able to create such a diplomatic
atmosphere in the region. This article will present Uzbekistan's active diplomacy in Central Asia, its legal
mechanisms and experience.
Key words: regional diplomacy, paradiplomacy, constituent diplomacy, sub-state diplomacy, microdiplomacy,
multilayered diplomacy, preventive diplomacy, the Strategy of Action, Central Asia, Tashkent conference.
Language: English
Citation: Soliyeva, M. (2019). Regional diplomacy in central Asia: experience of Uzbekistan. ISJ Theoretical
& Applied Science, 09 (77), 313-316.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-56 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.56
Scopus ASJC: 2308.

Introduction of our people is the highest value given to our work”

The concept of regional diplomacy is emerging by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also,
as one of the most important instruments of several articles such as “Paradiplomacy as a Means of
international relations for cooperation in certain Expressing the Regional Identity of Subjects of the
regions, reaching agreements, and jointly addressing Federations” by Yu. Akimov and “Regional
urgent problems between countries in the context of organizations in Central Asia: characteristics of
escalating geopolitical influences. Naturally, small interactions, efficiency dilemmas” by L.Maren,
states, often located in geostrategic regions, closely P.Sebasten are efficiently used in this research.
associate their foreign policy with the region in which
they are located. However, this is difficult to do MATERIALS AND METHODS
individually, and calls for regional diplomacy. The main method in this article is the content
analysis of the materials presented in local and foreign
LITERATURE VIEW documents. The researcher also investigated
The theoretical basis of this research is the information on magazines and newspapers on the
Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the subject.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
on the Development Strategy of the Republic of FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
Uzbekistan, the UN General Assembly resolution In addition to the term regional diplomacy in
“Strengthe regional and international cooperation for international relations, terms such as
peace, stability and sustainable development in "paradiplomacy", "structural diplomacy", "interstate
Central Asia” and a speech is called “The consensus diplomacy", "sub-state diplomacy",

Philadelphia, USA 313

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

"microdiplomacy", "multilateral diplomacy" are also law states that the priority of foreign policy of
used. Although they have similar meaning, the terms Uzbekistan is the Central Asian region and the vital
"paradiplomacy" and "regional diplomacy" are interests of the country are inseparably linked with
relevant [1]. Paradiplomacy was introduced in the 80s this region. The Concept also includes political
of XX century by I.Dukhachek. It is precisely the consultations as a political and diplomatic instrument
theoretical views of this scholar that became the for foreign policy of Uzbekistan, joint search for
cornerstone of regional diplomacy. He noted that discussion and resolution of pressing issues, exchange
paradiplomacy is a means of establishing international of views and coordination of positions on regional and
relations between different countries in the region. international issues of mutual interest, preventive
However, it is worth noting that over time, different diplomacy and preventive measures, developing
scholars have pointed out its distinctive features from forms and methods, foreign policy initiatives aimed at
contemporary regional diplomacy. Specifically, a ensuring the national interests of Uzbekistan, security
similar description of paradigm diplomacy is given by and stability in the region iqish and other devices are
Professor Y.Akimov, Professor of American Studies listed [4]. Indeed, these tools play an important role in
at St. Petersburg State University: “Paradiplomacy is active diplomacy in the region, but as a result of some
an international manifestation of subnational units that internal and external political processes and
form formal and informal, permanent and temporary influences in Central Asia, there has been a number of
relations with foreign actors based on various difficulties in implementing such tools. In addition,
strategies of action” [2]. The main premise of this another important document that reflects some of the
definition is that paradiplomacy can be understood as main principles and priorities of Uzbekistan's foreign
the participation of state (local, regional) bodies in policy at present is the Strategy of Action for the
international relations. In this respect, regional Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
diplomacy is the direct foreign policy instrument of The fifth priority of this strategy is to ensure security,
the states in the region, while paradiplomacy is the interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, and to
participation of the subordinate structures in foreign create an environment of security, stability and
affairs. In covering regional diplomacy as an example neighborliness in Uzbekistan's foreign policy in a well
of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to study the thought out, mutually beneficial and practical manner
geographical location, legal, organizational and [5-6]. In our opinion, radical changes in Central Asia
diplomatic mechanisms of foreign policy. through Uzbek diplomacy require the necessary
Central Asia, which is characterized by its changes and amendments to the Concept of Foreign
strategic role and importance in the world, is Policy Activity, or the development of new legal
undergoing tremendous political changes. Uzbekistan documents on specific areas and mechanisms of
is located in the heart of Central Asia, the country's foreign policy.
diplomacy plays a crucial role in the region. In
particular, as a political will of the new leadership of Regional diplomacy practice in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan, the practical aspects of regional The role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat
diplomacy are developing in the region. It is advisable Mirziyoyev in addressing the problems that have
to consider this diplomacy on the following criteria: arisen with all Central Asian states through political
consultations and encouraging the countries of the
Legal bases of regional diplomacy region to actively engage in dialogue and cooperation.
The first legal basis of Uzbekistan's foreign President Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed a speech at
policy is the Constitution of the country. According to the General Debate of 72nd Session of UN General
Article 17 of the Constitution, The Republic of Assembly and said, “Today, Uzbekistan considers the
Uzbekistan shall have full rights in international region of Central Asia to be as the main priority of its
relations. Its foreign policy shall be based on the foreign policy. And this is a conscious choice. Being
principles of sovereign equality of the states, non-use in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is keenly
of force or threat of its use, inviolability of frontiers, interested in the region to become a zone of stability,
peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference in sustainable development and good-neighborliness. A
the internal affairs of other states, and other peaceful and economically prosperous Central Asia is
universally recognized norms of international law. our most important goal and key task”.
The Republic may form alliances, join or withdraw Uzbekistan is determined to engage in dialogue,
from unions and other inter-state organizations constructive interaction and strengthening the good-
proceeding from the ultimate interests of the state and neighborliness. We stand ready for reasonable
the people, their well-being and security [3]. This compromises with the countries of Central Asia on all
article fully complies with the diplomatic principles of issues without exception” [7]. Today relations
international law. One of the legal documents defining between Central Asian countries are developing
foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the dynamically. A new geopolitical environment is
Law “The Concept of Foreign Policy Activity of the emerging in Central Asia. The growing number of
Republic of Uzbekistan” (September 12, 2012). The problems between Central Asian countries are directly

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

related to Uzbekistan's role in this area. In this sense, had diminished in scale, and the UN was ready to
a number of practical and enormous work has been make every possible contribution to the process [9]. In
done not only at bilateral but also regional and addition, on June 22, 2018 at the UN General
international levels. In particular, the meeting of the Assembly, the resolution was “Strengthening regional
presidents of states of Central Asia, Samarkand and international cooperation to ensure peace,
Conference on “Central Asia: One Past and a stability and sustainable development in the Central
Common Future, Cooperation for Sustainable Asian region”[10] was adopted. The draft document,
Development and Mutual Prosperity”, Tashkent developed by Uzbekistan jointly with the Central
Conference on Afghanistan which is called that Asian states, was unanimously supported by all UN
“Peace process, security cooperation and regional member states. This resolution is a practical result of
connectivity”, Tashkent International Conference: an initiative proposed by the President of the Republic
“Central Asia in the System of International Transport of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev at the 72nd session
Corridors: Strategic Perspectives and Unrealized of the UN General Assembly in New York in
Opportunities”, International Conference September 2017. The Secretary General of the SCO,
“Interconnectedness in Central Asia: challenges and V. Norov, commented on the importance of the
new opportunities” and other regional cooperation document: “The document states that the UN General
mechanisms give a plenty of great chances in political, Assembly will support efforts and initiatives by the
economic, trade, transport and communication, countries of the region to strengthen stability and
cultural and humanitarian spheres, the issues of economic cooperation in Central Asia. The common
security and stability in a more efficient opportunities. position of the five Central Asian countries on major
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat regional issues is determined. In particular, the
Mirziyoyev addressed a speech in the Samarkand importance of expanding regional cooperation in such
Conference on “Central Asia: One Past and a areas as strengthening security in Central Asia,
Common Future, Cooperation for Sustainable rational use of water and energy, addressing
Development and Mutual Prosperity”, currently environmental issues, and developing transport and
linked the interests of powerful states in Central Asia transit systems are mentioned. Today, there are all the
to the foci of instability and confrontation, with a necessary conditions for a stable and effective
particular emphasis on the impact that the region in cooperation in Central Asia. There is great potential
which it is facing all the negative processes taking for further development of high-tech industries,
place in the near and far abroad, what power will improvement of the agro-industrial sector and
prevail here - whether it is conflict or confrontation or tourism, attraction of large foreign investments in the
cooperation and development? To do this, the real sector of the economy. It should be noted that for
President set up a Regional Economic Forum and the the past one or two years, the trade turnover between
Central Asian Regional Business Forum for the the countries of Central Asia increased by 20-30%. In
development of trade and economic relations, the some neighboring countries, the rate has increased to
more effective use of transport and logistics potential, 70%.” [11-12].
and the adherence to the principle of “integrated In conclusion, the Republic of Uzbekistan is a
security” in ensuring security and stability in Central key to regional diplomacy in Central Asia. The
Asia. comprehensive support for Afghanistan's diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan in this direction is
involvement in regional economic processes, effectively accomplished. There is a growing interest
including the process of delimitation and demarcation in the Central Asian region. This, in turn, requires the
of state borders, complete the region's water resources development of a regional diplomacy strategy.
effectively, taking into account the interests of all Therefore, in our view, it is expedient to elaborate and
countries in the region, as well as cultural and adopt “the Declaration on Strategic Fundamentals of
humanitarian cooperation, especially in Central Asia Regional Diplomacy” in Central Asia. This
“people diplomacy” as the most important tool for declaration is based on the norms of international law,
development of attention [8]. The practical the UN special resolution on Central Asia and the
implementation of these initiatives is gradually being agreements on cooperation between the countries of
implemented. The head of the UN Regional Center for Central Asia. At the same time, the adoption of this
Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia N.German said Declaration can help to resolve complex issues
at a press conference at the Tashkent Conference on through diplomatic means and tools, and to foster the
Afghanistan that exactly the initiative of Uzbekistan development of mutual trust.


Philadelphia, USA 315

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

1. Akimov, Y. G. (2016). Paradiplomatiya kak region. Resolution adopted by the General

sredstvo vyrazheniya regional'noy identichnosti Assembly on 22 June 2018, Distr.: General 25
sub"yektov federatsiy. Upravlencheskoye June 2018. A/RES/72/283.
konsul'tirovaniye. Paradiplomacy as a Means of 9. (n.d.). Uzbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi.
Expressing the Regional Identity of Subjects of The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
the Federations. Management Consulting. (In Retrieved 2019, from
Russian) № 2, p. 26. http://constitution.uz/uz/clause/index
2. (n.d.). Retrieved 2019, from 10. (2017). Uzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti
http://uza.uz/oz/society/bmt-rezolyutsiyasi- Shavkat Mirziyoevning Birlashgan Millatlar
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2018 sessiyasidagi nutqi (Nyu York, 2017 yil 19
3. (n.d.). BMT rezolyutsiyasi – uzbek sentyabr) [Speech of the President of the
diplomatiyasining tarikhiy yutughi. [The UN Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev at
resolution is a historic achievement of Uzbek the 72nd Session of the United Nations General
diplomacy. (In Uzbek)] Assembly (New York, September 19, 2017) //
4. German, N. (2018). Mintaqada hal etilishi lozim Public Speech, September 189, No. 189 (6883)]
bolgan qaltis masalalar kolami kamaymoqda // // Xalq sozi 2017 yil 20 sentyabr, № 189 (6883).
Xalq sozi 2018 yil 29 mart, The range of 11. (2017). Uzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining
challenges that need to be addressed in the Uzbekiston Respublikasini yanada rivojlantirish
region is decreasing. Public speech March 61, buyicha Harakatlar strategiyasi togrisidagi
2018, № 61 (7019). Farmoni. Tashkent: “Аdolat”
5. Mirziyoev, S. M. (2018). Khalqimizning roziligi 12. (2017). Decree of the President of the Republic
bizning faoliyatimizga berilgan eng oliy of Uzbekistan on the strategy of further
bahodir. Tashkent: Uzbekiston NMIU. development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6. Mirziyoyev, S. M. (2018). Our people’s consent (p.27). Tashkent: “Adolat”.
is the highest genius to our work. (In Uzb). 13. (2012). Uzbekiston Respublikasining Tashqi
(pp.264-274). Тashkent: Uzbekistan. siyosiy faoliyati Kontseptsiyasi. Uzbekiston
7. (2018). Paradiplomacy and political geography: Respublikasi Oliy Majlis palatalarining
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8. (2018). Strengthening regional and international Uzbek)] – pp. 12-16
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Philadelphia, USA 316

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 28.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Dilfuza Akhmedova
the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
DSc, Lecturer
[email protected]


Abstract: Currently, one of the actively developing directions in linguistics is language learning in a functional-
stylistic aspect. Special attention is paid to the study of the use of language units in different functional styles.
Publicist texts are studied according to the functional approach to linguistic analysis of newspaper texts,
investigated based on semantics and form of language units, their function in text formation. In the implementation
of this function, the semantics and form of the language unit are transformed into a means of generating newspaper
text. Although the analysis of the application of parts of speech and their semantic groups within functional styles is
particularly important in Iranistics, there are no studies on this subject. The study of the newspaper-publicist style of
Persian is the most important direction of modern Iranistics.
Key words: stylistics, newspaper style, qualitative adjectives, relative adjectives, verbs, text, thematic group,
verbs of speech, informative, functional features of verbs.
Language: Russian
Citation: Akhmedova, D. (2019). Functional and stylistic features of parts of Persian language speech in
newspaper texts. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 317-331.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-57 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.57
Scopus ASCC: 1208.



Аннотация: Язык - одно из сложнейших явлений человеческого общества. Определенные языковые

средства и стили, которые мы постоянно используем в общении, образуют систему. В связи с непрерывным
развитием языка, изменение целей и задач различных функциональных стилей, стилистическое
невообразимое разделение речи как инвариантной догмы. Поэтому теоретически не существует
общепризнанных критериев стилистической дифференциации стиля. Однако деление на функциональные
стили речи представляло собой не только законное, но и необходимое, если оно сделано с учетом динамики
процессов, происходящих в естественном языке и обществе. Предметом исследований является газетно-
публицистический стиль речи.
Газетно-публицистический стиль имеет специфические особенности и основная задача материалов
этого стиля - донести определённую информацию до определённых позиций; Таким образом достигается
желаемый эффект для читателя или слушателя. Содержание газеты и информационных сообщений
отличается тем, что здесь речь идет о событиях, доступных для широкого понимания слоев
неспециалистов, прямо или косвенно связанных с их жизнью и интересами.
Ключевые слова: стилистика, газетно-публицистический стиль, части речи, глагол, текст,
тематическая группа, глаголы речи, информативность, функциональные особенности частей речи.

Введение. лингвистике является изучение языка в

В настоящее время одним из активно функционально-стилистическом аспекте.
развивающим направлением в мировой

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Особое внимание уделяется исследованию Следует отметить и значимость

использования языковых единиц в различных исследований таджикских иранистов Муллоева
функциональных стилях. Шарифа[35], Р.Мехди [36], русских иранистов
В мировой лингвистике публицистические А.Аббасогли [37], имеющих отношение к теме
тексты изучаются согласно функциональному данного диссертационного исследования.
подходу к лингвистическому анализу газетных А.Сухоруковым проведено исследование по
текстов, исследуются, исходя из семантики и использованию в иранских газетах эквивалентов
формы языковых единиц, их функции в европеизмов и американизмов на примере
формировании текста. В реализации этой функции иранской прессы [38].
семантика и форма языковой единицы О важности дискурса персидского языка
превращаются в средство, порождающие газетный отмечается в научной статье Е.Гладковой
текст. Несмотря на то, что и в иранистике особую «Некоторые аспекты общественно-политической
важность обретает анализ применения частей речи лексики современного персидского языка (на
и их семантических групп в рамках материале выступлений М.Ахмадинежеда в
функциональных стилей, но тем не менее ООН)». В частности, автором сделаны выводы,
отсутствуют монографические исследования на что речи М.Ахмадинежода, произнесённые на
данную тему. Исследование газетно- мировых аренах, «логически сформированы и
публицистического стиля персидского языка обоснованы», что увеличивает интерес к
является важнейшим направлением современной изучению политического дискурса [39].
иранистики. Изучению проблем по данной теме
исследования в других языках, к примеру, в
Степень изученности темы. таджикском языке, проделаны ряд работ: в
В настоящее время возрастает интерес к кандидатской диссертации Х.Сафарова [40]
исследованию языка средств массовой освещаются лексико-грамматические и
информации, в частности, языка газеты. В стилистические особенности заголовков
узбекском языкознании отмечаются работы таджикских газет, в кандидатской работе
С.Мухамедова [1], А.Бобоевой [2], Д.Тешабоевой М.Музофиршоева на примере анализа языка
[3], К.Юсупова [4], А.Абдусаидова [5], периодической печати исследуется
И.Тошалиева [6], И.Азимовой [7], словообразование неологизмов в таджикском
Ш.Абдураимовой [8], Б.Йулдошева [9], языке [41].
Я.Маматовой [10], Н.Кодирова[11], в русском В перечисленных выше исследованиях
языкознании существуют работы Г.Я.Солганика лексических особенностей языка средств
[12], А.Н.Васильевой [13], С.Виноградова [14], массовой информации Ирана, освещены
М.Володиной [15], В.Г.Костомарова[16], определенные аспекты иранской периодической
О.Александровой [17], Н.Клушиной [18], печати, однако не изучены вкрапления из
М.Н.Кожиной [19], Е.Кубряковой [20], различных стилей в газетных текстах, не
И.Кобозовой [21], И.П.Лисаковой [22], определена роль использованных в них языковых
А.Леонтьева [23], В.Конькова [24], К.Билинского единиц в передаче эмоционально-экспрессивных
[25], Е.Какориной [26]. значений; недостаточно освещены вопросы
В иранистике первыми изысканиями по применения грамматических форм в текстах
языку прессы Ирана являются исследования персидских газет, реализующих множество
английского ученого Э.Брауна. В книге «История стилистических значений; не исследованы такие
печати и литературы Ирана эпохи Машруты» [27] стилистические аспекты газетных текстов, как
автором приведены подробные сведения о новизна, актуальность и сжатость информации; не
журналистике той эпохи, иранских газетах, проанализированы специфические особенности
изданных в Индии. газетных текстов на персидском языке;
Изучению языка прессы Ирана посвящены функционально-стилистические особенности
научные работы Носириддина Парвина, в которых частей речи в иранских газетных текстах не были
получили освещение история и характерные объектом монографических исследований.
иранской журналистике особенности [28]. В результате проведенных в мире научных
История иранской прессы описана и в работах исследований, посвященных своеобразным
иранских ученых Джафари Хонако, Масъуда особенностям языка прессы Ирана и
Барзина [29]. сравнительному анализу текстов персидских газет
Специфические особенности иранской и англоязычных текстов, получен ряд научных
газеты отражены в научных статьях Мухаммада результатов, в частности, следующие:
Ризо Исфандияри [30], Захро Абзори [31], Рабобе установлены риторические особенности газетных
Мустахги [32], Фарзоне Худобанде [33], Алирезо текстов на персидском языке (Бакинский институт
Бунёди [34] и др. востоковедения), доказано, что основная часть
статей, изданных большими тиражами в Иране,

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

посвящена религиозной тематике (‫)دانشگاه تهران‬, классификации, где один и тот же стиль относится
выявлены социальные факторы, влияющие на к нескольким группам. При разграничении стилей
формирование газетных текстов Ирана (Еnglish за основу берутся взаимоотношения говорящего и
and Forеign languagеs Univеrsity), уточнены слушающего, их социальная дифференциация,
лингвистические факторы, формирующие размещение во времени и пространстве.
заголовки спортивных газет Ирана (Институт Публицистический стиль используется в
стран Азии и Африки при Московском политике и некоторых социальных отраслях, он
государственном университете имени выполняет функцию оказания информативного и
М.В.Ломоносова), доказана продуктивность в экспрессивного воздействия [45, p.48]. Исходя из
газетных текстах Ирана неологизмов, того, что в персидском языке публицистический
заимствованных из арабского языка ( ‫دانشگاه عالمه‬ стиль охватывает элементы официального,
‫)طباطالئی‬, информирование признано основной научного, художественного и устного стилей, его
функцией газеты (Dеlhi Univеrsity), проведен можно включить в ряд самых открытых стилей в
сравнительный анализ английских и персидских системе функциональных стилей.
газет, доказано, что в текстах на обоих языках В публицистическом стиле особое место
продуктивны метонимия и метафора (Cambridgе занимает газетный язык, т.к. газета и
Univеrsity), благодаря проведенному публицистика тесно связаны между собой. Каждая
сравнительному анализу английских и персидских публицистическая статья в газете может выражать
текстов на спортивную тематику кроме своеобразные общественные проблемы или же
лингвистических различий выявлены также художественно передать различные
культурологические особенности (Mississipi преобразования в обществе [46, p.20].
Univеrsity). В настоящее время в Иране наблюдается
В современном мировом языкознании особый интерес к газетному языку, о чем
проводятся научные исследования по свидетельствует ряд исследований, проведенных в
приоритетным направлениям газетно- данной области [47, 48, 49, 50]. В процессе
публицистического стиля, а именно, освещение изучения исследований выявлено, что в газетном
газетных дискурсов, установление роли языке наблюдается стремление к сжатости,
социально-политических факторов в избеганию терминов, правильному подбору стиля
формировании газетных текстов, составление изложения и сохранению чистоты персидского
словаря политических терминов в газетных языка. Наряду с этим, ученые констатируют
текстах, установление лингвистических и важность газеты в воспитании молодежи. В
социальных факторов языка средств массовой результате анализов установлено, что в
информации. персидских газетах основное внимание уделяется
Изменение в мире социально-политической передаче точной информации, чистоте языка,
ситуации, в свою очередь, усиливает потребность воспитательной функции.
общества в новаторстве. В последнее время с Газетные жанры делятся на
увеличением в жизни значения средств массовой информационные, аналитические и
информации, усиливается необходимость в их художественно-публицистические [45, p.266].
глубоком изучении. Газетный язык состоит из Анализ работ по персидскому языкознанию
единиц текста, единицы которых, в свою очередь, показал, что в нем отсутствует классификация
являются объектом изучения стилистики. газетных жанров и в ней разграничиваются лишь
В настоящее время в иранистике разновидности газетных текстов. К примеру,
наблюдается большое количество исследований Ахмад Гилони в качестве разновидностей текстов
по стилистике [42,43,44], изучение и анализ иранских газет приводят ‫« سرمقاله‬передовая
которых доказывает, что произведения по статья», ‫« خبر‬информация», ‫گزارش خبری یا رپارتاژ‬
стилистике, созданные в период до конца ХХ века, «репортаж», ‫« مصاحبه‬интервью», ‫بخشهای فرعی‬
в основном, посвящены литературной стилистике, «дополнительные рубрики» (здравоохранение,
а именно, стилистике литературных жанров. В экология, семья, наука, книга, выставка, фильм и
конце ХХ века – начале ХХI вв. в иранистике др.) [51]. Хасан Зулфикори утверждает, что
наблюдается новый подход к вопросам иранская периодика состоит из 4 моделей – ‫خبر‬
стилистики. заметка, ‫ گزارش‬репортаж, ‫ مصاحبه‬интервью и ‫مقاله‬
В персидском языке «стиль» выражается статья [52].
терминами ‫سبک‬, ‫سیاق‬, ‫گویه‬, ‫گونه کاربردی‬. В Тематика иранских газет охватывает
иранистике, несмотря на различие в стилевой рубрики: социально-политические новости,
классификации, в особенности, в значении местные новости, Иран и культура, новости в
термина «стиль» имеется и общее, а именно, в мире, спорт и другие. В целом, тематику рубрик
ходе анализа установлено наличие между ними газет Ирана можно разделить на пять групп, а
общего один и тот же стиль в различных работах именно: социально-политическая тематика,
называется по-разному, или же можно встретить экономика, спорт, культура и литература. В

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

исследовании в процессе освещения контекста. Семантико-стилистические значения

функционально-стилистических особенностей проанализированных существительных
частей речи мы обратились к социально- проявляются и в других стилях, однако следует
политической, экономической и спортивной особо отметить возможности газетных текстов,
рубрикам. Своеобразные особенности газетных где указанные значения значительно расширены.
текстов в частях речи, в основном, отражены в В газетных текстах из ономастических
приведенных выше трех рубриках. единиц наиболее часто встречаются антропонимы
Разнообразие в газетных текстах помимо и топонимы и в качестве основных факторов
основных еще и дополнительных значений слов, антропонимов, встречающихся в газетных
приводит к функциональному разграничению текстах, можно привести следующие: физические,
существительных и прилагательных. В текстах психологические, биологические, духовные,
иранских газет наблюдаются случаи интеллектуальные данные личности, его
использования слов в коннотативном значении, социальная, национальная принадлежность.
что проявляется в различных контекстах. К Антропонимы используются не только как
примеру, истинное значение слова «‫ »جبهه‬фронт – комментаторы тех или иных событий или авторы
«поле сражения», вместе с тем, оно имеет той или иной речи, но и для воздействия на
значение территория, где одновременно читателя, привлечения его внимания. При этом в
осуществляются различные деятельности, союз основном используются имена известных людей.
социальных сил, направленных на реализацию К примеру, в иранских газетных текстах имена
определенных целей. Данная лексическая единица Саддам Хусейн, Трамп (в источниках,
в газетных текстах, наряду с выражением исследованных нами – Борак Обама), премьер-
значения военного термина, используется также в министра Израиля и короля Саудовской Аравии
политическом значении. используются с отрицательными оттенками. В
А какое именно значение реализовано, можно статьях, где использованы их имена, имеют
определить с помощью контекста. патриотический дух, а эти антропонимы в
‫ و‬،‫ که مهمات دائما فاقد آن هستند‬،‫طب یکی از جبهه ها‬ определенной степени выполняют функцию
‫سربازان به مرگ می ایستند و این تهاجم را محدود می کنند‬ воздействия на читателей, пропаганды и агитации
[Э.24373:6 ] национальной идеи. Использование в газетных
Медицина – один из фронтов, где всегда не текстах антропонимов, обозначающих имена
хватает оружия, а солдаты борются со руководителей государств, министров,
смертью, отражают атаку. В приведенном руководителей организаций, депутатов,
примере слово ‫ جبهه‬фронт использовано в спортсменов, писателей, обычных людей является
истинном значении, однако в предложении врачи ещё одной особенностью газетного
уподоблены солдатам, а лекарства – оружию, в публицистического стиля.
силу чего фронт обретает переносное значение. Географические онимы обретают
В газетных текстах расширение семантики информационный характер благодаря номинации
слова ‫ جبهه‬является результатом контекстуального происходящих событий. Семантическая
дополнения: взаимоотношения политики и активность топонимов обусловливают
коммерции имплицитно в качестве враждебного эмоциональное воздействие газетного
отношения, связанного с военными действиями, публицистического стиля [53, p.80]. К тому же,
оцениваются негативно. Такой же имплицит названия стран используются для того, чтобы
отражается в нижеследующем контексте как напомнить историческую судьбу определенных
отрицательная экспрессия с помощью государств. В результате названия некоторых
нейтрального слова ‫ ارتش‬армия. стран обретают символический характер, к
‫ هر ساله رشد می‬،‫ مانند یک ارگانیسم انگلی‬،‫ارتش مقامات‬ примеру, если названия африканских стран, в
[‫کند‬С.Р.3912:11] основном, обозначают символ бедности, названия
Армия должностных лиц пополняется из арабских стран символизируют богатство,
года в год словно организм паразитов. роскошь.
‫ ارتش‬армия – 1. Совокупность вооруженных ‫ اگر چه هیچ کس در‬،‫هر گونه محاسبات مربوط به نسخه چیلی‬
сил государства; 2. Имеет значение часть ‫ به نظر می رسد ساده لوح‬، ‫مورد آن با صدای بلند صحبت نمی کند‬
вооруженных сил во фронте, а в переносном :‫ آنها نیجریه شدند‬،‫تالش برای تبدیل شدن به چیلی‬.‫و بی سواد است‬
значении обозначает множество людей, ‫[همان فساد و همان نفت‬Ж.Э. 10294:10]
занимающихся общей деятельностью. Если Несмотря на то, что никто не заявил об
сравнить слово ‫ ارتش‬армия, употребленное в выше этом громко, версия Чили вышла обыденной и
приведенном примере, с предложением ،‫در ارتش‬ неграмотной. Стремясь стать Чили, они
‫ مانورهای مالی در حال آمدن است‬В армии ожидаются превратились в Нигерию: та же коррупция, та
финансовые манёвры, выясняется, что оно же нефть. В этом примере Чили изображается как
обозначает значение «множество» и «живущие за страна, которая в условиях строгого режима
счет других», которое усилено с помощью сумела организовать хозяйственную деятельность

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

и, таким образом, достигла экономического роста, Информация, передаваемая в газетах,

а с помощью названия Нигерия образно выделяется своей компрессией. А компрессия
изображается страна, которая несмотря на свойственна аббревиатурам. «Аббревиационный
наличие подземных ископаемых, не сумела способ словообразования считается сравнительно
достигнуть экономической стабильности из-за новым явлением языка, проникшим в иранское
алчности должностных лиц. языкознание во второй половине ХХ века.
Следует отметить, что в газетных текстах Сначала в иранской прессе появились
часто встречаются традиционные заимствованные аббревиатуры на латинской
метонимические переносы по модели «название письменности, с течением времени появились и
столицы – название страны». Своеобразной чисто персидские инициальные аббревиатуры»
особенностью политических текстов является то, [55, p.77]. В процессе анализа газетных текстов на
что в них имена собственные, обозначающие персидском языке установлено, что аббревиатуры,
названия столиц, используются для выражения в основном, используются в статьях по экономике
тех стран. Например, и политике, в большинстве случаев,
‫الصباغ با اشاره به اینکه تهران بغدادرا از دست اشغال داعش‬ употребляются сокращенные названия
...‫ گفت‬،‫[ نجات داد‬С.Р.14:7] международных организаций. Аббревиатуры
В предложении Алсабог намекнул, что считаются основными средствами газетных
Тегеран спас Багдад от ИГИЛА ‫ تهران‬Тегеран и текстов. Сфера их использования, информативная
‫ بغداد‬Багдад обозначают не названия столиц, они функция, особенности точности и сжатости дают
символизируют государства Иран и Ирак. возможность рассматривать их как лексические
В категории числа у существительных не средства, свойственные публицистическому
наблюдается функциональное разграничение. стилю.
Аффиксы множественного числа ‫ آن‬и ‫ها‬ В газетных текстах прилагательные особо
используются во всех стилях. Следует особо важны в стилистическом плане. Как известно, в
отметить, несмотря на то, что аффикс периодической печати журналисты в процессе
множественного числа ‫ آن‬грамматически может подготовки статей пытаются создать свой стиль и
заменяться аффиксом множественного числа ‫ها‬, в при этом используют прилагательные
газетных текстах это почти не наблюдается. Это собственного стиля. Когда определенные события
можно обосновать тем, что в газетных текстах насыщены эмоционально окрашенными
проявляются признаки высокого стиля. А это средствами, это еще больше повышает интерес.
говорит о том, что в аффиксе множественного При образной передаче каких-либо сведений
числа ‫ آن‬оттенок официальности сильнее, чем в автор обязательно использует прилагательные.
аффиксе ‫ها‬. Одна из своеобразных стилистических Стилистические возможности коренных и
особенностей газетных текстов – широкое производных прилагательных не всегда
использование арабских аффиксов одинаковы в газетных текстах. В газетных текстах
множественного числа и разбитого чаще используются производные прилагательные
множественного числа. в отличие от коренных. Это можно объяснить
«Иранская пресса, средства современных интенсивным развитием современной жизни,
информационных средств насыщены появлением новых слов и понятий, потребностью
заимствованиями» [54, p.17]. Несмотря на то, что в новых средствах их выражения и уточнения.
в настоящее время ведется языковая политика, Ещё одна особенность реализации
направленная на чистку языка от заимствований, прилагательных в газетных текстах – редкое
можно отметить пополнение лексики использование прилагательных, свойственных
современной иранской газеты заимствованиями художественному или разговорному стилю или их
из западных языков. Это обусловлено большими отсутствие. Например, прилагательные,
изменениями в социальной, политической и выражающие характер людей: ‫ شوخ‬веселый, ‫مهربان‬
культурной сферах. Анализируя использование в добрый, ‫ خوشگل‬красивый, ‫ قشنگ‬красивый, ‫زیبا‬
газетных текстах заимствований из западных красивый, выражающие вкус‫ شور‬кислый, ‫خوشمزه‬
языков, установлено, что они в основном, вкусный, ‫ شیرین‬сладкий, выражающие физические
используются как дублеты персидских слов. признаки людей‫ پیر‬старый, ‫ الغر‬худой почти не
Иранские лингвисты не приветствуют процесс встречаются в газетных текстах.
проникновения в современный иранский язык В силу того, что в денотативных и
заимствований в сферах науки, коммерции, коннотативных значениях прилагательных
политики и экономики через газетные тексты. существует оценочный компонент они
Однако, на наш взгляд, в процессе ознакомления воплощают в себе аспекты выражения признака и
читателей с различными событиями в обществе оценки. Оценка, эмоция, экспрессия как
авторы не имеют возможности в кратчайшие равноправные компоненты коннотации в
сроки найти дублеты иностранным словам и основном широко распространены в
конкретно передать информацию. семантической структуре многозначных слов,

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

они, в основном, выражают переносное значение. бархатный обретают политическое значение. В

Сложность и своеобразие в структуре лексических последнее время эти цвета используются в связи с
значений прилагательных проявляется в их новыми коннотациями. Цветные революции
многозначности. В осмыслении значений популярны как выражение демонстраций
многозначных слов важно влияние массового недовольства.
существительных. В газетных текстах используются единицы
‫ سالم‬- здоровый, полезный, чистый, спортивной терминологии. Как известно, желтая
нормальный, правильный. В газетных текстах карточка в отдельных видах спорта употребляется
слово ‫ سالم‬в значении физиологического признака как предупреждение. В приведенном ниже
не очень активно, в основном, это слово примере с помощью желтой карточки имеется
используется в переносном значении. В газетных ввиду предупреждение депутата.
текстах оно активно в словосочетаниях ‫رقابت سالم‬ ۱۱۴ ‫پاسخهای فانی در آن جلسه کارساز نبود و در نهایت با‬
здоровая конкуренция, ‫ انتخابات سالم‬справедливые ‫ کارت زردی گرفت‬،‫[ رای مخالف‬Ж.Э.10278:12]
выборы, ‫ آب سالم‬чистая вода, ‫ هوای سالم‬чистый Ответы Фани не помогли на заседании, 114
воздух, ‫ غذای سالم‬полезная пища. Наряду с этим, в отрицательными голосами он получил желтую
газетных текстах также встречаются антонимы карточку.
прилагательного ‫ سالم‬-‫ ناسالم‬нездоровый. Красный цвет, в основном, используется в
‫بانک مرکزی همیشه این انتقادرا به بانکها وارد کرده که روال‬ политической целях и в целях пропаганды. Это не
‫بانکها در رقابت ناسالم با یکدیگر باعث شده است هم در حوزه کارمزد‬ только цвет, побуждающий человека к
‫وضعیت نابسامانی بوجود آید و هم شرایط مالی خود بانکها رو به‬ незыблемости, свершению каких-либо действий,
[‫نابسامانی برود‬С.Р.3898:10] он также предупреждает об определенной
Центральный банк всегда критиковал то, опасности. Установлено, что зеленый цвет
что стремление банков к нездоровой конкуренции активно применяется в контекстах, связанных с
приводит к беспорядку в сферах платежа и сбоя природой и экологией. В сфере прилагательных,
финансового состояния банков. обозначающих цвет, следует обратить внимание
‫ – گرم‬обозначает значения теплый, горячий, на определенную сторону. Степень чистоты
интересный, бурливый, дружеский. Своеобразие воздуха определяется определенными цветами. В
использования этого прилагательного в газетных персидском языке существуют определенные
текстах проявляется в том, что оно широко цвета, выражающие эту степень. Этот показатель
используется для выражения дружеских значительно активен при определении чистоты
отношений между двумя странами. воздуха города Тегерана, эти показатели находят
Использование словосочетаний с участием этих своего отражения и в газетных текстах.
прилагательных, в основном, в статьях, где Язык средств массовой информации
освещаются международные отношения Ирана с предоставляют широкому слою населения язык, в
другими иностранными странами, визит котором отражаются преобразования, изменения в
руководителей зарубежных стран, что приводит к обществе. Происходящие преобразования
образованию определенных клише. обусловливают потребность языка в новых
‫ مخالف روابط گرم ایران با افریقا‬،‫قدرتهای سلطه گر‬ словах. С этой точки зрения, прилагательные,
[‫هستند‬С.Р.22:6] образованные с помощью существующих методов
Господствующие силы против теплых словообразования широко используются в
отношений Ирана со странами Африки. газетных текстах. Можно отметить наличие
В последнее время в газетной лексике стилистических разграничений в грамматических
наблюдается широкое использование формах, в частности, словообразовательных
прилагательных с политическим значением. С аффиксах. Основная часть словообразовательных
учетом того, что газетный язык имеет особенность аффиксов прилагательных являются
выражения оперативного отношения к общеупотребительными единицами, которые
происходящим событиям, в них можно отметить активны в разговорной речи, аффиксы и
некую трансформацию семантики отдельных полуаффиксы ‫مند‬, ‫انه‬, ‫دار‬, ‫شناس‬, ‫ناک‬, ‫پذیر‬
оттенков. Они связаны с политикой, экономикой, относительно активны в публицистическом стиле.
бизнесом, средствами массовой информации. ‫همچنین در بحث ورود سرمایه گذران قدرتمند داخلی و خارجی‬
Цвет реализуется как символический фон, ‫هم انتقال دانش و فناوری و هم در ایجاد بازارهای بین المللی موثر‬
образующий определенное эмоциональное ‫[بود‬Ж.Э.10280:10]
настроение. В силу этого, политические партии Наряду с этим, могущественные внутренние
используют цвета как эмоционально и внешние инвесторы влияют на проникновение
воздействующий символ и различающий их науки и технологий, возникновение
признак. Цветовая символика выражает международных рынков.
современную цветовую политику. Например, в Активность в газетных текстах
результате политических кризисов на Украине, прилагательных, образованных с помощью
Грузии, Киргизии цвета темно желтый, розовый, отрицательного префикса ‫ غیر‬по сравнению с

Philadelphia, USA 322

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

другими префиксами, объясняется тем, что в соблюдения законов высокого или официального
частице ‫ غیر‬в составе этих слов имеется стиля. Если в текстах такого стиля опущены
ограниченность, свойственная местоимения, это приводит к стилистической
публицистическому стилю. ошибке. Следовательно, в специфике сохранения
‫نماینده ســـازمان ملل در امور ســـوریه در نشستى غیرعلنى‬ газетного публицистического стиля особое место
‫ به شـــدت از كارشكنىهاى عربستان سعودى در‬،‫در شوراى امنیت‬ занимают личные местоимения.
‫[روند مذاكرات سوریه انتقاد كرد‬С.Р.3913:6] В персидском языке существуют
Представитель ООН по Сирии на закрытом эквиваленты личных местоимений, выражающих
заседании Совета Безопасности сильно уважение. Ю.Рубинчик, рассуждая об
раскритиковал Саудовскую Аравию в использовании таких форм, пишет что это
препятствовании переговорам по Сирии. расширяет стилистические возможности
В персидском языке отрицательная частица персидского языка, а причину их образования
‫ غیر‬используется как синоним отрицательного видит в социальном неравенстве в обществе.
аффикса ‫نا‬. Однако в газетных текстах можно Такие эквиваленты личных местоимений
отметить продуктивность прилагательных с свойственны различным стилям, они делятся на
участием отрицательной частицы ‫غیر‬. Это такие виды, как формы, выражающие уважение и
обстоятельство ‫ غیر‬обосновывает оттенок пренебрежение [56, p.171]. Способность
официальности в отрицательной частице. Это замещения такими единицами личных
можно толковать как стилистические особенности местоимений обосновано тем, что они имеют
частиц. особенности выражения значения, свойственного
Случаи применения производных местоимениям. При сравнении личных
прилагательных с помощью отрицательной местоимений с их эквивалентами установлено, что
частицы ‫غیر‬ в антонимической паре личные местоимения выполняют стилистические
демонстрируют своеобразные особенности нейтральные, а их эквиваленты – коннотативные
газетных текстов. значения [57, p.9-10].
‫در گزارش کمیته ویژه که برای استحضار رئیس جمهور تهیه‬ Местоимение ‫ من‬я является одним из самых
‫ راهکارهای کوتاه و بلندمدت و دستورالعمل هایی را به منظور‬،‫شده‬ активных в газетных текстах. Синонимами этим
‫مسدود شدن همه منافذ شکل گیری پرداختهای غیرمتعارف در همه‬ местоимениям являются слова ‫بنده‬, ‫چاكر‬, ‫حقیر‬, ‫احقر‬,
‫[دستگاههای دولتی و غیردولتی ارائه کرده است‬Ж.Э.10284:6] ‫اینجانب‬, ‫آنجانب‬. Если употребление этих слов вместо
В отчете специального комитета, местоимения ‫ من‬выражает образность и
подготовленного для Президента, предоставлены экспрессию, использование местоимения ‫ من‬с
долгосрочные и краткосрочные стратегии, точки зрения функциональности языка может
инструкции, направленные на устранение выражать противоположное значение.
препятствий во всех государственных и Публицистический стиль, в том числе и
негосударственных организациях в формировании газетный стиль совмещают в себе элементы
официальных платежей. официального и литературного стилей, в силу чего
Среди производных прилагательных самыми форму ‫ اینجانب‬можно толковать как свойственную
продуктивными являются прилагательные, газетному языку. В процессе анализа газетных
образованные в результате присоединения ‫یای نسبت‬ текстов установлено, что ‫ اینجانب‬в основном
относительного йой. Прилагательные в газетных встречается в статьях на религиозную тематику, в
текстах, образованные путем присоединения ‫یای‬ речи религиозных деятелей. [Э.24366:3] ‫اینجانب به‬
‫ نسبت‬относительного йой, во-первых, дают ‫جهان اسالم از خداوند متعال مسئلت دارم‬
основание полагать, что этот способ является Я молюсь Аллаху от имени всего
самым продуктивным способом образования мусульманского мира…
прилагательных. Во-вторых, эти прилагательные Анализы показали, что личное местоимение
отражают роль, экономическую ситуацию Ирана в ‫ من‬в газетных текстах не активно, оно в основном
мировой политике, своеобразные особенности используются в прямой речи. При изучении в
экономической ситуации, национального спортивной тематике частоты использования
мышления. Это можно заметить на примере местоимения ‫من‬, выявлено, что оно чаще
использования прилагательных ‫ هسته ای‬ядерный, применяется в интервью со спортсменами и
‫پساتهریمی‬ свойственный послесанкционному тренерами. Обнаружено, что в интервью широко
периоду. применяется местоимение ‫ من‬в процессе
Результат анализа собранного материала приведения ответов на вопросы.
демонстрирует, что стилистические возможности Стилистические возможности местоимения
личных местоимений значительно расширены по ‫ تو‬ты идентичны местоимению ‫من‬, оно передает
сравнению с другими видами местоимений. Как оттенок утверждения личности, к которому
известно, статьи газетных страниц в основном направлена речь говорящего. Местоимение ‫تو‬
относятся социально-политической теме, в их используется и вместо ‫ من‬имеет сильное
формировании наблюдаются попытки художественное воздействие. Такое

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ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

использование применяется тогда, когда текстах официального характера, что отражает их

говорящий обращается к себе. стилистические возможности.
Местоимения ‫ او‬и ‫ وى‬он в персидском языке ‫از جناب عالی و هیئت مذاکره و شخص وزیر محترم و همه‬
являются синонимами, их семантические [‫دست اندرکاران تشکر میکنم‬Ж.Э.10277:13]
возможности одинаковы. Однако стилистические Выражаю искреннюю благодарность Вам и
возможности этих местоимений отличаются друг участникам переговоров, уважаемому министру
от друга. Местоимение ‫او‬ является и другим.
универсальным, и употребляется во всех стилях. ‫آنها‬, ‫ ایشان‬они - один из активно применяемых
Но его употребление в основном свойственно в газетных текстах местоимений. В персидском
устному и нормативному языкам. В газетных языке существует личное местоимение ‫ایشان‬,
текстах часто вместо местоимения ‫ او‬используется выражающее множественное число 3-его лица.
местоимение ‫وى‬. В персидских газетных текстах Отличие этого местоимения от местоимения ‫آنها‬
когда речь идет о руководителях, президенте, заключается в том, что он в основном выражает
высокопоставленных лицах и духовных лицах, значение уважения, употребляется не по
для усиления значения уважения используются отношению к множественности, а по отношению
формы ‫مرجع تقلید‬, ‫رهبر معظم انقالب‬, ‫مقام معظم رهبرى‬, ‫معظم‬ к единственному числу. Это местоимение активно
‫له‬, ‫این عالم بزرگ‬. используется в газетных текстах.
‫منطقه شرقی شیعیانی دارد که از خیلی جهات محرومند و این‬ ...‫ایشان با بیان این مطلب خاطرنشان ساختند‬
‫عالم بزرگ تاکید داشت باید محرومیت از این منطقه برچیده‬ [Ж.Э.10274:6]
[‫شود‬Ж.Э.10296:8] Они подчеркнули этот вопрос…
На восточной части проживают шиа, В персидском языке указательное
лишенные всего, они утверждают, что давно местоимение ‫ این‬выражает предмет или явление
пора поставить конец проблемам на этой близкое к говорящему, а местоимение ‫– آن‬
территории. предмет, расположенный относительно далеко от
Местоимение ‫ ما‬мы и форма ‫ ماها‬с аффиксом говорящего. Указательные местоимения ‫ این‬и ‫آن‬
‫ ها‬помимо значения множественного числа в 1-ом имеют также формы ‫همین‬, ‫همان‬, ‫چنین‬, ‫چنان‬, которые
лице, выражает такие семантико-стилистические активно используются в газетных текстах, в
значения, как гордость, самоуверенность, местоимениях ‫همین‬, ‫همان‬, ‫چنین‬, ‫ چنان‬утверждение
заносчивость. сильнее по сравнению с местоимениями ‫ این‬и ‫آن‬.
‫ ما‬в газетных текстах является одним из активно ‫ نیز وجود دارد‬2012 ‫همین وضعیت براى نسبت سال‬
употребляемых местоимений, оно встречается во [Ж.Э.10276:14] Подобная ситуация наблюдалась
всех газетных жанрах. В газетных текстах и в 2012 году.
дейктическая функция местоимения ‫ ما‬замещается В персидских газетных текстах
номинативной функцией. В таких случаях вопросительные местоимения применяются
местоимение ‫ما‬ выражает значение относительно реже других видов местоимений.
собирательного местоимения. Это объясняется тем, что информация, доносимая
Выражение количества более одного с в газетных текстах, требует конкретики и
помощью местоимения ‫ شما‬вы– грамматическое точности. А в текстах с участием вопросительных
значение этого местоимения. В современном местоимений в какой-то степени чувствуется
персидском языке это местоимение употребляется неясность. Наблюдения показали, что в газетных
по отношению к старшим лицам. Поэтому когда текстах вопросительные местоимения в основном
есть потребность в выражении множественного используются в таких изложениях, где автор
числа используется форма ‫شماها‬. В газетных сначала сам себе задаёт вопрос, и сам же отвечает
текстах местоимение ‫ شما‬часто используется в на них.
процессе интервью лицом, задающим вопросы. Неактивность неопределенных местоимений
‫بفرمایید موضوع راه اندازى قطار شهرى اصال در برنامه‬ объясняется тем, что газетно-публицистический
[‫كارى شما وجود دارد؟‬Э.24373:6] стиль склонен к конкретности, а неопределенные
Скажите, а в вашей программе местоимения препятствуют этому. Но несмотря на
предусмотрен вопрос налаживания маршрута это, наблюдается использование неопределенных
внутригородских поездов? местоимений в газетных текстах. Стремление к
Местоимение ‫ شما‬широко используется как точности, свойственное газетно-
обращение в речи государственных деятелей. публицистическому стилю, не мешает их
‫هر آنچه ما داریم از لطف حق است و تالش شما‬ активному употреблению.
[‫است‬С.Р.3888:10] ‫پس از این نیز آمریكا چند شركت ایرانىرا به لیست تحریمها‬
Все, чего мы достигли, благодаря милости [ ‫اضافه كرد‬С.Р.3916:11]
Бога и вашим стараниям. И после этого Америка включила несколько
Формы нейтрального местоимения ‫– شما‬ иранских компаний в санкционный список.
‫سرکار‬, ‫سرکار عالی‬, ‫جناب عالی‬, ‫ آنجانب‬используются в В последнее время многие ученые отмечают
учащение применения в газетных текстах

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

числительных [58]. В публицистическом стиле одной из характерных особенностей выражения

стилистические особенности числительного числительных в газетных текстах.
неактивны, а функциональные особенности – ‫ افزایش دستمزد‬:‫ کار و رفاه اجتماعی گفت‬،‫وزیر تعاون‬
наоборот, активны. В газетных текстах [ ‫ بیش از نرخ تورم خواهد بود‬۹۵ ‫کارگران در سال‬С.Р.3911:4]
числительное выполняет свою первичную Министр труда и социального обеспечения
функцию, то есть донесение точной, объективной сказал, что в девяносто девятом году повышение
информации, а также экспрессивную функцию. заработной платы рабочих будет выше уровня
При анализе использования числительных в инфляции.
иранских газетах установлено, что это часть речи Использование словосочетаний
широко используется во всех рубриках, особенно тематической группы «Время» в газетных текстах
в рубриках экономики и спорта. В спортивной служит выражению её информативной функции.
журналистике числительные имеют своеобразную Словосочетания с передачей времени в газетных
роль. Они выполняют особую стилистическую текстах в большинстве случаев выражают не
функцию в заметках с приведением количества далекое прошлое, а недавнее прошлое.
очков, голов и секунд. В заметке о новом мировом Несмотря на то, что выражение времени
рекорде числительные доминируют, тогда как в является одной из основных особенностей
интервью или очерках они уходят на второй план. ежедневной газеты, не менее важным является и
В иранских газетах числительное выражается выражение суммы денег. Это можно объяснить
как с помощью числительного, так и с помощью стремительным развитием современной
слов. Кроме того, мы можем стать свидетелями экономики. Для выражения денежной суммы в
того, что встречаются смешанные случаи. газетных текстах числительное присоединяется к
‫ نیازمند یک تریلیون لایر‬،‫هر یک در صد رشد اقتصادی‬ нумеративам, счетным словам. Измерение
‫هزار میلیارد تومان) سرمایه گزاری است‬۱۰۰([Ж.Э.10294:10] различных сфер жизни с помощью денег в какой-
Для каждого процента экономического то степени отражает особенности «экономической
роста необходим один триллион риалов (сто психологии». Включение в газетные тексты
тысяч миллиардов туманов). Они чаще измерений различных количеств можно
используются для передачи огромных количеств. рассматривать как признак общей коммерции
Этот метод выражения облегчает восприятия информации с процентными показателями
информации. капитала, которая даёт возможность сравнивать
Показатель времени является неотъемлемой показатели расходов и прибыли различных
частью современной жизни. В иранских газетных отрезков времени [59, p.50]. В газетных текстах
текстах особое внимание уделяется при приведении суммы денег необходимо
хронометражу, ибо их основная часть состоит из полностью следовать точности, в противном
заметок и новостей. В тематической группе случае, приводимая информация превратится в
«Время» для измерения времени используются экономическую абстракцию.
‫ دقیقه‬минута, ‫ ساعت‬час, ‫ روز‬день, ‫ هفته‬неделя, ‫ماه‬ В газетных текстах числительное
месяц, ‫ سال‬год, однако их употребление присоединяется к нумеративам, счетным словам.
значительно ограничено. К нумеративам относятся слова, обозначающие
Словосочетания, обозначающие года, где длину, расстояние, массу, объём и т.д. В газетном
слово ‫« سال‬год» присоединяется к числительному, тексте измерение выражает стремление человека к
активны почти во всех рубриках газеты. исследованию мира, его измерению. В данной
Например, в политических рубриках они служат группе наиболее частотным является процентный
для передачи времени политических переговоров показатель.
или встреч, времени политических процессов или Современная газета основывается на
политических договорённостей. В спортивных конкретных фактах, она характеризуется
страницах числительные выражают время статьями, направленными на передачу читателям
проведенных спортивных соревнований. В объективной информации. Однако сегодняшний
экономической рубрике служит обозначению день требует краткости и точности. Исходя из
времени, когда состоялась определенная этого, в последние годы развивается передача
конференция или экономический процесс. Как информации с участием цифр с помощью
известно, в Иране используется мусульманское инфографики. Инфографика толкуется как новый
летосчисление. В газетных текстах, в статьях, где жанр журналистики. Инфографика охватывает
освещаются события внутренней жизни страны, диаграмму, графику, таблицы, гистограмму,
используется мусульманское летосчисление, а в шкалы. Передача информации с помощью
освещении событий на международной арене приведенных выше средств способствует
применяется христианское летосчисление. В быстрому ускорению обширной информации. В
большинстве случаев, где применяется иранских газетах инфографика в основном
мусульманское летосчисление, год приводится не используется в статьях статистического
полностью, а сокращенно. Это также является характера. Статья, охватывающая пустые

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

статистические сведения, может не вызвать В основном такие глаголы чаще встречаются в

интерес у читателя. Но информация, лекциях, статьях в форме отчетов.
предоставленная с помощью инфографики, может Употребление форм глаголов определенных
быть интересной, и привлечь внимание многих. наклонений в газетных текстах ограничено, в них
Наряду с этим, инфографика в настоящее время глаголы, в основном, используются в
является одним из самых эффективных способов изъявительном наклонении. Употребление в
передачи информации в средствах массовой газетных текстах форм глагола в повелительном
информации, что говорит о том, что это наклонении не специфично этому стилю, но
направление в будущем может развиваться иногда все же встречаются случаи его
дальше. употребления. В таких случаях форма
В персидскоязычных газетных текстах повелительного наклонения выполняет функцию
участвуют все временные формы, но, учитывая привлечения внимания читателей. Наряду с этим,
информативную функцию газеты, выявлено, что повелительное наклонение в текстах с речью
наиболее продуктивными являются формы главы государства используются в обращениях к
глагола в прошедшем времени. В результате народу, для побуждения их к определенным
широкоплановости газетных текстов наблюдается действиям, усиления внимания.
применение форм настоящего и будущего ‫مدام سعی نکنید خودتان را با دیگران مقایسه کنید و خود را از‬
времени. ‫[ دیگران برتر بدانید‬Э.24382:3]
Выражение настоящего времени в Не пытайтесь сравнивать себя с другими, не
персидских газетах с помощью словосочетания ‫در‬ считайте себя лучше других.
‫ است‬... ‫ حال‬является характерной особенностью В публицистическом стиле часто
газетного стиля, выражение настоящего времени с употребляется форма страдательного залога.
помощью таких словосочетаний придает тексту Широкое использование в газетных текстах
официальность и дух высокого стиля. К примеру, глагола ‫ گردیدن‬для выражения страдательного
‫ایران برای اتصال کریدور خاورمیانه به آسیای میانه در حال‬ залога сложного глагола – одно из характерных
‫[فعال کردن چهار کریدور مهم منطقه ای است‬Ж.Э.10288:2] сторон этого стиля.
Если в предложении Иран налаживает ‫ دیركرد پول آن‬،‫ میلیارد لایر آن اگر پرداخت شود‬۸۵ ‫ها از‬
четыре важных региональных коридора для ‫شود[سوی بانك بخشوده می‬Ж.Э.10292:12]
соединения Среднего Востока со Средней Азией Если будет осуществлена оплата в 85
сформировать на основе грамматических правил миллиардов риалов, банк простит
нормативного языка, вместо словосочетания в несвоевременную уплату.
предложении ‫در حال فعال کردن چهار کریدور مهم منطقه ای‬ В персидском языке множество глаголов
‫ است‬следовало бы заменить глаголом ‫فعال کردن‬, имеют варианты в выше приведенных стилях. В
тогда предложение получилось бы силу того, что газетные тексты охватывают
следующим ‫ایران برای اتصال کریدور خاورمیانه به آسیای میانه‬ заметки, лекции глав государств и другие,
‫چهار کریدور مهم منطقه را فعال میکند‬. Однако стиль использование в них глаголов высокого стиля
газетных текстов требует использования таких считается своеобразной особенностью газетного
словосочетаний для выражения настоящего языка. Своеобразными особенностями
времени. характеризуется употребление в персидских
В газетных текстах глаголы прошедшего газетных текстах глаголов, выражающих
времени выражают в основном информативную официальность. В персидском языке для передачи
функцию. Форма глагола прошедшего времени официозности и экспрессии уважения
используются в статьях, где приводится используются определенные глаголы: вместо ‫گفتن‬
информация о политических, военных, глагол ‫فرمودن‬, вместо ‫ رفتن‬глагол ‫تشریف بردن‬, вместо
общественных событиях в стране, визитах глав ‫ آمدن‬глагол ‫تشریف آوردن‬, вместо ‫ ساختن‬глагол ‫آفریدن‬.
государств, природных катаклизмах, культурных Всегда на месте глагола ‫ کردن‬в составе сложных
мероприятиях, спортивных состязаниях и других. глаголов можно использовать глагол ‫نمودن‬.
Выражение в газетных текстах значения прошлого В таких случаях глагол ‫ نمودن‬придает сложному
времени формами настоящего и будущего глаголу оттенок высокого стиля. Использование в
времени придают им своеобразную газетных текстах глагола ‫ نمودن‬вместо ‫کردن‬,
стилистическую окраску. Высокая частотность вместо ‫ گردیدن‬глагола ‫ شدن‬является характерной
применения в газетных текстах глагола особенностью публицистического стиля.
прошедшего времени тесно связано с его Анализы показали, что в персидских
грамматической функцией. В отличие от газетных текстах активно употребляются сложные
конкретного прошлого времени, которое глаголы в форме рамочной конструкции.
информирует лишь о выполнении действия, Применение в газетных текстах сложный глаголов
результативный глагол прошедшего времени не в форме рамочной конструкции проявляется как
только выражает выполнение действия, но и способ сохранения официальности, придания
обращает внимание на отношение к моменту речи. газетным текстам оттенка высокого стиля. В них

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ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

используются глаголы ‫بستگي داشتن‬, ‫شروع کردن‬, ‫تصمیم‬ выражают силу речевого процесса и его
‫گرفتن‬, ‫آسیب رساندن‬, ‫دعوت شدن‬, ‫وارد شدن‬, ‫نیاز داشتن‬, ‫مجبور‬ направление в словах официального лица:
‫شدن‬. ‫ این اولین بار نیست که مقامات اسرائیلی‬:‫الورف اظهار کرد‬
Следует особо отметить, что применение в ‫ موضع ما در این معلوم است‬.‫از احتمال حمله به ایران اشاره کرده اند‬
газетных текстах глаголов по модели ‫مورد چیزی قرار‬ ‫ـ این امر میتواند یک اشتباه جدی مملو از عواقب غیر قابل پیش بینی‬
‫گرفتن‬, ‫ تحت چیزی قرار دادن‬демонстрирует своеобразие [ ‫شود‬С.Р.3904:4]
газетного стиля. По утверждению Лаврова, Израиль не
‫ کلیات طرح جرم سیاسی را مورد‬،‫نمایندگان مجلس در ادامه‬ первый раз распространяет информацию о
‫[بحث و بررسیقرار دادند و به تصویب رساندند‬С.Р.3894:7] возможности атаки на Иран. Наши позиции по
Депутаты обсудили и утвердили проект данному вопросу ясны. Это серьёзная ошибка,
закона о политических преступлениях. поскольку это может привести к неожиданным
В персидских газетных текстах используются результатам.
все семантические группы глаголов. Однако, в Лексические значения глаголов ‫نقل کردن‬, ‫بازگو‬
этом разделе исследования анализируются ‫کردن‬,‫ تعریف کردن‬в газетных текстах тесно связаны с
своеобразные особенности глаголов речи в семантикой доминантного глагола
газетных текстах. Следовательно, глаголы речи, информировать. Глагол ‫ پیشنهاد کردن‬в газетных
существующие во всех языках, и в персидском текстах имеет значения информировать о чем-
языке являются одним из активных средств, либо, требовать исполнения чего-либо,
выполняющих функцию передачи информации. рекомендовать кандидата.
Текст информации сообщает о важнейших В иранских газетных текстах используются
событиях, направлен на оперативную передачу глаголы речи семантических групп информация,
информации и требуют активного употребления диалог, воздействие, обращение. Несмотря на то,
глаголов. В информативных текстах семантика что эти лексико-семантические группы
глагола обретает своеобразную особенность. В реализуются в различной речевой ситуации,
них основное место занимают глаголы речи со установлено, что отдельные из них активны в
значением информации, утверждения и официальной речи, а другие – в неофициальной. К
подтверждения. Анализ собранного материала примеру, в официальной речевой ситуации в
показал, что в иранских газетных текстах активно основном активны глаголы лексико-
используются глаголы речи ‫ گفتن‬говорить, ‫تاکید کردن‬ семантической группы информации, а глаголы
утверждать, ‫ تاکید داشتن‬подтверждать, ‫افزودن‬ лексико-семантической группы речевой
добавлять, ‫خاطرنشان کردن‬, ‫ یاداور شدن‬напоминать, деятельности используются значительно реже.
‫ توضیح دادن‬толковать, ‫ تصریح کردن‬уточнять, ‫ادامه‬ Это объясняется тем, что передача до адресата
‫ دادن‬продолжать, ‫ اظهار کردن‬признаваться, ‫بیان داشتن‬ определенной информации является главной
излагать. задачей официального общения.
В газетных текстах глаголы речи выполняют По мнению В.Костомарова, конструктивным
функцию передачи информации, они принципом стиля является экспрессия и стандарт
объединяются вокруг семы «информирование». [60, p.65]. Стандартизация как один из
Основу лексико-семантического поля образует конструктивных принципов стиля, обеспечивает
глагол ‫گفتن‬. Своеобразие употребления в газетных оперативность передачи информации, экономию
текстах глаголов речи в том, что в них разные времени, оперативную реакцию на те или иные
глаголы употребляются в одном значении. К события, и порождает нейтральный фон стиля.
примеру, ‫ جواب دادن‬отвечать и ‫ گفتن‬сказать могут Наряду с этим, это может способствовать
употребляться в одном значении: сказать, возникновению определенных моделей. Одна из
говорить. Глаголы речи, использованные в своеобразных особенностей иранского газетного
газетных текстах, употребляются не только в языка заключается в том, что в статье, где
прямой речи, но и в составе простых приводится речь или мысль какого-либо лица,
предложений. В результате лексико- каждое предложение начинается с глагольных
семантического анализа глаголов речи форм определенной модели. При этом в основном
установлено, что они обозначают значения употребляются глаголы ‫ گفت‬сказал, ‫تاکید کرد‬, ‫تاکید‬
передать информацию о фактах, выражать ‫داشت‬подчеркнул, ‫ افزود‬дополнил, ‫خاطرنشان کرد‬, ‫یاداور‬
мнение, связанное с каким-либо предметом, ‫ شد‬напомнил, ‫ توضیح داد‬объяснил, ‫ تصریح کرد‬уточнил,
свидетельствовать о чем-либо, указывать на ‫ ادامه داد‬продолжил, ‫ اظهارکرد‬выразил, ‫بیان داشت‬
что-либо, а основной семой является реализация изложил.
речи. Основная особенность речевых глаголов это В газетных текстах встречаются случаи,
– выражение значения дать информацию. когда выше перечисленные глаголы речи
Глаголы ‫اظهار کردن‬, ‫ اعالم کردن‬в газетных употребляются в составе словосочетаний
текстах не только дают определенную определенных моделей. При этом используются
информацию об определенном предмете, но и ниже приведенные модели‫به تشریح چیزی پرداخت وگفت‬
говорил по поводу какой-либо проблемы, ‫بر چیزی‬

Philadelphia, USA 327

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

‫ تاکید و بیان کرد‬подчеркнул какой-либо вопрос, ‫با بیان‬ Анализ собранного фактического материала
‫گفت‬....‫ اینکه‬...сказал, подчеркнув что-либо, ‫با بیان‬ показал, что основными особенностями газетно-
‫تصریح کرد‬....‫ اینکه‬...подчеркнув что-либо, сказал, ‫با‬ публицистического стиля являются его
‫گفت‬...‫ ابراز اینکه‬... подчеркнув что-либо, сказал, ‫با‬ информативная и агитационная функции, в
‫ اشاره به چیزی گفت‬...намекнув на что-либо, сказал, ‫با‬ результате участия множества лексико-
‫ اشاره به چیزی افزود‬...намекнув на что-либо, добавил, грамматических единиц нормативного языка
‫ با اشاره به چیزی اظهار داشت‬...намекнув на что-либо, проявляются стилистические особенности
выражает собственное мнение, ‫با اشاره به چیزی‬ последних, реализуется её стилистическая
‫ خاطرنشان کرد‬...намекнув на что-либо, напоминает, спецификация, которая характеризуется
‫چیزیرا بر شمرد و گفت‬,‫ چیزیرا خواند و گفت‬....посчитал, что, использованием средств художественного,
‫ چیزیرا خواند و تاکید کرد‬....посчитав ..., подтвердил, ‫با‬ официального и научного стилей.
‫ تاکید بر اینکه افزود‬...подчеркнув что-либо, добавил, Установлены следующие особенности
‫ اظهار امیدواری کرد‬выразив надежду, ‫در ادامه گفت‬ газетных текстов персидского языка, а именно:
продолжив мысль, сказал. - в газетных текстах для передачи
В целом, изучение применения глаголов в информации необходимы точность, краткость,
газетных текстах способствует выявлению их логика, полноценность;
семантических стилистических возможностей в - газетным текстам свойственна
газетно-публицистическом стиле. В реализации оперативность, благодаря чему в сравнительно
этих возможностей важное значение имеют краткие сроки освещаются актуальные темы;
категории залога, времени, наклонения, - газетные тексты предназначены широкой
спряжения. публике по сравнению с другими текстами;
- в газетных текстах обращено внимание на
Заключение. высокую степень информативности, экспрессии.
Согласно проведенному анализу Одной из характерной особенностью
функциональных и стилистических особенностей иранских газетных текстов является то, что в них
частей речи персидского языка в газетных текстах высока степень официальности. Активное
сделаны следующие научно-теоретические применение в газетных текстах аффикса
выводы: множественного числа ‫آن‬, личных местоимений
В персидском языке нет единого мнения в также служат сохранению этой официальности.
классификации стилей, также как и в Официальность в газетных текстах в основном
употреблении терминов, в частности, «стиль» реализуется с помощью официальных форм
передается такими терминами, как ‫سبک‬, ‫سیاق‬, ‫گویه‬, глаголов, страдательного залога и дистантных
‫گونه کاربردی‬. глаголов.
Передача информации до читателя, их Анализ показал, что в газетных текстах
комментирование, оценка событий или явлений существительные имеют более обширные
является основной функцией газетно- функционально-стилистические возможности по
публицистического стиля, в результате чего сравнению с другими частями речи. Однако в
реализуется информативная и экспрессивная некоторых грамматических формах
функции. Взаимодействие и общность этих существительного не чувствуется
функций в газетных текстах выявляет функциональная ограниченность. Это можно
своеобразные особенности публицистического увидеть на примере категории множественного
стиля, используемый не только для передачи числа.
информации, но и оказания воздействия на Несмотря на то, что большинство
читательскую аудиторию, что способствует существительных и прилагательных в газетных
отражению яркой эмоционально-экспрессивной текстах используются в других стилях,
стороны. установлено, что проанализированные в
Стилистические особенности газетных диссертации семантико-стилистические значения
текстов, а именно, новизна, актуальность и существительных и прилагательных значительно
краткость информации связаны с информативной расширяются в газетных текстах. Вместе с тем,
функцией, способствующая реализации многозначные существительные и
лексических единиц, которые участвуют в прилагательные в газетных текстах применяются
формировании новостей. Воздействующая в том же значении, но обретают признак,
функция, в первую очередь, обеспечивается свойственный публицистическому стилю.
лексикой, выражающей пропаганду, агитацию и Большинство существительных и прилагательных
социально-политическую направленность в иранских газетных текстах сформированы на
текстов. Взаимоотношения двух функций на основе национальной специфики –
основе условий формирования газетных текстов государственного строя Ирана, социально-
реализуют сочетание экспрессии и стандарта. политического и экономической ситуации в

Philadelphia, USA 328

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

стране, специфических особенностей местоимения ‫ من‬иногда используется местоимение

национального менталитета. ‫اینجانب‬.
В газетно-публицистическом стиле В вопросительных местоимениях существует
существительные несут информативную межстилистическая общность. Более того, в
функцию, в частности, с помощью имен газетных текстах специфика использования
нарицательных и собственных, категории числа местоимений определяет её стилистические
раскрываются её стилистические возможности. возможности. В реализации специфики газетно-
Употребление топонимов, антропонимов и публицистического стиля особая роль
названий месяцев демонстрирует своеобразие местоимений проявляется в использовании
газетно-публицистического стиля. Употребление вопросительных местоимений в статьях
в газетных текстах названий месяцев критического духа, неактивность отрицательных
мусульманского и христианского летосчислений и вопросительных местоимений обоснована
зависит от тематики статей или заметок. При стремлением к неактивности.
освещении событий внутри страны Несмотря на то, что у числительных
употребляются названия месяцев мусульманского небольшое количество признаков
летосчисления, а в новостях мира – названия публицистического стиля, у существительных и
месяцев по христианскому летосчислению. В прилагательных, установлено, что существующих
настоящее время аббревиатуры успели признаков числительных достаточно для передачи
превратиться в неотъемлемую часть газетно- эмоционально-экспрессивной оценки и значения в
публицистического стиля. В газетных текстах в газетном тексте. Числительное, как часть речи,
переводах на персидский язык английских выполняет важную роль в газетных текстах и
названий организаций часто используются обеспечивает точность приводимой информации,
аббревитаутры на латинской графике. в определенной степени воздействует на читателя,
Наблюдения показали, что характерная формирует оценочное отношение к событиям.
особенность газетной лексики проявляется в Числительное, как постоянный и неизменяемый
применении топонимов. Топонимы не компонент газетных текстов, играет важную роль
ограничиваются обозначением названий мест, в в создании их специфического стилистического
которых происходят мировые события, они также колорита, а также выполняет функцию основного
выполняют и дополнительные функции. В фактора в передаче точной информации в
топонимах передаются такие значения, как газетном тексте. В силу того, что газеты
исторические события, культурная значимость, ориентированы на визуальное восприятие, в
связь с социально-политическими институтами, текстах числа до 10 выражаются цифрами, а числа
они превращаются в эмоционально- больше 10- прописью. Это способствует более
экспрессивные единицы газетных текстов. благополучному, конкретному и точному
Следует особо отметить, что восприятию информации.
коммуникативные и экспрессивные функции в Глагол, как часть речи является опорной
газетных текстах особо проявляются в выражении точкой газетных текстов, такие категории глагола,
отношения к определенному событию и явлению. как грамматические формы прошедшего времени,
В газетных текстах персидского языка по страдательный залог, официальные формы,
сравнению с коренными прилагательными более рамочные конструкции являются основными
часто используются производные средствами, выражающими стилистические
прилагательные. Основная функция газетно- особенности газетно-публицистического стиля. В
публицистического стиля – освещение газетных текстах применяются все временные
общественно-политических и экономических формы глагола, но в силу того, что тексты
проблем, что требует использования лексики направлены на освещение подробностей
данной отрасли. Весомая часть производных произошедших событий, более активны формы
прилагательных обозначают признаки, прошедшего времени. В газетно-
применяемые при освещении данных проблем. публицистическом стиле использование форм
Среди прилагательных, образованных с помощью наклонений глагола значительно ограниченно,
префиксов, в словах с отрицательной частицей ‫غیر‬ глаголы, в основном, используются в
чувствуется ограниченность, обусловленная изъявительном наклонении, а применение
публицистическим стилем. повелительного наклонения не свойственно этому
В газетных текстах ярко проявляются стилю. В газетно-публицистическом стиле
стилистические особенности местоимений, к используются практически все залоговые формы
примеру, личное местоимение ‫ من‬используется в глагола, однако в большей степени активно
форме ‫ما‬, и выражает различные стилистические используются формы страдательного залога.
оттенки. В газетных текстах вместо личного

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


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ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

political news. World Applied Sciences Journal 44. Baqeri, M. (1390). Pishine-ye sabk va
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31. Abazari, Z. (n.d.). Content analysis of high 45. Gorshkov, А. I. (2006). Russkaya stilistika.
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from 2009 to 2012 Popularization of science. uchebnik dlya pedagogicheskix universitetov i
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contrastive Critical Analysis of Iranian and 46. Qoʼngurov, R., Karimov, S., Qurbonov, T.
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Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian 48. (1385). Doktor Hasan Zolfeqari. Alguha-ye
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Philadelphia, USA 331

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 28.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Lubov Vladimirovna Galitskaya
Moscow Pedagogical State University,
doctor of Technical Sciences, lecturer, Anapa, Russia

Natalia Maksimovna Diagileva

Moscow Polytechnic University,
senior teacher, Moscow, Russia

Natalia Grigorievna Metelitsa

Moscow Polytechnic University,
senior teacher of chair “Foreign Languages”, Moscow, Russia

Olga Evgenievna Travnikova

Moscow Polytechnic University,
student, Moscow, Russia


Abstract: This article addresses the problem of medical errors. The term "medical error" is investigated and it's
revealed that the term has not been defined clearly. It is shown that changing the hospital management system does
not affect the number of medical errors. It is suggested that this is due to their cognitive nature. Recommendations
on the use of AI to reduce the number of medical errors are given.
Key words: health care, quality of healthcare management, medical error, cognitive mistakes of doctors,
artificial intelligence, innovative activity in medicine.
Language: English
Citation: Galitskaya, L. V., Diagileva, N. M., Metelitsa, N. G., & Travnikova, O. E. (2019). Innovative approach
to solving medical errors. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 332-336.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-58 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.58
Scopus ASCC: 1000.

Introduction Previously the following researchers addressed

Now it is clear that the biggest challenge for the this problem: Charabciev Y. T., Fomina T. K.,
healthcare system is medical errors. In the legislation Jumanazarov N. A., Ibatullina Y. F., Kovalev V. M.,
of the Russian Federation there is no concept of Sokol A. F., and R. V. Shurupova. However, we can
"Medical error", but of course this does not exclude state that this problem has not been investigated to the
their occurrence. The medical and legal literature fullest. In this article we would like to investigate
contains more than 60 definitions of the concept of possible solutions for the major errors made by
“medical error”, while in the legislative acts of many medical workers, i.e. adjustment of management
countries this concept is absent [1]. In an integrated system and artificial intelligence. This research can
form, a medical error is an accidental harm to the life contribute to further investigations and experiments of
or health of a patient caused by erroneous actions or the possibility of combining modern technologies and
inaction of a medical worker, characterized by his management in hospitals. The findings we would like
delusion with due regard to professional duties and the to present could be incorporated in the current medical
absence of signs of negligence. management systems.
The media also pays great attention to the death
of patients due to medical errors and the demands for The problem of solving medical errors
improvements in the health system are growing [2].

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Currently, one of the pressing issues of medical violation of the terms of medical care, errors in the
practice is the study of the effect of defects in the appointment of drugs, etc. [6]
provision of medical care on the health of patients and After analyzing the work of the aforementioned
the identification of the most common prerequisites authors, as well as having regard to the opinion of
and causes of professional offenses of medical Sokol A. F., and R. V. Shurupova, who has studied the
workers [3]. approach to the concept of medical error on the part of
There is no consensus between representatives of the authors Groopman D., Rigelman, R., Sokol A. F.,
the legal and medical community on the definition and paying attention to the peculiarities of the thinking of
significance of medical errors, and there is no official the doctors we can identify the characteristics and
statistics of offenses in the field of medical care, as a consequences of the phenomenon of "medical error"
result of which patients were harmed. The term [7-10]:
medical error is currently absent in the legislation of 1. The frequency of medical errors does not
the Russian Federation, and there is no generally significantly depend on the quality of medical care in
accepted definition of the term and medical literature. a particular country.
One of the most common definitions is given by 2. The frequency of medical errors does not
Ippolit Vasilyevich Davydovsky (Soviet pathologist, decrease with the growth and progress of
academician of the USSR Academy of Medical technological equipment of medical institutions.
Sciences): "Medical error is a consequence of a 3. The frequency of medical errors is not reduced
conscientious error of a doctor in the performance of due to the progress of pedagogical science and
his professional duties. The main difference between technology of training of future doctors and
errors and other defects of medical activity - the postgraduate education.
exclusion of intentional criminal acts - negligence, 4. Medical errors significantly increase health
negligence and ignorance». According to foreign care costs. Thus, in the United States in 2008, the costs
researchers, medical error is cases of negative associated with the provision of additional services to
consequences arising from the provision of medical patients, including in connection with medical errors,
care, which could be prevented [4]. ranged from 18 to 45% of all funds allocated for health
Kovalev VM in his work notes an important care .
feature. Unlike misconduct and medical crime, In addition, we can conclude that the priority of
medical error cannot be foreseen and prevented by this management in medicine is the quality management
doctor, it is not the result of negligence of the doctor of the diagnostic and treatment processes in order to
to his duties, ignorance or malicious action. Therefore, ensure the safety of patients.
for medical errors, regardless of their consequences,
the doctor can not be punished either in disciplinary or Changes in management system that could be
criminal proceedings. The term "medical error" did made
not refer to legal concepts; the criminal code and its In 90-ies of XX century W. E. Deming said "In
commentary did not contain the term "error". It is the poor quality of any product in 98% fault system
usually used in the daily analysis of diagnostic and and only 2% fault performers. What to do? The
therapeutic work, as well as in the identification of solution is obvious: change the system!". The
short-term and long-term outcomes of medical concepts he put forward offer unlimited opportunities
interventions, which in some cases can become the for continuous improvement of the management
subject of forensic research [5]. system and the quality of products and services.
Errors are divided into several groups: diagnostic Deming's philosophy, which is formed from his
(non-recognition or incorrect recognition of the concepts, changes the meaning of the organization as
disease), medical-tactical and medical-technical a whole, changes the content of the activities of each
(errors in the organization of medical care). employee: as customers expect from the organization
Pashinyan A. G summarizes the various authors of new and increasingly high-quality goods or
and leads the classification. The causes of medical services, and the organization expects from the
errors can be divided into objective and subjective. working staff innovations and continuous
Objective do not depend on the doctor, the degree of improvement of their activities.
his knowledge, training and professionalism, Based on this philosophy, using the 14
subjective errors are directly dependent on the management rules proposed by W. E. Deming and
knowledge of the doctor, his experience. Thus, the open sources of literature in most medical institutions,
objective reasons can be attributed to the lack of the following shortcomings can be identified:
necessary scientific data on certain diseases (rare There are many current problems and struggle
diseases or recently discovered). The subjective with endless routine, long-term goals are a small
reasons include the error in diagnosis, errors in the number of hospitals. The system of prevention of
collection of anamnesis of the disease, the lack of medical errors exists, but works on the principle of
necessary studies, the conduct of which was detection of post factum and severe punishment of the
mandatory and possible (laboratory, x-ray, etc.), involved persons without changing the processes

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

themselves. The most common way to assess the Shurupova R. V. we concluded that this is due to the
quality of care is total control, mainly through cognitive nature of medical errors.
checking the medical records of patients who do not
represent the real picture. Often there is a charge of Artificial intelligence and medical errors
individual doctors and nurses for mistakes and The conclusion that the nature of medical errors
blunders without assessing and changing the is mainly cognitive, as well as the experience of
processes that led to these defects. Тhere are no full- implementing innovative management systems,
time specialists in the field of quality improvement in which did not affect the level of medical errors,
medical organizations. Corporate culture is poorly suggests the use of artificial intelligence in medical
developed. The work is rigidly divided into the practice, because it will help avoid cognitive medical
functioning of departments, divisions, offices. errors.
Medical workers are awarded two or three times a During the early 80-ies in some medical
year, but the reward is directly proportional to the institutions of the Ministry of health and the USSR
years given to the work. Few doctors and nurses work Academy of Sciences scientific laboratories started to
on their continuing education, the existing system of be created, which faced the need to solve a number of
continuing education is more formal. important problems for theoretical and practical
In 1987 the US pediatricians Donald Berwick medicine with the expectation of using mathematical
and Paul Batalden with the support of the Joseph Juran methods and computer technology. Even then, the
Institute and quality experts from various industries main thesis of the direction of work was formulated:
implemented a successful project with a grant from there is no need to solve all the problems of medicine.
the John Hartford Foundation: they introduced Doctors need reasonable and reasoned support in
modern principles and methods of quality solving difficult problems for them — whether it is a
management into the health care system. diagnosis, prognosis or the choice of a drug. And it
But after about 18 years during which various was determined that the problem should be solved not
methods of improving the quality of services were instead of doctors, but with them [12].
used in American hospitals, the American company To correctly identify the cause of the disease and
"HealthGrades", which rates medical institutions and give competent treatment, it is necessary to study the
doctors of the United States, published the report on data about a patient, i.e. see the case record, tests,
medical errors for the period from 2003 to 2005. pictures, etc. Sometimes the most experienced doctors
According to it, the number of medical errors can not make a solid diagnosis due to the fact that they
increased by 3%. In total, statistics on 40 million do not see the full picture of the disease. According to
hospitalizations in more than 5 thousand hospitals analytical data from Google, every tenth patient
were analyzed. According to the authors of the report, suffers from an incorrect diagnosis [13].
1.16 million medical errors and errors were noted for The newest technologies in this area belong to
3 years. 247.6 thousand people died due to incorrect the company DeepMind which in partnership with the
diagnoses, incorrectly prescribed treatment, etc., Department of veterans Affairs of the United States
although their lives could be saved[11]. has developed an AI algorithm for predicting the
The number of medical errors and cases of disease. In an article published in Nature, they share
irreparable harm to patients indicates that quality their findings on how the algorithm can predict the
management has not made the same revolution in presence of renal failure 48 hours before it occurs. The
health care as in electronics and automotive industry. model correctly identified the condition of 9 out of 10
Examples of successful implementation of quality patients. The results show that for each patient the
management methods in the health sector, of course, doctors spent 15 minutes, not several hours. And only
exist. But it cannot be said that these results fully met in 3.3% of cases they missed the disease, compared to
expectations. 12% of cases without using AI. This means that in the
This case is meaningful, but not unique, there are future AI will reduce the number of medical errors by
a lot of practices on introduction of innovative almost 4 times [14].
technologies of management in hospitals as a result of In our opinion, AI can help in the fight against
which the main indicators improved, but the number cognitive errors right now. Cognitive error is
of medical errors either remained at the same level, or something we can't control, but we can detect it. At
increased. Medical activity is associated with high this stage of AI development, the main emphasis is on
risks, which may vary depending on the complexity of creating a unified base of medical knowledge and
the case. The most difficult is to improve the aspect technologies that can be used in everyday clinical
that is associated with medical errors. practice. The ability of the neural network to learn
This means that changes in the management from a variety of examples in cases where the patterns
system, the introduction of management technologies of development of the situation and any dependencies
does not affect the number of mistakes made by between the input and output data are unknown. Thus,
doctors. Based on the article Sokol A. F. and if the exact dependence is not known, but it is known

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

that it exists, the neural network is able to find a community and the government institutions
relationship[15]. responsible for the country's health.
Even I. A. Davidovsky believed that since According to Dats A.V., Gorbachev S. M.,
medicine is a scientific discipline, medical errors are scientific and technical progress and development of
subject to registration, systematization and study. medicine, equipping medical institutions with modern
Somewhere before the 50s, doctors made public medical and diagnostic equipment and means of
mistakes, analyzed them, shared them with students, intensive therapy led not only to improve the quality
to prevent the occurrence of such cases in the future. of diagnosis and treatment, but also caused a
But now, unfortunately, in many countries, health significant increase in undesirable and adverse effects
workers tend to hide information about their mistakes. of medical actions [16].
This is primarily because such information has Our study suggests that it is necessary not only
traditionally been used to punish [1]. to change the hospital management system, but also to
From the above arguments it follows that the start discussion of medical errors in order to detect and
most promising direction of development of artificial eliminate their causes (and not people who made
intelligence to eliminate medical errors is the mistakes), and this is possible only through a change
formation of an open database with known cases of in the culture of professional activity and greater
medical errors and analysis of medical history through openness towards patients.
this database to identify possible errors. After that, on the basis of published cases of
medical errors, it will be possible to form an open
Conclusions and limitations database and train the AI to determine the likely error
Medical errors are an inevitable part of a doctor's that may occur during the work with this case. This
professional activity: they were, are and will be. The approach will allow the doctor to clearly understand
desire to reduce their number is a real goal that the points where the recheck the diagnosis should be
requires serious efforts on the part of both the medical done or therapy prescribed.


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Philadelphia, USA 336

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 29.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Latifa M. Al-Sukkry
University of Kufa,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Najaf, Iraq
[email protected]

Abbas H. Abo Nasriya

University of Kufa,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Najaf, Iraq
[email protected]


Abstract: By using Density Functional Theory (DFT), study the electron properties of the fullerene C32 molecules
adsorbed with gas (CH2O). The gas has been placed on the Fullerenes surface in two forms. The first form, the central
atom of gas vertically on one of the carbon atom for C 32 molecule, vertically on one of the phosphorus atom for
(C30P2) molecule and vertically on one of the nitrogen atom for (C30N2) molecule. The second form is at the center of
the hexagonal ring of carbon atoms of pristine fullerene (C32), the center of the hexagonal ring of (C30P2) molecule
and center of the hexagonal ring of (C30N2) molecule using the functional (B3LYP) and the basis set 6-31G (d, p).
The results show that, the lowest adsorption energy obtained by gas adsorption with the molecule (C 30P2) at the first
form and the value of (-0.128 eV) and (C30N2) at the second form and the value of (-0.118 eV) through these result
can be considered these cases gas sensors to detect gas (CH2O). The rest of the cases are also can be used as sensors.
Key words: Fullerene, gas adsorption, density functional theory, HOMO and LUMO, sensors.
Language: English
Citation: Al-Sukkry, L. M., Abo Nasriya A. H. (2019). DFT Investigation of CH2O adsorption on pristine and
doped Fullerene C32. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 337-340.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-59 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.59
Scopus ASCC: 1600.

Introduction nanostructures discovery has caused many

Fullerenes were serendipitously discovered in anticipations for their potential effect on gas
September 1985 by H. W. Kroto, R. F. Curl and R. E. adsorption, sensing, and storage, by virtue of their
Smalley During experiments, which involved large surface /volume ratio. Depending on the valence
evaporating graphite by laser irradiation. Their states the carbon materials demonstrate quite different
discovery was rewarded with a Nobel prize in adsorption properties. In the last years, nanotubes
chemistry 10-years later in 1996. A new allotropic have attracted great interest in the sensor industry [3].
Fullerene is the third form of carbon along with
graphite and diamond. Their distinctive geometric 2. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS OF DFT
shapes similar to the geodesic dome of the architect R. In this work, DFT calculations were performed
Buckminster Fuller’s led to their being named using Gaussian 09 package [4]. This software package
“Buckminsterfullerene” [1]. Fullerenes or hollow is using the standard and modern quantum mechanics
closed carbon cages (C2n) are entirely constructed basics The functional B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) basis set is
from the carbon atoms with five- and six-member used for the full geometry optimizations of the
rings. The number of pentagons is 12 and as the size adsorption influence of CH2O molecules on C32 and
of fullerene (2n/2–10) increases, the numbers of doped C30P2, C30N2 [5]. The functional B3LYP/6-
hexagons would rise [2]. The novel carbon 31G(d,p) is a commonly used level of theory for

Philadelphia, USA 337

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

nanotube structures [6-7]. The chemical potential or Eads= E(COMPLEX) - (E(molecule) +E(gas)) (3)
Fermi energy (EF) of the complexes was obtained, as Where E(COMPLEX) is the total energy of the
given below: molecule with adsorption with gas, E(molecule) is the
EF= EHOMO + ELUMO / 2 (1) total energy of the studied molecule without adsorbed,
Where EHOMO is the energy of the highest and E(gas) is the total energy of the gas molecule [8,9].
occupied molecular orbital and ELUMO is the energy of After geometry optimization, the adsorption
the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. The energy energy (Eads) and electronic properties of the studied
gap in energy levels (Eg) of a system is acquainted as: molecules like HOMO, LUMO, Total energy (E Tot),
Eg = ELUMO - EHOMO. (2) Energy gap (Eg), Electron Affinity (EA), Ionization
The adsorption energy (Eads) was calculated Potential (IP) and Fermi Energy (EF ) were found as
using the following approximate expression: shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Structural and electronic properties of the studied complexes.

C32 C30P2 C30N2

Property (eV)
a b c d e f
ETot -36277.738 -36277.776 -52782.305 -52782.320 -37184.169 -37184.144
Eads -0.275 -0.313 -0.128 -0.142 -0.144 -0.118
Eg 1.522 1.528 1.616 1.618 1.580 1.568
IP (= -EHOMO) 5.144 5.217 5.340 5.384 5.311 5.219
EA (= -ELUMO) 3.622 3.688 3.724 3.765 3.731 3.650
EF -4.383 -4.452 -4.532 -4.574 -4.521 -4.435

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and in the second form, the gas molecule is located on
The adsorption behavior of CH2O gas molecule the top of the hexagonal ring of C32, C30P2, and C30N2.
on the surface of pristine fullerene C32 and It was found that the C32, C30P2, and C30N2 distances
heterofullerenes C30P2, C30N2 are examined. Initially, for CH2O absorption are in the range of (3.39-4.6 Å),
each gas molecule has been placed on the Fullerenes the bond length of the atom between the carbon atom
surface in two forms. The first form, the central atom and the oxygen atom is (1.20 Å) of the gas (see Figure
of gas is close to one of carbon, phosphorus, and 1).
nitrogen atoms of C32, C30P2 and C30N2 respectively,

(a) C32-CH2O-C (b) C32-CH2O- center (c) C30P2-CH2O-P

(d) C30P2-CH2O- center (e) C30N2-CH2O-N (f) C30N2-CH2O- center

Figure (1): Initial structures of the studied complexes with CH2O gas

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ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Eg= 1.522 eV


Eg= 1.528 eV


Eg= 1.616 eV


Eg= 1.618 eV


Eg= 1.580 eV


Eg= 1.568 eV


Figure 2: Shows the DFT calculation of HOMO and LUMO shapes for studied
CH2O adsorption molecules.

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Fig. 2 shows that in HOMO and LUMO the lobes calculation at B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. In
are concentrated on almost all the atoms and are not general, the adsorption energies in the results indicate
concentrated on the gas in all cases because they are that C32 and doped fullerenes are weak physisorption,
adsorbed with the molecule. In the molecules C30P2 in all sites and can be used to detect CH2O. For C30P2
and C30N2 the lobes are concentrated around the at the site (c) and C30N2 at the site (f) can be used as a
phosphorus and nitrogen atoms and the neighboring sensor to detect CH2O since the adsorption-desorption
atoms, with no concentration of gas. The adsorption equilibrium of CH2O on C30P2 and C30N2 at these sites
energy of C30P2, at the site (c), is (-0.128 eV) and the is easily built gas. The adsorption energy of C30P2, at
adsorption energy of C30N2 at the site (f), is (-0.118 the site (c), is (-0.128 eV) and the adsorption energy
eV). For this reason, C30P2 at the site (c) and C30N2 at C30N2 at the site (f) is (-0.118 eV). Finally, the results
the site (f) can be used as a sensor to detect CH2O, gas. of calculations show that these adsorption
Also, the adsorption energy that has been obtained for configurations are suitable as sensors of CH2O.
all cases can be used as a sensor to detect this gas.
We explore the adsorption of CH2O, on the The author is thankful to Mr. Maitham A. AL-
surface of fullerene C32 and doped fullerenes by DFT Isawi for his help in this work.


1. Kroto, H. W., Heath, J. R., O’Brien, S. C., Curl, 6. Gan, L., & Zhao, J. (2009). Physica E, 41, 1249.
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2. Ren, X. Y., & Jiang, C. Y. (2012). Density 8. Wendt, M., & Weinhold, F. (2001). NBO View
functional studies on the endohedral complex of 1.0. Master Thesis, Theoretical Chemistry
fullerene C70 with tetrahedrane (C4H4): C4H4@ Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
C70. Journal of molecular modeling, 18 (32), Madison, Wisconsin.
133-217. 9. Mohmmed, H. S., & Abo Nasriya, A. H. (2017).
3. Zollo, G., & Gala, F. (2012). Atomistic modeling Study electronic properties of adsorption of CO
of gas adsorption in nanocarbons. J. Nanomat, and H2S gas molecules on the surface of
114, 1-32. fullerene and heterofullerene as a gas sensor for
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Density Functional Theory: A Tool for
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Philadelphia, USA 340

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 29.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Modwene Poulmarc’h
Université Lyon II Louis Lumière,
Ph.D., Archéorient, Lyon, France

Nicola Laneri
Center for ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies,
Ph.D., professor, School of Religious Studies,
Lorenzo de’Medici, Florence, Italy
[email protected]

Elnur Hasanov
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,
Corresponding member of International Academy of
Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Ph.D.,
Institute of Local-lore of Ganja Branch
Ganja, Azerbaijan
[email protected]


Abstract: Scientific paper deals with the research of ancient kurgans in Ganja based on various academic
sources and scientific materials, archive documents, local craftsmanship samples of contemporary international
ethnographic and archeological excavations in the territory of city and around area. On the basis of innovative
scientific methods have been researched the basic features of historical-cultural heritage of Late Bronze and Early
Iron Ages.
Key words: ethnographic research, archeological excavations, Ganja, Azerbaijan, handicraft samples,
multidisciplinary research, innovative methods.
Language: English
Citation: Poulmarc’h, M., Laneri, N., & Hasanov, E. (2019). Innovative approach to the research of
ethnographic-archaeological heritage in Ganja based on materials of kurgans. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09
(77), 341-345.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-60 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.60
Scopus ASCC: 1204.

Introduction Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, who

The area located on the northern outskirts of the excavated some of the kurgans located in this region
modern city of Ganja that is part of the Heydar Aliyev [5, 16-17].
Park. The area along the Ganja River, another affluent Ganja Region Kurgan Archaeological Project
of the Kur River, marked by the presence of a (GaRKAP) is a joint Azerbaijan-Italian project that
concentration of kurgans dated to the Late Bronze and aims at investigating the spread of the tradition of
Early Iron Age. This area has been under investigation burying the dead in large funerary chambers covered
since the XX century, but more recently, due to the with circular tumuli - that is, kurgans - in the southern
creation of the Heydar Aliyev Park, the governor of Caucasus during a period ranging from the fourth to
Ganja created a task for local scholars, directed by the first millennium BCE. It is in this region that large

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

numbers of kurgans, dating to the Early Bronze Age map prepared in 2017, excavations were carried out
(that is, the Kur-Araz period) through to the Iron Age, on five-ancient barrows, where material and cultural
have been identified. remains, samples of local craft, anthropological
The aim of GaRKAP project is to excavate all findings, paleozoological and paleobotanical samples
the remaining kurgans, then create an archaeological were found, which proves their relationship to the
park to be presented to the local communities at the early Bronze Age.
end of the archaeological work. In particular, during The obsidian and flint tools found in the
the summer of 2018-2019 GaRKAP excavated a Gillikdag camp found by I. Jafarzadeh in the village
medium-sized kurgan, which had been badly of Bakhchukurd stone scoop suggest that they lived in
disturbed by looters, but still brought to light this territory in the VII-VI millennium BC. e., people
archaeological materials that can be associated with were among the founders of the Neolithic culture. The
the Ganja-Garabagh (Chodžali-Kedabeg) way of life of the Neolithic period (V millennium BC)
archaeological phase, dated to the Late Bronze and in the Ganja region continued and created the
Early Iron Age [17, 8-21]. prerequisites for a new economic development in the
Other kurgans dated to the Kur-Araz period in Eneolithic.
have shown that once the dead had been disposed of Archaeological researches show, that during this
inside the funerary chamber, the whole chamber was period, the local population, having moved to a
set on fire. sedentary lifestyle, began to engage in farming and
Thus, the conditions were created for animal husbandry. This is confirmed by osteological
establishing as the place dedicated to housing the remains found in archaeological excavations, which
dead. The plateau was in use for this purpose for a long are bones cultivated in the Ganja region in the V
time and was not utilized for other human activities, millennium BC. e. animals known to us. It is in the IV-
except for pastoralism or nomadic movements III millennium BC. Based on the Eneolithic culture,
between the creek and the fields to the north. Kurgans Ganja has become one of the centers of the Early
in the southern Caucasus dating to the Kur-Araz Bronze Age of the Kur - Araz culture.
period have rarely been investigated using detailed Excavations in burial mounds near Ganja
stratigraphic analysis of the different phases of showed the presence of rounded pits for ordinary
construction, use, closing, and, finally, burials and cremation rituals. This is characteristic of
monumentalisation [4, 191-194; 16]. Ganja and Garabakh, as well as other ancient tribes in
It is with this perspective in mind that GaRKAP the country. The similarity of the funeral rituals proves
tackled the excavation of one of these kurgans. the ethnic affinity of the tribes inhabiting the territory.
Kurgan 2 consists of a large tumulus that is slightly In the village of Yeni Ganja in the ancient territory of
oval in shape, with a diameter of c. 16 m NW to SE Guru Gobu in 2018, during a joint excavation with
and 17 m NE to SW. Italian and French archaeologists, a barrow made of
The stone tumulus is made up of two rings of volcanic glass was found in a mound.
medium-sized stones separated by a soil path that In the places of settlements of the middle bronze
might have served a ritualistic purpose in the end-use period a lot of diverse material was found. Discovered
phase of the kurgan, when it was monumentalised as stone clubs were used in different areas. Perhaps their
a memorial locale embedded in an ancestral more refined designs were used as weapons. In the
landscape. Unfortunately, one quarter of the kurgan graves excavated the remains of domestic animals,
was destroyed by a tractor employed to unearth the figures of birds and animals, metal objects, made by
precious white lime used by the villagers. hand and on the potter's wheel, ordinary and colored
The other two pits, not yet completely excavated, dishes [5, 16-17].
are also probably burials. All three have in common The funerary chamber of Kurgan 1 is oriented
the fact that they disturb only the sides and corners of SW–NE and it has an entrance dromos — about 2.2 m
the main funerary chambers of the kurgan, and this long and 1 m wide - carved into the bedrock with a
does not seem accidental. In fact, it probably testifies few steps cut into the virgin soil. It provides access to
to a continuity of use of the kurgan during the Kur- the large square funerary chamber, also excavated
Araz period, probably linking specific individuals from the bedrock, which is 5 m wide and c. 7 m long.
with the memory of the community deposited within Both the dromos and the funerary chamber have
the large funerary chambers located underneath the internal walls c. 30–35 cm thick and made of mud
tumulus. bricks; in the funerary chamber, they rise 20–30 cm
above the edge of the pit. On top of the walls, long
Materials and Methods wooden beams were placed perpendicular to the
Together with the scientific staff of the Institute entranceway in order to create the roof. The
of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, as a result entranceway might have been supported by a wooden
of archaeological research, a map of ancient burial beam acting as an architrave, but only future
mounds was prepared in the southern zone of the city, excavations will confirm this.
in the Yeni Ganja residential area. On the basis of a

Philadelphia, USA 342

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Other kurgans dated to the Kur-Araz period in plotology analysis, were also studied. A second part
have shown that once the dead had been disposed of of the project was devoted to the characterization and
inside the funerary chamber, the whole chamber was quantification of millet consumption in humans and
set on fire. In the case of Kurgans, this practice is animals, based on isotopic analyzes (carbon, nitrogen)
recognisable in the burnt beams visible along the edge carried out on the organic and mineral fractions of
of the mudbrick walls that define the sides of the consumers' bone tissues (animals and humans) [2; 4].
funerary chamber as well as the dromos.
This intentional burning of the funerary Conclusion
chamber and dromos must have been visible from a The first season of archaeological work by the
long distance away, creating a theatrical spectacle in Azeri-Italian Ganja Regional Kurgan Archaeological
association with the bright white of the structure. At Project (GaRKAP) has provided a scientific
the end of this ritual process, probably associated with opportunity to intensify research on under- standing
an act of purification, the roof collapsed inside the the development of the funerary custom of using
chamber and the dromos. tumuli (kurgans) in western Azerbaijan between the
Although the excavation has been temporarily fourth and first millennia BC. of particular interest is
interrupted at the level corresponding to the top of the the transformation in the use of Kurgan during the
walls of the chamber, it is possible to hypothesise a Kur-Araz period, which testifies to a shift from
tentative sequence of the building phases of the collectivity to individuality in beliefs related to the
kurgan, aimed at the reconstruction of its biography. afterlife among the community using plateau for
burying their dead.
Multidisciplinary significance of research Such a transformation is correctly posited by
In order to better understand the presence and Adam Smith when, dealing with the kurgans of the
consumption, the most recent developments in Middle Bronze Age in southern Caucasus, he states
archeology, anthropology, archeozoology, that a kurgan become “earthly machinery for the
archaeobotany, geomorphology and isotopic reproduction of social difference into a cosmic order
biogeochemistry were considered. We have thus set and into the transcendent sphere of the deities.” Such
up a research project based on a multidisciplinary a perspective is also recognizable during the Late
approach, previously unpublished by its geographical Bronze and Early Iron Age - as in the case of Kurgans
and politico-scientific scope on more than thirty sites in Ganja - when the kurgans are most often dedicated
- during excavations or formerly excavated - on the to burying individuals accompanied by goods usually
current territories of Azerbaijan. comprising a set of pottery vessels, weapons, metal
From a methodological point of view, a first part objects, amulets, and special animals; for example, the
of the project was dedicated to the study of the snake [4; 18; 20].
environmental and economic context related to the During the fire, the beams composing the roof
cultivation of different materials. The environmental would have burnt and collapsed into the chamber,
framework of this region, whose ecological diversity disturbing the whole deposit and making the bone
is very important, has been described for the pre- and count difficult. According to scientists, in order to
protohistoric periods, thanks to different approaches: facilitate the spread of the flames within the chamber,
the geoarchaeological and geomorphological markers a sort of chimney was probably located either in the
in order to restore the palaeo-landscapes and the middle of the chamber or at its rear.
cultivable surfaces, and several palynological studies Setting up an intentional ritualized fire in the
on natural sequences to define the evolution of the funerary chamber appears to be a distinguishing
landscape and the human impact on the latter. The aspect of the Kur-Araz-period kurgan of western
different remains, direct witnesses of the cultivation Azerbaijan. In fact, another example was discovered
of millet, found in archaeological context, in the form at the site.
of seeds, but also in the form of phytoliths were In addition, the kurgans of this region appear to
analyzed. These studies were supplemented by be linked with nomadic groups, due to the fact that no
chemical analysis of compounds released by millet contemporaneous settlements can be found in their
into sediments (miliacine). vicinity. This testifies to the important role of these
The markers corresponding to the traces left by kurgans in framing the funerary landscape of the
the plants on the tools used for food preparation people seasonally transiting this region and depositing
(milling / decorticating), and highlighted by optical the dead members of the group in this specific context.

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Fig. 1. Kurgan 1 in Ganja city.

Fig. 2. Earthen pit grave of the Kur-Araz period showing the skeletal remains and funerary goods from

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Nurmukhammad Nematillayevich Azizov
Andizhan State University,
Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract: The article deals with the personalities of the author and the author’s relationship to the image of the
artist as part of his novel “Thousand and one appearance (Ming bir qiyofa)”.
Key words: creative personality, attitude, archetypical hero, character, chronotop.
Language: English
Citation: Azizov, N. N. (2019). The author’s depiction of person and his attitude in the novel “Thousand and
one appearance”. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 346-349.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-61 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.61
Scopus ASСC: 1208.

Introduction creative artistic center to the center. One assigns a

Since ancient times, the personality of the artist, status to the quality of the work that is to be created,
his role in society and his artistic potential have been the other to distinguish the poets based on the work
widely covered in scientific, historical and artistic created.
works. Especially in the works of Tazkira genre, we In the XX th century Uzbek literature has also
see excerpts from the life of poets and writers, their produced several works of art that explore the
attitude to the creative work, interpretation and problems of the period through the creative image.
analysis. Khusrav Dehlaviy’s “Gurrat-ul-Kamal” The selection of a creative person as the protagonist of
states that it is necessary to fulfill four conditions in the novel “Thousand and one appearance” which we
order to attain the status of a teacher. According to have analyzed and it has a historical, social, artistic
him: and aesthetic function. Oman Mukhtar considers that
- The poet has a unique style; the creative person acts as a beacon for the sake of
- Adherence to the traditions of poetry when adulthood but that the creators of the period are unable
expressing meaning and using words; to fulfill their missions, the root and solution of this.
-The use of mistaken or inappropriate words in The book reveals the attitude of Abdullah Hakim
the poem; (creative person) in various angles. These
- Avoid theft and displacement of meaning relationships can be conditionally classified as
[5.339]. follows:
The sixteenth chapter of Navoi’s book “Mahbub 1. The attitude of the people around the creative
ul-kulub” is dedicated to poets, which are divided into person;
three categories: 2. Creative person’s attitude to his / her creative
- Those whose show the absolute truth in a poem; work;
- Figuratively speaking the secrets of truth; 3. The author’s attitude to the creative person.
- Those whose see figurative as a means rather Through the images of Hasan, Ochil, Gulhumor,
than an instrument [5.263]. artistic interpretation of the public view of the creative
person is possible.
Research methods. - Probably there is a whip poetry, this boy?
We can see that Delhi emphasizes the creative - There. He writes poetry. Four or five things
personality in its vision, while Navoi brings the came out. But there are many who come from the

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

village to write such poetry. Some get married, and these poems. In some cases the author cites Sadirjon’s
some drown. In modern times, many people have attitude to the poems of Abdulla Hakim and its causes.
written many books, and no one is quick to dismiss First of all, the poems were presented by
them as poets. They are just lovers of poetry”[1.39]. Gulhumor a loved one. (He puts all his faith in the gift
The phrases in this passage, such as “writing given by the goddess.) That is why he reads Abdulla
poems”, “several things came out”, are not only a Hakim’s poems as sacred verse, and sincerely believes
poem but also an indifference to the creator, some of in them.
them being married and some drowning away. It also Secondly, as a result of his love of literature from
refers to the condition of the creature's marriage and a young age Sadirjon is able to understand the
the loss of life, the purpose of matter being only a meaning of the poet's poems. He compared his poems
matter of time, the moon being turned into a copper to “steppe flowers”. Thirdly, the poet is able to express
bowl, drinking and destroying it, and defiling the body his grief in his poems. The poems written by Abdulla
and spirit as a consequence of what God forbid. Hakim on Halima are quite the sentiments of Sadirjon
For the Hasan and Achilles, the work of and Gulhumor. For Sadirjon, the poems of Gulhumor
Abdullah Hakim is irrelevant. And while the image of and Abdulla Hakim are one and the same. In general,
Gulhumor remains indifferent, the poems of Abdullah the author expresses his view that creativity and the
Hakim are used for their own benefit. art work created by him should serve as a means of
“… He was also indifferent to the poetry of avoiding disgrace and purifying the soul, even for
Abdullah Hakim, who was seized by his aunt’s house. Sadirjon, as part of Sadirjon’s approach to art.
He only brought the notebook to Sadirjon, thinking Sadirjon’s attention to Abdullah Hakim’s poems is
that his brother Sadir would go mad and love me more only a certain stage of his life - the moment of love.
than he ever did”[1.107]. Unlike Sadirjon, Abdullah Hakim lost his love
Burkhon Sharif and Sadirjon are the best people and did not abandon his poems. The mother, the
who can understand the works of Abdullah Hakim. husband, found peace in the time of by remembering
The author does not portray the image of Burkhon what he had written about the Motherland.
Sharif in the novel so much that the character is In the novel, we see that Abdullah Hakim’s
initially portrayed by the people around him (Abdulla fascination with poetry from his youth, he did not
Hakim, Korchalons, Sadirjon, Halima), and the reader accompany him on the way to gain the reputation of
recognizes Burkhon Sharif as a hero who struggles not poetry, and he can give an unbiased evaluation of his
for the sake of good, but for the good. In fact, in the work. He describes the first poems he wrote - a shout,
image of Burkhon Sharif, the archetypical heroic a call. (Many creators tend to evaluate their work from
character (the corpses do not turn their backs even that point on.) Personality: “What I write next is a bit
though they pierce machine balloons and threaten of a poem” - the sense of contentment (like a poem,
them with various bells), militancy (courageous fight not a call) is a sense of dissatisfaction (a little bit).
against businessmen for two and three years), Abdullah Hakim is questioned by angels as a
stubbornness (money, action, desirable material person - a servant of Allah, as described in religious
wealth) strongly denial) (Otabek. D.Kuronov). traditions in the real world. In some places, he has
While Burkhon Sharif realizes that the famous been described as an artist - “In addition, although I
poet who wrote poems “open doors” and “open did not gain fame and popularity, I was still a poet. I
windows” about the “closed doors” and “shutters” is want to encourage people to be kind and noble…
really right, the support given to Abdullah Hakim is to ”[1.63].
invite invitations, get out of bed; does not go beyond Although Abdullah Hakim asserts that he is a
material support. The emphasis is on the person, not man who does not contradict the realities of life, the
the creator. Burkhon Sharif initially refused to help angel (ideally the author) lists the faults of the artist
Abdullah Hakim because of a society that requires who considers himself honest:
everyone to behave in the same way, and then, - Eating, drinking, and clothing and not thinking
subjectively, he does not want to help his poems about from the eating;
love to Halima. The intensity of Burkhon Sharif's - The characteristic of the flow;
character is also evident at the point where the image - Lack of meaning and purpose in life;
that the author interprets as a hero from the beginning - Purity of body and spirit;
makes the novel look like an antagonist. Burkhon - Lack of self-awareness;
Sharif is described as a generalized image of “great - Trusting God as the master of all life more than
people” who could not provide moral and emotional God;
support to the artist, who “hid” him for his own - Ignorance of poems written in the office or in
personal gain and remained a spectator of artistic poems;
activity. - Worship of idols and images - idolatry.
The reader understands that Sadirjon has a The above accusations apply not only to
positive attitude towards the work of Abdullah Hakim, Abdullah Hakim but also to all those around him and
but this attitude is not always clear as Sadirjon lives in his contemporaries. However, the author blamed

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Abdullah Hakim for the fact that the creative person is Oppokov, live in a society where he lives. For
the foremost representative of society and the need to example, Abdullah Hakim, Mirza Ghalib and Elijah
guide the people. Amon Mukhtar looks at the truth of Hayrat have failed to take a worthy place in society
the truth - the artistic images of those who see because they are committed to their principles and
themselves as good people, believing that in the last believe in themselves. From the author’s point of
day, they will answer for all their good and bad deeds view, both intellectuals are defeated. Although they
and that they seem to be of little (but actually were prosperous and prosperous in their lifetime, the
worthwhile) sin in front of others. works they created after their physical death also
“You wanted to invite everybody to teach “perished”. The unfortunate ones are dying of
somewhere. You have earned a shout out to be a poet”. dissatisfaction with their lives. The works that are
As we have seen, the writer expresses himself in created by one layer are honored with death and are
angelic discourse that the creator must not only call, despised. The author illuminates both ways and says
but be self-conscious, to be an example. Although the that human happiness cannot be achieved in this way
author deviates from the realities of the novel and through the personalities of Abdullah Hakim and
examines the process of its occurrence, his attitude, Elijah Hayrat.
attitude, character, time, space, and status are evident The characters of Abdullah Hakim and Elijah
from the moment he chooses artistic images from Hayrat complement one. Many features of Abdulla
existence. Hakim's image: adherence to their principles, honest
In the novel, the creative people can be expression of everything, and dissatisfaction with his
distinguished: those who sing what the era calls for - life are also reflected in the image of Elijah Hayrat.
those who are successful artists and those who are Elijah Hayrat is an intelligent historian, and he is
committed to their own truths and who have filled the indirectly included in the meditations of Mirza Ghalib,
ranks of “bad luck”. Batir Oppokov and Gulyamjon the hero of the novel “Ruins on the Hill”. Abdullah
auxiliary characters allow the writer to compare, Hakim’s degradation as creative and personal is
contrast, an express his ideological and artistic covered by questions and answers in the real world
intentions. (mythological chronotop). Elijah Hayrat acts in a real
“History and Culture” staffs like to tell poets chronotype, contrasting with Sanjar Makhzun. His
“What do you do when you don’t understand your views and scientific conclusions are given from the
poetry with a farmer?” Part of poet is following: language of the man at that time - Mirza Ghalib. The
Our city is a paradise, fact that Abdullah Hakim is in the real world is an
All are free. inevitable tragedy for Abdullah Hakim, and on the
Any darkness that goes by, other hand, people like him, who, like Elijah Hayrat
Light that came into our hearts. died after their physical death, were convinced that he
Therefore, their aim to “sing the same song” was right.
[1.82], first of all, reflect the demands of the artists of Unlike Abdulla Hakim and Elijah Hayrat,
the era and the Communist Party’s attitude towards Nasreddin and Mirza Ghalib have the ability to
artistic creation. investigate what they are doing and to understand the
In the third story of his novel “Childhood of defects of themselves and those around them. The
Afandi” Gulyamjon who advised Rahim II to conceal creator who owns this feature is the true creator and
his evil, is generally of the “creative” layer, which is they will eventually win. Nasreddin went to the palace
what the era demands. The author's reaction to his of the royal ruler to see the true look of his confidant
actions is reflected in the interviews with Nasreddin and to see that he was superior to him spiritually. As
and his father, in the confessions made by Gulyamjon soon as Mirza Ghalib and overcome his fear, all
himself. Gulyamjon is not only responsible for the act obstacles will be removed. He can see the true look of
of Rahim II, singing false anecdotes, not only because the “corals” he has over him, overcoming his fear.
of his wealth, but also because he persuades a child
like Nasreddin (a spirit and a pure angel) to hide the In summary, his creative personality has always
truth from the people. been in the spotlight. The book “Thousand and one
A similar classification is applied to historian appearance” also reveals the problems of creativity,
intellectuals in the novel The Destruction of the Hill. social and cultural status of the time, the evolution of
Sanjar Makhzun - the successful creators of the novel the spirit of the people of the time, and the influence
“Thousand and one appearance” - Gulyamjon, Batir of the power on the spiritual image of our people.

Philadelphia, USA 348

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


1. Oman, M. (2000). The Qibla on four sides. 7. Karimov, H. (2008). Development of Uzbek
Tahskent: Shark. novels. (p.124). Tashkent: Publishing House of
2. Normatov, U. (1980). Secrets of originality. the National Library of Uzbekistan.
“Traditions of our generation”. Tashkent: 8. Nazarov, O. (2018). Artistic Chronotopic
Publishing House of Literature and Art named Problems in Oman Mukhtar Novels: Dissertation
after G. Gulyam. Abstract for the degree D.Ph. in Philology . -
3. Kuronov, D. (2018). Theoretical notes. Karshi, p. 47.
Tashkent: Akademnashr. 9. Normatov, U. (1980). Secrets of originality.
4. Kuronov, D. (2016). Literary thoughts. “Traditions of our generation”. Tashkent:
Tashkent: Turon zamin ziyo. Publishing House of Literature and Art named
5. Sirojiddinov, S., et al. (2018). Navoi Studies. after G. Gulyam.
Tashkent: Tamaddun. 10. (1998). Everyone has their own land, their own
6. Yakubov, I. (2001). Literary mystery as an sky ... / Literature and Art of Uzbekistan. March
artistic tool. Source of knowledge UrSU 6th
Newsletter, No. 4. 11. (n.d.). Retrieved 2019, from www.kutubxona.uz

Philadelphia, USA 349

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Arukhan Zhamgyrbayevna Utambetova
Karakalpak humanitarian sciences Scientific research Institute of Karakalpakstan branch of the Academy of
Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Doctoral candidate (DSc),
department of the Karakalpak literature, Nukus


Abstract: Fiction, especially art works on a historical topic can not be history itself, it is a natural process that
they can not be pure history. In them, first, the people’s view of this reality must be displayed, and secondly, the view
and outlook of the creator, his goals and tasks, the author’s artistic image and artistic conception plays the most
important role.
Key words: XIX centuries literature, epic poetry, dastan, poem, history of folk, folklore and written literature,
traditions of the folklore and written literature.
Language: Russian
Citation: Utambetova, A. Z. (2019). Origins of the formation of historical and epic works in Berdah 's work. ISJ
Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 350-353.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-62 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.62
Scopus ASСC: 1208.



Аннотация: Художественная литература, особенно, художественные произведения на историческую

тему не могут быть самой историей, это естественный процесс, что они не могут быть чистой историей.
В них, во-первых, должны отображаться взгляд народа на эту действительность, во-вторых, взгляд и
мировоззрение творца, его цели и задачи, созданный автором художественный образ и художественная
концепция занимает самую важную роль.
Ключевые слова: каракалпакская литература XIX века, эпическая поэзия, дастан, поэма, история
народа, фольклор и письменная литература, традиции фольклора и письменной литературы.

Введение своей творческой мастерской и положил его в

Бердак своим шедевром «Шежире» - поэтический копильник.
«Родословная» внес новизну не только в Это произведение не только жанрово, но и по
каракалпакскую литературу, но в целом и в форме отличаясь своим идейно-художественными
литературу в том числе и в поэзию тюркского особенностями является неповторимым
народа. Новизна его в том, что в литературе произведением художественной литературы. Так
тюркского народа, в целом в литературе народов как, в нем посредством изучения истории
Востока, в отличие от существовавшей ранее в происхождения целого народа, родов и племен
научной и прозаической форме «родословной», каракалпакского народа, этноса, путей
«летопись», «нама» («сказ»), он создал новую формирования в качестве народа посредством
форму своей Родословной, тщательно изучая все рассмотрения в тесной взаимосвязи с историей
положительные стороны традиции создания в арабо-монголо-тюркских народов и
каракалпакского народа не только отмечается

Philadelphia, USA 350

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

самый древний народ, существовавший издавна, словами является самостоятельным историко-

раскрывается коренное родство всех тюркских эпическим и литературно-художественным
народов. Оно призывает к единству народов, жанром. В качестве ярких свидетельств к этому
посредством показа храбрости и смелости, можно привести произведения тюркских народов
величия народа, его решительности, стремление к раннего периода и их «Огузнама»,
единству, дружбе, родству [5]. «Шынгыснама» (Чингизнама) кипчаков,
Подобная высокоидейная по силе своей «Шахнама» Фирдавсий, летопись «Топшы»
художественности в каракалпакской литературе монголов, летопись китайско-индийских народов,
«Родословная», в том числе в творчестве Бердаха «История Хорезма» Ал-Беруний, летописная
не появилась сама по себе. Безусловно, есть свои родословная «Ал асар», «Ал Бихат»;
тайны и истоки в овладении им историчности и «Мухаббатнама», «Шайбанинама» Хорезмий,
художественности литературы. Это источник, во- «Тарийх-и Рашиди» Хайдар Дулата, «Жам-ағат
первых, составляющий основное содержание тауариха» Кадиргели Жалаира, «Кобуснама»
«Родословной» Бердаха - это история народа, Кайкабуса, «Жомеъ ут-таворих» Рашид-ад-дина,
родословная народа (устная и письменная), во- «Бабурнама» Бабура, а также созданные в
вторых, национальное, духовное и последующие периоды «Шажарайи турк»,
художественное наследие народа, такие как «Шежерей Теракиме» Абулгазы Бахадырхана,
фольклорные миф, предание, легенда, притичи, родословную «Туркий кауимлер тарийхы»
исторические сказания, дастаны. Несколько этих (История тюркских племен) Хасан Ата Абуший
источников дают историко-реалистическое [10].
содержание «Родословной» Бердаха, а некоторые Эти родословные наряду с историческими
вовлекают его в литературно-художественный источниками являются литературно-
тон, то есть придает литературно- художественным наследием народа.
художественную особенность, ставит в ряд «Родословная» Бердаха по своему
настоящей художественной литературы [9]. историческому значению является родословной, а
В обеспечении поэтической особенности по своим эпическим особенностям и форме
«Родословной» Бердаха, то есть в выявлении и является дастаном, или по другому родословная-
углублении художественных качеств и его дастан. Так как в ней, во-первых, есть богатый
литературно-реалистического качества в этом сюжетный смысл, освещающий исторические
произведении Бердаха, в изображении события начиная с этногенезиса каракалпакского
фольклорных способов художественно- народа до исторических событий XVII-XVIII-XIX
реалистической обрисовки, особа роль традиции. веков, во-вторых, этот смысл не просто
В XIX веке и до него в каракалпакской литературе излагается, а дается в определенном
в изображении действительности использовались композиционном порядке, в различных сюжетных
все реалистические способы, Бердах в своем мотивировках, хоть и не дается история
произведении «Родословная» реальную целостного развития характеров героев, его
действительность показывает в настоящем виде, в эволюция, через некоторые штрихи поэт передает
нём имеет место наставительно-дидактическая, образы многочисленных героев, самое главное –
юморо-сатирическая форма, или в виде посредством создания образа народной массы в
размышлений поэта, способа создания образа произведении дается художественное осмысление
лирического героя, или личная тайна, происходящих событий [8].
принадлежащая к биографии поэта, или айтыс Это различие не только указывает на
(состязание), диалоги или создания портрета, типологическую близость между родословными
использование художественных деталей – все это народов Востока и «Родословной» Бердаха, но
тщательно использовал и в каракалпакской также изображает глубину литературно-
поэзии, все способы реалистической обрисовки реалистической особенности «Родословной»
доходят до своего совершенства. Бердаха, её отличия от других родословных своей
В литературе родословная близка к жанрам новой литературно-художественной формой.
«жылнама» (летопись), «нама» (сказ) больше Каждое художественное произведение,
подходит к жанру («летопись»), написанных о несмотря на то, оно какого содержания,
происхождении людей, родов и племен, народа, независимо какой формы, это произведение
даже единства языка, религии некоторых народов, появляется в результате духовной пищи,
их предках, родных и близких родственниках, об полученной в результате политико-
их исторических личностях, имеющих общественных, социально-экономических,
историческое значение, но отвечающий всем культурно-исторических условий, точнее, когда
требованиям художественной литературы, создавался произведение и в период, когда жил
состоящий из единства синтеза истории и сам автор, и «Родословная» Бердаха возникла в
художественной литературы, написанный в качестве художественного плода исторических
песенной форме или написанный простыми событий периода до рождения поэта X-XVIII

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веков и в период, когда родился и жил поэт, то есть произведения приводит читателей к лирическим
в XIX веке. отступлениям как в поэмах, похожий на лиризм -
Исторические сведения, приведенные в одно из художественно-поэтических форм. Здесь
«Родословной» Бердаха, все они свидетельствуют еще одно проявляющееся особое явление – это
этно-психологические особенности, лексико- стиль устного изложения поэтом в произведении
семантическое значение народной этимологии, событий в прошедшей форме прослеживается в
родо-общинный, арысный состав народа, родо- примерах «…болған екен» (жил-был), «…екен»
общинные и этно-генеологические связи, (когда то было), использования поэтом способов
ареального порядка регионального расположения, фольклорной обрисовки, всё это свидетельствует
социально-экономический строй жизни, даже об особенностях способов фольклорного
клеймо как воинский девиз рода и племени, – все изображения [6].
это использовано поэтом ради одной цели, Особенность использования способов
которое означает о желании раскрытия великим литературно-реалистической обрисовки в
мастером слова целостной истории и «Родословной» поэтом состоит в том, что
художественно-эстетической мысли народа. Эта жизненные события освещаются конкретными
цель поэта ярко прослеживается в «Родословной», фактами, поэт свои размышления подтверждает
в сведениях относительно истории примерами. Это является одним проявлением
каракалпакского народа XVIII-XIX веков в изображения поэтом исторических фактов, устно
художественно изображенных событиях [2]. услышанное и увиденное им самим написать с
Национальные исторические источники большим художественным мастерством,
«Родословной» Бердаха, это с одной стороны подтвердив это в поэтической форме.
показывает глубину реалистической особенности Посредством этого поэт смог изложить
«Родословной» Бердаха, его самобытности, во- исторические факты не спутав их и добился
вторых, указывает на особенности способов сохранения его в памяти слушателей и
реалистического изображения «Родословной» читатателей.
Бердаха. Так как, в «Родословной» Бердаха Поэт посредством передачи продолжения
каждый сюжетный мотив и многие каждого события и раскрытия его определенных
характеристики образов героев, хоть и поэт не выводов обогащает родословную, не сухо
указывает в ссылках, полностью подтверждается излагает в них факты, историческую
имеющимися на руках источниками современной действительность, а добивается раскрытия их
исторической науки. Важность этого факта в том, смысла. Это образец большого поэтического
что – поэт в произведении показывает историко- мастерства [7].
реальную действительность, в какой-то Поэт в «Родословной» обращает внимание не
незаметной степени синтезирует своей только на составление хронологии исторических
художественной фантазией и создает новую событий, для усиления его выразительности
литературно-художественную действительность. старается освещать эти события через образы
Это явление в свою очередь указывает на новую героев. Если это взять с литературно-
грань способа реалистического изображения художественной поэтической точки зрения, то
Бердаха [1]. приходится считать её одной из очень ценных
В «Родословной», анализированный нами в особенностей. Так как, вместе с судьбой каждого
качестве национального духовно - эстетического и народа пути его продвижения вперед и развития
художественного источника фольклорные отдельных исторических личностей, некоторые
обрисовки, особенности использования творческие деятели с большим талантом,
фольклорных сюжетов свидетельствует о его преувеличивая деятельность известных
высоком художественно-эстетическом качестве. исторических деятелей и осуществив это
Так как, Бердах когда этими фольклорными невозможно добиться прогресса и цивилизации
обрисовками привнес фольклорные сюжеты в [3].
произведение, при их применении он не В произведении поэта Бердаха
использует их просто как в качестве механической «Родословная» встречается множество
копировки, а переделает эти явления в своей фольклорных мотивов, название фольклорных
поэтической мастерской, для раскрытия в произведений или имена их героев. Тут ярко
произведении художественной цели он проявляется творческий способа сочинения
использует их в определенных поэтических Бердахом в фольклорном стиле манеры
решениях. изложения, в общем, глубокого синтеза с
Художественно реалистическое мастерство в фольклорными обрисовками. Кроме этого, от
«Родословной» – в первую очередь проявляется в начала до конца произведения стиль
отношениях и обращениях поэта к своим законченности редифами и куплетами «было, так
читателям. Эту особую внимательность можно было, был», все это свидетельствует об удобном и
считать, как современные поэтические приятном стиле изложения, свойственных

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эстетическому вкусу многих тюркских народов Эта традиция художественно

подобно каракалпакам, правдивыми устно синтезированного изображения Бердаха не только
поэтическими традициями свидетельствует о является синтезом фольклора и письменной
синтезе письменного литературного изложения. литературы, также является синтезом
Также, отдельные мотивы изображения, в исторической действительности и
качестве его художественного способа в художественной реальности, синтезом истории,
отдельных местах сильно преувеличивается, фольклора и письменной литературы.
также есть места, близкие к гиперболе, которые Содержащиеся в ней исторические источники и
указывает на то, как известный мастер слова сведения подтверждают исторические данные,
опирается на богатый арсенал устного словесного которые свидетельствуют о глубине
творчества народа. При раскрытии социально- реалистических качеств произведения, а синтез
психологических качеств известных исторических фольклора и литературы означает особенность
героев поэт уместно использует фольклорные строения произведения с использованием
мотивы, внедряет в него особенности письменной способов изображения Бердаха.
литературы. Безусловно все это, свидетельствует о том,
Мастерство использования синтезированных что истоки жанрового совершенства
способов Бердахом, свойственных фольклору и «Родословной» Бердаха не только ограничивается
письменной литературе в произведении национально-духовными, фольклорными,
«Родословная», как и в произведениях других художественно-эстетическими источниками, его
современников поэта не используется в виде источники берут истоки у народов раннего
элементов в отдельных местах, не имеет Востока, в том числе из письменного литературно-
эпизодический характер, а превращается в художественного наследия тюркских народов
целостную поэтическую традицию, указывающую раннего периода.
на свойственный поэту особенность способа
изображения [4].


1. Allambergenov, K. (1987). Berdaqtıń jazba xat Rodoslovnoe (Sbornik izbrannyh proizvedenij)].

aytısları [Pisma - sostyazaniya Berdaha]. Nukus (p.120). Nukus: Karakalpakstan.
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Nukus: Karakalpakstan. esteligi. Berdaq. Shejire (Berdaq tańlamalı
3. Berdaq (1950). Shejire (Berdaq tańlamalı shıǵarmaları) [Sochinenie poeta Berdaha -
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proizvedenij]. (p.214). Nukus: Karakalpakstan. veka. Berdax. Rodoslovnoe (Sbornik izbrannyh
4. Berdaq (1987). Shejire. Poema [Rodoslovnoe. proizvedenij)]]. (p.100). Nukus: Karakalpakstan.
Poema]. (p.306). Nukus: Karakalpakstan. 8. Sagitov, I. (1954). Glubzhe izuchat nasledie
5. Maksetov, Q. (1987). Berdaq tvorchestvosınıń Berdaha. Sovetskaya Karakalpakiya. Nukus.
úyreniliwi, «Shejire»siniń хаlıqlıǵı [Izuchenie 9. Tleumuratov, M. (1994). Qaraqalpaq poeziyası
tvorchestva Berdaha, narodnost – tariyxıy derek [Karakalpakskaya poeziya –
«Rodoslovnoj»]. (p.101). Nukus: glubokij istoricheskij istochnik]. (p.344). Nukus:
Karakalpakstan. Karakalpakstan.
6. Nurmuxamedov, M. K. (1984). Túrkiy tilles 10. Xamidiy, X. (1991). Shıǵıs tillerindegi jazba
ádebiyatlarda awızeki hám jazba tradisiaylardıń derekler [Pismennye istochniki na yazyke
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v tyurkoyazychnoj literature. Berdax.

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QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Vusala Fazıl Isgandarova
Ganja State University
Ph.D., Ganja, Azerbaijan
[email protected]


VERBS (Transitivity and intransitivity)
Abstract: The distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs is important for the choice of the auxiliary
verb in the formation of the compound tenses, for the formation of the passive voice and indeed for the learners of
the FLE for their good translations.
Key words: verb, transitivity, intransitivity, object complement, direct, indirect.
Language: English
Citation: Isgandarova, V. F. (2019). To the question on the research of constructions of verbs (Transitivity and
intransitivity). ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 354-356.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-63 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.63
Scopus ASСC: 1203.

Introduction purely formal criterion. But it is also very important to

Choosing good presenters with good verbs in all learn it and apply.
situations was always a problem. It is a challenge that
a user of French whose mother tongue is not higher Materials and Methods
and sometimes has trouble controlling it. When one In French, unverbe can be said to be transitive.
learns one language from another, it is not uncommon This is defined as a function of the verb object. A
to encounter difficulties. verbal construct is transitive when the verben has no
Let us return then to understand these complement. If we mean briefly, unverb is transitive,
phenomena which are transitivity and intransitivity. it can receive a complement, and intransitive it can not
First, it must be possible to imagine that the verb is receive a complement.
certainly the most important word in the sentence. I The verbs expressing an action that passes
would say that it is the heart. Sometimes, it will be an directly on an object, that is to say, from the point of
action (verbed'action) or will present a state (state syntactical point of view, the verbs that can have a
verb). complement of direct object: I read the text. It
In addition, the action verbs are divided into recounts its history.
three forms (active, passive, or pre-verbal voice). This complement of object is not necessarily
Celadit, the subject on which we will focus in this post expressed: She sings a song. She sings well. I'm
concerns transitivity and intransitivity which is reading a book. I read aloud. I read.
another of the many properties of the verb. The verbs expressing an action that passes
Traditional grammars define the object directly on an object, that is to say, from the point of
complement as "the person or object over which the syntactical point of view, the verbs that can have a
action passes. This action is expressed by the verb and complement of direct object: I read the text. It
carried out by the subject. This conception of recounts its history.
transitivity is defeated by many counterexamples. This complement of object is not necessarily
Employed in a formal way, the notions of expressed: She sings a song. She sings well. I'm
transitivity and intransitivity characterize the different reading a book. I read aloud. I read.
types of constructs of the verb. From the point of view It is possible to encounter direct or indirect verb
of the learner of FLE, we can say that transitivity is a transitive. The first give rise to a complement of direct

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object and the second, you have understood, give rise complement, which is characterized by the non-
to a complement of indirect object. Take the verb presence of an object complement (direct or indirect).
listen, for example. In the sentence, the dog listens to Ex: sleeping, falling, dying...
his master; we have a direct object complement. In fact, such creatures are never accompanied by
The way to check it is to ask the question: the a direct complement because their properties make it
dog listens who? Since the question is direct, we have impossible to build them with a direct or indirect
a direct complement of object which is its master. This object. The verb conjugative cannot have a direct or
is why the verb listen is a direct verb transitive. indirect complement because the action described
In the case of indirect verbs, we will have a only concerns the subject and can not extend to an
preposition which will slip between the verb and its object.
complement. It is because of this that we will say that There are special cases for the use of verbs that
the complement is indirect. The verb is separated from need attention. Ilexes of the verbsditransitifs which
its complement by a preposition. Let us take the verb canadmettre at the same time a COD and a COI that
obey. one calls during COS (Supplement of second object).
In the sentence the dog obeys his master; we For example, there is one man (COD) in Samère
obtain a complement of indirect object since the (COS).
question to ask is: The dog obeys to whom? From this Someone can even build himself up with three
simple observation follows a fact. complements. He has translated this book of Latin into
Thus, two sentences constructed of the same several modern languages.
nature change if the verb is changed. From there, in The distinction between trans- and intransitive
part, the importance of the verbs was increased earlier. verbs is not absolute. Some verb can be
Let us now look at other examples: the phrase He bothtransitiveandintransitive to the same form. This
evokes his childhood is constructed from a direct verb change is accompanied by a more or less sensible
transitive (he evokes what? His childhood); while the change of meaning. They are called verifiable orbiting
phrase He remembers his childhood is constructed motionless.
from an indirect transitive pronominal verb (he Ex: the doghouse tail. (Transitive) the doghouse,
remembers what? From his childhood). (intransitive).
The difference of meaning between the two The spring approaches (intransitive), Approach
sentences is very slight. To evoke these memories are your chair (transitive).
two verbs whose meaning is very near and may, in this The courses finish at three hours (intransitive),
particular situation, be interchangeable. the speaker finishes his speech (transitive).
On the other hand, the nature of the two verbs He leaves every day (intransitive), She took out
differs, since one is direct and the other indirect. This of the pocket his handkerchief (transitive).
brings us to one observation of primary importance: Works on his thesis (intransitive). Paul likes to
several prepositions are attached to indirect verbs and work with wood. (Transitive).
should be learned at the same time as the conjugation
of the verb. Results
This habit could greatly improve the use of Transitivity is the central problem of syntactic
prepositions, since instead of tracing the English and semantic relations, commanded by the predicate
constructions; one would understand the nature of the in the simple statement. The study of this phenomenon
verb in the third language, in this case, from the through different languages and different types of
acquisition of the verb, even as a basic vocabulary. languages shows that transitivity presents diverse
faces and responds to varying conditions.
Conclusion It is not possible, for example, to treat it as the
Finally, it must be borne in mind that some same in the Western languages (dominant subject) and
people may use transitive methods directly and in the Far Eastern languages (dominant subject).
indirectly depending on the situations, or they may be Two approaches, apparently divergent, but in
trans- and intransitive depending on the situation. This fact complementary, can be applied to transitivity: a
is the case of most verbs. Let's take the verbfleurir. search to enumerate all the criteria and possible
We can say: The cherry blossoms (intransitive); parameters, which can be assembled in a grid;
and we can say all the same: The nurse bloomed my conversely, it is the other way around to express the
room (direct transitive). conditions of the transitivity of the semantic
We also find sentences such as: I think that I love requirements applicable to each language in
(direct transitive); and also: I think of you (indirect particular.
transitive). They are always, in all cases, the same. Thus transitivity is reflected in the strategic
Translational verbs express actions that do not points of the utterance: the agent exercises control
pass on an object. The verb transitive, unlike the over the predicate, which itself applies to one or more
others, cannot be separated from any object objects.

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It is not therefore the presence or absence of the by heart all the possible forms, but to understand
object of the verb, it is the possibility for receive an nature.
object or not. Also, during the oral or oral expression we will
This means that the memorization of leave behind the "very perilous" translation in the
prepositions associated with the verbs asks for the matter of prepositions and the desire to become aware
method, but once it is acquired; there will be a of French verbal constructions.
spectacular improvement in the syntactic construction In addition, to understand French in its essence
of the verbal group. In fact, it is not necessary to learn or in its spirit requires a deepening of the knowledge
of the nature of verbs.


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ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Toshtemir Amirkulovich Alimov
Karshi state university
Teacher of foreign languages faculty


Abstract: The article is concerned with the study of gender aspect in the process of translation. The study focuses
on the investigation of the impact of gender on translation, in particular it is aimed to explore the distinctive features
of translated work by male and female translators. Previous researches and studies in this area of investigation have
been gathered and analyzed. It is concluded that a number of distinctive and similar features including cultural
identity, ideology and lexical choices can be seen in the translation of different gender members.
Key words: gender and language, gender, translation, gender identity of the translator, text.
Language: English
Citation: Alimov, T. A. (2019). Gender and translation studies in perspective of the Uzbek linguistics. ISJ
Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 357-360.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-64 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.64
Scopus ASСC: 1203.

Introduction Academician Yu. D. Apresyan outlined modern

Language is the most important way of the ideas about the linguistic picture of the world. The
formation and existence of human knowledge about most important points of his ideas for our research can
the world. The objective world of a person is reflected be represented as follows: “Each natural language
in the process of his/her activity and the results of reflects a certain way of perceiving and organizing the
his/her knowledge are recorded in the word. Thus, the world. The values expressed do form a certain unified
linguistic picture of the world is the totality of all system of views, which is imposed as mandatory to all
knowledge imprinted in a linguistic form. The native speakers; the way of conceptualizing the reality
linguistic picture of the world directly interacts with is partly universal, partly nationally specific, so
the cultural picture of the world related to the real speakers of different languages can see the world a
world [9; p.17]. little differently, through the prism of their languages.
The concept of a linguistic personality and its The most important ideas for a given language are
structure is closely related to the concept of a picture repeated in the meaning of many linguistic units and
of the world. Being one of the main components of the therefore are key to understand a particular picture of
structure of a linguistic personality, the picture of the the world” [1; p.35].
world is reflected on the verbal-semantic and One of the aspects of the further development of
cognitive levels, realized as special units of the problem of the linguistic picture of the world is the
consciousness and objectified as specific sign forms. difference in the vision and description of the world
The linguistic picture of the world is the totality by each person – man and woman – which is dealt
of all the components of knowledge about the world with by a theory called gender.
expressed by the means of language. Consequently, all The gender approach in science is based on the
phenomena that find themselves at the structural concept that it is not biological difference between
levels of the language (words or syntactic men and women but the cultural and social
constructions, texts) are considered to be units of the significance that society prescribes to these
linguistic picture of the world. differences. The foundation of gender studies was the
identification of differences in roles, social status and

Philadelphia, USA 357

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

other aspects of the lives of men and women. The legs, hips, toes, and excessive body/facial hair, and
objectification of the male and female worldview they are concerned with more body areas.
(gender picture of the world) occurs in written and oral - Women also perform more repetitive and
speech, in particular, in fiction. safety behavior and are more likely to camouflage.
With the help of gender theory, translations of - Women have significantly greater
works of fiction can be interpreted differently, where appearance dissatisfaction than men.
the views of the authors on gender relations are clearly - Women worry more about their perceived
and deeply embodied, from this point of view, defects in public than men.
differences in the translation of works of art are of - Women can be easily upset compared to
interest due to the gender of the translator. men.
Theorists and practitioners of translation often - Men and women do not significantly differ in
have problems, such as, for example, literalism or the terms of the delusionality of appearance beliefs.
presence in the translation text of a pronounced - Men and women experience similarly
position of the translator himself/herself. At the same lifetime suicidal ideation and have attempted suicide.
time, a translation is considered successful if it does - Men have poorer current functioning and
not contain factual errors, violations of lexicographic quality of life on all measures than women.
and syntactic norms, meets the goals of the message - Men are more likely to have a substance use
or pragmatics of the author, and preserves the disorders.
emotional coloring of the source text. - Women are more likely to have an eating
However, in the theory and practice of disorders [6; p.10-14].
translation, very little attention is paid to the category
of “gender”. By virtue of the anthropocentric Discussion
approach adopted in science, it is important to In recent years, a considerable volume of
consider the language not as a rigid and academic literature and researches in the field of
uncompromising system, but as a tool operated by a transla tion are being focused on the subject gender in
very real linguistic personality (in this case, the translation. The development of gender studies and
linguistic identity of the translator), over which certain translation studies has parallel to that of cultural
factors dominate (gender, culture, stereotypes). studies, perhaps as a direct consequence of the
Consideration of the category of "gender" in close growing awareness that when translation becomes
connection with the problems of translation is entangled with gender, important cultural questions
necessary, since taking into account this actual arise.
phenomenon can make translations more accurate Integration of gender and translation studies
from the point of view of pragmatics of the source have been prompted by the feminist scholars and
text. translators who claimed on the visibility of the women
Male versus Female translators. As to Venutti, the invisibility of the
In the result of several studies and surveys, the translator goes back to the following two factors: 1)
significant similarities and differences between male economic factors that restrict the translators’ visibility
and female have been discovered, not only in the area 2) assertion that the source text is to be the only
of mental abilities, but also their physical abilities and original, i.e. the author is the only writer who ought to
behavior have been investigated. Emily Wilson be visible.
clarifies the differentiation of men and women by We support Venutti’s assumption that because of
pointing out: “Two different people, from different the ever changing essence of meaning, neither the
demographic backgrounds with two different literary (foreign) writer nor the translator may produce texts
ears are going to produce completely different things, with one way interpretation, and that both source texts
even while being as truthful as possible to the original. and target texts are subject to the taboos, the codes and
Gender is one of the things that impacts it”. the ideologies of their own social systems. Venutti’s
Katharina A, Philips and William Menard view towards translation as “a cultural political
did the survey on the investigation of general practice, constructing or critiquing ideology-stamped
differentiation and similarities of male and female and identities for foreign cultures, affirming or
concluded that: transgressing discursive values and institutional limits
- The men are significantly older and more in the target-language culture” [12; p.19] is
likely to be single and living alone than women. undoubtedly to be applied to the essence of the
- Men are more likely to obsess about their translation issues in the scope of social gender
genitals, body build and thinning hair/balding, discourse, since it is an open and ever dynamic
excessively lift weights; and have a substance use system.
disorders. The translation process is a research that
- Women are more likely to obsess about their involves choosing the right words and constructions
skin, stomach, weight, breasts/chest, buttocks. Thighs, from the available options. In making this choice, the
translator uses his/her own linguistic and cognitive

Philadelphia, USA 358

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

knowledge and takes into account the linguistic and differences strongly favor women. When reflective
cognitive knowledge of future readers, which are a crying and self report measures in lab settings were
reflection of the characteristics of their culture. The used, moderate differences favoring females were
desire of the translator to convey the original source found” [3; p.101]. In addition to this, Hydeexamined
more fully, as well as to reflect its characteristic psychological variables of gender and concluded that
features, is met not only by the original, but also by compared to women, men could throw farther , were
the host culture and its language. Underestimation of more physically aggressive.
the gender factor in the translation can lead to Ambiguities also appear depending on the
rejection of the text of the translation by the culture of language in which the study is carried. For example,
the given language and its rejection by the native in the German language, along with the concept
speakers. gender such concepts as Geschlecht, das soziale
Gender is considered to be one of the aspects of Geschlecht are used. Some confusion arises in the
translation studies which has been under the Russian language in the process of translation. Gender
discussion. Over the years, there have been many is also used as an euphemism for the Russian word
studies and surveys in order to investigate the половой and Uzbek jinsiy. French le sexe and English
influence of gender on translation. A number of sex may be translated into Russian and Uzbek
scholars have explored the issue of gender in different languages as секс (секс) and пол (jins).
ways: from the cultural, historical and theoretical The conceptual position of the author in the
point of view. According to the viewpoint of choice of terminology is also important. Thus,
Chamberlain, “the issues relating to gender in the representatives of biodeterminism, insisting on
practice of translation are myriad, varying widely physiologically and mentally differentiation of
according to the type of text, being translated, the cognitive differences and language ability of men and
language involved, cultural practices and countless women, use the traditional designation of sex. Yet, the
other factors” [2; p.82]. In addition, Von Flotow term gender can not be dropped because it proved
pointed out that “gender and translation can be itself first of all from a conceptual point of view, most
investigated in historical studies, theoretical clearly demonstrating cultural rather than natural
considerations, issues of identity, post-colonial modeling of sex. However, positive and fast
questions and questions of cultural transfer” [13; acceptance of combinations in the Russian and Uzbek
p.15]. languages as gender identity (гендерная
Dealing with the translation of gender identity идентичность, gender o`xshashlik), gender
terms Jose Santaemilia points that “A preliminary harassment (гендерное домогательство, jinsiy
conclusion out of women’s and men’s translations tajovuz), gender roles (гендерные роли, gender
seem to indicate that women as translators seem to rollar), gender discrimination (гендерная
show a tendency towards the softening – even дискриминация, gender kamsitish), gender relations
desexualization – of sexual references but, when (гендерные отношения, gender munosabatlar),
women’s status is at stake they rather tend towards gender inequality (гендерное неравенство, gender
dysphemism and moral censure [11; p.3]. tengsizlik) shows timely response to social processes
Janet W. Rich- Edwards did a survey on methods acting within the scope of GM discourse.
to test sex/gender differences as effect modification or Regarding the full acceptance of the term gender
interaction, and discuss why some inferences from by Uzbek discourse G.Ergasheva claims that there are
sex-stratified data should be viewed with caution [5; still gaps [4]. We would not enunciate that that the
p.32]. Ved Prakash claimed: “Women tent to excel in term is completely new for Uzbek social sciences, but
empathy and interpersonal relationships and tent tend we may still expect the scientific controversy in its
to minimize hostility and conflict, men perceive threat use. However the nature of gender as “self-regulating”
from intimacy while women sense threat from process induces the society to response to the
separation” [14; p.9]. Peter Van den Besselaar did a problems of gender mainstreaming as quick as
study on the change of performance differences during possible.
the career of men and women and explored that the Although many surveys and researches have
productivity of male employers has grown faster than been explored about the impact of gender on
female employers [10; p.7]. Maccoby and Jacklin translation, the aspects of differences and similarities
investigated psychological differences and similarities of the translated material by male and female
between men and women and concluded: “The sexes translators and general gender problems which
may be similar in their knowledge of aggressive translators could come across are not yet clear enough.
responses but differ in their willingness to display or The relevance of the article is dictated by the
accept them due to negative socialization processes. need to establish the influence of the personality of the
Then it is possible that these tendencies may change translator, namely, his/her gender affiliation on the
over time as society changes” [8; p.11]. Eisenberg and choice of language means when translating works of
Lennon discovered the existence of differences in art from one language to another. The category of
empathy between men and women and claimed: “The gender is considered in the work through a

Philadelphia, USA 359

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

comparative analysis of translations made by men and original translated works in the sense that female
women from English into Russian and Uzbek prose is very diverse in the use of tropes, as well as at
languages. The “gender” issue takes one of the leading the morphological, lexical and syntactic levels.
places in linguistic research, however, practically no 3. A male translator, encountering a text with
studies have been done in translation studies, in typical female vocabulary and style, translates it under
particular in the Uzbek linguistics: the issues related the influence of his gender status, which is manifested
to the influence of the gender of the translator on the in a certain decrease in the author’s connotation,
pragmatics of translation, on the preservation of the emotional coloring of the work and violation of the
style and pragmatic attitudes of the original, etc. At pragmatics of the author [7].
the same time, the data obtained in the work indicate
that gender studies in translation studies contribute Conclusion
both to the further development of the theory of One may assume that the following tasks should
translation and to greater accuracy of translations from be identified based on the aim of the study.
one language to another. 1. To consider the category of “gender” as a
According to the research of Ju.Kulikova linguistic phenomenon due to sociolinguistic and
devoted to the influence of the personality of the cultural factors, as well as modern principles of
translator on the translation of literary works: analysis of this phenomenon in linguistics.
1. The socially and culturally conditioned 2. To develop criteria for a comparative analysis
phenomenon of “gender” is of key importance in of translations made by male and female translators.
translation studies when considering the problem of 3. To identify and analyze the characteristics of
preserving the pragmatic potential of the text. the translation of the work of art, taking into account
2. Differences in the use of imaginative means in the gender of the translator.
male and female languages are manifested in the


1. Apresyan, Y. D. (1996). Ideas and methods of 7. Kulikova, J. S. (2011). The influence of the
modern structural linguistics. Moscow: personality of the translator on the translation of
Prosvesheniye. Retrieved 2019, from works of art: gender aspect: on the material of
https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/apresyn/index. Russian, English and German. Chelyabinsk.
htm 8. Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and Women’s
2. Chamberlain, L. (1998). Gender Metaphorics in Place. New York: Harper and Row.
Translation. London: Routlage. 9. Maslova, V. A. (2001). Linguoculturology:
3. Eisenberg, M., & Lennon, R. (1994). Sex Textbook. Moscow: Publishing Center
Differences in Empathy and Related Capacities. "Academy".
(p.101). Psychological Bulletin. 10. Van den Basselaar, P. & Sadstrom, U. (1985).
4. Ergasheva, G. (2018). Linguistic and extra- Gender Differences in Research Performance
linguistic factors in the formation of gender and its impact on Careers: a longitudinal case
terminology in the system of different languages. study.
Dissertation of Doctor of Science on Philological 11. Santaemilia, J. (2005). Gender, sex and
Sciences. Tashkent. translation. The manipulation of identities.
5. Janet, W., & Rich, E. (2018). Sex and Gender Manchester, UK.
Differences Research Design for Basic, Clinical 12. Venuti, L. (1995). The Translator’s Invisibility.
and Population Studies. Essentials for A History of Translation. Routledge. London and
Investigators. New York.
6. Philips, K. A., & Menard, W. (2006). Gender 13. Von Flotow, L. (2001). Gender in Translation:
Similarities and Differences in 200 Individuals The issues of Go on. University of Ottawa.
with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Compr 14. Prakash, V., & Flores, R. C. (1985). A Study of
Psychiatry, 47(2). Psychological Gender Differences.

Philadelphia, USA 360

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

U. U. Kobilov
Samarkand State University,


Abstract: This article focuses on the problems of artistic interpretation of the images of the prophets in the lyrics
of the great thinker of Uzbek classical literature Alisher Navoi. As you know, the tradition of interpreting the artistic
images of the prophets has a special place in the classical literature of the Islamic East, in particular in poetry. In
this sense, the poetry of Alisher Navoi is considered the leader in the poetic depiction of the prophets. Reflection of
the artistic images of the prophets mentioned in the works of Alisher Navoi can serve as a source for a separate
scientific study. This article highlights the statistics and classification of this topic. At the same time, some features
of symbolic-metaphorical images of the images of the prophets in the lyrics of Navoi are investigated. There are eight
lyrical divans of Navoi, seven of which were written in the Turkic language, and one in the Persian language. The
main part of the poet’s lyrics consists of four divans, collected in the vault “Xazoyin ul-maoniy” (“Treasury of
thoughts”). The article stated the scientific problem is highlighted on the basis of this lyrical divan.
Key words: classical literature, tradition and innovation, the work of Alisher Navoi, lyrical divan, images of the
prophets, artistic image and interpretation, image, metaphorical reflection, symbolic image, poetic picture.
Language: English
Citation: Kobilov, U. U. (2019). The images of the prophets in the poetry of Alisher Navoi. ISJ Theoretical &
Applied Science, 09 (77), 361-367.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-65 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.65
Scopus ASСC: 1208.

Introduction no attention is paid to its content. Literary scholars

Sacred sources, in particular, the Koran, Hadith, interpret the term "classical literature" as literature
have a huge place in the ideological and artistic under the influence of Islam. It is mainly considered
development in the classical literature of the Middle classical poetics, Aruz theory and national tradition.
Ages. The basis of these sources is the history of the However, interpretations of the art world associated
prophets. They are widely portrayed in the works of with classical literature are not always considered. In
representatives of classical literature. According to classical literature, in particular, poetry traditionally
scientific studies, one quarter of the Qur'an consists of expresses the images of prophets (Adam, Noah,
stories about the prophets. On this basis, the cycle Joseph), legendary historical figures (Jamshid,
"Tales of the Prophets" ("Kissas ul-anbiyo") was Iskander, Kaihusrau), literary heroes (Farhad,
formed in the literature of the East. This cycle Majnun, Vomik). In this case, oral folklore, the history
contributed to the emergence of a huge tradition of of the prophets, the history of the Persian-Turkic kings
prose works. This, in turn, as some researchers noted, are considered the source of literature. This situation
shows the absolute incorrectness of the views that the is called the poetic regularity of classical literature.
classical literature of the East was created only in From this point of view, it can be estimated that the
lyrical form. In the development of poetry, prose has period from the dastan “Kutadgu bilik” (“Knowledge
always served as the foundation. This is proved by Brings Happiness” 1069) by Yusuf Khos Hadjib to the
both world literature and the history of classical novel “Utgan Kunlar” (“Days Passed” 1923) by
literature of the East. In this sense, it is necessary to Abdullah Kadiri is considered the era of Uzbek
pay attention to the term “classical literature”. Even if classical literature. Consequently, the tradition of
the term is often used in literary criticism, practically classical Uzbek literature includes a period of more

Philadelphia, USA 361

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

than ten centuries. In this sense, the creativity and (“Treasury of Thoughts”), which consists of four
poetry of the great thinker Alisher Navoi is considered sofas, the images of the prophets are distributed as
the peak of not only Uzbek, but also the general follows: In the first sofa “Karoyib us-siqar”
classical literature of the East. The tradition of (“Miracles of Childhood”) Adam 2 times, Noah 4
converting to the images of prophets, kings and times, David 3 times, Solomon 5 times, Abraham 3
literary heroes in the poetry of Alisher Navoi occupies times, Khizr 22 times, Jacob 2 times, Joseph 15 times,
a quite fruitful place. Especially, the images of the Shuaib 1 time, Moses 1 time, Jesus 65 times,
prophets are repeatedly used as a poetic art of craft Muhammad 2 times, and in the second sofa “Navodir
(Talmeh). As you know, 124 thousand prophetic ush-shabob” ( “Rarity of Youth”) Adam 3 times, Noah
series are mentioned in the sources. Of these, 25 4 times, David 2 times, Solomon 1 time, Khizr 15
together with the prophet Muhammad are found in the times, Jacob 3 times, Joseph 13 times, Shuaib 1 time,
holy Quran. There are 137 stories in the Qur'an and six Moses 2 times, Jesus 36 times, Muhammad 1 time, in
separate verses called the names of the prophets. the third sofa “Badoe ul-vasat” (“Beginning of the
According to the data, the Koran mentions 25 times Middle Years”) Adam 1 time, Noah 2 times, Solomon
Adam, 2 times Idris, 43 times Noah, 25 times Hood, 9 2 times, Abraham 1 time, Khizr 28 times, Jacob 2
times Salih, 69 times Abraham, 27 times Lot, 12 times times, Joseph 8 times, Jesus 64 times , Mohammed 2
Ismail, 17 times Ishak, 16 Yakub, 27 times Joseph, 4 times, in the fourth couch “Favoyid ul-kibar” (“Useful
times Ayub, 10 times Shuib, 136 times Moses, 136 tips for old age”) Noah 3 times, Solomon 1 time, Khizr
times Harun, 2 times Zul-Kifl, 16 times David, 17 31 times, Joseph 6 times, Jesus 11 times, Mohammed
times Solomon, 2 times Ilyas, 4 times Yunus, 7 times 1 time applied. It can be seen that the number of
Zakarye, 25 times Jesus, 5 times Yahya, 5 times prophets mentioned in the historical work (“The
Muhammad. In the literature of the Islamic East a History of the Prophets and Kings”) by Alisher Navoi
huge cycle of works appeared reflecting the tales and is approximately equal to their depiction in the lyric
stories of the prophets based on the Koran, the Gospel, legacy. On the other hand, the number of names of
the Torah and the Psalms. They can be appreciated as prophets in the Qur'an and in artistic interpretations
valuable examples of realistic narratives. This vary. For example, if Jesus is recorded 43 times in the
tradition was widely developed in the Turkic-Uzbek Qur'an, then in the poetry of Alisher Navoi about 300
literature. Thus, it refers to 12 prophets in the work of times, Moses 136 times in the Qur'an, and in the lyrics
Alisher Navoi, “Tarihi anbiyo va hukamo” (“History of Alisher Navoi only 6 times, Joseph 27 times in the
of the Prophets and Kings”) and 23 prophets in the Qur'an, and in the poet’s lyrics it occurs about 50
work of Nosiruddin Burkhonuddin Rabguzi “Qisas ar- times. Even if the name Khizr is not found in the
Rabguziy” (“Tales of the Prophets”). However, these Qur'an, the poet’s poetry draws attention 150 times. In
works dedicated to the prophets became a source for addition, the artistic image of the Prophet Muhammad
classical poetry. In the works of all representatives of is found 10 times, which forms the poetic basis of the
the Uzbek classical poetry, these images are reflected. work of Alisher Navoi. Such diversity is also visible
Based on the images of the prophets, a variety of in the interpretations of other images of the prophets.
poetic worlds were created. From this point of view, It must also be emphasized that the works “Kisas ul-
the poetry of Alisher Navoi plays a special place. In anbiyo” (“Tales of the Prophets”) contain various
the poet’s couch “Badoyi ul-bidoya” (“Rarity of the stories about the prophets. Including, the volume of
Beginning”) 13, “Navodir un-nihoya” (“Curiosities of stories about Adam, Noah, Abraham, Solomon,
the End”) 9, “Karoyib us-sigar” (“Miracles of Joseph, Moses are larger. Especially, the story of the
Childhood”) 12, “Navodir ush-shabob ”(“ Rarity of Prophet Muhammad is a large part of this cycle.
Youth ”) 11,“ Badoe ul-vasat ”(“ Early Middle Ages Consequently, the images of the prophets in poetry
”) 9,“ Favoyil ul-kibar ”(“ Useful Advice of Old Age and in prose works differ. It can be seen that, although
”) 8 prophets are mentioned. Therefore, in the sofa prose and poetry are one literary event, artistic
“Badoyi ul-bidoya” (“Rarity of the Beginning”) Adam interpretations have their own specifics. In it, the
8 times, Idris 2 times, Noah 3 times, David 3 times, prose of the epic image has a peculiar interpretation,
Solomon 6 times, Khizr 32 times, Jacob 2 times, and the poetry of feeling plays a special role. The style
Yunus 1, Moses 1 time, Jesus 72 times, Muhammad 2 of classical prose of the East is artistic realism, and the
times, and on the sofa “Navodir un-nihoya” Adam 1 lyrics are symbolic and metaphorical. These images in
time, Noah 3 times, Joseph 11 times, Shuayb 1 time, the lyric sofas of Alisher Navoi are distributed as
Ayyub 1 time, Moses 1 time, Khizr 14 times, Jesus 40 follows:
times meet. In the work “Khazoyin ul-maoniy”

Philadelphia, USA 362

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Lyrical divans Adam Idris Noy David Solomon Xizr Iakov

Badoyil ul-bidoya 8 2 3 3 6 32 2
Navodir un-nihoya 1 - 3 - - 14 -
Garoyib us-sigar 2 - 4 3 5 22 2
Navodir ush-shabob 3 - 4 2 1 15 3
Badoe ul-vasat 1 - 2 - - 28 2
Favoyid ul-kibar - - 3 2 1 31 -

Lyrical divans Joseph Moisey Iisus Muhammaed Shuayb Ayub

Badoyi ul-bidoya 1 1 72 2 - 1
Navodir un-nihoya 11 1 40 - 1 -
Garoyib us-sigar 15 1 65 2 1 -
Navodir ush-shabob 13 2 36 1 1 -
Badoye ul-vasat 8 - 64 2 - -
Favoyid ul-kibar 6 - 11 1 - 3

It is known that the mention of names of places (Contents: You have made slaves of angels
or personalities in classical poetry is considered the humanity, because Adam is the person worshiped by
poetic art of handicraft. It alludes to historical events, angels)
tales, legends and literary plots. When the image is The tales of Adam say that all the angels
addressed in the image of a historical and legendary worshiped him and only Satan refused with rebellion.
person, a metaphorical image comes to the fore. It In this sense, the poet knows that a person’s value
reflects the diverse feelings of the lyrical hero. In the depends on his humanity. Kindness and humanity
poetry of Alisher Navoi, the images of the prophets should be the main qualities of man. Alisher Navoi in
express various symbolic meanings. For example, the his sofa “Badoe ul-vasat” (“The Beginning of the
image of Adam means the symbol of repentance, Middle Years”) creates a poetic picture through the
Noah means long life, Khizr means eternal life, David legend of how tears were shed due to the expulsion of
means a beautiful voice, Solomon means wealth, Adam's paradise. In mythological views, the shed
Ayyub means patience, Joseph means beauty, Jesus tears after the expulsion of Adam from paradise are
means revival, Muhammad means enlightenment. In compared by all the water spaces of the world.
this case, we will analyze some examples of Навоиё, агар иккинчи Одам эрмасмен,
interpretations of the images of the prophets in the Недин жаҳон юзини тутти сар-басар ёшим
poetry of Alisher Navoi. One of them is the image of (БВ. 426.7).
Adam. Usually this image in artistic reflections has a (Contents: I am not the second Adam, but
universal spirit. He is interpreted in the poetry of endlessly shed tears have taken over the world).
Alisher Navoi as the beginning of all mankind. In In the poetry of the thinker, the image of the
classical literature, the story of Adam is emphasized prophet Noah is also fruitful. He in the history of
by the “beautiful story” as the story of Joseph. In the prophecy occupies a separate place. Noah is also
last dastan of Alisher Navoi, “Lyson ut-tair” (“Tongue called the “Second Adam,” “Sheikh of the Prophets.”
of the bird”) there is a story about Adam (“Odam Safiy In classical poetry, the image of Noah basically
Alaihissal Hikoyati”) which consists of fifteen beits. symbolizes such details as "flood", "long life", "ark".
It portrays Adam as the “father of mankind” For example, in the work “Navodir un-nihoya”
(Abulbashar), moving to paradise, committing sin, (“Rarity beginning”) you can see the following:
experiencing difficulties, crying endlessly, repenting, Йўқки май киштиси ғам тўфонидин айлар
and becoming revered again. In classical poetry, the халос,
image of Adam is based on this plot. This plot Ки топар андин киши бир қатра ичса умри
expresses various symbolic and metaphorical Нуҳ[ГС.126.6].
meanings of the lyrical hero. For example, in the sofa (Content: As the ark saves Noah from the flood,
“Badoe ul-bidoya” the image of Adam is depicted by so the beloved from the flood of trouble saves the ark
the first person who was worshiped by the Angles: immersed in the wine of love, if you drink a drop from
Одамийлиқ кўргузуб қилдинг паривашларни it, it will reach Noah's life).
қул, In this sense, the ark of Noah is symbolized by
Одам улдурким, малойик они масжуд айлади divine love, and the flood - by separation, that is, the
(ББ.770.6). "flood of trouble", a drop of wine - by the long life of

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Noah. According to Eastern philosophers, according Especially in the lyrics of Navoi there are often
to the Qur'an, the world is divided into three eras. First images of the flood. This is the history of mankind
era: the past tense is the time right up to the creation being considered a big event. He in the poet's poetry
of the universe and man. Second era: the present is the displays various symbolic and metaphorical
time from the creation of Adam to Judgment Day. meanings. In particular, in the sofa “Badoe ul-vasat”
Third era: the future tense is the time from the end of the flood is simultaneously depicted by the tears of a
Judgment Day to eternal life. In it, human life is lover.
considered the shortest. There is no prophet in history Бузулди Нуҳнинг тўфонидин сўнг даҳр
who has lived such a long life as Noah. Some prophets ашкимдин,
(Jesus, Idris, Khizr, Iles) are interpreted forever alive, Қиёмат ошкоро бўлди: ул тўфон-у бу
but their life on earth is limited. In our opinion, the тўфон[БВ.270.10].
long life of Noah is associated with the end of one (Contents: The world after the flood was
civilization and the beginning of another. The Prophet destroyed by the tears of the beloved, this flood (Flood
Noah lived between these two civilizations. of Noah), and that flood (tears of the beloved) are
According to Rabguzi, Noah receives revelation when compared to the Day of Judgment)
he was 100 years old, 950 years preached to people by The image of Solomon is also fruitful in the
faith. According to other versions, at 400 he becomes poetry of Alisher Navoi. He, in the work of the
a prophet. After the flood, he still lived 300 years. thinker, is, firstly, interpreted by one of the prophets
According to Alisher Navoi, he receives revelation at (in some religious views he is not considered a
the age of 40 or 250. 950 years preached true faith. prophet), and secondly, he is portrayed as the king of
Noah himself lived 1600 or, according to others, 1300 the world. In classical literature, Solomon is
years. Therefore, in classical poetry, Noah is recognized as one of the four kings of the world
symbolized by his long life. Alisher Navoi, when (Solomon, Iskander, Namrud, Nasr Bay). With this it
portraying life, turns to the image of Noah. For is clear that he is associated with the spiritual and
example, in the sofa “Badoe ul-bidoya” Alisher Navoi material world of mankind.
expresses the longest life of the image of Noah and the Alisher Navoi often simultaneously depicts the
greatest wealth in the image of Korun (close to the image of Solomon along with the prophet Noah, the
prophet Moses). legendary king Jamshid, the king of Iran Kaihusrav,
Молдин умрунгға осойиш агар етмас, не суд, the evil king Ahriman.
Нуҳ умри ҳосил этсанг, ганжи Қорун Тутай жаҳонда Сулаймон сени ва ё Жамшид,
қозғониб?[ББ.176.5] Не мунга жом вафо айлади, не анга
(Contents: if you possess the life of Noah and the узук[ГС.210.4]
wealth of Korun, your life and wealth are perishable) (Contents: I will call you Solomon and Jamshid
The sources also say interesting opinions about in the world. Because Solomon - the ring, Jamshid -
the wealth of the Coruna. The Hadith emphasizes that did not get the groceries)
when the Korun said, “the Most High gave me so According to mythological views, the “ring" in
many riches from his love for me,” they answered him interpretations is the thing of Solomon that fulfills his
that “The love of the Most High is not determined by desires. He controls the divas with his ring. Jamshid's
wealth.” As a result, Korun with all his wealth “Glass” expresses endless wine and shows all the
drowned inland. Consequently, the poet notes that events of the world. In the stories of Solomon there
neither long life, nor wealth determines the meaning are images of Hoopoe (bird), Bilkis (peri), ant. In
of a person’s life, that is, “the essence of life is not in them, Hoopoe is portrayed as a messenger bird.
wealth, but in labor”. In another work by Alisher Therefore, Navoi interprets Solomon - the image of a
Navoi, he simultaneously depicts the wealth of lover, Bilkis - the image of a lover, Hoopoe - the
Solomon and the life of Noah. According to sources, image of a messenger. The poetry of Alisher Navoi
Solomon asks the Almighty "so many riches that were also depicts the image of the great king David,
not and will not be with anyone." This desire is being mentioned in the Qur'an. As you know, David is
fulfilled. Alisher Navoi interprets that there is no point considered both a prok and a king. He was given a
in long life and wealth. The poet puts the concept of blacksmith craft and a beautiful voice. According to
“wine” above all. It is known that wine in the shortest interpretations, although David was a great king, he
possible time frees the soul from life's adversities. earned by honest labor. This case served as an
This moment is symbolized by the great happiness of example for the figures of classical and Sufi literature.
attaining the love of the Most High. They also, despite what position they have, tried to
Нуҳ умрию Сулаймон мулкига йўқтур бақо, learn craft and earn a living by honest work. When
Ич, Навоий, бодаким, олам ғами David read the Psalm, even the animals fell asleep. In
беҳудадур[ББ.215.7]. the lyrics of Alisher Navoi, the phrases “crap
(Contents: Noah lacks life and wealth to Dovood”, “Nagmai Dovood” mean a pleasant voice.
Solomon. Therefore, drink wine, the woes of life are At the same time, in the poetry of Navoi, “Masih

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nafashi” (the breath of Jesus) is often found together reality, and in the lyrical plane, feeling provides this
with the voice of David. originality. From this comes the character in the epic
Магар Масиҳ ила Довудсен нафас билаким, work, and the image-sign in lyrical expression. The
Ҳаёт-у мавт эрур ул аломат, эй lyrical image reflects the situation, image, picture,
ҳофиз[БВ.311.3]. feeling, detail and others. Because usually in poetry a
(Content: Your breath sometimes quickens, and lyrical hero stands in a leading place. In the lyrics,
sometimes it kills like the breath of Masih and the images are selected that correspond to the mood of the
voice of David) lyrical hero. In lyric works, every object, detail or
Сендадур нағмаи Довуд ила анфоси Масиҳ, expression is considered an artistic image. In
Бордурур йўқ эса давронда фаровон particular, when portraying the image of Joseph in the
ҳофиз[ФК.170.2]. poetry of Alisher Navoi, various details and signs
(Content: The voice of David and the breath of associated with Joseph’s story are used. These details
Jesus are your qualities, therefore your voice is and signs serve for various symbolic and metaphorical
pleasant) meanings. For example, when talking about such
The following lines indicate the quality of the details as “carcass” (dream), “choi Bobil”
revitalization of the lover. It emphasizes that even if (Babylonian well), “buri” (wolf), “haridor” (buyer),
the lyrical hero shows David’s voice and this is “savdo” (trade), “bozor” (bazaar ), “Kusn” (beauty),
useless. The verse contrasts the animating miracle of “diram” (monetary unit), “mughda” (message),
Masih with the mortifying voice of David. According “kyylak” (dress), “Kouyosh” (Sun), “zindon”
to the poet, they are both qualities of a lover. In the (prison), “Canyon” (Egypt ), Қon ’(blood), З Zulayҳo’
poetry of Alisher Navoi, sometimes the image of (Zuleyha), ож tozhir ’(merchant), ҳazhr’ (separation),
David is simultaneously depicted with the story of ҳaқub ’(Jacob), ғ ғam’ (longing), қonli kлиylak
Joseph. It is usually addressed by Mutrib (musician). ’(bloody) dress), “dasht” (desert), “Baitul-azon”
In the beat, the situation of Jacob, who parted with his (house of longing) and others, then the story of Joseph
beloved son Joseph, is depicted as an example. The appears. These concepts represent different
image symbolically displays the image of the beloved metaphorical meanings. For example, this beat says
- Jacob, the lover - Joseph. Also, the image of Mutrib that in a dream of a lyrical hero a picture of Joseph
(musician) is polyphonic. It displays the symbol of a appears.
true musician. Тушта Юсуф ҳайъатин кўрдум ҳабибим
Юсуфум ҳажрида Яқуб ғам ичра, мутрибо, ёдидин,
Ўйламенким, хушлуғум йўқ нағмайи Довуд Гўйи ул қолип бу руҳи маҳз учун
ила[НН.310.7]. андозадур[БВ.151.2].
(Content: The beloved parted from the lover. (Content: Beloved thinks of a lover. In a dream,
This is similar to the story of Jacob and Joseph, so a picture of Joseph the beautiful appears. It resembles
David does not influence the beloved) the essence inside the form)
In the work of Alisher Navoi, a special place is In the beyt, the sleep motive plays the main role
occupied by the artistic interpretation of Joseph's as an artistic detail. As you know, the dream motive is
story. As you know, this story is considered one of the considered a characteristic sign of the story of Joseph.
most popular subjects of world literature. The special The story begins, continues and ends with the motive
side is that, on the one hand, if the story has universal of sleep. Even if the poem hints at the plot of a dream,
value, on the other hand, this plot differs with its in a lyrical interpretation serves to express another
originality among the “universal” and “intellectual” poetic picture. The poet in another poem writes that in
literature. About this Alisher Navoi writes: the dream of the lyrical hero appears “lips” and “face”
Юзунг давринда Юсуф достонин, of a lover. It gives pleasure to the lyrical hero.
Ўқурлар ому хос афсоналардек[БВ.181.3] Therefore, he asks not to wake him even if Jesus and
(Content: Dastan about Joseph is intended for Joseph come. According to interpretations, sleep is
both the masses and intellectuals. Therefore, everyone one of the levels of prophecy. Consequently, the tales
reads it as a legend) of the prophets usually cite dream motives.
As you know, in antiquity and at the present time Тушумда лаълию рухсоридур, уйғотманг
there were literature of the "masses" and мени, гар худ,
"intellectuals". It can be noted that there is a third type, Масиҳо бирла Юсуф бошим узра етсалар
which is called "mass-intellectual" literature. This ногаҳ[ГС.370.1].
type of literature is called the cycle “Kissas ul-anbiyo” (Content: in the dream of the lyrical hero “lips”
(“stories of the prophets”). This cycle is considered and “face” of the lover appear. Therefore, he asks not
one of the source of classic Sufi literature. In the to be woken up even if Joseph and Jesus come)
poetry of Alisher Navoi, the image, theme and story In the story of Joseph there is an episode about
about Joseph are used almost 80 times. In this case, it his brothers throwing him into the well. Therefore, in
must be said that the same themes and plots in a lyrical classical poetry, the image of the well is often used.
and epic way are peculiarly depicted. In the epic plane, Alisher Navoi writes in his sofa “Badoyi ul-bidoya”:

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Кирпигинг тушган кўнгул ичра хаёлинг, эй about him is found in the story of Moses. Islamic
пари, scholars call him Khizr. It reflects in itself such views
Гўйиё Юсуф нузул этмиш чаҳи Бобил as liveliness, abundance, happiness, a prosperous life,
аро[ББ.289.3]. a dream and hope. As Alisher Navoi notes, he is a
Contents: the eyelashes of a lover fall into the descendant of the prophet Noah. In Sufi literature, the
heart of a lover, it looks like Joseph was going down event of the meeting of Khizr and Moses is
the well of Babylon) symbolically depicted. In this, Moses is seen as a
disciple, and Khizr as a mentor. As interpreted in
We know that in the stories of the prophets the eastern literature, firstly, Khizr lives on earth as an
well was first mentioned in the stories of Harut and ordinary person, and secondly, he is an unreal being.
Marut. In classical poetry, when the image of Joseph In the literature, attention is paid to his find of
is depicted, a well is usually mentioned in parallel. It “revitalizing water”. This concept in classical
displays the theme of love and the beauty of a lover. literature is displayed as a “source of life,” “a source
Ўқи захмин тан аро ул юз хаёли эритур, of knowledge,” “a source of love.” His meeting
Уйлаким, Юсуф жамоли равшан эткай between the two rivers with the prophet Moses is
чоҳни[ФК.14.5]. interpreted by the reunion of two such teachings as
(Contents: Just as the darkness of a well is “prophecy” and “Sufism”. Therefore, the Khizr
illuminated by the face of Joseph, so the love of a lover person associates with two cultures. In the poetry of
illuminates the darkness of life) Alisher Navoi, the image of Khizr is used in parallel
In the poetry of Alisher Navoi, the image of with such concepts as “revitalizing water”, “water of
Joseph plays a special role in the interpretation of life”, “water of Khizr”, “eternal life”, “green”,
beauty. Although the stories say that beauty is given “dream” and others. For example, in the sofa “Badoyi
to Eve and Zuleiha, in lyrical interpretations they are ul-bidoya” poetic paintings are depicted with the help
not depicted as a symbol of beauty. In one legend, of images of lips, Khizr, dead, water of Khizr.
Josephus is given the beauty of heavenly gourami, Орзу айлар лабинг оллинда жон бермакни
while others emphasize that a ninth of the beauty of Хизр,
the universe was given to Eve, and one ninth of Joseph Хизр суйидин ўлик умр айлагандек
and the rest to all people. Therefore, in the lyrics of орзу[ББ.71.7].
Navoi when portraying the image of true beauty, (Contents: It’s like Khizr dreams of dying in
Joseph is a metaphorical symbol of this beauty. front of a lover’s lip, the dead dreams of drinking
Оламоро ҳусн ила жонбахш нутқунгму экин, Khizr revitalizing water)
Ё Масиҳо руҳи Юсуф жисмида қилмиш In conclusion, it should be noted that Alisher
ҳулул?[ББ.401.2] Navoi in his poetry repeatedly addresses the images of
(Content: The beautiful face and animating the prophets. In it, the images of the prophets serve to
speech of a lover is like the beauty of Joseph and the create a variety of poetic paintings. At the same time,
animating miracle of Jesus) these images express different symbolic and
The image of Al-Khizr is a convertible theme in metaphorical meanings. It is known that the doctrine
the work of Alisher Navoi. In the sources there are of prophecy is considered the world and eternal topic
various views on this legendary person. His name is of literature. From this it is obvious that the poetry of
not mentioned in the Qur'an, but he is considered in Alisher Navoi is an example of universal ideas and
the Qur'an as a slave of the Most High. The event humanistic motives.


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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Irina Ugrekhelidze
Akaki Tsereteli State University,
Associated professor,
Kutaisi, Georgia

Nino Dolidze
Akaki Tsereteli State University,
Kutaisi, Georgia

Khatuna Darsavelidze
Akaki Tsereteli State University,
Academic doctor,
Kutaisi, Georgia


Abstract: The article discusses the necessity and importance of the formation of the information base of
Georgian traditional clothing. The use of the elements of the Georgian costume in the creative work of European
designers of the XX century in the creation of new fashion collections is analyzed and the facts of stylization are
Based on the analysis of ethnocomplexes of the XIX century in different regions of Georgia a classification of
traditional clothing was made. Design-composite indicators of clothing, material, color, division, length, shape and
types of sleeves, fasteners, type of decoration, etc. were encoded using a digital system and an information database
was created in the form of an electronic bank. As a result, a special search engine program has been developed that
allows the interested person to find the necessary information about the Georgian traditional clothes, and the
designer - it is much more successful to focus on creative activity.
Key words: traditional clothing, information database, design and composition indicators.
Language: Russian
Citation: Ugrekhelidze, I., Dolidze, N., & Darsavelidze, K. (2019). Formation of the information base of
Georgian national clothes. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 368-371.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-66 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.66
Scopus ASСC: 2209.


Аннотация: В статье рассматривается важность формирование информационной базы грузинской

традиционной одежды. Выявлены факты стилизации элементов грузинского национального костюма в
европейской моде 20-х годов прошлого столетия. На основе анализа этнокостюмов XIX в. разных регионов
Грузии составлена классификация традиционной одежды. По конструкторско-композиционным
показателям: силуэт одежды, материал, цвет, членение, длина, форма и виды рукавов, застежки, вид
декорирования и др. и на основе их кодирования сформирована информационная база данных и разработана
программа специальной поисковой системы для получения исчерпывающей информации о национальном

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Ключевые слова: традиционная одежда, информационная база данных, конструкторско-

композиционные показатели.

Введение Франции в 20-ые годы прошлого столетия. Тому

На современном этапе в индустрии моды способствовали разные объективные причины.
значительное место занимает одно из направлений Как известно, после революции 1917 г. вся
современной моды – этностиль. Это направление знать эмигрировала в Европу. Многие грузинские
подразумевает обогащение ассортимента одежды аристократы, оказавшиеся в эмиграции, брались
элементами национального костюма различных за любую работу и нередко достигали заметных
стран и народностей. Такое обогащение важно успехов. Возникшие во Франции дома мод
также для того, чтобы современный человек не «кавказского происхождения», владельцами
терял связи со своими национальными истоками. которых являлись эмигранты из Грузии, ввели в
Для развития этностиля неиссякаемым моду 1922 – 1923 гг. кавказские мотивы.
источником является утонченное, элегантное и Грузинская княжна Анна Чавчавадзе, в
искусно декорированное грузинское замужестве графиня Воронцова-Дашкова,
национальное одеяние, при виде которого не организовала во Франции собственное дело в
скрывали восхищение многие иностранные сфере модной индустрии – открыла Дом моды в
путешественники и исследователи-этнографы. Париже, под названием «Имеди», что в переводе с
Для того чтобы в творческой деятельности грузинского означает «надежда». Ее клиентками
дизайнеров традиционная грузинская одежда стали представительницы богатых и знатных
стала доступной и понятной, требуется особая семей Франции, Великобритании, Голландии, а
связь с ним как с первоисточником, также дочери новоиспеченных американских
сохранившегося только в виде музейных миллионеров. И. Оболенский пишет: «Графиня
образцов. Проблему представляет тот факт, что на положила начало моды на Грузию. Увлечение
сегодняшний день доступ к этим образцам Кавказом в начале двадцатых годов стало
предельно ограничен. В связи с этим выявляется всеобщим. Журналы рекламировали ткань под
актуальность формирования общедоступной названием «Tiflis», конкурирующие дома моды
информационной базы грузинской национальной шили одежду в стиле caucasien, а в районе
одежды. Монмартра открывались бесконечные рестораны
Грузинская национальная одежда тщательно кавказской кухни, где по вечерам исполняли
изучена как грузинскими, так и иностранными грузинские танцевальные номера, а грузинские
учеными по этнографо-историческом красавицы – аристократки на светских
направлении. Однако исследование традиционной мероприятиях появлялись в дизайнерских
одежды как источника в творческой деятельности платьях, или нарядах из собственноручно сшитых
дизайнера-модельера, композиционно- коллекций. Всё это способствовало всеобщему
художественный анализ его форм и декора, к увлечению «грузинской модой» [1].
сожалению, пока не проводились. Также не Кроме Дома моды «Имеди», в Париже также
проводились работы по направлению создания открылся дом вечернего манто и накидок «сорти-
информационной базы данных. де-баль» с меховыми отделками «коказьен», что
Для обогащения ассортимента современной значит «кавказский» и Дом моды Нины
одежды с элементами национального костюма, Шервашидзе. Эти Дома моды диктовали стиль,
необходимо сначала проанализировать его ставший господствующим трендом в европейской
влияние на творческой работе дизайнеров. С этой модной индустрии 25-30-х годов прошлого
целью ставятся задачи: выявление и анализ следов столетия. В то время в Париже черкеска
влияния грузинского национального костюма в пользовалась огромной популярностью. В неё
стилистических направлениях и тенденциях 20-х и стали облачаться представители аристократии
30-х годов прошлого столетия; формирование Европы. Она присутствовала в коллекциях домов
информационной базы грузинской национальной мод в том или ином виде, модной считалась
одежды с целью использования в творческой стилизация на тему черкески (рис. 1) [2].
работе модельеров-дизайнеров при В сфере индустрии моды и на сей день не
проектировании современной одежды на основе теряет актуальности Грузинское традиционное
традиционного костюма. одеяние. Несмотря на новые технологии и
Для решения первой задачи нами были материалы, новые формы общения и философию
изучены работы европейских Домов моды того жизни, интерес к истокам традиционного костюма
времени. Мы были приятно удивлены тем не истекает. Он для дизайнера является
интересом (можно сказать рвением), которым, уникальным источником в процессе создания
оказывается, был удостоен грузинский новых авторских коллекции, разработки и
национальный костюм в Европе, в частности во проектирования интересных эксклюзивных

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ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Рисунок 1 - Стилизации Черкески с газырями в европейской моде. Париж 1920-е годы.

Для решения второй задачи – формирование экономической функций. Органичная взаимосвязь

информационной базы грузинской национальной этих функций и их совершенное выражение в
одежды нами изучено всё разнообразие художественной форме создают интереснейшие
грузинской традиционной этнической одежды – образцы этнодизайна. Каждый из этих образцов
комплексы этнокостюмов XIX в. в разных характеризуются своей индивидуальностью.
регионах Грузии [3]. В этнической одежде Форма и силуэт, материал и цвет, покрой и длина,
удивительно органично объединились застежки и вид декорирования – вот основные
разнообразные виды декоративно-прикладного отличительные признаки грузинских
творчества, высокие эстетические достоинства, этнокостюмов (рис. 2) [4].
совершенное осуществление утилитарной и

Рисунок 2 - Комплексы грузинских традиционных этнокостюмов: а – Картли, Кахетия, Имеретия; б –

Тушетия; в – Пшавия; г – Хевсурети; д – Мтиулети; е – Хеви; ж – Лечхуми; з – Рача; и – Сванетия; к
– Самегрело; л – Абхазия; м – Гурия; н – Аджария; о – Самцхе-Джавахетия

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Для упрощения использования информацию о грузинской традиционной одежде,

этноэлементов традиционного костюма – а дизайнеру – гораздо успешно ориентироваться
памятника культурного наследия, в процессе на творческую деятельность.
проектирования современной одежды
необходимы новые технологические решения по Заключение
их систематизации, анализу и определению Выявлено влияние грузинского
показателей основных характеристик [5,6]. Таким национального костюма в стилистических
новым технологическим решением является направлениях моды 20-х и 30-х годов XX в.
изыскание такой связи, чтобы не общаясь Несмотря на новые технологии и материалы,
непосредственно с музейным подлинником, был этноэлементы грузинской традиционной одежды
возможным виртуальный просмотр и обозрение и на сегодняшний день являются уникальными
образца, также получение достоверной и источниками для дизайнера в процессе создания
исчерпывающей информации о нем. новых авторских коллекции и эксклюзивных
Решение такой задачи требует формирование моделей. Для упрощения использования
соответствующей базы данных, которая этноэлементов традиционного костюма в
систематизировала бы всякую информацию о процессе проектирования современной одежды
грузинской традиционной одежде. решены следующие задачи:
В связи с этим по основным характеристикам – изучена и проанализирована грузинская
(функциональным, региональным, половым и традиционная одежда;
сезонным) изученных нами региональных – сформирована информационная база
комплексов, составлена классификация данных и создана программа специальной
традиционной одежды. Вся информация о поисковой системы для получения
конструкторско-композиционных показателях исчерпывающей информации о национальном
(силуэт одежды, материал, цвет, членение, длина, костюме.
форма и виды рукавов, застежки и вид Перспективы дальнейших исследований.
декорирования и др.) была закодирована с Изысканная Грузинская традиционная одежда, с
помощью цифровой системы, после чего различными региональными формами, искусно
сформирована информационная база данных в декорированное и многоликое, является
виде электронного банка [7-10]. фактический неисчерпаемым объектом и требует
На основании информационной базы дальнейших мультидисциплинарных
данных была составлена программа, которая дает исследований.
возможность желающему найти необходимую


1. Obolenskij, I., & Chavchavadze, A. (2017). S na osnove konstruktivnyh i kompozicionnyh

nadezhdoj na "Imedi" [Electronic resource] osobennostej jelementov narodnogo kostjuma.
Retrieved 2019, from https://sputnik- Textbook. (p.136). Moscow: MGUDT.
georgia.ru/columnists/20170113/234530401 7. Androsova, J. M. (2004). Osnovy
2. Vasil'ev, A. (2012). Krasota v izgnanii. (p.480). hudozhestvennogo proektirovanija kostjuma:
Moscow: Slovo. uchebnoe posobie. Textbook. (p.184).
3. Dolidze, N., et al. (2017). Illustrated Reference Chelyabinsk: Media-Print.
Book of Georgian National Clothing. (p.411). 8. Berdnik, T. A. (2000). Dizajn kostjuma.
Kutaisi: ATSU. Textbook. (p.289). Rostov-on-Don: Fenix.
4. Charkviani, I., & Dolidze, N. (2013). 9. Suharev, M. I., & Bojcova, A. M. (1981).
Predposylki konstruktorskogo proektirovanija Principy inzhenernogo proektirovanija odezhdy.
gruzinskogo tanceval'nogo kostjuma. Kyiv. (p.272). Moscow: Legkaja i pishhevaja
Bulletin of KNUTD, 2 (7), p.5. promyshlennost'.
5. Machinskaja, J. V. (2009). Proektirovanie i 10. Smirnova, N. I., & Konopal'ceva, N. M. (2012).
ocenka konstruktivnyh parametrov izdelii v Proektirovanie konsttrukcii shvejnyh izdeliti dlja
jergonomicheskom dizajne spec. odezhdy. individual'nogo potrebitelja. (p.426). Moscow:
Dissertation. Saint-Petersburg, p.189. Forum-Infra.
6. Alibekova, M. I. (2007). Mnogovariantnoe
kombinatornoe postroenie sovremennoj odezhdy

Philadelphia, USA 371

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Akhmadjon Kuranbekov
the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies,
DSc, professor,
[email protected]


Abstract: There are some terms of onomastics and realities of Turkic origin in the gazels of Hafiz, which show
a close relationship between Turkic-speaking and persolingual peoples. Naturally, the knitting of peoples living side
by side sees elements of reciprocity. This article examines Turkic words in Hafiz gazels.
Key words: Gazelle, Hafiz, borrowing, persolingual, Turkic-speaking, Samarkand, Bukhara, beit, Turki.
Language: Russian
Citation: Kuranbekov, A. (2019). Interpretation of Turkic borrowing in Hafiz 's work. ISJ Theoretical & Applied
Science, 09 (77), 372-376.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-67 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.67
Scopus ASСC: 1208.


Аннотация: В газелях Хафиза существуют некоторые термины ономастики и реалии тюркского

происхождения, которые свидетельствуют о тесной взаимосвязи тюркоязычных и персоязычных народов.
Естественно в языке народов, живущих бок о бок наблюдаются элементы взаимовлияния. В этой статье
рассматриваются тюркские слова в газелях Хафиза.
Ключевые слова: газель, Хафиз, заимствования, персоязычный, тюркоязычный, Самарканд, Бухара,
бейт, тюрки.

Введение Если та турчанка Ширазская обольщает мое

В конкордансе газелей Хафиза [1] сердце
зарегистрированы некоторое количество За индийскую родинку подарю Самарканд и
тюркоязычных заимствований. Их можно Бухару.
разделить по таким лексико-семантическим Во времена правления династии тимуридов г.
группам: а)города в Туркестане: Чин, Бухара, Самарканд был столицей огромной империи,
Самарканд, Ходжент, Хотан, Харезм; тюркские которую создал Амир Тимур. Города Самарканд и
правители: Афрасияб, Тураншах, Хакан; Бухара в этот период прославились как самые
тюркские племена: чигил, татар, турк, халлух красивые ивелшиколепные города во всем
(карлук), ягма; и некоторые этнические реалии Востоке. Легенда гласит, что Амир Тимур когда
тюркского происхождения: айаг (чаша), касме прочел вышеуказанные строки, якобы он
(локон), какул(челка); керешме (чары); сорме пригласил Хафиза к себе и спросил я восславил
(сюрьма), газлик (нож); и одно название птицы: эти города на весь мир и ты отдаешь их за одну
кумри(горлица). родинку ширазской красавицы? На то Хафиз
Названия городов Самарканд и Бухара он ответил: «из-за этой щедрости сам остался без
упоминает в широко известной газели в рубашки» и показал голую грудь под верхней
первоначальном бейте [2]: одеждой. Этот искрометный ответ рассмешил
‫ اگر آن ترک شیرازی به دست آرد دل ما را‬3/1 Амира Тимура и он подарил ему полное одеяние.
‫بخال هندویش بخشم سمرقند و بخارا را‬ Хафиз этим бейтом подчеркивает подтекст о
Подстрочный перевод: том, что Самарканд и Бухара самые знаменитые
города его эпохи и принадлежать тюркам.

Philadelphia, USA 372

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Впрочем он в других бейтах упоминает Самарканд Он оказывает особое расположение

не иначе, как тюркский: выходцам из тюркских народностей и слово
8‫ به خو بان دل مده حافظ ببین آن بی و فا بی ها‬431/ «торк» упоминает 24 раза в следующих строках:
.‫که با خوارزمیان کردند ترکان سمرقندی‬ ‫ اگر آن ترک شیرازی بدست آرد دل ما را‬۳/۱
‫ به شعر حافظ شیراز می رقصند و می نازند‬431/9 ‫بخال هندویش بخشم سمرقند و بخارا را‬
.‫سیه چشمان کشمیری و ترکان سمرقندی‬ В этом бейте поэт точно указывает на
‫ خیز تا خاطر بدان ترک سمرقندی دهیم‬461/3 происхождение этого слова, «торке ширази», что
.‫کز نسیمش بوی جوی مولیان آید همی‬ переводится как «тюрк из Шираза». Толкователи
лексики и выражений Хафиза это выражение
Перевод: комментируют по разному. Но в этом ясно одно,
Хафез не увлекайся красивыми, посмотри на если толковать это слово в буквальном смысле как
эти неверности, представитель народности, или иносказательно
То, что делали с Хорезмийцами как «красавица», этот образ принадлежал родному
Самаркандские тюрки. городу поэта, т.е. Ширазу. Общеизвестно во
На стихи Хафиза Ширазского и танцуют и времена Хафиза, да и сейчас в Ширазе проживают
любуются тюркоязычные населения.
Черноглазые Кашмира и тюрки Самарканда. Слово «торк» встречается еще в таком бейте:
Встань, чтобы почитать того тюрка ‫ دلم ز نرگس ساقی امان نخو است بجان‬۴۸/۶
Самарканда .‫چرا که شیوه آن ترک دل سیه دانست‬
От зефира того мужа пахнет духом Мулийа. Перевод:
Душа не пожелала пощады на свою жизнь от
В этих стихах поэт подчеркивает свое нарцисса виночерпия,
восхищение этим городом. Ибо знала замашки того тюрка
Примечательно то, что когда он говорить черносердечного.
«почитать тюрка Самарканда», имеет ввиду
Рудаки. Хотя Рудаки считают родоначальником В этом бейте поэт относит слово «торк»
персидской поэзии, Хафиз считает его тюркским «виночерпию». Поэтому, теперь неизвестно,
поэтом. Об этом свидетельствует и примечание действительно виночерпий был тюрком или же
Рахима Зуннура, где отмечает. поэт употребил метафорически как «бессердечная
‫ رودکی (به قرینه مصراعی از‬-۱ )‫ترک سمرقندی (ایهام‬ красавица».
)‫قصیده معروف او که در غزل حافظ تضمین شده‬ В следующей газели слово «торк»
«Тюрк Самарканда (аллегория). 1. Рудаки (на упоминается в таком бейте:
это указывает строки из известной касыды его, ‫ آن ترک پری چهره که دوش از بر ما رفت‬۸۲/۱
которые привёл Хафиз в своей газели)» [3]. .‫آیا چه خطا دید که از راه خطا رفت‬
Из этого примечания напрашивается вывод, Перевод:
хотя во времена Хафиза не было определенной Тот периликий тюрк, который ушел из моего
границы между государствами, да и государств с объятия
четкими обозначенными границами не Какой проступок он заметил, что направился
существовало, но в представлениях Хафиза и в т.ч. в сторону Китая
всего иранского населения города Самарканд,
Бухара, Ходжент и Харезм и Хотан и Чин были В переводе слово «торк» дается в мужском
известны под общим названием Туркестан. Этот роде, ибо в газелях Хафиза нигде, ни разу не
необъятный край, в настоящее время известен под указывается на женские атрибуты этого слова.
разными образованиями, как Узбекистан, Здесь поэт использовал фигуру оксюморон «хата»
Таджикистан, Казахстан, Киргизия, (ошибка) и «хита» (Китай), но при этом под
Туркменистан, Уйгурская автономная область, словом «Китай» подразумевалось государство
Монголия и северные территории Китая. Из тюркских племен, расположенное на севере
приведенных названий городов Самарканд, сегодняшнего Китая. В данном случае слово тюрк
Бухара, Хорезм ныне находятся на территории метафорически обозначает «возлюбленная», а
Узбекистана, Ходжент в Таджикистане, Хотан и упоминание «Хито» указывает на её тюркского
Чин на территории Китая. происхождения. Слово «тюрк» ещё упоминается в
Хафиз испытывал глубокую симпатию, следующих бейтах.
народностям и племенам, населяющим эти ‫چشم مخمور تو دارد ز دلم قصد جگر‬
территории. ‫ترک مست است مگر میل کبابی دارد‬
Хафиз в своих газелях многократно Твои охмелевшие глаза покушается на мою
упоминает представителей из тюркских племен печень,
«торк», «торкан», «торкане», «йагма», «чегел», Пьяный турок, разве желает кебаб [из
«халлох (карлук)». печени]

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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

‫به تنگ چشمی آن ترک لشکری نازم‬ В этих строках слово тюрки выступают то
‫که حمله بر من درویش یک قبا آورد‬ как красавицы, достойные поклонения, то как
Восхищен алчностью того турка-воина, исторические лица, то как воины. Это показывает
Который позарился на меня, на дервиша с о том, что поэт был близко знаком историей,
единственным рубищем. бытом и повадками тюркского народа. В переводе
были вынуждены изображать то в мужском, то в
‫یا رب این نو دولتان را با خر خودشان نشان‬ женском поле, ибо сегодняшнему читателю
.‫کاین همه ناز از غالم ترک و استر می کنند‬ трудно представить возлюбленного мужского
О боже, посади этих новоявленных богачей пола.
со своим ослом, В газелях Хафиза еще встречаются бейты с
Ибо кокетничают со своим тюркским слугой другими названиями тюркских племен.
и мулом. ‫ بمشک چین و چگل نیست بوی گل محتاج‬۱/۳
‫که نافه هاش زبند قبای خویشتن است‬.
‫ترک عاشق کش من مست برون رفت امروز‬ Перевод:
.‫تا دگر خون که از دیده روان خواهد بود‬ Запах цветка не нуждается в мускусе Чина и
Мой турок - убийца, пьяный вышел наружу, Чегела
И еще у кого слезы кровью польются из глаз. Ибо мускус в самой повязке ее верхней
‫نگاری چابکی شنگی کله دار‬
.‫ظریفی مهوشی ترکی قباپوش‬ Название «Чегел» имеет следующее
Писаная красавица ловкая, хмельная с разъяснение:
шапочкой, ‫چگل – نام قبیله ای از ترکان خلخ در ترکستان که در حدود‬
Утонченная, луноподобная турчанка в ‫کاشغر می زیسته اند و شهری هم به نام چگل در نزدیک طراز داشته‬
халате. .‫اند‬
«Чегел: название из тюркских племен
‫ترک ما سوی کس نمی نگرد‬ карлуков в Туркестане, которые проживали в
.‫آه از این کبریا و جاه و جالل‬ районе Кашгара и имели город под названием
Наша тюрчанка никому не одарит взглядом, Чегел вблизи Тараза»!
Ох, какое высокомерие, какое величие.
‫ صفای خلوت خاطر از آن شمع چگل جویم‬۳۲۲/۲
‫شاه ترکان چو پسندید و به چاهم انداخت‬ ‫فروغ چشم و نوردل از آن ماه ختن دارم‬.
.‫دستگیر ار نشود لطف تهمتن چکنم‬ Перевод:
Царю тюрков понравился, и бросил меня в Я от той светочи Чегел ищу покоя
яму уединенной души
Что мне делать, если Тахмтан из милости не Имею сияния очей и лучи сердца от той луны
подаст руку. Хотана.

‫باز کش یک دم عنان ای ترک شهر آشوب من‬ В этом бейте нам представляет интерес
.‫تا ز اشک و چهره راهت پر زر و گوهر کنم‬ названия города «Хотан». В комментариях слово
Придержи коня на миг, о тюрчанка не «Хотан» имеет разъяснение следующего порядка:
виденной красоты, “‫”ختن – والیت مشکخیز از تاتارستان‬
Дабы со слез и облика наполню твой путь «Хотан: регион изобилующий мускусом
золотом и жемчугом. Татарстана» [2, р.741].

‫غالم چشم آن ترکم که در خواب خوش مستی‬ Неизвестно эта интерпретация на основе
.‫نگارین گلشنشرویست و مشکین سایبان ابرو‬ каких источников осуществлено, но ныне Хотан
Я раб той тюрчанки, которая опьянена в находится в Уйгурской автономной области.
сладком сне, ‫ حافظ چو ترک غمزه ترکان نمی کنی‬۱۷۳/۷
Писаный цветник лицо, и мускусный ‫دانی کجا ست جای تو خوارزم یا خجند‬.
балдахин бровь. Перевод:
Хафез, поскольку не можешь покинуть
‫فغان کین لولیان شوخ شیرینکار شهراشوب‬ кокетство тюрков,
‫چنان بردند صبر از دل که ترکان خوان یغمارا‬ Знаешь где твое место, Хорезм или Ходжанд
О, горе, эти цыгане веселые, ловкие,
взбалмошные, В этом бейте нам представляет интерес
Так увели мое терпение, как тюрки «Ходжанд», ибо оно связано с выражением
похищенные яства. «кокетство тюрков». Слово «Ходжанд»
комментируется следующим образом:

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‫ قصبه ای از اقلیم پنجم به فرغانه در کنار سیحون که‬:‫"خدجند‬ Перевод:

."‫آن را عروس دنیا خوانند مردمانش بسیار زیبا و مردانه اند‬ Невеста счастья на том брачном покое с
«Ходжанд, селение из пятого пояса в тысячами чар,
Фергане, на берегу реки Сайхун, который Опустив завитушки и прыснув розовый
называют «невестой мира». Люди которого очень напиток на листья розы.
красивы и мужественны» [2, р.457]!
В этом бейте поэт употребил слово «касме».
‫ گوی خوبی بردی از خوبان خلخ شادباش‬۴۲۳/۳ Это тюркское слово имеет следующее толкование:
‫جام کیخسرو طلب کافراسیاب انداختی‬. ‫ مقداری از زلف را که زنان پیچ و خم داده بر ر خسار‬:‫"کسمه‬
Перевод: "‫رها کنند‬
Ты выиграл шар красоты от красавцев «Женщины делают завивку некоторое
Халлуха [карлуков], веселись, количество локона и опускают на лицо» [2, р.956]
Поскольку одолел Афрасияба, попроси чашу ‫شد که یاد خوشش باد روزگار وصال‬۴/۲
Кайхусрава. .‫خود آن کرشمه کجا رفت و آن عتاب کجا‬
В этом бейте «Афрасияб» повелитель Турана, Прошло время свидания, не поминай лихом,
который воевал с иранским царём Кайхусравом. Куда пропало то кокетство и те упреки.
Но примечательно слово «Халлох». Это слово
трактуется таким образом: Слово «керешме» имеет такое толкование:
‫ شهری در ترکستان که مردم آن به زیبایی مشهور بوده‬:‫"خلخ‬ "‫ غمزه‬٬‫ اشاره به چشم و ابرو‬:‫"کرشمه‬
."‫اند‬ Перевод: «Кокетство, подмигивание и намек
«Халлух [карлук]: город в Туркестане, люди глазами и бровью» [4]
которого были известны своей красотой» [2,
р.984]. ‫ چه فتنه بود که مشاطه قضا انگیخت‬۲۵۳/۴
Возможно когда-то был такой город под этим .‫که کرد نرگس مستش سیه سرمه ناز‬
названием, но в настоящее время не существует Перевод:
такой город, а осталось только название племени - Какую смуту развел косметик судьбы,
карлук. Часть современного населения Что насурмленный пьяный нарцис начал
Узбекистана считаются выходцами из племени кокетничать
карлук. Здесь представляет интерес тюркское слово
Таким образом, хотя Хафиз ни разу не «сурме» (сюрьма), которое используется в
выезжал из родного города Шираз, он был сведущ косметике.
с тюркскими городами и тюркскими племенами,
населяющими в Туркестане. ‫ سر خدا که در تتق غیب منزویست‬۳۵۸/۳
Кроме вышеуказанных фактов Хафиз владел .‫مستانه اش نقاب ز رخسار بر کشیم‬
некоторыми терминами тюркского Перевод:
происхождения и употреблял их в своих газелях: Тайна бога скрыта за занавесом,
‫ به چمن خرام و بنگر بر تخت گل که الله‬۱۱۳/۷ В пьяном виде сорвем маску с лица.
.‫بندیم شاه ماند که بکف ایاغ دارد‬
Перевод: В этом бейте употреблено тюркское слово
Проходи в цветочник и погляди на трон розы, «тоток», что означает «занавес, вуаль».
Тюльпан походит на приближенного шаха, с ‫ زلف خاتون ظفر شیفته پرچم تست‬۱۰۴/۲
чашей на ладони. .‫دیده فنح ابد عاشق جوالن تو باد‬
В этом стихе «айаг» является тюркским Локон дамы триумфа зачарован твоим
словом «бокал, чаша вина». флагом,
‫ بر شکن کاکل ترکانه که در طا لع تست‬۴۶۳/۶ Очи вечной победы пусть будет влюблен
‫بخشش و کوشش خاقانی و چنگیزخانی‬. твоему гарцеванию.
Перевод: Слово «хатун»имеет следующее толкование
Закрути тюркский локон, ибо твое счастье , [5]: ‫در ترکی از القاب زنان کبار است‬
Дар и битва Хакана и Чингизхана «В тюркском из прозвищ
высокопоставленных женщин».
В этом бейте слово «какол» означает «челка Есть еще слово ‫[ گزلک‬gazlek], ‫[ یرغو‬yarγu],
на льбу (женщины)». ‫[ قمری‬γomri], которые похожи на тюркское
происхождение, но поскольку их этимология
‫ عروس بخت در آن حجله با هزاران ناز‬۴۱۳/۴ спорны, рассмотрение этих лексем сочли
‫شکسته کسمه و بر برگ گل گالب زده‬. неуместным.

Philadelphia, USA 375

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Заключение тесном взаимоотношении, взаимосвязи и

В результате исследования газелей Хафиза взаимовлиянии языков этих народов во времена
можно делать смелые выводы, что Хафиз и его Хафиза. Хафиз был поэтом мира, он не различал
окружения жили в соседстве с тюркскими людей по национальному происхождению. Он
народами и, естественно, некоторые названия был эпикурийцем и восхищался красотой
городов, племен тюркского происхождения были природы, он ловил каждый миг, чтобы радоваться
хорошо известны в их кругах. И тюркские слова жизнью и призывал своих почитателей
вошли в лексикон поэта. Это свидетельствует о последовать его примеру.


1. Correale, D. M. (1988). The ghazals of Hafez. 7. (1371). Maqalati dar bare-ye zendegi va she’r-e
Concordans and vocabulary. Roma. Hafez. Tehran.
2. Qazvini, H. (1368). Gani ba majmu’e-ye ta’liqat 8. (1371). Hafezname. Sharkh-e alfaz, e’lam-e
va havashi-ye allame-ye Mohammad Qazvini. mafahim-e kelidi va abyat-e doshvar-e Hafez.
Entesharat-e asatir. Tehran.
3. Zunnur, R. (1372). Dar jostoju-ye Hafez. 9. (1370). Doktor Mohammad Ali Rejai Boxarai.
Tehran. Farhang-e ash’ar-e Hafez. Tehran.
4. Mo’in, M. (1371). Farhang-e farsi. Tehran. 10. (1368). Jam’-e parishan. Be kushsesh-e Ali
5. (1373). Logatname-ye Dehxoda. Tehran. Akbar Razzaz. Tehran.
6. (1369). Doktor Abdulhasan Zarrinkub. 11. Qoranbikof, A. (2018). Ganjineha-ye ma’ani az
Donbale-ye jotoju dar tasavvof-e Iran. Tehran. “Xamse”ye Navai. Tashkand.

Philadelphia, USA 376

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Ziada Amanturovna Syrgakova
KNU named after J. Balasagyn,
Candidate of Law,
Associate Professor of the Department of
Civil, Labor and Environmental rights Faculty of Law,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Abstract: This article reveals the development of the notary institution and the legislation on notarial activities
in the Soviet period.
Key words: notary institution, notary public, history, development, notarial certification of transactions, state
notary public.
Language: English
Citation: Syrgakova, Z. A. (2019). Historical aspects of the institute of notary in the soviet period. ISJ
Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 377-380.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-68 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.68
Scopus ASСC: 2308.

Introduction After the Revolution of 1917, Decree No. 1 on

By the end of the XIX century there were four the court as of November 24, 1917 weakened the role
groups of bodies and officials in Russia who had the of the notary, having practically abolished it.
right to perform notarial acts: public (city) notaries; However, in the acts of the new government aimed at
stock brokers and notaries, ship brokers; highly scrapping the old bureaucratic apparatus, the notary
specialized brokers: shipping affairs, state commercial was first mentioned on March 23, 1918, when the CPC
bank, private, servants and workers, guilds, craft of Moscow and the Moscow province adopted a
administrations, Kronstadt Society of Free Sailors; resolution that repealed the “current Regulation on the
magistrates, town halls, councils, customs officials, notarial part” and introduced a new Regulation on the
bailiffs, commercial verbal courts. municipalization of notaries. The notary received its
Candidates for the position of notaries were further development in 1919 in a decree on court No.
selected from among officials on the basis of a 2, in which it was emphasized that notarial acts are
competition. After being appointed, they took the performed by notaries, and if they are absent, by
oath. It was forbidden to appoint illiterate people as persons replacing them. In 1919, the notary
notaries. departments were replaced by notary desks. It was
Formed by the first decade of the XX century, also proposed, as necessary, to establish notary desks
the notary institution, which was a fairly developed - in the cities under the judicial and investigative
system of providing qualified legal assistance, was divisions of the provincial departments of justice, and
fundamentally changed as a result of the October in counties - at local people’s courts. Thus, the
Revolution of 1917 [1,22]. question of the need for a notary in the Soviet
Immediately after its establishment, the Soviet Republic was resolved nevertheless in favor of the
government by Decree No. 1 as of November 24, 1917 existence of a notary public.
abolished the old bourgeois-landowner state The notary’s competence during this period
authorities, including the courts, institutes of judicial included a narrow range of actions: certifying various
investigators, prosecutorial supervision, sworn and circumstances, attesting to fidelity of copies of
private advocates.

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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

documents, authenticity of signatures and a number of The Regulation on the State Notary Office of the
other actions of a similar nature. RSFSR provided for the establishment of state notary
After the Revolution of 1917, Decree No. 1 on offices in all cities of the Russian Federation, as well
the court as of November 24, 1917 weakened the role as in the most significant rural areas. In areas where
of the notary, having practically abolished it. notaries were not established, the exercise of notarial
However, in the acts of the new government aimed at functions, with the exception of the commission of
scrapping the old bureaucratic apparatus, the notary acts and the certification of treaties, was entrusted to
was first mentioned on March 23, 1918, when the lay judges.
SNK of Moscow and the Moscow province adopted a Notary offices were headed by notaries
resolution that repealed the “current Regulation on the appointed by the presidiums of provincial Soviets of
notarial part” and introduced a new Regulation on the people’s judges from among persons enjoying
municipalization of notaries. The notary received its electoral rights and having passed special tests under
further development in 1919 in a decree on court No. the program approved by the People’s Commissariat
2, in which it was emphasized that notarial acts are of Justice.
performed by notaries, and if they are absent, by The labor of notaries was paid by the state. It also
persons replacing them. In 1919, the notary exercised control: supervision of the activities of the
departments were replaced by notary tables. It was notaries and general methodological guidance were
also proposed, as necessary, to establish notary desks assigned to the People’s Commissariat of the RSFSR.
- in the cities under the judicial and investigative The operational management and control over the
divisions of the provincial departments of justice, and activities of notaries was carried out by the Presidiums
in counties - at local people’s courts. Thus, the of the provincial Soviets of people’s judges [5].
question of the need for a notary public in the Soviet The People’s Commissariat approved a network
Republic was resolved nevertheless in favor of the of notary offices. Presidiums of provincial councils of
existence of a notary public. people’s judges were required to periodically check
The notary’s competence during this period the activities of notaries, accept and verify reports and
included a narrow range of actions: certifying various summaries. In addition, they examined complaints
circumstances, attesting to fidelity of copies of about notarial acts or refusal to perform them.
documents, authenticity of signatures and a number of So, the notary moves to the exclusive 15
other actions of a similar nature[3]. competence of the state, leaves private practice in
In particular, the decree of the Council of order to return again after several decades. However,
People’s Commissars of the RSFSR as of 08.08.1921 with the formation of the USSR on notary, there was
“On the provision of the property of owners of a Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of
demunicipalized buildings with the character of the USSR and the Council of People’s Commissars of
onerous alienation” provided for transactions on the the USSR “on the basic principles of organizing
alienation of buildings at their location in the notaries”, adopted on May 14, 1926. This decision
provincial departments of justice or in county justice was enacted by the Decree of the CEC of the USSR
bureaus under pain of their invalidity. The Regulation and CPC USSR on the enactment of the Decree of the
of 30.09.1921 “On State Contracts and Deliveries” CEC and CPC USSR “On the basic principles of the
established the mandatory registration of contract or organization of notary public”, i.e. August 26, 1926,
supply agreements made by state bodies with private at the same time the legislative act was supplemented.
individuals in provincial departments of justice or in The CEC and the Council of People’s Commissars of
county bureau of justice. The Presidium of the the USSR, by their resolution, set out Article 18 of the
Moscow City Council on December 14, 1921 issued a Decree of the CEC of the USSR as of October 29,
decree “On the registration of acts and documents for 1924 “On the Basics of the Judicial System of the
all kinds of transactions”, which stipulated that in case Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Union
of a non-registration of a transaction between Republics” as follows: “For notarization of
government bodies and private individuals, guilty transactions and other notarial acts, other notary
officials are liable and private individuals are fined. offices are established, which are administered and
Thus, the notary should have become one of the their respective courts and operating under their direct
state bodies whose duties included monitoring the control and supervision [6, 251]. According to the
legality of civil circulation, the legitimacy of the Decree of 1926, “the maintenance of state notarial
activities of private capitalist elements, and the bodies, including the remuneration of notaries and
observance of state interests. other employees of these bodies, shall be carried out
On October 4, 1922, the last “pre-union” at the expense of fees for notarial acts. Fees for
normative legal act on notaries was adopted - the notarial acts are special funds of the People’s
Regulation on State Notaries, which completed the Commissariats of Justice of the subject republics for
creation of a notary system after 1917 as independent the maintenance of state notarial bodies of these
state institutions [4]. republics. The policy and leadership of the state notary
public was developed and maintained by the Ministry

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

of Justice of the USSR and, accordingly, the Ministry bodies performing notarial acts, as well as individual
of Justice of the Kyrgyz SSR. Citizens of the USSR officials certifying wills and powers of attorney,
who had a higher legal education, in some cases did which were equated with notarized documents [8, 5-
not have a higher legal education, but provided that 6].
they had worked for at least three years as a lawyer, Republican laws developed the provisions of the
were appointed notaries. Notaries were not entitled to Union Law, detailing the procedure for each notarial
engage in any other activities, except for scientific and act. In the RSFSR, the Law “On State Notaries” was
teaching. Elective positions could no longer be adopted on August 2, 1974.
occupied. State notaries - non-profit institutions were In 1974, the legislation of the Kyrgyz SSR on
maintained at the expense of the republican budget notaries was substantially updated. On the basis of the
according to the estimates of the Ministry of Justice of Law of the USSR Union “On State Notaries” dated
the Kyrgyz SSR. Notarial acts could be performed by July 19, 1973, the Law of the Kyrgyz SSR was
both state notaries and executive committees of the adopted on June 25, 1974: Notarial acts could be
Soviets of Workers’ Deputies. In 1936, the Kyrgyz performed by both state notaries and executive
SSR was formed, since it was a union state, legislative committees of the Soviets of Workers’ Deputies. In
acts did not have an independent character and only connection with the transition to market economic
reproduced the provisions of union laws, and this went relations, the diversity of forms of ownership, the
on for almost forty years. Economic and political development of entrepreneurship, and access to
processes, systematization and codification of economic spaces, the need arose to reform notaries.
legislation necessitated the development and adoption The Law of the Kyrgyz SSR of 1974 [9] was in force
of a new all-Union act on state notaries. The sixth until May 30, 1998, with the adoption of the current
session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the VIII Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Notaries" No. 70
convocation on July 19, 1973 adopted the Law of the [10]. Notarial acts today are performed by notaries or
USSR “On State Notaries”. The law contained three authorized officials. The choice to which notary
groups of norms: peremptory, which without change (public, private, public or authorized official) to apply
were included in republican laws; imposing an the citizen makes himself, except when the question
obligation on the Union republics to resolve certain relates to the range of issues that only the public
issues when issuing a republican law; granting the notary is dealing with.
right to the Union republics, depending on their At present, state notaries perform 21 notarial
discretion, to resolve certain issues not resolved in the acts, they often make various civil transactions,
Law of the USSR [7]. implied as actions of citizens and legal entities
A positive point, in the opinion of Lesnitskaya, directed to establish, amend or terminate civil rights
was that the Law not only regulated the activities of and obligations[11].
notaries, but also determined the competence of other


1. Alferov, I. A. (2006). The emergence and 5. Bogomolova, E. (2004). From the scribe to the
development of notarial institutions in Russia. notary. Ezh-Yurisg. No. 46.
Legislation. No. 1. 6. Romanovskaya, O. V., & Romanovsky, G. B.
2. (1923). The Code of Civil Procedure. A draft (2001). Organization of notaries in Russia.
developed by the People’s Commissariat of Moscow: Prior.
Justice, with an explanatory note. Moscow. 7. (n.d.). Retrieved 2019, from
3. (1921). Decree of 03.21.1921 “On the https://ru.sputnik.kg/Kyrgyzstan
replacement of food and raw materials by a tax 8. Lesnitskaya, L. F., et al. (1990) Notary in the
in kind”. Retrieved 2019, from USSR. Moscow.
http://www.libussr.ru 9. (n.d.). Law of the Kyrgyz SSR “On State
4. Panini, A., Goryachev, M., & Razuvaev, V. Notaries” of June 25, 1974.
(2005). Actual materials about the law. Daily 10. (n.d.). Entered into force on January 1, 1975 by
informational and analytical publication on the a resolution of the Supreme Council of the
law and legislation of the Russian Federation. Kyrgyz SSR of June 25, 1974. Retrieved 2019,
Compiled and edited SPB. from https://online.zakon.kz

Philadelphia, USA 379

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

11. (n.d.). Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On 12. Syrgakova, Z. A. (2016). Invalidity of
Notaries” dated May 30, 1998 No. 70. By a transactions: History and current status.
current order. Retrieved 2019, from Scientific almanac, N 8-2 (22). P.79
minjust.gov.kg http://ucom.ru/doc/na.2016.08.02.078

Philadelphia, USA 380

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Ziada Amanturovna Syrgakova
KNU named after J. Balasagyn,
Candidate of Law,
Associate Professor of the Department of Civil,
Labor and Environmental rights
Faculty of Law, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Abstract: The article discusses the evolution of the development of the notary institution from Ancient Rome to
the pre-revolutionary period.
Key words: history, origin, formation, notary institution, notary, tabellion, scribes, notaries.
Language: English
Citation: Syrgakova, Z. A. (2019). History of development of the institute of notary in pre-revolutionary period.
ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 381-384.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-69 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.69
Scopus ASСC: 2308.

Introduction agreements and contracts under state control for a fee,

It seems possible to single out a number of and then registered them with the judiciary [5, 51].
features that allow us to assume with sufficient Their duties included not only the compilation of
confidence about the approximate time of the notary. various messages and petitions, but also the
The word notary comes from the Latin word “nota” certification of various transactions. There were two
meaning a sign. The history of notaries dates back to categories of scribes: those in the public service
Ancient Rome. The term “notary” comes from the (sciibae) and in the maintenance of private individuals
Latin word “nota” - “sign”. The word “notary” meant (exceptores et notarii).
“scribe”, “scribbler”. From here follows the formation The first ones were elected by the magistrate for
of the words “notarialis” - notarized [1, 4]. life from Roman citizens who were not deprived of
Meanwhile, many historians of jurisprudence turn to their civil honor. They prepared public documents,
the monuments of ancient Babylon [2, 28]. According kept public accounts, made extracts and issued copies
to historical sources, notary services were used in the of these documents, as well as prepared decrees and
states of the Ancient East and in the Roman Empire orders of the magistrate and kept them. In praetor
[3,5]. However, in other ancient states there was a trials, the scribes were in the public service and
layer of people who are the forerunners of today’s received a salary from him, they kept a judicial journal
notary public, these are ancient clerks who were in which all the most important features of the case
entrusted with fixing and securing the legal force of were added to the memory of the judge.
various documents, such people were called The second were, as a rule, freedmen, self-
agoranomosy in Ancient Egypt, or hieromemnes or employed, and slaves. They performed clerical
epistates in Ancient Greece [4,7]. For the first time functions at the discretion of their master, but these
the history of notaries was described in detail in 1875 documents were not of an official nature.
by N. Lyapidevsky. He argued that the notary However, there was a third, special category of
appeared in Ancient Rome, where there were a special people engaged in the execution of legal documents
kind of scribes - tabellions, who did not serve in the and materials - tabellionns. They were free people
public service, but carried out legal execution of who were not in the service of the state and with
private individuals, representing a kind of

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

independent corporation. Tabellions were engaged in contributed to the development of notaries, whose
drafting for all comers legal acts and court papers for competence by the 7th century, goes beyond the
remuneration and under state control. The Tabellions framework of “church” affairs.
provided legal assistance by drafting agreements and Historically, the competence of the Russian
contracts for any person contacting them. Documents Orthodox Church included family and inheritance
issued by Tabellions officially possessed the increased matters, considered by special persons - sovereign,
evidentiary power, a dispute about the authenticity of thousand and governor. In addition, priests and
which was not allowed. The tabellions registered the deacons, namofilaks and hartofilaks were the
documents they compiled with the judicial authorities, custodians of books, letters and paperwork under the
introducing them into the judicial protocol in order to bishop himself. In this form, notarial production is
give the documents the significance of a public act emerging in Russia, which is largely closely
and, according to N. Lyapidevsky [6,2], protect the act connected with church charters, as, incidentally, is the
from loss. Only a free Roman citizen with the whole life of that time [12,102]. Orthodoxy as an
appropriate legal knowledge could become a organized religious institution entrenched in Russia at
tabellion, which, combined with the importance of the end of the first millennium.
their activities, predetermined the high social status of An important event in the history of the state in
the tabellions - Cicero called them an “honorable general and of the notary public as a legal institution
estate” [7.35]. in particular is connected with the name of John III
Subsequently, tabellions and notaries formed the Vasilievich. Written legal transactions were
basis of the institute, which, having received a wide established by the Judiciary, which the prince
distribution in Italy and the new name “notary”, along approved by a high decree in 1497.
with Roman law was accepted and assimilated by the On February 7, 1613, the Zemsky Sobor
new European peoples [8,4]. announced Mikhail Fedorovich to be the Tsar. The
Relatively accurate time of the emergence of the time of the reign of the first Romanov is characterized
notary institution in Russia of the XV - XVI centuries by the active participation of government bodies in the
and with its development, “a lot was borrowed from commission of private legal acts and the preparation
foreign notaries, since by the time it appeared in of documents, which had a definite effect on the
Russia, notaries were already known in other gradually developing institute of Russian notaries.
countries” [9,4], it seems not quite correct. According to the decree of Mikhail Fedorovich in
A notary as a body of pre-trial jurisdiction arises 1635, all loan agreements, luggage and loans were to
in a state-organized society with the advent of the be executed without fail in writing under pain of their
relevant categories of cases requiring such complete invalidity. Acts of the purchase of yards in
consideration. Moscow were recorded in the Zemsky order.
Naturally, the notary institution appeared in Under him, the activities of the local clerks, as
Russia as a result of the development of civil well as the duma clerks in the Razryadny and
circulation, the need of the economy for legal Ambassadorial orders, intensified. Like the tabellions
recognition and consolidation of subjective rights, and that compiled legal acts and court papers in Ancient
the need to protect private property. Practice shows Rome, arena clerk, and later clerks in Russia, were
that historically the notary has been an integral part of engaged in a similar craft, thereby laying the
the legal system of any country where the terms of foundations of the notary profession in our country.
commodity circulation are present [10,4]. The evidence of this special class of people (scribes,
It must be borne in mind that statehood as a local scribes, local clerks, clerks from the square, local
whole and its individual institutions have deeply scribes), who made up a kind of corporation of
objective foundations rooted in the origins of public professional scribes specializing in transactions, dates
life and its social organization, and therefore, the back to the 16th century.
establishment of the notary institution took into Clerks united in free artels, the purpose of which
account the state, legal, historical, social and other was to support people in this profession, to provide
features of the Russian state. mutual assistance and protection from possible
The first mentions of notarial activity that came attacks. In Moscow, written acts were made on
to us as a specialized direction in the political system Ivanovskaya Square, which gave historians the basis
of the then Russian society date back to the 16th to consider it “the main notarial organization of the
century [11,15]. However, it is undoubted that the Moscow state”. In addition, in Moscow there were
elements of notarial activity, indicating the birth of the other “large and small areas” with different
notary institution in Russia, appeared much earlier. competencies [13.5].
In Russia, as in Europe, there is a clear Cathedral Code of 1649, the Bylaws of 1729, the
connection between the institution of notaries and the Provisional Regulations on the notarial part of 1866.
church, which was directly interested in its existence, In total, by the end of the 19th century, the right to
as it was a member of civil circulation and carried out perform notarial acts had: city and exchange notaries,
jurisdictional activities in several areas. The church specialized brokers (ship, exchange, private, banking,

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

workshop, etc.), magistrates, customs officials, town of the Kokand Khanate, a document drawn up in 1856
halls, municipal councils, bailiffs and commercial should be noted. According to this document, Berdy-
verbal courts [14]. Khodt fa-minbashi, with khan’s permission, sold a
In Kyrgyzstan, as a system of bodies, it took piece of state land in the Dzhulbarmek locality to
shape only at the beginning of the 20th century. It is members of one community from the Munduz clan for
how the notary system of bodies developed quite late 10 tills. A few years later, this community resells the
although unsystematic, ruined notarial actions same land, but already for 20 tills, to another
(actions to certify transactions) were carried out by community of the same genus. The agreement was
various authorities in the Kyrgyz state long before the certified with khan’s permission by his viceroy - bek.
establishment of the notary institution. For example: The document was executed in 1873 [15, 147].
“Seven Rivers ... The capital of the ancient state of But the story does not stand still. The next step
Sogd — Somarkand, March 25, Tuesday, 711. A was the accession of Kyrgyzstan to Russia. Between
prenuptial agreement ... As a well-known person 1855 and 1867, the Kyrgyz of the northern regions
makes clear from the provisions of this agreement, the voluntarily accepted Russian citizenship, and the rules
rich Ut-tetin married Sogdian Dudgoncha, who was of the Russian law began to apply to them. The
under the tutelage of (and the former one of the wives) Kyrgyz people of Ferghana under the influence of the
the ruler of Navaket, the Sogdian city of Semirechye. Kokand Khanate were subject to Sharia. Officially,
The terms of the contract stipulate the equal rights of Ferghana and the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan
the husband and wife during marriage, as well as in became part of Russia in 1856. Despite the accession
case of divorce. The temporary obligations of the and priority of the norms of the Russian law in
parties are especially noted. The prenuptial agreement Kyrgyzstan for the settled population in the judicial
was accompanied by the groom’s obligation to the proceedings, the Kaziy court was guided by Sharia
guardian of the bride, according to which, in the event based on the Koran, and the biy court was governed
of a divorce, the husband must return the wife to a by customary law (adat).
healthy and unscathed guardian, his son, family. If this Nothing was said about the positions of notaries
condition was not fulfilled, he had to pay the same in the Kyrgyz courts, although at that time the
persons 100 drams 13 (pure silver, unblemished, Regulation on the notarial part of 1866 was already in
weighing dinars) in compensation. (Marriage force in Russia. After the entry of Kyrgyzstan into
contract. Sogdian archive from Mount Mug)” [15, Russia, our country loses its national specifics in the
p.40]. field of law, and in particular the notary public and its
The marriage contract was concluded between further development is in accordance with the norms
people “noble” on the terms of equality of both of Russian law. This accession subsequently led to
spouses, their mutual expression of will. This contract almost identical legal and, in particular, notarial
was certified in the mosque in the presence of systems of the two countries. So after accession,
witnesses. The role of the contract certifier was played Kyrgyzstan falls under the influence of Russian laws.
by the supreme dignitary of the mosque. In these Regarding the notary, the Regulation on the notarial
conditions, he is the progenitor of a modern notary. part of 1866 as a development of the judicial reform
The equality of both parties in the contract, their of 1864. Despite the annexation, the Kyrgyz continued
expression of will, is it not a condition of a civil law to live their families, communities. The strong
transaction, which is certified by a notary? The most influence of Sharia, national customs and traditions
important prerequisite for the emergence of notaries prevented the development of notaries among the
were large land disputes. Under the influence of land Kyrgyz population.
relations in the settled agricultural areas of the Institute deals were known to world civil law
Khanate, the Kyrgyz people occasionally drew up back in the days of the Roman Empire, which is often
their written documents. Among the legal documents committed to this day [16,78].


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Philadelphia, USA 384

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Mahbuba Shokirova
Fergana State University
Head French teacher Foreign languages faculty,
Fergana city, Uzbekistan
[email protected]


Abstract: In this article of the choice of words makes the language of sport lexicons and words (lexemes and
sememes) a specialized field of our study. This article presents an analytical study of language features of French
and English sport words. After brief introduction to semantic field of sport words and sport language, the work is
focused on the linguistic views and studies in French or English sport lexemes by semantic perspectives. In the
analysis we researched that connotative meaning of sport lexemes are used by sportsmen to achieve their persuasive
ends. The conclusion part concluded brief opinions. I hope that this article can illustrate on the semantic field of
sport lexemes and also provide help to copywriters and linguistic researchers (also to language learners).
Key words: sport lexemes, connotative meaning, semantic field, linguistic study, sport lexicons and vocabulary.
Language: English
Citation: Shokirova, M. (2019). Lexicon and vocabulary of sport words in linguistics. ISJ Theoretical & Applied
Science, 09 (77), 385-389.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-70 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.70
Scopus ASСC: 1203.

Introduction It is clear us that semantic analysis is equal to

In our article we will discuss the lexical and figure out the meaning of linguistic input and process
semantic field of sports lexemes. First of all, we want language to produce common-sense knowledge about
to talk about "lexicon". Lexicon is all forms known in the world (Anssi Klapuri, “Semantic analysis” Fall
an active or passive way by a given speaker (1, p.23). 2007, Page 2). We study sport lexemes by semantic
And the "vocabulary" is only the forms actively and lexical field. By these opinions show that our
known by the enunciator (1, p.23-24). Vocabularies learning field construct meaning representations of
are also called "jargons" in language (3, 304). They sport words. For cite the opinion we give an example:
are used in a given field by a particular social group. “Ronaldo scored a very beautiful goal!”(Sport
The lexeme becomes a sociolinguistic marker. news)
There are thousands of lexical units in the There are two meaning representations: 1)
language, especially in French. But nobody knows the language generation, 2) understanding it. The
totality of the French language. In this case, there are language generation mentioned all the sentence has
two different types of vocabulary: current and been told by speaker. The understanding involved
fundamental vocabulary. More than seven thousand semantic analysis. In this case we see analysis of
forms of given speaker are indicated. We do not all lexemes by meaning field.
have the same lexical battery but everyone shares a
general vocabulary.

Table 1

Noun phrase Verb Determination Noun Adjective Adverb

Ronaldo scored a goal beautiful Very
a beautiful goal

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Do semantic and lexical analysis of words in Sequential analysis of sports lexemes.

language, which will help to define the field of the In semantics the lexical unit is considered a
lexeme in the sentence or the context. To quote this sememe (3, 346), that is to say a set of semantic
theory it is useful to speak of the type positions and features called semes (3, 345). The form below
oppositions. It should be mentioned that there are two indicates:
types of opposition in lexicons: 1) active vocabulary Sememe = seme1 + seme2 + semen
and 2) passive vocabulary. “Mask” - an object that hides the body during
The passive vocabulary corresponds to the terms sports games.
of which the speaker knows the definition but which - non animated object (classeme)
he hardly uses, as for example the lexeme for a non- - which hides the legs (specific seme)
linguist. The active vocabulary corresponds to the - and who hides the body (semanteme)
units known and used by the speaker: fundamental - during sports games (virtuous)
vocabulary and specialized vocabulary. Some Only distinguishing features will be the subject
specialized terms can fit into the current vocabulary in of a semic analysis in relation to a semantic field of
sport (the field, the ball), so some common terms can units. Non-distinctive traits refer to the reference in
specialize in some technical vocabularies (electronic the world and no longer to a field of linguistic units.
board). (9, 3-6). Classemes are the distinctive and obligatory
Of course, lexicology studies the branch of semes that consist of a particle of fundamental
theoretical linguistics concerning lexemes and the meaning:
lexicon. And lexicography applied to the making of
dictionaries. Today, we also speak about dictionary.

Picture 1

A sememe always belongs to a lexical field(10, generally represent the semic analysis of the sememes
7-8). That is, it is semantically related to other lexical of the same lexical field in matrix form, according to
units. For example, the lexeme sport will be part of the the model proposed by Bernard Pottier [11.]:
same lexical field as football, ball, rugby etc. We

Table 2

For having fun For one person with backrest with arms
SEME S1 S2 S3 S4
S A game + + + -
E A match + + + +
M A competiton + + - -
M The championat + - + Ø

Philadelphia, USA 386

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Hyperonymy and hyponymy in language The phenomenon of designating a notion up to a

concerning sports lexemes. maximal hyperonym is called pantonymy. In this,
We know that these two terms help to find the lexical sports units such as "the ball", "the stadium",
semantic field and lexicon of the lexemes. In "the goal", "the teams" and "the match" that can refer
particular, the field of sense is more important on the to people, objects, or more abstract notions are
componential analysis of words. The remarks defining considered pantonyms.
these terms are: Examples:
• The hyperonym is a term whose meaning 1) Pass me the ball, fast!
includes the meaning of other terms: its hyponyms. 2) The stadium is a place for sports games.
• The co-hyponyms are in an inclusion relation 3) Do not talk to me about these teams, said
to a whole: the hyperonym. Jerome, who is angry at the bad game(10, 3-4).
ex. Football is a hyponym of sport (its Synonymy of lexemes on the theme.
meaning refers to a type of ...) These are co-hyponyms that can be switched in
It must be said that hyperonyms are also called the same context on the syntagmatical axis and have a
archisémèmes or archilexèmes (3, 11). large number of semes in common. This is the case for
About pantonymy in language. “judge” and “referee”:

Table 3

in a place of legal
SEME Human field of In sport field movement
S The juge + + - +
E The referee + + + -

However, it is very rare to find a total synonymy However, the second will be felt as belonging to a
of two terms within a language. If this happens, we are familiar register (1, 12-14).
generally dealing with record differences with Polysemy that agrees to sports terms.
sociolinguistic implications. This is the case for "the We know that polysemy corresponds to the
judge" and "the referee" who have the same semes. property that some lexical units have several

Table 4

Sememe Semantic field

The thread The object for sewing. We invent the
Lexeme sense: the cotton, the synthetics, the
"The rope" skin.
The rope The object to hold the body during
sporting actions like mountaineering,
polo; basketball wire, goalkeeper.
The string The object to sew the bag, the
sleeping bag or the name of a word
even using: the string

We propose a semic analysis of the sememe "a

ball" in the form of a tree structure in the
transformational generative tradition:

Philadelphia, USA 387

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

• a ball of canon
a ball • this is for war

• a ball of the match:

football or handball
a ball etc.
• this is for sport

• a ball or ballon is a
toy of kids.
a ball
• this is for kids to

Picture 2

It is the speech setting that will disambiguate and semantic relations between the sememes. There are
render the lexical units monosemic. From polysemic four main types:
to language, the lexeme becomes monosemic in word. • analogical relationship (similarity /
It is very rare that a lexical unit is completely identification);
monosemic in language, except for some lexemes that • topological (spatial) relationship;
are part of a very specialized vocabulary: • chronological relationship (causative /
For example: a hadron = chemical particle consecutive);
capable of strong interaction. • Implicative relationship (extensive /
In other cases, even if the ambiguity remains restrictive).
possible at the time of the utterance: These relationships are marked by terminology
What are all these balls? (says before a beating coming from rhetoric. We know that the analogical
while preparing for war). relationship is called metaphor. The three others are
Most of the time, the polysemic lexeme goes grouped under the name of metonymy: the process of
into speech and is monosemized: taking a word for another to which it is bound by a
Oh, I saw a ball! (Monosemy). logical relation of contiguity (5, 123. Ch. IV).
Oh, I heard a strong voice from the balls! (object The antonomase is both metaphor (analogy) and
for the big rifle). synecdoche (the prototype of a set). It is a process of
I studied about balloons of Montgolfiers. (object, using a proper name as a common noun to designate a
tool, thing) particular individual as belonging to a typical
I study sports balls versus type. (rather types or character group.
kinds of sport such as rugby, football or basketball). The footballer = a player in football.
I took a balloon for my son (the object or the toy Mohammad Salah = a football genius today.
to play for the kids). Campnovo = a famous stadium by El-Klassiko.
The network that is established between
certain lexical units at the time of the To conclude, there are many different ways to
contextualization will be called isotopy. research the lexicons and lexemes in terms of
It is therefore the isotopic phenomenon that semantic and lexical field. Both analyses words by
makes the lexeme monosemize in speech. In this case meaning and sides on using in sentences. Learning the
we must insist on the "logical links". There are logico- meaning field of words can help definite aspects of
languages and their values.

Philadelphia, USA 388

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


1. Azizov, O. (1982). Theory of linguistics. 9. Syumko, E. O. (2010). Futbolnie fanaty Anglii //

Tashkent. XIV All-Russian conference with international
2. Iskandarova, S. (2007). The meaning field of participation of students, graduate students and
language. Tashkent. young scientists "Science and Education" (April
3. (2007). Le Petit Larousse. CEDEX 2007 PARIS, 19–23 2010): Ch 6, Vyp. II : Filologiya. CH. 2:
France. Aktual'nyye problemy izucheniya inostrannykh
4. (2009). Oxford English dictionary. Oxford yazykov; GOU VPO «Tomskiy
University Press, UK. gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet».
5. (2017). The Oxford French-English – English- Tomsk: Izdatel'stvo TGPU.
French dictionary. Oxford University Press, 10. Temnova, Y. V. (2004). Sovremennyye
UK. podkhody k izucheniyu diskursa. YAzyk,
6. (2009). Dictionnary french-uzbek French soznaniye, kommunikatsiya: sb. statey / otv. red.
Embassy in Uzbekistan, Tashkent. V. V. Krasnykh, A. I. Izotov. M. (Eds.). MAKS
7. (2000). Encyclopedic book of Uzbek language. Press. Vyp. 26.
Том I – IX. Movarounnahr, Tashkent 11. (n.d.). Retrieved 2019, from Wikipedia.org:
8. (n.d.). Retrieved 2019, from Bernard Pottier.

Philadelphia, USA 389

ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 09 Volume: 77

Published: 30.09.2019 http://T-Science.org

Yorkin Suyunov
Tashkent state university of economics,
Ph.D student,
Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract: The article discusses the financial reporting of financial assets in a reliable way to assess the true
value (but not the historical cost) of financial assets, and on the other hand, it helps attract more contracting investors
into the oil and gas industry. It also examines the classification and practice of financial investment, its economic
content and its role in the modernizing economy. Existing problems in increasing financial investment were identified
and important recommendations were developed.
Key words: accounting, investments, stock, loans, contributions under a partnership, the profitability analysis,
the dynamics of financial investments.
Language: English
Citation: Suyunov, Y. (2019). Topical issues of financial accounting of investment. ISJ Theoretical & Applied
Science, 09 (77), 390-392.
Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-77-71 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.09.77.71
Scopus ASСC: 2001.

Introduction In the current globalization, the economic

The task of further strengthening the socially activity of any business entity is directly related to the
oriented market economy in the Republic of investment process. The economic growth of
Uzbekistan in the Year of Active Investments and enterprises depends on a number of factors, and above
Social Development requires the implementation of all, one of the key factors determining efficiency. This
large-scale comprehensive programs for its is evidenced by the fact that structural transformations
modernization and structural diversification as well as carried out in Uzbekistan in the last decades of the
the active emission and investment policy. 21st century are mainly aimed at improving the
Implementation of measures to enhance the efficiency of investment activities. [1]
innovative development of the real sector of the The above-mentioned circumstances have led to
economy and development of export potential, the need for a large-scale investment activity in our
competitiveness of commodity producers were country, targeted research on the analysis of
identified as important directions of the national investment activity in the activities of economic
economy. At the same time, serious shortcomings in entities, and a systematic study of the theoretical
attraction of financial investment resources and foundations of this process. The goal is liberalization
implementation of investment projects are in progress. of entrepreneurial activity, creation of favorable
The article addresses structural changes aimed at conditions for foreign and domestic investors. First of
the systematic increase of financial investments in the all, it is the formation of a long-term investment
conditions of modernization and diversification of the mechanism that is economically, legally and
economy, ensuring financial stability of the oil and gas organizationally sound. This implies a need for a
industry, one of the competitive advantages, further radical review and systematic review of the
improving the financial support mechanism for the methodology of accounting for financial investments
industry. Assistance in the implementation of state in enterprises.
capacity building programs and financial investments
improvement of accounting and audit systems, one of Literature review
the mechanisms of management of estates. The oil and gas industry is one of the leading
sectors of the national economy. Financial

Philadelphia, USA 390

ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

investments by the leading companies in the sector are he concluded that it is impossible to define definitions,
important for the financial sustainability of the sector. definitions of "financial investments" and "financial
Reliable data bases are needed to form financial assets" in terms of the nature of financial investments
investments and analyze their effectiveness. and their functional role in the capital cycle. In
Bookkeeping, economic analysis and audit play an particular, M.V. In her research, Levina proposed
important role in this regard. The issues of organizing various classification methods for the following
and improving financial accounting and auditing have strategies to further enhance the reliability and
been studied by a number of foreign and local reporting of external and internal reporting disclosing
scholars. Marina Zaharioia, a foreign scientist who has financial investments: implementation strategies:
done research on this issue, has studied the use of trade strategy (effective cash management for
financial instruments in public-private partnerships in additional profit) performed under);
the European Union. [2] internationalization strategy (access to new markets);
Russian scientist A.V. Abramova also conducted business diversification strategy; integration strategy;
research on this issue and used the main categories of strategy of stabilizing its position in the network (this
financial markets used in accounting terminology, classification group assumes full or partial control of
such as "investments", "securities", "financial financial investments from the previous investor);
instruments", "financial assets", "financial liabilities", strategy of on-net financial support. [3]
"financial investments". "and others. In his research,

Fig. Aspects of financial management.

Source: https://kfknowledgebank.kaplan.co.uk/financial-management

T.V. Pashchenko, Yu.Tarasova researches the According to another economist MK Pardaev,

methodology of formation of reserves for impairment "Investment refers to the transfer of property of an
of financial investments. As a result, they have investor to an entrepreneurial entity for the purpose of
developed factors that influence the real cost of social and economic benefits of the investor's money,
financial investments. [4] securities, technology and technology, machinery and
According to local scientists AA Karimov, equipment, property rights and intellectual property."
"Financial investments are the assets of the enterprise . [6]
that are under its control for the purpose of earning Financial investments are invested in financial
income (such as interest, royalties, dividends and rent) assets, which include all types of capital, payment and
and increasing the cost of capital." [5] financial liabilities. The most important of these

Philadelphia, USA 391

ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

financial instruments are securities (stocks) and debt According to paragraph 7 of this Standard,
(bonds). entities that present a distinction between working
Given the fact that foreign and local scholars do capital and long-term assets in their financial
not fully understand the problems associated with the statements show short-term (current) financial
practice of accounting financial investments in the investments as working capital for up to one year, and
country and their elimination in the research on the long-term financial investments. shall be recognized
criteria for recognition and classification of financial as non-current assets with a term of more than one
investments as an object of accounting, this issue is year. [10]
not considered today. It is relevant every day and Financial investments are assets that an investor
requires further research. invests in an increase in the value of invested capital
or other benefits for the purpose of earning income (in
Analysis and results the form of interest, royalties, dividends and rent).
The development strategy of the enterprise is
realized through investment activity and thus comes Conclusions/ Recommendations
into play. It combines complex systems and means for The following are some suggestions related to
achieving long-term goals. The system of investing the restructuring and diversification of the economy of
activities is the placement and management of the country, the creation and improvement of financial
investments at any level of enterprise management. investments in the enterprises of the oil and gas
The system of investment activities is not only an industry in the modernization of production:
economic entity, but also a key element of an entire - clarify the differences in the concepts of
economic system, regardless of the size and the future "investments", "securities", "financial instruments",
development strategy. "financial assets", "financial liabilities", "financial
According to the definition in IAS 12 Financial investments" on principles classified in international
Investments: Financial investments are assets that an financial reporting standards;
investor invests in profit (in the form of interest, - Integrated approach to reflecting financial
royalties, dividends, and rent) or other assets used by investment in the form of financial statements in
the investor for other benefits. is understood. accounting and financial results in classifying
financial investments.


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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350



53. Safarova, Z.
Factors of the development of art in Uzbekistan during World War II. ………………………... 301-306

54. Orifova, S.
Emotional stress and preventing it in an adolescence stage. ……………………………………. 307-309

55. G’oyibnazarova, N. R.
Integration between mother tongue and mathematics in primary education. …………………... 310-312

56. Soliyeva, M.
Regional diplomacy in central Asia: experience of Uzbekistan. ……………………………….. 313-316

57. Akhmedova, D.
Functional and stylistic features of parts of Persian language speech in newspaper texts. …….. 317-331

58. Galitskaya, L. V., Diagileva, N. M., Metelitsa, N. G., & Travnikova, O. E.

Innovative approach to solving medical errors. ………………………………………………… 332-336

59. Al-Sukkry, L. M., Abo Nasriya A. H.

DFT Investigation of CH2O adsorption on pristine and doped Fullerene C32. …………………. 337-340

60. Poulmarc’h, M., Laneri, N., & Hasanov, E.

Innovative approach to the research of ethnographic-archaeological heritage in Ganja based on
materials of kurgans. ……………………………………………………………………………. 341-345

61. Azizov, N. N.
The author’s depiction of person and his attitude in the novel “Thousand and one appearance”. 346-349

62. Utambetova, A. Z.
Origins of the formation of historical and epic works in Berdah 's work. ……………………… 350-353

63. Isgandarova, V. F.
To the question on the research of constructions of verbs (Transitivity and intransitivity). …… 354-356

64. Alimov, T. A.
Gender and translation studies in perspective of the Uzbek linguistics. ……………………… 357-360

65. Kobilov, U. U.
The images of the prophets in the poetry of Alisher Navoi. ……………………………………. 361-367

66. Ugrekhelidze, I., Dolidze, N., & Darsavelidze, K.

Formation of the information base of Georgian national clothes. ……………………………… 368-371

67. Kuranbekov, A.
Interpretation of Turkic borrowing in Hafiz 's work. …………………………………………… 372-376

68. Syrgakova, Z. A.
Historical aspects of the institute of notary in the soviet period. ……………………………….. 377-380

69. Syrgakova, Z. A.
History of development of the institute of notary in pre-revolutionary period. ………………… 381-384

Philadelphia, USA 393

ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

70. Shokirova, M.
Lexicon and vocabulary of sport words in linguistics. …………………………………………. 385-389

71. Suyunov, Y.
Topical issues of financial accounting of investment. ………………………………………….. 390-392

Philadelphia, USA 394

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

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1.042 1.950 3.860 4.102 6.015 8.716
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Impact Factor PIF (India) 1.619 1.940
Impact Factor IBI (India) 4.260
Impact Factor OAJI (USA) 0.350

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


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nalDetails&issn=23084944&uid=rd1775 http://s-o-i.org/

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49 http://www.daij.org/journal-detail.php?jid=94

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
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4944&submit=Submit http://www.israjif.org/single.php?did=2308-4944

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

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International Research Journals International Institute of Organized Research
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cal-applied-science http://www.i2or.com/indexed-journals.html

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

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