St. James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin November 22, 2020 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe

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James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin November 22, 2020 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 14-15, 2020

Envelopes $1,336.00
Offertory 311.51
Candles 27.00
Building & Improvements 30.00
Wearing of facemasks are NOW REQUIRED during Mass TOTAL $1,734.51
inside of St. James Place. Thank you for your cooperation.
MASS SCHEDULE - NESHKORO Nov. 25 (Wed) -- 7:00 PM AA Meeting (in basement)
Saturday, November 21 – 4:00 PM Nov. 29 (Sun) -- CCW Basket Raffle Drawing
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions after 9:30 AM Mass
Intentions: Mike Sullivan, Dec. 6 (Sun) -- 1:00 PM Magnum Opus Full Light
Living Members of the CCW Ballet Performance
Servers: TBA (at St. James)
Lector: Larry Kane Dec. 12 (Sat) -- 1:00 PM Diocese of Madison Men’s
Eucharistic: Kathy Fitzgerald Retreat (at St. James)
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz,
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy
Sunday, November 22 – 9:30 AM Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
Intentions: Anton & Pearl Pindel You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You
Servers: TBA sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace
Lector: Paul Kornaus You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Eucharistic: Jack Nation Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft
Saturday, November 28 – 4:00 PM The St. James CCW will again have a Basket Raffle during the
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions month of November. The cost of the tickets is 6 for $5.00.
Intentions: Bob Guenterberg, Jr., Jack Nehmer
Servers: TBA • The baskets will be on display the entire month of
Lector: Pierce Reese-Grimm November.
Eucharistic: Pearl Reese, Pierce Reese-Grimm
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, • November 21, 22, 28 & 29 you can buy tickets.
Brian Ronspies
• November 29 we will have the drawing immediately
Sunday, November 29 – 9:30 AM
after Mass. No tickets will be sold after the 9:30 AM
Intentions: Peggy Schultz,
Mass on Sunday, November 29.
Health of J. J. Wheaton
Servers: TBA
Eucharistic: Dick & Paula Pfaller INFORMATION
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft The Annual Catholic Appeal wrap-up flyer is available at This information
PRAYER LIST indicates participation and performance information as well as
This week remember Aspen Ladwig, Barbara Faccio, Carole how the funds collected will be used to meet our spiritual and
Nation, John Ronspies, Joyce Vetrone, Jeanette Harmon, material needs. Thank you to all who participated in this
Donna Paris, Roberta Naparalla, Ken Finnemore, Mary Jean important part of parish and diocesan life!
Nielsen, Betty Rohde, Julie Swartz, Sharon Bennett, Madison Diocese Office of Stewardship & Development
Jerry Wallander, Joe Schumitsch, Jim Schurk, Christina Hope,
Grant Wolf, Susan DeLain, Keith Farnham, Jan Schiro,
Vic Schiro, Gail Fitzgerald, Marge Matthias, Dorothy Kasubaski,
Jason Philps, Ray Trudell, and all the shut-ins of St. James St. John’s will be taking orders for traditional Christmas cutout
sugar cookies. The price is $5.00 per dozen. Pick up will be
Friday, December 11, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the St. John’s
PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR THE SICK Catholic School lobby. To order, contact Cheryle Nickel
(920/295-6577), Patti Garro (920/299-6016), or Becky Streck
When someone is seriously ill or in the hospital, it is up to family
(920/295-3541). The deadline to order is Tuesday,
members to notify Fr. Grubba or the Parish Office,
December 1. Proceeds will benefit Wisconsin’s Original
(920) 295-6209 or (920) 293-4211, and their names will be listed
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine.
in the bulletin the next week so that they may be remembered
with prayers and letters. This week I would ask that you
remember…Shut-ins of the parish.

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St. James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin November 22, 2020 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


(Has gone virtual for the rest of 2020).
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least
brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Your care and concern for others should start with your
spouse. Learn to love to the fullest by going on a virtual
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend from the comfort of
FULL LIGHT BALLET your home on November 13-15 or December 4-6. There is also
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, @ 1:00 PM (at St. James) a virtual experience January 12 – February 2, in a series of two
sessions per week for three weeks of roughly 2 hours each.
Tickets for Magnum Opus’ full-length ballet, Full Light, set to the
score of Handel’s Messiah are now available. It will take place For more information, visit our Website at:
at St. James Place in Neshkoro, on Sunday, December 6, at or call (888) 574-5653.
1:00 PM. Tickets may be purchased from Paula Pfaller
(920/765-3838), Judy Nikolai (920/295-2045) or online at DEEPEN YOUR FAITH WITH THE CATHOLIC HERALD
Every week the Catholic Herald keeps readers up to date
“LIGHTS OF LOVE” with briefs and in-depth articles from Catholic News Service on
The Ripon Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. is sponsoring its events around the nation and the world. In the issue of
33rd annual holiday project called “Lights of Love,” and raffle. November 19, 2020, the Catholic Herald also includes a special
Proceeds from this year’s project will be used to fund three Senior section that addresses issues pertinent to senior citizens.
$1,000 scholarships for high school seniors planning to pursue
Learn more about your Catholic faith by reading the Catholic
a career in health care. Because of COVID-19, fundraising
Herald. If you do not subscribe but wish to receive the Catholic
opportunities are limited, making it even more important to have
Herald, contact the Parish office.
the resources to invest in future healthcare professionals.
“Lights of Love” provides the opportunity for individuals,
groups or businesses to purchase lights in honor or memory of WISHING EVERYONE
loved ones for a gift of $5.00 or more. The colored lights on
the large holiday tree outside of Ripon Medical Center shine in
appreciation or recognition of a living friend, family
member or employee, while white bulbs are in memory of a
loved one.
Due to COVID-19, the tree lighting event will not be held this
year. However, the tree will be lit on Thursday, December 10,
with a list of names for light purchases to be published in the
Ripon Commonwealth Press. This year the very popular “Lights
of Love” raffle will not be held. It is hoped to return next year.
For more information, contact Bobbie Pollesch, “Lights of Love”
Chairperson (920/229-2746).


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, @ 1:00 PM (at St. James)
The Diocese of Madison is planning on having a Men’s
Retreat. It will be held on Saturday, December 12, starting at
1:00 PM at St. James Parish in Neshkoro, WI.
There will be at least 3 presentations on a big screen. One
of the presenters is Bishop Donald Hying. Following the
presentations at approximately 3:00 PM, Confessions will be
available, and at 4:00 PM there will be Mass.
If interested in attending, please call the St. James Parish
office at 920-293-4211 by November 24 to make a reservation
(we need a minimum of 15 people in attendance). In keeping
with the rules for gatherings, masks and social distancing will be

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