Times Times: The Abcs of Homeschooling

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AUGUST 14, 2020

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Page 7
The ABCs
of homeschooling
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Concerns over COVID-19 and its impacts has some

area parents looking to new avenues for their children’s
education this fall.
Kart race While the province announced on July 21 that stu-
dents would be returning to school this fall under “near
normal” conditions, some area parents are considering
COVID-19 Update
other options for their kids, including home and dis-
in Strathmore & tance education.
Wheatland County But there is a lot to know.
(as of August 11, 2020) “Right now, there’s a lot of confusion among parents,”
said Judy Arnall, president of the Alberta Homeschool-
81 Cases ing Association, a non-profit community organization
2 Active | 78 Recovered (albertahomeschooling.ca).
1 Death Parents who want to teach their own kids must sign
up for a home education program, said Arnall. “That’s
the legal term – if they ask for homeschooling, some of
the schools are sending them to distance education or
online, which is not parent controlled.
“When parents sign up for home education, they are
taking back responsibility for their children’s educa-
But that does not mean they necessarily have to teach,
said Arnall.
“A lot of parents are scared of teaching – they are not
confident,” she said. “But they can outsource to tutors,
have their nannies facilitate the learning, or a lot of par-
ents are getting together ‘pods’ or ‘micro-schools’ with
other parents and sharing the workload.”
If parents want to home educate, they must send a no-
tification form to a school by Sept. 30, or they will lose
their own home education funding and support, said
Arnall. In home education, parents plan, buy and deliv-
er (or delegate) the education program, and no marks
We offer digital imaging, intra-oral camera, patient education
systems, general practice IV sedation, oral sedation and nitrous
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are given.
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Across the province, there are about 30 school author-
#105f 100 Ranch Market, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 ities, including public, Catholic, charter and independ-
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS;
ent, that accept home education programs. Both online
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD; Dr. Simarjyot Randhawa BDS
and home education programs are offered by Golden
Hills School Division (GHSD) through its (The) Learn-
Look on Page 2 for ing Academy (goldenhillslearningacademy.com) and by
Town of Strathmore Christ The Redeemer Catholic Schools through its (The)
Municipal Notices Centre for Learning@Home (albertahomeeducation.ca).
Contact Us Today!
“But parents don’t have to stick with their local one – Sitting pretty
they can choose any,” said Arnall. She recommends par- Jennifer Fraser and Daiquiri, a five-year-old Australian shepherd, do a trick in Kins-
403.934.5589 ents select a program based on the activities the board men Park on Aug. 5. The pair, having performed to rave reviews on America’s Got
info@strathmoretimes.com offers and what it funds. “Parents need to choose based Talent, are now setting their sights on numerous Guinness World Records. See
on their child’s best interest.” Page 5 for more coverage.
www. StrathmoreTimes.com Continued on Page 4
Sean Feagan Photo
Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6' 2m

Town of Strathmore Community Page

PREVENTION, CONNECTION, SUPPORT Notice of Public Hearing: Bylaw 20-17
September 2, 2020 at 7:00pm
Bylaw ##20-17 proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 14-11 by re-designating
Our updates will be posted every Monday. For more information on 334 Fifth Avenue from R1 zoning to R2 zoning. The lands are legally described as
COIVD-19 visit our trusted sources at www.AlbertaHealthServices.ca Lots 18 - 20, Block 14, Plan 5894P as shown on Figure 1 below. This application
and www.Alberta.ca proposes to align the property’s zoning with the previously approved Development
Permit (DP) for a Duplex.
For more COVID-19 information: Strathmore.ca Questions? Email us
at COVID@Strathmore.ca A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be inspected by the public during regular office
hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the Town Office (680 Westchester
Road, Strathmore, AB), or can be found on the Town website
Next Council Meeting: Sept 2, 2020
Please contact the Town Office at 403-934-3133, if you would like an opportunity to
review and provide input on the proposed amendments prior to the Public Hearing.
Strathmore Lakes Partial Pathway Closure:
The Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, Strathmore Municipal
Construction has begun to replace the retaining wall and improve a section of
Building, 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore Alberta on Wednesday, September
shoreline at the south end of Strathmore Lake. This project are the first phase of
2, 2020, commencing at 7:00 pm with procedures in accordance with the Town of
a complete shoreline remediation. Reinforcing and replacing material around the
Strathmore Council Procedural Bylaw #16-18 and amendments thereto.
lake will stabilize the shoreline and trails, to provide an improved green space for
our community. Weather dependant this phase should be complete and pathways Any person or group of persons, or person acting on someone’s behalf, who claims
reopened by the end of September 2020. to be affected by any or all of the proposed bylaw may present suggestions or
concerns by making a submission to the public hearing.
Written submissions to the Public Hearing or the name of any person wishing to
make an oral presentation at the Public Hearing must be received by the Planning
and Development Department prior to 12:00 noon on Wednesday, August 26, 2020
as outlined in Bylaw #16-18 and amendments thereto. If your written submission
is not received by this time, please provide fifteen (15) copies for distribution at the
Public Hearing. Each person wishing to address Council at the Public Hearing shall
complete their verbal presentation within three minutes.
Please note that written submissions will become public documents once submitted
to the Town, unless otherwise requested.

Notice of Public Hearing: Bylaw 20-18

September 2, 2020 at 7:00pm

Bylaw ##20-18 proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 14-11 by adding a new Low
Density Residential Consolidated Land Use District. This new District will only be
available in new communities. The purpose of this new district is to reduce red-tape
associated with development approvals and to provide developers, home builders
and homeowners more flexibility during the development process.
A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be inspected by the public during regular office
hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the Town Office (680 Westchester
Road, Strathmore, AB), or can be found on the Town website

Please contact the Town Office at 403-934-3133, if you would like an opportunity to
review and provide input on the proposed amendments prior to the Public Hearing.
The Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, Strathmore Municipal
Building, 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore Alberta on Wednesday, September 2,
2020, commencing at 7:00 pm with procedures in accordance with the Town of
Strathmore Council Procedural Bylaw #16-18 and amendments thereto.
Any person or group of persons, or person acting on someone’s behalf, who claims to
be affected by any or all of the proposed bylaw may present suggestions or concerns
by making a submission to the public hearing.
Written submissions to the Public Hearing or the name of any person wishing to
make an oral presentation at the Public Hearing must be received by the Planning
and Development Department prior to 12:00 noon on Wednesday, August 26, 2020
as outlined in Bylaw #16-18 and amendments thereto. If your written submission Join Our Team!
is not received by this time, please provide fifteen (15) copies for distribution at the View our job postings at: Strathmore.ca
Public Hearing. Each person wishing to address Council at the Public Hearing shall Then send your resume to careers@strathmore.ca
complete their verbal presentation within three minutes.
Please note that written submissions will become public documents once submitted Sports Centre Attendant
to the Town, unless otherwise requested. Part Time - Casual Competition TOS2020-07

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit Strathmore.ca
August 14, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Carseland post office reopens

Leela Sharon Aheer, MLA
Tanya Payne enters
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
the Carseland Post
Office, located at
The Carseland Post Office has re- STRATHMORE OFFICE:
104 Main St., on
opened, thanks to the efforts of the local Aug. 10. The office Meetings by appointment
community. had been closed
There have been challenges surround- since an overnight 403-962-0126
ing the Carseland Post Office over the break-in in late De- Chestermere.Strathmore@
past few years. In September 2019, The cember 2019, but assembly.ab.ca
has now reopened
Times reported that a search to fill its va-
thanks to efforts by MAILING ADDRESS:
cant postmaster position yielded no ap- the local commu-
plicants, putting the future of the outlet nity.
PO Box 2527,
in peril. Then, following an overnight Sean Fegan Photo
Strathmore, AB
break-in in late December 2019, the post T1P 0H3
office closed indefinitely. For Olund, having the post office open again makes
Carseland’s post office is a group out- Carseland “feel like a town,” he said.
let, meaning its postmaster must fund the Having the post office closed was inconvenient, added
rent and utilities for the office. Finding a resident Tanya Payne.
new postmaster that was willing to foot “It was a lot of driving back and forth,” she said. “I
the bill proved difficult. work in Calgary, and sometimes I don’t get home until
But in April, the Carseland and District after 4 (p.m.), so I had parcels I couldn’t always pick
Community Association and Agricultural up.”
Society voted to provide the necessary The reopening of the post office will make life easier
rent to reopen the post office. Canada for Carseland’s residents, especially its seniors, said resi-
Post has since hired a new postmaster to dent Alison Penn.
operate the post office, meaning the “in- “We have a lot of senior citizens that can’t drive or
trusive” mail boxes in the parking lot of don’t like driving into Strathmore,” she said. “It’s a very
the Bow River Alliance Church parking nice relief.”
lot across the street will soon be gone, The reopening of the post office shows what can be
explained Bev Ross, executive assistant accomplished with a shared mindset, said Biggar. “If a
with the organization. community can get together with a common goal, they
As of Aug. 10, its doors are once again can work for the benefit of their sustainability and well-
open, much to the approval of many being.”
community members.
“The community did this,” said Wheat- ������ � �
land County Division 3 Councillor Donna
Biggar. “They fought for it and achieved
it, and I’m really proud of them for that.”
Keeping the post office was impor-
tant because it is, in effect, the centre
of Carseland, explained Glenn Olund, a
nearby rural resident.
“People always came here,” he said,
outside the office. “Then they go to the
parts store, the liquor store or the food

Calgary man drowns

in Bow River near
Times Editor

On Monday, Aug. 10, Strathmore RCMP

and Wheatland Fire Services recovered
the body of a deceased adult male in the
Bow River.
The man from Calgary went missing
while swimming in the Bow River near
Highway 24 and Wyndham Park near
Carseland on Aug. 9.
Strathmore RCMP, Wheatland Fire Ser-
vices, and a search and rescue team were
called out on the evening of Aug. 9 after
the man jumped in the river but did not
return after swimming downstream.

The man was not identified as of press

Mario Prusina Publisher Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Janet Kanters Editor Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Jacob Miller Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Florence Kalia

125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589

Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
Now is a great time to buy!
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited. Lots of great properties AND
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to mortgages rates are LOW!
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative. Call me to arrange your personal
viewing of properties.

www.StrathmoreTimes.com Tammy Lambert - Realtor

Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Hussar woman
found safe
Times Editor

A Hussar-area woman was found safe after disappearing

from her home on Aug. 8.
Donna Sevcik was located on Aug. 10 in a field approxi-
mately three kilometres from her residence. She was trans-
ported via STARS to a Calgary hospital with minor injuries.
Bassano RCMP said the 74-year-old was last seen at her
residence near Range Road 194 and Township Road 255 out-
side of Hussar on Aug. 8. According to the RCMP, Sevcik has
Pass the Salt
WHY DID SARAH LAUGH? to reveal who this guest truly
medical issues that require attention and also suffers from The question in the title is one is – the Lord, something neither
dementia. asked by God in one of the Sarah nor Abraham had any
Badlands Search and Rescue, Calgary Search and Rescue, scripture readings set for the reason to suspect up to that point.
and RCMP members actively patrolled and searched for Sevcik second Sunday after Pentecost. And then the passage uses that
to verify her well-being and assist in returning her home. Abraham has extended generous revelation as a segue to a far more
hospitality to three strangers, one important question, “Is anything
of whomHillsannounces
School Division
that by buses too wonderful
this sit idle in a lot in for the Lord?”While
Strathmore. – a the buses are set to hit the road again bringing kids to
time this
nextfall, they
year, maychildless
Sarah, be less full, as question
many area parents
which are considering
demands the home and distance education.
and well past menopause, will answer, “No!” Sean Feagan Photo
give birth to a son. Overhearing Here, as elsewhere in Genesis,

Unit D,
202 Canal Court,
Homeschooling impacts
this while alone in her tent, Sarah
The scripture passage doesn’t
and indeed throughout scripture,
this God reveals himself to women
and men as the God who does the
actually tell
Continued fromusPage
why Sarah
1 laughed, impossible, as “the God who gives GHSD is currently exploring alterna-
Strathmore, AB but that has not stopped Biblical life to the dead and calls into being tive options for parents currently hesi-
But it may not mostly men, from
really matter whichthe things onethatparents
were not”,ultimately
as Paul tant about having their child return to
pick. her for it – certain that will summarize later in Romans 4. school, but who are also not comforta-
403.934.6044 they know her laughter to be of a In a time when life seems
“They all offer the same funding,” she said. “The require- ble with either providing home educa-
prowatersystems cynical, disbelieving sort – indeed
ments and all the regulations are
constrained and turned upside
the same. It boils down to tion or having their child in a full year
an affront to God. But the passage down, the generous hospitality of
@gmail.com who the facilitator
itself makes no such judgement.is that they’rethisassigned
God who walks to, with
andustheystill can of online schooling.
always change that through
In the context of the story it is the year if it’s not a good
invites us to laugh in anticipation fit.” “We’d like to see how many of those
Arnall suggests
equally possible that home education
Sarah laughs is most joy
of a wondrous suitable chil- parents and students there are, and it’s
for For
yet to come.
dren in grades
because oneherself
she allows to six. “It has neither
a brief the most death,flexibility,
nor life, nor and
angels,then possible that we may be able to work
Water Softeners, Iron Filters momentdon’t
parents of anticipatory
have tojoyput nor rulers,
overtheir kids nor thingsall
on screens present,
day.”nor out a program that’s in between,” said
& Drinking Water Systems a long-held
If enrolleddesire,in itseven homethougheducation things to come, nor
program, Covid-19,
GHSD nor
provides Daverne.
tells her it is impossible. And
said Superintendent anything elseBevanin all Daverne.
creation is Whatever parents decide, there’s flex-
three chapters later, God himself able to separate us from the love
“There’s a little bit of help setting up the program (and) a ibility in the system, explained Arnall.
Thought for joins in Sarah’s laughter when the
little bit of help
of God in Christ Jesus. Indeed,
“If home education is not working out,
child whose name with resources,”
is laughter is heanything
“Is said. too wonderful for the
the Week Arnall believes distance education is more suitable for stu- can they put their kids back into school
indeed born. Whatever her reason, Lord?”
dents in laughter
Sarah’s gradesis7known to 12. only to during the year? The school boards are
Should our “Teenagers
herself and to God. are fine with the Rev. online approach
Malcolm of distance grumbling that they might not be too
Kern, Priest
And so, rather
education,” shethansaid.
judge Sarah,
“They have St. Michael
a better & All Angels
attention span – receptive. But legally, yes, they can.
primary the passage uses the question
they can read and they can work independently.” Anglican Church “And yes, they can pull their kids out
to home educate at any time during the
goal be year,” she added. “They just won’t get
to gain 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543 105 Main St. Carseland
funding and support.”
While some parents hold a notion
understanding Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe
Pastor: Kevin Enns that home education does not provide
and not just Associate Pastor: John Duerksen
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde
Broadcasting services on
the same opportunities for socialization
as regular school, this has not been a
facts? Cancelled all operations and services
until further notice.
church Facebook page.
www.bowriveralliance.com concern for Cindy Eisbrenner, who has
www.strathmorealliance.com homeschooled three children for over
STRATHMORE UNITED COVENANT CHURCH “We have intentionally incorporated
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424
403-934-3025 Pastor: Heidi Wiebe activities where our children could so-
Rev. Pamela Scott In person services have been cancelled. cialize and make friends,” said Eisbren-
In-person services and gatherings are Preschool cancelled. ner, who added there are many com-
cancelled until further notice. Online services available. munity-based activities for children to
Online services available at www.hope-community.ca
get involved in, such as karate, dance,
The office will be open part time. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC skating, cadets and scouts.
Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym Strathmore has a homeschool com-
HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore munity that provides opportunities for
102 Canal Gardens 403-934-2641
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 Pastor: Fr. Tomy Manjaly
students to socialize and for parents to
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp Masses: Saturday 5 pm | Sunday 10 am gain support. One is the Strathmore
Pastor: Dave Mackie www.sacredhc.ca Homeschool Park Days, a parent-led
Worship Sundays 10:30 am homeschooling group that meets week-
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time 103 - 227 3rd Ave. ly at parks in town.
of worship 587-727-0649 Park Days differs from more regi-
strathmoreanglican@gmail.com mented activities, explained Rainbow
STRATHMORE SEVENTH-DAY Rev. Malcolm Kern Miller, one of the co-founders of the
ADVENTIST CHURCH All services are cancelled until further notice
Meeting in the Lutheran Church “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” group.
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 “We noticed there wasn’t really an
Pastor: Donald Pierre STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH area for kids to just socialize freely and
Services held every Saturday 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 for parents to just come ask their ques-
Sabbath School: 10 AM Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda
tions,” said Miller. “We wanted to create
Worship Service: 11 AM
www.strathmoreadventist.ca All services and gatherings are a casual meetup space for parents to
donald816@hotmail.com cancelled until further notice. talk, ask their questions and compare
www.strathmorefullgospel.com their notes, and for kids of all ages to
RCCG PECULIAR PEOPLE ASSEMBLY just mingle, socialize and create friend

322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore 112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 groups.”
403-714-2283 Pastor: Dawn Nelson The group is composed of people
Pastor: Sunday Adeola All worship services and gatherings are from all walks of life.

Will be offering online services closed until further notice.
The office will be open part time.
“Some of them have been homes-
until further notice.
www.rccgstrathmore.com Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! chooling for 20 years plus, and some
are just beginning,” said Miller. “The
kids get to mingle with all sorts of ages,

CALL 403-934-5589
all sorts of groups, and they can actual-
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints ly follow their own interests – and fam-
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | jbhansen2@gmail.com ilies can choose from so many different
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
August 14, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Reds U15
wrap up season Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment
The Strathmore Reds U15 baseball
team finished up their season on Aug. Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker
8 with a double header at Kinsmen BobSheddy.ca 403-324-2222
Diamond against the Chestermere bob.sheddy@century21.ca
Crushers, with the Reds winning both
games 11-10 and 17-8, respectively.
Back row: Rich Kubin (l-r), Dallas An-
KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
derson, Ayden Preston, Landon Hein, PowerRealty.ca 587-390-0596
PJ Ward, Dantin Winnipeg, Rob Pet- karalee.foat@century21.ca
tifer, Asher Rilling, Jared Rilling, Jon
Rilling. Front row: Bodey Pettifer (l-r), 123 2nd Ave,
Dawson Ward, Jack Anderson, Colton Strathmore, AB
Gabe, Vaughn Hoffman, Des Kubin,
Rohdy Yates. Missing: Koby Oickle,
Mitchell Lassu, Sam Rieger, Darek
Photo Courtesy of Jayne Yates

Fetching records one at a time

Tasty fresh and frozen
Ukrainian food, just like you
would find in
SEAN FEAGAN for our groceries and he was paying for Baba’s kitchen!
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter bills back home.”
Despite only training for about two
Having set the stage by impressing years, Daiquiri can perform about 200
viewers of America’s Got Talent, a lo- skills. Each trick requires a combina-
cal trainer and wonder dog are working tion of skills from both dog and trainer.
to extend their list of accomplishments Some are more on demanding Daiquiri,
by attempting to break numerous Guin- while others require more precision by
ness World Records. Fraser. RESTAURANT OPEN
Jennifer Fraser, a lifelong dog trainer The pair performed a routine on 12 noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday
and resident of Wheatland County, is America’s Got Talent that aired in June. for Dine In, Take Out and Delivery
working alongside Daiquiri, a five-year- “I got really creative with my routine
old Australian shepherd, to set about 20 and tried to show the judges something
different records for tricks. Fraser also that they had never seen before,” said $9.99 Weekly Specials
Tuesday to Saturday
runs Paradise Kennels, a “luxury” dog Fraser.
- 12 wings, fresh cut fries & dessert
boarding facility located east of Calgary. It did the trick – the act was deemed
- Lasagna, caesar salad, garlic toast & dessert
It took some time for Daiquiri to find a barking success by judges and audi- - 12 perogies, garlic sausage & dessert
his home, said Fraser. ence members alike, and the pair was - 2 cabbagerolls, 6 perogies, garlic sausage
“He was the puppy that nobody selected to perform in future live shows. & dessert
wanted – he bounced from house to While they have not yet been able to at-
house to house,” she said. tend filming because of COVID-19 trav- $11.99 Friday BBQ Special
But when the Daiquiri was about el restrictions, Fraser is “hanging on the BBQ chicken and ribs with fresh cut fries
three-and-a-half months old, Fraser ad- edge of (her) seat for the call.” or perogies & dessert
opted him after seeing a picture of him The pair currently co-holds the Guin- $11.99 Saturday
online. ness record for most number of tricks Ukrainian Cuisine Special
“He was in my arms in 72 hours and (60) performed in a minute (which they A different authentic Ukrainian dish each
he’s been a perfect puppy since day set first), but are looking to extend the week. Call to find out our special!
one,” she said. record and be the sole record holder.
Jennifer Fraser and Daiquiri attempt to break the Dobre Food & Catering is committed to
The pair (@jenanddaiquiri) began “We did 74 tricks, so I know we can
record for the fastest backward five-metre walk providing great customer service. We appreciate
performing together, somewhat unex- do better,” said Fraser, who added she at Kinsmen Park on the morning of Aug. 5. The your business and to ensure we get back to you in a
pectedly, when Fraser and her family is looking to break about 20 more re- pair unofficially broke the record by completing timely manner we encourage our customers to call
were living in Italy. cords. the feat in a blazing 2.6 seconds. the store or my cell phone (numbers below). I do not
“My kids were in a museum, and I Because Daiquiri has so many skills, Sean Feagan Photo always have access to social media and want to
was sitting outside waiting for them … Fraser thinks many are feasible. Each ensure your message is not missed.
while we were doing a few tricks, just attempt requires adherence to a lengthy 2.6 seconds, thereby unofficially break-
playing around, somebody came up to set of rules, rigorous documentations ing the previous record of 6.73 seconds.
Retail Products available!
me and handed me five euros and then and observation by neutral viewers. Guinness must first confirm the attempt Search: Dobre Food and Catering
just walked away – he thought I was a “We just trained for a couple weeks for it to be official, which takes time.
on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
street performer. I looked around and because we already basically have the On Aug. 7, Daiquiri caught 10 treats
I saw the street performers, and said, I base skills, and then we will go for the consecutively in just 10.42 seconds in 135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
could do this.” attempts,” she said. One record may another possible record-setting feat. 403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
Over a couple weeks, the pair devel- be attempted per day. “Because he’s so Matthew Michaud, 15, who appeared to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
oped a routine that proved impressive. versatile, and he learns so fast, doing at the Aug. 7 attempt to help as an ob-
“I started going to the piazzas, and I the Guinness records is just so fun and server but later found out he is too

started doing trick training with him,” easy for him.” young, was impressed by Daiquiri’s
said Fraser. “We didn’t have to worry On Aug. 5, Daiquiri walked five me- treat catching abilities.
about money anymore – he was paying tres backward on command in about “He’s just amazing,” he said.

15 %

Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Explore area farms

at Open Farm Days
JANET KANTERS ter a time to visit the farm, visit https://albertafarmdays.ca/
Times Editor farm/four-sisters-farm/.
Strathmore RCMP is investigating Meanwhile, at Red Fox Farms Fungi, visitors can take part
the theft of a truck that took place on A couple of local farms are opening their operations to Al- in the mini farmers market with a portion of vendor pro-
July 16th. The truck is described as bertan’s this weekend, as part of the province’s Open Farm ceeds going to Kids Cancer Care. The gourmet mushroom
Days events taking place across the province. farm will have multiple vendors both days along with live
a 2017 White Dodge Ram Sport
On Aug. 15 and 16, about 75 host farms across the prov- music and a greenhouse tour and education about growing
with licence plate AD3288. ince are opening their doors to offer open houses, local gourmet mushrooms. To register a time to visit the farm,
Some identifying features on the food experiences, tours, and an opportunity to buy locally visit https://albertafarmdays.ca/farm/red-fox-farms-fungi/.
truck include: Alberta-grown and produced products. Host farms are working together to ensure Open Farm
a canopy, running boards, the ram In the Strathmore-Wheatland County area, people can ar- Days follow all current public health orders and guidance.
logo’s have been removed and along range to visit Four Sisters Farm and Red Fox Farms Fungi, This year, new measures are being introduced to provide
the side there is a silver strip located the only two local farms registered for Open Farm Days an even safer environment for visitors, including enhanced
2020. cleaning protocols, and access to hand sanitizer and hand-
at the bottom of the truck.
Due to event gathering restrictions and space limitations, washing stations.
Albertans who plan to visit a host farm are required to book Alberta Open Farms Days is a collaborative project pre-
If you have any information that their spot online ahead of time. sented by the government of Alberta, the Alberta Associa-
could help locate this vehicle, please Four Sisters Farm will be hosting farmer golf where partic- tion of Agricultural Societies, Travel Alberta and participat-
contact the Strathmore RCMP. ipants will try to avoid obstacles such as cow patties, cows, ing farms and ranches.
barbed wire, gophers and other “usual stuff you find on a To learn more about other participating farms across the
File: 2020975202 farm.” The farm will also be serving pork on a bun. To regis- province, visit https://albertafarmdays.ca/host-farms/.

More funding coming for area shelter
SEAN FEAGAN rector Elizabeth Karp. Providing 24/7 one per cent of rural Albertans have
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter support has required the shelter to unstable housing, meaning they have
hire more people and provide extra difficulty paying rent, spend most of
New provincial funding will help the food and supplies, she said. their income on housing, move fre-
Strathmore Overnight Shelter continue COVID-19 restrictions have been quently, live in overcrowded condi-
to expand its usual support to help hard on the shelter’s client base. tions, or are doubling up with friends
403-934-5552 people experiencing homelessness “Usually, they can hang out at the or relatives.
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore during the ongoing pandemic. library or at places like Tim Hortons, Whether the COVID-19 has in-
On Aug. 5, the provincial govern- but even now, in the extreme heat, creased the demand for services at
ment announced an additional $48 it’s extremely difficult for them to be SOS is “hard to say,” and will depend
YOUR WEEKLY million in funding to provide support in a place,” said Karp, who added the on how long the pandemic lasts, said
HEALTH ADVICE for people affected by homelessness temporary funding helps them have a Karp. But it has been difficult to refer
during the ongoing COVID-19 pan- place to be during the day. clients to more permanent living ar-
demic. The funding supplements $25 While homelessness may seem like rangements. “It’s been really hard to
million provided by the province in an urban problem, it affects rural ar- connect my people into any place.”
March. eas too. A report by the Alberta Rural The shelter is seeking volunteers to
Gord Morck
In Alberta, homeless shelters repre- Development Network (ARDN) pub- assist with laundry, intake, commu-
sent the first line of contact for people lished in April estimates that about 0.4 nicating with clients and preparing
Capsule Comments needing shelter. The funding will help per cent of Alberta’s rural population meals. There are two shifts running
people experiencing homelessness is experiencing homelessness, based from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. to
Here’s another good reason to take good care of during the pandemic shelter in place, on surveys conducted in 2018. 7 a.m., respectively.
your teeth and gums. Periodontal disease results
isolate and access care, and receive Homelessness in rural areas may be The SOS is also seeking personal
in difficulty in chewing food which can be com-
pounded by missing teeth or multiple cavities. health support, according to a govern- less visible, with people living in cars, protective equipment, such as masks
Poor oral hygiene has been loosely associated ment news release. tents or abandoned buildings, said and gloves. “We have a hard time get-
with lower cognitive performance and a possible The extra provincial funding has al- ARDN executive director Dee Ann Be- ting it,” said Karp. “Everybody’s out, so
higher risk of developing dementia although this lowed the Strathmore Overnight Shel- nard in a story published in the Cal- it’s hard for us to get all of that.
link hasn’t been totally proven. But it’s never too ter (SOS) to meet costs associated with gary Herald in May. “We have some right now because
late to start practicing good oral hygiene. See extending its hours, said executive di- The report also estimates that about I have a great volunteer who runs all
your dentist soon.
over the city trying to find stuff.”
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August 14, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7


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Kart racers during qualifying rounds of the Calgary Kart Racing Club (CKRC) Race No. 7 at Strathmore Motorsports Park on Aug. heartandsoldyyc.com heartandsoldyyc.com
9. The race featured nine groups across seven classes.
Sean Feagan Photo

Doubleheader kart race Carseland Bike Safety

makes noise at speedway Rodeo! Ages 4-8
9:30 -10:30 AM

SEAN FEAGAN CKRC took some time, explained Danny Simon, who races Ages 8+
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter in the Masters class. There was racing near the Calgary 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Airport until the early 1990s, then the group raced at an-
The smell of gasoline and the sound other site in Calgary until 2013, until “they kicked us out MUST REGISTER
of squealing tires was in the air last because they needed the property,” said Simon. Ultimately,
weekend, as a doubleheader kart race Program is FREE and all
the Town of Strathmore offered a site, and the rest is his-
abilities are welcome!
was held at the Strathmore Motors- tory. “Thank you Strathmore. We are happy – just look
ports Park. what we built here.”
The event was held by the Calgary The racetrack has been busy, explained Spencer Hogg,
Kart Racing Club (CKRC), a non-profit a driver for Allied Racing, who was not competing in the
member club that promotes karting, event. “They’ve had record turnouts here – they’re bring-
Friday, August 21 Prizes!
a motorsport featuring open-wheel, ing in about 800 or 1,000 people a weekend for an event.
four-wheeled vehicles known as go- “On practice days, there will be like 50 to 100 drivers Carseland - Behind School Practice!
karts. The event, held Aug. 8-9, in- here every Tuesday and Thursday, and then there are pri-
For More Information Fun!
cluded the organization’s sixth and vate renters as well – it’s bumping to say to the least.” and to Register :
seventh race for the year, featuring Some racers have even moved to Strathmore to get clos- Give-aways!
about 100 entries across six classes amatharoo@aspenfamily.org
er to the track, said Hogg, who added the track provides
racing in nine groups. benefits to the town.

The karts are small and fast. “All the stores I’m sure are getting flocks of people every

“We have pretty serious racers here,” Saturday and Sunday grabbing everything from supplies
Aspen Family Resource Network
said Franco Sartor, CKRC president. and stacks,” he said. “Also, in terms of local business (im- 419B - 2nd Street, Strathmore

“We’ve got national champions, racers pacts), all the fuel has to be from a local pump – everyone 403.983.0076

that race internationally, but also just is prospering.”
kids who want to have fun and race. Being a good racer takes “grit and determination,” said
“It’s a really family environment and Brent Kadler, who races in the Rotax Masters group. “A lot

I try to keep everything kind of re- of racing is learning: learning how to make the kart quick,
laxed here.” how to drive, and then have the persistence to show up at
The organization, which holds 13 six in the morning to prep and get ready.”
races during the year in a tour out Most adult racers perform their own vehicle tuning and
of Calgary and its sister club in Ed- upkeep, explained Kadler.
monton, is expanding, said Sartor. “We’re all wrenching our own maintenance,” he said.
The club currently has 256 members, “Between races, it’s just tire pressure and gas, and making
many of whom are from Strathmore, sure you’re on the right sprocket to gear ratio. But be-
as well as Calgary. tween sessions, we have to lubricate things and maintain
“The club is growing fantastically, your chain. At the end of the season, there’s usually a lot

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even through this COVID-19 crisis,” of engine and brake maintenance.
he said. “We’ve exceeded our num- “It adds up to a lot of wrench time.”
bers from last year.”
The morning of each race first fea- No Job is too small, No Job is too big!
tured a safety check, a driver’s meet- Wanderer
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laps for the final race.
Restrictions because of COVID-19
meant there was no podium ceremo- 403-983-0778 Ask for Michael
ny for winners, “but at least they al-
lowed us to come out,” said Sartor.
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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Rural landowners uniting against lowered energy lease fees

SEAN FEAGAN al compensation to reflect this higher
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter productivity.”
Companies are required to send out a
Some rural landowners are finding notice to start the negotiation process a
that having gas wells on their property year in advance of the expiry of the five-
is not paying what it used to. year lease term, explained Hilton.
A group of 49 rural landowners met In early 2020, rural landowners with
at the Crowfoot Community Centre in gas wells on their properties started to
Wheatland County on the evening of receive letters from the surface lease
Aug. 4 to discuss how some energy holders, namely Ember Resources and
companies with gas wells on their re- Lynx Energy, two privately-owned en-
spective properties have reduced lease ergy producers based in Calgary, Alta.,
A group of about 50 landowners met at the Crowfoot Community Centre on the evening of Aug. 4 to
fee payments without consultation. with numerous gas wells in and around discuss energy companies unilaterally decreasing surface lease payments for gas wells on their prop-
The event was held to share perspec- Wheatland County. erties. The group is deciding what their next steps will be: either accept the new payments, attempt to
tives, garner support and requisition The companies informed the respec- renegotiate, or go the Alberta Surface Rights Board. Sean Feagan Photo
leadership for collection action, ex- tive landowners their payments were
plained landowner and interim organiz- being reduced, without consultation or she said. “We’ve been ignored.” “Let’s talk because that’s how it should
er Spencer Hilton. negotiation. The companies did not negotiate in have happened in the first place, and
“We’re hoping that if there’s enough “Ember Resources and Lynx decided good faith as required by the Surface we’ll try to reach a reasonable agree-
interest here tonight, we can get orga- that the compensation they were pay- Rights Act, said Vasseur. “Under the Act, ment.”
nized, get the next meeting set up and ing landowners was too high,” said Vas- the two parties should be able to sit But if talks fail, the group will request
contact everybody,” he said. seur. “They told them they were going down and bargain with each other, and an ASRB hearing, said Sauve.
Under the Surface Rights Act, when to reduce the annual compensation, by try to come to some mutual agreement,” The provincial government is con-
a company develops a surface lease on roughly 40, 50, 60 per cent, which didn’t he said. “The companies have unilater- sidering reducing the tax assessment
the property of a private landowner, sit well with landowners,” he said. ally changed what they give.” model for energy companies which, if
they form a lease agreement. This con- “I was insulted,” added Ken Sauve, Most landowners would be happy adopted, could further increase finan-
tract outlines the amount paid to the who has 11 Lynx sites on his property with current payments maintained, rath- cial pressure on rural landowners, said
landowner by the company, which is and also helped to arrange the event. er than increased, said Vasseur. “They Vasseur.
based on what the landowner grows “I just couldn’t believe that was what realize things are a little tough,” he said. According to an assessment by the
and the cost of farming around a well- they’re doing, because that’s not the “So they’re saying that, ‘we’ll just stay Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)
site, explained Paul Vasseur, a surface way you do business.” with the status quo, and we’ll be just announced on Aug. 10, if this change is
land agent specializing in surface nego- Ember reduced the payments to Joe fine.’ But Lynx is saying, ‘no, that’s not made at the level favoured by industry
tiations. and Jean Vergouwen for the five wells good enough for us.’” stakeholders, rural municipalities would
Under the act, the landowner has the on their property, said Joe. “We haven’t Sauve and Hilton were involved lose 12.4 per cent of their revenues on
opportunity to review what the com- talked to them – they basically sent us with Wheatland Surface Rights Action average in the first year, with 11 RMA
pany pays every five years. Changes to a notice that they are cutting us back, Group, an organization formed in the members losing over 20 per cent of
the amount paid may be dictated by fac- and they sent a cheque,” he said. “It was early 2000s to address landowner con- their revenue. If adopted, this change
tors relating to production and market ‘take it or leave it,’ more or less.” cerns around the impacts of fracking on could result in up to $480 million in lost
trends, said Vasseur. Ember has provided no response to water wells, which ultimately led com- revenue for rural municipalities.
“Crop prices and yields change,” he the Vergouwen’s attempts at communi- panies operating in the area to conduct “If the companies can reduce the tax
said. “If things change, then the land- cation with the company, said Jean. “We water well testing. they pay to the counties, and the coun-
owner can ask for a review for addition- called them, sent an email and a letter,” “It showed us that if you’re willing to ties want to maintain a certain level of
sit down and have the conversation and service, that means (the counties) are
you represent a group, it has some im- going to have to increase the taxes to
������ � �
pact,” said Hilton. the landowners and other businesses,”
They are hoping to help kickstart a said Vasseur. “It’s becoming a double-
similar approach to address the issue of edged sword right now, which is not
reduced lease payments, but want fresh good.”
blood leading the charge. Wheatland County has already cut its
The landowners have three paths they budget by about 20 per cent, said Depu-
can take: accept the new offer, negoti- ty Reeve and Division 5 Councillor Scott
ate a better deal or go to the Alberta Klassen, in an address made during the
Surface Rights Board (ASRB), a quasi- event. “We knew this oil and gas (issue)
judicial tribunal that works in part to re- was coming in, and we thought it’s not
solve disputes between landowners and going to hurt us by not doing some of
operators. these projects right now, (because) we
The group is not looking for a fight, can defer them to later on,” he said. “We
said Hilton. “We will give the companies are trying to make the best decisions
the opportunity to come and sit down without impacting the taxes as much as
with us as an organized group,” he said. we can.”

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August 14, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

Preparing for back to school

LEELA SHARON AHEER of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw, and that is the one
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA developed by Alberta’s government. Unfortunate- WHITE, David Michael
ly – in recent months – the NDP has continued May 5, 1971 - July 25, 2020
Hello Chestermere-Strathmore: I would first to try and drag Dr. Hinshaw through the mud,
His family is devastated to announce the sudden passing of David
like to take a moment to thank Chestermere consistently working to undermine her expert White in Moose Jaw, SK. where he had been employed by Sas-
council – and specifically Councillor Ritesh Nara- advice. This kind of behaviour in the middle of a katchewan Polytechnic for 7 years, enjoying the many students he
yan – for their love and compassion for the fam- pandemic is inexcusable for any elected official, taught instrumentation. David was born in Edmonton, AB. and raised in Strathmore,
ily of Shane Smith. This tragedy has shown us yet let alone their entire caucus. AB. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Uni-
again how precious and precarious life is. Thank The safety and well-being of our students and versity of Alberta and began his career with Syncrude in Fort McMurray. He then
you for honouring this life that left us too soon. educators should not be a partisan issue, but moved to Switzerland, working with ABB and then Alstom before moving back to
I would like to chat about the school re-entry the NDP have decided to make it one. Our plan Canada, settling in Moose Jaw until his death. His work in Switzerland offered
plan with respect to some of the updates. Safe- was built out of collaboration. School superin- travel opportunities to France, Mexico, Quebec, India, Spain and the U.S.A. He
enjoyed his work in all of these locations. Privately he enjoyed visiting Samoa, New
ty has been, and will always be, paramount in tendents, school boards, parents and the teach-
Zealand, Australia, Finland, England, Denmark, Holland, Italy and Austria. David is
these decisions. That is why we brought forward ers’ union all were involved in the conversations survived by his beloved daughter Davina, aged 8 and estranged wife Sina of Apia,
a robust school re-entry plan that will ensure the that created our three scenarios, and our plan for Samoa, parents Dean and Sharon White of Strathmore, sister Dena Annand, spouse
safety of our staff and students. Unfortunately, September has the confidence of those who are Jade Ritchie Annand, nephews Axel and Brom, niece Carys, all of Calgary, as well
the fear mongering from the opposition would responsible for running our schools every day. I as uncles, aunts and cousins. He was predeceased by grandparents Aleck and
have you believe that they developed a re-entry am always willing to listen to ideas about how Walli White, Ken Newman and Alice “Dolly” Newman, and two uncles. David was
plan that works, and that only their ideas can we can keep our students safe, which is why we a quiet, highly intelligent man. He was loved by his Canadian family and by the
keep our kids safe. In reality, the opposition’s have committed to adjusting our guidelines as Samoan family members he acquired by marriage. He enjoyed a broad range of
interests including reading, Raspberry Pi computers, skiing with his father, cards
recommendations simply are not feasible. We necessary as we approach September. What’s be-
with his parents, cooking and gardening. His daughter Davina was the light of his
have to help our kids understand and follow pro- come clear to me is that the NDP’s number one life and time with her was treasured. He will be missed by many. Celebrations of
tocols to the best of our ability as parents, care- priority is scoring cheap political points off the his life will occur at later dates in Apia, Samoa and Strathmore due to COVID-19. For
givers and teachers. We all share a responsibility back of a pandemic and our children’s safety. As those so wishing memorial donations may be made to the Moose Jaw Food Bank,
in the health of our kids and in making school a mother, I find that behaviour reprehensible. 305 Fairford St W, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 1V8. In living memory of David, a memo-
re-entry as successful as possible. We will not be That was the foundation for the government’s rial planting will be made by Jones - Parkview Funeral
free of this virus in our schools, but we can do school re-entry plan, and that will continue to be Services. Please sign the memorial register at website:
a lot to help our kids to prepare. Additionally, the foundation as we enter the school year. www.wjjonesandson.com or www.parkviewfuneralcha-
the opposition’s proposed 15-person cap would pel.ca (Obituaries).
Finally, I would like to share with you some
require an additional 13,000 teachers to be hired information about the new Ministerial Order on
by September. To put this into perspective, a Student Learning. We were very honoured to
2017 court ruling forced British Columbia to hire
3,700 teachers. It took B.C. two years to comply
work with the curriculum advisory panel and we
received responses from more than 8,000 Alber- Obituary
with this ruling, and it resulted in a nation-wide tans, and we worked with 300 education part-
teacher shortage. If it took B.C. two years to hire ners to carry out the intent of the panel’s work
MOTLEY, Muriel Doreen
just 28 per cent of the teachers we would re- 1926 – 2020
and to focus on essential and foundational com-
quire, and it forced a nation-wide teacher short- petencies throughout the entire curriculum. The With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Muriel Doreen Mot-
age, where does the opposition expect Alberta to emphasis on numeracy and literacy is something ley, of Acme, AB, the evening of Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at the
find 13,000 teachers by September? age of 94 years. Muriel is survived by her younger siblings, brother
we heard about throughout the entire campaign
Lawrie (Bev) of Grand Forks, B.C., and sister Elizabeth Thomas of Merritt, B.C. She
Our Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange leading up to the last election. This vision for was predeceased by her husband of 51 years, Arthur Raymond Motley, in 2005.
stated that the other major flaw with the op- student learning had a tremendous amount of Muriel was born in Toronto to Albert and Mary Garvin, but soon moved West, living
position’s guesstimate-ridden proposal is the public engagement, and contrary to the opposi- most of her youth in Trail, B.C. She soon found a job in Calgary, but her fond-
classroom space required. As with the teachers, tion’s arguments, does not take away from cre- est memories were of picking Okanagan produce and enjoying the fruits of her
we would require 13,000 new classrooms to be ativity, or styles of teaching that are conducive to labours! She loved to travel, and along the way met a young farmer by the name
ready by September. This would be equivalent the complex and unique classrooms that teach- of Ray Motley in the early 1950’s. He invited her to a dance where they hit it off.
to 800 new schools. Since this has been pointed ers manage. This is about reforming, updating A year of dating blossomed into marriage in 1954, and they settled on the Acme
out, the NDP have made some pretty large as- and strengthening the curriculum so that Alberta homestead, which the family still holds today. Along the way, they produced five
sons, Barry (Tilly) of Sherwood Park; Terry (Laurie) of Strathmore; Bruce (Sherry) of
sumptions, claiming that cities and private or- students have everything they need to succeed Gull Lake; Lyle (Rose) of Acme; and Lorne (Suzanne) of Calgary. Muriel adored her
ganizations would willingly open their doors by the time they leave high school. The world is 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, taking great joy in buying each of
free-of-charge, and that it would be easy to find changing rapidly and Alberta students need to them special presents for every birthday and at Christmas -- not to mention shar-
this space. This claim does not take into account be ready for that challenge, and to be able to ing in their pride in accomplishments along the way. Muriel was the bedrock of the
health and safety concerns, building standards, confidently face their future. If COVID has taught daily life of the family of seven, not to mention the chief gardener, cook, wardrobe
municipal zoning issues, and access to spaces in us anything, it is that we have to be able to face selector, cleaner and fixer. She was the purveyor of knowledge, wisdom and com-
our rural and remote communities. Again, this uncertainty with adaptability and a willingness mon sense in a busy household of six other males, faithfully listening to the radio
may sound great on paper, but it is extremely to be flexible in a fast-paced world. As always, news on the hour. Raising five boys was hard work, yet she never complained, and
she knew how to keep all in line, sometimes wielding a very large wooden laundry
clear that the NDP did not do their homework. we love to hear from you.
spoon to command attention! When fierce sporting competitions took place among
There is only one school re-entry plan in Al- (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Ches- the brothers in the evenings, she was finally able to put her feet up and partake in
berta that has been developed in collaboration termere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women her love of reading books, magazines and various weekly and daily newspapers.
with and approved by our Chief Medical Officer and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism) While money was never plentiful, Muriel ensured the family never wanted for any-
thing. She planted a two-acre garden annually, which not only helped feed the
family year-round, but her prized veggies also regularly won awards at the Acme
Flower Show. Muriel was also unfailingly sweet and kind, no matter the harsh dif-
ficulties that prairie life could bestow. The family was blessed by that good nature

NEWS RELEASE for all her life, even when dementia crept in during her later years. Muriel enjoyed
square dancing with friends, was a long-time member of the Order of Royal Purple,
the Davies Community Centre quilting group and, most importantly to her, the Acme
2020/2021 Strathmore Wheatland Kings United Church. The church was a central part of Muriel’s life, and her devout faith
never wavered. Each and every week, she would ride herd to ensure the boys
Season and Personal Changes were coiffed and dressed in their Sunday best, and the family would pile into the
Mercury Marquis for the 16 km journey into Acme for church. She sang in the choir,
and for years taught Sunday school. We are truly blessed she was the guider of
NEW HEAD COACH - Ron West - Ron has been a coach in many different capacities in Strathmore for 15 our lives, and we will miss her tremendously. Muriel’s final 14 years were spent in
years. He is quite accomplished coach through the minor hockey ranks winning 4 CAHL banners and has represented Strathmore, first at the Wheatland Lodge, then AgeCare Sagewood as her dementia
Strathmore at twice different Tier 1 provincial championships. Kings management is quite confined that Ron will do a took a stronger hold. Family would like to thank Dr. Keely Abercrombie, and the
great job in leading our group of young man. many wonderful nurses and carers at the two homes – you are true angels. Due
to COVID-19, a private family celebration of Muriel’s life will be held August 15 in
Strathmore and at the Acme Cemetery. If desired, donations can be made to the
NEW GM - Lee Smith - Lee has been involved in hockey in Strathmore for many years. He has been a coach and Alzheimer Society of Canada. To send condolences, please visit Muriel’s obituary
a Board member in the SMH program. For the past 3 seasons he has been a Director for the Kings and the last season at www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca. Arrangements entrusted to Wheatland Funeral
was the Asst GM. Lee can be contacted at manager@wheatlandkings.com Home, Strathmore, AB, 403-934-4404.

TRY OUTS - Kings mandate for this season is the safety of our players, coaches and team officials. With the ever-
changing situation with the Covid-19 pandemic the Kings will not be having an open camp this season. We have a
strong core group of returning players and our team will be picked by invitation only. We as a team would like to have
had an open camp but with need to quarantine after a tryout, we do not feel it is fair to players that would not make our
club to try to get on elsewhere. In saying this if you are a player that only would like only to play for the Kings you can
contact Lee Smith at manager@wheatlandkings.com to discuss a possible tryout.
SEASON PLANNING - Kings management is working closely with the HJHL to come up with a plan for the
upcoming season. Once we have more information, we be sending out another News Release.
www.wheatlandkings.com Call 403-934-5589
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020




HOLM NIELSEN, On-Line Auction Aug 20-26.
Sharon Jean
Feb. 6, 1942 ~ Aug. 5, 2020
Equipment including Lawn,
Compaction, Concrete, 3pt,
Day Care
Sharon Jean Holm, beloved wife of
Texturing Machines, Electric
By appointment only requires CARETAKING STAFF
Hammers, Stump Grinder,

the late Roy Holm of Calgary, passed Water Pumps, Heaters, Gen Golden Hills School Division No.75 requires
away peacefully at the Prince of Peace Manor on Au- Sets, Floor Sanders & Pol- All Furnishings, Casual Caretakers for schools in the
gust 5, 2020 at the age of 78 years. Sharon will be ishers, Drywall Lifts, Small
lovingly remembered by her seventeen nieces and Engine Parts, Shop Tools, Household Items Strathmore and Kneehill County areas.
nephews, several cousins, and many friends. She 30’-5W Equipment Trailer, Please email Experience is not necessary but would
Building. www.montgomery- your resume to: be considered an asset. Training will be
CALL 403-902-0204
was predeceased by her parents Thomas and Lottie
auctions.com 1-800-371-
Robinson, stepmother Ruth Robinson, and her hus- toddlein@telus.net provided.
band Roy Holm. Sharon was married to Roy from 6963.
38 years. She spent those years living in Standard, Locations and hours of available positions
AB, helping on the farm, golfing, gardening, and in FEED AND SEED will be discussed at time of interviews.
various community activities. Sharon loved the large HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT.
family she married into and never missed a family Other medical conditions PINTAIL WINTER WHEAT. HERD PERSON
get-together. She will be greatly missed by all who causing TROUBLE WALKING Extremely hardy, very high Green, Heated or Spring-
WANTED Interested candidates are invited to submit a
yielding, Awnless. Excellent thrashed Canola. Buying:
knew her. If so desired, memorial donations may be or DRESSING? The Disability Duties include pen resume by mail, email or fax. Positions close
for Forage or Grain. Low In- oats, barley, wheat & peas
made in Sharon’s name to the Kidney Foundation Tax Credit allows for $3,000 checking and cattle as soon as a suitable candidate is selected.
puts - High Profits. Call 403- for feed. Buying damaged
(www.kidney.ca/Home). A Memorial Service will be yearly tax credit and $30, treatment, processing
000 lump sum refund. Take 556-2609 or text 403-994- or offgrade grain. “On Farm We thank all applicants who apply, but only
held at Mountain View Funeral Home (Prairie View Pickup” Westcan Feed & and sorting and
Chapel, 1605 100 Street SE, Calgary) on Monday, Au-
advantage of this offer. Apply 2609; mastinseeds.com.
general feedlot those short-listed will be contacted.
Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
NOW; quickest refund Na- facilities maintenance
gust 17, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. with a Graveside Service
tionwide: Expert help. 1-844-
to follow at Mountain View Memorial Gardens. Due No experience is Please forward resume to:
453-5372. required. A class 5
to COVID-19, our chapel has a maximum capacity of HAYING license is required. Maria Coronado
100 guests, and both social distancing and masks DO YOU NEED TO TELL A general high school Caretaking Supervisor
are required. To express con- THE PUBLIC SOMETHING
dolences, please visit: www. RIGHT NOW and would like Van Bavel Joint Venture diploma is considered
an asset.
Golden Hills School Div. No.75
mountainviewmemorial.ca. this message seen across Custom or Crop Share Starting wages are $15
435A Hwy #1
Alberta. The Blanket Clas- to $17 per hour, health Strathmore, AB T1P 1J4
NOTICES sifieds or Value Ads reach Custom Haying benefits are available. Phone: 403-324-3842
over 600,000 Alberta read-
ers weekly. For as little as
Round Bale Hauling Please send resume to: Fax: 403-934-5125
$269.00 + GST for a blanket Email: maria.coronado@ghsd75.ca
or fax to 403 934 2567
classified or $995 for a Value
Ad, get your message out! 3 John Deere
Business changes, the need Disc Bines
FRIDAYS - 3 PM - 6:30 PM
for staff, items for sale, can-
cellations, Tendersµ. As peo- Carseland Busy Bee Playschool Association is accepting applications for
JUNE 19TH - SEPTEMBER 18TH ple are increasingly staying 3 John Deere Balers staff at the Carseland Before and After School Program located in Carseland
home, they will rely on this School. Interested individuals should be passionate about early childhood
A few Changes to this years Summer Market information even more to learning and supporting elementary-aged children. Qualifications must meet
New Location(Ball Diamond Parking Lot stay informed in your area Call Doug Alberta Children Services criteria for child care workers.
South Side of Kinsmen Park)Rain Or Shine
Due to Covid 19 All Patrons will have to abide by
and across the province.
KEEP people in the loop.
(403) 934-7610
all the Health & Safety Regulations set by AHS The 89 Weekly Community or Glen Child Development Supervisor
when entering the Market The successful candidate must have a 2 year early learning and child
Patron Parking along Lakeside Blvd & Holy Cross
Newspapers can help. Call
this newspaper NOW or
(403) 934-8234 care diploma or equivalent, experience with program planning and
Collegiate School Parking Lot. email classifieds@awna. implementation as well as the ability to nurture elementary-aged children.
www.strathmorefarmersmarket.ca com for details. 1-800-282-
6903, 780-434-8746 X4.
Follow Us on Facebook! The Child Development Supervisor must meet the qualifications of the Child
Care regulations. This position will run from 6:00 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm to
www.awna.com. 6:30 pm on operational school days.
Child Development Worker
suffer employment/licensing
loss? Travel/business oppor- General Farm The successful candidate must have a 1 year early learning and child care
tunities? Be embarrassed?
Think: Criminal Pardon. US Labourer (s) Seasonal certificate or equivalent, be able to work under the supervision of the Child
Development Supervisor and deliver appropriate nurturing programming to
entry waiver. Record purge. elementary-aged children. Work hours will be 6:30 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm
1442578 Alberta Ltd.
Strathmore, AB. 403-934-5294 File destruction. Free con-
Duties: General farm maintenance, to 6:00 pm on operational school days.
sultation. 1-800-347-2540.
Alberta’s only licensed and www.accesslegalmjf.com. Fencing, Cleaning stable, barns
and pens and more Those with a Child Development Assistant certificate may also apply.
approved Locally Owned Evidence of compliance with Alberta Children Services requirements for
GET YOUR No experience or education
Residential Memory Care Home CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE Location is 20 minutes south of Strathmore this certificate must be provided. This position would work directly under the
since 2000 STRATHMORE TIMES! supervision of the Child Development Supervisor. Work hours would be 6:30
Wage range: $15.00 - $18.50 / Hour
Hours: 36 to 55/week am to 8:15 am and 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm on operational school days.
See Why We Care! HELP WANTED Benefits available
Interested applicants can send resumes to
with a classified ad. Only
Shared accommodations may be available
carselandbeforeandafter@gmail.com on or before 9:00 am
$269 (based on 25 words Please send resume to: Tuesday, August 18th. Please state which position you are applying for.
or less). Reach 90 weekly 1442578 Alberta Ltd. Only those applicants short-listed will be contacted. Thank you to all
M-F 9am-6pm newspapers. Call NOW for Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 applicants who have expressed interest in the Carseland Before and After
Sat 9am-4pm details. 1-800-282-6903 Ext Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668 School Program.
3” wide version 4; www.awna.com. 3.75” wide version
Closed Sundays
and Holidays


105M - 1 - 100 Ranch Market

Canadian Prairie Pickers
are once again touring the area!
Canadian Prairie Pickers
are once again touring the area!
403.934.9919 Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Paying Cash For Coin Collections,
Silver & Gold Coins, Silver & Gold Coins,
Royal Can. Mint Sets. Royal Can. Mint Sets.
Also Buying Gold Jewelry Also Buying Gold Jewelry

$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
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$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
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To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit
call Kellie at 778-257-8647 call Kellie at 778-257-8647
Bonded since 1967 Bonded since 1967
August 14, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11
McNeill’s Inc.
McNeill’s Inc.
TRANSPORT has a 53 ft. Upper floor, 2 BDRM Apt.

hay-hauling unit for hire. Will W/D. NP/NS. $900/mo +
blanket all of Alberta and $900 S.D. Utilities not incl.

Saskatchewan. Please call Call 403-934-4769.

403-339-0009. Dennis McNeill - Master Electrician

CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2 Dennis 403-934-7249
McNeill - Master Electrician
LEASE bdrm. ½ month rent free
with a six month lease. Heat
2,000 sq ft KITCHEN & BATH CABINETS dennismcneill@shaw.ca
Strathmore, Alberta

& water included. No pets.
of fully furnished Please call for availability.
Call/Text 403-815-5615
Strathmore, Alberta Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
COMMERCIAL Call Keli 403-324-2944.
GENERAL CONTRACTORS Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
OFFICE SPACE Showroom: 30 Spruce Park Drive
A single person 1 BDRM Get the job done right the FIRST time!
FOR LEASE SELF CONTAINED HOUSE. Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Located in a very nice Some utilities incl. 8 km
www.greenlighthome.ca All Decked Out AB Prairie Home Roofing
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
south on Hwy 817. Semi fur- Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
professional mall on
Wheatland Trail.
$13/sq ft. Fully finished
nished. N/S & N/P. $850/mo
+ SD. Avail. Sept. 1.
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Get the job done
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with desks, etc. Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
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Like Us DECKS Calgary
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EMERALD Apartments for Rent
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WESTMOUNT DR. for Rent Residential - Commercial - Industrial FREE ESTIMATES
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Master Electricians Wes Breault 403-999-7097 wes@alldeckedoutab.ca
1 & 2 bedroom 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom
bungalow, bi-lvl Units downtown www.alldeckedoutab.ca SEPTIC SERVICES
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Phone: 403-934-7188
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From $925.
+ Utilities. STRATHMORE FURNACE & DUCT CLEANING FB Boersema & Partners Ltd.
Designers and Builders of Energy Efficient Homes
Ask about our HOMES LTD
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Saturday, August 15 • 2:15-4:15 pm
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FURNACE & DUCT CLEANING • Small Renovations • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts
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Call Debi 403-901-0342
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This home shows Pride Of Ownership. 2 large 403.991.6192 REPAIR
bedrooms with open concept kitchen, large kellycamden@hotmail.com Call BOB 403-861-7822 WATER SYSTEMS
living room with hardwood flooring an a cozy
fireplace, door leading into a patio. Very bright
and airy space. With two large bathrooms.
Main floor laundry with storage room.
Fully developed basement with a bedroom, www. StrathmoreTimes.com
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Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • August 14, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Upcoming Meetings COVID-19

Until further notice, Council and committee meetings HELP SLOW

will be held via teleconference, including:

August 18 at 9 AM: Council Meeting

Here’s how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19:
August 25 at 6:30 PM: Special Council Meeting
September 1 at 9 AM: Council Meeting ☑ Avoid touching your face
September 8 at 9 AM: MPC Meeting ☑ Cover coughs and sneezes
September 15 at 9 AM: Council Meeting ☑ Self isolate if feeling sick
YEARS ☑ Practice physical distancing
- 2020 Agenda packages can be found on our website. ☑ Properly wash hands often
☑ Disinfect frequently touched items and surfaces

Please be advised, that the Wheatland County Administration Office re-opened to the public on Latest updates at alberta.ca/COVID19
July 6, 2020.
In adherence with Alberta Health Services’ recommendations, front office staff will limit the
number of visitors in the front lobby to upkeep the health and safety of everyone in the building.
Office hours will remain the same, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the
Notice of Special
exception of statutory holidays.
The Public Works and ASB shops will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future.
Council Meeting 
As per Section 194 of the Municipal Government Act,
RSA 2000, Chapter M-26, notice is hereby given that a
Special Council Meeting will be held on:

Public Hearings Tuesday August 25th, 2020 at 6:30PM at

Hussar Community Hall 216 Centre Street
Wheatland County Council will consider the following applications for Public Hearing on
the meeting date as indicated below. The meeting can also be
accessed electronically
For more information, including location maps, visit wheatlandcounty.ca/publicnotices. by dialing in to (403)768-
1708 and entering PIN
These public hearings can be accessed electronically by dialing in to 64324. For the purpose
(403) 768-1708 and entering PIN 64324. of: The Public Hearing
for Bylaw 2020-03 And
The following public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and proceed until all applications have Consideration of Second
been heard: and Third Reading

Bylaw #: 2020-03

Affected Area: SW & SE

Subdivision and Development Public Hearing: 18-24-19-W4M
Appeal Board Public Hearing: August 18, 2020 at 9 a.m.
August 17, 2020 at 9 a.m. Proposal: To
Bylaw #: 2020-25 redesignate +/-190.39
Application: Development Permit acres of land from
Affected Area: All Wheatland County
2020-040 Re: Composting Facility Agricultural General
Proposal: To amend the Land
Legal Description: Plan 131 2179, District to Direct
Use Bylaw 2016-01 by updating
Block 3, Lot 2 Within NE-24-22-26-W4M Control District 20
multiple Land Use Districts, Specific
in order to facilitate
Permit Refused: July 14, 2020, by the Use Regulations, Applications for
a Class II Landfill
Municipal Planning Commission Development and Subdivision, and
development permit
Definitions regarding recreational
Submit written comments by Tuesday application.
vehicles used for quarantine or self-
August 11, 2020 (prior to 12 noon)
isolation and the COVID-19 temporary
payment deferral incentive.
Agriculture Bursary Program
Wheatland County - Agricultural Service Board
Public Hearing: Public Hearing:
Application Deadline August 31st
August 18, 2020 at 9 a.m. August 18, 2020 at 9 a.m.
The Wheatland County Agricultural Service Board (ASB) invites
Bylaw #: 2020-21 Bylaw #: 2020-28
students past and present who are planning on furthering their
Legal Description: NE-4-22-25-W4M Affected Area: All Wheatland County studies in the field of agriculture or environmental science related
Proposal: To redesignate 156.01 acres Proposal: To amend the Land Use field to apply for local financial assistance.
of land from Agricultural General Bylaw 2016-01. The proposed Land Use ASB will provide up to $6000 in Bursaries annually with a minimum
District to Natural Resource Extraction Bylaw amendments are recommended award of $500 and a maximum award of $1500 depending
District in order to facilitate a sand and to clarify definitions, to remove upon the number of applicants that meet the criteria. Bursaries
gravel extraction operation. contradicting uses or provisions, to are available to students who reside within the boundaries of
correct minor errors, and clarify wording Wheatland County including recent graduates (within 3 years).
or language in the purpose and intent in Funding is not available to persons qualifying for or participating in
several land use districts. job training assistance grants or previous bursary recipients.

Application packages are available from the Wheatland County

More information regarding the public Administration Office or on the Wheatland County Website
hearing process can be found on our https://wheatlandcounty.ca/documents/asb-bursary
website. For additional information contact Gay Mowat at 403-361-2166 or
Comments may be forwarded in writing to
Wheatland County or made in person at the
above meetings. The application files may be FIRE BAN - ADVISORY
reviewed during regular office hours – Monday
Effective: August 6, 2020 a Fire Ban - Advisory has been
to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any comments
declared in Wheatland County. This ban represents a moderate
provided will become part of the public record fire risk.
in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Permit burning in the County is banned. All outstanding permits
Act. Any personal information on submissions are suspended until further notice.
made regarding applications is collected under This ban prohibits: Fire Permits and Fireworks Permits
the authority of the FOIP Act Section 33 (c) and
Please visit wheatlandcounty.ca/firebans for status updates and more information.
subsequent versions.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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