Compact, Self-Closing Vacuum Breakers Protect Against Hazards, Damage and Financial Losses Caused by Vacuum!

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Compact, Self-Closing Vacuum Breakers Protect Against

Hazards, Damage and Financial Losses Caused by Vacuum!
Features/Benefits with Proper Installation:
• Designed to protect enclosed tanks from collapse or structural
damage during draining.
• Eliminates siphoning of dangerous fluids.
• Prevents vacuum which can cause damage to sensitive instruments
and filters.
• Normally-closed design prevents fugitive emissions from leaving
• Insurance against replacement of damaged expensive equipment...
avoids critical system downtime.
• Patented diaphragm design assures dependable, repetitive, bubble-
tight sealing in VBM and VB; PFA encapsulated spring and special
poppet provide identical performance in VBS design.
• For corrosive or ultra-pure liquid applications.
• Sizes: 1/2", 3/4", 1", 11/2", 2" and 3".

Materials of Construction:
Series VBM Vacuum Breakers are molded of type 1, grade 1, PVC
Series VBS (Polyvinyl Chloride), Glass-filled Polypropylene, Kynar® PVDF and Corzan®
CPVC in sizes 1/2", 3/4" and 1". A machined version, Series VB is available
in PTFE in sizes 3/4" and 1". Diaphragms are of EPDM or FKM (comparable
to Viton® barnd). VBS Vacuum Breakers are available in standard PVC
(Polyvinyl Chloride), Natural Polypropylene, Kynar® PVDF, and Corzan®
CPVC in sizes 11/2", 2", and 3". Standard dust caps on PVDF models are
natural polypropylene; PVDF is optional. Seals are EPDM or FKM.
Threaded or socket connections are standard on all models.

The Plast-O-Matic VBM Vacuum Breakers have only one moving part –
the patented self-sealing diaphragm, and this provides both design
simplicity and maximum operating dependability. This normally-closed
design seals in the identical location every time producing a very
dependable, long-life seal. Series VBS Vacuum Breakers feature a
corrosion resistant PFA encapsulated spring which acts on a poppet
seal that neither sticks nor chatters. Maximum working pressure is
100 PSI @ 75°F (6,9 bar @ 24°C). See pressure/temperature ratings on
reverse side. Spring material (non-wetted) is 303-304 stainless steel.
Operation and Installation:
Series VBM Plast-O-Matic Vacuum Breakers feature a patented, normally-closed,
design that can be mounted in any position; however, upright is
recommended. For enclosed tank applications, mounting should be at
the highest point of the tank.


1384 Pompton Avenue, Cedar Grove, New Jersey 07009-1095
(973) 256-3000 • Fax (973) 256-4745 •
These Vacuum Breakers will begin to break a vacuum at approxi- Dimensions and Material Availability:
mately 2 inches of mercury (1.0 PSI or 0,07 Bar negative pressure). Series VBM – Molded Models: PVC, GPP, PVDF & CPVC
Full vacuum is 29 inches of mercury. For applications either draining A B C D
or pumping from enclosed tanks, the tanks must be able to withstand Size In. mm In. mm In. mm In. mm
much more than 2 inches of mercury of vacuum, as illustrated in the 1/2 4.3 110 1.3 33 2.4 62 1.9 48
chart below. The chart is based upon a 3.5 times safety factor, and it 3/4 4.6 117 1.6 39 2.8 72 2.3 59
clearly shows that as the rate of liquid flow leaving the tank increases, 1 5.1 130 1.9 48 2.8 72 2.5 64
the resulting vacuum in the tank also increases.
Vacuum Breaker Flow vs. Tank Vacuum Series VB – Machined Models: PTFE
3/4 4.5 114 1.9 48 3.0 76 2.0 51

1 4.5 114 1.9 48 3.0 76 2.0 51

for VBS, pressure shown is
VBS300 VBS150 data plus 4 inHg
1000 1-1/2 7.9 193 2.5 64 4.1 104 3.5 89
VBM100 2 8.5 209 3.0 76 4.1 104 3.5 89
3 10.5 267 4.3 109 5.5 140 5.5 140

Series VBM Series VB Series VBS

100 for stiffening of VBM C C C
diaphragm over time, D D D
pressure shown is 3x data.

10 A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
TANK VACUUM (Inches in mercury)
Explanation of Graph:
1. The above graph relates liquid flow leaving an enclosed tank to the resulting vacuum
created in the tank as air is entering the tank through the Vacuum Breakers. A safety B
factor of 3.5 times is used in constructing the graph. B B
2. To use the graph determine the rate of flow when draining the tank and from that
location on the vertical axis read across to the graph of the proper vacuum breaker size. Pressure/Temperature Rating:
At this intersection of the graph read down to the horizontal axis and determine the
vacuum for the tank. This is the recommended vacuum rating of the tank which must be Series VBM – Molded Models: PVC, GPP, PVDF & CPVC
checked with the tank manufacturer’s rating to be sure the tank is strong enough.
Valve Valve Maximum Working Pressure
Anti-Siphon Applications: Body Diaphragm 75°F 110°F 140°F 180°F 220°F 240°F 284°F
Material Material (24°C) (43°C) (60°C) (82°C) (104°C) (115°C) (140°C)
For these applications the Vacuum Breakers must be installed in a
EPDM 100 100 40 NR NR NR NR
“U-bend” at least 30 inches (2 1/2 feet or 76 cm) above the highest PVC
liquid level. Depending on the safety factor desired for Anti- FKM 100 100 40 NR NR NR NR
Siphoning this height would become 60 inches (5 feet or 152 cm) at EPDM 100 100 100 80 NR NR NR
2 times safety factor which is recommended by Plast-O-Matic. FKM 100 100 100 80 NR NR NR
EPDM 100 100 100 100 NR NR NR
Use Caution in Dangerous Applications: PVDF
FKM 100 100 100 100 60 30 10
In the event a diaphragm failure could cause spraying of a EPDM 100 100 80 40 NR NR NR
dangerous liquid onto nearby equipment or personnel, or simply CPVC
FKM 100 100 80 40 NR NR NR
into the atmosphere where breathing the vapors would be
dangerous, it is strongly advised to use a Plast-O-Matic Check Series VB – Machined PTFE Models
Valve in lieu of the Vacuum Breaker, and pipe the vent or inlet side PTFE
EPDM 100 90 80 70 NR NR NR
of the check valve to a safe remote location. The Check Valve will FKM 100 90 80 70 40 20 10
have the same flow capabilities of the Vacuum Breaker, and
contains the same design. Series VBS – PVC, PP, PVDF, & CPVC
EPDM 100 100 40 NR NR NR NR
Elimination of Vacuum in a System: FKM 100 100 40 NR NR NR NR
To prevent instrument or system malfunction, the same consider- EPDM 100 80 50 30 NR NR NR
ations are involved as in the tank application. The vacuum breaker PP
FKM 100 80 50 30 NR NR NR
should be installed at the highest location in the system. Plast-O- EPDM 100 100 100 100 NR NR NR
Matic Vacuum Breakers can be mounted in any position since they PVDF
FKM 100 100 100 100 60 30 10
are self-sealing and do not rely on gravity to operate; however, EPDM 100 100 80 40 NR NR NR
upright is preferred. Also see Anti-Siphon section. CPVC
FKM 100 100 80 40 NR NR NR
Ordering Information for Series VBM & VB
Series Series Series Series Series
Size FKM Seals FKM Seals FKM Seals FKM Seals FKM Seals
1/2'' VBM050V-PV VBM050V-PP VBM050V-PF VBM050V-CP N.A.
3/4'' VBM075V-PV VBM075V-PP VBM075V-PF VBM075V-CP VB075V-TF
Ordering Information for Series VBS
Pipe PVC Natural Polypro Corzan CPVC Kynar PVDF
Size FKM Seals FKM Seals FKM Seals FKM Seals
1-1/2'' VBS150V-PV VBS150V-PP VBS150V-CP VBS150V-PF
Notes: Threads are standard. Socket ends available on VBM models in PVC.
For other body material consult factory. Above shown with FKM seals.
For EPDM Seals, change “V” to “EP” (ex. VBS150EP-PV).
PLAST-O-MATIC VALVES, INC. 1. For socket end connectors specify “S” in part number (ex. VBS150VT-PV).
1384 Pompton Avenue, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009-1095 2. For threaded ends connectors specify “T” in part number (ex. VBS150VT-
PV).* Natural Polypro is non-filled, non-pigmented 100% virgin resin
(973) 256-3000 • Fax (973) 256-4745 •

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