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||||||||||III US005430091A

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,430,091

Mahabir 45) Date of Patent: Jul. 4, 1995
54 MOISTURE CROSSLINKABLE FLAME 4,798,864 1/1989 Topcik .
RETARDANT COMPOSITONS FOR CABLE 5,312,861 5/1994 Meverder et al. .................. 524/547
(75 Inventor: Carl M. Mahabir, Brampton, Canada 1043O34 11/1978 Canada .
73) Assignee: AT Plastics Inc., Ontario, Canada O370517 11/1989 European Pat. Off. .
05O1340 2/1992 European Pat. Off. .
21 Appl. No.: 241,003 58-132013 8/1983 Japan.
22 Filed: May 11, 1994 Primary Examiner-Veronica P. Hoke
(51) Int. Cl." ................................................ C08K 5/06 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Cushman Darby & Cushman
52 U.S. C. .................................................... 524/371 57 ABSTRACT
58) Field of Search ............... 524/371, 588, 466, 467, A moisture crosslinkable flame retardant composition
524/411,412; 525/29 comprising 25-75 wt % of a vinyl trialkoxy silane co
(56) References Cited polymer having a melt index selected from the range
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 0.2-25, and a silane content selected from 0.5-5 wt %;
15-20 wt % polyethylene having a melt index selected
3,832,326 8/1974 North et al. . from 0.1-30, and a density selected from 0.93-0.96
3,856,890 12/1974 Biddell . g/ml, 10-35 wt % decabromodiphenyl oxide; and, op
3,860,676 1/1975 Krackeler et al. . tionally, 5-15 wt %. 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14-dodeca
3,950,456 4/1976 Newcombe ......................... 524/467 chloro 1,4,4a,5,6,6a,7,10,10a,11,12,12a-dodecahydro
4,092,292 5/1978 Braus et al. . 1,4,7,10-dimethanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooctene. The
4,381,362 4/1983 Biggs et al. . crosslinkable composition provides improved dielectric
4,397,981 8/1983 Doi et al. .
4,413,066 11/1983 Isaka et al. . breakdown strength and flame retardancy. Improved
4,446,283 5/1984 Doi et al. . electric cables are provided.
4,549,041 10/1985 Shingo et al. .
4,689,369 8/1987 Ishino et al. . 14 Claims, No Drawings
MOISTURE CROSSLINKABLE FLAME an insulated conductor shall not flame longer than 60s
following five 15-s application of flame, the period be
APPLICATIONS tween applications being 15s. The test specimens must
not ignite combustible materials in the immediate vicin
FIELD OF THE INVENTION ity or damage more than 25% of the indicator flag (UL
1581 1080.1-1080.9). The latter requires that the break
This invention relates to moisture crosslinkable flame down potential of each of six specimens of finished solid
retardant compositions for cable applications compris No. 14 AWG Type XHHW wire that have separately
ing random copolymers of ethylene and vinyl trialkox been subjected to a glancing impact (45) of 2J or 0,207
ysilane, halogen containing flame retardant and high 10
m-kgf shall not be less than 20% of the average break
density polyethylene. down potential of six adjacent specimens of the same
BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION wire not subjected to impact (UL 1581, 700. 1-700.6).
A polyethylene resin such as low density polyethyl SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
ene and the like has been generally crosslinked to en 15
It is an object of the present invention to provide a
hance its mechanical strength, heat resistance and other moisture crosslinkable flame retardant composition of
properties. One such method of crosslinking ethylene use in the manufacture of electric cable insulation,
polymers involves incorporating alkoxysilane function which composition when crosslinked provides im
ality into the polymer structure either by grafting unsat proved dielectric breakdown strength and flame retard
urated alkoxysilanes onto the ethylene polymers or by ancy.
direct copolymerization of ethylene with unsaturated It is a further object of the present invention to pro
alkoxysilanes, herein referred to as EVS copolymers. vide an electric cable comprising an electrical conduc- -
The silane copolymer can be crosslinked by exposing tor and said crosslinked composition.
the copolymer to moisture i.e., the silane is such that it Accordingly, the invention provides in its broadest
makes the copolymer hydrolysable. The crosslinking is 25
accelerated in the presence of an appropriate silanol aspect a moisture crosslinkable flame retardant compo
condensation catalyst such as dibutyl tin dilaurate, dioc sition comprising 25-75 wt % of a vinyl trialkoxysilane
tyl tin maleate, stannous acetate zinc octate stannous copolymer having a melt index selected from the range
octate iron 2-ethyl hexoate and other metal carboxyl 0.2-25, and a silane content selected from 0.5-5 wt %;
ates. 15-20 wt % polyethylene having a melt index selected
When polyethylene copolymerized with the unsatu from 0.1-30, and a density selected from 0.93-0.96
rated silane compound is used as electric cable insula g/ml; and 10-35 wt % decabromodiphenyl oxide.
tion, there has been a problem in that the retention of The compositions of the invention, optionally, fur
dielectric strength after a mechanical glancing impact is ther comprise 5-15 wt % 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14
not always satisfactory and especially unsatisfactory 35 dodecachloro 1,4,4a,5,6,6a,7,10,10a, 11,12,12a
when flame retardants are incorporated into the compo -dodecahydro 1,4,7,10-dimethanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooc
sitions. The reasons for these problems are not fully tele.
understood. The crosslinkable compositions of the invention are
Known typical flame retardant resin compositions useful in coating electrical wire and cable with im
used for the insulation of wire and cable, comprise anti proved flame retardancy and retention of dielectric
mony trioxide and a chlorine flame retardant or bro strength after glancing impact.
mine flame retardant with a polyethylene. These halo Preferably, the vinyl trialkoxysilane is vinyl triethox
gen containing compositions such as, for example, bro ysilane and, more preferably, vinyl trimethoxysilane,
mine containing decabromodiphenyl oxide (DBDPO), and wherein the silane content is preferably within the
works by releasing heavy non-flammable hydrogen 45 range 1.5-2.5 wt % and has a melt index selected from
halide (bromide) gases. Due to its high halogen content 0.5 to 5. The compositions of the invention, most prefer
DBDPO (83.3% bromine), lower amounts of filler are ably, contain 30-35% vinyl trialkoxy silane.
required than with the chlorine containing A preferred composition comprises 55-65 wt % of
1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14-dodecachloro 14,4a,5,6- vinyl trimethoxysilane, 15-20 wt % polyethylene and
6a, 7,10,10a,11,12,12a-dodecahydro 1,4,7,10-dime 50 10-15 wt % decabromodiphenyl oxide.
thanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooctene (Dechlorane Plus 25 The flame retardant filler of use in the practice of the
(65.1% chlorine)). The latter is known to act as a better invention, optionally, is a synergistic combination of
char promoter than the former. brominated and chlorinated compounds, as hereinbe
However, there remains a need for flame retardant fore defined. A preferred ratio of halogenated com
electric cable insulation which has both acceptable 55 pounds in the compositions of the invention is about 10
flame retardancy and dielectric strength after glancing wt % Dechlorane Plus 25 with about 30 wt % of
impact. DBDPO.
In accordance with the present invention, I have The halogen compounds are preferably used in com
found that the use of particular compositions compris bination with an antimony compound such as, for exam
ing a random copolymer of ethylene and a vinyl trialk 60 ple, antimony trioxide, antimony sulphide, sodium an
oxysilane and a flame retardant mixture, optionally, timonite, potassium antimonite, and the like. The anti
containing certain additives results in the formation of a mony additive will generally be employed in amounts
flame retardant polymeric composition that when used ranging from about 3 to 20 wt %, preferably 5 to 10 wt
as a primary insulating coating, enables the finished %, most preferably, about 7.5 wt %, based on the total
product to pass the vertical wire (VW-1) flame test and 65 weight of the composition.
glancing impact test requirements designated by Under The compositions of the invention may further com
writers Laboratories Inc (UL) for XHHW cable appli prise additives known and standard in the art of poly
cations. The former requires that a vertical specimen of mer processing and crosslinking, such as for example,
5,430,091 4.
processing aids, condensation catalysts, antioxidants or AT 980 is a high density polyethylene grafted with a
stabilizers. silane monomer. It has a density of 958 kg/m3. This is a
In a further aspect, the invention provides a method product of AT Plastics Inc.
for the production of a coated electrical conductor Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3)-sold under trademarks
coated with a flame retardant crosslinked polyethylene such as Thermoguard S, Thermoguard L., Antimony
composition, said method comprising coating said con oxide KR, Antimony oxide LTS, FireShield H, and
ductor with moisture crosslinkable flame retardant FireShield L.
composition as hereinabove defined and crosslinking Decabromodiphenyl oxide (DBDPO)-sold under
said composition. trademarks such as Great Lakes DE-83 and DE-83R,
In yet a further aspect the invention provides a 10 Thermoguard 505, Saytex 102E, and AmeriHass FR
coated electrical conductor made by the process as 1210.
hereinabove defined. Dechlorane Plus 25 (Dec Plus 25) is the trademark
Such methods may be readily carried out by appara given to 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14-dodecachloro
tus and techniques known within the art of manufacture 14,4a,5,6,6a,7,10,10a, 11,12,12a -dodecahydro-1,4,7,10
of flame retardant containing crosslinked polymer 15 dimethanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooctene. This product is
coated electric cable and wire. supplied by Occidental Chemical Corporation.
Aluminum silicate (Calcined Kaolin)-sold under
DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED trademark such as Translink 37 and Translink 77.
EMBODIMENTS Polydis TR016 is a blend of fatty acid metal salt and
In order that the invention may be better understood, an amide. It acts as an efficient blending and proces
sing/dispersing agent in highly filled systems. This
preferred embodiments will now be described by way product is supplied by Struktol.
of example only with reference to the accompanying Polydis TRO60 is a mixture of aliphatic resins with
Tables wherein; molecular weight below 2000. It is a processing agent
TABLE A provides the results of investigations on 25 that acts as a binder in highly filled systems. This prod
the effect of process aids to improve dielectric break uct is supplied by Struktol.
down strength after glancing impact of an insulation Polydis TR121 (Oleamide) is the unsaturated fatty
passing the horizontal flame test; primary amide derived from oleic acid. It acts as a slip/-
TABLE B provides the results of investigations on lubricant/dispersant agent. This product is supplied by
the effect of impact modifiers to improve dielectric 30 Struktol.
breakdown strength after glancing impact of an insula Ucarsil PA-1/D55 is a process aid used for improved
tion passing the horizontal flame test; dispersion. This product is supplied by Union Carbide
TABLE C provides the results of investigations on Corporation.
the effect of softer polymers on the dielectric break Durastrength 200 is an acrylic impact modifier that
down strength after glancing impact of an insulation 35 offers outstanding impact retention. This product is
passing the horizontal flame test; supplied by M&T Chemicals Inc.
TABLE D provides the results of investigations on Metalblen C-201 is a polymeric impact modifier that
the effect of higher density polymers on the dielectric offers impact resistance to rigid plastics. This product is
breakdown strength after glancing impact, of an insula supplied by Metco North America Inc.
tion passing the horizontal flame test; and Royalene IM 7565 is a low ethylene EPDM polymer
TABLE E provides results for flame retardant com which is excellent for impact modification of olefinic
positions tested for vertical flame test, dielectric resins. This product is supplied by Uniroyal Chemical
strength after glancing impact and optimum tensile Company, Inc.
properties. Royalene IM 7200 is a high ethylene EPDM polymer
Material and Test Procedures 45 used to improve stress crack resistance of polyethylene.
This product is supplied by Uniroyal Chemical Com
Materials pany, Inc.
AT 910 is an ethylene vinyl trimethoxysilane (EVS) Attane 4001 is an ultra low density copolymer with a
copolymer with a melt flow index of 0.6. (AT Plastics density of 912 kg/m3. This product is supplied by The
Inc., Brampton, Ontario Canada) 50 Dow Chemical Company.
AT 2030 is ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer Escorene HD-6908 is a high density polyethylene
with a 20% vinyl acetate (VA) content and a melt flow with a density of 965 kg/m3.
index of 15. It is used as a carrier resin for master Exxon HD-9856B is a high density polyethylene with
batches. a density of 956 kg/m3.
AT 2820-g-silane is a grafted silane terpolymer with 55 Dow 8534 is a high density polyethylene with a den
28% VA. This a product of AT Plastics Inc. sity of 958 kg/m3.
AT 4030 is an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copoly Dow 2047E is a low density polyethylene with a
mer with a 40% VA content and a melt flow index of 55 density of 917 kg/m3.
g/10 min. This is a product of AT Plastics Inc. Dow 2037A is a medium density polyethylene with a
1.5 MI EVS is an ethylene vinyl trimethoxysilane density of 940 kg/m3. Dow8534, Dow 2047E and Dow
copolymer with a melt flow index of 1.5 g/10 min. This 2037A are supplied by The Dow Chemical Company.
is a product of AT Plastics Inc. Sclair 14J1 (Trademark-Dupont) is a medium density
AT 930 is an ethylene vinyl trimethoxysilane copoly polyethylene with a density of 940 kg/m3. This product
mer with a melt flow index of 2.5 g/10 min. This is a is supplied by Dupont.
product of AT Plastics Inc. 65. Test Procedures
15 MI EVS is an ethylene vinyl trimethoxysilane (1) Flame tests
copolymer with a melt flow index of 15 g/10 min. This The test is conducted with the specimen crosslinked
is a product of AT Plastics Inc. composition in a three sided enclosure being 305 mm
wide, 355 mm deep and 60 mm high, and the top and specimen ceases of its own accord. In the latter case the
front being open. A flat horizontal layer of untreated gas flame is to be reapplied as soon as flaming of the
surgical cotton 6-25 mm thick covers the floor of the specimen ceases. The gas flame is reapplied to the speci
enclosure. A Tirrill gas burner is adjusted so that the men 15s after the previous application if flaming of the
overall height of the flame is 100-125 mm and the blue 5 specimen ceases of its own accord within 15 s of the
inner cone 38 mm high. The temperature at the tip of previous application.
the inner blue cone is 816 C. or higher as measured If any specimen of the wire shows more than 25 per
with a chromel-alumel thermocouple. A wedge to cent of the indicator flag burned away or charred (soot
which the base of the burner can be secured is provided that can be removed with a cloth or the fingers or
for tilting the barrel 20 from the vertical while the 10 brown scorching are to be ignored) after any of the five
longitudinal axis of the barrel remains in the vertical applications of the flame, the wire is judged to be capa
plane. The flame is applied to the specimen at the point ble of conveying flame along its length. If any specimen
at which the tip of the blue inner cone touches the of wire (2) emits flaming or glowing particles or flame
center of the front of the specimen. This operation and drops at any time that ignites the cotton on the burner,
the remainder of the test are conducted under a force 15 wedge or floor of the enclosure (flameless charring of
draft exhaust hood or cabinet operating to provide re cotton is to be ignored), the wire is to be judged capable
moval of smoke and fumes but not having drafts that of conveying flame to combustible materials in the vi
affect the flame. The specimen passes the flame test if 5 cinity. If any specimen of the wire (3) continues to flame
out of 5 samples meets the criteria below: longer than 60s after any application of the gas flame,
(i) The horizontal flame test, a 254 mm specimen is the wire is judged to be capable of conveying flame to
cut from a sample length of finished single conductor combustible materials in its vicinity.
insulated wire and secured with its longitudinal axis (2) Dielectric Breakdown after glancing impact
horizontal in the center of the enclosure. The specimen Both ends of each of six 380-mm specimens of fin
supports are 203 mm apart, and the three metal rods ished solid No. 14 AWG Type XHHW wire are secured
whose free ends are not closer than 19 mm to the speci 25 to one of the broad face of a hard oak board measuring
men are used to indicate three points on the specime
n-the point midway between the specimen supports approximately 50 mm by 100 mm in cross section with
and points 51 mm to each side of the specimen midpoint. in the wires being insulation
out damage to the and in a manner that results
straight and parallel to the longitudi
The litburner is moved into the position to apply the tip nal axis of the board. The board is rigidly supported
of the blue inner cone of its flame to the specimen mid with the plane formed by the wires inclined 45 from
point, kept there for 30 s, removed to a position well the horizontal and each wire in a vertical plane. A
away from the specimen, and then extinguished by weight of 0.454 kg consisting of a solid right-circular
closing the gas supply valve. Note is taken and recorded steel cylinder that is 20 mm in diameter, has all surfaces
of whether any flaming progresses beyond either or smooth, and has one end rounded to a hemisphere is
both of the indicators 51 mm from the specimen mid 35 supported with its longitudinal axis vertical and in a
point. Note also is taken and recorded of whether any
particles or drops are emitted by the specimen during or vertical
plane containing one of the wires. The hemi
end is to be down and centred 460 mm above
after application of the flame. the midpoint of the length of the wire. A straight verti
The wire is judged capable of conveying flame along cal tube having a 22-mm inside diameter is to surround
its length if flaming of the specimen progresses beyond the cylinder and serve as a guide to keep the cylinder
either or both of the 51-mm indicators. The wire is also vertical while the cylinder is falling and after it has hit
judged to be capable of conveying flame to combustible the wire. The inside surface of the guide tube is to be
materials in its vicinity if any particles or drops that are smooth and the tube is of a length that keeps the cylin
emitted by the specimen at any time during or after der from coming out of the guide tube.
application of the gas flame ignites the cotton on the 45 While the specimen of wire, the apparatus, and the
burner, wedge, or floor of the enclosure. Flameless surrounding air are in thermal equilibrium with one
charring of the cotton is to be ignored. another at a temperature of 24.0-8.0 C., the cylinder
(ii) The vertical (VW-1) flame test, a 457 mm speci is released, fall freely in the guide tube, and strike the
men is cut from a sample length of finished single con wire once, and is then immediately to be raised back up
ductor insulated wire and secured with its longitudinal 50 to and secured at the 460-mm height. This process is
axis vertical in the center of the enclosure. A strip of repeated for each of the five remaining specimens of
unreinforced 94 g/m2 kraft paper of 13 mm wide, ap wire. Each of the impacted specimen has its impacted
proximately 0.1 mm thick, and gunned on one side is area immersed in tap water that is at a temperature of
used to make an indicator flag. The strip is wrapped 24.0-8.0 C. The water is in an earth-grounded metal
around the specimen once with its lower edge 254 mm 55 container whose inside metal surface is directly and
above the point at which the blue inner cone is to touch entirely in contact with the water, but not painted,
the specimen. This indicator flag projects 19 mm from enamelled, or otherwise insulated. The insulation in the
the specimen to the rear of the enclosure. The lower impacted area of each specimen is stressed electrically
clamp for the specimen must not be closer than 76 mm to breakdown by means of a 48-62 Hz potential applied
from the point at which the blue inner cone touches the between the conductor in the specimen and the earth
specimen. The litburner is moved into position to apply grounded water container. The test potential is supplied
the tip of the inner blue cone to the specimen, kept there by a transformer complying with UL 1581 paragraph
for 15s, removed for 15s, longer if flaming of the speci 820.1.
men persists and the like for a total of five 15-s applica The applied potential is increased from near zero to
tions of the gas flame to the specimen with 15s, -longer 65 an essentially uniform rate that (i) is not less than 100
if flaming of the specimen persists, between applica percent of the voltage rating for the product in 60s and
tions. If flaming of the specimen persists longer than 15 (ii) is not more than 100 percent in 10 s. The rate of
s, the gas flame is not to be reapplied until flaming of the increase is not to exceed 500 V/s in any case. The in
5,430,091 8
crease continues in this manner until breakdown occurs. dial or scale and recorded together with the original
The breakdown potential for each of the six impacted dimensions of the specimen for use in calculating the
specimens is recorded. Each of six 380-mm or longer tensile strength.
wire specimens not subjected to the impact is subjected The minimum acceptable elongation (25-mm bench
to the dielectric-breakdown procedure with the center 5 mark) is 150 percent, and the minimum acceptable ten
portion of its length immersed in water as described sile strength (at break) is 1500 psi (10.3 MPa).
above. The breakdown potential is to be recorded for
each of these specimens and the average of these poten RESULTS
tials is calculated and recorded. 1. Improvement in the dielectric performance of Flame
The breakdown potential of each of six specimens of 10 Retardant Compositions passing a horizontal flame test:
finished solid No. 14 AWG Type XHHW wire that A flame retardant moisture cross-linkable insulation
have separately being subjected to a glancing impact of composition (I) known to the prior art and which satis
2J or 0.207 m-kgf shall not be less than 20 percent of the
average breakdown potential of six adjacent specimens fies the horizontal flame test, was taken as a basic com
parative example by way of illustrating the advance of
of the same wire not subjected to the impact. 15
(3) Ultimate tensile elongation and strength the present invention.
Samples for the physical tests are taken from a coil or
reel of finished wire. The tests are conducted at a ten
perature of 24.0-8.0° C. Unless the manufacture re -(D-
Component Wt (%)
quires them to be made sooner, the measurements of 20 AT 910 76.0
tensile strength and elongation are not made until at AT 2030 7.4
least 48 hours after the wire is manufactured. The sam OBDPO O.3
ple is cut into specimens of a convenient length. The Sb2O3 6.3
insulation is then cut circumferentially at a distance of
13 mm from each end of the specimen, the cut ends of as When fillers are used in a polymeric composition
the insulation are removed, and the exposed ends of the
conductor are freed from any adhering particles. Mea such as (I), improved dispersion of the fillers with the
surements to 0.01 mm of the diameter of the conductor polymer and increased compatibility with the polymer
and the diameter over the insulation are made with a matrix can be expected by incorporation of a process/-
machinist's micrometer calliper, dead-weight dial mi 30 dispersion aid. Better filler dispersion should improve
crometer, or optical device. The diameter of each ex the intrinsic properties such as tensile break strength
posed end section of the copper is measured at a point 6 and dielectric break strength of the insulation, thereby
mm from the end, and the average of two measurements enabling it to pass the glancing impact test. The disper
is taken as the diameter of the conductor. Measurements sion/process aids were added to the above composition
of the maximum and the minimum diameters over the 35 (I) at 2% by weight (Table A).
insulation are made at a point halfway between the ends Commercially available process/dispersion aids from
of the specimen and at points 25 mm to each side of the Struktol (TR 016, TR 060, TR 121) and Union Carbide
midpoint. The average of the maximum and minimum (Ucarsil PA-1/D55) used in examples (1-5, Table A) are
diameters at each point is determined, and the lowest of known to provide easier incorporation of fillers and
the three averages is used as the diameter of the speci 40 additives, more homogeneous dispersion of highly filled
men in calculating the cross-sectional area. The cross systems and higher impact in filled compounds.
sectional area of a tubular specimen is computed by However, such improved properties were not re
means of the formula
flected in improved performance under glancing impact
A=0.7854 (D2-d2) tests.
45 The glancing impact test reveals the impact resis
where A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen, D tance of sample (I). It seemed probable that the intro
duction to composition (I) of an impact modifier would
is the diameter over the insulation, and d is the diameter
of the conductor. make the flame retardant cross-linkable composition
The conductor is then removed from the insulation impact resistant. Commercially available impact modifi
and two marks 25 mm apart and equidistant from the 50 ers are EPR and EPDM rubbers (Royalene IM 7200 &
center of the specimen, are placed upon the specimen. IM 7565), acrylic impact modifiers (Durastrength 200)
These bench marks are right angles to the direction of and others such as Metablen C-201 & C-202. The addi
pull in the testing machine. Elongation and tensile tions to composition (I) of these known impact modifi
strength measurements are made on a power-driven 55 ers were therefore expected to increase the toughness of
machine provided with a device that indicates the ac this EVS system and enable it to pass the glancing in
tual maximum load at which the specimen breaks. Each pact test. However, as shown in examples 6-11 (Table
specimen is clamped in the position with both 25-mm B), no improvement to the impact resistance to the
bench marks outside of and between the grips. The flame retardant filled EVS (I) was observed.
movable grip is adjusted to make the specimen taut but Since the "toughness' imparted by the impact modi
not under tension. The grips are then separated at a rate fier did not improve the glancing impact performance,
of 500-25 mm/min until the specimen is ruptured. the insulation was made softer so that it can be resilient
During separation, the distance between the bench
marks are observed continuously. The distance is ob to the mechanical impact. This was done by adding
served at the instant of rapture and is recorded with an high EVA polymers or ultra low density PE to the
accuracy of at least 2 mm. The ultimate elongation, in 65 composition and by increasing the melt flow index of
percent, is taken as 100 times the increase in the distance the EVS, described in examples 12-18 (Table C).
between the bench marks, which originally were 25mm Some of these examples have shown a definite im
apart. After rapture the maximum load is noted from the provement under glancing impact, with reduced frac
ture. However, all samples exhibited very low and un materials. However, the combination with Dechlorane
acceptable values for insulation dielectric breakdown. Plus 25 (char promoter) eliminates the flaming particles.
Surprisingly however, when samples of AT980 (high The chlorine/bromine ratio is designed to provide max
density EVS) was subjected to the glancing impact test, imum halogen content with minimum total fillers while
they did not fracture and hence retained their dielectric maximizing the chlorine component to produce the
strength by >80%. Various HDPE was included into minimum char required to eliminate the flaming parti
the EVS system to determine the minimum polymer cles
density required to pass the glancing impact test with when(examples Dechlorane
a and f-s). It is also seen from example e,
Plus 25 alone was used, good flame
out being detrimental to other performances required retardancy is achieved; however, the finished product
for XHHW applications and results shown (examples 10 did not have dielectric integrity after glancing impact.
19-27, Table D). For the composition to pass both the flame and glanc
The polyethylenes of use in the present invention ing impact test while maintaining good
included essentially all high, medium and low density ties, the preferred choice of dispersion physical proper
polyethylene as well as mixtures thereof. The most fillers were LMDPE. This provided a compositionforwith medium the
preferred polyethylene for blending for use as insulation 15 good physical properties; a polymer density of mini
for wire and cable generally have a density from about mum 930 kg/m was found to be required to pass the
930 to about 960 kg/m3 and a melt flow index from glancing test as established earlier and confirmed in
about 0.1 to 30. Suitable EVS, preferably, have a den examples
sity 2-930 kg/m3 or EVS with <930 kg/m3 that are lower than this Any (a-s). composition with polymer density
blended with another polyethylene that results in the 20 value >944 will yieldwillvalue fail this particular test; and a
poorer physical properties with
polymeric component having a density 2930 kg/m3.
2. Flame Retardant Compositions with improved Di theInamount Tables
of fillers required to pass the flame test.
A and B, the presence of AT 2030, an ethyl
electric performance and passing VW-1 Flame and ene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer, in examples (1-9)
Ultimate tensile tests:
results in a value
The present invention provides a flame retardant 25 the true density, because for the polymer density higher than
crosslinked composition and a flame retardant cable acetoxy side chain of the EVA of the higher density of the
using the same which are excellent in both flame retard copolymer.
ancy and forming quality. In Table C the NA notation means that such density
The flame retardant additives of use in the composi of the presence of EVA component to adensity
values will not be a measure of the true because
higher propor
tion of the present invention are compatible or miscible 30 tions (AT 2820-g-silane, AT 4030, refer details of vinyl
with the EVS copolymer.
The ingredients of the crosslinkable compositions of acetate content under Materials and Test Procedures).
the invention, optionally together with catalyst, stabiliz TABLE A
ers, pigments and other auxiliary materials are kneaded Investigations on the effect of process aids to improve dielectric
and blended in conventional kneaders, mixers or extrud 35 breakdown strength after glancing impact, of an insulation
ers with the polymer components. passing horizontal flame test
The components can be supplied and extruded onto wt) Components (% by
wire as a two or three component system. It is conve 1 2 3 Comp. 4 5
nient to prepare master batches wherein high concen AT AT 910
trations of a silanol condensation catalyst or flame retar 40 DBDPO 10.3 10.3 0.3 10.3 0.3
dant fillers are formulated with a dispersion medium Sb2O3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3
such as polyethylene and subsequent addition of suitable TRO60 - 2 - --- -

amounts of the master batch to the copolymer in such TRO6 - - 2 - -

quantities as to produce the desired concentration. Al R 121

Ucarsi) PA-1/D55 -
- --
ternatively, the silanol condensation catalyst and the 45 Horizontal P P P P P
flame retardant fillers can be combined to produce one Flane test
master batch, or the flame retardant fillers compounded Glancing impact F F F F F
with the EVS copolymer and extruded with catalyst Polymer density 927 927 927 927 927
master batch.
Conventional procedures and apparatus can be em 50 TABLE B
ployed in extruding the flame retardant compositions of Investigation on the effect of impact modifiers to improve
this invention onto wires or cables. The compositions dielectric breakdown strength after glacing impact, of an
(given in Table E) were prepared and extruded onto 14 insulation passing horizontal flame test
AWG solid copper conductor with a 30 mil insulation Components
coating. 55 (%
A review of examples (a-s) in Table E, shows that in by wt) 6 7 8 9 10
order to consistently pass the vertical flame test (VW-1) AT 90 74 74 66 7 6.6 61.4
specified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL 1581), the AT 2030
composition must have a halogen content >30, but Sb2O3
preferably a polymer?halogen ratio <2. The desirabil Durastrength 26.3 -6.3 6.3 6.3 7.4
ity of the synergist Sb2O3 is seen in examples (1-o) 200
where although the polymer/halogen ratio is <2, these C-201 Metalblen m
2 10
samples failed the vertical (VW-1) flame test. The halo IM 7200
gen content should be a combination of DBDPO and IM 75.65
Dechlorane Plus 25. A comparison of examples rands 65 TR 060 2
shows that when the halogen is bromine only (example Flane Horizontal
r), during flaming, the insulation emits a lot of flaming Glancingtest F F
particles that could ignite the surrounding flammable impact
11 12
Polymer 927 927 927 923 98 97
TABLE B-continued density
Investigation on the effect of impact modifiers to improve
dielectric breakdown strength after glacing impact, of an
Investigations on the effect of softer polyners on the dielectric
breakdown strength after glancing impact, of an insulation
passing horizontal flame test
Components (%
by wt) 12 13 14 5 6 17 18
AT 910 66.4 61.6 66.4 - --- - --
dBDPO 10.3 10.3 11 10.3 10.3 10.3 0.3
Sb2O3 6.3 6.3 7.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3
TRO60 2 12 2 2 2 2 2
AT 2820 -g-silane 81.4 - --- --- --- m m
AT 4030 - 15 18 -- -- -- m
Attane 4001 - o - 15 - -
1.5 MIEVS - n- - - 8.4 on- m

AT 930 (2.5 MI) - re- -- - --- 8.4 -m

5 MEWS - m --- -- --- 81.4
Glancing impact F F F F F F F
Polymer density N/A NA NAA 923 926 926 926

Investigations on the effect of higher density polymers on the dielectric
breakdown strength after glancing impact, of an insulation
passing horizontal flame test
Components (% by
wt) 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27
AT 90 4.7 74.6 6.5 69.6 61.6 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.9
DBDPO 10.3 0.3 10.3 10.3 11 11.2 11.2 2
Sb2O3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 74 7.4
TR 060 - - - 2 2 2 2 2
AT 980 834 4.7 - - - m - - m

HD-6908 -- - 8.8 21.9 10 m - 18.5

HD-9856B - -- - - 8 18.5 -- ---

Dow 08534N - - --- --- - m - -- 18.5

Glancing impact P P F P P P P P P
Polyner density 958 942 929 934 930 932 932 933 933
Horizontal P P P P P P P P P
Flame test

insulation passing horizontal flame test

by wt) 6 7 8 9 10 1.

Flame retardant compositions tested for vertical flame test,
dielectric strength after glancing impact and
optimun tensile properties
Components (%
by wt) 2. b C d e f 3. h
AT 90 48 46 4. 45 40 40 48 48 48
DEC PLUS 25 35 20 25 12.3 30 9.8 20 22 24
DBOPO - --- m 8.5 - 9.6 O 2 13
Sb2O3 6 8 8 5 10 6 6 6 8
TRANSLINK 37 - 15 15 19.8 15 4.4 14 O 5
TRO60 2 2. 2 2 2
TRO16 - -- --- - - m - --- --

M 7200 8 8 8 - 4. - - -
AT 2030 2 2 2 7.4 - 8. - -- -
HO-6908 -- - - - -- -o- - -

DOW 2047E - --- -- - --- m -- - --

DOW2037A -- -- m - --- m- -- -- -

SCLAIR 14J. - - - - - m - -

Halogen content 22.8 13 16.3 5 19.5 20.8 21.3 24.3 26.4

Total polymer 58 58 51 52.4 44 48.1 48 48 48
Polymer/Halogen 2.9 4.5 3. 3.5 2.26 2.3 2.25 2.0 .8
Flame test, WW-1 1/3 OA3 4/5 015 515 4/5 2/5 3/S 55
(pass rate)
Break (MPa) 9.9 2. 8.7 NR NR 2. 13.4 12.3 1.2
Elong. (%) 285 2O2 75 NR NR 88 108 108 92
Glancing impact F F F F F F F F F
13 14
TABLE E-continued
Flame retardant compositions tested for vertical flame test,
dielectric strength after glancing impact and
Components (%
by wt) 2. b C d e f 3. h i
Polymer density 916 884. 916 920 928 928 926 926
NR - not recorded
"f.p. - flaming particles

Flame retardant compositions tested for vertical flame test,
dielectric strength after glancing impact and
Components (2% by
Wt) j k Os p d S
AT 910 48 54 28 28 28 28 25 25 25 33
DEC PLUS 25 25 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 - O
DBDPO 5 13 15 5 15 15 15 15 38 30.4
Sb2O3 O 8 - am- -- - 3 3. 10 7.6
TRANSLIM 37 - - - - - - - --- - -

TRO60 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - -
TRO16 - - - - - - - 2 2 2
M 7200 -- - -- -- - wo- - - -

AT 2030 - - - O - - - - --

HD-6908 - --- 25 5 10 5 m- - - --
DOW 2047E - - 10 15 20 -- - - -
DOW 2037A m -- --- - --- - 25 12.5 12.5 8.5
SCLAIR 14J. - - - - -- - -- 12.5 12.5 8.5
Halogen content 28.7 25.7 32 33. 32 32 32 32 3.7 31.8
Total polymer 48 54 53 53 53 53 SO 50 50 50
Polymer/Halogen 1.67 2. 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.56 1.56 1.58 .57
Fame test, VW-1 55 3/5 015 OS 05 O15 55 515 *f,p. 515
(pass rate)
Break (MPa) 10.9 1.7 13.6 12.0 1.6 1. 12.1 10.2 12.2 15.9
Elong. 192 228 O 10 25 15 O 145 350 308
Glancing impact F F P P P F P P P P
Polymer density 926 926 944 935 930 926 933 933 933 931
NR - not recorded
f.p. - flaming particles

Although this disclosure has described and illustrated 40 3. A composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein said
certain preferred embodiments of the invention, it is to silane content is selected from 1.5-2.5 wt %.
be understood that the invention is not restricted to 4. A composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein said
those particular embodiments. Rather, the invention silane copolymer has a melt index selected from 0.5 to 5.
includes all embodiments which are functional or me 5. A composition as claimed in claim 1 comprising
chanical equivalence of the specific embodiments and 45 30-35 wt % vinyl trialkoxy silane copolymer.
features that have been described and illustrated. 6. A composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein said
I claim: vinyl trialkoxy silane is vinyl trimethoxy silane.
1. A moisture crosslinkable flame retardant composi 7. A composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein said
tion comprising 25-75 wt % of a vinyl trialkoxy silane vinyl trialkoxy silane is vinyl triethoxy silane.
random copolymer of ethylene and said silane, said 50 8. A composition as claimed in claim 1 comprising 33
copolymer having a melt flow index selected from the wt % of vinyl trimethoxy silane random copolymer, 17
range 0.2-25, and a silane content selected from 0.5-5 wt % high density polyethylene, about 10 wt %
wt %; 15-20 wt % polyethylene having a melt index 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14-dodecachloro 14,4a,5,6-
selected from 0.1-30, and a density selected from ,6a,7,10,10a, 11,12,12a-dodecahydro 1,4,7,10-dime
930-960 kg/m3; and 10-35 wt % decabromodiphenyl 55 thanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooctene, and about 30 wt %
oxide. decabromodiphenyl oxide.
2. A moisture crosslinkable flame retardant composi 9. A composition as claimed in claim 1 comprising
tion as claimed in claim 1 comprising 25-40 wt % of a 55-65 wt % of vinyl trimethoxy silane random copoly
vinyl trialkoxy silane copolymer having a melt flow mer, 15-20 wt % polyethylene and 10-15 wt % deca
index selected from the range 0.2-25, and a silane con- 60 bromodiphenyl oxide.
tent selected from 0.5-5 wt %; 10. A composition as claimed in claim 9 comprising
15-20 wt % polyethylene having a melt index se about 60 wt % of vinyl trimethoxy silane randon co
lected from 0.1-30, and a density selected from polymer, about 18 wt % polyethylene and about 10 wt
930-960 kg/m3; % decabromodiphenyl oxide.
5-15 wt % 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14, 14-dodecachloro 65 11. A composition as claimed in claim 1 further com
1,4,4a,5,6,6a,7,10,10a,11,12,12a -dodecahydro prising an antimony compound.
1,4,7,10-dimethanodibenzo (a,e) cyclooctene; and 12. A composition as claimed in claim 1 further com
25-35 wt % decabromodiphenyl oxide. prising an additive selected from the group consisting of
5,430,091 16
a processing aid, condensation catalyst, antioxidant and flame retardant composition as defined in claim 1 and
stabilizer. - -
13. A method for the production of a coated electrical crosslinking said composition.
conductor coated with a flame retardant crosslinked 14. A coated electrical conductor made by the pro
polyethylene composition, said method comprising 5 cess defined in claim 13.
coating said conductor with a moisture crosslinkable sk K. k k it











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