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United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,338,348

Savin (45. Date of Patent: Aug. 16, 1994
54 ZNC POWDERRCH COATING 5,200,057 4/1993 Canaris............................... 106/1.29
COMPOSITION 5,248,406 9/1993 Kamitani............................ 106/129
76) Inventor: Ronald R. Savin, 11001 Muirfield FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Dr., Rancho Mirage, Calif. 92270 2065828 10/1992 Canada.
(21) Appl. No.: 125,430 2074329 M1993 Canada .
2602239 7/1986 France .
22 Filed: Sep. 22, 1993 57-192471 11/1982 Japan ....................... 106/14.05
255047 9/1985 as a 106/1.29
(51) Int. Cl. .......................... C09D 5/10; CO8K 3/08
52 U.S. Cl. .............................. 106/14.44; 106/1405; Primary Examiner-Anthony Green
106/1441; 106/14.43; 523/220; 523/442; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Frost & Jacobs
523/443; 523/459; 524/379; 524/391; 524/439; 57 ABSTRACT
524/492; 524/493
58) Field of Search ................. 106/1.29, 14.05, 14.41, A coating composition for use in protecting metallic
. 106/14.43, 14.44; 523/220, 442, 443, 459; substrates from corrosion, comprising in weight per
524/492, 493,379,391, 439 cent, based on the total weight of the composition: from
about 7% to 35% of film-forming substance; from about
(56) References Cited
35% to 55% of zinc powder; from about 5% to 25% of
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS zinc flakes; from about 1% to 5% at least one kind of
4,417,007 11/1983 Salensky et al. .................... 523/422 amorphous silica; and up to about 30% particulate fer
4,891,394 1/1990 Savin ................................... 523/422 rophosphate.
5,098,938 3/1992 Savin ................................... 523/220
5,167,701 12/1992 Savin ................................ 106/1441 6 Claims, No Drawings
primers also are believed to react chemically in such
ZINC POWDER-RICH COATING COMPOSITION inorganic systems. The resulting bonding matrix allows
a controlled galvanic current flow between the ferrous
FIELD OF THE INVENTION substrate and the zinc pigment (cathodic and anodic to
This invention relates generally to organic solvent one another, respectively), thus providing long term
based, water-borne and powder, coating compositions. galvanic protection, including scratched or abraded
Particularly, this invention relates to an improvement bare areas of substrate due to adjacent zinc metal.
coating composition which provides enhanced resis U.S. Pat. No. 4,417,007, issued Nov. 22, 1983, to
tance to environmental attack of metallic substrates and
Salensky et al., discloses a zinc-rich paint formulation
which can be applied by any conventional coating tech containing manganomanganic oxide as a color pigment,
nique. More particularly, this invention relates to a in which the binder may be any one of (1) epoxy resins,
zinc-powder (as defined herein)rich coating composi (2) that derived by reaction from diglycidyl ether of
tion which satisfies the objects set forth herein. The bisphenol A and vegetable oil fatty acids, (3) that de
coatings deposited by the composition of the invention rived from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin, or (4)
are highly electrically conductive and highly cathodic 15
alkyl silicate. From about 43% to 90% by weight zinc
when applied over a ferrous metal substrate, and can be dust, and from about 3% to 38% manganomanganic
recoated with any topcoat at any time. oxide are present, along with from about 4% to 25% by
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION weight epoxy resin binder, 0 to about 35% by weight
pigment extenders and binders, 0 to about 5% by weight
The outstanding corrosion resistance afforded by of a pigment suspension agent and balance solvent, in a
galvanizing has made it the most effective means for the claimed embodiment.
long term protection of steel from oxidation (rusting) U.S. Pat. No. 4,891,394, issued Jan. 1990 to R. R.
and subsequent corrosion. It is the conventional method Savin, discloses a coating composition comprising
of providing protection for guardrails, transmission about 10% to about 25% by weight of a film-forming
towers, light poles, electrical equipment and dozens of polymer which may be an epoxy resin, a vinyl chloride
other specific applications. Five mils or 125 microns of resin copolymerized with polyisocyanates, or a vinyl
a galvanizing composition (applied to light poles and chloride resin copolymerized with melamines; about
transmission towers) will protect exposed equipment 30% to about 60% by weight particulate metallic zinc
for a period in excess of 20 years. Guardrails may be (zinc dust as explained more fully below); a crystalline
coated with an average deposition of 75 microns and 30 silica having an oil absorption value of less than 20
provide approximately 10 years of corrosion protection
in an average rainfall environment. Galvanizing compo measured by ASTM Test D281-84, the volumetric ratio
sitions are applied both by hot dipping and electroplat of such silica to zinc ranging from about 0.7:1 to about
ing, in applications where surface coatings do not pro 1.25:1; about 2% to about 3% by weight of a pyrogenic
vide adequate corrosion resistance. 35 amorphous silica having an average particle size less
Galvanizing compositions are made from zinc “in than about 0.012 micron (for control of rheological
gots' and become oxidized only when exposed to the characteristics); and at least one solvent for the film
elements. The high conductivity of galvanizing compo forming polymer.
sitions provides excellent cathodic protection to steel French Patent 8611238 (Publication No. 2,602,239),
(which acts as the cathode, zinc being the anode), when published February, 1988, in the name of R. R. Savin,
exposed to a saline environment or other forms of oxi discloses a two part coating composition containing up
dation caused primarily by water in its various forms, to 70% by weight of a powdered metal (based on the
moisture, vapor and ice. total weight after admixture) (metal dust as explained
Zinc dustrich primers having an inorganic binder or more fully below); about 2% to 30% by weight of a
vehicle have been in use for about 40 years. Typically 45 film-forming polymer (as an organic binder); about 2%
such compositions contain about 80% to about 95% by to about 30% of a hardener for the polymer; at least
weight zinc dust, and alkyl silicate has been the inor 1.8% and up to 30% of an agent for control of rheologi
ganic binder of choice. Single-package primer composi cal characteristics; and up to 30% organic solvents. A
tions containing about 80% to about 90% by weight preferred polymer is an epoxy resin having an average
zinc dust and ethyl silicate binder have been in use for SO molecular weight of 350 to 3800. The agent for control
about the last 20 years. of rheological characteristics includes at least one pyro
A brochure published by AKZO N.V. (publication genic silica and optionally at least one natural or trans
date unknown) discusses the development of zinc-rich formation silica having an oil absorption value prefera
primers, the preparation of ethyl silicate and its use and bly not greater than 90 and more preferably not greater
mechanism as a binder. This publication explains that 55 than 40.
ethyl silicate is derived from tetraethyl orthosilicate U.S. Pat. 5,098,938, issued March 1992 to R. R. Savin,
which is reacted with water in the presence of an or discloses a coating composition similar to that of the
ganic solvent to produce liquid polysiloxane resins. above-mentioned U.S. No. Pat. 4,891,394, wherein an
When used in a zinc-rich primer, evaporation of the epoxy resin film-forming binder is used, and wherein at
solvent after application of the coating results in trans least four different size grades of pyrogenic amorphous
formation of the polysiloxane resin to amorphous silica, silicas are present within specified proportions and av
which becomes the bonding film in the cured coating. erage particle sizes, together with a crystalline silica
The amorphous silica reacts chemically with some of having an oil absorption value of less than 20 measured
the zinc powder in the coating to form zinc silicate by ASTM Test D281-84.
compounds. The silica will also react with the ferrous 65 Canadian Patent 2,065,828 provides a waterborne
metal substrate, particularly if it is previously abraded zinc-rich anticorrosion primer which is based upon the
or sandblasted, to form iron-(zinc)-silicate bonds. Sili combination of metallic zinc dust with a stable aqueous
cate mineral extenders frequently used in zinc-rich dispersion of a particular chlorinated addition copoly
3 4.
mer. Such primer can be formulated without the need herein “zinc powder' also is different from “lamellar
for significant amounts of organic co-solvents. There zinc' or 'zinc flakes', as used in the Canadian Patent
primers readily cure at ambient temperatures, allow 2,074,329.
overcoating shortly after drying, and result in films of Thus, there is clearly a genuine need for a cost effec
desirable hardness, resiliency and adhesion both to the 5 tive zinc-powder based coating composition for replac
substrate and topcoat. ing traditional galvanizing compositions, which affords
Canadian Patent 2,074,329 relates to an improved all the advantages of the galvanizing compositions.
powder coating composition comprising (a) a resin, (b) SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
a curing agent and (c) zinc, wherein the zinc is a mixture
of (c1) lamellar zinc (zinc flakes) and (c2) zinc dust. O It is an object of the present invention to provide a
U.S. Pat. 5,167,701 issued December 1992 to R. R. zinc-powder based coating composition which meets
Savin discloses a one-package zinc-rich coating compo the above needs by overcoming the combined disadvan
sition having an inorganic binder which provides pro tages of both inorganic and organic binder compositions
tection of metallic substrates against environmental in a cost effective manner.
attack comprises, in volume percent: from about 55% to 5 In accordance with the present invention there is
about 60% of an alkyl silicate solution having a solids provided a coating composition for use in protecting
content of about 35% to about 45% by weight; about metallic substrates from corrosion, comprising in
10% to about 14% zinc dust of at least one different weight percent, based on the total weight of the compo
particle size grade; about 0.5% to about 2.5% zinc sition: from about 7% to 35% of film-forming sub
flakes; about 3% to about 6% particulate ferrophos stance; from about 35% to 55% of zinc powder; from
phate; about 10% to about 17% of a particulate crystal about 5% to 25% of zinc flakes; from about 1% to 5%
line silica having an oil absorption value of less than 20 of at least one kind of amorphous silica; and up to about
measured by ASTM Test D 281-84; about 1% to about 30% particulate ferrophosphate.
2.5% of at least two different size grades of pyrogenic While not so limited, the coating composition of this
amorphous silicas having average particle sizes ranging 25 invention has particular utility generally as a replace
from about 0.007 to about 0.04 micron; about 0.3% to ment for galvanizing and more particularly in the pro
about 0.5% of a wetting agent; and about 7% to about tection of large steel structures such as bridges, ships,
8% of an anhydrous alcohol solvent. storage tanks, highway guardrails, reinforcing bars for
Coatings made from zinc dust provide only limited concrete, and the like. In addition, the composition of
protection to bare metal due to its much lower conduc the invention may be used in moving line applications
tivity than zinc metal caused by oxidizing during its such as undercoating for automotive body parts and
manufacturing process. In conventional Zinc rich paints interior areas of doors to replace current galvanizing
the greater the conductivity the greater the area of applications.
adjacent bare steel will be protected by the zinc metal. DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE
The level of adjacent bare metal protection is largely 35 INVENTION
proportional to its conductivity measured in ohms/cm2.
All galvanizing compositions, prior to exposure, will The film forming substances of the preferred embodi
measure total conductivity of 0.00 ohm/cm2 at 75 mi ments of the present invention are selected from the
cron deposition, whereas organic zinc rich industrial group consisting of alkyl silicate in substantially anhy
and maintenance coatings will measure from 1 to sev drous alkyl alcohol as a solvent, epoxy resins (powder
eral dozen ohms/cm2 at 75 microns based on the per and non-powder) and other well known equivalents
centage of zinc dust and the particle size of the zinc dust thereof including vinyl chloride resins copolymerized
utilized. In order to provide adequate continuity, zinc with isocyanates, polyurethane resins, polyester resins,
incorporated in organic primers customarily contains oil-modified polyester resins, polymers of acrylic, meth
between 80-95 wt % of zinc dust to the binder includ 45 acrylic esters and waterborne urethane or an emulsion
ing additives. The high percentage of zinc dust provides polymer prepared by the polymerization of monomers
improved conductivity contributing improved cathodic selected from the group consisting of acrylic, meth
protection, however, the high density and low binder acrylic, vinyl or styrenic monomers, and mixtures
content causes serious problems in handling and poor thereof. Preferably the alkyl silicate solution is ethyl
substrate adhesion requiring sand blasted metal to se 50 silicate in ethanol as a solvent. Other anhydrous alco
cure adequate adhesion. hols may also be used as a solvent. Since storage stabil
Zinc powder has not been used in zinc rich coating ity or shelf life is dependent upon a substantially anhy
systems due to its large particle size, heavy sedimenta drous composition, the ethanol solvent should be so
tion problems and has been ignored as an acceptable called absolute alcohol, which contains less than 0.1%
pigment. This application involves the use of zinc pow 55 Water.
der as a low cost galvanized metal replacement. Its The presence of amorphous silica is necessary for soft
relatively larger particle size permits excellent topcoat settling or sedimentation in the one-package composi
adhesion while galvanizing generally requires pre treat tion of the invention.
ment such as acid etching or special wash primers to Moving line applications are readily accomplished
provide adequate adhesion. Most galvanized metal is with the composition of the invention, and setting of
normally not coated due to the cost involved in the deposited coatings can be accelerated if desired by sub
pre-treatment and the application of a topcoat in field jecting the deposited coating to steam. Drying can be
conditions. While the term "zinc powder' has been and effected in about 5 minutes by this technique. Applica
continues to be used interchangeably with 'zinc dust', tion of coatings can be carried out by brushing, spraying
as used herein “zinc powder' only means pulverized 65 or flowcoating. Coating thicknesses can range from
metallic zinc in granular form, which is different from about 1.5 to about 5 mills.
“zinc dust', from “zinc powder' and from “particulate This application involves the use of zinc powder as a
zinc', as these terms are generally understood. As used low cost galvanized metal replacement. Its relatively
5 6
larger particle size permits excellent topcoat adhesion A suitable nonionic wetting agent is sold by BYK
while galvanizing generally requires pretreatment such Chemie under the trademark “ANTI-TERRA 204'.
as acid etching or special wash primers to provide ade Preferably, the film forming substance is ethylsilicate
quate adhesion. Most galvanized metal is normally not in substantially anhydrous ethyl alcohol as a solvent,
coated due to the cost involved in the pre-treatment and and the composition of the present invention also com
the application of a topcoat in field conditions. prises about 15 to 20% ferrophosphate, about 2 to about
As indicated in the above-mentioned AKZO publica 4% crystalline silica; and about 0.3 to about 1% of a
tion, conventional zinc-rich coating compositions con wetting agent. Another preferred composition is a pow
tained from about 80% to about 90% by weight zinc der composition, wherein the film forming substance is
dust. In contrast to this, by substitution of the silica and 10
an epoxy powder resin, and the composition also com
ferrophosphate in place of part of the zinc dust in con prises: about 2 to about 3% of a hardener; and about 0.4
ventional inorganic binder compositions, the composi
tion of the present invention contains about 35% to to about 1% of a flow control agent. Yet another pre
about 55% by weight zinc powder and 5% to 25% zinc ferred composition is a two-part water borne composi
flakes, thus substantially reducing the density and cost 15 tion, the first part and second parts of said composition
of the product while at the same time achieving excel including an epoxy resin film forming substance and
lent protection of metallic substrates against environ about 20 to 25% ferrophosphate, wherein the composi
mental attack and throw. tion also comprises: a first part comprising: about 0.3 to
Ferrophosphate provides electrical conductivity about 1% of an anti-foaming agent; about 0.1 to about
when present within the broad range of up to about 0.6% of a wetting agent; and about 7 to 11% butyl
30% by weight. Ferrophosphate is a relatively low cost cellusolve; and a second part comprising: about 2 to 4%
material. butyl cellusolve; and about 2 to 4% water. A further
Zinc flakes, which are somewhat fibrous in shape (an preferred composition is a solvent borne off-white bak
aspect ratio of about 11:1), have high electrical conduc ing primer especially suited for coil and other heavy
tivity in comparison to zinc dust. The presence of zinc 25 volume uses, wherein the film forming substance in an
flakes is thus needed within the broad range of about epoxy resin, and the composition also comprises about
5% to about 25% by volume. 0.2 to about 1% of an epoxy curing agent; about 15 to
The amorphous silica is needed, in order to provide about 25% of rutile titanium dioxide powder; about 0.1
soft sedimentation and to improve resistance against to about 0.6% of anti-foaming agents; about 0.05 to
environmental attack. Amorphous silica makes the 30 about 0.3% of a wetting agent; about 1 to 2% butanol;
composition of the invention thixotropic, thus provid about 5 to 10% methyl isobutyl ketone; about 5 to 10%
ing both ease of application and long term storage sta of xylol. Another preferred compositioin is a solvent
A wetting agent, if present improves coatability on borne composition, wherein the film forming substance
untreated substrates and adhesion of dried coatings. 35 is an expoxy resin, and the composition also comprises:
The amount of anhydrous alcohol solvent is re about 10 to about 205% of crystalline silica; about 6 to
stricted to a maximum of about 8% by volume, in order about 10% of a melamine hardening agent; about 0.05 to
to maintain the total volatile organic content (VOC), about 0.2% of a surfactant; about 0.05 to about 0.2% of
including the solvent present in the alkyl silicate solu an anti-forming agent; about 0.2 to 1% of an acid cata
tion, below the amount permitted by federal regula lyst; and about 15 to 25% of a solvent mixture of methyl
tions. amyl ketone, butanol and Exxate 600.
A substantially anhydrous ethyl silicate solution in The following non-limiting examples embody com
ethanol containing about 40% by weight solids, which positions of the invention.
is suitable for use in the present invention, is sold by EXAMPLE
AKZON.V. under the trademark "SILBOND’. A one 45
package moisture-cured grade designated as "SIL An inorganic zinc-rich powder composition was pre
BOND’ H-12A in combination with PURE SL pared by mixing the components in a conventional paint
BOND' (AKZON.V., 30% solids)is preferred. mill, the quantities being in percent by weight based on
Zinc powder is available from Purity Zinc Co. and the total weight:
the Zinc Corporation of America (ZCA). Flake zinc 50
having an average particle size of about 0.9 micron wide
and 10 micron long is sold by Novamet Corp. Ethyl silicate solution 26.0%
Ferrophosphate having an average particle size of (40% by weight solids)
about 10 microns, suitable for use in this invention, is Pure Ethylsilicate solution 4.8
(30% by weight solids)
available from Occidental Petroleum Corp. 55 Zinc powder 1213 39.
Crystalline silica is produced by Malvern Minerals Zinc flakes (0.9 x 10 microns) 6.5
Inc. under the trademark “NOVACITE'. Ferrophosphate (10 microns) 19.5
Amorphous silica may be produced by high tempera Crystalline silica (9 microns) 3.2
ture hydrolysis of silicon tetrachloride or by transfor Amorphous silica (0.007 micron) 0.4
mation of silica in an electric arc. Preferred pyrogenic Wetting agent O.S
amorphous silicas include those sold under the trade 100.0%
mark "AEROSIL' by Degussa, and under the trade AKZON.V. "Silbond" H-2A
mark “CABOSIL’ by Cabot Corporation. AKZON.V. "Pure Silbond"
ZCA (1213, 1222 and mixtures thereof)
"AEROSIL' 300 has an average particle size of about Novamet Corp.
0.007 micron. "AEROSIL'972 is silane treated and has 65 Occidental Petroleum grade #31
Malvern Minerals "NOVACITE 337
an average particle size of about 0.018 micron, while Degussa "AEROSIL"300 amorphous silica
“AEROSIL'974 has an average particle size of 0.008 BYK Chemie "ANTI-TERRA204" nonionic
7 8
EXAMPLE 2 -continued
An organic Zinc rich powder primer was prepared in
the same manner as in Example 1, with amounts again in Shell Chemical "Epon 1001 x 75'
Dow Chemical "DEH 40"
percent by weight based on total weight: 5 ZCA (1213, 1222 and mixtures thereof)
Dupont “R-900"
Degussa "AEROSIL”972
Epoxy powder resin 24.0% Degussa "AEROSIL"300
BYK Chemie “BYK 310"
Zinc powder 47.8 BYK Chemie “BYK 052"
Zinc fakes 23.8 BYK Chemie “Anti-Terra 204
(0.9 x 10 microns) O Eastman Chemicals
Amorphous silica (0.007 micron) 1.4 Ashland Chemicals
Hardener 2.4
Flow Control Agent 0.6
100.0% EXAMPLE 5
"EPON 2002” by Shell Chemical 15 A solvent-borne composition with zinc powder used
ZCA (1213, 1222 and mixtures thereof) instead of zinc dust on a volume for basis in Example 4
Novamet Corp.
Degussa "AEROSIL"300 amorphous silica in U.S. Pat. No. 4,891,394.
Huls "B-68”
Estron “B-67"
Epoxy resin 11.2%
Zinc powder 44.2
EXAMPLE 3 Crystalline silica 4.7
Amorphous silica (0.008 microns) 0.6
An organic water borne two component composition Amorphous silica (0.007 microns) 1.2
was prepared by mixing 86.3 parts A with 13.7 parts B, Ceclamine hardening agent 8.3
Surfactant 0.
the quantities being in percent by weight based on total 2s Anti-foaming agent 0,
weight: Acid catalyst' 0.5
Solvents: 19.2
Pat A
Mixture of methylisobutylketone,
methylamylketone, butanol and
Epoxy resin 6.9% EXXATE 60013
Zinc powder 44.0% 3O 100.0%
Ferrophosphate (9 microns) 23.6 Shell Chemicals, “1001F"
Amorphous silica (0.018 micron) 0.8 ZCA (1213, 1222 and mixtures thereof)
Amorphous silica (0.007 micron) 0.5 NOVALITE 1250. Malvern Chemicals
Anti-foaming agent 0.2 Degussa "AEROSIL”974
Anti-foaming agent 0.3 Degussa "AEROSIL”300
Wetting agent 0.3 American Cyanamid CYMEL303
35 73MFC
Butyl cellusolve' 9.7 430'
BYK Chemie “BYK 052
86.3 'BYK Chemie “BYK 451"
Part B 'BYK Chemie "BYK
10 Eastman Chemicals
Epoxy resin 6.9 13EXXON
Butyl cellusolve 3.3 40
Water 3.5
13.7 Tests have been conducted comparing coatings de
Part A - Part B as 100%.
posited from the compositions of the present invention
Epoxy VN 6227 - Reichhold with galvanizing coatings. All formulae disclosed gave
ZCA (1213, 1222 and mixtures thereof)
Occidental Petroleum grade #32
a reading of 0.00 ohms/cm2 at 75 microns equal to a
Degussa "AEROSIL”972 45 deposition of 75 microns of galvanizing (pure zinc
Degussa "AEROSIL”300 metal) compositions.
"BYK 301 - BYK Chemie The composition of the invention and coatings depos
7"BYK 052" - BYK Chemie
"Anti-Terra 204" - BYK Chemie ited therefrom had the following properties: the compo
Eastman Chemicals Butyl Cellusolve sition was thixotropic and non-settling; application was
50easily effected by brushing, spraying and flowcoating;
EXAMPLE 4 solvent resistance was excellent; and resistance against
saltspray corrosion was about equal to the prior art
An off-white baking zinc-rich primer especially coatings.
suited for coil and other heavy volume uses, was pre Thus it is apparent that there have been provided, in
pared by mixing the components, the quantities being in 55 accordance with the invention, a zinc-powder rich coat
percent by weight based on total weight: ing composition which fully satisfies the object and
advantages set forth above. While the invention has
Epoxy resin 11.5%
been described in conjunction with specific embodi
Epoxy curing agent 0.4 60 ments thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modi
Zinc powder 500 fications, and variations will be apparent to those skilled
Titanium dioxide, rutile 200 in the art in light of the foregoing description. Accord
Amorphous silica (0.018 microns) 0.5 ingly, it is intended to embrace all such alternatives,
Amorphous silica (0.007 microns) 0.5 modifications and variations which fall within the spirit
Anti-foaming agent 0.15 and broad scope of the appended claims.
Anti-foaming agent 0.15 65 I claim:
Wetting agent 0.15
Butanol 10 .65 1. A coating composition for use in protecting metal
Methylisobutylketone 7.5 lic substrates from corrosion, comprising in weight
Xylol 12 7.5 percent, based on the total weight of the composition:
9 10
from about 7% to 35% of a film-forming substance resin film forming substance and about 20 to 25% ferro
selected from the group consisting of: (i) alkyl phosphate, said composition further comprising:
silicate in substantially anhydrous alkyl alcohol as a a first part comprising:
solvent, (ii) powder and non-powder epoxy resins, about 0.3 to about 1% of an anti-foaming agent;
(iii) vinyl chloride resins copolymerized with iso 5 about 0.1 to about 0.6% of a wetting agent; and
cyanates, (iv) polyurethane resins, (v) polyester about 7 to 11% butyl cellusolve; and
resins, (vi) polymers of acrylic, methacrylic esters a second part comprising:
and waterborne urethane, (vii) emulsion polymers about 2 to 4% butyl cellusolve; and
prepared by the polymerization of monomers se about 2 to 4% water.
lected from the group consisting of acrylic, meth O 5. The composition of claim 1, said composition being
acrylic, vinyl or styrenic monomers and mixtures a solvent borne off-white baking primer especially
thereof, and mixtures of the above seven classes of suited for coil and other heavy volume uses, wherein
substances; said film forming substance is an epoxy resin, said com
from about 35% to 55% of zinc powder; position further comprising:
from about 5% to 25% of zinc flakes; 15
about 0.2 to about 1% of an epoxy curing agent;
from about 0.2% to 5% of at least one amorphous about 15 to about 25% of rutile titanium dioxide pow
silica; and der;
up to about 30% particulate ferrophosphate. about 0.1 to about 0.6% of anti-foaming agents;
2. The composition of claim 1, wherein said film about 0.05 to about 0.3% of a wetting agent;
forming substance is ethyl silicate in substantially anhy 20
drous ethyl alcohol as a solvent, said composition com about 1 to 2% butanol;
prising about 15 to 20% ferrophosphate, said composi about 5 to 10% methyl isobutyl ketone;
tion further comprising: about 5 to 10% of xylol.
about 2 to about 4% crystalline silica; and 6. The composition of claim 1, said composition being
about 0.3 to about 1% of a wetting agent. 25 solvent borne, wherein said film forming substance is an
3. The composition of claim 1, said composition being epoxy resin, said composition further comprising:
a powder composition, wherein said film forming sub about 10 to about 205% of crystalline silica;
stance is an epoxy powder resin, said composition fur about 6 to about 10% of a melamine hardening agent;
ther comprising: about 0.05 to about 0.2% of a surfactant;
about 2 to about 3% of a hardener; and 30 about 0.05 to about 0.2% of an anti-foaming agent;
about 0.4 to about 1% of a flow control agent. about 0.2 to 1% of an acid catalyst; and
4. The composition of claim 1, said composition being about 15 to 25% of a solvent mixture of methyl amyl
a two-part water borne composition, the first part and ketone, butanol and Exxate 600.
second parts of said composition including an epoxy k k k







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