United States Patent (19) : 11 Patent Number: 4,479,990 45 Date of Patent: Oct. 30, 1984

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,479,990

Dixon et al. 45 Date of Patent: Oct. 30, 1984

54 ARC AND TRACK RESSANT ARTICLES 3,817,906 6/1974 Tsukioka et al. ................... 523/440
UTILIZNG PHOTOSENSITIVE SAG 3,828,000 8/1974 Lucket al. .......................... 523/457
RESISTANT CYCLOALPHATIC EPOXY 3,937,855 2/1976 Gruenwald ..., ..., 427/342
RESEN COATHNG COMPOSITIONS 4,020,306 4/1977 Zahner et al. ...................... 523/457
4,102,851 7/1978 Luck et al............... ... 523/457
(75) Inventors: George D. Dixon, Needham, Mass.; 4,104,238 8/1978 Chenoweth et al. ... ... 523/466
Howard E. Saunders, Murrysville, 4,206,066 6/i980 Rinehart .................. ... 523/457
Pa.; Smith A. Gause, Hampton, S.C.; 4,404,355 9/1983 Eldin et al. ......................... 525/507
4,412,048 10/1983 Dixon et al. ................... 204/159.14
Newton N. Goldberg, Penn Hills
Township, Allegheny County, Pa. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(73) Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Co., Derwent Abst. 80181V/46, (10-1974), J74038717.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Derwent Abst. 80182V/46, (10-1974), J74038718.
21 Appl. No.: 403,441 Primary Examiner-Herbert J. Lilling
22 Filed: Jul. 30, 1982 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-D. P. Cillo
51 Int. Cl......................... C08K 3/10; C08L 63/00; 57 ABSTRACT
H01B 3/40 A photosensitive sag resistant composition is made con
(52) U.S. C. ...................................... 428/36; 428/413; taining cycloaliphatic epoxy resin, a flexibilizing agent,
523/414; 523/457; 523/466; 525/449; 525/533; arc and track resistant filler, thixotroping agent, and an
204/159.14 amount of a photosensitive compound effective to initi
(58) Field of Search ....................... 523/457, 414, 466; ate gelation with ultraviolet light exposure, where the
204/159.14; 525/449, 533; 428/36, 35 composition is resistant to sag upon application to a
56 References Cited surface, and has chemical and physical resistance to
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS arced SF6 upon cure.
3,449,274 6/1969 Salensky .............................. 523/466
3,505,426 4/1970 Matsumoto et al. ................ 525/449 20 Claims, No Drawings
Sag resistant coatings for feed tube liners, useful in
ASRC AND TRACK RESISTANT ARTICLES atmospheres of moist, pressurized sulfur hexafluoride
UTEING PHOTOSENSTIVE SAG RESISTANT insulating gas, found in many extra-high-voltage power
CYCLOAELPHATIC EPOXY RESEN COATING circuit breakers, are known in the art, and taught by
COMPOSITIONS 5 Luck et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 3,828,000. Such coatings,
however, were made from filled, flexibilized, cycloali
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION phatic epoxy resin compositions utilizing asbestos filler
To persons skilled in the art of the transmission of as a critical thickening agent. However, the use of asbe
electrical power at high voltages, it is known to provide 0 industry becausematerials
has been severely curtailed in
potential health hazards.
the transmission lines with power circuit breakers.
These are structures of substantial size, being on the thePolyester resins, vacuum pressure impregnated into
order of 10 to 20 feet tall and having, in the vicinity of quickinterstices of electrical coil wrappings have been
gelled, to prevent resin drainage from the wrap
their tops, electrically insulated and supported contacts ping interior,
that may be rapidly opened whenever an overload or 5 period beforeby ultraviolet irradiation for a two minute
fault occurs on the transmission line being protected by Gruenwald, infinal U.S.
125 C. to 165 C. cure, as taught by
Pat. No. 3,937,855. However, as
such breaker. When the contacts of such a power circuit taught by Lucket al., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,102,851, polyes
breaker are opened, an arc results, and it is naturally ters are not generally chemically resistant to arced sul
desirable that the arc be extinguished as quickly as pos fur hexafluoride that might be found during overload of
sible in order to avoid damage to the circuit breaker. 20 an extra-high-voltage power circuit breaker.
Moreover, with voltages as high as 750 kilovolts, the Additionally, Luck et al., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,102,851,
arc may be several inches long, or even as long as a few teaches that bisphenol A epoxy resins, polyurethane
feet. -
resins, polyamide
It has become customary in certain designs to provide silicone resins, phenolic resins, polyphenylene oxide resins,
the contact area of a power circuit breaker with a flow 25 als, would not be usefulresins, and many other materi
in circuit breaker feed tube
of sulfur hexafluoride. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a gas liners, or other coated breaker articles. It had always
at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, and it is been thought that resin modification of the cycloali
chemically rather inactive. It has a dielectric value phatic epoxy base resin used to make feed tube liners,
substantially higher than that of air, so that an electric would produce disastrous results in an arced SF6 envi
arc therein not only tends to be smaller, i.e., more fila 30 ronment. Luck et al. solved the asbestos problem, not
mentary, but also to decay and be extinguished substan by resin modification, but by substituting finely divided
tially more rapidly. aluminum oxide filler for the asbestos filler in the prior
However, an electric arc causes degradation of sulfur flexibilized, cycloaliphatic epoxy resin compositions.
inexafluoride into chemical entities that are extremely However, asbestos had unique thickening properties
reactive, such as positively or negatively charged fluo 35 difficult to duplicate, and some sag problems may still
rine atoms and the like. These chemical entities are result when the feed tube liner or other coated circuit
capable of abstracting hydrogen from molecules having breaker article is heat cured at 130 C. to 140 C.
an C-H bond or other active hydrogens, to form hydro There has been a long felt need then, for sag resistant
gen fluoride, which is extremely reactive to many insu coating compositions that do not contain toxic materials
iating materials. The reactivity of arced sulfur hexafluo and which are adequately arc and track resistant in the
ride is aggravated by the presence of moisture, and presence of moist, pressurized, arced sulfur hexafluo
moisture cannot always be completely excluded from ride gas.
the vicinity of the contacts of a power circuit breaker. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
in building power circuit breakers of the kind pro
tected with sulfur hexafluoride, it has been customary to 45 We have found, that in accordance with the inven
lead the SF6 gas from a compressor and high-pressure tion, the above-indicated problems are overcome by
reservoir through a feed tube, wherein the SF6 gas is providing a sag resistant composition, having at least
under pressure of about 250 pounds per square inch, to one component that is photosensitive to ultraviolet
the vicinity of the contacts, where SF6 gas is maintained radiation, comprising an admixture of the following: (1)
at a lower pressure such as 50 pounds per square inch. 50 a coating composition comprising (A) an epoxy resin of
The feed tube may be visualized as a simple cylindrical the kind having a backbone structure characterized by
tube, about 12 feet long, 3 inches in outside diameter, at least one, and preferably two substantially cycloali
and 1/4 inch in wall thickness. It had been customary to phatic rings, and in the case of structures comprising a
make such feed tubes by coating a sheet of paper on one pair of rings and having a bridge therebetween, prefera
or both sides with resin, and rolling the paper to form 55 bly a resin of the kind having not more than about 5
the feed tube. Modern design provides for coating the atoms in the direct chain from one ring to the other; (B)
resin on a steel mandrel, and curing the resin to form a a flexibilizing agent preferably comprising polyazelaic
feed tube liner. This is followed by wrapping resin polyanhydride, alone or with hexahydrophthalic anhy
coated glass fabric or filaments on the liner, to form the dride; (C) a filler promoting arc and track resistance,
feed tube. such as, preferably, aluminum trihydrate or naturally
The development of a satisfactory feed tube liner for occurring magnesite; (D) a thixotroping agent, prefera
use in power circuit breakers of the kind using SF6 bly finely divided aluminum oxide (alumina Al2O3)
involves more than just finding a material that is chemi particles having a large surface area and an average
cally resistant to the reactive entities present in arcing particle size range of between about 0.5 milli-micron
SF6. A resinous material for this purpose must also be 65 (mu) to about 100 milli-microns (mu) diameter; with (2)
reasonably convenient to handle, must cure without Sag an amount of a photosensitive compound effective to
drainage so as to provide straight, uniform liners, and it render the admixture sensitive to irradiation with ultra
faust also possess adequate arc and track resistance. violet (U.V.) light and initiate gelation within the ad
4,479,990 4.
mixture, without drastically harming the chemical and used in place of the other known kinds of epoxy resins,
physical arc and track resistant properties of the cured such as the ones of aromatic character, based upon a
sag resistant composition. The admixture is resistant to bisphenol, or the epoxidized novalac resins. The resins
sag upon application to a surface, and is resistant to of cycloaliphatic character appear to yield composi
arced SF6 upon cure. tions having the desired flexibility, chemical inertness,
The photosensitive compound may consist solely of, and resistance to surface arcing, whereas tests with
for example, a cationic type photoinitiator, such as an epoxy resins of the other kinds mentioned above tended
aryl diazonium salt; or it may contain a photoinitiator generally to yield results that were deficient with re
mixed with a carrier, for example, a polyester resin or a spect to one or more of the above-mentioned properties.
trifunctional acrylate resin containing benzoin ether or 10 Useful cycloaliphatic resins include, for example,
other suitable free radical type photoinitiator. The term those having a backbone structure that comprises two
"photosensitive compound" is herein defined as a com cycloaliphatic rings joined by a bridge structure, such
pound comprising, i.e., containing at least, a photoinitia as either
tor. Unexpectedly, the inclusion of acrylates and other
useful carriers, such as aromatic ester non-reactive plas 15 R-CO-O-CH2-R,
ticizers, polyesters, acrylourethanes, or polythiolene O
resins, within limited amounts effective to cause gela
tion of the admixture, did not add substantially to the
cured admixture's degradation in an arced SF6 environ where the former type is preferred, i.e., a cycloaliphatic
ment, as long as sufficient arc and track resistant filler 20 epoxy resin that has a bridge between its rings that does
was used.
When the above components are mixed, for example, between not contain more than about 5 atoms in the direct chain
in such proportions as 100 parts by weight of resin, aliphatic the rings. In the structures above, R is a cyclo
ring, preferably but not necessarily a 6-mem
about 100 parts by weight of polyazelaic polyanhy bered aliphatic ring, having an epoxy oxygen atom
dride, about 220 parts by weight of aluminum trihy 25
drate, about 10 parts to about 75 parts by weight of connected to a pair of vicinal carbon atoms.
alumina, alone or with a suitable catalyst or accelerator, Other useful cycloaliphatic epoxy resins include, for
and, for example, 2.5 parts by weight based on 100 parts example, 2,3-epoxy cyclopentane-4,7-endomethylene
of all the other materials, of a trifunctional acrylate cyclohexane-6-glycidyl ether; diglycidyl ester of tetra
containing 4% by weight of benzoin ether photoinitia 30 hydrophthalic anhydride; diglycidyl ether of hexahy
tor, there is obtained a viscous liquid that can be used to drophthalic anhydride; di-(epoxy cyclopentane) ethers,
overcome the problems indicated hereinbefore. and the like, where these examples are meant to be
More particularly, this viscous, photosensitive, sag illustrative and not limiting. For a detailed structural
resistant composition itself or thinned with suitable description of these and other useful cycloaliphatic
organic solvents, is applied to objects and cured. A 35 epoxy resins, reference may be made to U.S. Pat. No.
particular example involves making a power circuit 4,102,851, herein incorporated by reference.
breaker feed tube by applying the viscous liquid of this One hundred parts by weight of the cycloaliphatic
invention to a mandrel, causing it to gel by irradiation epoxy resin described above are mixed with 30 to 150
with U.V. light for about 1 to 15 seconds, heat curing, parts by weight of a flexibilizing agent comprising poly
wrapping resin-wet glass fiber therearound, curing, 40 azelaic polyanhydride, preferably having a molecular
grinding the outside diameter to size, optionally apply weight of from 2,100 to 2,500, and/or hexahydro
ing additional amounts of the viscous liquid to the sized phthalic anhydride. There may be used, for example,
exterior, and again curing. 100 parts by weight of the polyazelaic polyanhydride;
Other applications of this photosensitive composition or 95 parts by weight of the polyazelaic polyanhydride
can include lining materials for SF6-filled power circuit 45 and 10 or 15 parts of the hexahydrophthalic anhydride.
breakers, coatings to protect high voltage epoxy post or As a flexibilizing agent, the latter is less effective than
other insulators which are used as insulating conductor the former. When the coating composition lacks an
support structures in SF6-filled gas insulated high volt adequate proportion of effective flexibility agent, crack
age and/or transmission systems, and as protective coat ing develops when the cured composition is subjected
ing compositions for glass cloth epoxy and other type 50 to a thermal cycling test. On the other hand, coating
circuit boards and insulator structures. compositions that contain too great an amount of flex
ibilizing agent, while satisfactory in the thermal cycling
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED test, tend to exhibit poor or unsatisfactory results in a
EMBODIMENTS chemical attack test comprising exposure to arced SF6
In accordance with the invention, there is com 55 gas. In some instances, especially when the base cyclo
pounded a photosensitive composition comprising an aliphatic epoxy resin is itself particularly flexible, hexa
appropriate resin, a flexibilizing agent, a filler, high hydrophthalic acid may be used alone.
surface area, finely divided, highly dispersed thickener The coating composition further comprises alumi
or thixotroping agent, and a photosensitive compound. num trihydrate (Al2O3.3H2O) or naturally occurring
The admixture may also contain, if desired, a catalyst or magnesite (MgCO3) or their mixtures, preferably the
a reaction accelerator that participates in the curing former, for use solely as a filler promoting arc and track
reaction. resistance in moist SF6 gas. There may be used, per 100
The epoxy resin selected is substantially cycloali parts of cycloaliphatic epoxy resin, about 150 to about
phatic and is preferably of the kind having a backbone 290 parts, preferably 200 to 250 parts by weight, of such
structure comprising a pair of cycloaliphatic rings 65 material, having an average particle size of between
joined by a bridge, with epoxy oxygen atoms disposed about 0.5 micron and about 450 microns. Without a
between vicinal ones of the carbon atoms comprising sufficient amount of aluminum trihydrate, the arc and
the cycloaliphatic rings. The cycloaliphatic resins are track resistance in moist SF6 gas is poor.
5 6
The trihydrate has the further attribute that it is suffi track resistant properties of the cured composition. The
ciently basic in character that, in addition to serving the amount of carrier that can be tolerated without harm to
purpose mentioned above, it also is capable, when the arc and track properties will vary depending on the
mixture is subjected to curing conditions hereinafter type of carrier.
mentioned, of promoting the usual intermolecular Cationic photoinitiators, such as aryl diazonium salts,
cross-linking between the epoxy oxygen atoms of the aryl iodonium salts, arylsulphonium salts, and the like,
resin that characterizes such curing. Those skilled in the well known in the art, can be used alone to cause coat
art of working with epoxy-resin compositions will ap ing composition gelation; when added to the other com
preciate that such curing is customarily promoted with ponents, in an effective range of from 0.05 part by
the use of an agent of fairly strongly acidic or basic O weight to 3.0 parts by weight, based on 100 parts of the
character. When the magnesite is used, it becomes niec other ingredients, i.e., cycloaliphatic epoxy resin, flex
essary to use, for one example, benzyldimethylainine as ibilizing agent, arc and track resistant filler, and alumi
the catalyst to promote the curing reaction. num oxide thickener. Additionally, the cationic photo
The coating composition further comprises, for 100 initiator can be added to well-known non-reactive plas
parts of cycloaliphatic epoxy resin, from about 10 to 5 ticizers, such as, for example, aromatic esters such as di
about 75 parts of finely divided, highly dispersed alumi alkyl phthalates, aromatic phosphates such as triphenyl
num oxide (alumina Al2O3) having an average particle phosphate, and the like, in an effective range of from
size range of between about 3.5 milli-micron (0.0005 about 20 wit. % to about 70 wt.%, to provide a photo
micron) and about 00 milli-microns (0.100 micron) sensitive compound, which can be added to the other
diameter, preferably between about 2 milli-microns and ingredients in an effective range of from 1.0 part by
about 50 mili-microns diameter, aid a high area, used weight to 15 parts by weight, based on 100 parts of
solely as a thixotroping agent. This is to be distinguished other ingredients constituting the coating composition.
from aluminum trihydrate described above, which has a Other photoinitiators cannot be used alone, and must
much larger particle size, a different chemistry, and be added to resinous carriers which are useful in combi
serves a completely different function in this invention. 25 nation with the base cycloaliphatic epoxy resin. Exam
In the invention, the use of the aluminum oxide material ples of such resinous carriers include acrylates, acryl
as a satisfactory thixotroping agent or thickener is very ourethanes, polyesters and polythiolenes. None of these
important. Without a thixotroping agent, the filler tends are as compatible with track resistant properties as aro
to settle out when the composition is used for casting or matic esters, notably the acrylics and polyesters, and
potting, and when the composition is used for spray or 30 must be added in lesser quantities. When mono, di, or tri
dip casting, the thixotroping agent is needed in order to acrylates, such as, for example 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate,
help prevent the coating from dripping off the coated or methyl methacrylate, hexanediol diacrylate and tri
piece. Below about 0.5 milli-micron diameter, the thixo methylol propane triacrylate, respectively are used as
tropic effect becomes too pronounced and coating is the resinous carrier, or when acrylourethane resins,
difficult. Over about 100 milli-microns diameter, the 35 polythiolene resins or polyester resins are used as the
coating may tend to drip. resinous carrier, typical, well known, free radical types
The preferred surface area range for useful alumina of photoinitiators can be added to provide photosensi
materials for this invention is from about 40 sq.m/g to tive compounds. Examples of free radical type photoini
300 sq.m/g (BET) with a pH between about 3.5 to 9 tiators would include, for example, benzophenone, die
(4% aqueous dispersion). This high surface area is be 40 thoxyacetophenone, benzoin methyl ether, benzoin
lieved to be partly responsible for the excellent thicken ethyl ether, benzoin isopropyl ether, benzoin isobutyl
ing ability of this material. This materiai is usually made ether, diethoxyxanthanone, chlorothio-xanthanone,
by the combustion of appropriate mixtures of aluminum azo-bis-isobutyronitrile, their mixtures, mixtures of N
trichloride, hydrogen and oxygen, to form in the result methyl diethanolaminebenzophenone, and the like.
ing flame front an alumina fame or alumina soot-like 45 Free radical photoinitiators can be added to an
material possessing extremely high surface area per unit acrylic resin carrier in an effective range of from about
weight. 0.05 wt.% to about 15 wt.%, to provide a photosensi
The sag resistant composition finally comprises, as an tive compound, which can then be added to the other
essential ingredient added to the base coating composi ingredients in an effective range of from 1.0 part by
tion, a photosensitive compound added in an amount 50 weight to 4.0 parts by weight, based on 100 parts of the
effective to render the admixture extremely sensitive to other ingredients constituting the coating composition.
irradiation with ultraviolet (U.W.), light under room Free radical photoinitiators can also be added to a poly
temperature conditions, and initiate polymerization ester resin carrier in an effective range of from about
within the admixture, so that gelation can occur in a 0.05 wt.% to about 15 wt.%, to provide a photosensi
matter of a few seconds, i.e., essentially instantaneously, tive compound, which can then be added to the other
Such instantaneous gelation is essential, because the ingredients in an effective range of from 1.0 part by
composition is usually applied to the surface of a cylin weight to 3.0 parts by weight, based on 100 parts of the
drical steel mandrei, froin which dripping or sag cf the other ingredients constituting the coating composition.
composition can occur quite easily and quickly, since Free radical photoinitiators can also be added to an
neither impregnation nor a porous surface is involved. 60 acrylourethane resin carrier, an acrylated urethane
The photosensitive compound, hereinbefore defined, oligomer consisting of hydroxy acrylates and isocya
can be either a cationic type photoinitiator which is nates with polyester, polyol or diamine chain extension,
effective alone to cause gelation of a portion of tha base in an effective range of from about 0.05 wt.% to about
cycloaliphatic epoxy resin and thus the composition; or 15 wt.%, to provide a photosensitive compound, which
a mixture of photoinitiator and a selected carrier, where 65 can then be added to the other ingredients in an effec
the photoinitiator causes gelation of the carrier to an tive range of from 1.0 part by weight to 5.0 parts by
extent sufficient to substantially increase the viscosity of weight, based on 100 parts of the other ingredients
the admixture, without substantial harm of the arc and constituting the coating composition. Free radical pho
4,479,990 8
toinitiators can additionally be added to a polythiolene tion by subjecting it to a bank of U.V. light sources
resin carrier, consisting of a mixture of polythioles and while spraying, such as a bank of medium pressure
polyenes, in an effective range of from about 0.05 wt.% mercury or pulsed xenon lamps, heat the coating com
to about 15 wt.%, to provide a photosensitive com position at about 135 C. for 3 to 6 hours to cure and
pound, which can then be added to the other ingredi form a feed tube liner, wind resin-wet glass filaments,
ents in an effective range of from 0.05 part by weight to cure, withdraw the mandrel, grind the outside diameter
8.0 parts by weight, based on 100 parts of the other to size, optionally spray the exterior of the tube with the
ingredients constituting the coating composition. coating composition and finally cure.
In all cases, under the minimum parts by weight of The mechanism by which the photosensitive com
photosensitive compound, gelation is ineffective and 10 pound additive gels the base coating composition, in
sagging results. Over the maximum parts by weight of volves cationic photoinitiation of cycloaliphatic resin
photosensitive compound, track resistance of the cured by U.V. radiation, to provide a chain matrix shell of
composition admixture will be adversely affected. linked polymer on the outside surface of the coating
Within the useful ranges, the photosensitive compound effective to contain the rest of the resin and prevent
is effective to cause gelation without adversely affecting 15 sagging. When free radical photoinitiators are used,
track resistant properties. The materials, used as carriers U.V. radiation causes photoinitiation of the carrier
are well known in the art, and reference may be made to resin, such as acrylic resin, to also provide a chain ma
Plastics Materials, J. Brydson, D. Van Nostrand, 1966, trix shell effective to contain the rest of the cycloali
Chapters 12, and 21, for general descriptions of acyrlic, phatic resin, until final heat curing solidifies the entire
and polyester resins respectively. Reference may be 20 coating thickness.
made to U.V. Curing: Science and Technology, S. P. The invention described is illustrated by the specific
Pappas ed., Technology Marketing Corp., 1978, p. 167, examples hereinbelow, in connection with which there
for a general description of acrylourethane resins, and J. are given data resulting from the FTT Test.
Polym. Sci., Vol. 15, 1977, p. 627, for a general descrip In the Feed Tube Track Test (FTTT), a 3-inch long
tion of polythiolene resins. A detailed description of 25 section of arc and track resistant lined tube, 3 inches in
non-reactive platicizers can be found in The Technol diameter, about 5/16 inch thick, containing, on its inside
ogy of Solvents and Plasticizers, Doolittle, John Wiley cylindrical surface, an attached Teflon section having a
and Sons, 1954, Chapters 15 and 16. flat test surface 1 inch wide, is used. Samples to be
The foregoing are the essential ingredients of the sag tested are cut to 2 inchX 1 inchx 0.10 inch dimensions,
resistant composition, but it may also contain other 30 and mounted on the test surface by spring electrodes.
ingredients, such as catalysts, participating reaction The ends of the feed tube section are closed by means of
accelerators, fireproofing agents, flame-retardants, inch-thick plates of polycarbonate resin containing
dyes, pigments, or other coloring agents, etc. proper openings and fittings. Electrodes made of 0.032
As a catalyst for the curing reaction, if one is used, it inch Nichrome wire are disposed against the test sam
is preferred to use benzyldimethylamine. Most of the 35 ple, one inch apart. The tube is then positioned at an
other known catalysts for curing epoxy resins have the angle 45" with respect to the horizontal and is charged
drawback that they worsen the performance of the with SF6 gas to 240 p.s.i.g. To the upper end of the tube,
composition in arced SF6 gas. One can use, for example, there is fed, at a rate of 0.02 cubic centimeter per min
about 0.5 part to about 2 parts by weight of the amine ute, water that contains 0.1% of a non-ionic wetting
per 100 parts of cycloaliphatic epoxy resin. agent and has a resistivity of 4 kilo-ohms per centimeter,
As a participating reaction accelerator, one can use, this water flowing over the surface of the sample, to
in some instances, a mixture of sodium alcoholate sus "connect' the electrodes. After the water has flowed
pended in polyol. This material cannot be used when from one electrode to the other for 5 minutes, a 5 kilo
magnesite is used in place of aluminum trihydrate, since volt potential is applied across the electrodes. Scintilla
it reacts with the magnesite instead of with the resin 45 tions slowly start and play across the test sample sur
molecules. When used with compositions containing face. The test continues for 10 minutes, unless the test
aluminum trihydrate, the material is added in quantities sample surface fails before that time, for example, by
of about 10 parts to about 15 parts by weight per 100 developing a carbon track or an overall electrical resis
parts of cycloaliphatic epoxy resin. tance low enough that the current between the elec
The above ingredients are all thoroughly mixed at 50 trodes rises to 20 milliamperes. In either event, the
about 50 C. to 60° C. A viscous sag resistant, photosen current will rise sufficiently to activate a relay set for 20
sitive, thixotropic liquid results. This may be used as milliamperes. The results of this test are reported in
such, or it may be thinned with an appropriate organic number of seconds duration of test. An early industry
solvent, such as toluene, benzene, acetone, ethanol, phenolic feed tube fails in this test in less than 12 sec
petroleum ether, diethyl ether, or the like, depending 55 onds, and on the average, in less than 4 seconds tracking
upon the manner of intended use. is observed.
The use of the composition will be described with EXAMPLE 1.
reference to the making of a feed tube for an extra-high
voltage power circuit breaker of the type utilizing SF6 Five sample compositions were made, and portions of
gas. Such types are cylindrical, about 3 inches in diame 60 each were poured into 2-inch diameter aluminum dishes
ter and about 12 to 16 feet long, with a wall thickness of to give a thickness of approximately 0.1 inch. Samples 1
about to inch. Embedded therein are filament to 3 and comparative Sample 4 contained photosensi
wound reinforcing fibers such as rayon or cotton tive compounds and were irradiated with U.V. light in
thread, glass cloth, polyester or aramid fibers, and the the form of two, 200 watt/inch medium pressure mer
like. 65 cury lamps, for about 2 seconds to cause gelation. This
One way of making a feed tube is to dilute the compo was followed by a hour heating cycle in an oven at
sition with solvent, warm it slightly, spray it onto a 135 C., after which the dishes were turned over and the
mold-release-coated mandrel, gel the coating composi composition was checked for sagging. After a 4 hour
9 10
cure at 135 C., track resistance measurements were is hour gelation heating period at 135 C. The results are
taken using the FTTT method described hereinbefore. summarized in Table 1 below:
Comparative Sample 5 did not contain a photosensitive TABLE 1
compound. It was heated for hour in an oven at 135' U.V.
C., checked for sagging, cured for 16 hours at 135 C. - Sample - ". Sag- FTTT
and measured for track resistance. In all cases, the cured Coating Photosensitive ation ging Track
samples were cut to 2 inchx inch for FTTT measure Composition Compound Time of the Resistance
mentS. (parts by wt.) (parts by wt.) (seconds) Sample (seconds)
SAMPLE 1 1. (100) (2.5 acrylic + 2 O 480
10 F.R.P.)
Sample 1 contained 100 grams of cycloaliphatic 2. (100) (2.5 acrylic - 2 O 600
epoxy resin, having a viscosity at 25 C. of 350 cps. to 3. (100)
(5.0 non-reactive 2 540
450 cps., and an epoxide equivalent weight of 126 to 140 plasticizer --
(sold by Union Carbide Chemical Co. under the trade C.P.)
name ERLA 4221); 97 grams of polyazelaic polyanhy 15 4. (100) (5.0 acrylic -- 2 O 30
dride; 15 grams of hexahydrophthalic anhydride; 210 F.R.P.)
grams of aluminatrihydrate; and 19 grams of finely 5." (100) (O) O yes 600h
divided alumina as thixotroping agent (Al2O3) of about "Comparative Sample
F.R.P. ss free radical photoinitiator
5 milli-microns to 30 milli-microns average particle C.P. = cationic photoinitiator
diameter (sold by Degussa Inc., as aluminum oxide-C 20
pigment), all mixed together at about 50° C. to provide As can be seen, acrylic resins cannot be added in as
a viscous coating composition. To 100 grams of this large quantities as some of the other useful carriers
coating composition was admixed 2.5 grams of a photo described hereinbefore. The use of photosensitive com
sensitive compound consisting of trimethylol propane pounds is shown to dramatically improve sag resistance
triacrylate containing about 4 wt.% benzoin ether free 25 without any major degradation into rack resistance.
radical photoinitiator (F.R.P.). This sample did not sag. The polyesters, acrylourethanes and polythiolenes, in
Its track resistance (FTTT) was about 480 seconds, the weight ranges described hereinbefore, would pro
which is acceptable. Thickness, as indicated above was vide equally outstanding sag resistance and tracking
0.1 inch. This material was also coated on aluminum properties as Samples 1 to 3.
panels, irradiated to gel, and cured, as described herein 30 We claim:
before, at a coating thickness of 0.015 inch, no sagging 1. A photosensitive, sag resistant, arc and track resis
was evident, and track resistance was over 600 minutes. tant composition consisting essentially of the admixture
SAMPLE 2 of:
In Sample 2 the same ingredients and amounts were 35 (1) 100 parts by weight of a coating composition
used as in Sample 1, except that the amount of alumina consisting essentially of:
trihydrate was raised to 230 grams. This sample did not (A) 100 parts by weight of a cycloaliphatic epoxy
sag and its track resistance (FTTT) was over 600 sec (B) about 30 to about 150 parts by weight of a
flexibilizing agent for the epoxy resin, selected
SAMPLE 3 from the group consisting of polyazelaic polyan
In Sample 3 the same ingredients and amounts were hydride, hexahydrophthalic anhydride and mix
used as in Sample 1, except that to 100 grams of the tures thereof,
coating composition was added 5 grams of a photosensi (C) about 150 to about 290 parts by weight of a
tive compound consisting of dimethyl phthalate non 45 filler promoting arc and track resistance, and
reactive plasticizer containing about 50 wt.% of triallyl (D) about 10 parts to about 75 parts by weight of
sulfonium hexafluorophosphate cationic photoinitiator Al2O3 as sole thixotroping agent, to which is
(C.P.). The sample did not sag. Its track resistance added,
(FTTT) was about 540 seconds. (2) an amount of a photosensitive compound effective
50 to initiate gelation within the admixture with ultra
COMPARATIVE SAMPLE 4 violet light exposure where the photosensitive
In Comparative Sample 4, the same ingredients and compound is selected from the group consisting of:
amounts were used as in Sample 1, except that the (a) from about 1.0 part to about 4.0 parts by weight
amount of alumina-trihydrate was raised to 230 grams, of acrylic resin, containing an effective amount
and the amount of triacrylate based photosensitive com 55 of free radical photoinitiator,
pound was doubled, to 5.0 grams per 100 grams of coat (b) from 1.0 part to 3.0 parts by weight of polyester
ing composition. Here, while no sagging occurred, the resin, containing an effective amount of free
track resistance (FTTT) was only 30 seconds, which is radical photoinitiator,
unacceptable for the insulating requirements of breaker (c) from 1.0 part to 5.0 parts by weight of acryl
feed tubes. Here, excess acrylate caused deterioration of 60 ourethane resin, containing an effective amount
electrical properties. of free radical photoinitiator,
(d) from 0.05 part to 8.0 parts by weight of polythi
olene resin, containing an effective amount of
In Comparative Sample 5, the same ingredients and free radical photoinitiator,
amounts were used as in Sample 1, except that no pho 65 (e) from about 1.0 part to about 15.0 parts by
tosensitive compound or U.V. gelation was used. While weight of a non-reactive plasticizer, containing
the track resistance (FTTT) was over 600 seconds, an effective amount of cationiie photoinitiator,
which is very good, some sagging occurred during the and
4,479,990 12
(f) from about 0.05 part to about 3.0 parts by and said Al2O3 thixotroping agent has a surface area of
weight of cationic photoinitiator; from about 40 sq.m/g to about 300 sq.m/g.
said photosensitive, sag resistant composition being 12. The sag resistant composition of claim 10, charac
characterized as resistant to sag upon application to terized in that said epoxy has a backbone structure that
a surface, and as having crack resistance and chem contains a bridge containing not more than about 5
ical and physical resistance to arced SF6 upon cure. atoms in the direct chain between said rings and the
2. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the filler which promotes arc and track resistance in moist
photosensitive compound is selected from the group SF6 gas has an average particle size of between about
consisting of non-reactive plasticizer containing an ef 0.5 micron and about 450 microns.
fective amount of a cationic photoinitiator, polyester 10
13. The sag resistant composition of claim 12, charac
resin containing an effective amount of a free radical terized in that said filler material is aluminum trihydrate
photoinitiator, acrylourethane resin containing an effec and the sole thixotroping agent is Al2O3 having an aver
tive amount of a free radical photoinitiator and polythi age particle size of between about 0.0005 micron to
olene resin containing an effective amount of a free about 0.10 micron diameter.
radical photoinitiator, the gelation is essentially instan 15
14. A feed tube made from the cured composition of
taneous, to provide a chain matrix shell on the outside claim 1.
surface of the sag resistant composition to contain the 15. An insulated article in an environment of SF6 gas
rest of the resin, and the filler promoting arc and track subject to arcing, said article having a flexible insulating
resistance is selected from the group consisting of alu surface adapted to be exposed to said gas, said insulating .
minum trihydrate, magnesite and mixtures thereof. 20
surface consisting essentially of the cured reaction
3. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the
photosensitive compound is a cationic photoinitiator. product of the admixture of claim 1.
4. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the 16. The insulated article of claim 15 where the photo
photosensitive compound is a non-reactive plasticizer sensitive compound is selected from the group consist
selected from the group consisting of aromatic esters 25 ing of cationic photoinitiator, non-reactive plasticizer
and aromatic phosphates containing from about 20 wt. containing an effective amount of a cationic photoinitia
% to about 70 wt.% of a cationic photoinitiator. tor, acrylic resin containing an effective amount of a
5. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the free radical phototinitiator, polyester resin containing
photosensitive compound is an acrylic resin containing an effective amount of a free radical photoinitiator,
from about 0.05 wt. % to about 15 wt.% of a free 30 acrylourethane resin containing an effective amount of
radical photoinitiator. free radical photoinitiator and polythiolene resin con
6. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the taining an effective amount of free radical photoinitia
photosensitive compound is a polyester resin containing tor, the flexibilizing agent is selected from the group
from about 0.05 wt.% to about 15 wt. 9% of a free consisting of polyazelaic polyanhydride, hexahydro
radical photoinitiator. 35 phthalic anhydride and mixtures thereof, the filler pro
7. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the moting arc and track resistance is selected from the
photosensitive compound is an acrylourethane resin group consisting of aluminum trihydrate magnesite and
containing from about 0.05 wt.% to about 15 wt.% of mixtures thereof, and the thixotroping agent is Al2O3.
a free radical photoinitiator. 17. The article of claim 15, wherein the flexibilizing
8. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, where the 40 agent is a mixture of the polyazelaic polyanhydride and
photosensitive compound is a polythiolene resin con hexahydrophthalic anhydride, and the filler is alumi
taining from about 0.05 wt.% to about 15 wt.% of a nun trihydrate.
free radical photoinitiator. 18. The article of claim 15, wherein said cycloali
9. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, wherein phatic epoxy resin is one having a backbone structure
the flexibilizing agent is a mixture of the polyazelaic 45 containing a pair of cycloaliphatic rings.
polyanhydride and hexahydrophthalic anhydride. 19. An article as defined in claim 15, characterized in
10. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, charac that said article comprises a part of an extra-high-volt
terized in that said cycloaliphatic epoxy resin is one
having a backbone structure containing a pair of cyclo age circuit breaker.
aliphatic rings. 50 20. An article as defined in claim 18, characterized in
11. The sag resistant composition of claim 1, charac that said article is a :feed: tube.c ck s
terized in that said filler material is aluminum trihydrate




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