Deliverable Week Jul 18 2020

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Calidad de Software

Proyecto final
Name: Víctor Obed López Sánchez
ID: UP170794
Career: ISEI
Group: ISEI08A

18/ Julio /2020

Aguascalientes, Ags.
This document aims to present the project that is planned to be developed taking the
previous points seen in class to give shape to the analysis and presentation of the project
that the student intends to develop taking into account everything that has been seen in
the software quality course.
With approximately three weeks to successfully complete all the planned analysis stages.
We will begin to break down the methodological part, which includes techniques for
estimating the size of a project, estimating the effort required to develop it and finally
determining its duration.
These sections are then supplemented with the description of the project course, the
presentation and analysis of the results obtained with their respective conclusions and
references from the sources consulted for the research.

An app will be created and launched that can significantly help users find aplace to go
out at night.
With the application "Night Life" the user can find various bars or clubs to spend the night
with the facilities offered by the application: Filter places by music style, area, prices and
You can read relevant reviews from other users about the place.
You can leave reviews about the place and the service.
Locations and place descriptions can be shared with friends.
The owners of the establishments will be able to publish promotions,coupons, exclusive
discounts in the app.
You can get prizes as a user by constantly interacting with the app
What will make the customer buy the product?
The ease of being able to find places from the palm of your hand, being able to consult
prices and recommendations, get discounts and promotions, in addition to being able to
book directly from the app.
What software development methodology to use?
I consider that the software development methodology that could be used is in a spiral,
since being an application that will be constantly changing based on the errors or new
modalities that users wish to present, the application will be fresher and updated for sale
And this could be more attractive to both our clients and our clients' clients.
The details of the application could be further refined by making from internal changes to
visual changes that were missed during the first development of the application.
Although the scrum methodology could also be taken into account at some point so that
the process does not become tedious and constant to also improve the process, even the
option of hybrid methodologies could be a valid option for the development of this, this
would avoid some processes extra that they do not take care to redo and save time and
money for a better production and attention of the software, since they are important parts
in this medium
Simulating that I have a software company, I would use the spiral method, because based
on the feedback, I will create updates and improve the product every time I think that it is
a somewhat old-fashioned method, but that it is still effective.
Estimate the size
Estimation of the Schedule
The initial version of COCOMO II provides a schedule estimation model similar to that
presented in COCOMO '81 and ADA COCOMO. The initial equation for the three
COCOMO II models is:
TDEV = [3.0 × PM * (0.33 + 0.2 × (B − 1.01))] × SCED% 100
TDEV is the calendar time in months that elapses from the determination of the
requirements to the culmination of an activity that certifies that the product meets the
PM * is the effort expressed in person months, calculated without taking into
account the SCED effort multiplier.
B is the Scale Factor
SCED% is the compression / expansion percentage of the schedule.
Future versions of COCOMO II will offer a more complete timeline estimation
model that reflects the different process models that can be used in project development,
the effects of software reuse, and application composition.Estimation techniques
The main objectives that were taken into account to build the COCOMO II model
! Develop a cost estimation model and schedule for software projects that will
adapt to both development practices of the 1990s and future ones.
! Build a database of software projects that would allow the continuous calibration
of the model, and thus increase the precision of the estimation.
! Implement a software tool that supports the model.
! Provide a quantitative analytical framework and a set of tools and techniques that
will assess the impact of technological improvements in software on costs and times at
different stages of the development life cycle.
COCOMO II is made up of three models called: Application Composition, Early
Design and Post-Architecture.
Estimate effort
Estimation of Effort
The effort required to complete a software development project, regardless of the model
used, is expressed in person / months (PM) and represents the months of work of a
fulltime person, required to develop the project.
Application Composition Model
The formula proposed in this model is as follows:
NOP (New Object Points): Size of the new software to be developed expressed in Object
Points and is calculated as follows:
NOP = OP x (100 -% reuse) / 100
OP (Object Points): Size of the software to develop expressed in Object Points % reuse:
Percentage of reuse expected to be achieved in the project
PROD: It is the average productivity determined from the analysis of project data in
[Banker1994],shown in Table
Determine duration

Course description
Constructive Cost Model
It is a tool based on the lines of code which makes it very powerful for
estimating costs and not like others that only measure effort based on size.
It represents the most extensive empirical model for software estimation.
There are automatic tools that estimate costs based on COCOMO, such
as: Costar, COCOMO 81.
Objectives to Build in COCOMO II:
Develop a cost estimation model and schedule for software projects that
will adapt to both development practices of the 1990s and future ones.
Build a database of software projects that would allow the continuous
calibration of the model, and thus increase the precision of the estimation.
Implement a software tool that supports the model.
Provide a quantitative analytical framework and a set of tools and
techniques that will assess the impact of technological improvements in software on
costs and times at different stages of the development life cycle.
The three COCOMO II models are adapted both to the needs of the different
sectors, and to the type and amount of information available at each stage of the
development life cycle, which is known as information granularity. These three models
1. Application composition model. Used during the early stages of software
engineering, where prototyping of user interfaces, system and software interaction,
performance assessment, and technology maturity assessment are of utmost
2. Pre-design phase model. Used after requirements have stabilized and
basic software architecture has been established.
3. Post-architecture phase model. Used during the construction of the
Distribution in Actual and Future Software Market:
1. Applications developed by End Users: In this sector are the information
processing applications generated directly by end users, through the use of application
generators such as spreadsheets, query systems, etc. These applications arise due to
the massive use of these tools, together with the current pressure to obtain fast and
flexible solutions.
2. Application Generators: Firms like Lotus, Microsoft, Novell, Borland
operate in this sector with the aim of creating pre-packaged modules that will be used
by end users and programmers.
3. Component Applications: Sector in which are those applications that are
specific to be solved by pre-packaged solutions, but are simple enough to be built from
interoperable components.
4. Integrated Systems: Large-scale systems, with a high degree of
integration between its components, with no antecedents in the market that can be
taken as a basis. Portions of these systems can be developed through application
composition. Among the companies that develop representative software for this sector
are large firms that develop telecommunications software, corporate information
systems, manufacturing control systems, etc.
5. Infrastructure: Area that includes the development of operating systems,
network protocols, database administrator systems, etc. Increasingly this sector will
direct its solutions, towards generic problems of distributed processing and transaction
processing, to middleware solutions. Representative firms are Microsoft, Oracle,
SyBase, Novell and NeXT.

Macías, F. R. (2016, Junio). openaccess. Retrieved from El Estándar ISO y su
Aportación al
Proceso de Calidad del Desarrollo de Software:
Jones, C. (2018, 1 enero). / Métodos de Estimación de Costos de
Software para Grandes Proyectos. Recuperado 14 de julio de 2020, de
Salazar, G. (2009). Estimación de proyectos de software: un caso práctico. Universidad
de Costa Rica. San Pedro: Ingeniería y Ciencia, ISSN 1794–9165. Recuperado el 15 de
07 de 2020.
EcuRed. (2019, 28 julio). COCOMO II - EcuRed. Recuperado 15 de julio de 2020, de
Albretch, A.J , “Measuring Application Development Productivity”, Proc. IBM Application
Development Symposium, Monterrey, CA, Octubre 1979, Págs. 83-92.

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