What Is A Business Case
What Is A Business Case
What Is A Business Case
2. Benefit/cost ratio
3. Economic model
4. Scoring model
5. Payback period
9. Opportunity cost
WBS flowchart:
WBS list:
Lines of Code
Number of entities in ER diagram
Total number of processes in detailed data flow diagram
Function points
KLOC- Thousand lines of code
NLOC- Non-comment lines of code
KDSI- Thousands of delivered source instruction
. Function Point Analysis: In this method, the number and type of functions
supported by the software are utilized to find FPC(function point count). The
steps in function point analysis are:
he key parameters that define the quality of any software products, which are
also an outcome of the Cocomo are primarily Effort and schedule:
E = a(KLOC)^b
Time = c(Effort)^d
The above formula is used for the cost estimation of for the basic COCOMO
model, and also is used in the subsequent models. The constant values a, b, c,
and d for the Basic Model for the different categories of the system:
Software a b c d
3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35
2. Intermediate Model
The basic Cocomo model assumes that the effort is only a function of the
number of lines of code and some constants evaluated according to the
different software systems. However, in reality, no system’s effort and schedule
can be solely calculated on the basis of Lines of Code. For that, various other
factors such as reliability, experience, and Capability. These factors are known
as Cost Drivers and the Intermediate Model utilizes 15 such drivers for cost
estimation. Classification of Cost Drivers and their Attributes:
Product attributes:
. Detailed Model
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