IT-Project B, C&D
IT-Project B, C&D
IT-Project B, C&D
Riad Ujkani
Blinera Bislimi
Before beginning the assignment, I will give a brief overview of the program
that I have been asked to create. I have been asked to design and develop a
computer program to manage the scoring system for the tournament at a
local college. As part of the specific requirements, I will implement the ideas
and include clear and effective diagrams, illustrations and logical chains of
reasoning within the report and will discuss the entire life cycle of the project
from start to finish.
Alternative Solutions
In the introduction, I have mentioned what the program must be able to do.
However, before starting the feasibility study section, I believe that it would
be best to identify 2 alternative solutions to my project. I will be evaluating
both alternative solutions and will choose which option is better than the
There are 2 possible solutions that I can choose from when creating the
project. The first is creating the project in a simpler way to promote user
confidence. This allows the functionality to be visible and used effectively
whilst maintaining the simple and professional look of the GUI. The second
solution is to create a second possible design for the overall project's user
interface. This means that I will make the proposed system have fewer
windows. This will make the technical view of the system professional as well
as enhance the usability and productivity in the system for the students who
will use it. Both these solutions are viable, however they have their own pros
and cons.
Furthermore, an additional risk involved in this project would be my choice to use Microsoft Paint for
the system. One benefit of using this is that it enables me to fulfil the requirement of a simple and basic
layout, however, it does not allow further expert skills to uplevel it in order to improve the user
interface and therefore the effectiveness and experience of the system may be reduced.
Solution 2) Design
Alternatively, another solution is to create a new layout and design for the overall system. Not only does
this enhance the user experience and the look of the GUI but it also allows good human-computer
interaction. This will help the way the GUI can be used and how the computer can understand human
prompts and instructions. The user design should be easy to use, beginner friendly and intuitive,
meaning it should provide clear visual cues that guide the user towards their desired outcome. For
example, buttons should be clearly labelled with descriptive text, and navigation should be organized
Here is a typical design plan for the user interface and user experience that may be used for solution 2
to implement in future use:
One risk involved when creating a program design is that if the project requirements are not
properly understood or documented, it can lead to design decisions that don't align with the
actual needs of the project. Also, failure to design the program in a modular way can make it
difficult to reuse code, add new features, or refactor code when necessary. This can make it
hard to save the code for later purposes. Moreover, another risk is that a poorly designed
program can result in slow performance, which can make the program unusable or frustrating
for users.
To mitigate these risks, it's important to have a clear understanding of the project
requirements, to design the program in a modular way, to pay attention to security
considerations, and to thoroughly test the program before deployment. It's also important to
involve stakeholders in the design process and to get feedback throughout the development
B P4: Prepare with some inconsistencies a feasibility study of an IT Project and select a
preferred solution
This is a feasibility study for a programming IT project. I was asked to produce a design for the
tournament scoring system application including clear and effective diagrams, illustrations and
algorithm designs. Over the course of this, I have created a python project based on certain
requirements which needed to be fulfilled in order for the end user and client to have a
successful outcome. The program was made off of the basis that it has to be a tournament
scoring system. This means that the program was to be used to manage a scoring system for an
event at college. One requirement that was instructed to fulfil was that there needed to be a
certain number of entries a team or individual could enter in order to be a participant in the
tournament. The program should include an array of event choices such as; academic
challenges and sporting events. This meant that there was a requirement to choose between
both options for each team of people or individuals. Here I am going to be evaluating and
judging the overall vitality and feasibility of the project. The topical area that I am going to be
including is a technical assessment. This type of assessment assesses technical resources that
are available that may help towards the completion of the IT project.
Some technical resources that may be beneficial in this caseinclude; interactive systems such as
laptops and specialsoftware'ss for programming as well as the people involved. People are
classified as a technical resource for helping overcome a project as it is used as a source of
information and guidance which may enable the project tobe completede on a successful basis.
People can work in groups and individually but are most likely successful when working
together. Another topic that I will include in my feasibility study section is a usability
assessment. A usability assessment is the overall evaluation of the project in terms of the
usability and user design which therefore helps in the user experience. By having a high level of
usability, this helps the end user have a better understanding of the system and can enable a
positive experience with the system. This allows positive human-computer interaction and can
promote productivity in this case. Without a usability report, it will be hard to discuss the
features of the user design and experience. Moreover, another assessment I will take forward is
a scheduling assessment report. This report outlines the reflection and time management skills
in the project. By implementing this in the report it will allow me to determine how reasonable
the project's timeline is when measured against existing projects and available resources. When
these areas have all been examined, the feasibility analysis helps identify any constraints the
proposed project may face, including: Internal Project Constraints: Technical, Technology,
Budget, Resources, etc. Finally, the last report I will undertake is a security assessment. This
simply suggests that the system and UI should be secure for external purposes. When end users
use the system effectively, it should have secure measures to conduct in order for the project to
be successful and trustworthy.
I have created and implemented two alternative solutions to this application that may be
effective in most cases. In the first solution, I have been utmost careful to ensure that each
requirement for functionalities of the application gets its own relevant page. This was done to
ensure that the system can get a simplistic design as well as approving and accommodating
each requirement that the user had suggested whilst maintaining an appropriate user interface
for a positive and good user experience. Since the requirements came from a local college, it
was vital to consider the budget. It wouldn't be deemed necessary if the college spent large
amounts of money on specialist and complex software and computers therefore, I created the
system on Visual Studio and designed the UI whilst coding the software. This was largely
beneficial as the time that I saved was used on the
implementation sector of the project, where the programming would come in place. However,
on the flip side the system needs updating due to the basic design and functionalities within it
due to the lack of complex and professional software included. This may result in an ineffective
system which may inhibit the use of the program in the long run.
In my second solution I have been careful and conscious to make the application more fun to
use and visually appealing. Although the program was to be made for a college's sports day,
there must be more effort in the overall look and presentation of the system. This will allow the
reputation of the school to be increased and would provide good engagement with the local
college. Therefore, investing in complex programs such as Adobe Suite and Visual Basic may be
worth the investment in order to create a quality tournament system.
From focus groups and short surveys provided to others as feedback, I was able to gather
enough information regarding the user interface of the system. This allowed me to make any
changes and see what was necessary to replace. From the feedback one major requirement
that was mentioned was that the system needed to be more flexible in terms of what needed
to be entered into the system. For example, there needed to be options to choose whether the
tournament is for an individual or as a team. This allows the user to choose what they would
like to play as. The use of the choice gives the kids an opportunity to choose and involve
themselves with the instructiveness of the program. Further to this, there should also be an
area for academic challenges or sporting events so that the users will be able to input what
they would like to do on that day. Another requirement was that there should be teams of 5
members, no more or less. This allows each person to have a fair and equal opportunity to take
part in the events. Additionally, the requirement also states that there should be teams of
twenty individuals.
+Technical Assessment:
Executive Summary
A technical assessment is the overall report and evaluation of the technicality of the project.
This will determine the technical resources that were available to ensure that the project was
successfully completed. I will write a technical report based on the requirements of the
proposed IT project and its relevant solution based on a given scope and scenario.
One technical resource that was utilized in the overall project was computer software. This type
of software was compatible with Python files. Not only does this enable the software to run
properly, but it also means that all code and files are up to date and of a speedy pattern. This
allows faster execution as well as the overall performance of the program. In addition, another
technical resource that was utilized was grouped individuals. This massively helped the project
move from one part to the other. One requirement was to create forms and surveys and gain
responses- while conducting research. This allowed responses to be generated as well as filling
in a lot of information as part of the project. It further allowed greater control over the system,
but it also allowed deepening knowledge of the python language.
+Scheduling Assessment:
I have a time frame of three months and three weeks to see the completion of the tournament
system. I will split the work so that I can dedicate 1.5 to 2 months prototyping, testing and
reviewing the system so that I can dedicate the last month to refining the functions and training
the staff on how to use the application. To be able to complete the project on time I would
need to consider the scope of both solutions.
In solution 2 I have decided to create fewer pages than my solution one however each page has
more functionality to them as a result of combining the pages. Furthermore, in my solution 2 I
have added an additional function to the page that would allow the user to upload images of
the day. This new functionality may take more time to develop and could cause scheduling
problems if I implement it incorrectly due to the time I would have to dedicate to fixing my
My solution 1 has more pages than solution 2 with six instead of four however each page is far
simpler as I have decided to split up each required functionality. Moreover, I have also decided
not to add any additional functions to the tournament system unlike my solution 2. I made this
choice to ensure to the best of my ability that I will be able to complete the program within the
given time even though I believed a photo mode would have given the application a way to
have users interact with the program in a more fun way.
+Usability Assessment:
I believe both solutions are rather self-explanatory and any user would be able use the program
with ease. In both designs I have purposely used labels for each text box, list box and button. All
the text on the page is written in large, bold and easy to read font meaning most people should
be able to navigate both solutions even those with slight vision impairment. The application
functionalities are also easy to understand, for instance, if the user wanted to add a new
individual, they would go to the page label with Add Individual. However, for my solution 2
there could be some slight confusion since I have combined the pages and labelled the buttons
Add Competitor and Add Event which do not specifically state that the users would be able to
add an individual competitor or a team event. This may require me to give a more detailed
explanation about exactly how the application works during the cutover. In solution 1 I have
provided slightly more clarity as each button on the home page is labelled with their exact
location, therefore if a user wanted to Add an Individual competitor they instinctively would
click on the added individual button.
+Security Assessment:
The security assessment is highly crucial in terms of the overall system's performance because
it reduces the risks of attacks in technology systems, applies security controls to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive data, prevents disruption of services via attacks like denial-of-
service (DoS attacks), and much more. In order to save information from being stolen or in this
case being lost, it is vital to implement security in the system. One way to ensure security is up
to date is by running regular updates and bug fixes. This will make the system less vulnerable to
foreigners from using information and data. This allows the system to run and allows data entry
to be done in a fast and efficient manner.
Furthermore, another way to ensure data is kept secure is by using secure servers. The local
college must have a secure server that has a firewall, vpn and extra protection from external
foreigners to attack a new system. This makes communication and human- computer
interaction easier and much more effective. Moreover, the software and system should be
secure so that the end user doesn't have problems running code. When done correctly, the
code will be able to be run smoothly as well as in-built functionality will be displayed promptly.
Also, a penetration test should be carried out in order to determine the level of security on the
system. A pen test is an authorized simulated attack performed on a computer system to
evaluate its security. Penetration testers use the same tools, techniques, and processes as
attackers to find and demonstrate the impacts of weaknesses in a system. This will uplevel the
performance and usability of the system.
B P5: Plan with some inconsistencies and/or omissions the implementation of an IT project.
The Gantt chart above is a plan of how I will effectively allocate my time on specific components
of the project over the 3.5 months to successfully produce the tournament system. This is
where the Agile project management methodology becomes a great virtue to me. In the
beginning, I identified the user requirements, revised the project brief and carried out research.
This allowed the baseline knowledge to be accurate so that I know what to do in the upcoming
sections. This took place in the first week ofthe projectt hand-out before implementing the
planning stage. This is significantly beneficial because between the user and the client there
must be a 1-1 interaction in order to understand customer requirements and additional
information. This will enable the user experience to be at its highest level due to the
enhancements made not only prior to the adjustments but also subsequent to the customer
The second stage allowed me to implement planning for the final execution and establishment
of the IT project creation. I identified the scope and budgetary constraints that may inhibit the
potential of the project from having a successful outcome. By highlighting the problems, this
allowed me to understand what part of the documentation or execution was making the
system have errors and issues, thus allowing space for me to troubleshoot and decode when
necessary. This is a quick job and enables me to see from another horizon, therefore making it
an exceptional and just step in the planning process.
One benefit of using this methodology is that there is collaboration. This allows the project to
be continuously adapted and improved based on client meetings and interactions. Toward the
second stage of the lifecycle of the project, I conducted project conception and initiation. I
initially used focus groups and handed out surveys to gain additional knowledge of the system
and to gain feedback on the design phase of the system. I also used interviews to gather views
as talking to others is a far more effective way of gathering useful opinions of how the system
should function than sending out a survey which may be ignored or filled out quickly with no
real consideration. It is quite important to get opinions and data from otherthird-partyy
members as ideas can get implemented and begin a successful project outcome.
Another useful feature of the Agile methodology is that it has repetitions. This makes errors and
potential problems be seen repeatedly, making the system efficient and maximizing its
performance. This will not only help for future testing but will aid in the security assessment
when planning to include secure measures in the software. By implementing repetitive
transitions within the timeframe of a particular project, ie. unit 4, it allows the visual elements
throughout the design to be unified and therefore strengthens the piece by tying together
otherwise separate parts. This shows that the design, structure and layout is solid and is
matching the current selection, which, when promptly and effectively, may help to boost
reliability of the system and maximize the reduction of redundancy and reduce costs in the
overall project.
The final section of the project will be the execution phase. In this phase the coding,
implementation and documentation has been started. In the duration of this phase, users are
able to identify errors and potential problems in the code at a mid-level. This will determine
elements of code and the design that possibly need working on. This closely links to the testing
phase in agile. The methodology includes regular testing at frequent intervals. Regular testing
ensures that not only the overall performance is optimized, but also complies with those with
specific requirements such as; disabilities, vision impairment, braille, etc. Furthermore, the
buttons, macros and other functionality is quite simple and self-explanatory. They will be
labelled and defined, ensuring that the system is used at an optimum with good user
B P6: Execute with some inconsistencies and/or omissions the implementation of an IT project.
gathering survey with staff and students. This is the best way to gather rightful opinions and
information which may contribute to the requirement gathering and planning stage. This
enabled me to completely gain understanding of my requirements and what was expected to
be fulfilled. This closely links to the Agile methodology as feedback loops are built into the agile
application development process in order to maintain communication throughout the
development process, gather feedback from multiple developers and teams based on the app,
identify areas of improvement, increase developer productivity as well as accelerate the
application development lifecycle. This is done through various channels - for example: usability
testing, product usage data, forums, emails, and multiple sprints.
User Design
Screen 1
As you can see, I have combined the home screen and the score display screen in order to save
space and increase the efficiency of the system. This is because if the user wants to check the
current score of the games, they will only need to open the system instead of finding the
appropriate screen. This will increase productivity and allow a sense of ease for the users. In
addition, I have increased the number of columns for the score display to three. This way it will
allow the leaderboard to look organized and increase their usage.
Screen 2
The purpose of this page is to allow the user to add a competitor as part of a team. I was
initially going to include the team event page in here as well, however this may overcrowd the
software, resulting in an inefficient screen page. The reason behind putting the 'team member'
boxes on the right and the 'team name' on the left is because it is visually appealing and makes
the UI look organized and well thought out. This will boost productivity and therefore improve
the effectiveness of the tournament system.
Screen 1
This is the homepage screen which has a fairly simple design consisting of 3 buttons that
lead to each of the different screens. I have implemented different sizes, colors and shapes
of the button to make use of the empty space, leaving me with this combination that works
well with the overall layout of the system. Since ‘team events' and ‘individual events’ are
quite similar with team and individual, I have embedded that together.
Screen 2
The purpose of this screen is for the user to input a team name which will be assigned to the
leaderboard for later ranking purposes. There are a total of six text boxes that require users
to input their name and/or team name. I used this because by including different text boxes,
It avoids confusion and enables the user interface to look high quality whilst maintaining
B P7: Monitor and control with some inconsistencies and/or
In order to gather data for the requirements of the tournament system, I conducted surveys
and feedback groups with staff and students. This allowed me to gather valuable information
and opinions from the client without long sessions and intervening. This enabled me to move to
the planning sections as soon as possible, which helped me save time, manage my time
management and helped me gain extra detail in relevant parts of the project, resulting in a
sleek, improved and well developed user interface performance plan for specific areas of the
project. This is a suggested means of requirement gathering from the Agile methodology since
communication is a vital and effective way to render meaningful opinions and interactions from
clients and stakeholders that allow the significant improvement of systems. In terms of the
overall project, I had changed the plan many times in order to fit the requirements of the client
and brief. This was done to accommodate the requests and therefore make the system perfect
for what was asked.
Since the length of the project was 15 weeks, it was far too less to create a professional and
high quality Gui/ interface. This means that the quality of the system is not to a high standard
but appropriate. Saying this, I believe that if the time was increased there would be areas
significantly improved in terms of the user interface and security measures. In addition, I
adjusted my time to the project by prioritizing the production of the system over other topical
The next step of the process is the construction phase of the final application. As I conducted
the planning, identifying prototypes and testing previously during the user design phase, I only
had to bring the work together to create a polished and sleek UI of the application as a whole.
This final stage is fairly streamlined due to the majority of the documentation being completed.
I did need to complete testing in case of any issues and security concerns in the IT system. This
enables the user interface and user experience to be enhanced and thus improve the overall
productivity of the user.
C M2: Assess consistently at least two adequately researched solutions to an IT problem on a
given theme and recommend a preferred solution
One advantage of implementing solution 1 is that by only recreating the user interface it will
improve the user experience solely. This will make the program more intuitive and easier to
use. By having this approach, it only fulfils one purpose, which is to improve the user interface
and stick to it. By implementing this, it allows the program to focus on one specific focused
area without having to crash and over run. In addition, a new user interface can make a
program look more modern and visually appealing which will help to attract the end user.
Moreover, this boosts usability. If the new interface is easy to use, intuitive and focused, it will
result in a better usage due to its ease of use and human-computer interaction level.
Furthermore, there will be a competitive advantage. A remade user interface can give a
program a competitive advantage over similar programs by making it stand out and offering
unique features.
One solution to the inconsistent and basic user interface is changing the design structure. A
user interface is the system layout of the interior part of the system and has features that
include; input controls such as buttons, toggles etc., navigation controls such as search,
breadcrumb, icons and informational components such as notifications and message boxes.
These are some of the key components to a good user interface as this results in a user-
friendly interface. While having a user friendly interface and easy navigation, the user
decreases search time and increases satisfaction, fulfilling his needs in a fast and efficient
way. In turn, the potential company increases sales volume, improves customer loyalty and
minimizes costs and resources. This helps both parties in the long run as the customers get
what they asked for and the company (us) to gain some recognition and approval for the
As you can see in the gantt chart above, the project concept and execution stage took longer
than the project initiation and planning stage. This means that the amount of time and effort
put in to create the project is on a higher scale. By implementing a user interface to the system
it allows the user to gain faster and rapid access to work and their project by effectively utilizing
the tools and navigation menus to retrieve information in a solid manner. This is an extremely
effective way to gain simultaneous access while saving time lost and using time saving
techniques. One technique includes; Use a prototyping tool. A prototyping tool enables a
designer to weave visuals, navigational elements, and interactions together to give a solid
representation of how a design will behave and feel. It's an essential tool in any UI/UX
designer's arsenal. Prototypes are an opportunity to try things out and fine-tune the details.
Not only does this allow easy workflow but also allows to manage work that may be
uncategorized and unorganized.
One advantage of implementing a design structure as it provides a strong body for the overall
project. A personality of the system highlights its features and possible flaws that may need to
be worked on in the near future. A structural design is the methodical investigation of the
stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design
is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied information without failure during its
lifetime. The primary benefit of design systems is their ability to replicate designs quickly by
utilizing premade UI components and elements. Teams can continue to use the same elements
over and over, reducing the need to reinvent the wheel and thus risking unintended
inconsistency. Structured design provides a means for understanding complex problems and
evaluating system requirements. This allows us to keep communication to level and ensure all
inconsistencies are met. The objective of system design is to create a plan for a software system
that meets the needs and requirements of the end user. This plan typically includes detailed
specifications for the system, including its architecture, components, and interfaces. In this
case, the requirements were straightforward and fundamental that allows the system to have a
sleek overall pattern.
The second solution to the inconsistency is to have a new and improved user interface. A user
interface is a means of human-computer interaction that allows users to gain access to parts of
the system through easy navigation. One type of interface is a command line interface. This is a
type of user interface that accepts functions through code that are known as commands. These
are extremely useful for professional use and for those that have exterior knowledge in this
field of interest. Another example of a user interface is menu based UI. This is similar to a GUI
(graphical user interface), however when this interface is being used, it has menus that only
specifically require you to select functions in that area. This may restrict the user from
completing tasks that may not even be mentioned in that area and can therefore decrease
productivity and stop completion of tasks. It is vital to choose the correct type of user interface
to enable accurate success in order to fulfil the requirements of the end client. This will allow
the user to feel satisfaction with the quality of work produced therefore enabling them to visit
back if necessary. I think that it is important to create a clear and functional system. This is
because it will help the end user work with the system in an effective manner.
C D2: Evaluate consistently and comprehensively at least two researched and realistic solutions
to an IT problem on a given theme and justify using logical chains of reasoning a preferred
Due to the inconsistent design problem, the user experience is not up to a high level for the
college tournament system. This is because certain functionality and features were not utilized
efficiently which therefore restricted the users to properly perform and carry out tasks while
using the system.
Preferred Solution
Redesigning the program will involve more than just updating the user interface. It will involve
improving the functionality, performance, and overall user experience of the program. If the
program is outdated and no longer meets the needs of its users, a redesign may be necessary to
improve its usability and maintain its relevance for the end user.
On the other hand, if the user interface is the only issue, recreating it may be a more efficient
tend cost-effective solution. Recreating the user interface can give the program a fresh look and
feel, which can help attract new users and retain existing ones. However, it may not address
any underlying functionality or performance issues. Overall, redesigning the program is likely to
be a more comprehensive solution than simply recreating the user interface.
Solution 2 is my preferred solution for the tournament system. This is because solution 2,
requires me to redesign the project. I think that this is a more viable solution due to the fact
that it will save time and ensure testing is done once again thoroughly, allowing errors to be
highlighted, therefore making the user experience worthwhile. This solution is successful in
many ways due to the fact that it is inexpensive because in solution 1, if I were to create a new
user interface I would need to test out other interfaces and purchase good software. Although I
am implementing a scoring system for a local college it is vital to think thoroughly in this matter
for the simplistic and intuitive use of the overall system. Adding on to this, some interfaces may
be complex to use and may need to maintain the system which could be hard to fulfil
economically. I believe that solution 2 is the cheaper option out of the two solutions and as the
program only requires licensing for the python program as Paint is a free software available for
anyone to use. Furthermore, the paint application is a very capable program however it doesn’t
have professional or high level capabilities to include in a python project. Although it will
require me to spend a little bit of extra time to redesign the idea, it will still give me a chance to
succeed without having to spend extra money and wasting resources.
Another way Solution 2 is successful is that when redesigning, I can implement new screens.
This can allow the overall look of the system to be simplistic as well as include more functions,
therefore making it more functional and approachable to beginners use and high level use. The
impact of this is that anyone would be able to start and use the tournament system easily. As
the demographic of people who may use the tournament system consist of students and
teachers all of them can use the system no matter their technical experience. The simplicity of
the UI/X is immensely vital as it depends on the experience of certain individuals in some areas.
In addition, the fact that I have already made a UI design, I have experience in this area.
Meaning, I can easily create a new design without issues or bugs that will prevent me from
completing the project even faster. The final major point where solution 2 is shown to be far
more superior than solution 1 is the Scheduling Assessment. Here, it is shown to take 3.5
months as a whole for the completion of the project. Since there already is code and fixed bugs,
I have the technical experience and technical ability to carry this out once again based on
requirements and previous knowledge.