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The shear behaviour of structural elements, particularly deep beams has been an area of
huge concern in the structural engineering community. This study investigates the shear
behaviour of deep reinforced concrete beams by presenting and evaluating results of
experimentally tested beams to their corresponding finite element models. By using ANSYS,
the finite element computational platform, a validated model is presented for three deep
reinforced concrete beams that were cast and tested in the laboratory. Their load-deflection
responses were compared. The failure modes, as well as the cracking behaviour of the
models were also analyzed. It was observed that the load-deflection behaviour from the finite
element analysis correlate very well with that of the experimentally tested beams.
Furthermore, the finite element analysis was found out to mimic the cracking behaviour. It
also predicted the failure mode and ultimate failure loads of tested beam appropriately.
Keywords: deep beam, shear failure, finite element analysis; reinforced concrete
Deep beams are generally beams with Deep beams as defined by the American
short spans and thin widths as compared to Concrete Institute (ACI) are members
depth. They are used as transfer girders, loaded on one face and supported on the
foundation walls, pile caps and tanks. opposite face so that compression struts
Deep beams fail majorly by shear as can develop between the loads and the
compared to normal beams that fail by supports[12-15]. They have either clear
flexure. Research conducted shows that spans equal to or less than four times the
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Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences
Volume 2 Issue 2
overall member depth; or regions with bending and hence the beam can be
concentrated loads within twice the idealized as dimensional. The assumption
member depth from the face of the support is valid for regions within concrete
(ACI 318 2008). The European standard structures where the internal stresses can
also defines a deep beam as one in which be derived from sectional forces before
span is less than 3 times the overall section and after cracking of concrete. These
depth (EN 1992-1-1 2004). regions are known as B-regions (B stands
Other codes such as the Indian code (IS for Bernoulli) and the design made from
456 2000) defines a deep beam as a beam the use of sectional forces known as
with an effective span to overall depth sectional design.
ratio (L/D) less than 2 for a simply
supported beam and L/D less than 2.5 for The design and behaviour of deep beams
a continuous beam where the effective must be treated separately from sectional
span is defined as the centre-to-centre designs because the assumptions
distance between the supports or 1.15 mentioned earlier are no longer valid for
times the clear span whichever is lesser. them. Whilst bending strains dominate
The New Zealand Code (NZS-3101 2006) ordinary beams and can be predicted by
defines deep beams as members loaded on the beam theory, shear strains dominate
one face and supported on the opposite deep beams. The development of diagonal
face, so that compression struts can cracks due to shear have being observed to
develop between the loads and the be predominant in deep beams as
supports, and have either; clear span, Ln compared to flexural cracks in shallower
equal to or less than 3.6 times the effective beams (Sazzad, Younus, and Nizamud-
depth for simply supported or continuous Doulah 2002). In deep beams, a significant
beams and clear span equal or less than 1.6 amount of the load is carried to the
times the effective depth for cantilever supports by a compression force generated
beams[16-21]. The Canadian code (CSA- by the combination of the load and the
A23.3 2004) defines a deep beam as a support reaction. Nonlinear strain
beam in which the ratio of the clear span distributions are usually caused by abrupt
(l0) to the overall depth (h) is less than the change in geometry or loading and this
1.25 for simple spans and 2.5 for gives rise to disturbed or discontinuous
continuous spans. The CIRIA Guide regions often referred to as D-region. As a
(CIRIA Guide 2 1977) applies to beams result, the stress distribution is no longer
having an effective span to depth ratio (l/h) considered linear even in the elastic stage
of less than 2 for single-span beams and (Mohammad et al. 2011). Experimental
less than 2.5 for continuous beams. and finite element models have confirmed
These varied definitions of deep beams that Flexural strain and stress of deep
indicate the complexity of the behaviour of beams is not linear (Niranjan and Patil
deep beams. 2012). Shear deformations are no longer
negligible as they become excessively
Failure of Deep Beams large (Sazzad, Younus, and Nizamud-
Reinforced concrete beams fail through a Doulah 2002). Laboratory experiments
combination of shear and bending; majorly have proven that predicted deflections in
through bending based on the Bernoulli deep beams are far different from actual
hypothesis (beam theory) that the values in that the actual deformations are
distribution of strain is linear at a section. very large (Sazzad, Younus, and Nizamud-
The mechanical behaviour of beams is Doulah 2002). Plane sections do not
therefore defined by the assumption that remain plane and hence the assumption
plane sections remain plane even in that plane sections remain plane cannot be
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Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences
Volume 2 Issue 2
used in the design and analysis of the 2011; Sazzad, Younus, and Nizamud-
behaviour of deep beam design. D-regions Doulah 2002). Deep beams behave more
have therefore been designed using as two-dimensional action rather than one-
empirical procedures and experience such dimensional action. Though the use of a
as the strut-and-tie model proposed by two-dimensional modelling can yield
ACI and Eurocode 1992[22-25]. This results of high accuracy and save computer
model has been used in many space and memory, the use of three-
investigations to predict the capacity of dimensional elements has proven to be
deep beams and to verify their accuracy more accurate even though computer space
(Adhikary, Li, and Fujikake 2013; Ashour and computational time increases
and Yang 2007) and found to give a better considerably (Metwally 2015).
understanding of the distribution internal
forces within deep beams although more Analysis of Deep Beams
than one admissible strut-and-tie model Methods such as empirical equations and
can be developed (Ashour and Yang the strut-and-tie do not take into account
2007). The model assumes that the deep the nonlinear material behaviour and have
beam is a truss in which compressive limitations in predicting the behaviour of
stress fields are resisted by concrete struts deep beams under special circumstances
an and tensile stress fields are resisted by such as deep beams in combined axial and
steel reinforcement ties and the two are bending force (Kim, Lee, and Shin 2011).
connected by nodes (Birrcher et al. 2009). Under such circumstances, the behaviour
This model like other mathematical of deep beams has been observed to totally
models do not take into account the differ from that suggested by the strut-and-
redistribution of forces due to nonlinear tie model. These differences have led to
materials‟ behaviour (Metwally 2015). the generation of modifications to the use
of the strut and tie model which is widely
Investigation on the stresses developed in used and presumed to be sufficiently
deep beams showed that at the ultimate accurate (Gandomi et al. 2013; Zhang and
limit state, distribution of stresses in Tan 2007). The use of finite element
concrete in compression and the shape of approach in investigating the behaviour of
concrete compressive stress block is no structural elements has grown and is
more parabolic and therefore proves that becoming useful in recent times. The
strain distributions are not linear as method has proven to be sufficiently
commonly accepted for shallow beams accurate and time saving. With a good
(Mohammad et al. 2011). The failure of model, the behaviour of structural
deep beams is highly characterized by elements can be mimicked with high level
diagonal cracks as compared to flexural of accuracy. A good model maximizes the
cracks for shallower reinforced concrete use of the appropriate finite elements,
beams. Diagonal cracks are usually the approach of modelling and computational
first cracks to be observed in the clear span time to produce the desired result.
of the deep beam (Mohammad et al. 2011). Numerous models have been proposed for
The principal mode of failure in deep the study of deep beams yet all such
beams having adequate reinforcement is models depend solely on the designer‟s
diagonal tension cracking and the presence ability to select the right elements and
of different web reinforcement parameters to achieve the desired results.
arrangements have being observed to have Researchers have used finite element
no appreciable effect on the formation of models to try to better predict the
initial diagonal cracks and the failure nonlinear behaviour of concrete deep
behaviour of deep beam (Mohammad et al. beams.
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Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences
Volume 2 Issue 2
strain relationship for the concrete was the model as perfectly straight. Ideally, the
plotted beyond the ultimate compressive bond strength between the concrete and
strength to indicate the reduction of steel reinforcement should be considered.
compressive strength of the concrete after However, in this study, perfect bond is
failure. This relation is illustrated in figure assumed between steel and concrete
9. The Poisson ratio used for all concrete is (Kachlakev 2002). A Poisson ratio of 0.3
0.2. is used for all reinforcing steel. The stress-
(6) strain relationship for the steel used in the
model is shown in figure 8.
The self-weight of all the beams were not
included in the finite element models.
outside the shear links and that for 12. The solution controls as set for the
unconfined concrete were used for analysis is shown in Figure 13. The default
concretes inside the region of the shear nonlinear convergence criteria were based
links. Each concrete element was modelled on the force and moments with tolerance
to have dimensions of 25mm x 25mm x values set to 0.001 each.
20mm in the x,y,z directions respectively.
These dimensions were chosen so that
nodes will coincide perfectly with
supports. Figure 10 shows a 3-D model of
a sample beam modelled as confined and
unconfined concrete.
Reinforcements were modeled as line
elements by joining nodes. Figure 11
shows a 3-D model of the reinforcement.
BEAM N3/15/T10/LH4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
BEAM N3/15/T10/LH8
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
BEAM N3/15/T10/LV4H4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
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Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences
Volume 2 Issue 2