Structural Behavior On Reinforced Concrete Beams 1
Structural Behavior On Reinforced Concrete Beams 1
Structural Behavior On Reinforced Concrete Beams 1
many structures throughout China are rebars, a standard procedure was followed
constructed using reinforced beams due to regarding the establishment of the finite
the country’s frequent earthquakes. A element model. According to that process,
reinforced beam experiences a certain a derivation took place first, which started
amount of yield when pressure is applied from stating the strong form for the
to it. These beams are usually divided into ’problem’ of a reinforced concrete beam
two separate zones, a compression zone subjected to transverse and longitudinal
and a tension zone. Steel reinforcements in distributed loading. Then, the weak form
these two pressure zones ensure that the of the differential equations that cover the
concrete of the beam does not crumble pertinent problem was obtained. Later on,
beneath its applied weight load. Since steel the finite element formulation of the non-
is stronger than concrete, the two linear problem was derived, together with
substances act together to bear these heavy the linearization of the non-linear
loads. relationships. Finally, appropriate
Such a beam may be singly or doubly iterative/incremental procedures and
reinforced. These designations refer to the integration schemes were employed for the
types of pressure that can be applied to the numerical solution of the non-linear finite
beams. A reinforced beam that has steel element form. The theoretical foundations
supports in the tension zone is known as of the derivation mentioned in the previous
singly reinforced. A beam with steal paragraph was the basis for the finite
supports in both the compression and element code constructed at the next step.
tension zones is generally referred to as The outputs from the developed computer
doubly reinforced. Doubly reinforced program were then used for comparison
beams are typically easier to construct and with relevant tests from literature, figures
allow the beam to remain thinner than the obtained from analytical calculations, the
singly reinforced kind. When weight is finite element stiffness adaptation method,
applied to the beam, the steel will provide as well as with a ’perfect bond’ model
yield without creating the need for a large performed using the Diana software.
beam, while the concrete ensures that the Furthermore, the fundamental problem
steel does not, in turn, snap under the solved in the present thesis was that of a
pressure. reinforced concrete beam with vertical
Beams may be reinforced diagonally as distributed load. The definition of the
well as in a perpendicular manner. This beam and the loading conditions can be
helps avoid an excess of joints during seen in Figure
construction and allows a more
streamlined appearance in the architecture
of the building. These diagonal
reinforcements are equally secure when
providing support during an earthquake.
A model for reinforced concrete beams
To develop a simplified one-dimensional
reinforced concrete beam model, that
should be able to describe the interaction Figure: Example of a simply supported
between the cracked concrete and the reinforced concrete beam
Load-Deflection Behavior
A two-point flexural loading method is
applied at one-third points along the beam
specimen so that the cyclic behaviour may
be studied. A hydraulic jack is used as the
source of the load, and all of the samples
are put through a forward cyclic loading
procedure. The load sequence will Figure: Load sequence diagram for CC
continuously advance by three kilonewtons beam
right up to the point when the specimen Load Carrying Capacity
breaks. The CC specimen is loaded and The first fracture in the material emerges
unloaded a total of three times during during the first cycle of loading, when the
testing. During the course of the load is raised to 12 kN. This is when the
experimental investigation, a collection of load is being applied. When the load was
data is made about the starting crack load, raised even more, the consequence was the
the maximum load, and the fracture appearance of cracks that were both larger
patterns. In order to measure the deflection and more numerous. After the third cycle
at midspan, LVDTs are used. It was has been completed, the maximum load
discovered that the amount of deflection capacity of the CC beam is evaluated using
rose from 2.1 millimetres during the first a load level of 30 kN as the benchmark.
cycle of loading to 15.7 millimetres after
the third cycle of loading was completed.
With each subsequent cycle, there would
be a rise in the load, along with the related
The measured deflection is always greater
total ductility is 8.03 after the third loading energy that a CC beam can absorb are
cycle. Both the ductility factor and the shown.
cumulative ductility factor for a CC beam
show how load cycles affect their
idea of the stiffness at that loading cycle. (kN load duc abs rgy m)
The beam's rigidity would peak during the ) (mm) tilit orpt abs
first load cycle and gradually decrease y ion or
thereafter. The effect that repeated loading fact cap pti
has on the rigidity of a CC beam is seen in or acit on
Figure ,Table displays the stiffness values y ca
for each CC beam cycle. (kN pa
- cit
mm y
) (k
1 1 15 2.1 0.66 0.66 11 11 5.85
2 2 24 7.9 2.47 3.13 78 89 3.33
3 3 30 15.7 4.91 8.03 184 27 1.36
In this study the role of fiber type in
reinforcement on the mechanical
characteristics of concrete, and the
Figure Stiffness degradation with load
torsional capacity and ductility of
cycles for CC beam
reinforced concrete beams (solid and
Behavior and Mode of Failure
hollow sections) have been investigated.
By subjecting a standard concrete beam to
The yield loading, the ultimate loading, the
three different loading cycles, the
yield displacement and the ultimate
behaviour of the specimen can be
displacement of RC beams increased
demonstrated. A conventional concrete
distinctly with the increasing loading rate.
beam will develop hair cracks from the
The crack loading, the ultimate loading
bottom fiber, working their way to the top
and the failure loading increased with the
fibre as the load increases. All along the
increasing loading rate and the crack
beam, the existing cracks are widening,
loading and the ultimate loading and the
and new ones keep appearing. The
logarithmic of the loading rate followed
concrete's top fibre was crushed, and the
linear. The energy dissipation capacity of
cracks in the base widened.
RC beams increased dramatically with the
Table 4.1 Experimental results of CC
increasing loading rate.
Defle Rel Cu 1. M.Sasi Kumar (2020) Structural Behavior
S. No. Ulti ction Duct Cu ativ mu Stiff of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete
No. of mat at ility mul e lati ness Elements, Adalya Journal, ISSN NO:
cycle e ultim facto ativ Ene ve (kN 1301-2746, Volume 9, Issue 1.
load ate r e rgy ene /m 2. Amol Suresh Satpute, Mahavir Balmukund
Varma (2017), Retrofitting of Beams