Structural Behavior On Reinforced Concrete Beams 1

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Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences



Research Scholar Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering
Sri Krishna University Sri Krishna University
[email protected]

Abstract forces, its resistance is much less and

This research aims to investigate the experimental failure is usually sudden. In order to
structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams. improve tensile strength and ductility
Beams are the major structural element that is
(capacity to stretch and deform prior to
capable of carrying and transferring load which is
designed primarily for bending and shear. A failure) in concrete elements,
careful approach in its design will lead to efficient reinforcement is used, usually in the form
use of concrete and steel reinforcement. Only of steel, fiberglass or carbon fibre bars.
recently have engineers started to pay attention to Commonly referred to as rebar,
the hard problem of making public infrastructure
reinforcement has a tensile strength far
that is also good for the environment. Using
cutting-edge structural designs or building superior to concrete. The use of rebar
materials is one way to make structures that last a allows the design of smaller and lighter
long time and need little maintenance. The main elements, but also helps control cracking.
goal of this study is to look into the structural We must understand that whether it is
behaviour of M30 grade fiber-reinforced concrete
reinforced or not, cracks will occur
parts that are made with both small and large steel
fibres. For this goal to be reached, experimental naturally in concrete elements once in
research will have to be done. Both analytical and service. Sometimes invisible to the naked
experimental methods were used to find out what eye and sometimes very large, cracks in
effect micro and macro fibres have on beams. concrete can be quite alarming to the users
Keywords: Reinforced concrete, beams, structural
of the structure.
design. Fiber, public infrastructure

Introduction Reinforced Beam

Concrete is a material known for its great A reinforced beam is typically a concrete
strength. Regardless, there are a few beam that is reinforced by steel and
weaknesses, which must be taken in supports large weight loads on a vertical
consideration in the design of concrete scale. These are generally used in large
structural elements. Basically, concrete is buildings for longitudinal support. They
made of three main ingredients: Portland add stability to a structure and are used in
cement, water, and aggregates (sand and areas, like floors and ceilings, to withstand
stone). Portland cement reacts chemically large amounts of stress.
in contact with water to form a rigid matrix These beams are commonly used to add
that bonds the aggregates together. The extra support to buildings located within
final result is a material with a relatively an earthquake zone. They transfer the
consistent strength in all directions. weight they bear to nearby support
Concrete can withstand large compressive columns, which also act to support and
loads. However, when subject to tensile strengthen the building. For example,

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many structures throughout China are rebars, a standard procedure was followed
constructed using reinforced beams due to regarding the establishment of the finite
the country’s frequent earthquakes. A element model. According to that process,
reinforced beam experiences a certain a derivation took place first, which started
amount of yield when pressure is applied from stating the strong form for the
to it. These beams are usually divided into ’problem’ of a reinforced concrete beam
two separate zones, a compression zone subjected to transverse and longitudinal
and a tension zone. Steel reinforcements in distributed loading. Then, the weak form
these two pressure zones ensure that the of the differential equations that cover the
concrete of the beam does not crumble pertinent problem was obtained. Later on,
beneath its applied weight load. Since steel the finite element formulation of the non-
is stronger than concrete, the two linear problem was derived, together with
substances act together to bear these heavy the linearization of the non-linear
loads. relationships. Finally, appropriate
Such a beam may be singly or doubly iterative/incremental procedures and
reinforced. These designations refer to the integration schemes were employed for the
types of pressure that can be applied to the numerical solution of the non-linear finite
beams. A reinforced beam that has steel element form. The theoretical foundations
supports in the tension zone is known as of the derivation mentioned in the previous
singly reinforced. A beam with steal paragraph was the basis for the finite
supports in both the compression and element code constructed at the next step.
tension zones is generally referred to as The outputs from the developed computer
doubly reinforced. Doubly reinforced program were then used for comparison
beams are typically easier to construct and with relevant tests from literature, figures
allow the beam to remain thinner than the obtained from analytical calculations, the
singly reinforced kind. When weight is finite element stiffness adaptation method,
applied to the beam, the steel will provide as well as with a ’perfect bond’ model
yield without creating the need for a large performed using the Diana software.
beam, while the concrete ensures that the Furthermore, the fundamental problem
steel does not, in turn, snap under the solved in the present thesis was that of a
pressure. reinforced concrete beam with vertical
Beams may be reinforced diagonally as distributed load. The definition of the
well as in a perpendicular manner. This beam and the loading conditions can be
helps avoid an excess of joints during seen in Figure
construction and allows a more
streamlined appearance in the architecture
of the building. These diagonal
reinforcements are equally secure when
providing support during an earthquake.
A model for reinforced concrete beams
To develop a simplified one-dimensional
reinforced concrete beam model, that
should be able to describe the interaction Figure: Example of a simply supported
between the cracked concrete and the reinforced concrete beam

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Literature Review to centre are used as shear reinforcement.

Amol Suresh Satpute [2017] investigated The dimensions and reinforcement details
the feasibility of retrofitting beams with of the beam are shown in Figure.
externally bonded GFRP wraps. Four spots
on a cast beam specimen measuring 150
mm by 150 mm by 700 mm were used to
assess its bending strength. Four
tensionally reinforced beams, one top and
bottom reinforced beam, four plain
concrete beams, and shear reinforcement
consisting of two-legged stirrups with a
diameter of 8 mm were all cast. GFRP
Figure: Reinforcement details of beam
wraps were used to join the exteriors of
Casting and Curing of Beam
second-type beams in groups of one, two,
There are eight cast beam specimens
and three.
altogether, representing four distinct sets
Sasi M. Kumar [2020] In this study, the
of tests. There is one concrete beam
structural behaviour of hybrid fiber-
specimen and three beam specimens
reinforced concrete specimens is
composed of fibrous concrete, each with a
investigated. We look at how the presence
different geometry and length. Each
of the fibres changed the shape of the
fibrous concrete sample accounts for 1.5%
hybrid-reinforced specimens. We'll look at
of the total volume. Using a concrete
the samples' volume percentage of fibre.
mixer machine, concrete is mixed
Compression, flexure, and tensile tests are
mechanically. To prevent the fibres from
all kinds of structural characteristics tests.
balling up during casting, the following
The percentage of steel and polyester
method is utilised. After mixing the
(Recron 3S) fibres in the overall volume
aggregates and cement for a full minute,
might range from 0.1% to 1%. The
you can begin slowly adding the water
research showed that the 0.5% concrete
over the course of the next two minutes.
samples performed better structurally than
After that, a gradual increasing technique
the other samples. The results are also
is used to disperse the fibres uniformly
compared to what was expected for the
throughout the mass. At this point, after
beam and beam-column junction
three minutes of mixing time, you'll pour
the concrete in layers into the mould and
compact it as tightly as possible. The
Dimensions and Reinforcement Details
mold's top is then uniformly smoothed out
of Beam
afterward. The specimens are demoulded
For casting beam specimens,
after 24 hours and placed in water for 28
wooden moulds of size1.5 m × 0.1
days of curing. The casting of beam
m × 0.15 m made of quality timber is used.
specimen is shown in Figure
Two numbers of High Yield strength
deformed bars (HYSD) of 8 mm diameter
rods at both top and bottom are used as
longitudinal reinforcement and 6 mm
diameter stirrups spaced at 100 mm centre

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than it was in the cycles that came before

when a certain load is applied. The load
sequence that has traditionally been used
for the duration of the CC beam testing
technique is shown in figure 4.1. A plot of
the load-deflection response envelope for a
CC beam specimen is shown in Figure 4.2,
and the comparable static load-deflection
response for a CC beam specimen is
displayed in Figure 4.3. Both figures are
included in this article.

Figure: Casting of beam

Load-Deflection Behavior
A two-point flexural loading method is
applied at one-third points along the beam
specimen so that the cyclic behaviour may
be studied. A hydraulic jack is used as the
source of the load, and all of the samples
are put through a forward cyclic loading
procedure. The load sequence will Figure: Load sequence diagram for CC
continuously advance by three kilonewtons beam
right up to the point when the specimen Load Carrying Capacity
breaks. The CC specimen is loaded and The first fracture in the material emerges
unloaded a total of three times during during the first cycle of loading, when the
testing. During the course of the load is raised to 12 kN. This is when the
experimental investigation, a collection of load is being applied. When the load was
data is made about the starting crack load, raised even more, the consequence was the
the maximum load, and the fracture appearance of cracks that were both larger
patterns. In order to measure the deflection and more numerous. After the third cycle
at midspan, LVDTs are used. It was has been completed, the maximum load
discovered that the amount of deflection capacity of the CC beam is evaluated using
rose from 2.1 millimetres during the first a load level of 30 kN as the benchmark.
cycle of loading to 15.7 millimetres after
the third cycle of loading was completed.
With each subsequent cycle, there would
be a rise in the load, along with the related
The measured deflection is always greater

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yield deformations. It is computed by

comparing the initial yield deflection to the
maximum deflection that occurs during a
certain load cycle. In a cyclic load-
deflection diagram, the initial yield
deflection illustrates the projected bilinear
behaviour of a CC beam. This is shown in
the image. Using the data in Figure 4.2, we
can conclude that the initial yield
deflection of the CC beam is 3.2
millimetres. The material's ductility
improves with each succeeding loading
cycle, rising from 0.66 after the first cycle
to 4.91 after the third. By adding the
ductility factor at the greatest load point
reached in each cycle up to the cycles
Figure: Load-deflection response for CC observed when the structure is exposed to
beam cyclic loading, the cumulative ductility up
to any load cycle may be determined. This
enables the calculation of cumulative
ductility up to any load cycle. This statistic
is critical when designing a building to
withstand the impacts of an earthquake
since it indicates the overall ductility of the

Figure: Equivalent static load-deflection

response for CC beam
Ductility Characteristics
Figure 4.4 Variation of ductility factor
A material is considered to be ductile if it
with load cycles for CC beam
maintains its load-carrying capabilities
Table shows the CC beam's ductility
despite being exposed to inelastic
factor and cumulative ductility factor. The
deformations higher than the material's

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total ductility is 8.03 after the third loading energy that a CC beam can absorb are
cycle. Both the ductility factor and the shown.
cumulative ductility factor for a CC beam
show how load cycles affect their

Figure Variation of relative energy

absorption capacity with loadcycles for
CC beam
Figure 4.5 Variation of cumulative
ductility factor with load cycles forCC
Energy Absorption Characteristics
Every time the beam is loaded and
unloaded, it loses some of its energy. The
area under the load-deflection curve shows
how well the specimen can take in energy.
When the first and third loading cycles are
compared, it is found that the first cycle
took in 11 kN-mm of energy and the third
cycle took in 184 kN-mm. Figure 4.6
shows how the relative amount of energy
the CC beam can absorb changes as the
load cycles. You can find out how much Figure Variation of cumulative energy
energy the beam can take in over the absorption capacity withload cycles for
course of a whole cycle by adding up how CC beam
much energy it can take in over the course Stiffness Characteristics
of individual cycles. The standard concrete The stiffness of a sample is defined as the
beam takes in 273 kN-mm of energy at the amount of force required to bend one unit
end of the third cycle. Figure shows how of the sample. A tangent is drawn at 75%
the number of load cycles affects the of the maximum load for each iteration of
amount of energy that can be stored. In the load-deflection curve. If you look at
Table, the relative and total amounts of the slope of the tangent, you can get an

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idea of the stiffness at that loading cycle. (kN load duc abs rgy m)
The beam's rigidity would peak during the ) (mm) tilit orpt abs
first load cycle and gradually decrease y ion or
thereafter. The effect that repeated loading fact cap pti
has on the rigidity of a CC beam is seen in or acit on
Figure ,Table displays the stiffness values y ca
for each CC beam cycle. (kN pa
- cit
mm y
) (k
1 1 15 2.1 0.66 0.66 11 11 5.85
2 2 24 7.9 2.47 3.13 78 89 3.33
3 3 30 15.7 4.91 8.03 184 27 1.36

In this study the role of fiber type in
reinforcement on the mechanical
characteristics of concrete, and the
Figure Stiffness degradation with load
torsional capacity and ductility of
cycles for CC beam
reinforced concrete beams (solid and
Behavior and Mode of Failure
hollow sections) have been investigated.
By subjecting a standard concrete beam to
The yield loading, the ultimate loading, the
three different loading cycles, the
yield displacement and the ultimate
behaviour of the specimen can be
displacement of RC beams increased
demonstrated. A conventional concrete
distinctly with the increasing loading rate.
beam will develop hair cracks from the
The crack loading, the ultimate loading
bottom fiber, working their way to the top
and the failure loading increased with the
fibre as the load increases. All along the
increasing loading rate and the crack
beam, the existing cracks are widening,
loading and the ultimate loading and the
and new ones keep appearing. The
logarithmic of the loading rate followed
concrete's top fibre was crushed, and the
linear. The energy dissipation capacity of
cracks in the base widened.
RC beams increased dramatically with the
Table 4.1 Experimental results of CC
increasing loading rate.
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