Bending and Punching Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Glass Concrete Slabs
Bending and Punching Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Glass Concrete Slabs
Bending and Punching Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Glass Concrete Slabs
An experimental study was carried out on fiber-reinforced glass the advantage of simplicity and economy of production,
aggregate concrete slabs under a central patch load. The slab performance specifications of thin-sheet products are more
specimens were reinforced either with randomly distributed short readily satisfied with continuous fiber mesh, especially if large
fibers or with continuous fiber mesh with equal fiber volume ratios.
The influences of fiber type, form and volume ratio on the two-way fiber volume ratios are called for.7,8,9
bending behavior, and punching shear capacity of the glass A considerable body of literature exists on the punching
concrete slab were investigated. shear behavior of reinforced concrete slabs. When modeling
Test results revealed that fiber mesh is decidedly more effective in such behavior for small-scale laboratory experiments, it is
bending than randomly distributed fibers; however, randomly important to accurately reproduce the boundary conditions
distributed fibers are somewhat more effective in punching shear.
The shape and location of the critical punching shear perimeter is
that exist in real structures. Slabs are typically supported
independent of fiber type, form, and volume ratio. But crushed continuously along their edges and restrained by adjacent
glass aggregate has some influence on both strength and failure panels to various degrees. Such restraints typically affect the
mode of the slabs. in-plane deformations of a representative slab panel subjected
to a concentrated transverse load by forcing membrane or
Keywords: concrete; fiber-reinforced concrete; glass fiber-reinforced arch action. This can completely alter the load-carrying
concrete; punching shear.
characteristics and failure mode10-12 by greatly enhancing
the punching shear capacity of such restrained slab panels.
Thin-sheet concrete products have attracted considerable The one-way bending behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete
attention in recent years.1,2 There are numerous potential members with glass aggregate has been reported earlier.13 This
applications that were previously difficult or impossible to previous study showed that fiber mesh is clearly more effective
realize with conventional concrete materials. The intro- than randomly distributed short fibers as reinforcement. The
duction of nonferrous reinforcement, either in the form of proper design of concrete slabs, however, whether used for
randomly distributed short fibers or continuous fiber mesh, thin-sheet products or more conventional structural slabs,
greatly reduces the cover requirements, thereby facilitating depends on a thorough understanding of the two-way bending
significant reductions of minimum thicknesses for such thin and punching shear behavior.
sheets. Their mechanical behavior differs considerably from This study reports on the experimental study of slab elements
that of conventional reinforced concrete panels, and so do reinforced either with randomly distributed short fibers or
the manufacturing processes. Thin-sheet products are often
continuous fiber mesh. The effect of the glass aggregate is
manufactured using extrusion and pultrusion processes.
assessed by also testing samples produced with regular river
If thin-sheet concrete panels are subjected to loads,
conventional structural theory needs to be applied to assure sand as aggregate. Three types of materials were studied for
that such loads can safely be resisted. Given their small reinforcement: alkali-resistant glass (AR-glass), polyvinyl
thicknesses, punching shear performance may become acetate (PVA), and polypropylene. In the punching shear
important, especially if the reinforcement is dimensioned for test, only AR-glass fibers were studied.
flexural strength and the panels are subjected to large
concentrated forces either by design or by accident. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
Specific architectural surface treatments can open up an Fiber mesh reinforced thin-sheet concrete products with
entire new category of applications such as claddings, veneers, crushed glass aggregate lend themselves to numerous novel
and face panels that previously were mostly the domain of applications. If used for relatively large panels, their two-
natural stone. The use of crushed glass particles as aggre- way bending and punching shear behavior needs to be
gate also lends itself to a multitude of architectural treatments known. A characterization of the behavior will facilitate the
including polished surfaces or exposed aggregate finishes.3,4
use of such panels for applications that until now were
The problem of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) needs to be
considered, but technology exists to control the potentially primarily the domain of natural stone. The research reported
damaging effects.5,6 herein provides needed insights for their safe use.
It was the objective of the study presented herein to evaluate
the bending and punching shear strength of fiber-reinforced ACI Materials Journal, V. 100, No. 2, March-April 2003.
MS No. 02-131 received April 8, 2002, and reviewed under Institute publication
concrete slabs with glass aggregate. The reinforcement policies. Copyright © 2003, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
consisted of either randomly distributed short fibers or the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion will be published in the January-February 2004 ACI Materials
continuous woven fiber mesh. Whereas short fibers have Journal if received by October 1, 2003.
RS-G1 Crushed
glass — — 0.25 4.39 1.69
RS-G2 Crushed
glass 1 Top — 4.05 1.70
RS-G3 glass 1 Bottom — 4.09 1.67
RS-G4 Crushed
Top and
2 — 4.17 1.73
glass bottom
A-C1 sand — — — 2.84 —
A-C2 — — — 3.35 —
glass Fig. 2—Structures of fabric mesh.
Fig. 3—Load-deflection curves for slabs in two-way bending: Fig. 4—Ultimate strength ratios of specimens reinforced with
(a) AR-glass fiber; (b) PVA fibers; and (c) polypropylene fibers. fiber mesh and short fibers.
l = π ( d + kh ) (1)
k = ------------- (2)
Fig. 7—Typical cracking patterns of slabs after punching shear
(top face). (For description of specimen IDs, refer to Table 2.)
where D is the average diameter of the bottom face of the
failure cone. The values thus obtained are listed in Table 2.
They vary from 1.62 to 1.73, with a mean value of 1.68,
which corresponds to a failure surface inclination angle
of about 30 degrees. There are no significant differences
between the plain, short fiber-reinforced, and fiber mesh-
reinforced glass concrete specimens. This k value agrees
with others reported in the literature,12,15 where values of
about 1.5 were given for steel fiber-reinforced concrete slabs
with either confined or free boundary.
The use of crushed waste glass as aggregate for concrete is
a relatively novel concept. The reservations about such use,
which stem from a concern about long-term ASR problems,
have been addressed by extensive research efforts reported
elsewhere. Solutions to overcome ASR-related problems are
available; therefore, it is now possible to address other issues
related to glass concrete products. The question of flexural and Fig. 8—Typical cracking patterns of slabs after punching
punching shear of fiber-reinforced glass concrete slabs has been shear (bottom face). (For description of specimen IDs, refer
the topic of this study. to Table 2.)