Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames In-Filled With

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Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials

Under Seismic Loads

Article · January 2009

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2 authors:

Iswandi Imran Aris Aryanto

Bandung Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology


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Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, 69-77
ISSN 1410-9530 print / ISSN 1979-570X online

Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames In-Filled with

Lightweight Materials Under Seismic Loads

Imran, I.1, Aryanto, A.2

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental and analytical research conducted to study the
in-plane behavior of reinforced concrete (R/C) frames in-filled with lightweight materials. The
tests were performed on two single bay, single story in-filled frame specimens with ½ scale
models. One of the test specimens was in-filled with lightweight materials, i.e. autoclaved
aerated concrete (AAC) blocks, and the other, used as the comparison, was in-filled with clay
brick materials. The loading used in the tests was in the form of cyclic in-plane lateral loads,
simulating earthquake forces. Behavior of the frame structures was evaluated through the
observed strength and deformation characteristics, the measured hysteretic energy dissipation
capacity and the measured ductility. The experimental results show that the R/C frame in-filled
with AAC blocks exhibited better performance under in-plane lateral loads than that in-filled
with conventional clay bricks. In the analytical work, the performance of some analytical models
available in the literature was evaluated in simulating the experimental results

Keywords: lightweight materials, in-filled frames, autoclaved aerated concrete, ductility,

hysteretic behavior.

Introduction According to the previous experimental researches,

the strength of in-filled frame depends on the failure
The behavior of in-filled reinforced concrete (R/C) mode of the masonry infill [6]. The masonry infill
frames has been studied experimentally and itself may fail in various modes of failure, most often
computationally by a number of researchers [1, 2, 3, involving corner crushing, bed-joint sliding and
4, 5]. It has been recognized that infill materials give diagonal cracking. These modes of failure are
significant effect to the performance of the resulting influenced by material properties such as
in-filled frame structures [6]. Most of the researches
compressive strength, shear strength, and coefficient
carried out in this area focused on parameters such
as the variation of geometry, the strength of infill of frictions; geometric parameters such as infill-
materials and the relative stiffness of infill to frame frame gaps, the presence of door or window
elements. The study of the effect of types of infill openings, height to length aspect ratio and
materials used (lightweight versus normal weight slenderness ratio of infill. Although the experimental
masonry) on the behavior of in-filled R/C frames is study of AAC materials has been carried out by
however still limited. Autoclaved aerated concrete several researchers such as Hoedajanto et al. [7] and
(AAC) is one of the lightweight materials frequently Tanner et al. [8], the investigation focused on the
used as infill materials and has been introduced into behavior of AAC as infill materials under lateral
Indonesian construction market a decade ago. The load, simulating seismic forces, is still limited. The
material weight of ACC is approximately one third of experimental and analytical work presented in this
normal weight clay unit. It has been established that paper was motivated by this limitation. The objective
the less the weight of infill materials used, the less is to study the behavior of R/C frames in-filled with
the earthquake forces generated in the structures.
AAC blocks as the lightweight materials, under
Nevertheless, lightweight materials usually have
less strength and less stiffness than the normal cyclic in-plane lateral loads, simulating earthquake
weight materials. forces. The influence of types of infill materials used
on strength, stiffness and modes of failure in the
resulting in-filled frames was also investigated in
1 Structural Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Civil and this study. The tests were performed on two half
Environmental Engineering, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia. scale in-filled frame test specimens. One of the test
Email: [email protected].
2 Former Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty
specimens was in-filled with lightweight materials,
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia. i.e. autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks, and
the other, used as the comparison, was in-filled with
Note: Discussion is expected before November, 1st 2009, and will
be published in the “Civil Engineering Dimension” volume 12,
locally available clay brick materials. Performance of
number 1, March 2010. the test specimens was gauged from the recorded
Received 12 March 2009; revised 25 March 2009; accepted 3 April strength and deformation characteristics, the
2009. observed hysteretic energy dissipation capacity and

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 69–77

the measured ductility. In the analytical work, some application of load reversals, four stiff steel rods were
analytical models available in the literature were used (Figures 2). Linear variable displacement
used to estimate the strength and stiffness of the test transducers (LVDTs) were placed in several
specimens. The experimental program and the locations in the specimens to measure displacement
results of the study are outlined in the following at different locations (Figure 2). Shear distortion in
sections. the specimen during the test was measured using 2
LVDTs placed diagonally (Figure 3). A total of
Experimental Program twenty-four strain gauges were installed on some
reinforcing steel bars in each specimen (Figure 4), to
The experimental work presented in this paper was measure strain values needed for calculation of
focused on the performance and behavior of R/C moment, shear and axial forces in the frame
frames in-filled with lightweight materials, i.e. AAC members. All the instrumentations were monitored
blocks, under in-plane lateral loads, simulating throughout the tests using Data Acquisition System.
earthquake forces. As a comparison, the behavior of
a R/C frame, in-filled with normal weight clay unit
Model 1 Model 2
commonly used in the building constructions in
Indonesia, was also investigated in this study. The
test model configurations are shown in Figure 1.

The selected prototype of in-filled R/C frame was

designed to meet the requirement of intermediate
moment frame in accordance with the Indonesian
Concrete Code Sect. 23 [9], which is basically
equivalent to ACI 318-08 Sect. 21 [10]. Due to the
limitation of available research facilities, a scaling
factor of one half was adopted to obtain a test model.
The test model is single story and single bay system.
Each model has typical height of 1750 mm and
typical width of 1675 mm between columns Figure 1. Infilled R/C Frame Specimens
centerlines. The R/C frame structure consists of
175x175 mm square columns and 150x250 mm In this experimental work, lateral loads were applied
beams. All infill materials used in the frame have to the loading beam at the top of wall using
the same slenderness ratio h/t (height/thickness) of displacement control with the history shown in
15 and an aspect ratio h/l (height/bay length) of 1.0. Figure 2. The loading history used is adopted from
the ACI recommendation for cyclic load testing of
The test models shown in Figure 1 were constructed R/C structural elements [11]. Displacement levels
on stiff R/C beam and bolted to the laboratory strong corresponding to drift of 0.1% up to 3% were
floor. To eliminate out of plane movement, the subsequently applied.
specimens were laterally braced by steel frame. The
cyclic lateral load was applied by servo-controlled In addition to structural tests, a set of material tests
hydraulic actuator having a load capacity of 1000 kN were performed in this study. These include
and a maximum stroke of + 100 mm. To avoid any compression tests of masonry units, compression
tensile force applied to the loading beam during the tests of mortar specimens, compression tests of 3-



LVDT-7 35
Lateral Displacement (mm)




Drift Ratio, %





LVDT-11 -25

-4 -65
0 5 10 15 20 25
Cycle Number
Figure 2. Test Setup and Loading Program

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 68–77

course masonry prisms and bond/shear tests of

masonry prisms. Material tests were also conducted
on reinforcing bars and concrete samples. The
results of material tests are summarized in Table 1.
It can be seen from Table 1 that the actual concrete
strengths of the test specimens were 27.09 and 26.08
MPa, consecutively for test model 1 and model 2.
Actual yield strength of longitudinal and lateral
reinforcing bars in the columns was 488 and 280
MPa, respectively. The respective ultimate strength
of the rebars was recorded at 625 and 387 MPa. In LVDT
addition, the strength of AAC unit (2.9 MPa) was
found to be lower than that of the clay unit, which
was 4.57 MPa (Table 1). Figure 3. View of Test Setup

Table 1. Average Material Properties

Properties Test Model 1 Test Model 2 ASTM test or Source
Concrete fc’ 28 days = 27.09 MPa fc’ 28 days = 26.08 MPa C39/C39M-04
Mortar fcm’ 28 days = 11.22 MPa fcm’ 28 days = 10.45 MPa C109/C109M-99
Masonry unit FAAC = 2.90 MPa FClay = 4.57 MPa C 67-94 and C 140-96
Weight Density: 596 kg/m3 Weight Density: 1477 kg/m3
Masonry prism fm’ 28 days = 2.97 MPa fm’ 28 days = 3.71 MPa C 1314-95
Reinforcing bars D16 : fy = 311.80 MPa , fu = 469.87 Mpa A 370-97
D13 : fy = 488.42 MPa , fu = 625.61 MPa
6 : fy = 279.36 MPa , fu = 387.28 MPa

Column Reinf.
Column Reinf.

Beam Reinf.
Beam Reinf

Figure 4. Typical Reinforcement Details

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 69–77



Figure 5. Final Crack Pattern: (a) Test Model 1 - Single bay AAC In-filled Frame, (b) Test Model 2 – Single
bay Clay In-filled Frame

Furthermore, there were two distinct types of mortar dominantly observed in AAC in-filled frame. At
used in this infill masonry study. For test model 1, 27.16 kN lateral load (or 2.16 mm displacement),
the 3 mm of thin bed mortar (i.e. PM (Prime initial flexural crack started to develop in the
Mortar)-100) was used to connect each AAC unit. columns. Then, initial shear crack appeared at 72.83
This type of mortar is commonly suggested to be kN load (or 4.28mm displacement). In higher level of
used in AAC construction. For test model 2, with a load, separation between infill and the frame along
clay unit as infill material, general purpose mortar the column face was detected and continued to widen
with cement to sand ratio of 1:4 (by volume) was with the increasing load. After that, the infill
used. This cement-sand ratio is commonly adopted in material started to exhibit crushing failure. The
building constructions in Indonesia. The thickness of major crushing failures were noted at the top right
the connecting mortar for this case was 10 mm. corner and middle height of infill wall, as shown in
Figure 5a.
Results and Discussions
For clay infill specimen (test model 2), the first crack
Crack Pattern was found at lateral load of 26 kN (or lateral
displacement of 1.25 mm). The cracks propagated
The final crack patterns of both test models are diagonally across the mortar joint and also
shown in Figure 5. In the AAC in-filled frame (test horizontally along the bed joint to form sliding shear.
model 1), cracks began to form in the infill, along the The major horizontal cracks occurred at
diagonal of the infill wall. This crack formation approximately 1/3 and 2/3 of infill height. These
occurred at 15.63 kN lateral load (or 1.34 mm lateral horizontal cracks prevented the formation of
displacement). After that, at larger load, another diagonal X-cracks at the top half of the infill wall as
diagonal crack parallel to the first one was observed. shown in Figure 5b.
In the reverse loading, a diagonal crack
perpendicular to the previous cracks was noted and In contrast, the formation of diagonal cracks was
formed an X-crack. This type of crack pattern was mostly found at the top corners of the infill. A shear

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 68–77

crack was observed at the bottom and top of the Hysteretic Behavior
columns at 64.6 kN load (or 6.72 mm displacement).
The shear crack at top of the columns continued to The hysteretic curves for each test model are
enlarge and the crushing of infill occurred at the presented in Figure 6. Based on the load-deflection
locations where the horizontal cracks along bed joint characteristics, both models exhibited basically
met with the major diagonal cracks, as shown in similar peak loads. Nevertheless, test model 1
Figure 5b. produced better hysteretic behavior than test model
2. More accelerated deterioration for similar
Test model 2 exhibited a mode of failure that could intensity of lateral displacement was observed in test
be described as a frictional or sliding shear. The low results of model 2 than that observed in test results
shear strength of infill bed joint in this test model of model 1. In addition, significant strength drop was
prevents the formation of diagonal cracks. In clearly observed in the hysteretic curve of test model
contrast, the AAC specimen (test model 1) exhibited 2, started to occur at displacement larger than 20
strut formation, where the cracks propagated mm (or at drift level greater than 1%). On the
diagonally from the upper column to the base. This contrary, test model 1 showed only slight strength
type of failure indicates that the thin bed mortar in drop.
AAC specimen had good bond characteristics.

Figure 6. Hysteretic Load-Displacement Curves (a) Test Model 1–AAC infill (b) Test Model 2–Clay infill

Table 2. Summary of Experimental Results

Frame Displacement Infill Displacement Displacement
Maximum Initial
cracking at frame cracking at infill at maximum Failure
Model lateral load stiffness
load cracking load load cracking load Lateral load mechanism
(kN) (kN/mm)
(kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (mm)
Strut or
1 27.162 2.16 15.634 1.34 110.948 48.010 22.65 diagonal
Sliding shear
2 42.657 3.23 26.063 1.25 105.903 20.130 37.76 and partial
infill crushing

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 69–77

Lateral Strength E m th
sin2 θ
α c = 0.52(λh)--0.8 for λh > 5, λh = 6
4E c S c
The test results (in terms of loads, displacements,
stiffness, and failure mechanisms) are summarized Table 3. Drift Levels at Various Limit States
in Table 2. It can be seen in that table that test
model 1 exhibited higher maximum lateral load than Drift at Percentage of Story
Limit State Height
test model 2. As the bare frame has an estimated
Test Model 1 Test Model 2
lateral capacity of 41.6 kN, then the presence of AAC
Initial cracking in the infill 0.08% 0.08%
infill or clay infill basically increased the lateral
capacity of the test specimen to more than 100%. Initial flexural cracking in
0.13% 0.20%
Initial shear cracking in
The drift levels (i.e story drift to story height ratio) 0.26% 0.41%
corresponding to the damage in the specimens are Initial yielding of
summarized in Table 3. These can be used as design 0.44% 0.62%
longitudinal reinf.
guidelines to estimate structural and non-structural Maximum lateral load 0.88% 1.22%
damage/response of in-filled R/C frame buildings Reduction to 80% of
2.88% 3%
under lateral load. As can be observed from Table 3, maximum lateral load
in both test models, the initial crack of infill occurred
at a drift of 0.08%, which can be stated as In the above, Em and Ec is the modulus of elasticity of
serviceability limit of this type of in-filled frame. The the infill and concrete material, respectively, h the
drift level at ultimate is defined as the drift at which infill height, t the infill thickness, f’ m infill
the lateral resistance of the test model is reduced to compression strength, and θ the angle of diagonal
80% of its maximum lateral force. This ultimate level infill.
occurred at the second cycle of the drift 2.88% and
3%, respectively for test model 1 and 2. The drift Moreover, Wood [12] proposed equation for lateral
level at which a major crack develoved in the strength of in-filled frames as:
columns ranges from 0,13% to 3%. In general, both
test models exhibited good behavior under lateral ⎡ 1 tL ⎤
load. Furthermore, the test models can still survive ⎢ 4 (smallerM p 2 δ p f' m ⎥
H = (φ + ∆ ) ⎢ + ⎥ / 1.2 (2)
the drift level of at least 3% or more. s φ h γm
⎢ ⎥
To predict the infill strength, several researchers ⎣ ⎦
proposed methods and formulations based on
Where φs, ∆φ, and δp are correction factors proposed
various theories. Mainstone [4] proposed empirical
by Wood [12], Mp is the lowest plastic moment of
equation using elastic analysis by substituting the
infill by equivalent diagonal strut in term of beams and column, and γ m is the loading factor. The
infill/frame stiffness parameter, λh. The lateral value of 1.2 is a safety factor.
strength is computed as
In addition, Liauw and Kwan [2] and Saneinejad
H = 2.αc.hf’m cos2θ (1) and Hobbs [13] predicted the lateral strength of infill
where by using plasticity approach. The lateral strength in
their formulations depends on the mode of failure of
αc = 0.56 (λh)-0.88 for λh < 5 and
in-filled frames (Table 4).

Table 4. Some Proposed Formulations

Liauw and Kwan [2] Saneinejad and Hobbs [13]
2(M pj + M pc ) 2M
H = σ c tα c h (mode 1) pj
H = σ c t (1 - α ) α h + τ tα l + (CC)
c c b b h
1 2(M pj + M pb ) 2M
H = σ c tα c (mode 2) pj
tan φ 2 H = 0.5h' tfa + (DG)
σcth h
4M pj 1 γ vel' (S)
H = σ c tα c h + (mode 3) H= < 0.83γtl
6 1 − 0,45 tan θ

Note: - the Liauw and Kwan equations above are for Non-integral in-filled frame. Mode 1 is corner crushing with yield in
columns. Mode 2 is corner crushing with yield in beams. Mode 3 is corner crushing with yield in beam-column joint.
- CC = corner crushing, DG = diagonal compression, S = Shear sliding

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 68–77

Figure 7 shows the comparison of the normalized As shown in the table, for test model 1, the initial
lateral strength calculated using those analytical stiffness of in-filled frame from the test results is
methods against that of the test results. The figure better estimated by FEMA equations than by
shows that all the methods, except Mainstone Paulay’s. On the other hands, for test model 2,
method, produce close estimation of the lateral Paulay’s equation gives better estimate than the
strength. Thus, in general, those formulas can be FEMA’s.
used to predict the lateral strength of both AAC infill
and Clay infill with good accuracy. Figure 8a shows degradation of secant stiffness for
both test models. For cyclic loading, the secant
stiffness at each drift level is computed as the slope
of the line connecting the extreme points of the last
cycle at the respective drift level. It can be seen from
the figure that in general the AAC infill has less
stiffness degradation than the clay infill.

Energy Dissipation

Figure 8b shows the cumulative energy dissipation

of both test models. The energy dissipated in one
load cycle is defined as the area bounded by
hysteresis loop produced in that respective cycle. For
each drift level, the representative dissipated energy
is taken as the smallest in that drift level. It can be
seen in the figure that the cumulative energy
dissipation of both test models is similar. Figure 8c
displays the ratio of energy dissipation to energy
Figure 7. Normalized Lateral Strength by Various input. Again, it can be seen from this figure that test
model 1 produces more efficient performance than
test model 2. So, in general, test model 1 exhibits
Lateral Stiffness better performances than test model 2.
Table 5 shows initial stiffness of the test models Displacement Ductility Ratio
calculated by various methods. The initial stiffness is
defined here as precracked stiffness of the test In seismic design, performance of structure beyond
models. The initial stiffness of the unreinforced infill elastic range is usually expressed in terms of
frame is frequently modeled by diagonal compressive ductility ratio. The displacement ductility ratio is
strut models which correlate well with effective strut commonly defined as the ratio between the ultimate
width of diagonal strut length. Paulay et al. [6] and displacement at which the lateral resistance of test
Tomazevic [5] recommend the strut width of one- model was reduced to 80% of its maximum lateral
fourth of diagonal length. However, FEMA 306 [14] resistance and the yield displacement. Based on the
recommends a strut width of experimental results, the ductility ratio of each test
(3) model is summarized in Table 6.
ls = 0,175 (λ1hcol)-0,4ld
E t sin 20 Table 6. Summary of Specimen’s Ductility Ratio
λ =4 m
1 4E I h Description Model 1 Model 2
c c
Forces at first yield of reinf. -93.90 -83.70
where hcol is the height of column, ld the diagonal (kN)
strut length and λ1 is the infill to frame stiffness
Displacement at first yield of -7.33 -10.16
parameters. By using those strut width equations, reinf. (mm)
the computed initial stiffness is as listed in Table 5
Forces at 80% of maximum -85.87 -84,72
(values in the bracket show ratio between calculated
lateral load (kN)
values and the test results).
Displacement at 80% of -47,6 -62
maximum lateral load (mm)
Table 5. Initial Stiffness by Various Methods
Ductility, µ 6,5 6,1
Models Test Paulay FEMA 306
kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm In the table, test model 1 shows larger ductility ratio
Model 1 21.29 37.00 26.45 than test model 2, although it is only a slight
(1.74) (1.24) difference. In comparison with recommended
Model 2 37.75 36.23 20.74 ductility ratio proposed by Tomazevic [5], both test
(0.96) (0.55) models show larger value than the limit ductiliy of

Imran, L., et al. / Behavior of R/C Frames In-Filled with Lightweight Materials / CED, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 2009, pp. 69–77

confined masonry of µ = 4. This indicates that both Conclusions

test models produce good performance under lateral
load simulating earthquake forces. The behavior of two types of infill materials, namely
AAC and Clay units, was experimentally
investigated. The test results showed that at failure
AAC infill developed strut mechanism in the form of
diagonal cracking. On the other hand, clay infill
exhibited mode of failure in the form of sliding shear
and partial infill crushing. The strength, ductility
and cumulative energy dissipation of both specimens
exhibited similar behavior throughout the tests.
Analytically, the initial stiffness of AAC infill can be
best represented by FEMA 306 model, while that of
Clay infill can be best represented by Paulay model.
In addition, some analytical models available in the
literature, such as Wood, Liauw&Kwan and
Saneinejad & Hobbs models, can produce close
estimate of the lateral strength of R/C frame in-filled
with AAC infill or Clay infill. Therefore, those models
can be used in the design and analysis of R/C frames
in-filled with light weight materials, such as AAC

In general, although clay infill posses higher initial

stiffness, the AAC infill produced less stiffness
degradation and demonstrated better hysteretic
behavior than the clay infill. Because of that, it can
be concluded from this study that AAC block units
can provide good behavior of in-filled frame under
lateral load simulating earthquake forces. Therefore,
these materials can basically be used to replace clay
brick units as infill materials for R/C frames built in
(b) the earthquake prone region, such as Indonesia..


The experimental study reported herein has been

conducted as part of research projects funded by the
Asahi Glass Foundation (AGF) Japan. The
additional financial assistance from the Structural
Engineering Laboratory of ITB to fabricate the test
setup is also gratefully acknowledged. The
experimental work for this research was conducted
in Structural Mechanics Laboratory of ITB. The
results, opinions and conclusions expressed in this
paper are those of the writers and do not necessarily
reflect those of the sponsors.

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