GTB1 PLC14 Module 1 Ula

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Lawaan St., Poblacion, Bayugan City


Media & Information Literacy

Consideration point 1 Consideration point 2

Learning outcomes At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Editorializes the value of being a media and information literate individual
1. Describe the nature of communication and the concept related to it. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3)
2. Identify the similarities and differences of media literacy and information. 2. Identifies characteristics/describes a responsible uses and competent
3. Differentiate the Types of Media: Print, Broadcast and New Media producers of media and information. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3)
4. Make a script for 1-min radio Infomercial. 3. Classifies contents of different media types MIL11/12TYM-IIId10
5. creates how messages develop through codes, convention, and messages. 4. Discusses on how a particular individual/or society is portrayed in public
6. Construct examples of the power of media and information to affect change using different type of media MIL11/12TYM-IIId12
5. The leaner researches and cites recent examples of the power of media and
7. Present Digi-poster with regard to with codes, convention, and messages and
information to affect change.
in regards with audience, producers, and other stakeholders
6. Discusses how media affect the society and individual
7. Evaluates everyday media and information with regard to with codes,
convention, and messages; in regards with audience, producers, and other
stakeholders. MIL11/12MILA-IIIf15

Assessment Convert pen & paper quizzes to online versions innovate assessment
(G Suite or Google Apps (Google slides, forms, docs) or Canva

Learning activities Convert as-is and find online counterparts i.e. lecture in front to lecture online Discusses to class on how a particular individual/or society is portrayed in public
(Sharing of ideas with the use of google classroom/google meet) using different type of media

Web tools What is available to me? What can I use? What can my students handle?
(Youtube,G Suites tools) Use videos that are related to the lesson thru the provision of links
Answer ready-made pdf-like assessment to further assist learning
Time Frame How much time do I need to implement these? How much time do my students need to learn them?
It takes 1 week to teach the topic (3 learning objectives.). In this topic it takes 2 weeks for students to complete the task as given and are
required by the subject’s competencies.

ODL ingredients Are all the key ingredients in ODL present? Yes, the 5 key ingredients in ODL (live events, online content/self-paced, collaboration, assessment, reference/support
materials) are present.

Proposed redesigns Are these redesigns feasible for my context? Yes.


Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies.
It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media
and information.

Week/s Unit Topic Title Activities Assessment Resources

Learning Outcomes of the
Editorializes the value of  Scenarios/Case Studies Writing (Individual Task): write a 1000- • Media and Information Literacy by
being a media and 2 Introduction to Media 1. Have the learners think the adage word blog entry to discuss what you Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning
information literate weeks Literacy “No Man is an Island”. can contribute to your community and Systems Inc.
individual (MIL11/12IMIL- 2. Pose the following guide questions: to your country if you are a media and • UNESCO Media and Information
IIIa-3) information literate individual. You may Literacy Curriculum for Teachers
a. What does this saying really
a. Media Literacy mean to you? use the following guide topics in
Identifies b. Information b. How do you feel when you are developing your arguments: •
characteristics/describes a Literacy alone and you have no one  Media and Information Literacy unication-and-information/media-
responsible uses and c. Technology else to talk to or share your as practiced on both personal development/media-literacy/mil-as-
competent producers of Literacy thoughts with? and professional level composite-concept/
media and information. c. How about if you accidentally  Media and Information Literacy •
(MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3) left your mobile phone at as expression of freedom of ges/0022/002246/224655e.pd
home, or you are not able to speech/expression f
connect to the Internet and  Media and Information Literacy •
Identify the similarities chat with your friends? Do you as tool for civic responsibility and admin/user_upload/ict/Works
and differences of media feel a sense of distance or nation-building Ramon.pdf
literacy and information. disconnect from the world?
(Google Docs) The essay will be graded according to
 3 Circle Venn Diagram the rubric.
(This will be submitted through Google
a. Media Literacy classroom)
b. Information Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
(Google Docs)

Define the different media 1 week Types of media 1. Video Analysis  Online Written Activity  Media and Information Literacy by
types based on its contents 2. Cartoon Analysis Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning
MIL11/12TYM-IIId11 3. Quiz using google form Writing (Individual Task): Give the Systems Inc.
learners time to write their 
Discusses how media understanding about the types of Media -of-media-2/
in essay form. Present the following 
affect the society and
mechanics: media/
individual 
MIL11/12TYM-IIId12 The essay must have an introduction, abid/4210/Article/24343/PC-gaming-
body, and conclusion. trumps-mobile-and-console-in-the-
The number of words must be 400-500. 61bn-digital-games-market.aspx
The essay will be graded according to 
the rubric. (This will be submitted reports/digital-2016
through Google classroom)
Evaluates everyday media 1 week Media and  Video Analysis  Constructed Response  Media and Information Literacy by
and information with regard to Information Boots Liquigan
 Cartoon Analysis A. Essay (Online Written Activity)
with codes, convention, and Languages  http://media-
 Quiz using google form
messages; in regards with -Cite an example/s of how relevant
audience, producers, and studies/Media-concepts/Codes-and-
codes and conventions in your day to
other stakeholders, and conventions#tkibar-genre-0
day activity?  http://media-
(This will be submitted through Google
Produces and assesses the
codes, convention, and
classroom) studies/Media-concepts/Genre
messages of a group 
presentation.  Individual output v=WhijmmePlU8
MILI11/12MILA-IIIf16 Video Making (Using the Media v=HuxNcpC9a0A&list=PLvqJQQNq
and Information Langauges) UbBSD9TLTO7EcEGP1KvRWbGD

The learner realizes 1 week Opportunities,  Video watching  Individual task • Media and Information Literacy by Boots
opportunities and challenges, and C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
 Make reflection with regards to the
challenges in media and power of media and Produce a creative and informative •
advantages and disadvantages of
information. information. media and information. infomercial with its substantial content,
MIL11/12OCP-IIIh24 (Google Docs) in line with this the learners are going to aginas/7/40837/flavio-calonge.pdf
make a script with regards to the •
The leaner researches and awareness and opportunities of the library/get_file?uuid=232671ea-
cites recent examples of media information and promotes 32ca-4272-8b24-
the power of media and beneficial information. 20328aafe8bb&groupId=43887
information to affect (Save the piece through Google Drive) •
change. •
MIL11/12OCP-IIIh25 4/6-ways-social-media-is-changing-the-

Synthesizes the overall

implication of media and
1 week Media and  Video watching  Students will make a digi- • Media and Information Literacy by
Information Literate poster. Boots Liquigan, Diwa
information to an individual Individual •
(personal, professional, As a graphic artist of your school, present 3/1/3/1/31318861/group_presentat
educational, and others) and a digi-poster to the youth specially your ion_rubric.pdf
the society as a whole classmates and schoolmates of your •
(economic, social, political, school to inform and acquaint them of what ch?v=urnFJG2V-yg
educational, and others) is the recent happenings in our country.
Present it with appropriate Design and
Layout, Graphic , Content, and Work Ethics.
(Students will use Canva for their output)
 Constructed Response
 Brainstorming Session
Divide the class into smaller Essay (Online Written Activity)
groups. (4- 5 members) 1. What do you think will happen to the
Each group will be assigned to a Philippines if media and information
topic and conduct a brainstorming were restricted?
session about it 2. What can you do to make sure that
Each group will create a graphic the media messages are culturally and
organizer (brainstorming web or socially relevant?
cerebral chart) on a long bond 3. How is involving into media and
paper to record their output. To be information contributes to the
submitted at the end of the activity. development of the society?
(This will be submitted through Google

Quarterly Assessment

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