LP 1 Mil

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Name: SARDAN, DANDREB F. Date Submitted:

A. Write a standards-based lesson plan. Include at least the following:
1. Lesson information:
content area, grade level of target group of students, and timeframe of the lesson
2. Lesson topic
3. Standards, benchmarks, or performance standards addressed in the lesson
4. Lesson objectives or the Intended learning outcomes for students
5. Instructional resources
6. Arrangement of environment
(e.g., independent seat work, cooperative groups, work on projects or presentations,
specific modifications)
7. Instructional activities:
 Introduction to lesson
 Lesson development (be sure to include lesson adaptations for students with special
 Assessment activities (be sure to include adaptations for students with special needs)
 Wrap up/Summary
8. Teacher reflection

Grade Level 12
Topic Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
Quarter 1st
Competencies Learning Competencies
• Describes how much media and information affect communication.
• Identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy. MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2
• Editorializes the value of being literate in media and information.
• Shares to the class media habits, lifestyles and preferences.

I. Objectives 1. At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
2. Create a log that reflects their current use and interaction with
media and information.
3. Define the key concepts (media, information, technology literacy,
and media and information literacies).
4. Compare and relate the media and information literacy framework
to their own understandings and competencies
Materials Laptop, smartphone, projector, bond papers, pens/markers, video clips
References • Media and Information Literacy TG by CHED, 2016
• http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/
• Arniel Ping, 2017. 1.MIL 1. Introduction to MIL (Part 2)-
Characteristics of Information Literate Individual and Importance
of MIL.pptx
• Episode VI : Responsible use of social Media Think – YouTube
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKxJA7bE-xw
• Dos and Don'ts when using social networks – YouTube. Retrieved
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqezbib5qpQ

Strategy Class will start using Audio Visual Presentation to motivate the students,
(have a brief description) followed by an activity of guessing the word that the picture depicts. Then
Socratic method will follow for analysis part. Lesson discussion shall follow
reinforced with video materials. Then Collaborative Activity will be applied
at the application part. A formative multiple choice will be utilize for
Integration (if applicable) History, Health, ICT, Values Education

III. Procedures Routines

A. Pre-developmental a. Prayer (2 mins)
Activities - Start the class with a short prayer (Short AVP)
1. Routines
2. Review/Drill b. Greetings (2 mins)
3. Motivation Teacher: Good morning/Good afternoon class.
B. Developmental Students: Good morning/Good afternoon sir.
Collaborative Activity c. Classroom Rules (3 mins)
Flexible Learning Set-
up - The students shall be the one to give the rule/s to follow.
C. Post Developmental
Activities MOTIVATION (10 MINS)
Provision for Media Use Log
Differentiated Learning 1. Inform the learners that today’s topic embodies essential knowledge
Activities that should allow users to engage with media and information channels in
a meaningful manner.
2. Instruct the learners to bring out a sheet of paper.
3. Direct the learners to think of the past week, and record their use
and interaction with media and information providers (such as internet,
social media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.). Have them indicate how many
hours were spent engaged with each one. Remind them that these do not
to be exact, and they can estimate the number of hours they spend each
week. Allot 5 minutes for this activity.

Sample Responses

4. Instruct the learners to prepare a report by answering the

following questions:
• Which media provider did they spend the most time?
• What roles does media play in their lives? (leisure, learning,
communication, etc.)
5. Call earners to present to class their report.

Activities (10 mins)

• INSTRUCTIONS: Make groups composed of 5 members.
• Think of the past week, and record your use and interaction with media
and information providers (such as internet, social media, TV, radio
etc.). Indicate how many hours each member have spent engaged with
each one. Using the sample interaction log matrix.


Analysis (2 mins)

How would you be informed of anything now?

What ways would you have to communicate with one another?
How would it affect the way you live?
Describe how media and information affect communication.

Abstraction (15 mins)

Unlock the Definitions

1. Divide the learners into groups of five (5) members in a group.

2. Assign one (1) term of the following terms to each group:
a. Technology Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Information Literacy
d. Media and Information Literacy
3. Have each group formulate their own definition of the term assigned to them, and have
each group
present to the class.
4. Show the correct definitions and have the learners compare it with their work.
5. Synthesize the activity by listing misconceptions on the board.

• Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and

compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy
involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals,
develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community and wider

• Media: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication
through physical objects such as radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to
any physical object used to communicate messages.

• Media Literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of
forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge
and skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and new technologies.

• Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

• Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various formats.

• Technology Literacy: The ability of an individual, either working independently or with

others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using these
tools an individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate

• Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and competencies that allow
individuals to engage with media and other information providers effectively, as well as
develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active

Application (15 mins)

• In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?

• What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information
literacy? Give at least three examples.


List common online activities and enumerate competencies that would fall under
the three literacies using the sample matrix.

IV. Evaluation (5 mins)

Reflection on Lesson
Planning It’s difficult to do the instructional learning plan of the learners. The content
should be almost the same with the modules that were given to those who
belong to offline distance learning modality since they cannot join the
online learning. As a teacher, I should also see to it that the activities and
outputs are not too much demanding on the part of the learners
considering the situation they may be in at their respective homes.

Prepared By:

Dandreb F. Sardan

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