Comments On Online Demonstrator
Comments On Online Demonstrator
Comments On Online Demonstrator
I’d first like to commend the demonstrator for carrying the entrusted tasked to
her. It is never easy to take on the challenge and conduct a demonstration online.
However, there are few things that could’ve been done in order to improve the
First, interaction throughout the class should not be compromised even if it is
done through an online platform. Students should still be able to participate in the
exploration and discovery to the topics discussed.
Second, provided that it is done online, the teacher must be extra careful and
resourceful at the same time in ensuring that whatever unpredicted circumstance will
happen, the lesson will still be delivered well. This includes the preparation of the
laptops to be used, the learning materials to be presented and even the internet
connection that it will be decent enough to upload data from one’s laptop.
Setting the suggestions aside, the teacher manifests the capability to conduct
online classes. The creativity, grasp of the lesson and even the manipulation of
technological tools are indeed of great help.
All in all, the lesson was delivered in a very comprehensive way. The adaptation
of technology and the attempt to deliver virtually is impressive.
With all that being said, congratulations for a job well done!