A Semi LP
A Semi LP
A Semi LP
English 10
III. Procedure
Preparatory Activities
- Prayer
- Classroom management
- Checking of attendance
Teacher’s Activity
A. Review
Class, what was our lesson yesterday?
B. Motivation
I will be distributing bond papers. We will have an activity called “Listen
and Draw”. The task that you will do is just simple. You need to listen to
the instructions because I will just read it once.
I will give you 2 minutes to finish the given task. Is that clear?
C. Presentation
1. Author Presentation
(After filling in the boxes with information, I will ask questions about the
2. Vocabulary
After meeting the author, let us unlock the difficulties and answer the
following for you to understand the story better.
Give the meaning of the italicized words through the use of context clues.
1. He touched Johnsy and she lay, scarcely moving on her painted iron
a. well moving b. hardly c. happily
2. Mr. Behrman was a fierce, intense little man who considered himself as
a watchdog for the two young artists living above him.
a. enemy b. suitor c. protector
3. “Are there people in the world who are foolish enough to die simply
because leaves fall from an old vine? Why do you permit such silly ideas
to her?
a. wise b. serious c. senseless
Is that clear?
Very Good!
D. Discussion
I will divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will arrange the
events of the story in chronological order, and will choose a representative
to discuss their work. I will just give you 4 minutes to finish the task. The
group who finishes on time and arrange the events accordingly will receive
a price.
4. What did the doctor tell Sue about the condition of Johnsy?
7. What was the reaction of Johnsy and Sue when they saw the
last leaf?
10. How is the Last Leaf a story of hope, friendship and love?
E. Generalization
1. So again class, who is the author of the story?
2. What was his pen name?
3. In what date was O. Henry born?
4. What was his occupation? Any question about the author?
5. And who are the characters in the story?
6. What is Johnsy’s ilness?
7. Did she recover from it?
8. How did Mr. Behrman die in the story?
9. Do you think he is happy sacrificing his life for Johnsy?
F. Values Integration
Let us interpret the following quotations.
IV. Assignment
Make a promise to your parents regarding positive changes in your life.
Write the specific traits which you want to change.
Prepared by:
Jinky Marivi Januras-Mongaya
Noted by: