By: Er. Amanpreet Singh
Drainage density is the total length of all the streams and rivers in a
drainage basin divided by the total area of the drainage basin. It is a
measure of how well or how poorly a watershed is drained by stream
A large
density creates situation conducive for quick disposal of runoff down the
The effect of spatial distribution of rainfall, that is, the distribution in space,
may be explained with the catchment image showing the isochrones as in
Figure . Assume that the regions between the isochrones receive different
amounts of rainfall (shown by the different shades of blue in the figure).
If it is assumed now that only area A 1receives rainfall but the other areas do
not, then since this region is nearest to the catchment outlet, the resulting
hydrograph immediately rises. If the rainfall continues for a time more than
‘Δt’, then the hydrograph would reach a saturation equal to r e.A1, where re is
the intensity of the effective rainfall.
Assume now that a rainfall of constant intensity is falling only within area A 4,
which is farthest from the catchment outlet. Since the lower boundary of A 4is
the Isochrone III, there would be no resulting hydrograph till time ‘3Δt’.
If the rain continues beyond a time ‘4Δt’, then the hydrograph would reach a
saturation level equal to reA4where reis the effective rainfall intensity.
The Unit Hydrograph (abbreviated as UH) of a drainage basin is
defined as a hydrograph of direct runoff resulting from one unit of
effective rainfall which is uniformly distributed over the basin at a
uniform rate during the specified period of time known as unit time or
unit duration.
T he unit quantity of effective rainfall is generally taken as 1mm or
1cm and the outflow hydrograph is expressed by the discharge
The unit duration may be 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hours or so depending upon
the size of the catchment and storm characteristics.
However, the unit duration cannot be more than the time of
concentration, which is the time that is taken by the water from the
furthest point of the catchment to reach the outlet.
The following assumptions are made while using the unit hydrograph
1) Effective rainfall should be uniformly distributed over the basin, that is, if
there are ‘N’ rain gauges spread uniformly over the basin, then all the gauges should
record almost same amount of rainfall during the specified time.
2) Effective rainfall is constant over the catchment during the unit time.
3) The direct runoff hydrograph for a given effective rainfall for a catchment is always
the same irrespective of when it occurs. Hence, any previous rainfall event is not
considered. This antecedent precipitation is otherwise important because of its effect
on soil-infiltration rate, depressional and detention storage, and hence, on the
resultant hydrograph.
4) The ordinates of the unit hydrograph are directly proportional (linear) to the effective
rainfall hyetograph ordinate. Hence, if a 6-h unit hydrograph due to 1 cm rainfall is
given, then a 6-h hydrograph due to 2 cm rainfall would just mean doubling the unit
hydrograph ordinates. Hence, the base of the resulting hydrograph (from the start or
rise up to the time when discharge becomes zero) also remains the same.
Under the natural conditions of rainfall over drainage basins, the assumptions
of the unit hydrograph cannot be satisfied perfectly. However, when the
hydrologic data used in the unit hydrograph analysis are carefully selected so
that they meet the assumptions closely, the results obtained by the unit
hydrograph theory have been found acceptable for all practical purposes.
In theory, the principle of unit hydrograph is applicable to a basin of any size.
However, in practice, to meet the basic assumption in the derivation of the
unit hydrograph as closely as possible, it is essential to use storms which are
uniformly distributed over the basin and producing rainfall excess at uniform
rate. Such storms rarely occur over large areas. The size of the catchment is,
therefore, limited although detention, valley storage, and infiltration all tend
to minimize the effect of rainfall variability. The limit is generally considered
to be about 5000 sq. km. beyond which the reliability of the unit hydrograph
method diminishes. When the basin area exceeds this limit, it has to be
divided into sub-basins and the unit hydrograph is developed for each sub-
Assume that a 6-hour unit hydrograph (UH) of a catchment has been derived,
whose ordinates are given in the following table and a corresponding graphical
representation is shown in Figure
Assume further that the effective rainfall hyetograph (ERH) for a
given storm on the region has been given as in the following table:
This means that in the first 6 hours, 2cm excess rainfall has been
recorded, 4cm in the next 6 hours, and 3cm in the next.
The direct runoff hydrograph can then be calculated by the three
separate hyetographs for the three excess rainfalls by multiplying
the ordinates of the hydrograph by the corresponding rainfall
amounts. Since the rainfalls of 2cm, 4cm and 3cm occur in
successive 6-hour intervals, the derived DRH corresponding to
each rainfall is delayed by 6 hours appropriately.
The final hydrograph is found out by adding the three individual
hydrographs, as shown in Figure
The last column in the above table gives the ordinates of the DRH produced
by the ERH. If the base flow is known or estimated (Lesson 2.2), then this
should be added to the DRH to obtain the 6-houly ordinates of the flood
The S-curve, also known as Shydrograph is a hydrograph produced by a
continuous effective rainfall at a constant rate for an infinite period.