C D C D: Thermobarometry of Mafic Igneous Rocks Based On Clinopyroxene-Liquid Equilibria, 0
C D C D: Thermobarometry of Mafic Igneous Rocks Based On Clinopyroxene-Liquid Equilibria, 0
C D C D: Thermobarometry of Mafic Igneous Rocks Based On Clinopyroxene-Liquid Equilibria, 0
Abstract Models for estimating the pressure and tem- and diopside#hedenbergite (DiHd) components are
perature of igneous rocks from co-existing clino- calculated from a normative scheme which assigns the
pyroxene and liquid compositions are calibrated from lesser of Na or octahedral Al to form Jd; any excess AlVI
existing data and from new data obtained from experi- forms Calcium Tschermak’s component (CaTs;
ments performed on several mafic bulk compositions CaAlAlSiO ); Ca remaining after forming CaTs and
(from 8—30 kbar and 1100—1475° C). The resulting CaTiAl O is taken as DiHd. Experimental data not
2 6
geothermobarometers involve thermodynamic expres- included in the regressions were used to test models (i)
sions that relate temperature and pressure to equili- and (ii). Error on predictions of ¹ using model (i) is
brium constants. Specifically, the jadeite (Jd; $40 K. A pressure-dependent form of (i) reduces this
NaAlSi O )—diopside/hedenbergite (DiHd; Ca(Mg, Fe) error to $30 K. Using model (ii) to predict pressures,
2 6 the error on mean values of 10 isobaric data sets (0—25
Si O ) exchange equilibrium between clinopyroxene
2 6 kbar, 118 data) is $0.3 kbar. Calculating thermodyn-
and liquid is temperature sensitive. When composi-
tional corrections are made to the calibrated equili- amic properties from regression coefficients in (ii) gives
brium constant the resulting geothermometer is VJ$ of 23.4 $1.3 cm3/mol, close to the value anticip-
ated from bar molar volume data (23.5 cm3/mol). Ap-
plied to clinopyroxene phenocrysts from Mauna Kea,
104 Jd19*Ca-*2*Fm-*2
(i) "6.73!0.26* ln Hawaii lavas, the expressions estimate equilibration
¹ DiHd19*Na-*2*Al-*2
depths as great as 40 km. This result indicates that
transport was sufficiently rapid that at least some
!0.86* ln #0.52*ln [Ca-*2] phenocrysts had insufficient time to re-equilibrate at
lower pressures.
an expression which estimates temperature to $27 K.
Compared to (i), the equilibrium constant for jadeite
formation is more sensitive to pressure resulting in
a thermobarometer Overview
¹ ¹ Jd19 Thermobarometry applied to phenocrysts in volcanic
(ii) P"!54.3#299* #36.4* ln
104 104 [Si-*2]2*Na-*2*Al-*2 rocks provides a method for determining depths and
temperatures of magma storage. If magma stalls at the
base of the crust prior to discharge, thermobarometry
which estimates pressure to $ 1.4 kbar. Pressure is in constrains crustal thickness, and perhaps also the
kbar, ¹ is in Kelvin. Quantities such as Na-*2 represent geothermal gradient at the time of eruption. Few means
the cation fraction of the given oxide (NaO ) in the of temperature estimation widely applicable to basaltic
0.5 rocks exist and even fewer means of determining the
liquid and Fm"MgO#FeO. The mole fractions of Jd
pressures of phenocryst equilibration for such rocks
K. Putirka ( ) · M. Johnson · R. Kinzler · J. Longhi · currently exist. The thermobarometers presented here
D. Walker are calibrated using new experimental data and are
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia based on clinopyroxene-liquid equilibria. Equilibria in-
University Palisades, NY 10964, USA volving clinopyroxene were chosen for two reasons.
Editorial responsibility: T.L Grove (1) Clinopyroxene is a common phenocryst phase in
where superscripts denote the phase (liq"liquid; where the coefficient A is determined by multiple linear
px"pyroxene) and the symbol FmO refers to total regression. Equation 9 is equivalent to Eq. 8 when
(FeO#MgO). The methods used to calculate liquid A"0.
and pyroxene components are discussed below.
As equilibrium constants will vary with P and ¹,
expressions must be developed to quantify these de- Activity modifying terms
pendencies. The relationship between K and Gibbs
free energy may be written as Mixing properties of pyroxene and liquid components
are unlikely to be perfectly ideal; such non-idealities
!R¹ lnK "*G0 (4) may reveal themselves as compositional dependencies
%2 3 residual from the ¹ and P dependencies of K antici-
where R is the gas constant, ¹ is temperature (Kelvin) pated from the equations presented above. To compen-
and *G0 is the Gibbs free energy change for the sate for non-ideality and to produce expressions that
3 are useful as geothermobarometers for natural systems,
stoichiometric equilibrium at a reference pressure
P and temperature, ¹. Rearranging and expanding additional compositional terms were added to Eqs 6,
*G0 while holding *V constant yields 8 and 9. Compositional terms that most successfully
3 3 improve regression statistics and the predictive power
of the models are those that appear in the calibrated
*HP0 *SP0 (P!P )*V
ln K "! 3 # 3 ! 0 3 (5) equilibria. Formally, equilibrium constants are the ra-
%2 R¹ R R¹ tio of activities, a , (products divided by reactants) each
raised to the power of the corresponding coefficient in
where *HP0, *V , and *SP0 are, respectively, the differ-
3 3 3 a balanced chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium con-
ences (products!reactants) of enthalpy, volume and stants may be rewritten in terms of K where K "
entropy of a given equilibrium. Rearranging Eq. 5 to D %2
K Kc and a "X c . K is the ratio %XJ (prod)/
give P as the dependent variable gives DJ * * i D *
%X (react), where X are mole fractions of components
* *
i, and the exponent J represents the coefficient of i in
R¹ *SP0 *HP0 a balanced chemical equilibrium. Similarly, Kc is a ratio of
P"! ln K # 3 ¹! 3 (6)
%2 *V
activity-modifying constants, %J c (prod)/%c (react).
* *
Terms of the form ¹ ln K (Eq. 6) combine both
where P "0. Holding *HP0, *SP0 and *V constant, %2
0 3 3 3 temperature and implicit compositional information.
Eq. 6 provides the simplest function that satisfactorily Since ¹ ln K "¹ ln (K Kc )"¹ ln K #¹ ln Kc ,
describes variations in the experimental data. Temper- %2 D D
any model regressed only with ¹ ln K terms may ap-
ature and pressure were measured directly in each D
pear to have non-ideal compositional dependencies
experiment. K is computed from microprobe analyses upon the components appearing in the K . If activity
%2 %2
of coexisting pyroxenes and glass and is based on coefficients are known beforehand, Eq. 6 could be writ-
Equation 1, 2 or 3. The remaining quantities, *HP0, ten as
*SP0 and *V , are determined by regression analysis.
3 3
Equation 5 may be rearranged to give 1/¹ as the R¹ *SP0 *HP0 R¹
dependent variable, P"! ln K # 3 ¹! 3 ! ln Kc (10)
*V D *V *V *V
3 3 3 3
1 R *SP0 Note that the coefficients of ¹ ln K and ¹ ln Kc are
ln K # 3 (7) D
(*HP0#P*V ) %2 (*HP0#P*V ) both !R/*V . In the present case, however, the c are
3 3 3 3 3 *
unknown. Compositional dependencies may be written
If *V is zero (or if only data at P"0 are utilized) then as terms of the type (!R/*V) ¹ ln Kc"
3 Y*¹ ln [%XJ]. The %X for any particular Y would
Eq. 7 reduces to * *
include all components with the same activity coeffic-
1 R *SP0
ient (as, for example, appears to be the case for Na and
"! ln K # 3 (8) Al) possibly reflecting coupling. Thus, for a single non-
¹ *HP 0 %2 *HP0
3 3 ideal component j, (!R/*V) ¹ ln Kc "Y*¹ ln [X J]
+ +
(let Jbe positive or negative if j is on the products or
As with Eq. 6, the values for R/*HP0 and *SP0/(*HP0) in
3 3 3 reactants side respectively). Equation 10 in this case
Eq. 8 may be derived through regression analysis. Since
Eq. 7 is not easily rearranged for 1/¹ with P and ln K
as separable, linear independent variables, the pressure
R¹ *SP0 *HP0
dependency may be added to Eq. 8 empirically as: P"! ln K # 3 ¹! 3 !Y*¹ ln [%XJ] (11)
*V D *V *V *
3 3 3
1 R *SP0
ln K # 3 #A*P
The c may be determined by finding the value that
"! (9) *
¹ *HP 0 %2 *HP0 %XJ must have so that Y has the value !R/*V .
3 3 * 3
Equation 11 forms the basis of the ‘activity-modifying’ pyroxene and/or plagioclase in addition to clinopyroxene. Many of
form of the thermobarometer (model P2). This proced- the experiments performed by Walter and Presnall, whose (1994)
ure does not account for the P- or ¹-sensitivity of the data are incorporated into the models, are also multiply saturated.
The presence of additional phases other than pyroxene and liquid
activity coefficient and merely assumes that some num- should not affect the equilibria calibrated.
ber Y exists such that c "(XJ )Y. Experimental bulk compositions were selected to explore an-
+ +
The compositional dependencies may be regressed ticipated compositional dependencies (Table 3). The Woodlark
as ‘empirical’ terms such as, Basin basalt is both Al O - and Na O-rich. A ugandite (a mafic,
2 3 2
peralkaline volcanic rock) is low in SiO and high in CaO, TiO ,
2 2
alkalis, and volatiles. An ankaramite (a mafic, pyroxene-phyric vol-
R¹ *SP0 *HP0 canic rock) is high in FeO#MgO and extends pyroxene-liquid
P"! ln K # 3 ¹! 3 !C*[%X ] (12)
*V D *V *V * equilibria to high pressures. A mid-ocean ridge basalt from the
3 3 3 KANE Fracture Zone in the mid-Atlantic provides a less extreme,
Equation 12 resembles Eq. 6, but with K replacing MgO-rich bulk composition. The basalts studied span a wide range
D of TiO , Cr O , and FeO contents. Since such elements may aid Na
K and %X as an added empirical parameter with 2 2 3
%2 * or Al substitution in pyroxene, they may affect the equilibria of Eqs.
corresponding coefficient C determined through regres- 1, 2 and 3. Phase equilibria data from experiments in the synthetic
sion (model P1). Note that exponents are assumed to be SiO #CaO#Al O #MgO#Na O (SCAM#Na) system by
2 2 3 2
unity to simplify application. The thermodynamic in- Walter and Presnall (1994) provide a study of the equilibria in the
terpretation of C in Eq. 12 is less clear than for Y in Eq. absence of these elements.
11, but this form avoids introducing temperature
a third time, facilitating P!¹ estimates with minimal
error when ¹ is unknown. The right-most terms in Eqs. Modifications to experimental procedure
11 and 12 may be repeated, as necessary, for all i compo-
nents that have dissimilar activity coefficients. If two Experiments performed at pressures above 12 kbar produced a no-
ticeable quench crystalline phase along the crystal/liquid interface if
components are coupled (or have the same activity quenched isobarically. This problem was minimized by employing
coefficients) then regression of the natural log of the the following modification. For experiments performed above 12
terms individually would produce identical coefficients kbar, the pressure was dropped to 8—10 kbar immediately prior to
for each term, in which case they could then be com- shutting off the power. The entire procedure, dropping pressure then
shutting off the power, takes 1—2 s. In experiments quenched in this
bined. A similar approach to compositional depend- manner, the quench phase is negligible (Fig. 1). Re-equilibration
encies was followed for the thermometric functions. during quench could potentially cause crystal rims to re-melt. This is
of critical concern since the rims are most likely to be in equilibrium
with surrounding glass. Pyroxene dissolution rates are expected to
be diffusion-controlled (Zhang et al. 1989) and for quench times of
Experimental approach 1—2 sec the distance affected by dissolution both within the glass and
crystal should be negligible. The diffusion coefficient of Al O (D )
2 3 A-
Although many pyroxenes have been synthesized at high pressure, in liquid coexisting with diopside at 1375° C, 13 kbar is 7.3 l2/s
few studies have focused on growing pyroxenes from a single liquid (Zhang et al. 1989). The distance (d) through which the liquid is
composition over a wide pressure range. Further, many experiments affected during a 2 s quench (d"(D t)1@2) is 3.8 lm. As a distur-
have been geared toward understanding mid-ocean ridge mag- bance in liquid composition on this scale is not observed we con-
matism and thus encompass a narrow range of starting composi- clude that resolution of pyroxene has not affected the interface
tions. As the goal of this study is to produce thermobarometers of composition. None of the crystals show significant melting and the
general applicability, new experiments were performed to broaden glass in all experiments is homogeneous throughout the charge. The
the existing data base. These experiments were performed at temper- K derived from such experiments also lie on trends continuous and
atures at or near the pyroxene liquidus in order to maintain near- overlapping with lower pressure experiments where the pressure-
uniform liquid composition while varying P and ¹. Close attention quench procedure was neither needed nor used.
was paid to determining equilibrium pyroxene and glass composi- This technique was found to suppress quench growth success-
tions. Some experimental modifications, discussed below, improved fully in komatiitic melts, where the quench problem is otherwise
our ability to recover glass compositions unmodified by quench most severe (Fig. 1). Cores and pistons also survived this procedure
pyroxene overgrowths. with no ill-effects. Figure 1A shows the pitfall of dropping the
Experiments were run in Boyd-England piston-cylinder presses pressure too rapidly to 1 bar: the liquid in this case has expelled its
with a 1/2 inch bore. The pressure medium was BaCO wrapped in volatiles. In some experiments disruption of the crystal pile took
Pb-foil. Samples were loaded into a graphite capsule surrounded by place and glass was preserved within crevasses. In experiment WB-
an alumina sleeve and situated between two Al O end-plugs; these 17 (Fig. 1F) melt was injected within two halves of a broken garnet
2 3
materials were placed within a graphite heater. Pressure was applied and small pyroxene crystals were swept into the crevasse.
using the cold piston-in technique with a friction correction made
for BaCO (see Fram and Longhi, 1992). No pressure correction was
made to the thermocouple emf. Temperatures were measured with
type-D thermocouples (W#3%Re/W#25%Re). Thermal gradi- Analytical procedure
ents across the sample are 5°C (Fram and Longhi 1992). Runs were
performed at 2 to 3 kbar intervals between 8 and 30 kbar to establish Mineral and glass analyses were performed on a CAMECA MBX
clear trends with respect to pressure and K for each bulk composi- wavelength dispersive electron microprobe at Lamont-Doherty
tion, and to provide numerical leverage for regression analysis. Earth Observatory (Table 4). The accelerating voltage was 15 kV
Experimental conditions and products are listed in Table 2. Run and a 1—2 lm beam diameter was used. Counting times were 30 s
times vary from 1 to 6 days, most lasting 3 days. Volume percent and a PAP correction procedure was applied. Multiple analyses of
liquid was determined optically; where reported as less than 100%, a pyroxene standard (Kakanui) yield standard deviations of 0.17
accuracy is $10%. Several runs crystallized garnet, olivine, ortho- wt% for all oxides except SiO , which has a standard deviation of
Quench: ‘T’ refers to experiments quenched at indicated pressure by shutting off power. ‘P’ refers to
experiments where pressure was dropped prior to power shut-off
! Mid-Atlantic Ridge Basalt (near Kane Fracture Zone) donated by Jennifer Reynolds
" Woodlark Basin Basalt"sample G32-8 from Perfit et al. (1987)
# Ugandite donated by Richard Sack
$ Ankaramite"sample LP-5 from Frey et al. (1991)
Table 4 Compositions of pyroxenes and coexisting glass (wt %, NA not analyzed, standard deviations in italics)
P T d
Rund (kb) (C) phase SiO TiO Al O FeO MnO MgO CaO Na O K O Cr O Total Avgd
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3
MAR-(Kane Fracture Zone) Data
MA-9 8 1225 pyx 49.94 0.91 7.96 6.90 0.17 16.80 16.93 0.51 0.02 0.16 100.30 2
0.86 0.02 0.80 0.31 0.02 1.19 0.98 0.07 0.01 0.04
gl 49.95 1.48 17.78 10.33 0.18 7.11 9.89 3.06 0.14 0.02 99.94 5
0.26 0.02 0.16 0.09 0.02 0.18 0.11 0.09 0.02 0.02
MA-8 10 1250 pyx 49.85 0.69 8.40 6.37 0.15 16.09 17.39 0.66 0.00 0.24 99.84 4
0.62 0.05 0.58 0.20 0.01 0.56 0.28 0.04 0.01 0.04
gl 49.76 1.50 17.27 10.26 0.17 7.36 10.00 3.08 0.10 0.00 99.50 3
0.19 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.30 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.01
MA-6 10 1270 pyx 50.17 0.88 9.08 7.78 0.14 15.44 15.86 0.63 0.00 0.08 100.05 2
0.36 0.02 0.10 0.77 0.02 1.15 1.14 0.05 0.01 NA
gl 49.90 1.59 17.16 10.31 0.16 7.21 9.95 2.95 0.12 0.01 99.37 3
0.12 0.03 0.17 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.06 0.19 0.01 NA
MA-11 12 1275 pyx 48.66 1.19 10.45 9.29 0.22 14.57 15.26 0.87 0.02 0.06 100.60 1
gl 49.84 1.58 18.06 10.70 0.19 6.76 9.41 3.19 0.16 0.03 99.91 4
0.10 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.01 0.02
MA-10 15 1300 pyx 49.16 0.71 10.35 6.59 0.14 14.36 16.99 1.00 0.01 0.14 99.46 5
0.65 0.03 0.15 0.28 0.02 0.17 0.47 0.09 0.00 0.02
gl 49.11 1.63 17.69 10.77 0.18 6.51 9.08 3.60 0.16 0.01 98.74 4
0.33 0.02 0.11 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.01
MA-12 20 1340 pyx 50.12 0.61 11.17 6.19 0.13 13.06 17.13 1.57 0.01 0.17 100.16 4
0.54 0.13 0.24 0.43 0.02 0.08 0.52 0.04 0.01 0.01
gl 49.55 1.66 17.46 10.44 0.17 6.48 9.29 3.46 0.17 0.02 98.69 4
0.14 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.02
Woodlark Basin Data
WB-13 8 1200 pyx 51.01 0.95 5.43 6.59 0.21 17.68 17.78 0.72 0.00 0.21 100.58 3
0.37 0.21 0.49 0.17 0.03 0.32 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.03
gl 46.89 2.37 17.26 10.32 0.18 6.88 8.76 4.30 0.08 0.02 97.07 3
0.43 0.10 0.14 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.12 0.07 0.16 0.03
WB-15 10 1100 pyx 48.99 1.63 8.63 10.58 0.24 13.16 16.06 0.87 0.00 NA 100.17 2
0.15 0.15 0.22 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.21 0.02 0.00 NA
gl 50.82 2.24 19.34 11.09 0.19 3.78 6.41 5.60 0.12 NA 99.60 4
0.26 0.02 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.15 0.03 NA
WB-21 12 1225 pyx 48.09 1.44 9.10 7.16 0.20 15.50 17.10 0.86 0.03 0.11 99.58 3
0.29 0.09 0.41 0.51 0.02 0.56 0.50 0.03 0.01 0.02
gl 47.94 2.55 19.23 11.08 0.16 6.52 7.96 4.51 0.08 0.02 100.04 4
0.85 0.05 0.13 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.01 0.01
WB-9 12 1225 pyx 49.70 1.12 8.38 6.52 0.16 14.66 17.85 0.98 0.01 NA 99.38 3
0.10 0.06 0.47 0.25 0.03 0.31 0.35 0.07 0.01 NA
gl 47.17 2.53 18.02 10.47 0.18 6.37 8.43 3.77 0.11 NA 97.03 3
0.45 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.09 0.02 NA
WB-17 15 1150 pyx 48.81 1.66 10.50 7.20 0.18 12.41 18.22 1.72 0.02 0.12 100.84 2
0.10 0.06 0.17 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.13 0.02 0.01 0.00
gl 49.70 2.79 18.72 10.20 0.16 5.07 7.00 3.58 0.11 0.03 97.35 2
0.94 0.22 0.58 0.14 0.06 0.52 0.02 0.10 0.03 0.02
WB-11 15 1240 pyx 48.11 1.39 10.30 7.23 0.19 13.66 17.15 1.34 0.00 0.14 99.52 3
0.32 0.32 0.28 0.18 0.01 0.42 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.02
gl 47.15 2.64 18.24 10.84 0.15 6.43 8.08 4.19 0.10 0.00 97.81 2
0.25 0.01 0.08 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00
WB-14 15 1200 pyx 49.25 1.37 10.78 6.95 0.07 12.89 17.12 1.50 0.01 0.07 100.00 7
0.31 0.10 0.25 0.26 0.07 0.25 0.48 0.06 0.01 0.03
gl 49.22 2.78 18.15 9.98 0.14 5.21 7.78 4.17 0.08 NA 97.50 4
0.32 0.02 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.01 NA
WB-18 20 1300 pyx 50.98 0.96 10.50 5.90 0.11 12.23 17.80 1.82 0.03 0.10 100.41 2
0.59 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.25 0.02 0.01
gl 48.34 2.43 16.70 10.36 0.18 7.23 8.90 3.86 0.07 0.03 98.10 3
0.37 0.09 0.78 0.33 0.02 0.32 0.34 0.15 0.02 0.03
Ankaramite Data
A-11 8 1200 pyx 50.64 1.33 5.86 10.77 0.19 17.63 13.52 0.54 0.02 0.23 100.49 4
0.56 0.19 0.80 0.58 0.03 0.36 0.93 0.07 0.02 0.04
gl 46.67 4.34 16.08 14.20 0.17 6.27 8.08 3.29 1.20 0.01 100.31 5
0.20 0.03 0.11 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.02
Table 4 Continued
P T d
Rund (kb) (C) phase SiO TiO Al O FeO MnO MgO CaO Na O K O Cr O Total Avgd
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3
A-2 10 1300 pyx 52.65 0.71 4.09 8.84 0.18 20.72 12.01 0.50 0.02 0.45 99.70 3
0.19 0.03 0.28 0.17 0.02 0.60 0.49 0.03 0.02 0.09
gl 46.59 3.54 13.55 13.38 0.20 8.90 9.46 2.76 0.86 0.07 99.31 3
0.31 0.01 0.11 0.24 0.01 0.32 0.14 0.08 0.03 0.01
A-4 12 1320 pyx 51.58 0.85 5.17 9.10 0.17 19.20 12.80 0.71 0.01 0.27 99.58 4
0.36 0.08 0.20 0.14 0.02 0.41 0.63 0.06 0.02 0.02
gl 45.06 3.82 13.39 14.36 0.18 8.98 8.72 3.16 0.92 0.04 98.62 4
0.39 0.06 0.11 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.02
A-7 17 1370 pyx 50.82 0.77 5.77 10.23 0.20 20.91 10.06 0.90 0.04 0.23 99.66 5
1.02 0.22 0.56 0.34 0.02 0.76 0.69 0.09 0.05 0.03
gl 44.16 4.11 12.83 14.99 0.18 10.14 8.62 2.80 1.03 0.04 98.90 4
0.20 0.02 0.04 0.35 0.03 0.25 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02
A-6 20 1390 pyx 51.49 0.75 7.16 9.54 0.17 18.52 11.41 1.07 0.01 0.27 100.11 5
0.44 0.10 0.45 0.14 0.02 0.57 0.58 0.14 0.01 0.06
gl 45.86 3.93 13.25 15.00 0.18 9.76 8.71 2.45 0.94 0.05 100.14 4
0.22 0.06 0.13 0.43 0.02 0.08 0.22 0.40 0.11 0.03
A-9 30 1475 pyx 52.50 0.77 8.15 9.01 0.17 15.81 12.36 1.76 0.02 0.19 100.53 5
0.36 0.04 0.14 0.04 0.02 0.18 0.25 0.14 0.02 0.02
gl 45.38 4.49 11.60 15.14 0.18 8.88 8.53 2.57 1.14 0.03 97.94 3
0.27 0.03 0.13 0.30 0.02 0.16 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.02
Ugandite Data
U-1 8 1150 pyx 49.66 2.66 4.42 5.58 0.10 13.53 23.59 0.36 0.05 0.03 99.98 4
0.55 0.31 0.36 0.25 0.05 0.31 0.19 0.05 0.05 0.01
gl 36.91 6.13 10.07 13.83 0.25 5.41 13.35 2.53 6.30 0.00 94.79 3
0.29 0.09 0.10 0.26 0.03 0.09 0.13 0.20 0.11 0.00
U-2 10 1170 pyx 49.46 2.30 4.29 5.57 0.16 13.90 23.56 0.39 0.01 0.00 99.64 2
0.03 0.10 0.27 0.07 0.02 0.51 0.14 0.03 0.02 0.00
gl 36.81 6.18 9.98 13.38 0.27 5.45 13.42 2.49 6.05 0.01 94.03 3
0.06 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.13 0.01
U-3 12 1200 pyx 51.33 2.16 4.69 5.56 0.12 13.22 23.41 0.49 0.03 0.05 101.06 3
0.68 0.20 0.24 0.23 0.01 0.15 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.01
gl 36.80 5.94 9.68 13.24 0.26 5.51 13.60 2.55 5.94 0.01 93.54 3
0.25 0.02 0.09 0.14 0.02 0.02 0.19 0.17 0.02 0.01
U-4 15 1225 pyx 48.91 2.24 6.13 6.24 0.11 12.51 22.93 0.55 0.04 0.01 99.67 3
0.92 0.19 0.55 0.06 0.01 0.24 0.27 0.03 0.01 0.01
gl 36.94 6.15 9.84 14.60 0.24 5.64 13.54 2.48 6.41 0.02 95.87 4
0.10 0.00 0.09 0.23 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.13 0.03
U-5 20 1270 pyx 47.02 2.90 8.65 6.85 0.11 11.62 22.07 0.86 0.64 0.00 100.71 3
0.21 0.19 0.22 0.28 0.03 0.18 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.00
gl 37.21 5.79 9.59 13.89 0.26 5.49 13.52 2.65 6.63 0.02 95.06 2
0.99 0.31 0.40 0.26 0.01 0.50 0.28 0.00 0.41 0.03
(DiHd) component (DiHd"Ca!CaTs—CaTi). The enstatite-fer- balance calculations (Lindsley 1983) that revealed minimal Fe3` in
rosilite (EnFs) component is equal to one-half the Fm component pyroxene. All pyroxenes of this study and in Walter and Presnall
remaining after forming DiHd (EnFs"[Fm-DiHd]/2). If the calcu- (1994) contain sufficient Al to form a CaTs component. As might be
lation is performed correctly and the cation sum is four, the pyro- expected for pyroxenes in the SCAM#Na system, no significant
xene components in this scheme should sum to unity (see also AlIV in excess of CaTs exists; AlIV and CaTs are highly correlated
Lindsley (1983), for calculation of pyroxene components). In calcu- (AlIV vs CaTs has a slope of 0.9, an intercept of 0, and R"0.97)
lating K pyroxene component activities are set equal to the indicating that charge balance for AlIV in the tetrahedral site is taken
%2 up by AlVI rather than vacancies.
amounts calculated from the normative procedure.
Titanium contents of experimental pyroxenes have a one-to-one
correlation with CaTi components as calculated above (Ti vs CaTi
has a slope of one, an intercept of zero and R"0.88). This correla-
tion indicates a coupled substitution of the type TiAl (MSi )
2 2 ~1
where M is a divalent cation (Sack and Carmichael 1984; Gee and
Sack 1988). Experimental pyroxenes contain very little Cr and the Thermobarometers employing various activity models
thermobarometers predict the test data best when no attempt is (Ghiorso et al. 1983; Nielsen and Drake 1979; simple
made to account for a Cr-component in pyroxene. Pyroxenes were cation fraction), compositional corrections and vari-
also analyzed for Mn and K; these elements were not used in
calculating pyroxene components. Since all experiments were per- ations on the expansion of Eq. 4, were initially ranked
formed in graphite capsules the acmite (NaFe3`Si O )component on the basis of regression statistics. Models were then
2 6
was considered negligible; this expectation was borne out by charge compared and tested on their ability to predict P and
¹ from the test data. The test data set comprises 129 Thermobarometers
experimental pyroxene/glass pairs synthesized from
1 bar to 50 kbar. Sources for test data are listed in the On the basis of regression statistics, slope and inter-
appropriate figure captions. Satisfactory thermo- cept values of predicted vs measured P, and predic-
barometers were constructed from regressions based tion of test data, model P1 is our preferred model
only on the data of Table 4 and from Walter and for P estimation. Model P1 yields the lowest standard
Presnall (1994) and thus do not include any 1 bar data. error of estimate (SEE) of all thermobarometers tested.
Thermometric functions, however, were greatly im- The SEE represents the formal error of a model and
proved when randomly selected 1 bar data were incor- is analogous to the standard deviation of a mean.
porated into the regressions. All 1 bar data incorpor- In the present context, it is the number E for which
ated into the thermometers for regression analysis were the probability is 68% that any individual P (or
removed from the data set used to test the thermom- ¹ ) estimate is within $E of the true (model) value.
eters, thus avoiding overlap between test and regression If errors in pressure, temperature and compositional
data sets. As a final consistency check for the thermo- measurements are random, the mean of predictions
barometers, thermodynamic quantities were computed of a set of isobaric experiments should be normally
from regression coefficients and compared to existing (1 distributed about the reported value. Error from
bar) thermodynamic data. any other well-characterized set of equilibrium pyro-
We observed that use of liquid components ex- xene-glass pairs with similar analytical and experi-
pressed as a cation fraction led to the most successful mental uncertainty should be comparable to the model
thermobarometers and thermometers. The ther- SEE.
mobarometers are presented in two forms (Table 5): P1
presents compositional dependencies in their ‘empiri-
cal’ form as shown in Eq. 12, while model P2 uses the 8—50 kbar
explicit activity-modifying form of Eq. 11. The product,
Na-*2*Al-*2, (models P1 and P2) implies identical acti- Predictions of models P1 and P2 against the regression
vity coefficients for Na-*2 and Al-*2. Nielsen and Drake data are shown Fig. 2. Figures 3 and 4 show how well
(1979), motivated by the work of Bottinga and Weill these models predict the test data. Model P1, employ-
(1972), found that combining Na- and Al-activities as ing the empirical form of the compositional term
an NaAlO-*2 component was useful in describing 1 bar Na-*2*Al-*2, predicts P somewhat better than model
pyroxene-liquid equilibria. Application of their silicate P2 (SEE"1.36 vs 1.51 kbar). The lower apparent
melt activity model was, however, less successful than accuracy of model P2 may result from error added
simple cation units in predicting test data. by introducing temperature a third time (in the
Table 5 Thermobarometers (¹
in units of Kelvin, P in kbar, Fm Thermobarometric models
FeO#MgO, DiHd Di#Hd; ¹ ¹ Jd19
superscripts denote phase—px P1 P"!54.3#299 #36.4 ln #367 [Na-*2*Al-*2]
104 104 [Si-*2]2*Na-*2*Al-*2
pyroxene, liq liquid; liquid
components in cation fraction;
¹ ¹ Jd19 ¹ 1
see text for calculation of P2 P"!50.7#394 #36.4 ln !20.0 ln
pyroxene components) 104 104 [Si-*2]2*Na-*2*Al-*2 104 [Na-*2*Al-*2]
Thermometric models
104 Jd19*Ca-*2*Fm-*2 Mg-*2
T1 "6.73!0.26*ln !0.86*ln #0.52* ln [Ca-*2]
¹ DiHd19*Na-*2*Al-*2 Mg-*2#Fe-*2
104 Jd19*Ca-*2*Fm-*2 Mg-*2
T2 "6.59!0.16*ln !0.65*ln #0.23* ln [Ca-*2]!0.02p
¹ DiHd19*Na-*2*Al-*2 Mg-*2#Fe-*2
104 CaTs19*Si-*2*Fm-*2 Mg-*2 1
T3 "6.92!0.18*ln !0.84*ln !0.29* ln
¹ DiHd19*[Al-*2]2 Mg-*2#Fe-*2 [Al-*2]2
104 CaTs19*Si-*2*Fm-*2 Mg-*2
T4 "7.20!0.04*ln !0.59*ln
¹ DiHd19*[Al-*2]2 Mg-*2#Fe-*2
!0.18* ln !.03*P
activity-modifying parameter). Model P1 is thus rec- ing that the model may not extrapolate to these com-
ommended for P!¹ estimates of natural samples. positions. Also, predictions based on Elthon and Scarfe
The mean values of predicted pressures using model data are consistently low by 3—4 kbar. Run durations
P1 for data in the 8—25 kbar range match the measured were very short for these experiments (1 h) and equilib-
values with a SEE of 0.3 kbar (Fig. 4A). Takahashi’s rium may not have been achieved. Because the 20—25
(1986) 50 kbar experiment provides the only kbar portion of the test data set is small, statistics on
clinopyroxene-liquid pair synthesized from a mafic mean values are also reported for the 1 bar—16 kbar
bulk composition at a significantly greater pressure portion of the test data set in the appropriate figure
than those used for calibration. The model recovers captions.
a pressure of 50 kbar indicating that model P1 may To understand the uncertainty in P!¹ estimates
extrapolate to pressures higher than the P-range of the of natural samples it is necessary to understand the
regression data. sources of model error. Interlab pressure-calibration
Standard deviations for the 20 and 25 kbar portion problems, if systematic, might contribute to model in-
of the test data set are large compared to other pres- accuracy. The models are based on data from two
sures. These data comprise experiments performed on different laboratories using different pressure calib-
lunar analogs (John Longhi, unpublished data) and ration procedures (piston-in at LDEO vs piston-out
oceanic basalts (Elthon and Scarfe 1984). In the first at UTD) and yet the data regress well together. Fur-
study two runs at 20 and 25 kbar respectively with very thermore, test data from Kinzler and Grove (1992)
FeO-rich (33 and 27 wt%) and SiO -poor (36 and 34 fall within the SEE of the models. At least for these
wt%) liquids yield erroneously high pressures, indicat- three data sets little indication exists of a substantial P
1 bar
Prediction of thermodynamic properties compositional variables CaO-*2 and AlO-*2 for the res-
pective equilibria K[DiHd-Jd] and K[DiHd-CaTs].
The coefficients derived from regression analysis of Eqs As discussed above, the compositional variables may
6 and 11 may be simply related to known thermodyn- be treated as activity-modifying terms and are thus
amic quantities. The 1 bar values for HD* and HD* (en- presented as ln(X ) (Table 5).
7 & *
thalpy of vitrification and fusion respectively) and
HJ$ (Navrotsky 1981) were used to test thermodynamic
quantities recovered from the models. Comparisons are
Predicting experimental data and thermodynamic
made at either 1573 or 1600 K since the median and
mean of experimental data used in the models (1573
and 1602 K respectively) are in this range. HJ$ is infer-
& Figure 5 shows the temperatures predicted for the re-
red from HJ$ assuming that the ratio H /H is the same
7 & 7 gression data for models T1 to T4. Models T1 and T2
for jadeite and diopside. The inferred value of HJ$
& (using K[DiHd-Jd]) are somewhat better than models
compares well with that recovered from models P1 and
T3 and T4 (using K[DiHd-CaTs]) based on slope and
P2 (Table 1). The entropy of fusion, SJ$, from model P2
& intercept values of predicted vs measured temperature.
also compares well with SJ$ calculated from C and
& 1 The SEEs for predictions of the test data are 40 and
entropy data of jadeite glass (Richet et al. 1993). The
30 K respectively for the pressure-independent (T1 and
volume of fusion, VJ$, recovered from model P2
& T3) and pressure-dependent (T2 and T4) models. The
(VJ$"23.4 cm3/mol) is similar to and bracketed by
& pressure-dependent models are thus slightly more accu-
estimates derived from the molar volume of jadeite
rate. The ability of model T2 to recover temperatures of
(Robie et al. 1979) combined with estimates of liquid
the test data is shown in Fig. 6.
partial molar volumes (Lange and Carmichael 1987;
Since most experiments are performed at similar
VJ$"23.5 cm3/mol) and the molar volume of jadeite
& target pressures, the test data may be conveniently
glass (83.16 cm3/mol reported by Richet et al. 1993;
grouped into isobaric data sets. Target temperatures
VJ$"22.7 cm3/mol).
& are much more variable (as can be seen by comparing
the distribution of data in Figs. 3 and 6) and only
a small portion of the test data can be grouped into
isothermal data sets containing more than 4 or 5 sam-
ples. Isothermal separation of the data thus provides an
The data set of this study was explored to determine if
inadequate testing procedure. We can, however, deter-
pyroxene-liquid exchange equilibria involving Mg and
mine the averaging effects on error by predicting both
Fe would provide a practical geothermometer. Func-
¹ and P simultaneously. Pressure predictions for the
tions analogous to the olivine-liquid equilibria of
test data in Fig. 4A utilize measured experimental
Roeder and Emslie (1970, Eqs. 11, 12 and 13) were
temperatures (recall that barometer P1 is temperature-
formulated for pyroxene-liquid equilibria but were not
sensitive). Figure 7 alternatively shows the mean of
nearly as successful as the DiHd-Jd exchange of Eq. 2.
pressure estimates from model P1 when temperatures
Equilibrium 2 was calibrated as a geothermometer
are estimated with model T1. These P-estimates are
(models T1 and T2 in Table 5) using the data of this
thus derived using only compositional information.
study combined with the Walter and Presnall (1994)
Figure 7 gives a measure of the total error when models
data and randomly selected 1 bar data. The DiHd-Jd
P1 and T1 are used in combination, as would be the
exchange equilibrium is also sensitive to pressure,
case with natural samples when only compositional
although the volume change of this exchange equilib-
information is available. Mean values of P-estimates
rium is much smaller than for Jd formation (Table 1).
calculated by this method may be compared to the
Thermometer T2 incorporates an empirical pressure
mean values calculated with reported temperatures
term. Addition of this pressure term reduces the SEE
(compare Fig. 7 to Fig. 4A). The SEE on the mean
from 27 to 24 K. The DiHd-CaTs equilibrium of Eq
values increases from 0.3 to 0.8 kbar on the 1 bar—16
3 was also calibrated as a thermometer (models T3 and
kbar portion of the test data. This 0.5 kbar increase in
T4 in Table 5); T4 incorporates an empirical pressure
SEE may be attributed to the error introduced by the
term. The use of 1 bar data in models T1 to T4 takes
temperature-estimate from model T1, which corres-
advantage of the wide temperature and bulk-composi-
ponds to an average error of about 15 K over the
tion ranges spanned by these experiments. The smaller
amount of error inherent in model P1.
number of data regressed for models T3 and T4 (93 vs
105 for models T1 and T2) reflects the loss of 1 bar data
where AlVI in excess of the amount necessary to form
jadeite did not exist (i.e., CaTs"0). Application to basalts from Hawaii
The compositional variable MgO-*2/(MgO-*2#
FeO-*2) (or Mgd) effectively reduces thermometric Many basaltic rocks lie on low-pressure differentiation
error. Thermometers are also improved by adding the trends suggesting crystallization at shallow levels in the
Fig. 6 Model T2 is used to predict temperatures of the test data. The Fig. 7 Mean values of predicted pressures are shown for the same
line shown is a one-to-one correlation line. A regression of measured data used to construct Fig. 3 and 4. Model T1 is used to estimate
vs predicted temperatures yields a slope of 0.99 and a zero intercept temperature. This temperature estimate, instead of the measured
of 17 K; the SEE and R are shown. The sources of the high pressure temperature, is then used in model P1 to estimate pressure. Statistics
portion of the test data are the same as those used in Fig. 3. 1 bar for the 1 bar—25 kbar data (mean predicted vs measured) are shown;
data were selected from the sources listed in Fig. 5 and chosen so a regression through the data from 1 bar to 16 kbar give an R of 1.00
that the test and model data sets do not overlap and an SEE of 0.8 kbar with a slope of 0.99 and an intercept of 0.06
kbar. Compare Fig. 4A
to estimates of elastic plate thickness and depth to 190 olivine-liquid pairs synthesized between 1 bar and
seismic activity beneath Hawaii to infer controls 100 kbar. The regression equation used was a variation
on magma transport. P!¹ estimates are compared of Eq. 5. We found compositional dependencies similar
to trace-element geochemistry to constrain magma to those noted by Gee and Sack (1988) and Langmuir et
genesis. al. (1992) as well as a slight P/¹ dependency that is
The compositional data (Frey et al. 1991) consist of consistent with the anticipated *V for the exchange
pyroxene rim and core compositions and whole-rock equilibrium (1.5 cm3/mol). The resulting function is
analyses. The rocks include post-shield ankaramites of
alkalic affinity (MU-9 and LP-5), post-shield tholeiitic 11.07*P
basalts (MU-2 and MU-8), a post shield high Fe—Ti ln K0-~-*2 [Mg—Fe]"!1.87#
D ¹
basalt (KI-12), and submarine shield tholeiites (MK1-8
and MK6-18). Together these basalts represent a phase #1.67*[SiO-*2 ]!14.11*[Na-*2*Al-*2] (13)
transitional between shield-building tholeiitic and post-
shield alkalic volcanism. To estimate pressure and tem- where P is in kbar and ¹ is in Kelvin (Fig. 9). Applying
perature (Fig. 8) model P1 was solved simultaneously our model to whole-rock compositions from Hawaii
with model T2. over a range of pressures (0—20 kbar) indicates that
equilibrium olivines crystallizing from whole-rock
compositions should yield K0-@8)0-%-3, [Mg-Fe]"0.30
D et al. (1980) model for
for all samples. Use of the Sack
Testing for closed system behavior
estimating ferric/ferrous ratios for an ankaramite
We first checked whether reported whole-rock whole-rock composition (MU-8) also shows that sub-
compositions can represent a liquid from which stantial deviation (16% error) of K0-~-*2[Mg—Fe] from
phenocryst pyroxenes crystallized. Comparing olivine 0.3 will occur for such samples onlyDif oxygen fugacities
and host whole-rock compositions allowed an initial approach Ni-NiO.
check that whole-rock compositions potentially repres- Only one sample for which P!¹ estimation was
ent a liquid. We compare measured versus model attempted, MU-9, showed a large discrepancy between
K0-~-*2[Mg—Fe] ([FeO0-*MgO-*2]/[FeO-*2*MgO0-]). the observed and expected value of K0-@8)0-%~3, [Mg—Fe].
The Roeder and Emslie (1970) model, based on experi- Olivine compositions from MU-9 Dyield an average
ments on basaltic bulk-compositions at 1 bar, demon- K0-@8)0-%~3,[Mg—Fe] of 0.42. Since this value is signifi-
cantly higher than 0.30, the whole-rock composition
strates a constant value for K0-~-*2[Mg—Fe] of 0.30
D was corrected by subtracting olivine of an average core
$0.03. We performed a multiple linear regression on
composition until K0-@8)0-%~3,[Mg—Fe]"0.30; the
amount of olivine removedD (6%) does not exceed the
modal amount of olivine. The resulting P!¹ estimate these samples from 34 km without further stagnation
is 12 kbar and 1550 K (40 km and 1277° C). This and petrogenetic activity is thus indicated.
‘adjusted’ P!¹ estimate is shown in Fig. 8 as MU-9 These parental tholeiite (MU-8) and alkalic basalts
A, and is much nearer to P!¹ estimates for samples (LP-5) have identical SiO , TiO and CaO/Al O , and
2 2 2 3
LP-5 and MU-8. No corrections were made for the have similar Mgds (61 and 63 respectively). This obser-
remaining samples. Notably, all samples except KI-12, vation and the similar P-estimates for these samples
plot to the high-temperature side of the anhydrous suggest that trace- and alkali-element contents are es-
garnet peridotite mantle solidus of McKenzie and tablished below depths of 34 km. Clague (1987) has
Bickle (1988). Thus the P!¹ solutions seem phys- hypothesized the existence of a magma storage zone at
ically reasonable. Frey et al. (1991) presented evidence 20 km (the base of the crust) based on xenolith popula-
for disequilibrium between phenocrysts and whole- tions. Our P estimates are consistent with a deep level
rock for sample KI-12; this sample is probably not of stagnation, but place this ponding level at a depth
amenable to a simple corrective scheme. Disequilib- greater than 20 km.
rium may be the reason sample KI-12 does not plot on
an otherwise coherent P!¹ trend.
Where in the mantle and by what processes do alkalic Controls upon magma transport may be inferred by
and tholeiitic rocks gain their characteristics? Ther- comparing pressure and corresponding depth estimates
mobarometers may provide constraints. Sample MU-8 to seismic data. The maximum depth-estimate (40 km
is argued by Frey et al. (1991) to be the ‘‘the best assuming 3.3 km/kbar) for lavas from Mauna Kea
example of a parental tholeiitic melt’’ while sample corresponds to depths inferred for magma-related
LP-5 is considered ‘‘clearly related to the alkalic lavas’’ tremor (Aki and Koyanagi 1981) and a low velocity
(due to comparatively high La/Yb and Zr/Nb). zone beneath Hawaii (Ryan 1988) and thus, unsurpris-
P!¹ estimates (based on core compositions and ingly, relate such seismic phenomena to the presence of
whole-rock analyses) for LP-5 and MU-8 are identical melt at these depths.
within model error. Interestingly, use of pyroxene rim All magma transport depths, except MU-2, exceed
compositions for both samples results in P-estimates depth estimates for the base of the crust (18 km; Hill
identical to those based on pyroxene cores (the whole- and Zucca 1987). Also, Hill and Zucca (1987) infer
rock composition of LP-5 is corrected for pyroxene a density for the lower crust of 2.9 g/cm3; the base of the
crystallization when pyroxene rims are used in the crust does not provide a level of neutral buoyancy for
model; MU-8 is 98.5% glass). Temperature-estimates basaltic magma with a density"2.7 g/cm3. The range
from rims and cores are also identical for MU-8 and of depth estimates, however, has a shallow bound that
LP-5; the thermometer is insensitive to the small vari- roughly coincides with the long-term elastic thickness
ations in temperature with the existing data set. Since (T ) of the lithosphere (25 km; Watts et al. 1985).
pyroxene saturation occurs at lower temperatures for Depths for extraction of magma may thus be sensitive
lower pressures we might expect re-solution of pyro- to the mechanical behavior of the lithosphere. For
xenes rather than growth during upward adiabatic appropriate mantle strain rates (10~14—10~18/s) the
transport, thus, similar P-estimates using rim and core elastic thickness may represent the depth of ductile
compositions are not surprising. Rims yielding lower behavior and a sharp decrease in strength (Kirby 1980;
P-estimates may occur if magma stalls at shallow Bodine et al. 1981). The match of the lower limit of
depths, but time of stagnation must be long enough for depth estimates with T suggests that magma transport
temperature to fall and for pyroxene to become re- is controlled, through temperature, by the depth to the
saturated (as possibly occurred for MU-2 (93.2% glass); brittle-ductile transition, and further implies a similar
P!¹ estimates for MU-2 are 3.2 kbar and 1426 K control for both fracture propagation and long-term
using the core composition, and 0.06 kbar and 1402 K lithospheric strength.
using the rim). We suspect that pyroxenes in MU-8 and When P-¹ estimates are obtained from other vol-
LP-5 experienced most of their growth at a single depth canoes and combined with age constraints, both petrol-
and were transported to the surface with insufficient ogic models and comparisons to geophysical data can
time for significant growth and/or re-equilibration. be further refined. Application of the ther-
A combined average taken from core and rim composi- mobarometers to rocks from Mauna Kea nevertheless
tions from both LP-5 and MU-8 likely provides the demonstrate (1) the use of thermobarometry in con-
best P!¹ estimate. Calculated in this way the mean straining the origin of alkalic vs tholeiitic magma, (2)
P and ¹ estimates (with standard deviations) are: that magma may be delivered to a planetary surface
10.2$0.8 kbar and 1530$7.0 K (about 34 km at from substantial depth and (3) ponding of magma may
1257° C; assume 3.3 km/kbar). Direct transport for be controlled by the elastic thickness of the lithosphere.
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