Uniform microcrystalline nickel(II) hydroxide particles have been prepared via the
homogeneous alkalinization of nickel(II) nitrate solutions by urea hydrolysis. The nature of
the precipitated solids depends on the temperature of synthesis. At ca. 423 K, i.e., under
the hydrothermal conditions attained by microwave heating, â-Ni(OH)2 forms upon the fast
ripening of R-Ni(OH)2. In the range 363-343 K, R-Ni(OH)2 is always the final product. The
evolution of the systems during the precipitation of R-Ni(OH)2 is analyzed in terms of the
kinetic factors that control nucleation and growth. A precipitation mechanism, based on
the principle of minimal structural change, is proposed; it is suggested that the edge-on
condensation of Ni4(OH)44+ tetramers is a key step in the sequence of events that conduct
from hexaaquo Ni2+ to R-Ni(OH)2.
Figure 8. Schematic representation of the sequence of events that lead to the nucleation of R-Ni(OH)2.
ation should closely resemble those of the ions in the which are assumed to be stages of a smooth sequence
solid state. As urea hydrolyzes, that conducts to the solid and not dead-end entities.
Condensation along the Ni3 plane of the tetramers leads
OC(NH2)2 {\ } OCN- + NH4+ (2) to
k -1
OCN- + H+ + 2H2O 98 HCO3- + NH4+ (3)
different nickel hydroxo species form along with cyanate bonds (the prime denotes ions of a different tetramer),
and bicarbonate complexes. At the precipitation onset where the bridging OH- ions lose their coordination to
(say, pH 7.81), the hexaaquo Ni2+ ion predominates, the out-of-plane Ni(4); formation of Ni(1)-OH-Ni(1′)
NiOH+, NiOCN+, Ni(OCN)20, and NiHCO3+ accounting and Ni(2)-OH-Ni(2′) bonds and release of two H3O+
for about 1, 10, 1, and 3%, respectively;42 Ni2(OH)22+ take place simultaneously. Aggregation of additional
and Ni4(OH)44+ are negligible. Yet, the constancy of Ω* tetramers defines the close-packed arrangement of OH-
(Table 1) indicates that only OH- ions participate in ions and reduces the number of bonds linking the out-
nuclei formation. Since nucleation of metal (hydrous)- of-plane Ni(4) ions, which, at a certain point, are ejected
oxides is often preceded by the formation of oligomeric from the growing polyion. Once the size of the polyion
hydroxo moieties,43,44 the role of the polynuclear species surpasses a critical value, subsequent growth proceeds
should be central, especially that of Ni4(OH)44+, in which by incorporation of hydroxylated and complexed mono-
OH- ions are already tricoordinated.45,46 Thus, we mers.
propose that the nucleation of R-Ni(OH)2 is driven by This bidimensional condensation model, in line with
the edge-on condensation of tetrameric units (see the the periodic bond chain (PBC) approach,48 leads to single
scheme presented in Figure 8); a similar nucleation Ni(OH)2 layers, which must serve as templates for the
mechanism has already been postulated for monoclinic condensation of further tetramers that triggers the
ZrO2.47 This process is the continuation of the olation nucleation and growth of the next layers in a turbo-
reactions that lead to the dimer and to the tetramer, stratic fashion. Accordingly, the crystallites identified
at almost the precipitation onset (Figure 3) are com-
(42) The distribution of aqueous Ni(II) species was calculated posed of seven Ni(OH)2 layers with a basal dimension
solving eqs 2 and 3 under the assumption that all hydrolytic and
complexation reactions involving Ni(II) are equilibrated; kinetic data of ca. 19 nm, i.e., about 35 × 35 unit cells. Although
and equilibrium constants were taken from refs 16 and 32, respectively. other nucleation pathways can be envisaged, all of them
For further details, see: Soler-Illia, G. J. de A. A. Ph.D. Thesis, invoke aqueous Ni(II) species that have not been
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
(43) Matijević, E. Pure Appl. Chem. 1980, 52, 1179. described in the literature.
(44) Livage, J.; Henry, M.; Sanchez, C. Prog. Solid State Chem. As the aging proceeds, further growth in the c-
1988, 18, 259. direction takes place (Figure 3). The linear relationship
(45) Kolski, G. B.; Kjeldahl, N. K.; Margerum, D. W. Inorg. Chem.
1969, 8, 1211. between L003 and the fraction of precipitated nickel (see
(46) It should be recalled that in the brucite-like Ni(OH)2 layers inset in Figure 3) suggests that the number of crystal-
each OH- ion is tricoordinated to Ni2+ ions that occupy one-half of the
octahedral holes of the hexagonal close packing of hydroxide ions.
(47) Bleier, A.; Cannon, R. M. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1986, (48) Hartman, P. In Crystal Growth: an Introduction; Hartman,
73, 71. P., Ed.; North-Holland: Amsterdam, 1973.
3146 Chem. Mater., Vol. 11, No. 11, 1999 Soler-Illia et al.
lites remains constant after the burst of nuclei; viz., (Figure 4). This result is another example of the well-
nucleation and particle growth occur separately. This known Ostwald step rule. According to Le Bihan and
is a consequence of the fast relief of the supersaturation Figlarz52 and Delahaye-Vidal et al.,1 this transformation
that occurs soon after the precipitation onset (see Figure proceeds through a dissolution-recrystallization mech-
2). The growth of the xy-planes, on the other hand, is anism, despite the similarities of the crystal structures.
rapidly arrested; L110 remains constant during the Although the factual evidence is scarce, the absence of
entire aging (Figure 3). This is probably due to a cyanate in the final solids (Figure 5, spectrum c)
blocking action by CO32- or, more likely, OCN-; the supports this contention. Crystallization of â-Ni(OH)2
poisoning of growth sites by anions is well-known.49 The should follow essentially the same precipitation se-
size of the final polycrystalline petal-like particles quence outlined above.
(Figure 7) is, however, determined by the extent of the
ordered aggregation of crystallites (primary particles)
Acknowledgment. This work was partially sup-
along the basal direction, in line, again, with the PBC
ported by grants from UBA (EX036) and CONICET (PIP
approach; ordered aggregation of primary particles is
4196). G.J. de A.A.S.-I. thanks the Fellowship awarded
well documented.50,51 This process may be assisted by
by UBA. A.E.R. and M.A.B. are members of CONICET.
carbonate anions, which can not only reduce the charge
Thanks are due to Grupo Análisis de Trazas, IN-
of the edges of the “flat” crystallites but also bridge them
tightly. QUIMAE, for sharing their microwave digestor. The
Under hydrothermal conditions (423 K), the initially authors are grateful to Gabbo’s, where rendezvous were
precipitated R-Ni(OH)2 readily ripens into â-Ni(OH)2 sparkling, indeed.
(49) Sunagawa, I. Estudios Geolog. 1982, 38, 127.
(50) Hsu, W. P.; Ronnquist, L.; Matijević, E. Langmuir 1988, 4, 31.
(51) Ocaña, M.; Matijević, E. J. Mater. Res. 1990, 5, 1083. (52) Le Bihan, S.; Figlarz, M. J. Cryst. Growth 1972, 13/14, 458.