Entropy Generation For Natural Convection in An Inclined Porous Cavity
Entropy Generation For Natural Convection in An Inclined Porous Cavity
Entropy Generation For Natural Convection in An Inclined Porous Cavity
The issue of entropy generation in a tilted saturated porous cavity for laminar natural convection heat transfer is
analysed by solving numerically the mass, momentum and energy balance equations, using Darcy's law and
Boussinesq-incompressible approximation. As boundary conditions of cavity, two opposite walls are kept at
constant but dierent temperatures and the other two are thermally insulated. The parameters considered are the
angle of inclination and the Darcy±Rayleigh number. When available, present solutions are compared with known
results from the previous researches. Excellent agreement was obtained between results that validate the used
computer code. The results show that the calculation of local entropy generation maps are feasible and can supply
useful information for the selection of a suitable angle of inclination. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
1. Introduction Nield and Bejan [1] and Ingham and Pop [2] contribu-
ted to a wide overview of this important area in heat
In computational simulation of thermal-hydraulic
unsteady investigations, the quantities to be calculated transfer of porous media. There are many published
are usually temperature, velocity ®elds, enthalpy, press- studies related to natural convection in rectangular
ure, etc.; but rarely contains entropy properties using porous enclosures. Moya et al. [3], Bejan [4], Parasad
the second law of thermodynamics. Principally, only and Kulacki [5], Baytas and Pop [6], Beckerman et al.
heat transfer was re¯ected in natural convection [7], Gross et al. [8], Lai and Kulacki [9], Monale and
studies. The necessity for the utilisation of the second Lage [10], and Walker and Homsy [11] have donated
law of thermodynamics in thermal design decisions is many important results for this problem. Caltagirone
vividly demonstrated in this research work. The and Bories [12] studied the stability criteria of free con-
research of natural convection in porous media has vective ¯ow in an inclined porous layer. Moya et al. [3]
been conducted widely in recent years, which involves investigated the natural convection problem for tilted
post-accidental heat removal in nuclear reactors, cool- rectangular porous material and in other contributions
ing of radioactive waste containers, heat exchangers, by Vasseur et al. [13] and Sen et al. [14]. The literature
solar power collectors, grain storage, food processing, on the natural convection of inclined porous enclosure
energy ecient drying processes, to name of a few. is limited. Besides, only a very small number of studies
were published in the past years considering the
entropy generation in convective heat transfer of en-
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.C. Baytas° ). closure problems.
0017-9310/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 7 - 9 3 1 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 9 1 - 4
2090 A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099
The utilisation of the second law of thermodynamics angle for dierent Rayleigh numbers are presented in
in convective heat transfer is very well presented in graphical forms. A numerical study about the entropy
Refs. [15±19]. Drost and White [20] studied numerical generation for natural convection in an inclined porous
calculation of local entropy generation map in an cavity by using the second law of thermodynamics has
impinging jet. San et al. [21] studied entropy gener- not yet been encountered.
ation in convective heat and mass transfer within a
smooth channel under some speci®c thermal boundary
conditions. Cheng et al. [22] presented a numerical 2. Mathematical modelling
study of entropy generation for mixed convection in a
vertical channel with transverse ®n array. Baytas [23] Consider the ¯ow of a Newtonian ¯uid within a
studied the optimisation in an inclined enclosure for square porous enclosure as depicted in Fig. 1. The non-
minimum entropy generation in natural convection for dimensional governing equations are obtained with fol-
the ®rst time. lowing assumptions; in porous cavity, Darcy's law is
This presented that the main subject of the investi- assumed to hold, the ¯uid is assumed to be a normal
gation is not only computational heat transfer of por-
ous cavity but also to investigate entropy generation
distribution according to inclination angle for satu-
rated porous cavity by using the second law of thermo-
dynamics. The present paper reports a numerical
entropy generation calculations of the two-dimensional
laminar free convection ¯ow in an inclined cavity ®lled
with a saturated porous medium. The eect of the in-
clination angle
j on the ¯ow and heat transfer
characteristics and the entropy generation was studied
by varying j from 08 to 3608 and dimensionless Ra
from 102 to 104. The isotherms, the patterns of stream-
lines and their corresponding entropy generation maps,
the variation of entropy generation due to heat trans-
fer and ¯uid friction irreversibility versus inclination Fig. 1. Physical model of the 2D inclined porous cavity.
A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099 2091
@Y @Y @Y @ 2Y @ 2Y
@t @X @Y @X 2 @Y 2
The velocity equations:
@C @C
U ; Vÿ
@Y @X
where the non-dimensional variables are de®ned by
rY 2 f
rC 2
N |
{z} |{z}
c 0, 0 on Y 0, 1
The local Nusselt number is de®ned as where f is the irreversibility distribution ratio
" #
@Y mT0 a2
Nu j
6 f
@ Y X0, 1 k K
DT 2
And the average Nusselt number is
1 The local entropy generation number would be inte-
grated over the whole domain to obtain the entropy
Nua Nu dY
0 generation number for whole cavity volume as
3. Entropy generation due to convection heat transfer NS N dX dY
0 0
The non-equilibrium conditions due to the exchange In this study, the dimensionless Bejan number (Be )
of energy and momentum, within the ¯uid and at the [16] is used as the alternative irreversibility distribution
2092 A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099
Fig. 3. (a) Isotherms, (b) streamlines, (c) entropy generation due to heat transfer and (d) the local entropy generation (N ) at dier-
ent inclined angles for Ra 102 :
A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099 2093
Fig. 4. (a) Isotherms, (b) streamlines, (c) entropy generation due to heat transfer and (d) the local entropy generation (N ) at dier-
ent inclined angles for Ra 103 :
2094 A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099
Fig. 5. (a) Isotherms, (b) streamlines, (c) entropy generation due to heat transfer and (d) the local entropy generation (N ) at dier-
ent inclined angles for for Ra 104 :
A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099 2095
number for inclined porous cavity from Eq. (9), as fol- Ra 50 by MATHEMATICA and developed compu-
lows: ter code are 2.48829 and 2.4880078, respectively.
rY 2
rY 2
rC 2 5. Result and discussion
Fig. 6. Variation of entropy generation number (NS) and FFI versus inclined angle.
2096 A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099
102 to 104. Benchmark solution for this analysis is Distribution of local entropy generation due to heat
given in Ref. [6]. It was concluded that the present transfer and ¯uid ¯ow, collectively, is shown in Figs.
results match very well with previously published 3±5(d). As is clear from Fig. 3(d), entropy generation
results. In Figs. 3±5, isotherms, streamlines, entropy covers almost whole domain for Ra 102 , while this
generation due to heat transfer and local entropy gen- covered part of the domain reduces as the Rayleigh
eration number (Eq. (9)) are shown graphically for number increases (Figs. 4 and 5). In case of Ra 104 ,
Ra 102 , 103 and 104, respectively. In Fig. 3(c) for the entropy generation is localised along the walls only
j 08, it is clear that entropy generation is higher at (Fig. 5(d)). It is evident from the above-mentioned
high temperature gradients (Fig. 3(a)). This is due to ®gures that most of the domain is not involved in
heat transfer irreversibility because large heat transfer entropy generation for higher Ra, excluding the case
is con®ned to these locations. As is clear from Fig. 3(c) for j 908: This is due to the boundary layer regime
for j 08, entropy generation is mainly con®ned to at high Rayleigh numbers.
the lower and upper corners for the left and right Variation of ¯uid friction irreversibility (FFI) and
walls, respectively. This entropy generation length entropy generation number (NS), for dierent angular
along the wall increases for j 408 and 908 for the positions, are shown in Fig. 6. Flow is converted into
same Ra (Fig. 3(c)). After j 908, the entropy gener- conduction regime for all the Rayleigh numbers from
ation length along the wall reduces gradually for j 2408 to 3008. This is due to the reason that buoyancy
1308 and 3308. It is evident that entropy generation is is no longer available between these angles. FFI and
directly proportional to temperature gradients. Above NS show a repetition of behaviour from 08 to 908 and
discussion is equally valid for Figs. 4(c) and 5(c). For from 908 to 2008. As shown in Fig. 6, FFI has a mini-
Ra 103 in Fig. 4(c), the entropy generation covers mum at 908 for Ra 102 and 103, whereas FFI has a
the whole heated and cooled walls for j 908; while minimum at 808 for Ra 104 : As is expected, the
for Ra 104 (Fig. 5(c)), this is true for j 408, 908 values of FFI and NS increase with increasing Rayleigh
and 1308. number. Nua and HTI are plotted in Fig. 7 against the
Fig. 7. Variation of entropy generation due to heat transfer (HTI) and average Nusselt number versus inclined angle.
A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099 2097
6. Conclusions
Fig. 8. Local Nusselt number along the hot wall for various
inclined angle; (a) Ra 102 , (b) Ra 103 and (c) Ra 104 :
2098 A.C. Baytas° / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2089±2099
Fig. 9. Variation of Bejan number (Be ) with inclined angle for Ra 102 , 103 and 104.
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