Republic of The Philippines Holy Cross College of Carigara Carigara, Leyte
Republic of The Philippines Holy Cross College of Carigara Carigara, Leyte
Republic of The Philippines Holy Cross College of Carigara Carigara, Leyte
Course Title
Course Description
Course Objective
Course Outline and Time Frame
Time Frame Course Content/Subject Matter
1-15 Weeks CHAPTER 1 Knowing Philippine History
Understanding History
Sources of History
Unhistorical Data
Desired Learning Outcome Content/ Subject Matter Teaching & Learning Activities Assessment Task (AT’S) Resources Material Weeks
Define History, identify, determine CHAPTER 1: Knowing Philippine Lecture-discussion Group work Quiz Books 1-15
sources of history in different History Think-pair-share Brainstorming Chapter Test
aspects Understanding History Internet
Sources of History 4 Major exam written
Unhistorical Data test Oral Recitation
Discuss and define Filipino CHAPTER 2: Pre-Colonial Philippines Lecture-discussion Group work Written Test Oral Books
community development in Cultural Evolution of the Think-pair-share Brainstorming Recitation Chapter Test
Cultural, Social manner, discuss, Early Filipinos Role Playing Concept Mapping Daily Quiz Website
determine, analyze and observe Traditional Filipino
various significant historical event Communities
in the country In Search of New Lands
Magellan’s New Route to the
Voyage of the Philippines
The Spanish Conquest of the
Towards the Hispanization of
the Natives
Chinese in the Philippines
More Europeans in the
Discuss, determine. CHAPTER 3: The Birth of a Nation Lecture-discussion Demonstration Written Test Books
Analyze and observe Proclamation of the Group Work Brainstorming Concept Oral Recitation Website
historical event of the Philippine Independence Mapping Think-pair-share Quiz
Philippines, birth of our The Malolos Republic Chapter Test
nation and the War of Philippines
importance of the Independence from the
learnings of the past United State
event A Government under
The American Legacy
Philippine Independent
The Communist Party of
the Philippines
Japanese Martial Law
Reforming the Philippine
Identify the different Chapter 4: Philippine History: Lecture-discussion Demonstration Written Test Books
Controversial historical Spaces for Conflict and Group Work Brainstorming Concept Oral Recitation Website
event of the past, Controversies Mapping Think-pair-share Quiz
Analyze the evidences Making Sense of the Past: Chapter Test
that are presented in Historical Interpretation
each controversial Multiperspectivity
historical event of the Case Study 1: Where Did
past the First Catholic Mass
Take Place in the
Case Study 2: What
Happened in the Cavity
*Spanish Accounts of the
Cavity Mutiny
* Differing the Accounts
of the Events of 1972
Case Study 3: Did Rizal
*The Balaguer Testimony
*The Testimony of Cuerpo
de Vigilancia
Case Study 4: Where Did
the Cry of Rebellion
*Different Dates and
Places of the City
Discuss, Analyze, CHAPTER 5: Social, Political, Lecture-discussion Demonstration Written Test Books
observe, determine, Economic, and Cultural Issues in Group Work Brainstorming Concept Oral Recitation Website
identify the evolution the Philippines Mapping Think-pair-share Quiz
of the Philippine Chapter Test
Constitution, Policies Evolution of the Philippine
on Agrarian reform, Constitution
Evolution of the *1897: Constitution of
Philippine taxation Blak na Bato
*1899: Malolos
*1935: The
*1973 Constitutional
*1987: Constitution After
Martial Law
*Attempts to Amend or
Change the 1987
Evolution of Philippine
*Taxation in Spanish
*Taxation under the
* Taxation during the
Commonwealth Period
*Fiscal Policy to 1946 to
Identify the different Chapter 6: Doing History: A Guide
types of historical for Students
research, formulate a Doing Historical Research
historical research Online
Doing Historical Research
in Library and Archives
Doing life Histories and
Biographical research
Doing Local and Oral
Interacting with History
through Historical Shrines
and Museums
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College of Carigara
Carigara, Leyte
Course Title Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography)
Credits 3 units
Term First semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 1-2:30 Monday Wednesday
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography)
Course Objective Designed to provide students Comprehensive information and knowledge that serves as their greater foundation in teaching Social Sciences.
Helps students to be expose in a wide range of cultural and geography aspects that would lead them to become a well-rounded individual
Couse Outline and Time Frame
Define Geography, Chapter 1: Lecture Discussion Group Written test Books 1-15 weeks
Identify the elements of Geography, History of Geography work Oral recitation Internet
Branches of Geography, Discuss the The element of Geography Think-pair share Chapter test
history of Geography Branches of Geography Brainstorming Daily quiz
Discuss the season of the Earth, Chapter 2: Lecture Discussion Group Written test Books
Identify the large islands of the The season of the earth work Oral recitation Internet
world, Large island of the world Think-pair share Chapter test
Highest mountain peaks of the Highest mountain peak of the Brainstorming Daily quiz
world, world
Discuss the Oceans and Seas of the Oceans and Seas of the world
world The Atmosphere
Discuss the Atmosphere, Weather and Climate
Differentiate the Weather and Geography Hall of fame
Climate, Discuss the Geography Hall
of Fame
Define Globe, identify the use of Chapter 3: Lecture Discussion Group Written test Written test
Globe, Discuss the Lines of the The Globe work Oral recitation Oral recitation
Globe, Grid system, Define what is The Evolution of the Globe Think-pair share Chapter test Chapter test
Map Identify the different type of The Lines on the Globe Brainstorming Daily quiz Daily quiz
maps and the use of it. The Grid System
The location of Specific Places
The importance of the Maps
Parts of a Map
Map Projection
Explain the Origin of the Philippines, Chapter 4: Lecture Discussion Group Written test Books
Discuss the national territory, The Republic of the Philippines work Oral recitation Internet
Location, Size, Regionalization, Origin Think-pair share Chapter test
Identify the different Landforms, National Territory Brainstorming Daily quiz
water forms, Natural Resources of Location and Size
the Philippines, Discuss the Regionalization
geographical and cultural aspects of Land forms
the different parts of Asia Water forms
Natural resources
Southeast Asia
Far East
Middle East
North Asia
South Asia
Central Asia
Define Culture, Identify the different Chapter 5: Lecture Discussion Group Written test Books
types of Culture, Components of What is culture work Oral recitation Internet
Culture, Discuss the characteristics Types of Culture Think-pair share Chapter test
of Culture, Determine the function Components of Culture Brainstorming Daily quiz
of Culture, Discuss the mode of Characteristics of Culture
Acquiring Culture, Cultural Adaptation of Culture
Variation, Other concepts of Function of Culture
Cultural Significance Modes of Acquiring Culture
Cultural Variability
Other Concepts of Cultural
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College of Carigara
Carigara, Leyte
Credits 3 Units
Term First semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 10:30-12:00 Monday Wednesday
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description Basic Geography
Course Objective Provide students significant information about international and local context of Geography as a field of Social Science
Helps students to be well-rounded individual as they studying the wide range and scope of the course
Chapter 3:
The Continents
The Islands
The Highlands
Mountains, the Hills, Plateaus
Plains and Valleys, Grasslands, Desserts
Water Forms
The Oceans, The Seas, Golfs and Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Straits and Canal
Weather and Climate
Factors that Influence Weather and Climate
World Climate
Green House Effect and Global Warming
The Sun and the Moon: Their Effect on Earth
The Sun and the Moon in Relation to the Tides
Chapter 4:
The Republic of the Philippines
National Territory
Location and Site
Water forms
Natural Resources
The People and their Culture
Southeast Asia
Far East
Middle East
North Asia
South Asia
Central Asia
West Africa
East Africa
Southern Africa
North America
United States of America
Green Land
South America
Central America
British Island
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Mediterranean Countries
Eastern Europe
Sample Learning Plan
Desired Learning Outcome Content/Subject Matter Teaching & Learning Activities Assessment Task (AT’S) Resources Material Weeks
Define Geography Chapter 1: Lecture Discussion Group work Written test Books
Value the Importance of Studying The couple of geography Think-pair share Oral recitation Internet
Geography Importance of geography Brainstorming Chapter test
Explain the Relationship of Types of geography Daily quiz
Geography to the other Physical and human geography
Historical Development of
Relationship of Geography with
other Disciplines
Identify Different Types of Maps Types of Maps and other Lecture Discussion Group work Written test Books
Determine the Use of Maps interpretation Think-pair share Oral recitation Internet
Discuss the Legend and Symbol Map projection Brainstorming Chapter test
Differentiate Latitude and Legends and Symbols Daily quiz
Longitude Grids
Discuss the Globe and It’s Features The Globe and its Features
Define what is Continents and Lines of Longitude or Parallels
Oceans and the Equator lines of
Longitude or meridians and the
Prime meridian
The Arctic and the Antarctic
Time Zone
Continents and Oceans
Tables Graphs and Charts
Define and Discuss what is Chapter 3: Lecture Discussion Group work Written test Books
Continents, Islands The Continents Think-pair share Oral recitation Internet
Highlands, Mountains, Hills, The Islands Brainstorming Chapter test
Plateaus, Plains, Valley, The Highlands Daily quiz
Grasslands, Desserts Mountains, the Hills, Plateaus
Identify the Different Water Forms Plains and Valleys, Grasslands,
Differentiate the Oceans, Seas, Desserts
Golfs, Bays, Lakes, Rivers,, Straight Water Forms
and Canal The Oceans, The Seas, Golfs and
Define and Differentiate Weather Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Straits and
and Climate Canal
Explain and Discuss what is Weather and Climate
Greenhouse Effect and Global Factors that Influence Weather
Warming and Climate
Discuss the Effect of Sun and World Climate
Moon to the Earth Green House Effect and Global
Explain the Relation of the Sun and Warming
the Moon to the Tides The Sun and the Moon: Their
Effect on Earth
The Sun and the Moon in Relation
to the Tides
Discuss the Republic of the Chapter 4: Lecture Discussion Group work Written test Books
Philippines The Republic of the Philippines Think-pair share Oral recitation Internet
Identify the Origin of the Origin Brainstorming Chapter test
Philippines National Territory Daily quiz
Discuss the Location and Size of Location and Site
the Philippines Regionalization
Discuss and Identify the Different Landforms
Region of the Philippines Water forms
Identify the Different Landforms, Climate
Water Forms, Climates of the Natural Resources
Philippines The People and their Culture
Discuss and Identify the Natural Asia
resources of the Philippines Southeast Asia
Discuss the People and the Culture Far East
of the Philippines Middle East
Discuss and identify the Different North Asia
Location, Region, and any Related South Asia
Geographic aspects of Asia, Africa, Central Asia
North America, South America, Africa
Central America, Europe, Australia, West Africa
New Zealand, and Oceania, The East Africa
West Indies or the Cambean Southern Africa
Islands, Antartica and Arctic North America
United States of America
Green Land
South America
Central America
British Island
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Mediterranean Countries
Eastern Europe
Credits 3 Units
Term First Semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 2:30-4:00 pm Tuesday Thursday
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description The Contemporary World
Course Objective Helps students to be Globally competent, globally oriented for the trends and issues and prepare their selves as they face the challenges of
Credits 3 Units
Term First semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 2:30PM-4:00PM Monday Wednesday
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description Prof Ed PCK3/Educ 4
Course Objective Provides students vital information and learning that they possess as they grow in their professional career in world of teaching
Develop students their ability to formulate significant teaching tools such as assessment which is important to learn as a future teacher in teaching
Course Outline and Time Frame
Define assessment, discuss, identify, Chapter 2: Principles of High Quality Lecture Discussion Group work Written test
apply, determine the principles of high Assessment Think-pair share Oral recitation
quality assessment in teaching Appropriateness and Alignment Brainstorming Chapter test
of Assessment Methods to Daily quiz
Learning Outcomes
*Identifying Learning Outcomes
*Taxonomy of Learning Domains
*Types of Assessment Methods
*Matching Learning Target with
Assessment methods
Validity and Reliability
*Validity of Assessment
*Types of Reliability
*Sources of Reliability Evidence
*Measurement Errors
*Reliability of Assessment Methods
Define what is classroom-based Chapter 3: Development of Tools for Lecture Discussion Group work Written test
assessment, assessment, discuss, Classroom-Based Assessment Think-pair share Oral recitation
identify, determine, conceptualize and Planning the Test Brainstorming Chapter test
apply the development of tools for * Identifying Purpose of Test Daily quiz
Classroom-based Assessment in *Specifying the Learning
teaching Outcomes
Selecting and Constructing Test
Items and Tasks
*Categorizing Test Types
*Relating Test Types with
Levels of Learning Outcomes
*Constructing Objective
Supply Type of Items
*Constructing Non-Objective
Supply Type
*Constructing Selected-
Response Types
Improving a Classroom-Based
Assessment Test
Empirically-Based Procedures
Identify different types of test sores, Chapter 4: Interpretation of Lecture Discussion Group work Written test
discuss, determine, apply the concepts Assessment Results Think-pair share Oral recitation
of interpretation of assessment results *Types of Test Score Interpretations Brainstorming Chapter test
in teaching *Grading Daily quiz
*Grading System
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College of Carigara
Carigara, Leyte
Credits 3 Units
Term First semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 3 (4-5:30 TTh)
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description Strategies in Teaching Major Field/Assessment 2
Course Objective Provide students’ vital knowledge and learning that they need to possess as they grow in teaching profession and help them to be an equipped and
effective teachers of the community
Chapter 5:
Affective Learning Competencies
* Importance of Affective Targets
*Affective Traits and Learning Targets
*Affective Domain of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Chapter 6:
Development of Affective Assessment Tools
*Methods of Assessing Affective Targets
* Utilizing the different Methods of Combination of Methods in Assessing Affects
*Affective Assessment Tolols
Chapter 7: Nature of Portfolio Assessment
*Types of Portfolio
*Elements of Portfolio
Chapter 8:
Designing and Evaluating Portfolio Assessment in the Classroom
*Steps for Developing Portfolio Assessment
*Portfolio Evaluation
Chapter 9:
Grading and Reporting System
*K to 12 Grading of Learning Outcomes
*The effects on Grading on Students
*Building a Grading and Reporting System
*Developing Effective Reporting System
Sample Learning Plan
Weeks Intended Learning Outcome Topics Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Task
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College of Carigara
Carigara, Leyte
Course Title
Credits 3 Units
Term First semester S.Y. 2019-2020
Schedule 2:30PM-4:00PM Monday Wednesday
Instructor Shairon Palma
Course Description
Course Objective
Weeks Intended Learning Outcome Topics Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Task