Survey of Philippine Literature in English: Shepherdville College
Survey of Philippine Literature in English: Shepherdville College
Survey of Philippine Literature in English: Shepherdville College
(formerly Jesus the Loving Shepherd Christian College)
Talojongon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur,Philippines
Survey of Philippine
Literature in English
Module 8
Jonathan P. Bonion
I. Overview
Philippine literature flourished during the Spanish period (nineteenth century) and the first half of the
twentieth century. The literature of the Philippines covers a variety of genres, most notably poetry and metrical
romances, prose, dramas, religious dramas, and secular dramas. Philippine literature is the key to discover the
truth of my self. Often times perceiving what is fact from fiction is really confusing. It is quiet difficult to tell if a
certain thing tells the truth or it is just a whole lie, publication of the truth, created in order to deceive.
Philippine literature is a spring board of the truth that is handed down from generation to generation by
our ancestors which is handed to us with care. The reason is that if the truth is manipulated, the truth will never
be the truth any more but just a sort of knowledge. There is a saying that all truths are knowledge but not all
knowledge is truth. I have learned that Philippine literature has brought me the realization of valuing the sense of
being of a true Filipino, in spite of what have happened in our history that we are once slaves of the foreign
Competency #1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of time periods and growth and development in
Philippine literature.
Competency #2: Interpret literary works in the context of socio-historical events.
Competency #3: Read and write creatively and critically in the understanding of representative literary works .
Definition of Terms
1. Colonizers – to infiltrate with usually subversive militants for propaganda and strategy reasons
2. Xylography – the art of making engravings on wood specially for printing
3. Mestizo – a person of mixed European and American Indian ancestry
4. Typography – the style, arrangement, or appearance of typeset matter
5. Lent – the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter observed by the Roman Catholic, Eastern, and
some Protestant churches as a period of penitence and fasting
III. Content
When is colonization okay and when is it not okay?
It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. Literature started to flourish
during his time. This spurt continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872. The Spaniards colonized the
Philippines for more than three centuries. During these times, many changes occurred in the lives of Filipinos.
They embraced the Catholic religion, changed their names, and were baptized.
Their lifestyles changed too. They built houses mad of stones and bricks, used beautiful furniture like the
piano and used kitchen utensils. Carriages, trains and boats were used as means of travel. They held fiestas to
honor the saints, the pope and the governors. They had cockfights, horse races and the theater as means of
recreation. This gave rise to the formation of the different classes of society like the rich and the landlords. Some
Filipinos finished courses like medicine, law, agriculture and teaching. Many Filipinos finished their schooling
already had been established.
1. What are the changes occurred in the lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish Period? Identify five.
2. List down 5 Spanish traditions/ beliefs/ practices that Philippines/ we still observe this time.
Due to the long period of colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards, they have exerted a
strong influence on our literature.
1. The first Filipino alphabet called ALIBATA was replaced by the Roman alphabet.
2. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.
3. The Spanish language which became the literary language during this time lent many of its words to
our language.
4. European legends and traditions brought here became assimilated in our songs, corridos, and moro-
5. Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog and other dialects.
6. Many grammar books were printed in Filipino, like Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan
1. ANG DOCTRINA CRISTIANA (THE CHRISTIANDOCTRINE). This was the first book printed in the
Philippines in 1593 in xylography. It was written by Fr. Juan de Placencia and Fr.Domingo Nieva, in
Tagalog and Spanish. It contained the Pater Noster (Our Father), Ave Maria (Hail Mary), Regina Coeli
(Hail Holy Queen), the Ten Commandments of God, the Commandments of the Catholic Church, the
Seven Mortal Sins, How to Confess, and the Catechism. Three old original copies of this book can still be
found at the Vatican, at the Madrid Museum and at the US Congress. It contains only 87 pages but costs
2. Nuestra Señora del Rosario. The second book printed in the Philippines was written by Fr. Blancas
de San Jose in 1602, and printed at the UST Printing Press with the help of Juan de Vera, a Chinese
mestizo. It contains the biographies of saints, novenas, and questions and answers on religion.
3. Libro de los Cuatro Postprimeras de Hombre (in Spanish and Tagalog). This is the first book
printed in typography.
4. Ang Barlaan at Josephat. This is a Biblical story printed in the Philippines and translated to Tagalog
from Greek by Fr. Antonio de Borja. It is believed to be the first Tagalog novel published in the
Philippines even if it is only a translation. The printed translation has only 556 pages. The Ilocano
translation in poetry was done by Fr. Agustin Mejia.
5. The Pasion. This is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ. It is read only during Lent.
There were 4 versions of this in Tagalog and each version is according to the name of the writer. These
are the Pilapil version (by MarianoPilapil of Bulacan, 1814), the de Belen version (by Gaspar Aquino de
Belen of Bat. In 1704), the de la Merced (by Aniceto de la Merced of Norzagaray, Bulacan in 1856) and
the de Guia version (by Luis de Guia in1750). Critics are not agreed whether it is the Pilapil or the de la
Merced version which is the most popular.
7. Ang Mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms for Mary). A collection of songs praising the Virgin Mary.Fr.
Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino priest, wrote this in 1865 and it was popular especially during the Maytime
“Flores de Mayo” festival.
1. In your opinion, why did Spain use religion as one of the approaches to colonize the Philippines?
2. Is to spread Christianity really their purpose of colonizing the Philippines?
1. Arte y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala (Art and rules of the Tagalog language). Written by Fr. Blancas de San
Jose and translated to Tagalog by Tomas Pinpin in 1610.
2. Compendio de la Lengua Tagala (Understanding the Tagalog language). Written by Fr. Gaspar de San Agustin
3. Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (Tagalog vocabulary). The first Tagalog dictionary written by Fr. Pedro de
San Buenaventura in1613.
4. Vocabulario de la Lengua Pampanga(Pampanga vocabulary). The first book in Pampanga written by Fr. Diego
in 1732.
5. Vocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya (Bisayanvocabulary). The best language book in Visayanby Mateo Sanchez
in 1711.
6. Arte de la Lengua Ilokana (The Art of the Ilocano language). The first Ilocano grammar book by Francisco
7. Arte de la Lengua Bicolana (The Art of the Bicol language). The first book in the Bicol language and written by
Fr. Marcos Lisbon in1754.
E. RECEREATIONAL PLAYS. There are many recreational plays performed by Filipinos during the Spanish
times. Almost all of them were in poetic form. Here are examples:
1. Tibag – the word tibag means to excavate. This ritual was brought here by the Spaniard to remind the people
about the search of St.Helena for the Cross on which Jesus died.
2. Lagaylay – this is a special occasion for the Pilareños of Sorsogon during Maytime to get together. As early as
April, the participating ladies are chosen and sometimes, mothers volunteer their girls in order to fulfill a vow
made during an illness or for a favor received. In some parts of Bicol, a different presentation is made but the
objective is the same – praise,respect and offering of love to the Blessed Cross by St. Helen on the mound she
had dug in.
3. The Cenaculo – this is a dramatic performance to commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ.
There are two kinds: the Cantada and Hablada. In the Hablada the lines are spoken in a more deliberate
mannershowing the rhythmic measure of each verse and the rhyming in each stanza and is more dignified in
theme; the Cantada is chanted like the Pasion. The Cenaculo is written in octo syllabic verse, with 8 verses to the
stanza. The full length versions take about 3 nights of staging. Performers come in costumes with wigs and
performers are carefully chosen for their virtuous life. One performs the role of Jesus Christ and another the role
of the Virgin Mary. Many famous Cenaculo players come from the Tagalog regions although there are also those
from Ilocos, Pampanga, Bicol and both Sibulanon and Hiligaynon.
4. Panunuluyan – this is presented before12:00 on Christmas Eve. This is a presentation of the search of the
Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an inn wherein to deliver the baby Jesus.
5. The Salubong (or Panubong) - The Salubongis an Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of the Risen
Christ and his Mother. It is still presented in many Philippine towns.
6. Carillo (Shadow Play) – this is a form of dramatic entertainment performed on a moon less night during a
town fiesta or on dark nights after a harvest. This shadow play is made by projecting cardboard figures before a
lamp against a white sheet. The figures are moved like marionettes whose dialogues are produced by some
experts. The dialogues are drawn from a Corrido or Awitor some religious play interspersed with songs. These
are called by various names in different places: Carillo in Manila, Rizal and Batangas and Laguan; TITRES in
7. The Zarzuela– considered the father of the drama; it is a musical comedy or melodrama three acts which dealt
with man’s passions and emotions like love, hate, revenge, cruelty, avarice or some social or political problem.
8. The Sainete – this was a short musical comedy popular during the 18th century. They were exaggerated
comedies shown between acts of long plays and were mostly performed by characters from the lower classes.
Themes were taken from everyday life scenarios.
F. THE MORO-MORO. Like the Cenaculo, the Moro-moro is presented also on a special stage. This is performed
during town fiestas to entertain the people and to remind them of their Christian religion. The plot is usually the
same that of a Christian princess or a nobleman’s daughter who is captured by the Mohammedans. The father
organizes a rescue party where fighting between the Moros and the Christians ensue. The Mohammedans are
defeated by some miracle or Divine Intercession and the Mohammedans are converted to Christianity. In some
instances, the whole kingdom is baptized and converted. One example of this is Prinsipe Rodante.
G. KARAGATAN. This is a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of a person. In
this contest, more or less formal, a ritual is performed based on a legend about a princess who dropped her ring
into the middle of the sea and who offered here hand in marriage to anyone who can retrieve it. A leader starts off
with an extemporaneous poem announcing the purpose. He then spinsa “lumbo” o “tabo” marked with a white
line. Whoever comes in the direction of the white line when the spinning stops gets his turn to “go into the sea to
look for the ring.” This means a girl will ask him a riddle and if he is able to answer, he will offer the ring to the girl.
H. DUPLO. The Duplo replace the Karagatan. This is a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning. The roles are
taken from the Bible and from proverbs and saying. It is usually played during wakes for the dead.
I. THE BALAGTASAN. This is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in debate on a particular topic or issue. This is
replaced the DUPLO and is held to honor Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.
J. THE DUNG-AW. This is a chant in free verse by a bereaved person or his representative beside the corpse of
the dead. No definite meter or rhyming scheme is used. The person chanting it freely recites in poetic rhythm
according to his feelings, emotions and thoughts. It is personalized and usually deals with the life, sufferings and
sacrifices of the dead and includes apologies for his misdeeds.
K. THE AWIT and the CORRIDO. Some use these two interchangeably because distinction is not clear.
1. What are the outstanding characteristics and themes of Philippine literature during the Spanish
2. How did Spanish colonization affect, not only the Philippine literature but also its arts, tradtions and
belief systems?
IV. Summary
The existing literature of the Philippine ethnic groups at the time of conquest and conversion into Christianity
was mainly oral, consisting of epics, legends, songs, riddles, and proverbs. The conquistador, especially its
ecclesiastical arm, destroyed whatever written literature he could find, and hence rendered the system of writing
(e.g., the Tagalog syllabary) inoperable. Among the only native systems of writing that have survived are the
syllabaries of the Mindoro Mangyans and the Tagbanua of Palawan.
The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the
Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of
the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by
promising eternal life for everyone, he democratized the power to rise above death. It is to be emphasized,
however, that the native tradition survived and even flourished in areas inaccessible to the colonial power.
Moreover, the tardiness and the lack of assiduity of the colonial administration in making a public educational
system work meant the survival of oral tradition, or what was left of it, among the conquered tribes.
The church authorities adopted a policy of spreading the Church doctrines by communicating to the native
(pejoratively called Indio) in his own language. Doctrina Christiana (1593), the first book to be printed in the
Philippines, was a prayerbook written in Spanish with an accompanying Tagalog translation. It was, however, for
the exclusive use of the missionaries who invariably read them aloud to the unlettered Indio catechumens
(Medina), who were to rely mainly on their memory. But the task of translating religious instructional materials
obliged the Spanish missionaries to take a most practical step, that of employing native speakers as translators.
Eventually, the native translator learned to read and write both in Spanish and his native language.
V. References
1. Dimalanta and Mata, Philippine Contemporary Literature in English: Tradition and Change (from the 20’s
to the Present). UST Publishing House, 2004.
2. Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature An Anthology of Winning Works, The 1980s Poetry.
Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. 2000.
3. Kahayon and Zulueta, Philippine Literature Through the Years. National Book Store.
VI. Evaluation
Make a research and prepare a short presentation depicting the impact of Spanish influence
that we still observe and practice even up to this day.
You are highly encouraged and expected to do an advance reading by searching the web and or
literature books for pre – test will be administered before the discussion. Questions are very much encouraged.
Thanks and God bless.
Evaluation Sheet