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Map and Air Photo Library
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M.C., M.A., F:R.S.E., F.R.G.S.. Cartographer to H.M. the King
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: 15,000,000 : 15,000,000 : 15,000,000 : 15,000,000
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10,000,000 : 5,000,000 : 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000 10,000,000 : 6,000,000
- 2,500,000 : 6,000,000
; 6,000,000 : 2,500,000 10,000,000 : 3,700,000 : 3,000,000
Pages 88-89. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Natural Scale 1 :1,000,000 should read 1 :
Pages 92-93. CENTRAL EUROPEAN STATES. Natural Scale 1: 1,000,000 should read 1 :
Hudson Strait.
Conquest of Mexico.
First to circumnavigate theglobe. Passes through} the Strait of Magellan, «rosses
the Pacific, and | discovers the Philippines.
Completes the Conquest of Peru.
Conquers Chili.
Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Montreal).
Ase:nds river to Hochelag:
1878-85 1878—02 I 879 1881— rahe
2? 7 1886
ORATION | | . ra. | | N ‘N mA MA UE J fe Oe
Major Serpa Pinto ( Port.) | Emin Pasha ( Ger.) Moustier and Zweifel . |
Greely ( U.S.)
Wissmann ( Ger.) 4 Junker (Russ. Ger.) _. | Peary ( U.S.) 4
G. Thompson (Eng.). . F
Abel Tasman (Dut.). Vries (Dut.) . Deshnev (C ossack)
French . Marquette and Cellet Russians Se Bering (Dan.) and Tishirikov ( Russ.).
Byron (Eng.). . . CAPT. COOK (Enzg.)
James Bruce (Scot.) . Liakhov (Russian) . . |
1887 1893-96
1897 TR )3 rd
97 5 -~{ 18)
| NANSEN ( Norw.) | Jackson
13806 |
1896-908 1897
ORs 1595-99
t899 Igoo
>? 1900-02 Igo2-03 1907 I909
9 I91I0 I9IO I9gtl I9gtt I9gi2 1915-17 I916-20 IQ2I-24
Capt. Marchand . | Andrée (Swe
; }
1929 |
1Q29 I9 ei
1932 1933
Tomnbsckand | (E ng )
Sven Hedin (Swed.) . Pr. Henri d’Orléans . Donaldson Smith (Sc
d.) D. Carnegie . De Gerlache ( Bel
Major Gibbons eae k Borchgrevink ( Brit. FE. Duke of Abruzzi (Ital.) .
Sven Hedin (Swed.). . | Capt. Scott ( Brit.) ) Sven Hedin (Swed.). . |
a 7 721.)
Shackleton ( Peary ( U.S.). Leachman
Sir Aurel Stein Mawson Amundsen Scott. . Shackleton Stefansson R.G.S. and Alpine
. ° . . . e ° .
Amundsen 73 | Graf Zeppelin Byrd : = Bertram Thomas ; Piccard and Kipser . . | |
Smythe x ee Philby " j
31 Berd — =. =:
Houston Expedition
Travels from Pekin to Kashmir. Reached his “‘ Farthest North ”’ in lat. 86° 13’ 6”
N. Surveys and explorations in Franz Josef Laad,
| Explorations in North Central Asia.
Travels in Tongking and China. Explores region of Lake Rudolf. Travels from Upper
Mobangi to Fashoda.
| Fatal attempt to cross North Pole in a balloon,
Australia from S. to N. within Antarctic
Crosses Western ““ Belgica,” first ship to winter
circle. | Explorations in Congo and Zambezi headwaters. Reached lat. 78° 50’ S. via
Victoria Land. Reached lat. 86° 33° N. via Franz Josef Land.
Important journey in Central Asia Reached lat. 82° 17’ S. Explores bags Hime laya.
Re ach ed lat. 88° 23’ S. | Reached North Pole, April 6.
Journey in North Arabia. Travels and discoveries in Central Asia. Antarctic
exploration Reaches South Pole. : Reaches South Pole, and dies on return journey.
Voyages in Antarctic Seas. Explorations in Arctic islands of North America.
Explorations in Mount Everest Region. Mallory and Irvine lose their lives on
Everest. Journey to North Pole. Airship circumnavigates the globe. South Polar
explorations. Crosses the Arabian Desert. Ascend in an aluminium sphere 53,000 feet
into the stratosphere | British Himalaya Expedition attains summit of Mount Kamet
Crosses the Arabian Desert. Marquess of Clydesdale leads flight of two aeroplanes
over Mount Everest. | Second Antarctic Expedition. | Rattledge leads third Everest
Abyssinian Plateau Albert Edward (Papua) Aconcagua (Argentina) Antisana (Ecuador)
Ararat (Turkey)
Blanc, Mont (France) Bolivian Plateau - Carstensz (New Guinea)
Fremont Peak (U.S A.) Fujiyama (Japan) Galdhdppigen (Norway) Godwin Austen (India)
Haleakala (Hawaiian Is.) Huascaran (Peru) Illimani (Bolivia)
Amazon - Amu Darya Amur . ' “ Arkansas Brahmaputra Colorado Columbia
Dnieper : Don : Dvina - - Elbe - Euphrates Ganges . Grande del ene: Hwangho
Mexican Plateau
Feet. 6,000-8,000
Mulahacen (Spain) 11,660 Nanga Parbat (Kashmir) 26,629 Olympus (Greece) 9,800
Orizaba (Mexico) 17,879 Pikes Peak (U.S.A.) 14,108 Popocatepet] (Mexic sO) - - Lire
ie oe (Canada) - - 12,972 Rosa (Switzer land) tS.277 Ruwenzori (Uganda) 16,794
Sahama (Bolivia) . 22,349 St Elias (Alaska-Canada) 18,024 Sanford (Alaska) - :
16,200 Sangay (Ecuador) 17,124 San José | Andes) : - 19,400 Sea View (New South
Wales) 6,000 Semeru (Java) . ; 12,057 Shasta (U.S.A.) - . . = Bias Sinai (Egypt) .
6,750 Sorata (Bolivia) . (22,280 Tibetan Plateau 12,000-18,000 Tolima (Colombia) -
18,400 Ulag Mustagh (Tibet) - 25,300 Vesuvius (Italy) - 4,000 Whitney (U nited
States) 14,496 Wilhelmina (New Guinea) 15,312
Miles. 4,000 1,300
Indus -
Irrawaddy - La Plata - - - Lena - . : Loire -
Magdalena - . Mekong - - - Mississippi - - Missouri . Murray-Darling - Nelson-
Saskatchewan Niger - . Nile
Area in Sq. Miles.
170,000 s = S200 - 32,000 - 26,200 - 23,000 - 22,400
8,500 - 7,720 “ 7,720 ° 7,100
| ; |
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™ $57) yonsgny \ La \
Germany Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras . Hungary iceland Iraq Italy, Japan
with dependencies
| 245,000 10.629
19] 1,079,965 , oe 11,752 918,000 18,000 514,465 ] 510
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148 780,944 262,811
' ™% 7 4% ANDS i 7D on A NJ —/
1 Ty) 4 | 005,144
| 3.066,81 5 40,272,650 494 831,000 5.956,300 | + 287.445 | 386 | 7.$51,000 |
471,525 | O83 | ,158 | 7517
} 656
200 ,O00
917 864 4 000 9,000 7,067 § 923 3,082 6,204,684 2,195,242 2,550,000 854,184
108,% 2,849,282 45,163,254 90,396,048
Vv ras
1,900,045 1,000,000 10,213
ye 3 Oe wi 299,782 29,606,000 16,552,722 PAE ARS Hp 5,301,000 5,600,000 69,141,763
750,000 2,814,194 500,000 467 ,459 870,197 10,000,000 6,147,000 31,948 ,027
15,191,980 18,025,037 165,768,400 1,522,186 13,948 4,500,000 11,506,207 24 947,116
4 066,400 65,000 13,648,270 137,008,435 1,941,398 1,025 3,026,878 13,934,038
| |
Population. | Population. 220,588 | Gratz (Graz), Austria . 152,706 193,192 | ’s-
Gravenhage (The Hague),
235,237 | Holland : : 436,568 200,982 | Graz (Gratz), Austria . 152,706 447,442 |
Greenwich, England 100,879 287,861 | Groningen, Holland 105,005 106,886 | Grozny,
U.S.S.R. 148,900 142,406 | Guadalajara, Mexico ; 175,599 . 142,559 | Guatemala
City, Guatemala 120,707 . 1,568,662 | Guayaquil, Ecuador 100,000 | Haarlem, Holland
119,159 136,554 | Habana (Havana), Cuba 542,522 |Hague, The (’s-Gravenhage),
322,800! Holland 436,568 321,743 | Haiphong, French Indo- China 100,473 619,157 | |
Hakodate, Japan . 197,252 | Halle, Germany . 194,575 410,900 | Hamamatsu, Japan
109,478 272,798 | Hamborn, Germany 126,618 101,463 | Hamburg, Germany . 1,079,126
175,583 | Hamilton, Canada 155,547 200,000 | Hammersmith, England 135,521 432,633 |
Hangchau, China 426,916 117,688 | Hankow, China . 777,993 142,460 | Hanoi, French
Indo-C hina 133,764 438,998 | Hanover, Germany 422,745 | Han-yang, China 100,000
223,300 | Harbin, Manchuria . 252,988 LR. 170,100 | Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. 164,072
Havana (Habana), Cuba 542,522 322,800 | Havre (Le Havre), France . 165,076 167,577
| Helsingfors (Helsinki), Finland . 255,078 114,589 |} Hendon, England ; 115,682
102,421 | Herat, Afghanistan 121,000 135,579 | Hindenburg, Germany 122,671 115,967
| Hiroshima, Japan 270,417 470,524 | Holguin, Cuba 127,443 102,249 | Hongkong
(Victoria), China 358,351 450,000 | Honolulu, Hawaii : 137,582 115,274 | Houston,
Tex., U.S.A. 292,352 450,000 | Howrah, India 222,488 107,843 | Huchau, China
300,000 316,286 | Hull, England 313,366 156,492 | Hyderabad, India 377,006 316,286
| | Iasi (Jassy), Rumania 102,595 98,848 | Ichang, China 112,309 114,946 | Ilford,
England 131,046 163,447 | Ilheos, Brazil 150,000 467,520 | Indianopolis, Ind., U.S
364,161 106,251 | Indore, India 127,327 388,164 | Irkutsk, U.S.S.R. 103,900 228,289
| Islington, England . 321,712 119,655 | Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 690,857
101,148 | Ivanovo-Voznesensk, U.S.S.R. 162,300 169,322 | Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey
153,924 100,426 | Jacksonville, Fla., U.S.A. 129,549 330,186 | Jaipur, India
144,179 144,107 | Jassy (Iasi), Rumania . 102,595 608,096 | Jersey City, N.J.,
U.S.A. 316,715 169,322 | Jerusalem, Palestine 90,526 | Johannesburg, Transvaal
. 115,302 | Jokjokarta, Java, D.E.I. 136,554
. 1,088,417 | Jubbulpore, India 124,469 107,500 | Kabul, Afghanistan 100,000
350,300 | Kaifeng, China . 200,000 243,690 | Kalinin (Tver), U-S.S. R. 133,100
117,577 | Kanazawa, Japan ; 157,311 168,592 | Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.A. 121,857
—— ae
k k " ix
> ics = Ws eens et
Population. Population. Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A. 399,746 Memphis, Tenn., U.S.A.
253,143 Karachi (Kurrachee), India 260,639 | Messina, Italy 182.508 Karlsruhe
(Carlsruhe), Germany 145,694 | Mexico, Mexico . . 1,029,068 | Kasan (Kazan),
U.S.S.R. 202,000 | Miami, Fla., U.S.A. . 110,637 Kassel (Cassel), Germany 171,483 |
Middlesbrough, England 138,489 Katowice, Poland ‘ 127,044 | Milan (Milano), Italy .
992,036 Keijo (Seoul), Chosen 340,290 | Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. . 578,249 |
Kensington, England . 180,681 | Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. 464,356 | Kharkov,
U.S.S.R. 521,500 | Minsk, U.S.S.R. 153,500 Kiel, Germany 213,881 | Moji, Japan
108,130 Kienning, China 250,000 | Monterrey, Mexico 129,745 Kiev, U.S.S.R 539,500 |
Montevideo, Uruguay 655,615 King-te-chen, China 500,000 | Montreal, Canada 818,577
Kioto (Kyoto), Japan 765,142 | Moradabad, India 110,562 Kirin, Manchuria 125,000 |
Morocco (Marrakesh), Morocco . 193,852 Kishenev (Chisinau), Rumania 117,016 |
Moscow, U.S.S.R. 2,781,300 Kjébenhavn (Copenhagen), Den- Mukden, Manchuria :
250,000 mark ; ; 617,059 | Milheim an der Rhur, Germany 127,400 Knoxville, Tenn.,
U.S.A. 105,802 | Mulhouse (Mulhausen), France * 99,534 Kobe, Japan : 787,616 |
Multan, India 119,457 Kéln (Cologne), Germany 700,222 | Miinchen (Munich),
Germany . 680,704 K6énigsberg, Germany 279,926 | Miinchen-Gladbach (Gladbach),
Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania 98,330 | Germany 115,302 | Krakow (Cracodw), Poland
221,260 | Munich (Miinchen), Germany 680,704 Krasnodar (Ekaterinodar), | Murcia,
Spain 159,825 U.S.S.R. ; 170,100 | Nagasaki, Japan 204,626 Krefeld (Crefeld),
Germany 131,098 | Nagoya, Japan 907 ,404 Kuku Khoto (Kwaihwacheng), | Nagpur, India
215,003 | China 180,000 | Nan-chang, China 300,000 Kumamoto, Japan 164,460 | Nancy,
France 120,578 | Kure, Japan , 190,282 | Nanking, China . 522,696 Kurrachee
(Karachi), India 260,639 | Nantes, France , 187,343 Kwaihwacheng (Kuku, Khoto), |
Naples (Napoli), Italy 839,390 China 180,000 | Nashville, Tenn., U.S.A. 153,866 |
Kweiyany (Kui- yang), Cc “hina 100,000 | Newark, N.J., U.S.A. ; 442,337 | Kyoto
(Kioto), Japan . 765,142 | New Bedford, Mass., U.S.A. 112,597 Lahore, India 429,747
| Newcastle, New South Wales 104,170 Lanchau, China . 125,000 | Newcastle upon
Tyne, England . 283,145 Lanki, China 200,000 | Newchwang (Niuchuang Yingkow), La
Paz, Bolivia 149,500 Manchuria 106,242 La Plata, Argentina 169,678 | New Haven,
Conn., U.S.A. 162,655 La Spezia, Italy . , 107,958 New Orleans, La., U.S.A 458,762
Leeds, England . ; . 482,789 | New York, N.Y., U.S.A . 6,930,446 | Leghorn
(Livorno), Italy 124,391 | Nice, France 219,549 | Le Havre, France 165,076 |
Nictheroy, Brazil ; » - a082353 Leicester, England 239,111 | Nijni Novgorod (c
sorky), U.S.S.R. 350,300 Leipzig, Germany 679,159 | Nikolaief, U.S.S.R. 122,700 |
Lemberg (Lwow), Poland 316,177 | Ningpo, China 212,518 | Leningrad, .S:S.&: : .
2,228,300 | | Newchwang, heed ie 106,242 Lewisham, Enyland 219,942 | Norfolk, Ya..
U ak 129.710 Leyton, England 128,317 | Nottingham, England 268,801 Liaoyang,
Manchuria. ; . 100,000 ovosibirsk, U 7S: S:R.. 176,100 Liége (with suburbs),
Belgium . 253,377 | Nuremberg, gee 393,202 | Lille, France 201,568 | Oakland,
Calif., U.S.A. 284,063 Lima, Peru 316,000 | jteciaueca. eee 105,436 | Linz, Austria
102,081 | Odessa, U.S.S.R. 475,500 | Lisbon (Lisboa), Portug: | 587,334 | Okayama,
Japan : 139,222 Liverpool, England , . 855,539 | Oklahoma City, Okla., U.S.A.
185,389 Livorno (Leghorn), Italy. « Leta | Oldham, England 140,309 Lodz, Poland ; ;
. 605,467 | Omaha, Nebr., U.S.A. 214,006 London, England (greater city) . 8,202,818
| Omdurman, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 103,669 Long Beach, Calif., bt S. A. . 143,032 |
Omsk, U.S.S.R. 178,300 Los —— 5, Rage y AE: . 1,238,048 | Oporto, Portugal 227,595
Louisville, + Rees rf 307,745 | Oran, Algeria 163,743 Lowell, eet U.S.A, . 100,234
| Orenburg, U.S.S.R. . 129,100 Liibeck, Germany ;, . 120,788 | Osaka, Japan : .
2,453,573 Lublin (Lyublin), Poland 112,539 | Oslo (Christiania), Norway 249,688
Lucknow, India . 274,659 | Ostrava Morawska, Czechoslovakia 125,347 Ludwigshafen,
Germany 101,869 | Otaru, Japan 144,887 Lugansk, U.S.S.R. ! . 102,100 | Ottawa,
Canada . , 126,872 Lwow (Lemberg), Poland . . 316,177 | Paddington, England .
144,950 | Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. . c : 102,320 | Padua (Padova), Italy 131,066 | Lyon,
France. . 979,763 | Palembang, Sumatra . 109,069 Lvublin (Lublin), Poland . .
112,539 | Palermo, Italy 389,699 Macao (Port.), China . 157,175 | Para (Belem),
Brazil . 279,491 | Maceio, Brazil 103,930 | Paris, France . 2,891,020 Madras, India
647,228 | Paterson, N.J., U.S. A. 138,513 Madrid, Spain 863,958 | Peiping (1 ae,
China 811,138 Madura, India . 182,007 | Pensa (Penza), U.S.S.R. 105,800 Magdeburg,
Germany . 297,020 | Peona, Ill., U.S.A. : 104,969 Mainz (May rence), Germany .
108,537 | Pernambuco (Recife), Brazil 340,543 Malaga, Spain 180,105 | Perth,
Western Australia, (with ; Malm6é, Sweden . 127,870 | suburbs) . 171,245
Manchester, England . 66,333 | Peshawar, India . 121,866 Mandalay, Burma . 144,899
| Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. . 1,950,961 Manila, Philippines . ; . 324,522 | Pilsen.
(P zen), Czechoslovakia . 114,150 Mannheim, Germany . . 247,486 | Pingyang, Chosen
119,729 Maria Theresiopel (Subotica), | Piraeus, Greece . 251,328 Yugoslavia ,
100,058 | Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. 669,817 Mariupol, U.S.S.R. . 105,900 | Plymouth,
England ’ 208, 166 Marrakesh (Morocco), Morocco . 193,852 | Plzen (Pilsen),
Czechoslovakia 114,190 Marseille, France 800,881 | Poplar, England 155,083 Mavence
(Mainz), Germany 108,537 | Portland, Oreg., U.S. A. 301,815 Mecca, Hejaz 85,000 |
Porto Alegre, Brazil 18 i 76 Medellin, Colombia 120,044 | Portsmouth, England ,
249,288 Meerut, India 136,709 | Posen (Poznan), Poland . 246,698 Meester Cornelis,
Java, D. E + 8 97,337 | Praha (P rague), C zechoslovakia . 848,081 Melbourne,
Victoria . 1,032,500 | Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechosl. 123,85 (ACCORDING TO
| |
| i
Population. | Preston, England 118,839 Providence, R.I., U.S.A. 252,981 Puebla,
Mexico 114,793 | Quebec, Canada . 130,594 | | Quito, Ecuador 100,000 Rangoon, Burma
400,415 | Rawalpindi, India 119,284 | Readiny, Pa., U.S.A 111,171 | | Recife
(Pernambuco), Brazil 340,543 | Reggio di Calabria, Italy 122,728 Reval (Tallinn),
Estonia 133,634 Rheims (Reims), France 112,820 | Rhondda, Wales 141,344 Richmond,
Va., U.S.A. 182,929 | Riga, Latvia 377,917 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . 1,700,000 | |
Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A. 328,132 | Rome, Italy ; . 1,008,083 Rosario de Santa Fe rge
nti 470,000 | Rostof on the Don, U. S.S.R. 457,100 | Rotterdam, Holland 581,899 soe
n, France 122,957 Saivon, French Indo-C hina 143,306 | Sz 1int- Etienne, France
191,088 | Saint Helens, England 106,793 | | Saint Louis, Mo., U.S.A. . . 821,960 |
Saint Paul, Minn., U.S.A. . . 271,606 Salem, India 102,181 | Salford, Praag 223,443
| Saloniki, Greece . . 236,524 | | Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. 140,267 | Samara,
U.S.S.R. : 220,400 San Antonio, Tex., U.S.A. 231,542 San Diego, Calif., U.S.A. .
147,995 | San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. 634,394 San Juan, Puerto Rico 114,715 Santa
Fé, Argentina 123,000 | Santiago, Chile 696,231 | Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 103,525
Santos, Brazil 156,634 Sao Paulo, Brazil . 879,788 | Sao Salvador (Bahia), Brazil
329,898 | Sapporo, Japan ; 168,576 Saragossa (Zaragoza), Spain 162,121 | Saratov,
U.S.S.R. 277,500 Schaerbeek, Belgium . , 119,818 | Schizuoka (Shizuoka), Japan
136,481 Scranton, Pa., U.S.A. 143,433 Scutari (Uskidar), Turkey 124,356 | Seattle,
Wash., U.S.A 365,583 |Semarang (Samarang), Java, a oe ee : 217,775 Seoul (Keijo),
Chosen 340,290
56,613,000 1,879,595,000
Population. 164,825 141,063
Swansea, Wales.
Swatow, China
Sydney, New South Ww ales, (with suburbs),
1,253,560 U.S.A.
| Syracuse, N.Y., 209,326 Szeyed (Szeyedin), Hungary 135,131 Tabriz, Persia
200 ,000 Tacoma, Wash., U.S.A. 106,817 Taganrog, U.S.S.R. 122,700 Taipe (Taihoku),
Taiwan 195,555 Taiyuan (Taiyuen), China . 200,000 Tallinn (Reval), Estonia 133,634
Tampa, Fla., U.S.A.. 101,161
| Taranto, Italy. 105,946 Tashkent, U.S.S.R. . 421,800 Teheran (Tehran), Persia
| Tengchau, China 275,000
|The Hague ('s- Gravenhage),
| Holland 436,568
| Tientsin, China . 1,388,747
| Tiflis, U.S.S.R 347,900
| Tokyo, Japan . 2,070,913
| Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. 290,718 Torino (Turin), Italy 597,260 Toronto, Canada
631,207 Tottenham, England 157,748
| Toulon, France 133,263 Toulouse, France 194,564 Trenton, N.J., U.S. A. 123 ,356
Trichinopoli, India 141,640 Trieste (Triest), Italy 249,574 Tsinan, China 300,000
| Tsing-tau, China 350,464
| Tucuman, Argentina 116,219
| Tula, U.S.S.R. . 191,200 Tulsa, Okla., U.S.A. 141,258 Tunis, Tunisia 202,405
Turin (Torino), Italy . 597,260
| Tver (Kalinin), U.S.S.R. . . 133,100
| Tzaritzyn (Stalingrad), U.S.S.R. 294,500
ik, Ua 1 te 124,000 Uskidar (Skutari), Turkey . 124,356 Utica, N.Y., U.S.A. 101,740
| Utrecht, Holland 153,884
| Valencia, Spain . 315,816 Valladolid, Spain 188,619
| Valparaiso, Chile 193,205
| Vancouver, Canada 246,593
| Varshava (Warsaw, Warszawa), Poland , 3 . 1,178,211 | Venezia (Venice), Italy
260,247 Venice (Venezia), Italy 260,247 Verona, Italy : 153,923 Victoria, Hong Kong
. . 358,351 Vienna, Austria . ; . 1,886,000 Vilna (Vilnius, Wilno), Poland 196,345
| Vitebsk, U.S.S.R. 108 ,200 Viadivostok, U.S.S. R. 128,600 | Voronezh, U.S.S.R. .
165,100 | Voznesensk, U.S.S.R. 162,300 Wakayama, Japan 117,444 | Walsall, England
103,102 |W althamstow, England 132,965 | Wandsworth, England 353,101 | Wan-hsien,
China 207 ,837 | Warsaw (Varshava, Warszawa), Poland . . 1,178,211 | Washington, D.
e., U.S.A. 486,869 | Weihaiwei, China 150,000 | Wellington, New Zealand 143,000 |
Wenchau, China 678,376 West Ham, England 294,086 | Westminster, England 129,535 |
Wichita, Kans., U.S.A. 111,110 | Wiesbaden, Germany 102,737 Willesden, England .
184,410 | Wilmington, Del., U.S.A. . 106,597 | Wilno (Vilna, Vilnius), Poland
196,345 | Winnipeg, Canada 218,785 | Wolverhampton, England 133,190 | Woolwich,
England . 146,944 Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. 195,311 | Wuchang, China 500,000 | Wuhu,
China 130,706 | Wuppertal, Germany . 405,515 | Yangchau, China 360,000 | Yaroslaf,
U.S.S.R. 155,500 Yawata, Japan 168,217 Yenping, China . 200,000 | Yokohama, Japan
620,306 | Yonkers, N.Y., U.S.A. ; 134,646 | Youngstown, Ohio, U.S.A. 170,002 |
Yunnan, China . 170,000 | Zagreb (Agram), Yugoslavia ia 185,581 | Zaragoza (S
Saragossa), Spain 162,121 | Zirich, Switzerland 250,574
7 | |
156 |
68,000 1] ra 6 275,000
149,000 |
288,000 6,704 472,347 335,700 4,134 79,000 31,000 014,000 365,000 332,400
31,000 |
12,600 |
| ey |
Pi en: Se alee Oto on
= —y 1 POPULATION ||
i} i}
i} - | een = } |
46,356,000 i 2,972,000 || 21,000 || 248,000 ||
597,000 ||
> YW
48,000 | 120,000 || 776,000 306,000 348,000 900 ,000 838,000 041,000 623,000
341,000 055,000 ||
SS eee
i ,076,000 | ,585,000 235,000
Ww W
610,000 || 4,000 | 28,000 |
,109,000 |
392,000 |
8,370,000 |
19,928,000 | 200,000
3,160,000 |
5,063 ,000
274,000 ||
782,000 |
} i} 1}
Dominion of Canada
Falkland Is. and S. Georgia .
British Guiana
British Honduras .
Newfoundland and Labrador a
Bahamas Barbados
Jamaica and depe
Leeward Islands Trinidad Windward Island
Commonwealth of Australia . oa]
Papua . New Zealand Fiji
Islands in Pacific Ocean || *New Guinea Territory *Western Samoa
| 388,000 || *Nauru
* Mandated Territories.
Europe . Asia Africa America Australasia
AMERICA | 4,008,320 |
Panama : :
Elbe and Trave . Manchester Welland (reconstructed) Amsterdam Kronstadt-Leningrad .
Corinth : Sault Ste. Marie (U-S.)
Sault Ste. Marie (Canada) .
Tay (Scotland) Ohio (U.S.)
Sone (India) Victoria (Canada) . Godavari (India) Forth (Scotland) Missouri (U.S.)
Queensboro (U.S.) Williamsburg Mahanadi (India) .
OPENED LENGTH IN MILES} DEPTH IN F 1869 100 33 1895 61 45 1914 50.5 45 1900 4] 10
1894 35:5 26
1887-1932 27.7 25 1876 16.5 2 1890 16 20.5 1893 4 26.75 1855 L:6 22 1895 iH 20.25
2 2 i l ] 1 ] ] l |
YARDs. |
1591 1320 1272 1005 784 740 676 544
Manhattan (U.S.) .
Rio Salado (Argentina) . Amu Darya (Turkistan) Susquehanna (U.S.) _ Izat (Ganges,
India) Brooklyn (U.S.) Hardinge (Ganges, India) Rio Dulce (Argentina)
Moerdijk (Holland) Sydney Harbour
| ] l I 1 l 1 ]
520 444
345 367 245 207 195
— 1565 1375
29,000 10,377,000 2,000 311,000 51,000 282,000 62,000 177,000 1,073,000 131,000
413,000 188,000
Connaught (Canada)
George Washington (New York)
Quebec (Canada)
Orange River (Bechuanaland)
Benue (Nigeria)
Cernavoda (Romania) Memphis (Tennessee) Britannia (Wales) . Sukkur (Bombay) .
Zambezi (Rhodesia)
196 150 300
120 200
72 100 142
= 1166
1166 1080 QQ]
> 861
- 783 629 614
o 417
ae 217
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The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
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——= / Chartothe E M Dealers ave | FO PY = 8S AG HOOPS oof Belle Isle Al Tamar | é >
Ot eat : ; Z. \ = é o4: ar 1 , nent to CAL > 23% ; So & j BS Auger’ or gt f >
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Lawrence d. tiohn ote = e a alé | " ao one ~~, 45° | 5 S spokane, a Lege rioward,
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¢ ; | : i Omaha ae, = VC Cod j | Baltimore 5 wae Py ¥ ay x ‘ > , —btereldaad. pity
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YY " Topehas us Lity of PAltimore 4 _ 1" fayal 3:8 of =. . ‘ ashingtomy i; 9° 0° rm
€)A8 Yokohama to San Franggee. A980 7% A .S ‘ED LL : cunond, erport News. }yl@ or
ap" | = ' ag NN Zo _feBanta Fé Mewpiis | | Rashlle ; et ft rit / 5 = \ BE : — = :
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Genoe 4055 Ler «ov at : | atu ibs Sf ; r, ; 4 . Pe. / ; e Thee ‘as cacne | a s : /\
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S e renee, 3 ‘ pr gree k / . >, Ls S SS SSS SSS — = : jf OO — 4 ee | Sgeonttinio x
aia Oh = ta nag ff — Curél. wo ps Aras Guadalupe f, %, eN \ctauahye oR falveston,
Orleans = < pod A in A a ,7e8 +i rT | UF. . i ‘ : f S : LaverR® ait xf : | way Z: 5
nfl : dt te = i a. 2.8 yy LLYINAS = Ae es Ye >, leanpa be = pears to bai = ie ; —*
a ga opal A NGkeomal alt of PRD) 2, |S xen orgs s ee | Gare dnerl, Hor as AA a Sera
4 ata i " WGahamas 3 at ae x = NN x1 x Mexico Whe 4° en get = Bt. g Se Topic of
Cancer . | a se : Se | : re Fauar / “Ss yy azZa ampice 0 1 , Tap Siar "¢: G is 7°
oo | ’ "EOS ot oi 1 f i & chu 5 ' 3 1024. déty ike « Caicos A ag A NH 0 Honolua *
ftivaiian r | .. San Blas) 6 = s Warpaa™ Gabe, “WEST. INDIES < TT. vf IL A. ei r. ,
/ ¢ ard
,, / 260m. . &,
nm» aA Fegidllo S, outserrat a | 4 %, j : : ‘. : SS SS
bons hee ~-Spaninioa, $=. a
) = ratte = = parse Orawait| / R Ma Cigedol$ IUS a poche Lortdau Fh a: UO St77, : &
“al to yo" : / qevilla C1geuol”. Manzanilt XS i ta) jamaica arf horas ol Pro ot x /
Hing,» " Tehuan #e. eliz Se Hisp ola, Nevis Ga gua oe db Seq 3 tapuleo t lt zm
LAPP Seah = —— a
| Conventional DivisionLine for time
Other Countries
= + a
4 400, 00d Sud U.S.8.R. (EUROPE ano ASIA) | FRANCE & POSSESSIONS
& 240, 000 Square Miles 3,700,000 Square Miles
. ey Er a Be : bs < stg BRITISH EMPIRE 449,583,000 < TIN Q tls UNITED |Ziuiz r | :
147,014,000 | 100, 218,000 Oe w 2
Wrarn geal i,
eS a
SORSRGGERD Gataseeee ee RE ~
y v s F aw .
—— — —| ——— ——=—
ss i i
eames | |
id ; L tad: S| rn S| | | teil! = CHINA ‘¥] UNITEDSTATES | BRAZIL | é ;
M EXICO 770,000 Square Miles
(280, 000 ae Miles
3,600,000 Square Miles | 8,270,000 Square Miles
Skane an oe
a awed “SEES »
| | |
| 00 ——
phat ZN
Forruaaw i 830,000 Square Mites —
\ \ X
ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 1,750,000 Square Miles
FLA ae ee
— ee
} i | |
\ \
400,000 |
ANY JAPANESE EMPIRE UNITED STATES Bo, 000 CHINA 320,650,000 | 83,457,000 137, 008,
= BRAZIL 40,273,000 ENTINE 77, 192,0
| |
| - | |
Shannon I. J
¢ ie Sige
aaah TS a \\ 4 | ’ \\S eo
MMitthewI =~ sll Aut Slave L. / :
60 s ig! i sia i f rae. =k . 1s —
E Ween At NG
\ OK % ¥ Shetland: Site : S|
Orkney T3
Bp . DY Mates Be. a ee — “SASKATCHE
Callac ™ Pisco) ©
Talpanaist Fuan Fer indie me y us
30 60
= ag, ‘ie a bi ce ie Sala, ce a 7 a . ae) at Dae € al ~ GF ANP f- — ~S pn Se 7A
GAPS Y FRIDTJOF NANSEN LAND \ wad f y ~~ e Cc ofl vA 5 \ - f Ss ae > nha \ et J Sr
Q } Ls’ Pp \ ar ny —- + LEO \\ ome a4 : \ North Danie Be, a Ff “es and a ™ eu ) ]
Be 1 } ET / Lang ; he fs 7 P 9 a“; . SP{ bute, oe re _ " ei ip c Maik) mn 4 \ oe
ihe a 18 242 2 oe D} C H| A N dae aA © I y etal le » ieee L »¥ Patexis! } = f ei
Pe, a, BAe a WP ALBARD 4 wit Honey & cyst : Lv ly i\y . ett xn a : a és , sf Pope L
south yr t 3 } ope Le eg Is Tw ae B) ° f 0 ¢ a p> a b> isl a y e ~ . " , F By = a i
+ ie; she dir y, , ThaddaeisT. r ee of alle * if a Js . ; = oy, Z) fais Pe
Kotelpit\ 5 (_) .|Wovaya Sibir year mar ad ia e he * ¢ : ~/ a \ a = 2. ; s F bo :
New Siberian [s B are nt S S Ca ad = s 4. 5s " s rn ; pg White I \ Q ahi Matotchiin
_ ee ‘Shar >. AX ° ick foo a ¥ “\ Great L vilhov] x f >5 af a . S\) {o{ Hara Sea ”
Nh é ty 5 { > 4 " VF ast 4 : i for th t ape \ 4 ~ Aig Hammerfest Ni \ Yz al ;
Wrangel mY end eel | ae = *Varddo i. ~ of Waiaalz Pena’ J = ee Kor ANZ = tS oo = .
Alek: wartdrn he mer 4 ~
Lofoten J? f 7
4 Mal Strom ” 7 Be rae 7 Z
He fet%an SS
Ne. v2
—Akmolin. sh
Fhic p- b. Lives
a hen ‘
ua *
Oy < Ms
k wv ~~ % ~
. shi . i Doe , Tehran
5 aghdad : ~ alstahan PERSIA 2 Siraz Bushire Dux lof
“i Meshed
Herat’ Bahule AFGHANISTA
a pee”
|. drabian Sea
Sac ot a
Mar ngalon <
WP 16 a I hy
i eg os Maldi\ ¢:
) eraser ny
PM, iyaadishi v a a a
Fae a2 ), Azanian
Sea Amirantes D
Loangom Eabinday Pe
Bann A Armbritk hound
/ Seychelles: Y Zanzibar Mahe ¢ ¥.: rer ee Salaam BP AF | tS 4 Chas JO SA Aipeli
ton om Aldabra, 9"? "ence a LS Diego Garcia S
40% ‘nidlied, l a “9 ; .
S/l N/ "lark
ne ye Lal
K } and
Viidd)a (;
— Lig
See Sie
ln . &£ > ol
Vara Shahn
Anadir Gulf
Atlantic I.
Kapingamqrandgt I. fr :
Gilbert wo
Ar. imate a Oe
ty a “ay
8+ 9+ :
: at 5 > a . Christ / Ss Santa 2 awetee : AS . Galina is id Ti ~ Dar "Gi ate WY
Crys [? tsifana rt mS . be 1m OF ‘siade Rotumah - = x y ms AS ———$$$_—_—__+__ & y ~
a : i} - ye ebados Rea. Frog, 1 16 . o.8 ‘ a ae Heorides amatase” pore pe - Coral
Sea ; “Erromango Se uanarive ‘wg ge as pn, 8 rn aty Mauritius . Qyew Caledeitta
PUTUGAL a 35° : ys ee Rec khampton Nismea - ~ ane : { 4 Y Pe | Wegrengo aTguLes — ;
— ~ : ae) i S f “Bn fogiagod Bay. [IN DPD Ip N O CiIE A ae be ge aD 7 Bln a A | -
twt Natal Ase | ? | ¥ 4| 30 a , > 1 , a 1 ~ ee ‘7e _p : Capetow n. to Fremantie
4710 mm. Se ge red. "AP | Amsterdam I./2 - F Se . —" ha — *S°Paul L/P = Ke a Me aS
Gisborne aS eames OID SES ho Sle £0. We LBOO. 2 i : / eg ween ANOS dares to Malo
CMM SLOO,. Sydney. .9570_ m.. on ie —— eating Hington ——— peeeseeces — ee voces os
- ole ws ceweesesee.. Se | " sb ae yas - 4 _ hristchu : } BP - ne | : es + : Te 3 7
= Obici, 25 nae | 45 Loa Lp kdward 1. Crozet I? ge pa Blu ' - / io! The Bh ; |
Marion /. N Stew aoe / Kerguelen he > | ' , , Antipodés’ fs Auckland f, ‘ rer
noma ; thas | Heard /= wy Timid of Pack ice ’ j Campbell /. vet I. 4 < Macquarie |.
| ; > Aa | ’ = / ra | Pony, we PPR AY) om | } set Poy ss — a < 4 cee - ao m - - -
—— 2 sth wate ; ——- | my —-- —4] 60 Y | | | | | Og | Pon, aoe at i 4| ; : , ’ |
Blue bands of varying widths illustrate the relative : ’ ; : P ; e distribution of
shipping on the principal world routes ° sittin —— ~ a eee Tt ee, - Autarctic i
Circle | Prodrnc din s ia Sysent sc / supe? =e >° | > a
ection (0 fer”
n’s Atlas | 19
60 30
' een — = Ee — 1 ; = T . | i ! i : i —T 0 | i ~s a. ; i
as 6 @s as aw an eo
: ’ '
‘ —— ee ee ee me _ _— I
. tr er re ee ee ee eh + ' ‘
ae ae
3 Tropic of Cancer 08 :
Khartdumf EGY PT HAN |
“s FIJI It | Fa | Suva |
| Beaufort
| Sea L|
if Pe Albert
E\N, Z H
E. \
Meiyhen L.\
Viscount as Melville Sound || enue k rr as f\
ivan |
Uentitedelenk” aa Q\ Gulf! a a a ictoria LAE
Dane Greenlagseé S vALb ( C Bismarck ’ Melville B ay Shannon. == ; o- # 1 A G, Pf r
te : J Se =~ BAP PIS epensik BAY } i3 a Coast! Alani itt F
St gp
a ~ Sound ts
tilling) >. Davis =4 as Strait a
The Citizen’ 's Atlas
= exe pe ag
a cll
if F >
+ ima te: : ~ Y sof | Kamey ES | é
vr +) wy 2 } bof f «$” . : 4 F - .
of si Pr fheaes : “atk fy = , } . >> = } 2 . Pe ied Sy Ra
‘ Gs; j > P- ¢?,; oth we Sse nae re. a ~~ <>
j rat pe 24S Vea
: Ham,, a }
iu . “SALT 14 &
60 ©. Olyutyp 5}. ‘ff sf >! J
et petthew’ f. —
C Nava “th
yuce Gulf of SEA Anadir
cr Lat ‘ ~~
<S D>
» ~~ SN mk
- 3 LS ee é \ Ine a } TLL
0 Tana eS Aw gl ¢ piso" o :
ws Pa’ - =, R ~ \ yt \ “jo” Sf
: ae rh ae : halag eos
Wh: angel
GT © _#F
vy 1& Mea hier £ %
g Ls O Me A ‘Great > 7 Bear ALGAE aks , wy \ » r j : LES ay We ; ; AS Z
31 a i
4 4 ansen
: pyasty ea <i Lonely, T.© ss | RVeniset j. T
> if;
: )
: rg np eel stonovsk; ee ~ : Tomsies * & te j ged ot 2
Sane }
Fi Severn
"Th "og
yownPr Rudolf Lang» oe
z 4,
C. Mauritius Ce. as) iG]
BY Salr - " j FD 5 Sie White Loy f ay oS a ee Of
5 aw re / ~ oy eX en Cie aU 4 : ‘a eae r » LLOORT ~ z ‘ SRN brook l. % ‘
G Rim + > S LENT AND “ARN op ESZ4
4 (RG | 7 TAC
Jan Mayer
Ar¢dtie | Ci
__QSpetland 12-4 ; fi ‘
© Orkney I? ’ Stavanger
Aberdeen NORTH
> ey oy” Pace
/ ty
Brea gl ge ie igh ee
Sw s
/ @ Beep
/ / '
: A Gibp- altar
ee ( hk ~~
f: / / — / ~ | a Boe. Medeing » MOROCCO a SSAA SIT DET EEC ES SS OLS ae est
——————————————— Se 3S ST Ti ET . =" sae seen
songitude West of Greenwich ) Longitude East of Greenwich
| 30 20 ee EEE
7 =
| | |
| | ’ '
| q Lease Jand 7” WestsMalhlabid, Sie Tkland ee
O >4 : = = 20 1O Oo 10 ) = —" a ~ =A 30 n ee a} S SSS wm. 2 OE oT Gas ~ ~\ i ty ; i
S British § A 9:16 Lledey, | See >» } iredis, 2 tatiute tiles 6916-1 Degree Cra S
om : - see Ape ee ; > ae é 200 100 800 abe 1. Cambio Pe ¢ FO. \ AP ay > % aa : * OR
- ~ EE fristaP Verne} as Deh Cano. fy ; a gee Kilometres Wi: 3 ] Degree 18 hyd yale
] North, Lumt of Drift Tce y Cle R 90) x * ‘ ~0 F “2 - : ple Nights ee } e % oO 20
400 600 800 OOO. I20 na ese" C. Agulha sas ~ ay jir 8 iY 2 PS “©, LO sap. * AP — 2
Gea 7 “> : ~ £ = ill <, ‘ ] WH. 7 ae (os f ough a a> = i 3 “Sy “e, * 7 ’ a Se 4 “ay
Ck i ) 4 Z \7 © 4¥ | ‘ N\ LA) - As SO \ | . | ‘ }| . : ' ic ft 4 - om \ f & , iM 2.
| > P?, Louver ™ [an A Sa > j Meo” t i S a> & o Ey ~, IK oy y YY asi {reo Aw BK \)
a> °4 “ sO" ; a so * Cad S 6.0% ed yi P nO > & i yam ihe A, ft je eat a { Se wv ys
< o ry Mi 3 < a F *s., - A \ ‘ins Fy > Caer - it nIe Fo ay ot ¢ A: aS 2 %, @ —_ . }
South Scere, Ur Princess Martha é | Pg Orknevs oe taried 4 . / Edat * Ploronatis we
L 34 V XX 60 ie 1, OAs 5a } 4 | ete : ang shop , . \u L } 3 es : i {) 2 ED i Prince
<j Raguhila.. | he } and 24 ; ' | [stands = \) \ | ei; ao Clanénce i By vs " = S/ :
|} -o ‘ 4 = ’ x | j ~ | Elepfiant 1 8 > Morrell ry AN v \ pe } / | | . & / — |
§ Rirg George Lf 4
South Bale u nvidlel ; Dur dee, ‘ \ <i, . ebus Gtlf ‘
RS £C oats”
frien yidag
, rank “Ende rhy A“ aa a, (ite a - = : rice 190- - ‘\ ‘f i ies Shétlands , F< : ei,
3 Phi ype (a Morrell 192: : fe U er sé : F © ie y se ge I and % | Livingstone P~-s)
lames Koss \ L~ LAT NG PK ry LIST laonénala ; ine eae Horn ieee ide a North Graham
Island Q FE \ a" \ Ae at \ Kergue len 1 f Smith I 2. Fag Py, card ‘ Ss \ / 7 a ow
iM he Palmere ae e LNordensk] la lgo Veddell 3,Frothe va ¥ ‘ y : +7 ; pt 8 “ re} 2
‘ j y, P > | at Archi , C ; 3 XS feb! 16a. JK. \ / O. \ {Kemp Land wh Shuth Ge ah
on \ br enol De AC 3 & M°Donald1. || te » - . Lit pok IX Pm / v \ S | de Ger lk a
‘Ish: cick: \e Shaektletomn IGS, } == SO 5 > \~ \ \ “4 Riscac. “Leube ot %,"
> : ; : iJon en = Gin ee | { J AN \ Heard. J. ¢ . Noe. / oS ~ LU2°* 7 ay / re \ \
Mac Robertson i Ade tmade J SS we A wy OC EE y ¢ 4s \ r Land | | Char a FS y, : / <
r ‘ = : ae x > 2 3 res dle ei iy AS : SS Ue Py , ae 1 Sen [® by ; ¥ ; a 7 ry" 193 :
Charcot] r¢ = SS \ . en ™ “
\ = |
Va ; hai wat oe : He * * ) Ae , ign &: Dunedi a 4 >t / CO Been South Island «cae
Er |
~ — ———__—— —
Bartholomew & Son led.
: Fisher ) : a | - 5: j \ Uy | : | f Godtha oh = > _Vew Herrnqucts,
a ISLAAI I a Mill af} 7 ®S a 7, C g » ‘| Sadia bury y © oN ay. . \ ee ee ) aes Noe
of TA 2 e \\\ ‘ ? ot | Ds ) z 7 \ orned Grinnell B. | Lichténfel.s bs f,
P : 4 ey “ y Tom La 60 AK sy 140 —- ee | 7 lawn A otnghum 1 nloah yy 200 a OR. QUA
e Farrington G Fiske in at iS i4 140 “2OO RA. Qs > =\ h.. “#2 4 Cyrus Field B- \
ppatek’ . == 4 y, - =
¢ fod oad
? ae 7a erhoks Land . : < Lay =, 9 a Q 2 . Frederikshaapb; i
\ ,
. f ; ‘ ae es : . d a
Mansel ] | Se = Ne a Resolution I. 110 : : > y? +> “ss. 920 JI E. Wearwiek
2940 6 >=. ce "<5, ; i / “< \ 7 : 3 2 SS C. Desplatiar E>
Smith 2 es $a SSeS : | os
1.74 : Qe _<
sh pie , alo SN X of : + N
M eg ‘ { : a ‘A fokpatok ES (SS McLellan Sar.
Hun Sor bee § =
£ 00 C
* «© C Henrietta
ne, Maria bz. S Py Ge i aS S$ SS ~ os Bins Long i= ‘so. ; y ) ION ERs... EG Fa es .
Seas | WAAR ba me 0 , \ k : Riichikamowe oe
(TAME $ : 3 LAME DS aoe . aS SL. Ss ~— > S A \ . a i} or y 2 | ie : es oe ae SSeS
aes PAM TE Ss /
" f RES g BS SR IN A ekg
a ( . arts Coptei
Sil oba’s.+-
loee =
/ eS ke
i - J
t, : '
/ ders Onville
A¢anieveral / 4 Ty J / }\
w., | Ree Caer e. S SEY Miami ss ; el eS a We \t4 - : wr a eet cx = agA =. LE SoA
GS ew I i SNase: sel VOT ME = Ss 4 ON Pass 23 ce 4 apf De eae at
SK Mery! OS at 2) ‘ee Keys. : wt: pe Anirosss Prin. : Y ¥ s re . 4! 7 j : ‘ Oh y, a
v7 i Ve = ae — a Ete — q. Va, ‘ - 578 SA : = eth pin ge Ee LN z eer.
Lang &, : = BR LSE L S =
= : = _° Marigeiane/ fara dV
i”: a - ‘ oe ees ass =a Aedes, A : y = FANS, 25 Caicos as \ - > ae | ile Muevihia .
‘Xt $ irs oss Livog 1 — on DN : caveat Thera ~ wagnal ye i: ih, mee ras yt PA
Lot! . UNBSA ay ogee ihe ay WE Pur Le P if af z a Slon 2900 ! => Ria es - “4h E
=. ; post aren Band dzhume Je \ AST “~._ Cayman 7 | ‘ Larincart p- = : aa —— 52s =
RO - : : Veetivicltal ? > bk $e ke ag tne dy Wl Cobreend <—. = ¢ rus de Brayo \ *~z
Tie tyme SSS naee = en =a Yau - \ “eect ope de “ee f 10; rosy “ Hes Aas 3 ~-.._ fp,
Pdet A EF \ =i: —— = Pe, s Preat (ay TOR? > SS Paha Sa. f — Lucea 2, "> = }
—_— . A Aolomew
‘pt et Bary
ca Saba (EHarbu
MAUR ITANTA 7#gae | — qa
gel ucidy Hoy = a ee
SH / gi Sal figs) a
Pt aa geet peg 20 H 10 J ar ag Hog vis tet
a oe SS ee _ Saaaee ERS Sarees Fa SEE OU 10 SA RRS =: PE at a - = VV . tees
: oe aie foe 5d 0 422 + ; —< B aes . 2 oe John Bartholomew & Son Jtd . Miva jection
ere Troe
10,000 feet GOOO
3000 1500
| oa = =a Wing rAry, he. 6000 | / a / I Holley ra, ae me
fre aan
Tron Crys 7 f f ARG Zn fF Ww ih Oat a ce s Ve > / 9:16—1 Degree ‘Vy MSC Rap oe Sh
British Statute Mile Ss octal sil 700 / v Fer, HE ae | Tirta cg C'S hl Re 200 ati :
: Sh } / . - } : Molde’ ENE ¥ 50 100 D - me - | Alesung SF Bgie: pe Nip ‘ 1°31 Sgr
Se $$$ : ; : % 3 Kilometres jl Sor Aca nee - es / ~. : ; >». & fs . he
ee “a iy 0O”~«SC«O 206 :
tn tal
ar nie: Otte
Ae 7 U Y f CRN Fa * | SesBrve Jb h I ae (hee, ar, oy "9erleunrdrog : Beige” Fi la
‘Oi Bn 4? <° Lhe Inet is
Uhinkdping § f) } je } retspil ce bind Va. Ie
ae labmstad Balinar’ || (\Land (
"ap kibiy,, gh Aar ? a S y : yar
ff DENM, Pa, oe ULS% : Li OP), = ef j ) a 6 Je 7 FS
'| Hatlskrona, y
Agkoy > he wamé va [3 As) = recy ‘2
% AG = al rhs way lt
(s i Vihaloer Sun SSTUEZ Fes } ; alerend € ae z
: tty price ares L, Ship. 2, a 42 Veryecé % . j t Bry’ ax y = ‘ We 74 ; ir ak Sat
Na Money Coxe Ie 0 in ‘i Game Ante 7) ce c
PO he Meine « Te OF aj, “Ulysse utWe CS Se
¢ hh 2717 @e7F
[Basti sh
Cay se
; \. ee Prior 52 i ‘Sutton oe Perey ‘eh Sy Pia: Ptr. sae iz aba slyg > — a ft I
wantin cs Ss
} if O72: stebnce ce a oN y) si a
7 eae ys a
_e Lreapang, S a) Fe Bort ~~ "sean:
The Citizen’s Atlas 29
Done tearm ay x — = ———_—— — — mi < (a Noi th BS & Vigne yyr Og; pk, nantert M} pre
aft sy ay Yardé pene tnd) aS fy is) 43% > ‘ 7 Ny / Jp /7 { Vadse ; ger" —* ‘ =) bf
‘g= “aw, ane YD rose. rat i aad ps : a fon + ‘4 ry ut yv ita fe J 1 ga = > a ; ft
mV. Si. | . . y 7 kee iT i i .é LALRE ZF k oe ab 5 ia 222. C23 Gist)! era: aN an ee
\ , oF £ A \ © SW “4 y 7 fd A LN { \ 7 i F J Ss A o\e ~ - 7 A ~ e ; | ft a A ) 2 ae
\y : JI, >} MV WW o,* eg . i, wo a P J j > jmandry\) | Ss R Pons! ’, mace 4 : ’ y,
rs) —\ ‘oe | Y' 4 ~f y at a f pet 2 . : } > > { aot ¥ 2 oe a, J S\ dans Nee . Ki Ie
: } t%, ot ki A GLAEESIR Pe 2 ¢. < .
: : . \ A 7 > “og 7 | is / ae, +f ro >. | 4 W }
| 3
“ Pn /, = | Ou 3 ~— Ls } - Y ro ~~," ls ‘ ‘ - y : N A Joulu L ae aes F \S FY
SgegoseOs, We
: Pi Bisadena wens : A ] + Be poe ys ~ \ \ é
~§ Qa Sl
( : UN opt lf, 3 3 Li ae \Zampers A see, ye
Ve \ | ake Part ef ‘&\ Vv ie SL Lae r, L a * i yoA a : 8 Buedos Wh x
Toate mute
LO ¥
y ye reat SI hipiitiy= Be, Bok a aa Ap in tla ‘PRL. suyat) AI Hronst tiie Let
‘o0¢ : n Zi
FIX op " H ne (oe (ot File wna a 7
TALLINE f<~—Nazrvd
Hiin a ~ “Lake
Maar »
? sroxtac
Sod "¢ : « Tarte. eps Me Be Ep ne m \ Vz aid: qi
Sarte », Maa i P \Apaen’
vf Gulf of ( f Pistoo¥ Qt wf Hills } ; : Valgae.. Z{ \ : |) a Y¥ yostrov | > \ J ay
a) ’ soln Fh ;
8 >
fH 1 eee if ag wy
~ oh) \ iin?
4 an
0 b hie ETL
ble be
a é " \ ROWER? | a
at c “yoni
" Petes SGe Hib lore Pay Hott ; a =~ fF =a y£ ‘ Cotta s % We Fixe?) sR
‘ ka oertesl
td lied nee F.: AE ig Tic
eo vg : y hl fra R } SS > a 0) Mo:
ity Oates ee md t.$ébi07"
— : ’ ‘ me NES ater tet IE. L\. Soo (Bars ohare ¥ a \¢t— “2 eE fishe. ae
Ps ~ } : Butaye. N — fp € AfiuTe
/ peer R eles fre ' ee
So = h)
j 4 rege oe s har Disiiid ta, ‘i Barge solian ~~ ieee. port S irgqa \ Pas Se ie
Rogettap utet exandriag | Cyrenaica } Bie A: El raha | | J ; | | Ee Se 2 eee eee
Sea e SSS oe SS Se alee” Be —— 2 i 5 = . ; ee +ETGZA ia
Z K East of 25 Greenwich L 30
CPP oe ly? Wop "ene ith Se “at / pail LS ae ¢ “Hans eq] ta ‘tage Tbe,
(Py | — 6
7 re - oo,
) Oe "Le, usr el Cantabrys,
: Mtlor SAT) TH
<4 ns
> ey aay : q a5} aa S Vo, oe Ditaigon » Des , 2 7aACC. P Chia.
< to > ae adie 4
"Pos os
eo ; Nee | ted \Stanale \ thane A piccen
oe oak x : seed
RLiber ee sa
os é mas)
On eal ee ep
a 4
Pain’ an is Lantellerig,
Li &. or
( ; \Ai 2hIN > Va amet 4 CQL We ae Lebe9.575 J ary o— Ss usg
ae Lampedu. Sa
TUNIsza , ae == i Tos sign)... QO SMG se SS heol CalPorgss
a , ge «sf ‘ ey 7 A louggour, Show Rleus oat
Net: sa J Gh at ry an
Jeb. Tr ‘ipoli tania
i 8ixt SS
Mevidian of Oo ¢ Greenwich
North G PS
“a Hronstag {Va : F hy \ cf J ty i =. my pal —-aeehhing ed a , a 2) Sante AS peips}
N Aged AE mer ~~ =e = | Sead fj- ——X< \ |: | Se : 47 F Galt of tie ; -— 4} Tue 1 |
rafag 4 Siauliai
—f$ pat
i LITHVANIA// i S L Oy > y
9 aa - ina ee
— ¥ wok 4 ih
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TRIE H —c“McvSo MMe yep AS op) / ; aay ?/ PD JVAaNNWHO r | ; y “oy wejpnuy.P'O
ITPA] JSD OP ay © hee, Se A | rag = ee g “9 9p g? 9 “O25 ; it Sy Ss 7? > o] S i = &
~~ > 4 = ‘3 Pi = = wi| £ J | 5 == Be Bi] | —+— ro = = 3 > < = + m: > H = Y H =e =,
= S i ; at * LR + 2 oe / N N: S & ay rad gd FIPAS 3. 6 6 > | & a q & sae oe 3q
vopuel.-ipnourrroge | % es (gwen f >" ze Pm = o. 5 ig i] Sonsog Sonbso pl, —. . !
uo PIT, 7 Brow € gwnowmubie 1} of: penta a/ ey 4 yy JOU, be Z i” . Yi ey) QNOWXT t
S/F? n ‘ ie & = &y, oS - a a 1238 2406 3 rin ™% 343 ee 1 KOS /PS Z 4 bi hyomeg 4,
MS Pe, _sibdy soubog gr ¥ : : eusojnog oy SerIHIOGREP c ™ RP = <or® S ee aay SIN 7
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: a } 2 = we VaRSIyIUlM 2 2 9 prog epig > 2 i ° 9: : yor" ; . : : oS uel “pie. ra
LS] PmeE ayinsdh ~— DYaIDMEPIIY Sowa f = | / JIAO f epfayOePequrle sy 10 WHEE uitjd
~ pt a \Apuenz S| — The 10. 1P HNO do19.J0D, Kungsfes \ = | OQWOIDL > ae Fe) 4h,
2uogsproy pyosp]! Oras ys Foyssep y, 78¥/°S JoQe MSP LG | // o: Sy king ; | uP
ic... jeuuey9 /92SI4g S aEDDS UPD Hast eh ae .d pers - 3 puv/e. 104 YP 1ON >See S :
i ayoP. Jt " SseUse? .* sauPpyy = 7 SSPUsIOL As | yo == {ii P : imyODIG fp ote o =a
H Aa “Ww g8 ov JaqE MH IDS ce ig Beis F | > 5 poodyant = Pp sung ' ae ST / or |S 2
azDn ‘ ay VOX C 2 so ysullled 90" AH Ee = ns E * uoay ug * : eats x : 7 pyQuarDo,
oe dS : 6 ~ = = ee 2 = EG f 7] a9: ——— Ae ¢ ~ vey wreyssoy ar , : g = a 48H Psopxoy
. wf at0wun ee P. Pe yhupeXrogy a) ST = ~WVHONIW US ee Nn ; Z j me Ys Sure HS Te
° / P Je 2 e AN PH OP uBIg | me, * foaopsegy y r: Y ' § ° Fr Shoot = ota “| ‘Q 1]
Tethgfy -2yanigue UF a) a YOR ' \) x JO. DIS eS ae) oS ae Nouns , FP “ee > | —
douse $<) 2yors), % “HEL ave 08 i = Bee \ tly ‘ ; ONILIOC N Por , * NAN Ss 7 . ;O
oh | aljsuopy gNu (T = PLOJ YO, 8 : 457 = 1a “Go| 59 - enoog” a “ny Oz! sang =P Y -
* v 3H Agurso 7 Q = / ee : | pH A ; kas f = | io ; ‘ 4) : = Dot auhjg: pH
usngs( ARs ee oa utd Be C 7 iin } " jy} P Wwhg (is 7h = | “tis 98E BJ aguPH se ‘
gid g % : iw ZLe | oo7 oosbury y av UDAD). at... 12 i SS “it = =~ SSS = = MA thyoy
‘ap yinasogeny = ; pon 7 PeLny> Uso ? == Ao}! ‘d ‘4 \s, 11242%9f 7 ‘Fees = 2 | \, \
uo}. 72 /[DUptON 0 mespj buesDy | KaswoyP 4 E ; i ee iydin0.109.109 S100 ‘ = ee .
o* Qulys4so, H ah ‘ ; i ee | S HS t2g 3: Lau = IMS? % zs ie .. Oe . a y a: + uorbu
MOLIING £ as oe / Fi > Ynon $? JO ? PHM, pH ; = = , > te = ; Ss or | z om oad : ;
3NO 2 =. = ; F Z | CO. / Of}LD, r* Ss EP 3 an =. ; }. fie on™’ n) ajoh * | Ss Pa
$anee tee eaes | ———— = = : | e Posoyse & Le a y! | = ———— Ss | 3, pupopuns - *
Jape S ws § E # _ go5e : === SS = Wea Fi Ze a —— AiJsepuop F = =
& _ yeas é / SR RRP r= Be i 000'000'S ‘L 2189S Jeunyen pak: ma, See a f f a — eae
“a _ - / SONYV1SI 6 | ome * r . EE ee " § yg — te oon na manne nse
asliietehereneseesiioaisnateesnlihiadiienaeneotecsansnrsnacis ey sur peorpdessoen
yBanqurpy oy, fd r ve Kesusong (4) PEP) Fo F sem epansuoy {i} 9 ay 8 (q)
5 oe At
: a Ns URN SY L, | me <a) Oy |) es
ofa Distr o Pre ex
hag S a ChannePs,
“@ : : = : wee (< if y ae | 43000 Fect gp ic gt, ,1500 - | Ys ie ° ag
= ee, Guernsey» WgSark | D Islands. JérseyTQ
C > ~Vap89 BenWyvis 3429. .po™ saig eS mpogsy 4296 3000 uillin Hills Ben More z169
ss un” : Le " 4284 ieee : sie 535 fee " Ben Klibre Oa? Khiby 3 S f ~ \ Lin? 3154 -
< / i” ae Ps A a, NS ” 2000+ / \ ys \ y es : i Grampian Mountains " . \ / \ 7 \ -
23g / Sieve z \ 7 “SJ \ NidhisiesidaLP ce, Hills . a 33 adruasp i oR r2 a ESP ass_-
— Sy
neg aN s ' ~~ — x ~ = ak ; ee / Mull eS é Hf \ Se Se ~\. Sidlaw Hills Br 159 \ P
7 : Arthur's Seat™ 22 Sf, all at -__Plain of Forth and Clyde Boomongy /“S____>” x
Se ee
Heth wf \\s
rae) ; 1, bs ly
Le & a SS eit | y a x |!
2 Suffolk { - V ¢ LY 2 (Cc ? . y Pe \ . i cde et Ce. rt Dots ul / HarwinZ, 4 OR rea
<7 e He: ez. } . i a | u sol 28 ie ce chester ~Z
= ’ 4 ; IS ——— ; >. i ged ORT a
{/ K L &
} (Actual) i
| 60° FAHR. j
wal |
a oo
i= fh we eT eee
Minstruther th ot Forth V. Berwick
C 2 C : KE Fj L i‘g
Aran I. oe
Burtonp? aN ynemouth
(eo Li A Londonders'y a [((Donge em ae Bb
Limrgy = LON, / scarey Strabane nate par WORT HER : IRELAND, 7 angor
alms wr
alee Harter? i Sees Clonma ——: iy : X, ; i ' » pWextord Fy A ~ “ -ngle B. <a A pr
foe » C ~ " Va ents a RRY Ww Fem Bakiy . hea rina Pishgyii . = Td Bay, toh i oe @ °
Goodwitk ‘ 2 4 at frer™ nef 0" 0 Harwich ~ © 4 = oy B- = ct U = = 7 7 Walton par
ull 7 New ALLL Facton: Mic a °° pee "Ss o Pem quot rete oO M- - re Sheerne$* -
yargate B OES amsqate oetc ax - : ae é ‘ Vrury’ Lifracorab, Lyrton 4 a 7 Lundy z& =
F a ea , a) : FS Ne | ‘ over,e incest ar ; e ley a PE 7 <a \ Pn Cn, ‘Vi RS a AF ">
Shey: Sf feta lee EA ae 3 / Exeter *, K ot) : % = Padstow Cun - yd “4 *s. of, 2 =
tn ps “oy tay, “ne i/ | Mewton Ly * 2s t P25 Povey 2, ¥ "ire, 7 “, oa) 5 . ie
a> : . u Le Pe, ye tmouth wise King sbri Lands ya Imouth ~ E : Vv + - . = End A Gt,
Tt Ss a C-7f AN Ne Setlly TS b ; Lizard H?
0 | | | | | |
INDUSTRIAL—8,656,000 | UNOCCUPIED—12,422,000
/INDUSTRIAL—1,121,000 )
DOMESTIC 199,000
= tland F. irth unnet HS . Johto Groats 1] British Staturte Miles 69-16—] Degree
— ———————— = a J a / oO 20 40 860 80 100 |
mea a
Belim Te
ridlington :
Bar dy
oe Achill i ae
O Acnil! Calf of Man i
Morec8™ : py * J Bee Fleetwood ee va : 7 veri Blackpool} DR )"* BRAGS RDS 7 a BS
Aas aa {a 7 Pen ie |
Aram \3 2, Lisdoonvany
Miltown Maibay Sa se
4 Gt Yarmouth
outhwold | : | |
Dunwich |
lacton-on-Sea ia}
> Thor nes } e Me C.Clear heerness te rgate | Bristol] Westone — ey 4 4 ‘gaa } > c
a 3 Gai . : Channel ane =f JBasing eb 5 PR z pi Ne : Nfracomby 2 amoutn Are : ‘
latory th — i : Lundy) , x: 5 : Bert Hartland Pf ii ’ i] | ee | | ' | i} if. ’ ¥ y
| 7s C_Ht A WN A-E ZL 1 lel | | | " | i ee | = 2 = SS —$_____—_— — - ~ - ——— - ; =
a ,
ARABLE LAND—9,176,000 Acres PERMANENT PASTURE—13,444,000 Acres 3,575,000 |
WALES +3 i}
- a se =——s : FS. | |
778, 000 Acres: ] |
Continued 47
Continued 45
'T} FF Ales hy PY 5 Lice ] Che Edinburgh Geographical
: \ } b, ES \ )) | / Arlington penn ibury es on
‘ _—
LA —
te Gj — 4 air ‘Alig
He Uid. m
Seestltaun pe ~OL adhkrodlce
5: yre; shai “f +
VW nl
Ba ‘ , ¥ Leigh ; giles a”, ion fle tres. of ofihntgh Raley ~~“ Bladon tn. ,
j 4a BNmpb Tic any if \ i > Sw: ingro vey os varia nie -) Hak c Fotanl\ | AA G slip
Susy Boarstdll \Doy 1 \TETk a ff ot >A 2 lan Oe , Boog harre) Oa ¥ \Beckley, » ;
Bod 5 & osN Chedor th Me vol SDerx tis . faptor Bete ap Cassing tye 4) ; ff
Oalkios » hitter
2 ¢ idswor ? % 5 , at vel 4 )* Ba somal 7) i \ 7 ; " eupslayg Hisergy |
Kertindcopapl <a LL ts Qipseved ' eae NE Se +: y. San aon ‘Z nde < “oo . 2 . Re slo
‘ On Aah y, ») { Win por £62 at i Bere Shikton orton” | - : : 2? oMarsfor\ Wi
deeming hal J »
oHeadingto rn lex. ; ky , } uechbs glow ( OXF ORD gh eae > Hers 9 pee ay
. Carte rtone
Peg Fa uujton
~~ . x ——* & Sapper ton Ni It itd (% ster pt Lfawford \ Demupen 2s <= \dn 4 Cusshie
oy) : As lin mney) ; ey Asti m j @ pe : z Coat 4 ) FE all ute = . anh id hpi mm ,
ittlemo he “Era, : Te Oa i ak oats \ Sire ston’ ant . apes ; y fighoesgn et) ee
bam, WNothn Haseley at | ThamesHear Didi. Gk t See . ONY x i ounnargwell | Uae Re.
s \ A \ , ¥/ se harp? Aston ewiaye, <
C arepon
) men Gatee~ hc rt) wet rAPORY i te ON eg t - — = Pues are Lagp ue 2 SBE ¥ BR Shy
bury fi = SS lhat; UUQFOVE: so Gustle. Fare C bis LL. “sihols — arden iA Pee
rightwedl ‘Pyrton ; eT, mi yori in. ~F } . tongue ba=54) be ~ oe WU. ate j Yi
{ Hers y 4b igh. YX aes Co) el : Steven tere? Berrie xfritweil 7 Dd, i ort $ Shil
ips sk ets f : 3 otwe ‘ SEwelme cHandeare ton 3 c f feageLi dSta\ p ide ty Vatting
toe y h “ch Gifford, J on [hegtope Chaillow & Ys q Bae Hendrea— dice well ; ere
ombe beet aftanadan purtong oe) he éh Gs \: “OWantage Pp Mon gewell : Leak psa ag
ie dxtsto oe ey Doe Suinge Ble whury sis Wit elds . ~. “ e . of\ oc ge ere f : ~——
Rr “inkgswor thi Idi d Salon whine. (Ashu S —~ Chillers ee rnold On Stole Sf oe
ARTIive rel Ids tone: 4 Le etc syn bey - fiilkmn Mow atondy Spader. OS |B: eat 7
Waiittog Tins sett oSwindon _ | -Rishopstone | ao : is Reagr . J nto M Deyo ight
Lit Zingon Aumbourn, Famibprough A Wns \ Wo. Stoke Teckel mHenle ve 4 Vv 7? - .
>. \ ¥ <a : ee BS “Diddiggton \ 4 Dewns / Fawleyo E. Iisleye Str eatle i qeoning \
Wyfotad >on Eames Chingy Azer Se, vee cick —_~ Wr ougptor- 7h | z Wt Alby , the
eae, | Yourt, . bs AR OT Cam, = + ae hi isle dort he / : Lamibc ya Brig htwaltoyn C
onpton’ mie 5 [ SS —+}+-$°y Pht Boag ome BravootBoliat i nh AS rs fasting: Y XO.
Shir i} aas el Fast xchidn V5 Pypard.o__ ieee wu Hinto = | cyyé Ory = fi Hey b
cased eos cw) { -“oliimartin W7 Bourne - : tnGar oth of f oe SCOP. Beedory
Ranghouans 2 r4 pk ighw ey Spe 1S3e Ogbgurtee: | Aldbour me \ a She t torn e % fill
* y (Adhd te ¢graon > ls Brepihill / ‘Vmyton Bas sell 4 Berwickt= > Geot ‘ge ‘oe
aia Nee | ‘Wettovla Chieve ey par p/ ma 2 Tidywagpioh: 4 pune a Yortwshury Bassett
Ugbournes Ram shury Chilt Pa His PECL, oF > Bradtisde i 2 hilton: Je XC ine Winte i
Don Ate buts Kanire Wi \ aN Foliat ‘Wie Vo Bites oy Aor Tp sm * fon At) ANS are
ruth a PTs gerfore Neca! na POET TL co “Engletivi LL weal Mer Tbonantst i nee Hen
gene iNew thy Pwr 5 Buck lebur y Benham Stone K F 'y field rem = f RS fe " SSS
dtolkerosso, ; Savy
Fro: ticle
cea ig
4 ington? Beckhypnpton + ae E Kennet Be od Manton ey %
At G apt gs
3 é Chitige) Ae -ddington Syitope Cantings/ mibsh footton
ae Cares Riverss
VIZES 2 Pre Er iors Liloos
Woodborough ° Sper ; Ww se y ' eeching: stoke] f
Paley 59 “~ Hileous”} 2 Harraxgtord Gre fytiats \ Wied =
TOF ore et ‘was.
a ee Bl ‘ f
=. ennnalees
rat lone
Eqgoompe T | Wortor, |
f = bite. <i Ru shalt BS. Ne Wi se ) Lec te hate EUG mniingt ye Sherborn SiJokn od
Tay ingtan (Ps ee Pod E } f colinghme J Toh Wow LO 4 off - © | os ! ~Verle ‘an HLA
7 . LYsthourne ited fi p WOTTA Mdingion “f W: ) ‘ : “ I oD Fim. | \ se —fChate'y j
lbthprpé dlarrant Litehtid Wootton St Lawrence ‘ _ Hooks ‘ Is Enford ¥ hh casein |
[Tujon RLegegley e SMa Bouyne \ W, a ¥ — meal’ i o ~ 4 uss ; & 7 4 —— Or Ulex, a —
U iy rat \ a e fittle ton”, 4) ik i st — > lmBe, ar | dp shea : Ai avorytd } 72 4
ins Kean piurstbourne Opert Se diddgsder Gre yey es = 4 } e7Tto Adgeden ; . v4 aie
We ‘\ Penton Ue woey - ier: th Ml B Tiga vor” tle.
‘Ldec i Lait, C OStexenton ey A cpt
Fyfield... WW. Waltham Le
CAM There arty We
EWhitchure l Puen
| A ite cheston© ©) PANDON ER
Tis butya R-
oA Pi tton,/ ~ 3 C) 7
ada Fr A ipa ~y \ Ho y , fy 3 Mitar oy eee . ¥. ons sebyidge i So Ort . Poe o- e %
mit Pe aw a ° AN c4 iad ypz | {ff
vington oF}
TT CHE SPER Lichborns
P Easton '* } 77° ya jz y Spars hi “We I: io Sittion.
Ie Nga dé nes Boel? ae sai 4 2 ‘
Whitybury ‘
} — " Hi 28 . . ord i i Z
xi Red the ota Te. 4 Plaittard Oye low a. rs Chibwdnth Bobhu pre si Set plan. TRE
ED, ~ Br eamore Lys 4 y mes LS LODs —/ ve = x age a A Paloma Sh. Swayth 2; 5 Sleigh
Malthang podord 1. | |
P, PS ae oN Vix 7 7 op Lay / " arrhe ean: shay ge = ¢ elacoe- - sy, a4 é urley 9
Soderton Clank cd) Cig —- ¥ Erith) Red Hest Ents Syarmore | it ha DIDS
ie a
mou Gyesiage_| pa
Rae vant SE pont?
. “N 4 fe 3r le d a 1 ad + ¥ »© x Brox “Pe got lott orig Shedtirld/ 3 Hamblefior f
Vy \
: Adugral 2 ee ~~.
Burton \f i ; iymit hclifita afl LSP: Spi hag tt, oo 2 harlom Mg Th - ; wth teat it
Sahl pi “Ee orpee \Z : A\\.c w.£
— Ryde We man’s Land F: :
“Airy TL
ah F
Cont nied
amor Lik :
R juga avs ¢
f Bolyfuur shia
‘Ga, Pe!
\ gt Ay G Bar Yore tf
ayer Ss a
Shik . Goldin Ft mY
aren és 7 Rs A ng
hate gy ste na
Stave lecigernglea) fA
deacusnn ton
oy Saal s
f Stat. hws)
Swanbor aT
¢ vega ton EF
forbs njugh
aH ay shure z 4
J 1. atom
ie es Bie Bi 4 Sth is Ein Tsyal
pe ge s 2 Lng tegen, % ec UT uh * Liam 2 od EN epi: mupstiad
AY re dic GOonX
_ 4 = AX Aik =o x eAstiendon
Hi u daehuam
bWe ndove Ge Pe
aE ies;
l . . tines a. tit any 2 . y Ri (i esha CY F itonaiN " \4: bots)
Te Missendavr> OBradenhtium
Aang ghant Ad,
Ric Aca Lets m orv. VA xe
Be: mMstig id
oPisiil "
iy Ae
= \ hoa =e
Vamaberley 4 Tt °$
Shiza 1e7t
Mei i D 965), xi hours \
\) , Ei ca 7
fray up Keg
medeiera. J ia tl }
Ladewe th pMdnest | ]Tidling ton
cre See,
& ching CokatT haga o
2 decors Wy
/e Te) J Oe dw vod ff
Ve. sbehescns
ad Patihind Laph re
i i any Broads
to Londore 199.0
Sout Aampton
Th e Citizen’s
. wooaT be o ‘\ ys | mo Me ford a cre ‘ x LZ Rus; aero ) Subitan J "Houses & rf
i} : “7. Higldingh lt FL se f Pswic : Ware: oe pone 19 | \. , Clb By wrSegdl we ae
Re. het Walaa glield HoNeste i Holle sle 7 ; f || rit! tO <p vs vercy ew tose By 2
‘ ; i ON eed ror Wor Sudburv \o Bab) ardbidne me, se btn iM . 0 diaheny / By Ly ey
o | mG A i = \ GtCondrd > Bouton? P « Basktiiage holt / AY ‘ae of th ei a | Del \
As singion i old Minto ‘Ma wrton my & Shipwash LV. | ed iy An | nN : ¥ i} a =
Wighdenat ow 4 “ws gwdsey S j| 5 en , palling) jn * Ae \° 5: | p< Woolv oN SS i ae,
=a ae : » Waldock ° Buch a eK a fe i wy Ve) fs n |p ide tr . uch ind {an stey
Hicken Bonhunt. 4) ~ >| He hs etaindiste Me Voodtiridge Haven & i * + —. Wf ial
Mociden NC roo OE A \ Vd Deb pio | ts Shott AY Sod : y : ry othelt~ a ¥ F Has 9
ering) / \ oS j ny : Weston Duntind foil) )) eae? lergfteld J a Oe Bs y ‘ m4 Couts
Fed: = br nec mal Ce ti. PNY Jif clixstowe ASN ‘ = a — FOSTER - ‘ “A cetowec | ty \
Neley f ependens \\ ihe es chyey “Gath ae poe, fae A fy, — 106m. | dy(e! nye We
otmi® Ue SY. Bk tee, ¢ Ser he sear NS A of and Regdte i Z> “LT and pea: a PE Hw Hi
sole of Holland, | m4 | = é Valkern pt eas a q Ling L “RY Coli , ba ~y rey, W eCork
LV. Mary is a tierduam 1 miles BE vena Brotighinthks tase Mo a appell ve pee A ee
Widb- ‘Okerey / to Kotter Ke Ne ye ene we vin Albury, ; Be ‘ol ORE. é, “aepeieh ( d
=~ Br PBrem RY ik at cy Waren a g Mbrdsn/ “uh bby yay at hog ca GOR J\ $8 : f OTN
Neat weghh ‘ “3 yes C%, SF yo rd Hater } ie a om BAA is a; Foie Led) , o° Pe 3% .
pick er COL ae TE. a, Lik. Pentley a ®, a N pee TRE beans ifn &: Sm: iy Gat T now
Rayner 7) ile Tanepring Ss Ry c. rp stes Bish Se or hay ©) Y Aaow ig pr ath 16 “Ch
RT) 3D Kp NG i Stort OM ae Gees : 2 Bs to ANN se wid \eS \" a a Saas 4 bonnes 1S
en, ye fe peafureh bi é ast Tey ‘ on Sacc bi NN Om Sf FA hy > dah ad : 1dr) Ron
ie . ~ “2, ” £9,
y Staplp ¥ cl ake Thorley f Bapr Sto ar y \ 2 - ; SW “ Oe | ts B Drambgll Duct a
Upp: y }, “eigen Sie : ‘ } (Fi lag Ss, o%e eww | : Weare,” 7 |
oa HERTERA ae Say ride h 4 bi: eter P | . Ad, —s Ze orn hehid ew: ot sor aj TRA fos
( br Wa dhuar| i LV: x ps = a 3 ‘(ses Viati ina) Yy, 3 Lom Gog a \ Long Sana L )
Hea i mes? , ta ister \ , | | Rye in f \ Peary, ee - | jaa) ah fory A il sdon¢
Brigo: Colne? Lion P? Lb gh ne iS upsten boo ney wg s ea as 3 : Dy? hte Street Be:
a a ot ef x6 aie t ea \~ Goff 0 ke Wormd Ars : Durack te =. : A\f Mor thy oi . . a
{a =! haath eM en oye uv yo || Wale bad e Na £ | oe pea Buscey < ee ™ te han. ny a
Doiyie, = 9 5a a t' / fh 2. 4 04 | |) AY TBR Sariuds xp 16 Pike i] _ outhmings aa
et Kentish Knock ae \p as a A BO seh i sa ; unl Aa ) po . i . mn he FR ) ' ot OWULL
A. ; 4h | A | JHalliwelid por / ne, ot Foulnes s Point Le Foulness 138 miles s L
Sanda . Maplin 0 Ro ter i ponder } ; Mapli we ‘ | ns MY Sands > at e / r Fea, shoe
RIESE ilouse LY. | 8s CrapmarT* , Flushing 109 m. |) Tp — Gy | oo : cams Hever
RIVER...THAMES- aaa =e ———— =< iS Princes. Channel Queenborough 1 prvechomede st!
BO Ayer Kons 7 NK ; : WNoreLight Ship 5 t Prence: es Channel © Ton ye : 4, 2 a> ies
<A NRG, z ' : § indir EV. LA LT NPs ae \\ | { ‘i Ria) fiat tk Ay ¥ ! ; | [rf B GH
AY i i Queens Channel Londpr to Antwerp i9l miles vf ™~ Z . : Loy ; cc a4 Dith: My
( : "aon i i i er , J Pe pale 49 tle s &: ~ eygdowry) z Gang Yio, Mars Sate -
Foreness Point ‘Ness €< ‘tef,. ez eS a, a. v7) . ings. ate ae glume Bay De ee Sin
North Foreland art, yA Sweakeclit) or ; se btere | a lar Z- A > oa me ae. 4 ‘eB, y
Brox jdst uirs Bg 2 gph : e4 et 453 | tti ingBou aaa te , 3 o> | Pa MlnY,, ingbon
204 ae xt = IR: ams ite Se | ~ urst ref TeeoBteal) — 5 Croodnestyne A”*3e, uth = bf
fe well B ; Noryh Goodwin oaley 7 on ar SLinsted/ oe uy y Satine Be 8 hae Tle >: fe
=e, | Wage ing 4 ‘“, iy | “9 °Rimistone ¢;, ahi rough: out Wn. Ne haan ~S : |
Pkebirs tech an: be \ ag Ash, Nok : | . \ ; Selb Hen =a — 7 Goodwin B.S he ;
otlingy re Ry ied Sitrae., Go COIN FJ FRI twich as tS = / Liejiomny “ond Bagjesmere
a 3" Rehkeabo B- Staplo North Pi Jizvvam T fetshatre ual Leavelithd Lhithions ff <4
9 eee hINS Ggogte Bang Easth “4 The D Sands — oose : phere) - y, hy 2! te tg br
as \¢aishany om Chille Mi x. The Downs 5 OTC waa cae iti“: Uh es: eal od ypishopshs
she ae, fe i = ik oFaet | fee fi her ey OR ” Wor Sedeold Tnycsto . Goodwin | | yr
fairey q me ey yh ic i And 5) | Eabetwoil 74 - "Walt un oy, Ey ‘tho eel 7 pe
{ (Walmer Cas | lea ' eee ) ASS i Shope Well _/ Ri Fangdor qwold | = i Nlenrizhe
tif f f * Pilon: ated foeniton, SS We ert, of / ingsdown 92+ | ID IE yp —- . Sel.st
¥; Wovotare = FA, hit qm: i} Stay poured! = YX 4 0 Tat leigh - AN, U I lyd _
Whiehet SY/Mar qar et pls || Sma ape Chere . & ie Swing tid? Leas one REh lly Sout
Goodwin IS \Enittchden\ J mi ag ston vd ew mlag TV TAlkham,River ons” South Ren
‘eland” | é \4 ~ a on \Alershuazm/ Siz Wiyminge { f Priory Stay Bile ese Db ver to
Ostentl 61 miles . ihe Wuddenden 8 fe Nvitead = oT tling/ ‘udidleawyrth Houghanv
aad ver fou nidgh the i A steging hue High fle he sha Fy ahivry it ROL tinge Db
seca form as Sy hing P fo nndyalty Péer eb ; t ‘ ; A “tube - fon, = F ake ; ALi .
ss \ gf bp ‘Desyccone Clift / Erldge Spon) Aan anbrogh. I Waccdchussex. rn g Sy ete
Cage | f it “Sk > \ \ mahagel sg i BY m. D peat ' q | fex® Bh \ { Benenden |
euterdi ri Parog: oak / = iS Tol kestone ; = (ress. ho f. %, fo) “Nd gate S| A Stet
et, tn, ee ; wo . Hebwls vA : A Ay a Fe fa andjucrst AA i , 3 S || 7 nl Mittngg ney
Tales | \ : ey i ~t-Stons = — t ‘g - Ps $j Stee = SS — +S —- 5] ‘a Ow \e, yose
inl : ¥ riphridge os 78 & Y a QO 22 hot : x PCASRIAD BE) eck, & a, ‘ ; Pica . \ 12
alee piylela \ [ ar Ges y : eS ds Fig | 6208 Bemcon Siapia. Geek q | = | { e 4 Ae f
/{Dalij aR 1 ASel le ge omba Lore, %) a / I / 4° inytart Wh +h > = | m Ti ita — ae
ington YI YWrede - ; : S, ‘A : ‘ ‘ ‘ J v Ww “a » jor. Plc ipten NY Lenfadests S
Meochiclg yy: Y = #3 7 Westit ma co a3. ‘ae ~~ oY \ ¢ . $ ‘ i a) i ls ; Beth ) KN \
J oGucstling iu X e Prat 5 sti Pp aefield A : 0 C. cri sNez—— Stn rer x oe 9 ny 2
fi x & y | é } Vv &g | Ny &} . s : | a : ! N | ) g | | ¥ | Ps i eS wr S BOULOGNE
X ) : C.d plprech:} 6 ree * " ~ n. Pal ; \ aes Brétish Statute Miles 69-16—-1
Degree Fiend nafs ' aa : 15m: ol2 se ¢ 65 10 7 = = tp London: 45 / plymanttl ) | —
> Kilométres Ill: 3 —1 Degree —- i.0~C«w 20 25 40
0 oa 7 — —— E —~ : 58) Ne Wi aN mee, ee — SN aos 658) {2 Vas Beechwood, fies —_——
ee — a ae wile Be aR wae a ie BOhie \ gy o 4 Ne Vy ( \( Flamstead yj <r ; Cs \
YAshenda 7 w\\ Grand / Lencton, Cihal oe WY 25 “ i a b/] we \ M4 Po. a s de
rowley \ Zan / sat $4" Wi/ stone) PN NE ON \ne J} Litt! Pr od . — ¥> ct tio. * 4 ia
. 4 i aman’ 4 -t e ée a , Orit one sie —— 1300 yA To Ne) Cae SS. oun jyckfan Ai
esden<328 - edbourn 82 / alLowe of J g a + {10 &Walton Sea he A Sie Gy Aldbgy
Ashridge NN ez oy Church 207 \ hy pp Wiener: don. > . é > AICh oT SERS Grt SE - lao
S\.Chilto A Cas wea 2474 go7* yi Trin wy, NAP Ste. Gaddesdepy iofsden & a ~tndg
Oakley}, ay C//LOF \ “0 Cdddit Pe on SA : iL A ot i tot Sadee SAL, The Aubreys — :
F is aac ¥ . f ; v7 , Ste AL . 2 “ { ef, 4 g | f & li A\ / Nal y AN \ yy Bf y /
Pe ; . bai {c + a At, SS 3597 AD : “ ort tome YS0 \\ & = PS YZ ozs —— L i D i NB
«ss Xen sley Ae sting mn Bi oi opst ore: Mandy HES 1 Gastoed miskat bie Y ON | fae
we¥iLong | : Ai ETN : , | \ \W Wormegliaf)y 7 Y, Ure ndgn Wi Hadde fiham 3 ie 09 ty
\\ e Gorhambury A 1goe, 4 “y ~ ‘ A 243 . fay ofl ond d ' Lit say y \Butler’s Sta ,
4 \ Came » Nes #Hempstead Lord Bhcons ‘ x : —) a c g <— = ‘(230 Q \ / \ er OSS flo
ps, / Lees, 9° i faShabbington ) : "f 259 \ Ayn hes, AK Thre ewWiuhndreds a ne rs
Ge" cong ( y; [IR meres, tL ga. NONE BNOw/swie Ay , Meadle » a Bc PAE Mesborough
502 Cholesbury | ae > ecg Ml { y - ay —Wileddle t = ee, : 4 - 550/ Sweet & “ < igi
fone 7 ickenue r\\ 2 of / Ay d € sbu ry Hew jd gee : 4 S Kevan: End es : ONGQWICK
€As ett . x \498 tt pee { Lamp a ‘ <Camp|\\ Dunsmore “2 0658 . Ersoy Gr. YZ “Apsley
a \ dbbotshill\ _ poe | ~ Cami } Lee 4 Vi6il- } a) | ¥/; ‘ { the ge) : la te ridaé
| Sf Shendish \\ \Pe H ate Rep Little Leétlump Sas 199 ; “ ¥/Park"/ we aN < rinces
\ seg oYfanpder
oo at Y G0 epson Kin s\
i} '
| Rind wood He 21 ff \ eel ve: yy sane eases 2 he! de aes aN \0 Hill i} \nind ‘sep
Gesars aS \s6e 78 a — m } “ ~ \~ | E S a . Chobham Ghman/Z _+——* ss “ \ \\ Yi, 6 }}
WT, \ Rice ¢ | a3 ane \ \ 3 pare Se mes | — 1. ; ongcross \ ee = i Moreime : a f ;
{187 ee <}t- via) Gite a Sf Ht YD ain Ss ve leshaps \ VA \ FA \ West Endy Ai .
pelea ~~ Ne ‘ \WOOB SKC \ ; . “Place NY Y 3 Silche ster | Teen Weed Zz (FJ Be a iS
Snes I wr - oy, ’ \ a (4 a, Y DIox ; | SV CALE 7 2aij{ Roman Roa’ Pot) 2 Eyerstey}\
JB n ni 83} pa he Yigg Je ~~ Le \ eaatraalel) 9} wal) ake \ cee nee A Porgy fee ;
ies Va, go VSL Sop OR | AX¥YE a Te La ~+} \\ ' K 510 Af }} H 4 j/ NS Cals, teeta je
eh d . Yateley > YA, = Donkey Sn Sy PN i Ps Sve NO/LAP \Qcze Yendon (/ < Yj ; \( \\
S sB8ramshill \\ ffoo7 SY eo. f —_— a\eA |) Be Ee IG | ee MN [Asta |/_ + Mrondis
Grd NSS \ \\ By \3 402 Bisley¥ge~ 7 oe y} ee I Oe \S al Im L, Saree / it _~%_.)) Fe
“OC XS Fores We \ABramley WY Z< — "5 } W/ 559 —~884 =.‘ Bisley ae \t “Har tley= ' \
tiene Ie
NW oF liZZe
Al as\ hance (\ Xwespall ~ Ka. )Mattindtey 7 horde
YQ Hawley
L, - \ Frith > S Common Knaphi hy D a
ND Meee @ Re ~ Fa
/ ras Noe Wately/ j LJ iP Vechuith , SX | VAN mie Greyy Wer diham\/ \\ " Crookham
hong 349/577 A /FN 274 \\ ' y), v , t LZ | x CO ONC BAVA ALGERSHOTZ
Citefor d
5 ey ae =\
\ we Lr Froyle Noldrey\
: Frensh) up ~~] ham
es 0" Mhiarsio the Devils Jumps Sj F / Se
is j
eS a a)
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eye Papk/Z fe Sa
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Hodde: sdon] ~ Spitalbrook)|
; ‘Br rosso)
eam 196 WorenlayBie ry
¢ MRT i
* Park
Ch sai
Mil, y / Ge
oulen Me yteldafe Sta \ Wa Negpes NS ee “A 3 yl a
“JOptwood *
i? tewood od A
, \ J ie jhunde Cas. Ye -
| | Rooks Nest iy . . ZL Seg 7
__GSodstone 3 'Godstone’ i, Cro firey
4 aN
igld j
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f (Horn
( 200, eOrsin Nit
yf ‘Nese
Cn \"
ifeld) ot
elf eth aN
2 Widtord = 7S
> Na: ty a White
xe ~ sd
R z 219 | Sahih | Hi gh yo~ Wyth
Gilston. (4 -{ F A
~ Ve \y# Hunsdon Lf " Ho
Qrs/ cat |
Sheertag? I : ") Bish Pury rag OP C A pincey “Brook | \\ Matching S\
ale = = \ . “ SiR ~ \ Mach ing? x ar /
Meee BIN \ wruatesanar Bs 4 SS Hight Lave
\ 24 —Abbess4 Jas |) ‘i?! S)/
cia 5)
> a ae
ips) pe. = <EriP Vhontwoodll_ = sebinaorh Common Thers > N. Weald y- Jee | yj],
Passes Lm Blake tall!
~\ ~ 230/, /}
}/ Se
3 Foothill walt = Stgntord 2S x a
SU; r\
Little Ene fo ae ar ved on Ker ‘ia Haich do
en. - eaS/ gaaterd y ge 23). sbecrti
OR, \Beid
ff Sid aa pige 287 SH i \
\ a) b) a ion Ds , ey \ Be hea Gok eae Pee '{
eel gi \ e /DY _ \\ te N ; ‘ j | \ iE > fd ee an sta, ) fambou f hile Noa } _\\ = -
2637 HY, —————
~ Bore amhbourt fy 6 [Pp noe PS ite of Se \
As , i & : ie. ae Has SRO. oy alace | Riel! Row atte, Bower fo ae
Hill & ke sta
Va Ww AG B(
4 ry) bns one Stas
rn —
stoop mas) / tacit EK a hsioreag 7 tee er ; onha
—45'3 Plumstead es M E ri i Marshes
oval Arsenal Abbey. Rood c- : Sm FS 7) — Belve dere
Wa. . ee a 4) North ¥ Si.
— ae ad ibe re ih
Saas g - = ¥ Sern As
_ ae N pi
opi - Va f ae es ZA
Ra Copeen 2
P @ ._ pte
ee hi i t
pg “ing on ¥
Y, We
_ Hexthbleg — -=Satton\\ ff ZB Swanle ey at Homes\s|
lars yar { 2
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ane fi
Zh . euncy tygn
tall wales an\ "Tf \ on) , 4 A\W V7 (354 \Ection Ee eston so // ™ Z\, agton ae iar
|Farnboroitgh ih L << ne ss RGreen | Dial}
_ 33) or
lutlingstone /y =S\; ee \4 eg d ay: : \24 LOS We aig
se ern
) P. ——— \ wit pea es
sf, " aterfiay eet —— “i
\ \ lee _ Sar Vyriesey t\ ))
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Rs Bought Reech|
JN ¥ The/Grdange i If
c caida re /)
wp aie e Hoath Af. \.
si utd = Yhbecch ” Cla uydehe \4 A
Sensi: Lis fom deny iN. = ray Ra
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x “a
as: A” Fy field Ag _/ -< AR b a Po Ah wX [Bre 00 SS # MciStterford Enid
/} 9 Hall ais Norton Mandeville)
\e ay, Sir SYGhO Ongar. ; ay ae
s Winpping Ongar J Nine Ashes. J
\ Stgadon / { \} == MEE
Wy alii = Nae AN
ve cgi Magn nny F
Pi} y 7th igs? ae
e oxti lon ce. a. Oy A \ e KX SWealdt ff Brook nro 2 te aN
¥ SS 84 Gree SHrEet/ 3 Roman villa — Uy, DB Merce] 72s Boake Ho
c} Pie kb
* Shukhan:, fl ingRam \\
x a .
(ay Wiaciey
sieaZs mr
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¥ bon on S yas 5 ey
en’s Atlas 43
‘far 287 | / Easter LK ||
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] fi fo)
<< sand Epes
a q Mashbury)
=> W7ers
bowels 7 Gi
ay milingale Doc ?
\ Coonshaitl / Tl Gr een | \
ea “Highwood go Sed | Norton Heath 7 Ad
S< i I }
af i4_| 4 Sa /agrave Wa i. —. 5 oe YO a all Zk
treet ats 4 Fad yet pile rich = a3
\ 1 eis sagen D
: ach
wt Fai scat Ke 8 ‘finn
/ / vthamphill 2S ine Vz , 2 er : hn
Shipbdirné # 7 |
nyt j ) ))
N. Frith
\ a \/ V/s \ifinetiow.
<a Cas. 2 Peckham
Golden Cr.
V4 (a
i fice Wy/ TheSeair
(ern oo ee
ONBRIDGE swhetste, ele
wneretee, fz
Lion RK
Round Island mito. - Pe rng
Vera aur soa Lens Pham bie, ee ; C OL Pagar
Scale 2 Miles Pnch é oo =
to an Gelden. Ball
Scilly REG
Gweal Dt
Black; R™ * Heath pt gf r
Sealh k Castle. 4 bibryher |
7 Leo!
————. ——— 10 i
bY yy ol locks.
- ney U2 9m Gopentad
L otigghipe Lands End’ /
®%9 3 Fan Rock —__—________.
50 — ee Scilly a
ide. aes i tof Landewednash
Li ward Point
Kynance lor’
2 a 2.
The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
Trevose Hés
Park: B¢E,
Bed veh ar Leps
“ Lf Pr] KR Ah ; Rabulog\ / | ie SS See Ee ng shaul yeu ‘7 x | ; 3 Mey - : o . *
Georges I.
: . ? E
LS ses — \ Sep ~ | 4
Lo» hy ere
tp ally Br "e gues |
HMilta “thion /
L fndpeon € s, bs AD gist P<
ae Paidsi,,, Lz 9 “2%
im 3 ©) Brown fh cpa Py) purer ad D hag BY ; o Wolly hi Pesagte | fpeisadoRh S!
Brewapld De an “Bodmn| Hit
Gullard ° y/ je om Si ,
\\ orth Hill \! & Fa L289 a
iyxggen Cate st eot- 0 iSiCleer }
‘Neot,z x ) oe
400€) Whitesand
3 Bay yt hec EOE Sung . cawsagah Yak onl eS Z 2 | 3 P| b ‘ . \ bs iS | Rame mS =
pave sf
4 Ly vakWater
WMevagissey c 3
Chapel Pi
Eddystone lL Ho. a
rT ee peril LI ff
we Moyristong soe of = t ie
ou ¢ Clyne G ay
% Mi mnhies
: Coe Cro,
whip, ae Vln 3
E pe ey a \Exbo
Jak ye he North thilpys ~— S, \
P Bran pli =<
- //
ria g OG
a :
hanbles RE b =
pyster mouth. os? s\.ef pos] AY 2
»Mumbles H® i}.
oo 2g D > =
as Ree
is Town ae
1¢, i impton:
AT, i sere ear
Natural S¢
Continued biti
A . wfernd =
LlanwonneN P .
ae —Treorky
as , saree “S7rrt | t ihn oF ad " Aberg vnon y)
DnRhonas *
Dyfthy 7 Elw ITY, iP an Ystrad Venetyinoel COT ord Jum. ahi \ We 1e Ste “> Bla
foqwr Lindy ee ) Sen idd A Gar th ) Tine wy hed tO es me oe nit Ponty yee cited
Trefovg> he Dig}: NOP ZA i yl. yr erat Ni
L antwitvinin “dD
Pertyrcho TlaeXterne
: = Vation a »ptheasr
R. og" ‘d Bors Alston Fou (DIFF iat . cof eee a Per 7 Od ; 4 HppenddTay Sremuily jf
Tuske Re AT % FTL) ae | Doyng ig 8, j : => Sauthe TNL Nh | a owiyh Ss ol ythangs?
YWens: Fern Penarth Docks Vi {p , yr ee, Gifs } yi . pan hi fn Bidde stone. on ‘a .
'} : y| 25: \ FPirk : c Sdaticar van >t » KZ | SY Pe. arth ( ‘levedor C6 “Wraxall »
4 . : x pet © . XC TLE | “tes Monkna if Fi ington Oe Andree : Cnartn i \ ‘ pine a“
orgtauw. RL, Selle Vv _ { | / ), Mareras Llanty ie ji. oon G y | WG Wan Long 2 ‘ :
j ye YP ChePhill } | f MIPrcros fet \ May ' ; VST pte arte OTe, [ Bu lly OH § nt —_
—_ 14 os Chlstone, 1 | | Va sh Pe ; Ay iad & pt Ay t Pos Sh tolucrch| it syns Vili
Box 9 * : elage mr i] L wvernack fe. “#8 A Dungy ‘ Sal — r ah, Chitige 1) a ITs
ddington. _-F | | Ob, as ‘ a J )) ahikor % tworth why Ne ther ‘4 | s Gens 7 A Way
ford ; HOW. Bron hion sromhamy, PStred v | y* > ' > i o \. "> be = rows . n ; “ V
i] ‘ a oP Fcthiake a sate VO 9 st ary, 4 Ra thilh (3 Chew Fo A ] s yi * deat aa ss,
ui we / Melksham Row le d ~e | ' iw ‘% Pen fond ¢ é Be ~, + orltoge?\ ae ington 4
hey Ste Bee ae ri Ai Hote WR ro 7 \5 . >. Westor ‘ (NK. ~) 4 “Chatgo eel tame 7
foODevizess = Zz \ ONL Or, Ns ) é ood | tori a eae " aS LT aS “supe = erie EK
doating ‘ hgh pilin : igs omby ) Stowsy Farmdoro' ny aon YO tf f <S — . Sond } : |
<4 > Steephotn Dh 4 udtpn. Banwy oll Said i 24 J ate S ~~» sie train W. Clutton
Tyngbugy: Bifilperton M Potte ay the . | | ; \ an? = Brean Dow pa > B lage
Gornphon “ Wide some : i OTr owhy: sicko | oPrlking top ae | 1D L, | Wile sadon % <
. 1) 4! gas ne Tete “Prultsig ¢ b / lor ton” ‘ Fc} ~ " Tow | i ofox ton Chip ay ow?
leaped ‘bubnog RS a de " Wayletic td See eple its htdn rehyond ! Bréeank Ay Adri
See , OP CITE Hi Tatton Joke netlovigh » OW Ashe Cheverel. Bo Y ; , Cafts 4)
arpiiee p ; Y Ashton 2B — . <3 { ‘ —}. Gheywtou P Migiomner: Wor Di : Coecdstow. oR
c Mendip SHfar dingt mm , . he | *y “. Herre 4 ropnet # SWeare P Q¢ heddar ti ] i
pileamtons Ui r oe Bretion. $F dington lr, A 4 A Rr i déw a t eT , prone eno Belg
worth, Be ‘ay’ “ ‘ott iii Pidely PB j n a aap juclebagidinham PWesthury . +4 ¥ > ie
x f \ at Q..* SIRDOTTO Wy > ig a B ay B Mare hy . / 1g 2 diff = eo Kiodig abr ) a j
1 Fe ae srs ’ Ditt n SA { Is Bi he ke t, U / ; : swe \ Stert.LQ 4 Adge Q Westoury a
— = > ; s . . Re ; ie « bt all LZ oO ty ce soe “a / y « 2 ; . h mat ~O- B ee - er 4
N ay S\e arke ~ at ayes ‘ Se J Yon PEO eT , wR p= 1} tart oe rs \ PS edmore
“WSSleewes. . oCors ov / r | aN aorta mp at sae or Lilstoeh ya sig ig Theale 7- BS
atminstenS ~ vt “ y F | SO rr ) — \ [Dunst SX we” wide” gen — Henton ; sy Chi
errte/ | Oy oD < AN RIE, KS, enton ’ ’ . : E> Suc ce via a~ 4 as ; ray W “Xe fodnes
See 4 on B Shopstpow™ He yeosbuiry” | Me ast \ | Cqnhetinyton ed fis WP ~ o_ thn x
ae W. ae om "Age in Barat < OF C Beacoi* ; ~~ | lito “7 wo ape Luriton. f ; =< ; ;
inggham. | Norte || \ 1707 LTim De yat@hibe | By ead m Destingion iteys ota , Vedas
Nay oo eh oe RR A odor, OE ~fa, 5 vag See hb ; Withy combs JAN at Holford e~ S A <i
x u ity LICE ’ Wen Paty) Yaye Oe of wath ¢ . se “| Sim =A KT [Puxborough
NZiderotiet = 5) Tr, fi LMiiden _/ CP a 2 ‘ uxborough _)} uantock I) 9S appa < 9 |
ris isnt a 9? : : = . Sep TESS Tin suet a f | MES, — Te ee “2 evodmnbe Spa wton:
Soamein > ghovtt a Wrenn y , v 4 ge 4 : ‘4 eS {Monckton Devertil r << ep | dt
Trek / Sto) uh POR Bri a ie | Wve Z \ AL Tre dona f Se c \ ls ° sight 1s a | 0 Sits
gr. Pen 4 Gite tA” \y j Hilming ton 74 Ednde ray 1 “ i ‘ y ' i fal fore vin on a
oak a me, | : ( LALA \ ‘ Brendy, j com a a i i mE © Srme ae w, is CB tL, 8 Stor tc
a <— a 3 gor thill i Mar | eigh/ i Ey 7% Elly m* Diba Row | \. Pagrototgh aGoathune
iP ~ / ' ; ihe sectors jx Ye 8 piel? ; ’ pala ia a b 9 ator ae > Bropgor ro \ \ <\
NPe ther torep” Ca Duydon, os a ar ont Mi Hingine sy ~ oct \Dizton. i ( 2 . e w-'
df i iy | dor: ovpton \ “i ¢; ‘sthel) Tone Pte | a i ° Ber tom i! ‘D | eT . ie Pl
Beir oy Ondimark Oe pS + Newt pn ol erery date — } Uy i" : % ewer 1,38 . ‘Wing Heit
ie of “mg? ~~) f E. Knoyleg Ti sburyss Z Pty nm “\ As, WPrigr “95 hops'© tag ‘ —~ %
y 1 oS at eee ! Wiel sai — Hals Es ; Da E TED, * Hap vi \ very - i fgat Chip = —
Pitahdod Port AA SO? Aste. f og oy PS ABR Radldi prs yb ~ sn ar ee Grevch Rite, ;
Sit Kingedy) j Ir Spartptord, Bribe Wan aur Cas 42 wlatey \ | Y eh a tI" S$
Michaely YN. Gy bregor y ap org Sudhern eZ Ue @ Mote. Se mie SGP cian Neh {Mi
rton2d.ay Fh op eae |G i: helivey 7 es : eels ; i ; Lorbhoact wal 4] AaB, ron, P i"
Biniofe: @.] mpton a y, - A jc yr PY 2 , Ss hoa one my 4 1\A BStouzy “Shr Hi ghey ,
J 5 yrs : mek / -_ CREAO v ye ote,” ‘YS 2 rye fe 5? bh n , - iets SS > RL SS <a ss
axe Stour 9 a a 1 “ORreoveston \ ee + ein ] Zieir Sars 5 A . 0 0 b : me re = me }
i. ’ ‘oe <felale Bm eee oo Vodbent be Lie A : Chart m" hy ‘ Pe ’ = } q i * 7 i yi
pBovede KY [ak fore os Meguake Pas 4 pa r Cridge SO OUP POT, bial Grantor | s\),\ 4
Stamlek \ hambrebleg- Df ash shnoregabelland Bai | o | Bi oe s > Mat rehayl o7
fade eAtoOva « V2 < ping ra x : \S\ \ of Ito0¢ leigh. ; ( aS. Pe ary Oreh Aged! :
Ty dey | ; \y \ i : Lo Weare \ j 1 fe rellinehiy?< Y Mins tong ~ gr x Prag * aaa a
“~< Baan \" Prbareman ss “Ch tise “ gh t en G YS Gomisiee Newton Torrant
Farnhumy? : Wi), /{ Warhficlar Botham, 5 O) Scamp op fo \ ori “< 1 Ti) CaRuye y
ferns rinyille, Chethle §” | aa J s ae ither Age (en a everelEy fj qninster\ Lgeg \
hinnock.. Yeows a : 4 msteg ~o vethle | a ‘OF vinghe 44 ~S fiailt he ~ & Bi %s/ rt
ae penne a Ty An ye ye . { Tivert nh ‘ = sy /) bi Lh ; —< 6 Mirright 6 ts Long lglg
YF Aa Pe aba ‘ ran 3 Giley a , <a " Mhélirkige NY i \ Hikers ee pike Sing gallina.
*\ fag elon Tare ane ishtor> py sage_) =F eo < ¥ { <= ; 7) «fp \ é 4 / tdge 4 y
Mihleigh Q, J iG /. \ Bas [Fal Hl Slallingston® =, ran a ee! - pe Airy Crighed ge 1
\ Ti verte 3Willand fo\4
f Butter leigh “pes:
aN wt
os ‘udding thr: ’Perinymoor S | \
a ffirdiswlpothy “ &,) Uppoitter ey ral
Bish: hop } ind '[ Pou Cailel igh) C allompton Dude ve il! he } J3S7 — Luo oF j / é
URPY } ok “gl 2 Sechtagh Hip’ 24 | Brogithe wbiey | Sf PY eblanep : a AR ; Rea ‘
PB) an \ Vee hgh \, \ “St \ Cad ) Vv ‘bymtr ee! \ gis ynbur) ye bothedoh 5 ti .
mohleld om ' af hed. ‘ a TP Rag me) ho Griign 1 Meet QS \, pions the rib - iar
strike i ae ey w . Sad vst tye o Thorverton OR Anco A Lf Chrst, Lelatc aa \ wt’ (hi
£6 t ; VAS OF S AA = sa: NN ‘ x VA | Withverthyo % “iden gf
oLedy ooke
of Leys) Rep ON Yeofarx f :
8125 fF \ Seatan Sud
“ = AL = | ae ) Sie thd igh sch igh. a Whitestone Wey, ff (Se 4 tockhear Fess ~~
»psham E SN Colaton
SS ifats v fepaeX , Deidiscombletgh) \Woostirar- Leena
rigford. << \ : Vi‘ —— ; hristow |
Pa) s : _ Tejdinar Me “e
— Se ag Se holie On. Bye Newtoa Abbot v\ Up heginte ignhead
Bacco A " sbaptinkt thee:
oN teignion eignmmouth
; eo dtara L Dy a br ib a aroadhemphés Wwe iy
\q \V bs ertons BN "
Mary Church
Stolve Gadde
Berr y He xham
ty Stone
Arr ete
a Se oe
Jew br “"idge Penitnew whe
i / SRitel te /
77 z phenitsie) A
Car ‘veomnbe/
"Pree Meer
Ss rater Sy
rN Yicormisyster ty . bitrate ORCHESTERS_/ aN \ _ ee a= i ore,
| Longe — WE —— es oath = Anbrwlad rs red
: Mo ay
Mp hall?
£4 lv exton
° Ne Aninbial Ni
Ye light \ \eu ‘Plechie|
stern )
WILE Dp ‘0? JEKT 5 ‘F _ = sh
oe Steyr, Yu ator) ; ‘ae te i ~ > lob ie > J : ARI 2 aes are? rthige aw Aiea te Bh
arsha Rake Abboit* ol Metherbuuny® \ ; oe fas OreselBouernB® | Whate augah R ' ci 9
Sst a edo \\ ‘ss : ) Mater Neu ton 4 » De wit pho} j piborre , eS a ie ae fae! ‘ ES
Ey 2 ‘ PANS Cerne be’ oa W Ie Rborne mn Com fe jae % Liibinns, ‘ XE udtlichinffape!
Tes, ios Moriien J dfehett A Candnicoridin Len’ Grimgtoke SS folpudale oN SBlossho
Morth .. RM ; Vy
[ \ ae = ening ye Nibles” wa eyes Us Jiasbor: ugh “hey erstp under Edge o 7 tng
swood / Metbury te = PAlderley hii iertoy
OOK A | it 7 | , i
bie when
=o ate by
Corstiir °S $ .
DOU har yoann Grittleton Rabie > Werterte sigh ( ES aw iP 3 ie Aa "LS Gee, = sd |
ra ae “Neiitéion Stanigi aS os ¢ lack , ° Pag TODA X Castlevonbe , ee Sey 2 } U
i Wig. ~~ 7) Yatton Keynell
i \ Mage me =.\ = 9, t £ Wopton f hy Was ue * Dirwestone® Pighper ne ors ee e X wr
nohel, fo. |
vill; f ¥ |
‘3 iy AWavllaad andford Witehimpton L lappa wide, } co er \ 6 pres are f v/ ) prick
land,, ye, rd < \ shtorn < | PBucklanfi Newtmy Wingerborae Chae toni
] fren ’ |
‘bour| |
V @ ymouth
\ Studland |
Ballard Pt
Op penuijzu0y
Continued 65
or ——<——_—-
) ¥Y
i te Abeard ve
Weat or’ y tovey
i = qperadeve jane t0 #4 sslare
Cardigan Bay Light Ship .
signee Werwig
ott 9) fa
ee s-hillt fF ya ~~. Uc : sets) i we, Rows HDG et 26 : héuard> \ Ae bea Sax on
stlarllawér hay
me as Ba call ‘Pont Faen | \ pow Pres
Test velly Top { 1760
tf LE: EMAL ng fron == ite a bn 4] Newgale® — /! [op iden % ae wah ONS
Roche” (Fame sp) Ss lg cseongh ” 2 pelegnib x a hee
\ oNdlton AQ a Bay de Broad Rez, of —_ |’ i
South Bishop
Sf Brides a ks ap Mier
: retfordwe Ste
A okitston_ } peg Mtge Wes PY
My; . ; : i; wv, a wo , —_ 3 hp = ‘ey ag en > _Terip letor
t Samer ty F Dri Ay wes C Xe ‘2 te utlto \
°Grassholm Broad se
Skokholm Le
Gt Castle]
ah od v p n tlaven : Re a ies stoot — z Me ) Hedges
o Tenby
a / nally : he step
“SG aldy i 2
Stl Fifa
: | peackpole V.Stackpole Hé “gt Gowans Ae
Morté: Ptabag |
Morte Bay
B arnstap! e or
Bideford Bay
re Mo
Became wort Stes tel
“® -
a a ee ee
| | |
Continued 63
Continued 65
- The
ae fs Ayre Ayre mn
30° spa
fe : ‘Se Fanstal — FP ny :-<) py t
£7. hardy nif fs Fay} | f Cie
ay Silly bien l
} Pe)
f Snacft iL- oe
™\ 2 2034
i pookihmas Fall oad 5] “lal ee | hy os bins ef ¢ on | , 7 "usb
: oS andaled yy paor. Wile
g DO
: * Ds
07 Glen
ey Wheel
=f, 5
f\ é lar H¢
Ea it
l GL
Se De shear Ho
Chicken. Rock: LL
Braich ¥ pwll
Ynys Enlii arf Bardsev i fe Ho.
Az. %y ita He
British Statute Miles 69-16—1 Degree 123465 10 Ws
Kilometres lil: 3 ~1 Degree
Gwredog AD akirts win “|
/ : : <i Wwe . Re LernonF” y, } Lge “d > 7,
: Dub lin
vs lys diulas
Dulas Bay
yond” LH <
on Putfirdl. z Landaa A
Tyyr Dut Ho
De a7oRry Beaunaris Bay of
Petimaerm or" } = f
Pe faniair ; Le Ke Tah ly tare
: Ks AN Ds28 _bdtorha ui
é (Ps ; BN i; 3 . ZL lanbedr “of , Kore, . rs ee Ui Sma Reng ay’
Z reg. Tre Wt 9 a 78 ‘
x hn, pr eo ss 77 Crriths Busy / ifr porns vs
Ko, Bethe. sda ‘ ‘ Lame Llewelyn) alt iti hy thailte
N 34234 C ‘arnéta Dathdd/) ‘As 3426 n
. Perls Cost] SF ay M262
= ee 3279 p 9 RA SS Pty sss ee, at oo sy a OEP XN Snowdon Rint Moel § siabod sae oe
Jt FP. ond. tp — 4p i Dow Vaide. lay, oe Viren 1 ment De dr 7 Sif Pman ir ~.
Cs \ Fg
= > riccdiéth
“Se > <M en dwy
Ba V Harl ed
Llandanw. fs ¢ an 4 MochrasA ie
os Tudwall I$
é 10 15 20 25
The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
Liverpool 120
Eglwys ee
oe ame 164 laie Ban ud tr /Carewe ety
Sx : Betula. . y
Baby sien ey be
ip Tlanew me
ate ¥ Ke. wr
Wee a>
ber owt,
RP Ve & ‘ Ky E “if rele Dut’ :
\ f jk WV) "Bane ky Comb ;
. The Duddon Sands
Vickers tov
Walney Piel \ Foulney :
North Shore Blackpool Ae South Shore ~
Bea Light Ship E 2 Formby 1 Shap
NW. Light Ship CroobyT I Ship Eto
Hoel HilbreP* FAs
( a Oe 103 ny
Cy ) L lanr tye be Y al wh of lord asi \ ~~ Ao: are |
Bide) LS
ER \Geallerhagt™ ie
é . elgnphiaiad ¢
efinytherin, ds \ oY
stra : : 74) los
\ \ Mel S€ Ord L. Ald
©7533, {L2i2
‘Ss LAbwerh:- WG cand Gar tpony
Fenunbolng i
f A742 \\ Water
L a
aptr\ tees SO atthe. l rhawarinon DY
\ SS Gill “Vibeeen: Migs ae, pc. f
/ e440
Continued 46-47
> by Tro els md. Lhe rte,
El slitede
Continued 52-53
ef © 2 ?) Stastihurnys
Xe Sis delignghall
5 . R 2 vas — hasbeen : ba S 30 T ’ iit A i pe Tom —— 2 ISIN 5 TI LP | Gra
aaseenaniepinmmmaiincniceron > rs UJ - POowless | Hine J 1? o Vane PE4O (Sy, S. ay
va Te Dy, vlé atts A-~~ Cattert dB Or. eT CA Re wT RAN a Bae +) Rees ra ] k Oo
Beaize: BY “ae aes 6 <s te SS ae ator Vaanldutiyy Py L Osmoth tev, “TT | ty
rambrige ah We Felt 2186 : r ™ Stainton Tunstallp a \ po . sh . 1 7) ¥fook~ ~ <
vovely Seat ~ & i wnprte Z . a i} ts : sedi Hoe” “ » “ . ie wWeor - Kirkby Klee Ran
~ “ te z ; te 7 os 7 edl He B Fell ay Cotterdale eames ote AKAN abt Ff; rrp y, ‘ Sg
rok Ew. fos Dnt. ¢ - & | ee Mw Te VX ee : —- \es™ cb Bf L 20wW Te , ‘ SFR a As i .
lS Bellepby Hunsedn. Hackforths Wins Ww oa > Nort me hes Yeast ts i lots we oh |
3 : | ; = a CL 2216 i! ~ ) ~ <1 ig tedmithe a Puton + . . he id j i aan Hawes Rae 6
2 Ss < 5 : Da 4s a> \ 3 tune WW AYS | ni venkblmee” } A NW te ey Z Sdnotin fe SG
Tae Le Ys 7). % 7 Carper rhe ' Le LY bi Pl Con: me ible Burton pink Sta Bin, tab,
bist g 2 ‘ives t RR i | Ds) i Ww ‘Gi hie % ; | 3 7 4 v4 a P ‘ » re” Nag ——— a. *< *
evs A \: » | 5 SRS _ a> ae: . ~¢ : ei ast > A). ar ile hol ¥ Koa2 Vigiwiok “Rey ° 8
/ 4 : Bee". Lg 2s eet ota Roa Hawes Ppoinbridge wes Ser Wir —— x Pf ' ) Leemiha
“J : ie ae > y dnhyo ‘ A } > | ee , TO. lise Hill pO) FR x " a rae a ah rm i. Pen
Whall : ey: ar \ Newby) sf ie Ue SCewesby enh” Ne. Gallanoor | N 7, i#fge Ena *
my : 4 aes ye Agominer Ay sagrelyy Mi ‘didlle, hams AY Zz the, 197 : B Li 1S Wiehe
SAT Ye w = —, : Coy Fe J } Mirbaett a ét Penhill. Reacon> -> E44, : »eaALS a sy $ .
k Kirk by Knowl 7; ll 5; ais | oe W. upton: (26850 | eR —* Sendo udm Stefard t
atenby tte Ry apr “noe noibh Carlton \ Nei diy Heal okt Hill ' ost J Ce 4 “e Writn—
Aaa $ |, EES OR 3 ‘ eehBN prey. bthyt. ~ Obi Ryland Kirk Ae 2250) ghia as 4 y ¥
Carltar © S: 0 we S Caltech ‘Abbas - Lhaoi Tc wa, > re AS Peli aking ~ \ Busy
vethedx Viral 4 1 VERE: pc SLBA. as f aby Mo AO Sie : Wartliss thors RMN co arp aD
ta a BY SAO eS \ Wabvtorkees ‘ / wane rmmsic a : . elon \ . J J, ys Scratton
Alangton hip RA onan ventions, oa Metin slewy - by . \ f LL 4 >’ ~ y/ oY Camnters
Wil. ; : We il “ ey mes pak \ MW tler, eb & Z na ug stre thdale Chiuae WA a jf 1546
Ma sham Say Sin veg ] i ue shee ittom at “ xo a" he eared YL bo aan * "IT Stfor
aPeepade fy » 4 = é 7 S . JUTE a aan = . Rikble hepa Ste fi Whar, WPeepedad 2302 if
ry brodley 2 "How L, Bs Heatey-— ary”. Haidklisigt WIL = ) Bax by %, j novo , Y _o
1O4 i7z ann 7 . } <>) 0 . tor les <eF LOO” / Hubberho bis TH. : bb... A iis, . P|
Swinton Tentiela } WN brn helodh fh aN S. Oi aldk yj: \ ae rpemgton j , LAT r > "
(ital D Qe x - { i YpWeat rt = : ep Buckiden ; Lit.W riage ws LV forks Ell gy ys
ard Al ; yz Nass we » > SES . 5 £ a /.% YV Selsiday ——oftalion Gill | - ) x ay L/ 4
Ox gle ¥ dripleforth i £5.58 ee ate, — fice : . ey ‘ nelel : g Ul / ; sar ba A
pillars TEI Gry, We. fehorpe © _ . _——~+— . er ie Ji < es gle OLUUS 2th ' = Ie,
PETER Litte ms Oh‘ zaco ey \ Seawith : ge. ~~ wae f saver Tus: tard ~<A 7 2373 \
Cary ghe DA of ‘ \ Ge “ Yheshiside—. 5 ~ Hix hy. Male ao > 1 o tiuathwoit Grpnies l
he’s ¥ . 2273 £ ae De oe -ogiger ley f~ >3 BOTT Wade Howden aS Lorton » sind <P d
ol of thotiae- Ofte Tn ten 4 2 Sf Paby j 2 ma fadlo ston. Horton\, F. ma ey 4
Middle gmt ne N aps Nidderdala. Lan meen Pp | ~ Tg A manks Oulstin «lotion Sint ay
2 at} 4 VY “ate ling } iy 55 4 irncliffaP ~~ \e ttlawell a ty th waite x mis
Brazettaby 5 Artorté- 1] ffi © j - aan : . rs s < . 4 /Cairnf > gennirigtprt onde
Gare y i " j y 2291 ; “ad <..\ \ 1888/ Rerisgilly . 1250 RA i rink xs X } \ yom
“Dalby i 7 ray eprwrough . Ne aan Sry wer — oy, » i7y lee - Ns, 5 oleomjle Sands
Aik 4 Sa Bi: Epa prey Gf nay Stighlay RO Taskedf ‘TON Whenby Vp | . r . rs “i jo
y . a } sie Al ‘ ; ha Ph) yr | PF Bowes : BOE stwickNgkairteren. (Mapnam’ Kidney,
Syieal omg og > ON Re SEasingtald 0 (eI | ae ere estwich pataranth P\larn Zao
Copistone / Wath y Y Pee tats NS ott > Vi “Marton = ne ‘ |, “ie ; eilieath \ ~
{ / . \ an Abbey a, ee USA 7h, in oLartiybon Bt mer a0 YLiaughton So / (i Lan
gelitte ¥ yt { ile. server \ »Pateley Brit Se. Ingértiorpe: : e: ah a fe > a \ }
Castle si » c . > ~ a a ‘ > ise ~~ 12 4 j — > | E>, 4 Brorye hapa +? } ) Osh 1, 4
Five. shtinady, ere As hel ore endow .,4 Se Oren rehdun Woryeetid A. 4 . ti sii a .
mag uff Hitt sic L4 =e 7, a VArx thes 7 3 Giggtes™ oO Settls ONE \Mplhrer mr, PES
Hebden #8 CUS Ors 3 Bi. wien ley — x hioths Green * pe Mei. egnaDy 7 bartan mat Z
eer ” ype Ge pipht 3 y Linta — ined . bball SQ Punngr Bry é ’ Srffton in. the
Forest “WJ \
: ° ‘ en ) . = ) » el leon | >> , 4 OLEIS OF a j uhanvel (b3 1upna alka ae | Lae }
< hare 5 ; . : Les "e, a ‘
; ” Y 1S79 Bathing Ut, ' Airt (rage . Netreemich Say Riptey JPR sere it le / .
irton) / g ~ r = Halton :- 1¢al Signore: y cal De uw ley 4 45 — Sto mi Preat Me ‘ a
P t | ‘ eater “ey bile tarde, x vi “es Bay Dit SOE Ges a Shipton y a , . iF
Helliftzla se AL. Bu he PR Em, F; yer 4 ie Seat 7 Dus cross Hampsthaite 5 § Leash
Wifi Lae . ’ CLarnbirooky 4 2, : as CNR ET RAS $74 ae, wy r rt eae | >) . N Q 4: me
— eet es) ‘ ap itor —+ D2 f S flubb é A aidsoer be =i ied Te ila i LOAlgdte _ x * a
a c >| Saas AN - Se 2 = oem - gy ilyre SMa sti Rey | _—) ep Ye rapeaica \\ Coming
Gateoree z ye Harrogate a Yr, RK ' D> , } —s Ye wl4op/y v\ C4 o = N, Emisays jolt
wubb a, MY, men) neat Ch Nok Rid Male Yas , Dayslorse Xo... M550) 2 | Paythorne
Bry, 7) NS = i ws eee evar 2 “¥ oS gi od Bind Mars" 4 1] op : on a ‘9 Je babur' vt
he 9 ow ait me « y ‘Lop = ey sah: 7 dis Pannal A \ 5 Wate 2644 x Mi an " Pi 1]
°Shipeshe rts. | Kewfon y ‘ Magtion kipte —_~ tania 4 ya > Cow Ph es 5% He f 4
[vk@eshéad ‘ at iit | Kh Mea ele ded R, be : fash o Je } fF eel 5 okay th wthorpe
Be git bis te a Dh ADT OF Khor Ahsts Clit. : r » Rurtinch 7 : ‘i ’ : | i
AdelinglGon Apas ( LIK inkl Dveerbtow ‘ Bilion’, Lory Marston a He aleglopte , |
’ , |
fo LOT 1, Wy ‘by
ley) Q
Bro fe (
sik’ » Ves se ryagle " Arts. % Ston neshyurst On 0 nes has Ry Cote (Howick Dunvor
in ICG Tye?) t Taine” bai de ine a} or it Sf arate sek idge ? Idldon \ J iartoyr ,
Brier Tedd
th Sng mh tpt why Ki
Fe nuphtiom Wee ton y
fer redy rd LOT Te,
GB) AMEE y (
Vitiwood ~ 3 . “=i oWa thee + A
- Lwichs ;
aaa Sele -_ as ‘ Bali stan . f e 7h J ¢
F Lure oe , € fl LiMet La pe hes Gorple w ‘wharten be o} j = tba ’ t fi 2 ei Toby P
ic. ; ga @ a Bl. MBEAN DY Lave Acc Ting von Yolme_ + Haptons
Lt Wilrte Whttodks ‘, | a Wey |
GW Lonagtore, Ppestorettl, (fer Tree Dewirldtwistle A (Shy . Ps 7
, »
° Stubbhirig he
Ramshottor { iy t Edawor rth ¢ i
Chorley ame
Brleretyit Wardle ne
i a
ath { qocough i
Sizov? Roytow,
: ~ <pemg tl Ap <y Fath don Ho, Bx
* . 7 Weng) cor. Sk sels 7 dale oh quer Town I Lie Brean’ ‘pigoll wud Farnworth
SS . D - , SS ¢ ~ i ob (Nu ve Tudton Bickers talf: . : Ate t tx ENG if ; Se 1, -
pto’ oe “6 Witlleden Rainforddign P ay ney ; an vides lev es ’ wane Q JAW : __
aye ; NS Mob? en
ily bi ay
Li Lt PG.
"i Fae wor Me Ly mtorr
J Pee athimy,
id a
"3 Wty
S “Over Sen azn , Bac Brooks, YW nsier Gee. Eaton ES / ~planparley aay > AK. Min
situll. ;
Rudvar Be
“Se B ale ye), TI “45 = 4 Sp PR Cs Sr dy,
, Trot ow
a: Viowo ortho~
Roulsdtorth Het Hasorth 1
~ i
Z 'tley
bs re nhope: * Wilsdgi
2, talk RS
ta, Dt
Sori Lert Po reemnen i ustwoody hie shin i.
© ft pp ondeng 57 8
Pies iphstone
Vew Hey}, o
Aauledbet ir 3 den J SP
j gL er } pate.
a i
a oni cal A \ icant
\ ‘
} a | py
’ a
A as ti
. oY Dicgie. 4Saddle calf
. ting tar,
swor te, . “hg
4 168
"pat liy Fie lal
Dov Wolke ,
Ung ‘Tider
Bra n
ay Ly |ferrectiaaua i IT slam
« tela of + ey, nth uae
[ea aite
Pheaitey ig
Hordes Browk Haley
0 s8TaT
od _ ot that
” at
er Edhze Rocks 1762
A” Binder Scout &
Valo YF \The
Vonks De
vee i}.
Obert. 3
nigoloniipen. Sel Tangaoh ome
1) Ww tthe une Y\Z ¢
a New hone
aus { pink Y" Tunnel
RR: A a, ic ss BYarns lit¥e \ fi Mit wile,” ' Ld. lige. 1789 Yl jal tibridger
Are %) ab nice ' pur 43 NN
Dénholmg BRAL iE ORES * The Leer ilar
Fil I 4c i Be ees 5,
Tide dey /
Whiner hdd jj
feolc aw
\ u
A Holnffirth,
3° ~
th Peak iI 1 a puss
Fy ordi 1a %
be epley
2 *.
Sh Pen Dy
” btbelen =: Na f Chapeleale Frith | Bheudwel
Wc LcbbeteB,
f lay Ste Eltorm Ws
¥ oul, JTC ©.
Leathley J
ke ta
parte eee hop
by rae by
a4 om ot 24 Ty L
bridttie Al [<
“yu iy
i Sf Fiibwooe
‘ nf oh P x iy Sy Urindles, a NT ag ey Drontield . ‘ tid Hate Aiow bak AY Toy ma?
Ecking tore: q Fe Kae ne “L. Aevum ral Holyrdatictil” $ f mens @ s 7 t 40) j ty
rogge q « | ‘ | raf eaat 0 i Millers le pant go S
a, $i »
° Shata worth
oem : i SdestonNOD ded RY) sis * Matlockyg “y
g Marlo
Nethex ‘by
Cres bre A
3 ao . ASR MAAS, 8
h ug tap .
yi ulfored f iP
*“ Boatim Opees
N | G/
Bird se y
ox Lotthitawtt ot ote Wo see ¥o
4 , thine
He y ie,
Cb :
bes ir tor, 3 i Tonge
“ a k Sai. ton,
8s oe} She rbit
Cane ey
oSthole 8s . Chy LIreFi Fernton
3 Milford
4 * Leasiain Gatefortax
Lathe Durtor Salmon
FY 1 surge os
/ Biirn
iL 7 one ‘Canlton
| “|
WASTER p ee / Cal hacia) ||
5 ay © Liaw ymncitns “CORSET: nigh?
div dy Wooslt
om Weighton = Mosbrojuph ae i =f i da hi
/ P _ =n Brampton
4 oWar sop
Edwinss owe
qn of
kart o OK es Whitey
ree ana pumice
ca ae SAE ry \
Theta Vy
LJ Mordegh Sey) Dt
x” Vw aan \ Terndik wate eo [reer oF. paeork ane fhe ¢
ones “ai XY ve Brockhptr oy 7
eM: 7
OMuck laste me
rk ghey Y Standlor Parke t Br “ughtor a@yton '
Ay 5 euqnalls
parse PerMiall iu E¢cle sh: AIRS: #
wi4dbastin Chins Teel Utley
= ET le Sp
Modlefsh all
if =i i kg a in st Sof
Sthind: WLYS
y i \
Larue ev AY“ p eae Tey
pa Proteon
7 Se
gpa a ¢
J) lata Oh ci"
" A yt &
With ae ae sep oa
Ne BR pton 7G TTL
leot« \ ; oti itton
od Chatw?l jeketion
Wheaton - Tap Astono
FF ane \Westan Shin a Wide dertebS Shifnal | Se
¥ Tong p boy
a c wood ?
4 {
{ ‘hite forte.
ae ton OFS
6 Beossha®
Gono RR AIG O Bosh
m\ orton By XY a Whitarieave S./
YM - «=
ilderstone Br “ar
A Bbawi
Bats ~ hbur v
5 Zs
ily Me
hi57 7
~ - a c =>
| Bradlg ye
hump "tle,
Leaty Keser e ee ! y RugelevR Rg 8 jae * se rg Forel) ry Dh p-' aS essttaty Fite,
le so ea if nn. Yai. Church Batt * \ Dipstorsy WWiscom - ~~ \ na 7 7 _ %
a Werte fal
. <=
rte TLS
rs ogpe ‘| i
is O tard Wh et: m
AT re
avs Totton
i Pipe Ri Sx RE
P as
“rs \ oa Fumniwo yor oChasetown
ton Paz ouses
Oahu TNO
Nor rdon® a
, Ween
nal ¥: Fanatg “i Nopchygint nds Hin iar: yy
luy ood SS] 5) Cobwitds NAR
vf Thedrer
Y Ellastne
May il - GF reheat ‘ > Fw
= Ye
aboveria ge
‘idbtgdishmil ae Low aa BURMA VS
Our y |
Q ee ; JO R Longitude 4s 683,600
valh oughe,
A gfrast mn
“Biv mio The to Taridgeh Atlow . y Teton § % w Fengnt Ail d Luraditgh} i ectaie ¢ ;
Yiashbourne Weredgle “f
placed nag . Miugisindtox a Maifrwo a
Raibdia TAs Pi GtOTE
és 9a) }
“irs Row
“Wheel ies
Brailstores a Dut Fie?
TR WORN zi: * Ohgpldendlen/
Tetra Low DR ’
aesrye Ho. » | "\
Stantay ” Pile Al
‘ 7 brit \i~
va Yas
b / = “Pastord
" | ‘Thorne |
The Citizem’s Atlas 49
eg penurjuog
7 c
Og Pp
brassingt re DNR
f Hebden Linta ie y
G Fayre hti . : Wiplham is : hal . Y Cragde ; fe st B > 2eal
We R eo
t al . ef Skipton” et “Bradley f hg dicks Hy
” a PSiladhen e
Larletdn i
/ BLs litede
Cononle ¥ Ear ty pKe elon bok,
" eRe Shas v
+. EC Iteetorn ‘ oul “lige ‘ Vtleye
AX Ke phlev sham Bp: y Trig pe Oath worthe~
alt ow
fe Volite Roulyworth wet ape : 2 ? Y ' Culbtt , 27 00) Pxenhope ed Afiledin
> Gorple WF a yet ti a“ 4 est z aye
_ Myst OS
agtw 00a.
ae a . \ \ rend Fa
ec priay sion REUES O¢ tnond eu Waledeg Sowerby Bria Ly o = Riservéers PEM wade
d Hereetla mu © A
y Be pred vlgzse
! Steaintand Mi shyforth Wardle } AGelear
bidih cite .
ttle <2 al BH DALEY ~ [Mitrron = Vew Tle vie? yn : uledyery - arenes re is 3
UPigaie x ¢ Z #psaddle Ww orth, ATs f ~ Holiness
Le ba ide Res at 20608
j hs
SOP Pax °S “Thighs Pe
= a Tic. se yo ah eS Tun)? we own Edge Ro Kes
-MMG aay *
Kinder a e
The Peak
lige vFieliin
wor rt hi Furness¥e : a" { pinks Whajey Breil Y
e puytory } } & ‘= : Bollington.) | [Doviatole® Tp Ne * 2 he, .
Fit SLi laine WS
(ee | Buxtony
fitace CLE. SETRED LOOPS 3 Cat el idle ey
Mille -
@ Work a hu edge
A Bind:
Ais bag Shank WE) ling cl, Lorighe a
g _ ton
13 Sta. Ne Hiurciles ¢
J Ota 4071s Shar OK ee
4 Swi Nighamiey y
* : i iy, Pe le : Uberbrook wy: Hud Sheen °
» 5 4 Mi ay e Dae’ aig 3] o. Hiorton Sond neg os is daon, A) iLéelk \"“s2
f oe, rae?) =
A *hedille et a .
; & } r- ed | Wethey % ne f |e ,
#0 stone?
UL Wettem A betonbsvalady %) Gr yao’
Wet eae ys
t te L€ tor x Witerho Use
(auldor, Pr
Q, _
> {7 12.
gi Okec
Ips th mes \ Frogpait™
c= c r - hy Honygtsye x Graton’. ’ WAdtton } > Mayt
g a Pithornp i pad Oak SaMNOOe
oo op ip lievon i, Sy ; tt Dradleyo / i apt 5 Denstare [ otmonl Al Pordeh wl hex
Nd € ight aS
18) P. | Pee ssiweliy
% afer Sw 4
Mitford wtp
f de
Chl, isefown
| If sh bury_
\ 5 Ke. SS y i j Rend: f to 4 oy f
; Esfeal ) ye . Rally ; wl
| a: BRAT FORD) =
BZ Vtesorwah
Ae Oa = st
Pedke-Foreat: Sti 4
F uldingumet
6 Ghetr mOTtOR. ri ue foc
a8 Y : Newb yey2 % Ror:
rte) °
a7, Looes bar
5 ata yh)
Moodkands Hedi “yy
Hambeallar LO. nell
tf pina
. sa Pa ate Df Blige. Qs ger tiiprye
rreendniw \o Bae ofr imhcon itiotes
Samrner Ti re) we tome
} Be a i
Ws Orgnetlal Green
— Hipley) PS.
i Bua ~gtwt "\Y
~~ 0 Sige Hlmp sthofajte)
\ lube a fuuene side Harro? ec rosat
“ewaton OS hd > 7C — iP, . Liamble (: anal yy Ab iS ee
leton tts ClatR/ ry Stathiburn >
: x oHestore .
A thet ton. . “et rere
Ree Jum wRramhope
wie sa
Thon hit ™ Middletow They Kirkheaton
is oy skcruey Br. Crtggle stony Re-octorood Flockion
Emile, Or “ -effon a% Fargley Ras oKir, Weburtone
Shelby — Aaveouys Aci
O heehanan Hier pe ‘
S DartoPyt
= _/ Caw hyp i e7 Fiat
Arr weve
o 3 A ae
st F olgh feria,
+ Penistone i — Taha ett 3
=) (7s ne A . Fe
: eee)
Towden-~ ew 4a78a SDujheibr
$4 Lnfsdied g se hs ary ® “> Wads ewer { fap. Ye
NDE Sahn, bh Stanningyto 500
ti A
Re t
LA (
LY. Deuite ~ pert
Sipadvedl i Lyan Wastigdas, ; Gring
Thucklaw Ueto 3
tan Hi tohedataul Spann AFrogge ‘cht
WWiddleton ete: Plot br
Sw 1g ns a, Bar Lowe
rs [ale
sald uo
aly (47
gene 5 Xe = Hie) 9 Ashford, f 4 os pelea Balkéwe LDS : et br Hall |
OMe TY ash bead ele od f
‘ Youlgreave. PS Nis > gs oP s
joldieteh durtton 1D pr | Darley
Bri ampte
Chats worth ’Beeley, a’.
‘sh af Ma nok, }
Sanle |
o s
Wdosk Cpe
a Tanstey}
Elten fe)
RN SteB, tifiston. Bonsall
“Marlyé k Bath
Ve p-er-le-Dale Ce. afiforad, ANS ie, . ae ¥ RWTiddleton®, A ‘ a Sts iY Mon Winks
Wor” the Lar sig tOn.
Si Var
we a ~-
5 oe
- i “Whatitstanane Alderwas le p Alogpaston | / ; ts
tan ' PWfiston kip ( Atlow-> So.
Re? th ,
, ~ telZ
2 1a: sington
Atte . if) PSncdeton!. eary } Whar ley, Ye ake Ley, Hot | Longtord ‘ortcanie”
j aCicbde y ees BS seks thm
Radb¢urnee ‘
i. obylston &% usley BERS OS ne” Pratl Kerber O : eridge ° \ SRE
i 19 bala “ cnt m
n C wt
ae ormaghtop© b BBall
f 7 i 7 wi, tFtan
Rollesto 74] Wew toro ugh 4 en ll orning low ty
ins Row
ve fegston, A Me
: Taterthill 9 (Dunbtall
Eick mere f
Srpmayy y
Lda Pw
urboro and
ODA AT YY ga % Wiaoinnar’ CNew uqun I Austres o 8
Shutting a
Fahetr :
pireet MPraytont
a Bassetty
} : 4 ue sy . Sage \ ibe oe * iwestoke G ;
ts - RIPON °
li a PK dye
ie ise vt op j
+ Oo
{bey 7 re g
Wye or
Ropaitte® oni eds dj
.) 4
bio) Pa Shr
ERS | Marton Aldiwarl Toller’ da ‘ Pirsaapur7 }
de > y i, LIV ele .
were \}
[strop Si
Pe *
tient ito! Ys
“bop pong . he. Mar gta!
gon stom 1644 x Moor \.
= Spoktpr th Cowthor| Pe erbrhow 1 Pr tions Sickbyghall Wathe y? yy
bolle SS pharp.
_ sg Og Mar:
Askivam Ug}, :
72 try
<2, irchy rf ape wre inth
, &y iM wtords Kyrfte , oR Bostoe vps
Braman hor Wier SS . Ab rford Zo ot o$thollea 1 >< a | S| < 2%
Sirton) ~ Fl : f
Setiton en tke For rest *
Sig ugh, cay NiewMonkton es 4
ade ast x
wi artington Bul 7 | Caatle tig uN
ri iff He elton,
gen as > as by
: AL Hh
cry a WedZ
Rartan Hil >
452! oe Se tli. j . Hitton Ha o* La i WS SSS ok ” Helmster Bugtiiirpe a ‘ <I SRT
ids Brilige
VAsto ‘
laxttare) , ra Ackbhun’
] ee Sireu nh ae
) é * Shi 2) 8 al) Pye si or ptpr ONffgintod
Haxpby° nes abr agai
ough ‘sz }
§y eltor
TI Ont polm@ Fangtoss
¢t Catton
comix, ed Drunningtor’
tor He slight
yi ulto ref Eh ing td, 3 by /
7s as a> f Y Lich. aed, Bqe yo
4 —— Rishepthopre +.
ype ¢C tlbrofiah Valuarrk Wheld
Deitghto “Acdeateh a taftile + M. bis s
Saatinkto3 te
bY Flax
yl “7 awe jEllerton
| .¢ arGod be, yaton
= Lo gpathorpe tee deh.
mithorppe ‘Spal PRG LO yn
yrough J \
sle &,
I TA et are
bate forthe jurten, Salman
yor ‘idge
al. ark ton \Dary Se batts : °F). Hi °, Ae tch
yes =
oBadd moe) z
\\ Sutte Vareragt *.
§} tudtwor th (layto TLS
Pris Dot
vs Ft. S a we Ki By ma hy f
iThry berg, 4
ee t
SSS otk moe |
J riche G PANN Wo
> P Mesbroiatn
Dronfield >, AN Lckingtort
3 eRe
= Tibet faye ‘
Shirtd upfield,
or tchf
He Hes ios) \
Sanday ° Dale Abbes oy;
rd i an -aclen
« Pray ph feel store,
Ise %
/ Quah Tle ore “Pootncse, 4
Bardoretell Sw ithlay ‘ Newtg
Martel Lato Jha” BX © - Ap aety
ory ¥ % dlinigton "Yy 4 Lahr 7 E Srokee Opliling £ Weurfbor ough,76 Bary us
fElmsthor é LA
Brougheesle Aes ’ or, wala 748
os « ai x6
wa ms > Jee
k Sta: i
Kenilworth? [Sireg rood } f 1 Row Raton Ar oxall, A
Win, Ke Botin,
3 de rw
Stanwick :
Natural 2 |
aio” li Ras 8G han A ~ S ilin
-s- S- Sse
A Tih ZA = | hi Vesvet an | }
44 : Qs ; “a / a) 2 — > <2, | / < : ee | — “4p : SO *S / Pe, | ans i ‘Ss, o. / sk
Bs 53 | —« abe ———- } 2 Xe 2 i yu . “SS, Haisbherougl } é oa OTs: Ob, 2 iw = ya 2 i
: CV ——— i FE Bornhiar: — oa : unt! on A. w stant N + WK Sif Wi * Na 13 = fin - be
BI Ke o nee wl romer > | ; Ji ; Th } fu stead f , Binham oth . “strand © y A Abbesh
Ae Pigs BEihgm\ Avhneottin " é = 3 EAS Ww Bec Ramps elbre tgg) trand %. BS
Buconsthorpe ON A Razrangham oN 1 / yon % it \ He: mpsteagl, ~ ase SRoughtdn.
Mundesley <a ; Bap shiayn d/o : . P mrgarton} > “s i. Sitrabokre 8 qnontyy ee ~ S
tel Plumstead. ) Gfintgh ton 2. \ a 2 q . ¥ ellgn % SS - ey aw. : -" a ] tes pes
siigham\ } . fons std bled Br ato TRA GH. ‘s Carle i Lyre! ; smyLctor a Would LV. ’
indper bGroxtod ¢ | SERCRAS ve me ‘ wpe . ie ‘% 4 \gatdet ce et) / Was a Re ka
ghienng dgWor th MEO ‘ OG nar ingle ee /\ AG Kortard tw i ; "Ee liniingh = Ha
ppisburgh /
RRS ~ibn indole s toh: \¢ “ot
bh \ “Bia 1 LSE Ay sil pod : ria’ Bi heli } to Pole Ry, ~ 4h Con. | ey 3 : wn Date
ink fi
ee f ey \ Sey BE eh, a ‘ ton ; iciA\D, ne - : rel }
y Ti | Rat pn Shg mn
i SN Honing 4 el rceles — Leshinghion WPalling
—— |) “ peter A
ser NN LE wind é
. | f Bs i
{ © poieaher \ iy ea j 1“ : / os ~ risley } : rd . | ime : sah 1 fralinphan Burtare
‘ SOM cts = r) %p i i _ Gayton __ Wh brdon Mae \) = : ae: SN ; ion he SE mh Hev ay
h \ \ 7 te. f 5 Gratytone, } Tae . [ eMileham “Tw ie re ais CottighaR} Bensh m rte
| s _ } =a Lit has } iL pl or” ws \ piv Ka } ton i i PEON {S f. Walton ROSE Lfehy
un? gy \ Beetléy | % Su atu m. \ Horetes ok oe Wint ton | , boa ASt és are . 2 7 \
Longh a. Se cbré ice Haigh rel | } RAV relia m hs eli j \, Beeston, tle FA ~~ hao .
ae id Ni ~~ \ Hor Kori, | 4—--f “Sea Minal non ‘by Lh ; 4 q P/ 7 ? " = > le LBV.
Ringlandy, SJ “Sohn rth AA \ / ONE % oy Coeldet
\ 4 arworeh 3D | ¢ “irre shy aa
Se 4 i '' SS. tA ” Siteeth RY y c t lag, we lin Sl eee f “hap Satfouse >» rere ——
sient : ‘Ma rhdenS \ > A ( fa > mn \ pIugden magn Co aS be! sdf eto — sUpiae®
Tallin +Shouldham Reyes. * : nadenham. L Yaxham Hgingh uth Sere nce aster oF ‘f
Sidhe Thorpe, 7 a eS aftt fain AN Tak. Ga ytaton\ Welborn’ : . Ma SS eric Blofield
pertinghen Ack,
my — va , Calte rian E ! ? eston” i (“~ ON fw Sta or tne gad” ’ 4 ody, ; / Sa, pcm
mag Ba : 7 Phi / \
= ‘Brooke =
5 dething~ TE odéfen_ |
Hal. ea” it MY a [lowfrited. See Di tehing)
nein > Pidele elgnd SE llinegharmy= ‘aati Jor ' Stor (Redoay
=< ers Adtle barou e ree Brbeck ae Uy f 7 at okt ier igh ' [Oink , ir: ;
IW totes f
Corton L.V. Ww
Me Hrewold | a: & wi / NEE:
z vrton |
ae y [Brak
* o Sper wall, eR | on . 5 ovehithe
4 St Janes, isseh\ SA ao ) %s ws | ig) nc? OL y : ;
be JEaston Havents | |
Southwold Valberswick | :
} | | !
Duns yre
wee ar bur, s y pode odie,
shaw RB
ks: a"
I oal B. ee th fe
. 2) Ze % & Proesthill Cae ie
La¥ S Ve BN Ses oat i ible
aN Sanguhax
9 WAU S é fect wot Aches A
“Rh: Bankend
/ ya!
; S Elsr. Vel lei ts athinadin L Beton /
yndtord Spr
\ <3 Thaecte wn ~\3 Cal
x} ’ ff ve pa (SAP bnleigh Symingsy e Lifite Hil OF : 233 ‘ ~ wW taton Carr Ym F7
Kin bras C 2; Log, Hp, <<? igbe toned
2 ON &
sth hl Height
Sa Douglas
aa WS : \% " ae d nawhordjohn, oJ Fie ek ;
791 } Abington” r
~ De v
: ee Deer’
[fase wilh
Ne tA
Me Rihana ss
e +4 ba Ware , oe =
Hi Jet ‘- \
} * Wruriadeel laogh/ fe. wf \ Locker ¢ Carronbridg : UZ Pir-tonkte 8 j I
occcenebert yr 8 ay tor as 2. ZA9S K bes Rit ‘ eo “, i renbriadge Oh > + ee mA Nak
P x ys poh hog nd! > —~ Per ont, i +) it~ a \ me Ta ; ~¥ " Marefeilte’ “On Spee OK
Kea Hy ~ aay 5
2 gs Za Cho feburm® G
ne) (DW DANE
| dulaghyth
2 on
mi GYaxwelton ' PAP,
NG w rere de
. a =
ww ws
uv al Iezd7 > Loc Inhipa
lini sti ec “dh Chetle Zz *Tinwi 843 \ Lo rohan l 4,
Bilislavd E wdy Ce Owe soli , \
2) NE Dat pee =~ a SS SS Jove a =)
. Highel
Pat S$
SFR Salli,
A. on
: dohgeto one A
a Mor thorn Bye
~ 4
Thmberbha li ¥
rife ( 1095
fest, mt Lee
; 1
raw Al ,
wd. —
Stalp£% ews 7 aoe c
Daw ods
las i tommieleter Lvkve AEE
i ash 5 wf ay a he tg: PB op utidincadows. pial . c —
~~ = . d, Dolla Laws Dau, Vere © ae arkCa
32 O80 ft Bowhill ae 7 owhits f ¥
Xs \" Z “nr | - vordoh. trims , Kean Z tr ide
. 7
‘el a > KWAK K~
Rn. al ‘aie
Lushiclawes te, = . fn Pr “le ROK sue/? BS Thirte etane Gre S208; ca Le. fe itricl
S A py Kersieh Poh TO 4a 2289 ~ 4098 “Gf
' ‘ Ba oy & f Modllaet )'
x A. a
(4 he " 4 Teviothead ¥ bs , eg
P pict aa rasa thb ia
Sry) bas Het Ps
Se retdelriely
jg: lagen QD > a8
“Shs de km Branzholas
CAanthec tRiri: . 4 y
Thirletak \:
Landeie x 5 A Steg wa
yay Zale Wii lic’
‘ a i =a tones ide
Pa \ an Me OSE) Ue ldap Hilts 3 ‘ EBoawe Ja o Leewilen
Sid: 7
SU Les
ifr oahu 2 Blicsigee lL
Ais etl a.
Hithe nie an
1+ Cavers
Ted vaLavw LIL Wz
: ie
ok é Ss ce
= * Stoba va!
See Harve
f fe Wrobe (1s a “
5 Shanlven« \ Pric. sthon. ahs Ay
3 P =
Pe a
Bye thopse BL
Esha tle in +
sue ¥ J \ ‘a a
SF oerephiaraty 5 i es
/ | Aw >) ‘ :
> a » pooner hvoreland yu" = pen s } Vy Mutton TC 242 «ye t > AT wh b. NES dened
edie etl] fies Ey riey/f
4 Athe reletu Wh
YW. yartE £ Lochex' hie
i “RLundgr >
Rocha A og Be rte ss ald
ri Pr hrutet
"Gitte Z. Kelton é 28 chai a vn = Moss
Skhinburnes: ze
Curutkende wn vloddi int iis R uthwe Ui.
Suz, 1
aah + F S
bh Ca®
Be see pine?
oS <6 Shes oF. 4 OP etn (im
ata ney
y VRESt Stet,
Hh «rhe SF Kity ray OD ritiedstity Pigland * v Belle pie —= NX CARL 1 Sy GlOrtons
(Aiktore Cumn L iss ygonby
= litte les ‘y
r [ag ib ne a Apont a
} OS Pf Bictartorglups 280 ft yal He tpnritfige y cS Hoy PIG Js
Peele Bgl
oy fis
pro, ;
ty aS ee f Ve he ieee F< hat 3 { z
Be wee cate d Fells
iT un Ll mm
z * Y intale 7 Fhote\dre driife
<" ele ne Cae ~ diagter
> tho bi kirk
Vitel ——”
A> i Ry
ED byt é
270% ox
Weettiithn Z 8
yo 7 Ps Fa
ai fs Vachs Nei } a oe a Hd
LPs, to fi yr é LE DBR
- %
. J Bi f : —=@ OL Rondt primacua ¥ Wa *s
a a Se gy 4
Dune (eta.
Laight ME
ony rH) FR ar th g
L- x \ “a Veh, , (i y) ¥ PH. Tai NCO Jingle 2S ars Gr
bran: “foaee Lich
. 7 j ‘a OPPOSE y) 7 & £ ee > B awk wa p y. yes Neg 1 Hoaclande ff a 5 Sus gh Ath
Ee Fropl m
Ka 7,
N 16 Cheviot ae 2676; a .
ut Tr Dituthale yi ale ernishinyt\§ %
Coe Ne %
SFdlrile = albbotrule -) y
Chestere $ \\ s)
oo 6)
Die ¢ > 2) ea ta j F tates Yd, pis y | nt 7 ‘ie Nes \itelder
{ |
JB 84%
~ SShoptorad. Bute?
he Beacon
aoe nae
rb fe +pfarte ton
SS * UG “ke eae he)
‘da ; <fe rohan gta, wt v J
SOIT gaa a rewih
Tide Mill
d Faviay ae 9 Fa lan Fala
ad BS
} Haltwhistle
ColdFell 12
arr “~ 20o8sa?
> by SHA Ce j Black
2G the 4 hitt 72
rrock: Knare sdale}
will _
gatas zg
kK Iisdver eton)
bs Jo rth Me én
, , % Lambie
{slaggxtona- he Ms yee atk
ea (Arpt
aati B
is, Dt
Nethertownh i
Br ae | a
be ae V4 |
Uonby\s- y Aspa Upict
BP Deakham
: igh Re Ment ne
, ry ory hat. < Terao
Br “anti yitite : See \
hardy who.
PLampliglt y
ef a8
Réwirak Wate
(= POs edain
Abbey J Town:
LAN CQ S H rR oe
| —_
ontinued 48-49
Natu “a a
‘ 1
andsen mud
o Th p sa
Burnesto\ , eS? \felish irk & %
Vctetsonp s\ ington }
4 oh + Bylo ds phe
Gofatlthorpe< Wich be wal 4 Mal Si gut “4 ‘\ } bs i ger Ma ee a R i : eA ert if la
2 ton Sto f. ber 3 O eciaes \ CVROTO? % & Lp f' kid Puctha. Y Towngs t AT.
Nidderdala vet sa rate » F 2 Pnariyh Priekir ae Ce oltan® “Pton \ \Fordon? ~~ — \ a
rill BN ge ri N mA a | i> > Brypetiagey \ba L ant le St Yoton \ Fe holes\ Wold.
Newlryy . mM L250 inks jot \ ; yr y aud Wintringham PL =i ey’ " J alin - Uren ha ie
SS... % yo a ee Sify RON ys \ aah mf Cray, ke x 2a et {| New Mali = ra Risspt cory
t wl ay Wek pehporpe > YM. Bir tor = She re 4 , , " $Easin gla pact Lis yingiun
ogre, } per Sg Buttarwick Ln wi " 7 A ee a Sep v (Marton \ ss es a ods - niga
fTistparehorge . fs ing)\ i, } ¥ “Salle TH pFarlintgton ulmer: abe” aQox ‘ii PEE.
Sin rs th oyntoap ve. InghOyrpe, ; ingeye =| pact Rico 3 angen. — “Kirby 4 ind
Aithe 4 Pye! Soe y Langtott \
ae Wi. armel
Pog ile 4 Faas
$$$ $$$ EE
/ Bay | re, pen D y ;
‘B bridiington Cuay
Hilderthorpe Brid ting ton
em’ Ss Atlas
BenvVi is hi >
Culp, | og ri Z BSE Sy) A878e * ; ‘Litt Fa PPG 3 pili tArdhonett AZ aes aor’ J
Garvellock J. p Lo 7B [yy TOT SBN torecire % Dub fy H |g > P3004 m9 poe Isles of
the Sea “E aab | . : Pe wtinalarrige Puniqu A : hana ween gear Th Comdie Mae ck i
1575 An, Z oe \Wendine™.. oe ' yi ORG q es Riea \ re <Eaut nla yh) $308", Lunga was
: > % fi gre . ie pot Ay BS M3 Bal YX ¥ <a fir B fi dithepinhs ee — OS nal Ahck® NY
7 / / Oy % fi ied S | ar ZL Dus ie - rut > Labi | | a Pen. To Ssadvonilhy Mhertoyle
L. ‘ \ y Z ; Jonich L7Tk. © —— a fod Yue / | « ats eTUTop = : mn in, Lot hain, . 1
L “us z ee Z eacdl” Pein, 2? J Sigel} PX; \Rowardamanle. “, , > eae 7 * ro / Gs
Siete “Powardennan {% ™ AS ; ut of Corrtevrechan St Roware
ye rf osiincary Ss vii
dfoted 1957 | — * \ i =
aE =~,
i Ghengut ; 1 are
| RIEL: tdul, » Sif B42 Yi “¢: A Ben Mhan u 1 . Dee redig | | eed bridd Ce Sie = ,
vhs .s = fat >}. h i = +o ae f Mo rfine <p rte Case Ww in Be ‘ eee | | Glendebadel
P. 4 x Rie z co WhistleAela reo vale 2 Sa Gam stread. ee pe / aE ZO} qlitlmichiel &
45 Woh.< Gare fochhea, ad. be 7 > a “Sh
Ben Garrk afiale / S Motel y ve fotel Nios
d iridgena —- We i, Toman
i ‘ mR { - “SS airmmbaam / ; y OS Tae = ¥ iL Eck 2 ~% "> Ben. Brat ; He Cas Nap
ot! ye |) vA ay +\P Hotel ne fe % a pistes Cay Find ese | | % a 4 i yy c > a fre Y/
hs Y = aires : rv ast ry G A ‘ : ry AS Le (te bs Sad 4. °Killearn we ee of Fintry
a VOlercdoarese LPL. SHA " . F
aes Gee ps ié Fe ae
Hot ig ‘ j ie . ss eff
38 1870
Continued 60
4 . PP C4 WW 1440 J
aebreas f © 2 Y po BeRe
oe ips of / ck a i] Ormsati x Shone¥ 2
24074) Tara 2 Tnap Pt
| | |
erry 7 : = s > celine Kiitlhe . > Small Theos 2 Ke hy #, a, ‘a Cratshenge “> (deen
ste” Lok “oe tees, > eu SA Rtivheuse : Till oh Lor ho Br gee 1d 5
5, /
Ay ; ; 'é ‘ 5 7 > \ ; fi Vip ty
; ~ Ineh a peg, Did Pier Harno ok
Methairy W = pete |) ty be Lio. | === ae 5 ag
J 2 Y BidantStsart a Ouber i =
thay F yt
Prociig B. | ae : fie ae We bk a R % \' YS 5 vs ; ass 5 sali at ¢ f PST - 7
ao ri
, Bjallach a Gaoch Pt
i ldgqain Bay He gin B, E
t Ay re L? Aa ArimoreES (459)
wartos/ ‘
/ ...... x
fe wtinatig ’ GE een
Pas OuarTrPyne enw uke Las os “Bib
wd ase
“Sy Rk
» Pleongart > 1S) s J % 7 aighe it cri 1 . >» Clanech tan is Pt 4h A, sek VS ym 74!
torxvé & ock hs Bellochantuy, ' Saddet ae - . : WK “lege ‘i SS as) S by se = hy }
Y= | | : : ‘ “Sgreadan) | ) Lady {.° Monkton ~ Ar | 30’ | ; 4 Be { Lid» LZ9IE =
dad, sy lo. SK ° Liirhotton a“ 1} / = — a+ ——t+— = E : = i, y ah o—. Gea MiLe ny
Sie pt = Ss, : i __ety : / : ! Bi 4 Bp { ts taal SS = fey. —————" Prestwich 4 | | |
; a : od 5 i Ny =S z nie 7 é : \ | s , x os 0 y | = . fot SNS SSS SSS OR RA 2 Oe SS
SSS SSS Se “Star 4 fl J Kitherkz (¢ \. — Trabbthe f ial kh Machrihanish 5 a ys aX.
bs Oe pe way } Sey | Campbe wwn E. a: ots | ‘Madbrihanigh al, <P phe Lagd.” ——— —
t\eon / i Losset Pate Sad * Davarr i. iat ervas bt aera ; = = 3 oe . ceNoe \% Z je
Pama Z cir (pot) ae shang / | 1} Drustbleeeble Sey 4 Tele loig = =. ead | ? ’ " } }
on! wtruthuan ‘iz : ~3! : : Dunure Sti.
Eanaidale Pt
BUTE ESSE meludes |’ 7 the Islands of Bute, Arran Fs as & the Cumbraes. | ra
NEG SS N. : ™ } Wt Kiletan \
ston ZL. ) «( y fy
J Vf A” \ Enochfiill 2 LpCS
AN : Bérgany) y. JLinfern
Ailsa ies aig y : | 2097 Sughe Ho...” Girvar WC ahr ii ec Ck.
= | E | | oS = = ( = |. i , i , if
a y : om 1. indas
ae 2 mg: une, [Ssinehiar R. YY Shecllowee Hulloetsting)
4radmillan Hog ; } dleon¥h Lh. wr Aiitinn a wr vcighyl p At oo
¥ Ben ee Ronald \s
°G tas rx
W. WY, hei aN
an 4 a Ohh gi :
' Vcd yond Ll Chapin island . | Port’ ‘Patrick
OAT, Stel ~ ‘\ /
; |
[ OP? natyhoity 7h aa frat \\ | WY Gobbins —/ | \ : ey A A y at aN ' jagee
; Poke Kgowes Vitex
| | Nay | Betta) 4
fie. a Ba : |
Lig De . Uber Black Ht | =
HX Stas ? Ie q Fc STEN : wughterford Br. i \ Sa"
Dolgirat t rel ei i Castla Dobde,.
SP. ace
“oe Gs f a4 [Bron Seen tye } Caatle spiewitx
i Rossan Port Witticandy CLL Wik Stiri ea
a i oD. ax Se wndhead = ie ae é S Ges BOR oy PR ae a SS ape
Bay Pe
} ustle Chi ichester ow \ 2 Ori sy Puy ’ PAA aod ja ia’ y titehead ye. \
ale of Whithorn
iS a Whine 5 7. mit tankill a e Ded ineercastle JOOS ‘tor, vith t ; : piiion | RS
5. “a5; "Mi Holywood 10 “X S = 4°" Medan’s Cave
x Z PR Goa: vel oie: i. gorael ; My epee Cadet se
if} i Stay Sta. “Conligs ma e ; — : ELF Ast 4 (ivdentiam] sflelents ghadee Z > ae :
—— 4 NA GN A Sf A ened | Mu of ee, Oway : t
ee Se eS a == 4
Natural Se alt
- p
' . .
f Bilmerton eatfas f == “a Cir pit ae tay = peagowan Gr Pahioh
— long; Clergy \ Duplin Abe bepflalgie ~ nh. \ gt a —_ r ,\ Secrhetnay”™ “OY 27, os
St4nd rews B ay
purt. “e Zou .
+P gh. #
% - X ~ ; 4, ‘ = : . ae ns {f.. an Tair ste ~StAndrews — SS a = pea ; 2 | we OT
core: viot 4 - BFE meiy “3 dcr , ; Ls 20 y Riprniny Str Sia CUE Nei Tinese } VOT 5
oa Cy la ae od 7 Babbet delen Cunning bh ea Kilomitres I1-3 1 Degre £ aS a a, <
Pilg Rosse y Spri ingttela, tscotbie . barns : a SSS SaaS SS 2 thes 2 7° oS +h. ene
== 7 5 eed Farewell : “Cilicven Se Dunine Carr Bi z = as 20 25 30 : Wadetnis~ 7 "fe
7 g E Sip athrnhigh a F ; a - Fite Wes : cA Lbs Gateside ™ ; Gistopos, ; hol? —
Sanath ia ateside FR Vi Wingskeiie ‘ i os —\ Curnde < 4 te ps Z _Lome rel Nts
Fabkd.nig y J Langs Lig : . if. m = Abiinsthaape META SEL res ahi nichich Fathland
R&S te, / Pats, e/ 988 a Swe Pe: en? : gt Ph ich Oe T alee 7 h Bateoaurres 2, ‘ va
# : g Bb . hs byl 5 i * : ¢ r! * a Rigor Colinabuhgne Cellardylse qer® , : pane J
Pr > et cesT 3 ~ (yt 2 a ene) r gm Pe Vv Usteuither to” Pe ro Wiltowre Mined as pe
4 SSP Ning th" = 744 1984 ~ a tinLinks q Or” Sr fon : ppt? 12 | <e Leven + “Mt,
Cary Ss, Isle of May At Ste “aa : yueve atts ern Hos nd 0S egang | _ “ 4 L ’ i ron
Bri es < ti. ans® iQ me to LA : 7? > \ BR uckhiaven 2, : "fen, chee ahaa age ™ ;
57. . | (Sf = " . a ¥ ov : ZW INVES <n, + ith ¥ wo | oPp* pillow v.Wenys| | nT =
path So | Ferry se = O ie at ‘ > > et e F ith. yysart : fF : : ] ef ~ bs q CoWdee
nb "aa th S => Pathhod : O | tie ly Towphill- F itty 1} Kirkealdy ee ) gue nS < ity
UU #7 ’ Ayetilirts OL. ‘ 4 | Raimont, TP TUMPALES Fe (yy Spree a Mme, Mayans a0 : i
eee } 4 gieth : , a“ ¢ Aingher 7] } “ ; 4 i b Kine: andine Fall + IES King ord | j
G Fidra 7H, oc yy, Bass Rock aso ft . us pi ay » alley field > unfeynling ae :
hinghorn } = a Z Bay = / SS Read Beet : Culzoss Z a a (SP it a “eh 3 Quarter ‘
ItteMoton I ; nS si 4-52 < rs ‘a Z ~ a Ho. xl Witon Z j ‘ is “Cont Vn revipatee :
Lberndorit Burntislaiid ae 7 % | Zz Faas = Q i Laaw G12 Hp. “O77 = Aeo rp we Le
LY, ch Atl’ Sala ota: vee bins LHR Lrichke ith Wy ivedeir ey pa on : LQ = Bonn rf :
Blades Cas 3 pre ~ Magy 8 Ct} bats yh f ; . . Ane | “ Pitas “sr &D Ire sa - ust a
ir “p : — ret é Poet Kian / e: > PO ry se : 7 oe See enh! “: gr ASE —e a === SS ——
= : r a : 53 i Bie oy neford ss; oar uth eo ta ae Manir | am EL inteDs: : > Mile.
Mon « ~ 7 ¢ SESS eat are, Mes - OF rid) Cas A Son i gs Spott ateraw afi ’ 4 5 ’
ermains > 2a *F . ¥ bw a | anreay ‘Tita: Ke ton Wi ote Glodsrtar 5 bmi ise a La
Sion: tof. Ly ———s put sp / ir ~. wakes ak. ’ HADDI Nate aN SY Ppittin, jharthe oi
Jnner Wee . ir Castle ; font Ee las st ” a 1 ane F pry heemnilove = Dungases 5 ie
So Bi 7d ar or haga » $Coalston SGupvata “1 — | Ww ieee ee PY ae “all FR. 5
Fitttor’ ST L6 NET IAN, Oldhemstocks® Ww. f 5 “ / bhs H? | ry a ee. ahi | C) ; Lois
> Vise \ > i - H ¥ Tuniper Grech Fen; Saha = 7 ye ty ae Ss a +" - SAbhbs : fe
Urrlie Lae Pade” : =. YS Ne TN Blaahar peng: beau rth i +t Micrce Ino 5,
Locpthacta. Wy ee heaton’ a wo 4a sae oa Sl oo ™ 4 SR EE: ire ega rene tt prise T,
re Sta NV pacetssZ med PONT UNG . vo J = x ° hn Ly . G ay or 10" : a ES A .g gue ae
R Oo SA n oe tot (i Wewton- \/ 7 Pal Vike al 3 ‘ —* 2 . ; “ ‘ Sito ur iar a oH 4
Gang e 4 te ; : > ‘ hapethat EG Shotts | / Aas ‘ : : : RAR? Aone xB ty > axy yw Je
Wa vbiz PA eae Sy} : a 7 iv a nce s ny hs ¥, us" Babpan ¥ 3S / whose ¢, outa bi J .
leo~ \ if i: Be) ti, Ae > ar y Phechrrthe tas IBY e "a A K- Loe Duran uth Sho . ; i
a al y. C4 sf ~ > A Me ae fi “ tL on eh AN wake ‘ Me mil \ ie le . arte, tt, : eae
ig ' j ight be 3} awika 1 : 4“ Carr ungto re® ys tA Z : an — =o a 2 ay 2 bi, . a |
af , % “a 41) 7 oe », c At x 5 ; A har } oO us “ce mney Ca ; fi irtweo, g : Ni ‘ip
Hs. : D FB opted bh J KT ynehead Tey” a) ea st ve W, py? Tet A © f; Ble \ A curs \%
/ ip ee . ct Dike 0° aight Temple DA \) ) Soutra fil ee, 2} { %/ Ryreplaughs NI.
peondtpr macusy Pn. _— wn ACH ivnsiite Ot neta ad fm * of wemhale ) f |* . VERS :
‘ fe oe /, w,, Sie a f 10a < ae UI a) NS W rate ch OO 4,9 . 5 Detect : Foulde by
slerpetacll Meadows ) *) “ s * Pal Sy G Ne » A 7 Filsaptown \ fz Tab bjt, ‘ hs
peacbary ‘~® ae \) - act Ti SY ow, ) Bw inlaws Cairns Ne S ts 2 z Ny Wiceninpouk a
a wood) ¥ 3 be f | Se ae had * wot | Oay ‘ yo yy Ry 9B <9 ¥Y/ aD RY of [F< A376 Zi
AD BERWICK on Ts eed 7é2 , » \ . M3 =) 2. ia Ti anne qf if £5 &' 2) Xx Wedde tae
ante ee pg 3 + ae: Bet. : aq Lweedmouth | / S af St pes Se ° J yan Se ey pittal
hame /
oh Polwarthd Ha ready,
f A a @ _ We otek
Janine RS Bi Sgan/'
ay oy
EMS oS, DP, Prabeigh * x >.
: a . ke yh OR aly /
“465 750 iz bah Ho.
3 y mingtiy
\ Lint. Hill F Y Hes ghit oe a5 ) ankend, e AD. os f a. Ala. ~ lrocstaa Ce . << a!
borat | ; <<. ow Viator oC r tum zien yy. J Zz . aire ; esthill Height Sap x Cary
ney y of Cash Pykestonv “S, gs i set Hrioor See y Fildigy Hills “tls j W, %. ony
Pouglas (Ae ot, / ) 2414 g/ 3 e ae = z 7 “tna Sugai fun ~~ rods ele We. Ps ; ‘ nr
Pulthr. Lelt ‘Ag, Kitt! op ait. Foulshiels Bow wile east | <a o a Lest N ; yDoug
sds oz if Cans Dollar’ La Yarrow. ,Za* Zacks . ; Sd 5 aa : 'y, \ } pf fe a" te : <<
me, NZ re (ea p . . n c PA See un. arty f en,
i Hivkbops’
E a CELE ey
q ands ae
~~ 2
Bo genie
Pe yne FN ~ - fe
2 Elling
+ wae gf é ~ ee
~~ ale hy Py. Ne ssid ‘Se JY Stet j 0 Y sare
J 5 Staward
OF ie pGakes gill
“zy, cB > | ) \ ; Pt Langrigg . Vlad Tied. a Ve sags, ace a sre Leaded AY CR: cae
=: “Hhilton.| fe IR }: Bla fell" - ’ me \ Wanitwe ora. Renwis #8 2178* Ja; “Th e p
“y Gus wok van
ee + iG Acocwa ald (3 a AG reg bles & y KS
Pr ale pinte a ~ \ my a aa rf algkeok
ad mire y
; ngwdehiy : * " Rridlekirke APL} fo /
/ \' i oof hig i> . F\ IN 3 gun (fea yy? 786 +. . : P. SS *, S. penttowite L cike
Pas _ S Grey 2a =. We ¢ \ ‘\ at ail Fell. - ¥ ~ = & — ~ wi
22804 _Skidd at Saddlehack f 3054 rh 2R< +7
os Stam
fe = urR a o Gq,
t\Hnock c vents ¥ \ Dutton.
. ong Warst, sign a
= ‘ Kiilton, £e
emu eton \ ASSEIN cee
Hes, ( etbeck
‘ Lune Lore st
en | Ce Savane
ef | mA > 2 ™ * Mickle Fedl Bolwialk:
Ce rene NN a blag | _The Citizen’
— h eCheviot
- , eggs re ope”
lushat eo Premiwi hey
Sie Hotel : a, » 2676" a” Hy 5 tata * Shi, ioe: Ly if, Se ore te a" ~ é ey pm oY
Yhe I owe 9/4 A $ ele * 4 \ Shaws Gf ee Pe a } 250 { r Ti SS yo th . - . a } o KS
Lo . fs Ch lpape Fea hied awe Petz, re . yy Fernichinek >, \% 2 ; J Tl Ewan pot é
thupe bP 6 . yore KG ‘Sr, : Helier: “ir | fe Cae. ao Stan, ‘3 ; i \ : J ‘ x . ~% =
A : e land a ‘ - fap ydee De 2+] Gagne ELnbReey Thirlestane fil > “Ge. %x Wi; +
Cavers a WR se ae } s = ; G ae | ~Ys, oo, r BOB», Case of \ “eee oberton seLawt e {
ts GE hat 034 “Lette, y ’ te ol 1 fi 5 at }) ae te 4 8 J Yrich Ky — sa - 7 th.
Harden Q 346 1392 : eids “~ {- (er ' Rs Poate * P a oe , BAN TA ial Sall fo qa on
Qu. wleue ay 08 f Po} t Nzz, SF Hie, dbbotrile (i ALN \ AR A hisholn Pas heh fs 5 A
Harbpele’ =
a > ~ HEXHAM
G YS Fgriley WE DiptonB.
nN oe
British Statute Miles 69-161] Jegree
a Hikl 2348
.e =
y ‘ uM sdaleiinkwi py AK 3}
Kirk pais 2
aoe hrockringto aa she
\ Wolds. rel
Aina ae!
eesti fe AG
1772 ~~
loth dey a
An wi idge-
; Hingream. BS Glow, ors
Va re Holystoné, Ss fat Ce os — as eS! 4 e5.— P) y) — B. : per. ee / Swen
Eshkialemacr 4 a vt oS és eee “ROR TEEEMCBERLANS Orr gic & ek Ps 263%, { o dgtoPeed
n \ 3 ps \ NR don |, r , 3 _ -X-F, > cpr: f Ried SS Borekund™ oH = AC bo Pfu ~ < =
Se 5 : ee le : Contensidaey Beer FX, e Hon \ x é f \ : » “A i Sf : : R ; F ¥ a t.
D4, Mincenhfiiagh | we Hinowes 3 rilife Halt ) \\. ; | | “* : \\Woodby por aN NG
Tarse 1 Vi pha Sas
‘ape if Waskerley
Reservou™ \ |
s Atlas
, i
\ nSaremerston
t ¥ ’ Continued 52-53 ss ai i
ey Lan
(our } 9
a4 .
oO g Aftidal: Pcs a
Z WNidiy a < \ Ben Diovmais . 3 ae 7é RE .
4 P is , “10028, - - bs Ses , /)
AFB AukacBuip vgo8 Ssery
rent Kiililak craters 8s “a
2486 ‘
940 F LMWrd ™ aby Npichinire— 4 ard, — 4A, ewist? nbz
= s i ae Prcuaiel LES att 9 y Longe So re ny An i Balmaé y use 7 v7 * SKillilan, wT
7 J; Z cy eee 322 Yar, > * \} i aly ay ; en ~ LY ks ec huetle \ 4 os Bala an t y g
* vac Fi aD E | } é a > oh Z = - ~“ ' - Za Sw NN, MberaMlark > . A Fo. Pubay
LightH, 7 Minrdull: citkeacdh / 2) Wain brig Find) atcd, S Z sits A forget ' i 2s
Yo Kllachy Ley = Oe are it Dor: Trt ung Bee tf 2 Ry 245 fal. L SPénewek geet ¢ J
Aiutstchgn a Glenmaze aes os : ‘J Den Rah ui LAr A A tlw d . ' ‘ + on A: ami Soul
rut va Dai im FRY" a ; j 2224 Oursnaglass Le. > a . AS, + if PT Sigs ; BTFL 4 L 2 (
¥ US. 7 ‘ tlep. Mawar P | | | “f gop il 1 ghee sa Herbnila tHieh pf, te LAs Wick?
et Conlitie yy L.nan f h i Wk vens Hi a AY ’ || ah oF, me CX ~_/ 2380 hy laicle
Cottle, he iF Sp eur fh 7 & x sity fhe - Wille, E dberchaliler | ; Broa WOR “ aS :
- ‘ , “ay Ali the. le Se ed BS TE fh L ntlP inne, . Cx = “A xy x 47, Cotgnarearn |
| ; wy Realy >= & her he Bankr 1, — Ben Atte pen Ti Atftric Gpibeesies" ea ba ey
Baine i, Liath : Sf By PF : : inte a er Jen Aston vie} S27 ; a Ls. Carn Odhiar ; jA
v AL - oS Lele - : . as, "ob? : nm FESCLS) oxat4 V7 NSS er AX : . C b 3674 matics
wi ae ‘ LL é ly WS | indi : I ort Diya rR. gt! : sb : ii plod: ; yecsere: Gurangse
= hregt Diu Ligh Mor White br vide . ter» Bad. Phy : ; v6 go! «ts ) Lf od aN ai XY
= ad re Ne) S505. S Phe din 3222 > ba > am pale pie pe Y pe feria Dalveg y Ze “a \
“ia KP IW ra: ee ~ fen hor DN Me -b673 wo . ai dale * 4 oi/ ¥ * - T & ee 4 DY GaN
Pees: | Pe = Fors ws I; Tas WUTC Se vie B 7th ii Ny RF se ] 2668) ‘ oi, " ms j oe P
ye - ‘ + 7aqr va deo / ’ | 0 tags ‘ , Ben Sereb vel dyadic ; Ls Chr SAPS \ ; ne ans
j i ae / | 7 Bible a -\ v AL lo22g 2 5 ~BLA pe = Be ap E ; r , f ¢ oS hag oe, e~
Kazu Y ae : y/ SA YY a TRI 4 } aay a Tid 7, a ’ nenstus7;<. , BY >) aA Te. yf | <
ek oy. ai Tere. einer on , LOVL£ 2 ; = p) Le. ey 7h Ayes Eo x va if > Sook et . t¢
oS ° ; i ih i | Told sity DyPS lly ezez J) Chery toe = ye 8 PIS 3 $/\ SI) Ie ¥/ fon
edbiiat h M*F! Z ° a i L y 2 y i Se S/ Beinneahk Ceann aMhaaes f fei a Net xy OY
Ban As set 3 ia) > ; . ~ 7h “ZL (334 pea LOTTA it h 2208 an, , : ; : =“ © eit A ;
4} ; seeks > Hiner | | a} 7 ¢ j oes ae ee Bunt inten orest y i a SR w/ /
CdrnBallach bs *eaeg | | F Toctag Pe ita, A ¥v | wide } ‘ 7 Tran A ress i han SS 77
‘ Lag By. vf <p oar a 4 w, =o" ~ ! ae ee i Sega Monae SIOZ Prantl Me lf. <&% C t
B : , Bement in ed aki? PLT == KInv Pgureran < > - pe eth ind i 7 nie v eA ae . ic
Chattleach Sea Ri. iB | aye fa wr es 2 as 2573 hour $06E ==. ~Glequnadh SOF ipss as
SF Beh "KS Cullowh Sep Cam Mainy 32045 L.@uina prep > | ae gle © YA 2227 . Of 339
yf Cast oP + ¥ of j aS JOST ) eS ee y i bl Diente “¢ Campa lip, ror \% L : ix WS
ai) BB (rlengiivieh OT 4a gas aoney st a qi -~ ‘ 6 ‘ 1740. fii i —"y —_ cites Cone
A NF Aadhen Pts an Pr a as = lengyoith./ Foyes) Oa. PP gil Age Ty livin ups Sy tif
Ho. ez att! le iy “ WE i850 gDhu LI. Kinguss sieos : ‘ | .araice = sot ny -: —
Serks, a 334i Glen ¥ © ae er", ‘ : 7 - 5 Lis nt Rhee ‘ S + J 3 . | ; siege? = & % K
Fi Oo i—-d QAriyr tC gtosaias PQaor ae | areas Garry ae ey J. \ LOWE Vcd 4 = ~
Wetktog Ve Tis : ph Cos aidh SAY aes oe if kivte Jé OTVWAITTIE: A ~ p alligiay's Lo
Re . te 2612 at Ditzim Cosaidh Ron aia are. aa Via (x Will. 2202 >; Er ———>~ r 4
eaiith ves || Aap? of Slecé tn Es hoe Mleflo. Sylhet LEEE we i Sour Gairech ff UO
his G A c Gre erpfield Ld {le 3 *rStiginsages 2 a RY Catae’ 7 . i . G KOE Tone x
Sandaig? oe =F fe RY 3107 Sd. 1 RS Se _ gil " tOLS ra any y, / 2 564 & i . ey =a, :
a 7 | bre : Aa » " Se ee es a ; - AS i 4 Si Ben-fiie xy ) Tivergarry Br, ; </ Paig
Dini s | | Ge a od —<s d i ist Ben Aden re Ki nr gi Kee ft. : 2,0 tr Lf $a, * 2SE9
A , gr of ( to Dye Dae > i TOK NR BIOS AY. ae ae oy a s ’ oy 2 agqarn : y IU . ‘ ad
. —_ | Pomtof Sle 4 Glen mae SE} : 290 yt E- y f { / Hilfinnen OMe VO Carty h eavk
SSA. Gapva Bri (Laggan Cluny {4 i i} s : : — x ee 22) Lhe Pap 4 ; S sRev spin’ | ne
: ; as Pi se 3S 4 2066 be i : ZS ‘oF — —=- a 244 2803 BT > F410 ¥ pent Sie R
Shirraingre Arr SS | ~ x be . - 1 . y Ine 3 2 B= wee Sy auemniasens in - GA I oS ey
1142 L.Crunachan <i a dus fel | AY? : : ; a 7 a por fife | | | oe ye 4 iitoa70 sf
Re. 7, = \.Z.8-Vinen | 6lenati™ Bh: pa “ A ras 4 = Dg” Le pe LAVE ia i~ fio MissaaN
\, Lachlegdgin Hote SF Ke [em ve A S > b ry, Soe = 7 “4+ Mor atl A E-Alen Peat | SY
TS.7 7S SI fl. nat Cightich FB" Ct F BES . % 4 ie we r c (F7, Satirch oY] fort pti
3 | 40. “ Trakimor Ho - Ao rar aoe e pou cot? 1 ¥§ © / tlt Z Ry ye = P ct iS 100 ty
ial ae } be » + Rs ernah (ade mS Cisaicn 318A JN ORs: = Fak seks “ be I ¥ ah Y ial
Se gr ey 3 VGN ¢ R : | 4133 es apres epi arel LS TY: iva Tit 289 iE xs tae, et Sowt
hk Ye erar— Streap | OLAS Yak: _ Daly ini, ULoch Erichd, Vircanach “ip 44 7h | ;
| . i f / HSE ‘ ; paltry Hee Hotel LG Pe al a oe = ° a Beoraid,) }/ 7 as 4 ae a \
Potte, nef >| | } } x eo < “yr yay gi wd Th ye Carn na Caim tb a | i . i 3 ancl = (
\> caw A OF , — : CB Ona ARE Roheiis ( { 87s og . : i dort 7 K $e: 1 ¢ = rs ' nd
Druimtada nN 3, dag Na fie Tullo« » ze SF Los qi ‘ruts m ff ld {7h | = [Fo Me a ws
2Y , iS | SPg rete ote = SY 43 Lf ena OT che, / | Fis Sto ZIP Se 11 V5 - oe ht a /
+ Dot ty opty il | 4S ecgyual Ce! HT Dort fis (, \ % e Jayo 3 SA pPest | ee | coe |
Sound. af a said - Peau on he ’ 3 / sem Glephiray 7 =<} ‘. (Gs “ wer’ ia ip a) fp
Fs) ie at 3565 ce bat rd ia 4 : vad |W oO > | ae 5 Bor Onindeia} * ae pi an fair
rice Ay f Boareise \ | ‘ siros bhe it 70, a hy Ho. ~ 1773 if: t Fa » - <a oar od ¥
i; ; mee. S76 sy : aN > od ‘ y i 3 A Rocky Rae : po 4 Ros ‘ Wo. 2 : Koase NV id ‘
At Pees XsoG Lia . f Oo { A gee : “Ope Willis Ln er? Ben Willarmem ry 2178 § 7 ¥
3 Bark ve Maidayyr < Ls
| | oll AAS prone Ne es cheaons ng | ae. ey 5 As n Nevis 206% } len nd Lap Pa pam
¥s Cd / ©, “N OX Ls oe ral x aa FF gard Pa ry | : Neel wall f \iou { Shallaies | |
| Ps 4 be mao ad .Ss= pa \ WV = fz a SYS 3 ( \ pis £\ “™ . ‘ Q “—— : reaey Vamore
(Fores ; hare Carn Delgo : } ‘ee ert oe 7 ¥ Xs “ S OW DV caer, v. nore \Forest sgur
/ Loehare® ~ yi . ' Gpirteagory 4 ete fi Opa, Sypr Diawihait® 9 3 oO B08 r
% J rr h i ‘glenn < Or. Lape : Kinfochler en } : - \ A be Keke | : a . D2 fnew, \
Blac i yy re | A a a © | fl . ae fs Y, ‘ ‘ Yensvce : {Px rt 75 = Ae SSarvoip tte aa
A Sr. 4 Srrearr onan 12 ? iD é ne LK. ae ee, = 55 Oi Fann a B Carick Te. rags eT
ite Wi 4 Range) aan ti FS ea ek ae so se Ord 4 @ yg elon: evs pelenle dutcdle
‘Liles take | Creachy er P/ e t alh3 ‘ Stauroase she “ie EN: Rasy — Lo, © | | = gee
Os ree \ : SS B00 ea - Bhentadl, i SG Le. n Coe L754 Me au Bhatlach | Black cors
cad AX sh, oO / ‘ é teu or, “ entadlen by NS 4 3 2201 Tighn a Xe : Rese? Kadain
Fite —e say fg E for tne « ieitgu) "a og a) Sty Sh, rdge- anti ss) 5 SF 7 ’ . BY:
WV: : SS Bhelihir 7 ne Baa ven Lodger shat +}, 39 "3587 ovat i ) Se “Cul % Bik of.
rn | es ae +15 4 ; | i! Ureimmnin F ? LU lege SS a & x Liipor LAR SFG | Bh chaille
fi < af : a= 4 Dron “ ¥ , 2p, | Rina muse Z 3 Ure S | ake i ¥ “ay ?; 6 in itd bt
Ho. < a XS, eae = laidh Cray Re ; “i \ » \ € “arn hing —_ " "es . ‘ ‘ O lb fp ett
LE Tharineinite p Se ro, KS: 5 pen ‘ }| 3238 ¢ — Daineda= ey 3 Raed Spas sly Ree
Cas, le Rt Ze, 2S) } Ros GB ey : fo Sx ano 4 ¥ rey: ifpe s jade Pawel ie =} Cengy
——— i 3) A Be: inn Mhe eadhoin, Yigah > f <4 #F Ler PAN ys Bek i ai AI" Claoh 1 be
thal) KE A abh Bis s » ¢ FOSE coe j Be hey, “Garth Ho — ! ME ppt ) te igs BE 10
Fhionnladh ie agg east a 2 < z = . ; <2 Aegptinige p; f | bay f 4 Fa: in LIK Poowe
- f Su CONene: eitiein \ | R L.Bu e di pala W R. L Yor X poses fisbonnayer LW &
CLI. ESS Aly : Sod wee ke rat nie Py, ; Rybiand et - ; : G ASAIUTN & LAd © . 00
Ghabfar => 1Y \ Fg 3 Ty Pe RSD Pes A ‘anh 2.5 bs ; Guliaird Pies Oks . [aaeo eens
Achalladeyy - 4s Bi Crean Vian ~ oe ~y/) pee Tice = as, eich, Ne ge ne . Ben
Trlleaghun ; : |‘ \ Forest Ho re y~ WIG4 Zu, jj
O5) JLo
», 6 na le tes .
cued {3 / A enderhreh. \ Le “adderiias
he -
‘ a : : Ar ,; hettan Te.
D, Cras RUPE, >: ca PR Th shee Acorn wanker ‘ Di dita tt 2 Hl. , :
4 \ 504 Toresay Cag, =
“~~ SeaurDerng an
| : \ 2408 B D More Ber aici Lochdonthcquly LSLSS A é
Batony?® Ay
o c
ae ore \ (Creag Ti 00
\ BBaOS WZ, Breatlaich Qe 62700,
a, Senet Rollo’
* , . ™ Invagela’ & LiBotwuhan
ox 4
No r
SSG, te, <P . Seam Male . : orl! lie BP <3 a | | She \ < A india ~~ ; eS B ie 4 4
oh > rt Oithar4 ¥ %, ~ ote ¢ LOC ff ou %,- wey a denis Pe rvs inn y Wee ; * = Be.
~/ tw = LAF : = oo Se 1 : GY LL obligse to. © : so i agg Easdale}. ns Yet Ltr thay,
My Lutlich {) § x Se ge “s eSito Wa Chioin cw es | b meee 5 Se < Bran ch 3 2839 }
“Cite ¢ Bb reennihes ! + Kilbréndin —Welfrit jf besa Arendal AY Agia
, y : '§ » Lumbre = / a sailicie” i ip Dri mfer™
} a3
YP ortins heiiole Duniquoksp , Aan
‘ . pes a Z OS ; * % 0 s \ ch : = Perens? 4 ny ind BOR. = ; 2) Eee aad 7 FS" gh
achs a “wes fre — ARAY ay KE > WY =
Pe nclicks . 7 Isles af the ch hoe =
Ge Antone
Be n.X ot Hotel
» Ben Loy
Mrfuichng i Ae pe aM vA
Ard ae
% be x & Py
Y gi
an ein Vu 4 y
~ ove. oy i . i as
Fo wats
DN 2,
Continued 54-55
Natural $ ‘
om OP
ni “> %
| LL. pS \3 Phy » hy ((2290 C A % j ; . . ee > ¢ 4 ar r~ | a f s x i a! a :
Beny- Gloe Mek, aur ‘ i > ) 304 4 [Oo SR i Hehe, 3 S, :
i = = % ot, |
| i ved. - Doy. Hilloeh~ ees rurdon 5
2389 Lethnz
Bt ) ay oN : Sy rapt ites thun FH CA : / WS, Vy § \ Me ist Sills AY), | Wl YP ee
WEE 8) a Ht : \ pera: rat : ; m / ' 2 * pe he { Duns yp. Ss idea) . oy Be ae y .
‘ ; : Falla, ia { P ne Win “4 me uy A eee tdge ape Tags A“Uaeston _ OD we, fp n Vi
ide Pa e “as 4 derodrome
~. > \ ee ARF = “i =
“an 8
i - or v op if
chee ¢ na i
Y me A) ?
‘Arbroath + = \ Ot Sun,
; Rast ) oe — Kilephaio ° eg 3 j
FF a
Seale Miles to an [neh
Bogha.Carra \
= 3° GeodiiaBlatha Mare : z ye Sula Sseir Spre mn naLice :
W.Lon.6 10)
Pala Chaitaincich
~ eThanwue Sger
Hilométres IL: 3 —1 Degree
o a
ai 15 20
| '
Flannarn ji? or Seven Hunters
ve | | | |
| rat
A ird: Bhreidhuis
Malista Ay)
Gas Keir o
Soy Fi d = “Ding > Cudéy
Shillay > <p. SS See
Pabbay,¢ \ Ensay
= Lev Kitlegra v
ohella 0 Sa arog / ‘ 798 / \otuh ; eee ‘Waid LDmiath so 8 Ret yin 294 | , “e /
fille OT of J ! a e (eo 3éf2 /. ae : \ ee ee Gs | 2 ps ry: Si rs he ms ae } : ¢ +
aioe ian fat Mo oH Boy f* 2gar “3 w} rir Rua avin Ared Deslea Pr P a i. Oy ate “F
iaiaeesy one} rs Pape | i j x ; 7 as: >» ye P y' ry ,, a ad ~ Pag : | ' Ry aaa ¥
aid iifomere =i ry J 2, 7 tae npr, Erodd. Kilptnai rag 5. ig) oBedlady ub “ pas ,:
RD yor ‘eT y DB isicdates A) : Hino thane ; 000% lurg Mhdr San ge Wax 240% R as 1
‘y pi DR hs AN ’ ye ¥ y i Miley & ‘ Baberlouy 4 Bee 7 : we ly ue 4 > S bd (ed Tos
iy ri 5 ~ a ey a. i fe Monk Lo ave Luegrhar Ge fa) Hite) Dostiat oak Da ed Gees
Sikarig mith CLS pal mm f | ’ uy len 8 we i ") Bh Eshiudtile/ §\ BX ¥) Lech he \
Reith | BE Belews op slacks by SW aie nda ony fo] 7 / Bunch arg (/ ke a. 2) w/\' ¥
gohuend gh Poighty AQ \ fa Ke A IAA >= | \& 5 718 Ben 4 i | pean of : | Haak ¥ amar
gs un - Se pe ans y FY Ve ihe a ya 2Bd Aa nS ; Rleiah B. me oe y } \ ato redeich 7
~ oe! mee of WN Neaty@? esas ron ay (1642 Fiahidooy <5 | wy p Brera yy 4 . é' — °
By 3 gu aw ht paie ezze eye ft Caee > i cy - 4 P| h ‘“ fas. J AY 7 Qe allinds ratal
: Nd 808 " SO z t ——~. ed P . ( a oo faa) ] \ | ‘ 7 i pllindialloch. 5. ; y < Te
Ose 2AM Daly Tha = \ Cresbe np) O2216 ‘yy AY ig zen" 3) d i F- OT cd res af Lishic
GR wperc Ue : Sent inne # | | = ie ae 2 4 , % = { , me , oy J Auphax Did sae $3: al
“owinas \ . post ai a > oC ‘ ~y LX) D be WA : “a [PR unlib hit L rede. A we hang
Z , . a . sid y wat, 2D LY Jb lo nda ee” | legas ¢ Fed TA Yul _ = BAL Zar x
wercunuid ff ol Delereipche [erihnadg. + | os i ~@ ‘ arrods Achrastanks: yy . , NJ
SF fick ane ardyy bet as ve My 28 rt Prank ad "hla { Milf, “As am 7 ji , Dv pods
pide / é as ins) no Y Skesecee! 1 Glen > iar Martin, Tt RSET rip AS . f | Craighead
7 ays ree YY P- ; eer aro v Tan wae fi f EO ie f te, *” f oe pape Hpi {3 +
Freebiirrt ins F wd Dress has. a a y x é ant Wee } A, bap ] Fagnaivt Corrifpony
‘Lyd tek ye Lewistenk 7h . “A, on” vy fe tr flags \ \ mah ing ) ae 9) hs lla. |
fOrD | . y a : * be A pe #52 ( Fe rots ; J ak pie* BRalmnaéaang Cas =) Y / oh Me _
Lf he 3 ify A Wekty | a . > al Yr Y ‘ ¥ 256. gy Prilickrsaclys } 4 \. Sage Ahad f
ut ores 3 AE L; Lief; na ety Tor gs. es LP ME: } Findhorn Br ~ Sy Fan ro 7 Fl
enlivek Lagoreyha te 247. > dae ach / § aL. Fu ee Apes R: y Oinich napa as oe f aes
sy CroahyY YB R if Dist Teck Kooks age 4 / | Uppot S&S iy an = x p Be” Aawekan, aie
a as wif e (3 felldre, aN, Sls Ade | At} } ; t omnarantins, Oc Cairn } / Pat ae
( Mawr @z Pele er ey ’, ert aft : Whenaviett. ) Miao)? ye ; . 44 f | ’ l J Ge ye —
OW ad es: i Beer 4 / hie hg ean ha, <i ] hi anid Er F , pre _ la i Ksuacky Tey ‘
_ : 3 be ee cI Le a: as ind rt.) che wnichacl »*, Y a f if . = a d/ } ei - fa a FP
f LA G Ze. —— _— nes) ) : , y : ste My a ae 7 Lan Sul, 23 ; aa de & a ee bak 7,4
#/, Bee oy . ™, Oy ese Hi pe Pabnrigarrie f > “a 7 Br Re Lago ji iy ) » : G Ei Fu
Sent ath eto z4 a m2 Coif oA rae : a eB nd o BE 2 r= Fnyers Vide ‘Dubpmaglitys oe :
f ‘ t tif “ » oo \& nockiat ih 2 / 2th as . Z g. x eng 7 Vx c rte he ree Ru isis
piocet: A & \ ies i {a 7 Olena, A ~ ye ops vai iad \yte 7 a Mies Lp —— thy - 7 By
TS msi” CS Se wba || 2 Te inven % os AU hy y ie, af =. Aberch Ader 7 Dijrihainagly
i/ "7 Diller, Reed ne poridg? = ¥ / h n28a7-~" ) ay ane, Lia ~ em, Ly | Aes 4G is
te is Sasuke jpDal a nate es i == Fao’ FE: of, en 5% et 7s no \ "a ; Li 4 : a age?
race 4 ‘Elie “a >. : Acer i anethy Pov A Nil ‘. atom in toul) | ia f / : , J ~ .
' ; y ' m ‘ . i a orbuc. Nee me olighMor) at A e Ds me Bdersine q: aly } arn Udhar
q / gnhashie~ = Se Vag? —_, eee - a \ tt ee at Asi ' XS, | | inna Gali | bay bya, =
ie ile toe ae ie Je pe as So he | SATS ‘as rea, a uitebrtdde - Y 7 \ WV YA ‘ NE 4
oo & > e \ S ; ony Ly} | Sete > OP t le YS Litygreardine| | | is 3054 bf iairpen m
NG om } & 7 RY) Ki, "Taverwt de Nx/ Daly 7 « hi, ) ) ) .% Yh Ro. f a as ‘ ulrig | |
: oa 2 AM Oy 4 j¥L Bis LBD serpent Key) “Ge aes Led Ned ST Alain Wyle Bri WE iad it
ar sh 4, gt eas lg i ae aH tel -™ ha Guarw’ Z ay wai ° oo a" nN J > mae 70% é * . i
2) [Gen ORE ad SP RI ns Kort A © aa ~k. BH Pe ~? pe caer DB pan Falasala
inverernana, ff | 4/ A » x 3.2 eos hs \ Rae or iy gusins, sr Cy os { Scapa. wie
jLnAlvib, P ig pone : ' / i" (3392 frame ry NIUE - ( Cea. : \ ee FP | Ff ro~ — SF
LLOD Rgds : . ee flange: Eres Pyipn¥ Vl | ; h 4 : horns Mh: a wee y S ya ' , . ' ,
f fae =wit =| ae pa © a qandoinhic Fobest <r, “dl ) e205 wh ie or a y, s/t M, o dad
ath y Mts) i A Fb thie raat = ch fA As AS i bh. 4 “ 1 fy }| } 3 ta SI? A : 1 \ ow \
~ yy p alr XH BS : el z 4 _— / Faas awe : ht S ei | pO? , = \22uL, ; ge <i a?
288: ) ay be / Wor) 7 on ; 3 PD Er 50d en a Ate es DN Se <n AE: cdrn Balhach e500
p| Hpidcaia yy fs ia *S. % pies Temas | if 33a5* . pn eee ag lene ee ING OF yy ae
ce eB . j . wok v se 6l | afte atiniehe ee. OP 7 As a ra 6 F Eagloshs a7 ~ C Mal \
Chaille us} —&. ete ee” A Dee" yw j CG $0 aij | wiles Fi, My Fee | 0d } Wa a rahon
lt oy ary. ais | aa © a ’ Y Saw * ease: ranigncnank OY ' el of) f a i sed _ ett we
toe * 9 gh ys —— \ gos 2 / 39F5Q\ z oninaa re 3 4 + . . j é Bulg Ne Vl 5 — % Pa el
<a HAY. oe ¢ > » L.na i * = Ki ‘ - Sr 4 ‘ ~~ Corndavon, an | “0 = ad = ; : g
ebamwge / | qDhu LN ingussiel 5 Fs a Glepgaty 3 K ; Longitude West 5 of G - L A) \
Nektohgnorezg—F ~- Y ae: P| | ~ JI°9O Greenwich ~— - es = viento ALE a cal Se x ‘ v
nr 4 / / N ; oa 7 Gopal \ a ee : , ' 0 . = perenne sri SI of , p | ’ ’
= acorn —— —— Tl
Continued 56-57, 60
_ 1:633,600
Continued 58
PS foneval | % AF) Py
Rea {he
c . Z, = “3 ? j . aoe 2) Sex tere a
- ‘ Bre Cy :
avadale ’ + 468 \ 13th il Ss Ss atk Mars oN ‘Y 9 m% S. (CELUI ff 7 me Mio
More 2035 / S : F kK i) i / p Sh)’ we 7 pif ee 2414 ( ” Y Ys yf \r Ss les
; Wy / \&"2649- . Greats L So: : a5 é , &, Pan «s “ hit re ar bee Lock: Eynort A
tyr a ky te A p : ose \ \ a t\ ¢ \ ons fe L122 ! : : ; ae a oe \ ~ fs 1984
Mi ava aaF ;
Sou nd Py 3 : Phansigillo > \ Sr } ' ‘ eS Ui riniidale-Can, Fiarayip fry 2 Eriskay
| Leipese gg OS, caraiit Yrdvascn etic Scurrival Ptr ¢ Fuday Sit Bae: Age \ Bry = ©
: — x5 : \ Af MUGATY
=> yc * . : Nias gar \ a: Eoligarr® ° @ Stack I ; ' fair _ Aipd of Skea Tninire * $
»> » & Gighay He Leeay
| : ee af ae - if “187 2% wl Cass ! SS
or Pa
rs j . : Lingay ten. Serien. BOF
' $ fe - Craigr Back-mop JDutchmans Little = L.. Wx — Sig , } | f Cap Colon say 6”
" MEKinnone 6 aOR, —— 4 \ 2502 “Torosay Cas ce Fa) 7 / » Sean Derg Stafffag ol ff
ae 4 240% eae Tnoh Ken Mitol Mho Bi 2. M me Fee
| f= Elngale CO: A S22? ah 88 wo! i "Shee fil og S7..Don Pe : ° S oO} ( 7 E = ": :
Erisgeir y J = ?
Faak: Hispinichy Roy » me +* wig J OUTL . «! Burgh ooeee? Z > JA APT us JZ argit os
Ai aes? Bad Zoe. pay A ee e& git Se ORE reyghewl ww ct >~
jock = Po gs Millen P Beubuy % Les RY er
Sh LH : van ef ' ~—F a este +) > ya \s i) | kage PRY VOre a5. } ¢ “ of } : baa
rilrede haw hb? Ee eon —— vidisle 18 miles & UST: a aPupe sant ste \ Quarries ay
tggthan. Sheep l, : ¥ US er Hote Cen “ f oe ort. Cthary —% oe pen eos os “hy (a)
ay. PYG i ser ee Te, We, me ‘ais Cave Ber -' “ty 5 SBS an a a a
= $5 rd
Garve Moke I.
oa Isles of the Sea d “ wite Ve ¢ o :
oS Oronsay Stac an Armin(627F ' = ——
Pr” Fe Sherri a
oé 0
Setter f
V / eee - ——— } | ' ZZ. The Nizz 30" | \ S ‘= | — a = 2 | 2 @Mousa “Fair Isle TS
——— = x ; | . Maicolm's H*, Onybreck | } Wie}, MM, “G NoNess * Ker hour l(c | | | |
| | | a —s__—______+—} | 79’ ! | 1] a 2 S 30’ | bom slits ee ka. fe ete et te ee ee
lj eee: | 20’ =i i : P Q Tor Ne $s i]
N.Ronald say
Twi RV as f re
if J ( Holm. of ‘Lapa.
‘Papa Westray
StromNe. as
: a Papa Stroms: Ly
-) fill pay Odin Ness
K .) 4 Be 2,
cB. Shapins ay. es
“Continued 69 Natural Scale 1:633,600
= —— | — a a —_
Tor-Rocks a
: . soni! F 30° C 6 D 30 E ; —— ———— a ae
~t Se
whan. Telos
| = Jal. Stax ¢ | Matin Head _ | Stod )
= sy i 2Eg0 mu
; . w Morlres . | | ix
Atasqow * = ; 2 ec to Y bay, | Glashegy | Se ii’ =. Garr ichubraby Cast = iLe- T >t
PetlankB.; = : i | 36 agh P’ Tallagh 7 i 5 det ry mB. > | ae i F bea pO Light Ho.
Tor 24 | : = t= cel Island MelmoreH? tt 3165 West Tout Sage = : | aG0 wu Buniiendee
tie art Doon Thane, . aw * } Pree Ke, F 7 a5g ' a Ss 3 Horn He aa Mtghz ape 2F ) .
40 ry So bs Laxd\ oy a~ | goth ti | or Hounc f itu rire Bo ae 4" T6.30 - | nev = ml
‘Hallymast Dr “rernet res” Sty : m | } frishbeas = ‘fara, ra | oe Inishdooey @ Rig
ssa kill de { i i \1 , & F i Rage lare i wf ty / j : / at Inishibofin Aly SS Dooros
P Sp. Gbigsstort 4 | i . i a 4°. Ranaghree Pt ay @ | git erage 4 ’ A < = a | Bloody
Foreland Me a ales A me x / Bring, scrana “B52 on 1309 WL ai == 7 Lrockylam Hy i af
Frishsirrer h~ aA \o, dgillew¥ 4 | ges Makkis ay ro ~ UmtinIg. w une ) ‘ Knee iMtet
Mouldy aE yma : FOYLE i 4 AT “ r Ly | es aT hs A 200; ; é f ik an Golal: =a ‘E16 ¢
hae pfe\e Ly ‘ ca : - | Th Fy St R aE . Gwee root ~ Derk: ybe. g, shelndgor = Go
lay? 5 >} L : OMAG AOC; —s me vee Ae IAL: iB nal ey Sihuatra| aS 74 yy Bee Gy, ys
ars Teh. 7 Owe. ¢ \ Gap bis: ti: oe Biss i : af = : > Fern ») Re Oe ts | “Yio 7 AE,
ees Errigal ZB Oo aos . me Farléng S.. r Torneady P* ‘ ? ply 7 38 BG” 247 POAT OW
Chr, SEL - es Py ag Nacisn ro a iemeet } | RinrawrieP lighter ‘ " re Punl . fi 55 |
——— SSS SSS Aran ay A AL. 9 3 ne A. Fi Castlefors ‘a “eg. ‘fn j ay $$ SS ———+ Shit
az & Spoons Y aE 159 = 1] Island As ri ao AS Se: St Bere y rth ib 102) : b | : AALS
tle "WOES mira) mi ot (Latagher 6 : j a Arzu cree. Day ai > Nd bul ~ iid Nae ’ echo
- *. Coillaghaistayn ‘ eae Fifiern ; + (hircht awn : % y a os toma J GlolLncens on
ws : - . dart ‘pelea AAA Stag Fa S\N Ta . - re : = = Hatingham Pas } [4 hghdings XA
RRS $ ¢ y Maghel-+ BN F y/ ag uN . ad BA “SLY ] x ag velss y ds 2 SS Aliadush te —
mk si SI7 ? fohristowty. Bic - - Crohy Hag = & eu Muck 7 Z = iy econagh Se ais A q
reanitaghs 7 : * : \ ; . . T Vv . ‘ 5 Dt f | ON EG A\L Zl, una Cy : - 57 (t ari
antofe, S = eva) / 5, =? Hnecnagh } B Ww = ie Portage q RS ee 7 j Cas 2s == \
Rayhiady ¢ Neth Mecial 9 Roaninish + z x o> ee 3 Such i pee cea j R . - ; \
uaThdagau Q if ¥ : “Gwedl aT ra Bes #10, So aeaagh Sa AY ~~ leit, ftigarvan-
$Furmamaiadd : SE bs = a7 ag iat ROR oe Sees Gave: Lay SA } HolbA a 8 , : hiaghe™
PRS = : Clogtiroe ie 2 Heer , RY at Se : 4 SaliyRagorry aT if a eat. . ; nd / ~ i ~
Dawros Hts Aghic M* ~Boultypatriade . Carnowen Saree hoe ie = ati is F L Tee *0)
Pon = Long}, fuss A Soe Dyrcaller \STRABANE aa weil. Ader ~ Oe ree lan | py ‘ ae =
Yo Ore Gaupin: Mt : 7 " > ‘ > L 3 Ba os sleromé , 2 Butterlop. - Loughros Pe a>
Mache noi i NC 1863|,-43 Gle By aTiwhe yy a oEgnnore pes ert Gr at r. - s Ww eneens
eT A - mt } Eilcpogher yy Fut alue \Sion-Mille \ ape , \ Ss ae —— ee oD ’ . - J
Live? AMeenglaSs Sta. 9 s* i "} formorel.. st 12 oa & ee Lb Magrath Mor = Pi all &
0: ghgorm oe J = 4 pi Bearne ae ; val 5s <r ee ai en. Zi : 4 tale AY f Vi , ( MN} :
Port Gel> = oe Wood Hi 5 a Wa Blue Stack Ms er Belghade 7, pe eh ofl usk~ fale ped
fi fa J. \stdaetoria Snorall cer, Ail Se ot f$ 4 2218 igh 794 “Mourke ies i a=. ij
S Mier *Guglass Glen HUE Glentowe ya ) Binbane < Thr aly = > = Ral ene r” Prlly ie
i eld . s ; | Glen Mubpose i932 } ix’ oe) Sy FS, i Rossan F* Tioga ma ' Sppene om
Ws is 5 dnamonaZ\ I ell Ssye8 OS <= St a8 aS pang ae) Pe Sie : ) ‘S : ede > = (<-
Mary - Ca QUSK) Malinmore-or TeelinH** MajinMfors : a Cruck*idao at hae “eS a si
Lough Ea: ue. > 2 ad wae <=> f. Kew wh owen YE + 828 Non’ ¢ \ Be | ) . éf cay |
ll . . OW P ¢ ~ Malin Bay 2 > f w= Ir 4 HTD Te wr VE any, me A Lougheas shoo) Ce
rei a ’ 2 od Crew Bony Bell ye: Car ras Shchos Se : SOR > BQ WN Re Casheltowg & EL
j TZ le whee Stat Altamaullaits lagherashiereoek Barons a 7 eco ~ RathinO Dirne 1.2
| op bgusit ‘andar Z Ns : y ov AGllkn— Be Lwin) (G / wa # fy ; 3 <c.. ) cA 4 ‘ ;
Fans = ob yx Kile CR or ‘ '" Mount ay 1g Mo Ld j = ne rma YW OUI Bs ele Y i = lee x
yi Bi hyde Kilmore Lo. PL ¥ Br HK \c., donoyie gael : we ada } i Sx ts ae Pri. tock
K 9 NS Ripe sa ¢ minthe. i = Py Bios} ere rhe | <5 : Mulnavar Lop : Se, sian " lj ¢
aarrigan HS au . pS. ra Solagh t Diurnvishe y . || sect 4 nad M Plea bank y :
Ouchedar ‘thid =; ee ¢Drumguin. ot Z, Py i] ur 48 rd DooranP* =i 5 hgh dai A}
{ qisaz 5 : vue «ani "redlertan 5 i toe — Fl je Dac * OES, OMAGH i ‘ a ; G pos f
{ aagee f [Braden Sioa ol fy | t “ae ; Ae A ave, f Ps \ SS b Ore 4 fon uw acc y.
Glentern, ; : ee a =" Sante aa _ Carny)) 5) q PA ge xe ee oh 8 st S- John's Pc yt
snow lad yo Co, F = Rathi ar. L dvelo? ’ BP \ y urgatibe, Digs ys he _~, m9) ie ene
“lanabogark «/ 7 | | Rossnowlagh.. y (rolagh Lough a, 4 3] reer re fs Ri oe i} fla
with Bos f i} AT _— LA ool neil ie G b= SOLO |! f° | | D O NN E GA i B A i a om /
=, De = pe Se — oe |* Lildoney Pt Ge = Se gl un to <a Ses | : rot Scafdarns ye? J
La } go wR OS >> ’ : Riv er Erne Ms Y ¢ Lee tesa? a ere x we 7 Fa wf Ss ; SS ae /
173 ‘ ane Kesh ttidess ; wORT = ee = PR | Se a oe . ee S AES Le _ 1} Single ee PSS
io ae Noe s Glawel ax: . pax Ht Sts . = y i} i os ANd , 7 = = se ga tity” ii Z L, A
1] Thug, ss : PBundor; Se . i = **) LOUWGH-ER? a6 “Te Sah ge 1. a me i Miullaghimon
; ey, = aa a> ro 149. D <<" “= +8 so .- > P. he = x <4 , - F Sr tems © xa u Ls Bi
nD. \ Raskeeragh es ans) Rose oe =. “x f Tritticn |f , al | : 4 } 23 Kirllouahy ,
Con, oulahall a o 3135 SS Ne Sb Figaro: se; res Ste Tr ilfick | - = J ff % 2S G ae.
lee ' " {Chae il. = by 7 ~ | Inish MUITAY Ko Dernish lh, / iran ‘ = —— 2 -ee \ 26
Det en JSTt } noris TST. Wey ea 1) ongee : Fa >H cai DA Re Peg! $. » oe : Lo re LPR
SE 272 wag. = — QQ@arr iSore, —— Oe ‘ Pate Mlancerali Fr | StreedaghP Kez abo Bs.
he : beseeerd \p Tee DesriGaraels i Sapte ‘ ri aay Pee : ' Fe wen Weabskin’ “Largy
donne: oll JIN =~ ame \ ae ~ wr: estar | | bfangey- sr ae 5 \A ~g Fe Neer Ay ; RS
“Derry lena 207 mS ; Ree { KS cI — ~ ee Morea XP p pod Piricher = : é . {7 : ee < ?
: a Se j T “<p . y tok . >= p Z q YS y ; | Ss Benbulbi (Pe “Sy Seas 14996 ios alae
Yn Ap WF A ree ee |e fio & et " THRRO 3 ie ‘ \ : . ib ) 203% ; 7 : SSS f ‘ f » ape
Y | a) i 2 ny Salk corapicld. . 1g22 eRe ius Glepadé a made Ha b, fe vies Beas Re a
nasa Devent f \ - i> : Sr ; na : ae |} R: we ng aa Roskeeragh Fx. Pissactill, S Mt
OUgs Saddlé : Fe geloud um bs Py heey res fou nN / si ” Sphnk Kings! Gencar Snide
of Hil sae Ropiets ~~ 2 Bohd/ ie = Ge R. «e Lon FP 4k | s & » - Brown's Bay So 577
hough Si, [288 #1245 SS . \ Bohoy SR, a. . ‘¢ ee Qaie : | >, » 4 ~ oS ‘ z CO ann |
YY wf y’ S Seal Rocks i p os i XS Glenkeel > *\ i\ Lise, 7 § oR, \ a8 . Gé .- §| Fe
o} = ~ = - inte Pyancliffe a Ys samay & 8 bug in Belmore es We 4 Son Se Mok “Je
pia. Fs ‘ nos $ ; On PP S LIGO BAY lage Rec : \ ‘4 ) Targe anDery a Slreeny Ho. iy
Miaputeds Z Listhooey Ba. t Riot on pa ke bordig ‘s Po ; ~ | nist NTE See - Se Y
We. Sh Motin’ $ Rare 4 god Louah = : ; si a 4, Py} yor us SS uudieg ms Pista ie
FERS KA Aas <S Tae Ne hd 974 Dranscor % | t Rath r An ; LAG pe Colgaghe 7 eaiiore
anor, | st ni rows £ Glentaryp e — =F * 7 bitoni fe as ; Yi > a a ‘ : on i | . 7) °
RS g - 4 . ie j abrts thRee Fallvolass? By oon =, Se, (au. See . | | ; : .% Ke
TONER ee Pag “Fi ve-miple bariviela K — Peay Portal se jt AP the, S pe ef ‘BIA II
SOrinkaladyy ~Rifockmar so 7) / hy jongan LOW er mek Nilky 2 . ) | 1 RES i € dag) :
ase 5 ll ; rf, 1 hy) tty i I } ) 5 = | nee a} 1 hors Z 7) ‘En Aa. ‘a \ ay s fi
GigRts « Mardi <ee® ee = } Bet 3 v 3 & { . f ae Ranch 39 QUE S Corrany r rt NO at
SPOT ON iy td Ray 7 sf) 5» & b Arch, a0 Soren a . % | aa }Leekfteld Hot Ni;
antaglaHa > fo LS AS fis Slish SOrsiai tir * : 1448 i i | J : r Dy m2? : ‘ :
Btltrd. $)\ BEANE Ib? Fric tgiTe, ¢ iillatag % 5 17t , a, “Tae y pra . a ya i Se
Belhuivel Lis9 eee 7A 1 | | ND s« one i : se ah 1 Ho. . ae 1% Castleore. 4 fa! Sa —
e ¥ hei ve #£ Donaght ~ e Y re \ * tanadeaFais, = ;
‘ a B. e ih ole, ecnal kote her oe rnwel mae eee
opel: alongy
Carrow iiein,s
§ Taub Gore |
Kilbride = Ino } , rare ~~ grrp bell Fin g ¢ logrie Vi "ALINE . tara At Ballyn: ?
=~ lj rf 4 ; artes Lath ah ee > . > 7" a 7 i e
| ory 4 hid 704 we ofp i) ‘
[ime nay Ir
See . y Lon cae ; len Ballyhs
Sp pagh \_- Gewna — 4 a Frne ieee E Tru
oie a
| 5 whe 7} ctinaind’ ~S a al | Wind tom
8) ORR Driohdarg Cul el To | | t Rit} \ ~ 4 | . 4 . “Di “tagneli Shy, Re Priankferd
Hoa) ; tat Get . "4 , ' foes et F x 92 . Vaan 710 iB | Ke = CO z ae Tul ‘ ee oh |
’) S * Br WL \ ~f Glenn Biailahy | VOR Dery zs = 4 Walivi ‘ 4 ' X E ae DRO Wee
Balti a, bell ahi Bethiwithan | -——- alder barahett bt Be S77 ls ae — Toomenallia*
Stas + Ae A eae, 7 | i | A Sta Sox oy Dees ee PY on nm» Moat FRU: rie, 7
Peamycarrall A : To apres. orbes ines hinles® : ; ™~ J \ Clare = hes So) == : : &
Paes = Ses ‘ Cyd Pi oti stleplun = : wn J H aie nee GRAN LTO nf en i z Ap >be vjany
\ Balnacar’ \ J i NOL is > f 40 le’ “Pu raat i “= ; Ws Massy Mere ct SBricke — St :
go MX \ SSAC SS atitleown Ho. AC fastifoow 19 ee Rah richglass Te a M ‘aye Jeilas
Ira Whitegate : a ee; = y tong CE Tk the TOS : \ ; 3 sdigond ue + the . + (Bator /
i; a, as # “ae Rew ont da ¥ y My “Lugbey. Xs Y ees STS PB Altinaober ee | 3d
Tiaryage> \ocklaryh / % = iy ' : aa ‘ } 7 \ YY ess a . wa Cudnaclehen. ~ Rae J
V } ; ee) pally moe Sta. Pa %e por ite Patented =, 4 <S SS Sta. CFORD onan Py oe sf
LY ast ay tHa x te) = } o F~ ma Ye. * \ : . a garretHo, & , Seolirbmor Bay lyn ; ae
Fark Barnamapee Cloonts oT =/e?, Fos S. \ ore . Edgewosthstiqwn mt Rey, Ty \ (3
[Fairy Mount SP MoontDay bs “i lasht > ‘ idtow me > Ho s
= <s SS
Scouitin — & SN a co a °C rOoTpOor = - Moneen0F Wis foo ‘Filia vee \\ Bawri-Ho.
Undagk J y .
Sas + ere
NEN oh
Continued 67, 69
az IE pe ia & his ice ices
ae ~ ~
Ib |
I evils pit ME
"Clo ogbony \e “ FN . wll Cilla 12é
| | Ards\
| Corlea >
Derrvad> bie
| = rong Px EPH bi} lid
ay, i“ ,
- at ie cx:
on umnee Milter \ sense RI nas ‘ Le :
» hate. "79. Ze
“ao lasso
TE « Sf -_ Bt
Ces Yor "
yee, ONE oBeal
Garden Hg
Cloonaeen Ho
i .
’ A {lapemplls |
3 Brps; n>
: Shyrone
aK +, Wlouaut SS
, &™aeeton J
Ila —32
Bally, potante Ay s O¢
2 ©.
CONS kt,
ir 499 Marine ace
WAqL 2S Sap
ar: partownlio.
Pw sat wigwn
\5, “oughal) Ho Se
Bawn Ho.
May. k yy
‘Ke. "é nagh ohassockt f
ria NE ro eT “Fos
oy *\ { ) fae oe “I wart. A Hirer! I iby ( pat tela —
© Ege “ a x t
oy tomanev 72 i.
i Bally, shag
ho © Vrrartts ib. Mac cans Moyvauaity 7 ‘Sea 7 vedinstown © it " 7 ” Ose. >» ? x h
Morita? fasitle Ballincober thx, \adity nagar try ‘ & A Stay
PF oe Miatey
Castle +
in Wed
ull . fhe Lo 71
‘\ ¥
lemora os
r. LY¥ealley Drinag
balti doko <t ool ais arlevilia—_N -Ho.
= We eton
ross s
"Caste ‘ grtmayl
Rock 7 \ fess
aa 1 'SHEY
Ba Biplomn i
Pallas f J :
CHOY stl Pa 7 Apey
“>. a > ,\
= oy a4 Pe }
G6 Ble carattos,
Spear x
ae 2
New Tows
ery TRS “tay
~ \Rathee
Mount Rate al \ i/o | Ralliny rehire = loughanayfull y
as a pricy (ile,
Castleton JC : Stas f
og Hor: se
ae ber,
ty unifielhd Tip
m il Billy cual
Blue Balp™ Saifes
rar Mh nt Sif Ve? y AN A leq = a, \ ee —._ dic : 2 Gi, 7 nee CHarlevilelas OD FF
Ross Tk
GaPtaamona Ho
{yur > Ballyboy “es hn
nore 7
ound Sake my
peedul Ba
: Sy RE hitowne se S
Bo he raghiea™ N¢ wig? eve
ane zatlaross, Q
pe o ren
Mati Mood, Bore A in
S&oTr re Lismore,
De maghmor Y Ga Middlexount
Kil cottz
RY, a
hindi “SS flocks eld
Gh a 2 Hilsor i LPs rr t x a
Ws Rush S4
Mounts: uth
ti sles
tows n
Wee at
Sppina a \Y ‘er ~ option a
Mearscourt N a ae
marathi fr +
| tite
Wee SL. Bart (Frm
{D7 Zi, hex © Casein % ; adlan as |
G 01d Pakertharrt C se le
oolup neo fue
sie cA
a KK ving ykor®
SHB yr
a ata: —— Donnas ve ei Nues
8 a
‘Gey br Mahens
io. An boder
sti mW, OER twig US
pl} / Sa wells Br Ho. \
Pa } Baliyndooreg xe I a {ladford) +
_ Nlavg Kiltawallys pL crelsy fos
Lon maher *
kites: edarh } V4 f fies - i ‘ies is Se ah tontert\ Goal wai l
_ Pte Aghan
NY Cappatlotiant
e a hay wf Ry. Tle. Clore ygow van hs “>, j
>4llbhas eR
Atrmegroye ey
res Abbey
cam ite. rt ' Hoy,
shut m Tg
fixjeen v4 Y fiiss
bj pay ;
at i) }
Gabn aun ct ays ) te AB: ally vag Ps aos sl ohare iby We v “lb, By . Boa ia Ko. -
Kilmaca». ke Hguly scout ~~ ». Cranage Bd, Pp 4 _\ Sie hi nth re Ieee rants. zh
Foudkerrazh L >. 7. a\ Clone \ sfasde Vanine) (We dlet Hill io, S
Gor tnahdo
Fre: shite *
Plating tir “d Jom ek,
i hia: d cheat.
By / LG
Rena ethore° -
nf Snipestr ert
Wager “ Fy ,
fe Sta: ‘ DA
Bap es
e€ E;
i) it "ack V KilrGiran Ho. ir Mount 14¢ Ny
$: Soar
de gle »
)Grai J fate ;
7 a
: +
RE a i+
illagg 1082
Furteen Tie: ‘Sour 7
v "for a
pe Concer, 4] N ei gine a wee 4 : y Friedl sé
i Ipe ndag yt
~1R Loghizny :
‘i Cont stows
a a caret
7 ACpink. hk.
Ricap) Dp
i fittigay 2
sez rang Oe
Sh Levenaman / co
2364 Tyrygy Kile ren i's Rathelfaish %
ivpatric asl
y YGle, hi atr} ick
~ ‘
JCoamex ach
‘oa (uu candéftr in aa be
4 2 “Mt Baw Mt macarty:y 2 504
nag Whe? os
1449 \_ 2443
‘ olunsiinga: ary
as o>)
~ Fill. Hé.*7 *f
) sano,
DS Ahenry - e Tray 4
Call: OE
SS tio Pramrinet
Kilcreené Ro
Caatle Bele lee <
rT anges An,
i ae pie ville 23
: Blandstp: t
: SS yf tto. — i
Sot & Party stown “oia® y
Wa. aL Ki tew'e
Byrne§grove *
Sp tyortad
g at = q if ~ aN : vawdds tle \ (Phe kaebotstown
Lt? Ho. nd
A Cutt Rog rate sidgp> he, ap & Fon est Ao.* Newcastle Hd. ~ . Yelle’
Bally h
arl Ha, rrkbie e 4 j - oa} 3 R hilipstown / Wu ; 2 ¢ 4 é R.} ae i, > SN ot ile
TULLAMORE \\_“™ APs - Grand oy ss MOTE gBallindgar /| A EY! - ; Geashitl
Cal an F; {Site
lie ucan sz iva the i ee
To Bt
K “innecas
t oF ii a i Mi ee ae fiat a ‘4 ‘AStTRID
7 wv sh 7
treed y¢
Balls leas Ng
sy to wu
2 { Ta IVa vpolagaxvhes
By iwkng
gortarhi one
; ¥) s
Wn t >» \ Pallvad
s so
3 cet s
off Gan
<a? fileetsct
ae Aehielt Malt: Ballig 4: moy le, ef!
“2 ia
Jarl + 7
Aj, ee Ae ‘ton “ie
By) “4
| fort
Rajat) if
Ho. g a Badly en Yeld~ es SH
». Cla nadreeae: INMANNUS MOL By ¥ avila ai 7 Strpisals ved
hod, ta Ba uratit CroriohyAred
Lon etlates| ot !
~y ots poher storie 7
‘ Breacklinz -) Ho,
? FeeGr WVE
\\ lgvungs. ore, © Fall | Tieton ab Fa cary telgne
rt 2 Ss a od Dyirrads “umny 4 i
Poway ay les ¥
VET. *s eel ke fr 4 hgrie sti
Gohns re hvausillons
% Lore "te "a x ee
Ho) Kilsha) les righ Cas C Bh,
“f Ne mers yy
bat \eHatt
VR 5 “Ke denderr Vr Derr inditrn
~“° Dy wiamsmnon 0.
Pris (he ag By AMlerew deg leach SS, L ullymare
wns4av ; eS)
= Chenin wt. Hider
ee : . \ Shy Thoniadstow?r wag / x f \ rn Stet bn , “4, sou xo; OUT 2 Abin #3) 8 at
“< RECT; gh, —Sertigaa yal Rild, UPR Enex 5 istferevan ‘a
Kilaenod/ ; Ballys 7 A - | Hike lopn-
‘a J
ae. wv
Seven Kren TsZ7 fontshowns
ett bof
bps rd Ne: \ Belan He \ rielley
Milis rail /
Pewkinrea _
<inabr hii sigh i
Cas. .
¢ Stes, pares ~
Ay Rs hay shannoys 6
ssohy He Inchaquipe « tiv.
\ Pas Ballitore
vs Fain. 24 pec PO UTOONT
to, ane ON seallopne Abbe
f Y ; Heo. Wee is =o” BOTT ix nf)
Vfermagh » sty wy’ Ki bride™ +
7 A é . Bgpin ‘Ce
Continued 62-63
2. ¥ Wists: Sel <o, «>> Arch Hall
Leonagh; h ve arial shown
Wilkins ile
stows ¢
1), 7; , 1 er kag - Yet Ca br Dramcta a a ‘4 : ; ‘ ~ XN UR Malte bt wg flo i
Rosrnegah- a Tyibinds i \ ? NTT UTE AN Uy. AE iF 7 Mariiengtore SN ao Dru Oy tae
aba. x £5 ill. of Ward AN. foe Br Tio: bf Miltev: farther tlqraistrn \, Clonwh
He \, A 0 os ie AUeg nite pe Ss me BS f re, soupht 46 ma re helatown hinder ta.)
SOB Woy © \Delvint = A y “gh 2STHGY,. ( eontugne Crookgdwaod BA s lullaghanagr
BectiveHa: bi oi mA : j J
Tullydrd. jad
eilak Smee
ti actor, y pate : prte
En towe =} +,
TT -
: rt = fog ze
Ban mee eid i
Agicari ion 2
> »
he Nd 4 \ Hirberts
| Av dipdéath’ Ho\?.) a Kigohe joo |
fguesd ie ARE. \ Sh li Raion: we
SY pn N \ Now topin.
% BLiten
'€ Baky Ve 7 ~ :
(x Joaro ge
Sei % bob
Sta a
a heise B.S. Bik —- § eosisone. UM: Yynpot , a eixh® hg Fag Newparks. 4 A x one,
- suka pate
> pe need As > Liastletonn we ~ arte f
0 Th. mahok. | 1°09».
} \ Rlonggweswa. a <f i \¢ VUE « °
~..7 nongflrodpehou eiheng
Lopeffown ai ie Ge 1
; Mopar e° A, Sql ut
£ to.
asst NAY
‘GDA E> Mend ha Ags FTO
Ho. 0
Uitbasto rw Sha
7! ?
es "TOs Ki
PS YS “i oe ,
Sou nde TS ilk?
; ee Re
“eal é
Te As! N piiilbr idle
» ke
| . O94 > t oLackan ayes 225 Obie Sally Gap>
S048 te, Agtlyiio Juin
tin JM. Tay'),
783 A Miolly wor | Mullaghe lee Vaun~_4 4 oO Sthahe bg
10. .
\Cookkenn&®> PRP 4 or Street
Skill! Ag aK a
Koo rlyuttin Z
Sto mpyoa
Cr 3 2
fer aed SESS
2 << | Holby font
Ne 38 tam stork
S Prim ddeHill Hog
Ry, rannford SS —
Slievebx gatHti
BS atin wpe
wtownbaMrv ,
* Gob Johampn yransin \
Cloah/ ~_IF
Aa) rag A
Jun §ta. “S
“ Sourtawn Ho.
: ¥ a Hiarbouw-
) ens 1 ae
y} V [eldfmaan \ has?
ji Me wa Sends) eat A hensige ce) meds
aR ybpack
4 Bib Fe p ns el
(as.How: apd “Recon
j Konhnsh WA (Chap Hogan
earriey piss etagh wetowntt
a prom Hall o
Sarid i.
* i Mount if
a aromarne cde Hi ai 2H
— y Ireland
as Sandymivunt
‘gi Gt dente, 1 Sugars at pe
pode PLY Ke
KilinichaelP be
Dooroge Br.
Duffearrich Rocke
ine Ho.
od Propane? rest
. Yi lien Stow,
Uf lashr
Carr "igheat ice k
) a * 994 ZZ
vidas IF>—-4 ec R
fross f Losker ii. &
maf 7, Ke a oo ir ¥ rh ~
Fenilasin, ” “thts.
" I me ‘
Prom Hills
> LAE (Corba
Kilme cadet
sally hf F
Ata, ow fat Pris triadd
Ip orthouse
nacthomas CrossHoadss
1 bac ; tholemahon f
Dunabrattin Ht
Rai ndstow TL
Has Lath Bally horpib ‘
Gardenfngrria 2) he a z cen Tris hha Tramove,
f G7 y
ad 69
‘Callagh ue
{ Y
8 , D
to $larg, Sh are, = Br SS
Cantees tes
+Barrelis Hocks lit. Saltee| a
Sal tee
H Loa
iit ad i yi) ahi
Fishguard. 98 |
Peewee eee
Galway to
sl + rh
Kilometres iil ‘3
69-161 Degree
410 15
— ht
7 a
— 35 ~ 20
Stags of Broadhdven’-. Doon inalin, Portac loy B. Benwee Head \ §PIGL oy naster ;
Kia TS ¢ a sa. * oe HTNAaM : ; ~ § Punatrahir —_ angé 7KO2) v~ \ 1002 } le I. ic a
Porinafrankeagh mF Annagh Ht?
Inishkeeragh Pe ; tows
€ ‘ora
TInishkea North ‘Tnishkea Sonth Leamslug#
Dus tiaunbeg
Bing hamUe
> ae 0% ay a es : Vlorctarhtio, &
—_= La
“ La “Gaghtal. == DPuvillamMore rea
Blacks Rock
or Gubroenacoragh ie
: wo
Achill Hea dy
MovteogeH* Dysagh Vv Rocks te Menaun
Cad Seal Fax 9e#e3
€ “logha oi chilies £ a . Inishbee > a f.
Island Moregng’ >" Bynes CLEW. pay ”“ZE
Deace's Rock
Inishly me °
W OldHega == ol ait OLS DUT OIE. mlagh
Carrifieyy rearaly PF Mwy eelaunt" —— Hmlagh =
(A "B tthlough pe
Inithdalla | yg
Inishbofin =
Stags of Boti avillaun Ls 0 7 in, --
Lecdky Rocles
= t Akiihiyon Rénvyle P
Inishbroc Blagk? ao +t | Cass vrickmahoy
FreaghiNaun G uddoo Rock*, :
ile Sova #7 ’ a
Iaunate reg » <fee. Head ae DwoLight — Y Dyk Rare
ane Pe ge 2 = :
»% 2 ~ & 3 > sy > 8 S z S SS ~ 2 = =
Carrickgaddy Rocks
Frei L*® YD a os! = ie
+ 2610 ; (Tiishdegit More Sars or out SOP iillary i
onvvleHo We
sox, \°
j oe m « ‘cam Ca : > : 2076 #20, RN kevouahcer: ‘2102 ee . ’ errye Mave L Como AR
boxy. \ Le maida £: \ “Og b = cat mA ; qe ~ KApaderr: Tey. eS ye yy ae ad Bireagh a
7s megehel tor
ave = Yen _se Sh aa © Zs a aie sia M97 \ yew ar < TT Ls hoee on c lay, po Sm ape SS
Fata 138 Ales . ush/ SS Pormerd eH é hoy "4 b linsh a ae ’ \
SS Kilo A
) L. Qyetiera rat roe S960 agar hier
Linen y hed :S Ipor ei
erd¢ ny ig x iy LC Sip leggonn bie Boy
— ACD. De 4 Ockie ‘ \ 4
aa = a North Sound
A RA nN’
Ap yy a Ww, A rh
; d — tathla aS, / - , , —_ Beldeng ae allypas loaanmin Rath it Ho™ a } on ss, me
AS 2 4 } t as dA Doonamo Pte 23 ! ¥ Fe Bs i 2337 —— ’
65 male s
—_ g omapalzie 17
ad GreevaghH° oe
ee or £1 cuore
Dy giutaLa® ‘abrfiah Ree ol \\ \\ aril BAY Oncinl 7 y 3
. a . | areg Milglass
ay: : ie > Int NB deen’ <Ennise “One Yr: ) Ay en ‘
sh Pilate a= ion. a 1) C
ey vbr,
eee” ‘Dale pe :
difuaoh ig i = bru, amagh < ! EBA es + ashi
cadto Pa aond Cail
fh cohol oon, Prag
1. eh TAR WCONN AL oe SS ee AUGHT ©
len TaN He Le. iS
We als ow Fes
NS — EO 2h
Pes ¥Shiyon ‘one VS care
p jouns Haltore pot Ruthcolman OMELLINGAT “ \ Ae , ort ‘Climcara tox Yio. Ballin ~
aA J. The 3 al Bi oe malgre ‘a ~ . “aie é —- = ,
*! raat cae s
Stredi w7by\ = Av
ve LOR a Bealin yo j ; 8 wry jt i .
rally cum
wbeIN f . \ P ae Bullyleakinge i” f G ‘ahd NCS \ ha }
— £ Ro. ss ltd, N
CaS N ~—. 3 mon grr floon Blue Bap Polyps Bh waor J pS ee} | 2 “sf
| COolacurtr Ss. tied Khilleign . Io ( { ] syv1 ed =
( Shalt. OL. ) Gah nambng Ho \ y ” ~ = ’ C payhanritia prac ee : Jf “— \\ ; ’
=——y i = \ i a "Mountbolus jf Arteughpoce’ A »
livboy Annaghpuore-¥E. J 3 il i ; Clogygowan r
het \ Tem ‘ eee Pr we : Xesl/6 rarden He Fos. Sele Bd ecuffel ~t Py: s-)
3( Clooneen Ho. * 2+ Pr uaggh
‘Ue oe ar Htend pc WT hi \OIGHISE
X a3, AT. bs NER _ : J v2% % 2 aoa ] a Briony. SYiloster Aid ras oe oumtr: bh WR :
ae sa Salk © TA. rey ; i Se
gs the Downs iffue Rote be He. . \ Chukchipsin a7) Sea Dee HCAS 7 eae OP at eat a
an ey Saseat. WE A .30'\ 0 | rk a — Pe Sate gianna a ae es ea aD |
4 ony, leHoy § ” = - A, . . \ | /
& Sari ) st ee pleahPield. ~ e 2 ahi y to y ' = * pe A | =~ > 7 - ~ A = _. thy -
(Bg : ; a Lea ‘ ‘ \ aby “gs, fet ie 16 Ballyra’ i | i ~ } x y ; . [ sino. | | | oe
a Rarnbdchee ok Dexsboug se |
ee ?” Sa 'y ydtynaci: Drunb yore |
rt: Ballfbo a ° rtbridge~ Ig A Johns, MWD Renn SB a sae ial
~ ys 2 a ( Peg
- > <reul Ge So I pal n Ho} Felgen floes Pome . — yeern 7D ih ‘2p mG wy ik? mee vas
SS | | Jo ‘ Yn Hor dana 2 4 Mant ; : ft
Rallybiely. o Spinafadcaye ong, La Monasterores , i ile a
110d Hin. » # — ” ~ — Pa) pul age ‘i . > p % | sth aes
Edenderr <A (efimahos, a4 iP:
mberny \ Newpa. *' 4 : 4 |
se oe ga eX
Se KS wd . Ap, ca: onnote ae Painge ann, f Leo Ge.
ee Pgne ly; |
\, Black woody
Lullymore eee MU ATT PR — pie =< a Sealy | 4 \ ae Bg Aa a cal ere y ono ahi Bs Ao
pae’ ‘ : M4 Wns } 2 5 / |
Mie age Ca yragh
nid TILES Sonu: Sirs , Sie fi L Lovee’ , \ altindar We ~~ i Cc Sommer
<4 Ge - Shitty p bie be J
By | a ey” \
P Derryclure ™
we “ues ‘ ( ~ Sh / rnin tone > ~§ 7
a/c A We AY | (Newbnidgey | aéi NW / igs Sout - ot SO een /] Rupsby ACS
a 4 rt”
. gc ~ Se.
sgpphtorine >. )
£ 0p rhaslee mhonsh - a stowry / ‘3 broke g < . : gE, WMountuteHick { Y, vd £
LrePeahbe lS #fe Din Alling ; ~ . . : Se <2 ais Bally sar) - Capard > \ o> i ee hal
ti al Ho. } z et oat = ° se 4 Otel A De em hme _[fildopn- Fe ae RD beer : <i : rd —
+ ¥ Cote: J COwWenass D NT pi iat? L 68 Y Conlaeg Hill Mallyfit > 6: Springfield y
RF sto ng / / L : \ Fx i 5 | Xf .- tear stom ontgyowr } . f } fs suka hits, Nierr:s
oy) Ye. & Hy the dilante |, Pabillydagh Ldaoflum™Rrockley p CE whe Sta. PY FR a
lecud, f ‘ , i rtown S *Q onar “Sirattbaliss aa if RS pa 5 aa ? esr Jd} oe ~y t
Kelly ee j i\Ballint at j
P9-€9 penuijuo5
= ea e
“tht ==: Be ee THI
Kadi ~~ k
i108 me (
ea apt gh y i soCasit *
inroe Gustle / pV oughaval _
. nea i food %,
, I! OS = Le a === ZA ? hy el =i Lier wer be math oe any aboy
ors oy AIS sn
HagsHead 3 a ay pam so On
Cancregga }, - . fa “Hote T,isee™ indi Re
Cream Pt Mai Bay, Sparti st
4 cas hie
Caherri bhi ; Mutton I. p | Ouil Cae
LurgaP: Mattle7«
iY fF 3a. Carrowmore Pig’ 7 1.2 toon ; Killarg, y pg C ieee ra Sis a ; s a > — i *
L. 4 Ti
SCASE af a.
Doneaai Pt (A
Farrihy B. Me / ii pene 4... Shs OPrad e
y Conder Bs hint Foohagh Piet fe ‘ : g inant Va ‘ BN ee Kilnd) Fs 4 Castle Pr th ae
Gaphipnenatoohe BYE.
Rrocknagarhogy, a Trusklie
2 oF gat
Kerry Head §
Ballyheige Bay } is
fz A Ballin ;
Seven Hogs or!
Magharee If Vhuch? ——
ishanni, Fohamon’ e Fert . at ert Slievealas gh ® »BrandonF’
Brandon Head yaa 5 of) p, Br a Tralee\
Beermamangoag 2509 Coosavuddig (Bs émaon Hill ae a 2 Clochaniglf anid y
Ballvbpad OF
& ceSisters_& & 050 x sof ; ar Ses ALY oe Vdd d : > Bowe {- eH / ee = Ne ase
—_ - >.
Fi nishnabro
Mountayn Sz ° dnishvickillaie : U7 ~: | « Boze Rocks foileye, =
ee ae
— ey
? ra Nas ed. i sen sive. me.
1234 at Gi ""Foijclogh /—
1639 ha A <a aS Ss 8 —) Se ¥ Master peely |
' irene : ‘a : Largs) <P eagh |
J dat Aig =% z Ro
jeg eo EK ee
> Ballbynablowe 4 sive P Pat ee PN
Putin oot =e i eB cine
0; js - RS f
Canduf F pened “nd Di rye) x (vt. Tpoteens | song
St Finans Bay: ¢ 7,7 Puallinskelligspe 5) 6 Menasillide Dos Bock. Ballin Aer | = Ge
; a alia L<% ;
*Ducalla H? wh’ rs 4 eae eee
ban X ae afl : tose ae gL. Sy a Locus / : * : x a
Wiese sk lig Rocks Bolus Head 4fggiss Ch _ Mastacetee He? Wd gn, | op ff PP cE 5
ares im si mantra
rh; SP alee € Bd Frye > N pede i. qt : : ” ts “saa i. oe © : Won ft. Yi aieg ASL Lt
Abbey L& ce. ; / R dye Fe SP Tat h 7 : . \/ yl SN nH EZ poh Ge 5 a, (3) a neigh
' | / | | | . eae | '
Pe ee oe —_ ne
ieee ee
De mor MM . ~ } y xf — \ a iff gp f SS. 6s ya | we. : < ¥e id let sav ~) 24 ¢ ts
A : — zi wee “Werynacy ferruy a 2 Ennitstecon eenish : ‘ : Wy mock ayen yA | vOns —
Paes reset (ie na mY Stage ‘ 2 4 S nt hagh . F if ee : — le ( » Ss y — “2 CRilgsts
y =e Bows RAUL You. Se 7 ce "et | ob OE san 1G ATe pee tf OREN sally ed oulagh Bay
¥ <7 ae ate, a BEE Crivonle. ey is estado
AN). ‘\\_-SOUTH
Continued 66-67
Citiz: en’ S Atl as
te lie
eeaiee eatin { Rose maT
term ah indi vy ;
oe a /4 PES. : i ‘ | » \ ff a ifdethre ladys
“ta my |
——t J yo’ io = es OP
Cape va ™
Femali cis Be Te Te %, ¢ Shag, Sl oghe a! may 0
V Mat wharough Dowty bf 4 Hettth ,
wr ot Ei J dwenass BR ‘
167 eo Bhi jane?
Condaioye Hill, 4008 5* - oy Wally righ 4 he
Hoy ass 2 \o i “POR T HO] i LAOIGHISE ¢ |, rMARYROROVU' oH, ie
Sh os
fon MOPULys pokr
\ /\. /
SevenKtars,Z YO
SERS are erry =f
Vicar stay 7 MEtihe hid J
a — * ockle, “i
Dp A Ruheen id Piss Mo - Wi Seeiota. ‘ Akunteigle Rov. , oot we Plionation dak,
Pallyroah j } a PRES on wor ‘Tikoo ta ia 8 Balt ‘Tyran is
fn Wilanderpre ~
Fall Vv alain,
“Donire CArmegrove pdbbeyeS ‘edohaboe. _¥ . Ucottont ‘Al AG et pn pflleagdagh,
Parsiustown ) WIA . Z,
gh “cet ields yi Lhe SAS
q Crissar az a dshfiels a Taide fi
~ of Viaywant-> nial sf: bY she tt
Ker: ai ghiey
ere endenhy” \ Crt fgrtailen
’ Subrote Aepprdecomaan ; J oy Ms Milford \
2 3 ilfora Hol’ tas. > Kilm 4 J y : Alford! Mild Rilballyhy
\S bpm Diy in.)
Foudlesr th “ti bs csfastia ¢ peter \
A \e fare ot PDertrlor Ne do: Riontkinstown, So y, /f, Jolaisw.
‘ Pi lyn inde 7 ¢ has lew are
\e pee
par Soje,
5 D : ip Bie ms
\. Ballinamdra Ch. ‘ ahy~ ‘ Bormets eS
| Preseey. ” cow, B ‘Nias | Z g ox \ y . am
: Ken arena?) o, te
| Ue \ me Umar} ey | cr
. Coblase. irae, BO de
LE ee et ‘ P
F © cashes Prenplisg ? {—4 “sp J ithe A . Knochkt my j act doth
Te Cort Pr, Pour nese Rallyhale mgapt narerd Uh Rassenay po me Bally Pa a Casth ee
e e . iy > ’ : ee >
o Soe
pow cebarn eae Sta: ma ° Ce nating 0 AY ee Wwe oF i i % \ “
L Newarev Ho, _ Rilkeagy \ Ring |
Z iDagher- Glenpipe at brtecate® > togkmoy kan : Rete ae wy Laake ell 1» Tr Ne ee
ie \ Be Nn,
tL ag hice i y pedt Hrcented age Miaehiasigt to, Bgyrabehy ~ \° Yd : aake 2 ‘ Pan +
es Biehw; ono Tipo \ Hall* Kn
Kilnaco o ‘eb
Ahenay ‘ Sl =
Vaklands “my, SN {{ bi Vatly napoli wt Geran i ek J eC tivo Our a polar ‘ chon 4
Bulb’ hrakitS
: then oat
°S P 4 57 A 9 Be pete :
Po “
aT) Pree soot {( Mc ee
A* 3 Gur aghgan’
KeBattyy’ te en i R. Furs oe
. fo aan
VRANOTa >chorii,
} aete
4 Ne \ °Sha naballs mr a ws Bore of
© Pually walter Eh,
we SRoe vale
file & stl et
; | agtitonr roche. SARK tay
work e3 Newrin ee pugeee
Yderdam, Woodte
Sra. 4 > ‘
lly hooky... ae ste a a Woe ©
“3 fae ear e sain Sf
b 746
yearn (cy
21408 ; > St \
naskagh \ 8 lea Mes
Ratha armen
. a f TniBig Fort.
\ Waggrghas. was
ye pia. Carrign vay, Wes ae
: mika ou To RRR
Whites ur ee \
. qt
d Tie unlayTe
raha Tol oA oon
t £ yr w Pa
te vt he
hts S ¥ Sally brook
Ktittle 1 of f ot nS ne A? Mahor }
. > Fass: AGEN We ere | Glenbrook,
Xo rulestow rug
we) + | Heath urn ” Bodde formes eB “\ i a Hails Eh rouninstown Bre? “ \ | f Vir
er. tick Tracton
spay’ ick *2.
j foleppend. ct Ho,
‘4 ty
j . Balivedy, ht ’ iS
{7 Chath . TLisch td
ok * ialeca sx SEW
ar r igh ei \ wit “igshane FR
| ok Tay c cies pacullin / A ) ss) 3) $2263 4 ) a
Se, ia 0° oe
a) X Mel 1) Feaga = bal IY \ Be allxnoe
’ ty sqpuirelch_
ae mas
44 SMORE fo Toteinly < Nas peliow: bridge =s~,- ‘Luehe . oo rer Ga rola NX. glasR )
&6 v4 ; Ser dahgven , j sey
OS aA (S sacl ce OB tedliony 2 $
% Balbere “A Inch N =
\Wheoatlined foek| S \Dangan \ aa
ia Ballvhascarty
Ballincurrid, Or Walls eS mrh>
§ Duhgour pina ¥ oF OH. aly
Nin Killeagh 23 a ie \Kifoges chy SU a rw % astien tyr
{Me nacortin ~ iy Sbridoe> “SKingckasturkeen
Wateen = \ \ Gare yVvoge my uate \ rat a6 J Gor“ Cloyne et
+ 5 Sdn ¥ edginong. oa.
») Cire torn: . ” 8 Castiema:
fallva KE le redan
Ballycottin Bay
«sBallycottin L.
a wv Meapate tL Shirchiony ~ Light Ho.
et Roche Bal
Daliy acum 8
v Cy AY. wf € ‘ad town ne
ee. 1
Tigh levilly
4- up’, Car Tialpatiew
y Gr wignagower 4
pale ; Mh 1999 K
a Lhe 2.
LS oBylll vk rin - & ita Wodelligo = - tay OUT
Ho. . Waite urch
7 Glenard
SArdmore Bay
4 Ardmore H4 tam H®
= Sa, reg yea
y Cotunshing a 283
~T Md, Kilbryun % \ ) Aoi) Thaliry | 1952
Qoeronlg y, “a
Ww Br. 2 < i Dye Cl sebor
yate) ath hake peu wtow 7
iL. CsA
Ata. li W% ean: Le } che fp Lasher oe cas Ae, . F co Boos ¢ mre a. i a he Bath K Y
aN sar Hie, ‘Tramade,
20, > ; Sm ues
eee -
—_—$3 $ $$
Longimide West 8
ot Greerwich
1 axe 0 VrLEew x
79 penurjuoy
; ~
\ not By Ay Gwen)
/ pet?
De ne :
Cgfag ee : I E . L een ‘ Z } " . \ 5 ee ay : ‘ = aa ene Ab —— CO bh eens ; pee <
pbb ' a Sues Se etseP29 ree a ee a re | WOWAOY pte S
ny Se : g * * ‘ ce av > } : | | ———
5 ee ee a ee a © ae = . . i= - 5 OP 24
‘sr ee PIPES juke, on ¢ : 2s ¥° see eis c ;
— SR
: ae e277 1)
OF @:
Rae ® hoot | y. teysoty PF 0? V.. y . az > e) LYS < 7; ey — Ee
a epeng
”~ ru} ae
q Apta be ays wouelup 7 ae
+ 4 | Agpuy :
L ay found =
| Blonder ae
Ae: ioe | Kay € r 1%
te j DIU) PRUYLIpUN ” fe PAY aN i PLD YLT ULULT Up ape ap mas UsPIMG UW? “Yan, /
upy ay Apion unpay ry go syopedv? ay Tt
OOxe Z 00T os: ee
ae — i SS ———— ee
L 9/89 jeunyey
zem’s Atlas 7]
The C
soupy. { :
: Se qos : ININ Tl
} / i tee
/ Se aS ~ a eee / ys
" se sage], YO
“n> epAPT anes: ar = ry
: P, » fULA Ss +
opsol U 72 eT
o\ Bs
et eee = + } \ ~. ’ les y ‘b=, > { } =. ane ~ ——", — % o — ro T —S X f= meMneP &
OoleN TPM ~ bees? ,. a
/ / ss ‘ ff ; \ + / ~. * /% / ‘. \ Pr i -~. t _ \ i *
i =~ i _ \ "3 q a h PA £ ‘ 2 mc ~ ou d Hi Ute —< < ‘ pi alll ag iy ll a, — ‘ |
abot, if ee |] ‘ ou 7 a =m j / / nwIgE ps A / 1} = NK y : ae ¥ a
ok esti | / So | : a
ae - —
= au MAS
fe y Prene he
nus] = % * ayes jie all bn 8 >:
seep eT
if —— = i Ly 24
Sy = 4 nN Wate ALIS oe | 5 } >. =
RR ie oo 5 ea ay eed i MUgTIAT ? y ; oS Tops +s ee $:! Reel, > } —, eo E
7 iss! | -Q, forever an ousulos f / ‘ : leak 2ddo] ; , Z powen = VT;
GF} 1, fy Apey Ww
yy cen f
bet xX 4
\ “SD : \
| , mys rapes
eG — Pipe . = WN on kyenedt” . bs 4 : } ya” oi Ce 4 PEPAALIA a se
, oe oo ~ . ¥ ty
ae ess \ } ad J \ ; t . \ (fore %F Z of | Pl L % w ONS & 2s ~S \ Af ne wtutws ey \*
¥ F Ain r T f \ / p} \ rs dreyy o. : adt ~Y \ / ¢ ' = ~ ee La on / pecans antenna
a] | -* , Wa | a niiunjzog rerrvetsx a es. hee = : _ — ———— ¥ bode Ps ¥ = f ‘\ ; f
| j — in Py, Whey - . \ rekedory (ee soe — } ; ~ ssTiPs Sat » LS, on | yr ) gl bo a
htt = ———f,_ aynd4ty 5 SS~ ee ee Od — s7Ipyes | yf > —o yon. pee ) OS, weses[lety d
j ~~ Ou +t MS ) /| f “4 om £ \ fs 3$| A > Se ~— f (| _* = 1. ee Sbiprmye Vu fe . ve
\; re PSD Ag LD AD eT "ae oN ee i 1S TET, \ 1. SA“) A mS > or ——— >} Fs Tas ) 4 ine
a =: , ‘ ag SPDisi FP & f . he a = f (| PSprdsyue, . “= cs J = , | = BD svior 3) ¥
. bs a s > pLOLISTHT 22: a a SES | ¥ ; net yee : ‘ Seus2UVULog Bsns rua ¢s
PePUIF ¢ } Uitte
—— SS — te anos
= J 25 i Py qgEy rb
aiLrRsot ee 4y S
‘ ‘ , r te, A} | me; ~~ 4 ge VV oe a Sy 7 $3 \s
y q yy 4 E on
cS - sN
: 7 : fa Pees TEES : Zz ort of } N = “4 % ~
JS ta bhi Y Cir * ae Swe 7 oe 2 Sout» O LS 8 Grme - Pen, * sume nyo tgs u THA to
pups if 2
. et “iA \ 1sfO0LF Ome b x . 2 7,
dei PN 6 ; i. B= 4 Wn = ou | oN
rw 44 peyoy 3 Vine My Z 7 : “CBr, ae oy 7 — ae} s ——— a7 | == See set . : eI | bara
SS. eh Shed ec. eer ot! : 2 = SSS
= »* - v ~S 2 i 1 > . 2 35 4 ft
wa | Pa O75 Bast, aay ee Pe) Re, 5
nrTO ?
‘ 7
e- ro, ? $ sper SK ‘ PA Ze Fac: Sao Bony my S\ ‘ ®
J SE chek aad opysOY Nis
: $ gout 3, j Sotypey Se PIANT es ay a, 2 UW *e) a3 Pett | heya
~~ ~ LAA 4 i Seaadure J,
un é Ppmdurmy
~~ ee
Avg eo
id Puig
ay pal ®t pupY :
MUD] Sy) 4 Mn
- — er: = ’ saXeyi ee 2 —— am 'S SS a “Te &ZB o ‘punsuvt soosd hip ONT yrs eg so a
hun we ~
mpddueney 5 OA, Gag O d DIULDYN
wtp Lran yoy RLY PY
ms ra *Ye,
gopunpemiory | \.
7 ‘
~ Wn. ib 1 2 t
prtt iB —— ——.
“ “i s®icr be §4 2
] SOS,
bremangerland |
| ‘tre er 6] | Fea it
Tor vas tad?
He Lite Pe Sajord” “ fi davai Yitioen ‘S = rales
. Rang csr DO. TB ¢ see rae Pee si met Wing Y. Strentd U
es wane
%' Nissedal
of, sqaa ek ker’
ca Pinna PY
ee Df : dg one wu” ee Sy
ya B ok. Testeay
Si ; q +
( ster = ~ (
ai 3 | a: ? 7)
| ame PAE git | A ; r || : of }
angedul ay redes: \ ths 8
Y § A Pores
/ ; ; |
Vigresta ay Haar’ diviz Cgnas 2 i
. | | : | : | | | |
Continued 77
i / | 6 : ta w | | & | Se | : : :
Fite oa
Ss oceans Sl
5-1 ee rier
np" osteo
Leukead * u
pif i é Nyur Liana . : (Haske; Pristina v4
. 5" ‘ “y
\ \ /* — \ ‘ j | 4 ee gideby ae, : Boos ear am eaeaere Ra | 110
see Se | ‘ Z Mindyluotog aN agp j
Hjaeagbe ¥ xe PRI
Reine = % Kan. Akaa, SN i NS eens h
; —Y L~ i \ Yusibeypunie Lartila XY ~~) 5S ‘, 4 Ay: P - =e 7 old isis (bath mentian
& WES ia ~ ‘ he j
Pe Prenktic \
Fi & y S y) } 6 J Piotka” “* N _ + “ P Fea Salo yes f por 7 fy ‘ )'
/ f / i)varz ral jl | eM on Se
& 6% 3 KY : | \Sqlan ho x “~ a, / : > de Nay l/ as RRailen,7 } ; f ere \ - is “ f
ZF Ruch the "4 Pedder. t 0 A Mie. f aan o est, Be - fs emgr Seeprfel ae a. 72 a Pe
taritey ~~ fi Hat. I94 rie 4 . =<
4 Sag
te -7Y.
- iS
‘ } +2 7 aR ~ Ek 7
res) tlde
S ChZie*
} ’ ee = tno Je ies oS } ( Prin, U . W i J orma: / Le ete me I a ila “Se ton at a
yn, hate 39 J : ey | Y, Vigsy 4 F oye ~apobreish/ ¢ |
« fine
a NZ j at rhe fi, e B . Fie a \ “oem Un €£ oe Ly | — 7 ) + ~~ ‘ a ine eh ve Ki str:
22 a Struts 7 AS Dk hog f \ pes er a gciry Ne; cand snow SNe 6 on £, f 2 ‘5 y ie \
Klug SY 1] Mesapr ds FO0 Riek pe) ¢ ia Lida Ui: yechye| : ule] 4 | é Pp Gaiiezno wt
4 iS Ip j | = ulipsls \ be mor ies 4 canal OEM Mies tp A. i] ! Pane : —f | oa ;
‘6 ; aticht f ct G sail a “% s D> pare wi > } ‘ : : Kleszcz a Gor. Arcohies Yr x” \
s \ |] kay | ? at Y eae Ss “a < Cx 1 oS ody hii Re overs ye hte i * Zine YY < } :
be kor 3 4 yy Y wi OG Guta 3 f p " 22° WAR SZ AW) 1% lmych HO HA 52 , 7 : \ VV 2 aa
BZ | Eonin, \) etd Se os ace IN ale . buy Drokic ayn ; a iti F = Sforgany® | f . SJ
_ 4 O% LCE ‘ f * ; ~ Ie |} } | ae \CaNcsGozezo sh 4 For ed wr esc mad Bugien | Fi =
SR TOR pple “RE 4 ; ( Shierniewive pH OLE Net BR P Ot. , Bragg Pi ie SAG a ih
Grojec y é 4 j & % | u = “a | “ete j Koziery ed poise RY pinasz ow a bese ee Ush |
ras \ / si arodichi i 4" 4 ) SSE am Kozelsts “ \ | mene A Re bore | 1° PraedbiraF
Neon ~~ wie 4\ psior_/ Ly} a Ce OME I a bste | || theouy, >Kielod a) 1 Gods era ~
a, ee = oi Dyyper ° a \ |] ry BE ae } / | / \ | / ‘ a. oy / j vA a, oGor got Ad Ne
g !
ey Reser re : Balti \
4 wig Bcoad ee b oFalaghts Cee
Hin | ae V\A | N At — Sia Orheia
o liens r \ \\ ALK ss Hajdu ie of my, Lope Mare | \ Bow ow Ay (Radangi ti \\ \ ~O.
y . BUDAP Re? } ™“ va \qreft nc vi iA Carki Mari "peBata Mare S
- eS, os Me ( 20 (E) 22 (F) East of 24Greenwich G) 26 H) 28 ae => "a ace John
Bartholomew & Son Ita Natural Scale 1:6,000,000 4
df deingye to! | podet :
RADY 2g 34 ~ on 60
BG 2 E)
| ee Seem y : a ; e 1 | W-... = Bo vs ee -Gyedsen- 2 | | on a y Fehmarn {
= S S E78, % H Pellworm@ GF) ; == Nordst?and psi €.£0! 4. “Le ae lt
= Heligoland | = . Heligoland. |
| ea || S E | @ i q | OF |
— = ands — PaS j ——— ee —~ SSS | Mull to Hamburg 386m, to Bremen 372m. | Sees See
ie . | | fenexwansnsode.. eee, 8 oC rb t+ Ss | |
fr, pe SH AhOrN g = | : 12 \ ae Fans: sas | Neuwerke | Oe a, | st. = | || da Eas
arn a st | | gia Borkum =
| if |
Tet'schalling Aencland
: = 36 ~ Viieland .
Fs” sag
| ey} 79 || 2) Hefetar Se 7,
Ae | “i Sternberg ‘a ; A en |= le Wesermiinde
eestemtin 6 5 |
i ; : baces t i
lithe sr id
+A Se Cc . cS M~Craing 8)
einhe! m
: 9 el Ht ml = ne Se Bn aa = th oe zi —— : 2 — —_ ——— 7 : 7 —— i ‘2 io) Be «
ey aa
. a a
——— a a NN ae en ~- Sr. 6s) a
~ - . as
ane ers) Kdek
i Euirsten walde
hail on
Pe lA rimov
MiGrébmingo Fir
i F
- se i | }
“ wan ue ee Sa epton
Greifen berg
“> : v; bir Aah I'H »b pizia “ents WN. q°.. ; , New- Steitin} Dre : “v fuc holes |
PgM epolno 1 ca R : ' : thberg <r |] ; Sie eters L rh eg ee S/ | Callies r Kore ,
Lipniki Lp 2) 1 ysu SN ade ™ Wiechork 9} <~ ( Ss | Rr ie Deutsch, E ¥ : aC a REG ll
B rope he y is | ? er x ne neidemuhl Nakto — toma a GP —Bydgosze7 astrotekes | | Hn
aa Aj ; £ & Przasny$zZ | b | : Note é a, ° Szubin | 7 , of > Ciechanow o, ,
Mazow/|| | PCzarnkow tabiszya by Makow Mstrow Me : Nar 2 W ms | _“or~ We tna, mF |
Zn, ; Wag?owie Matkit Gq | | 1] ; | yj | | Gnieznosg 4 \W re . 2 | | | eS N Chedecz
Gostynin Wegrdwp 1} : AR Oz nan aga ; Gabin® ‘Wotomin fl TIO Ropar Ki 2p nozial 2
Stanislawgw i. Trz2es nie \ \ i : pula KALA Sie¥lc Sroda ; L, K qgan a Kutao A < ii
5 Ne te , \ SOC Tac e mA 5 ’ 4 c || ~— ote. , PrusaRew : K. Grodzis isk Mazowrecn!|
| Konin —— 6 : ~ Sf is Bz 1cz 4 yrardow | 52 ‘ . oo 1} 5a . Jaro® > Turek 5 techyca
.@ : x d —— = . = annie 1 | Pa as pe y/ <i | See ip ipioV ‘ ne a 2 “s.2 ’ * : | |
~~ Obras \ “e, Uniejow / Sprorkbii | ¥Skierniew!ce SGarwolin | | leszno %, .
Pleszew\o \ 5 ( Zaqje Z ; 6 Ny Grojec ° a ie \ Gostyn y 4 eae Warka a Zelechow F
Kalisz 2 _Ner Pua - ELEC" | ve) 7 + oO ¢ ~ | trotoszyn ) a P, abjanic ay : _ Sa M
{* D 2) 7 | . P { | 1C F 4, Ny, ; 5 ‘ lin + . ; ane N Miasto Kozienice rf Sieraaz
dunskaWola Tome zw 7 Nawe Miast ; od Grabow = N D | \ lL; A een 1 OE \ Sg } | . , \
5 Opoczne ago Priotrkow Psulejow F 7 | \ : $ zydto wiec Zwolen | rzeczow be Konskie
Soleceo } | (Przedborz . nk Warte } Kamienrey 4. Wierzbin |= 2 _f Radomsko a> Hc)
es | | 9 4 - Opatow Sandomieh 1 | Tarnobrzeg/ | 2 Z Chmielmik Zawiercie\ a 3 1 |i
JIGIN© Dyiir Krsilove é NG z se ji piniczow? Staszo ranow / " . : / . in - Mlada
Boleslav 7h: 2 Sy wana “aa “Busko Majdan . : “DabrowaGorgicza ¢ 4 : Sadova® nowiec
- : n) czucin | r ee ISI Ce ,v : Hradec Kra/ovélh ~ pKatpwice Vhusz Proszowi< e
fyslawice ist S . , , ! Ww 2 ) | Seo ke Chrzqgew R 2 Rzeszowy Fardubi Le. F Oe
Krakows 2\ Japp ‘ } an : *; Lh ocer | me a4 A) V4 ion ea) = vi 2 rzesko ss 4e ebica
——— 50 futid Horao “s = e Baa } Si “AS ; | re) ys a act i ‘ bs oChrudim ones eh
&kroun® ~~ Bohumin Pszg ‘yar “Pda rm; Wieli¢zka - Bochnia Tuchow d stray ZOW ot | :
aslav Ce. ghd. Th Shove: 5 R x =, Bidte i a Ww roa : ( Rymasrov 4 : A Litamy s/° e
MTfebova 2 : si P ge | ielsko MY: Rca: i) i PE Ster Pi ro Ps IS VIEAVY S nberk ee \
K Sucha cc> \ . b ‘a a ere dee < , Zy wiec eat 2 & Wémecky Brod € t Bkerovd Sy
a . ; i oGorlice ~ i) Humpole re Pak . \ Olomouc® YM / Baba ee al we ( Dukla
| } } } \ \ = > | i | te" { \ Prost 5; eP : = er B ee sk \ d i use y 4 | ) ¢ Uf }
ostejoVo - VP ’ , E Jihlava ’ Y, Meziri {oe \ a Prerov \ Val Mezitiot ee af ne A 2
© V2 \ n . a qe iti i . | J t ae Ve ‘C ee A ee & hire Sy ka } i nee TA ‘ at Svidnik
x iss . : \= aa vs. Nove ee y- } Ae - Mo Sto o & ardejov \ VizoVvi g Wrbin i 3 told
' 1zovice: \ : Bele = Sindichov [ Ye ae . a Gerlsdgité § . ty S pisska 54 ne /
Bupléjovi ce 43 Utkulas | Popcad, kézmarok Sabinov ) Dobra i ~ Dolni Kot price,
Ruiombe rok — n olevoeéa arr a d or Ar umlov Nitne ES haere J reso Djumbir ry \
Spisske= Horngd : KLg/ ne = an. A a | Straz nice a °HaliE NoveMesto a: 2 Myjava © \
Seéovees (\ | Brezovae Piestt i) - Pa an ( P Hlohovec P o Ban Stiavnica _hrupina
Ludeneommy 48 Whener Neustadty / ering } urzzugseh ee eit Aisber\o oMor | ~ ’ co a
er ee cf Széke chery Ujszallas . or] / 16 i = , iklos 6) | / ee G 18 rar pa - -
oDév aK UT¥a | : SS ae Ee eK Sy 20 (J) SA
A “% 3 7’ B 7 C ‘ 3 is i —_—— ee PETES ES s aaeeenennil
| | | | >| m
~ i, Mohne- : IN ter a ses that Wars tein© wat Ss
| f \attet | | pom fie
Aldeker Hiister® a 7 Atendpnk [Ne oe i on S 5S! vert | Machen i hewn. prenropy f g
H ' fosubdwig Arnsbe < \? Dy eiendhl Bver bergen : , Westig lc / — "bigge Dis iy “
bd Veloort ; A \Sundern pg ang ( ma sitar ninalhdlaa D1) ten Ratingen af Dafile | ~
Ramgbeck? | | =) | sprerth salt o: sp Neuenrade ENA Hie Bit uote | — Yerdohl | ised
‘sJohe apy q 1} | i ES We tifdenscheid.” Bi Winterbe 2) aa rr rbd riigge ye His AG
2 EH + pedeburg aaa Aston | agsch enkoich Neu \ ems 2 f oflerschgrd— 3 1aUsen
Odingen. F on ot Pirie ‘ate: Briigge\. \ 5 Fiaitentrop ; . Se hl y Ge 5 “Balwi aa D
re rhipchen \ olerspe g ibe Ge Grevenbrick ~~ . Oe habe! Pa | ’ irchen eveling’
Buon : elberg Bebe t 9 Megge\ UO aunt nee. Sachs / L hoven % Wippertirth ¥ sie
inerzhagen A PO REND Veh s UE ase aan, Ui (} Cae ‘ 4 | lithen Dormag “AQ\ Le
Leichliogen ty kein en, — neo Bilstein Hittentiindem 7 Ge /» Halle : } ~ : ai | ba
Werenbroich \ 1 i ~_# Bipscheid MarienhedeRp— Kru, merh--~, i Kibch wee pferlebg By
4 4 \ Ww, WOpladen™ ‘Kirten Barc sf ol hus dem, © CN . | “ly a ii be i Muppersteg
Ff 6i ons istadt Ipe + & j ] i. Po A a AEN SO a pik peri “hag 7 XX) 1 Se Hlebusch §
“tindlars 47" i ie wid henenhest Qh | <> a 2 be | LDérschldg Drol a ‘ \Hilehenbach
_ Ern perk aY A. | 52 51 [ee ec Kaster Bedburg | kage im Bergisch &. Slaidbach
Riiadero : | BO } dips ait - Po at a QQ 4 ‘Eng skirchegA AT ‘ ofc. nt ‘ ea Pes AN |
| oan A Mii Be Sy, Bi elst ee veLing ausen , ff pt Ol 4 : ‘e/ , 1 ensferg
/Mrabender~' Wieh/ €pschlob vy alk , hohe |} tuzthal” JTS, laa p | : Bric ao |
PRothbMiihle | Schl. Witthjan ste Ron Deitz o Hem vera Date ge Aiidbergerhl . He
Nétphien OU fi, Bie : eppendorf ) \ ay yroure é oad | Wor burg freudenbeFt 2) e.
‘7, os 5 : ie ty. Aosrath ¢ks : Weidentuy oy | ae Kersten . Porz i Wildbré) .
Siegel , fig ; Which , 0, at | Bute is D ren a Viondo t; \o Wahn g Ruppichte oth, |
Morsbach wy 1 fe P J, igarte ichen * me) Pos Nai ne ‘eo \ 7 “GAY Nn cibre, Sti Dy
hes \ " fesdort \Bolhoin Being Ko Siegburg Sehlagerg de aR Kircher goPrt fIS Aber
sh ib , fi maces , bic. S48 IP) iren® Lochonirr { Wro/sdor was osbach. A | 3 ad $y
pAause ' ! | Gladbach c Erp tH , S_RKASD fer ay, Ng ane Betzsvorr = | { s Fibdg
Gladé bach o wieder, j (Cc Kreuzadp | i Weiferswi st a8. by) g / ae Eitor?y calli
bi " po elWenbur | fy pg f al | | Vetiweiss Seg (A Sevie/ olokerath om eee ‘ | p>)
Ar hes, / wen ; | Weyerbus f Daadei s WiWeideol | AP j } | ; ‘5 Ne } if : q , aN
fib f ¥ . 4 Ac hag } iN > tipi. | ¢ 6 Kass Aléenkircher) § > R ben sohé 7}, $ Fronh
Hurtgen RMideggen ti/pi Hdesbhers \ Rosting AN} ‘i analig x’ FO He = | waver sheim
fonigswinter Se Pa 4 Hache DUIG~ Ae , Fue shay Fen » | d , / xh, - Mehteme\\ Sieben
a ‘Gusterfh, Pie lia | ! $ Hin a TsKirche Nouenwerth ,cenrge Flammerstelc a Mar
dwrnbet oe | Zz lar mOCaACh ; M il 5 : € : “ £0 ey re ‘ se Ne aH ; a Satzvée
‘Rheinbach oMeckenher ot W ach Xi | os ll “Driedon Biessen Grunberg ! sinh rere ny
bel é t Be , : ' tl Mecherfiich y, | ovelsdorf “t pe Renmevod 4 a ; | } % $
Westerburg Mengerskireh ' ‘a Minstereifel 4d Newer, ab Remai igen and Zz freilingen
« | | Atyweilenge® ra i Ndunkirche | pe Lei > H WE lat af Sinzig® Jen eee Jelters °
Merenberg k ; PE db aaa MN DR = " X aA feu peeked —————— { | | WA ny ae ~
fransbach, \Sjershal \. “iba | ai sort hop. stein idaderhas o Hadumas
MWe; Imtinster
| ih erheiin £ me topes TCE errs d i a: ae le aay es \ Arembera fh, i Hémpeut h 7,
Ee ay Se itches MorvtiBewr Sh ts hrdorf i \ fda q , sat lovilimar 4 Laubu | it Hohe
Acht ! AN Diexf sil pure eschbac A a (746g ~ Ochfenduig ' Ehre breitstein Holzappel
: path 7) o ins
i Virnebur
oNbhn dl of} ‘ Pars Win pig) Mh he NV. y Brec PPA wiederselters he “ Nurburg | Ma
acts te -Kabern: neg A AN geea ry jnberg \ We (lates, © Roshi
x ¥ re) Oy. ; - Monreay Ve Oe Stolzenfels% ~ instein ~ Katzenelnd gen pancake ors
fe a Ny Kelberq , ° Koh vi ) Rhens® WW 4 pra dolincus ' oWalsdort Pm ULI o et ae
Ay oN re ~< \ a ) i AN, } Minsterm@ifela ant oy — Keytenbach doh . a a ay inen e
Aaisersesch pe i) Boog oY A ney: erabee evening ya Fe labars har ynark We n ; th:
‘af aioe 8 ac ore, a = Sih NY ff : : . ff w i Ay f Y . : ; CI % __ Maange Nislhern
| as edead \y ithe b ‘ Freis ngen Neith ronsteld i ¢: Lies enfefd® Goarshausen ~
sehwalbach. Woe ies kgusen Se G ae i | [ee W clinabaseh | Deore? pp cal | c , >
Eppspeitt=~ read eimy ' 1} Pal} feldo nin 5 burg
| < on a z hharwesel Sonnenbuh | ochs
Ber cho i A Be Castellaun, WIES AD Z
| a + Son wit Bighiek® ih % igh.
orch | Elevillie A e
Ostrick ‘ a!
i Beilstein ! fi | Kaub Schle genbad,, ” Hotheinks, : Bacharach a iascercigt of
— eee
J fie Drei enhain
“ih iS Ze Cappel’ Dietzen bic
= S ‘ i the . a . : Sc / ee -
Kirch 1M a
@ rteihownP
S* Johann
‘coupe +} ATE 5 AEN, « yy, agg: ‘ in Worbicho) eee . a ae ae be \ pp I drpepstade °
@(Reimhemm | 4d 7. x z . Y ee j Si f ° ~ “ae " 5
\ oH ATT oF Ie
} r / -* ; ~ f
| ' Enkenbach9e - Dirkheim | n Prank enstel < | | mz... el ae Drachen
rm ba felg,37! © ‘OW,
Nieda Dalstein
“Hoch speyer me chit elieidesheiny MeckenhettaA | Efmstein | Ss ab rech Boch
Trippstadt / ae ec
P RAA “afi [padre 633° Maikapmer i ou (BEER USikoben)|
t el je
Helgense | i \s oHielmen ——
- ae Sjxllands Sletter roe | oo 5a i} hage : 4 ), Reef my. a a | | 56 slet = ) q
sii gbor ¥ | Gs hit minde: Tssehoved SS SS Griben ee 1156 | nit | SSOverby ¥ WP OS}
Pio unl odderilisv ci VFredenst Pao eee te 0 wy | Sjellands Odde————s. a i ee EA
ieril> . NL ; N | | DN, Ng hatte Ts wes == aS SejroB\ ( §V ae a hateat a I base itl
Px | Ses ame cs ‘Toring ~ eX Hloysensey 1° oe a Sejrd Ordrups BF og a \\ \aredoab
Vedbers a des sae? § (Bie ids Nzs we \ a Ma = Purges) siAditbore | Randbél Jelhiz C
"4 fO4 : e dee ig S 2 ae Aan oN AY / : | Groce oa Bas OF ass ap ng Fe Refanzes|
Salgbek —f ban at 2 yee 4 vudel sie ie a Kale Nad 4 Yuelsminds.. _ rs VEG | ' a i 7
pe : pees a)
hes | == Fa | lS
= iil (
ge cae s WH Lie F {\ , 6
Dybsii n Testor,
Rites = oe = Bs Finicroet ) As: oe = nae A » “Felstés \
v ‘|e a \Fiifmen shat Drej.
Ia 2d,
Vat, by Aroskek : i : $3.4 fags prs aN.
- Se “Meaety! = wn Vv Otis
4 Lindjialm so — > DONS gc-
* Fohrer Deon, (Fae | aoc Aa = 5
p “Gant en Gr. Wi iche o ean
; a Bardi um™~ Ting y-~/ er oo x : - ee Died dhe bd _lonoe enhorn ») aap? ¥
rake itlo
\ Ys ; : E rea, echgets (
hi Meg }} / Picck 4 ey TO
ete ad ‘Be wale Grist Waa Hy ) co
Fines Nien Ficol as
ee _——
Monee UD
olpR IRLT wearats cee, on Me
DgP Ju
3 Waesr, Levene. ck cen f oochri: sty aa
Hey rst op den. Betyo
- 7
she Side.
o ° - Bex, derleeuw ane Wh BRESS Be
B RUXE is?
AN +t agg lin, cae SouPLY Denderhautd i inove 4
anne se sale
Y Delile ~windehke i lees cy
| av
e Cenanpg oy
3 ( eiehed % eS
Tu mney)
___—Her en th eg oe: Re Fiat bu
* wethe B
,, de
PL ronden : => ke Bide \ Par Bnav olde tien: / Veer 7M youd u Seep rk
alan) ‘E LE
LMe& N Ty: Ho
North Fa A Polder
zt DE R
aN Se Kampa Nieuwstad i
1 J Y ! nee.
— t
“Ab ryt _
LV E SG ay a
= ee
>< — 7 Mw
wae JEN Hech bel Is
/j Pourg Laptl}
R. >,
Be -7too i aad i / ‘eHalshte en Pf
Mon tatg ef
ie, schot A as el a 2 a, 1\
oWilvorde \ ae ge a ad be Ss. < Ve rel coral ga PAS yr ee. Wocde J Cw. RO DX.
Cottesdeme *) {
He eve Dis c n 4 CNL, Giron, aX ont gp Cp
; = eal ~~ J I ° Ramillies 84 verues L—— chai WE Ine | Nghexe : ae
V lars
Et &
gue ayers
AK -skclooste. is WY
p ootegas
’ Prac zhien, cox, as
| Lauper. te ty Tank bag ~ :
v7 . Sx Th — hate
aan le
ce RV 4
1 Bartholome,.
\ | oO Or > oO LS Sg ol + S: o¢ Or oe O02 cI ¢ Oo ‘ r <a ass Se... 2a ae :
anyencsgeamgemegiinel cj : Sse. a oe : : . SRT Les AMSUO} r T ace r —— sue ’ O O O
O O O L ‘ L 3 BIS }ed Nn 1e N alba] T—97T-69 § on amas ysmalgy CRUG CeD 7, .
POMDOAT Tom & - TTT SOL} TET PY wos y swmopoy Mg wy a ITALY, é : At : 2 -~ a Of ©
Shuman rs Pict ATE a =~ 2 pelt - hn oe c: ’ : : _ F = ster 4g be = UWA SOP ONe — a
= SS : sean = _ ~ — — a Vy 5 f ¥: ss = +See in _ ——— — — — - ™ : . oe —<— segues |
sour 7one 5 tied a : oes aT : O91 MTATA fo 7 FUSE 4 —_— a} Of e, € g ; —— —~ . wa =
Jos ~~ P 08 3 P = * ‘ — = = = = O) Os : oY waburnag y QUNOSNaXN WODOT SS Fee l/iA
J Pt ae = 4 = =~ RES . =e : —-- - ——— See re ST BT - $$$ $$$ “= | | : — £ yA S > YF
oa Ua) Gap.» Pupubise)> SSS ao re , ma =i if ° SOFUOTI{ a f-) | rs — > ¢ aU 0 5 ROT
ce j j - qunoouDjapnog yom (tain OfPrpasing i . Be Ae ag Ke Q AgoHUIS NOMESANS SS 4
PR H ZI 4 } SET) ke : Y ihe fa Re || spe é S 3. pee aypray A OF SajjiazZDg ere Peno
Mf 4 AOzZO 2 > ee ; Cy a \ ik AAD PAYPLTo ) | A ES I: Py taal aie ij D] —— ; ; > {-
BS Araya > frino: Nzjnog le y 2 XIBADY A #91) \\ “[ nag ~~ td ; g f | suyounr SR. :
fs Ny, ™ Se C ome is ; ‘ A. ‘ t ms | | es tIZS t “ / SS = KE yrods290 YQ Ls ges
QunW u EPPS of ‘ fox | bey W-ay | : ; SS ecisdeurs \ vag ~ en pe ee | fp) = a : fu
9 1 | joubisso ss ‘ ‘ © $}OC #/TD-), € uy Vi } ¥ XNPUDIAd ’ L ate } = 4 AOUS2IN’) |
es} | my Piy1"9 ee | YOSSFAW Ves =] . NV oy hoghy | Auiy y MPORET ELS sh bu: 9W4S
PUDIIANS SS Ji IZOW J jy ‘ sas TaN a Ps aia 40) wepTsep <9 ‘iil Pde ake i} A 7 ;
aal / , AUIY, — f .S a : 4 STAN a} aa. tf... e .) SIO“UF — ie | . fh a ~ ne Ve wy ‘
‘ ‘ AY . se, IO) cae Ke ofaumMmyaunsg nDea boy > 3 Aya¢ way, Oy } Ne foyoneg Ain —
r= £) af vied A 3}. s P sayjayy s LOW NAC IPL They > = : t / NK ae Ry les A . a
x: / b Sas 2 7UD Pe Saifupy od // ZUCWTT “aS 9° : é ajpial a ——- {AQSARLO MM XK. ;
- Yoh : P. a FUOWAGILY, hr oys ' a Hes Ay ~ Deed POLO CAG Hh ac asybaz° | : —/ ious
PZLOMS oN . TREO NT S __Suewmyay ‘Jo, Aub iA PRCA) o p i ¢ es MEAT A2Y SJ
SHHOGSOSE ? ee \ S ; awidhs ZamUaYO \eeeeney 2 SULAIgx oe “SUID Jas "a SAMA QUOL]
ks mo) at ‘ seus yUUOguDLy : p i Spusapay y . . SB Ade, ALI xMqEg y Ne ey-say-
suraypany, WH yagny oe — seattas MINING: FO | OLB : SAP C } ~~, soaeg Y SA sind
ferns operon | Ne seuasnodd ME Npithutny tity IN "Xt \ V5 oyZ Aas Va Ie Yrsayopeag
1 p S ai 21 DuUOT- ™ . , ; ; a2 . : : ; ~ , Ys DIES ¢. Oo” tyro YaS7 | % SPI} 7 e \
: sadnzndy *°9" OR i ep PUOTDIWMALTZ Bn roy hae ee S , ( ruDursy C ' /puvog. eas f
os ey — & OP tajjfe py lOk 2 4 ety \ On , ; * st 2 2S d += JA O-DAC sf A Wfitoy + |
/* , es 2h WH) 2 | WPrrd P pu Vas Pel SOS. pS pe Ps VY, ~ AE Se: eer v SP S\ pasyDg
' ; 2y'0I90 ya = a asfainbee aes 1/Oue, euugad 72 SNAI Wi ’ \ 6 ~ SNO{IDT - i = ‘
fe on SIF, ee _ / ‘ J¢ Re, __fFr) N } ANS abuoprpy see i 3 : ular} f SE LINO OY #
bal ae O} a \ [as 10} sec =< si AS S Ws PING er | \ psopueqe py puny a wppng © q
“a5 T odssthp 1 eee ; { affede. Py KN Ip sae 3 gag 2IMe. << / ta rf s =i i] —_— , f
0 Fy ia SfOQUOLFs, } 4 NO spy | = ISTOJUOIING fmm, 1 at PLO y) a, S14 sobre ~ | orm
rs f el Om SH HA © i viel o > POY OW “ Ssratian f ; B — Nf \ Nea / WIDYag f Pte S
BE: ee sousoaniyy / Afeag ‘ aSuayrt . & 8 | + 5 : ) g. / — — > @uUD, . J } ‘fic )
fF 7 . scl 2 i aa ) 2/adSHTE hie: y iy: = 7 wety O1FOUD IN — in ' Ao %) WP) © i} =
| Wa Sy ngat g : 2 va) a The. SUD 3 ly 128 peed J dno IHG yh ins a ac “4 yale =
GIAO, af > j AUbIS: (UM ees : Ere SAfGuroy) ae? Bae ftp {7 We | Os | | \ PILATE, i
APIA TPs 7. buo E Ul1OHO. \ 7 tt ee Ayers ( Jeyhron TALI) / ae Sadasontwrr ; ©.
aypip 7 IPP @ OFIMOD USBF IOY v i Ve 10qS 0G f ‘i ‘i gotten: eae? pion ‘ & ay YOUOA
or! " WUNDI2F as10u9 Mle luoyr> _ “7 SAOLIIA , Rin MIWPAZ PROD ek © Mn oe = SE 6
Kilt XDA LD a 4 Olly e f£LIYIDAD 7 PGIewo, . Off ROD, A SUDS aH FG 4 —— x | } of |}
Z. 4 Y i XDA . — - PENG ‘ sesw6r10 >. “ ; ' + aaa Bs tah > a of DA ao Se 7-24, ee
rma sa) / \ / c i vas 8 : ‘ SUBD 0 : - VAIVITA: a | “Yy Us. tata } j 9 auboyIiag i
a Binoguars WS ao = - {fp ya 776 $3 * sala ici ihe k le. a at i ~)_ Ss nodbg
tunaouaaioy— 7 Xo ¢ | , > y prey > if ¢ Santon: é s “ru ; a a 3 = F ==; yw Tol 9-
2*Aa IID : UPHlaMxXy .s l. ; Ze pn SZURAS on 1 ™? % DataUtoy : | yadvy) O10.14 0 0
72uU0 yo a = } i. <— re IY ~ pry felyoy Konbong YIDGeutT} | a i: wsy iF ;
urdpuopsey © hoa iC 294 _f~ounnvoyajbu 7 SIP / [ALTO b P/2fPU Odi ~— °nuoy ungo
1aaddy) d eal i Pehes ° sou! ES) 1] / 2 apungeo Shi e> 7u f- : ; Se ; ae 1. piayosg
Do ay 2004 0 fae roy} oIDy Sake 7 SIA IIA i! v Nanipyodg, iS > soups ~— 499 we TAL
10%9 } | ie ee a uUlmgdayy FRO. g i te in ; YOR pad # PO RNMeIUaIC gePOsIS At - \ 4
PhoTap uapy a DUDIBAS 6 : . VADINOISID PW : i. JAI2{ISD HY Land “s \ ( AIPA
“osrputenbnoge | 1} — \ /F J IQUE 5 Ng , 4280 * g = hd youn mo yp , Ss. vs ) savy:
fen 74U2-SMayy Ife Arrady © , A ty | | Val wind ) tf ¢ BAG ayoue ausyasasuph pag’®
ISTO" VF 200, f @\, : a i é) "( Sebo; sey eats on boty 6h SNS ai 7 WOH \ emt oublay
¢ so ae rN | eG) ss or es —" Ny ees de, tl not af > OMT DO Sh Poe 2 * a + DIV. IS
TONE ‘ OUD Te - Y 25 Di / : : “ Sf ‘ Sj ; { = a : om 5 070K) a A n Kw o y tt a )
bento, = 4 W AT” a onog Ys lp Ssny re 27 S Vy YV (Px U109 a1 1 §. aT | = v *, .
we } DUdOTS : p oN BAA wh rayZyi 7»? 9 joy faur) YIOF 10 Di won OL \ ’ “ 03 SPUSBAL
\ | | | : iZ. 25. DIF tiu9¢ } . OOF S ‘. YI pf ' ae ke if 2) \V/4722.,10 py \ i }
if | gf 2) : > ; 2 : / | || prayuoyos ae <foaso ‘a aed oe Ga: anc “a [N2g — 4
senboury , x 2 ’ { 2 3 « » eS a ISSAS SP Beilin Cy INGRAQ Gah in 2 797 | | ie
' \" ; is oe. é RAT Aun ALPUDATE UalDy | | oe wY Jp S704 $10. Dis hensiaine a
YIPUOLOL, i . e ea) — 121 ajay pe nae) : ADU fe 'H ; ae HLA ZAYINO’S Svs! | pried
UaUOLY ¥ juowaog. ray, s ~ \. yuua Tif: poe ROE aR? Mn . I} ¢ i Saud, OAL TIORS kK
SPUSAIL. WOoust as ah PUIAPIT i } 5 saath a Sapetate _ 3 FPUO VC; “SOUl 2, LID g |
UII YI Plus yae — = | ) ! ~ “fe } AIS “sl ojarPppno i | |p : fpouieie la ~~... sea)
eee ye k | 1] | pscteerByrgOFUDLY | 2 SPI YIARE eo) || | Yo H \) ‘4 ie ; UIA UIpane
souipy-saf- vnde lo ] || a 2 v sdum. Inourny o — » ref i hae BRAULTY S4¢ og = / O
ao > 82484 pe “ || & == 269 Js a Le, ALTONA Sui urd as 1|,O€ p—_ (Oey AH ah instal
yoy 5 east ubiange ’ Kinpjay Of Wey 20 mg % o—~ | if! me / 1240} nba Tog 1s frou)
burps pragnys: al ® a Spay \¢ JOR BS > VM \. Ssappty IPUuv)g wAsF | \ j | JPY u~
WDE Raven Guyyor te gt "dy. oe o. 24) iWiog- Sayed, Deana Sz gatos © Ps (| 1} s
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YOLEMUBA] i I | | | | Gs UPTPD . IYOyJon GJ SZ 7a, ey * A | | | eA " y , A aye TOY
D-TlUee, aya] oa OZ onhrag soy) * A OG \Aous any >» i Ya , se 4ONOIG97 3 $2 | | bop
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>uosoray) i pe — ih / rake mas unuiyaus yd Q- Cp hyod 20 é , 3 \ J9WG; SR | 1}(Q \
Anois. Ng. Ja piss a ELT ci ap Basvonopog/ \ ve 7 \ | .? TOZNBLY 7} LHApPI TAL!
oo’* ttf resowss) \ | Boards re Wisx ~4 iy H9- VEXI¥) ite DOT ap pees @ /7°8P) | =
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NQ2HHAg PHIUS a \ ly Xouspe 7 as . X YOALIOXR 2M / / —tp f | Sorry dug ae ;
Lsopomps4, / a, 1A OYWsoy. {~~ A) es ah Oz: >t se | Bangu: te / \ PP ' 1/9 ¢ pelle
RE aq Mo At f if valfiuapuy Mg J OPRP vas STW / > L | boa prenbs f | ! i F. 9ddp |
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At. ae uf fr Megas KS 1OLPO]A 4 7) yyV. 7 AFIAMS YOAE zie Vv f HY ¥- DgUayxO) uyes:
SOM : - iy ie uot dt ua 0} ed oO c a / | ON be Praspqopuroyay Seth VPP 12 1p Pipy |
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Ftc IGUeC { He | x dures | veh evt pte / : f F are 4 ; (ville. Hague ferinanilh 5 :
Barfleur ; ®Doude iM .- om wet ize, - ; | Cd Antifer j stourville ee Orei:3) ss ney
fe lle StPeory Bartlesr : Brunéva Loge sits Sk INE IN 34 RIE URE fe 4 Te a } ye ie
S I a j S jueurdreyilleo ville ot. wottarvilh St fui % \ Fauville = Met a : ‘>
sally = S*Jouit ‘ / ° Oct. eo CHE R OURG” rf are : C r piquetot ~~ Goderville y
Yveto ——— ylottent vilie | — ‘ O, ety f = . ' ; | 7 LV a W7eEroO z / : ‘a> as tO
isblec er ie, Quettehotu & Fie de Saire bréaute® ' ——— Le aanomn \ ty iors ¢ | /
~ : a } - | : 7 é ti f= Morsalines Cauville pw i — - wliguerville He ; wes, | | F
LUZ eCVITTE ‘Bs Couvilte | Saussemesnill ea ipe. f eBolbec We indrille \ - ——— A ~J
E pi =~. AS 2 aS SS SSS SS BS SS M ntivillie x Stfortiaka Gruchet Caudebecs «
Barentin®™~, z tes Pretx SAdres ee: = ? Ae i iin SSS SSS SS a ~ Ag re: Lilith Lg
tetioutlme) / —————— —— — —— 2: de ladHeve y- op: arfleur a i OP DATS, onne | * =
Sey LE HAV R E etn). <Laticar vig@t M leVrétot 2 a lomby aN | pe it ge : — Néhoue~
| \ | cya ‘ Ale | Honfleur 62,0 7fy lays. = Hause, : Barnevilte # frev lie \* ; got
pent: Vil O60. -s-Mer U 6.8 Hes oa ANS: rs pining en eee “S Ave orl lof ervilleeTa
RiviereN ~ - ; | Réutot Fon! Hy S*Sayveur _~A o VA Do ashes yor a gies
Hennequevilleg Seaver? Viblon Bournevilte wl Gal] aR s a Picauvil - Ie t bis oe OP
ter? Bessin eo i < gf Trouville I =f Be ¢ | Fact? r TE } Ly : Ver enguebec “ey >!
Cor eS | “ bm a a ve = une DearviligyO FOuques eu la BEE pile i} Denney St ores, ee
ay A sata cha Is “a Mer Villers, Appe ville one hy : © =a sntat so signy, A ae KE?
Houlgate o es Boure thenfulde ° = : geen a N il 3 < rEevicres yes eae -; : Cabourg
lat Blonvil oy pot AN es MGastre o \ Moo | N tN Pp. CaaS oo Dives “p é Pont ery
Epaignds Monttor. “ \ : 3 Se Sy rire y \ Licovn (3 _Baye a ¢ reultly, R iva De Spe
| CAUTION C av | s Ais/e ' Germainesur Ay ORES: ate, BAS SE, SNES 9 fa Motey See es
ee wistrehe Wi Brucourt ~ Cormeilles t “i & bt 1 ~ Saati oe ‘Tal Mine }% Nonant |
v) Banouville § rained “Annebault, Blangy< 78 reneuse ) ts oS Cl) ‘Tribehous YAO" y
PS } ¢ f | SR 1 ——S AS Georges le Gros bai 8vre de S! ‘Germain fo NG fairel ae -
Dozule )/eBr- ils eurey aulidve “Theil | iS a S eS “dor: 1S¥- : 0 of ue ' ho € eu
1€ re} ae: lids . Bia | r, Marchesieux 1 Sev la fi rbt S i : ; sonnebrsee OF Auge 3
b@Orges rranne i Pekiers \ & pY oe S{ Beuvro | ¢ ; wives erage : | 2s PiHebert We ,
allere / pes teed 7 A foyd au jAubin & e Nes nile 1 ) wal g | : Li Ss | E U xX Ls
de Sce/lon a oe veus Ai - ‘Ja T A v fi), “e : } ind Innevill€ @ fe! Ree i> SF LO
wmoldin iS; 4h oy Ps Thiberville ee: <4 a4 hoe fw Marigny | p, gevy 08 gm) Ne
liberville’’ Drucourt oterquigny : Gat! * J ; \ | Fs / réveceeur Glos 4 4 o5!Ma/o-
COMgernon ee Caumonte Pe Bourse / Me: : i Ps 4 2 Blainvi deda-lLandé Canisy G
Conde- Y, Hie a ot ge . 5 ; a0 . Beaumont | t i/ f* . dS ste Ky ae Magny. SS < be v
Fontaine REC /e roger See | OFZ Cited CH F! CRRAPIES OMOCAT € - Aue 8, lah. a
Fervayjues TBeern ain- J (Abbé | : TS a - A, 4 au Fay 2 ss © = | = RetiniouMe . ;
gberisy- Ly, / J 4 3 Sylvain | AUER Se ‘elacompagre RR EB - —-—~ CGUTEY aes he"
Salle 5 ae i i )\i/vare Orbe , ‘Brog Mh : Montmartip> Myenville he . a Toe ee: sie
4 —+.--- fF -— - ON SireDama = Yow eed | 49 | Hautteville® Ba Villebaudon ¢' ~°*Is
Mesnil 365 ) |“ Morbciette 1k Pi ap he fy Sey lafe CUT HR 2 CG we / < Oh °o “yep, /
for€ | deCoursk alrinite ae va Owvettreville Hambye Posrith 4 Auzou de 9 phe ages
(Potigny oN \ on $0 4 by Onch es® | SN Py, AY Danvow,~ NV oe. Fa 5 SES 2 tee, \
Mbulfes laBarre © é R erences. e el oj ioe ofg ' | Vimoutiecs\\~ ‘ ee E joqueviltel
RYO, | ns Xi ‘ leit enyBocuge Rees Clécy* bededectis Mou Melicourt fa Vieille -
Breha Tavray C a Sree fi a ifeedele Montcham 54 ( se oR" Rey : she } | ~ Hudia yes
4 fi 6 0 Fi saa P of ° Me Set Ja Neuve - t OHNE | Don ville} ) j | Camembert Lyre
rt GRANVI LLE« Sr ai ? bi for % NN Tr Villers~ a» Glos -Ja Breteuil | ia S* Pain \}
/ Berjou run 7 en-Ouche l horté f Fenriére e/ |fottig vy S | erte | i iy aye. ¢ tg
on, Be this Se : { Franed Tirales ee | a i |. Pesirel Tru ‘ < thambors oa OPT | ; "
ee eN O Jullouy ile P \° Prerre ee ed ace lias Bailleul -2 x , BETO b duBois ; ES |
ontj ore és .. oS 110 maar Carolles | Se ttilly ; Silly FS eB. Lais| ~~ =H Pap
Stlean-lefhim Brecey, . Pots, a CF f 1 en | eed | C || 0. Ze fem OMAS\ = a : ee z
Bie Finny } e +. | = tie a lolif ; ice aS ie *Sourdeval %y fo Re at Hares. < oy
haut four neale -£ Genets - oe. StOsvin PP i ag Fcou¢he | ce al Baie du pi i ge ‘
Nona), Hertera fe | gs Mon ¢ “se Michel | \ Avranches Ger y. Alménéc sheds Surdor
je ok ag i pe N Atmepitieres Pines Le = Pre. Marcilly 0 Momtign} eM olonlay-
Jaterrier a Md, Tite Sk . Randonne §to ( leVivi Moprt. S$} Miche | Por 1 bt L)
ortain ( °TAbbave | ¢ erie rg Bouse o | NY Heuhos \Solignyk Maur ice geo Z signy Be
ton | Mortrée Ni NOTES Naas laf: Rea bei “sia A mane oda Champsecret a Courtome :
COEPS. Vidame oF SBR chet 4) : > CAN ~ StSaveur, \ Sées Ste Tourpuvres/ oSAnne ' a
Dol Ba } > bi. ; SEC VP>aAS df, : Scolasseo 72 “4 guer Ap rtorson uoin dubaileulo 7
Juan ae *\ \ Eieige e % ‘ “startin eS trrouges \4Z for . of 2) Essay Bazocltes*
Moulicent eee | or ‘9 Seps 7 \ Argouges S$ James, t Na le eitleul a | s-Hoete GE >a
| | Sedo? Tres we i ef tl os 2"genr es age if warns e-. ; vingt Hanaps Je Mele hi
Perth) feet ieee | OX “épiniac 4 verre Reneint Ba ateindivy af | Ciral® \ Smale
Coulimer | ~. 4/99 |f . . ide Louvigheé i pept > Pxe 4 ty oO , 0-4 Moutiire quad
"CF CRE {| uen Cuguen Pe tiny du Dye ert : Fougerolles forges Couptre @ 3 a, 7 }
lak a fi rt 8 mbl4 { ' ¥ ie et 4, eee: Al reseye i “os | ac B. 5 5° Bt. ice - \
handedy 6 StMars S Plassay Vo Freer Pail panigar : ~~ Perventhéres” , Ae Pity
Boissy Mougin ff | _ OU /aFohouse ieee: 4 5 \ oN a Pt eee? . ALE N¢ ee, 5S Paterne
sy is Ss ~ Rémalard > Ff gueheuc\ StRemy R ‘baat nee aron SPiseres. | “at '
Neutchatel ~~ : 4 | Pas + ; i . & ids -, € >f . : ( ; Z fp | | Domineuc\$ ellen
Susi Reine , La ignelet Morfteudin leHorps ws Ais ate ) ~ teGue- > Belleme Conde-s-
Hi j | p i sha Mob FOUG ERES | ye. Diss Mu Saute ¢s Wilins StRemy \ Bi ie 28 f eS |
f ; : v x t “997 é "4a. 5, ~ = 7 a, fe Dingé i Dp Dare hemp) RS Shenis. VPP ( 92; o
Villajnes-\ pe Mane > wits Ser Be hit vy , we Bretagirt * MO ashes Marcille a-Si :
My Bois. j eum ESE E on erd huis A Nogent : bs ot eer ~\OMontret/], j lavVilvle fe
le-b Mh Ly s cagetate ta the % Z 8 n t “ee Sli, 2 llaghere = rnee =) 2 |
fJaChapelle- ce L6-OGAP ONTO tee Hi 8 a st ig ‘in Rotrou fe eles he MAYENNE © a eH
Bots) Courcite } eka hu S ; S¥fabin Bille ° dpott ATO" \ f Courgazis a9 asme
Germain yy 3 @ dui Lormier ; "pit Montenay i Subh e Shamingenateux 7 a Dangeul :
~ohe S uian t a 2 Ublain f . JONG Cl; Se S, c - : v4 Alexain \qbais ee a ep g
vignée I Benet Pt iivoi OGelit- > fy. : ‘3 CC BA On itt Ss? Commet MtRocharas : ee
Beaune oy sSo Vivoin Ke Weber nara ‘ ¢ ‘etn (a ror. le abcd Germain Mdrti ; 357*
$* Pierre” é NN -< 1 - Fi 7 & { : 3 o © rie oe a" " Chatilion’ : | . ; S S ° k
rtigne ei 5 = ‘ ve SP DULCE Bonictable / el erte-« = Rees | ‘ : sgineye stoi = \ 5,
Eyron «| es “C a at &. ene t S Ballon e a | ; wen- * zs tétiie ot , ; >| . ig 7 Se
Pierrg lal “ des-Toits sy) See . <= Conlier i res fh Pio ee Beautay\| | | : ase < ,
J Por eM 6 E N WN eshe S ee 7 Tutt. J stamnaye ot > virenne. | OTRO e On” dager gi
CALS ouyérne : Ingentre “Vanodoind iste. Suzanide — | : Lombr ‘on A Se gyn va a - ~
wn * 5 / 3) > <: g rd we gee Cornifle Argerstre - ‘ S*Ber thew ) HUBEQYM. . Bernays
al Savigne A A ¢ j J ye <8 Loiral \3 Sguige- &, ts. laMilesse”\ fF G6 Mo ntt orig
Pe £ congo 3 DOPE elertre: Briucim Lo Crgues 4 r avare Re ) b: t Vaig es S3F Shy s
Chulanse % “Sn ke Notion 7 | 4 — A wt | Ltnammes o Bazougers e Chassi * a as “Brei
f Li at ontjean ‘ ug - aera SE F tae, « hassle 4 - j SF VrEe- sae pi — —2Coudr af
PETES: 41| 48/8) y ; / 5, & Z é Section MA Z a vegue ; OUATCCICUX B. 3 f y M / /
Brilop Fare s/ ‘*, 4 iE *Sou/oire a ie : j d pg Gi > ; # BEB cid. e(-ass € leVivier
as ay en, of . Val on \ pe } fe Mery, of Comptes le /a Guerche Laubrieres } : > we
Pas igne “Volnay ~ sd v4 le Se, Thei ae Fa Mieka td *i1hiere- allée! or ar Chemiré-
le poe farn cok Ire aa nA Cala ~ = f bs / Retiers P. : : ‘ Ve tttfe ; uvers . - ee
a ie g ¥ 5 da hoe* eee Care aia ye “\WSle-Hame Chantenay apuz ea $ Mulsarine’ tM Ve
He ee /, \ a poe if SSSR wad ie Loigne® r — aA i Dutill p rene Luce kg WIG | oe 5
ay) 2. Chelutg SAignan | Craon Q y, re Fi . vanced \j : ret S SII i ] “4G Gennes t
| Cérans e commeoy Es o >, Se * essdc | Martigne-\ {i Congrier ; Gontier t oS
Foulletourte re v: Virrcent Noéo Teillay 2 : Ferbhaiid AR ORG! — \ © Pee roqrne ee
du (orouer f /, ae 3 . oA lis BM iiyenings + See € Renaze- werne ! la ee 8 : Marian
é Too | ds fanche St. lp ee CRougé ed ee a Aer &, Chemaze - | © Mes = Jupilles Pie
Bray, F ——— | TOE hates &. £ Be sion wa sgn Pontvalfain Beaumant ara 4 | | Gi ¢
Chate ubr ant So yp ac “ Apsile : venti aa a; t- Zz Mayet eaida-Bpeut. ontoire-s Ll
| € ; télé SS ; a Foug » en = Wuogeau ee Oe seh by whe - Rey athartre / ft luzanger
. : Naysane Sedrée Fringe seg : A$ | M wor ies A | : : < EP j ft ye cb Fl | n°
Berval fe tora S*Michel laGravpyere ~ Thoré aay. cf o Mt ecttiites, EN | | ae : .
orée hs gyros <a en Pp SY >on s oes %, Challain vel ie , 4 aps ai : e€-Pentao /ssé
MHORE 7s “/a-Fotherie i lel a x > i Author i} a Conquereu ra ss hoisdon Pa. ape. He
ere = = oa 7 he elude oy Chemille 2&4 ton } y sh eA Be mS 4 oe ; Be SIM GOS un se
oe ns, ‘ oa Sm Pacis F Marsac® rit Trarfieux a eenne ——_ o Neuf g / “Sarg EF incas
itm, * Rah ae [— — f , Gras’ at at oP 48-OUGE Peres, » S* Paternég| fe OY ty ! que
fat Vay- e@No /a UVEPIC penn ee ~j t ; ah] ae : : 3 ie VeICAeS ) - Y, Meillewaye
; Ca Angrie , ha Dias Genneteil iidbeau- ® Beaumont ~Fi| § ' = 4 ‘Abharetz
Riaille 2 le puroux Corzé Jarze 6, ech ve ille ee. AN |B] hg leGavre : g = Chaps >»
0 Seconnas oSSClémen 4 P¥Prerre : i atK——<h ite 2 Pann ait aie. . ebinyaill> a SS
dedat }az wt mit ble Sonaay , | | Bee Satrre E +. Mayank Chanpay—= hen bhancay- ;
1/30 A » Voué-s “ oMaumussoW Bast. ANGER’ ERS $ fatto 's-hatha} Serre f | b ok nes
SROs les Touches = oilte "Belligne oe ; AR y, Savigne \ Ambillou 4 tp | , eric, A _
oStAugustin- j = 20 As iy 3 er i Zigne f Mésanger Champtoce ee BOs Parcay) Ho £
Véré ‘neon Vouvrgy, y / ; : ; , KEE Ommne : } es { I FER oon p U YE olouffe Varades
rindes @ : rN == + | duynes <a pel agp $ Grand! © al S~ nceni Z ar 1?) ~~ Sas 2
OULUTES, ern CZs “ts WZCUX oe . aa » | — O- cham r }p f, Oudone ———— 4 ma Mantje
sf? * - Y £a ; Vern i (Gi Mazierés Poe ing) - 7 ca % Niles % er A SMars =. F;
Bilahvssonniere Brigsac® SF cae & : “f stAvertin i \ Teayple\r rel, (eres, ' du
Déseriy Liré : forest thaton eS 4 | / ; oa = Az 1 f lal hey a ) ee CCULLY } A = |
Fi lLangeals Viilan p pT sth i, | Ze Be ourgnetut, i Bit, ; ; CT Senne s rdre is
argu “Bestites eo. Gie A o Ambition b=, LOI RE | x Lue ps $e fee 9 Laurent Chaudry
dyrlattay Chu# | PES, (fF) Satron®° rvau ef t alien \ leo sao] euarce S* Hilaire SS
Lite Mortiazon rd onced es fem, Fuilet L Jumedltiere . L ae nebdaie Pe ° ig pails
SAUM U R J “he if, a } lg iten Peale % oe red Bagneuxe(} Righty vie: seis Jerigny ©
st ——,- 9 Lo ; i themille "pias bs ) Villaines q oF a hs aE re ¥ Beauipreau J ° ,
ismes tole scs Granchs | | Pellerin ° | Geste ox ‘ Melay os ~ Doue | NM, 2 . Se : y
4 : | 0 } : dalle = le Coudray : " van ‘ | pouaye % Vi/ledieu). laSalla zl Vihiers
Chinon ilet jf fouans Pe o #4 ° — Aer: ¢ a r Cravant 5} Epas | / |
ofsétres .Jrementines. a= taouti ere ‘ Manthelan |] it! " “Retz Whiers ; ost Vezins
x hiers leP, ee a Cae us AngTe at iffes S*Maure | y —— nen cair: Nut) N. eS ~, : |
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Pad | euubsNG) y “ GL : —————— if! 3 Pupusa a ax, : saubig ? | > II zados qauiads ‘
SUDUP IY De a j 2 tf f i app ps { e* ae r uuossnuganboy af 2B | i | 4, 1° ? e\ ‘ Ti
wy: YOY 559 a ey OL) gtd a Go les 2 y Noam eae, 3 ; | i2 J } 987 ad eune g at 4 <
dk 4dLz ‘ | sai S| = ww ossa os ¢ 6 uldhks “Y. , | SaIQWESs] Sep Inojemmhin. 4 —”
suosso We eS SE e456 Bia es, peas | Suog-s ey ‘ : ON OLE, + eB j is SOAING Os aT,
=. t IDF DA } f : F Lig e 4h BEL P + PPP any vA . ( sdurm) *eNBriogs re ow BUR} $2]
“Pub roy ee ry bh r 4 5, Anbay : = eo aed } v i Baad bern DPipttos s s17 Pf a SJOT
g a11IG 3 angidsy : he ° | | | ( #§ Upgnppy, 5 spgn? 7 7 ap ba = fa, LE f } | 1 c x
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rd / gas rns Lah <P ; MIS. iF Nea : | | f \ Oh, to wee 7 r we Ss fo ‘ enNnpoydT oO
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#8! { Bouepyjeseg $ Jensrioy s pp OU: yey Foun WSs, Rvaubilas, ( | | ? “4 = A? > ~
ait 5 ‘ , | iiied DUATPIST, | j Se AN Fr A gS S A uosssoutny 4 = ; od uoppissnoy”
ir ae @ + | £ : ees a wey cae Tees = 5 d o(f \ Hh ISTOTMA -§ be. ¢ AnD aN SULA a
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ss , ae ZIuUIS eyo 1g YOSTPIQ f 5 Cuppy = A Saua/ZON : , | i ae Mag aT V puuay.
ee : : ~ : Ss 4 ephbog Py aainbyeoio0y (f° YUITipIg S” isi V} SIL 6a3 S a cat y 5 a
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XIAP LUTZ S POTD [VIF FI] 1 — fe ‘sén] } o% aunts RY Sathleg “ce eR: Besa =o uUDzZ
Piqouoy, ; Esmoig ap) aii og —_ => Si te << l 2 seed ee. : Ye SMIOLG 2, Ay SID]TIA
<< No Z ahh g \ IZ Of ~ Sosa a Ae g re np a o) oy, \ = a paisees ; 2 ef Sitar eee t
7 —— Buy f : Sy: INBA a 20110) . : ood tA oS } J : ‘e ) ey Soop $A], bina; = Go
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8 ‘ v4 | is , ‘4 : Sage” _ 7 Baa te \ : So t4AT PPA “ seyQiu oN \ i SOUPS? 7290
ayzopy/ P/ noe, eat si a OfP] 35° suo Yop. } aN ae c 28 [~ ore i pase: % . jounog
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Ti Qi FX) Y) € ny Grado ~% Llanes S. Vied Stal oy “elo ega —— . yy i [Getanzos
Wlaodr vd ‘ % e Tineo, pies “No f Oviedo y, Jeli = = oVillalba », FS eX °larhal] L
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R ~- 40rtiiang i ; is O R U ¥ J ( b r I a 4 eae i NA S 3 X fonsagrada out ) a ="
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es ve Villafranca i rh : J Pn fltere, ; onTorte Pag j ados Carballino { Pon for
raga Astorga £ & { 7. ra >; ; Pad & . ees, SS £0) ° Orense C eo I, la \ ool Teleno
Val ; = = = = \ eg ca neg ~ valencia ~ i er \ ig? oy AMariz sore w° | \la Bateza
deDonJuan Torre S: 3850 m. f f PX . es = S LO Rs NSE jie Say * 6% | 42 | [eelanova
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Mire andilia Pm f\ ZV a
rf i. fe} y Olivenza, Almendra lejo
Barear rota ©
J Hinojosa del Dur B.0 o TO JSeréz de |. »} e que | co? ‘es Caballeros” | == ——— ==
| 3 G Sines at | | ° e waza l. : i oil cine asdeA acena Lala de la. Sierra | > : S
A | re racena® = ta = & Barbara Minas de S Th Riotinto® a arsis | ~j=. a : = 4 ey i
3 i 6S Vitwiae| d = (CS. Vicerit . y His, OnZ" = } 4 F = Ge | | ; | == Ae a = E = 2
a =2%. 5 = British. Statute Miles 69-16—1 Degree Ee = ; ' 36 | 20,0 30 «400=—50—0—s
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The Citizen’s Atlas 97
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Jis wn Siahgrear} R < Nha Lelezin ‘ Tape 2 rash : j wh. Sheisele 1] | a5 Se | 2
~~ ; | / > y 2 Mafirrat en gf tusate Ralebty& oy Margada 1] | L : (Babenna 1s Wu!
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ue a A Fy | £ 2. b 2 sastasinnseanensincsitt APCLET ET? (= : i ; j 4 se sal & ‘ ~ ,
Be harShekshun © jolari¢ , ‘< = D e€1P-ez Zor ON . 3 f ~ ; “ey Aasrlbn We rdan, é
Fi EEL, 1 tin ee nt Ms | | j
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i 4 | “oer ce ~ paar : : | gy Yen Biage 8 } (FRENCH MANDATR) / Raliaes
Salihiyetos . | = pe ee /Homs | f : i , ; | | ee Ll: »] ; é ay = > ‘ i ae y ae : 4
7 | i} oP Oye xX ahret el Kaittine 2 oF, Ss d 4s | | Hy | , i. (Min agg ck bral»
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=> 4 9 | | | B f chuilerr f 2 Eikna - ~a- : . AbuKen a ’ = 7 Qaim Ana | | } i es 3
A 3 Ws AL | | | | | atrun i 3 - = “Ras Bdalbex, Sadad : ‘ Wg Bsa Khan R ica. | z :
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2D A M A S S 8 Ss j ao = Wadi ae | Lt ’ “f : as a oy Peet Jal a fae ’
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————$—___—____—. i He es GTR
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YY \ at} pe 4 ," quenetr a” |
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=F) | 1] i f, Rajil } \ ! = ew we oF oe” ° oe | AAjlun | FN ‘s ASN : poe _..._ Wel
Kolb : -* *\ NN Re Ruwashid _ zi a me 5 tea Py a = ae < eRe ~ \ 08 RAYS \ <= -™ . .
; pel. “Spe T === owed : deh 3 Salt | SR z ‘ ne ' ; J Anaiza W. el Te? a / ve ST
S$: t } A & . " - T ; i} 32 stan a OA ARAN » Walat ez Zerga SN Bo A| D vf £. Af S
fA M- $2 : ~~ y/ 4 n& ; . Senna ———-—-— SERN wee At. ; Sos ; 2 a REE co VgiAmman
Casrel Azrag my | é | LArng KUDS) oO . (Aerodrome) @-=. oh’ | —— 4 3 Corea Musban\
yy ee ae a RNR eey-> I “L N | > Bu thei f . : = é xe Bethe, CI Madeber Ray Set J
Naij mJ | | As ime Sefitadotad |) pa aes | is Bi Heb» an ea Ng a j I \ EL Kh uty :
wa oDhiba R a | Ss : ra a / “ ny nt os Louth 2. Kaf ° Ftsra \! if = Bl.Kerghe e, 7
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Mihete, ees a Pe r|tMiame . bra, Q Kierra ge: e POs t ' us . = ©} Be ‘ Y f e \
Didriline elHasa ~~ a oy “ | | inpirein «BO Jam eat ~ \ Be bi | | ih a “ ey
Derawish f° — - me ‘ , t May : aN 7 Fad Pea | | 5 . ‘oa sh Shobek ay’ --— " De aie
Pd ‘s. // Bs 1] / ‘ = }
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'Muaisel © Sataka Pe 2 / a Jauf- | °Al Qira pr oa | | | ! e | J / ' 7 | | mi: | ee
Yasr Adhfta | o, O i e: 7 . | Tel Burk FelhAlaim' T | : ’ ‘ °Hauja \ ; =< | | | ‘oo
Bim?) I | a | ‘\ R A HD El Ukatia! A. | | y i
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= AND ARABIA (eae ——— - , | The Citizen’s Atlas 105_
A stara an 14 wie ie ;
Ards obit \ 907 I z 3 ss yr F of
i 43 Ary chman;n . _ { } r =oss Datkauke R. FE Pp U B L - (Tal lik + . Dagbent a A
Ps i Zartnrerem, at i; { iy : Gee pAShgabad | “J ' Kae AQEeShivabads, dus / |} ae
u ; ag Nes SDlieta Me 3 \ ra A Mery ta Did 1 Me rv miab
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ccha y thi es tus || i S ah. tere L ‘© ork a all. et ai a ; a Gen. 7 Al~ Guba
LO0abuz nur : 3 Ke “aS as Se a: *F Salk ch > Tz Seo > sD J wih apduced AN a ERA o
Jajarm FQ ; Ke lat eo KE * Shibar ghan 2. 91237 ate ag 8 fy i SS ow ff ae > Astana:
Pay ara, Su ie = adie 2 \ See at °t Mazar ix Sharit 3 MET aE Shalt fat Rs Pete oe
ae = “Wadas Swe lus stein, ae hls Se BE \¥ q Lactatabea qaibahe y 7 y/ ‘ts a TY 3
jultienty oh j 3 > . N 4. 5 a + Puse stam aa Jagatal Binalud E. ce 3 Me shed ao. ge
ap poar i- Pal ¢ ¢ a y Kk ( ; “A Z DIE Sat Bo eee — 30m 917 4 2 ie ¥ Shaan Z) — = =
_S& 3737 7 Fe 3 ' y : 3 iat 38 BOS iho, ‘ ? j \ Th Vi suf ‘ roe M SNE HS =< ne zg
Pz iaeq ¢s 5 foe 3 hahrad, Scheme ‘Sishepar : a <thaf I Rud Yayim TapaY sje Tapa fh
¥ gimana - 3) p Darn oe id. Bani | | ae = =e aR KA z A Taprivk Pree gf Ye PO, Jer,
2 hgh an x ; Par viridans 82 pHhann be hale Bek hirgg iad } dsudmarda Bhingan N- S
Kha’ un °pudtan Subeimagieliz ~~ eaarenal Se Metab a q ae ! ee a AN z : Rea
Zulfikar he. Bala Miarghab } * Aor ks 1% ne? yf Rey is TE uve Sha Ahaul a ee : = Ah
<a, LY 103¢ st ary 4 oO 3 ae SF oe ] | { = {¢ e se \Rahat Ker OBER Ss Shamnien/
Thom _furun a Se Turbat-i ee Peas ae hous tu Dee Oe =<M4!35 a $s % “eS ° Harian OL
tUirie Se, Fe ehdé rba ae ~ as 2 —<—<_ i } neh. \ mx Sava ¥ ip. <2 anh R ; Pupgidis
a % ee a) hetkh Jt ae gulrat SB 5 20m oa Kr gras & cx X Bamian rak Sy p? 7 “, M7,
ALSTOM ° . . , Apa __ se a8 HA ae oa N> Ly ee az, Ade Cie Jn S H A M A N A 3 55 +
as = — Hala Naw i. Ne yy Kat nay Tay ASE E ff “ BK os > Caer EERE: Sgn es Sua
ARMORY PERSE TES ES ae aa “Karim f oy? ye » Kushk amis * | Daulat} Yar Koh i; Bab
128 O/F | Alvin Heana\dn ios a .. Daria-t- Namak K H U 2 A Sy ‘an Saf. a Parop® t—
8 edak I~ Unat F. | |
‘ ak Obeh Hari i BE
5 < . 4 : } hogs 2 ; < a ; pis aol — e e Noh =eQuumi, *) Havin Dashkht-t~Kavir Kor"
unin Rui Khaf }—-— 2500 Herat x4e0- Koh-i-’ Safe a i T ‘& W Pra 77) tbads i Sy Gee
Y DAMGHAN : Bijistan ‘ é \ # : os, Pe a ~—{ om 2 Ht y IN N sh. S = eer 1] “6 ° NS ~
“s i : 5 ees 4 7 Jay: : ey: : - , ; Nehavend = , | : Ly fash } eles Kyi : Zo \,
Kakh \ 4 eect jePar + bing x + 3 ; His z lane we Uap td on + Jand: “1 . { panaksar
Pk % a on a a at L~ OS | aren = 480 Mabatics aa mgt — “i N ie is i = sy : Tong
hid \, . . j — ~ “ot ‘ y' ee ; tie thas | ; > }. . ae Sp Shurab z oShahk | aie ieee
et ote ; a3 14,190. a | mn STA e Khicrntin nay , Huhrud~ Apilistan ~ 4K hur —~.. |
Tabas Duhal Wa jn ~~ IRR Yodan ‘gaa’ JS ;Taiwara.\. | __—— Gal Koh F— if “ ' Nan
oe. > $i : : 550 of Ser f wll a. Se ; j - | ihirnn snd P suppjen é FE jYetanz : R
Ss S ] - A ° Sa J { ee Sabzawary a Pe ane 5 | 4 42 ee” 4. ‘ Urqui® |) ohhunsar **
nN. _f << “dnapale » \ ae _Duruikhs. \ >) s Ys ; \ ji : Kal piigh e Murcheh Khair,
a an snes = . Bi a \ aGaaile oo / ' Pet os 71 , Ly i ia ig se ces er a | a ‘Z Aawar
1 a BO Apis tada || \C dt. ™ > : Pasa ~Tabas amin, Mai ans 2 “a, oe ol gf : ‘2 Zag
A ~ ane ann oO / pad - cases y | Sunnth , \\o Mu sqjKala - %s L J: VI s z Aghdax
our? =| ° Vik 2) { = \ Poe SE , jf 8380 / , We fy . | ex’ = : “235 Se #3
~~" .Ardatk: a Naiband, nes SS ~ Durua . ' “BY BW. ah ir\ \ yy talel i-Ghilzai i OM
SEAHA N eae, 4 ~— “ gene \ Chinjshk see “ed * > Chopak 2a SMofldake ' 1] | ~ rd,
of a ct ! 's A ge Maithux« ‘ r 3 : t , ‘ é " ¥ } - Py 3 ' ’ + Z ie! YZ af : f_ Z c
4 | oer : re a < _ Or on Ce HS Yard tN </ Aipibar oe ave Ba ee ee i 2, Y abay ag 7)
- ; upu han \ raven honele ~~ Taft) Waste 2. 9 : -& py . ashy +: ae Pp SM i for :
niger \pania’ ess aia Ss eats 3 ope oe Bh Daxband : ‘ oe aSauap | rs : f f Kala
Rist ght ‘tae SS “a ¢Banud ; Qin lear ae “lijag I eB > Yord-iBhast Shisknh \ 4
BoBatqe, fem 8200) eo . Je bs ri 4 \ oe —< woe P is H v ZA STAN ; ee i Al leh: \
"18008 Q ESS & fiuhanign desper / ; 3 aya J min inn) tees A adeé x \ ’ : . > = : .¥
Wy amie Chanut YW. ae & — Aah iDe na’ vdharquh = ny e\ ie Se ee Ee ara Nasr Spal
Mihail : an | ; ae 2 . - ~ _ Are ‘ \ i _ ‘ > : ; Poe fs ee P< — . Kak Z Bal K i-
Avub | : Ri 2 ae nad os Saftdavia . Re g stan Gultbeat my <i 4 9 bs \ 2» “=: *
LP. \ E a 7 Sostam ¥ rece ae BoMbehan ee at , % kee nie -. 10, 991 ~ "Fan \ Khabis.
ge, i Cy Helmanr d i bas Rhy nn i : Hi ye bac ™ a “ae i aioe SE - A i186 oe
es ? . , SF Ges Pe i a 30 : asyida 1haOR xe \ = Ip.99t ss \ Ken T' § nreo “F"S, pao
if Des 4! t ke Ewe Z ~ pee aes \ =p ia) Shapu : “Ditamn-- a tl a * X Gol “=
Hugtinabad |S Ss See h ss : aa ant ata iL vy NS ha sh Pasargadaee CON oi hnt Babak
| Byghin VK... Sie eee ite, {Arba BLL thing Phe Soe sib 7 ie : bas acetates am (a
Ee fy <A 2 weak il 4 ss Bry Mast & Les Np Si "1 —. = a AN Sgpees pe fe ~Buraxjun ie
caer Gi do. ul ' XK =o eg ee Nea P1680 Maye) <7 Shiki Se: eames tis " Ra rerun
Shiraz \ aS an Re us \ . asrak Sipi Fr WSS Sak ones g ei cuyigaie oJ iA — S j ¥ low
> * 2 LAN ? ie ito) bs S 6 SS UL Ss qr. Sir} S K : E % R > M AK +1 dab oe ay a7 , f
ah ! e WEY : ~ Bandage "PAS. “Sas rel os pS ots Leh Lora oe OA Kalat 90h 7) S3..
Hhurgl. eg ep tnt eee Sailabad. Sk Kehi-Hazar i ( Kaha Sultan To “amity? tree) we
mA YK | 5 ; == a Ror — es . : == 2 > E es - Niriz } tS 13189 \. ~« Ra Be side fi =
[Mirjana Ar 1 = er ‘ ‘ - G , Tiles ee . % Bushire F AK ait = R = Kham . Sardu es SL
ge Ai : ott > eae haiis® : SS ted +Muheumy: aches ab pata rt awe 70 # coy met ; in
oa °P 2. 3 OF 9¢ P = aoe ees 4 7 s oS (BH ~ j orde ri a oy, ‘ ; = : ith ud
Firumapad. ¢ gine Dashtd 255 Ra; "o sigan : : & Kaha ANS Farka i; Af Khar a , BD
Suralee A Lo NS / ¥4 | , | 4 = Bashi me boo > a as i P= 4 Isfaxdagelt 2 o> r 4 ; rs
b> A NE 1,263 <i Maskieat Z ly SZ f 4 c< S Thal’ ri ae | 4 é “Kuh: as \ ae Soo | :
‘ a Be soF as ie = \ ~ J 5 sao. y ..--Panlatabady_—-- 25 : Te rare. Py \ \e x
Me ; , ee i>. Bt al A, [ ph | aX 2. & :—> A ; ve ; ‘Jain 4 + re . BNE j ? } ; gS T
A NY Uhasthath 7 G ree ~X a Sand B =e unt ree aa Rud ba - Kuhi-Basma. “Opghiohacn.
am 2 RL CE A baie, Larkargaee | ( a % +s =e : kuhi-Forsm oR, naked = ; a: £ rib At
I = Shire za 6 ~Y Nal a | - a ta Sf ae a | : forak Khari cs 0 Bazmnanm "45 5 oS JC.
a ti 5 Ke : = 2% -——< ME \ “4 : “ ¢ S a C r \ ver = ar fs 5 : ‘orga SS: Lore * \ 5
o ‘3 : a ~.! Jak 'z Marian \ _ a na See i Rese) : > : a Raghayfialap ia ae “4 hed
°y er ~ =" o “* >? ‘ >. <5 we 2. i “ “A 4.4 Sy uy . a, SS = / we ; Abu.Alé I, =
Siri Yafal ttehdar 7 a h Set AN (Shampl ¢Manujan + ae ce + i yas S Biot = ns 9
Sfaka. Halt 3 Cm" ae z ~ F 42> @ y = Naban4 io ae Ra = A Re ‘Bandar # ae ‘ : ~~ —-
Rampur— egg tg te = Sa pak sia Pv benlcl® do SEY wy Re - stay = a Mine : xi, - SS
ements ay \G@en gg iF +> man rd ‘ <P- "SS — salnib™ =a te s pe Ramishk | yompesne.
Cagak H&- tv Sf se A OE % se cit o ‘ ; : . *. “ rm J ) ‘ ~~ am ie S| S ral —_—=—— =
aathch. Shai + Bahr: an — Farauch Champ 7 a, R x sagtilel 9 j sal > A ‘ = : Pe Oo =
et P & ~ ave st’ rosha . * : > { { i atif T\ Ses “Fe ©, e : 5 any a 1,32 ww oe % ‘
S F’; | Bela } ym <2 Qs Sethat mets ¢;* “5 < = ’ : Fite . Ta Spe 850 q oS { i K ae
A “or ag > Pp a , 2a kp ir a = 2 Se aie 4 SY Rodkhinrg ff Jhon . oy id } es ee Bu
eye fas s Rakean 22 Farur'?™ | - , 8397 2 Bint t . se Keck oo aed af os es x : S :
"S. ~ -- Sam § . > OR As! 2 7 s D3 = J. Sia hu. F a3 (500 : - x W. f’ SUTTS Radel
Kheima ; 7, A Pidark } 2 o O ° Healul Bu Musa Re M, : ; ~ ¢ » el = ; ar 2 Seee
"emis gh BY) Sh 20 Hofaf K . Sf bwadar... == i i - any ay ry. ———— ae > ~~ My on ao
_ G laa ow 3” r | — iv | h / y pars ¥ i akiat * ; O : 4 .- . ah my Sati yah Desert
> Daa Alu Dhabi, : pt Ay “ OMAN 30.2 y po / Khor at Seip Beni 0 El Kiha Abyath. 22s
a aN og 4 aa ¢ | nor oy ¥ae “en ie er We ~ El Hauta | Kho AL 6° \¥ as —— 1 eb Ras ©
> Chafiri* eX a Ww 5 : = = E / E -Harik SS 3° : a Ff o, = : . of Cancer SS Sere -—
| PZ | Roe we é hen A on Trop to of Ca ——— ae c/ wal) fl fe Jeb. ite Miskin § rf é-
=o a ee eee ee easing See? pee ee gene eee sents - FR - 9 TY ' 4 iyadh / Bpapie he
6! phon ee 4 XY } | ; LJabrin “ss | Ibri® Jeb.Sham> 4% Nudd’ aru of : | sts 3
Harrara ren Nis oSemed es : | o 4 ¢3, Zomten analy ha Chole t | € ot al Barler®
Proper es 2) fo | | : Bediyeh™ ys. )
(ake) > on Gi
re ‘
ee tt eee
— “>
= ———
= NR Per ——
~~ oF
—— LP i EE ELE
5 eee
} \ Va . a <eeccbabad, ine
Hh “hi apr tha =
% “Mahaja 7 Sardarshahn
vw Dalmera
; fe. Oe SS" " * eA payee” Woreange > + ee ee ag Boy ) bs} oClshé os “é ela. Herts,
wy ae ~ Digale }
% 4
at / ay Batanga 4 Jiam shaves 2 Fee
Z aa “2 Nad Of. Hub § pTeur se t 2 Vptanad Bikanep se Ua 4 Ne Maes Wig t/ 4 3
parted Sas Ohrt p } <Ptkampur ~ i cgi rn wR R > Ki z — ala { a, oR , P ! y \ i Sa
ess j 3, ’ 9) Mad ay Me. her ff AL? / i, Ce | R Didy pa * Ak ee ei gris Vi, Ks
Shahgtirh) A, vJ be U\ i i | 3 e e i t Naug; ces *| ; Nac * é (Lee = | * Ogi aga.
Delage at oe 8G ie 7 \ pe z Q JR As ( f ark, Jaisalmer o <2 Va, Gory Pc oy |Go shar
uf ( ixX 199 i A BS Dory, i Read < ‘ al air *Rodichgen /2 o ( 5 Hela’ ‘ % , i RX et
a j o° me i Matro|\ | f Ki, doe 4 R - + Say Ai thi ; ‘ 1‘ ¢ Po ve rod Al N L : = \
i Ha la ° ‘ Golda Soon i N Pachbhadrcs bp yap oa Z nalaf j .. \ ; AND naan
ES i P aoe ais 29 RB 3 t Ss } ee ¥ st; SP Savener re me oh 5 Rote Ie hae . ba Ie ?
ans | 4D.
Cherbaniani. Reef >
Lac Byramgore Reef": = ad ive
= 2s Bitra Panis = 3 Bharat
2 Island g*¥tan EXPLANATION OF COLOURING : Pere Miul Par Reet <3 Times
British Possessions Z. Agari? Amindivi
Pree eee
Ree Subordinate Native States
x ee Ne gapatem ’ ae : prior. H
French Possessions British Statute Miles 6916-1 Degree HalpeniS _ o "35 ___300 380
3b 335 ——sho
eee Portuguese Possessions
t Kilometres 111-3 1 Degree nosanmns Railways
eee y-> eee ee | a "30 100 200
300 400 500 Canals : i | . — sees ES eee a aS ‘\_Angengo 5 ASTON f eta ° Poe’
Mannar r 65 B) 70 Longitude East of Greemwich =< Nek SP ruchendur CEYLO |
Natural Scale
| | I A ~~ | The Citizen’s A ' — a lee qj | y ie tl] T v : aS Er PAT oe wi ___The
Citizen’s Atlas ID FE or la—>s ——— ola see ; ae . ~ 45 7 SECS SET OE ESE — : i 90 G
n - Nene a SS / ' ; 95 H %. i ge = oo } LOO J * Bs ee AntdopelLe> © eo 0 a 2 | My ~
: Ipaill Range _.Redcliff _. o lc “> A 9 ,. Se Pa ae = —__————————— 9 : uy , aie
‘ ; ko $ h Sa —T. Ring Oscar — ¢ ar co Polo Ra. S aCarabae _ e = 35 » io
/Babattatun Ko- Ss Mr * =. Ee / ta r ox. x “73,040 ° 4 FP Sup: av MS \ ‘ 30 Ti
Sah / er f G@-—s " ’ Nape hu wu Mulan Bukha *, =. Ps 3 > —Tasurchai M- ey 5. <> =
Shilyz : ‘Mzp. NG 0. Reg : a | > ef Cm 9 = S pi: Sr y 22 Sw G 1, K Lz Pr,. A 3 -
A } . gytegitah< 22, Jager P __ £3 => 3, _= "amet Odontala La, ® “Chitin ts,’ NY,
Tao | we, i ~———----—-+ - nee z on a \ ° ae 4 a ng e v oe) oA) j 8B x, — ets
Tsaruma Nor | ATS née is __She- tse pay Va | lage” 4 : / ; ey enn sae ’ f 5 ee. \—
_/ Eee cat fi ‘ ’ Kr ~ L.5 Q \s : - Ls 3 \ a 2. s Kala-nay-Ts¢ “eal } eee: > 2 , .
P 5 “; f ~. re € 2 . 2? Whine ; - t - a. * meee = Y Oe ee om Oe fe 2" arol « ~ 4 a
res my = Ba 7 a ~ Symentstn L. Kanghin. Ray a> my a) Chong-la P. a > es 4 — >, ay ;
, } — 0% Pw) *: a q yo y ; Tin BS _ Vern yis ie . j \ Aft = : 2s a Buékmangne E Fs
y N& ' 3 Dy, Mts Hwang 4 ay a a | SO o a aa Gh do = Pe a / we } 4: = “877 T+ SMa
thy So , ) sl he o FI == [ Prk. ee “B-, Warji guid _ ey Kangri . ¢ ? = — g : \ a =
oat ~. Se, bow @ ee Net aronccce “bu. a a, ™ ie ikon ~f ; 20850" 4 b : - ~~ <= Gey:
ser L. + ch } ” e,, . 7% wart © S = _Tpahi -Gramba_ a i er ” : om . * ‘ \ ° ; ee
“hab Chang 130° ’ — ; ne ' TS * YS v a = ‘ : | ‘.: Pur ug) ' F a = = pyle Kalagtai
nd ‘. La n T™, Gs A i Giergum d ae , 2, — ae a b ‘ ss = 47 . , SWS ; OY ‘ — t 5 y i
7 o4 ; 8 . hake VY rire i” sae, —_—s ‘oN \ Armand David es he \e. f > bn ‘a &-, * P
Sak | Sy E y Ven) se } aad -) SS i ‘ it = =y =, ‘Surman Oe. i Tongu. i ae ~“. =<} N
eS. “s, | Rt % rs Lankoer Tso ao - > raat ra) Te, » ; ~ o.-.= = A Sole khoton, Is,
= ‘an, 2° Nee F By 2 a a MI * | L . R A Ammoniak I aad - Yirna £8 « r . Se, - ¢ J
Ps : + UNA JURGINO & | Tashi Bhup y- sacar N te Se ae Se ~S © 2. Sie se ‘ J B i :
Chagta r ; iy c / ~ SA OG 4x ——s n Ee} | es, v LTO e _— Ra e So | j ~ : res < a 2 j
$=) Lakkor Tso Dea = i PF a rae ~ ; f fe Ching . {nge-nong Ay ch A Ne 4 Kants anes,
i 4 ®e S41 rt | Pe Lge = a9 pl oe) . iz 24 2 ; ape “e & Tuktsitiukarl. p #&C. Hon?
Tso & } bs = ‘i Rongbats + : ® [ar tillong Ts e.. | fA N ; i . an Neganglaring
[sa)~ eee ~tharoiy 4 5 ited i} 72 2 sy - \ as » : : \ 8 . } g 5A ‘ |e IJ Po TA S 3
Bu ; --- } Zn Ra \ ) . \ re | \, . Taot. ~ et OM T B - & get E RE ig J 7 at a > '
Rivoche \. ( *h f lo ‘ 3 %, ‘ . o f Tso qqurok } Dangr ads ed Kvaring Tso Pam, si
>‘ © Bil L. se bo 9 i J sos ol ae ; ~'e | i Bae ‘ . | an 7 f 3 (ne, Yor. ia fd) Nga
ngrtse . Mofeiu = | v' Pesan, X oN NL. Sa locho a iw red si Pporu : a Leril lamTsa
& - _— . Ce 2, a Si umd 7 Kans l aw Se +3 a = \ { Chvadur: cal ©. i ae | ie ed al
[so , a ae “/ } aru L.! *} ; Te pe ee 2 ARS 21,540 n red ola P/ <2 s Baimbu gomba
ia . x DPraya > A : un) i. f~— § os } ( oe Var ee 4 ® 17350" < ; A WoecA\N B "EY
Ne tag hig 30 . ‘ ers a = £ ~ : ' ' Satayeg * - BEE Be Ot. >> = Laks ang rR | wg a
Wy ; 4 , al PY es Io r ie. a . C en = \ ‘aa BS a5 7) We Li ang AT ae 3 ; a | £80 2
Khalamba P. 1 * ae Giamda., P ee ee.” {x —t7 7S Si ee Nag +P: — Trukesum Lapghung §
oe a 172007 | 0, ia ah ne eee oP cay e oe % : . . —— J; was 0g ae a rT we a i : ae
4 : =~ Lae a .. ~~ L.) 22 go b y 7 J e Jax : Dongs ar q i \ | 7% | S = ><)
Fradom \. } OS tig . Vamling > Lhasa te — eS 1 Sh ley Jb Xo / & Nyukkh 7 3 tah 3
( Cs, i a= o SR oribe v a <2, a > —~ E ad va LTs 2 mae i | 3 Ss { oSakaDPz~ é ee Ss
oe aa Chaksam Chethana ~I ue. ‘ oe, Le ing “te Mi Spr = eo egal fad » A ES i ae ar
os “Ghang Tsan Shigats sen e : «\ PP a i] Tumia Se ; ie ape yp 4 x , . yf ‘ | a <f_
IN Age 2. PalowT. Lha: tse Dz. |} Y: ag & Menke Dik <a} Stet fd : : f t> Aigu 480
danger LESO ee ~ 4 ; 2 NY ee ~. cy i 0, 3 . f Fs e \ ( Grew TI. seis ed ~ ~ Mir i j
? Sel } AS \ & 64 Sdland_ | Fingrt De? Bhong Qe, 3 ‘ juo-Ther- “ ea S Padan Mashmis
| oS ‘+ Mor sh iadi Sit Sc Iso pote rung | z= hang thang Tso = (nae : Ghat. ) y '
eur a Sales tt 26 5O0P, 1h ae \Gosat than fond } Thantse eI Sib, «8 Wizam OMe y
AS : Na he J 5 okhy a P \ Sel ; | r q : Nn, i ‘ ~ - aN ‘\ ( Ace ie “ : é I. R <p }
- ‘4 Shaiya SNF Ae f = | \] idy, ae - : x, Y) ren R- ns ent WN \ E U4 C # ing M1AZ
4: s sulig Z \ xR Bentz . ¥% ny 1e on- oat \ | a “and bi Le Di Yoo P blake Fay aa |
% | ofa a0} : aye FX S| CDhir Bg * Tong ge a 4 <7 amd thy ah ‘ AS ~ / \ oa f ir g
bath ) ela th — np Z Fag ry KS Gl te é \ Yun peh- } a + << Sysaguiy As, (BAC c H
IN. s‘ \ w is aoe auncping ; \ Toler ts ate *~ Rad onieit) Wei | Fishe ukav, \ =
~\\ , ‘ Kien yawan od yw}\ ha part ) S a i Ta | i Bipright & / Pa oa ' ‘ f b bi ;
ad S gran hmePr f out Bey, * y 7) ( . ldgiggs ro F roliaghdt e Va SG OR sy ) sy
hwoyre | <a (ie eal ite. fo. eam Nowgong fi ss Ry, ! of eg Maingkewan wr Fy
Sirklung || § li Moon t | Se Wi ‘ A a . ZL a poe YO Ye, 4p? dy Stak ¢ a ay} \ afi
Tas Eri te i wf figkpu fa YRartbaxty AY Hes han} del PGaalparte auArte Y > SA —
sadigh 1 Ae S$ IN\G PH Os) a an J : 477 ' So \ \ fi Fi gh .) Dhubrt Sis f war
Kebime Soh alate Mire s Ray re } , } G *hape show L$ hsis ee SRR AN ns dps f u!
Pusey j é hast A : /p Me, 2 =) of aa ta C ‘ ‘ she: ying Men eipv a sug \ we ONC
oticiper OL = atna’ . hig LY t AR} ‘Mogiing 7 aint mye hoy ‘ Pe iy 4 AWS Ghitizy a
Wise a) * -- YG | " skillong< Jowat, yo Mt Sapa a, & \\ ¢ “f sheng” tu . Chen: = 3
25 a ey Set PUT Bantayhn « Khasi Hills a ee NSS Yong : — Tou: = ‘\. fe~Genaress) 7
fiver Da i - ~ y 5 a ass SIndawgyt lf” a a we), / y ? Ne wr, ~— Kal lA ~ r v Ae a
aie f 4 Sat-—f jf oe ay. AS ti mney z ANDY ‘Ten syne +> “3 <> \ Rit apett ST
hiyfeca™ Se if Rs pt Tmphal/ ss OW Mome shia: ning oS / aug ae rN ¢ SG pegs, WN f
ie Santa ~~ 5400 | — Kingtung ay
uigpurt f aie. vinta f Sino a Gilanngant t } }
Hawn gasp)
ae vw ia Pag Paithiin, 1 . ites ’ ~~ FAY BP fro “EEA <t tsyary Meck 5 CNG ; ot
Z ‘Ss hengh 2} *
pols Sry AS \ ae aa BY
ef Naba as Be 4
Ss | cone nap So £ é or LO af ile oi /Wirtiho AI AaO e~
Eee i savas! Sth ; cw Kinudat ind. x as 13a sen Wf. along.
ce ey Se ay
Sarw a tox ke ae Sod <. (rr - Hazar har’ ~ eed er SAR a Ns,
Ce ae RAR Suh Troe i
# aan nagar) R
¢ eke . ¥ ae ung
We Teton’ yaukse h a nm ct at k \ ‘a at \ \ Kéeapettet we v ia = ae M \ A } eng
w \ LY e aga
‘s qpara nd ° 7 Wang
hd id
} Deotarit" Se ea .
i : “e To iy - a ar 4 te Dice ue y lian rE 1.) AN! Ls i 5, don arse Ya we athena”
Babi k Att 83) 3 ; tf ee argon, Bohaigarh se ye ‘ ig 79 | re a \ PUNY. is
att ie “92
Battizaloa sur une. dalacg J :
lad andy | _____—— penly miva Ten De gree Channe Muard gsifen to. Pe lh ote; Ta ,
é= ee {Badulla : Chance 4. 2 Le | Middle lL.
wed Sa fliva indaraw =
TH 20, —= ; 3 Takuap
hi o% “= Batt Matve Sayer 1°;
Nicobar Is. ___ «Fillangchong I.
22. ~ \ j Te oS i Shahp c Dab lana Inu oN" Ge Changt Et 4 fess Pedgarh P par a
Hinidols 0 EN Ger ndlg
ei th, = ba te Napwn rf A Datia
a> e a ¢ o, . <= Wa > ia Spek we = u Gaggapur feng. frag, ® 2, > tingoh S$ cos ~
Rajura® q boa Ambarh | <n \ Jintia oz A dilabad |Mamikgarh ; rT H A/N A te | a "@)
Paithan | RAR NI Soret? / oe : . . ‘aith: a . A - ‘ . =e ’ B aséeinD Sc “s wha a
tude ma Rahnri} Sonat a Cub Sanglet 2 | urwrat % 5 + TYR D ’ ory i q a : 7 . OF Sy,
| ate 5 . Salsettd: eo We Si Y hekcot” KAMA D NA AR’ Le, Manwat; — Pon oe dangacn}
Epa c S cet Sts GA Gevrat® Bory, 5 N "ae | | } SB, en ’ i, ba Gus." 7 Anmacdna ga
Maza gaon. ParbhAni \ (Parra ender ~ Te Bhi sei es oe , Mare andgaote. S ———-L AASa
CB : © TLandur}p j Pare i ' one Nirmal : ha ANE Sonepetye NAND Narsagiur “ . c\ to
Patan Thol. xy 2 “> ‘ Lakhset S f Gan; pokhe Kapsi \SOGn0” Cg” Ball d | DiSeruan Po
Handlichge> . eas mat eae’ <P agh Pan, ynge eg re hice ot j Aomge Oe cocmeran Thad
tio ini? “Ammiba, Alanadpur (Mukher KA "Bhmad. y rages ‘Ra D / AR i . a nay Wise
i... Kalam AY, Renapur pee K A | | PRE “ey Rew, eg xc NIZ AMA ( D Vemalwadac AA ye
- ~ Maner~ iia: ahi Udgiro oS -
| fio eae
i hat.
angarht eee
pandanChoki ; fs ai
aNharry Sallyana iar Ovrat. SE ah
D ats’
ie Lp Ira. . i peed g e
: oo Arwuppur ,
“Ri gupta Nandiraj.
Dantewara. *Bela Dila
1: 4,000,000
1. ; tra. \ o 4
akha ur |
amuuia Phe an
my Ghuutipaly
Mann DP st al
{L Kenda LM 2 Katghora C
hea a
. Pitur Rant’? bad
% Tyla,Labrang x l= °
Baruduksiuin? =
° Muktinath ea wake A }
Hime til
\ Bagtung yn oO smi
ng TR,
io | Lait
pe Naval rt
KATMANDUP™ ; Tanilihawie 0 PG: “antl Puc © Daa on ae RL awe yi ry
ie P “a OK raldleyng a Tamlingtar? Champur ( Taplang Dal Sohayiat pm—mkQ sil & hast
eet > ra Seem &, Sr ; B/2, 042 Sindhu 7% ‘“ een ¢ or
Ota) Set x
z i gory ‘9 rarer adie goa phat iam 2 ago
4 ( ~~ ( hatra Ss
x a ) Kan a Na
$a Bs ae
awe rade
( aig :
Lt Sarma h oF hh: pre ° R @ Is a
Hea my Mo x <e
7 ae KR ‘ S i 4 > —— 7 ae 4 Pa mr t
mA “Mara? Bru, ay ag a’ L* oC . rShardaga. £ Ranchi Chutia > a= eas wy, ; ;
- eS famag
Kauria ahasamund,
“ + Santhage | race - ATHMALLIK :
( a tubar TK
U6 H 88 J
| / p= % — ra 1 Lacheny}>
ss? 5 oS
- S Millei. tf Lonalutleld
%, FM Ralinipeng DR R EELING\
LP I oie u ur
Bansttkar(® ~~
Pe ‘
iz HAGA POR; Vahual ‘Bs =_ Me pare” AS
| Jami
af [Rehea “pur
. i Mal
O ‘dabad’
. 20 igi DS hars tire S de \ [a MUR ae DABAD ; = hase Ecosse mice lier) earn ore...
tn Jom
SS aerehe =
RBH ty
| Gom
ier. ° Son
by Pecatzs umi
} i
UIP: s
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olf cairn
. bed
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DTPA OLIIOT Lae ¥ef sep} NY 183 . BANU IOK i PATTHOTRD = = VAN ie Y £70] a
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DALYIY VION (Pe BR) ; ‘ ‘ d Tg R : | SOP PYYNY IYI. Ope ss == oy euLosUkLy, JJ oy -
ae >| f ty : : AIT 7% - , P pecan . | 4 0 i’ = i= ‘J tJOAU TIN = © YeSranar ss
nddiwe 23 S = TPAD YIN ~ ty Bae lS
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ara? British Statute Ailes 69:-16—1 Degree | 4/15 Vigan oe i o 100 200 re 300 1 = =
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/ 400 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
fe a J) T15 (K) 120 (L) 125 M 130 ‘N) 135 (0) Z Se rae ee - — = e —s “a
T.1 Bol . - = a%—> John Bartholomew & Son Itd
1: 15,000,00C
Omar FEREP bes teh eee penta ——————_— mire : it zy : “ae ; a ; 122 a F 24 ( 2 A 4 B
6 C ; D ey & . ite a NS G ae)
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Yio iG Ye ~~ g As —— + 5 | % Ps : * ae ~~ ~ 4 ha ang | : sev a Mt be oe ee AM ane |
~ Mat | K 1 » pe) ce : . : oo F 1 Bretsh Statute Miles 69: 16-1 Degree “ VET 7 | j
| | . 5 ONAN =A SR EAN . 150 Imchu sone] ; * ™ ~ t 0? y, f | F Pre. ‘ | |
17“ Sept = a t
ev-ho _
is ung hes, hal\ h neg-lir fig is. | “tl easy. Xe nay i Bays Sera rhsien| 3 Vatfing
_ \
A 4 B) nG (C) East of 118 Greenwich (D 120 122 (F) 124 i L | _ = 2 = a a soem ——_——
The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
; Natural Scale 1: 6,000,000
The Citizen’s Atlas
) 2 , Pax; 1. 7 ; y P- a i ~ bi 2 ~) tye je Set = ae ee — Fike $i rs - (A te 114 C
6 D ns E 120 c a = i ———— - “a - r« oF atl ca aR , nd tu J <y ‘ =< yt SST ER —_——_—
_ —— —__— - a. . — ( $ tr AY ¥ 2 r ar — on), a a a SS —— — "i = s S AlsN\- § ‘s 1%
pt asi PE. e= ‘ aa haiti : ” Tuo fig, Wh he Tinang. ks hie Werch bie Tes \ y at ae
y ~ Si- choy ie Fhe { ny Ms : % She } oT ae 9 fic tgtndy OW mor a ¥ Gime Seen De
eee | rie Ping: we hy % 4 <. i ineosns ‘i oy sin-« atid rtf Jisien “om hey ng fa,
‘ipfoanda — sah ahs */ Tsing- + amish / x Teoshgn me kiarko cievang Toland 7; ~ | a
Gs SP oa Gate oe" en ee “ath, “Wa? di RR ° em 3 ¥, t tswi \ x ve peng <0 | Beg:
ytiarchsisi é / Kwart mink he 3 « Phang’ teing hsien Bo: Felan: Asieny 1 I ng. ize
- } Puhoiim 2-/ f j oo oy Lee- 4 ia § y 0 \ \ ai- -'$ al ? An de vue perc ary.
Tsigno 0 rh ee ff : chon ° ss ’ Fae = yy aw ee ™ » WF da S hay US oPingyarhsy I-
shoe™~ gag earn rag sh: mn | 36] Tyagtfa. —yGhang te-tu . eS Tung awhsien re wu Py
N G Kiaote Li ri 22 t } EMD A a Ren Ha. Tela? Sia Te Tm As S if visi =< Be 5 CAS ns
ao i] 36 | Re | ) ag Rey 4 54 eK Q ges —e Erbe. < tai -fsien 1 eae (Zh Riae- CHOW
Bay | j sey dey ang- Yur : aie Ving, yaha- FI, Wan Re " “aah ‘or % hha be Te tao
| \\ OE a yd ‘Me ney insasien SOUTER Q >, oh ; iA ? ie [y Wen’? sharlg Asien_ \ f
sx ‘Ligshan- tao : Rees | : “WY aie oy Chi-hsier 4 ‘ AKI fow-} hsien ee Yo f-& hii
chow = Ppp AS X coe ’ % \ . : “= \ | SQ Tat “he as 8. \ \Ko be : -mimi hs, | stamg-
wi eirchow fu \ \ te NG 7 Tih-chao-haicn ee Sie: se Weil myRg-hs. | ‘ \ \stpnilngy-
chow ae se i | PN ed Feit pA: Hen ye \ og : Le F. He 1%, > es | | ; S—_— if. Str
Sirwg- sao-chawfa \ ie #8 et-hsten Ke. AY ; b La7t-WU- TS. , “Asien \ 10 parks. x
he Wu ‘ 7 SLény-hsien chow A = = - TAT u ae 4 Hiwai-king- ee Féng Yeiu- Us Ler oe)
eis ae aes EB L L O Yn S ID A b s ~ 4 BAG , | } . j F 7. SS : | “ Pom, SI platy ®
Shan-hsien® A Bao chang we = | : 2 a ow Honan- 7 tT Asien ee . a on ) 5. es its L
CEn | j - ¥ = NV & ae H A I ai wan yt Loprorceish ; Chéng Nin San “ig AE ¢ / H VY A
4 : = Ming pac heien tang eae é ghexn | ts ix n¢g-fu K Rae OUTS 8ih:5 : NS | gm al
Yii- sai. -shan| / /\ \Yiisha 7 : i \Hiechon uy ~ | et ung Tang Asien i ees
Asien? \8000. \ Kwei-teh. £in> ane Pram a. S | | eZ ; a eas & s) Fi, hs» 0-¥ ‘1
yihsy os = : i ae Ju-cho BY Sai Seluon - ie rho ( on Sha Lki gang. ‘ = sy | SU Wyre
a= vee EF Ac ~ : 3 Ky | eel wees i aN a ~~ rm, Mouth of Hf Ho > S | | iniade > » >
= - ————— . i) 34 1 hs f a hae ier rs Paoterghsien 7” 3 7 Ol Sass = = = ; = ij |
Py. t KK W-TAALSiLR ~ © tu - Ss han Leib Chow- indy, ow ae k= * 3 S a | , ae cae
Ché a chow Su- Shows vane an? 4a ee > ~ \ chabfisien} Shc a ° two. yang- hs. Litey
aul hs "Hwairan fa y? = NE | ‘ Wier yang- ere 5 RY shat 2. Ts UL hu 4 air i> > a
a . \\ ; . ‘ \ “hi } ~ . ‘ Ne a ppepings ‘Rsien Bi, fo. bia > “aa ad Sen Y ta} &
sniphsien ‘= 5 Wind -txe- less th-chow a Bs,” NS, A\ Sze chow be <—W oe CN prep a =
fare ge Y is fi _ Sher Yeiu euch si Meng chimes hsien 1 \ Hang b Ux» > > S | o . “
tre Hint oving \ 4 & 9 : ; Nan- “ Sui-pi 9 | 4 Ons Wi ud leg | oe : \c (as ound Ie
¢ o braTLting © i Ly’ tug 9 serie. eae Siaxty heng Ms 2; \ hwy: vilan Pa Fa Re a f
ES fey n Aig | Yiin-yang-fi Tenty- 5 \{r Ne rn) Hs iggr Zt a ye Q —% S Cc yan MYC
NC KS Mi. vingh } Ds Yin g-show ae NI Kaoyichu. bain ctahaad 3 | ‘ / j sien \ ° ‘ :
Vn ’ : / Jf * Nes oR ae a 9 Feng-y: ns $f. ee Shy en eae De eS Sie. Preicny” anghe.
Ni. Kio ohare vst e a me * Hg x Kao-yi valle ; HR? Lung Be Usien Kitreoht i Lergy
if ny Sind Sairhsien ing- hang vier, Lae » : FA Mane Fax j ! see’ Sie ; : Ne saa =
af §La0-ho-how / g Ye °Cheng yang hsier 2% a 4 j Ting. vicar: Asien \ \ Tene hgie
Nie \ faite hoy-3 4 SH yan . ; © [ ~ rag Sr yity vad Show-chor ee | Sg ~~ mete 7
lee EivchénghN Kwang ny “hs, ) dR, r- \ Sti-hsien j a S Bd > < ee Litman: hes o Wa
n¢g-chow- fing 1 } Y \ Pur Rel \ Rony li i dios." por shi, . hs. { “1 Fan wig y of
bhweti-hio age ie a | fo haley By a Ly Ie he.Yangts Ra : aking he. J+ she iang-
hang’, . ee } / A : / | — -— ae a4 S eae \ we 4 rt yang chow— “Kevang ch. } } AN-
UWE T 1, ik, u aig pee Tih 3-C tia = . : | Yo SAt h eae SMS } ye / ©) JNA NAN K I N
Cu 9 ogy uf-h FS : Le — Se — | ‘ vORe Siiatrhs.s f + ———_$--—_—_—_—__+— “ty i —ff?}
~ atinspireds a A =. WS of { posh as J J Chiianstsiaa hs: 4 Ty .- . = fA TREN
wreher a z n! 9. REND S . g @ Hah es f tijyung* Ay. ant, es ag nex gE rN Hat Te neg
oan ee: : 4 c Ho: choy TJ ‘Kant wt ane -OIrs > . a chow — ‘ie tags b Cheaa sh . 8
ng z ug en = 2 oiisien,; Yap gtse Kiang
* yrs -an-hsien / Ly
> Sten. is i: _ f ss $ ‘ : Chao eter r pees 2), jy . ai Wirth? oO aAna-s, ee (2 ~ i
n - trem ch rs ep z. oF ia t / ‘ee hanrhsiert in fe 44 Li-vahg As 2 [fe \ Wo Wy O-
SUR. OShu _™ | An AQ Kietrting?))
cate _ -chowd | 4 =< ¥ a cheng é77 wb TH 6 At — R “e at iordin sha ‘ting i} |
7 / y | T'a 7 - = » Aor ee Act}. \ | | Lean v C oli i new (N A ‘| 7) ae om 7 rt
ahian ghai. | | J ont fow’ : = ai ; > z “Fag ez ress ke Se ) :-ea gpk os Rwei-haien
> {| Lung-cher, ty 2 linkgg [ -. rr |! Tdi huatiriq r | = G Stale ee i |— ? ii 5 “A
=. me e | M/ Nin dort fy, i I = I Ate Ysienchs - e816 Gr * : , sie : : ~ a *”
Sacdle oe in Dojen/~ Neer pa haten POE whe share ton os SZ muy) yen} 2St ely a7 G
ing iva teh hom i e ee Gyitzlat?, — 3 Pe 0 : LOW, f ~ 2 Sienc shan ~ re tg sf ting
Ay wen / re. i -cl Ww fy Al ‘ P hia Kin spun -hsig¢n, , arker I? .. to os ster. id
cs rechi> rg-hu> as iat ise sranne es ie wy “iian < igi 4 ‘ eis | Ning iow fis: \
seg deh deing te 5 9 os chow 2 Chin-san. © AY | Carnot hiv-heiey qe ey (Po, : , PR
- mrhs 3 2 SAG =r APrgries = ' a nb ie Pah pi ee \ ari . a ng fa (43) Ast ehs.
Siaofeag- hs.o/ icin gh A daily . of a £4) ca += i tl nscmng UN eet ON Guia, |
(Many bi hab ang | Hang cits On teas, || |i lerevateg-ch.. 4 )/ PQ (Sp Swami hsien”
ang liwis, (tw ang shan Chang tow | . LP en Chai L aC egg, ao A } j LATS ’ she ; \
” 4 ae \U_nit san | = — - aS re f BSS _HS8 es - “~ len: whs Ehsien. , { any tithe
Fuy ii agrhs ty ating | 30 | oA pw ae om — : Sa agi iti page Sey “Set 3 Wusush | S
Ki-me =men-ha.\\ ree: Echo 4 \ cheng, a == / he eZ Pileoy if * Hing kowo-c, ROW »-
Ras ~ a ae tf Soo: t \/ sha ning: h ia | al i | 4 ¥} ; . . uilt-kow-hs. ‘ \ 1. &
Miya ; fia Tung: pany Ae Jupt wang? Hah ki ng | << “hy OTe Pur hwang L. || 1] Ae
(ie | , : a “Toms yang: c sae Nankang Ke . j = eo 4 ' i A Se ee See bung- shanrhs.
| An-Fiths. An sianges. be YE-che [ , nn = ge “if Ah mh a eee 3 Pahiig ha Wing -
hai-hss Mt 3 G ‘eo oA WE going Sen, sce Tew Z hole Ry Py te 7 wae ws. Show -Hang-
hep ; *Bunasvong: he. af) Ss, ~ = Shihpu ree | qQ Chan¢-teh- Wa u i ting / ss Le we
fers f & a Y , z. 5; Tung Yue b. x oKint Wa- Rage eae alien tA i2 : i | ig) : | ,
Tin ting ca ing we, L Hingechow 7 Kien schang- hoy Onn S m4 ae = aaa he. AO e a a K
I AN G t 2 % San men Bay : AS Lung 5 = a 4 ay gern -hs. Axi chowt . _{oTai . i GP
VINGHIN | oJ f j s Tsing an: hs, Te Swi i-hsien en = Yiieackia Asien Ps ae Chang-s
ie * Y, J wo % i tah Hi : a weeny A iy shen he. Va iten-pine ion Tsirtyiinr hs.
wary: beat " Tad. chow Bay” ; | | an = : | . . ang-sha tt - . han?-TD srchang? ne
se K {ats 6 s £lai-chow I? Jui>chow: \. i Ten ” | / Sung? qo? 2) .u bu how fu.
Tairpi ghs. 4 Ue ; | | tr-chang-hs on are sin-sien-hs.\ surhi-at-Ts 5 4 oS
~pSungmern shan? | | if 8 ye ; ‘ Shu Tum tag? 7 tony whe . We- sing ls i Fiehwan #.
© | | i a os (eect PO ihe >. Felt. ung-sia tas, ; gi: * Oi se if : ” Ms ae t. ung
“kao vd Fopgrch > 3 t: rr — ts fovan- ting —is ———j| 28 | s Sta $4 Jintian?-fn Fu-
chow-fa” esl ate %.. Wencho 6 wy show “5 g-Stangths, ya i. ? - yy a? Tunghwang shan
wip Yan-ck til ¢ copay of Via: ake Sy pS S | ( amt ZA y = y hx | are. 4 ets hier Ue
'4shin-hes. tnap-yaniy Fister x ¥ icing shan ; 1 DAN GY /) ae ‘s \ Fixt / Yi + i ey
Fi \ ing Ae Bey, Wan. kwan > } ae Ung Tee ster : b, fied Pik-kewan Har. 4 a - (ft
“gre -aarfo. 4 j Fu ? — = Nam. kwon, B.& Har Ny : “ f ; f NI } | Pel” # Fingnan
Punkag-ft BN | x | | a S ae “aY | rs } Nfuning Bay yas y os ‘| ti-ho-hsien Em ugh
[Bit tien: hs. af a ? Q ¢ br ; } / 2 / : er S ( } f eS / Ning ta Ke. 6 » , ‘, a : }
a | At An p pe > Ns ~~ Santud \Huying shan Kor Ria Anan ped arate, Haviewteh S| : !
/ cow {y¥ A . ing-kwok: ini} de = \ Sharh bien Vere hi x Lien A p-kong? bY : hi y,
ol) F in Hirg-hing-hs. has u UP hs.rop Kivei-hwarhs.o. mM 296 sien. ge Siamiu.s an
Az —— : | 26 3 lt da -Shan. i ) =| ie te ae \ Fo Og how. | as Se A on 7 Bvehmgih
Wiledajen, 2 wir UNS KN N) Be ree a g ” ip - a % ra : Td “ning: hs. tha, ae Re aaa
aing — re 3} = 2 trnihuen I? ¢ 6 om EE , 2 utliB ce & ; a Show # ote Jui kin-hs! es
| BS Yang te ; Yhanglo-hs. : | , Cher) ¥chow’ Kvek., (ORT Vi ha. “ 2, i Oe ' fing
chow fu. Esai Ma sha & Pe ge I Pp | he-ling 4c wel-yalric fj Nanckehy The. 2 ig )
Bo wtsing- les, OY ‘ TD) yu = sti 7 -an-fu. ee | A” Tearkeheng he eat eb oiled yon
che hogiorad ge 2 J Je. Per t : a d | } Pee ia 4 Arms J tant. Ww. | x } t ae om
_gSin so ey ‘Sine hiian i e Te Ionarts: eee eae \ eA ? aunt | i} é, *j ° ' g iA % \
Anyi jan-hs. ~ ELT es 1g imc ? Th any sa Se KS ito-kaku i ’ epinghs, ‘e Tamg;f8n-
chow y | % ES 4 : ban? a Py Sti ic s A aD | 1 INanjisu O° | be “Taih heel | ets ,
ae As. d P fisiang sh a an-chow- ; Wwe: 4 -andhe. : A ae = c aK: san a 1] | % gh
shu Vat cho Wy. Shinchiku Stee | bs i ungang Asien gi ets 7 ~ x y id honk chan
téep-t 1 ia} qVULgTTS A i f ~ \ 5S + el uncne hg. QO ‘ H : nad | i Sg he hérping a
i Ch X Me w% a ~. \Chimmo B, we es | | , vie, 2 | } sS ia v < ict, | i i o-takehs
Xe Hoppe he. | ~ i) —— uh tau B, Us Sylvia | a Rone ( ey ping chow | ss / | San
rang-chow-t Ame = init Hing ri. @ he. Ry. ae — hsien <“Y | | 2 yp Da a ~n —~ i: ¥
in¥ re : 5 s ti 24 Fuckang ‘ 17fo chong Gf hs 7 “Spee ai hsg Charytoleh’ ; By, Ka
Jie ae - 2 \ = 24 | | — Riess scaside, - Teloaice 1G he ® ; “ ™~ > VTE ST, a 5 meee
—— 5 Tig. yu . a : W i si 5 Wii fitfo- =: 2 ) = ) | | » Recerrr Patot . / rs 4 } 1]
s es $ - ) / ? Lung mgjorhs. Ho-Kinhs, | — Peseadore y TAI WAN | / . ‘ |
4 a = hs. | % = : g 7 ¥ Maki
fi a
' ah ‘ 8) ' gD 50 AE e- ¥ ) | les. we, oe ASS » ‘ya J © mnt S aN . por ten, 4 ! < i
2 j . oe “i os 2 ~ sag if \ de ; | Hinomisaki_o> AF Wakes! pave IO
sm “Baviosen
3 £3
: :
é So oO-s 2 ~~ pMit : Stenanes? oe
2 wv (Cae
Iwas alii
| Tobishima Kisagatag
Jban ae ca WW adeyar
= SSaaawee
i | Wajima ; Vida : |
ee ss =
ya oe) ap a
eushiz Agem« ite
: , One Ga a z A a—Chosin wk
ia) veh Inubosakt « W fe i Fs
ce) | Suara j
: j i}% : —F aOR So ¥ : a bar hr ‘ oe (> f = | - dl £ . is : : a \ 4 y > F nee: wt
| RRO nay 02, a : f Leet Lif
aT aki : ay o—— pene Tupisipy d : i < ; es oh 9 a 3 4
F Sagam 1- ,
oa = ‘6 Misaki 2 ae |
a Vit a oe
= Gisakubo
e RormUvato
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a - y oAsuke
; Ry ys 1 ie frsak TRL Ry é te if Numa iw £2 ; Fy phara A . } we vy (8d JI 1) .
‘Mae O€ 5.5) bY inh “UF Higa b 4 Ld, as. Pie: ence yond rr a FC Lp Os i Go A = g a,
eat ZA Donokoehi & = Nojimazald 2 : ay Lhe ee 4 Ye mana i uyayage ay pda Tage 2 Fy
= Jb ¢ a ae ai 7 f ay. "i Matsugasaky : Mihar any po a wane franeison a, samy 49s
ZS ny 2 > rat OD a ; shimodia | 60 mr. a i > Ba 1 Sagara a \ = — Met ste Moro! : %e
7 Omaezakt * : frosakt- Tzu wake fom ot, 5 | a Toshima® pi BOK; % om : = = + Utone
shima = Dy, tei}. POR, i Yamada” ag them = ¥ = C) Stima agoyva to ison Oba hi
ushuna | mule. =— F . Shikineshima Sh _ hito | | Kozushuna Ombaseshima* SP | Dio
eshmma | ss | Gnoharashima’— = $e | X | : | ; Mikurashima | | | | | | q | | a | | |
| | — Fg = | British Statute Miles 69-161 Degree FSS F = : ab 0 ar Yar” ar”, ar” a,
ar remem” * Koshimae ae iS =z Kilométres Ill: 3 ~1 Degree
40 6a 80
| L
| == = 3 700 )
yy Oe? A) sue | JC ~Qoano, {PS Nae SB toh) ee — misuwe te as as a OES N «(Ts Sates
Sy ore aT SEIN ON AUS DE: , sft Ye f “ L Q ‘2 ;
o Ny
ee Y DNobeoka 7, ~ 2 0RE 2 atst: Rio \ ‘ ié kumagawa Pom takki 57 . Ozuch Jevicha-
Wwen Pad n S Py Poot \ mas 3 dred hs Mizalka Kayashi- 6 VA cH ayo Yokota } Se 4 A
1Aa1 shi- wan
o Sahidand a-wan
John Bartholomew & Son Iitd
er a TS
ee oe ae
a, QS
a 2
= gar
EF i Nae
\ ed 3 . ~~ / - Sa \ A 100 (BD 105 C Tho (D) 15 — meee eS OT oe a= 7 Cv i) r : a
7 : | at rs Picea ° h K Me MKum > eee Sakon dq fe a Tiger L. i Tid a 170% fede 1 a
ae 5 EDEL % e ng $ iM. 6 wapit N.P “lalebn aay Lae “ CLe ; i NV Reef gu ; Thiph a,
a : A Ryan Rawk x ATS: atmlok> MW Pou Ve é i MPanont =u ue x a byt. Lar i NV. feet,
$a | (me ie ar RR. , Mou mem - Tale {M.Lom oy ang Pa 5. j = M Vy hilan 9 Tigers ¥ :
a tri | Paracel ies & Reets ae iif 2 9 f Mera " ¢ 4i A ‘5900 Ee i s at 3 x. = idug
y ue } 8 ; “} 7 zG e! “ ioe Pooh Mon: hen AM Kalani Sal’ ite +M bi ave ann: not re
hepon: << e: haar ar i a woods ‘Lincoln I. | . BASS = Amheref\ a i at Hill * = oy
ee | Cchabian” Ji a ee =~ . tt 43 Sy i aN . Paar: | sae ae “Duncan = Pyramid Z ra
“yy 2) \ : Banpot® oe a ty / f [ an gE: »," Se qlapum Se Basia kien “ MNOW J. 3
B.of Tourane = Piyz oBremén Bk ¥ D £; F i , . rs , } { Hl . > » C. Tourane Di Fee
addore Rt : ; j at ; Packaiderpe aa Teas vv JA ' Mi: aid iM Ker Pa: abit Tourane’ i
tscovery KR" = OF Hitlagau}: ‘ ‘ { i ake . ; Chai ‘ nie J e mantle MSapat Sé-2 _ 82
0 rerang. Bares \ * Hulao Cham Pass tank "Bombay Rt =! = tf rT Ye aha \ \ \ ; Ww:
an : ty al Ho ASeewey napum Ie Si ~ ss > N22 \ oa) Yeifa | Triten I: F 3S 15 = A B
A NV ee uve Bagodas No Ma ¥% M Puthei Si as i . yo M.. Sanavan ar fongson? Ob lang
j OTe £. ? 2D i‘ “ \ dest! Sa § os 7 alle 1 Meng Intal ies Chai. Na, PiM: lai cn SO
* ‘Ubu, | ‘ Oo} * { WD ; Hulao Ray F 2 a : L | = Hey) \ Ad 4 Buc linn 4 Ly Gon Wine
i ¢ we a APU Relov ren. Plat?» fe, 4 Tram C.Batangan | 2 ——— Heinze ai \ >, SM
Lophuri pp i a as f * Pubes 4 oLigiée Pk ah ae.” nghia? Kwan g-ngai j : S } 0 ae A
“6 , s , ™ ' rua Je 7 era a = = = = —_—- 2 : Rorthe Ms: = SI SS . f Y I M. Tien
tithe ) at } 3 \ MED a a , Bagsac B. Mut wang oO Se MA trope a 7 i Mo-duc =— = : =
—— 2 nMoscos S < BC rs gis ara-buti iu Vang- 7 “ong, Sans Yea’, 4 jt tn i f a So
a \ a “y 2 - ‘ : IE) BY Yar AO > Don Py , \ ; j ae — S JAyuthia) on Pix fai j
SS : ) . : 'g T avec Tara S A 2 4198 P B23 De Dey es 3 = ph as sy he rhe in var Cop
Qi = | outhern Moscos } %y; ne Sif ““—-¥ eo Wk a Steniparna / a ace re | 2 Sloat
(en kom” Tercera PE (san jie ve €, Tavey : a \ Srakheo / Fee, Q- Maluon saa og
Mula, mob, " / _Binkydinh > vy Bit hg ifve J, Ethjeundt r} Z Sipopon M« upPay: ©
Hhén 3 J Ani * RS Atvemmales eri HM, —— Tala : 2 Kiwi: on : = = , Panat 2M. eee bdr
a Angkor, : \ Borwvat § rege ; ar wih, : & Tavoy I S Maha Rata ah : / y FE Gambyr
hy ——_ Bight oft Pe nae Wi . aSiah reap set Sens WAX rH pF o, Chauar-daiB. oF b =
Cabusa] 3 B: ean Sik ak i PaChtmmnad™ tam): us ia Sr. yo or i a4 & : tanta i Seat a
Qa & Be. mee = &y: R = = ae | 345 av) be wt orks x * toe <5 PE 5 j fo ™ 9. i Fa iS
King" Lee 2 Koh Kou oa Y asd Paz aidao f Toul Sa PULL, euinig Psy i ah 8 Kring . e
ein s | Elphinstone. v | Cian? ey eee ; eat Lake oS I Sambor ~* K%,' f Vi wi 3 one
1, yy = tan ech, ss p o,. WZ ays &; _sambor 33 Math ex & tlh C. Var oe & S O Uy ee
oe ( Ua taburi ursat¢ .@ Prek-te ' > 5 {2 a : < J < feBao/ $898 & M Sis Ross , eS,
-8t.Tamy, ang A ge mp fig ote: 4s, Kratis © Phom-hYia “a — Wisthehigg B of Var
phong SY “LET §uUl . Be : et 4 pons’ Crauchmar \ 4 pals : a F 7 iB : : 2 Hoh Chan
Tt) ‘ Palinoc ch SS ans) | V isa te ra Khanhpe4 -trang a mee re LAG 7 A. \fees ? p
C A Me LY) A Ly ———, ( Lang Bian « oa y c Domal Lg. mo, Koh Hut \ vasa oo Udong |
ig. gupong hoy Seat Dalat, ——— A muh ; P ai e Cann / ps OS 7 ljitigs & .L. oF £ am-
panh 2 j 2 d «=e ae om- enh‘ j j 4 2. } ae a r sek, lago Owen of Koh Kong hf
“Thepong : <r iV. ne eB adintit 5 A . Wink daca Oi oa a we P © 5 >3” «=I: UBanam~ 4
Hess oy oy f°’ * Stirling Cary Ran; “ = — A's F a _ = { Soqai- oe anne rar D of ae
rt af C.Padaran | N. Danger RE Sullivan's : wn rl * Pulo Cecir : Loughb Trou, ‘P. >
PP Sam éN oe mel, ji -C te fran GE SFE i P a Ris ake. tL rad = Poms ’ ; J a APA 2
Koh Rong Kan oth Ook dog} \ Saig Rieti Re pe Phan. thiet A = — LO |}— = ‘on Hong
Sam LemS * grsho™, olon, 4 ega Pt ! | Minerva BE = SubiB!- Jog == = S: dubai > Koh
T, : : ong ee fof oe iv iC Bake Ss ze faa Se SALntth on: sZ. o Fe A M A en ang
*Phu-kw: Hatien ats = =e kor ‘ye Bae: A S* Jacques 7 / = Tizard Bonk - = = = \ Ih
Tay Mo % ¥: = f / : Western Za — — — =: Sy Tat B. TS SO Po ae i 3 J Mu ing BE Rawk
a Puiio Wai S —— Rath-si 7 A ey): trey —s Gr. Catwick | C A T Ne RA. : feunan .
WRaye™ ae 7 ia Heat Ong —_ —~ Sap ——— we — fs + . Chance I 8g 0 = ‘ Pulo Dama: nn
Kija Hong Hau Roval Bishoé, BE 9, Discovery 6r.R. Middle I : aw Samu ’ ees 295
“Soe ny Mouths of 7 we ¥ _ < el., . Voc = * ‘ P 6) Le x : / at Ay Ted / | Petie
Stn, Panjang e Y ais ua Bassac ° Wallace B® x OP [FW heaton =S , ta + « ‘ =* - a pm
= ~ "J . 7 wi Sa Ker I? > me = Falee Pu Cu-tyrti ac-lieiuyp en Me-kong ’ Sa ) - 4 -
‘ Latee lo OZ. Z : / oo” ; ? ; | 4 Taka t-HiE © Fe Sai, r iS B. of Kwa- ce $ Fa ae
Pearson Rt Ua-ti : u . i *e, n ef I. . es y foo Srteamarat : ¢ Cann et | pBulo
Condore / sf Lada RE pe ee | | Camedia) Fale ov Broil / ae > Spratly *Hett "aa,
Jung cevlon } i Brothers! : ot? s 7 i Prince of Wales BF Owen ft iC) C | = 5 Bands
——s- ; " Lrvest +. = ; » Banda. ——— at 0 Alexandra B’ Amboina Cay Reef’s “Le,
Ss ; ? Z = fifleman =6 —— Muang ve ra i Fa Variuard BRO | Grainger BE \\_,Bank °
Mariveles Rf ® "kee gt a & Scawfell RF, ee Sa Me, _ Muang 5 | 3 Poawtell BB : : | ®
tae ———— : Le : s; =. < Swallow Rf? : Sa, “Te ruta oo i oS : * CharlotteB * | S E =
2. Rondo J 2s "ee. Rawims* “ ee ©; # : ae A “ay Swat ss = _Jatgha Ww ih E 2 i Z =
i ‘ayal Chart Bias i pee alt sw — aang: G | : ‘3? =: # te 5. COlomsz Z ntiheg j
ae ) ty: : : Ata Raj 3! v ee te = ; ; f ta Bharu a : ; gar lang 3 =: »Lerhentian If
Fi Z Louisa Rt jke Senate. #66; re, : f: & Gr. Rede yi 5% igmond Pt G Penan &: a
aeeneas id i b SS = eorgetown? Sy, = & = af. = | ee fk “< Trengganu ‘ = — Rigas % a
Se fants q Heth 902 <p t : ¥ > : | PY 7 3 yee | pty. bel TAL ere ~“G me 1 4 == i “i
; - ‘e eee pane Treng- E. Duagun SSS Ss eee ; : = Lw T'¢ G oh s 7286 ga / # f-
oetakong = —— = SaaS EU S. Lucomta = po AL i i APs 4 “Pate Tenggol f = —— Shoals
ce: P Pan \GB t 44 sae = = # Var, yor eit Tae l ipis ‘s iy Tr Peniju t —— Verhay
area = apa ¢ - C. Datu me bMiva Bae ot e clk, ison ey Fenibelirig— oe Seluan, f D ;
_C.Laubong fm i a oe 6 Pahian ‘6 QW I Gelang, = E: Tokong Boro - - \Gr.1 eS | Fi BR
r led ae n, E N + = 2 St o7or Dancnran : mee DB - . buy Cocos J# Tampat Tuan
Labuan! 4 o. ad 72 reatod (s t be A. f f NWatuns eT l . a = he zi 5 7) og a < i)
AghangAs t tal: aA ; . pliicheae | = = <Sélain'evad * Alytherton Pekan ; F Mobur :
Sroparne ae : 9 _ tee . be } , S Kis 3 F : uperre I: 30 = ¢ Sa “ om alam B Sp add
79, AL: a He P. Berhalea:. fl \Anamba ig. qa Wata Nort *Elphinstone L. 3 Breaker
BE. 2, Wy Simalnr { tabang Pig Hier re. ear go ACN i | Findefi & ve". pe. ——s Ww oe
“Labbe pkalalo a : Fé 7 fee * tens AN. ‘on Pal i : yO: a> , = . ot Cae é Nae Ran
Val [5 " z (ya Ne Keprian zp Cee <S Ne gra 3) “Pir sadauk.\ P Tio: nie = : “ery =
nee r9ne . psubcor Flatt, | es mb Nis a r x ‘ : OPCASELICES O, ; = ar abo / ar G
sey or Bee SF Sng el i é SO! Spe uan CSuca ®. ae aD S| ¢ ey, oP, mang gil = South.
+ Natnna. I§ C.Serik : ~~Balle Banghar agin, TOF: &, va my 6Ba eal es —_ “Hor .
Htttan ua eS Sin 18 4 ae S1Ltit : “I ‘ Zs j N. orth Che. Tapanyy, ale we Bless = ib
= ra / 2 Teycoch: A D, age s a2. Musalaees <2 rf 3322 3+ Br Se: PL ASSALE ag os
Batangey ap Merundung. . = Datu, eWay eS st i E ca CAdpigg . rombuvge Wistert,
Demag oo aS io SSS Saddle I. 3 ss = Oe Camel's Humpl. ..: Z ny wk oF oS. . ; .
Panjang (Mapor; : tt Teloke alem Natal, et i : ® Stake = Se ots Ping {thio = a il ‘
us —_ 27; ha: : a : : “2 7H. Pin; ~ chip? . ambelan [* Burong FE ——___ Til ro }
Watas or ‘St Esprit rid se ——— «” = Mampawa ; : Directi _—— Lubukbasulyg ai a = =
«St Barbe Dat Bagh A LUT © pom Oy Pe ; = = 2 late Ponti 9 ze * HESin ge rig” | et
3g AS Sungat Kakap, . + Bodjo $482" : SS Mo on \) SiBéewe- Stn... Seta os “O a sh :
a attand Wines Be R es i, fruraing Sitolz / Si + “: aby z | : ees Greig Rf. Pagans
iberut I YSiberut Pea 2 i J BY Edie the i, A\C. Jaburig = Se China Rf& Me : ai —- ;
d B ; Saba i} Puju ll! Hawkins Reef one Nntawej ae *Colestial Reef aie :
Karimata ;; xe Lo . AME | % &s = 2 Surutyu, % ; : = . 3 = : ~" 2 Lm : Ketapan rst
Ora. OF» / LORIE % m « x : l an ad 8 Silaln iN North. Pag “2 =a be > C Mint : S.
tANGUT Montaré FU [s : Pagi [8 %, po ; South agi Le as a pe” E Sebla f 2 Gelam» Add
= ym ‘. : Kets C. Sambar o is Sanding % Lais —— as cal ; we a : fa aad
The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
2 4 ee eee Te 1 =
Si anté "ese at . g up da = (a eles fy ins 2 pos (Li es priv aS Me 3] eee or
British Statute Miles 69-161 Degree ee ; 7 as | 7 Joo 130 200 250 Bao 350 Fo
800 400
tLe a
15 F)
oo Narvacan 3 > : we os Candon = ee a ive ae <A > i i & 2 S$. Fernand, < i 4 at zs
Hoa Wii: Y Tepbela. o = Bolinaoces . Ve ‘ eae. ~ Diulasao B. a Ais mS Tomas Se
Turigt iqno ~~ 3 a arid 2a sy > Tide SOTLSO Maccdesheld Dazol B. Bank : se = %
maaeget ' Vin fe ¢ = = B >> . : ' f é a. ~ Scarborough BF c Pina i; U 7, O N —¢———
= : f 5. Nurs LS me Pohilo
4 a . Uh nana Siynalig
m Lamon B Mlabat < yon
io Lubang S Bernardino Str C Catayite
S$. Pascuitl
.. LysBe
~*~ ’ : a ; 3 ' Fl T i ; : ; : atl ‘ . RF _Giatas ‘Ayutava "Ts , | d templar BY, —
Sandy B Pe Es: Agutaya "sy | mal» : ‘ “op Maiti Mguit- Bugasons *i-ta BY Malampaya
Bu « ‘a
: * * = KSlayti uy Cuyo { :
3Thomas RB! : r a ¥ (jum ye vi 3: ose de
Seahorse B BoavanT?: Buenavistay
\ Crim. aran es . ( Nasot \
+ dad Rt iprtonds.
¥. S “aad. R ; Brown Reel aif igeX
| yr y sarbas 47u, . T - F, J be : z ——————— Res Cornwallis Rr Vilugan B. « POpatra
Ss Needle Sultana B* od
i ( 5184 a , zi | | _ | | ; i Carhigcenage **
a Yonda.b. (DeepL
Sis awe hw Cagavane
) Puerto rrinicesa ~ [ss ’ 4
. via F A
2 Thomas Rf PA LAWAN
a | n Cowell, : ARS AGIA
Bombay Rf
a Ve ay
; gambalang
Sed ma
5 East of Greeinwi : ache yreeirwich FE _ Rae Aww oo s 120 Tenn Eade Savu I®
p 4) “8 A, Buntay f=
Y an.
D> Drie te
“2p SSS
Aru wt ,
Tinaca pt Balut® 2, % — Taruna 22. A = > “- © 0 = —_ Ato, K “az
Me i n 6000 ong
paler C.Pe mnghalswang
a 0 sBalante U f 4 : ; * Bink oa . C.Botok ESE. :
Bane¢gaa Sg
Son sorol
Sarang. wih BS
ot: Sarangaa Sarangani E
J ao D, Nanusal?® +iwanusa Pulo Anna ~
i Mec res
. \ Karalkelang
Kabalusu. Talaur or Salibabu I*
Salibatu i
Ge Sang
-Bobale wu Helen Reef
North Cape
Sates Q—
Gr Tawalt
=== S baton iS a
Knibus &. ; Waromge B
eghifiematula MO ZU CSG A
C Falingat
Sahuda*> | | /
M’Pomal ‘4 )
“O'™ Kilwaru i
7.0 amd * rate Gor i
4 LO
Merir |
, ’ 2 Keoannn
Watu' Bella 1? Tiur ®t -Uran —<| 5
Mi wu "= |
l. 1480 | |
nS |
5 ing Ja, apxuts
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, : 1 / \Ee “~-gynvque IP, iy 3 3 ; . } pour ry i | : H S ILIV j ! —— ie ~~! E> i
Si See ae» TYPPOR, nS ; R “AES Wire 5 i 48 Nor B ---3al i . 4 : sire » ouobuyy
ig: ; m ; i Ol . —- fe Se -- 24 : ; a: ah ae ON T Vs RRS —~ $ r- ? fe 1% ; a SEE ga
. HW) | ayn gy = UY SIF nt . waIqID Tp : 2. : Gy \ ,/ Ube YOpoy RNS : ’ sire ar aT
GARGEIMNGsARUDANA RE” 2 ae Mids RUIMSTRRRS zs = Ex “+ aye {p= <> 1 + ff fa ie : ) .
rt at : ae sRRIOL, get nap = eS < ether tha ee E of * gr fre catty } | " nny yr "
=" f af 4 . 7 UE one: a7 ~e an } = - — ~< lies : YOLOYUY SOT D727 Vers i : WY AS
yoo aa ad / Nar Coreeey yup. ON} Kg. seer ¢ . te . Bs: “e NI Ss ik SMS ONS Gg . ‘
Vat ue fe Ls s oO a) ‘ EI S cat .O Ne = :
-:, Dy Pp twpupg ; ery : aaa: 6 ay, ~ Oy? a. Qa ~Ile ‘ai . W / tac }49 ee = 4). [iP
bey zo" . . i i“ » } — . ; ; 5 * TOA (ag )@ajov0g 40 = =: we ’ a —wenbrpmg > oe \
Se fr, nefnopibed \ ms
7 ‘ . 2 PILYDAT PY; 7 HI ' i< © ) mis beg : \ 2 a TSs 0 1¥ | Se Sa REN PRYON IY ek
tn , | COPRBREo | ra”, r nw ee ok E | Pf 2 t : - | . a — 28a Z eet Pe 10) Li ‘] Sy
ae oy 7 >I | + ; y ii f © GREERETS Sg wotene = ’ - ; : ¢ es - f a ; ae e- ag AD A
Fal BG te Fs hd) / : ts f “ HIUSST iT. : ; F Siige 5 : pog F wns ; —= + --* : t a
ig S 5 am yy LET opioy rUES* a [ a ° piney 1 / oe er "Ty: A ; ‘ ' be eBuswez
[ arpptopoyy K 2 == ee =a L or : DECOPHPEPM a Cysogy Y eae ad 3 LeprUny ie wey
PY ms oe ek ava _NVELak0 © oo NV ie | f ay8zeueq
Q) > s\ Teun p | i ay a ) J i : J DATYO'T . > SopLo . \ TEXLOPTE TY Yo grees hue Sg
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y i ? /
pa Se Si , 4 P57
run boy : ; isk, \ OL IT Py ' ; } / : Sites g f ea UP ay aN. aah my + i. "4 % , SRG
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al Fer |
ULLiDy ;
| i =f ate 2 yi , Ld on | ppry ; E I ap age wes : x WMUNZUA psi | ° aa) ‘ea L-pry
EN ig as
: Sapvepo ~~ f et \ f Ar AT § 2 aes, , : La tp 2euuT p ; ae ; yy su TOELT, i iY ome
ss I sr aad | ? ; "e * “ploy.” 7 PPUNGT Lisa .
: cy © | GP°H ee \ aprotuoc mo | ™ Coq og era, | “aor yf Ky Wins 3 a . : nIREYO
TOL0IO aye 5 | Me. 3 - / | ~ nO.” aby armw = ——— , ry YE Be Tiger GE oe an boyy)
DP. ih: . = ¥ 3 $
es HiO N GUA m7. y ra A ; had fe i PP: { | F ; . hn —. Ss £ DITTO WOR LOT L1GAY D —
j 2 , i © 4 : 5 my Y°d he = =:
; CIS, UDMD tH, } : Aste, eur) | fig ve , wa re TERPS 350 Peace . 3 eo (oo | eee |
weet Af |e
WES SEA Sc Se ye le a UU ee rt ad LO, ee ho een Panes be ey aa i f | a yy 7 19 wr
“E Fi = i = } . 3 d. ox + ¥ Sd 2 obey / ic a Ba Be - mrepee <i iy am vid ¢ i , rar
Bh, ; eS Hebe cau a shes ef Pf Beer: a me, poms ] y PY = ‘Soe *. ae S . - —--—— - -
—— — EE SIN ES ts , \. BeDbryss ‘ N Rysoy | | T ys Sagi kate “ ol ee 7 ' eee aS f
metus Fa \ PAP eRe ¢ ee UTX te wopiio gp ro AS se | it bo») | \Y sag PooN]K{ f REP!
+ = : LID GO NT Ulu ys Ne —— 5 og € Nig / N oy z a - oe uUpDIQnuPp ex a vs . vB su
<r | ao ] Mi a). | nh paz
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aN ve =, . Vv SC, THY S Uny 2 cao : Bi, \
4 Ham ; Pe ~~ Abed i ance a aJaotre* y Jo o1dory Ne : = Ls ae BR pee cae farmer
icon Ey? | : PTI LTD
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a “ous ee - g . —— Whe: rb = 4 jo s1e20 | | DIYYOT FO siseny) j ere TU jo gg ows |
age 7 TAY ON b — sise =
Dilla Av?
UDUWY t an 22.
S UA ad
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207} te = ————— : ie. 2 jit’ aD YUXO “BaTOBe NS Erte J — “= i = : | <i ; iS f¢ : :
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f ge Perm rora / / / oy ee “aeepyerreg) ay es Sere errs Ry) ne <7 7} = = av x ave
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: = — . — — an 4s \ ~ \ oi. ens = .- Serre EY soul a re. 4 Nc teow cia] cP ares cos
/ > nd om ra <2 nie aa For IFT Pads sprained ae : ppc i : > my “ S - Fs . A 7 : |
SE A —_—— a —. 4 ‘ i : 3 | i s wei ep te FEATS GIL wd ae. ok: ; es Se Fone iit a :
EY 1 | ~ = 1 Pupsy PP: : \\° ' MN airy pre ie : nie ; ets #s ores Sox o pe ~~ ee ——
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<< ere ft , £ , Dug S : = wee we ; amoy.segy ore pag Os ee cs a aieat A: Ep eemony
yy xy ; TTPO pena 2 = . ht eFunyz i PHOT \ \ Z O12 097 PADY CF F L XN W fo 9 VY L f
“<a ot Souroy, wo 4 “‘quyores iky : ; | ; | “i yh Lay os Bc : a : in? C£ ix SSO
PEE y on yrruLfog z | sé mph o ies, PIS RDP | TS. i si D ; Hs? i i Oz : + . 4 / / 4
bi ‘ s = SOE ro. yf -— prea a —~—— = PPT AL TM of Paenbt H ea im 2) = — é ee ed ———
f — + Se Pe eI PrRAT; byrmurey i? _psongpamenag nye BADSSOYQT OAL Sane cael eee eee
— ys SOA pnp 7 UWA tvVav | ppudsoy menSunr) LOE apusszan K oe 2. ATID ; ‘2 E OZ nar
=e : Ss SSS SSeS ee weep EP SOLA Sf ora uD) L177 / 2 : pac ' Y sien teat * 5 PR a
4Scge Lehr igpoipt S Gc } DULIIPA 2194) OP, ee wat sta > ss ae : ——— F cx es: { }
Sees tf F LAPT SS. i ie - — H XN, VT if TREO, VPeuLore yy : \e as *Y Seca °
irottmact f A 2 iy HP Ls uts SEL = iv : € = ; S| z ie Pte bpu~s X ; “ ; ‘ NVUY; wD
ieee MUSHY FS * Fae a bug CFU) : ~< ae QF ReowU == = ae - 49 pnopap ue aa \
“amprony? a uPqus OnE : 5 =e M 4 : BUTE: is o LA eg POUuuaT PILOT i Sl i ¢ wed f Dp
YS opeqorstseg Ege a. ne INP A #in y 1a ? =a a? ; Spuyyeas: ET _Pggv seat PE tos ae
p ; : : te CN Srumintasy \ * : s J oh Pie es ‘pepe ; E “2 ) Ey -? 3 ty’ \ /
urpypas) 9s ot” 7 i f © epup | Soe Po OPP PAT ; ~~ > —, ; =T s a ? oa . = —S = ie
PLOQOY Ue f > : ss - “3S | ampdumy-ng. Poysungpr, Per a ios — os SIqQvyvyy foaoaion
9 =F | a { < . y fe Zz Fil DI Se 4 Pony ’ ; ) pre. coun | KS J mre = Be “Qs F © MeL
& ancy oo f hey 1} (P) ‘ } ao == vA.) y yoL a ' ES | = = Pare ¢ yok 2 A vypryyay
735 Fa =s » r peer, » Et is 2» ¥ Ro | on COTO MUS WT beta" . Tak ppuey / a pesuny
me ; = ban. ee sitio ts . & ( wysur owt : ie : 2 a4 V3 baar lg : = : P = . ee S IS
i =o ges 7 wets aed FE Le 4) 0 Gd i BS i ae * L P F FUDS CIULIY 7" #2428 Anny op
Diba i oe , \ f "wel ) a oqamuatha ye, mi eT 1 ; , DULLED YL) BT € a i & - > te eet
OVSSTUNT { ie uo puupn i hoy SS | ‘ “ = ? | te - Sh ‘é : : = x ; he WI) jo WOLF ff
== 4 . A ST f -_* ‘3 — J eevere . { ? £9 baie Antipas’: Pe on els he \ . ee or YB
ey amie |r cae tae eae a demise — <i joys / 2 #; BoasUsT SOR : | 7 P2027 a” ox = -
F ‘ a : : pibin ’ & } ous dePss eyvy™ = PULsSVULIT, Fan Qe / Be = : i AME PUY STG
PO Z *f £ : b> currtinap * HYSVLOMDT, & ae OND) OVAPUp por 4 2 a’ cz e oO o 1 ; t 1
iV youn AM 9829 uf * ie | many s nein » AL, roto osprey Ay s S aN | / & . . : aie |
i Ss oe Se ie ed UArT) A LL0or ‘ %p_ a > ents ou D + i | gmby air _ Zp ° fay PT. :
| ! oa, 7, ry SITIPT yo NFO FSI Jas | ie } Be PsSes ; “PIP? PIF, \ j EP of SLOY 2
2Ur Z cr hy j }? {re Ls 58) iA YSPSSagoy , ty sil ’ sn : “ss, ey se : rey CS z Ad
SS 5 $b ay - -—--~ — SS 2& abs ' 3 = } 4 tO PP FET 2 es Gees a. See : . —o \ ; ; Fe
spa ~ » ae Bie ey - - j —F, | ka FoepPULy ; By s fo : j ~ FRATERNITY Y / j Cc v4 —_
—_— =I Tn CPE? AE ee f y "¥ Z HH , r S. <= \ “Ds ) 2 KW fuxiocy ; T >. ; | So hea?
Pe) iat AN jof. ay (£ ngey ye pany uayboy a ; , 7 ae ie t a ovushy \ at Van = Kf :
Oe baal . § = r LOT / | Connsar yy pang UTNE Flo sogy UL aah “* ., wasiziny | ef
UIT aTTRs Y.gor' Ta3ug \ i — po SS | \ as b S62T- waADy Ze /3}2 Pais ye Sy ae
JUIWDOF-N AADAC TLE ‘ F = hi pe om all of ‘ ir, : 4 Se EN f > \ ee ———s Ase) ae |
lave Bea) Bede —— oi Sop ps2s* < “sy ae a dy yf ES puCUDT> | UD YOLEN EY” papas PX
D ™ BS 4 gi Ges | | | y, r om a v ie : d > RE AOL M oy ie hd Age . : - aR. ie ak! a
‘ Fat a3 “= : =. 225 = == D celia: ) | 1] N WV iv Z at ce ° PP SO Saag S ? oF all
Aleg J Z meIIeTy TIpAny i x x Piy's ? | | } i} ed A “Z) BESS “ ie 5 2 nama er paige
3 f ae Slee g aL eS Soy AY : ae ; “tap fogy ob yaspoy ; || o < ets YPM a baIv ‘9 &
unwoby y . yy & , : be EMORY Dihzoya ppuntg Pe ~t 2 2 } ] ‘\ \ nd j in er “yr S&S
wis . Papouy 72 |} Si = PU LONT 5 £2. > > td = 7 Baths monje byrne de i & = : ps2]
POU i: PAD bg ia 1} 3 »_,, Nthibry 72 utp 6 BP 999s PND ers ; ‘rere cout i. : - i |
log iy PIPea /PutPs Es at munyspoy ae 2 a8 Ht B F. : Sean Fun S : oe rs S74 res noy
; | ~ wot Di Yd: 77 f: , > Hay i. a AE y | jogyrapy o yo sc > yer “G — oe 9 gf eae
as > ae SPT j ' apoygy up, y paar Uleyye rN. gv BS ache vas FePS =. PUTS Siete “6 A
o YF SOTA PIAL wre Hs AY ast { WAM TOEL os ; YRyyqe ¢ SRP UL 7 * = a Ay ial 34 Ee a
SA vung } ao RPYUo . % d ; MvIZeT TI aS ‘ é Dora SUT os ' ‘ ap vyyga ce artiste :
Deed mee . IARAS. iS Lc a. ¥ hs! a : \ P WEF: SN PUgy — } eedees s~ : a : 2. t 4 L
Se ao Oy snumiy 70 : z BLICte) teat 1K °P On | | P24P 7° Bi A i ~4_—n arity aTeS7
te 4} o AOuMaie 7 UNL DSI J a = Zr 4 . = Peqag SP uty #) t) asa OL135F \(9 ep, upp
~~“ Ling emily VE Bopasy- Sade <a > , on oe reaipyo \ ANP MYEPI aie 3) ge Se
ouegrne amy) LPR ONS upyspqae’s WP4AA~O4 as MPT ee” shy qapeaunuay Ss) \ 4
pprunuyyy ew oP reapyo \ See Sree Sie ces : Ad ad; FORE Ag eave 9 SIRT) = pei =3
DYIS"s it : LEE | , : WRN 2 Z std S Onegtt cite ates he ce pis ee. p> (oposin )
Seana px ee FO 1a B, Fons | = wary UA 12126 “\ & ~ BSD E TT LO.wMDy ot .
faldisspursy = +e ae Fra yeh a PrunssTUDy yenysp 72 40160 Beats be jp » he ed. i =
pA DATTEAT OREM 5 it, 7 ‘} E “ ‘s = fi $4 aA os a =a 7 es LepuR: - 3 : = eS | A ; \
a 2P2N Y = SuaGoas oe tss may v b. yyosut issviy nuapiseaqy ye 3 = = j 12 VU, ; =,
ZUERUD wary : —— TRL) PN LIT: segea! Hye é } iF ) LL Tatton, Writ FDTNUPE S" > e\
(7ucory 4 ‘ . : ay 0 feUEnLag = % URL. 9, FOLPGOY SO] ap DI0g ‘ : 3 rue | rm os :
pues Fa Lt et tT} “yporg we Lau Pel onourmunrp? | a, piiag por Sat : DUS “a oe Fung
) oJ PSIIy, _qartrids) < mposy ee eae : ek = ounynnys i \ 3 is” ye 7 a PPUS 0% :
‘Wer LEP YD LDS % - == oj0.2ez0e"y * = IVD | va % Fon ¥ = / > Upagy T re . PPUNPS .
poumengopy” os, pad P Y oypesy 44 3 Z SAX tS I an VN | s > wiyp sg ~~ usTrty puny 3
=— + a : : i 7 A = ; i | eS y : f ? pM Oy T T2> BD ep . EB yo9 32 e . * $ | ee Bk (
, eee Spe ns rd PTPQTPOFRL: a: | PAP HT ° fro } Pina wh ee II eee ‘| | | [AS -1T 7
ot | Phe, \upamokuz aor y | PM PPE AGS Tel Gh vsregeqny, NNR (lvepesexy mung po qo
f Ses AMOR Y jf 2 | 7 f- ee ‘ PSL a cox | ifai? ae 2 - = ERS RE Nee HISST/SIsv Se
ial > Fars surg ff : weve pebuy) pe Sa - ae = 3 oS MAYBD ATTA see seqqy Tuag ¢ 4 5
PrsGouvy s 3 ay , g) sad fiat a is —— = Fi eatoapag” amy, } | gi Lhe ee c +--+
— ——— pops a sure ye C \ = ws ts ys $i al \ g Hp Oy f “Ss (a e. IS A. ee Luby.pp bp
ag = a PASO. - “hte 2 Ls) GOULET 12 > 5 j ) asain ta F4 ons th oS a : a ’ ; ; ~ 7 .
> “ ~~ - Foe ; 1%, ” 7 ; ~ | = sie hee i t 5 a Kw AOE eayoy pS Q ) (php gt ee Gye ¢
= ce fi | 3 “tet 8 orgy a ee POP. At i ae 4D 2) Matas) Mp iS ss BP PUOTOT, “ re 4 ‘
» 01K 2. Ly ‘ EF a OD att ag] Zepho Pops ‘ = 2} / |= ES <= — m66puag rosog | ae ag
82 ANGOH ‘ % « pis > dy} aj : } IPH ser, ; : ors 1: : a F f . / © ; ~ : A 7 P REP ;
ee BF a ae eA Suge) ei VINVGLILtO dt AL nee a5 i : BS : : / aa aS 2 oO s gy ; : ee
aoe er T DR. Mrs, yo ey OQ} j | mrusrrer {oO immas | o S HIM O LI wea Lt tT a,! a H
mig tt JOS ots ae arte gs ae ai | DS AMY) ~ 5 4 . 2 3 : j 3 WUoj;O a el, ~~ re i, a
: } | es ualsog-y wos ce I 7 = PUOUOTIT ,F>_ lam, ) Bee fox } Ase rete A wse3 edtey
(Sy == oS | gi aes 3 (ME fs PT SEP as > wwlorppP ets sas || aR Ss eee APPLsoyT_T ee
2 : te 7 ; ‘ << z Z }? Laem a . + , : > <> ; at Ret | . PAAR OT aNOP Dep va se ‘,
SS; 3 is St i ia oat 5.5 OP BPs, “S) iy RY Sie eee Frey } ‘aaa - 5 ee eh , Eg: ¥ s
iW aL, , - ORES SQAYD PApysy Se, “ey bare G = \ Prag 6 TISVE area: a) UEP , Prray)
7, i pee 7 Ss CE £ oong, , s + 3) & Sd ; ppo a “ : , ZIG, = eet : = Aaa vipp.roys *
eS 1% ba Er: sili Tyee eae p. LLLOTLE) CAF cEPS o ee te SEG AEST LO YOUTLY De od ha
rt) 4 que = UNOLIDS: ee Te 9g 26) : * Thtp at fie A = es ee me sii bs te me (ape
pia af : aepprenh 2D al a i OTP OD BMOpeye j | Jos ratory ° ron OE oe 4 St ns ii Fe
ot zm, of apne Se ———— Forte AU OrdQy } / Dun DEE? wupLegt Gh ' “Gs = a j= oO “4 S
prmyng nk opm WQS (y0 | Ss FRLLIN CF ‘ oT OY.tapg 2 OULTVULT ‘ : oY — ae r ~¢ Bf
mye} ec rs ® é Jul qi — Sl ES } He Pe } : . = 3% Poly \ | sno bling ys I pnb i's .
iy SANV'TSI Varaav ny = ves DLs hIMOCONOT, \ T WY ~ xy * i 7 ; j ENS j Lente BS) .
= ra —— ULI a wsty pang P? 2 if \ V . ar myo as Sd f 4 {63 tz \ se a Os Pee py e .
62 Vem x : “De, . ae : VS oUyy« NE v Pa a ve age bs eee ss fe af rr at Anck 2, sous
{ ey . # u9 MP]? (Te { pre ERY 4:1: ge << y oe “Ff pquay™ ): x PERT saidty — 39. ae
Ss = a! 4 CEL sapped Om : rs ee | = £ F nS : a> 7 ~ 4 \ } JS OF J Y - SIqe } J? FTE
) Ar —_ 72. = | out ws oF “fis ied Ppt OK DE }: 3 ae ‘ c om ey SS ; : : TIDPITI PE
* RY, Oo Dy}? <4” A 1 % Kae SOY : : a = 19 iy Cg pe, Ds nyake ys Kay LC & Cf Se Ke
ot re E L, 2 Cs =F om pe eva play j Sas ota + eke Jarn7yp.toip Spe x e 1" an i ; Av
VULUDGY LI iS “peony : ; S Sy A - : = = id él x2 PYLOY 2 Is, Albis: ie ¥ su S emi
so yy x<U}S Ss ND ef 6 More at aT 5 Se ee % — : , = pipndvy 1g La ppb. 2S ee way 22
< Fatt La es bppyn¢g "EF APPA OF, m A é Lae ae 2 me THUY A at ¢ wsrrpa hu i on
PEPIYPIC \< DS +t . pp ee. we pes ee | Pe a A ee P pate a7 4 ‘ (Rue 4 "tenhy
? xg) ese fA, 24. " S Sepp: \ ae el ay T, a O.% ye} | Liste, OS oe OF Bhai e i ae
‘on — 2 ‘ae ie < pameee 8 § Hen “G5 orate, 2S = SS Fa alts Like rir wus re cong Oo
oN “Ge <5” FOU ULE Pg ae i min my ay = S7 : ppeus if wre: Sti? Pans Ayer of} FuPqUN
Ss TA bac os x ys i pare: ): ah : | ~. “PRL. TPT ay Ue) } cy 2 7 - A >» . i . f d
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i= ss in as a SS — = ntti - — Sr SSE if H ct os ese = ee —_—s _— — — SE SS SPE
TATED ES SLE ae —___—_—__—. ————_—__—— — Ss T } ‘en -————___ — a = rs SSE
———————————————— = : = eS =—=== —— =p ere SSS Se Pe ——————— eS = is 8 : } SS ince
ate , ee / / i a | | } 8 . a vad uo (eo SS oouvn 2 / | OPP DUD, x DUDA i | | a | ?
L iim, DY . : a pp Unt ee quin.Aey | ) : | hs ; Yo eT O fr ees Pot Dyhumiy / 0 |
[ a _ ce = | 00s OOe OOF OUE OO 2 | | f | | = — —— & | S\ : xt a produ i : @ADHT
Tow & TIT dpouLoyey — mpdy = “eens 3 a MpULTAT Lee i ' —_ : \ B 7 2 ? ah ,. i a }
tog. | “s JF ovn rig e oan = z : | . £ 201 o Le | | Jy legkoounsg BE ome ophdio
Ogee a fj Supp ystubd , i 00£ . SSS ; : ) ; : ; i . UO USIPBE | / ony \ < ola x) Ts
Yo Pwo thet, T- 37 % wog ounuy PAH l=—90-69 Sy ARNE Y. ay, J | | eed x ine Of =!
1s03N7 Tepang, | | | | 1/8) ial aN Ss } NS —<Z Sv sok IRON | =| | el opps A > ; :
eK aio r Oil | ie } re rite 7 | | | < = Neal arg = === == ee SS = om 5 o — = : > Ir
+- = - oven 2 2TWAD a3 iLO eS | , te ces SES 4 3s 7 9Dugny, a uroy fF o¥¢g i 5. :
om |F = repos \S ee esc eek: : PRUNT, 6 E | \ . hy / Iygequinig? pegs - t U 1] >
Thuoquiay ie : =f ¢ 2 OX : 4 77 LOD : ae ae a VGaHsSo ; " _g BL POERAD a Pa 4 ? /
2S. egg Es v 1] >a * G f WORE SD = | FT ; - 4 | oa. id = OFA F OTMOTUpP > cee ; rue
© U2AGD sd Dat ai a ERS = Y VIPs = | | — PQayury } a “bun ri<* = = | LA DT Sod roa
Ya re = = = = ey or = =e 2 eae aS | 2} Ty typ? 3 Te U | 1 “ ch ULL SOO p” eee 6 A
iS ; | | ig & a = LU OT Ea / | | ‘ TT PMO] OQ] DULY FF idiy*s : z : i ; | se c La
rn | usnwe ds +t O | r y PLUM x Sh 3 : Cnbprg 4 a3 LY ayy = | : : : by COURT } ¢ a
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at Uru AA / ; Bs ars a ec x ia) if Cup 4 Puogpe 2 $ epuner i*o eos, * att 2 a 4% <
| . a vis oR PPeT9T 3 pit s9S.109D SUT i => PUTTY a ; , i= ee ee St { Pavone y | 8
lind- 2X a OPOG a —— - —_—__—_— —— ‘ Je -. att - < a 2 SOF ULIONT pea 7 : St t . ‘
C f CZ Ae f a — ; = yr 2 es Ay sy pa2 aie % . : + Ppt shh Ay N ae si. ; | | } % Any
oe ; WwW — Y ; <= s< Zz ~Ay } s > eS q ) 3 3 ef . ’ & j i VW; + £) ied IN /O { ) +s
aH ¥ OPATIY Sf) } apn ref *e JCEM Server Be aa 3 ¥=8 7M. 5 3 ) 4 { 10s OY ; . i * |
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2OW. er a 130 || ‘ s PES Si +-+— : Frama fo —— anemenarmaeesamnmem (ei 2 Re ee ea —
*Mogl YELGtza | 4 ¢ U j pe . | oag hibub hs re Pyramids? | L a J - B \ Xe / ' ee
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aver eee » O.Uttia Réhnesd,)} Nn gh } D B. Silten Y ; ‘ 1] ger a scan (hy
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iS the oSella 5 ‘Movaiiy4 Garat el Keth Oasis éf Bahari L D ii Mi ng iF Beni.
dgan \: ‘ ia " Se rirten. Avion“ J 5 EC ae > 3 | El-Hex: f eS pes wr : \ / ughage
st oe A ef \Br Rédax Malas 822 * oA Shdarm~, - ad i : y 2 TY | oe rh Bea OT «ee ron
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Ls, S, Manfaliip AP t "lat eam \ eo? Sharr | Se CP Oecd Mid aay ve OOD . Oasié of
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“LS ms ° ° Bir Wahre very ‘ ee moet . x ee / | O. SePRRA apes Khaifte Serahia Qa ér
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Ly. a vs i | if Hattiva &B Me atttta Saha Mahinis ~Gezir “ B i "ie iit Mitt .o " Mi
ES r bs viet or Thebes 1a ray Maha t r . a. y . LP, Se . ., A fea es —! j a Ghard
el kebir > Hy Tofara Ws ibu.el Kebir Oasis vs ea . Gebel | Oasis of DAkhlaje Flag
gypt Fat Weasel Namus Casi | ‘ > Khayrs Isna wa of NG RONRONSIBE USS 5° 87 IS Sis
ERR NE SLRS Fy USC ASIAN hiya ARNO SO aD Gas ewedeh ee Se as Pei cat es ure ee af
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ak ; ush 1} } y pe en Kutaz a : Exel Maksel Qiblé Mone mbes oe | Tele vi Jor 2%
ta ) Te Darau a | € fervi Pir el Aruad oF , Boema a | Vasis oT Uri ' Nims oy s : .
El Had ae Pe uruk vk a “* Cataract AAs ’ arr: ini dn -Bir& ‘Bibain Meshera & pe ;
Dun ere * Carta. sets “alla ; as a SASRIBEN ocr onsite Sarto... Eropio of Canoer |
Ras B. Bishra ite asbosbne ) Eins ; ; } L ‘ oS RSS vs An SDN aa de hnn ARV One eee?
SPP NERMESEDOS SERN ERG THN O Owen ane ee ween ne RT MTOR wes ou neeb ny eudbeu sb
eencdceeacetcncennces > cnr by cwrewe sree reeteneenrsererrerre se Mt BTS Be she -
raat arene seep sacrass pies snesesethedeea 4 | j ag 7“ Tenine 2 eLKcbie Ps tit
Halabshi ESA j | S i. eae re we se } Ed Dalia of. dete? i gies elt basi os . ih
Halfaha* ‘Ke a Dior fs ‘ Seiya Be = 1} Tra _ ' urh es Simbel ih ' “Si r { " i ae fe
bel ev War } | | 7 F if (foe Treg tarsi Shai w/t (Tug aia , .Mesoroa na | YY z | *
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~ : A qi ‘ela | | Bir_-Ahmar, Kaisono rer cleanse iiinsn tire sodeeg ceed Ps ng bs
ware ieies Ft ee ee ai’ A thas = | : ‘ ss . Gu Asus A vba fe “he . hy “Bir Nambpdan
Berai OR ml Sulayaor Ghard. "optahiabited m ibis vtct - wif i , : : Rs... Semnada §
a 2] | Ya se 2 a8 Aneto - , a a R Kee \ ek la i f 7 - ; Py : y es, ~ . >y~ - ita
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Z Grune” Afo Fee | fi oe _ BP B / 1B) BSA Ss j Ki IR | we 5 reh “fh Akasha »
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Enneri Abo : ng ide g Bar adi Jel Tontum el Miukken?™ 5, osha DY CO SX r A ‘Gebe
eit? “rot Oasis Vit ~ ‘T Mit? EX at ‘ 1 Neal Soil Wa | Jeb Lib } | ea : =: TIBE S
TT J -ZOR TY. 3 oo . ; 7 Dr lan ¢ aGere Tedetuma T 4 Y¢r ces Yibi Dasvo Be ce es D
-\ \ vf . mA ) * = t = aoa 9- tpn nade i 2+ A Luneri ase _ ted L Jelgo \ \ : , Ont
Keageba - Hin ba vs a. grid ys } Kool, bi by iN SS Spence 4 *) Enneri Durso Lane
Kain . é Ps. a = Etat Fiusi -Lekcro : iy episosn io thea ‘ \e : ’ | ns Z a fi by, 7
7 ; " . | } Z i SS Vanvanea : pei 4ngo 4 i | 35 7p ae ea sah ae ea Se ae tee aSLY
BITS ; Ps aes di lagrat, Jd gg Hane © 5 | Oasis Kaw: 30. aleeae o t Sherta fqn .
ber Wher (ALI aye Mi ; Dp y z Argo t i ZL ; d | ie Ey PRD 4A Ff fay RO A as
eWajangaYoa “; Dongola Aff etermaby yt » | | EnneriKremaseTgge. Lukki BA Pe ee Ww 3
; SS) fi | Garu ~Bilm: eee 2 Seqisseg Tiga, Ye u ‘d , ay ' ns ar . ° A Shibabit, 2
fi Ha: shin x a { es Fee a y < « ~ > | / olfushkatenu OR F Gran x Anesho” 2 BK deki
ty B ri Kh: ey BIC. ae EZ Bageir? \ | TEDA ang KANURI Fuohive, # ~ tae Buds FL DD
ATLA on gira a" Catara s ; | || “Sau Kuzra pega ioe af Be sh, 0 me: KU" 0 * +
GasisMayer af & dl » Merowef: Fane Grenenitta Ety ‘ — é Vasa hare wy, Yin oVourr
Teast Mn : ; Old Dan¢cok:& is sert -hismat_ AA i | Nees Se te ee 4 Fa IONE es
“Naldyrakle. Pings: ; Fe ee @> | S Korti 2 tf Pil? in|. | nt ke Q soit TIBB G ~e
Se, okli Wa : WT vt sdeestai W, Mivrg,, Erdebs ~ | Ed Debba % yy Kenury pBerbe ~
{ | = « - : ny ¥ o} £ . ; 2 — 3 / 4 iat d e 9. asigDinbeln™ Staye Tidgenga, Ain
Chtakkea 3 Cie x a Dug. Adi Ming a7 é i 1 Danae AS U aval | F | ahha B oO ad e } e’
Paya Pee ot 8 hae, atl 5 were > v2 A) Y ) ° ce vo Adare?” i . a) | | sy Mojiogo "3.
ra ; pane} mh “g2 Fad: Serir ing h* 6 ef Bavuda (Ex Zeitly 2 i : * \ Fer I > c 2 x
Jn = ee Om elAdam, > PAA = Bosso « 5 SOtetrs aes ba u ? a \ l || in Y ad Agro
Kudinge ws ) E nne d J lia > [iM ay Om ‘ } | ses ‘ a AUILGA < | < Pe -¢ ype r } er
‘Bir Hoy AIS on - aa a" i= AuniM? ROLLE Va. oe i wae Matennaples Chandi ¥l ‘Bf | '
ies } =, bka 0¢ ge ne o EL Am ) d Hamid \ é : ie on . Ag. % & Prous ° Yekia W. snd?
Y 3 * ne fit ataract i ial } Dirkdehi, ingis gi Bg é Wodlenge hg .BirHara a ata P
ve « el Dubaa b% of Sabaluxa ; } ge a % a, 4, 5 : Onn Chatowr« yey j , | r Bel
gstitard ‘Man 3 = ne i S wor AULA) RASHID wan Chatouva Hesse | Hi, “Ta naniat anes
er 0. £ . | Hedaar tan : , ; Fahal MAHAMID OCF} ria aah a. y e dt Debs >t \ +
Pidfiddt~ ~Bacha MORCHA j ae gd Y Wt Safin Kh bt eq : Dom es ; “i BR, LH E 1h POUT
1 Po, ee Te artoum } Kurt Tiarao RES 4 ragarta eb Kusar, x rh : ~ x | ve it as ‘ora
D SOL IMAD we ; ; V.¥ @ hs | ’ | LAle —sute—- ae a ease e osabbo Kapke J > Sy ot
Digi | sek fost » ~ Shitiati ~ |( Boulalanga i MRM or / ea gre spss Age me teccret
Bs El Geteina peek hes, fe Figuet | a BAR TAKONAWI | Oo ip ee oF ; <7 A A NE M o
Butttinir™ 3 Ob Jn Qs . Ay R | a; J . . ’ Z Pate = : im a ~ 4 \A PE Viton “g $ sir
Alali dah Niet z, “A. N G Le O E G P NY i I A No S S N iii Mao N ous A ; Nona, i
Biavole pe Umm Badr y > Sodtrt Wax wt Mona eMoussoro Woche be ‘MF Diombo ; «TES 2
ae Ed Due Tay nL Loma { PLL QGAAANA —— Ty ox ( Age rye = ip, ¥. . Mondo < seep Ari
& Ab Rios Aes PO ee Turjoe Kole EFsat F K O qT ad O t & Tl zx ‘ns , au Vd : : : | a
MLSE faa ry reste f ik ‘A rasner "OGa x ‘ AE —= °N Gowri: Err ce ‘De Vs Ke e bhabiy
a; MY ° Yr fo ddad e | Bara? “Umm Dam A bydlare Fee ae aie o a er , 4 mm heddads ,
5 Ad, = —S nd, Br 2 Ary Ps Hayer El Gents As Je Kot Kol By A =X is ihe i ' Kost , |
uy . . r o ff | | ; ; + : ik Said ; Tika ey 7 FO», Bia tins EL Obeid. pp ’ { i | |
Mea, 9A Ror ; Laos - VRirk ot Ruin, Bath. il Kere “alingeis ~S ° Martafal "A ‘
“IT , ~ St quad aan | ial 1} Mongorur. Pitril: dln Deban Kallim Ca * on. ¥ J En
Nahud PasThaz i Aenaelti > 4 | j aS ~~ ‘ < : ‘ TLS” i if ' e | ° Limbua Moito? RY
Birns a& ad a’ BE: 2 D Dom tod } J Biv pi biom ty : | Z “ , i mre DAT oO T? -
olawets ‘ ’ Epee . ov x 1 oMagumeri Jikew a Khu ~~) F : Lamy Bulls TL 3M. = ‘Toa
Tsiaaed Goz RBeiadat Ui, J oO I Rotoik : iy Z laweishea Abu Zabad a fii Tagali* ¥ ~
i} . 7 a Th oltz 10 L 4 Nici J ' Lotoke\c Nyala are ‘ d ; Hise 4 geet ‘ A em ne :.
| Maiduguri y ; Abusher C 2 RB +4 Sine d D : Azum i Ll Odeaiya if °Dilling Rashad
rn ‘i 4h : inl z ali fama. Pr in, {OL ee g-, VAtOMat) 2 envoy =i BEE by EE PO fe:
if | | Mastia ee al i : a» « Marsua, “IR 7INDsSUR ee . ay 1G, b tA PAR ~ | f H S
Re? a s 1 r neal i } f : * 5 ie Sigela 2 4 M, — E y one 3 & v \ MARG wf WANDAL. i 5
undjata f oe ~ ; % : a/y - if 4 Heibare ° a - EGE WE ‘ Mett Lo : Fe Je, ' ore
ohorm” ~ wy, , a : ) if Fsaze ¢ ore Musgpan : ae 3 Gegomd. , Pim Bien Senos Eee >»
EUMugidd vai A p : | : Marr nia Gun Lairi ¢y NG < p “42 . - ea rr 6 . : | | ead
Sten te Budac ~ : Si AmTimman*lerkama Sa gil , Ory Kundil. Abu vabra - ' Kadugti?x
My vY ®&/. Ft. ut) D ries + f A bik 2 : | Ny “4 4 = : ‘ Modobo | as = Yi Arar DAR
Ap ) = Minga Testis Vv \ \ ‘4 h a / ig LO | : Z
+ (e Vile pee i Aspe net stirdh Khalifa, — Sith 19 op De eo Bh as ys N } 7 ina \ .
| Sy 54 Pea a TE a aioe 2 oo Ti ae - es eee e S. ae ; te Gal wmf k~ > Spats } Ys is
} aloay | ; & date nder oe ~ eam: Treble Bits Pa az AEN ee, : *, “t Dargie 7 ee ee
Pe o | BE % i if , BATT A “ OY = al a. HidiatDokko Kia a Ms aL pet : Marah. Za Bey
o TTiont wb Psy ashlee fae on ~ ? E i 4 3 ws $4 6 = e GABE a 3 \ "Mheaananealt As:
3 Ralkit Abhiad / A Soran, Mt : Perr - unbetler a KV Pr. yn ; > LNo “ Ma la ka! lf
if \ Yola OF : As Z oe | f Lat Preto, oe : Ez Aows AAR —— Vi. aay | : fs é
iphphatecmc 4 > if Y : | | |" ‘\ iu ra | TEM M A KE ee 1 T G= iF ua apa) f i N lell
aes 7 ; ) ‘ | Bumo » . . c aD aL +> ag } AGE eek WONTEA \ Atar Jost ! |? , > : \ =
a Gade .G v LILA ye Shula ee I" > — } t | b Bei Kuba | adet . "& ’ A Ri Bx sank
AkuhtSulba SST PY ueetiio Katalog y wh a igo na i “OL OO ns } ei 4- 5 “s #t J Af
a ) f / Colley s S \ ‘ , : a ? ? Cs I ale . AS “Ny Q z rdéle: ; MeEVirl: Oo ev Chak
Chalé, Pit | é AD A i A; x oe A — , Waet DAR KUTI Bee |g OE (S \ = 3 a “3. Step } a
fe j ry’ 2 onch } Vheore 2 ? ‘NY ome BE : <> ; Gar a te Retr 7 > j! : i “a Z ee uf
f: Joh i 3 Nt : 2 f errs yy i Lig B y } | ee ae oe ! \ Age ~“6Mbala a Gata’ MS.
asi? \ x in. } } y We ; “2022 yy ? Verel ; 4 4 {XS } ‘ ‘ ; } / CO. Terese, ¢ ‘ 4 v4
} ; j \Vatgere 9 oN; Prndses / ‘3 Faure Eee “Bamingi < a, baie A ; Bg l e a oDibt
AA Poe w 48 Huked 2 es: Vie my ‘ Ree ef De ein snbeir & : i 2 ; ae SRE ->- soi AD
ey DOs Ti, / Da : j . +=) ; Co a i . | Ale vp } ~*< vy , ' } ie i Nits # as Os
Bongoy#: oy 8 Pam pe at - faa Dembao, quali FES A a OT A 7 Raffitif Tahki |
Shambe :% SS Discs! .- ay! ud SIBED PRA “er a ; ra Rapi \ ) i cee us AON ~Ditar et
Bis: ae Leche U B N GI - Ss it AR ty p ed A \ ( (mR sig J Riu, A, D\ Tr | jt : fo 2
- ‘7 “4 ; ft =~ x i | Font fy ae OEP ao io Woe: A : ; OBatt, tan 9A sot lak#ingas
Pe \-! } ; Me } vA 1 7 a. ‘4 l JP Post = ?. 7 eRnoa \ ‘ , = "ex ; ‘if } > % .
Vcoanay { Rivtn {le ay es — : Xf ; st H ; edad Nemer' Eaton ee \ 6, Mbi: - na if
YGnopp \ Bs | oe . : « ‘ ie " ¢ o.t + e en Bus ex RR Ore see RL “Pepi ‘ = al, )
Star 5 Sie ava voto : a Oe ‘+ it MER O CIN git ware» Bam ~ Be ou i eas \ oS ata, Ce
/Mahgupa S ‘i Ye Bistinece Yep Toirly & , ve . \ | | o. } \ a, xz . ‘ PB aleborc ic
Ly Pe All -f Gubere : is L) " ~ Tombes yy ‘i ‘3 0 } ) eee E t nies : ‘a tani WS 8
ee X ee aonb “1 VR }. Sy hi ve - } . o ‘ cae = ass pas Sahin WS MAG x fiir a es Ne
Se rs < } Amada wie 2 } | / Alay Ind d re \ ry », Dae es cs oe Ze Nome B aoe ae ig
i ie j a ' Moti¢alla : j - rps * & Dae » ; . | ¥ Re c 5 apd St Sak y ee * odlede’
wala § \ e; ey Pic k= 4 W, o By E R R ra : | 4 ‘ ; ¢ Carnot “2 ~ . cng, ay ~~ eo
eign f PENG’ a" Juba % Ted pre | Bertua\ | ONTERLZ Ft : : I e tel, x 1 : rats ) 1]
aN © | ; sange arte : \ Rej: fs ., : y | 4 ry \ : KembeR a N \ 4 , Pa hee ae ‘ :
> ; Thame Gola SATS { Moles be 4 ! f | nd o Daléls® Bar 2 Nangoke ) » peer arty ie
% 3. es i! ; De CS 1S PagR 4A TCLS 7 Hy Abong Moana. Bend. 2 AARAKA ? t ) eed st ‘
Fubadhlfpr s hy es "iy pe : ree % 3 i : AC, 1 : oLomie ~~ 4 dbumombasi anda }
x celine uw
C2. OP PE) : 4 ee 54 Sy “ay gin aa S « Teer Oop * sae Axa henry = spat tins Sar AN
ror. —-
ADE ‘up? ounpy FA “Ef OLIN / ¥ ferpourygid A # Tee wd
f DODL vag
BUD ag LD ax
} ° : <2 oqun CEES _odockoy ate CUMD SY ehiadiac : i : Nt - a Osis Sof : ' PONT. 2
nian a oR a, "TSK yy } ‘
keer _
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uf >» - nt, ——~, ae | SS ES es: selves mB rer Ie L mayer . ~ Seaeile i.
SDMzhp : é ;
ip Aoopur)
} nda: sry
wieHens: =
Podmog®. SOUPS wT
ie a
_pororg ci: 2
V [8d ° I roburny hike POP ves sv abu 2yoH of d D8" aay” meneotiring Pon Le » aie »
y i: a TEN art en ln. ON freuor SOON, pu 4 a ce fopunpoy A OBiupkun puonys o oO >
ed : (oe Be, AS oS femme, AaB: bbupsiy wWdd¢ q <0 fe Seog mo wet >) ? OWT FO AN yh
VLU, “5 i Lo at : j ri % iY i: oa bi < i ( fe : S fey ae lonyripy si = es Sees ~'.
AL adenurasaaye vdounmyvbunray. 0o1s H| ~ ( i i® i Out : ; See Pinan: ye — >, . - |
; ae hak ise S Bgnen Geena 7 aan a ZL Ne iy : ; aa A, + i Te ne Sure a % /
Cnquampayr 7 em abigoy Ye. -\ opropey OAONT i PATO SO LS = ~~ Y ‘ rf De DU UIN IC \
b niesr - oan TH hey mai, Uy rac asoyy; q> Yr x7 iuady 3 meal ouboyg | pmquazripg.
eee . ‘: ie ss / Pie ! pls a VLA Si oY oO me! = a Mo i= re es =p, Dita UOO LY o)
Fiquenbif §. ‘a 2 ‘ Ye : a 2a 3 een o Ye Ah nquanns ef i wbitory qbuny Yow Cha - ww
TweMmyNy gO “. v asuog. : ) PaoNSStiyart/ io NrK qos ie A “A Ui anryoF | : ag’ .
aio’ a : ‘¢ ' MAM j - : S Page 7. A, ~ : D, i‘ opespoq™ 2 tril 0 KE Capaynyny
CYUnuUnteg i “% ~—" 4 Pew ; oe ¥ »S “Miyatosoy ; \ Jove | ampcico yy, PLD if 2D N ¥
a. ail ND a BZ Dau Z ners 2 SSS r= | \ I a3 ; iar } : ss ? bo daar ° 3 hwo. : 7 ne
wre / SRE i ay Ser oe OStae\ Sap> 4} oi 2 SS + Lt "YW PUMANT § aH € ODIO AN eee pe2
Sadia’ « SN s eS ae eureseyy Be satin’ ena * = a pyoe ae 6% Ma ae, ees ae ~ ope sh
"y / = * ~ f On. z aay Be : . “has: et sony A ‘ $5 peN ovum i a ss : : pup purty '
may SIS co , \ bopigvprun’y, 1 "4 1p, Xv Dy rut J Se a ¥ x , ee Lo y en fuer ee !
Spe LU 5. j -/-—— ae parte, EN acs SAS Res. RT T , mC, osgyoLodyy | “4 ia / or ores
© rp rd = ea LA Z : eo } see, 7 4, r\ \ - C ~ 9 | oe ? ad ‘ %.- MM ; ‘ed > - Bi ‘
ee ETM Fl Se Sane SNAG < iy en eh af \ 02Guaodny C paquen Moye Fi saegeent Pas.
Sas es te, HON ENG |, | waaay, nit Boys wont 3 Pith Wp UsRIG 1 VP WIIVE | betes eS
f oF >. at tr “Se “eigawittec’ \ \ | f OH 4 pul fe¢ PEUTOMPRUG | 63 opusdvy ora
Seig: err BPN. qui df, Dune} i LIMB ey a Sr, OPUIN A Ses . ie : ayo. sgy” 7 eae ‘ '
ES aay as Mowry : Sitanpgs m0, A ) } Re || % 7 a ir phat Sak T = “< Jann AL wy = a>
F. - "ft 5h PLIMBTY Ee at s / ; BS eceeey é \ ' : uP gee BK or : 2 : ‘ SP aw + we
o, : NV ‘ ‘7 OPN ; * N Oar belo gy z iC . Sago i alobogfs (, aynbruay,; an “avareny
o:..} es (aye7~ : i DqUod 7 1, “oqely RKC ore \ | a : NW?? OU i IN, Ll via Q ae Jeg
| j — ¥ - ~ . Sa, Se ON | . ” : . = : + = : te oe | ; ; i > : 1 = PIOMTSTY UTS J y
O< ak a funky, 4 Dynes oA wyvoa Pel |, alkene, 7, eed, quinkoy : s Ft \ $3 \ ae
Ve )9s)8 4 Mie te apa, “* e FEU ) hy ( S rd RSS "6 ayn Buazyngyr ve ae 1 ( grey. *
ts Z ; J, VOI ST. a 5 is \ Not Nn) fa Sei = br apiradt oynssopy { a+ s tee) ae = SH
et , ASSS = s be = ‘ ¢ a oe Ve aaj elt ¥ fas ; a ZTE DIP QY ? ii i N e V & ode SS
it f < = Je ri Dyes 2 vious epuvahioNy rey Nip UP ee ye Ss & . : SS ¢ a EN be Net
SEF RR = SARS: ROE hg : J ti 178) ; Se x ‘ Gas) St > BaITrORy Ss CMTE : ties > Ss
Naat ead 3 HE toy pe IS ets O40 OFF Rd, Dtwquid an x \ oye7 aro buosvy \ E OS ey as
ving ° aN © oO 3 SA < : a‘ S Ip quaige wpnqqoy Tg Ogulery oPiiosvy| y | TAS ga = 5s
0g | = Te ORR GT eA HE DE oe AO vaoquipe ‘Hapurny “ery << s{X ys uy 3) ced de _ Ter
” A Se SR \ ~ eSunk ee OSS SSS S » wiucquyyy “Sl ATA . PN ydasor soci. j : ALI UDS
OY 1... HM “oe Bpa Tye ~~ wr o SSR \ ° j =} es ; \ \ \ 71 Ue : \, ferent 8 1ypsry
Roup Kou) See PAQUenzy. SPURNS ? 1~Pan fio 3 ( Saoo te ow: / 1oyDs- ‘ Yr» i “aA
SSNS ik quyues = \ “ =—- \ OWEN “Ve oqueariy WAVY S| oo“ 2k rb Ke y opngupnyy oni,
« Pyernopreng > Meer Byorws Dyer yS : oO dyer is sS —— : — oS SP RS AK H O- stb
/¥ . a w. OL ¥ eh SSA OPIN} “s > oLoyuy <Alee § i | eS OPOnt ay De orreN = pob NA o
ft forpabeye apuemy . PUERETD, é & eS ; “ | | ane§ Sar Nn ‘ : grey oe crdneses cts
aie | 0 AO ruee WW Psa - Ss < Pa oyeqey Z Ss fags? igi Se mo ; ‘% ~ i PAGO —_ —— ~
ie genet ~ ATW “ ~ : st. Ag f ~S DIODUOAK, 2 oer j apap oipoR oF nit DMabuasi a sag
Gia Shs 5 TAS afar yi ff ‘aaa / SppuceTy my \ / ,> Se a sh ce « : 2 \ cS i ; Ss 2°.
WWE : X Ray aes. SPS . pmoparp—_{ IPUFOUNY vyrpobye XN SEO a aot ait ese : dung 5 ;
FS a? 3 | = : t f aS : ‘ oe SS ropr ppuory Pro, sh, ‘ Ren oF ee oe bse = 8 a
{ SRT } by - | sy 7 ve ATTY : ‘ At 8 AL TEU / ; Fo: wre . ) ’ <* ; ¢ ‘ Ia Te : .
roth > SSSst 1 9 pegetta Ny yy Xe ig RD VL Zs eB ateg ting (Ls omlenmey Sew: \ BS
(et a a aia saromeie<-——— i r > ‘ \aktPun \ : ‘ ws ang , — EK, ; b r= LUD, VP Day :
aS WOTTON POS) : _ . \ oquarar =* a id * ) pn ent tN eros a] is ~~ 4 ALLS JA LTO
a / ras US HtK, es rata bf NOTE PE 13 ‘aged i? ecoqe}y, RMT Ke a : «pa Casale gD 5
oT Suc = ; Sein 4s La tte d / OE ty) pupae “ fosireoT POY HLVYD woitrage ~ tae . os
: : Fy ‘ Tees } SBR, ; —_ RP UU °e om — SS { Ve ole \ " ; * 6 a caacee i OTOP }
brie ony T ‘ guy “> a ay ah X =i > IPD We 3 Shgcohd’ by Se Sea ) ee LLES: a L FT eK
; uJ | gat sty THEPULOD, uy Loire. ay pees pp i bwroc SEN : ; OUI aT > ; <
aunqureqay ye Rs fs Loh \ s\ rusty 3 cs ; Sofas QeGan 7 | A : Vien BIS ° a o 4 ‘ ee
ame ~ JOOTSATUBLS } ye Pop OFS & pitta! onze Wp > MHREN a) OTry ra -~ODU0s0g Bip
RETR LT \ $ a arena s } — \ av ROS ¢ i f >i . > io yi $ ¥, 7* co‘ vad ! S35 =< ( iV
19 , ne Dus + f SMe as Be 2 $a Ve Sa SR 5; | \dbuneug ! 42 apap May UA ogntayory 4
x VRE S ; <a ager Y PUMP UA PMD -\F NENIOS TY LIT TAIT prolapse svar NZVMTY ' Sf y:
= ; oe =a aah Bree Se inte & & ne aM eisagy / Pusqoy eer wv ere™ YSVHNO a at Ses
Cee Bag pape T nd re ees bee ONTH-OODKROSTVE | obi ups: ce aii. Ay ovine) ab a =
foqoyp~ py URL Y pai ESSE Sse f) ac ee p= ~ os - OUD 0 FIPS . s ne es ca he vUuiDvy
\ DULT{LT we poT a70}3 ao QUGUNT | anys () Ra > pmyog aig opp Birw,y } quae : “ . a
= ity oat \ “| mela pr pt “SOO KA Dp TV rsvaye | y pbhuva LY LD : OQUolrysy? a Br
LNA =e if } + | ome yy ss re ee. ar ours _ iy, big? ) Z } . ee y. at p> svh l-/ ° 3
a tS b> 7 ° ‘ ' FOE 4 LFS 5 PH tlle wiz RMIT x NAO eo! CK 20; “3 iv WH as \-! 3
PUMOATET ‘ ‘ “Gait al i ae ype eee | aqua! TH | ‘ \ hp adan on PAY a Wok | } = ee
oi Yt * 2 mT ‘ IY ih > A, PIRIP she t °o A ¥ 772 \ Biss YL ? pre a” ¥ “isa —. F 22A
5 . GAB ITY S OFEGI f AP loth CO. PIPER sie > DPUNGOY > “> ) exp ys? \ | YQ Sunt af
222gul f ‘ Ly, PERPTTNG i “aye v>- we Pe mt i s . ° bs — Ry, \ Weerg Reali it
ofungn. LDL ‘ nd ahrunangqs*; Yee aa ~ $ ipys Young 7 sow IYO Pir? é 2 : ar : << Sa
iad gap faeunyry rtchineky Sees (Oe fata Hane, =| PEWOIN SV appa A, IPR mare FO J
pec pans Dwg LINDL | lqpesounio 7 e ures 74 NOS ER . Se" i id SS SEs ( 7 “” Pe eo
Ee O-FUDULERSOD > 2. 2 WY me 7 Th, mn oe q Ju Op ung: ‘ eyriren it i yt [DA , \ = .
= x , i =2.-€ Tua B= 1} , nif bs . HaiByjor" 2 _ PZ Onq oy fy 7 uagnsy a Sap pay ex
> aS Sy of thas ww Poi PQUNYYO D~_ _ _ ai, 7 3 W OK Dh | | NJ ' ~ oy sR u By ; DE -
nag <\ SSS no ‘ Nise aut Cy on { navy Q < ‘ nea wi PIOM22T eobuag ty a ’ gree Gat ,
ppur Te BASS wk ered i \ ayeT \ i a a eg = sha — ¢ es Hani am mt ia iy A Sy PYRE Bo
ool] AOS Rranasoyg O°, Duy, Ye CLIN ky ¥ | P Pag TCA RS j INOUPM *\ Se Sone of Y Mo
/ RS? a9 Se Ding 2 bans raPypgrg* gq x ee opuapoyr Tong \ &y °S8Cy AQ aR | a 1Atas,
SERS QS ROU . <. oY { $ . . oppiqualf’ TORT tos : - f- ~“ \ a o> | Rory Saquuod, "2
RSS o\ BuU0d Sbhiscat fe eee : —— ° Tae, Lees Fe sya = “A hs 2} TBA ¢ ey DY 1 ik z
ODN HDISOS : ty EADY oo jon pqoyn gy Be TIsDP MOSIIC propg rit rac 3 ¢ a haa as oto
a a $ ney = rae Purye i eres or 4 wqumy TS~ PEDYILUT | PUOZUANT BAOT * _ oy ra AS
FINE SKA Pas hat ye re ARYLY ry. y sno BLLOQIAL A , . e seins gee : queda, = f : &
elnoy 2 SRST ae Be : & Sy 2 ES bs 2h oU Sp Ni diva}: 3. 4 tS OVE usp di mpyy tu =
ae: $e vik UTA TT AT UMNYOR SS SK an BX yonz f OM) ppopayos? sy : nye % A 4 CAG
ppy4 “A 7D 5 to ~~ 7 | “ zNsrDy q [2 ‘ 0A AS oo Ag POT) toate = £25 SS mpOT
Oninupgy JEM TT : 10g , | youn, ueny ¢ : a ie nemynAnyy § TET. ‘ Bes ’ riirkyey
Opus te MSY oS — — Se fons BY oe? " 7 ut LOTT oO : a ic alia pa FP nen Ss GUTS a ‘
+4 “SL oyord feo Ww ay? 57 sl 9859S sa 5 DSL : oO NY N) x A: --O4€ tf d 4 ees <a
BBs DEMO , SypE. retppabo- Rt asl ABUSING aes _-- } hs —~ One tts = a, PERS \ cee
iy 9 ~ Ps agape UNO T, / 3 at iad OUT, \ nOpey | ay se Fa eS LL ISS a To} A ‘ ~~ Pf
: 8 oO. . S SERA ‘ ie : Oe A ieaqon Re ne BAUS IK t aurkogt\— ait EIR end ir Pino
oSuesy Slee mee C , cits ~ | Aasoquearyte f Re . ~ Ty NALON x PORT T tN eg prin Po
DVL = Ig Ge 5 LOZ een 5 x uae oO :; : —pbruoyny yj ; t . ak Aton oS + —-* - ae As é
x nprvuypy “WAY PUAGUUHOs® ¥ f (repre go barter efedtire WT SN ari? : - if | ae iG
a Se \epuns UFTo 4S. ; ’ FE ORO . 70 qn Be EF ae =a PS EPPS Arian. Dg" “4 } Youpan®
~ ° su’? \ x { i ey NOpod ee Sl? ta Baer, Ne i 4 / si nt. \ co ok a in | Oquioso'T.
“i pe fam Col 5 EP «3s ae - SN Sp 7 =: ? Tot > oe ae 4 a a ee > . c : gr © a ; “9 /
| SSAs¥9 a Alt ea a j Ss he: ¢ fe ih Soy A) \ nyritzs: iy se opuaspMspr —. 1 py’
BATIQUTE? SX Spree Se \ensomypun s Ti Dov 4 oe Fe \¥ ga \ f > SS . ~ Le au = nik 4
Oyo uD Jo eG f | \S ; | dumag onioy or S = TUDEGURTON I: roxy: OFT} ‘ SH ah r ~ ey
Nene . or, er PPO PUOy ieiutings One pbup = cs re : | ' - n i =e A . a i ‘ “ :
PPIPE. TUE ef SS: 6 q re j : (oc / as ‘ al =a NVIVaar | SS SESS ‘ 4 B27 pi ig f
Ftorn.zy Pas “ ars Ragnar Ay wypuv_ NWS mubkunyy Tne ay ng / “8.12, og ai} ; ~ f :
—_— YW FLY iba y aay : . Wiss BEES be... oT Ban, C)i : { ; rr.) a —< ee af marie oe
e 2 - eS. SS = Crean EE DY2Q0% a os | . ‘ : Voi A N ic Bai STPH eae WLOS Y% eon? ai
Q swurpy ete acer ew muy ‘ DP UGNlT Lo Eee ee DSSPULAT ug ee or 7) ; hi Jy fae SPy
AD CCpmen | Fg rico a BSS : : Seca YT Doug : Sy Lcypmenyp ayy Q | | H aS wip eh yt
{ Biter g “ equar OGUrnisy “ Rite. 3 t 1 2 pA LSU pT FIQIELIY at ~ OOP 3 LS Fated
IMEI rN ws OSOTRM 2 “ es VadoON FZ Spynaucbon| SE , go N a TRO bie quis? \obhuta es
agtibieas ry VMOTOUT s | Ts y : : - rn 9 > FIOLTS S77 Tuo rips g p.- Mernaues Peds
We, * oe : 19%! . Kees ea > Ti RISO He OLIAAT ad (se ye 6 Be : oe -- ‘| : udorrr
WTI T ID, suse stirs : 2TIpre Si ate << rs LOMQDT oN nny ‘ f , SQN 2 add = 9 ee .
OA® : mw “ebuoqusc P 2}OF oy, opuemts.y : H = < \ 2 4 a “4 x | oo Pr acar pung \
=. oSS \ i IP apoy | ‘PSTD s ‘ Px. Suny en ss T2 | «iguanas. 3 PEIN) n Oo TOMY ht
=v : >ypat bone TA NORM, oanvuy av - ‘ carta hase if * \ i a i : ispquowmnagy ee
“>to M cad i : SSS Bi ., or x 490 eee Orne hed, oe % ; AHATWYS LIMpPOT—~ | 3m bay :
Puogge wl eons”. V7 OR . = “31 sa Rr ; u Y, ey paw ‘ fc 4: \ ti ene bans Ak sy ‘ ,
ap \ wnres 4 a 2 EIT wept oy PLOATD ae S AR \ einua Mi (oyohuny ®, Qe ry , appaty
oppn a wy Fe = ARSOES . ar epUurpy go Ruuvrsng| 2 myop viata or F rts To r 5 = iy
% opi | ‘ . \ iy ’ qe bigs oO jg! LNT OP PMR (eee Ly Je MOE, euOES mung T2G0R
a \. ; X 1 ie Py J, ’ si . —_—* . - ™ 5 " . 4 z ; . © ras wedhioics ad ey | >, % r
Wey, U cf ee O70 ‘ROP TB ae ¥ rs rf me . A desoy are a oy ee eon BES al aS ho HOM >
eres) \ \oryteg Leong Nos i 1? Ss iN ed Ox —4 Si Ny SRE opobessr S a r : + if : ’ ‘
: mI ES of! : oP EPR, , Se pop o ise, S ca kame fox Yoyo Pa at Her == Weal — 7,
LOGPOATOS: oe ae wats ae Si : sf? \ , Z ae Sec gi B90, \ e Sas => pf | | ; 6 t >
YUti @ laren ch : he > 2 ENR LOT ‘ i f geloy SSN a \\ * NS ae ES NT > \ Pues He ng
9 S; iN /O O a K ; ‘} | ¢ |} +See SS are Sk Nr FUVRVIN St eter pada eee fe aa aa i
ae wy © » A 2 de ; | & SSS SS rai bee a 1 ms CAT PET oe, : Cae. A SS : 2 z Y u z de
eT] edo, : 4 XS TSS ae 2 ‘ 1% mk 26 : Ay A x ; BN Po RNB ee eu Baers 1 | | I} “
yuDD, £S king : ae er woe ee = < xpiout ay img * Bae ee a Malan Z ; eae oe nerd af
a owing Run? ; wertipetl. | ia | . fog Meh —— NOS, re rae pt PEN << = y stedanl
Se } is ee Ts See f ; inion eonlt Pqumbgg >: : - 1] | | ‘ = OID EF = aes % YANO &
aqua], JS, 2 Ps / ANA. {| Hell oo lice a! | eee . ocr) ala 3 Coe eee sg (a | = a -
our: yf Cog SASF é ~\. : rfniy i at 4 Se a Se ula, a " | e 2 OPE eT 5" ee ; an yale
See aN : ae 7X eT J XY erqye a fi a wey j ’ | | ao AF, = « & DA : 3 Ore “ ° e 7S =
| || . Dpopr. PRE rr 5 ; Pea a" ak a | T ‘ i=: 2 R88 “ ) cl q © | [ea ——— ———— Gg
Oz¢ e an al o 7 et ote j cE (4 i TSH aaa -_ : (Y ) OF S) : . = = b Pr i} H : a : .
a — a | LN -— a ee — a a Al : ‘ y a = , = “4, : 7 vay Pp
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arr YysiAT ————+-— -— ; 5 wa ——{| S¢ 3” : & Piste. ted bi 9 ee ee ITNT os t , elas
“bencaqal og = “t get UOSLL ag rag Sane = Y 27, ali Te pT, Core ome <<" ~/ a sf ty
sourpeyy - uM OL SUD LY, Sa ae e Pastis foie =-yenartig & aR aye gray ' WOPIOy SEY,
Dart aap N é vx 0 al OOPRATEA D eda -eqaepres J : : 2 oN DR - , Bt i Pwd 2a usp : :
edoprie ds ioenuof ; 4 Pa OF oi waaey ses OF, Soa, | ¢ y age sl ni hase? ° ep ee }
Pa : R PLOY SS ce eee : . ur: oh cag » a ete f wi b pales aes = ; t) ak Yl Ory es
‘s Ty gee iu ED. i CM dudynvag- 2 a i id 63g = a } ' } ot Syeaysvg se a ‘ geet :
Penney jin yo ee (ens O.. -Bhai % = = ntisizs. ee Y: 4 yy 3 Ops} a8 Ye —._ La...
sugjor. eae RUPE seep S Tayo gma ptoancng % ey. esies rT aN i 2) are = : ‘oO = ~ r
etnyorted eth NM, had g 3 en =. aire ceckatiy ee: ones fl 0 N/4 I hk 04 d ic & d
hi, O2
no sich SO em une
“1s Se
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Gute Ss OPELIYD. enh é olaAOUD 5 toe Lerman) Si f : fn PIPL a ae IY Oe es p ae = ca
ee =e OM mn RT OLE OPAL, Big sono Dykes: bangs | come oS |
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: lt Ry207) 0.7 m0 =. yl FEET TIC) unopouPLig >.
On ss aaa : \ Se ? SHA iedgepeg, “ae 6 Sa sof pinoy | Mts Fon ant Anapuossunphdoe
Fequrare eS . ae 4 Speoringsus PO 7 tu ° PX re) 3 WZTONS ‘ "s Be ‘
oe v wotaev ities FED, *'g fF" ey Guay : 4 1 wROT OIA
} Ws
ewunany wep 4 \ eer & “or ay +. pueyT ¢ \yr Sibepnctum,z
WY Eira ry | ~
SSP cam, 7 SS . ‘ > 67a saobo fUNVIVAVNR OA HSI sy _ eee” oman, gobi | pens
pbs ISM IIT YT / 3 j Mae soy \. : Hy UILESISSO, \ fee Dow a Daryn ee L Banqc , Rs
ge * ies : “URE dooy stone aiy ae PCS _ AID oe age = T : Jatin Sem f/f puey sung
bef ome 1 ay Oy pe ae EERE: Cen Guay YIIT f 7 We bangsSacee Fy ay fF eT1S : ; a )
ee qranag £& Al rye ; spits 5 — laopsuvh ity &banglanfery < f x j 2 ees TPA
quarry . 8 4 + . > ff ry see ‘fF 20qvipy | | Se lt % 28 Di i BAD ee 3 0 DUIMYOAD,
oro £ i saoy : i \emanog : oS ts Breed = hic, z ete g | S \ sap ‘Se ae eL se yan i
te Vk huweng \ ! . Lag X VF sad y Lena, : i a Binguayeny be i bryymur; ;
{ Svsaquye. i} — : “ET at i ( & [ wen 6 ee Lise modunonr fo ee ‘ \ @ ta2usds ) a
bias “ 1 Sif we x ER “tz > TO IGT, : . : E i Se ht BSG nena) jf —papry > a BROS ats
Phiacts yo Vapruegqoody | == — == GZ = < UDOL } \ = > SN v iL 7 pfesrtuctiy > ,
Beyoosh } fe Uo onK : | pm oe Yi: = ae ss a f fo WOO? ¥ RAN ae SY 5f i ™~, o THOU f
xo OW VV Ns LV HUH \7 Pea sarge 3 h Sees | ae ey a ajorddato t vyr “Tt \ : ‘
SuswUIT 5 G, aan Tay EP TOMB ied. a. os FP ys! i TOW LV > ai UW all S | L qi i
* . \ . : i as : | 5 a WoT? qt S SOF “a / a 2) % x * Vi gvurmngog ‘ ~ meth 5 rqsuan
nd . Kae a) orf DTYINTo oFUrINnyY? 7] | jeottuxsoay eS ; ‘ == : 4 : j y 3 me ey y y
ny x j ; R SN “qyuonds mUu0y * : on \ sutncih Sy i ; \ ) os PITD, PY WF M YT V @
eee en mI) > | \ \ 0 = eto qu 3 = hs os ge ca oF ie : ; r caer Gather \ apoqgorey
ae ee ee cprerese-soo4 hy & / nl ee X 49) OS , | OT Ww ya VW "ll W hye ) sruDouy
Lot i at «fi oe y4pp « APH YOM pias wos. dey fe std zy \. ” ; } PY) \ v 4 Gucysoyus
be + rs E . ; 2 ¥ Jf sgroitbali y Ls 1M \HLO siaruddrys Nano, po & , : ADg $2 ADO 4
/ / | / ; = Cl
IO4O o, NS , qVslo"yy | Pogus > } vs a Lobos f ? , : i ynqoany A) ‘ A F = ree worgn
= oe nv = i ef e ‘ = : DLIFUDLE Food & engpyp ~~. ?_ 8 oe fy : ; Ri Pespesne : "Be
i ~ \ / we baad | Le <i
ea. met Se, a, parce > f= DLO EL LES TOPE > ee Bi vata ages a =] MW ae hn eae ee:
ee a le BO Lf= ‘ = aa | ee % —_—T 6D - ae ee ~ Seen Be fi s Sot == eee aoe / SPTEAE
- — = ) wa = fa 3 i “7 ros rear oe oi palates ~ PIL, ae = er DF oo} ta ‘ SN o> - ‘
ek = % P a : Dae ie. F2L2 IOP SP : Sse aSret ars ie . + > = * ot r PLP PL IAL, apd
ermine eee 2 On Le PCIE wneg erste. = : ats —— Ss es =. soe Fiabe Zz at a i © POP
ase eenr ts at : « ns. — _ K ol FROG TEE i FOL EF wom ee eT ere ieee — . \ NY a! gO
pare Binrire aw a NU TH ILwWwO pate taal " = = “ = SS t puaBuay inkl ; +1 IN«>) SIS
SOP ee a > Se LP OLAS -— ' $ ge \ ES ee ee EE pap lance a ag Soke 4 aloe ys ae /
yTHQULY ZV3 MWYAND sstow : Be UU fh. vsvfp Saas SS Yeazpespoub ss ai a \ sy AD i >
‘ae ee Sea ae ef x = ~ CHCATIEP LT ’ ‘e Oye / bi MO . ore L1Y Sf) : OTLLVIAT SS Oo
oe \ \ wees eo teers —— - <) ’ * ooysn O ce JW eowrvinnnh £ ens amore eeie 4 y, rep
' ne wh) a aM ex rn aATIMNAT ‘> s — = , Q : pe STLLY oe ah a ck ymin S$A ice yi (2)
~ —e all ~ roSunas J a | SSS ' , SS Byer oO in6ure Ses ang SS y ys Sf). wring...
aquioknn “TEED neue Xxpe : - : . E 1bn") gg OSS ee SS hey: 104 Tangy re, , 2097
PALIT 0 OFDLE or ee Keres saan ae a __ DOTpUNEN'T WS Th riod A ey ow, wee A TUL? &
ppSeie s ae : ted Lugo * bY ‘9 5. i ays | - . Crobo7 T ~. Bn Y gd N / piu FT ens S
nN ea F 3 : . 3 rae Ne of " . D/ \ : > fri i z = wa rT. memamap\ FPN} oft ke > eae
sont De f LON Seat <x oO. SN SIang ss ny NPE piay méniory = eS Zrsacuay >a : ! MIL}
ee fg vue us oye EMO] “ppt vw ~~ ¥ § 24 bunseisp "4 2 nGnbiry ¢ | 23 a S > . ' a ae
Y af y ere PYPTDS AB, 0 RIPTOTOT : OP UO UB YOTAT ie . | | eo niiuiog. STU : é OR
Lo = 49s ourequnne »Y ‘3 SS a ypunsor Bp oungslinky x i on" Pn -4 : SoD 226 => f
a . i, oe (a) | Pa) Ae oF a 4 t she DYDL , ho. =a ek *, ope UOT FH _oyanuonyy = aan
~ hy Pogue Pe oa: ee eg } ars wnt , : tan ; Saat es “> : PAT & ? Re ) oe BS ONLIO 5
foe <ALL NS WD eboquy “s 5W ca a) | 2S wien i 6 ae dye HE - fp ee a (arom P= 23 f ~
. Aap ox? = 2 on SS a DID js io : : 9 PUI ; ; = vA | / of 1 nf 7M. — DY 1aeeg Prgon
EAT A UvIG shaprusgetoted Lee > . wy 18k al at Sabet Peyote aT ; a . PESRT Y pata
Ltn Rep. “Yona Tas . SSE. -—" o” SERERRN 770 E “ovy 7 \ A 2aTAd “AT oN Dt) wie | pi
: on IMeW ginfog — muoysnqvipnqe \ ? oO & € BULOMY Moma. | ogre be ae ma on none va
ound ae, cy L *s, Y?, . us} we noone a : j 5 } asTs ve ; BRASS Cy; ( rs psprny !
Braryeiyy., Rd yay? ma pin . s “AL ak ° 728 ag nT LL STINT, TPUD LE, mem! > = = a=
fo DAGTY ) Se A a 27 . J Pwd : 2 = Onn IT pea sper HU yen > Revert DPA. nz WW OUTER
YD. Des “BIPYY nung ci} aAUD RIA it ok t 03 N : ; eee a rn ie PV OED MAT 9) ; 2 ?
Saw > tats an en ( OTRAS uy ye wah | {* Ry \ LTAT UR. 2 = a7 V9S8¢r Iguns ede | I
hast DUET. —— way”! ryypouUurEt ce { a un aS WUBZUDADY) o TL *Y ae f a pune ot
PSSST | iv WAS or ot | Wi Bak —— Wu bHUPIY>2 nS Sy ge “ ‘. Ors if wt Lio moat "OT
sc WN UU : ee eof %, "ny é | basdy ZONTAO wd wv IN. NIZA crak — ye on S YoqrTE NES
<i lA tank TA, ‘pe deo DR, ye 17 5 MO vy qu o> S |= AN WE T 5 hy £ — ca SN) Cor SPP
lel rade 2 ~;, 7 : = > | ifiuaiy : pay 7 RY a | po . onk nD ROOM \ wayty sim | Be
Rete 21D ro van \ eC rar role Jats $ OF 8 MEN LOAN = BQoy le bie ger AY | 5 nan
yste ) ie i iss fe haition ‘te aor ja obumpH See’ New wo $ oHgne UDISOLO S W WK 4 i
ier ae qd PELE = ‘ | py ot ie a e \ \ Pp) 5 2 WSs Sah sf o} x ‘ J : KUT, , i= \ Uy
SYN, TYPTYSOYUT a ~% SS ng S108 Ny Ee a Se rburwyy = ; 7 aS 4 ambmy ~ wee Oe ris
Rm) Ory. k H ff \ , f f &. PLO SASSER osuas ey v = ° oa arp “ WK ay ye. ary THePLLS
E I ad O L 28 pen ide. SN yn oy y Lak SARS = ha f = wSurge ‘. S i SERS SS st rE 7
nd Av oatorly nt SS wa a eee le r BUID ENT © . IUD t “a WY JS eS \. OUT 4 ngngnrgzr
| Sag *: MSTIS Hh eS of WEN = THA SG DRUDS -4 guru 1 — ti ‘\. ‘ Aan ? Epuyy © VS
nbnstn ey) TERRI as oe ee \ =) tf VF FF ope ee “ eC \ 3 ajo) pac By RESETS | FICK
oR PETER py TUN TRY VUIP| ae ne Bee a o SF OPEN ey, St Y hy aguiiney ss fz : a - oe
Pe: MS ; tS ee J WOYOY OY gre | | zr | 9 cr quinn SE Wa fe ; i> i 2 . 32 \ : ously
a ony ps ae Sh og y Ge bird, 9) Bry ERY SEEN Vy YP ‘ eTeTeqy, : 7 1} i o2 ea rT ,
wMOPAY : | g I y i) & fe S17Ufs DATE | AEE ite Gs al ex 2 TESTS } 3 1 Sy | age \
ate Nin WR ml Ben LI Dh lombucige Upuog Sh oben 1288 aS) AONIHO US | | C a . oi
>humn* 4 x \\ OObTTS S ray Be. TAT pe ' } i= § fa mph, “Til pss rang fe o aa
tebotehr rune { phiunzh i. moins 6 Z f | \ ) LIU SUD AT GU Z “cnt a Sy a europe“ Ge
re te = of og) ‘ rf sey j ‘ 4t ‘ ‘ 7 < } aL rN. ‘ , & e “we 3 T | wy , TPrUuLyy aun
Sas SS qu 0 ( (\ Tey y: , 7b | ofp me & & oe > us Tp ue, uv) Py, se Pottora Juba:
wee. re 4 pros a DULOPIY Ly ' “Sav Se ce Sina. , : Lo oe WS ‘a eS “WE , Sar zs
THuTIA g seemioas i WUNSULVA rerreynAartyy ‘A O Md = i git UTEMONT ay AD Ps € Cys.
= WDYO Due ‘HE ake v ~. ; TP OUDIADAMS YG iis : ( e ? § LF Rr wh PHOMOY NTT Wo 3
Sob wy ae JT FULOY, tow A fina BS ) Paoyry ood oh ow yNY.) oe Nol NCI ~ arabrpy \/
= : NGG: ouryrd| DLO f : | pipy ; PTA ~ ain u J ay eu aS al€ , TLIO NC pment o tage
Ta ees Be A. TC oa om : = = 2 DID Apu) > ' : ie FLLTS TERLIUT OFOLT Be SL eyrey
prey SSR —-- #) == qqeiay » PAZ OsSsTy YAP TUES If i onunyy S.LIG*] rey ATION Hy Of
Ss UOSULOYT, . EOIDTA % >: § as s > ‘ CAGES OMS i yO { DLT TIL : “SRS “aby, ay - d
DIWK™ UE free) 7 SOPN b aa? or ; hey % 4. ad ‘ gy “ } Sa , s e J : “ ¥ CLIT (,tUas
‘ei Re aos ) UL YT \ W Es Acta! \ eah Lieqe i —_ DAUD YY % ene a pun. abs ° LY 7aS\
5 °° A ps ae THOS 5 VAN <= POE, Sen A ‘ 1 SfOZUAMTY Pr ayo ee 4 > \ \ ; hi z Ne >
Ly) ne n Y por, ¢ pULOX PLL D $STUG : Ae vranwWwWN 7 OS VM } \ yriraun yw ff \ Al,
ey ys ns ae seruan as rhufolye ee TS Dy uoaey aq N 7 ascem jer < ¢ a OLE ARN M 3 f
182°] 2 F oe ! iS J / } ~~ »> i iF ; F ; . , cS é hv. as {i , . “ } S \ oft oe iin
1 yD HOGDIVE) % ry my 927 | \ ay oP [ / hy iS . i \ WOODS : 2 z Dag f Pom puny %
ouohuotngy u t a gtun 4 Yousay ! 272077 Zapper eK z \ RE 8. \ F a i fy ALD Lt som \
; < Dbite by? ropnyy Ec yore =a a8 PUY 0 ~ “runt , QUINT s ) { a» Xe. » 3 et x ?
‘at tte) a G “, 5 GPUS ULey i aaa ; 0979907 Ww Am OpUsOTeEW K os Opa re g/ ‘ tA Os
a ae PS PIUIUNT ee wk ate) ah. rutpeayney \ , feu nuoby ma a Kognr’] OS AO OOO ES —
~—- papUdLlredrs yz By "D STILE J Tm OF Meo 77 UY; aqQagrey , 2 ; ki | 7 9g y¥od i:
“4 Ss d tet SS S\N I‘ rt ale ee VW 2 NS ; ; : S Be h ’ --~ : \ om 7RT > f Onpetiryp
a- Ss =. .. SITE \ aa 295 ‘ A TTP / Bf. Lpuexeyy ' t se ¥ Se SKY : . os Py ae LF
POD bAy. i ts O I a ee wae IR . 5 Led) i ‘44) IDDYW o z on, Se re » ‘Nn — ‘at x ad
Zz ‘5 —~ | bn. Agung M MVOV A i DpNn40O[ ‘-~. 2PUIP ULC} = See LY : °°? 5 ‘, ,
STITT. & e[P 7: Se anal [' t AY cogVphiy Avasr7y) — > Oo we ) 7 ~ y ‘ ¥ f ON . ‘ ee
| aly TRULY J ‘ =a IS’ 0 . SINS L ALN : ; : ‘ ‘ a ares “7P ds ‘ TOS THN S “a on. 9
Tern] apn ° * / ¥ y W PLO PUP ° Ss — I ‘ 2MOPUo'] ' - eye YT SW: TES we TP fs, EN .
EX YF va au as By l—- 3 psy L / ¥ i CPaIzTEey, Ae | v, ed . 34] J ‘ ‘ Ae . abil ‘a
et ay LN ; LUDMG aT \ -! ae Fon - <0 <i 1 SIGT = sb Tt) UTS} Ls, AN Y OnE, : y - !
12.28 S iA f60. ee ; d or AO . Or U0, | G | et bog, upy Py a~, SESS aes! hares oe i
pqneyen, oy erat, Re SS ta" | ? ‘ 2b ° ~~ ‘ | SN : { x ’ \ / fd Pe ec 1s Ul : ” bs!
<5 1! = gnpPy PLlOK 7 / by’ gd bf vy 4 NIU? Ae ; = 20} 8 VLD % fol08 ir cel rayon
py x f SY BOLT Fy “Acie ‘ : ; SS f A WS As bs : TEL rege W \ GHW « MNGERES Le}
MOTOS r ye ~ — & ‘s o on7 = UDI yn e *o ISD hy : { Se B vl a a NE wa A 0 Oy @, # ws
bye7 e ip ON. AY Pe DYNN o ‘ ) woky Q || ; FOR 2) 4 : a WOLISD HY & nel jesanry,” ‘
e Ys i £ fiat Sr > & Riogiuboyppy t oa | >S>-" . supgot | | : of WiIO¢ td Fenasn
SSS es = < 4 , o j ‘ \ Hae | C yoyoH — = y | mr 7z. MOO > oun e spr mngentg TH oo
aey* =| ghimups ON OR PeVaMOy Aynbunbr, he wiryon — 1 | “ i uae! @ | es SSNS ‘ep oc
3 e ost” iS : erence ees: Sure BEER eh r Cw Ft. ant l= \ A piyernon N y yY ¥ 4 M &
UM ULAVT SS sd Sy. | ahaa. LOG THY ; yottne EGON BS § 4y" 3 foo na pdr mes 7. J )
(Pry yY yy - : MURA SSI x ? ay uf SV sprdt 7 : _ | | sé : | oS A vi 4 L ; ‘ ‘ NY
[we ok NS hia on ion { j . || wioyos OS9PM Re t 2 OPEL TH? so" S ESAS SS OTTAAT,
PAD vy July UBUD = WS . TIE? 1 oho? TPM () } i yD — | ei HONIAOUG SF wl Fe = (ain
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S) fe 2 OS Fe purpy PRO: t ~, € " = + en. i mt 7! ne : , iF ¥ ~ S ( af ?, yy .
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es ‘ 9 a ment uf } 3 i F A ~ — 2 \ ~~ 7 = Dal = AY ; ( BS Aria ns g TKS Ba re & We
#qabis ee / a a ot Ma a =~ vd i / © Noup \ Mo: Became iy ‘ iB | W Ag aT th R VI B
bk D PBlyde lev Twice oY Y G folopo ea Ui ~ 5s 7 Stolze atélslGaobis)s Jizlis ~~ os
: jeindsY | 1 < y L- - Py i A <6 | % ny yh a> _Upingtor fo | y | aS _ ig ON Ree ae
~ ’ We un bail ; Kerner ngisZrr Ve. , .. D\. y, fi | ‘A —7 ZS 61 Velloor Seat Dratt
; ‘oO if i, . ‘ x o4 1( adil AS AUTOS 5 - ‘ , gran? SS Wilgenhouts & A) SB | im S
Po e(Aluris ae — Y ¥,¢ Croat Drink Re / 42 ~ pA ore if | Fortean AmygamDos } Ketmog
zy o Mitsan * : i ed 1} Sand Fm \ Hah i gP” jee acne shop Is a > 4: ae f aes | 2, |
Se r @ x 4 wi gon > » — . 5 fe ‘ " | | °Arus bes ite — “B psp 5 / Y MG Rie i AL, |
I Wous Sp Rakamas->\ Phi Wee. st; Foreper DS ff : EN A | ‘—— eM Ford i Gee res
jl \. CF 2 fA $ SJ Prdoen yore De ait! | a 4 mn Feed | See A) tet) Drauss 1 N\A ft
@ ie | | | a | y ( “ 7 ah » Schimm el Ke pg arr de ink Te Wire ey iy, sO Le i ia |
Dabenoris Me : Voge struts oN Gitt Gg, “i SAX is 12 th. “ue | be Heaps? Wi 1 1 : d
ittle Pe i . : >. ss SN Beeg ; Ki nuk Al \ A? Ae ot be ge | 29g | } tau OO, “7 \ 4
wns ay X — ‘ y > oe \ XK \ Aew ert Indiv ° te , : orn / aa | . 7 + 4 <—— ——a Z es
>< ie epee A6 a — j SE , EE \ ¢ F gual LT 1 til 6. eee I Lig Pe Rash M27 & a oe |
Zwart X \ cory Vere rae SQ CLE pa SOOT i. LL Vie | | Koi sabes > x f i ~ a ag Ge
mae ees iY \ SS bod i | f i“ y 4 a C4 read ¥ ; a ow oe Gir Koegrohe Lb — eT re |
Naral , po GS tee. PS ae Ss er Ww TaD Leg Vs oh Se Koy 4 | lie 4 Bis ne a f |
heronsville | Bry paady— \ ii ert ee » Og. ayy "WA \( | It L ? , | \e } Ku ic um?’
f fe Yas a4 RY ti XY 4 Ba K, be, ¥ihrass b ah d , Kigyps Koppie— NS MG uns Berg’ |
s y, Gas eo rae Putgbniler Water / a ale amar 5Di Be ti ¢ {* q Poe j fog Val ‘ j=
Pranies Poort “iKenkia rdt i WOK mash ff “Pe CY din Pn ) | a x \ ar AN BY, eae a
wen was? ala HW NY Kew a 8 UA +o. / Paeghioguder ( \% || | } , 1B ‘a \g A Tm. a ai
1, a net d 76 J “Tate. ez TR Bread 10 8C. obs Mary Tale » Mh cay | 5) NeWindhnek
Mine Brobis Fonteinse\ : 4 } ff j ‘aIpe sy CBr: % P gh Rn | Arabi \ / ~ ay’ ad : ¥,
x } “J 1 ‘ K \ i / 4 Geel Vlag@ 8 ee a \ . pl jondyndia bE ie % P X A ety Kop ae f
y [Wee Kolks : Kojer Uh ff / OZ, \ , Ke Ooki® ee oA A niko Vl ye \ f - B arg Marder
Puts T C a Look f [aon ep £ 2a J i ; Ar Bb } / fp Vise Senaalin 1 j | iz, \ ; egas
PAGE rae j oerento czy Po ‘es LUm® | ne See / Kingcttboschvieis Hea) Wise & Well
Tygers Halk Kotk Yee, Dy \ 8 me Ot : | A Wg oum . : L yl \y } 4. lo Dri, : ‘ . } ww
TE X if si Vs ee EEE ED fe af 4 Zs faeces mahagecamnaaneneh % / / Af ; Z De Bosch
Bulten/ \ a. Los SR | jd 5 a IK Lip <N.End s Sec tar i bn I “tn sieges f f 4 egg: s
Se y BS % é ] A tg ) ; : Ke ys ith } 8 ry | +n [pte fh Ge fn. || Mee apy INS i/ Lf
tyZ3 , ? a | b. Ar oegas hin. “6 @ ff ; f Bed , y Pan, J} \ | Ayn eit | f / j iy *
‘ / . 4 4 A 7 : is} : / iy Ye & Y ; P R I BE S > fe | 1} _at Viet j / } A j a ’ WA
B ceed Fy) y { cad — ; é ~Y = 4 2 ’ } ; : g 4 AA” % f TOO i erg / fh / PT , NO te |
| 1 C he f Wistieps Puts; } If %y \ ff ; yy, ae ore ~~ / i ff “Pro Y Boschjesmans
yp Sang “ iL yo vee (= Armiibis : Boschlpis a F / w, e ‘ » ia , Vloer~ ypEP Ver
neuk fe Stpant ™. a) y A / Berg ; it p f F ! ba XX Kan 5 Pose febqis Z ee e a Te pe
iy Benin iit if; “ES . f 2, i 7 Blo. ae 90 ib" Lee fan ee aS PLT sal? KE ; 1 6
wilban vor cap N “a, j of Nabap fan y y 4 \ iL sheers aOsF r Fa are LF en 4 : ? e
ars a e \/ ORE ES * loge a iscitasmnivamctpatte f TAA f ? a a EAN ; My " ; vad
wartiop | ¢ ees Koy” | aLoer Aop f Dolhift.2 = | } ppwesdoyp Woruby? ~ Pof Adder. i
' Hones /Dudiggas g A Q 4 / , Sig Hol aa Ps a: ee Re SNe Naauwte “s j \J ‘Beer } ~
es, Pan ¢ f Pon ny pee th bate, ee 4 LY, GP a Ol e Vip Lif fA ‘Omapdiat Vie \ Ve 1%
4 re . op BY a + ifaRnts LF pe tie et. V4 eL amie sl Sand Vlei He x P. pv pe: I
3200%, -% ye o ‘ iy ff » Se tle ined moot - J} fet :, fie Pi onteuy pe LY ' (Bie rs
oe Saltfontein / ple Se Lo Z 4} wet x fi Pmlcate Doorns KR ¥ PSY GP? % oy 4 \4 Be \
j yo 9 ‘ ad, 4 7 age ~ mae ss 4 Sey ' + 8 / CS eet oe es ee oliries Kk / | joie
fesort? te, ee VWamiles Secta % | Alewyn's»fonteit By Confmaxsione ROA ‘ : j b= $
ie Verkeerde . ole j “Groot Dogen Ke a Pgh | . mes | e xX a & i> be % Abi ud ¢ Puts
_ reer de ‘Y ar? i Bethel e | Begg > SIAL Zo, \ 4 Kapiti eas Salt Par 28QO y / 4
Har tags oe K : Berg |. A”. YF w ia} eg s: Ni } s an ff > Z oD A ee | \ P| ; wun)
Ae ‘te ps ; tas,“ Nubep ps. A wie loot | I i AOE _Br b A I Dik Doorns Bros Pan et
Kop van Wks V2 éL 6 op f oi RA \3 le ie Gee 4 f : f S| ands al 4/ j ; | Modd Pe :\
| 2 St \ =. i By IS. Gr ; i ses foe Wp Hot: 7 C @ ra \ ba bpp Ge Gems er Fonte re
igi (Coil en Ae 4 V4 Lig 4 La \ Groen / A AT Z Vloeny : Jf ip A SD ee 4 Hulk
FPonteins ; AN | en | + Nad a Gi / Sige Y Y Z VWioler Berg fi | © % . me ¢ Wren W
ies Veil Leenake i | Li \ yyer.Looy | I ps Oi/ . ATH AG * > Patnaed Nh — | / ; /
Ma) Ne Oubosch ebPoorns , 2 eR Hf Otter Pao ; By ep 830) (sAaTLeS 2 \ Bt; + j / j
NL. Kit 2\ 8 \éter Les th (i Tank none KL ) q L ans ys, | %S ' } gf CTR NRA Kolk* f
a $3300 % 5 a io ee Da 8 t—/ \ ~ e 5 ve & ‘e : j es. if 4 4 oD eT r mM, sal Vp. is
a | Ai ~ & “ee 2 O71 Be se “Root Vag L Viet ) Vie, 5 * ( Sone por nell CA R N dX Ri
V0 N o Bron é XS aK ae \7 TN pts & ~ i Sasa Ae f \ bees \ Ber? mt re 4B 4 = a Berg
lawnon PB SY ee ¢ B/ x | lead progr Ht 4 fH Noms ay 7 : be T IB s : Y B\\ & yb
Viben” tie (i % 1 coups huils o pee i Me SP” zi Ce, Z ¢ G* Ku ae Tis aes oe ; fd |
Zand Kops The “f # oe Droog \ J PRS Spr geal GR ire Vi hy howe or 7 Ban. a A/S ¢
Wind. Hoeksy e Ry Jig: /sAaseo’ \ , D Drift Dre ve Fock POOLE ‘ Vg Z ‘> ' ~ ji
“Middes ie | Yi iw eo River / Ltiet Poor t4 } \ ‘ Lop | Me halle a pou Yy Lo Ko me
Hout Ber. 8 BN ge 2A. ae % [hMe ¢ Ip It N ” fae x Ske . | Aloek Van Spruit F
Baier \ a. 7." { e) Mae 1/ 8 a0 te i : Z > é 2 pe f H \ Ww EBS | ml | ( & + &
Loerie os Ba tem ow Re Spive Bi Yontelbosch4 LA Sy \ Jalchals Foren ood de ion mm >
& foe J \ fost foci * Lonteit ff] lf oy my Sy lV \\ Bitter Ponteim / ‘a ig nteate
bg ‘Sokgen rs Kotk. x \ \ sh adh: agh. \ [Tipo sry ae drref 4 tPPaarcte Bog” | Y |,
\ lo a aE va mee <f ‘ aS Gee | 77.3 is “| f a ZL Cc \ fa = ~ tot “ Dt phar a, eebs
y ¥ fic be a e- ¥ ° Nie ume Hyst Ny SMiddel Baal [ Ad } ‘ We co he o ae mea 7 sg. —
f > +4 for | Bee VOD a fers e Kraak» pop ws . Yarree \ Z ot Looer s 2, fh 4 ; -
Speen gy —— 5 ES 2p sel +7), } \AAarres Bdtereld Ber y 4 p, ie te Poort| a7s9 ff 2
i / Segrpions wt Blagow Hirata lA ts. | » < V| Gj Na Bers e764) | bs 8 : ¢ A a NG
fi, Ne ae a r \ ‘% fi 4 ¢ vay ys Drift é Cecio Fontein a © , e #3.) (<4 A oe By di,
yi 5 Ae SK Pup a \* 22/)0 Pear WER , sp: ZoutR iNAN/ REY S D O RP = \ OTTERS ae |
Hoy iz 7a A ; X, ieDnitt L. U L I s x 0 By : Hie ce Ce Oh, A C sa0e 7 o/ us Pourt
mo Wengen, f %, / ce \ { Ze .< . \ os fn : ; \ oh } x% % mH .\ 7 a . DEE \ mt ON |
va Th ; | \S ~ & S ro WH Weris Rivier f LA Libey, Gr. Tovey Ber: a GP | ‘Kove Sos —
ta ; Le, ase Spigen. ferg Ie (a b98 a og \. Eiveckiie~ aN ba “eS gor aS ee Mi D et
feet ea Mane o, , ana \ 2 ahs Ber ee ey” redn “ccind \eos . 7 ES ee a) i: fearing
N55 2% \4 » ie i pried Berg, %, ee oh ¥1 C TOR Ya) pee hi I y Hers a: iy” i Ps an +
A 4% Z Lo’ Ne ; ‘ond i «> ee, Specitnilf yt Pt SI ‘ i Py aa fate “i> Gs it aa eH |
ke jing H 2 ———— os . Cie, vi > Ve ~ on L& vy a | AN d : i) K. Var = i FS BF in %
fer sKloof | 4260 Os | Pie | \ . :, CE Ue ent Ql 4 ipsa LP oss 7S Poor g. ‘Spit x
Bp i 0 eos Ge p Poon, oor 5 ia By Vs 9 | \ i= Hai hi . oes f ; a ( Vasa eg tee La
Kegon e: < Rf 82, 5 Dri Or ee Yb GOES ; ~ Aaa | cure P? Jane Rhyns Dorp te CF 4 Be
| _* s J : Uo 7p i yy As a: a ( Loxton ]~Meteon Wold ¢ ea 9 Te) is sy (misgting
Koyh T Be | Nar if | (Bergen Be, AS , Ma —_— “thi aN Ae aa] © aii Dal < IS § &; } 1
Be! X \y 2 ery a by 2 ee \eee ay } Olifants B ig ste S| SEB fi, % ~ J" eee f GN
Paget.) X Spitz Ko ? 1 : x Be boes B a “CKilaver % iP ge Vaal /Fonteiny | B. A B22
Lie OR 7 mae R A S E RB BU Re 6 Shang Ponte ) bs ¥ } 1 % t ~ he / #4 >, \ “A Ai l —
~— 3 WeosNinl s ae. pa * % a Be. A Rip a | Far Of) ee ow hig Ue, Fame Quatiga s
Kop) Le ~~ p—, | ) f He Thorn Bay ‘ ia A Af yO Ry Yi 2 oe” {* ge Ze ™. a= . SL i Ze
Ps ip j et L ie 4 ig ; | 2, Pha ek ~ 7 hoe) + — -, sole Z . AY OO tl » Z 4+ K /
Wagenaars } : / OR € =) | ; oY WAs* a a cmcaninn, S \R : a 4 ¢ nek = Rs f Ny £ \
Kraal}' } | S\ lands \ Oo” Na et ? ; Pe ms bt // . ¢ Good < bans in ets) fe “| eB
ji <2 Donkins Bay ergo a sfoeant ye & E ] ts AY ge 3 ££ v3 @ Deilde % f ost o B mn
— = f b, ) Hoppe is f “poner Sy Kl ae 0 Pa 32 |-_———— =a ootie le Denar Po | nes
esq eDoornboseh \ id. Sen Frakerbyrg | Platt ‘omtein. 0: D, ff ere | oe 32 “C@ -— =
ee Ram uaggas Torte % ‘ /6r dat ath? pa ~ —_—— » \ 4500) pommel jal ee 6a one in 2
wt) Lamberts Bay $reg; \ Midde Draitio one Gai 9 2 Z aes ade a GRY, Bee. Sais 7 ' i
LM ~ Steen Kiang P o0T* t RY gor" : % Yt | Van. Putter oA 9 Arig eur: s LRogyeye 1a
te Y ‘ Lal . Magic sKloot 9 ) pe ie ; Ca dia A rant \ ‘ is Lf 4 \4 , ¥ Pm Vola. J y
| e NEL ei \ > SS \ ae 7 4 d f 6276 a t j ; <d 4 “ s ipper Luipérs\Hop > ge oe I |
pl | = ae fn aa \ J pion 7 gt Ve tC aN, FRR \ . aN ty = = 598) \y t (Vogel Valle GB
ef J 40 ‘ ay Qi) Z ‘Let “ Door. Hoek 6270 3 i y lands- Lh gn a ~—— rd 4 © : Si LO
iyi, ¥ : u Hoek i be 10, tuo Pato OS & } Suehenl 4 iene ) { Buln 2792 A : / - ah
{ Piers eee oy g * wore F tet ¢ | Pé dicen APA UL x ee LC e was Berg e thie
Taiiggia ae ma e S 477 eAlpnd Li fo } ‘ uy. sige 3 “a : 3 pulr + 45S ae e ting \ |
é 2. Be Le i ‘ \ Tie rhe is pher gs ex g 2, ea &)\ 2ehl I res Riy ? e)| : aah pant
al es ee ALAND —y-foiprast FB E AS ff Pee aia) . I ee Moddersa. & Z f f f y | | % \
% i See \ - 14% bg Mie - “Leg binny:
nd t - Ve 4 WE 8 (T a) Stop pa 4 # okortein es, Kf . / \\ Ronday J, \o * %& os Y s
Wigs ay oe a Fanteun yetjas bosch, LS tombaards Kraal\ i Ae, dongans S Martins 7p
at Re) SS 4 fs, | ele) Ko \ RSG ° ty | “ey VJ ey), 220 ae T i SS re 2 Hel o™~ Cp
eae A SY = A eae Te, LAG IY 4 Oe q Pe t , Mpgemmed’ Picken? i: rol SS y : is
seiabors © itn / So HEetr S * be vane Bye Bh og ati A Cee & “tip, ta a | Steenberg
fale poe y\ a) col Watt ak Pn) SEN \ fea Af Oe PW he Ny | ne \ st . \ y,, ui i ; /.
" BN \f it 1 Wie . ff Columbiru £1ou . BE me) A ’ Bole sheV: b V/ hh. lee \ eer OA
eee 4 DA hal i ri Ay y R. RY 4 Pix Hep: \ eat 4B ke Pr os i Pte Ong eles RR. f 9 ny
¥ ae Fre bu: ‘_) ye 248) % en ar . ; Dunit Pi oy 95 cys 2% a) “ih [ | Wass sist
Er / y i. 3 V7) \ fioad Stay 74 S “ : Amos ’ i aaa, 4 i ' . <Dams Lat Z Lg Bm . |
Zwarty,<f 4 } CTRe Ve Vilhe~ Pot 1 oe edjes ie * é S 1%) fe ss" Stor” i J Ki 33 =
_Ho eS OS RX) . i. - ] al ¢ fe § “Ee. Beg es OG Splreewy BX i by PLA Yes, 3... Me :
N { / I} 4 ; j ‘ rig eZ \ Bins 300 Z 7 Tr t+ / ~ oh UN i Saldanha Bay, +9 KLange
bagi. Hogesiela / wih s oy - er x» eae fe DANGER SRG 4 ~— 20 GA ES (L_ We a Be ey 7
a oe note =< a al Bridgetown, Z Winkes Jk on f e yy) SP ret Sy xG ha yer ail Sta }
y wes {) z nadia , Gamge Krad Sy ae fs 6818 2) (rat me Fontein’ } I J iA o ey §
Wrlkee : se 1 am °P R } N % 7 at 5 B 12; R ke 5 “ey ie SGD LAS Loo | Ut Kp, abe)
ethene \ 5 : | Se ‘Vo Pikes = WY Tiler Praall Moarre! “shoes ULBAS : ~~ oe 1 is \
i: ie konto re a ae = 540 Groot Fontem Sta. \e aes *Byue Kop >» } & ) M A ME ~ BYU
RY “LT ult tk aW¥IAaLs erg ¥ Ci XC 2955 $5 im I ¥\ = “ ep it { : Tulbaghi g .
OnStipb le, eee = cateacaaatl Lihy 3 OUT \} oS 2220 . ince Alber f | Sas Ped Dari _
" a ee ith we oo as Alf pears gg eee ‘Sh c po F200, Bi esioacter Elands Kloot 7 ,
Sf 6) ATbere— 7 ame cer nee : Jarl ny Ata ‘ | } | et = [ | | = & 376 BER erect - ek
Kastyel. Paes River ME x aN F Tous Ri Sta. -” intel BOP 6 n ; Seven Week. 9 Porte a
i DagsenL® Li Ho. SS A laine shanty |e es a a A ersire Tair 337 i... bat ¥ ; - Be
Vobse ley ¢ B93 4 asa saiee oo ppooneesagen™ le uh YSB2 | RAermon (hy as XP / {Eras
mode " ‘ , ; f j i ty S % \; Psbbotydi WELLE : S if =Biy 0 Pope 7 5a a, _ “shaggy 2
oe / g donc ini , — Pieledoh rg n2q Mh Wwfalan INS aides a ais AS Tous I fsmeth,
Pots Van BaingKloot Vybaudini i Bron Berg ~~ f >> y \We eljinston 04 PASS ie vu at
| bee ee _ ~ Mtph ‘ oy) Yitphiog yal Hess ebssonvill : 2 ogeter eats \Brakke
Fopteia 4 I j; if» Fun ps + ine rope. ATI y PR f ~ SR in 00 One rea. : tna” j 7
Ockerts 44892 ° Mpver-\ ugueritly “Braniie = any Vlei MIO * Kiss ht Bs Aran ‘a —-
Berg. wach? — oo) ~ TW Wa ter Beng : ; Hine LN Ne Type: ony Uf 7 } Ny)
5 = Koel 1S ( v4 Pp as bendy tH A Ve ‘a fe.
tsville \ Me
Orok ‘es :
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K tr if F-Robinsronst
= Ruyter poet | \
EY Ga a erp stgdale \ ‘pl giana eae <
| | | 8 Ope nat Vi { 4: . fe : te un Mid 34 |__| "ted Tears ics ae coal Hout Bay
Siiilucp herds ip 7 WE ee Fi aa De “Ss = ; a set 8 dale 7 JMOSSELY Be 3 hao B |
Slang Kop P* i pi Bay “Seal. L. on — hers nt Pe sheartinia Cloiyitz aie ee = q Ee :
a t “F a1 s nity Y, Ager paler = { R iV R SD ALE ate bis na 8 5 Se 3 a t Olifants P
B ay == 3 § , a \ fo Gopi Wogel I Gir" Sok ; ae = ‘ === o (oss WL — Heda \ 2 C ae
=.) Se Se a> Sk : S, 5 axe RD Poe Tea tA
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~ ul Phe Z > a Ho. Jor epia Te caaatags QMahgiie Mem “Alin quergque, | / IPT y
sstle Rocky 4 . . V VA Wichita Palls Y Red Ry /¥4 Worth, Dallas 4
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Proz = idence
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\ if iF ws OAS DNA OS®. rm r ee ° Not \ cw . 10Y5 , iy > \ pe, po ‘ *\ Pr LAS art
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‘Seton ia ey Manitut,
=v mel. © at. 4 Stracha w~\ Parent MI PA eA —o :
CBB EES NEES ; = so rok ee i= % ‘> Wvkes” ar sire yinor AA Ba Taye | : aah. Léthe|
Lie di ae oP Son ie i 7 Ferqu son Nt | Lane A Shag or Mh : z E. a wehant f ) / }
aE, 2 | i ae Hinze Veo eg v Re Vy &. @ oguors Cla
Sn al
| : T° Uy; : : : “6 sat :
shaming A 9
veh iy Marie & a? ies 8 i A : oe é
ee anf “ a6. ( 4 OE
(Lake du boa ey Les
V thar. Stanto; » \ |
| :
ari Ten -
D4 ver
a th owen Siber. Z-\ War Saw acd, : Raa ISE © f Eohin int { _ Punk: Pie KR
Me ae ‘dys Me
ase! aN | pre CTA 4al, AX
—~t y A Kean 1a Shebehe 7 a5 = ay 1 hy a
Mex\s Mord Her > Cramba fo
psie G ee
eServouw” | Sap
hs) red Vee Rf oy woeken? o' Ne On ./ Bawha R FL.
{Glov er of a Wz ombiideen oth > the as sky pi A Testi
7 ) Herklme ae, f Johnston L cake Hi,
=< 64) I Q es iakeer Gk ae ittle — : B a > y Ss BY) ti) per: Lae bij 2 SS “lhe Wa n
Ly 1 SBermuujton RBM |. jag SUtts | of, hirora? ? “Plain Sh 1S: ghur bein Ashi
Lackawpbi> 3 ae > eS) i 74 dams , a A) erstown,, ’ : — } Wa. * vil roy | & he a a
ke’ hy ats
ian mi Hy CobkeFkiil/ Alba ar * Hey v | iS , AS . ; Ala) : i inca Jeo pyri i |
te A tt posal 4 Water EF
5 PR Beacope | Ss 7 seh) Darubtiayy op
Pechhilt] Arto ri © ee Oy, RPT Seranton, — ae esi 5 ims =f “a Sad >) ] EES star
pHing £5, e $7 % Didi $ Bek Have oy Lo G Naniie S Files Bi arretra lary ia : es "2
ete = tte ae ad ee nee Milta iz ° <1) . : > ss Ke ‘ Ce vo ~ ee me A a o Lo
'/> By 2h Nees Lh he
wy ae N) os 0 | . P
e¢ JC
“~ 8a ae. \ a ce
< x afte Ni wre
‘y aN A lis santos ,
“ rt Gabbro amnion Fa - “4 ~~ ; <3 ; , — hes, Goose”: = ‘ = fa! } P34 \ | : S Ok
aaa ss "4 Y Muskrat Fall \ ak \, Wim » keap aut v ; Mus q
2 _ \, “
' eXe i, ee Ae NX ( a
ke Pienty’| ie nin am on - RK s RR AX it | MU re F -@) i li A B j
c oad ras rH Aes (ey phuarapt L. ~ wiry ne Attikonak™, : . ; Riese ff, ‘ght of Lang
Y) Wa tipebaabee, -Z | Seal 1? | 2 a | eMranklin RAs ; obi } C ica? Wee 2 ‘ , “\
Roc “fear Ste or Safe dient Pong ] larg, |
Sut / | | == |
Li | Oy
Spprniiag ” wp.
~0le® >. = ’
Phestax!) ees tc auth OF — WN 7 |
ao \ . p Ameshagrgianpton ! ag Ter 7-3 4 A
© ttevenkil 7% 490.» Y re a
it alan Nas aS a = ) galitee-- A 4 =F i octieg poaehuas am in ra Bic / : r + : ==
add ©: z = iS | | : Yt Se 4 yer % }C.Ann MAIN oD Boston... = ; Es a Gloucester SS
oss Mas = p= 48 |
aise ee
= ae Bay C. Cod.
a PN i. tee = SSS SS a Ph mouth
$chptham |
ys ods Hole. | ! : D7 Nant. Sound /
ao ary stb 2
dgar town
\ AY ry { & ) aa s \ p \ pa \ ~ \ & be i > ak B 3 \ } ‘ t ‘) "Be S\ {fa-he ) So fey
§ ) Matimolei Sb a3 ss ni! . = \/ i Oa ee 5 ey \ x ws, Go ¥ \ & <¢ \ i L } ( ~ =) f
: >=) re) < 4 a - aif Is &+ Vb Bes Sf ha st 2, ° ; Pr x —.. : > \ Li. 4 ey fOr \
Manitou ( Ag eS. 0 | 3)\F uskwaro d S) yest } ef y Vimer S* 5) ipieed eA ¢: ay \ Lm
\ \ . i pe ’ .gtyary LE =~? } \ f toT »- Ps = Fa S \ Me a =\) Mes pyL-Va ee aa. \e.
? .% a As = : Q \ . = = I. 5 J \ a \e MESS TAU psy \ \ SB: inte 4 ey Wapiage™ ; ’
ge Be “es ~ «) Vad 4. i ee, Vhevge, 4 S 2 Ss 2 GD, = 5 2 A Qeve: &s “ x == PO LZ.
5. % N ar [* ary “hy, facashkova! “ee ss : , : : = = — Pe, pe ling “ea ; 2 \_-— 4
of : ey = thas Rabast C an adian p 2 ty ta; “ West P! ——— 7 o
tyecatie \b
} 2. ee | Gilbet | (a 4 1 sex, " A“) ae 4 ea) a at gt hs " : : 1} xX ro We -*g\ |
Yu \ Q\ | \ ea >. | Oe \ aN \ iY ) ’, 2 ep lOVes L| - S| ye ily /L hy y x ; Gree au
? 4 Bilane* ? Shikert ikea B.
C. -Mecatina e:
— Portland Co.
Santly B,
gt paul Bx
= NI
C. 5tG aed (»
Mal B.
pe perolle4
pt Rich
ais . oe = B Le \ Bear B- sy R. of [slands 3° — RB. = 1}. onr"“k. —a \ nt Pt — \ ;
7LE — \s au," [' + Brook bs s - av TOS Po ee San ay 307 Port au Poy, e - a Ca le
pla sie * 25 dy B = Be z SP de Monts us ints Spt QY , f; : C.S Nicholas : a Fame mh
= Long ne i ae ; a {<2;,_ est fee ie I pt C.Chat fii :.< — / ‘ ; thuag a4 - . 3 3
yet? } ee == Mt y : fan A v , = Ags AT APB ay ¥ = ; Ee wnkte Cc Rostet ‘. Px = Re
ad I. 1 - of, sf re! ss f : EQ Fonacinky L. | , ee 7 Outarde B. cant 40, S96 ee ;
ts ’ Gaspé ee see . etZeorde ; eA _iMatane a ‘¢ “Mt tL Si m f ( : as Sp e bee eee
hee ees O F fas § f a= a og Gaspeste Dinuglastow Caspe B. ==: L| F ; es rch aN =
is leris au : “Pr ar ik) bake e wn insu la Mal \B. ; G& = = =4 S* G == Moncouche L.
’ 2 Piuetis Pe, pp a everett’ a4 em n & ear _* Mong M E oi : ° %.. x Ker *“Bonave {
Te Vite: as AP t tay € ex , Se E Les r , p ) OAs = Ad “ame Sa SO Fath ‘ vc in ED Y
Pay a be = cS é CE GET al Br Hants = 8 fs A ‘ Ss Coe a end eae” i } > Ee N ( ls _"
% = t } ea = . 7 j i - = a 3 x wen ee goty the... aie sours : Y 8 4 aie HK ; Ainquh
© Causapecal a fewport } T ] A W IX —————— > prnguillé a vAiion - 2 = 4 is = tis
‘ \ Vets rk hmorl x w4 Daniel S : f = ~ yp By *, “st thie nN WV hes ’ ‘ tom, ae /
plan ; = —_ ; = Rock = (0% Ire. tags eat NG Ta russe = St Simons : - Li spebiac
————SSS pure* flenre x se Pot 's Pistolee 3 ae ee hi Cros Point, 4 ab afhousie = %
Fen Carte ste Mi scog Prion Le = ck ay . é \ / f i ; : if ——— ——> TTI ™— Za .: . <
C ‘ + . ann ee 2 oe BOVE 9K seep we ag mye = a) Shippigan |. prin 1. oo 088 ot =.
NS iS % ~ if rs = ee “my a Weis a b , ci * ~ . {? r% Len OPP Vivien ¢ cud oa i a
unt ft if Sy bippigtth Ma ads alle aff de porter /P f } % StS TRON: tay oe ents oy
Oa te wat B, ge eh \ Ta Anan i hs Poke PTLOUL he | Uf. : hi 1. “sy = - eter bis
code L *, ; ™ Paory ey): |! 4irtg ft ws, e R of: as v : one J § <? a ae - Lf patie
Sy) 4 3 7 . $ Akedghites e. “Scheel oth Tracadie Grindstom 1 = gs Paul I ane, >
Ee : otred) SS “6 \ ve = : is n ? o StL a e:: y, ~ du ie ae a 8 Sh rane tor \
Glouce st / ertage Riv. sot I ed’ Nort h é a db va Jogqug a, i iinmorgg:, enar
Amhers ~ ©. NOT} A OTE? — a , Ah ee Canis i 2B ' J ; ni Pad Ge, % SS : phealindy
Seren T i ha oF potas” xi B | isp) I ey j ; hy StH we, =~ ras i 2 R ‘ea ne 1 a miié
Pe yt ¢ r: = ry 4 AP) Ae § ae = he NW Leonard / sad S nt ad oir Se N or th Pp: ’ ,
wa ; oa ORE gf a d r Qu Buren s 2 W en ' : Se = : = = “I a W (Isteb > va 4 one x Wd
id Falls of ; i r C aip e Dre i ain” 3 sO | XS i : : Y a 3 N Time stond aa f Ae Ree
ee ity ah. o DD: | «La nd fog Ads Y Mar thou 1) Hii: std ae ran wake ous Ms nN ‘ A
ATOG Me by sacs es ey + eo ¥) ‘43 Perth, 2 ant Blah co eg Rast ont Syd ie Bay ‘
{ Ly Wed * ? & 7 } aw aN DeaktowZ, PAs 2; - al et, B eC RAS ‘Mor wh rai PSplane 2 4
<i (3 | Kent“. te “\./ age! 4 é a ue sql od \ ibs om OA chi Lot shee * mi 4 * ZA :
wri “J : "Ss; z NY ~~ Sh ie stghae : ; Fo ney] Seals Vo G), Sitios oles” Ry j ye ai
PA fe | < - ww dp wor } ! Ce ses? 78 A Wistas’ RN WN L & 1 epceorgeoy™ Jood ee i
ic, Br “eto 4 ae Na Hare jar \o ‘ Baste! re ee geoLy Ru Rorté Peli “Wt sbhupgy y."
{ é i New: ane tT? ie ne & FB Rig A . ei er En ioe iC) te F eg kal Salz, buy ath -
harness ans JuaiquA i vm AB an, Hs. 4 iP “ye f Hovtan| x mised ) Hays ee Pas? Ks 7h
, = < % wie red 0 Patten bebs ae OP Hi IO se ae ok a Ge SUTLCOK My ’ PX / te A} bE.
h aa my BOGS wh Jae et hi Madame & ft St ak Th) bd of Canso pA oo” RB ps ara * & a
uit of oA! hy be S _ hiputprele ih ite % fe chimond ¢ ya itch a Geite he. dt Geo &
pe Dantt ei L Gr % C. Canso ; por J CAH 6 Ae ; [Lire . ce be S Sinaloa Mills eg
ghitic Soo PL eqgifitiliree a: rs Meet == : 4 © Oe fds ae » £6 a = ‘Bh : Us ;
Creeny ron ork = ts = | Ce me ae Py ih { de = “were Zo & oe yee : Congpte : t ‘ Se
Oar ares ° is) f Ban) Ag on ws ” Grar li “ 4 WY lard i s ville % Ye Penmugog —
Bhged < buildtor = over Lee, Precau | { » pls "As a S OW o Finghke % Fore rott,
Bcd, Sson fy ‘ - BS z = "Pb la 4 | 0” wWiddl Sse 2y, (Pa ray na é Panddesh R. Mig e
ley ) Dex Mairkstr and \ dyowi ’e ¢ \ East tats 4 aS *magquoddy J al o = on Wea p ;
- = fi We tn} L “4 ee? i ol Sprapfleddc * A\ . q Dron t ns \ gm <a signe : y | ep
Sas 2410 5 RR ‘olebroc "9 Jerri. MF 4000, \\ Rangers s : man ae Okey 0105. GlUSg ‘%
= » - ie Pott! ; 2 Pnittips = \ 7 we: I WF 11s field} POBY e wher o Mack ae p
sport. ti ” Port Wa 4 ; "2A yerpoo® se = * ‘6 Vf, Wint iy held — hu ve = Dip ' ne _
Salam a="
di , } ” Farmington sf \ UY ae — = ‘ ad ¥ 22, : Dighs ped a © j hon ayes t ‘tell
Puilitha a jagin R¢ Weiter ¥ leg Fair Riel Ns * iy ew hy Neck, Wg th j de VS fast
Spi » Sty ae as ; B ,* arf Cf be atl Falls "3 1k Bue sp? Py es , pee B22 = “2s BR ;
; TOU & dort djune OR = | yy
: b Ane (Rethel Y J taps | Belfast oS Le Ein. Long 1 ; he Si! : West U7, ry / as ms
Oro a / Agus) K elfa U .— , “> oe S7e vv J 5 = L ee; = * "Gilead e7 ihe Ah “ep :
ier LO ed vLahave = —————— able 1 * S, fe peony wr [ite 6288 S Paris Waldoyle aks,
dines: af ge Fite Sy tt, Be “Cong. » Brie “S oe ort Meaay = ae \ S \ : ee / urigten
ee pee? b>, agar’ te = ): Wepushalle Movin t * V, Authur y7 iil ndndingiodspo 3 MS:
GSD Con se | = \ eM | comiaid AS VXhenks pry be Bo, BA eee 7 Boudi Port Mactan \
Yy> Afort Mouter | | | AV Sse ; é 7 . - == oS 7a) * ‘ i : Sai 5 He + Lunds SP
artiijcon a papstam tie Wat Park) 7? ti : A eQPore Joti Hare") ; G | \ oa W { Séba
LL ebrunkyy as () PS % , es Se, Yarmoath ie peel RAL AS ) \ il! — SRLS out y se —-
“ep ay —— ; SSA Ht. Wy c Lookeport 2 : \ vmou if ‘ Westlir ook Z 2 § g 2, “ep SE
Tusket [4 ) aN ~ * Dye Nutt L. [= ' — NY Dain y 4402 ebore, uo Bone, Ce Oy Pubnico
Harb. I, » Hngton Lz #) Pen aa ie i med Bey & * 130 ', Sable Sy '
| i | |
A |
4.9 a
nn Partnot
" W oc oon. Lid
ee nal
on ~~ ee
‘ 7 ———— A SS - A -— s ee
See |
ms fran v er
tap, 7
4 /flissis Sin ig
Rian Tido eS) { P . FU | eS in SS Mie, Pa ye j elfing pf ’ fpbile a ig PCy Mberry g
g ir
Mw es SS os Ly Pend . ay eed. \
Lp ‘ ; 7p) dndgj th gm
a7 c ra
Gn Pp p
— Z peaRborticlfl
(<< \Ceba
Sannoc ke Fe) os
= om peter : rand ff. ids Od
4 \ ' @ 7 ; : i ong PO hf. ‘ = / <
\ hed pt
Rai rd ! ae > 1
ie \ $\, MooseR orn, Ash j =" Sy pial 3 er i LRN} i SSE ise MW?! A Camper ¥ Zé Ie.
© Misiaect See. A \ Hpeoeh
f Nn g k aik "9 Riss le, igs 1 d ‘ph sce"
Creay bedi. feopiirn ¥4 ‘3 5 $ lo Nsa pinseath Tn rer gute, 6, slencairn\ 7 = rs,
2a; ein Lee SQyuy 1% ER: = /4enDry - Rider * f fama ai )
vie es . HT wt :, Lads me ‘
~ Gbaped x a Levils
eine a IR. Keone Fore) P wee ond .
KY Rockford - neta \& Worthwaod eeary Hi katlon
é a Carr: TiN. J Cooper sty \ May tile an ? "ertlan} \ Sie rborpoke
\ lope i 7
\ 9 ¢ /
talesDyrd > Perky,
Daw 8 \\ Sande 73
< Ad * ." * . { FOR z : o SS Towery ye)
. MS : Me, rok Ptrele
WV aPoleon
A ase, t
Di ONY Grand Ldgeley | ; lh e Raph. is
shepr 1m Sway e rite “Haire | ofre ter | Mona ,
- ume \
‘burgh Geographical Institute [he Edinburgh Geographic al
bs) i Aeih Lidespa Hf VOX al Fuel
jh te alee oa ay se Ney om tr a pin ‘e. sf LZ, trou th.
fir | J OP, . tf a 4 Yori, ale
Vi Rt 2 gid Vieh HL Sy ae
res ;) ELkT 4 50 | ie, Ket nod. % A fous Vidtc Ord Rear A? es cea Sy :
D&S, y"> Shoal
Wy Ripe \\ oN . iN Jy Long leagede : = ‘NY ee Ee tle Rod ane pad : : rs
fart { ae os a y P y a ; —— Elm boos ~ 7. i Yabo : lar
c Agathe 4
: Si TS °t ORaP poe “
J } { | ; \
r s
Et ee es y Igy? Ore Hp. Pg
ie f ay
ge Aye ” ae S Pe, Oxtord L Ke sa
Yio. sa ~~ epee BR
R Pret ek. i ye . aa=Q
an cowee ae Cole LEN pe SAY Gods
fats Y oS a> } i I. << 3 Mots eZ. Ge woot
ax tossville —__ B ipa vep-Az]] Lea
| a
: SV) Stevefison I. }
Cegecn 2 # i 7 a! pice, Moosp L.. a * Tam oy ties LR IK i Ge orgs i : L.S# sua
Pishey al
po P Aflodg, SO71 Oe.
lrdivs, “He te
rereedy Qn
<r Eagle “s ad ) 2 Biétlsas
\ ib > as Cells Bguct-“ S, ite aT L.. ‘ae f bee Bonnet} bs aint ye
: firk y jee puss seye et be Bot. y) he 4 Y : = Moi. on
ae a>
‘canny ear
<A > ee SIS "ig LZ. i ’ eke RS
A, em spr mir
7 WHO sede \~aheainy dhe
; J \ pe Meta BP { wlhier d, r Tomuange La.
Ten Noid: tf River Falls ; a Ae Hilidire {\ \ ted hake IR. BAD me
fadiartprag Bred Lake hy,
r) " . . ‘ eS 1 = aBlack i oa ~ Fe tle L Sr 4 ~ 2 Bs.
$ a, ran , a : WE fa’ i Pari D. 4 ati NK uw ate HA son a ua
Ai ida eam, f pes Pit 5 —e
AWhit fae st Px k |
- MM} > ‘ “Stent og “as Shan: ore AS
0 Leee Laan ’ i +N 38 Wy ve a Wy head Z We as as v < a
+ BR ewidor ‘ \ 3 af c li ‘e idReaids|
if TN he’s
Oe S gs Rke vant Gull L be ef
Sh, le Ay
: w/ guy! Mi dtrore, © v6
ae Pelangikum LS
=I ee
Dr heey —— Sati
Fad Varroadh . Pip 7 B.
a i ea al 2
~ t~ ~
“f 5
Pade ~ 7 — " Deer Creek LR ( Yirt
ay pe
és i y 4 Red IL. », oe Say Yh ctl | | got t ae
7 A
* ene AL : %
Vx agi LY pe
ae Ley tik wa ag i sett pe ee Mn ate Lagi leigh Zs Sg Lés A
eI (ect Pond beaver les fe
Carthou ane LX L hy — ot iy ap Whniwinan
™ Windigo 22 L.
< — ht’
Ozhishts 5 i a ye furan P) tia ~AZ
BA Osnabure pe d
> DOT A, Soe SUZ us. a2 * fa) BAT Vos. alts o- Greenbush
a Sh Fe jos Ca Fond
/ ne 2 Ax \ ‘Lake, Wheks whl, f ve Pe
LArmit {* or, San oe moot Re ae he
t reall Sid ZA I
) ge t 1g on
“Fiat wwead,
nMe rf. ? ee
Cedar ASG ast Black se
Graken | he ge Ne ; Ae
ae 4 CES
Atikok = oe gan sf re > ee a Pe Mbkomore AS a
ae Stanley eh
5 Mi pqBibgES,
LT rion’ Grand Marais
8% 7 hyte ta:
Cc." = e = \ = ~ Apostle: ee ' gee i. *o. “Ontonago
SY Pindeline L
oe = | v — =r = - a Se ar x { 88 K 86 | ee — — - = — en Bi 84 M . en . = _ es ==
——-—— ——_—_— uA mea 82 N 80 . Pa en aBSrE —s | D : : py — , eas TE a ee ee ote ee
oe 4k S | | Ort 0 (Perley I. ; = eros Tiree re nee -——— was - aw v4 — oe : [5 | | :
British Stat AT. ROen” : 99 os | a ee tule Alas £9) I6~1 Degree 20 2 —_ See ER Be
ey ee | s, c 80 100 120 — a —, | < | : t—+—4 cats r Kilometres iil -3 ~~] Degree |
a | ¢ £0 40 Fag OBES pS oe a: ~ : ? Alle Li 4 60 80 00 120 140 Jeo 4a0 ge ag BE gee
4 | | : ee ed 260 280 : Z 6
i | Y 3 ; 71 dD S : O N pracer Rs | ou ze
| 58
Gordon P Fres\ Z ae : | ‘ me =, ee Lower kee “ = \ yn i of “2 peas gdties I\ ee ee
4 a \ | \]
| | \ ° r 7 a : Ander son-l§ Clearwater) R. + tw ba ies) —— Hpype \ Tookearak SS a
pate : | ra Belanger Lf = pian + pare SHE > — wt + = . ee 3 , = == == Innetalling
“3 ee é Thor M | ae wel v ie / \é st Br ranch AE, 495 mish j yo) ee + Apighiger K
Manitoura ' \ % | le BL t i“ Co.\ Great \ wh ia ; bute Pt pout Sandy PF: \ é Mo of
C 1 = \ ah % } | Bear {? $ 5 } rine 1) \ : \ £ \ Oe sopiskage™ \ —— \ Lees \ Ate
Mic peirmirot? 7 Li. \ : C ¢ Henrietta Mari \ Capes ae | Se | — P = I x seas ' Mi 3
ka pac po \ | Long) ict. ~~ & i <A sound oe \ =e. “—- : : R . ea at c - & ft a \
Z } f ——— 3 \ 0) OT Ce | \ C. Jones pishop Rog g@ SS rge
Tiders ‘tL a
Ogokt di,
sich iat co eS ee
oy eee f
‘ i ; 4 x — ae : vaoows hued oy smo Fh,
. R, Ie i a a —_ %
oe Frrabarbing gal.
4 . Keng’ ib ree » | aM ee
} os. hi rite mi ae hath ita Wei 3 eae C OT rs mL Meanie eds A
} Creek sD. a
= So i : a ge ‘ party s ~ ; | Tomike\,
Malone ge?
seh ~ | 88
y (K) West of 86 Greenwich (L 4 wf
#1: 5,000,000
Na we 7
<= 2L,. Bo 1 Le
47 Latah
Chest 7, rf fp parka ut
aan Swanne 11
f /Fepynio’ \; Byala he ; Orne . Taacha Lot oc purl 0 eX aga. =? ~Jsaac Ly Bride %
Bea 2/177 "| Mie i “ pn OD Sra. tng : i al 14s Fiat wu ‘i TN eg Vy <p RR Lo ig Ti ,
i “ON ISS. & fing f > he cars Leal Vous \ a) } S bs 4 S BH, . Bar, heer 7 Ville (ZS
; | Pp & Nee heptane ui, ys i fi “Gachitz Ly ji ( ‘aan. Mi s leteJaune™= << 1
Yorthead Foee. Rs a Anahim Pk * fea, y a0 J Michel ¢ Mt Stanley Baldwin Aigose ?"s
lg = wii: Park P “172 \ t if K Pre “10,900 6 Canoe a > \/ io) Rella £002, le zh \ }
/ y Ae. thleysh j MCE Fy Group _ AR, M G aks + aaiate, hy i ey .. Be oe re, De Wiz,
Wg i i" : > v Pe srg Fork sf Ogden pk 3i Sip soe Lanrike \ 10,854- ‘Cive qosde Le
yee f = ila LAtiieg oy Lf f La Se. f He ie or Ae hr WARY — Llbreda 5 |} afd ell
zos: ie 5 D TULSA ee CO he Mt Pz mer ve fo \_> i = Pin % i KZ Br, ‘OW Pe Ss . Pi
fue 5 inek pit ™ ! —, \ 4346) Diihes ¢ Prt f ¢ Loe i , =" P yramia, aa (8 \ ~ Us iy
ent Zp 4 Soda = Pye Clearwater Athi pa shit 2 ee lady y 9 pone 7, Win LNG Hor. Se.
thy = itor: Sé tly I. A. Ed S710" WY Nes 3 - ih Ales. : 50 Mite uf oe Murtle De kt
MRitdheate PILLS \ i; Zia bd “a Lo, i _ AOS RP ueR. oe ‘Mt Co | & Se nt Haness Ts a
Wigan wera, a a, c o YOwikens | 1% = Eagle | Ae i oe ne LEE ttc es a - ay al } (te
Lae la Hache : M: Rryee ma Se | Ay } ag ) OY, coal i a ) “Sax f ) us 3 | sy/ A Hy,
Y > ; ZA ——~ & f Sa eg, w | Men fi Mae Y hgelipuor £Z. oY J x $ ; is ~p LAE: Avola
Mt Sir Sandford. 11.000 i ! Ss lede OMitye, bef “ R d if (HE Kes ILSeD 4 f lg Sea
etate) / We. | Seer yf | Mpa + ot Waddin ¥), a? 4 { \ tT ry 5 \ ‘ fs m IR Be M Mt
CS OIL. 013. 365-— a) atlow J A Hs wr O*® ki ay PE : MI Blaip eat ( “hilieo\ { 00
ly BY Me, ae Le A. a eae ifs , i ee Mt t Db s? | | laseky 7 : ay Chat Chat y b di,
i Gdar yer MEvéray Mint? $320 6 teen mn ai M 'Bownda nf, OY Ap, ¢ eS: poled en
17000 ahs Ro 2 1 } Big Bar ae e) 6 he ape \, / bi akin Clinton 2 Zoot 0 i, ~, ; é -
e ~~ i r r M’ Mt \. <i oor ZT, “Agia 3 Teaith/> Ee Vans© Pate ida, 23 eI, fs ; } 3)
Super "bh wt Rex TROND es hed Pavitior - s00 \ | % r 9 \ a ; S000 \ Se on, = j i
sherofie YY, Ruin Psp say vA 5O 1 | , Mp. f my ¢ on \ Ande son Ld Gf Suk 7 : Ke Inc
SF h eg MUS TG eee ‘ eZ i;\ 9 By Lilloottt Kamlouprs yon gh = ~ 4. = , Ss, ie > } ~
= D ‘ s “ > \G i } - f ) . ap i " } | — : ; % . aS A } \ L a Anilpr: son Spatsum
Sorte Cr. j i la it 7 ee Foren 5 th j “sp = — a ; ea Jy ls a | ae | Ende “by ’ SS
feat q } | I. j “SE = —. i f 9 as i AS), fn } Ny) » Uppeiarrari a ; L : \ : Vi le 6
; Pk ~ ~~. =~ Th Oovt dhe city KQ vv ld BR tdije ¥ & anager poaArms he Pe, “to art
‘a | , Orig BS 4 Serpe Ge | ) Broilo ; OE; . seh | . : Lyttle ; \ a : Crome Wins C
iA thist, 530% 0ng | Tipota lf Beruf a \ \evaitsp” go. sa Le i ( Y 80g2 oe ip tes
le rome a> 2 ~ Al J Vs Bhanapin Létading YY Shardeau 4Cop] ™ aly | wa Celers\\a
OS , 4th ‘ 4 ; M } ee ‘dag ke 5. a4 We : VG yr Ope PEG Ni Mehundt / PE, 1)? atshan
IX Ved = { add ; sa Nor. ti Bendy os LA u Lal: eae aN 7 e s dime) <a an \ pe 4 - s
( YY Aspen Hg Vice towna { Vf Slopand, Easlo f NA® | Le lind de \Bourlas \A 3)
Grieg =) MEK oY ae ‘lj \ ¥ ¥ i =o Mon Bey Giviriaa: by, Sy NIZZ Ub ie Gi Gin’ o LAA
pis: xlloclo Bdge Foal \ “Sy . Ti. § Ge dow d Hera 7 \ ban? © bLicoe ye A * oy
‘BD . L by) Luli) rete } , . } 7 v. eaten e Lower | eee SPR AY | a 4 YR t/ yy 2
ep . i‘ Smmertan Penh yy 7 Aim TAY £ fCoaton®> Ages eton mca, § ( Lake is 1, Belson
a/ \] : Lope A y " Slocar ae : , , y a a (> / Rob shu. { Pipe <a, OFS Se o—4
gahs¥». ; “Sein, bh oR, iclls | Co Hegars a K Eh hay I. / Ladysin ee ‘- A rhe
Milix~ fi On ( Y Kho 1 1% Landing Yhity ¢ i bower om Fe uy ute “ \ ‘ ee. ” . Sh,
i ; Ow? \ tehiy: wrajnr, = = - le baa * WU lvevck we aed Foley wi y ve ew? ‘on
Bik : | { 3 Sdn m= | a folie As fs i PAF Bale : . am LAA unanor iv ; = Pat e - Naa
aD ys Jie Sb: ‘ Neleciaxyt Shulgsan. Ch: : j ~ ort ore hn ; aS Xe <a oe inch ain ;
‘ i : 4 British Statute Miles 69:16 —1 Degree “ortanah PAN GL. coma me LS igh te yt
Baker }_- ee | Tredisie . 2 535, os Le ip 2 5 Y \ | 10750 ‘ f , fs ) a, Me tidline
’ ey o 140 4160 vi : : \ 2 if = = 22 2 = = = /| fi : 9 the Wer. ole. 4 j Me ap
Molen mount d } . pee ~~ he Al nes ‘ite nt 9 f D \ ee al ae f ? LalishP Pall Milo},
ray ae Noe ASS: of. eg it V, Rea Sevshs - Watered ia Conca ib F — Be Kilométres IL-
3 —1 Degree 7 geet te. 7. Oi oY € | } bt eS tt tt :
30 100 120 140 180 i180 200 220 240 260 260 Patties:
Natural Scale dy :
| | } RS l . — - : 5
| 60
; . . yy) a
es By RButtalo L. ~
F Wood Buffalo
: Park
ce eT
/ Aw LS 2: Rae Taxin L
ig BE
. ) l
Boyer i
- . iy .
' ‘ Rapids po { at Le :
; : P SW, \ f ~ a” =" My \ { a24 if Oo . fee | a he ) PP “ ae aN “ee. ' f
Providence#= * S ? $ f i % > ) Lf oF vn , inf el . <— Ay WG Chipenye vip : el A.
; ae ay ] 7 yer ; a ON > ; “ys ‘=<
i . , Clare i ; . 4 Kofi
: Boyer R! c ©, J / / } 2 § Et Vermilion > wf = ‘ : LE | Tu lion ye I e a A ns ; “7
wy , : i & ; a a nthe sa fe Birch R.nr> Pi ‘ = ‘i S yy) ef Ay ee Fa een base aii LQ
ee Tae Sige | H t . = * ¥ x f - y ' 3 o/ vq or 5} me) ae ge | ae Po ++ hh Yt z a ef
4 by Mes aang é al a B j i h ne ‘X c : ) : ; sire eae = l : . Butf¥alo nF. Mickew
a. wit R | Ra . ese: ’ 4 i Ba oF) Ef mm “asaiee Os aa \ A * ” 7) YP te ! ge ' Head
i ‘5 b-camtiie z y Th ) pa ee ‘ i ip A af SS : a x 4 ake ff § A 4] a Hills C¢ KK i
¢ 1° y A = yy SS Zz 4 ; was a ax gerd D le: q eC}, ! > at | mac 2 SS | or, J fa ™
Ud f tras. ‘7. ~ Z. <P SNe & HW i heli. y J _ 5 \ eee g \ Bt son Lp) ms a ee Ns 5
BE NU: ¢ Rr €2 a } af 4 \ at ~~ Bind. oe | \ if |\Russe oll lL» fh 3 D Of) Ete
Mackay | ! pASwan Law %8 g | f q = key 3 b> ot ys : 1 J Ls | ee Bes = : ; \ Wag os
okay nod j R f pWa sek amie ts i iA . Te a y al ‘ a LL. A Pig < "ef we j ) :,
‘otter ¥ ‘ x Me Murray < a +" f View Tugs r } i‘ fy jo A oF URS g eS \ Otte B Cé Jf
Le8S OQ a fragt pa ‘ \ Me q°0 (es hi § | Wan Loon if Lahes 4 Vea “ 4 ‘ | \ ; fr
“OPUS her t Pf vA j a" 7% J } Fenarthur | ‘A \ yV. % ve, Ke iy ) . } g Vine 24 (f f
) ; nb / ~ 4A by P Anao Gar cond SN ‘ Y RY > i Y & : ‘ubicon Li. 8 Ls Grand ad hee
aR py si f | ‘ be River ot i betearntone Raps Cheec/u wit aa by pa ; S r x Z : 4 g
a 2 ee rt Se S ly Si OM ei a i, ead ana L Ua it i Quigley gor pS { “ (== NN ag pl a
——— Zp itis a rn | oh Se | ‘7 . Co seegia 6 Som U L. ae ah. Rap Pingle .. Pe ter
Pond Ly HS wd JOANNA 1, suse ‘ OT” | ' 4 / 3 oak g ais ~ \ a * {x ch : f IR. iY 3 /
4 FES. Bstanley ¥ \Rap, ra ; ‘A : ) g ] ~—— ‘ouard r Le $8 Slave Conklin i io fp
pas : \ eT ey Nv L Oe
Y Rong?
Ja = Lake
Uhr tif
f Flor I, I ring oper
‘ b Canoe |
Arse ual i ‘
jit AD ie
Nae Rocky Monta He He ca y / By Ate Z tel y AS s , ;" f . iCaleman b,060 mae |, Peo
oo i as aq AMA 1,600 ie , i env TN is Hh j Fog wyryar & sc ie i 7% SR eWTTEO. 064
ear + aan ibe t lInnestail bis ihihes ¥ wae SKe Upc . Ag ; Fourk Nm f heme 2-3 — =
Wald | SiRaeAES: — , , 4 P es TAY ey ae x rns ai) AB I Elnora ni Samia “orsort / Be
ahs a | JA hop Fi Young — Te (= Lockey Of t Krasi ; i <4 AL ‘Me | ie D044 777 oh
Bowe n ‘Scollzird Ly & Farpalrick Le > BSG : a %4 Hanley a Pe be ) ; eave, gato"
oo ¥ i ‘B9oz Raie ‘Tee ys ( \ = N ae > , se SG ent nies all id < ; co wake mis IR.
i b 4 7 Peg NY i Le : 8 Mm. eharuke © ; ~ ey 47" muastare % ; ok Is 7 7 ey : Red ai
{Olds Hills R¥wley a Dow sna \ S ala tat L& & x ‘4 0 wh ff, Quitloek: ar tics , ea,
Salles Le shod ok a pe Rien. © | ‘ tea Ce \— § ere = ofiaw t y sn IVE v : Mt He { ;
do 2 , rine \ i x ; rp ofan rth eR \ XC Pe 7! ay B if Cc NR Pe Vv J \ Riudebriry
Se, ott re Riv y aus Pea | Pen tP ane § tig ¢ Fla re yebe Br ok Sz ho Stock weld B
ladwo! Nai Lets Pr s Gove LB / igmilt ; , neo ee Capstars\ ey LgLSOTU me Hh Cundind
§ : \s Gp Oy , = | % Mentutay 1a Hilbs 0 rhe 2 ¢ ie 2 Drunchellig f Sibbald ——
Kinasley § 9 s 142 d, RA Dz mridsom’ \Las st ou ¢ Mo Dona "| A rogatield aac ith
Lectsl * f of ewisetort ke hfield wirvi Lake orrasbeurd be we 5 a | 3) pe Q @ } Lr
OS’, Elrose + ure, aL A : Elbow ‘ ‘ \ Bu by &Se,, ; {] yi 3} . 2 ie as ¢ } Z, Qn eH
Ss J { st ob Greener Luck y dg bs ~, LX vad nolL / Wie Sic “hy y my % Y tagsebud XE
Sy , Eston p Stakes Hi River tenet SS fab ven y ( Ms J fe ay grays oy) @ Xe { White
Rear & The Z lain ¢ > mbergs fetham * ° CoteaVv Tugfarke tinal "Ayter <a rv en" ( a
mall mal road, eee Bae
Stimndérrgh ) B brn, <D
gDemane” e
Speke a
hea, 3 s , § clang ac NE 1 Hp rhe sete ra Cut, ¢ \ \ : yee) } ier wea hage 486 , P
njoy Sp ees ) ane \ h | we? Roni k GBOO” cr. — ioe ; pring 4 \Yenia } re 4 at y* 7:
chely 4 Hinghann f \ < Eton . : y A \ * Senora ‘3 : i Cound fal Wr : L\, Naismith f
“Box E ier, a: r@ a P aw, ¢. % | | | in ‘ s/ . . La rR {* cruying s A“ Java tia)
a , "HY Marices . Is Ingtd yes. ~~ _ [ST ) ‘4 ; if a Bufor ; TWeefor ha r : 2 7 fe
pe J a) ans -R 28 ‘ 4 te ay t~ ral x ie Lge By > \ ~ Ru lige l <ewT« of| id i “ity
Se spate t tie, ce ' ] ; ) ‘Sidregyy
‘ ~T : bs \Richey® x:
105 F Loe
Snares an a = ri - Be ¢ ge i : = — aa — F | SS z. ae NelsonZ. if’ § " cay J \ -.
ae, 5 } SS : See eee — ry Aid OB = —- es = } ‘ )L, , } Vi 5» i n4ao Bl =~ A xs iy *
% || (Gere, 7 NO As Et ft agar, We ML | | Cee / Be es ee | ei yliberet. eee i | | 3
CB, 207 o : 7 ; zy 3. Wes ' AS i ¢ DeshambautS¢ if rn hf S gt Y a) eS ee 0 | WN |
ms Lat \@ 6° PF | | ‘ / = £ | [Me ritreal “kA = M A Y a } Ciiec, 4 r | ? 14 | ra a"
sa t Pa a | 1 3 , = Rain S| ian My * % SAS S > Pr Albert Pk PW ip a4, we | a) ‘ E
Cope f $262 f / Che >) \ 3 s WO + N kK ATH Y y T ‘ 9 | 50 | S ‘. fe ey), S i, ae
ATCHE was e a . Z, Gy YF pla = 5 “lince Alhey i She = y) Vis <2 oa Pz 1a , S _ zh
‘ch 1] eT - 1 : Ss is PORe / J SAW . i td é S 2 H/ . ia , - a Dee; Vw, \ — YN
Battleford / ‘lei | / a ‘. =F = > mh 92 Bees | el ai / S Se , . P ~ . WA | y K / ie
‘We CA Kick Hovke # % | ‘S = he 103” B $ 4 j b } V- a = i art ft | { R ss ¢ » /
COR, \. SSdnyxyr Hee Dr re \ iste fh x U & &) al yah P. i 4% “ORT op |. oar aT
psumvillec* | Is Ne OW 4: doc; | Als . &, fii face — \ Watrou s . — tay. : \. js} :
S ¥ rr] Nel sy A Sinden oary Se, aoe ' | nora Sanipegosige a & s S. ; \ BOLE o aay
peed eel ae a Pin. Br y x . hy pipet Doug? p7> Q < Saskate, Las Yorkton., 4 s\
ameack u dyson. nif cf Y : UST < See | * ene | fare. y \/ 42aan SS Ce, Si a &.
L.\ ; ake if 0 } tle nest Poe ; ~. \ ( Dauphinr— ¢ Wanitoba \\ “pW aii ] ge Sy ae
Tie ee Orb}. Ke Cole mPa leode Moose Jaw ——< Riding Mt pk\ 40 mt i \. {Nn |d ben ~
= ag YX + pe BP Wien Ogg atin bts é P 0 CF Sry, at | = _ Rlthes, “pr 'dge ree ;
Regine , . a N a a ‘Map be A :
Neem a "ae Neepawa le Cree}, WoovL—
1 +3 gee Eie ra
Sodrts Carman? | } ‘ a 6 oBotssevain ¢
: . : \\ t ce Moosomir> . Mrnedisa Porte
"Sta <— Fa a | : . = Sa ALG
* . rs) Card gp hod 2\ > JA tssiniboig
lame la
organ ~
geen gil
<] Wvo7ag
own, SOltillof
Sa. =
; ) Natural gee oy x 4
l a LS
. rm aes
4 . 7 aa
eon HA h LS SPALE j} vi lay
jidinbore log laytony od Advis ary’ MONROE Pro tie [¢AIbion” \ | t : ~/ ' + = s . 5
ee: Ee } ROD * AURORA K | Webel Setar y reading AEliud Ie oe / Sen ‘ries (La
Salle \ | Mercy ; te Asbo) y ‘ anigrtt ; ; MEF CO i Poa Cathi der Pritey iff
Bhsetaig>. 4 A ae ‘\ J La : ; ; = Pe Geneva a [p a | | 4 Zt der aa Mitren ct | IN
worthic =— l { Pelee === Fairport Har 70% Zi | \e ati yer ecsanes ia) | TN A = =f
ioneer® : ° nde B. 2 NBassl — -_—_ FS : Pai or : } y er ~ ngola, y; esd a. / - ,
arng AST AD LAY lip Nip. Ss q ‘ ; 3 € darP Yate R ee ad — W Sia} aville | PAGRANGES
STE V BEN de pling oe a iddleBasslg* # Willoughby ZALAKE \ | | FB © grt OLERO O6,
SBass If" Ue Bay | J Up di l y Hoare) the wry? | Been TA SRY FOR D fonts is. a y
trash, Sere con ; wtian 4 | } | # ishiley | Ww R. le Ge oa “De, te Mayme 2, iS f (V
X OD Kelleys I. es »C hardon / { Valle ay } in| On Neetey | B; tryar é a rs bolt =H
oa ohh > x ig Ee =s AN Goltinwyi0d borne i | a | A | aS ville wake, of aig
(Striheer \ Colin NO ot v' ‘ eae SL a farble ff? LEVEL D Ki a frville : GEA ue\A
[ 4 ye eee | Gi} Agent. 7 fs + pik, 4 a ~~ 2 Cee De ie 4 Burton, \ Custavisc | \ ag
{Na IOleon Teds i ol % ite jiWood> ul c = APO See Lorai in ° av Or mé Gig 1gr wry
ey BRS _ Eve ast f 3 td a £0, —— Roc Apc mM A, Peas | Parkaryar \ / 1) i SA os
GibsOrmea oa SPiasky 5 hers = CMF AH ON Head e es Ww | iff - we Tag ¢ Moons S: hs
SOT "4 7 J ZN Lo LR “i hy | . re lb \ kahins of * osteo / Pst Gre ez biG renin BE j
; i Ely ae a Sere ~ ‘* We nr ¥ R h| i B rE. . : GONE eal : PLR | oe, RC eacenNl ah
| » ee wG Di ' Brags Sanbustrec Belleh up ELBATE Heights ibs ft DPRNA ) j West %
ee Shaton Harel Z A yone: A f Gee Uda ae ae <j Wakeritn \o lt, " Richfield 4 Q ~
aW: arren | ¢ 3 a Te, ] it ocrmnica) Lark PAK oP NL PAY ELATY : . 7. Tire TUSPT ING
wy ’ oh L ™ 6 ‘gy ‘ ~ i 1\ > A by Z 9 ort a f re i" Nore: alk \ bts _ —~~Medina Cu
Niles te 7 suit isvi it oP ULB LG TC tinsel La Sane A Hc aMorr HH RON, the Lk iM Od
os. : | D ayes | + 7 Ot tAiw a ek: aE thdlay/; \ rat a Sahin lChicade June #2 a i N
svn “ ~S ¥ . j . ome ~\ hy } f | SR {J a is Nalaric ne ws I » * arb cont vile mit f
\ ~ op she S, pod < ort ‘ . Ps ~land® = ' | | is Soba i a AN b 0 tow ny ~ "y f
bernichiity om Poreertwich oullivar. ' Barberton \ >... M AH NING ‘ | Fay i } ae ff
Sie ‘ss sae Cette rt ) ont 4h, rr) ington» the } ' Bicone eet laa cei: ential loh f
“Olly Ss lean nae \Alliane ‘ ‘ wasn y bid ‘ 1 573 ih a ay ren < Di; : } fPluttton
tip, ny) \ Shelly } % uv pe ase 4 ei ily y Rn Rohell, Ri ( ; GOVE Palatine | Pe \ “
Ashland N ff \ Lee nova é '. || bey ‘ rah - « }f z | Ler SoD aE ution 4 —— . AG, :
LSS A SH LAN D} May . } i — rel lisbon - | Ie hak 2, a ED OnEoT Spel er O y ie > Vs
‘arest\ NG \/) SN irre tlle 7 JTW SY ROK “I~, \ LA GOL UM BIEN | | Ww y LS ™M ait
j= ye, tort? or i at —— 16 j ' YS i, EL, fiaee Id Ye revi \ Re Mifte OK ~~ Bear . /
> eF4 ‘ [ 4 . s\ \ CAV RE: iG apotone MK =. ort ke ton, i ~ Perr Yay ide | or Teer:
“yfalinedile Li “a Geneva | rs ri i - mS rv t™ ~ llville ‘ | 4 Aon as: ¢ 2. .
Celin: + — ~ ABN f TZiE I z M "4 er ge x floudonyville \. fillers Nu a A RIR fa) \
L Welly. eH | | / NS Pennville i oy, ; ) ind) y aoe Warlalione ta i rs 1 eo hat: 5
A mis raed Chon lit : a oN ae (er nw M. “ / lle L/ es XM" Gilead on” H!O L, Es A
Fanad a S x waa ) in | Hafiford Portba. £ ficcove p }{ New. Bp usw: els ‘Sf ry “A
ets er Vic tory 6 RROW- ft Gl rtnont, peove 2 ~< > Vv < ‘¥; | > f= zB, i La Be ctl
A ~ ae oro? | [BLaCKIR RD Jy ‘ee ft Wew Brertari } \ Sika We = eee 4 we : fillbucde
USC ) AWAG, UY ree ia | i Dun 4 \ 1 K =m, | \Biehrood, / _ MS y sess" ilade Ipkia «
\ Ban Or pparye Wtnstor \ GB \ 5 ioe Vernon. NO x p > Sascio -\ Arye , fedkey : mn
Re Be Alefetadae Le ‘Rad nor eon <'' ¢ {i ie “ans Res. \ Ste sbeuvilley deel i\ os
m—w~L Sh OF G A NO keoria i. } J) ‘andono \ ; \c0$ / ocTgA Fort mi : P! ' j ¥ 2AN
DD. \Sidney}/ pd “ses Mig ; ae <8 TUS RNAS fi
\ y : f » f IT
“om if Ti Z FE, PAs v, = IDS Sle % }
mon iCave { q enn ° t Decoy K Cf SY
a ae REA (T HITT 2>- wah, ea PRK E ‘oD or Mulle lal ae Te. J A" Kee, AE: te mye Re
poe eldt ) es Nee as tie BAY aes Welch Le 1 wis Ow S te \ é Ow, Gos AO ‘ " x “]
lone. . M E i bi : : om / hes =, i POOP Me 3 AY, 2 apse \« Nite. yok \s3 > a < ey \
ys iA ee roan F . 2 I~ 7) floores Cr ai: J pe) \ oe ltindatan sf 1} & foods : ON y
P, nstord bis flan = CRIP a ERRY» 9 ail 4 y, \ SME DOW EL Lib RE Rock} # Dunn ids
laste | his =, o a 3 Hi KNO Y T CF. ; Pal Coop prt Brame \ Sot “mf anand ~~ Aare W
Norwoc C len XB SGT: % mT . J | ly .
- — , oe SS Oe eee i
wood’ : ; ; Jk ROMNCOrFERY Elliston. f ska DIC a ie " .
“\ Boone zil.
CTL. \ Wise s?
“Bray fh
"Clyde ee W A\YN Ff Ca
, t ? a and Ly b> { - Ss OS as ‘ 2 tap } is Le banons lag shure XS: BT Mgr xi
K N @) x Ne le 2b : oo | \Barbourville f eH A ay im drtemigs i.
Ce cy B
P tg Stone.
a St ie
SBibler* i
Se . tore — — oT Pr gM be *, y) fa
i Feapevlle DT ALLEGHANY MAiry { Mayoug uf
a ek ffexson \ Nentrag : URRW Mad oy pes Sr ASHE oe ye el \Y Dian: \ Madisor HERO
City | ll | ie . wi il ct ‘ ; . Bh EA ‘lizabe ; oll oo reg oan Walnutoove,
—— >
— *
hed Sok ne
af —r oe . —— ———
2 W INL Sx; ( / , —~} rvidt @. Boone be, id wp ingisend : rayton se Le Crick 4 all
N REE 7 FSS ee ADAU SIA oe we es i isn Week | Ys NOK. ERSON Greeneville {Png Yd if
ihe’ Les J* Wr the : i eS Dandridge Soe Ae . ae? | 4 ( ie SO Yadkinyills a
iw Paice la
agra ace gg NS ieee $3 i 4 | — Tesora me Rous cee | DAMIE? |Enteror oni j if Be ave
“.IRED AL Mons ile om syitls Aas S ON ; \ N \ e ason 3) \ / ne s ¥ } \ pe tne: f(y
k MUS o: “shall } ¥. ¢ sf a OC Btaw ae Stiad ESV He Sica Ledinlg in ip |
; se U ee i HETIL
eM ‘Mitchell ' OMB EY te 6710 |
gh evinle
apes Seas
y 0 Wak i;
RT /
1 \ é Hinggman Domie HAY wo D
a i> 4
-“ERN STATES pe. ; $i The Citizen’s Atlas 151
i Whitney Y Gr =
\ Point /, } Uf Bainbridgez ® Wewarks Chenango I (sity Y\ , 7 Atton D L A yf RE /
Hunter Opt eA Rap ions | ‘
Valley } loriog™ Wines rel. «=> Wa ltorae - alto ae Magar tyileS/ ~~,
| Gp jor “é , BIR D) Peter Johnsons ty Bingham ¢ er j ; a teal. i ‘4 Re fi » Hill.
Pt a # &. le Windsor + Rockrift elie _ : PI mas po stiel i ; Lert « be: “ c My “ =
caked . PS Y 42
\\ye \ i™ ers - ee Ly Dost 7 “ . . sc ae ia) $f awh. actos AT « owns ville Longyear
Ly ; ue ca ‘ “a PERE yi . - ; Shidfp f Kin é 3 diol
\NeS) 7 - ve, , 250 s gediland FL Bs Yn ee ‘orute
ey oy Ss ype : ; t itn } Susque irik. , r a i ss | Parksville ; Rosendale} ze ge
yt! Bai
} j
¥ Ulysse ¢} “i ‘ } SS 9 inn ait ft \ .B A / if f f R DF OR D f 4 ' ( \\Manstield
M . \ dist Peewr yngeddy iberhy L's ls ouder brake ) >We Tisbifro jinay Ly kee oan
| | hartford; if eotement t 2) : 5 o i x pee shot New} Z Sine ‘af aii A 7. | \
Towanda ? Mig r él R Callicoon Nec thenumne dy } re CH iy yEL BS TTERG sf fr : a
A \\Blossinun \ ; “4 u A\H KN NA OPTS \ sou jfiulenville. Prghiany Sachin paleton \
) ‘i an \ Wralusing \j te \w AYNE @ SULLI WV AN \ i Clirdor thon ¥ V | \ ‘al drm nt
| Fore. ee Cit Ve : a j; Garde ‘on | df Argan & AITO of Ae = ot | Gees fonticello }
g 14, ait Uo \ fy ail dea fharres Me. i De hicholsgn. aes mer a - or ( } / \
igftbory ry deem ra aan ‘ii oO Zh ana \ Mehoopany. om Bg A gineecsiet ale a Ao Z 1
vile ia Walden/p ; ite > cf : ZL ft [Branch Dre shore’ ca yay) hia x ATO? Ale m,
WwW Li. Me Crt ¢ f \ 14 ti A | “ # \Crosstork — \ Slate, biplists Ka story —- >
ackville if ‘Seah : oF agesils od ff Df, ae tg ra | ey .| 2 \ : Rtury, Zo Center ¥-
re , ban i! pe OM | iAC WANE peo nS aoe Lee odford | ia ®. cit cf A 9 f C
Ayhikepineds Hillagrove fs U L LUIS WARY al of le Dicksong bia" Movie, aS eid . er
rt me 4X. Day fei ’ J \ } \ f { Pe ath ‘ ce i aah ay gistoy € RANT oN i. i A oi Mat
4 /G/ E 5 ; ay Pos Sy i, | ©2 \ ayn J Pequs ¥ y wel Px ork wood Re TLOVO vc y Nf
LYCO r4 NG il ti Lap J si a? : qysenpvaupragle” f Milton ig vis G High " Bethe { ey
ee Fs ‘s ~ , ye ” fs mage NY Litor : oshen ‘aes ) ; FRVRY I. i wa \: \/ “oe. MM
sams ort er, town VNewle oyndlarad tiple 7 P .s ribo ls : Re y AY We, Di sy dh me
Forty ~~ . ’ SPecksint \ Si ys Sods tlle i sash , os Me fontou e { Gl 5 , ; \ 4 Nit
Ba : ortnd ‘i BB oe soll : P lymouth, PIKE ” We buick ds. yy ‘tral : Pronticia Sor"
"CLINTON ey ag sight ite Vie eS eae F 15 —Aiageppwo P* zi ( vig F s 4 se ; 7”. re :
) h 5 stot eid Rhscrsana ‘ “" x “eile 7 ‘ (Crests. b. Myversth ; ST? y cx oo Spo’.
330 as Cntge Wmieny’ sito et ( Bs yA, AW 7 .y y R - ec OG i ( ofr ke SW \, etter
dotvill a Y, ~— Y/ < Eraghhiiry ¢ S) wae sy i( y f es n vitedeer Peer potvil Lon
fpUranae sy) LUZ ri R N B) ‘ r x Pon 2. Ze” | Millhall eesontom wit, D ie: ag %
eecopecks, Yi MV Ait pe Qi NR QUE : ae’ SSASEK) ASSAIP, tir ; ay MONTOUR i d st *
Atoshard Lewisp,, Mi eMilton Danelle ae 7B rh esa ge ¥ley E) (Str vuglshid /) Ke
oie 5 i/ Spee : Pb h Htdge x | I ) wr U WZ. { ie or ~* yusburs i | ie Pi \ vy —- 9)
¥ op TTA’ . ; u : as / N1ON—@ OTIS wast . = ¢ Ye R Mifflinbung New ay M Magsrtend
Diag ee ' ct : Prati, Som aN i: aster ag g! | Ddx Wor Fis \) EON } J Barkin QHAS $
E30 A of arnuohy f Ah vs Ly Walle fonte 0 Millhage NP a Rn” Gi pbury Shen, An, ‘a
ea c A [ eg N Hehe 3 ol Se VAR RE! Wii fatcorg hom ape ne ane agi a 7 et el vianila
O SRTHUMB A Me a doy — Ad 3 , aS 1 , r Pu (Ba gior * / ackeptst™ ae } ao Be fu) ,
ide ; ar aS Fee ianiA plarryvitte “ MPelsidére/S 4 , Iseatt ef Pty ’ os oe Bo ee it
tee 4 AT: aMiAgna > : AOR AM a a vy, Y Morristown he i" AS i| o\ ACollege § “Milroy
a ~Selansg ns 7 i, SH arprn a Pee “s we Werxetnet echo Va ‘ et x ms 4 iti eal SNYDE
Re ) (oaoramang © ir. 8 ‘Olcin ‘sey Fe 4 ; vil er SS Year z hota iD iy ithe ste Ki
adtison Oe ange “Ahan af farndon the onsville sft 3 pe ay ae: f | / . oe Ottsv.
ille kad neo’ es fix: abe hetersb ur Mt FP WN 4 Ry vA He ebeo, ett al Tremont i
pe ; J Drigorpbirs a SO AE RS} ego Wy aM A I Tewistowr se :géa: Ke Willicen me ,
Cre gle rw Nn 5 Re 1e1 mY my 3 ne 1b“ ~ azz, Ribs . x ad 3 re ‘ Aiyh uz) egelsy'
N . ine S Peeves PO Eee ab Luang LE HIGH Bs Freeride? S . w pees th hy Thkensg- e
i, 2 Pinegrove. LPernys Fiuiatqwy suurtts 9 nay ta perv a wg Way Ye ie —PoitibeS™ /
aytown ¢ Soe ne “sal ie iN gn pea ¢ ( ? West Leesport ‘4 Pg at seed ‘ St Sas iswirk
ca NS, ~_dscendy Hooke 2 ay ec 7s 1 if. thane LEB nN yt. ay | D4 “G“ are rai | \ =§
é s Am ~ dante Per ( foare / | JZ. timcanper ee ON Womepsdor “B EQ RR On? Nt Quake
ihe vS fcton or ih mth we Mig ay “Siar ; VA Pe Sh ‘ore REARS gartmpermmn YS READING
Yaeansbu ~ aver va amber Fille}! spQueSex Blibank po N SP Shermans OF nn as Se ——
TLes Sinking SEPP TON Boyntowe S seer PSM E : Prlquiesthrg Sore Bremich . (cs va “
as Vew Germantown ty) si Loy, ANON pp ») PER a a gE SS Pip, ceton “Ke ge shold i
town Saxton {s M9) ] ZY ers tad wa eK T- qaietownhe aly tapinto of a = © votts
stown oe ie wn “BO WK S NY 3 hts 3 m ut Teincibaaee Eyton a= ZA 2ett . ~ ' y we att
ea RRongtaead 8S ‘ sath ST i : s , f “Phin, wor ‘ Ry wiaatets fedale Are wow te p
ar MO ONM PQL UY fdsbury Park %, j Wel Lf 04 ‘ a <a [odes “<P Pp fen} ix, (es . rf
hi ry NTG ER od RUSTON Fi Far mingaals @ es (Fishertown, he V7 a Bombe Golds lap
fee: w He lard ree ae gyenstoryl mnibler ~~“ Vee Ally LowT may | fanasquan a | es.
ie | s ie Cu GRAN b PHP Uy izcbé rtayn 0 “ ) Phoeniwille Nast orig oe . i OWT 3 =
=: = SA 0 “Bs tt | % i pSer ~Mar iigtta) AGE ste’ rt att Rect est BR le y con 3}
TaFoway 3 pent Pleasan Be a “SOMER Fadi Ga RRR kinnetisbytea| Shippensburg { 7 = 7
‘ ca c 1) 40 } yt T 3 Rican ae a" ii ~— ~ a tb, al GA ‘a Ennis te leer ie Af PE j
sia ; s/f Lakeehar: i 2 a Se SS : nal, ‘ockwovd. } Furnace ra T j r LAT, 1% Coe
{psville) eae NS ¢ on cos 9} oo Whi ) hiaadwiek me = 2 f C Ctamnslsber ae | Pet iy
me RRS Os a an DELAWARE: fs Mon = tina ie ee Mev; B df rn req | /\ \ jan ingt y * \
c ‘ “" <TDEN ly | = 5 = athe” ergsdal, - A at NS FU pers f \gyotee / Forge } ‘gl \\
Roan hi Sut SOUL TP Ricilos Lod e. Ae / nt Holly eqside Parke > % = y y MT ON Cha :
yf Nis ile Hey ZL 1 < St "Guat." /} sai : Haddgnit ‘Medford Y sland = s z iP AN len
lea ae pao 5 Su < xo if. e Buck Ve co i iy K Wl ; D h Navara (Barrett Squa ca se ge
SNe BURLINGTOY, ‘ ch ~~ ee 4 iF cera stle 7 < . : Lupe oo f Bg ‘ 3 am S a \e e) R
Nun Pe, \ harpegat City R ar) TO, y, vhofo Myla a GAMRENS : 4 : < 4 ®. ua vlan,
Pranegt i / ‘ by Hill | [Rlassbivo \afin. slow] 5 ' idlandp Ret! i sath Bigs y, Vx"
ee la ta : ‘d Bag Ton ; G. Ne a f We stginste { ro : . } i ita 7. ree We ‘Only
ongtoran ‘ aptine iWaters he IG : MY Por t Depo: ites fF lave. ? od Me ec oe Mant P
ipo ~ {mh i Nn hy Spark! Bel Aine yt OND ch bean gihes oe. Etre Wor <7 ‘ V Hagry
fours ponsboro | coh, Wy adadia i oF; . pant 7p S Se = | fartins bur “ot f \
Walkersytil ee ot “CARROL {BA TTI MORE VWlayton 5 ire gacey iG \ Prvland Bs en | <
Mays ew Inkl a B i ¥ F 4 Erm hehe be 00 EY OP Perey y) s Da >> | = RKEYEY 5 repay
erd st R OYE R IGK \ as mar \ i aie % 1 | he: [rede svicky y) Me Air Reister stown
" nuthehrl of \~L~ es “{Paridg pn Oy. \ y PS HI A ais ~- ton = Sylee eos ile “< ‘ f
‘lows 4 ; a Gy Se Millville \P; leas (PRowney ( pansy - “Wood ss seal BALTES ae i
v} Massey we " ae ND( Ye of Atlantic Cty.’ RS SH bar shad = C atonavitke rr Net fe
ee Y "Longport my J. " : 4 ; uTh Ce ha S* it Ry bi in ty bi / 4 i] aS Au ‘s : i ,
vias a E The Sit ¢ ity a ad ¥ fi mh one J UPOveat City’ : } mie ee ae : “HOWARD 7
ayy" < oy \prent . x 1 | y chester /f oteyville S Harfdlton} oy ‘ex ee Gui | a ai H
fare aye. fr ‘fCorsons Inet as — ow uf Ss ie Tee st ‘ : ; “ Es Pe Ha : ed » ia We
We. Sea_Tsle (ity 3 f | So 7 No a ON TGQM E RY Saiages L¢ A a ‘ . = bai D aft Hill
pied : FR ; ‘¢ .. sOde > < mS Sy a © =e CARY EBhie? eesbur} — aecvills bY aN, a ral
Maryde dg (45 NT —————. eal| hn % > iii ar ee ges DOUN Ps ») of A. OX UE ANNES Vf}
Freplerieety Seon. lin oy | ( pds Be SMLSOUNE g Bayard} } A: bars Kensington. /
Wasepbyry* ‘ SQ, LS ae “e (a) & (Cc ria ™ Oy My eS ana’ A ne Sterling Yvitibvilles
RNAP OW FR enite wwille ; Wildwood : = | ¥ ve : so. So 3 a Athi , aes a don ep!
NNESS \ a Por ; pans ot 4 | yoy dry! Pap ¥/ Woodstock Ne a aRectort Geargetow C]
OF) CON ALR in i : a4 = | { / ‘3 ; A D . ‘ | - d 7 4 ~ | 5 fi iy SHENA cy front
Royal \ “ti — a Faixt beter ni) ue & IYARUNG BLY mn ~ADe riton ly ; ape May 5 | lp
|\ ™ ; F Br oadrun Nines? fa almlay ARLINGT “PRTNG er pualeyy “ A ger) \C APOUTWOh.
| wad bs | Y ADM nas al eran oy oH mm Ae L \Y i ae > ’ tae se F|AU QUIER \“
dlewcrnieltte ai soy He Pepin AP De ona ry aoe x C Henlopen : ele Warrenton. >. Dr
AIRFAX KEOR G Es ™ & & gh i o- P rs | 4 fii JRAPPAMAKNOG mw Ux aeernanes hand i Cpr
bthalall- ex Beach By = || pes : wT Ly woe Chesa eae, y re shan b—— Sach B) i ‘yi H
<a) Goalie \eah adh 4 ohne ile e f oy oy y A (Be ach \ \ STNG Ge epr ae re; Rehe
< / “R lhe § \ f Ah. s z S' +> i | iF Seed ‘ ‘Stone Man, pa WILLIAM Acs U/l ee Pa
cai Xs bse = 1 if nghiam Gast | e2Seoteon CK Ley Ci HAY és i Fre a £ Exod Muriel
eatord f ; ac RB ~ “ & va g y, re) J { | a wom ges ig LFEP cata dane STAFFORO ,
( abe sy NH inkopory oe jb Nisam = a | | \/ al 7 Pt - ep Rerun pS vf arnage ; : ;
7s TIRGP He .\ Stafford y DORCHESITER 5 Cae bs = 0. i > | ; %,, ae ty Goldentul (,
Ly yw | Oy Ja | 160 d ep ye Rucci 7 Poke ip f- +i YSal lishbury 2 Rhoadsv ille
Parker fs KING GEORGEN = ARR } Wansjtok 1” fFru land, Oc0ear- Cy iy ‘aa | en pe j .
4 E, j uw ‘ Orange . “Frecderiohsbir —— Geox © HooperslS ; d same f wortesrey — |
ersét S otsylvania ae : Blood. sw rimce $s nne Sno hy i | ANBE. 2 a Orth, 5
EDealdsland || Ms Por dons. Sur Ke \ Guinevs i. VESTMOF 0 RR A sy ‘ <4 nun gula a
ag me als SPOTSYLVANIA’ \\ Bowdix Re OM & OMEN a iy x] || ev ee ) rent io otto eh J
\ \ - oO uisé . vt coe. ; Teas 4 C$ O18 ~ . ee __CAR 0 LI NE 3 Y ’ hand weee . P OL
: : 7 —— = = = = = — i a SSS + | 88 ‘ LOUISA tS b : LS aa ss = : ? V0) JAssateagueT
s wh, 1 ae Bumpass te Mess __Tappah: annock oe Warsaw ~ ; — ag f 5° eS 7 At ¥ pilte
oe i \ Dose 4 Glen. ve. ESSEX lide MOND: wee To ae bg Chincoteague Pi Ka | AF) tg
Sa Dy The pcany site } 4 ler" : As oy 1] —— \FLUVANSA A. | c HANO 3 T, ‘ i -e y = :
j we i James Br rid i : / HANOVER“ = We oq » 3 a A BS luff s 2 » Mantas x +} ANY 2°
C0 OCHLAND »..4shland } 79 ang & Ac = vie aNe: Urwin eGoochland ~ ~ : +8 WILLIAM
“King Uy i % =) B U G K | N GHAM (Kanto : si Selec gt uc “Oy LIAM 2, “ / At | <hey
ENR coy ap Mix © Tey eat MALPE Powhatan -RIKH MOND 9 4 o : = =f 2 Manchest ie
~MIDDLES Kp Stingray Bey FL Q ; : « \eo 9 wl La
_ APROMATTOX ss aa} * Ap pomattox Po } af, of a0 0 = / | | | a comaatad J ycnnn
ves un on ” rd | y , 2 : > . 40 mF? tT ’ ya? pee f > VE 7 gp ip ° p YS &= : || ee,
* : % a 4 g on / | \ » id At we . : , | F | Ny Mikennys % wave te raat ov “ poe Ti
lave i mroe| es d midge Notpy 2 ; oe / Ne SNeyepart == [; «glumenburg ? Wes — a 1¢
~ - CHenry . : ; Py / ‘LUN EW BURG \ > Alberta. Gg uss ex nas. : y ~ ——a 7 ChaseC?
“hop, VCLoLawrenc ite Larva / Fas > a t Tq BORER BU RG a, <> S: Reng yt rs - D ¢ pp
Rermiey ‘ ass Anne “o> Mehertur | —— , aw ay RS te | - : /BRUNSWIOK ak a ip >, |
AGRE NSVILLE Yowso { = | ABo yi ome , , Re MENTS : > \ 1] 18 : . mt : Sun michory
PO" eWay Inat = e ate 3 | M Oxboro 7 gout ee Garyghi SS al) GRANYV j Fe, ee ures “
' pat ; in. Warrenton Waldon| Gatgsv alg Se Ir WA RE IN ates : } fi : er: a AI,
ndepson w Zp Ea 9 age he HALKF = | J ad itrell i i ; has \ >. Enfield = | ouisbure
antes 5 ag emo ‘S, 9 TH : prc Hig ghia \ | LEU in WE By the NBERTIE lis P* fe LA LA
oe 5 , ae Yindsor = = SSS SS Se: ———————__ 36 git “s DA ca a oe - a LN i \\ T Phyx
a a a ee mee ie ae TYRRELL ___ British Statute Miles 69-16~ 1 Degree AS } GT ay dp
AP ra ¥ M tig a SO n Filint 5 ml HaN 8) 2] 20 —— ee ua ¥ A vy F Ve Wn es Phelps ?
40 60 Z it 7 5 iy, I d hein ~— Ste by LA Lake tes eC : ’ | \ 2 1 y - hi, ap ; me Ws
4n ypona} ¥ at S New Iniet. isi, / y y ee eg J O NX : Ar p ; ———— rmetres di: to A
Dearée | - aot “i wop oroeed PATigg St é — seta egree =e ghwer HY D E so «80 200 Ro
a |
lohbn Bartt $ .. S John. Bartholothew & San [td
. | . | 4 ;
ee Se ee NEW ENGLAND —
* ; - im 70
A 74 B ’ so mY i! 1a a se ene pare aie ——— nD BSA SR ca So SFI Tot en ee RE Later 5
Vie Zi uy Oe oN Le rk Se StD vey) StRaymond SS banners Th hep limon ies TMAGNY:
f- a ee J taqp), St Par ie Pe ait 9 ¢ = BA we We CHAMPLAIN|
Seis? Gt 4 a; .<
Eagles = moa Me
- ban * 7 Ly ‘ea oy 7 Ds LOT BI NVYERK Se " indo st Moric CAs “D> ; Bs \' i \
pauper ¢ ON pore WE ESTs =)
y ww A evaitt ith -
. ? » FS r BM, ; ZN yah /ustiig | " . | = ney’ & Q) = a> x 2 S: ‘Pautinp ‘ ME UT 4
é steT’ aN) Valle, Vy fa, S~nbourne iKiG A Ss Fi LD: CS, a ge 4 Macasd \ Thr River
© beh Mi udeleing : oc Sins Ea erodhiaaly otes! XN / /\ \ Allag pesto ‘Po id Ke 7
os f L.Maskinongée ongé RY ce i iy ag , foc Yi rug AS tTaseph PS¢Rose / if hz en
esate a 1} La y >L. ¥ ¢ ad ait) 3\ ; a, [3 es sa Sei Nt pti alioc “Ys ite OF ete AD
i N J »y Ba pen \ Chayderlain Mi ta 718; Bi | | & NS Zenvlingl.. Lona ad. Pi
Gabriel [ane A —— oT Kharnd? (2 Bi henatforit Enveyness > - PUG, —~ } Cay ORY
Matagd ‘ | | NAY 4 Seleabie Matpa f Loutijze vidjes* 7 NYC | L ET | . $P] sisyille
E Bron Wy by No bes ricer ville | WV \ LA IE Fs ztpr wceplion \ “\Maskinoflgép ek
PRE olee Be OeNavelin wre C PL. sold h Fi umber land LAS oa ‘\ J | CS. Vere ee Voz
Jovit | ey eae 2? alg sity ue = Tf WN [STO Tt» let ie M E G A NT 2 , ¢ NSEVi Kt;
wie E. — : 1} ....93)/ Somme! ss L.des Tles. ~\ g J » kor Ti que ~Bulstrode “(trite
villey Le ay 7 Mill : 1] uve = = ad bie oF a Finke of § vt \ , JersevMilts Ol f
Vantetrs =) “Kil lare "l : ”P Pakiyhec At Leona x Malkge William the ‘thord ; f
iiphren, Ni 2 = F " f es/ ae sl: x lgathe} “2 qu 1 Ftd ii WIICO“LS 2 IY ART ! THA
Ae SK KA vi } mene! =}, B E A U .¢ E See ee | 2, >. \ 7, MWictonayili« beL ¢ d 3.)
| ~~ & Py — : a panei A PAS qe iba [ Sy ‘Bla bh ake. HW Hit eF | . of rinses j 7 a
SQ (Tot AgZ Wolfestown )StBvarisk ~ W.. Br Pe 1, ai | . 4 AY JULeT Ee PONS Ean f
Sher a . > i =“ he me | , Nadi Bo Rm. ¥ 4 y c Layme i 1 s Te Coletaine ¥ ir |
Armstrong arch > a ‘j “< Ptiern kos! Abe ; APicH ELIE Moraventarde Sun tin, ig ee
She grancis AER : \ | | Il S _V93 ® Hua | . *T Boe mB y PSt Ours) Sap SGuilliu un
Nie V adville ~ ia Sar tbor: ny : Sh Nisrae 4 > abt Geqeore .£ hake = YX < rey > ‘
PSM y rungs e ingwick dmeubton {< 4 “i : < incr Of “ian BY tf? 73 Y Cinsirecainr hy
on Kings ev Kingse Gia thhy je) be daiekr 1st Sebastioyt Moosehe ad < “4 fed ke GAS
OMP VI, pS Darks Sfosse 327! M Ww @ND > WOL 7, N AC iLakeS rT RS . | |- sé ys 3 Dey
€ rome G Vepclleres ont 3 72: Tye, i. : = Halt ithe 7 F R O NCT E. 4. Br se von dA
vei “hoz: Canugygy: VER- a ye pS! Sigtort /t. dverar Fy oHam fk 3 se Civile Patina
fun 5 i | 29%" 4ERES St , } Watton? vy j nA ‘ . 1ke Lt {Ln %, - i VOT HYACINTH My
PB BG O J if 5. Dus te ayn 7 Se y r is ; isa gi ‘Stoynow %) r ] Nor wes | A 1.
<as ; S?iuquetin j seat. (pats Le 4 ry nie chmond. 47 ,h Je tote \ Siminghil,. ™
ye: zy 8 “4 ~ esbur e uUguUaTInN 55° Koa y) Sie “as C7) rt Hyaginthe} \ r aay ale
pire NCH MON Murble AY A Cou id , : { ? S C aay A | ye SSS0P Sa. stn Neha mpl hf
SOs Fs Ao tees SEA fatte lainke~ ‘a Sh disor Mills. j Fa 1° Weganty WS ares | |
Tote sus// ~% e Bele ist | \\' gerne )Roxton Fal alls ? pare ye . _/T Mepantic Y,
EX \_ Sehaodion | | ts te rely Jarhake) > LE Bh oriprtot SE Ap, my. Se ‘ —< | (Pla,
a ener rs. i ré Z St Valefien - Ville\ Wextbupey ‘°Broglebi ay SCOCSTOWIL Gi ( ft |
| g Riceville, > 2 Ee M: nigral i SRo yctone’ Valootiryy” es Yio " MM Megauti ns L
4 »A\ 7 : ha / v, ‘ Glen Rabert- . ‘ 4 ns pe oy ee gectRe lS HE a ‘KOR Di Sh | ep 1
ie ai yaa Webs f- Spencer L. \ "* 2, Ie Bas > iy , CB i} c bertsons.” > pee 4 ‘
TAIN *:/ :. . |SROUVIULE | \Gr: iby) \ pnherbroad Ve Qburns : 2 a A, , TOWhvilet "
Q 1 Alexandr; >. 7 oS, . St A Prat 61 recs f SY, hit, relp ra | Wi aterldo SH ERB "
(e off M P hk Q N) PB Sad idie}).. is ~—— { pead RE RY Monson 2 June. : | . y , . :
‘| fi aiyhobe 7 y: j cI villi Vy A s rd AS ~~ | ) ay s ee = dba — i . ~ rville J
wee | ea Li » Lee yervil # p66: \Flag staf? r. LO TUTE Yo Suu s‘\i = oster/l f : ,
‘ ~~ | < I pi Stitch Z/LN et ye foil i Ces 7 Wetenvill Beaverpond~ Te ) : Tio /
z ,0KpOTL eC > > : a y ~ i A f - ie art me ILLES groOnpore § "1 Ane apt ri Pliver /
\ / ys a VA. j { ae x amd 5 ! (pears PHT Part iy . i Malvave iH | PR SES Yi cae
Oprast a RVILLE 1 Sweetsburgr sersg of fy iI a EPS a) egran rmiao ee a ugk inghd
Foxcr oft] wen Sbiigra o/°st dri, tj J 7 appellees bit fo rd B, R 0 M fF L (Masi
bipipit Maly LT vag Hepnfoago, SB lowe, } ow Lea = y ) = eC R 4S nrinaton ° : NH FN
Dee hain PS2tton q PBby Tiuore ts iticoo x9 se nig F we 7 Bini Vite Bes Dexter 1 :
— 3 4 uaa li 4 y Rye \ * nk vam Kar - Hudson\, | b | Leer cermas N. En. Licata S 01
are) fi "OF a Dp BD ds ho une tie R AN N K & | Ni a y \ iat my ‘) | = “ g ¢ 4 | | <
—- 1G 0 » Cos ighlizg- prysted : B98" ME! pi: a “a I
the Biange le one Teakken'
“t: ied ange kr Saclay | iadiibgck | 7) AG
Bas. Strong Semis Phillips ‘Ansim
\ MBlue
*®3200 \ 4 \'
we 7 }, lipsh shes ee : ge hasta
Pe Fa. / TP v. \ Here % =5 Ore H uN ’ ty Ri ie VT chad Witotewarte town | ion ow j
ty a is \ FW ‘il are eS i en eWPor “ fr Sh aie he <> i = f
“Monta: per, } 7 eh WK LI N ; ¢ (f > ignep \pFagi' field OR Lest A N.S s
frashtira \
E Chazy
; iy gland Bor dy
1g? PL
< . . aeto T ~ CAOS | att tsbur SE tre orgiad ray f ST e ‘ ! . | ne | wee SS Rif ae
5 Stratt ss / oO 0 Ss 4 : 7 N | (s a‘ Mica Aah git scare i ey % Burkey a Wiltonf ey
qa eng: | \WweMitar
LL bE "Craftsbury ParieMoneieyjlfs ‘
ton. Mathstield Se RL ie 4 4ESA,
ia EE ddLevobia tes
\ Fan g Pravel/: ' forthum
J Monomoay I. Wonomoy Pe
Natural Scale 1: 5,000,000
\.S' Pierre
ry " quitou 1S
——$Saiitedea od y
Hécla . a 5 9 ; Buftilo”~ Louth Fol A ae Be pee R o fure hae Leela Vs fredpy tele}
7 : ae ; ; 8 46 f sg ai Grama 2 Mound: ‘ity ol ll OR Nice é | > 2 \ J - f . s° D>
sera Cae wl) f Cx tae S <4 ilsview S j 2 ro { 2 a : ~ . oy, : f re ier f. SE eS Z .
“eg Sh {\ pe J fj au: j \hratiny Bison fad G Coridge, i 1B yy. \ \Wis | / Pre ee
‘OQ ” aia . ‘ ~~ ] : Role 3 \ — OW 2 A D2PT«K. va > “ . . i(C oe) fey Be ( Clay o
Cay ( BO G7 hem, High . if ele. ——. ‘ Rimber ee — S 3 td CF “Lf eT Gr hon} } | /
GI. eH ville Yang | Sibson hee dee Snap ~ j WwW Plazs ~ : a har ps ne Neo Sy h
Taahe jo— Am) PHI P4300 } endow ers z ; 4 Tee Si } eked tery, i . Hi. 1s —t Sal : a
goal Re ‘ : i sai a WB ras: e aor j Ma LZ i Ww A Bites Mor Cale R 5 Pe a, é x, Webs
Dre Store a sp aa i, ny aa ny AL LY pr ; Alaske. hee. | gee Saye 4 G > shy ex a —~
Pd | “~~ 7] . ; ELEM cry, sgl fra cel oa Cheyenn Ri. i Bes Mondera rhe dCde ma cant
=n AN “ rome Fi’ > ‘ ; Coy G1 2 iven_4F RP . j i —$—T r+ te \ ‘ 1d SP a De ers Kar
RB. Faith pce CP 4. Lt. Gett Vsburd P fi | Ra Paes Jktevil Oo Nterae Boe | / i) kth
. ishtot 2 ‘ : dy vadu ER / \ ‘ We, ar 7 I a ‘ orest City Tau are ~ <4. 5 u ‘ } Y j
| if = AN ~\ \ ws > i > tes ‘ ¥ Nm \ | i N. Tilo, aan 1 ewe eerey Foren} i Orient
‘red Ds an wae : one Bp > - x0 Wp : = ao Na f B A { aN ere wa eteabry oN =F 7 ’ om
40 TA ret ~ sOnidel ‘ ( \ Feli. wy W: ar ren {Pls PIAS: Z. ue, ¢ ~ j U 7 ) H Bennet
ID C Safle { | NR as » ) | eT | H Pere" 1D ea qley, . ~tlletic ay a a we 0d, Fo’
Nite ALK j °Lestie . Blumt 7 Highmore - K Gi 'g An, ) \ Satan ge, of ar Stra ‘gis
ah C Tae ee ae 5 Ss M . ; ‘ ~h 5 es i Y 1a % Rad Pierre Ries itfer am , J ‘ Ozer
or: eee -<. By =, Jt LOT Pe Se Ah ah 4 |the Sonet * ast rot Cy sags Srnidhsio c
PLP; oD (SE page xis HE, ic } “ahh ; eee : Pin pe > LTT CA wouss ea, so oe one”
Ipton de Irs Se eis jOq weston L535 ae yr ~ eoncce ¥ Weg rs inrten\ Luror. “i
‘oqubis He i . | ms ae "fis Meh i 1 : ft L’ Brule Weak Pri Na \Ve ya am : Ae Cam, ;
EN — ci RGAE, oS < Prettin Now Lis \ ee. Ind Ae s LR r = YQ oe A \ 1 ree Nl oe poe
| WS i SS 5 UC Midian Z Lower Br fale? ae We ou ewan Sez h | Har ney. y pe’ yy, Wa
‘ ar oo ~ 2 oon ysooke ¢ Re ~< q é —. it cies | ; é Be one gee hite ( Lay Be mn
Kertnebeo Yoo vn eta ~ AN » “ 7 v 4 a ‘ sg e ae. Py Sr gdoka, we Murdo. Caroma, |
Cham Ferlain H——_\ | \, MA 3 anes f Ne rig . ¢ Antelope Cr, ~) : ret é 5 sc \ tan
hite, R. fs ae Plankintor 1——~ i oa tom , Bs Ea ae Wi toi ioe se, “Aimbalt Mitchell
Seo pa Pp x 4 Ay 1 \ so ULE EY @F 7. { Bijou Hillis © Cp. 4 id EP 5 PGE HE AG XS
Swoosh YE ( ) Pilew tte port } x ¢ ~’ re “ oa r Xs gn 2 lhe. 3h N Vinten ? >
{Platte . | ParkSton Y, in . y Ro Pty, ad (| ow Ndirmour'a) Olivet e/ Hur wey) 7 “7
vA Martin DF <<, oo f Ry \: “ ~ {Pallas 5 } R — Pr re A 4 “ c : Fr a | pa Wf Pee se
9 “Qe : SIO MON ) Tripp oF, Ses nt \fentreville \_f figs Rear SV fe S. colgrn : YG
h | >) — 2 \~ - ; ~ dea 7 mad Zl. xo § lower Vt, Prisghar ? AN, t } Sn —— : y
[orange cy n -%, 5 3 pn P) : y lenane \ $, . 2 — = SIGE 7 : Vy y OS a | ) y +. ~
iyi A 2 j y cay Ss LAP or i O75 PS an —~ ah | } Ra >. Cher 2 ere ; ; f , : ae, : .
1s | Bea : i D - Bu. Snake Bs Wood Lakew | oF 7 r Mobrart. eas it a. ee | ee / TA
ie SEN yt. She A iis 3) Bloombield Ce fi ay es ent oH tT ae Beat Die set - WD $e ~
Sh 42 | Yl a Ainsworth, > Atkins one i b Weill bay mle Tae | ) 42 || : Nard a el }
| LZ var Noh, 1 Cee el yf Pes vy | || aga kore as he a i i if “p > B. rey) tE
atland Z : nT ree ys
\ A ol WT que Cen \> \ 2 y Cle, "tg topeen My I Tm. aN RR OL W OLE OLI3) ay.
ae ig _" 7
PIL yep _/ -- ( - J on Hyannis papal tL lip Oakisde ; [ LAO : ~Ergw eae Bartle EB
at Ny ve
ppt eran
we tors a A m= AY
l hapman
iat ion mM yA
Le d L072. % pe 5 ; ean sf ee FI sarong ee Pe. Mile re f Noreke ‘Eile |
”DShuandon ; eta Sword { } ¢ 5G i) “Burling an. ¥ one v Ss K, ten a Ate f ra Joe re
wee N Hi by OS 4, sass be Grove e eat sad oS i a ao p 3 1 ‘ Q ~ Pilla Creve pete OF
AS Ny Sapiaes we ote es tft iE tndshin’ fi laring won oo Syndr ‘Dita he a ‘ rs . )
a 2 ess ¢ City < re aa | LCOtd, lighior m8 a Ce “Slope: MU one eo f OL Siro Yty Emp
y | eho VYosa . ' CER wali yo Great Shh Etim wyod Sy. , \ iu re G ,— ‘aha é J ; \ “
y a é \ oti Vaughn. ~(s Sven ¥ if Pha son . ii potion Sx [ Ny 4 " ‘3 . Oaniced Le \
Larred W ‘ . niA a ‘ Shed \ } - ; pole : y : ; ~~ ‘tom X. . — ~ —~ SK Lrore ee iN
ws St el ‘ 10) ¥ Vecek: xg Ore) qabgd vA fore i : Ly 7 y ~ AAT: . \ / pe %, ; Far
den tix pewpener ss S¥ John Zé “Tee hires SOTY Newton é i> wad | INS ‘Kinsley, a t
‘ { 4 t Staffor aN an Tia ~- » LF dws fe od Wrap it} é te ae / mar Lp lyé City ee
OO \ Chiron A ~ donna LNs Brit ~ | : AIA SG pe et cae (Oca : CN Ve “ - ¢ ? y ‘ i vr
1 PAR 5 “ Dodg 7s . _——~ LZ / : ay Apiian A “Nattehep? {Ty “f Dae Feet a le of ss
es 4 Greensbur / Aga | Wi hitz ; AT pa Sever / He SEI “pas ia Ee “\. Montez treat y
\ 3 4 SE pe ep Pe zune Xt ; a : ; ; <i ees Sublette _» , Bucklin ae R > 4 Cea water
: oe 9 opal 1 NS TAT ; : PELIOG ee ego. . ran i ef gh” % Y ete’ US \_ fee one] }
Z \ % SNe - S Com wane PSs. > 7 Sherk y 5 4 ~ Ys Medes mp 4b ~ Maes PERL Harpe ol 4
Sj . a 1 tine fr ~) Ayboron ee S__ Ash tland eH Oldwatey* sOATOrs-\ Jes 3 + Ee ate:
Bie E 2 é AE f ™ er ¢ POTN ETE . ee | SsDevege-pe ieee ftewp coed ><a heat |
Ariondh- r ae Se ac, AN Brij tes o0d A\~ , Calefrell, ma £ * Axabeth renew i : Bry
- os why f , > Zz Bie a “ee th i r ate tC art Q { : ty pos my Texting 4
L) 88
Le Ss . -- _ a y) Redditt Bev oe S oe |
ver vmulllion Bay : av Mi Ay : rn 6 ae & he] : NOE ae ; Ss wlantace é 4
wiora apr Raleigh
7? Manito wt.
"Takeo ¢ 6 oy bide tie HY a sa pr. YS, PB a AR
A ‘)
White Utter co, 4 ie ¥ i
Bis! upthe rhe hs % rR. gate" ». v sf ‘ ‘ af, i, Ray Tuver) tare
Bonheur Si heba
y J G3 Re
Axel Wy p ip newood oN :
, Digit Kot
oa 2 gasgtow” vm . ? isp” xB E Ka Jedamahgn LS cage Faroe ) Ne
: Ix .
o noi -. Hort es
% LP eppliont 4 ae hina a rid, Pag. y Ae
Pst = oF a mone:
<= SSS
“4 - Hoi a iz Y Tike, re 4 K. i zai F RX ind. , 4 oa te Nipigor’ : MA ry os y > eX
fren Shaleelspy z= wy f S : A J <P! Black Stufgeot ea.” Cant VLMAIC. « iy? AS. 3 /;
Sia iF
MU chirdy
=) Helens: ° . Kama}
cS Yo af ~ > Mokomon iN Stanley er Wt eo
rd, Arr “ow da
Eagle Riv ere LF Se
0 cai I
bs Onion a
{= = ae . t ee te NY ~ 4 ac
r 1. ot - | . ~\ > Rhinelander \\ 0, ~ oa ranyn?
Big Tomahaw
L_~ ; a Merrill
* \
‘ ye ‘aspen
\ 1 es FEBS Mr ndmnidee 2
SRSA fac fs it Lt é } < sce:
=e { eS Tye London
) > Wisconsue rus fae Rapuds roe
} Wautkma 4
\ Berlin J wee
%I " BIRO F ‘ Kor A ff re ee
pore” are inteton ar v)
4 \\ew C rysse
“Ving qua
LE Lrevs Re eeegRUrg
pifhland di a is
\De 24 ora ai
b gpig S| Waukon i, v4 oPi
ue ~
_ = YForest CaaS
_ Pager! kak hale & stvilley
Mau she eel y \Sity \ Me Grego. Gay ner oy oan QOH Sty as
ideo \ ess Va teach MK Untaft \
(Hamp tor. las aber Sumner \ : YeWanerly»
“CLeion es Oelwear
‘ ay es Y cedaxkfall's y
\. irae ts thu d Clear hake ae Brith 13 yp ay fe Prairte guider '
ac Aa
Vou. Ux Re y
E na 2)
Kot 4 7 Hal boil i Rakotont | mB We he iby ee iy} is EDedver, yYisae wiry Meas —
Sewepater’ Ww) -WarerlooX Lae Ae : aa by) 2 Grundy Center inde poyglen mee | ihaz
3g She i a Pe 1d J Ele dorayy Seton. Cad 1
LAK Gi a vy ae Story C , \ Re ibe che. e ~ ary Coty) X Traek- Winton sn Nias, t
7%) me \ pt z, oy vhs JNe alain Myarshallt Mi "ie Pv Vedat ee Te oho "Ra a mit ea
on ~~ @ Bree tle Nine erie “ll ee aa)
‘ ‘Me er “Jo % S \Beooktyn wh @ ;
\ Bdove
a sto <
fanie: Or
‘ .' AMES Srate (enter =a emiidrhg Dew lon, \ O6liaxe », © ts Hes Motges | wt stig
Wow Shain ; - onte yuma x Phi pene; “Winter s} ot a Z ~ fouled © \P What Cheer Must
flantic \ Bigoyorrey
shi ils Yee
x Was inagpton®
Eddy lle>< | PF Papell: Diu d & tPieaswat z LAS
BRI e fis New ldbre~ iy Londo, rr
vg ‘orveatetha |
cea pat, _ Kan ites cw ARCS te
4 p \ \/ i al “vg cee % Bae |
Emetnotons 7 Nall : ars 4 retetice Sensville "e ANGE Col arabic, / Rig eggs S,
Sweet Spr gall e: Mortgnmne® Py Hull.
~ larrensbure Se bid i Tp e ea a
Tenaine SV Se ait 45/
tS a5 Bag ne Ph
e Pao lay My
wa p
~y de \ PT “phatvore — Clinto®k W Hegbanton) a ae Deep
a Biche (a
ae | as "3 pesvil te
J « Pilot Knob, £alem
fitoyston Eminence- VG OS As ao as — sbi ‘ems oe a Cit} A: Oza ma Ave QL Chad ;
G alen ay “Kor syth
a ow Spe ~ 7 Van Bitre
plains ~~ ~
* Greenwich (J
Posy sh fic peta ie, ots as)
sath PN ae ler More L
Ak mired EE £7
canbouE ~ Bacher wana : Me he “tina
| at Me Bez wel 13
, Any, tb. : ne fF id Shee ay :
” ae Washi reqgton
Ls Sab le Lineal
iio pamdt
Frankfor ty Pe Arcadu Tho
efomnUoly »
Ty Bek: “SHouwg he" L edith We Stk pram hy
. Mer <>
_ Har ris gn
wes hak fart at of ~ Pentwale + Bie PA : r Clare); y yes war N roa ut peasant
f a snes . ‘al :
Montag rhitar | ey
: i Ps AAT [than ) ys v f Q 1
iw (Lua Ape at oy Luding se —
We BS. . ug sa
; he Sia [Man Le
’ Sranton
Koudaly Xe] — Petal’ Wasungs i Sy oma a | : Yinelh Hire
~N re] RRO } Mi som +f syn Rapid pe
Fappallea v Char lattes v LPieirov cll 4 “tey pe B aptl e { "T’. South Tlavenp AY
tah: Bite. 4700 - !
5 By ase i Parwit ! e : Renton i. Q | ea Y, : i HN oh = Naas fo ee ee (- i <-4 o
cemage feat GLe Ae AY, aa Re Ans paige tj Ne et nes f
; “Sica r
5 ti Nepicaco SIG UTM E> eT scat Hg 1 ae
ported f L1G 30. sive ma vi :
ee ees
. Vora iy nS? he rat 5 Colnbes
ut ; ocheeste \ Ro mth
Matches athe 3 hs separ a
\p. “Up cag:
Aske \, Winn ae Beav er LA ppelacr a | antl and \* Montice [lo
Sg pelpht a 1
’ 2 ~ "
Fdim 2 th § el
7 ° uss a
yi , 5 OWwerlaTy | Ue 5 sis te xe)
‘a < tay a : \. iy Pah Ue ws o* Jan,» , Log * 2 \ sanliste
Es 3S ne “ prariye my iw
Nouis fale
tet ville fae,
, tela othotown —
Bas ~ | ff bei Tee ei oHoatger | [Le ub
Morgantte vane OF op
Snekayer™ Nn Sea Li as eN S
\ wpe aie } a< ho
“ meen vil
K M: on i . is
yy a? Nox t 5% Vreemn R. gville nuno Se ri ‘ohm
Profudert? “Mad ene’ Bartigygt se ala efbrTe
hall SS W ‘egiggps| shi wrgy
P "yee a
en di \\e1asgor cu
UA ‘of
fut gselfy le sville » sBurkes ville mall ae
ee ir antl ir
- Bowhing posite “opine bile \
V oO.
~ Mer te a me eee ee
—— - Se Sef FOIE
4 Ne ) ) r ) : ' \ a
: Bag: gt f Le yy ZN
a @ (EZ Fubjo vton \
———<" Conwea
Pea land ‘ Wells z ei ep Botan
Snyde = [~~ 1 \
Seminole* , }
Athan we 5ert . Se
N | Baird J \~—\
\ Chad. bet see \ ieee
, pe Sipe Spr? a ~— - ~ — an ~ aE ~
t Comghches pp € “<>, L_=—
Ss ore en Pa
sy j Le
by ee Pueblo vA oN Gate: he
ira dy
Granqer ¢
\ /
: Latte oe
tye} f , Saux
JSimehex x
nf Llan ? a > © Rodré Oo de Lo $ / y- NG FSS Re GILG 6 / > . ths tlanos / j Piedras
Negrasg y} Julimes / { a
. : ees, - tit } tS, dosé de Piedras 4% ; uphes A HUA au: cs ae
c , Ls
~ ae ate
eagle B $
’ j Vaby, dena \ Nava : f M irrize Sp 4 ORE OS, / nd NO AUC Ae Lr ~— Ar ‘ _ : er. _
Ashertorn-~_ / ‘ ~~ 2 ee ‘ Guerrere”q\ / atulla, / \ r f | Gig 4 " < ae oy, ~ 7 / )
lb : T 2 \ = ) 7 °\Hosales OL. del Chic J —, Zh, °Hosale: ef = - : — AO \ : . 2a, .
. i OEE QL. del aco Cs v4 m2 RN sth Eneinal f _ Llano de los 1 Nacimienty.* LMG ADs
: ‘
= Breau ~O em
Roh GY | ics xs | | }-~-aeenaig® ~ : _ Leg \ aes Gigartes x \ Y 2 tus Juiz $
SFohipe &. 2 Mi
y i a:
SAS ee Se kw : j Saroteran \ Hondo | o Cylon i ; : ba
~~ oe side. ci AS
| C 102 (D) 100 .E) Longitade West 98 of Greenwich (F ) B 104. 02 a
The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
Natural Scale
Bye Centralia
Ri if Led ag Ye ~ i o— Els ? = —— Merron ie fires iC a Pr 1 ~ ? ‘ tf ™Y ‘el Sw 5 :
7 AS ride ndetic va ia ile ; ccRe Ky “ Ey ete)! (i 1 +u ‘ . ~ ~ Coffins ia, / Loy
WN he 4h; “Lanrenpe OF pnd Ut Lees, 5, Sweet Spry bid T ( Mor quae PN <“y , y mS) a
gr || . 7 \ 7 ® % | a t st 9) md ' 4 ; ey » \) fPmy tC pom | | nidg “, J sckanton
fBa GE 1% iS tL, EN : L se Warrenton. otha a, > os / aly \ {I 7 yg amg Spe aw gut
Vruneco Pulton RA We Fs d-/ ge pel sy yen Ss ey yi | \ - ~ ‘a , . ; 0 © , | f 4 yy,
= tii domi Ghynnoi gga fe. may ae i ory te Corl ( Lert Bra hg salem % \II(a)l | rp
aolage nares Ay ( L30UPt RE oT, Sa TT ais A, Paoli >, | Di wars AN, : ‘ NG ty ed \
Tet aw ™ at F we shengeore i B: Legs — Cente alia \ PP xcusg Je fs ne ter ? | y ;
Ble ? of” i ~~ ees ‘ , a Pr f re Le | | 0 sayataptie \ “Fensaillesy oaths Sos Ay aS
eed ff Belleyitle-~—S \Fenge field epee i New “[Franbfort 1| | . f ui, x Mor ; ‘i (
\ : > 7 i INS: ven fs abate (2 ad 4 pana ‘ star | wide a Gagne »LL\ OG of ya Ero,
™~ ™ Naghv® vel % w as Oihy Lf eaven " orth fi ais © ty, . 4 Ur finglon’ LG at De §
t : {. O hy pine 4 FF ia ; AN J > Ms 4 2 bere , cf Shell ryyille coy i 38 J eNO 4
My DY Pi uw RE, ay Xt te as sills gs _ ies a i Tl «} j 2) n he Spar L - | M il Qs
paces & Sa 22 Lc % cag peltaly \ ; isto ns om 4 2 / \“Sttelville % ox e Pah A) A ,
ters ow Y ] — os ‘Ss tiehiyove Tampsen ae g =) \, ee ) Poto: St fer zi pee i | att
ae ae f i we ,aville \ Sta vi ® Seringe' |] , A oyule ree > Ron ie oN : L WA bo “y
ofeld~ } | 4 i Ay Bi sméarck} pF acre on ia Hart mie (shay need OUT ee Lame AO bie
ge Z LPOG” Haabe oahro™ Z SEED" | ‘ at . Md ville Kt cdrbond ape’, JL d UE bes fe
oH pagans TT fLebane™ | 5 ig i x Pilot Knob, “Iron Ferry NE LYow Lf 'Sie one Ps Ae
ijoayaV Se rn we Sane ‘ i, y, G | ul oalem” __ _, Trotor be: at 6, “ \ -\_ “Di one
ALE: +t . OG | Ne in egy wfioldy o) } hy Centervid { rd eric yoko hw th iH Mey, i
rreetsvurg ( al Po f f~Din | XN wiarsntiely S o} é a, ss il » Japhsan ry f Provide
pee: Aiea y a i ANE : Bunton ee rite Si .. g Sx e * : ri ) } an sO ‘ V i] 0 2. IT
CA : ete : Rests 8 \ a pe fart Ps He Yas On Seen a cdp (rkred ye aU \ we mario. ee
Hartirugton§ 8 ¢ Te 5 ee sville LM, bos um SR rh b CON n * > \ reel 2 ‘eo a 4 ewe g
4 ‘cS Rs Gar" gerade field oe e ) 7 eS eA Me se ilke ny ye mT > ts v | “f }
ePrinnet ne 4 ee ( hum a b DP, er OTF: ; Mowe i er gf 5 Bio ayy Grane, amr Zalmiys
KK si ee as = sYdayeile ( Bowling Greeny age: Ae asaisil aan! | | & 1 4 1 ~ / f 2 -
. s q DRX | a en Kity v4: Yonarh, aise ° Mav77Ia £7) Lm pte Q : Hop! phir ille
2,901 ‘lle , Zi Alle Ay | anes ét Paret = Wi oe Sp “Van Buren’>) oe, 5 ms Co ; Th,
A\_ Elicton ‘ Scots vile / S$ ; mig co re a Spandim Moonnfiela? a ] re \e alhix, \
> AO ihe i ¢ , s pr sho Galena NK Shorteé spooge” 7 iM te ld, 1S baie Sa i we ‘a a)
tin 1“ ‘ tw “| aye \ ~ \ nk Xu : is i eee > => i y, ue | . ity y = a Wertglains Ss
oe Pp ' 1 BI ” \ Jeacfes”/ Z * yt Ohi ly -- — p = o hea I | tal Be aE bea can Tie ‘
lar Byagl Clinton Muara Aaber wer, F re % Rotlix: Spr Shey 4 : (Se Li eee * & Doni
Z ving Lt ne s ag TES h hens , ay ) Whraty oT hye Re thnchah Ioftii artsv rille \ A
pilin seadle 2 ae nv dle fan ie af . i 6 aR = a) : hore fe th. A Ny RRS = ie Ha ,
Ne segues an: ae : Ps x A Ory fardy’ 1 | L ed ty ao sae « Poe ah mets ’ , 8 / 4
fooke wil Bh ~ | 36 i Ji |
Evening : Shade SP
Warr TPidort Mt ne)
yy bie & Ss vd et i Bus fb mies Tasper foes Rlite Me” a — ae PeagecinV View ~SA “~
‘Paul ~ fac 4 9
ue Le ee Clinton” 5 Urt Ww
} po ie 8 OF fi alge sville - Heber Spe A oar i a oe
a ced ville we
x nt 4 : Bogen oN Ke Lt 10D EN
Bates ville
NewporK\ g
saa (ae | ge ete z
NC Hom
Winchestoos iy apex Mee
rts Blur ‘a
“ald ld
rae caat
Atkins Mork lite a LBS Mork u ‘up Wes 9 sve ; a\ oTuway Heeb oa SS a ae ET z ote M}
Mt oe ti AY : 4 d, i ovintlo R egTTt ype \ Fe we I a K BOS BSR Ses oP poigy sort
fwindey | Yun Bea ett - Cl wail ~. __Litthe Re te, : Battle. aeons ClapenTePnx Tu
PP; ea b, kn ate J am P Ti se see a & \y Ve “als ' sy é Mer t foo bill ¥ Dec abo 4
O “ a Ke ? Dune et ‘4 Senki obia ; a), ig Raldwy D Ta 28) maton shat i i rv rel” ip
; Lisl hie I I News Hany 7 , hussditvill ] L f i Jats Ssuaioh ae 7 f _ Mou aie: ¢ 7
fer: sv Ved be: f, Q RoW hy ja tod ( pultén TM aD id \.. Hartse Wt (“salen j a onto
oe T?patt i ft 5 4lhetive pa peat ay <q Cullman =p >
ry, pride P: Rat fesville|~” ee / {Water
Valley " otlena
my Tak A De. me
‘Sher \ jan ON i d Doubte Spr “S Bloun ; * Sore
on i oott
Malev a rine blurt <a has t > $ ~\ J A cyaost estory L£ ca E ss Lr IT oT \ ms ie,
SF | 2 Po i us ne a por ae 7 Se Ae ‘a. yor beatl Ci sm \ >| or Well pe x ii illey
fi Zi a 4 Pp "Arthur City Pre az Ahn x “AN wa is 4 4 Re. eibale!', : ‘d a | A Og
psvillés 4n SPeligsn i 4 Ah "Prese a Or ne so 5 7 Bi nV ges OU fs as 4 oe a ary ie
Clarkesville wie TOS OR ‘ ‘ Sg A am 4 We sit Poiye i’, 4 ay, YY Wha y fide sy “di
‘Pratt UA ieee rp "ie 3 A \ Z Lope ~. ) MJ } Eupor ct A SE o \ + ba = ee ON Tak
dega \ oy Gfirvve ae New Boston Fultan\ ° Camder®R co se nea \ “{ Vir. ger og } Ae
illew a be “diem ys \ b Bs B a A i toniitt D) a a eG Ke “of on ‘Ha hort ¢ + \ ' ‘ o
j VINO es ab Stat’ evuld a “oh =f / r A) ¢ A /Besse et 7 ° ‘ | Be Co i Le Texarkal
Ne w Sr alviert me / ip based ¢ Agmichioek, — Arte si pheet ony" Ae : ‘ “ ite t | i
LPO “aclp, ak { oWfildo sat a q S * Vaxide nub wy We con V. Sor tore" Way Light
anes Peder) 2 44 , ye» \ Hs) , oA. Holly mM poor 7 4 ) {, ‘sp bry * Jivod Water" 3
- t . a jn ll Le vington , hours yy ile | / d OM’ Please t y : NE Y ‘ fp a ag - ot
phur- Spr? oS pte Net tA Al $ Li p . 4 \ Fue { pi fe Kost fis 0 | ‘ ‘ : ‘ie 'h %
inden Ss iP 1 tervtlpe i“ Nhs acon 2, >, ite Sey Fite ae : \§ ‘eget a Ve Pi}. C ;
nen ¥y \ ’ V4 ator elie A aes | ~ KI Ms Sal Yazoo §ye4 rn De Kalb $ NS Lake Z Mi.
ola” St Nalehg rsorm & City E din we g ~S ac nd , Gre & endpor 0 1 —— = ; ela a. A
Cas A lenovo ; = Mixa ms \ ; We ie Nxt galas ie > ‘\ (io <= Walnjor or : CTOs ON t
ve diville ' won os Pilg, op. Mar. hall 4 4 Py pipet by \ Saou duals : i me" Sele i
Cr; rele Syee \ ae t “ .. yar \ o iat g Ti # a < __Bylery/ Z Lf Maser, Ae ;
Forget / [Mer icteees = a A onpgomeRy \—\—; jy a7 \ ee | eat p forton ; finder Ake
ght rodk a Pigepatries pee OAR. » Tr 20 de op, es fe: : : H Nia ryne’ t j Spt* + oe
gion tr on Ks ae, * Cartha e ; : Brands db ) Biterprise -& \ N f U pup oP i 39 G, \
pda + Ie ni seg Worry) R é, t ¢ 5) en * 4 snow Hill Pi Let Tevegeess rh Je \ ( }
San cme - a RS wchisonvillé \ a Bt o's nd ; ye if X cee sts Pe a YL OG Bo 5 (ti, ag
ks etal Py ge eor"y, qasvllef fs Greenvilf® Ag ( impBery-> ss nt ~ 7 peliibsor Xe
Peach ree a Ping Appia i Af Mrey ) , ie JN Cer tiem. | ap %, Sti } Haz ans \ Sam er
svifle g roves ei, fi ahd . { \ Sf \ Fi ag. Lak of W . vv i « b 7 Mas AE | Wosee Se
mMtOlive nl } v lire CH Brar | Nace: Hecht y, Robeling Ta) Ry ietaatla/ }) \ -
¥hgis § Me mu we We > Q | 7 5 se wg CBr ook a aS ; Ni ‘ } ke) vate chew Yi B OX }
Fstabu c iat ¢ Ps oque SX wf \ ‘ Close ‘Sump Se; I 2 a = Y Re wtOeTk, é igh ot SS A
pr C Zig Yom ? KC\ ; <3 . i. i ts oe i No) | i) Foodvitle, fF aly cede) Lg Maz
Qroliak <v @ 46 we EEA 7K Afi S SS bh | Re nal 4 5a © Cord | SBA Ad i eh are
Hinestor Ney ft Py Cadtervig ion . de) dachiien Bane : Keé ote , wi ¢ , 3 <1 VAY
phi: ster) S|
Pas Popa ie
nS i 4 ——
/ fap
Cold § ing
dl goal? 1: 5,000,000
ares aii i oe ee ee 3)
(q) OZI
| i s/
y wee
wee Ub.
% Liberty, , j Viumiiza ft
“= Camacho
hese ae, hall Wi
A . { 0 % ; ? PSCTVOWE api ~ §
3 0 = Fe
12,822 45 : 3 Tuas j Sans” | = r i | = j | Be pt | ‘ei >: oe | CENTRAL | | | C A
er) |. | AMERICA OWS“ Rita M te » ~ Appr Me ot ELL oo ' —: a > | | 2 / : Salinas, |
pte = : 7 eee. a N | | \ ; j | Hh | es ' \ : : bk j f : ; | h SS : i Casa Larga P :
. T ( : A C LT tI } 90; i ; Limon ial 1 Cocos. | i : rs eo | | i. 4 Hy : : —— | ; |
eee : ty ! | | | | Rivad | } | | | i | : { ; | i € \ : ii |
t ‘ulpepper r.
; : Wenman I. i
«,S¥ PAL Roya do Z
Pta 7 / \ Rm PK j atilloe 0 Fy = a : Bicsnan | GP Hedondo RE Bindlos Tw $ Tower I.
S PANAMA CANAL -* a0 ane inincin 5 Kg al baa 4 eo C.Bericgz,, RE-Albemarle ; ie ’ ¥
== —_ : |
Seale 1500000
a, Amador
cS > 5G
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AND \ WEST INDIES The Citizen’s Atlas 161 |
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| | | | all
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NORTH ACAROLINA A ry a a $ 7, de Hatteras : | == " _—— | = | aX 2 : | | | | ;
Z -\_ §™™ CAROLINA 2% —V | |\a
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G. Canaveral Y k:
‘Gti’ ~~ ‘aan
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| $.Mare i ge Oh 4. re \, |. Gonave a ‘ i ree Yh & od ntti ll 6 act - ose ad Ayn
une Mare, ts . r 1 0 Vath 2 cP oN hj it JAMAICA Meal ce Are pata Pike phe Az pe
ise. ea, fucvge ul a, pve hs she ; i SM: aD ‘ ao” . ‘ soil oxi = tt tto Pay
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- eS : me us sie gua Be see | : Portia’ e ent B gs < = dd" ae nie? va son err / ; —
porto : i A . 2 &. = S << a < Maniserts rs Sat P py mw og = | Pedro BY. 3 T ae I i
T i : Ww A R 2D a Pi 5 agit a Pigg, a De <P aera” ; eS a ’ A : -- ; | Z = a L a L.
Bt EE paikeLour apr. Pet tern? SS * = | ; rn OO ‘ alante a 4 Cee tl paverl cad we
Ryfarje Ga , . ‘Banke | Lea Sau ny I ohy \ \ . ag ee Dt = | = _ 7 Dome 1/15 i }
Aves ‘ pars wv nite = = — » EP Serranilla : \ = —- ae « } = | Bank 3 . sx Mi
avtinkt | : SS si Vig PE ng = a = = 1 Fort ae Mi ye 4 = S I = st Tuck US a Castres
Br. =
—— 18 D W A R D = Baregtos Br.
} = SS SSS q N 7 6 Rs VIN \ Ss Vincent Andre” ® FP cal : an. it ngstow? spt ~~ B
pid ge
Ve Gracias a Dios : pred , == j iQuita I 7 7 3 u , {Sueno fe | 4 Mosquito i ‘Bank
‘serpana Cay? i > Bank | s \§ Cabexas } vp : ; = ; i ) pquia *, le R.Prinzapotea
ola pone adar ri Req as cartis | é ; povidence | i Ss “He Br Gre sp acuinet 3! :
nowt (fo Colombia) | o | ward Is! aaaee)- a Ssoruba KC s es lof | pate Beit 1 ath 5
z ; t \ eas aPt = 73. Andre 1. C.Galltinas yy Myatt C mEagee Bovar e he Blanquille
Gre ad oD Fh Colombia } E 3 cA : w crut De “Av 28 It Sp 3. F Pas -* Georg Ro Te As
co i ‘Albus nuerque Cays j j : ilem? a ; f : a 0 > 2 oe” rd Br querq ys | R; -a
dyna - ae “ nehilla i s bh) ae _pestigos E R de ep dpough | | ne ¥ ¥ a P ¢ “mare bo
Los od Me alts gar 1A } et ‘Gal zs ‘a ; | .tal a. «_} erto Coz S - TortOS% a ot
Spans | ~Aab,, i gait *y, Ze prmidas } 3 AD &. Codata oB » srpt : (‘e AP OP wd, ste
rae Cee + es LO t 0 aa f Lepr. tg wreit | pugeto"t Cy iia 3 Se AS) Chivd Matoa ©
rogues 5 tiga, { > 4pades ink . SD a wo “4 Wad Pants << brs parigquil 8 [OEE eat,
ce ecclone a= por 5 ge si eta 2am a Siebas stan? 9 Camaeas aqua on ort =a\ Me peer
at \ aye gesios F A 9 ‘ 3"t \ AA ta Caron’ Qi oe gPae 2. Yr ites oe PS \‘a4rague
a : ; a | ; ’ 1 ry Oe Sh. orust_/ . fad ee ot im } 5 9 CALDPe SA Ol nek \ Serle oy
aa% ; gt oa 0 plan aN SE ibad ~— VY hoctivat Pyle: drjure or 3. Ss / / “( hagaram :
Sparana Iv ; , : ee" - ; end ne ‘ e i 2f4, spine } 9 i B of? ie r 5. Ma 1, a0 id
——-s = -plleres i Rak, ¢ Ns stfalap ‘ZO Yorone” Q | Corot fe. Pak ip x a! : Sa ee?
Bee dea Ponty Tee pat yea ab —— Satis ) / : F OM Chi Peale Tt | <— ¥, A iy wear ‘ap
<I } ws) j Ss. Teg? > Ng) Se ca o= : >L \ ‘Fig: : - Se: iika ; / sage <3 : ey, y /
Q iy, : rt t. Guan’ > BASE , ycizt . ; \ “tae Sine Eos: | : =f = 44 aS pastas 4
Saat Yu * a Ate \ 4 . oN 4 7 : ¥4 cap Merk oO sce 7 loidact aad NG uacipe / ° | a.
i ; yay 8% <1 de last aba jeras ; 5 oe 1 es mae a Tiare. AES a 2 ; ts CS ne rit, £
“niche aw be >) . ’ ~ hey Y - ye — P Mate? 2.2 2 Chitre eM WCF 5 r P te 4 20, ‘
Nutrjus € . be \ 2 db : ) gol’ — , aus Tablas * & 3 ‘ se ay. . cy chy 4 e oS rad =
3 | t xy 7 fog payee : py : = 3 , Remadion ? ! ny ca ceb?” < " g ta el Viento.) ; A
Z = ; cS = f | | CO pve a = eae ’ | ; : \ se se caoyuig sieves ) Es cups HP 2 ; tL
2% Mede Vins oe : / - Nie Mit .N Ny gt 0 o ; B, Coqut 2 C Qt (@ | : F : eae o.€ : |
C. Corrientes er od Arma 4 Let - ——_}__ RBaud A Mpesgiiers Ps. Be PPR AY, aah ELE
—————S SS 7 ¢ eee 0.) ¥ wet ge 5 i ; 4 - “de Toglfmat fra Tin a re Roa oo Vie
tgrtiio ~ wodine | inera® | 50 wi : Falla aenco / < saad | | 18326 BY “7 at Mituas
Fos Malpelo I. Buenaventiiges é wel cai ale i es ; : Le a ah ( of el 16d > Marts 5
Nor : BR del coe Ze le Feri f or ve > 8. Mar at Zapuare ALS ; ER ; | ¢ cB p piss
OTAGAD Veg Blige >. / B gS 1) S Haile Se ubaye | Z / Gorgonal,, eat of EEO Ps} . a
Ap: iy Falla ~ Se Ts Ki ubay? / - =i Ee : 4. wea gs \ ; j Pt Reves SD) ie i s . <0
o + : ~ ? Pop a ‘ anf { Zz : FF 9 mee : Mar paris | as ape 15420 (ae af ie Paguan
frano a : ~ x ~; ~ | _= Z reatvisuit Pasaoe Tl: 2) | : aC, { Cm ‘s e Peso pando /
J*_Xo ati $ Ay . F S\N ‘ Cagu 7 “to | : o / Oat Afenie Bex LASS, Cague yu Panguap?
B. Parbacvas ¥ Caer iw Bde > Se tk : Sto Se SRN ii" SG. ‘SB P.dela Galeta ebunor =~
it Maria & — } — ‘ g —__j—__—__—— Equator a | _ a et
brackebinill ry M,
—, “~ >. < * v
ae “Be ~~) ee
b rae eo f Pdnico Pa <>< | C. “> Pe : Sabin cs oS : RJ. ( 1p {kK . / ( LS Pr
Bitslamante > ban ies SS Po Aguales Th s Roma, Li shi ' a, aldamu 77 a Rita
Grande } Cerralvo°? a ar” : 2 elidimburg
| Maa N less FE, V @- oT} exgno de ees Harn ling: iY
ed, { j ~ yl °Blance ,. Ce Oe. Mique Hidalgo Xx Ports + ae al Y ~
—s, 2 5 wet SEN TP
coheed Lowey Raymondville -
Azutre V
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<2 Delicias if } AY aahss Cong gos) e
, eronal S2z
; rf
: fe -P
wee. Ee oh. f Tlahuatlil ) “y a . PY cts sin ma
ox i : ASL. Parras o rer es
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bc ancan d et a fuarez {China
é~ raf Irfttingh™ J
aa Gomez Palacio ‘ee 04 : jedro armen < ANS A Ramos QM ATispe.
Saltillo iene Viste
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\ K Rowe Naty ae Vio, “he Pgh
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Rio Fernando | Segui |
? ~~ Milende ot
om \ ae §
: Carneros Me \ RY, AS; “ater client elos er, - , Mende " : be ie i rae yyy “1 e OC
encame laMancha X . / Be Pods ‘k i . or
: bE ei rf ©&. > Gome) ino J PA i / ts \ 07 San,Pedro,.\ Lb 264, joa Mantas ii
(Linaresy 4 ot » G ie. — 7 . Cc Gordo Ok “ENDO 7 r valos 7 .p . f O > ea ! yi
Symon, 780 | My f ‘ - I Wazapil ( One. epcion 1 f del Or, ro i Tturbide”
Sy en fa % Ye a Si ay . ee S Saly ea it >» x3 x PmEN
“Si lose
ai $2 San ' GPullas } S.Carlos bra OR,
of MS a4
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reese ese
Gabriel i
Wie = Veyhago d@li a S. Tuan )
; ys del Mi agtuital
y 8 — Se i— y r ie Se . ! Wovens ‘ pS ~~ i
\ 3 addlgs “Lp } 7 eS Hi a) ) “~ ponte G if ] L F | oO I a=} ! Zaragoza Xe i x M. A
U dil PA | a ae 5 ee ene
\ i ~Cedrals, . x bite mess ‘
Doctor *#
‘ < i a ad —_—— aN Re \ wih oe mo Ciudail / ictoriag
ce «amen {tapas t
Guzman /
7 Vanegas
a An: rt Usk ital as Ee Son WA pio Grande S | f c rete Pie + = —— , : oe | Sony
breret Js ie. PR $B. Soto laMarina ; } ‘ , aN Pt \ Swto &iiMarina i 4 | | fat :
yp 3S
eo A ‘La Coloradp Pd
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Carnitas i Bf Cator« Nf
7 es wif Palrnillas s ane he A i me a g : Venado fda, j x ae AN LUIS|POTOSI / \
Guadatupe | "Raz, é oy j ‘*% staal Moctezuma K, Ucamnpan Z Me
wer 5 Guadalcazar, “~*~. \ Quintero « ulinas Arista he, : ; |
y tf harcas, Concore lia,
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4 acoadco , e=2 ¢ hap alg 7 | Tantato | Terme ( ~adetopan Se J *. arra de Nautla iB
v oY Rrda« : TRAUMA CATO 567 ia fa N ial \ : ‘iE 20 GBs . a Monte) en SAN Be ae am
y Ben TC Boaciheie ep me SS L Risto > lay D0 teal ae es Le Lua : J a Ie ee =. : .
SN | = 5 —>_ 7, tf eh : ay Sayula' sie eC = Huangoo Say Ee, FL NUGO er Ya elke A -
SS Se ae > 7
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Jaratex Saly vatiorradmbesetf ap : cs , \ i —— - Ly eee “9 aheay o% Puruandizo Vey,
tazdi J, Mine « = ANOKA
\ Chernayy «a p
vite de Let
sf Tris catio °Taxco
tucrublaN Nlancus Cae
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44 Migeres
onkal L otal x oe Rantuil hen \
irkok Kot ee Puerto
Santa Lruz
Seibapla ya Tiamuxvy de Brawo®
* ’ ‘ = . Ll. Nohbec B CAMPECHE mexing GZ, eivan MLV S™ Cruz ¢ hico S) , Z 'f Mw :
7 i A > NY Em | . Bal de A ay. rt e. ” *ChinchorroBF
. aa fs | ; “0. Grande “Mamantel Payo Obispo ad } — ( ij dq R F f 2
Saga, jh keter
a, Garbutts “as B R 1T: s
Stat i ‘reek: HONDUR oe
: *e lover Ree = Cocks ml¥ } of > —-
Ca) ay Hgts mit | : °
Sof GULP OF ices: CHonacol = 2 —' iwatan L. cy Negro’, = ¢ & Town
°Cancuc EE. PIE TEN
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ge la Pas iQn y ve poe
SAL Wie ot ge ( ;
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Vaasa ect %
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+ \
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er, ; 2R Al -u}
ae lp a (Soong
The Citizen’s
ae ep Ot" HONDURAS ‘ ane aie Th p Punta Sarda LO Ta 7 Castillo P C. Cameron 16 eC
NY i _TAree dee a2 ———¥ ~ silanes Ro Sal Pt a wate Hie, Trugil ft, sem . \ ps .o Ao
lf p : . — t tre SECO ana ce, aS; Gs 4h, Brea? ~ - oe onl 4 : 30%0 Nj dé | & Marcas
AK U AX, T TE M AL A ¢ : [& ALTA VE RARAZ Py TLAWTEDIA Simagutraccie pai \
"Jadtilte as) Pee \ 1 jab em PS / Olanotitte Woda eh ORE AH VEAVETENANIGO PEL
QUICHE obang.Y Gc Manbsp a yeh Ql iy \ Chiantla i SC restobale Swinger eats! eo) ry
pie fF \ f t an Aearunte? f Et wile > ~A. Muchuetenango Wm 82. Tucurw| a es Polar
Gea Negri pea ( Ri ( ( J ke ThA V. 23 2a a MSR AHL? .. a Laalinta > 6... f
Neguilo , ee ; ; ! E SPedro Yow Ree mall ae los ia sai SY \ Ww ie toe Nompoten.ayg
ob Rosa o ¢ ¥et Lee OY cas Pd \ > ° BG } i . Crpz Quic he BAJA VERAPAZ ‘lew ae \a2
Py Sh Y 0 R. o> god Y ya ) R d)\| | cmon fb UD Rabinal® Saf. Race & Sa a ue f “ae
2. % Riilio wer 17 Manta, 3 Co $. Ss ‘ alam: OTO, \ \ a1 Baa hg f ‘Totamicapant” ye
aiama TS Bairbaary Fe ee Seege |
{ Aw aE ALA J/fU ELA oe
a Mue rto Vi
ss Snonahas
"i van ne ‘ JH 0 oes AO bilesipr ends 383 Solalal Pate Sanardte \ {¢ Thiquizirala,
, ; | |Meandiar)* ee esata sel a Re : 9 L NGOF . 7 PR SU RTEMALA, oo x -OMAYAGUA \
SULACO 93 RRS I ref aS : & S help Avithire } Paimalten.apio GUATEM Y phalapg ‘Que
briliqpeque-” \ (> te nisi ee i OB er bedjos : atic i ; > RAC a ‘ Retail i U4 i
IMALTO" Ba BR tila LAPA ‘<Znal ue, te q / \potes i : aS R. Cas x 4 SOLOLA: P Mat. &
pMALAT A ar Gracias \romag age ii . ; cas’ eS Late Leanne f “i. Anti, 1a eae vo Ne
cea ” Bearercou €: Ne if \e Se ? \ ° { AMAA LAN I | “7 A Scdtep eque:. “a nil yn i
s ae aL CABO GRAGIAS A Mie mcititban Lg i Pak NA rt ‘GIRAC fAS™, | Laka ee “~TEGUC
| can LPA * wins yi Y } , + Me yar 2 Pa a oan ee ‘ > a Che ae uintha a ia pen,
lulia, z Me apitire rola es er nga} Maratea Ae &S asi MZ ie ja ia. "he A ap k ko y
appinigdilic PA. tia) A Sa PU | dete ont ae Lt CA TL A BAZ \/ xe nig ipa: 8 ‘va :
“gin RIOSA va Jit i APA * be. awit? | CHALATE NANGO amasoa. SApator e $ Rsv ‘|
Cabexns ae f , : \) AD’ she f : l Wn 2ST aa So joe 4 IN 7} uaegier ie ge. Chadate —
i SSR RANA SRE a a | Sel Nee ¥ Pn : oe . FO, tae sui J he : 1 Waya: i 1 i 5) ‘ Tce
C RA pec sb . SG RERY AIRS - . ’ Sey M “8 A iL VA AD 87 R MORABAN * ‘ Y Yiu scupalt
: _Qecotal NC - {mez é i tier) oGotera rs (Despre Ya \ i Ss yo N, 3 Cp “, eat’ Fla
4 y nee % ree b x ms Cone PUT _ bana ae is Wreerts he “7 Somoto | ~ .. . 7 . fe
Acapuets I 44 GiBe fe ‘a certs Ss. ‘Migubh) ¢ ve pera Yai M ‘fan! Bima D 5s T./OF
PRINZ AE OLCAY : Remertios — flapagen Wuca . y re seevespes ~ Re: \ %¢ ‘ude ulna
sa! > . Oe LUTAN Ss. MRED Ny eee J t.... if ester J “o. > Fimote fai ow ¥
Sereulica! Prinaape v ; tO = j H : ep ; . 7 : 7 \ Este, LJIMOTEGA A ye r | SCR f 4
ae y ee Barge We. is Sab £Matagalpa” . Re DR KA | : ilo. f*. ; Sebaco/ at < T. OF
R oa NDE g 8 ; ‘ ~~) ae U Rg PL hibernate “Pinon. 2 SES 5 € : p> ; . p Villanueva
ai KMATAS A eee Sy r Ie S. oF AZ WY G, of F Cose HI — ' Sauce ay (jMatapa \R/ G wy
= Vicjov- y ' N 1) oe ? | 2 " 1 oa — eh aaa buy ity’ My sal ¥ 3 7" : 2 it L
himamnde 3% be LZ. J i eat . * j = A C : v t q 2 O C 4 — 4 IN yy Te i (: o% ; ae B
20 oF ag Bese, earl és t - Leon a 3oago, Y Sees Ye ° Corinto “a “\. Sizkn \ leas
isd Smee ee Pt Pearl (ay Managaat RE rs oComalapa ae } ; . a R. Mic. LO; Y &
PGpitap I Lit seating - Sere ~ Ramis wn OWTALES mi a | —— British Statute Miles 69-
16-41 Degres oi ; a Os A LG ==> (rH OMe a RY 2 —--——+-—- ——t— = 2 — —= <== : x fw y
‘ la = 6 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 460 | C.Desolade \ £ Mas ay Granada Sf | Acoyapa
(QF) tnptep a Pie ee )* 4 S. Ratfaele - cARAZ Sp se i are wT oN aad © ; ; ZO? re
BX | Kilometres HI: 3 Lt Degree : 2 mez LAKE we J f o 30. 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
780 200 220 240 = N RAGUA oro hae by Ometepe 1. | C ; vas.\ = ah = ! : 8 as ~ \
A’g2 o = vO SS : —— a — + VAS Matina ) om ase alae eames > ean | \ = tN = F Bz G =
os , - an H ——_—_—. YX D c S. Juan. del Sak B ay | ¢ a SS ass = = we — ~~ NS e
pilinds 7p ~ vr —S r re +" Gorath 2 A rae rig av \ \ = PY De: $4 OUI te : Juan del
Norte CONTINUATION ON SAME SCALE - < aeey\ & Sguan del N : ete we C ioe Ae \ \ = .
a SS - oF Oy > WF = Elena; Pay xv oS 5 & $3 B 5 = . Ate = NY \ = t » St . x ave “t\
* RZ \. ~ = La Fulebra
Atlas 1 63
1) 16 |
Vivoritia cs
2 Cara ered. x:
Lit bahama
: Gore / ; Punta Trorda hee: hobed, ¥ ‘a
Palm.Beach * io ae oo | eer
I oath West P*
a Tz
“TL auderdale ”
: lardinillos
S == So.
Lit. Cayman
i 7 | th yman Brac
Grand Cayman.(Br)
, Le axones or Hobbies
—=——— — —|h 78 E 76 ) SE PSY LIT BS =: el
Nassau PRosel. Harb. x KO >. &, New"? Pr widence : +. SS fos ES _ Highborn Caya ~ °
a : . : & 2 ~ ‘ be : +5 ‘ + Lit.5.Sdvador. > i A it a, ¢ Sea ° * \Cat Isc, > “BY Zh
5. A se + Ss ” Sys Middle Bight = “, © rs [sland 2, ++ Sow ~~. pe ‘Nest LE tat :
obre <TL C. (uaa C —< | S — = —— | s —— < : ° ‘ 5 ~ > . i = 40 oy = “2 > i od
Stocking Z, ¢: it e'’ tsternP : -< C.S“Maria
om = cas eecencce
~s y 2 cia = = | & ae C.Ver Mar ot War *" Channet 2 = ochinos — . 382 ; oor = _ | .
yMurset. *) e> Lobos €: -B! a s 2 tS aceon tay A < z : ; Mucarash! Ye Ragge at 3 :
South Bead ) * Columbus
_* | Rank a = =a | ==
77s al SS Domain go
s de Giacanayabs G*Bank + | + +r Buea
ri ref gun =
=a6-te 3.
J Ray CA
Vivorilda C8"
a as
+ Baxo Nuevo
ad la TG ALL Reef
C. Gracias a’ Dios
Guana Wane L”
Edinburgh than.
“Mos. quite ays
* Gutta Suerio aS ,* Jerransd Bank,
CO. 9 Pe
Natural Scale
—~— ie we) a —- NY 74 G 72 H 70 a 68 2 —————$§ ——————— Sao FETE ae eo - —_——. —__—-
: <a = Se ; = . E : ‘ ! British. Statute Miles 69 i : & 20 1 oO 80 “00 : | E : = I
Kilometres 111: 3 3 a 7 . 240 Ie, 2 y d Ey, pi a ’ 100 120 740 WéO 18 i < ; aS | :
3 E nuh rs Avs ryy ) - i di. 4 i, | | a < - 2 pt 1 Ss San Salva, jor — = = SES op
Watling = === = — == = Atay! é Be : 7 necplion d. i i | R ae ln i <> wan Cay i | |
ey. : g ‘ | eee tu | oS a 4 \ | es ee ee ——= Bx itish) Rise { / j ; Si 5 ; ¥ E : 1
Pi i i - 7 Fda Sqmang.: or O ( = — 4 ¢ ) wood Cay 0° = : 09 j —_- a = s° Ane ' 7 av
J tye thy - ; | xD.- : 3 4, Crooked, qv.’ howl o Se E— at > ige i> for tug < Planas
ce pas gt ¢ iS e Lf > oS ih i \ es ' ; i) ge : VJ ; = Vanesa Packint. af ~~
Mariguana I. | Ny c| { RCs = } Hie ; : : g age E : ‘ pea = ; : _o | | hig |
“Castel. | " = SS ae ee : { SSS A Vi = = = SS ——— = = —_—__—— | ; — = AR N. Caicos
Sines \ Providenciales be eran: Caicos 4 : ‘ } Re * aicos ats | Vi 7 | Aogsty BR:
VW Caicos ¥ Caiucos Ses = z y a é 04 Litinaguad, | iitinagual ss, -+ Bank «+ # y.
térand Turk pas NorthEast P* ‘ Arpbergris eek Ps ecTurksI! 4! ' | Carmichael PE ——-
“4. Salk. ce z, i* = * : : NorthiWe st Pt Ks Pod Mouchawr wae : ¢ =e * Bank so " :
‘) =e or Mathew Town RY F zg =1 - . Yen, ad | 7 E 5 See =€ : / 5 Lier, 9>- | Silver
‘ ~1/5 o> ; Ph = Bank bs : =~ H ] N 22 } M & ra £4; Tortuga xo a pA I ' S> Fy : :
es =e O c; = a p>, 0 ce 3 ———— ——$ Lo Og ag = a ae eA er, > x Pe vo s 5 sf Mec TS:
wy \ we Jo -- ==. 4 a AS : Ext S| 17. es Mole S* Nicola, a ae Si s Ca Foux'd—
Botgne? es = Eragiees Viggo.
i o L a | f ay )
Gros Morneo__ BS
Plateforme™®, herr suarnce~ Sanssoticts mn GPP a Pur ee,
Gonaives @ apinctade y
B: ahi a
Py . “Tl Escocesa taf abre
The Citizen’s Atlas
16 “1 Degree 120 140 60 I } > 1 Degree | — Ss ee <——— j P00 240 Pe 0 ; |
{To U.S}
Anegada eR A
q British Statitte
o 20 ‘r2) 60 1G 100 120
i &
- .- rn
Natural Scale 1:5,000,000
i 40
| |
~ F& Qn. t ‘ae % | 8 4 PS i}
fi ~~~ Car inka, ee 9 Contas | al
a | | | i
S~ a tTiheas | d))
Dylans atto Grosso ay>
mM ee
ae ¥
> Gre Tite , ,Cuyé 1 ba.
Azio lobarny
" rz Vod!2 St. fe es Rho. Pagdo~ ye lmorcte 4USS ye pt saeeneerng P Ville Meas vd R
Govaz KK aes : | J . 8 eee . SSequil oP Ss | i} Stig acto - my 4 , ens Kargeme = ‘
orto Seguro | tet Sonate ~ ~/% nic Cy 3) | se ae or, aoe 4 Erity: ria se oft a) Vis
i (a ae oy Cruz 4 | 3; Tuts ) \: Le | ! Ca ee ; \ e Ottonis >. < 1 Caravellas 7! BP
ger a (TR ? 3 J gnoba 7, Kg tiamantina \ 72 aathng |
Gaiba he ps = mat Ce eknage iy ioe k Loot = N 7 feraes! \ Bo) r SS a Ph Be. Mi ~ 1S
PS ro Nerd — a 7 ( oe FS 1S Matheus i}
; = ig gque ny o “ . ri ree 7) { SS “J ae Poagnis. eee ~.Cort es aa (\ 7 T= ae x
Carmo yy } \ ede WA ae 5 . Ley aanbina— Faas \ | Pratt Ubedab ba, SN \ \s4b bre 3
bx A
s. O U fe H __ Pisaguay 5
to Doce if) j ; ;
Valparais if é alparaiso
| Conce peiony, 6 aGenertal\ \\ “Az iP Loti L C. San _Antanio Arau 5s = \8k 6st ae
V\ igs e. t : -AaMA) / ) j Ws x + ; } Lebw ) a z i Yes a op Aaya, 9/ YO Cori }
Mochald. Te \ << | aa ONY, e Babs Thier ewe » Carrientes | a [Sia q ~ ae a ce AS |
i . RRP ull 7 | 8 Valdivila/ 5 "Bahia Blanca | iE! = ald ; j : —= = — f = j| 40 =
yk — Z ‘ = = ¥ Osorno; with ia 1 Ng = : O F 4 : | Llange Miaek, AE Na hue) Hrispi.
pees TIT de Patagones 4 EK f N | a - \ Cars ; Porto Mantth S30 =—}- \ Gof San
Matias) | Ancuc Ai 1 | | L.of FM A imahucid. peleuneula / 4» O wAUNA aa AM A + t
S.Jo Chilé6e rot,” P: — - = = ~ 5 ahia Nueva Huato 154 ¢ “2¥s0n G:of core a | - . :
- : : \ A nosey Sole Y > = Camarones B. ; British Statute Miles 69-16 = 1 Degree ;
a | | ‘ ve wt ( ee A ~—- -4—___ - ‘ i ga oe ®: ile Z Dos Bahias C. 0 100 200 300
400 500 400 700 AO MS : wi as) ge iS, y Rivadavid ) | a =— = ‘ _ ac + 2 TaytaoS “Yi
= G.of 5. Gearge || | Peninsula 2 Kilométres 11:3 ~1 Degree | | ‘ om 34 . ; Ee SS —
SS we at = Ss 2 ; 4 \ 3 of Peflas ° : — Cc .Three Points 0 100 200 300 400 S00 800
700 800 300 1000 00 1200 | | --. St PY Deseado if \ = \ eS : r i | \ Wellinston ¥
Sd He J \ ; : : / \ Island‘ PPort §. Julian j i 4 ; ee | i i |B) —————__+—__—_— —-
——----——-—- —-—--——++ ——_____--——_—---- — 4-~— = = = — | 50 1]
aes . “ Archipelago®
: 2 Hanover, j Coy Indet Fal kland Islands (rit, /
a Te ul?
K | Po
i wy . Blanca Pt
2 Pius rtp Lamon «9
ie — vba ers eo
= ' cp P bondixs & ‘> V5
Poot J iy Part
li c hig ~Buggha (a heurie G sot
L a, on AvdidelasP ev: 3
ae Parita Garachax Pb
G al £ Azmero
Cha ndings \Los Santas, sonue
. a5
4 a8 Paine? 9 las Pe yt conte ont
PP Mariato
Montuosal. Coil Oo :
Jicaron E
fas ' L “si ,
Puerto Utria _ Bahia Coqui a er
J or ee *
~~ ff Mj yjaaras / >Bartakeas so y
fe NARING gle
ds bs ef fi
& iri
funcurahns... oat VS Taeeek ck tiie Oe
a ' muh, Ra Qnasdtio sae
oAMA. LON ‘A 3
S Bernardo {*
Gulf of G.deMorresquillo
Da r i e ii SDernaydg, pl avon ¢ ait oe ~ 3 uerto de Mosquitos
We id, ( Caledonia Bay . tS. Cartas
c Libur on
beens Pi
Thuy tadoss j
Boch 3 dk. is
f b Tue upd :
2 ths
beaidiagd ?
ataanplle SeRoval
TLoO' GLA wSopetin Medellin”
} ‘oar 3 ma. he v7 eae
hs beqbar P
cert Dy.
ahia Capica? "nutee
nagscosolan\ >) ‘Anthoguia
i ‘Be “boty Titra ‘ er £
Ford wid o L.Wnibdo: Jenico Farallonesde € itary” Tao sptio”
} o
orrientes (—
af ae
a ABugai LLE SF iL
Luntofs RR Cajamtibri a os £
OIE, urhiry aa
Cali ' Re
ra eS
dipe Cutonen,
jin) \ duara pd
ee 53 pn — 4 C ae Varta fA he ‘al Mire ltic fey YaBleia| hegnh (
”y Malvia y
Pop: van Fi: Pon “V. Sotara Sp d. fate
C) Pil © J52. od ALnaducr
_etivar,, 4 _SeRobve ~ SiC de tas, ’ hh FHKE
<aCI Uz Aude’ s sy .
ue SGarz02. | |
vy O(s Vid}
Prin ol VS
geri faust
P. is eh \ Vole a0
‘San. M:
tS Pastor, ane 1Se Mace eh
eae Ty ales i
} ‘ Limo Yun Yoo \
mnt , eth
barr ae
rc O,,
Antis: ana
1aseoo” Are : lidoha, eos.
StBHACO rhe o~*
ny an ga \
~ ana 4 , N A Rr, O-
mended. P A Pilly ocean ae
6 And: ekg \
RA} Pinches
ae \
PY, \ 2 4
ow 4a orn, s
Tey TOSS ne a. i bm
o Cla Q Sua @ S@ Cruz
, ‘ Ueros
Os \
3) 2 md Laoniu
Chacha a aes OSO8 j :
5 \e7 Farapote a lta de, na \ Saposaa> SR ANS a Pachizt
heanze pe MARTY wt
et Sion “Lan Ne Piz aaa isana, » pas, 3 Leg
ConcP COS sas ~ ME Cabana x i Coronge
am Se Roea
o ~ Ys
’ i
Lire we 5 ON 8
- y g ;
ee he acl
iw of a * ry
Titeed f° SY Maric io
ad L dy vt OEP (f igocha
«a Ss ‘exxo de Pasco J
C C3
Qe. nag tide. Vr be )*
Sad OL A VY;
Sf Ayupel
pre ral
Ariane f "p Purification’
on ate f Neatayehexi mat ERY Tig es y bd Valln ga;
“f° Es (Poze
* Golti Marac:z
Valence ia. Ef, AGDALBNA ef MW oe \
S.Barkara z Ra WS Tagua
MER chee
ie Ti
ss. fe uer Fue Sco ua SH
Ae < Se 4 " ‘de Sirava + 4 oS Dye
med Ly eS, 2 ~Liones aro '
CMe a
igs dapat. «a » high, veclbieags ta}
¢ APare, 8 ry ‘
g \Socorra/ OH Soy dene Be prio
t Nevada Pilar
de Cori ne / Tuamey —— : Nacional? ROL Oi A i Casanare Cees Chireeunare i ei Maria
Sy 3 rs I ee "0 ie a e Ap \ oLeiva Sopumoso \ Moretio \_Munrchia eNO
ie -
ja : P Ramirique? =
dcknta oLapatagat, 2 ‘Miravlores:
aye -. 7806 eS ding Govind
<aima ol COG HO Ren ‘Bandi ps tang Be sary the saat mi Es ae aie R R.Gt ai \ i ~y
Mi, = Ke “Ape rh falls
Bo af Uy Oe he af A.
gre e€
_ a
wy, 2 — a \ © L_ 2" ~ z © ANGBG. a \ S. Jose ingestira s
af Arano
» See wail LMaripirpigr— :
abevo OF 7) Guay’ jesron
ua” wt Peaewel
\ \
tin oe Calam an a», b Gaaee a \ \ Miraflores rR
NEL Dorad: J E
Ze 4 sae a a “aie er :
“. ih Char “a i HA, 3
MIR Lr, oe BS 2, ~e Puerto rari , oS : So
°Gan yar
N Gracias a Dios : ey O-MLE_S 7 PB
y a, \ P, chas \é Sy,
- 7 ate des Mile
anoa ashi
: rca Cura
1L oO au
~ és ‘a +. 4
aumctiirgd O f ,
ms pfadedocar J ai rrrEL Vegua “i
trbara L ge Li a” .! Ttoyalic ca ae
att sdyattio id
Cugaro ~ Oo,
7/6 Guacomo tt
a ae
]® Bonaixe D »? i Bo en Ayre Lorene Diss
F - i lesdves Ave de Barlovento
i? Or ‘pba + Mondes a
“Greacaa pada Pa
us > de BO
oe c
( ‘(les Agena Vi rT} rity ,
VARA SJ dh “i
Barqu eae a i Rio Toc, uyo ist (Careray, Sararé
/ ) among 4 o/ mn ann ae
“Ningua “areal bh Poe \ Ongiz ritucos
\ Sor wht: ee J
Santarlos shire 5
fi 7 hue 7 eo, on dena ‘Bar sane
Bt a
. Ks a CRO tivin "Bady a oN 5. Juag,
Ticopppo ee
pa Miche % amiagquan ©. che e
ae | Cabs =< oe ig _
Start yi LO ye
Ae armas
yuna “Li fo
Yac ~~ Tus ug vu 1as f
“etl hh Sam
. Ratag.
Urbana nag as o ; ¥ if Antonio) 4 Ras RE
: Keng)
rr van ite se
Y Mira i iidagh AY
“ai oa 7‘. At
\ Tehay fe ss Matavent
cD *
Lag. Canucagua~
i 3 ponent
“har pace"
Ut % Bh
Mituat~--- hare hina “Arrecipal S$. Jua
o Miniciaro Te Hoa rote aw IUaI Vigio
& we
| aeatrace R: wd
3A ng ostura. °Tebi
Fall” Moriane
UR Inirida|
S. Josep S* Rose
LS Anna
5 4 3. Gabrid cele s. Joes a’ ~ ose beget 0s ida zs
aoe ar
8. vas ° Javarete
wf WACT ‘st? MEPPURI Ss ~paar’ ae
ae ueta
Cahuma ’ Mamori I.
D imutitid. XOMANAS “¢
. o
its _
Z S Paulo de Olivenca
do Calderdo
=4 atinga
Ca Pacetes ae L
‘ _Bere
ate a wate
E st INO 3
Gootlarieqisgd. Bermali
op ~a Pham <a
| Lari f O *
* ia arn nil Z
Jauja |
| Runbo dz. Mor Chincha I? | |S OgllanL.¢
Paracas Penjnsida
The Ge sr aphic: al
Edin bu réh
Huanta io e : pease
jena = gt
Nattiral Scale
ry i
ener errr
the Citizen’s
s Atlas 169 :
R? TUns Ra
ra ;
BABAIRIS Redempeaig), | MawITSAT4
RURES uns dos Parefis
‘a a’ ‘eat
eeerth Planalto de
|Matto Grosso 5
4, So Cure:
0 rep Fran L0 Bie
P ~ . 4 9
b> ‘S. Pedro % S
¥ ro
wren! a
LP ?lano ae oe
| ; . < : ; , Capoetras
tS Sy } Maa, a A ; ‘ - >, Tre Casas thes : ay i Ve WA DY ~ abrea Cratos * Pupunhas.
~.. | | < Humayta </araise ia é tbe. ' x ’ 2 } PRL wb aS . J F E 5 ‘ ’ 3 wg Dga-
Pat ma ANS x 8 Conacho, x ‘ : ~Manoel Cardoso
Li QI rey Pet f Ag I uv A a 1 | ae Sao Francisco Villaf Seabrap Sp sae "OCA A ~ ; ‘
ae ip ‘ : TA “ADA. ais, i yi; 7 £ of, i ina. Be Poe ae lis ; aD 4 Cavalcante Ses |
a ‘ ‘ a nee ae ihe Mu B i ey Pia x : ~ ; Sob Se Velho 2 Bugnos Ay res | as <
. Fntonto fein p ia i snapanene nS Re . : Scslto Anup ren
a }
Jy /
so menaneneseeensas'
CANA {WARY py 5 , / R,. see “rau Seta o a \ brewed ~ Flor: ai WARS Pry ? JS } of e
J he 2 ior | any Pepane ig 4 ~ RRs UE en Ae A. ; : / / de 1 Ips Fatos: AS “—MaiayPp
MARINAS Pederneirag™ f~ °Girdu 2 Kgritianas : f ach. ¢ Apt 4 Ae \ 5
othe Llores: rena CAL T P Re Ny A.
’ ‘ i ;
g } > Sg ER P. eTuia ols, x 4 sip ads Kio B Brpnco Capataray srecueaps / : ‘ete : .
I tu 3 Ball, | \ ) Joa uim Anton10 uns Urd racema., | 4 SS )! é } ‘ wis” j { i > a
= et er OQ” E. vinh ella Villa Murtinho : { I: sii, = . Z ) Esptranzaga ’ \ / G i
em Xapuryy 4 a re ANZ g , |
| 3S ee sate
ae = > pt0le— —_—-f p) WGuajaraMirim A | ,
fl WA : O'or , : ay 1s E : 7 e fish, dasPinvndins gbidapic. icon Ly a) a. +l.
tow! . ne — ‘ise an Ape be dal SS . 4. wy) “ Ove f iM 1 ra ’ bas Ke >, m iv f 4 Ss
erage s : 5 Pedr 2 Nye ABARISY aye am / 3 4
“O,, % Siren de Boa Vi ista
a Ras
“K.¢ an
st ge SOF Ly)
Ke MAB REY ~ LoBSiack 7 . add ae AD E, DIOS: in 0: y aN Marit - } L List f} . Gur ;
p Rogo Agua of} ae WS < CRUTRIAS TATI Guar LyOS * " ‘ _ Campos dos DP } Bi ee u 5.
Sin SG by Anigos wy RP es — corue~ —— ee “ee ty, bs ed Re ;
ae az
\ ‘tn
“Qtabe Fate,
ee : eroruimo
¢ “ Lo he ) . d ) ,
, J ae! >: ‘ C nave ion “ti bas - = \ ; ‘ ay 5 a : ta : y Ti A Oiidepuifunge’ | ff
Pox Ks : ? famas__~ ti) S®Anay J \ Se Lenin De tetes Ver: alles Ris Rha. oe . ATE
iy U RES rf | oft de Pedro . Tzabel ; ima 7_@ L Ne 5 Vd. a v Wej OS, : Vy x Campos
dos P. ofis |
RN Be. Ny ; Seca Warktoc E st ini ? S..Jos ° y a \ ee. te ts e Se ts J Por f OS
lawni é jf crucer poh, é ata be yes 7° : g an \ Dror % = » L.Re’ e : Sa rra ¢ g mS
CE . ‘. : 2 8 ( { Yaoi s ed P Bis % % Mesto? Kare! o Pe So 4 | tan + ba ‘ned } > A
lo etl . mT ve eee . Sos Se Bees ee ANCA ¢ Ayavieee an yA i le. ‘ NS Ped l y | P ‘
mp :
Pra Puce ncaru ; Ret / Posie PP Ur ubigha ane es | Ryiato Gr0ss0 (2 | | ¢ © »
Sealem lar: 1dos : 4 S) x io aN 3 ) / b ae a Taal Nd Ls , eam, Prot ‘was alla a %
‘usi Hiya o .Civona Equi ‘ SAna ¥ : de G u aut ay o¢ ' pig Ss da fino seaegllaa d
ra sags ,
ioe aia Sdscensian f \sB horn)
3 poten, Pond —) DDarvade.
Vee Jyl . £ 2 conned Tipuayi hiisjachi| , Serra }® MJauru? Zivramento
fabs o bg Pedr Es Babeca pe ‘A> 2S j Lake aa M* Sora Covendo . SAN ues o.fe oe i re
‘oapehy~ J log —— . Oa bainba fot > ™% Titue. ac ~ a sae eli e q ; : = ae, aie ~
Porubié 3 \ oY “eapely ¢
lao‘, m ; Sertin tlaved ua - Str or MASTS , . : i ead wes_~ “xi g Hiuaearu , ’ Sis
A : 5 wi 2. Lg % ray human x. : a8 ‘ 6 . 0 Li ermanos ‘ a 5 Ttabaya, / qh cade cing
| Juli yp il! han A ra Dap pahpaceait? ‘ S. Javier S"ipeacio Bet Rist S$. Mathias)
yal \ Tag deUnt } rt : AP. ral Di . a / - i 2 o$t4 Powe o Orflae : *Carumas) De
saguade he: AL vs me f S- re ; 5 fs s Miguel,
Pisacomg, PVichae * Af Anquisivinde, pend neta ei eo \ ot ; EE ~/ e - 4 ¥ F oy ;
Laon A.
OT EGU. Madar ‘p: achaea Z Altos of \
Pe Lleguiay™
aeons ~ Aemitiitout,
} /
“Penacantie \ P os. fe cls PortoVelho ~>-
lamantimo } ° eis 7% lavier
a a
P. Pocgng
Pot rerito.— to
Mejillones > ;
Torata/, “Tut ac v . re. jeaidy yharon BS Berefiouela ft oD & Cayari ‘4 S“Rosa de\
oca oVLoc 2 ‘ aay Tes a Said “ <a af b c oa ‘O Begs ena “Codah se . a Aveasene! : :
9 af Alabay Fear CYAeouNe, sidgsica >| Ta nee nf fx | | -Pefo Ss 4 AK eens ey A i a
vy © “om ‘He Sea AY AM 9 sul Saaanh tt Fee wp ro | neg i werd Ln % eae \ { ig
delaSierra L.Concepcion Z C uteill: oe Du a ¢ Z Hes 3? ud Oy ‘Curraha ars be = aque
: : vi . pe 3 Jose e Saijaitial: *Totera ES tar fy! ue \ mar ks sa Fg ee ‘dey BLO
"° ae "n : wae ah —~“ - ° es Gud ‘dia a m Seay ‘i Aiquile Llanos de Chi qui tos ‘
afur co ae Kalle, ao \S. Peto 7 es 4 % Pasor pe | : ¢ Re ) a \ \ agp. Mos ay A A \
y PEN ‘OULC OUIAS ‘\ Santiagoe Fa betir i P ease “7 angen é { cat Re: me x birt
Corg vd i \ ee RS ‘ ; ee OK U R ome \ Colque: ri shaca ‘ 7S = ft ’ wrael @) ‘ ‘,
Mojot - ‘abe : 2 3 , rma 1 Gan cence 2 hegllapata ne oe ves bd Curtche ; Bs 2
Migu ; Pt Madria\ ‘qlegte pe Macoalls Huntas ‘ el - ee a be a, ' dplapaica Ps SUCRE
(CRU QUINFRE) , Ba 2. pA R.Camargnes) ° Fiza eS eee 4YC ua ArwOLe IP ed OSV, ped
Youle oF ‘al i ——- > — % LL a _de Coipasal. Tache 4 i + Ri, = a ey ae! 3 Tiliviche
i 7 & ” . ‘reas SS tT eS ahinas . I ova oe PRL RB eta nns pSiba ciMeride zd og |
LoS ce fossa Mon aigucdo oCharagus ; ; Nee Aut ‘ aoe ae LirtiigL. \ 2 2 Mav UPR as
ee eR | : : Frinrte de Cobithrg> i Hauanituja) yin ” es vee ee) CO oy ; a Puerto
Varqas oe Sosa oy TAR AP ACA = Ns Salar de ; - Calcha} gbayelgy Ny 7 ES a . We, f\
Hous ; fot a aNoria + Ba yur "4 py ee oa x ij &: Bose nea | »Parapiti Grande NRE .
Laneaiane ssasicacedeecbaciaaae CAYC TAS ® ee LAO Sol dla ied e Pp 4 OR Reg | i
nIMBI nv / — H ies 4 4 oF . Patillps : be ; bo ane > } famargo : : S ) i
“rebequilia 3. Mf Carraxe ., 5 : r “oat oy eet i C H. U Q U , ( 4 C PP sas) Villa
Ni nes co}. .< _— . at oh i , x = . } \o. ov Mi as Cristobal Ato ne, Z nai e as ¢
Cane, ete 1
‘ ° ; . ? TES We me ie . siah ne e f p f Agid anita ’ | g ng Lf are ° \Camatag
Foray apo be eS Francisco : 43 le ; Rr ——o - “a ‘ io, ehlate "5 i tae RI J A ; } ,
ell At. Le - I ys / willagua re | romana i Waeteas \ | Tete ¢ © 5 tl S™ Barbar:
edro x: rf + able , a}: Co. pqta a anh mae ~ 8 : . ; : = ko Vueteria. i 9 3 “ } Po
ae ~ we Jpcopilles “c. A yan he = 4 0 ; . q rte: isto Rone P&Casado® 2 Col.Risso
a : iwc: iu ie om Ya . a Pag et ae ; k at £# C obijah® Lg " P bessiperid ; yt { >
<S. ~*~ Maracos | Yy ee , PP) 4 Ne " P ¢ } ai “tos Harn, | ' / Ata ac ‘amal { ,
wo } ah n : a. ES te en a, 2 vial ‘ os Dy Sans Ads dy L& te a r 3 ‘| “> \ = ; i" ;
Meétillones B > Car ac he ‘ ae! USIBLN, fe “Me a fie rbareacian o \_.# DQ ee eo ag
R. Aqua’ rug pa O> a Cal = ) ies We
STE cr wee ye “Co or Ne 2g7-O + “‘gne 2 far ca eda of Sz Marcos Blancos ¥
3 > wr f : hed, oS . ope epcle KR. ty 1 mn XD sseee teed rks Swe “OS * hy -
3 Ha 5 hia ; i a + T° Blanes L—— ae X eee | sl Paaz Ataearia ye i Yas 3 ; J He
Die gun 8 i} i 4a 7 y - ; f, “= \ “™ p 2 Belen Antofag! ee _ Mgilopoxie ¥* vit + &
is ~ 5 Bea Col ena Germolita Ty Sloat eK ZB dhreyko Salde Rincg@a, ~~ " zi 4 igdos
“ Kg te You A Ne 3, Pedr SAN. PEDRO™ Be : 5 bara ‘ At ~ . ty Re “ £1 Copre, : ST A
q . Py e ms ’ weap “hah : rt ~ — si a qui \~ se a=. . r ek Be i Jf ae ALU Byy sting
‘ 72 ‘ 0, \S MEO °° Cong & é ; &S 7 Bs BiancaEncaladat NY sy : palde sad i Ne 1c0
3,3 ie ie" i uous ; 4 . Palmpres : Riad : \ ~ f
fax. Hie aT. reg ‘ * \ * o oe a mh GFE tae PA aah Os oo ee aa
Ne tf see SJ) me oe Z
leas «| Ah
Pee aN. \Poaia =
ey ~{ =
“at ‘, Van bas ise” fe ar i saguar Coromana e 4 get SS- Migudle Almas Ye T, a = .
oM™ Carmello ~ @ SAF, 4 Be Bef hens : | Me Alegre mf Concetc ip Figueira & f Selget
Ft Tos > : , Be ea a ; fi iS wd 5 eas Sine, FD (nartel do cn We ~ Pe “2 R ae 4 ae)
an huarte goa} % | ~ -edro ez Que, a | te] Ss otjnay fdr Soare to Naqueyy’ MS atne?
| Sepa ey ana »% | ‘Pratea \ “ie pa ss St! 7 Ls lagoas & 7 es Joanexia . Cuithes” \
ay \ Tjnhare Nu j > , At y is yainhas = - } Ae tia A 8! Arabia ackErghe SS p)
rovoagao “4 | 4 TA / Natividade) Yr Be nmnicis j j ae, ; z : | / | 20 | —- $$$ he
; a Sacramento _/ Dias Acaixo[ 3 as
raltaad ~ Be at c tet a Mauls ay y+
TUherabat _ i
Lan 6 i | Mt ts nt, liad Salto ie \
<8} Pomba SSE wld
pe Z a ae : , aa “ ae yo oa bce a do oe ENON Any
- Oa =
d Reis
estonia, aye — ate Ize en illo" ae eryee
CE smeraida F)
Juan hodayN 2 ~~
hs <. eek S \3 f o). tL 3
Gp rde Dia oust Ty f>
\PedroLeon Gallo _
GRaseution A qua Ame ya} El m4 : ;
(scan Felike £9) cf
: é rd otrer illo Ta | ee he \f y L, crest ae CE ee : j
: \ Cryzs bhi eT a i sh ' Sane
Carel k SMig ce f
Bienes \* -\ Pm
awe j Y
/ f Ca anelopbiaa “Be Pielados
+ . . ae ~°Carolina Aaa
4 oe | > hacks Talt < . Sr cijligs Fee _ RA t. / PS. Pedra "Breas Minttiore Ss
Potrerillos—~ 4 cy wea 2: Foon) ft Uap Htpe 2 (tay Bravos \\_ y : aoe 5
— . Pan i { : | ~ andres “Si aia ude L. Verde USO G0 oe Frequcigoe” } Sp Pf $f M
r op 3 s Cruces sf S yes ee, a ar er iy: ay fy
. es | Oivare
or | 4 ® ‘ lglesia | \ famellangorg,.
=e tae, VS Tea
i Molinos; “\ £3 Tula B . ecole Hombre Muer ‘to; oa SBampae
B.Lav ata\ See fs SSS a i v ar DES “Sie B.Batlenita cath ef la lst es i e JE ee la~
9 eZ AG pa 4 a / { l, i?
CS pampar, { °Porveny S Vatasto\
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‘i \ SMagria C Negro sented |
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ales \... Cg ae § Gee nie (\i cio Ly ie R or . Riarieers j tt 4 x } oi ae |
Jaaypabs a tuyvo ~ 4 a blo lure oO) ! : ~ Cofa git
| v e
\ < Pie del. Medana ) hd
T hasilla 7s ~/ at . he a a Mrenut pill as “ rs
. ‘\ avateammey 3ff ‘andelaria \ avatEe >
i Bur 7 te "4
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* mast ae \& a 4 q | Sane ac
Saag nd re . Yeualtin cq f j ¢ udp ees ) j
Da es mn 4 nce pela f W agus aes: 71ca q \
s bb ad “J ‘ ‘ aes . hiclajasta Me \
’ Ong _-3 ‘ Be Tee ee Gimened. ucoO le 5 ~~ 4 M mn R ch A “Moos \ = , €lodon ura Cc
\Belé on bo Prsor >
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Aejigana a Villa Sy aroil
Bustos “7 ~ > Pa c . Villas 2B ¢ hit iiMito” ( sce Union
ai Ono ga: oe \ my
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LOA \etebe ia
is ‘ Portezuela dé los erates
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cr Id aL Ss Re. e. oe j a Mogina ' <5
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a i e/ osendo Beno yy
hier LAv nwo VK 7 “ “CG poe nypen - RLaja sue Ve
The Citizen n’s
e y zy / OUTaASs " (Retaldel/” Grande 7" 4 Lafrectef Brand en? uro ;
i\*~ Kost "Elena
cdg Ady nidy
; Xster ; aeyards ( ‘andi ; Bautista
aa pleville. ac del P dar Tmbai Re. We. 2 ey Pt >e oH L
ar thee t De smochado 4
‘iy SE me iy Pas :
Letom PA ton,
«af ay f rma * é OY at ee NS < . = pe
— -edes t
SanJosé te. Mey asenos Dee Se on ’. tide As) ef : |
Ag Facies aN ‘ACatihiele aD
“oe oe WES bottd Brandser gf aUiinivay
Pat FT Hoberts Ni ! f, rf } Pt ( A rh Conesd Bde $i ite) foes 1 sade o> : a uv gps
oR. *Sala: see 7 5 Aa f 1038 sf hy 0
“ag 20 “Ya
lL \7e Pila, {
‘olota Rf 9g ii *
Sarinon 4
; ca A re u x Lay
of x 1 Tus Brat > es ce
* det ayo R > Guilleri®™
p x R MBocayaty Ps , &f
h Nw eg > a 5 es fouary 3! *Carapesua fy apaeA ns 4 »Tabapyn. Fea Villarrica,“y, :
agi 1 PO, “Azarad / bpd: ar alag " at wy ie 4 ol it 7 hic "a eae. anGUaT 7 , Tey =
NW. ‘a Ps % he agape Sof 62 CAM, is . Campo jde £o gis itudpry © YAAZAPRPK ‘ ESO
~Falmins ppg Zag. Cosme oF ~ hn. mY yar YPAGEyo ‘fe re ee ct a Bg ace ; ; hy Hlors
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glans f\ \
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i \ A 4 ra é , Sandayd Tr aided \ & Merpu a Apes
barn ee = En Arn Acion
S. Josemé 0 SLE —
OF a4
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Si df Cp 7. Lasrto
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GPUS. . vier ‘Saclinigtin) — uae
Co! Mighty “Gry a
A Anaelo | $ Bay b fa 7h. ae Ly ts R» Hake Ee \ . ic mys
— S.Lourenco
od Luiz
~ ° Camaquak.
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LS get ‘i ses SantoToemeé } iy LF. S.B
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of regents
Diflras ane MM iterm. SMariaNn Ny, iva Col. Ne po] y
, RB. Vaccac,., ~~ “eambeh ios
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108 CATOS : a Yapeyus \ =) San he :
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los ha
“Ss. Francisco Ae Ass “Fa es ag ‘8 Potro B!
| Tigy Manse f foi acagua = ( te Hapery aeetien 4?
Touro Passo =_ 2 Podalty,
A 4 ssn D oe 7
1 18 Ss Sepé ¢
D/0' we can +.
Gabriel ee 4 ~ ; de Cagape*™ x 1 \
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Podvtto oe > “> BN th, a6 baa
‘chHastiao™ : 3 quam
, | Rive gee roa © L So SX age Axe yas ‘ ’ . '
°C Lavglleja ~ a ee Srandé . GS A EO “h) J 5s Baa : ( \ age : Cangussu
a p ace 4. ae mS xs % ore Cuflapi y a ia - ) “Sy Rid 2 Negro Prat atin a
, iio D Mey ok : ee 7B f A ‘\ Nee mae Me elladaB % G 1 apege Roan deo LVi tk bist
Se c Peloti
UAVEVUL 0h Seay ry _ ny = $ Aipos,
“— & ay: f- / pe -. Mar ia
C#del Queg vs } J ry SL S& ZF ANS AND Vy
Meguay to Guichen
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Cy ie tae aa, el
hy _ Sen? ¥ ne y ia a PB
& »Paapa a
Muzanginos NY ~ oS
A Carag ae ce % y yas >
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(A yi ete: i\ ee % 4 Rio eR OO ks, ; < 2 R AO ‘e Cha On, rai Yarat, > ir ~ é OD ’
ROUT Ceaal O van? ny se TREINT TAY TRES ¥ 2, Villasboas Sunol 38 ~~~ Se eintgyTres
4°9 Carmen 49 Sap mdi bee 9 in, ro 7 i Oumar O49 . dyno a 4 : Tos PA a / ese, a Pd
ae Te; Feo * BP tN atipicah 4. Lee vt grey PP Averiasy
tinidadt LORES
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S.. 2, Marta: LZ TUG
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bedetaden + at sane tnnenenetereneeenpere nie
British Statute Males Miles 69-16—1 Degree 160
306 120 10
a) PL.
—30 80-1008
pe ewe ++ SSSR aah,
Kilometres 111: 3 —] Degree + a —— 100 120 440 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
‘ey Harb. to tdeo TO]
SS ee 6 20-—- - 40 60 80
Monte, '
7.1... Jonn
en LS er oe 2
| . |
-_ JOT
174 The Citizen’s Atlas
Cc WU : c +8 B a | By. 14 “ ———— . £ | Or > & = Se SS FR Rae is S eS x =: ¢ ce : “
Gy A ? 2 Carmo ESS, \ t | ; y fp f = bextra S R ad a f eS Yu .¥ Ss 3 t SE el SS PA
% S "Ww Si hg Ba gins = 4 { } Carakybay eGaspar Set , a> L : q Gamelletra Y ov
3 , . 3 | oe i j a o 8 \ He Sis He are rs 3 ff SS é Mata Ferme a Ao, A ne. f s . !
Ls | rN : ck Bes f Y / . = *\ t Pe ad = < / > ~ pores) t\Morrodo fara 4s R } sa §
ee oe i, Duro’ + Rh. nA : A § hapa af 3 of as < al > es 7 4 c +> a 2 das Once \
‘ane ‘ ) gv Se wis ao J Kone Nativids lade ( ey fit ah ~ <i Ay < Yy ; y —— \ 5)
hate oid) Ss i L ? | Se tA i. da 3 . Go, = fe dase 5 ies oy as CARRS, e RERRESS
Satt SSS 2 | a ) RUE S EO phon + — . Bye 5 x a Chap. } lh, 9 ; gm, el | Re =E ‘<3
bY. : f } B SA, ia tava (| olomce gee nt i . eal B y roy ON, e, AY von Z oo. B , f
x -) < \ JS0live dh vido Brejinihh 0 porn vr ‘Ss j [ Tg Bs \ f cd, Sa | A: ( se y
Ja Tagfuatingac | ~ Vado « Yen! oe oe Ri if : Ry = Ride 2 3) Pad a a 4 se 40 f SY 2
§4nna WoOs Br. JOS y2 2 } Prien ied, “ nedes * a \ f PR toe ) ‘ ‘ ~ a \ : >t i es
pv fb. } \ ~~ rie Ln 2, \ gS ey PSS { * > Crubri Ye cy \ Campe sire, Sy A Y x \
~~ \ \ | ¢ r\e &, y Rempilios sponge? Lara yas a = iw » Eg Juas ‘\ \ ak Roy \ \ ;
era aS } GS } Aas. nos SSS ? S sas era [ sy eAirayas “- —- R.¢ € SARA Ba he \ Mac
Abas NS \S.. he ZO to Para JUESU deMello J : b : 7 . ~ os : al . ‘ ‘\ J ) { \ \ >
fn f \ Pa GE ai S™ Varia in , PD, ) Bs sus de AdeCortas , ! > ( ; ND ox He | Arr
giao ee n e aa Jesus is Tape: Pe wri Mirkin \e / . {s iS ) Chapeo {8 Rs Forventina”
iy Cone : - : ay SR a RS ae i Ces eich ahah a eS % Piachox de st Anna Rio de€
‘ontas ie \ Pe mall \/ ¢ x S. Domangos, 8 Fee pe ee P< > ~ aa § = c, Wey Sg SS
Kee ; \ ( / Po > } \ ~~ rt — e. PO 4 uh ~ j ) Sal —> es . tee \ a ) i i f
Cavalcante \~ _ ih Pena e ¢ SNe ee \ | ‘ } / a KK \ - | po Fe St oe J J ao ee ~ f <
Be beatin 5. -S (S \ Jeiased ‘ ; \ { ~S ~~ aS ~ y . ~ C< \ = GAOT wo ™ oO wh ° | |
{seeAneorsio i S Pe *% | Rio Re : gs? , “fe, Sony ae & ¥ | | Sita Abbadia ~~~ - ° |
pea : ie 4rmoro Leite fort ‘te, Piao'd: radia ' PO | ae Oa Die Aes 4 | @| i4 — \ )
Catteté \___v S Seats —~ S Bem Seeus a. je > || | | ¥ Kine] Morita “to ot. |W dos
Meiras Baan do Gavia SJose do Too UR BONS i Ph aCa ee ae, a aall 8 pf | mas 5
Trahyyfas. =} Malhada can Re eas , fe: q 0 ao 7 r & of f ~Umburanas| Pa Sg )} io }
PA x / -, agelae 2. Japore : id \ + Z| a oy ne wy od f 4 mak Mera TRO Diy los. CL.
( } | fi: My ) ra eo yh on [o) Qe hee | a ae wae WK ee OS wont Y ga Morrinhos< a
Tacaracy, : \ are iT \ do lta, @hPpedro de ‘S ww ) Aton. leuba \ Conquistas ™ 2 Qn
ra fe ee rodoyg . ir yy 23 4 C Ol Pe Pen, , ag, 8 {\Fogo i 2 , as ' | | f ees aan 3
t C ‘ . P Tor 2 UNO & f ~ \ k ) S. ey, | eles! =f K i a * y | 4 p> Y eBatag e ) |
NE \ < ’ : Roe rs = 4 he ° 1+ 3v '¥ 140} pe Nal g 5 ee eee ethog \8 deg cot Son) b
ia 3 ay . ¢: ite os do Januaria PVs 9 meta, (any ¥. ’ } t : A a 2 >} Poe é —~ eg |
SE 2 } Ry s* GI ” al 4 > Le | Hc 4 je \ , Y } uD 1 io f alter ted. -?) | * > 9 aes
| FF tape ae {Formosa ~ 4 ko >» ay “4 é 2 —S" % Fncrucilh FA al u 22 Feia Yo, | tee
\ lee ie ee ait ( | otto ebagha do Mosquito | mt. SS. RE ta} Pi ice. Suny eng! NS %
2, | l 2pre —, } 2 ee \ f hii. Oe | ‘3 SFr ANCLECH x be Se va = ke Fe ‘dies ra L}
iDastr { ct es y) a; f ‘Byjo Pardo’. ro Ger ed es en | Coruna rok bin es VOSS a rat
S :) ERIE. athe a wall xe is — - q S, SS at” 7 t i Manga ee 5 Mee SSM » P ¢ al o} €
Fortaleza ss \ { 24 ¥ Fea ~~) — Y J @ ao f )M! do¢ a Vi ite ——
Jeneesonrendlgevennrrvenrns Neboas Fruciaia Ue ee Yi ~) X49 Sw Hi hae. Cea, a f
ia } SLL ~ Witla Brazitea. b7 L £ } ae & : Cc GO iad ei A oe . © Anima. fis \ by /
j 2. ( pun ~~ ace \ ,@ § a) \ Salinas } \ guid s Migu ' | ) 5 PR’ { $3 \ | - L ~ 3
aS) Se 9 4 } ain Ris OM | a An sf | sais tise hy Beane \~ x L pak » We Calph. ae |
ore é “Oy 2 2, ae, + : pac Sivas x Ss i: ie : i i< ( ) er x he oni te got : ot ‘ Ry
‘ae ) | = Ringa edro do J, ‘ ha 3 a ZO | ad | 5° *) 5 / 3 dey bated "edro do
Jégquitinh Bom: oR et li Boss 0 i 4a P ado de “he 2 contidencta® | ™ es | \ a bie,
es ) & Kol Theva hey Pt : Portal; 4 L ' | | ome’ § IZ. de §*Fée < Tra i ri 5 "94
Pampa Be y ie oe \cang > Cah. do Cavallo f° | Arassuahy ee ean d | d | S { \o
Paracata R ; | A. rd . F * \ 2o Se f ; ‘ 4 : a ; | Sendinellds o Carkpo b dab €
YE } =e (gt Xa Tyga fequate ‘ i .| o2-d° | | . [ H vo d 3 or SS Rt an ne PG UZy .
tna fae Y a snag “ bal Guaicuhy y talerper— gs : | once or * ut | | \ oe ledade} ?
"oncordia Wy Pres Penna, Urecu C edad, RO Ba hae + JS | &O Franc $a = J fayre | | )
BS ; t of e:. y s : ort Re eg : ade ; i op j SS Arata dokAlegre at f S*da- ip D a a
| | Caldas Nov As C 4 cet] bas 4 ~~ Ww? \ . P Ttama vandyba ra Mi \ ; ophilo Ottani
ff S@Clarae ™ eae: Guarda Mor \ 4 PA 9 Malaca vans ge i Theo nt | 1 le 2 Pc an 4 fo
45> , Q J opbagcbacury <6 Pest ert CRON Me ) wilt JS SO RE a | is —= : a > rex mp
er pe v i | he ae 77 : SHyba : z % s & | } 3 apace we / ai *Igreja Nova. K } ro r \
By Se SUSIE, SSerpinhi S y | L RE ae Ph eer ; ‘i , Mejeamb iP Pech YY | : ae yY
Coromandel Ye aoe M OR A EB as’: \Abbadia do, > | 4 oPatos is . 0 Frio Pen OO te ae
~ B. Successo ° “S ie ik y Jj eMopada Nova a Araguary f 7. / 4 L MR Ho | a n-
Gavellos a i Fighetra or pS Ps of od aqme > } d ; bo Miguel Guaahoés ws oM™ Alegre
olla de Sul pees ragpeba A aa al L Derebadinha ° E “ | } « 1b >t 7 we as Hie Z 73 S
Pedra Patrocinid\, . | fy ae “Se Baguany \ e2 rTeue “I 7. \ b ( re * Mes ' sneak |
io ee h Ro, Te, { Abaste | ~~. oF sa San | Y, bre An eS, 5. “Goth irdo Ae tnt { -=
Os Ye By oPrata Buritys, | \ a es “af “0 aren R peadae: dos L | : Cuxte XR e By Oa
ot oo ioe moe ? AS e Dores do Layvat, MYIOADS 2 ‘ POR Sy | ‘ | € do Ale antarn ~ é
9 MN : te Lagoas\, Na tiicdaas 4 ma Ce 5 ssa | 7 ab A Arava \ of > 5 lac fae OO Ni.
} f ig BY A beraba . ot , Pitanguy \ ffareatin ge > & R A oy, 2 H , fe / re bb
Gigahitel i g Se / r \ Par Bel Horisonte’ Rio fost Bode 2 shes ote Sor ap 508
Saoremerte—___ yD “he \ Cortagem- S. Tereza \g 20 0h US \Rifvine <<) 9 i Be. y i
Mae a) ; c. ° =~ ’ aa, as i} Win Gana Se JN, aA. St Monies Jf Itauna SW a CL
Grande: > RO 5 i S* She — Ting sil ‘x a Gee 2 ¢ ¢ ates lyao ae h f ( y, og Abt }
(|My ‘wr Sue J Hl Q Vn f ) / \ : \ Bomtith’S i} y ose te eh Fe Rio ae
Carmolhiveraya’) - nn Stee ha eae, Vs a Itapeceriga \ ---Chaudio dpe Maria, ia
[forte Nova ; (] g Canta ‘ SJ “a eR 2 aii Mas Preaerc a ly Ouro eto ( CGpazao® f,
oy ge >, Sa is se ‘ Py } \ v (| IM Bou / ) ag | Muniz Bei wre | = Pte } A iurnibfy”
\ Nard % r ines i 2. | fi Ca stellod a / ] A j vi lipcplge Jae coor x a al 1G ,
Filia Os ot $Queluz RE Piranga | Ws \ : & jie G SGliveina’ Pies AA. S85 L—p, _ oan
Y on Enirehios | Prrang Tosa | bs? a eee (| Gree DradrolfyBadkahueny Tanai, /Passon
Vo oe ak EB shana Vere "ie pohians | ee \ \Bom § lecesso — TN \Carandapy~ 7 /¥
Kach. do leg EN . == mt ay -~ \ y RioBrance fs Gh d ee. : 7 } Slag P) ee ero het
AX! Tinadentdp ; , \e if oe / F 4 y , Pe Soak speranga “4 ie : DNw Pr F Guaxupe eo
i 3 Nee Joao delRei \ {Bar rbacench bg - SRi bein RO Pr off ‘y ~ tn fi Lavras ( ie
Pee wail iat | | ‘Roboct $ ROR Je, Alfenas 2 me | Tres Pontus ‘oO 5 ane . hp Howd
Kiconjie\ \.. CWerde 71 ITN SS / Sia Jan ee Ne 2 - <. é / R \\ Vargurha 7 a!
‘almyray 2 el pla pos gE Cal { hs SS Lima id arte. 4 a tors ocos de © as 5 et Us.
Rig do sp Oe a§ Sa Br: Sec alia: s (J gua “wie a Conacdes | bfurve J] T Sie d ||
fass J % L Palrmiras SG jira AS
Nesedhe sie. on s supra
fA { S 4 io, Raton Vise
onecalo F Cat ae
Fe Sane Fing-
‘a O de
rm =)
“ Campin .. pat Lorena ; t/ : ate aN, } / raganea remembe ~L2 li ‘ mar atin <i :
Weart ——24C abo Frio +3 ; a : Pindamonhan Fri | iatuba lath tibaia. Cacapayge gn oH
, Reng Frio “oe Bonito “a orto Feli lial > a STzabel?— i ‘Jose oa 3s ee vy ==
indiah: S575 EE lo Can oe Gyan Y SV Goi a Camel “ er. h a Be SINE af P « . y Sw Cab
vay : * ae As Be anoa. ot ( P Ritter, /} _fUba (UDG oS a SSS ee SS eS SS SS eee AA}
Bondes a Rogie Wee < rcpamseane wt = Rioz. Se ae » SsAo Pau wert d ar, _ Vardguada
Sa ttapecericy “Lo tne got - Ma, 7 1a SSCS #5 bat* wee ella = “rey ~EAtigs see ee
sa OU ie | Sebastiad = tale quel Archanjo\e ee: 1 de§ Sebastiao : 24 aeclhgs=—
Ay <Quaimeiia Fhquena
nes j 20 40 “60 80 P Furea Sucimada Grande |
Kilometres 111: 3 1 Degree
Neer ee - - —_
120 140 |
B 70 65 i -—- 7 D - 60 E = 55 EF
D | q h \ ———————— : s ie : fopiape? > \ eae % oy , eS a. no EET paras Salaile B. i
Ax —————— ike | Mit eas , ay, Aah aujils SF phitr lo lo peepcwond tT - — — ‘
Totoral ody SIS gem, Ficgmhakt RB 3 Andale alk 4 dink Ye : RR, aan Sa = ; Carrita
Iti th, sion ry e te fe n ot 8 jaa 1 \Gi oS Alhaie Se my = SNe xto ¢*. D / Ay i r :
: Pa ry new.” arn a eM HER DEFT EG Ly 1} Pp’ Car rizal® wade t M M A RC AY ® ra 4S
e a oa, te Fiqueroa P ~ f Villa.Ange la SSRIS ; hh ee, 2 Ve 8} a Snegaste wud Bus ~
Mer te 0 del Ester 5 pee = R > _ / ; ba 7? y.* = } . P : —— 4 To po) . k . } oi Pe.
‘ / a. gistt neis : AM. a Peta BUS Qs VajleNar of aT B ‘ Lh LPR TEN redo Simbal\,
he ver +O L~ “ petaaa )\ harnan nat 6 a a < arte "dau ry . Se c Po ree a s i £ } 7"
= — a | Bait) sees Pade CE gurl, | Ste <a aes Cente Pei sigma Quail siemens Las ah
“ie ee, \ anal 7% \ C.B oF edo Léon Galle TUL NY nay —Reltan agana wha i) a\p,
CuUtAe : ne | Pw Bascunapy a rs prcalio Vy, ii ° ‘S f¥ Wi. ~ aA b pss on Bee Ze,’
G\ Paz” 729 te om b pt? de Chai > y i ~ ay Vinching e wmatina.* D Miuzont ng A Mota
atte j “Lor ‘et i, if {| — pe. Si dragp eLoreto ' { r Povo “ . det nanan i - i $ Sy
: a Q e yi 7 m a 7. Y » ‘ i / H j uel ‘Ta ~ \ P » Mi A ss m j | hs | Chor - Schl A
fe } , = st Fe apatite os, Areas fa ® Rata ‘D E I * Es BROW Lag Grande = ~~ : ¥e.
bere uty ni . wtb la 4 so KT ‘ LI "Os . a ' ~ | v4 } © b Wr ’ M 4 ’ vig P a forage
te) ng ~ es ¥ B cr vi = feb ? nich ~ js 7 oi \ ane, ey catfita int | Ee Farge pas
iGhina Ge” won SAlfotast 3 irdnp Fall ajares — + ot 3. Cit . e200 r* a oo Salas uly
a | ont ‘ / c~ ° pO ¢ f Y s. i ' Higuera, : hy bs % ‘ann o ~A. oat A 2 2! Ca:
mare . : i: ay ve ) *. Hoque. aa <a Ae i" 4 ba Ome c : a Juhy a 30 |} LaSerent
Buantg Palbitls de | nagy | higiasdp sass. RE ry (ue cle Ne | i, Avelli is b. 18
ERT EN NT ee gh ew | 6 | , ‘= " { oquimbss Vi cong,” eee Vad p asl al ‘ ehamada
Telarité n AGuar’ aya. Se a X ostado Aiden r vida, yee a -T ES i Sf & Borja soc”
Bath 5 MC a) | cq Gury 9 ‘amb tivadavia eadas \ Chal ‘3 nip AS Ri LO PR A f lejos;
j ee ™ oVjode. gure 5O Bin 4 Los Qimosy i Rasen 7 x e a “pile needs J {dived ff) a
i Qe a ie eT ia Ty Md \ Cc? = 2 fy Chile FEN ota Lai Htpatie Jade yt if 2% Sz
Francisco nnanent rans, SP oNeg al ek Me . OV: ee ae Z ) lz. -~ 47 ae ss 4 \ \ si \
- ie! Fo = Jachal\ a a wade Patguia h: a tora: aT Hiraw’ i exaaamenae Se carenit F
~ 7 > Tefene/ | tal © Golaryfee p/ i oqs0e eka aloe eat CN yee | we NO ie A W/
Colariy [Saori OS S59 | ed | hs \ Kalle f nag a S*de le lod } 1. he To se a Vso"
Rio Se Seco lt ASS fds | fevet ee Palylar Ya may los ea karo. ovat Cz sd Beg mf P
I. Calp thos | t 3 ane a? Dh) be y. \ 7 \ iA. - iy) | BR Kimani fCOQUINBO Ff
tucandi Serer eee 9 is [aps oon laginas Jes ) EDmuarey PJ_|)) YL An SS ea TEA sg
Hoekigg mo Efe Mera | SS. H > q h > tH cant os Poronges eA ASL a bp tp ro witta.
fff =. ( V%G,U cones rtinko |) FI Melly ’ | “if rcos of Nis a 1 Uren. | ye, ONgOSs
yt Wistohal ! Aff ae ‘ ( \%R at 4 | fy / | = cal hone’ gle apse DAN J \y ANS.
Srapetir SY Sermoapalen. pad Be Co inseole. caine ae A pe AG ae Sp. oe . So mi
SMalM| +, | ey, laytencelle B.» Comiatpvalla Pritlo de “Caan * nzan” fi oN. a \o
lotoral { Thiguaits fal i AM } He ‘ iid ral}. yi oy rs oat : eh - ok \ os =) i / \
pA fre ot Fe } Be Rt Tello ° tuba 5 are YS : en lereee =53 ri a ig Saledac j i ii :
a ‘ty sa Juan: 3 , aa, ff ) i Tae __— 1\3 ; 7 Huentel ) nig { Del” ’ } ali Tyasta 3
wrta oF re | \\ \3 ; ha r % ih P ;AS AN P TEA Mh P 7 / = ge ahy > es } if : <i 30 |
oy 1 ertelquguen RE RS 2 | | ® aig aw mi . a Ps: Chere Ne Buena \ ars “Rose ore re
EP ane ales? } hE o) pes aye fi hea PAR ex Artigas | oy Sfoabrieh~ sna 7 , } ] o
aucelye a - ' 7 on ‘ f fi ae al DD \ - NF Ciuzaita) “Ey, Salamam |. .§/SanJua why
iy: hale Se Cubmen- ite gig | Pax = ¥ Con Bie) 3 Aapaadd LE We PERL i wih, (den?
Beetle Oe Se dee | , Losi last Pubs q * oLeoncith | a0 I nf 0 7710 “# eae rf a iy
cele ty "Pebyecial / oe Ledare Co) Autclo aN “\ Pan? — x = f ; iti tye Men ‘del }
Medi BUS be 1 wh 227 lape eo} Mai Cordoba ss *F we dur Lid, ianilboldte F fag Ag
“~~, i ¥ \ Quilimare sf, Mereedariag MALL a. Agfa S ‘ Ce Salas : tf Ale agus TPR,
rariciaphh an Cpa): A RY Come ROG : Te 6) Licnia Ney nh saath Ay) Se Res EL ;
calmaa2 isha 7 sist Bi neerty a Pye sah or eV AY BEncondarias § = Stone onth i.
vere - 6 es nn \A\ "5 oT < a £ Salinas et equi lo QO z me) ; ia) [4 ij ) : Sf 4
mu \y, 2 x del [upudope.—A f = INCA AGUA ie ucts IT: < rahe eS we f alina: 0 Ache
De OR Ba CO R Dp 0 By A A Sas yaaa ) ¢ lasting Sy fe 7a fe s Or SHE. uh y ox Yi “95
eh pO al fe aerk ag <i \ ' eee eines, a | Se Qncative’\. i Van tes AN Cor edd rt P;
ae) thas i‘ 2 . — cf egpre 2e || \ “ Ti % 4S > co c mis + ‘ ‘wks P \ ‘ af | 1° € «
y ; Sg ¢ " ee eee Valparaiss 2 EES 4 Ne 7 238 Gt agua } i Asumi ton ¥ I 7 i a ae ep
‘ / a i \ Gale | , = 7 hi ; ; i hep oe “g i Cc pe fas. Any és Us; Gilat. S.
Franciscoe S* de j : Ne ~ fee Mi \ \ Firat, EN TR E, ros | t J SOXNTE i S/ i \ }-
RQ a Curaunulay acgitt ds oe. A Mondor: i Z S.Luis far wl 4 Nde¥ 1 Maria > \ ee
igre nm \ 4 ante Hla ri One aay } “ Tan boy ess BY 4 a 4 a } j mas i ’ 7 = = oO
C°Gi ’ . ut a a fj ee ; T= it | Casa Blaveae ry 4 dedi Rg yan Lf =~ Martin @ ?
Gignatillo Paso oghant : Cabyera ra > 2 ' ~ > Afar ae rf al Read a i o SAN ry, 1 ~
tg = 6, A % ase, i a IAGO 73 pero, iy pen “. e ‘Quebrada-\. | PE Catal --— A
Ncgaatng Fh. 30 od £a B Ke ee ats MM: Le wee ee Galera SA fait a PS pangs eorenais
eypria GED ‘tae wee geal, © tee ro § ame ag er ‘ay ~h-- Age | S. Jog aan.” Sone [KS
pile pores Zz ss Sa X08 el Uragaays E sang @ t 7 Matanzas A ; - med | 1S Joe
Panagyart q A Seg S! AN nse ‘S } a rae | ye fds rm 0 ba Fi ‘\ at eek R Gt Vath Seen
oe G | an stance b f opocaln 8: f> tp. BSE Q Ty at. OSCR > ; \ = Guditen BS OsdE
Lag) to Rue = ae 5 : ‘oO S “ts — fe PF. = > = Bit Wiaipu’. Trl dl Jravt sta in *
omar Mere cles! ss Lafario Lot fir nat 7 aR 3c oad Fra Bento. fullest (*del pure Me
oy Or “herr \ ER) é ; es a mapiongo y bi del cll del Yunuyan PoxoAve truss a ane >
Hi. a ia stud pure, A4: 198 2 iN Dic om ff Sor: f — a i AZNO oe i) tie inin-y Tres
— f| 7 La we us iy “ 5, | on ) rs ‘Buale mas oe fjamante ie : ANOUILC t “7 — Libor
{ cngdo’ Tierh se Perg: 70 SO mo rt aioe” ‘arand. ian 7 BS t Pa peo de Li ee 5
Ferman ae ~ Sin? a | CHES f. By Ke _rente;, dada . £ “Isat fee ant: nee 5 ay ss =
EAN O ORE Prin 3 oe pT we et } a H ° < ae oO \ 4 aso “ t ame et, y poi gor”, ™~. DP
‘ + x. s ules 35 = te Vichucub Ne Digs LC rere \ aioe So jae Ay M'* I ag Amgfga. ,
“these ga” D5 v tarpon aS ANH ble fo a. iy Gr a bd x7 WN fae yer A MaraqniToy—* OTF
Tuvico “sf (de Bnguivitic ae segs ution t Media Luna dela} igy Matialat ae oT, sta
ae f Edin, gaye Ratha ZN xy : COLON eh AY ebol Ys ee pe ; AL WM . . he i Travest <
B ichardoy, Pane: waa ~ a mG “4 ‘ “A . 4 ; OeLO ates a, Se m a Consti 7 [ e oLine p
\ rl —> fiquin % x Par : PAV ESTES ana ny 1 r oe MALO AN ni Mary " | f ‘ q Pavaie a
rates eee See ag yi ampade le\ Punta Prpehgnza Melge | fie Gomer Adem ST hy) ss Ga
Giana 8 ie ' flopfia DS be aah B| MM 6 it.I, 5 of aS Tarita. tht al oad re een ey
ee ando@P3te BS Jorey. i | « ylca ¢ . VK Belin Cert ote = anes ——— aa Sens —— a) as
lial wrrapuce Si : r ice na wR¢ mon fi ; Fr Vv \ Sear ‘ = mee t e a cee an Pie iit,
§ Col. ‘Alvear Ftsaliire, pomieRealico | Lega ne ms ‘Coniedte Pate e = TENOS
ATRESCS t i . i sect haal peg : et —— : \ pto - &: C3 : eS 7 Lagy, ae lo Paso del
nero A! ek : en _—_ fit fe Pie mii. eta : ei Rees itlmes R: Yang ubay 4 : : SMA DO
F c r) Castillds EF om, € Bruchnypnereof x Glatervelo GE a Se Le vad ig Lady. eae
Roec Jinttete} ee r raja sf Se ott ‘ Ensenada, wea e Sf “pegs ET F A Se Cat | es,
“AE Xe, HY Is pen - ae ——S de Indio wi OP piel Ses 4 Laskio® sp eo pine ie ae
howdit > = j acaisoPaz0s “XS g Aillace. ge Ao avangt ~ ike. USE? eo ee Le Os
FideMayy talaya Tiki.’ 5. 2 ‘a, Pt indy) : Far , Cerrof. ale Fi a | i “ PA ——_— tu
ists é RY ee uamirandy” <a dante ~ by, ; a i, —j| 35 : " PU — “ 2 act “ - / > 1) OV
j Taloahiyrno\ é = Ae : oe fel S: SS A ‘ayer Quenkan ! Lae ~ ne uqus ae i Tt Chua #
ge s 3 3 AY, dillo,f* ‘Monte 4.) ces de las Piadias €p, i ie | 7 oS ; 2 i a 'G { ‘
¥ i Cx ¥ Goscepcia ot : gs Fae te ~, e Py a bg y e Gen) Vict: a oft : " aii Yeas
Fit iy Ke Toi Las 3 asa}p Salad > Dy | : bs . rk AUC ee : ’ ~ ai er . < Yj i ae =
AEA Be . . f / % iv alado ig “O \F | Nov. 1914 te Socal A gr. \ ' | N ‘ek I A | \
Wy OS i A hi ae lore "7 Ensenada - Q 2 aS 1 a i ) ~ 3 ce 3 3 ~ He au | Toay a Kt
Lip . Ke ;, \ Sz G2, : ’ | | Way C) | Curanilah hie. ns ae f Pericd TE RRITORY or }
} Nasco uo she if Views eh, 4 Fy it i Dolores 4 i cry <, i ae | | shone! " Lebné¢
ier} MM, ¢ WT Od Pome ' g THE F AME AS‘ ereales del bnithy > \is\ 4) sit id f 7a 4
‘ ral \Ca — “ PP : 3 77 | | | 4 Vie . ; : * lat . A # . é. — | | dol | = 2 g : NS
Vi Copa ; EE Gener Dow las Live : Book Uh stig p Thingy ji haa a j San”: / “ap, 4 A
5 { s i Me y Salinas ; Le a Ae toflu A Byacr Log? antonio 22! i ia) | pt i 4 ; 2.4
Sh, AE gy, ‘ Remecg ‘ \ an Madytd RS apd Salagas fp, ap i| natin t Nena.) . artic
FANS: a St * ac Pi b wita Suz” | ok | lene ri 4 a my LO RYS‘Blake de Mayo ON? hs |
Rie iy | ‘es “aa OE pporcko & | ia | Nue PLE se PasoBals 3 7 i ical A ' are | f
Barrd 2 , { | || | et Codi ag A : 4 aga Halk 3 3 E aad si 1| R. aoe ti pe “a he up
yee ie! % “Puelche PrreLauwquer. Lag i a iY Pringle 4 4 a yg e ay = : ms o as Las 4
Mes ance e Dr, fa t UO Villon" emana— {5% s , } pe y; i, (an / 1] ial | es a. p
Zapula/os KAS F/THE us Ld vi aca oat iavaiesgaen > Tre. ri bey nr of so at vgh qua
2 pe ph ade J. lar Chignitta | }\C \ R Talten’ IN oc f| tan Hiocas ‘eh valine | L-
Blane aGrande Peers OH | / ask We res arr pyos wa eS Mar del Plata ae , Lolten
t , ) : wet ( Sie euquen x ji ales 1 ™. | N*Rorm t ; : / y) Tren a = PF labo G i
| \ salaried pee x E uO U fey SS ee gins ini 7 | Ly ” Rio. lig i ; pt ol ; M P
Corrierdes / || t) = , : . : bn iv} N A> villa ae Mer aro sy ally yeraeray aL
nCA / Nee he Aye Biiramar: / 1} | | [OQ vald owe, o Attend ae Pashccs, ONS -— ee oe
ON Arroyo dek Moro | | 40 | i ee: Winnie ci. cree chocte Chane oe het % sno tite |”
Wider | br “t = ‘orrat es ; \ f teen / JS" en Ce. Te -4() we: se rrahde 2 : } =} }
oh : : ane ‘tg “Tat Tragua Meow an Yeasts "Tope. = “s | tio Bueno’ is f° - Nogueira
oT ER rave Rien ag ~ = : A FUT 4 is a 2st > a2 72, 2 : et ae ivi R RI TO RY Pe a de
l Norte , : & Le do Z , Mangano B) | Vv ———— am We a Se : OZ, 4 | |: ¥ i, : f\ OF
THE E \egrg eon s ; ; / 1a : : ns rs D, : > gi "| oo Serral, 2 a # Trave: >) « My =
a >= | £}| \S; waiky Parque sya adog | i esiade Wltheta Pringles igi? == e ae S/1|
ia) ‘ bane) 65 q \ se dinar’, \ R NE Wal Walcot ‘PPS. Antol 9 ~F — 23 y i i | . ¥ ‘
ete Mgquada deG 2\ AG Ry Ox A Pamwe = 3 sere | | it al RM, Osos ae oud, 6 ade
Guerra Cae WA if pe 7\* Villarine “SS? Z «|G 7 > - ae » vie 4 - A in “ \ : , “ ly |
7 | iG de oer ‘onl shaltin, Y ® an 2 _ ~ —~ v { — Viediu ~~ 4% ; S. } \a| ades . x
© Van wi ~ A Da : ye ‘= | Ay? | | ah A i 5 ie a > al 20 ? val rg ye : Belen Bld — |
> 5 1 | sty i Y ary Q 3 ! i gy " Av,’ ial } ’ YORLM. hay “2 . ) ta y: iy ‘ cy
rt : \“ & seg Se PB P CM. DSS Dita ad \ ermeyo | Sg @lt i Metal Mirguincd, >. 4 ae
eC aa Golfo de San M. | | g “ == ei - Pa = t > Mao+; | 0. | at ' C 4l e : a | 92 as
x Attoni a Pas a Jal atias F g: ey Veneca = Lt oe Mo tel) a \g ] iO p- ' 4 iz Be
cor &: & : Ps | _ | oe | ebaliye a i tet } 3, | an oe ifs \ Cue ia Gas & a : —
incor ; 3: £ \ ’ up ays sere mY GI Bde N | tal A ofsquel Cs bY Telsert\ . \ PiSeto
Valdes Py = a8 Vid C.Quil ie atin eo “Ad a a ani Bigs. ey 9 / Ry | | My hs = a \
a \ to 5 , ~ F j vo " ’ qlan Seatado &s | Ne M. aAryTey : ae or Valdes » J avd = &
{| h\\ y | Guafpd Nomans)\L- OR ai BoE ii Trey A bch ey Oe las eninsala ‘ S = NE >)
| j | ? Pte cher tN Caimi po Oe big,» Pani py* O ae = | Guaytecut “Tecka | 2) ; D 5
ty Me, de BR ) xd F ro J & = fs =G manude — i : > olavon fa Sig x) C7 Wel, aia N,
Pi =: | H d ea wnuaytiec site Gail M Viv gen i & Las Plumas WBA a ¥ Mey, ae S Vinge
« ueva af ) ’ hs | rs = Nays S $5 ; (Pur ae — Fi Agnitt S h a) / Bey tice, ro g:
{ - - S 7 . » ‘ ~ be ¢ 2 | | | Ew soo f Phe it so de Indios ce rg iida ay ~ | | . -
din runes, e. my x Huarmb iat aSs oT a | akg : ~~ ' | . 3 : | am lin Secor val) RS
THE ECA Cabo Hanol ' - 3 \ 45 I) a | enn a 3 dedan ‘ a Pay UB U TG Crick LG: \de
Ve; ‘a ' ; A) : | | | upislago 2 wl <7, Palaci es Pou o 2 | | de ‘los Ch ao porta.
‘| rl 10S : : Pothae St7 El . =e } / } onbos ; AREER ‘amaroness G nn1ar eel &. iB |
Se. oa Pueblo as nm e tas doF ined ag eC. a Sed Bay : 8 Babi pg uelaiceay i a, L
wont ce dos Bahias & : . = Anna Pink 8S 2 Sami AS \C\Cpuru : : Fpto ae 1 = == AS |
Fy “Malas ( SS / |Due az — De mieee if A ss —_ Melo : fp ; | ——— & Re fe ca) se,
Feolano B = —_ tai tag ws i vo’ : gay ees 2 paoro: Rivadavia A ik J, A St ——SSS 1}
Batten ade : <1) 1 y Y é y ai 5 : rela ~d } q ; = A. iy af TresMontes| t + 40 a
del. NG. Wa tas eee de San. Jor ge FS N T' I C € the Mo Sa Rath Fenia\ Heras Ser ta
5, Geor Re) ) E G g ap ~ Hens we ; a wi tired r Let as ana ar oe ‘Maarpl \ o E 0. \
Eat Ea ni ftiita, ohy ig; | 2 | Ifo e Penias” 572 A aN ., = . 5 eC i 2 Cana, J .
ins \ @; Ma ua ~ed) 5 | | = ‘ : E es A rabeed ' “o +5 =~, ‘ eS BE, | | G = “—
beoddoana4 \ De. x b C ] Ry P : | uaianccol# SY F a 0 Gio Cad, \ Wazaree s
eTiesPuntas 2 A y = a ro fs T “OY ° al be kas C. Blanco x : ' “Dy —~; ue ey, BY | C
yer Fenne TER R t 4 re) RY, ; naa hal ; ‘ ¥ ‘ ampana a9 OK = §Puerto Dese | i B N
BY, OT: Se ddo : : : | atricéo Lynch x > he Aikerv bs. Se, + are Tegquyn Z ; ; | A
| Parallel mh < Re 8) F a, LUIS pireng| ; : 2 ft OS fSer | __ \, BakiadaaungB
AHilly "| | | | ZA | lyneley B i\@ 5 9 a 5 \ oe be) jo delos Das . - ile ad /
Picton Ved ST arty, ¢ " see ee Crean sVelos O ; C E | | ; | qe NY ” al iQ ' A | ; F
| MAN 1 ~ - TA) \c & : 3 zr: A ; i } i , a Me lag “4 > ST DO hoy TL Tar \ ‘ortaleza
p ry - at, caf | hi == = ; i ; | ‘PE = LM Ston LS hie 4 okapar She 4 SuFuh lar
Sales = s Julian r se ed Cc al. T: SB Es L Madi, Hike eT te Ba Re tg eloten \ == =
‘ Desengane . ~ : / | f atk ad : S 7 4 Mata Amari Pe 2 7 ~ F N Ar cha yiela? A
vassi LOrrkaikern Me, +S z { \| = P eas 80% tees \CASSIZ \ ‘Ss CS. Francisco de
Paula 1 at ; .. “pen Oo i) q = 5 : | Madre de Diosa fe Pacer eS Cruz 4 fz] ) 6 ay
MM Freraday = Ses —$ ——} — ; / at Duke of York: 1. Gs g sition al Tuouge? Puerto dé
SCraz / | —$—$—_———_—— | | | | e ‘ fog Pleo ---— 7 a= ——$$—_+_+— | | ) ' Es sxe —
_ . we) i A “i tres Chom aa ee . i : —_--— ReSzE | 5 - : z= $4 ayle y Pt Coyi da
Grande - == — = | | ; : ce S A e 2. Coyle Injet 5,50 rt FAL t / 5O | x me y ho
Lae \ ' = ; | nbd Tt Xe sen? C Tiger M ' a ‘ ate i 3 es FY Oe ; gv ce Sek : Bri
tish) . / 1] Ramivenl! = Gall OF oe . weather | aD ald de Wasrele” Sin, ng pe es
a ) rN | UML ES = $s M 7 ' Contreras Kir rt oes ; ae Gallegos so t King Gn, . Sex
Lee sot Pr as - . i RPC, Cn ni ws | Go S a\ | SN mE wracias a Dios te Queen Og, eo:
me 7, qe _ Are rhe ° Rema Adsl: aaa Sf), ic mmamtemiie oni xento wi | Yew 12% ~ Di
a7) Aap pa Volunteer pt | Rot. 3 Narborougtf. Sy, 4 ‘} Dest 0 ' Beaver Lit KS West
<—_Perkeley ¢d iB) © Magalies. at aero Fi Ker f Ofc pens iB — 4C de ‘gai
Vierenine : Swan eat a ; oe & Pembroke Pillar\ wit a Z> Dele, < a ta ae e
{Drnigeness : orto : AO, anley | i We 2 , rait of Magell: 3 S$ Koiveul 84 _ : -
ee ; » Le e ML > t | | Desolatii 2 Pi a Viritu Santo s ph vat t ow Bay xX 8 Dec.
1914 : Wette E glow U4 Vormbre } bg Doe “ “Ntire st 4 “arr {2 Ry 2 4 Fa te re Inga
rbors / ’ Fa, \Orwey : ge Deey ier i ‘Ramacein ' Bronker Coast — e I. | | + | \
Longto™ \ Gratton I* ~. 5 eS Miles 69:16~ : as as j~ 1 Degree | 00 150 3 si5 } 250
300 i Kilorné Blase = IL-3 ~1 Degree 200 30 800 300 = e 500 ar —— eee ae = 55 r pee
= se F : “Page ea ere
i —— : \ \ \ \ = SS rs \ \ \ as \ : \ \ : Bing \ . : \ of \ 2 . : \ i \ \ : L6 \, ‘
, 2 \ \ \ \ ‘ = \ , \ 2 : \ \ : \ \ . \ \ \ ‘\ : : | 2 == — \ : ——— = 3 \ * = + = \
: : x ‘ : \ \ ay \ == ——. = — = = = aan 2 a = AS La sl? 2 onc Wilhicln UW Lt Marys
soeree \ E \ Wilke 4s . < PN Sia Boe 3) Sow Lan ¥ AaeBe
A) 100 (B) no C 12290 «(D)lChU6U1is0 «COC E): 140 F i150 (|G 160 H — Arctic Circe F
: / 5 = te, r ~TVil id wr — 2, ; , S ry. — R , akeut sk S } j Y 7 F AY es , ‘6 7 &
4 x 7 y =~ { 7. yl. 4 iat 3 —— 2 * # ys YenisejSk Angara b sr is J aes | £ ——= aan
5' Matthews f } / a oe ? pee: iv. p ‘\ , f. , ‘ Tan os rr. cs “6 Olyutorsk ; ae v
he vf S ; ies) Aomsk. 2 ee j f A. he nme ee al KHOT / LF he Z e oe, O OTS ; {ns
aaiolare’ / ' strom | 2 a pie / , ‘ Joa 1 & as, AY bei, 7 ; —s Bering E Ag) / L yy
ye SE A (Kone andor ski [% 5: - JY A ie Ly 2 a (ais va ae Elizavet Petey, Coppért:
4 ] (am Pl Gogo + Ses Lom stl t 1% fe Nikolayevsk "cea, thea Cu t re J f i/ € Fs is
; Ps mal\\ P gh ¢ a" MEG : Shey : S . i 8 \ s® y, -—— a Je F , \S Softske 3 i= SEE
ia A Bo \Bdoud “Dekel f\ | SAREALIN : s P99: Se c F, agovyes chens ~~ cs SLi C * .
0 v ; ~ a, hep / ‘ zs a. le — ve a Lh LP rs = ee Za, A .Lopatka sr } ee = cs ont ;
“9 6° ~ a wo "(Be = ————»= al =" = : i— ~ / . so Ay), 2 C: Patience 52 4o,, “an, mn
shir L : as ae a a =. / My H Me iheay: A fs \/ y "ienoe B. y t= 3 fhe, - ‘otan va 4
== = O TER M A/NNO HU R me + \; * a ther, , amukotan ae = md ~ 4 > f z, ; o a J m >
Biferiin. it Arise $* £0; "ig i = Yokohama {mo San Franciseo_4% a7 / \/f 5 H. UD op
ee ——_= ——— - Y, , s : fr Hants uw y) -*,. Pips Se » Companys L- ae a y " a Tyas Ky
in Y p> ro - —— = = i f yA G 0 Y ya ae Sp il . ; “Nass, e Or Staten [+ See
Vladivostok} to Victoria, 4800S 4 vi .* rE <i oS Rr Pour J if == SS i Tf VA ix x ¥
BR fray ' ii ee ie . "they plukushim i: Ye Ler: = ‘whton =e ee ee ee = i 40 - —— -
“ x + fe l = pea ray” PEKI NS . LiF we » Toy 1 a 3 ko date == -— [on =e = 1 ‘ oe fb
ge ra! aE / We IS i, Tien y pn = — wie = —_— f ail = / Ye / 49 tf CMS hntueih ee
| / & 2 Taiyo 1 _/ Chap Bn Ag : y Per y, , ane - j : Bi tes is “Lap-chos iE so
Paton | \ ap SE if s di 8h ra : SSS = Yokohama |to San Francisca 4750 —, = en .* =
Pot iS SSS ES ee ee Fay SAteatee, Yo NS Ory ZIR, i ) alle ~ i . 2 ~f i c= “} So
oueipats z , ale : [> = « i bss é a . - 3 —_ | eer } | ond take 2 aug Nuitking’
pens se KOS | a = | Oe ™ Pnco— fe ‘90 _ "| (Bayonnasse | 30 rte Shanghai 3 Surith
2: | - wt 3 =? = P SEE == a gl’ | on NN, “& 1 * Ong SS — eS Tange? j j , =@5-pe
Gtinto ty ide Ora = / 7 e Cc . sha GE A j a ae / y= Tu Kyu 3 = Ewei-y Po) ey, s
Ogasawara — Patracinio (e Ce: rf gf : = g ‘ +h Buckland ; = fokohame Fi einlin rt :
to, pares «. = On ras aki Nah = ‘Borodino = i | Sob i ho / 270 led, 38 ant “* “Sor
Re ima Guta = y olcanb Xr ng ame - = m4 20 —= “ee = : i SI Marcus* : tis , / So) '
Trom Sc 6 j xo! / shed ere ‘“ *) Petia Tong or wee } ner = m | 20 Rea Fe “le, Port)
: Bashi. Channel | appa ee L lard: ; - a 3 = : abo ; py - Los dar "4 j _— Ai Gchiow
< ~~~. | _ Bashi I? | Parece V “Farilion pe j ; 5 , tla* ii (y i ALIUGO. show a=
paling . Channel T — ee —— ide fajaros . : } | JMekon™ 1 ainan we | < BabyyanT? i >
: SSS - + ——————— 8 ure as 1 Lao Engafio Li udsay J. Wake : j ; C m * . j Y \ |
9aTTL™ | j moans" c | {U8 | ; re S) Paracel Lo Linden. ( = | Pagan Marianas or +)
Lt OE me pS 4 : \ | a re le BAe ap . {4 PHILIPPINE: 4 ; i JA yl aa o% x Sag
tPotille S ,| Satpar L ade sf Alligator oe ; hep KOK ae. 7 » é nilgy y Juanes y & i
= # , Teongt th ; > & 2 ai! 7S) ya | eer . = | “26 : Roto. Toran? qT» ; ~ Tor Ant.
3° 1¢ Ke ri fount rs | rif = SN S| od 3 $ a are S eh Sas got’ ae j = Gypny i 4h 7
149 2! G ~ . CAMBODIA pt e = = Kalamianes J? et. 3 < y AB <= <4, MV. j Ansgn I }
aoa € oe, es \ | fa "| o : Sai 7 Samar TSA Pilla, 2, 3 i j / “~h j th Da : ral ;
‘ / 10 es ears CA “%e 4 ‘| Pispd ———+ | t Ergawetok a ae ! é { a) —— Y) = ae t Bote
3 Bp T7565 —- Clathi. ann some = C.,. oP > Bikar ; a S=— 3 '¢ 22 fy “> Negros ae —
ee ott i 30 othe | : edre fos Mes AK : > C Cambodia aS "« : S _ J Vurigao lap |
tals Vay roe 4 #4 es ~Frel } M& mee tetas = —_ = Si | — > I\VE ~% 7 / & s 5 = of ——
3 glee Li gS at ~ = | Sorol Faraulep “ a¥ | > 4 alu } ci = id r Si rn a 3} — ———SEE
— / \ =e vas } = =; Sea i . e : 2 2 = , = tuk ae We . : i Ss : eh rea Bharcc, fas
MKinadrudy | M Zambsangas / ~ Aue tabyto ‘ie brah Rg —— 2 Pulp qe 2 2S ss 0 ape . e
Fagy Saetn| Barber; f zn ~ <4 ai i» Labi . Sandakan ‘“Z Kae WW : P tf Tanonae ~
Spey t= SReph Sep F yar juan : f ; vi ' 7. ; a Boer L PS) fi Palau I* ta a al Peg,
ogiokll ec me Barne | p= | fens er 2 7 ea 2 : on ~]* F3 ae = : { == ] ; Pulu® Vv.
ft Naatike “ te ePingeay: ob ot | hid i : . £2 onsorot 2 - Homose * + | je e é ire
Wh, f fg: ar Cele ib es- ae S871 t : fa — 7 e ade S —o a> Kudo T anor “Vatu? anh
Slane! Nt 4 7s . 6" * . sy . Tobi AL : it ; / = 3 ; Je = I ES >. SN Et od, =
*Nukuoro i nee. etteng 7 | / t = S > Sgsin gapore Serre een eS { + | == 5 Pe, st Ng
Be: oe i an eeu és wf = Ler, v2 Cc H : ¢° Makin on J oO thio 1? Frevnitl 3Z Hales
abers: David = Athuetic I. any Marakei ‘ a ; Mc {Wa eu * Tarcyay Gilbert \ Howland
I. / Mee St — 3} 1 S/R \ d A STs su 2 Sr “Bag : ee PG = =a _ speedily {| Buriass®
ok (DIMES = | Baker IfBrit — ; = VIs Misol n° AR uty o| Fa = “frOcean Nonouri 23 7
=— 1: ML&O " “ ; 3 ‘ 1 t + abunku x: ! = f Her is BL Lard ai F: \) Vabitdusd.
Baru : : f } i h BF Ss EN ; - eo _ gansteretonnin Ht : i enna “\ aoe Ff ' Ou “ae B
= : , < MeKearn ts ” Syp/ uy ory eur S BS = ee? itn Ph vu = it a “4 oe > a soa} =|
Mares Sea er ae ; a Ara = ote anton. fava ¥; ts Gagner al eS a whats et Pye! ra /
—— Beg a7 ies : iy Tim. / Bay si S28: 2G crhent 5 Jlomon iy 4 Ee sm 10 = f reyA = f
a : gst Rerned 7 albert Z / Tokela ie fale jmor—— oe S ¢ 2 Yerdeorg’ nage ta "|
ENice = sesia ; Atituls., re = Melville — Fa soure Fee -Gnadalc i __*§ "Guz Te Bri
itish/ — j \ Fyaeund™, \ Ree: fe f = foe Wessel lf - Bpoklington | .- ak rT f—_ ae
«tia ip j \TIMOR, § E Ans . Chink | geRristoter Aveo 7 | = lama E Fe =, \ . She ;
aonl Me C-Armhom = Maina ‘ Bellond | - - } ldnuda L ate ih - Sa 2 \ og OF aarAOo i
os — Ueap, 2 3 Ga SSS SSS ee Ps Rerinell Jarakores : ns — f = | ees / sat” an C, e
Ar loth em 5 Gulf pf (09 Be, charlotte,B 3. iia ghiuipe Pp == J \ | } Paatied ae.
Gir ie, se t 1 } &GrE ylaridt 4 aie xiile \ e=s 5S ii as ALLY rend? — — fF . ; = }
Sa TL ¢ SOP Lye ak ¥—E Rs Uy, or Rot j J = 33, . \ a Cize rs el ine) =e | OP ry} =
Sf Spankt cera / pg on ik = \ ae hereg.. :C Wyndhay )~) ye Se oy Al TH | are mee BN
—a- AS! Maewp = ‘e = : i Dawpier Id Rips Welldsley FOS. 78 oe fe S fA aie Espirita
Santo “tn ; : (sae i ed “slo Soom Av) N ORTHERN Poe ay ¢.ogt ton Po S Ne na ge = Ui
ov VannaLevn ‘Wauahoosen sen tah Sag iS = Lagrange Be al Grdek ] ei / ei a mocking’
By thou Reek KE, Fi ‘. fo N 1 Onaget® der f- r= Sam ‘Tonga or | ft 20 || i Dampier
dro Pam” Sl = Mears A a ee 4s es —aS t Huon! é tai Bere | VitiLevates 2 re EEO aie
Is, \ == \ € eget ay PAN aX sort\D ntsgn \ aad pe * | mang 2 Fie dave Gronug)
‘Voy \ Se, x West C. fons, Se, “TERRITORY Cn “/ ie fil Chigterfiela : - pr Tena’ |
= ror E t. = ~ =Fatbea ye" ah ‘ = —— 4s POR x | thse oh land. al & Ke] ee righ) |
ong Sz hoy o i \3 Saf Qe <> SS Dnol tabs iN, rua wl eer } 4 Sou, : ~ pow New — SS
TER ; x Saal ‘ thes ~¥ Zn ay Oe ‘ ~p Spt ings = en | Are a = i k | ee eek 1 Se re i
e eae eal paatma ety Sickel eine : =e Sharks B. Nee JOXn. R. aA hi} yt PrN \ Bid
ranch rie ¥ “Wand — Fase = 1 frases +f = 2 v9 Dirk Hi 3 ait LA a x per’ as Ti te $
re 3 Reng, = Af. ee a | ar toy J. 'y so Wi E 4 hadeaa cus . ¢) Ly X =e ol = <x, “a
ahs” Fropic 3 i ofl apr a 1 ee a eS ay Se eae Gh. 5/01 REWS AND ts a= ee Ganthz :
on ; p Oi : fh 5 ee 3 J id , st tera S i bon B. \ “%, SY t : : i sig a ee otvrE S/
kot} = \ Aye carleyitle _ ers *wigy P- Goratd > RS fK hoa — eS =~ f Bie $f p »
‘BrisHane | : arn, ah yee, im ' | Hered aii Qibivies s AUST RA’ ies Anlr ene a)
rage 4 pent : bE Deezer Sa ee h < | 7] > = ; L.- : = laardigs late ——" on ea Lalor
Ny \ 4 | ay dt a f - Shop = — re eR Fr (eta re¢ acre x ‘A 3 at tt aes } Fremant zn
ry Xg Worseman ais Great ae Shi { Trygd s 5 \ ba y f ‘ . 7 Ws : ‘ 7 Elon ie cy Vatu
raliste ef usr Australign Bight" pastlt ies or) : C Leeuwst Alban ‘5 adnan pt \ :
= \ ‘ Ts Tw . = T27O / \ Flindé = ~~ Se so eae 10% “IS ydneya Part. acon wih ame
mid MSA Korth C = \ so” we Pi a ~"\e (ata Jervis B- — = =F \ ore go ost ~~ SG _ Ta
— ; = ¢ (re : ai Y ae z 4 > —— = ge pet Beas | t Cape to aes tas Ss re = i SS nee ~
le {i> ae | es esi TASMA =.= s E FS \ = ————_ : \ 10 lat won eee eee \ - Capetown
to Hobart 5838 Se SS a Se “205 \ ==
ay nares
—— ——
lf /<
Natural Scale |.
0 130 |
I 1e Citizen's Atlas
= IA Se —, . ™. Macke na ie eso —-2 Parry —— ; be / : :s . ¢ “a ae a IeF Nh Mii.
— > TUE one Bx, RS & rs rf 70 : y a yoy of Of ~ ‘ oe ; pine A uri P CERMERS CGFNS
sy SS tree SD DAVES STR. gb ) » 6p te S typ in, . “ i i. GE GREENLAND } - wan } ies
As ee ae “— aN f | v, ome \ — “t lnctio\Cirele KA! fs ake KO } LS a Sy we < ay Rae
~ SN ee = | ‘ { : _ Tan A onidike ‘ GtBear I = act k ‘ep — 4 ‘ial Ke ‘ N\ } a) =
“Se tan D pre-e re > tnd Be a hi wy mK “<q \ C J a4 Asi tc soldt hgh = fi Da KpP>-2
lscertiery PP Squtham mspaton a ae eS : 5 3 War L oY ps net oe < ' ~ SS. . : iy woe
Kinley , Sas 4 SP, 77 >. IP ij ?. a” I a ok > ! a8 ea - Ss st Fe || r gi Liar % °
ie. < Ww ») J Ys : pce SN Cy ON >, ie = RS m 1 ak Logan . 1) . ‘ arr ee Slay ek.
wack ¥ id % \ Vite 3§° ~ N =. \ th ; ng re pcthen _FSinith ie 5 Ons Se ; Ny gs S ae
xt FaITMKE Loree ; nile = eS ae 2a By sear ye See \ lag RY aka EON — SS me ies pe
Su SI| 6c fy n 3 = Middlewt: i ee Se: tard Re Ny es ape K “\B Az \ ? > Gite, Caachi
a~> : C. Farewell | 60 “gee = . Se Afograkl. Gulf of 4 , eI yfuneaD = ly ee a 2 ae
Xl a 4 >, eat ep eee == & Char Lagor Rea ‘ ‘ .) Reindeer “ee oh? = De wert = Be ass
Kodiak! ae N ( l [ q y- iW : hdees y G co, : Bris aS Alaska ‘Sy ~ ’ PeuceR \ X Pe e
Ait Li = ‘ YS a. 2 ad ; » me) , jl / i \ mK son = Belcher It ~ ? ™~ Sp AN Sh n Ap \
SS y (alm ij a :. Op Pr.of Wales’ [: yt Lf re x { ; () Ny -. , ) B oy, b Dison Ent
ance “ft Gopet au PI ' * vik Fairer . * O he an Janes {)’ jas “4p yy, . { o vy) He
oe 7 meng to , =< \ eA ‘ ; ¥ ~. — » . = Net bo BRIT PEST gt ; ‘ A ( AX a . ‘ To a a
| kohama to \ Victor: = ~. %, G4 L UMB LA : By »\ ‘ i F tae ae $247 Oo” Charlouts
Ge a — 7 t%, . Psi a ~ B, = hy i | ——____—_ + — ; — P x Vis wa © tli. 7 22 Mas \ ¥\
\| - | hese Yancouive * a Ny Vv; Zgicotver we Prue. Mods ian Sill ‘ 4 oS- : i |
50 ) LO Veny Tz ee ee ~ wt Tuan Ye Fics SRee Sa eat CO Sod B mevror hg = . eA NAF
Aracron” - SA 7 — Fig ~ / “ee eT SS ice ; iy "7 : ; ‘ —— | a — SE i , ae %,, bie &
i ere mers me =< Que bagg } Ir eee Se ' Z ae si gvexpolis So Je Montheal S | -
eritamd << : iC Pe, — | |
GON ee
\ ELS s US , en \artittals ee —— rus ALE
) ; ay } : < ae 4 rose jam * te R a cee, -—y r = | ~ ay £ ni NOS = ee as — = x Ps a
ot aah oncas Fd | += ————— — | - - + - = on = RS Y, Ye abt hat ak © So, ) 4 Pt
= : ; 7 Pane Sivan 7) Wty f- ou A nognet = ——~4| 40 | fi | | © rs Sac pant nA | f°
at, ” mod ppb A yi AN e E Se — | } a>’ (rod icles G Fate Fs Pe : ry PO J ct { ours
SS , PS S Ohip R ~ | = — eee ---- Sarr Francisea..* : ° e Ba %, Sasi WY Lousy < ee
SL 40 S ‘ * =% . > + és : : i we utd et ey = ; AS \ : p 40 porgnia Fe ap a A™S SS
>) Getaneake B. | a = 3 AS We uit {c cee : 3 es fi / od eniphi ELS Sass iB) yy? 9
8\ ry > o>; 3 a ee SEEN fe X os i >C Hatteras : d ial 23 20er\ rer Mp =— i rg? 4 ~
fd @rguerque os f\ § a ¥ aA ol bigh | | yy, -Cone ey < Oh, , Jf S Tennes* 2 = 9 ae
FE | ayy sta STasanilies \ — ¢ << CAF Wilmington | iB} yy Ss Barbapeart® g-Gila h
Red = : f . e: ae || Pye or Lemente, Sk Ser - Dallas x Jdgkson. 7 t eee : ew | | ay
Fs: ; eft” a ea es : ra ™s en FP Monyomhy ee y Charleston i] ZS I : | 4p, =e ‘ ¢ pe
"9 : ~, ; . | f a pw 2 = on i : ® = ; mm | | } = — we" agie- Port, Penieuin’ £ : |
ii dni = a a << = {| SO i yt / = geo =. KP =, | | ; : \/ = | Te - ruadalispe a oe
co PN . inap i - [2 So 7; o> Galveston ; | ow yr \ - A wer Codroed <> ve < ; re | |
oe | “ 5 rower ; : = i | | 4 Hol- = he * 1h | E - — 3 18 DB. . a E / | | Eine I =
== Balldngs B. Si)“ Bxatrnarus = } BAHAMA =i al Se: : x == SS ys f : = - +? : A
tee SA z = = = “ == C.SLGQ2AL0 a aes ean acs t = a oS Se Re 8. ef = c | - & .
Necker islands 5 eee . ne yy bE hy | es : ae ee eaten Ee ree { ~ : ait fPaei 0 5 %
= 4 / ; a Nthoa Kanai 2 i? , C. San liteas\ Masatlar . § wmpico O, (atthe : | | ~“—
WNerhags\ aby oy “hal ae : : MT LO . | \ ts) Hoiatuhsy"- vie 3 cane = —— Tite.
Mirias I¥ : P; ra ar i | —S 2 ———_— 1 xepticut™ Sy ee == = res £ oF "PLENtes Co
ampee he \ g 4 < e ia ¥ Mawan & aS SS SSS <= ; ; Pcampecte : 7 =| ZO | E elisa. =
F. \ . . iB) d / ete a ‘ . * | / auna a (Voly Onolida ta Bs tn. ; ae : . Avy r
Japanc a a cal | : zo Yana (rae se Revilla Gigedo Is “ — aot | | on. - Uz 570 Se o
i ~ = ~ | 8) = . Speen — } & ing ston j i. © : : ae \ rem be va : “\y } 1 = = ae
| ;, i i a iE i ( Y “TON vifeas /* oh oe ee ap | , s\ ; ; . | | : RY, ‘ : = toes
Salvad®ry, : £4 a ; ; : ~ i| | / | ' 1 9 aim a / =e = aa | — / i aoe | =F == 8! ‘ =
=== = | os Clipperton I = = t sa French} — Se : y 11 10 i aw | lle a ; Loerie = " d
id r és { as Be: tr of me AS $ ES , | / [Bingmen Shy ao ~~ +. 7 a a ‘3 ae / Caldew"
STs (0 & #4 Paimyra.* (Br) | 2 Fs | ‘Duncan I. > » lz = 7 : Zz iWashington (Br, = -
; Pe = | “f obo om A 2 i = nT (Bre 4nd _ A550 -Vapaol. j 7 > — i : q Fanning 1,
(rt, sot ie 5 ot Buenaventura = i x ti : S ; : eZ = «dnt -gei™ = : isin ist \ | ©
Christmas L\Br re be | ‘Gallego I. | = i 5 il Pinta aad \ : « nil a \U | ~ ALS : im
\ } fe apo . : = gs _e eg ———__& 1-7 = ,; | Equator 5 Spare = = Si Sr Isabela, = O
= iy Jarvis 1/Br) = | calbem are, | crpstobal Pe ——— a= dqCobsn Gala apagos Is) AC
Shat am ix : a (te Equador {Esparola js \ S | = == i = PE 00d ; on Pat weiy| & \
Malden L a | == : ca Thee a \ 7* , = 4 a = { Sh aae 5 . Y : Pa - hie Ay Starbuck J,
Britye a h ae | == i \ a. . at s $ . 2 | | = \ a : = H ss oe ~~ Fe Pe Ma?quesas -
PAA mw S Ss | a eo tor Der t ; ref [slateds Franch - enon g : \ ye H Zoe at? . :
= : == x ae } Va Pou} Sip a0a = = SSS = = ES i - : = 10 owWok une! | j Tahub™ ae =
j ——- cane” Jy | Fatu-Hiva/ ad FRY SS =P 552 = ee we j Pd rs $/Br ; a8
aeeananapanare i we ; = z ; ; King Gepr saptprtie | por- { — Pousland R* ; 20rge x
= po z- > we ee a se A Gq ; : vw A ‘ poe. 4 ae A Is is, Qc i ety rh. - xs ne “7 pv
ae { E | - (Fre) bah) as oh : » 7 _ ; | Fenwa Tea ¢ A) ; Te ; : 3 Td amotu,--or “J
PalmerdtonI eS 9 ee ee Se wlan raton 5 Rav’ Yoo en a Anaa : ne o Reao / Aitutake =i
qo p< eet ; : : a = ; = ,* ~* Ayo ag == Beg Mittapo a a. Si pac Le rw AX = hi : a
lago 20 — ———4+-—— = : rh = PPenaty ; a t t-— - 2 R toi tein ' = eee f si : puke oF
Peipitces ter Mature? Vavao Co wt |< Maria I’ | ae ore . y= up | Hamman. eli Man
yaks oiecPu tu aes C14 eewseceatuenerss § Rimatarti fubuat Mlangare mwiad? « 4 rete
; caver ae ——— « ee ee \ | a stral jr Tubuai ° 3 agen Qeno | eToax m ~*~ (Prione
Sarton E ; } k | = — # = . _Pitegi. = a Ducieh Bry Sala-y-Gomez S Ss Felix( ils)
= . é > : Bee ae ih » Seer = <= L ee peg i : — ; ils} 5. Ambrose ee Haymet 4 k “SY
Rapa” ; | Raster Li Chile) hile} a = as Marotirt # “| ———-——— — = ———— j = —————
= } }—- ; 30 | -” ae ) } j j } Be ssl j ‘ ; j <= . a ; } Reet Juan Fernand. | ' }
Masafuera ; ; 7 | = 3 Mi in Tharcsal ; | j 4 wistrtisa 0 =. i / : Coneppic tomy | }
| j j | / } / ; j j [|. = == 2= =. SS = 40 +——— — + ne ee = j ' se / j | ne / } j |
| / 6a = } j / Chonog Arch? an j / 3 / TavtagPen’, : Sees Helge, on. to Riol de | /
Péfas | if Seas as | | 7S oot “=n z = / G* Weflington 1 ; ae me —— | Sees i a + o>
- 50 —— ss SS. SS = j ———————— es ————— a ae — = 7 eS ~ ign - | f 2 = Madr e de
Dios Arch? at 2 : / i i { oh ¢ / | | ee _ Magplhides Sra Re 35 Z | / ; Brttish
Steaticte Miles 69: 16—1 Degree nk, j - == zZ = ———_* = Resolation ri’ AA | ; a pee
400 600 B00 1000 7200 1400 7600 5 MS } é = Iw n | / : j > 2 9 = j = y 5 SK > : :
Kilometres 111-3 —1 Degree Bigot 4 $e De Horn baa te _—_ a i — a - f | o 500 1000
1800 2000 PS s : iI . g 7 a : == Z f— a _~_____——| 60 + : = = z ; a Drake S tr. o.
25 = " S* Orkneys ———- — / ae Shet} ands —~ x J f / . . o aS ~ British / 1 | gat eR
Ross F / = : ee rk P Biscool se yO Bi North Grahazt |. (0 > 1 uy Adelaidf ee gt 2 ?
sath Graham | 5 Pater J I i ~% Pe 1} = SS SSS nanan > == = |
Alexande rl uy 4 ft:
y | 4:1 ee oe
url Sc? 0,000,000 pi te = : ee wright? Troup
wen agin
Me Yoraoerd om
he spent
Nittidor Aoe
W Sai wee AM 7” iS TS S Re
> wat: 22m celle Gle su Edith» ee amd Vale ademipe e "Rim, >
* ”)*
ao re
LG aa "
ent Rennie
NV ” Bi
neal”? 2d
| Glen Emilys ee “ey
a. we
th Ranat
© MUnapy rroachable on Ns
> . we sete bins sty ts Se 2-Claypans ” Kanara Wal ? |
i Basedow Ra. oe Reitiot Ra.
omiCurrte mt Thompson
M! Olga
Re my - % ehup®
est ° Ayer's Rock Felix Spr. <
~ Stevensers Peak ‘ ae unt _{flanah's Hill
Es raser' s Wells 2 iMorst Ke
ug fe ith ay Tiperkl “4h mes Hills . ; gilt Kirndt« me Culinna » ut Crombie
MM Hare us. ( para "7 2 °o Vater
wtAgnes : ; Cartar won > ie oa Naryilkinna e
“MiSir Thomas, xs og o%
Eteruma MtIUillinnae or eeMowi sttaon
Water °
sCorrin Miu
Quldabinna. " Hills
Ase =
Mausio e
\ Tiethens Wells Q2 a » @ages Paring Roclchole o
Fishe ae pe as
Hughes _.-—
Deakins ! Nwllar ber Plawun | Kiudna Rodhole
Fullarbor HS.
Dy, |, “son Bluff
| gt ~Q ec] a | Gre at y act =
== :
Juv a | BBs po ee pe iommaastn Ry 2
MtOrmer od?
Goyder Springs © mt * e
\ 2 a tuna
| \spNative Well
Lm dp, RTS SSG. Se os
Doldea i
Pidinga > /fratlagor
“Blieg Side, 7 a= | Star" rep DBs Sa Coa s ant ygtc wihies Plak a ig eam Re, ~pOwen
§ prey gs. Sta Oi
a Aten 7 < Ra a Krichautr” Re y sy £ 5 y, \
ny ¢ Ais ©
L ageo Well | he urrell.
( thane ate
ilar, ~~
bury Sta.
a ke f r..| A Alic e Well
adh ho chey Hill Idy 0G awa
(Ola Sta, Ne Encurdina \
M Quin
aaundd By ddurnida.
be mew an.
a uf mm Dan
the) 2 Hamilt
p Warrungadau Mf TOBIN Fa. 2 Pr GON. "Chambe@ sD tut)
~ 4
Munda Ha S; “i :
”. Woorong Cr--"
L.Woor ong « Philtipsor
. j _ Swamps
3 Mobing Rockhole Pufobella Well ‘ LBringf Cudyea Rockholes W: ——
Fart, on Edoldeh, Rockhole | Bassai
ring Pe
rol a - Q Ride Whitegin-Rockhole Mt Finke
Mowling Roddchole Won nh
Py lebung - ay
Serer our
Fei 7
KINTORE Mannaidilla
Fee, na = “ay cd a
Nuyt' abechipelogoe > i ~ La ee F
i Sncts Streaky Bay \
Isles of $
La ) : vg } SpeN tMusgrave i ; Meche hart Spry Rumb age a y,ow! Sta.
hi Towns ond.
Mt Dillon NG The Aibea pa SMe Goi don me
: pa - Dodnadatts
Ze, Lagoons
Wilgen nt
pes / ’ A Ly u
na Spr \\ colt > \s oy
Ni Leighst
\garactina 5 ‘ e TALON — pole
+ 3 “Be tiga ftom
ding”? meh) i Thormteri
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7 es Beton
“Nurdah DA kde Bie <
Fee fOIE:
“eal ee
tha L?Ly tol
Sree tht
On the same scale
eographical Insti
Ss Bom R —-
“ee Hammock z: Hunters I®
ae | why
Char 7.
Ve ~: 5 os Ae : y, 4 SEG fs
Corina (%
Mc LR a Bory? ag ~,
pelts eUINGOL yrs
fy CUILte
SS i hi shies ay
aiff od
( 148 ~ IT ePsisters SS _ Ss —
C. ie Ee
~ Hummock.L, y Ne
. Goose iw
Cape Barren. ‘e
"Qe lorke 1
%, B: ans Strait "ortland
B, FPidpore |
town. * SR Scottsdale se Peavy r vie 7 ak
hep O'R SE ii. Vv ON ~ vrai pia S® i; T. muneest Ne ao
ot Pn Bin ow 2 mes 2, CORNWALL |} M OT. ar Beri mI wry $ Lomond, PPro AW
oe nif
co wv ‘west (ELAN Py im
Ki nar a. sary oe
“Say BARS Me iceT,
(tle |
ie f tA 7 » AA aALeds
"Veeco flar diag nae
} Banks Group Thusttal.
West Cape! Y J .. AltherpeB>
i ty TO40 | Adelaide £071 1 cesgecebsseette¥* “be = js
== » [SRD Ta
ta SF) ip ale. = tO Adele ao sant
ape _cape
a a ae e 50
Kilometres Ill: 3 ~1 Degree
SS ———————————————e J0 100 15 ona ae
146 K
TSS og <A) WINS eee el | 7 Y ‘fA By Rae ha ht ten isis, “enti rl tks | Fk HUMB oor
FD 6 \e Hes a peek.” .~ ns 3 | | brags RRVORAR DF EF y | | Tiscrus™ ae Sad “Mf ght
(Cube | e | (Westland. sty Wellshot aa} 2). PLANTAGEAE ret 3 j oe ie Min in ex rtis
Tl. P= 3 || a NA Y LNA AN iG lune 0p Si ag : Fae oca./ 3 I E> KO lic te bwo rth 7!
ie J DEA CASTOR US ‘ Sunker / | . aid Pp Sitlanl Dos wit % y -DRUM MOND Z A SH I ee
At wo =I ) ‘| . g > : \ Fading I. t Group i | | 2} foes y ae gton far: 7 yvatey
MEXICO® Lo Alp sha 2 sila. rd ye aes aS! tiple Cy Cgc Hp ti | ie \ \ r—Bimerah ‘Be
fo “2 4 ; be io nai * - fa wed ) Se SOS TN ees “e ort Curtis c | me ; \ Pp ps a
aif" RUTHVENS. gma) eine, x & . As : en “ih x ‘SpPingoun 33 WOORGSGNA & o Gi, *
RAGLAN.” Callin: eS WiBustard He a i Connemarrdn/ x ae Wi ; “ ‘ =< Fi s18 for d Yor
Si & a) Fair view Sa} : \ 43 sas . sos S Repth, gree = ) AS \ : 24 | | hay) a) tn:
FAIRRA ie ey ie. Fa : (Sy %, A’ kenhead Seadowry } de NESG Rs, We ay 5 Aes e ni \ a
Set LE ebulal tound Hil] He slLady Elliot Y- my ‘ 7 } oe ay 5/ Reeth (/7 *e ~~
Malvers “plackall 4 Needle x ‘a @ Ba Ze whapn; ba IN TON We ; i : | i ‘ i. sa rd *
end // > Malvern. nHills{s Soe my Sp d Holle, ator ae rr anipeD + SP BRGUSON si in
BOO Curtis CI tai t 143 Sf WOLSELEYY’Y Sif. . J M ITE Bete N ARQ Pry fers Heiter :
¥7 ‘BUCKLAN oma id pat Pana e, 4 Miriam Vale : 5 Channel 1 | ey | $i Te acca tos
GH) as! yt he 90 GEA AWINDEYER. » sBLAunsy , juichlands | Sige Ce, EA | COBB Shang
ob ig Nat LIVERS Si 2 | Sth ! S RS Dae W BBS Ur Seat topo Laney”. feos \ “AZo | LN
PELHAM i = Mee 3 Bartle Cy; a bk Ny gp / by RC eo 3 ‘B Mio ip saldind Yossi Lorna
Biclta ~F- 4! 5 , pe - ; f C d NSU EI ko me” SA B iN INIA ~ Rag hia tbe SiG . pt ;
SAE edale 2s |e Sf mdak’s Tes CPB EAN.) Os ANDO ROR 268) bisa ta PRO (Ge Raval og
ht ass v /(°tamaa iii! | BA AWE AP: Be is ‘ | wai bi SLs Glavin, Mh Oe 12 cl in mee
gtd Seti Camndivon SC). Ready TG Se giles ee Sandy Cape | =e Sh {pflaughton GG Dg 5
Nad ars Ge? Ba , os james \plan sdiowne 2 Pte ‘4 49 wa) yy y 2 » eas 8: Deate 3 Ms
as Wot : | Ale BLO: > Gon hugvin ; as in ] ¢ S Att fWab a CH 3 A OT ' 5 “J yA ay
§ \eoblabeare’ ‘Oy SDownts fue Play Dat wes , ‘Ss x ba Fe ay yt 1d t Woplthis ory
Blo an’ 0 fonRaws EL LEY ITP Ot Warten, ke y MAC aberg HR | i } 4 fied —_—— \ } x :
j oy MKuriiy ) "aan “ S WS SQN 4 aflaibe tis ea £ Lerringtdd ~ 1} ‘ CF: jr of ant
din \ IGOWAN {i Sy CN IVE XS ra] CayTINGARRA pe \ Theodor’ oe Boa pide Ch in Frcs a
b : S, i scan “ASOORA JAH? }/S pishowel k NG cer aWARRG NG its, ‘ f . tig f s ¢ a
LIK of BV ARROLS "ie at \ Her: “y "ay neliene H® | ; { ne WS oti Crilrmore Down ne
Ss Bh Ms Bu “v i es { \ : D ly the P “4 ME i Fo Wea ( Cook . | | | : 5 z e ; =) f 3
he € i “ % iV S$ y | } /Windorale sp. bai Shad fee Bis oat a we $ vf r + ‘ay nyo Rt
4 AY a) SV esr ay ; Fis. “Vale pee OU x ERE 4 ry Bz te af ae y EN | Rid. she age |
Lap — Band? Sy pins a 44 ye b Y s "4 ; 7 z Ke : in od e (ny ies 2 = le és X ; ? PS:
: ulevolds Re 1, ¥ x4 NV —_ Sy FE | i fom Cae ifm Lior § / ) ; 2 Ejje, BUREIND x oe
Sa Oy % me yp Ralgtree On PUES TS oss ry raser or jf i / poreenendd ‘ ? = a J %
‘raf at “Capt Or a , pated “oi | if 4 . ; raf 4} r J | e :° f 1 thy ¥'? ringed “We
stiprowds ‘O j + \ GY Ré Me CK LOW NG a LY? Bed Js pl , a a A Elliot Tru Nn 2 | ;
e, / ; Z f" Am Atala LA N GLO J Yo Peter! Y fc oBuarremedlii.~ Ae oh Uke ih ‘
_plarop fe Mendubtgny, adm ah il "rons Vins ite 1p. reat San dyl. Springfield bas
MOR UN LAYS | &) a ae x pilugathella SF ee SX] SS west ‘SBOE yes” en gle “aclagtins
LX 34 pi Be NF Y 1 Broo wis iy bhr ough z le RO od Nichilla oe, ale a 4 ?7 A etal I
che ii Uh i Be Adhd i phy " / I Hixtton Stas ¥ gary ‘y ys Sfp avmbah Hawt ood I:
1 : = / a /BULG is ee 4 en le OER, EO cas > oe RIAA } -- i ft : ® BU DA RA to SS
glrytine ABERDEEN PORTESC UE 6 opr angae MAC KE ENZ IE! * S$ f me, | A ad pli ’ A .
aon oe oy | *MUNGA Bove stale f esa 5 LED i —— ht AF oh ohio chad aus N B WAS I LE
pe’ Pin We WF de y Vig le B; 3° rn. td Sie bation J Me niinbardo LY oh ee 2 «, nD
ile ae, ve Ce Lay } é f tay iA { Fg i) we fo RER vi Donityires ae ay Z L ee ,
sWendocds “Broviniay Catcvs ie he rhe ee touble LP i , ( fy r ; Cth ford Bindi %
Puy i "9AS$ % % MMi ane gle: 1 | 26 \f| j > io ar ron, St ‘ ‘ os i, So i <e oad \
MARGH S Wt ieee | : he : hen a ; ped ‘arronvale~ neni oin Mor Var i id all ° hoon
iy > Scrat \ feta te $Pro, Ito we? Se BFK LENNOX) Sesh al = || PU al aeRO ie bag bi
DI tala EE Steer ey ay ie: We epppacen, He beeen ; NICK cAV Lk Kj he eet, wn ZR, fe
ve ~~ OW Cte ps hy , Bi Tra velit BO ND va u 2 Mac} “be Sire, Pa <4 Npate i | |
iA : =F y \ rp iad < f Fall 1 AS, Thilby ais — abs jr ™’ HtoePle / o> oh i
Bussnipils IH ue yw os f NBarckans t ” ‘Liter -<asnna Bay || ring Pej Eromanga
Oddpie a { \ _pQuilberty on ano ss” “ala Mit pa eae - Roma Wail Lact BULWER * ; gp
(FATZROY ( ay Vooka : | if | ) 4 AWD. . - ~- _-_—— \! Z =. FT. . Ge near ores Bs me
| ) A, soe “ Ly << - or sien, in ‘ mf JE une lla “Oedin, Veul ct imme menn YMiles
LYT TON : bas k ar aap. : . pobpes y I Ardartict i | RRS tt joe : ; oo. - ee G 0 RQ
0 N a Gh EK TIF iy y %? x, g . ss / bY 4 Dulace. “SL j i A all f aabingh ~ oad = re
= 4 y if en BOUT Congier +7 Me “ur ‘ng 4y 7 Wey (S y ; tors 673 > Ww oles ae RAVE,
Ashby \Movaby we R . Steinchilla 2 Sil Wenctio: S EF Gartwright & Lf” ~ a Sig eo
Ongui / ie 4. se % ‘ r . ah ar Y x Bellagie! ye F. } Mirweh G y | Ly. ; syne ep Y
et ¥ ey “Hag hor. urd 7 atte < cc sao wt oy Mea Tage ee . a ‘ alee ae PA u N mE R n
Us unkeleR We ox eae onion lamine ye, Gre, Macilid } Fae As nif yy glinto cae ae
rma t | jMargar et Sta: Py Tp ompine \ { 4 y andra LARUN BA oN } - ie re Woylevien
Pr 7 U ndulld rib Ge ERS 4 Hogan ' Ba NW iby Og LOAVER DIS Nee oe | C ; ede . F N .
5 © Surat phn Ca > j 4 ‘} * a La, gy ; SY, : A OEE v : Boatman” 1M! iv 4 PR Cc OG
OON a A 3 if Sr? I 5 axe X. rf Eli Ve Ea $5 ¢ “7. nb ton A, | \ x aN nao qu UMEBUR
(N , Tai ton om: if ie Al N QO A Blenheim i ton , 4 G i i bee co “sehen LW 4 Mt
oretan a + | ni, # \N w 9 R. bf Ye GLE B D 1 ae ls Downs i S/ \% £4 Catto z Perwell
} ELGI N Dn, Pee, f es ty ity fora? owebwiller we kota 3 ™M GRE ea es ‘bong } | Ley
| &f bf OOF Ne B ASWD D Bday t.% i} VAS MARANO R%¢ Donga Neh anne ZB ) DER t A
Albion? d¢ Ue ; oate 1 | 1 Jot-« ps oesk % AEG S ¢ Cliften — Ny “e@ 6 ; aa 4 tL
(rettor > | \ rt tints Wie, GEE ; of eo E\3, promos ~& f el \S 7 A oogula W, Ir
Canmareo > PRIN Zh he eee WY 4 “Fest outfits ye TN, aaa’ | | Hor stcy & \ } {rAd 1
TATOO”: : ¢ RING Vy, > Ni te Dravephes Lai 7) Clannad be bite Jp j ; ne Benden B)
tse" |Waterloo Macitr Rin. AD .., ONS Tees hale a KIT He + fs mS: Notre ‘ , roe AG
batlah’ Pe nag \ eh Herttond mA thy ‘sho. sontt mss Cait teion a 9 Ve, Aa re ret:
var 3 pois gt Stradhr Ais | or’ : > > p al ~ ——|! ‘ al oases | Ned goss 5 maa ,
Balldndine sey ‘Kinds ma Milnatrticand re Othe Caulk RF ib ie erton y lig Ee 3} FR)
ee Mi a, ‘6 Bons ee \R ~ pre — A ~~ Ashby ¢Emaniber tt Don le: i Sl. athist re
Yormndi’ 7% i | CHifitez, as > 7 face satel aa > fl Oru OTL x Botton J | bcos H rg
Altos? ers ace c mv Le evi o | > > Yandanbiurra Ww F GTO N AY VRS " May : ~) x <é
OCB MaBalla W, vias i Wy. ” 4 Henk f riot the sraatle % v. PTR Freese cacchonss 4 /
, , ‘ Do iso : . OREO oe Ia 4 ii 90 | Je Wg ts Gs \ Pe i j i Z Mona Wey in, gee
Wlalgna ; Mininuid, -f MARSH Pees Se As oe << . wend Beale ad pe i} , ve j ? 3
Rama: ) ty ij 6 |B E MO RAE CAR NARVOIN” i 3 j HE . : * Danger y - c yrracunye, | (
7, } ah [Ady fengcegodyt ta f ; - | sh Boah 736 Tandawannag~. Peay ngle wood SA ved
Bix ay Ke pes % a\ a) . votha UL BP is Thallow: P oy ; eres | | lke * pig SNe ie, |
utherford oY Lee , jeandining gs P Trcvertos BENT NGI = || x ~ LWyard? @ ‘aiwarroo
KUNIGLE ae Ruther Or on Bay !
L® iamall ~ wa {Thorlinda
sennedeeeetpnt ot ne eat
P ; H oe «& ; —) —
JL. Wickham.
| .
4 }
Ja -saneamn on soan——e-mapean-——nenmnene senate nonaqnamererersnoa‘e
| | ’ : ’ ’
sy South B RY YD
enka pd
CLIVE te. }
. Legpeganill ay.
gralar ~ STA PALTY N
Be a
. _wohgehe LE Sibi. “py anette » = embr; ae } ey f Bali ‘ { = Ge, rf 5 iti : Py
SE } My K } 4% Ni Fallon. gen = ey 3 | lity vin 4 ? : aap ~~ By Hi regen; . a G
Iwata UL. / rier A mor 7 abt. I : ( HARDEN a a i m3 ieee. ‘ a A y / s /GEITT ong ;
ARBY LE By Sonal nm Shoalhaven ®. Dat gt r lervis Bay C.S! Geer we ir Uadulla
Bareman's Bay t eat > TurossInle ' = | eee
5 4 Dromedary
pi A Timbula r | : en ) Dwors 1d Bay = A S M A N
~~ ‘p ; vorcer tape |
HC. = Whe 7 :
VY, — ——==== = Fi : Ny: | £; Be) iy Sy ’ js; ria! / sib | wi gps Fe? wer a ay, ei
OF | Melbourne ti Wellington 1o0 10 | mi /_ = aa E Ss Se te SS ee na fonpsntann= be
} ¢ : | y ’ =] | iS: ; | ; RS | | oP Sisters Ry: |
5 CByron
aBallina nond FR.
Shoal Bay
|| 30
38 |
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= SS eee
» . ‘ ———————— = ~ _— ~. . = a — RS LT EE SS TT
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Silverton |.
Presse, Round}
r ”
EL cat be
A PW alpeup \
Xe Anteapock Wang orilla Wilson
Natural Scale 2g
The Citizen’s Atlas
~ vd at Sal oe Oe nan
SS : gba Sd p TEA eg .
an — a te eae eee
; | = SSS SS = ray é AD Pung C : . 2 o ae — . OS maet 4 f pwd . "3 . . = ie ye Bs 2
— fyi ee WPT © é dy souignesog La PAOUM POLIS
i) [ ; , = | S / ee, = “a\ s3ae@yy pice May ? 5a} nen A €-S}9[s] essoReaz | =e | oe
; =e a oN a. 7 « j “youoysuycy
: ee = : “ PLOT ct * He tt ae ° :: Pe ae op) | = x / Spypwy : Lay aps : . j ‘ona
BAN * H G < sie Y aero’ -
wong = é @
ee Ly 3 =
& } i j } oon 2 0 id pak ’ = | ee > PT UiRPI % © ERD Wis tx! Ke nee: Ae Kay Ss AS
slit Cesciy | se / = : \ : hs wong nN WYHLOM IM LL) PUENGYFOUS AAS a1 aM, a ‘a : :
sumpphoy Jd PLN A ety eT Oe YW Ya) 7rvrags We” f) | Tey &: vy. | # i hy, 8. + Re Yo
nN : uauauy UDA’ \) 7 >) = bee?’ & ny v 9 $ejb20.1 2K ON 2 ST Woy SUMO 1s * ‘eg
' | | B= o : ae efiiz0 «19 eenn ‘ = Prucnody = Mes 7S - —aatnsity >, uy
| | eino. } ¢ 4g SeUun oT = See : MI aAyTPS ; eI VPP i oe ik | or || tO) FTAA) ns
—— _ mS a Secs ye Saheb: SCANVISI AWTS ATIAM spud weds _ By | alee ~ Ls é. oy a ¥
0.4 $d et AZ THLVULS ® roneay? oy umsvy, PA f &. | . Hi = } | 3 a Ei <—o TOUT BS Dh
up =, Cove SS { i = . 4G 9] \ - : eno NS pl GUTYT : =f = ae i —— i = Yorn Lif ay o
Vay eger., Pe ae : = —_|— i Apuvs efoouy OL oon j = + o 5 “a : ) pE ¥ . | | Cato
moss gH | | =S ts ‘ _ “TSOP ye PUT ~ wat || | rere $d AD OIAT, [puny ua : Cumrady
momapuy: . rind a : mops) i ; L wayyy, > : : nnn SAD MINIT SPAY YT << sh 2 : / |
| : i ja pegwhnog YT NEMOT TROL e | z | = oos OSs OO? OST OO! os Oo go Y C IUDGISOY
: / Oi] j —E— EE ——s —— ST at x tA 3 | ial 3 1} — aah: MT Tm &. TTF seaqeuioyry ind
m POPeT Dd Sspav] I /9FOY. thy i] KN is === A 2 0g OST OOL = eS — 9 — Apereyyr: : S
. PAT T—IE-69 SA AMPS Ysa = iq Proyoog ; 3 | x = : & Rot Penne S oS pd YOR OE 4 i
HYWTY™* “NEM 1% .) ANOS IL : : ie S Vy 7a Pp S | = os Too yc f™ J 4 Or V I ad LL N
T d a 5 ia | | \y 5 ‘UPREN ; WRK | | | y | == Bea Vv Ty AS NINA. | : rt | aTTAPITD
a oa << i = -- — 1 ' i 7 ONS j ULOTy puloy a Opes | > — Sus | ‘ x6 b : 6 4 1¥ ON
i ) PIM FTF | A = } ~ - ms . | ay wr Loads ; i ga . ae f £ it ° xu QO , | SoySy" ae
A O a IT fl -) “ , | + Ut OUP UY P10 7 / a PUOTIOIET) - <8 \. : ie TR | * V | reg r
> 22S RH He, SSS | | Z |s iva 2 | | AGTL ae | | Ld ) : uprourns pena wey SS | : |
DI} h ARIPO | YT WO ~~ “y soyoay | = i TH ' 0m WN rt ate iy 4 ad pH P42g esp? | p i
HDPOWA SM SS. Se” | a F / ; i \ yt “Sump erry 2 pH P42 / / F i ial , i : / | jd
uoysang ; | : | | al | =: eoUDpUT UPA = = et yer’ A } 2 | : | ee ee A ce | | g x5 —
e rk Fae \ : A | o 6 TPP BE A SPS. == 3 al ao sv v. = -- ‘ — j ' onuasiay'
NyuNna1sH ‘ a‘ —_—- = i277 ; Se = he genni rae, Via | | a . & go” = £ J i
aeDeenTrDS e poo ds Bie Savubs ripe y4 Od : i t | =2desoes = Vie; > rae . E , : eh
ag ees — > od = auiopany i A, Pmse . os x SY Ronse, Aas Ye | = ~ ete “Tmnay “ 225
oO tobe + aan Ts rans” CaN | : : — wag NOK uy, + > ge ass == : pourra € ghiauyer
TPsspy EO Ns sopoy, Fb wv S 48" == = Segy peqraize 7), i | | Wey ot, 1 2 q a _— ba
Ch { —= : (éephi so EE. = 2 of got >| POCO ae 4 t . _ 1 a F : ; - oa > a By Su”
spautsdng Ss | | POUT OPUNGY Ral Sree | a a ’. . > E y © oS = ; Le == - | il / :
O9Y¥ "TH dTH JHY Zz uuPuss ay = Ps Ros ge : : | : aP 4 ; ‘) == = ‘i . L c : | : ; |
el P- mua pousinx ae 5 — LPRSOL 9 A SO | ‘ = = x ADS ; | Treus ty: = ~2.-* . T4 i a
® <0 i — ie * moavapus, {5 10 Suits ss = SS }s° 1 ae i} 3 7) 8DIMK nas" ee eet SSS
= Ke F TPnamy | So ay Nae = Rae ———- | ifs ——— rina ST SPO 40 OOULAT a a a ee IMD]
4Q0VISTOOT * Pps 5 i oes oy ’ si 45g EOS oh OY ii recto -TAQoog : ———— vFL ae i
oy \ P ; . = FF MAD? ASN’ QhMyn 4, : | wot ARyIS mey, T#sv5f rstunsoy- ace res r 4
ae Fa oh QO Sia ee Aroyg . H ~ Aeon OT nathan | | SHOOT WY st TIOTOO AUG cps:
papbpeny a: Yes -% Se ac be Fee "Nt he “A —_ auphoy) és i as : == == 5 iLIPULLS 5)
Ces ie! re) L OF F ———— Gua. 495 FeO 22 ul UOSEIOY TA SARS eo ie nese an == = i a
ae i aoUerey) — os ae %, SG PS aia ai ,oe SPPALA UsASVY ' * i = oamgayyen—> tT SUPT
ares ol | he ui ENE yi aA Urey +4 te, GLOWS PA |i 5 ‘ : ; fb renal = i : : ——<S—— |
*. 2L66 ~ a THETLIOUEE aN Ang a Goag “SESE HW poog ge : i Gt3.< @ybucy * a t | k
Naws dung : I wat LS 00 — = ; +“? Re SHS So : BOr? Bi S . — . vA i? SS BANESD we c
— cog a] Sora PUNE, x ohn 5 %: DIUSLET ) A ; “HH puney _2e=e" = fuser =° yotrae Bur
«4 = [d.my>¢ i : Set O2z IT ‘ mm : ORE a : W “7 O1 °F, 4 ip a DA oe ; =—- “4 = : i
R 2 Sur L - , | x ee, Pad CEs —— ——— b ~@ d ig f &La2, F = ~ ; sl UBrypaey “T4Oq
S00] fee et mS A we “ui wo, IQVIOLLS} SJPNY YOOMAOT + Fe 0 fe SIF C a ruag) [omer |
OO | sibpn, = SS w/ 4, _ces0t 4) Os, : : = Ye wit*® Tt! Grumta = xh rb OULD AA Ps =
S. : AST JDUUD ° mrad AY 8190 4 % ; oes SOLOYT LO z . \ fe Podase ye . 1] ey GSON)
Si poems ayy 09 + 2% 2 c ‘Pes 5 t TGS. a 2? rnb — ; | | i 2 ~l vs ‘ TpsuowpX 10)
Logge “bre A Wy Saar Ores ‘quonnys ~ = co eee D WN i . q | repr urine >” Nine r
LIGSTN win % Res fy oH ipaspay e a : i . T AETETPOO NM ° ; tf 1d OSTON EPI Gia ae
Ee0 = SS. AVY reospey y ? E 73 Py oy i i pun F 8 } ea | *9 | “ry Ex a whe - Pont ey
5 pre “dvd Pea: 4 Gt “3 2 | i y ti 0) ; J Fury 0 UL haan | i i 7 eaarpuipiipr a yon
atl dd oS : "Up a 1 se ster. ee EAL se a / ; Z | OMY => € VE OT A rH gut H ACT
‘qTpsy CL} bs ae i AF mony == tO ys Rat 1 i i 2 20% pueppeopAgq : * ue an amix Log
- i ‘Tnaye¢ q ‘ | vamp, jf SF muh We oF? 2 \ | | ——— ee == wet SS ae! ES, ABT: Te
ma ple # ly : e r : i ° <3 ial él PUerrqory ae 5 =* % Say. uh aah YD, “Sit : - : I
fs SS a | eet A 1] ‘ite qs AF ee s © eizer PUPKS $ | = > PLPMOUT eel yng } | aU Fi
J Aonmsn “4 = Avg APOIO : SS > Pd Ppreapy WeatTy a NG TI ===, eo haat oo penoqy °°
= eT, - jd UOTNY) ee “mug § Cy uowomy | fT PY Y PUNGT pty ~ $. ay? JO pee : D2 ATUT
AD eu are o's ya hme ih | : Ponape sous Oy) ee 2 : | 1 nr Ay NY . | : ; } ‘gT *
OTDTATT A yer % se. eb i agosopye 54 / 4 USM TY ' : aye 7] ; | | - gs pipes anton
pues” ge pty, Pe Ee : BY :y , 7 a ix RS = = = = Ss a yal pars . SS
1 os —_
©O ~ = a
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<) 1 a7 4
(4) Wraumerg Fo QPL Sey 9pmysu0yT (J a
~ eee we ee here. = ~ pope eee
pes rede
ere et
> j| ee ow bate acento fake C= P = f ” een a. om a, SN ts aT, oe Sec meee ¢ ae | in
~ eter rere eeennn neta peed = sie ‘ £ & | eee oe ¥; = > ¥ baa oe ae Mahe. . ne ae
at =. : Ba arr Ty Da D2 yo ee. ~~ | /eavsey ssozng on E> Fear usps ; eA sarcomas :
3b : pag —— ~— eT 8; oy 12M 2am yg? aia / Prmncsniad ‘ehin Pee ay. me — SS . - : /
SRR Y OS = 1g : } un Usa os 3 Spars cence | | ad N Y | x | L S Vv 4 ae SES CoE
RSENS RNS : TE omwbns = < } UosLapUuPp yd = Oo: } € jf A ES SS SSS eos | ;
sneapwogae* : ter LS cy V4 N ‘aaa | SN ne == sz . 7 EROS cca \ Se ond Td % digs aio
y § ~) ; =~, — SRE aR ne ON EN Ee SEA ape Soy ; ul , } Os b hk: Sadumy utooLidD) ye
_ 1d el : ng eS 1244 pihoren: = S e — ye : \ hes | « Js J sj \ : : és a. uoo0bp RL
AOS éV ra 5 A | snore Buna, AXTQUHVH | ‘eo hasoutnggy 7 *t 4 pa a Pi 4 / WH yokag &
= oddvs T SS. EIN SUMO q T Ss V SS \4 + j x. i ' : or organ 5 + tea + pr Nigro 4
li, > rT} A myo } ree oO CaN. T fruvog? = ; ‘ pyuoyphuog POO a ‘g titostade) Jo \ S
Ss TIDANI LW Ant07,J jX 35 N 1S) | ppo.m | : ORM TT : oe > 2 | aie eat, i | of
{ offen] ie pena rylcy rs NN tert \ =) \ Isprahors | juog sag] = . 1wo0dug CBS es
Ply aopoepy .. TaN elem Teg ev Ua RD, I? i Co Ss betas id a X + . % Spon yrodpeyy
sw car ese SHHORS : SS @ Rey coe. yore 4 PY Or. Sf oy sprint % —s x a | i rede wer
LO MOLL) = ny % LOULIDAOH Ht ~ a Tr apuvxaly } } / ok ae a | . Ck ! is 180)
DIpPUoL) poo Aauuiay: te re A Fioumy iK a aay WPT, eK x meer ee ,? pera Oe -3 . SU
YP EM, ‘ he MONI ATL ee da i u a m Oy re if { , ee = SR ESE | Sear ay \ REGIA < Se
yar A) TOT AOLINSS buA ‘par Gnd 4) as f se s AUB tong sp bug STP PATO AT Gav PY ADT
We | wuvmoypy, ol at Dry “8 puory WT ae 7 . a re a aeh UAT” & & “Ta MOTH : iS : aS
"1 Dy LONES ye | : 2 25 —_ o i o WOMIGISo uaqayy oryonviuuc) / O's SS PUY AOUAYT /
== Ag st “i Ue Day ahr RDA 2M MOE ae! — 1 = DgtO] 47 y2uoog \ Piacoa rate gH 3 pe
Pe ‘Cues J FI2 SSS yi > , hk = i 7 TUL 7 > AN. > “a - ty ; =e P AG pers i] 9974 iW
| vf a ee = ~% muy <f = oyn homer < mapas? j SS amed < % eee “yniomaxy, power
coentiy H 772M + Ajrare,. 7. : | 4 TR” / i Se “1 | : \ y, o* p. i S \ = 24 eam y
“PH 1° qdumy pegs K vt ‘nee 7 Kes & Guohertucy aS ei udg muy oe ASF Bish May, 77
tae = AN “eyooT 7) §= Vado MN £4 3 4 ~ t ms 4 ie ~ “> | S r Te. % ’ =. ss j ? / = %
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OTST), . Asitey aie m j 1726 ALOMT SS P a A PST iy, | %% ; Ses 3 fe SESS —A | \. Q
TURF ‘ i ‘a . aay DLOT'T SS —get ee i Soe a! aupboyn Aig oval NT pupuaray] pau ATID
, : 172M. @: a & " 5 SSE RS = ‘= O. f o,! {Ss ¢ \ ods oan? Mi ARDY | Rae SAF) UOST
IY J00f svugsis ye oak / i° ie dane imate de Se eapogTepE . Pe 4 LOT ? 9 henamy
PS . t MOS LayEy & i, Ce Bes PF a pty p T 99 Dppah Pe 4 Loe of kpsoy 9) : i = aS Fe
4 =7 igo] ~ eens ae - res ye « r eek } . P| rf Pre: Le é "HK + a oo : se , ry —— =
> rasaes SE he "Sly “ AR ) ‘ ; > . { SQ van ae 2 N MOT Phen y ponsen 7 ss TM CARON
eo Tay ear * —_— " Cup 3s str ay SS £) oda R se ’ Vso MH puny te LON oe Sk : Bey
" : tit, uedny ~ »® vO i “7 i TAGE i* por 6 | n24 S220 44 a b, iNess TW 72H. DADYD
S . HN ae ae coe s. T ‘NZ VAs : ee ad | . FOF I M. eee LAINE let Tes . as wT") '
772M PAID i 3 pbrbrpusyy Arne mgr 7) ‘ S fot : C8 u as hun pontfhy Ut J sv RS S EK
ABET ~~ Pee TER Ad brags! Es apie ‘eee ge 4 | = ry | “UPM OODtayD 4 Yony +7 j
aivleopu), aR MAJOR), : Ce re 2 ree oD i Ss Ne. ers ‘pahcrtg 1 3 a Bi ae bal Wo sen
gD ayqnoey I pase = ; = oy j } { ud¢ DuUuEleH : : 2 20, — bv eared Lahey) . *s ob a
‘ A f Gk meen’ pA pee ceeet! ” , a <gruondurg ale ee | ‘4s: ays rah pate cae 3 Lerp
uray oman | ay soy tee | | mart SS meso ye ion ee | oe it = . ie OdOUERSTER SG
DPILIVY Ns aha hier ay aia bp noun) RY . i He 4 a) rif f 4 : tg: = T = ?. <1 OIP g
2 ra0yy / i B®», = - POLL $7 T | ‘ LID) e yt >a OX z ‘ = ; og ore © BF ktowe q
Tameoua T*2 s i> { . SS THA Yup qouo 7 “POODLE, <o~ i cA B Es Nortranuong ee fa 3
ue ire IAT | = o | 7 aS 7 or ea RN RISE S BREE eater PUD, EN ; os ¥TaC { FOOT PUPA
= —| Oc L080 sp OP cuds erm 5 sound | az OPHE.. Sh? g ps Lette ay IP aa 1EUne (f =
| | F . ; yo a YVO od ~hisgdh nad 1D 06 rf sry cee ud oppyp- P70 YRS «al ak cca, So
K& < aS me ~niguonspro9 sig 4~ s2bub ane png UNOUT YY Oy a We ms ‘ S x : Tt 2 i .
24 = 2 P ? | sxypay exndco™ ure" em oe a wy); s } = --- : rt °Ss i OY wosdipig ud S
° STI UOpPstory Uuook ; Fag 4 dae Be ua / = = ? Spnly SE “UND kroz S © run Ww Vv d
TT nde. TORE -4 ai reby ny ong (PF oye, 1? fee’ Ps | D pay. ] "UODVP UTE of [} id A
id | ¥ _ ied é tC} TH ra sh OS ov udg wpos neu Keosooerg i os a 1 Es = NS =f SueT
ay = j d a yosts 9 SAS ° off”, syn x e : , RSI II IST eS: BOSSIOT > mne« = : aa
AS : {funy & YsrUsor py Bon S SS SORES ull } 2 Popping == 3d% A ee = TRH yeng omg
tS eee rou TG eee —— : : 3 | NEL Rabe ae = 5 a ‘Up 7 ~ ; : <S ; ea» ies a - / Wy
TOTIOM ) . Tropes p 67 ——- % | ‘ mma i : ; i Osc ) y 7 - = YOO? LABS | 3 | ps | ,
{Zt / ! ~ ; SS i : Me exrenr 44 enone eg | » 7 . w 4 2 _ ~ : S “™ . gj : ; j ; y SS
: ~ LOTT TO iF : z ‘' PUI Gk F 2A Um ees yg ies f\ : | iJ) Ling D, D7 ' YDOS mar
" ; / : i d ; 5, - T woos PULOTIO 4 0 ; P | : / | fod - - | « iii Aah . i Pre : “ ~
| 1 = ; | fn Mame | uanunauun gy pe 4 100d WP. Sy SS se - ) | ; | [Ss T Apoany pod
om STR yoo ky Gry Pr a | r Sf = 54 nuoritogh | Ie; : i. — rar. ; r of mn | | i ©
ido we SR, punppoay ie ee 3h wap tough yf Oy heasg029 SS T 4 | | 1] ee re f & iy es
Py a : WAS i Aj PX j ~~ oi vy t Ss es 7 ~ sSog’* 7 -- Ge& | a > if ; ~ | CRF Ft ‘ 0
oN. D Mmssog~) or ar i == $ BPO Ge »Bumds maken gr. Sg a ee a o slsiee ae.
ogobumaboy git | = ” | €U ~~ a 41007 YST PO . Sabo: ree aS SS) oy or 4 : : - -S0/
Ne Sk BSS 3 ‘ SPUD TW oP —— ; 4 , | | PEM 35 SHV TA Let LOLI EW S —- i ¥ PAPEL
MOOT) = | : ; Ss L & aes “ONE TTY .— SUuMOg / = / <== ce | ; ff 45 + bf is > T ( A;
ajar ee ~ S We LIP UDO] ; es . songs 20y : HLTA : : = a “+t ns ot ~ Be . aan y "UIP
hh : whim bujoebua be oryroy = 4{___-~ + A ‘es ww “ait es ~ - “O° ~ _—— : aN } tt j
yaaut se : WW BS _pruc C7 pw AW ‘ Past S| ci ld AV ad a 1K == / ' n<, \ j me ore 2
WES \ Pie h- rea ROTH \ Dur ye PUAN Fe TUM DIY FUL ad i i] it to (O07 ), ; Re LYE
FOS pau: ref | ZZ tty ty aS "UO RLIPUR ys ; a / ‘ : Se i ait Si ey fs7~ 4 lf Prod
$e 2fieg UOSMIPUP nbot i yooys As i TS ie = +2 TES? r 3 RO Med ane : > CS ; : 3
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uOMULIV I — \ DOYS S72sS TAY AT ] Fé I - ‘ <= BOO al FAneent!! 4 y ’ ' + 7 Z i S
Cee] Ry, ) ye quoyney. ad : = Ni / i — ihe whe L At tpuLign © H = : ' 33 =) Sei
LOU, DOYS SPYDULIFI, SA: | |" Bec S EEC : : me : Soe "tJ Poys spooys sXopno | ~ x Z
i 3 Ff x - 4 : a ’ I ” NO 1 &/ ANd ae n ie y } Ste bpadaowy $2, | | S ‘Dy MOT PONS.
} “> RS & Bs aed SL hat | e = 91 i ; ) a, . : x ea OLOMET ;T & Wil) & + =H ss etn i
mode Dad i PH Pe. tags 3 Pr . \,: : . : J pp. BT; zh == A, $e a i " iets SN T anil
on FID quoquengy sp ezidvons Besa’) a] = | ia Ae S « _ y ; a 3 Ny 1S) is Pa We DN =
Ss . Bde ~/ oO . Ae" j y wade oS ae & WaANY LV W 0; j > Ait . ao : “Ree + ps = ’ |
x a5 [ry a SS — * as diya apewe? IIR | = —— —— | | ae 239 foqenig pW | Zs vena :
"3" = SS = r | 5 g ( yTa pry, TR” LAN. < = as Neen = ° Lone = a = -— — | S ) ~'s cs
- ‘ey Aauponioge 2 By oO ee sy dnubopay | ‘ ‘] } >a fopppyy vr by; he) 26.10%.
207209 ——— siDaMpiyy Q : | 2 } : Ss ; -_—_— i: ‘ ry TLINGYOO7 5 . fae ai a Pe TE =
- } if | Sa ry Sig eeu e EER te xo WH ad qTuormpedsy rape = ; ; oor ay | - ~ j os ;
must) rs 2 = = pe LayUay ; O02 == $23) SSS. il y ; AN Se (2 ae a ee eas | e oolbOy
T— & TIT S-peuorey Bey : > x, : sh SS | 3 = = = eypudy ) ae A! ws = enya aise: de
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RR town, : oor EI | - "0 14S Sari t. a { UOIXIUUC) Ws Pyratloz L3 ag ba a: prensun.
ef fe pak: HPT —OT-69 SO eae Ysyag | be re Bs mal 1a PIG acs ‘> a ‘| ona ate a ait
{Jevonwucsc) : 2 q ea Ho) Fo a j Me NW ¢ Ds INO a 2 apy, “quem S : QF os H Py i N
Tee > » | s . YOUNUVHK iby Ss 1} Me qt: PIPLvUIV'T a} | | ; === L ‘Rin pa. ; S : 4%
== | >s ty \ 2. ta ‘I Fd ra —— = - PULIONSDY yr \ Ty) v | i = == =— ge (a C a e Sos
‘ a - FS We4iOpy = - / | ; TUE 2 3 —— 4" <2 pH LRN = = —— . — oan ad OOO Fe T
Appanye > api AEOZIOA *- TT asmougy FU IS : == ‘ UMMpPoag A Sy — —___—_— q soe
MOqUT 5o~ f UoTIUay “;owppuc?, =: = q. : ‘spe WLO,F % : = -- ; “9 ¢ ISSTY oi FHLD
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be. equiog an ry : tal FS fnew | ARpUp Ty) = mane For "Try Gnody = =f = 7a q Sil |
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1} Ia er : r QzI H a —-_-______ - : —— © | oy on oo VIIVNLSAV NWA , EEE — — Bie Ts
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CMe » “he ‘Wirae es TTT, FIZUS t | ie 1 saburny : = Lt oh Meer ton we —s resi s a (
j PDA Coy Skane eYOT HOS, pp t 2IML SVJOOEN . ca mA DS } wocn. es au), SS bunuwez J
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sehupy yron? reusg “Ld Og VP) Aq : a0 poy o 7 TUT ~ rep ory ty a . FYOT WPS. a AIT
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( i u > fy Bae 77 io — SS ee — — - . aS — C —_ bs ae =e 0 i ar yi A eee sl ¢ BR
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gersten \ ” Bynihg Wy ( } re ¢ a vee a) ‘ —. | ? a? 9 ay j t SI lyst Tons: A LalLal
Sy Yc b\ 2pping ) - — } oa AD ’ = | x or /M* Tara & ¢ carsaale- of ieee don tow slo
[pose chags! Muar sh \ domergan { \VAitham aia? \ Matsh Si?: i \ , {) vias AD jt fe
A. A ~ j é ? | ‘ Eoin Re aa 3) end. hate {Woblur ) X98 ne ) R. : . O77, aK ¥ Se OK.
é i MS VERN | ‘ Canoe fA 4 es (Me elton me ~ Sort 4 i Y ferns US son “a NI ™ ay :
3) MM Usetfal & a Ae B o Bas ( OF Host SS a 5 a \ y Rurdidsw: yes “ene 4h ova
Yilvde 7) al aon >} 1756 > SK. me ls . Up one Dut Ry rvmond ™ \ ; CS > \ DS rectith
E. vford Suni re fe Y BRNE 3, “Warburton . 5 | cet BenlCruachan se 2 Ser sfiela:
Pekilmo rhe Nowa aNowr— y cl (A Jae! LTS - \ . _ = | =< ‘ re} & J ¢ AS - T \ We we
“e gts RP Hill MeiTgwes a: Mae ° : \\ ree VY “ugietiow | Tyer L.Gorringle ag Mar,
if | || / orindhap} 1 G} Aye ey a we Bis e ye Sc att of kr Ye a AN £27, M! Ba aw Be
aw. s Fa\\ He maggie Boisdg\ Lp Ar tage ey pine io ysipele nit’ insonbill ¥ y) ihe
WL if ee E (a) f | |} fray \3 4 ’ q Oe yo lakeleic rield ; 8 = LO8 TVA fa Ne 7 Fi
Abanfe ; £ “Me - ll # g SE . “ithe WY} Wisse my é | "ee Ngixerald Nava eae \ T AON
J ie L * “BI sR saok SCunninghame “G / were Siok ‘ \ gelPeiiam in o Newin Ns Sa Fo
Fy he Bndir as S, 38 ——- she Dera ag “of = Dandenong ene mkrook i Weerint athalla}
~ ey ytig, dd My, ond. 4 a 2Ond I = % : | t ZB Si aii tj EK § els \ 2 7 Cressy Si
“io ; Ibe TE BO, CL Spe jp Serre Woopens op Aw wal Pa ee fe es ~~. — (,) a a : Fath
Port ee Moles BS WICK, DOD 4 a enh 2s § Grossover tOTia ——————_— , > ad yk PON . c
*, Cran akong Nae ss | NET-GOOU 6 eTanjih fk vongabpi } 3 i , Geskk phair’, cane 1)
i090 bay serun Clyde Garfield™ iavep ye Ulng u aS i, GZ = | : f F | \ DOL = oe ‘ Pe
yy. te ry Sti . : Bs as FOSS ATTY, ) , j "4 : A Wane Coreg ei Wry, oda plington Fi
—— yi Pos GT ON an {Whar re igul , Se, La. Trobe pe eae neta A Sale pom : f alye
onas? C i Fa Tad ~~ ~ rs P = f || \/ " inhel nel A Soo oe i. * a Morning tor “he ~~
“ie ~ Day: i a br i) welbye” LF lynn i 17 Y ». a Wey ; wo Moriac Conner ETN A Qe
Mud IS lwz en N Var aor Tribalgar (Trarglgon Hh “llung f/ oe } jan Bice guar, /
(LAIN ie MHen schiff fastings Lang Latte, § Nar A eal z Loe = | x 7 t Jath Jucy
Luge nst® wor Kay a baa Wh yora\s. Thorpddle f if P. Pret udbroke Ye % i | £5. 2 \
Weusleydale prio prs’ e oe 7 3 fe eo ee ~y Strazleckht ; A ty ns Gap aN teeves Lag
i 5 nae” \ | \> Dean Marstt gor ae tye — CR reco aly oA y OLE ~ gi? : a | || Be Bap
\ panglesea 2 sot { Graptvillen “Horuibar ra arts poolarra : Gittapd a7 y Fy. “ - |
—— ; = 2: ie 38 K ay p.. ‘\ a ei ; Hl. Denison gyi apr ‘A | ' Rel ot | : ( ScRanchk
mS Bp: a ra } B U As N as B U a i= ae ' Loutit B nd Ver yen Outtr BE Léon. aia 7
Mirboo X at : © . ial Lornep Pl! Grey Ss os™ Rs , wile urd t §Koonwarra, M? Fatigue
\ VY} pot” ye 7“ > 5 t gt XS & f ‘ Torwint 9 St. mytr } We _* ae | PiSturt = We rr
R Wen fi sige gon ee ATbert Ty) { a 5 5 = Q od RS mhary nt Buffalo ; Foster Toora
Hedley i : ye y, | 2 C.Patton =i ‘ ‘ S 2 €. Paterson — Fis Cr. T’. on, . fin, els
spool re ¥ 7 : : gor Bo F; - pie b+ & Apolio B yo He aa (Corner Ri, Pins t Al — |
ee ie ‘ « V2 y s* Chie Inlet Rae Sn. Pe = oer . fa o. 3 Zaz, tej : BS ee rape Otway
Walkervilles MWanata al 4%, OR — E: 540 ——— i“ : C. Liptrap | Bay Z = LAD —= = re
qand 2 pe bine 7 5) || ShellbackIs ¥ “sCliffy 1 Fs SS SS L | Normant.« Sealers Cove
= : Me se € Ketlige Cove == = = ee r be G@ Glennie I Waterloo B = : b) | = Anser [x
%,\\ilson's Pr omontory. F —— Clete: "ettee — | } —— eggs kag — 44 | B f S S |
Rodordn=-— “Sona ie | i ’ vyY ae wee ln a a j Melbourn | = 4 fos, S 7 = R A ; T fi
===. Melbo Lar Te to. Wellington 1500 a | % | oS. Crocodile RES. evilstowr Kent's
Group . SSS ee SS be Crrtis Fo Erithd: aN Fisle S = SSS LH Deal. Harbinger RB
Sevarina RE ‘Se : mS ugarloal I Judgment Rs + © : . > . a = | C. Wickham % = = a
RE, = o ndeavour Rt* : New Year Is Lavinia P© = a Sisters @ = SB. “ Craggy I> LS Ss
=a ; = = eaLlephant R = “Ae Pyramid. 3 : digs : : => Rico U.Frankland letherby P?
Sea Elephant. B ‘= == = : : Flinders Tf. ai Currie Harb.% ~icoopa \a “ ; Pascoe /?:
: & 2 ; = ==> ——— x : ' Babel I. | Fitemamrice =——F- = Settlement Pt | av Bold Pt
North Pt ———SS : Riammock I. ; ——_—— | Surprise B ! D) Cameror’s inlet = Stokes P’
isct =o ; ie | Greenti| \ Stpaclocks| FURNEAUX GROUP 1] ., Reid Rk ; Logan's Lagoon
| Chappell I8 » , ne Vansi. Goosel> by" sa fansittart I, Bell RE Albatross 1. ‘.
Badger. var re Petts Black Pyramid - 3 = . Three ape Sir John’ | . ani v = o>» U, ¢
| | fanter mmock I Be = ae CBarren or FleurieuL, \ funters Islands Ar ae g
Yfassagel. rt D wis! strep Saal I T sgh Walkers , Brae Trefoitta,--* RobbinsI. + 2D
Fs C.G¥im ¢> of 3 North Pt “= B S- Strait ; BZ 4 “2 Bhiff PH ~~ Perkins ye P J.
Pho, CPo prt, : wre. : " >? J > ¥ ap ~< : a5 OrTuans J AO, } Studland B. Dr, Oras
&,, ¢ sve = Or, - Hatt Ve le 5 2% "2, fussel Roe B. yy | Green Pf 8) pues Sp,
tgtezy BZ. C.Naturaliste x West P+ =< 3 frishtow TableLl. 2 Seas = Fee eS. Cn ; S;
Cat Oe rrawalor 4 ]don BLD, <o THe ' a "23 D~ 2 ’ xe _ } i EW aa i Pi &, i ; cs —
s , = SS, Cc Bh Ff Pt OTrowutta. { oe . wed D> Ke ie A Mlbuns} ; George Rocks , |
CUT Lae WE A, L gube sae <2 ote Mor tO KA ky : a r ay IN G 7 On Ny} any » oid Ae ey
Geo: Weymouth p Eddystone P* £ Yr: | "> <Srthur Be << ay: gu a. eae “e é ; SS RY C)
it | | Sundown Pt \3 4 Se qwombe S he f / Debby, ; $ ~ Ss TU ton ( c " A 1] 2 U apo
= \ Gorge \ “Sco sdale! E RoatHar, Ww; Ordnance P'S = (S gol igs bx-. Hf ‘ Diode de
4 rg sO lin Ge. - ah ET” Weldborbugh: = our sf | : ‘= we Ne ee e » 3 o d foimeaia
i; Bo, es AQ po “a tes Bas rete; . ped Liste po pring tie ld f Hunara, 5 D
gkeletore B SF : boxe) > us ir Li f dvi (OT POTL 5 Qilsidn: ? 5. SE ingaroopia = ~~
Ge 63 2 S Natige Wen RS 5 ace Viens a a : ws ilto “ ack Sug afer sola Ms Serene Py
engana — 3 Helénis Pt we? | @ 2 <7 2 ‘77 Sr {A aITOW SH = | Sandy ee ;. : MK arto
otk ee Mt Bi: Schott 5 Vea 2 hoe a 5 Ia A aun ‘stot? aL Ben V9 ain 3IE4F eleny . is
Ste Z s =p ek Us i, a B woe Ky ay 4 ia hin Ms a = Does IX eS thegrards Ne PIS AME
Saddleback, ARRAS LAST = % ‘Waratah isroy es “BRL VME Clade a 2% De ar 8 Dy 4 one
Dey ‘ tn vs | van ~4 Me /, fe Dees Te Lh LP as lage ; ews” n Mat: nny ‘halal
Camiander ‘B 3 % us aed dhy Brant i Oh, Ar ipps a piles 5 eri J Needles es ¥, Ev
andale, Z Fan Fe Mangan St anys almouth | aka chen a See 2 oat oe islnelig Lope
AALS fan bey St Patrick's HE Ex Core mh ‘ w | RY en oa) 5 eke —"eoey iN ao ote BMY,
7 i emaruhR B 4 hg nso: Ba” Re Devas asso ssyo . pei: Fingal Pe 8 d WES STMOR ND~
oe frpinak AE sh, Picaniné Pt: = . : ‘ Fn OREO RY 4 9 L Adelaide Be YY Jeymourss Lo
t Granville Harb a f _aWildronstord Rugged, . ue \ De pe = ‘ voca | gH Long P: ecms
iD: : f Seid x a a Me SP ‘ Gechark — Das ENS | iy a g \ Fn 6. f a \ “Libgrel hy ml
ails RPLepsic 4 Maclean's Bay ‘ Ling om i grgenign ne | SULINCOLN _ pF jake : fh
Snow Hill (Bicheno » Peggy Pt 42 |-—— = 4 = —— a SSS Heems ke) M O T AG, U Bldon
Ra: By \ L. TUS bY 9 . aCe pbelitown sia | Lidia? flat! oo ‘ = en aMhacrap ivell Rr
MOlvn LS WTda._ 6 om ay SHE Vank Wks) ee: iG anbrog _— Moon B — Orit: anston, >
4680" SCZ Bar? ved C Wrooq ; GLAMOR GB —— — ~S = Ofitenstown? x3 MEH gel, edamame :
: ; toss \.. ser = =a 42 SS. % StrahAn ; » 470 eal * ae : pidge * 4 none 2 : Ss
“s , £ : J ; . eS ; - ae s& Pies) ; , v : A = €.Soredl Porton’ yt hy “Yeas titan
(Brady Y y ; ea f a bab oe ss arsca : Tourvilte SS ; de. & pleepookana (a4 Sugar
Lowe, Rochtord? oa Spt , fast Lhouin B. as : iy? orells ip French m: ams % ng Kind
Grinstead C forestier Se . lis “Sp res in Cap 4 e: CUMBERLAND = alg " an York
Plains eycinet/Penin® Sos Sloop R¥s RY Gey cS 4756) {‘Hobhouse a Vee & ‘pestgn. Y
enin® S, Bieisy s >, \Bridg ~ Mars eg ¢ Geogr aphe Str. Se ec) Yess OD ri \Bothge.
47, or ‘ Sch a : : BR RAN KA IN < Weld. Ree, ¢ Novi & : = nb ally E outen I. or ,
Dian . 2 <, slew oe “e0 .°Ho bbs [8 Ke Z; Tailleter JB = ' Ended} ihe gti ee Gas
Ouse 7) plolgo Rs 3 aaaiacks TW yee. 2 << ; at ; a a owbray NRE. ) a= =} ’ Le ir ,
2 } Betiame M 0: 3 Kemp tom (‘s ( Tr vtaburma oques I. he ‘Direction 6 g ° £ D I i"
° UT Hla #?- ) On Rh eC Bougaiville 75%) » rey ae 2 /illendate Ts 0 brook hs SH |
PtHibhs 4 ~ Le $ x 5 no 8 am (aby eke Be at ‘ bye oa. TB. CBoullanger | : je 7h <
=e pe FARK der: ‘she ze Pes youl ‘Brown Berhland. 3 Maria . ONTG MERY : Thumb : °
yf 9 ho Foe TLOVG : a 4 aT oe S Rag ed. Ha cnashgahe GEE BAS 5 in 98 agra Maik
{ porteryio’ (Plenty == ichmond EMBROKE Liedle _ Main x 'f$ . j : / \ tits ea ay Se
ri Wi én > = oredl J "D CBald : = VaTT VE y. RSS & zgera $3 New vy ad a ‘ Cc 4 gr
Jigmaring Irdet a Janctio? Re f I & hedge 38 : Tebridge Cenorelyk Riadday o oping
ery, ; = eae . ‘ eA S 5 a A Mt ‘St Ae Belt: 5 Y ’ yoo : \ yx: ewtown ‘ = 4 Se Re,
EPide ; 5 MWe chin e hee i : o; ; ; 2 Frederick Hendrick j Pa : (d) he ‘ Rocky Ped
if ) \e ‘® J Mt4anne 4 KINGHAM HOBAR ia yl / G . : . = Elliott. ah 2 2 $ — : full
Pee Ein sty Pi stier's +f A — ‘ ce C8 PeaRnny = er Marg. Kage Pwk Nock po 2 = . UP
UA 5 ~ 2 Haw on ~ Bz, 5 “ye A re Fust anki? * Sraig RL 2 ae B (d) fe ’ £3 x pe. F
fe ed y Ps « “Ss 0 a & oe { sf Ss .% Bi -tActon Li rv ett f aed z Hi = FE os = 293
miles * Eg ‘> ‘ Re aR e.. % Creycrott ei Gedvestong & Iepore \M% gl Eo ag: Tl eng
tty. “ie S Eat % a Me S Adelaide Cygnes; .i¢ lasman's Pertin® = i SO, a as is s
Camden borin 3 on oe Pillar. Aloban™.-- é sits LY p C, N , CRa se Ti rep aad incent
pe 2G 1B Mpls. ~ Da ver. eT Ls “Sc UL oo mins yf : “See Port. Davey, S AHar. or Zs
hantinea) Penans ‘¢ sAdventureB. : aes x
S\ se sons Pk* aor7 C3 5 vookwille ee , s fen, K E}.N Hythe Bs C.Connella = a :)
Ay FS | or ; . 5 < pf > WA tte, | x tlhe ~ re oe becaitort en ov. ny - a Ramage eS
Vrasman i an BO » Lauber Mas }. gMaatsuyker * A : Wi sR 3 J oe sR! oor De Wiel: =
con® _South E = a : _*Mewstone.. } 5938 mWades..--t-- === SS own: to Hobart, 583°.
1% || Ss SS = : British Statute M 9-16— - | fare duasmest asta oo (e) oO 20 se i |
i Kilometres 111-3 —1 Degree ; i [SSS SSS SSS SS : ; SS ESS e 20 40 60 80 300 = si
=5 = | = L ongitade East 146 of Greenwich
The Edinburgh. Geographical Institute
_00€ +
soubor] T—91-69
IseY Bpmpuo'y
| ajyeog jeunyenN
ysanqurpyz SUL,
0) 3 Oct qd TPIAtpeTy FO CPt Me et GS P iiaes ts. © ro a eA ee) _ 3 —————— _ - ec!
ii ——— _ — - ee veer a: —- reves ase Noe - “ - — a — ee — =a i 4 — = . — ——$—_—_———
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ot 4y—=, oe 5 Qi ==. SS Ss —— ~ =i | ‘ S S$ ee ‘ Ks j LO ATUD a2 2 ee + == | | y
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ad 5 Bie o d 2 4 Aoi) Ms | : ‘ : by = 2 /, ; { PH Pd $7 1] : = iS° a ee 5 J 0 1] é
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is we | Pi} + D5 | < S = re: NN) 74 aes | ‘ Yaapalsnpy 7107 gor . = c 1} 2 A, ete 7
ow joa Wi 7 £5 POT T TYR) | ~ fooy a | ee ee | ; of" ‘ aT = | | ; WILLA a : } { sl
[P38OM i umgnon”? .98.20g7ye om ft} || od rng) of A | & My | permed r | joer x r 1g
Toa yMas eh ol ge > { > \ pus i Se | 3 ; ww aye , = 7 7 we 4" SAA ser = = ty * call
— | = ok paso » ue T = ead t we: ve } * Fad ‘ SDS ut assay” 9 “[ coxa, aS g: og aru
Ue up, 9 BADLY TT [OS8OL a. UHI Av? = =. as.nuogg? 3 See a) | : ogete wyoiy sopr
77) ntl? x) wumwusoy * < é i eo & Ly 7PM 7 i wt | | ; ‘[ Piura” « ~"Y* paps? ms A :
oe | YlOX > - 9-4 Kops LY T i ae ; topsrrngy, OL UWAMLOT oo | | { SpPeIsINoT
Lnmay7) ssf oe J Asm oS : 1 P TES OW OL Z, “I, | \ | ' : — yr J, 4 ey : . cay" ate
€ a4 sit ~*~ : | | ; -enirs yf THUY 3S iS ny saving & _ SFT] ALTUNY F. remeng Op |
= pS ade L157 oe eo STVPVAUT ULIVSOT +. v Gt ssogsed ool Ft = oye PADIOT RY ) : oS
| s 2 Ae pf HO yO ag? = 2D CPi ETT ; roe + Z Pury. porate nb xed : = | =a =S = |
rae === — — 4 +4 | OL ; (rreTiy)"] Aqueuk ron Ph A Ps Heu “i Sess ————s a <¥ Cong
si = pggry or on ay | i ' _—_-— : —— spueys} yy SPO cid q* = oa ummog ~* gr — : ; +
- — + . ¢ ‘4 o> = 7 oF ’ ; | OF |e ; :: = Se 2 ae IF x1re93se aaraaL Lg we ARS OOD
Od Z Gpemqe q qr gpg >” i afl a i | 4 APSA] fo Wit! a go uor“nD) te mq. SS = a Y
i : r ; - ‘ [IDURD pamys* Ir). Moss igtoy a >, % i Y Jf MIS PTY at ong E A Ss a ef
l l A ad V / si uryen” tue ec mms J 108 snow: Py ae faz ee She ‘Sis =e UDYIDAS
‘OBST 7 4p. | : A : = o : N oP a Oo Ss ~~ AT PPR - | 3 2 Zz 4 PSAP aa ae 3 *y
BILLIE 10 yre TPOEOM ——— = 3 i at if = 2ict. Ail 2 1X oN, 62 ig DAK endes, JOFTND R
So, LZ OFZ “OSSD apy ; TRE TTEON: i ye, =, i qr’ ost hates (t¥" md << a | : : may B
P eUIMEITY i “q al en yrs, ‘ ‘s wane < tB, ] : = TR. | | yore SY nae, 5 hog Ip Kv
QPr4or 7 = gf KRfLIOY 9777 PSs, ; Onum i= 8 eS qa: i ( ot cae im “ 2, | | gl PEEEOL
Bape === ae tas ae ow 1. *4, Se, 5, sowbmy — nIBTEg 1] ; _ yp pide ai Sex = or} ‘q
uoswgoy pee Ni. g 22ND los <2 A bat vox, “aS me ae UT POM OM jf 5 Ht 40% ai eae a
“e Kmmoss1gy LF Oy, ¢ if | i = & “e a, re Ch J * Jy Armeay Oy RYU TUPI Sy req {ys /
: ~ . = a\ 2 UDMODUBy) 5 ‘ = } - | a : = ae WT sero. oS Q J L 50 a) xt Ti! ute I
srexs apety PS i Fae, IOUT, &) Ly estes imamay™ inl } ‘ CGO Raa ata Oe Dy Vay ;
mune TOG 3 i aay | one m 5) | : y snsmbuoTs ht cares ee 3a nLoyryy. > pueg Ww e
ALSO DO ao. ay Cansv0g a? s : sy ™ “ - or Logs A> : af w Suytas \ aru ys 2, sy BLy
Tey eo dpj0V4 aoa | i} wou { ‘ee Pane 2 = nae | y he @7 (fost uy } CuK J{ 2D sy “wy
a wf. EN Tie #8 7M z aoe = py ibmeapiowsig Pre ik as Me, A rein go | 1B) swe nubs 7
> T } M 2 N ure ie hoe > TOR TAD ili +-}" 2 > d : e £ C7 Shuos 2g THETON <9 : =
saree : » mvp : a> @ |! | 1 Si papers pny pa = : ef 2, USD Veg spe ing: sisi dood
Od : YT Mb yy, : 4 & Pee Sadi 4 reswed L rrHe y \ = | : | ” a date \ tl DR Dre “De
wee LET Psu TENE ef e qo LO i cx . Se o. : ss he Toner At 119 - Y 2EPL 4D, S 4 > ew
ae STU, a, JY C4B.IS STA tp preeysoe t 1G; pled ' j fn wir } : “Sey, j — %., [fOM
UO TD TY” Ns WW | ~~ . ~onuny ) a maaou #2 JUL LIBQey, mung? | } Ke hs nbsp “duty
iD Se Io, Der 7 he = ony, é OOKIL >. ~ UDP ELL a) scat setts al — or ME nd = wrote
= | = mipmonr Gt] IMOTE \ my butgcn 38% SUsPeEPosh cn SG ; ; San. Nhe bald AEA" |
age iN rAmTre sno g “que entioyuoy POH we a + UOT PUR. hie We ihc “ S 8 TIPU LD $0
2) re | ee ot ae I i a, Cle” ON ra od ~. | E, iT UORAL ny =I ~~ LECT gl PHT | sy ue
LD | Ws rite FW O T1re} ti q \ Moa N ihe a. Pg 2 reir Wy FS: ; 2 & WEYO, > t yng
many ph Be Ss | i sv.t} 227 ga +g 1g7P A 4 IN K Taps ASQ | 220 . ? .) Ngee ; pall I
= §T TOQUMNAO @ nly +0 rey) ve = Sopurmy a | | | rqTeg itis +S goumtheP. : __ al ‘e
oy ®n, ~e Tee “eh fl ‘d W d ~ BOY : AIST : - PETRI Cs0y ry 6 i om — oF | Cyaan nt
se ee : © ie oi Fee We oy uasey : ire, rT fam i Mn": tom. my T19 a | 2 Ls em "7
PLeOptp } OUNME) Daspyo “a Pi o° * a we Ko ¥ “a ¢ ol Ay : N I eS Ba as i Pia 2 | 2
M = | me 7 ’ 3 ] ¥ a a - as = "J — sc) ; abpssnd an 4 LH ne» LD <2, Fees , ed > vt
oe aon = F we <f al = > le ————— a 2 SS Doz PI 7 Guise ete —— ——— ——= ———— — = ——
te = ¢ | I ev i. = L ©, “¢ Pu = sours AC gue ‘J = 7 — 7 bogob 10 > T “RE Veeeett WW
Ee ahee a UD.17 « Qvmy aaa | > 7 = ~—s Lputy oC wD ~ f . " e } | os unde 8's
BpiOet), § SP AL 9a; 0r7 = anor ba DrepUryy A O 0: 1) ¥ ua . a L\ 1 uy 10}: ITA \ {
ol PIM eM, ieaeciemnaer. = is) cs | ae ay 5 t jgnuae ° Mas say™ | | Cc | seep apap
@ aS SIN ie 8: N 1 oO Os p Pat, MwA NL. @ ee egy UTE Suny i J. IO ae eH i a] al )
MMOS SOY Dna opp ia} = rt : : AMUN D2 24I¢ “7 ad 2 : a $2 oun Ly ag Z ISG wap UD,
|} él pepe Uri | gy w2edg & pdauig okexe Byyo By) | an GT é = Le pide “ sequin bet
wun M 7 AW gy Uy 4jyue109 ©, | | if = tM Tt i x 1h ARENA oo enmentn oo wr rT \] |
ae hi fy ee a SL = A oor’. gilt > ORS sew rose wreyoT Y nompyd 't | THY P oguyod
syne = ———+ SO weddoz - ZSUASLE) he S£ yewo UaSSIe | e4e°tx sf Tusg ee Sao SS as id
= I —— Ce, ; Y lk: = ee | | : g{ TUN: Seu == oO Pes P | <« oO z > , ‘ Pe "sn soy =
i UD S Jy VSure , = ouR’ : = ‘ a + x ish 09 : | iS 63 = LY re: od | ee pry? i rao:
pe MOURNS Ss ~ n _—~ i ( ae ouny Dg sOpny a Ky wt gui. : 54 P Tl S L q Josnop -+ yg
—f ofl b wt é an BLY: = = Loopy =| Je Be buvkimz ard wu ngoN — & amend. yg purely I
S| Z : many aS TPT : ’ 5 Ay I oucwyy | | sl == Bs 68 | E= aid ng) To" sl Apang i ye
K'p gq (22 09k iphanny a | | une aoe | a sl Qn : ewe = = W : ine | A f Yoqpses =
scum unba =vpnqos i Any UR e = “~ s ent arr puom Buy; wonyogs xi F ca Se ‘TO
YUrAjpeay 0 DELET al shuren t | RIT ULNS : 7 waar DUyDIT okmquarney onoy * ment oh
ygnos a a = pou, PLQne > shuns = 2; 0 oy 4 \aqaoue MeN): = tT ae 1taqysd nal ‘Yaa
ra esmy* “. Pp ue ES 9 Jt T AM Oo N a ape \s? 4 of tre ou OAP | Beiares td Srey =
“<] SoM ofienmsenyy RE i se | =23° al 4 yy qe ss aa r QUDYT SOLD r a = = woldsoq
uso ogy x / ie hy oure Y, A smut rep Puno] TEPIATLA = | | | F 4g spureys|
Ayyermmepy UODW 4g «. TOLORE, ° rip a I} Z yoru &, nesspy g] FIULLOF, | 3017 dnoxy
J “dh "4 : $ d >2g’ bat SOR ngsuntg A 1 ; : i | , ; ; | || | a sn tu ein OSTOIN z
Ba sy SLOT, ~ Jo or dnoig Puy ‘J | UoynoyC™ T 2v$ S . SS = oe SS == aS. = ae ae
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nitecanpmmananansnsnsnaesini tens : : * : ao 1£ 9 si ; y. « ove 002 oot _08 = aay T
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} / Troy DoE, rn 1 | ; | nov Gimio Day : & c : LF W229 opis Puoghr 5 > : : Pes ° @
S006 ; PUPPY si erg : TEIDYO. 5 pase. OF YO. OMOLUD RE
tae le | yo any
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Lehwual kad So: Mon KAUAI oe am - 2 aaah ye - ee Bere SS + Kawai \Niihan SWaime he
A | = Mak awe = i = ‘ | a : . iy >. Pahau Pt’ a o, akahuenad = apr =: pe | i < De
fe = 7. tee A ES : : v Waialee = ey = 160 ray Waialu t — ——— —_ —_ x: KaenaP ws SS
Mauna Ka} ie cease = ts S\159 OTR ay St : = = Be = Waianae ot Baaba a. ~ Yandé G
4 ? SY SS OAHU "a ssage 1a7T@ BR al abre 165 Ss ia” ‘ | We bate 5 f = gSSage | SA
"e Barbers F | Pmone Pare TR: Hertcourt ABI de as peat | D OLIN eS . ak | A assage
Pen Pouma. Rf ~ ae | Poume,. NeRy Neer = TEL Poutho Passage Gazelle “AOMIET : ouébo
ee Cal ( y ||P aeeeee ies pabatehs Ban eclazour Bissage Kaldhi =f - > a EA
PagotmeéeneP® Sane. Colnett RP Kaenal Ah, t ? . nef utr tag éColrett — ; x -Lab§ ;
rea ae = - SS _ ; 7 Sas My spe “3 Wes a Kaun Reef ~N SS = I : = Mi AU < ac ata te
+s ‘ « | . ‘= > 5 aie WePamie* = SN S 156 anal F PL Kihei Hara 2 : Vm hie nghe =
peat : = NN WN Pal Pp of p} Keioh Hawaii Natb™ Kaaak i He Come, Meisansn a ae
fengalia R > = Gaes: Maal? COKE Kolekole GMO | | id oétlogon Pas Sage gi scaasn Se
- A ™A , 73 st Se ake natOAs “DEV ay 5 iB: : onto, ouho 14S = Kea laikah iki Chan
en BT Kipahulu Gorm ai ; Tonho Fouho Pass sage SYS _ Kahoolawe % Aaupeo (reat
Mathieu 2M Tchinge f be agap Tuuaka SS SA on = > pt S- re 5096 spe } Reefs WN ~
Keoliikahiiat ae : a f hasxcloup aR © i Stir Maen? RB = NS 2p = : : = Vouavaoutor?
4 achat: Bas = Alenuthaha| Channel Pa c WE. of ?: + ke * Re ' = | C.Poa (ve ee. wih
On eT AtieT S\ SS Koné Passage “Pouembout * : Houailou Wast Passage ~ TroluPie
Kohala, ? ~ OL ee | aad _ Monee CB Houailou. Passage > i ; 3 doh ube Le 4 y la oo .
fa) iA CORO : & - Pouembout Passage | progft Bouligia vy a St far ap L MatakenaP tg
Ps Ye aly a ve | re -D + Moles 4056 \ ye , onallous uh i aN $"q 0 a spat N Neép
EnPen nS ae j vr : 4qc . = | \ x B : F; tA] b > a A 1a B Kawimiha 4 Pacatilo at Ie
Maoya jut , = Moueo Passage. pit v “72° ed C Pumoulin = — = = KawathaeBb. | 1“: ~
SS pt . : bane 3" é Gr im pet delap > } Constantine Passage z = BE ee ee { By tase
Naketv BR. —. hoz. C.Gotdwy ? ; am gt : ~ ~ | pS Bouraik { anala M> SS M. K = : tee
Cie ue =, Tor + Passage ~ } 4una hea | || CALEDONIA Bounit Be Nessadjou hes NN God
Pas SS | MaholeaPs 13808" | p v > mM bb 2 NV. foe Passage | r | (i Mor dou. DWE
any” , Yes LB dee 1] | KeaholeP™ | = vy, < MtNi gus ¥: Ayts; c foupet. i] i} SSS =
Maren mrp gea° {om ° EWN God Passage } KaiwiP™ 1 = Ouannil B.S 5452 es SZ 3.E.N Goe
fassage | 1] KaituakE an vambeyron. B: Ne ; : = i > ; OQuaraul Passage i SL ‘i ede
Solitary Passages | ipalais & H A> W- A i 1" ‘ d sie’ Pass: | dias ‘hae f B. |
eauhou Be OKs | ——— os a rad B Hu mborde qn B | | Kealakek ee er lakokas
Mokuaweoweo . o » C Kumahahy 22 pera —S. SRY ">. _MOuin pO Ourada, Passage i
AALERALAA?. PNapoopog Mauha loa plenwood g a TECOS ww es, 3038 2 —— ms | 22H ;
“AG,6 7. rer | St Vincerd Passage } te se Vi ince ents sain Ounia i | | Hot rh LFA
- Hawaii | fa Pi y7 lap Cae r { 2 a > ' 7t) x | tt = Se it Le Kp ~ SC Pounreté 1] |
Rauliogl , ati” A aud Sey = i s P ew Yuté \| | asia thutoe rssage : 755 wai . | ,
He 5 Annibal Rt Cae Sulpe i | Hoopuleoa eek, Mbere R! ah hu Suds hl I} is Oo ; pul
| ; N FE X 18} mea a és, say! os el | | LHORALAP OC VV Dumbea Passage, Bassas i aad
“ Na€ 3.9% CAS N | L9- = KaanaP aatehr Great Abor ad , Re Quen So soe cba S J? |
‘Amédée : & ] “KaLae 16% 165 Jast of Greenwich | Boulart Passage i 1] == ee ===>
wan sr “. ——— 166 > 1S 1| r = — ——<——— = — —_______— - Ye ad | | —= == L5G West of
Greenmtch —S—— - - a —— SS = = a (N. 172 ‘Oo 71 == =| IE pea area — Ss = = . : + P
| i} ar ] 5l = Se, , Pe ae E iT > Tahaa Q R L150 o. pe .o. ; i | = LS My , te SP >
| lTeve ahaa Hu ahine wien, sh SAMOAN ISLAN | Net pane Lee, < i ; 7 BY Marce B. S
Cl E C.Falealupo ue g ‘. DS + LF : : : ™~ : > Nein zonllonrs: alog i ge) »>Raiatea
Ndluahine ft \D Samata Te Mecha Alt yor ia e 4 4 ae = ’ oeiee4e Safotulafai =
Salailua & / |e <= = ; = c Tushar TF pol oF Tete ta | 1 ,4etiarvoda / = at C me 1
£0 | Sot i} : 2 AAs | 14 — : | || | = —— a : BR: = : ae com i i” on 6 1] i} xe est
% x = | ‘Vv Oo } Aa b = Moprea Sato’ F Ss ne am 00 m asm pau & 1] Haru Pt Sages roa
lg Sy V5 roe rh 2 ast ‘ : sql : nr = 25 aft : . = R Ge a2 K ie it nila ow Se Nios '
Matatula if = Haapuar— 2 Faas Lisa a ie ¢ 4 FS aasas ie) Fubuat Manu re < THitiaa :
ai — AN aL 1 i} Aft > [sthmus XS ry || Paés yae Leo ee 2 Lo, | 1 SH = < ele tira =
pe 29. eons rAHITI~ T: 5 } ‘ i} ‘alarapa. == = 1} x oun — — - I est oF GRAWU the 71
u = 5 oo erurua | ~_ —= ee ——-——- Sas | _——s = == =k West of Greeruwich 150 3 177.
= eS ———— _ EEE u : W 178 fy 179 = = Tac = ae ae 16 S Ww : = Xx) hill fqpavaee 179
= Sa —S= } SS = > oa Ae 5 Y d FIJI ISLANDS = a Pp % 3, cut ee _—t === < er ou
Nogele Leyu Lagoon r= = = e = Ndrua 2 . Naogele Levit & Ki “Ss ts ; Nira cat = ys |
: 22, <2a Heer guia © + < oe Paes —— : ¥ Ringgold Isles } a ag’ < o— —s > . b> 2. &
A eS Th ~~ } & if ‘Nukumbalati = = ; é aati <> noir Ma ungata ~ Pw dt indamé J pt ;
A 7 : Bae ee Se A ae Pia 14 ~~ an bas 7 > ss o 4] fa Ne es . fandur i Ke ee LT a ap
Thombia | hon = -¢ | Yanggam. — LT" ae Qeareh Se N dike va eZ “go ff 3 Yami» q°
Budd BR & u de ‘d C ‘ , ~~ Ae : | Alewa Kalowior << Bens a deeds [ » ) Rambi =
Round | GAGA VANUA LEY. rece | fatwa IK ag Narauku ; Da kee res hy > 3 ? 44 9) Pe)
ee ae 3 —Z8-N v5 Rukurukie 6, Potua ‘Nath 3u Drayton Pa = = a= paras oe = gs Ao : |
; o> “4: st . 2EIOs +e 105 A oMotuadievu P at | ii as aw: D ee FE DY ; 1 = =e
fasawe Yana (ne saa =v Le at Ser aba hep ? G : Wee rib Os Pi = a @Vaitlangi Lala
a : anaes i ; r Ae ~ fo pe : > ; Wathal 6 MbuwB, s2ElZ2 : erent i = SOL me —— = J 4
d jatluda Lekuimbi BB Lamia me er D ait ’ Nawe™ ee ww Nésames xf ris Dutt Reet 4
lixtat evstovuls S OE gs) a0 % >A SSé ea} Ethel B's’ ee ro bees Pt ps 7 Om la7— the
_pYange eta SE, caw : lave on = LE : = Nambouwaline. a ae Batintev: WillkiamsonRf
LD bhles Reef S| — == =, ahLevit Naitambda- = ipbles et Vi Viwa) ite) r} bd oo") |
Sou th Cape wv ae —————— twa Reef’, hiabdis ’ f Te: S eo Warne ree. Oe $181 et a ;
‘ 0g Sies, “4 Reef } ss | “a, ‘Barrier Rf Malima:s gn oxk : a == 2, > : : = oe \ |
Nath ; sicain a - . ; -~y 1 = 7 ) F; . . = > aHaya Lailai Vatia Peg id falakg, %,
Fate’ Ra. o Nola Pt \ uthomake P. Yathatayy » x at 2 Vanua Mbalavu © — = ‘ L lan.
WV: 3 “7s me : 4} — rreit ; . Kowata : ma {Oro Nukutolo I HKanathea | OTHikombialil
= 6 : ivy B} pee “ii ass »Varu, i- Th the Y ere = . = r RS S oy : . | le = : sVomo
nd Wintikithe AN "a = Auldin P! : OMumia | Afade vuvu Mamanutha OS alas Y 4 es“ °U}
Makongaa Vatu Vara'® = 3) ; =f e apawar , Nandarvatu = Mango Maman, Moree, "
Laytokg ee rl T; : ae gai N gau | : = a ¥ cots > @favua * a. ! eS ¢ 4 by iVI \Tova
Pk K oO R oO | Vekacy gkatafanga Islands —Mand » i Yanitu US re 3 ini 2095 Kk, maze
uP Ryaray: a = = / . 4020 ee ae | ‘74 Hor rau a ky / Matolo >> ve 1 = ” ' o T} .
“*e _ Nandi Kk. a 24el ¥* =“? valar (ThakauMomoRt L, thakaae Mato 20 Rech © e, ges
Vv Wande a ety sla* ) ‘ ms tik = = outhan & STambu *" ry a Mbatiki . : ie : :
Malotlo Pass Micon 7 fr ] Asso, EY U { jee <M NSS “A = ; ——— Tnease Rf CA) 7 a ”) ;
Navula\Pass & Rf ‘oromba M& yp ae ‘Muaniveti \s j ¥ eee Tovul at herat “egg ~
Taithia Thaks Nolen | - 4 SS &he : P ; 41000 s Be, di * Me nyvuls = Ohta oKkeva 2
wn : | Uvertte F* ee ch ; Vir LULA ‘Se ee E > Mothea RE \Lasemarawa asé is ss ; 18
- = Kae" Cee oll Bar oMamiualau Nalolo Pt Ji ? i : / P a? 2S tervua MeGordon| \
Mfiamosi Bre Mill —- _— SS SS = Qyayau ,v? Reid. Reef MatamatacawaQ Y 3090 , se
arvane R Ngan = = et , S 1B y 2 : ~ —>—$—$ $$ 4 —q Navua i; Mouths : S E A @ 2 Vara
Masi @ %Bacon ES: : of the } s \ F ae) ; | = ae } Sux? as Rewer *Yathiwa - Vatuke
ne e eee, dtuloa <> : : = ion ; U wy e | as = ihe nb Ler rye, Mill 2p ‘Mambuliths
Rf Tunboreuakemba Nae wes < z Bes . : : 7) ~ ; Yanutha a SUMbengéa Varia Vati ; a
twa = Bac: P Fhionbu RB Menga eS = fi 5 . arier 2 i % : Vatulele . i 4 Reef = 5 e )
= ~“@nedta % / fe . 7. g f age ara. Oneata Pas: sage en ; P « ' z = = A / Ol i lv u
North Astrolabe ne| oa . Na Vatu RF, Tavuna Sithi., ' Th phous ; = Ce) Dytkeoas Ss
j a Varnia Kulal®® Great sS YS, Mothe 7a yo‘ 5 tN dravuni Komo ee ike? SS j | 4 @
ar Astrolabe ) Sar ona aod S = dia Wilkes Rf. ’ * 7 ae r / ra = ) Namaika i lau =
R; ; 10/-4-Ra) => = 19 + = ————— =e Py Si Pianggava ° = { 2 Rhirgorc oss — aT qe eS
SS SS SSS atte - _——— Kambar: PaO} _@Mar ambo <, fangasa Levu \ q C. Washington >
ey OP ee |S = —_j—_____—19 == Levu? My UR Murinure; Thad ear i¢ +o a ; = = kau
Mttanaka 7 , atukni i Ful fait: Zn) vaca Tatet 1) : 175 > , = A angajc: p ; 79 «©.
East of Greenwich { West of Greenwich 179 ory ¢ of Noe SeaLevu | Ch Yi 178
Kilometres 111: 3 ee ee
7] Degree
SE >
ss soo SS ee es
~~ SS a is tS — s > — .
rr, A
For the speedy finding of a place, the rectangles formed on the maps by the
intersection of the lines of latitud
e and longitude are indicated by capital letters along the top and bottom margins
of the maps and by small letters down the sides. The
number immediately following the names and preceding the marginal letters is that
of the page of the atlas in which the place will be found, For example, the name
Aachen will be found on page 74 of the
| atias, unaer e top : ti ‘ : along from the side small letter c. Sa ae ee ee
ABBREVIATIONS A.-E., Anglo-Egyptian. E.I., East Indies. | Mt., Mount, Mont, Monte.
Ra., Range. Arch., Archipelago. Equat., Equatorial. | N., North, Northern. Rep.,
Republic. . B., Bay, Bahia. : P.E.A., Far Eastern Area. | N. Ire., Northern
Ireland. S., South, Southern. B.C., British Columbia. Fd., Fjord. | N.B., New
Brunswick. Sa., Serra, Sierra. B. & O., Bihar and Orissa. F.M.S., Federated Malay
States. Nfd., Newfoundland. Sask., Saskatchewan, . C., Cape, Cabo. Fr., French. |
N.S., Nova Scotia. Sd., Sound. C.A., Central America. G., Gulf. | N.S.W., New South
Wales. Set., Settlement. C. Gd. Hope, Cape of Good Hope. G.F., Goldfield. | N.-
W.F.P., North-West Frontier Province St., Ste.. Saint, Sainte. Cent., Central.
Gov., Government. | N.-W.T. North- West Territory. Sta., Station. Chan., Channel.
Gt., Great. N.Z., New Zealand. Str., Strait. C.I., Central India. Harb., Harbour.
O.F.S., Orange Free State. a. Co., County. Hd., Head. Lak (gs re, eae . Pk., Peak.
U.P., United Provinces. C.P., Central Provinces. I., Is., Island, Islands. DOS
Dinos Rawasd Teland US g R. Uni oe es ee D.E.1L., Dutch East Indies. I.F.S., Irish
Free State. SP an ee yah ad a a of Soviet Socialist Dep., Department. Ital.,
Italian. | Pen., Peninsula. Republics (Russia). Dist., District. Junc., Junction. |
Prot., Protectorate. Val., Valley. D.W.I1., Dutch West Indies. L., Lake, Lac, Lago,
Loch, Lough. Prov., Province. Vol., Volcano. Div., Division. Lit., Little. | Pt.,
Pte., Point, Pointe. W., West, Western. E., East, Eastern. Lr., Lower. | R., River.
| W.I1., West Indies. , AA | ADR Aa, R., Holland 78 Ee | Abbeydorney, Kerry, J.F.S.
. . 68 Bs | Abo (Turku), Finland . . 73 Fb | Acre (Akka), Palestine . . 103 Ad — {|
Aa, R., Latvia 73 Gd | Abbeyfeale, Limerick, 1.F.S. . 68 Cs | Aboisso, Fr. West
Africa 125 Dg | Acton Turville, Glos., hng. . . 47 Rt Aabenraa, Denmark . ' . 77 Be
| Abbeylara, Longford, 1.F'S. . . 67 Gp | Abomey, Dahomey . 125 Eg | Actonvale,
Quebec ;, ' . 142 He Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Germany 74 Bc | Abbeyleix,
Leix, /.F-.S. . 69 Gr | Abong Mbang, Cameroons . . 125 Gh | Actopan, Mexico. , é .
162 De % Aadland, Norway ; ; ‘. WZ Ba Abbey Town, Cumb., ‘ie ; _- te Fe Abors,
tribe, Assam, etc. . 107 He | Ada, Gold Coast . ; . 125 Eg an Aa Fjord, Norway ‘ :
72 Be Abbots Bromle xy; Staffs, Eng. vs 3 BE Aboyne, Aberdeen, Scot. : 2 8 a Ada,
Minnesota . , . 154 Gb ——._—s_ Aakirkeby, Bornholm, Denmark 77 G@ | Abbotsbury,
Dorset, Eng. . . 45 Qv | Abram, Lancs, Eng. . . 49 Qp | Ada, Ohio . ; . 150 Bb :
Aakrekampen (mt.), Norway 72 Fe | Abbotsdale, Cape Prov. . 1386 Bf | Abrantes,
Portugal ; .- 8&8 Ac | Ada, Oklahoma . ; : . 156 Fe Aalbek, Denmark 717 Ca
Abbotsford, Roxburgh, Scot. . - SO | Abri, A.-E. Sudan ' ; . 1288 Ee Ada-Bazar,
T'urkey : : . 104 Ba NDS Aalborg, Denmark 77 Ba Abbott, Colorado , ; - We - DY
Abridge, Hssex, Hng. . » #8 Adairsville, Georgia . 1538 Be Aalbu, Norway 72 Fb |
Abbott, W. Virginia . . 150 Ce | Abrolhos L., Brazil , . 167 Fd | Adairville,
Kentucky . . 1d Me Aalen, Germany 74 Dd | Abbottabad, NV.-W.F.P. . 106 Cb |
Abrolhos (Houtman) Rocks, W. Aus. 187 Aj | Adalia (Antalya), Turkey . 104 Bb Aalen,
Norway 72 Hb | Abbotts, W. Australia . ; . 187 Dh | Abrud, Romania . . 93 He |
Adalsliden, Sweden ‘ ~- FO Ge =: Aalestrut, Denmark 77 Bb | Abdul Aziz, Jebel,
Syria . 103 Db | Abruzzi e Molise, div., /taly . . $1 De | Adamawa, Cameroons . .
128 Af = Aalesund, Norway 72 Bb Abee, Alberta : ‘ : . 147 Nd Abu, & Mt.,
Rajputana , . 166 Cd Adamello, Mt., /taly . ; 68) Ea Aal Fjord, Norway 72 Be |
Abeele, Belgium . x : . 79 Bb | Abu Arish, Arabia é ~- 404- DE Adaminaby, New S,
Wales . . 183 Ee Aalfot Bre, Norway 72 Be | Abeokuta, Nigeria . 125 Eg | Abu Dhabi,
Arabia : . 105 Fe | Adam, l'Isle, France. . 86 Ce Aalgaard, Norway 72 Bf | Aber,
Caernarvon, Wales ; . 48 Og Abu Gabra, A.-H. Sudan . 128 De | Adams, Mass. . . 182
“Be Aalhus, Norway . 72 Ce | Aberargie, Perth, Scot. . . 57 Pk | Abu Girg,
Kgypt . ; . 127 Bb | Adams, New York ’ . 142 Gf Aalsmeer, Holland 78 Cd Aberarth,
Cardigan, Wales . ~ @B Ne Abu Hamed, A.-H. Sudan . . 128 Ed Adam’s Bridge, Ceylon—
India lll Deg Aalten, Holland 78 Ge Aberavon, Glamorgan, Wales _ 26 OR Abuja,
Nigeria. : : . 196 Feg Adams I., G. of Guinea. ‘ . 126 Fj Aalund, Norway . 72 Be |
Aberayron, Cardigan, Wales . . 46 Ns | Abu Kemal, Syria ; , . 103° De Adams, Mt.,
Washington . 158 Cb Aalvik, Norway 72 Cd Abercarn, Monmouth, Eng. . . 47 Pt | Abu
Klea, A.-H. Sudan , . 128 Ed Adam’s I eal, Ceylon . . 111 Eh Aamli, Norway 72 Et |
Aberchirder, Banff, Scot. ; . 57 Qg | Abul Abyadh I., Arabia . 105 Fe | Adamstown,
Wexford, /.F.S. . 64 Hs Aamot, Norway 72 Be | Abercorn, N. Rhodesia ._ 130 Fd | Abu
Moharik Dunes, Lgypt . . 127 Ac | Adana, Turkey . . 104 Bb Aamot, Norway 72 He |
Aberdare, Glamorgan, Wales _ 47 Pt | Abuna, & R., Bolivia—Brazil . 168 De | Adar,
Nigeria é ; . 125 FF Aamot, Norway 72 Ce | Aberdaron, Caernarvon, Wales . 48 Mr |
Abu Qir, Hgypt . : . 127 Aa | Adarama, A.-H#. Sudan. . 129 Fd Aamot, Norway . 72 Ge
| Aberdeen, California . ; . 159 Deg Abu Tig, Egypt . : ‘ ~ 27 Be Adare, Limerick,
IFS. : 5 Oe De Aamot Elv, Norway 72 Fb | Aberdeen, Cape Prov. . - . 187 He | Abu
Zabad, A.-H. Sudan . 128 De | Adare, C., Antarctica . . . 2 — Aamotsdal, Norway 72
Ee | Aberdeen, Jdaho . _ 158 Gd | Abwong, A.-H. Sudan . . 128 Ef | Adawa, Japan . ,
. 117 Eg Aanekaski, Finland 71 Me | Aberdeen, Maryland . , . 151 Ee | Abyn, Sweden.
. 10 Jd | Adda, R., ltaly . . 90 Ca Aanstad, Norway , é . 72 Ke | Aberdeen,
Mississippi . . 157 Kd | Acadanlar, Romania . 95 Cd | Addanki, Madras . , . 110 Ed
a= Aarau, Switzerland ; : . 80 Fb Aberdeen, Montana ; : . 158 Ke | Acadia Mines,
Nova Scotia . . 1438 Ne Addatigala, Madras ; ; . 110 Fe = Aarberg, Switzerland. , .
80 Db | Aberdeen, New S. Wales . 183 Fa | Acahay, Paraguay. . 113 Ja | Adderbury,
Oxon, Eng. . . 40°-Ts Aarburg, Switzerland. ; . 80 Eb | Aberdeen, NV.
Carolina . ; . 153 Ee | Acajutla, Salvador ‘ . 163 Ce | Addingham, Yorks, Eng. 50
Sp Aardal, Norway . ; ; . 72 Ce | Aberdeen, Sask. . ; : . 147 Qe | Acambaro, Mexico
, . 162 Ce | Addington, Surrey, Eng. ; A ¥e Aardal, Norway 72 Df | Aberdeen, 8S.
Dakota . : . 154 Fe | Acaponeta, Mexico . 160 Ce | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. : . 129
Ff Aardal, Norway 72 De | Aberdeen, Washington . ; . 158 Ab | Acapulco, Mexico . .
162 Cg | Addison, New York ‘ . 151 Ea Aardal, Norway 72 Ce | Aberdeen and co.,
Scotland . 57 Qh | Acarigua, Portuguesa, Venezuela . 168 Db Addison, Vermont ; ‘ .
152 Bb Aardals Fjord, Norw ay . 72 Df | Aberdour, Fife, Scot. . . 5&5 Pk | Acary,
Brazil ; , . 111 Hb | Addo, Cape Prov. ; 187 - os Aardals Fjord and Vand, Norway .
72 De | Aberdour, New, Aberdeen, Scot. . 57 Rg | Acatlan, Mexico . : . 162 Df |
Adegaon, Cent. Prove. . . 108 Dd Aardenburg, Holland . 78 Af | Aberdovey,
Merioneth, Wales . 46 Nr | Accomac, Virginia ; . 151 Fd | Adel, lowa . . 155 He
Aare, R., Switzerland ; . . 80 Eb | Aberedw, Radnor, Wales . 47 Ps | Accra, Gold
Coast < . 125 Dg | Adelaide, Cape Prov. . : . 137 Ke Aargau, canton,
Switzerland . . 80 Fb | Aberfeldy, Perth, Scot. . : . 57 Oj | Accrington, Lancs,
Eng. . 49 Rp | Adelaide, 8. Australia . - 180 Fg Aarhus and amt, Denmark . . 77 Cb
| Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales . . 48 Mg | Achao, Chile ' . 15 Bd | Adelaide I.,
Antarctica . es Aarlanderveen, Holland ; . 78 Cd | Aberford, Yorks, Eng. . 50 Tp |
Acharn, Perth, Scot. . , . 56 Nj | Adelaide River, N. Terr., Australia 178 Ea
Aarnes, Norway . : : . 72 Hd | Aberfoyle, Perth, Scot. . ! . 56 Nk | Achel, Belgrum
. : ~ 79 Ga | Adele [., Western A ustralia : . 186 Fb : Aarstad, Norway . . 72 Bd |
Aberfoyle, Queensland . . 185 Eh | Acheng, Manchukuo . ; . 1S Mb | Adelie Land,
Antarctica . 25 EE Aarwangen, Switzer land ‘ . 80 Eb | Abergavenny, Monmouth,
Eng. . 47 Qt | Acheux, France . . 86 Ce | Adelong, New S. Wales ’ . 183 Eb Aas,
Norway 72 He Abergele, Denbigh, Wales : . 48 Oq | Achfarry, Sutherland, Scot. ; 59
Mf | Adelpha, Manitoba ‘ . , 144 Cf Aaseral, Norway . 72 Df | Abergwesyn, Brecon,
Wales . . 46 Os | Achicourt, France 36 De | Ademuz, Spain . . 89 Eb Aasgaardstrand,
Norw ay 72 Ge Abergwynfi, Glamorgan, Wales _ 46 Ot | Achill I. and Hd., Mayo,
J.F.S. . 66 Ap | Aden, A rabia 3 ; “a . 104 Eg Aasheim, si aid 72 Ge | Aberlady, H.
Lothian, Scot. . . 55 Qk | Achillbeg I., Mayo, i gh. Seaeae . 66 Ap | Aden, Gulf
of, Africa—Arabia ‘ 129 He Aasten Elv, Norway 72 Ge | Aberlour, Banff, Scot. . ._
567 Ph | Achin, Sumatra, D.E. : . 19 Bf | Adenau, Germany " ;. 38 Bd Aast Fjord, N
orway 72 Fa A bernethy, Perth, Scot. : -§7 Pk Achinsk, Siberia . ‘ , » 100-36
Aderno, Sicily, ltaly ~ ‘ - Bt Ef Aavetsrud, Norway ; : 72 Fd | Abersoch,
Caernarvon, Wales . 48 Nr | Achipur, Bengal . : ‘ 109 Jd | Adersbach,
Czechoslovakia. . ~“8 Ba Abaco I., Great, West Indies . 164 Ea | Abersychan,
Monmouth, Eng. _ 47 Pt | Achmore, Ross & Crom., Scot.. . 96 Kh Adige, R., Italy . .
90 Cb Abadla, Morocco ; : . 126 Cd | Aberthaw, Glamorgan, Wales _ 47 Pu |
Achnasheen, Ross & Crom., Scot. . 59 Lg Adilabad, Hyderabad ; 110 Db 6 Abaete;
Brazil . = ; . 169 Hd | Abertillerv, Monmouth, Eng. _ 47 Pt | Achota, Central
Provs. . ; . 109 Ke | Adinkerke, Belgium : 49 Be Abajo Mt., U oy ; ; 380° de
Aberuthven, Perth, Scot. 57 Ok Achray, Ontario . : . . 142 Fe Adirampatnam,
Madras . mars Df Abakansk, Khakassk, Resta: . 100 He | Aberystwyth, Cardigan, Wales
. 46 Ns | Achray, L., Perth, Scot. 56 Nk Adirondack Mts., New } ork . ; 142 Ge |
Abancay, Peru : ; . 168 Cf | Abeshr, Fr. Equat. Africa. . 128 Ce | Acigné, France .
. 85 Fd | Adjai R., Bihar and Orissa . 109 Hd sald Abancourt, France ‘ . 86 Bd |
Abhanpur, Central Provs. . - 109 Ke | Acireale, Sicily . , - 91 Kf | Adjudu Nou,
Romania hae . 9% = BEEZ Abary, R., Brit. Guiana ; . 169 Fb | Abidjean, Fr. West
am : 125 Dh | Ackerman, Missiesippi- ; 157 Kd | Admiralty Gulf, W. A
ustralia . 186 Gb 4 Abashiri, Japan . . ‘ . 116 Ja | Abilene, Kansas . . 154 Gf |
Ackley, lowa + . 155 Jd | Admiralty Inlet, N.-W. Terr. . 14] Nb y Abau, Papua . ; ;
. 189 Dd | Abilene, Texas . : . 156 Ed | Acklin L., Bahamas, West Indies 165 Ge
Admiralty = Alaska ; ‘ ‘ 0 Ce r Abava R., Latvia ; . . 73 Fd | Abingdon, Berks,
Eng. ‘ . 40 Tt Acklington, N orthumb.., Eng. - 53 Sm | Admiralty Is., Bismérck
Arch. : 189 Db ; Abaya L., Ethiopia ; . . 129 Ff | Abingdon, Jilinois 5 , _ 155 Ke
| Ackworth, W.R. Yorks, Eng. - 50 [p | Adolfstrom, Sweden. , 70 Ge 2 Abbadia,
"Brazil ; : q . 171 He Abingdon, Virginia . : . 150 Bd | Acla, Panama. si 163 Jg |
Adonde, Arizona : . 159 bd ZAZEa Abbazia, Italy. ; ; . 90 Eb | Abington, Cambridge,
Eng. . _ 41 Ws | Aclare, Sligo, J.F.S. . . 62 Do Adoni, Madras . - LLO Ce A |
Abberton, Essex, Eng. . ; . 41 Xt | Abington, Lanark, Scot. . 55 Om | Acle,
Norfolk, Eng. . 51 Zr Adorp, Holland : : : 78 Gb z: Abbev ille, Alabama . ° . 153
Be | Abington, Limerick, 1.F.S. . . 69 Er | Acme, Alberta . ; 147 Nf seas
France , . 83 a wg Abbev ille, France - ; . 82 Da | Abington, Mass. . ; : . 152 Ce
| Acme, W. Virginia. = . 153 Da Adra, Spain , ar “ Za Abbeville, Georgia 153 Cd |
Abington, Queensland . . 184 Df | Acock’s Green, Mv arwicks, Eng. -. 50 Ss | Adrar,
Algeria. . — Cc si Abbeville, Louisiana f . 157 Hf | Abinsi, Nigeria . , _ 125 Fg |
Acomb, W.R. Yorks, Eng. . a Tp Adrar, Fr. West Africa. : gic Bd Abbeville, 8.
Carolina . : 5 SR> Ge Abiquiu, New Mexico _ 156 Ab | Aconcagua, Mt., Argentina . .
172 Ce | Adria, Italy eee. . : : 30 Db Abbey, Sask. : 147 Pf | Abisko, Sweden . ; ‘
_ 70 Hb | Aconcagua, prov., Chile : 172 Be Adrian, Michigan as : . = Ne a Abbey,
Tipperary, I.F. 8. : 69 Fs Abitibi, L., Ontario ; ; . 145 Of Acoyapa, Nicaragua. .
= pee hme re ode urkey . . o = Bae Abbey, New, Kirkcudbright, Scot. 55 On |
Abkhazka, rep., Russia : . 97 Ge | Acqui, Italy Rs ‘ : . a » | Adriatic Sea, Ones
Bees ; a. = a Abbey Bridge, Yorks, Eng. 53° Sn Ablon, France, ; 3 . 85 Kb Acre,
ter., Brazil . : . . 168 Df ! Adrigole, Cork, /.¥.S. . . - 68 Bt a fet
ee SE -
>_< =
1 e ve ‘
oe —
Aduard, Holland . Adula Mts., Switzerland Adur, R., W. Eng. Aduwa, Hthiopia .
Advie, Moray, Scot. Adygeisk, Russia Adzharsk, rep., Russia . Aegean Sea, Greece
Aeltre, Belgium
Ero, Denmark Aréskjébing, Denmark. Aerschot, Belgium
Ae Water, Dumfries, Scot. Afar or Danakil, Ethiopia Afferden, Holland Affoltern,
Switzerland Affric, R., Inverness, Aftua, Brazil Afghanistan, Afikpo, Nigeria
Afjord, Norway Afmadu, Jt. Somali ‘tong Afon Wen, Caernarvon, Afornes, Norway .
Afton, /owa ; Afton, New York. Afton, Oklahoma . ; Afton Bridgend, Ayr, Scot.
Afulle, Fr. West Africa.
Afyon Karahisar, T'urkey
Agades, Fr. West Africa Agadir-Ighir, Morocco
Agar, Gwalior, India
Agartala, T'ripura, Bengal Agassiz, Br. Columbia
Agate, Colorado
Agatha, Transvaal
Agawa, Ontario
Agay, France
Agde, France '
Agematsu, Japan
Agen, France
Agers6, Denmark
Aggie, Alberta Aghadowey, Londonderry, N. Tre. . Aghalee, Antrim, N. Ire. \
Aghavannagh, Wicklow, I.F.S. Aghegarh, Bharatpur, Rajputana Aghla Mt., Donegal,
IFS. Aghwat, El, Algeria Agiabampo, Mexico Agincourt (Azincourt),
Aglish, W ate rford, LF g. Agnes, Kentucky .
Agno, Switzerland Agoes, T'exas
Agon, France
Agordat, Hritrea .
Agori Khas, United Prova, Agott, R., France
Agra, U nited Provs.
Agram, Yugoslavia. See Zag rreb. Agreda, Spain
Agri, R., [taly Agrigento, Sicily, Italy
Agrinion, Greece Agropoli, /taly Aguadas, Colombia
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico . Aguadulce, Panama Agua luja, Brazil
Agualeguas, Mexico Aguan, R., Honduras
Agua Negra, Portugal Agua Nueva, Mexico Agua Quente, Brazil Aguascalientes, Mexico
Agueda, R., Spain Aguilar, Colorado Aguilar, Spain
Aguirre, Argentina Agulhas C., Cape Prov. Agumbi, Mysore, India Agyia, Greece :
Ahaggar, Algeria
Ahar, Persia
Ahascragh, Galway, LFS. Ahaura, New Zealand Aherlow, R., Tipperary, 1.F S. Ahipara
Bay, New Zealand Ahiri, Cent. Prova.
Ahlen, Germany
Ahmadabad, Bombay Ahmadnagar, Bombay . Ahmadnagar, Bombay . Ahmadpur, Bahawalpur,
Punjab Ahmadpur (Rajura), Hyderabad Ahoghill, Antrim, N. Ire. Ahraura, United
Provs. Ahrweiler; Germany Ahtari, Finland : Ahuachapan, Salvador . Ahualuleco,
Ahus, Sweden
Ahwaz, Persia
Aichach, Germany
Aigen, Austria
Aigina I. and Gulf, Greece Aigion, Greece .
Aigle, Switzerland Aigues-Mortes and Golfe d’,
Aiguille, Pte. de l’, France Aigun, Manchukuo Aijal, Assam
Aikawa, Sado, Japan Aiken, S. Carolina Ai-Lao, Annam
Aillaco Lakes, Argentina Aille R., Mayo, I.F.S. Ailly- sur-Noye, France Ailort, L.,
Inverness, Scot. Ailsa Craig, Ayr, Scot. Aimangala, M/ysore Aimargues, France
64 108 62 126 160 86 69 150 8] 156 85 129 109 83 108
SY 9] 9] 94 9] 168 166 L168 169 162 163 88 162 169 162 rote! 154 83 iy fe 136 L1O
94 124 104 67 191 69 190 108 76 106 108 108 106 L10 63 109 76 71 163 162 7] 105 74
92 94 94 80 87 83 113 107 117 153 119 172 66 86 56 54 110 87
3d Gd Fd Eb Fd Fe De Db
Cd Lm Cd Be
Sab os | |
Akershus, fylke,
Ain, R. and dep., Ainagi, Latvia Ain Amur, Hgypt Ain Beida, Algeria Aincourt,
France Ainderby Steeple, Ain-el-Abd, Syria Ain Mlila, Algeria Ainsdale, Lancs,
Hing. Ain Sefra, Algeria Ainsworth, Nebraska Ainsworth, Washington
Yorks, Eng.
Ain Temouchent, Algeri: Aipe, Colombia . Air (Asben), Fr. West Africa Air, Point
of, Flint, Wales Airaines, France . ;
Aird of Sleat, Skye I., Scot. Airdrie, Alberta
Airdrie, Lanark, Scot.
Aire, Landes, France Aire, Pas-de-Calais, Aire, R., Yorks, Hing. Airel, France
Airolo, Switzerland
Airth, Stirling, Scot. Airton, W.R. Yorks, Eng. Ai-shan, Shantung, China Aishima,
Japan Aisne, R. and dep., Aita, Syria
Aitape, Papua Aitkin, Minnesota Aitolikon, Aitos, Bulgaria Aitutaki, Cook Is.,,
Aiud, Romania Aivali, T'urkey Aix, France
Greece .
(Aachen), Germany
Aix-les-Bains, France Aiyansh, Br. Columbia Aizpute, Latvia
Ajaccio and Gulf, Corsica , Ajaigarh, state-and tn., C./. . Ajana, W. Australia
Ajanta and Mts., Hyderabad Ajibba, Arabia
Ajigasawa, Japan
Ajiro, Japan Ajlun, Jebel, Trans-Jordan Ajmer, Ajmer-Merwara
Ajmer-Merwara, prov., India Ajo, Arizona
Ajodhya, United Proves.
Ajra, Kolhapur, Bombay Ajuchitlan, Mexico Ajuno, Mexico Akaa, Finland Akabah, Jraq
Akalkot, and tn., Akan-gawa, Japan Akarnania and Aitolia, dep
state Bombay
Akaroa, New Zealand
Akasa, Nigeria
Akasha, A.-H. Sudan
Akashi, Japan
Akayu, Japan ; Akbarpur, Cawnpore, United Provs. Akbarpur, Fyzabad, United Provs.
Akechi, Japan
Akeley, Bucks, Eng.
Aker, Norway
Norway Akeruf, Niger Colony Akhaia and Elis, dep., Akhalkalaki, Russia Akhaltsikh,
Russia Akhdar, Arabia Akhdar, Jebel el, Libya
Aince: Greece
Akhinou, L., Greece
Akhisar, T’urkey .
Akhmim, Egypt
Akhtar, Russia
Akhterin, Syria
Akhtopol, Bulgaria
Akhtuba and R., Russia
Akhtyrka, Ruasia ;
Akimiski I|., James Bay, Cadi Akipets, Japan
Akita, Japan ;
Akitio, New Zealand
Akka (Acre), Palestine . : ; Akkerman (Cetatea Alba), Romania Akkeshi, Japan
Aklavik, N.-W. Terr. Aklera, Kotah, Rajputana Akmolinsk, Kazak, Russia Ako, Japan
Akoafim, Cameroons Akobo Post, A.-H. Sudan Akola, Berar
Akola, Bombay
Akot, Berar, India Akpatok I., Quebec
Akra, Norway
Akra, Jebel el, Syria Akron, Colorado
Akron, Ohio
Akrotiri Penin., Arete /., Greece Aksai, Russia
Aksaray, Turkey .
Aksdal, Norway
Aksehir, T'urkey Akshaug (mt.), Norway Aksnes, Norway Aksursk, Ural Area,
Akulitzkaya, Russia. Akulu Sulba, Fr. Equat. Akuressa, Ceylon Akureyri, /celand
Akuse, Gold Coast
Ri US8IA .
145 116 117 190 103
95 116 140 LOS L100 116 125 128 108 110 108 14]
72 103 154 150
97 104
72 104
72 100
97 128
Ie Fd Bd Hb Be To Db Fa Pp De Kd Db Db Be Ke Pg
3d Jh Nf QO] Ce Cb Ro Gb Be Ge Ok Ro Kf Bf Eb Be Cb Jb 3c
He Ab Ke Fd Ed Ed 3c]
Be Dd Ge
Ad Bb Bb G] Eb Be Cf Cf Kf De Ce Jb Be De Kh Ee Df Gd Kb i b
Ff Bb Cd Hf
Gd Fd Ad Db Jb Be Ce Ge Df Gh Kf Ce Bb
Qd Be Be De Cb De
Bb Be Bb He Eb Ge Ke Cf Eh Bb
Alcazar de San Juan, Spain . Alceste ia W arwicks, K ng. Alcira, Spain Alco, New
whee aoe a, Brazil . Ale ‘ont ury, Hunts, Aleoy, Spain Alcubierre, Sierra de, Spain
Aleudia & 'B.. Balearic Is. Alcudia, Sierra de la, Spain Aldabra Is., /ndian Oc.
Aldama, Mexico .
Aldama, Mexico . e / Aldan Plateau, Yakutsk, U.S.S.R. Aldbourne, Wilts, Eng. :
Aldbrough, #.R. Yorks, King. Aldbrough, N.R. Yorks, King. Alde, R., Suffolk, Eng.
Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Eng. Aldeia, Brazil
Aldeia Gallega, Portugal Alder, Montana , Alderley Edge, Cheshire, Aldermaston,
Berks, Eng. Alderminster, Warwicks, Eng. Alderney, Channel Is. Aldershot, Hants,
Kng.. Alderson, W. Virginia . Alderton, Suffolk, Eng. Aldford, Cheshire, Eng.
Aldinga, S. Australia Aldridge, Montana
Aldsworth, Glos, Eng.
Aledo, Jilinois
Aleg, Fr. West Africa Alegrete, Brazil
Aleksandriya, Russia Aleksandrovsk, Russia . Aleksandrovski Mts., 7'urkistan
Alekseyevka, Russia Aleksinac, Yugoslavia Alemania, Argentina Alemquer, Brazil
Alemtejo, old prov., Alencon, France Alenquer, Portugal Aleppo (Haleb), Syria Aler
R., Hyderabad Aleria, Corsica Alert Bay, Br. Alés, France Aleshki, Russia
Alessandria, /taly Aletschhorn, Switzerland Aleutian Is., NV. aac Oc. Alexain,
France Alexander, W. Alexander Bay, Newfoundland Alexander I. Island, Antarctica
Alexander Spring, W. Australia Alexandra, It. Somaliland Alexandra, New Zealand
Alexandra, Victoria
Alexandra Land, Arctic Ocean Alexandretta, Syria Alexandria, Br. Columbia
Alexandria, Cape Prov. Alexandria, Dunbarton, Scot.. Alexandria, Hgypt
Alexandria, Kentucky Alexandria, Louisiana . Alexandria, Minnesota Alexandria,
Ontario Alexandria, Romania Alexandria, Virginia Alexandroupolis, (reece
Alexandrov, Russia Alexandrov Gai, Russia
Al Falluja, /raq
Alfaro, Spain
Alfatar, Romania
Alfen, Holland
Alfold, Surrey, Eng.
Alford, Aberdeen, Scot. . Alford, Lincs, Hing.
Alfoten, Norway .
Alfred, Maine
Alfred, Queensland
Alfred, Virginia
Alfreton, Derby, Eng. Alfriston, Sussex, Hny. Algarrobo, Chile
Algarve, dist., Portugal Algiuer Alps, Germany Algebuckina, S. Australia Algeciras
and B., Spain
Alger (Algiers), Algeria
Algeria, country, V. Africa Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
Algiers ( -— sr), Algeria
Algoa B., cet Prov. Algodonales. Sierra de, Spain Algodones, Mee Mexico Algoma,
Ontaria .
Algoma, Wisconsin
Algona, Jowa
Algonquin Park, Ontario Alguada Reef, Burma Alhama de Granada, Spain Alhambra,
California Alhandra, Brazil .
Alhuampa, Argentina
Aliaga, Spain Aliakmon, R.., Alibag, Bombuay Alibunar, Yugoslavia Alicante and
prov. Alice, Cape Prov. Alice, Texas ; Alice and R. , Queensland Alicedale Junce.,
Cape Prov. Alice Springs, N. Terr., Aliceville, Alabama Alico, Paso, Chile
, Spain
Australia .
88 40) 89 15] 149 50 89 89 89 88 123 160 162 10] 40) 5]
4] 169
}; 58 49 40) 40) 84 40)
150 4] 49
pues tbo Se
102 97 93
152 185 15] 50 4] 172 88
126 122
9] 126 137
88 156 142 155 155
” 107
88 159 171 172
94 108
89 137 156 185 137 179 157
EEUU SEES ~ ———— a — inaiieal
Alost, Alpaugh, California Alpen, | Alpena, Alpena, W. Alpes-Maritimes, dep.,
Alpha, Idaho
Alicudi I., Italy Alida, Sask. Aliganj, United Provs. Aligarh, T’onk, Rajputana
Aligarh (Koil), United Provs. Alingsas, Sweden . ; Alipore, Bengal . Alipur,
Wardha, Cent. Provs. Alipura, state and tn., C.J. . Alirajpur, state and tn., C.J.
Aliwal, Punjab
Aliwal North, Cape Prov. Aljustrel, Portugal
Alken, Belgium
Alkham, Kent, Eng. Alkmaar, Holland Al-Kuwait, Arabia Allagadda, Madras Allahabad,
United Provs. Allainville, France
Allaire, France
Allamuchy, New Jersey Allan, France : Allangibbon Bridge, Kirke wi. Allanheads, N
orthumb., Kngqg.. Allanmyo, Burma
Allantown, Arizona
Allan Water, Perth, Scot. Allard, Montana .
Allariz, Spain
Allata, Lthiopia
Allauch, France
Alle, Belgiwm
Alle, Switzerland .
Alle, R., 2. Prussia
Allegan, Michigan
Allegany, New York Allegheny Mts., U.S.A. Allegheny R., Pennsylvania, etc. Alleins,
Allen, Oklahoma ; Allen, Bog of, Kildare, etc Allen I., Queensland Allen, L.,
Leitrim, J.F.S Allendale, S. Carolina Allendale Town, Northumb., Allende, Mexico
Allende, Mexico
Allenstein, 2. Prussia Allentown, New Jersey Allentown, Pennsylvania Allenwood,
Kildare, ].F.S. . Alleppey, Travancore, India . Aller, R., Germany
Allerston, Yorks, Eng. . Allery, France.
Allesley, Warwicks, Er ng. Allgreave, ( Cheshire, Eng. Allhallows, Kent, Eng.
Alliance, Nebraska Alliance, Ohio Allier, R. and dep., Allikher, Hyderabad Allinge,
Bornholm, Den. Alliston, Ontario . Alloa, Clackmannan,
Scot "
Allonby, Cumb., Eng. Allonne, France
Allonnes, France .
Allor Is., Dutch E. Fakis 8
Allora, Queensland
Allos, France ;
Allow, R., Cork, as S,
Allua L., Cork, IF.
Allumette I., erie
Allur, Nellore, Madras . Alma, Arkansas
Alma, Colorado
Alma, Georgia
Alma, Kansas
Alma, Michigan
Alma, Nebraska
Alma, New Brunswick
Alma, Washington
Alma, Wisconsin
Alma, R., Crimea, Russia Alma Ata, Kazak, Russia Alma-den, Queensland . Almaden,
Almafala, Brazil .
Almagro, Spain
Almaguer, Colombia Almallojekna, Sweden Almansa, Spain
Almazan, Spain
Almeida, Portugal
Almeirim, Brazil .
Almelo, Holland Almendralejo, Spain Alménéches, France
Almer, Dorset, Eng.
Almeria and prov., Spain Almeria, Gulf of, Spain Almirante Bay, Panama Almocape,
Almodovar, Portugal Almodovar, Spain
Almond, R., Perth, Scot. ‘ Almond, R., W. and Midlothian, Scot. Almondsbury, Glos,
Eng. Almonte, Ontario. : Almora, United Provs. . ; : Almunia de Dofia Godina, la,
Spain Al-Musaiyib, Iraq Almyropotamon, Greece
Aln, R., Northumb., Eng. Ainbes and R. ites, and Crom., Scot. Alnham, Northumb..,
Eng. . Alnmouth & Bay, N orthumb., E ng. Alnwick, Northumb., Eng. Alon, Burma
Alonsa, Manitoba
Alora, Spain
Alor Star, Malaya
86 50 49 4 154 150 83 110
107 144
88 L119
Ke To Db Ce Db Eh Jd De De 3d Db Ke Ad Gb Yu Ce Ed Dd Ee Bg Ke Kb Cb
tn He Jh Ok Cb Ba if Dd id Db Ja Nd Da Kd Db De Fe Hq Bf Eo Dd Rn Ca Ce Jb Fb Fb Hq
Cg Db Uo Bd Ss Rq Xu Dd Cb Ee Cb Ge De Ok Pn Ce By If Jm Gb Ds Ct Fe Ed Ge Bf Ce Gf
H b Kf Ce Ha De
Sm Ng Rm Sm Sm Hd De Cd Ce
Alsh, L. Alstad, A Alstahoug, Norway Alstead, Alstenéy, Alston, Alta, NV Alta
Gracia, Altagracia, Altai Mts., Altamaha R., Altamira, Altamira, Altamira,
Altamont, Altamont, Altamura, Altavista, Altdorf, Switzerland Altea, Alteamuri,
Alte Fjord, Alt Elv, Altena, Altenburg, Germany Altenkirchen, Alter do Chao, Alte
Vatn, Althorne, Althorpe, Altier, Altkirch, Altmiihl, R., Altnacealgach,
Altnaharra, Alton, Alton, Alton, Alton, Alton, Alton, Queensland Altona, Altona,
Altoona, Altrincham, Altstatten, Altun Ké6pri, Altura, Alturas, Altus, Altyn
Aluksne, Alupta, Crimea, Alur, Alushta, Alv, Alva, Alva, Alvandeid, Alvanley,
Alvarado, California Alvarado, Alvarado, Alvarez Alvar Alvdalen, Alvear, ; Alvear,
Corrientes, Argentina Alvechurch, Alverstrémmen, Norway Alversund, Alves, Alvestad,
Alveston, Glos, Alvin, Alvros, Alvsborg, Alvsby, Sweden
Alzette, R.,
Michigan Virgin itt ; France Alpha, Queensland
Alpha, Virginia Alpha Creek, Queensland
Alphen, Holland Alpheton, Suffolk, Eng. Alpine, Alpine, Alquines,
Arizona Texas France
Al-Qurna, /raq . , Alresford, New, Hants, nq. Alrewas, Staffs, Eng.
Als, Denmark
Alsask, Sask.
Alsenz, Germany . . Ross and Crom., Scot.
New Hampshire Norway Cumb., Eng. orway A rge ntina Venezuela Outer Mongolia Georgia
Brazil Me xr2co Sierra de, Ke ntucky New York Italy
Spain ; New Ze sienna Norway Norway . Germany .
Germany .
Norway Essex, Eng. Lines, Hng. France France Germany .
Sutherland, Se ot. Sutherland, Scot. Florida Hants, [llinois Missouri ; Vew
En q.
Germany . Ne w York Pennsylvania . Cheshire, Eng. Switzerland Iraq Colorado
California Oklahoma
‘agh, Sinkiang Latvia
‘Russia Bellary, Madras Russia Norway Clackmannan, Oklahoma Norway Cheshire,
Kn q.
Me rico Te ras Jonte, i lirunagari, Sweden Argentina
Arge ntina
Madr as
Worcs, Eng.
Moray, Scot.
T eras Sweden
lan, Sweden
sti ate & tn., Rajputana New Brunswick
Trav ancore, Madras
Alwar, Alward,
Alwen Reservoir, Alwinton, Northumb., Alyth, Perth, Scot. Lithuania Montana
Luxembourg Alzey, Germany Amabele, Cape Prov. Amadeus L., N. Terr., Australia
Amadi, Belgian Congo . Amadia, /raq : Amadjuak L., N.-W. Terr. Amador City, ¢
lifornia Amager, De nmark Amakusashima, Japan Amal, Sweden Amalapuram, Madras
Amalfi, /taly
Amalias, Greece Amalner, Ahmadnagar, Amalner, Bombay Amamuri, Brit. Guiana
— Mobs © w * ~— ad
— =] «]
~j 1 oO =
LO8 143 11]
oi 73 154 79 76 137 178 130 104 14] 159 id L117 71 110 9] 94 110 LO8 169
Db Dh Nd Oc De (ce
De Kh Ke Dd se Dd Rn Kb Kd
Ab Ge Dd Mf Mf Ce Tu Kf Kg Ce Gm Cb Bb Db Raq Jb Db
Bg Kg Fe Ed Bd Bb Be Eb
nh "
2) ey
4 \ ’ b | Hk
Arduan I., Ardvasar, Skye I., Ardwell, Banff, Scot. Are, Sweden
Areado, Arecibo, Aregua, Paraguay
Ardallie, Ardara, Ardatov, Ardbeg, /slay, Scot. Ardcharnich, Ross & Crom.,
Arderony, Tipperary, ISP. . Ardeath, Meath, 1.F.S. Ardebil, Persia Ardéche, dep.,
France Ardee, Louth, I.F.S. Ard el-Wadian, Jraq Arden, W. Virginia Ardennes,
Belgium, etc. Ardennes, dep., France Ardentinny, Argyll, Scot. Ardeonaig, Perth,
Scot. Ardersier, /nverness, Scot. Afghanistan Switzerland Kerry, 1.F.S. :
Tipperary, 1.F.S, Ross and Crom., Scot. Down, N. Ire. ‘ Argyll, Scot. . Cork, T.F
WS. Persia Down, N. Ive. Argyll, Scot. . 2., Perth, Scot. Hssex, Eng. Dunbarton,
Scot. Ross and Crom., Scot. Oklahoma : Waterford, I. FS. Wicklow, IFS. Clare, t Be
og S. e Argyll, Seok. Ardrahan, Galway, I.F.S., Andres, France Ardrishaig, Argyll,
Aberdeen, Scot. Donegal, LFS.
Ardrossan, Ayr, Scot.
Ardseull, Kildare, IFS. Ardsley, Yorks, Eng. Ardtalla, Is lay, Scot. A.-E. Sudan
Brazil Puerto Rico
Arenas — Spain Arendal, Norway .
Avendonek, Belgium Arendsee, Germany
Arensburg (Kuresaare), /’stonia Arenys, Spain
Areopolis, Greece .
Arequipa, Peru Aressa, Mritrea Arevalo, Spain Arezzo, Italy Argaon, Berar, Argelés,
France Argences, F'rance Argens, R., France Argent, France Argenta, [taly Argentan,
France Argentat, France Argenteuil, France Argentiére, Aiguille d’,
Argentine (Argentina), rep., S. Amer.
Argentino, L., Argentina Argenton, France
Argenton, T'asmania Argentré, France Argentré-du- Plessis, France Arghandab (R.),
Argo, A.-H. Sudan Argol, France
Argolis, Gulf, Greece Argonne, Foret d’, France Argos, Greece
Argostolion, Greece
Argouges, France
Argueil, France
Argul Nor, /nner Mongolia Argun, R.. Manchukuo, etc.
Argungu, Nigeria Argyle, Minnesota Argyll, co., Scotland Argyrokastron, Albania
Arheiligen, Germany Ariano, /taly
Arica, Chile Arichat, Nova Scotia Ariége, R. and dep., Arikawa, Japan Arima, Japan
Arinagour, Coll J., ae
Ario, Megieo
Arippu, Ceylon
Arisaig & Sound of, Inveracta, Scot. Arish, ne Egypt
Arismendi, Venezuela
Aristazaba I., British Cotumbia Arisvik Fjord, Norway
Arivaca, Arizona
Ariyalur, Madras
Ariza, Spain Arizona state, l Arizpe, Mexico Arjeplog, Sweden Arjish, Turkey
Arjuni, Central Provs. Arkadelphia, Arkansas Arkadia, dist., Greece
Arkaig, L., Inverness, Scot. Arkalgud, Mysore Arkansas R. and state, Uae Arkansas C
ity, Arkansas Arkansas C ‘ity, Kansas Arkins, Colorado .
| Bhs
Scot, 4
A R Kk
- * On i
ee ee ee a
o it ee ds sl
Arklet, L., Stirling, Scot. Arklow, Wicklow, I.F.S. Arkonam, Madras Arkésund,
Sweden Arlberg Pass, Austria Arlee, Montana . Arles, Pyrénées-Or., France Arles,
Bouches-du-Rhéne, France Arless, Leix, I.F.S.
Arleux, France
Arley, Wores, Eng. Arlingham, Glos, Eng. Arlington, Arizona
Arlington, Colorado Arlington, Georgia
Arlington, Ohio
Arlington, Oregon
Arlington, Texas .
Arlon, Belgium
Arltunga Goldfields, V. Terr. Armadale, Sutherland, Scot. Armadale, W. Australia
Armadale, W. Lothian, Scot. . Armagh and co., NV. Ire.
Armagnac, France Armagon, Madras
Armathwaite, Cumb., ng. Armavir, Russia .
Armenia, Colombia
Armenia, rep., Russia Armentiéres, France. Armidale, New S. Wales Armori, Cent.
Provs. Armour, S. Dakota
Armoy, Antrim, N. Ire. Armstead, Montana Armstrong, Argentina Armstrong, British
Columbia Armstrong, California . Armstrong, Jowa
Armstrong, Ontario
Armur, Hyderabad
Arnab, Wady, T'rans-Jordan Arnage, France
Arnas, Sweden
Arnaud, Manitoba Arnaudville, Louisiana. Arnauti, C., Cyprus Arncliffe, Yorks,
Hing. Arnedo, Spain Arnefjord, Norway Arnesby, Leics, Eng. Arnett, Oklahoma Arnhem,
Holland. Arnhem Land, XN. Terr. Arni, Madras
Arniéres, France . Arnisdale, Inverness, Scot. Arnkistri, 1., Greece
Arno, Norway
Arno, R., Italy
Arnold, N. Dakota Arnoldsburg, W. Virginia Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland Arnot,
Arnéy, Norway
Arnprior, Ontario
Arnsberg, Germany
Arnside, Westmorland, Eng. Arnstadt, Germany
Arnswalde, Germany
Aroa, Venezuela
Arolsen, Germany
Aron, France
Arona, Italy
Aroostook, New Brunswick Arorae I., Gilbert Is.
Arosa, Switzerland
Aroya, Colorado
Arpajon, France . : Arpalli, Central Provs. .
Arpik, Greenland .
Arques, France Arra Mts., Tipperary, I. FS. Arrah, Bihar and Orissa
Arran I|., Bute, Scot.
Arras, France
Arrecifes, Argentina
Arrée, Mtgne. d’, France Arriaga, Mexico
Arrington, Cambridge, E ng. Arrington, Virginia
Arrochar, Dunbarton, Scot. Arromanches, France
Arrow L., Sligo, 1.F.S.
Arrow L., Lower, Br. Columbia Arrow L., Upper, Br. Columbia Arrowhead, Br. Columbia
Arrowsmith R., W. Australia Arrowtown, New Zealand Arrowwood, Alberta
Arroyo Grande, California Arroyohondo, New Mexico Arroyo Seco, Mexico
Arrozal, Brazil Arsikere, Mysore Arsinara, Gulf of, Arsuz, Syria Arta and Gulf,
Greece Arteaga, Mexico . Artemovsk, Russia Artemus, Kentucky Artesia, New Mexico
Artesian, S. Dakota Arthies, France Arthog, Merioneth, Arthur, Nebraska
Arthurstown, Wexford, LPS. Articlave, Londonderry, N. Ire. Artigas, Uruguay
Artigas, Uruguay
Artois, old prov. Ar Tsagan Nor, Artvin, Turkey
Savdini ia
, France Inner Mongolia
Australia .
56 64 110 7] GY 158 83 83 69
85 62 146 146 146 L187 191 147 159 L156 162 169 L10 9] 103 94 162 97 150 156 154 86
48 154 64 63 173 173 82 114 104
Mk Jr De
H b Eo Kg Kf Kf Bj Bf Nf Ch Bb De Hd Ce Bd Ab Be Ce Ff Bd Bd Gd Be Or Ee Hs Hm Jd
Le Ea Be Da
General Index
Aru Bay,
Aru Is., Dutch New Guinea
Arua, Uganda : ; Aruba (Oruba) [., Du. West Indies Aruku, Madras é
Arun, R., W. Sussex, Hing. Arundel, Quebec f
Arundel, W. Sussex, Eng. Aruppukkottai, Madras
Arusha, Tanganyika Arutuba I., Brazil Aruwimi R., Belgian Congo Arvada, Wyoming
Arvagh, Cavan, I.F.S.. Arve .. France
Arvida, Quebec Arvidsjaur, Sweden Arvika, Swede n
Arvilla, N. Dakota Arzamas, Russia . Arzano, France
Arzeu, Algeria
Arzila, Morocco
Arzon, France
Arzuk, Greenland ; AS (Asch), Czechoslovakia Asa, Japan Asaba, Fr. West Asaba,
Nigeria Asahigawa, Japan
Asamai, Japan Asama-yama, Japan Asamushi, Japan
Asane, Norway
Asansol, Bengal
Asauri, Brazil
Asben (Air), Fr, West Africa. Asbury Park, New Jersey Ascension, I., S. Atlantic
Oc. Asch, Belgium
Ase :haffenburg, German y Aschersleben, Germany. Aseog, Bute I., Scot.
Ascoli, Italy
Ascona, Switzerland
Ascope, Peru ;
Ascot, Berks, Eng.
Aseq, France
Asdals Rug, Norway
Asele, Sweden ;
Asfiin el-Matana, Egypt Ash, Kent, Eng.
Ashahah, Arabia
Ashanti, Gold Coast Ashboro, N. Carolina Ashbourne, Derby, Eng. Ashbourne, Meath,
1.f.S Ashburn, Georgia. : Ashburton, Devon, Eng. Ashburton, New Zealand Ashburton
R., W. Australia . Ashburton Goldfield, W. Australia Ashbury, Berks, Eng.
Ashby, Lincs, Eng. Ashby, Queensland Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics, King. Ashcroft, Br.
Columbia Ashdown, Arkansas
Ashern, Manitoba
Asherton, Texas Asheville, N. Carolina . Ashford, Kent, Eng. ; Ashford, Wicklow,
1.F-.S Ashfordby, Leics, Eng. Ashfork, Arizona Ash Grove, Missouri Ashie, L.,
Inverness, Ashikaga, Japan Ashill, Somerset, Eng. Ashington, Northumb., Eng. .
Ashington, W. Sussex, Eng. . Ashinhurst, Queensland * Ashkelon, Palestine
Ashkirk, Selkirk, Scot. . Ashland, Alabama
Ashland, Kansas
Ashland, Kentucky
Ashland, Montana
Ashland, Nebraska ; Ashland, New Hampshire Ashland, Ohio ‘ Ashland, Oregon
Ashland, Pennsylvania Ashland, Virginia
Ashland, Wisconsin
Ashland City, Tennessee Ashley, New Zealand
Ashley, N. Dakota
Ashley, Ohio
Ashmont, Alberta.
Ashmin, Hgypt
Ashopton, Derby, Eng. Ashperton, Hereford, Hing.
Ashqabad, Turkmen, Russia . Ashraf, Persia ; Ashreigney, Devon, King.
Ashstead, Surrey, Hung. Ashta, Bhopal, CLI. Ashta, Bombay
Ashta, Central Provs. Ashtabula, Ohio
Ashti, Central Provs. Ashti, Hyderabad Ashton, Renfrew, Scot. . Ashton, S. Dakota
Ashton-in-Makerfield, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs, Ashuanipi L., Labrador Ashville,
Alabama Ashville, Ohio ; Ashwell, Hertford, Eng. ; Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, Eng.
Asiago, /taly r Asientos, Mexico
9O $1 168 40 86
70 127
4] 104 125
146 157 144 156 153 4] 64 5O 159 155 56
_— — ~
ne es ~
on hy OO OU
. wt
wt wt
wt wt
St wt = ~~
a |
KEES ag “ * ° wt GS wt wt wt I ~~] SI 90
el ee wt ~ ~
Ad Be Bb Ca Ib Uv Ge Uv De Ke Dd Eb Ce Fp Bd Je Hd Kg Gb Gd Ce Db
Gd Be Uu Eb Bd Gd Cd Yu Dd Dg De Sq Jp Ce Ov Ce Be Cf St U P Gl Tr
Jf Hd De Ef Ce Xu Jq Ur Gh Jg Nh “e Qv Sm Vv
Da Qm Bd Kg Be Ke Ge
Bb Bd Eb Ed Kb Lb De Eb Bb Od Ba sq Qs Dd Fb Ov Vu Cd Be De Cb De Bb Ml Fe Qq Kq Qf
Ld Be Vs Yr Cb Bd
Asolo, Asop, Asot in, Aspatria, Cumb., Aspen, Colorado ; Aspen Grove, Br. Columbia
Asperen, Holland Aspermont, Aspern, Aspiring, Mt., Aspremont, Aspres, Asquith,
Sask. Assab, As-Safa, Arabia Assam, Assateague I., Assaye, Assche, Belgiwm Assen,
Assendelft, Assens, Asserac, France Assesse, Asshur, Assia Hills, Assini, Fr
Assiniboia, Assiniboine R., Assinniboine, Assisi, Assu, Assumar, Assundi, Assynt,
Asten, Asterabad and prov., Asti, Astley Bridge, Aston Cross, Glos, Eng. Astor,
Astorga, Spain Astoria, Astoria, Astrakhan, Astrap,
Asikaso, Ivory Coast Asinara, I. & Gulf, Sardinia . Asir, state, Arabia Asirgarh,
Central Provs. Ask, Norway
Aska, Madras P Askeaton, Limerick, IF.S. Asker, Norway. ! Askern, W.R. Yorks, Enq.
Askersund, Sweden Askham, Westmor., Enq. Askim, Norway
Ask6, Norway
Askole, Kashmir .
Askéy, Norway . ; Askrigg, N.R. Yorks, Eng. Askroven, Norway Askvoll, Norway .
Asmal 0, Norway Asmara, Asmark, Norway Asnelles, Asnen L..
France Swede n Asnes, alg 5 Aso- dake. Italy Jodhpur, Washington Knq. .
Japan .
New Ze alana France
Hritrea India
Virginia Hyderabad
Holland . Holland
Denmark .
Belgium . Iraq : Bihar and Orissa West Africa
Sask. ‘ Manitoba Montana
Central Provs. ‘ L., Sutherland, Scot. Holland 5 Persia Italy : Lancs, Eng.
Illinois Oregon Russia Denmark. Astros, Greece Astudillo, Spain
div., Spain Astwood, Bucks, Hing. Japan
Paraguay Venezuela
Asuncion, Asuncion, La,
Aswan, Lgypt
Asyut, Ngypt Atabobo, Gold Coast Atacama, Chile . Atacama, prov., Chile Atafu,
Tokelau Is. Atakpame, Togo . Atalaia, Brazil
Atami, Japan : Atar, Fr. West Africa Ataran R., Burma Atascadero, California, .
Atbara, A.-H. Sudan Atchafalaya Bay, Atcham, Salop, Eng. Atchison, Kansas Ateca,
Spain Atedaun L., Atessa, Italy Atfih, Hgypt Ath, Belgium Athabaska, Alberta ; ,
Athabaska L., Sask.—Alberta . Athabaska R., Alberta . Athboy, Meath, 1.F.S. Athea,
Limerick, I.F.S. Athena, Oregon
Athenai (Athens), Greece Athenry, Galway, TPS: Athens, Alabama
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Kentucky
Athens, New York
Athens, Ohio
Athens, Pennsylvania Athens, J'ennessee
Athens, 7'exas . Athens (Athenai), Greece Atherstone, Warwick, Eng. Atherton,
Lancs, Eng. . Atherton, Queensland
Louisiana .
( a LF US.
Athgarh, state & tn., B. Athies, France
Athis, France ‘ : Athleague, Roscommon, IFS.
& 0.
147 129 104 107 L151 LO8 79 78 78 ié 84 79 104 LO9 125 147 144 158
1O5 90 49 47
153 88
L538 97
fd 94 58 838 40 117
— = pet —— wt we ~1I ©
Pee — at ~I
ee eee SOc WwWe NANA ww oI I
a -
wt to Vl “10 ¢
> WN —
Deg Bd Df Ce Gd Gf Dr Ge
Qn He
3e Da Bd Ro
Pb Oc Hp Cs De
Dq Le Cd Ad Be Be Eb Be Gd Cd Sr Rp ef Ge
Ep Ad
Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantico, dep., Atlas Mts., Atlatlauca, Atlee, Atlin
and L., Br. Atlixco, Atl6en, Atlymsk, Atmakur, Atna and Elv, Atnebra, Atneosen,
Atner, Atne Sj6, Atnur,
Atrai R., Atrak R., Atran and R., Sweden Atrauli, Atsamin (Mahmiyeh), Atsergan,
Atsumi, Atsuta, Attalla, Attar, Central Provs. Attawapiskat L., Atter See, Austria
Attica, Attichy, Attika, Attikonak L., Attingal, Attleboro, Attleborough, Attlel
Attock, Punjab
Aubange, Aube, R.
Auburn, Auburn, Auburn, Auburn, Auburndale, Aubusson, Auch, Auchallater,
Auchencairn & Auchengray, Lanark, Scot. Auchenmalg, Auchingill, Auchinleck,
Auchterarder, Auchtermuchty, Auchy, ‘ Auckland, New Zealand
Aughnac sloy, Aughrim, Galway, 1.F.S.
Aughris Hd., Aughton,
Athlone, Westmeath, I.F.S Athmallik, state, Bihar & Orissa Athni, Athol, At hol,
Atholl, Athos, ( Athus, Belgium Athy, Kildare, Atienza, Spain Atikokan, Ontario
Atkarsk, Russia Atkins, Arkansas Atkinson, Nebraska Georgia Texas lowa City, New
City, Wyoming Highlands, New Colombia Morocco, etc. Mexico Alberta
Mass. :
Ne w Zealand ° Forest of, Perth, Scot.
Atlanta, Atlantic, Jersey
J erse y
Columbia Mexico Norway , Malyi, Ural Area K urnool, Madras Norway Norway
Central Provs. Norway Hyderabad
Atoka, Oklahoma.
Atoy ac, Mexico
Atpadi, . Aundh, Bombay Atraf-i-Balda, Hyderabad Bengal .
Persia .
United Provs. . Traq Mon golia
Alabama Ontario
Indiana France div., Greece
Labrador : Travancore, Madras Mass. . : Norfolk, Eng. . Norfolk, Eng.
Attorick, Clare, I.F.S..
Atua, Lagoa, Brazil Atur, Madras
Atura, Uganda Atvidaberg, Sweden Atwick, Yorks, Hnq. Atwood, Kansas . Atworth,
Wilts, Eng. Aty, Fr. Equat, Africa Auaegle, [t. Somaliland
France Belgium and dep.,
Aubel, Be lgium
Aubenas, France . ‘ Aubigne, Sarthe, France Aubigny, Cher, France Aubigny, Pas-de-
Calais, France Aubonne, Switzerland
Aubrac, Mtgne. d’, France Auburn, Alabama
Auburn, California
Nebraska .
New S. Wales
New York Pennsylvania . Florida
France ; ; Aberdeen, Scot. .
B., Kirkcud.,
Auburn, Auburn,
Wigtown, Scot. Caithness, Scot. Ayr, Scot. . Perth, Scot. Fife, Scot.
Auckland I., 8. Pacific Aude, R. and dep., France
Audenarde, Belgium Auderville, Audierne, France Audierne, B. d Audinghen, Audlem,
, France France
Cheshire, Eng.
Audnedal, Nord and Sér, Norway . Audresselles, France
Audruicq, France
Audubon, /Jowa
Auffay, France
Augan, France
Augathella, Queensland
Augher, Tyrone, N. Ire.
Tyrone, N. Ire.
Wicklow, I.F NS. Sligo, 1.F.S. Lancs, Eng. Augsburg, Germany Augsburg, Cape Prov.
Be 3c Bf Oj Db Hd
Db Hf He He I'd Bd Gd He
Jd Gb Ba Cb Df Of Cb Df Ac Fb Dd Ge Ge Ge Ce Ge Ce
JZ Be De
Db De
F ‘d Ef Le Cd Kd
Me Ke Ce Rf Cg
Cd ‘
Cb Dq Hd Df Cb Fg Vp Ef Ru Be Gg Dd Hd Fb Hb F d
Db Ka Ad Ac Bb Rr Df Bb Ch He Ad Ee Fk Go Ho Eq
Do Qp Dd Be
Augst, Switzerland Augusta, Arkansas Augusta, Georgia Augusta, Kansas Augusta,
Kentucky Augusta, Maine Augusta, Oklahoma Augusta, Sicily, ltaly Augusta, W.
Augusta, Wisconsin Augustenborg, Denmark Augustéw, Poland
Aujila, Libya
Aukra, Norway
Aul, Bihar es Orissa Auldearn, Nairn, Scot. ; Auldgirth St &., ej 8, Scot. Ault,
Aultbea, Ross & Crom. Scot. Aultsville, Ontario
Auma, Norway
Aumale, Algeria Aumale, France Aunay, France , , Aundh, state and tn., Bombay
Aundhi, Cental Prove. Aune, Norway
Aune R., France Auneau, France Auneuil, France ‘ Aunis, old prov., France Auob R.,
8 Africa
Aups, France ; ; Aurad, Hyderabad
Auraiya, United Provs. ; Aurangabad, Bihar and Orissa Aurangabad, Hyderabad Auray,
Aurdal, Norway
Aure, Norway
Aure, Norway
Aurelia, Argentina
Aurich, Germany
Aurillac, france
Auriol, France
Aurland, Norway
Aurlands Fjord, Norway Aurora, Illinois
Aurora, Indiana .
Aurora, Missouri
Aurora, Nebraska
Aurora, Ohio
Aurora, Ontario
Aurora, W. Virginia Aursunden §j6, Norway Aurum, Nevada
Au Sable, Michigan
Ausable Forks, New York Auskerry, Orkney /s., Scot. Aussa, Vthiopia
Aust, Glos, Eng.
Austad, Norway
Aust-Agder, r, fylke, Norway Austefjord, 'N orway Austerlitz (Slavkov), Austevoll,
Norway Austin, Minnesota Austin, Nevada Austin, Pennsylvania Austin, Texas Austin
and L., W. Austral (Tubuai) Is., Australian Alps, Victoria Austria, rep., Hurope
Austvagoy, Norway Autaz, I., L., and R., Autelbas, Belgium Authay, France Authie
R., France Authon, Basses- Alpes, Authon, Seine-et-Oise, Autlan, Mexico Autun,
France é . Auvergne, old prov., France . Auvergne Mts., France ., Auvernier,
Switzerland Auvers, France Auvers-le-Hamon, Auw, Germany Aux Cay es, West Indies
Auxerre, France Auxi-le-Chateau, Auxonne, France Ava, Burma Ava, Missouri Avakubi,
Belgian Congo Avaldsnes, Norway
Avallon, France
Avalon, Penin., New foundland Avalos, Mexico Avanashi, Madras Avancon, France
Avanigedda, Madras Avebury, Wilts, Lng. Ave de ‘Barlovento (1 .)s Aveiro, Brazil
Aveiro and dist., Aveley, Hssex, Eng. Avelghem, Belgium Avellaneda, Argentina .
Avellino, Ltaly
Avenches, Switzerla nd . Avenhorn, Holland Avening, Glos, Eng. Avereest, Holland
Averéy, Norway . Aversa, Italy
Aves Is., Venezuela Avesnes, France . ; Avesnes-le-Comte, France Avesta, Sweden
Aveyron, R. and dep., Avezzano, Italy
Avia Terai, Argentina
Fra nce Fra nce
Pacific Oc.
Venezuela .
Citizen’s Atlas
Baberu, United Proves. . Babine L., Br. Columbia Babine Mts., Br. Babo, Du. A
Babuyan Ils., Babylon, /raq Bacabal, Brazil
Bacau, Romania .
Bachan, I., Moluccas Bacher Gebirge, Yugoslavia Back, Lewis, Scot. Backergunge,
Bengal Backs R., N.-W. T'err., Bac-lieu, Coe hin China Bac-ninh, Tongking
Bacqueville, France Bacup, Lancs, Eng. Badagara, Madras Badagri, Nigeria . Badajoz
and prov., Badakshan, dist., Asiatic Russia
Columbia Jew Guinea
Badakshansk, Jadzhik, Russia Badalona, Spain . Badamgarh, Bonai, B. & O Badami,
Bombay Badausa, United Provs
3ad Axe, Michigan
Badeall, Sutherland, Scot. Baddanloch, L., Baddeck, Nova Scotia Baddow, Nssex, Ing.
. Baden, Austria Baden, France Baden, Manitoba Baden, Switzerland Baden, rep.,
Germany Badenoch, dist., Badet, Fr. Hquat. Badger, Manitoba Badger, Newfoundland
Badin, Sind, Bombay Bad Lands, S. Dakota Badnera, Berar - Badnur, Central Provs.
Badpur, Bihar & Orissa Badrinath, United Prove. Badulla, Ceylon ; Africa
Inverness, Scot.
Badumbe, Fr. West Badvel, Madras 3aelen, Belgium Baena, Spain Baependy, Brazil
Baerle-Duc, Belgium Baetas, Brazil Baeza, Spain
Baffin B., Canada Baffin I., Canada Baftu, Liberva Baflo, Holland Bafq, Persia
Bafra, Turkey Baft, Persia ; Bafulabe, Fr. West Africa Bafwasende, Belgian Congo
Bagaha, Bihar & Orissa Bagalkot, Bombay Bagamoyo, Tang. Terr, Bagan, Sumatra
Bagby, Yorks, Hing.
Bagé, Brazil : : ‘ Bagenalstown, Carlow, 1.F.S. Bagepalli, Mysore
Bagevadi, Bombay
Baggy Pt., Devon, Kng.
Baghanwala, Punjab Baghdad, Jraq . Baghelkhand, div., C.J. Bagheria, Sicily,
Italy . Bagh nam Faoileann, 8. Baghpat, United Provs. Bagida, Togo, W. Africa
Bagirmi, Fr. Equat. Africa Bagley, Minnesota ; Bagli, Gwalior, India Bagnell,
Missouri Bagnéres-de- Bigorre, Bagneéres-de-Luchon, Bagneux, France Bagnoles,
France Bagnols, Gard, France Bagnols, Var, France
Bagodar, Bihar & Orissa Bagotville, Quebec
Bagra Kote, Bengal
Bagru, Jaipur, Rajyputana Bagshot, Surrey, Eng. Baguary, Brazil
Baguer, France
Baguio, Philippines
Bah, United Provs. Bahadurganj, United Provs, . Bahadurgarh, Punjab : Bahadurpur,
A/war, Rajputana Bahalda, Mayurbhanj, B. & O. Bahama Bank, Great, Bahama I., West
Indie 8 Bahamas Is., West Indies Bahariya, Oasis, Egypt Bahawalpur, state & tn.,
Bahera, Bihar & Orissa Baheri, United Provs. Bahia, state, Brazil. : Bahia (Sao
Salvador), Brazil Bahia Blanca, Argentina Bahindi, Nigeria .
Bahra, Arabia
Bahraich, United Prove. Bahramghat, United Provs. Bahrein I., Persian Gulf Bahr-el-
Abiad (Wh. Nile), A.-
France France
Pu nja b
Bahr-el-Ghazal, A.-#. Sudan Bahr Lut (Dead Sea), Palestine Bahr Y tsef, Egypt i
Sutherland, Scot.
Uist, Scot.
W est Iuilies
E. ud. Bahr-el- Azraq (Bl. Nile), A.-2. Sud.
LOS 146 146 189 176 104 169
8S LO2 100 89 109 L110 109 L155 DbY 5Y 143 4] G2 84 144 8] 74 56 128 144 139 106
148 L108 108 LO9 L106 11] 125 110 79 88 174 79 169 88 14] 141 125 78 105 104 105
125 130 LOY L110 133 120 53 173 64 110 L110 46 106 104 109 9] 16 LO8 125 128 154
108 155 83 83 85 85 83 87 109 143 109 LO8 40) 174 85 12] 108 109 108 108 109 164
164 161 128 106 109 108 171 17] 173 145 104 109 109 105 128 128 128 103 127
Od Wt Eb De Cd Eb
Bf If
Hd Db Eh
Bf Dd Ga Cd Cg
Ke Dd Qb Ob Ch Gb Ge Ca Gd Bf Eb Gb Be iy Bd To Kd Hr Ce Ce Nu Cb De Ee De Gh Ca Eg
Be Hb Cd
De De Jf
Fd Ge Ge
Jb Bb
Df Ae Bb
— Ss
Baia de Arama, Romania Baia Mare, Romania Baiao, Brazil
eee Turkey
Baie St. Paul, Quebec
Baiii, pas : : Baikal, L.& Mts. Bury.- Mongol, Ress. Baikunthpur, Rewah. an
Bailan, Syria
Baile AthaCliath(Du.), Dublin, fi: F. 8.
Bailen, Bailesti, Baileux, Belgium
Baileys, Nevada : ‘ Bailieborough, Cavan, 1.FS. Bailique, llha do, Brazil Bailleul,
Nord, France Bailleul, Orne, France : Bailleul, Pas-de-Calais, France Bailunda,
Baimanclia, Romania
Bain, France
Jainbridge, Georgia Bainbridge, New York . 3ainbridge, Yorks, Lng. Bainbridge, Ohio
: Bainshole, Aberdeen, Scot. Bainton, Yorks, Lng. Bainville, Montana
Baiohari, Rewah, Cul. Bairagnia, Bihar & Orissa Bairat, Jaipur, Rajputana Baird,
7'exas ‘ Bairnsdale, Victoria
Bais, Jlle-et-Vilaine, France Bais, Mayenne, France Baisieux, France .
Baix, France Baja, Hungary ‘ Bajada Grande, Argentina Bajrang-garh, Gwalior, Cl.
Bakel, Fr. West Africa
Bakel, Holland , Baker, Montana
Baker, Oregon
Baker I., Pig ic Ocean
Baker L. , N -W. Terr.
Baker, Mt., Ww ashington Bakersfield, California . Bakewell, Derby, Hing. .
Bakhasar, Jodhpur, Rajputana Bakhchisarai, Crimea, Russia Bakhtiyarpur, Bihar &
Orissa Baki, Russia
Bakirkoy, T'urkey
Bakkai, Japan Bakkapatnam, Bakke, Norway Bakke (Nor6), Norway Bakken, Norway .
Bak-ken, Tongking Bakkeveen, Holland
Bako, Dahomey
Bakolod, Philippines Bakony WwW ald, Hungary Baksa Duar, Bengal
Baku, Russia ; : Bala & L., Merioneth, Wales Balabak I., Philippines Balabio (1.),
New Caledonia Balaganakhsk, Yakutsk Balagansk, H. Siberia Balaghat, Central Provs.
Balaghat Range, Hyde rabad . Balaguer, Spain 3 Balahera, Jaipur, Rajputana
Balakhna, Russia
Balaklava, Crimea, Russia Balallan, Lewis, Scot. Balancan, Mexico
Balanda, Russia
NS pa in Romania
Balang Nipa (Sanjai), Celebes I.
Balangoda, Ceylon
Balao, Hcuador
Balapur, Berar
Balarti, Aenya
Balashov, Russia Balasore, Bihar & Orissa Balassa Gyarmat, Hungary Balaton L.
Balaton Fiired, Hungary Balbeggie, Perth, Scot. . Balblair, Ross & Crom., Scot.
Balboa, Panamé . ; Balbriggan, Dublin, IFS. Balbunar, Bulgaria R Balby, Doncaster,
Y orks, Eng. Baleairn, New Zealand Balearce, Argentina Balcarres, Sask.
Balcic, Romania .
Bale Jutha, New Zealand Balcombe, H. Sussex, Eng. Baldersby, Yorks, Eng.
Bald Knob, Arkansas Baldock, Herts, Eng. . Baldoyle, Dublin, IFS. Baldur, Manitoba
Baldwin, Colorado Baldwin, Kansas Baldwin, Michigan Baldwin, New York
Baldwinsville, New York Baldwyn, Mississippi Baldy, Mt., Arizona Baldy Pk., New
Mexico Bale (Basle), Switzerlund Bale Aric Is.. Spain Balena, New foundland .
Balerno, Midlothian, Scot. Balestrand, Norway Balfe’s Creek, Queensland Balfour,
Br. ¢ ‘olumbia . Balfour, Colorado
ae =
— 4 ee ee
eee a
— ey i
— tat te to
8 re
ae at te ieee Hie a
BAL General Index BAR
es we Pe NE pares ee :
Balfour, NV. Dakota : p . 154 Eb | Ballymore, Westmeath, IFS. . 64 Fq | Bandung,
Java 120 Cf | Barasat, Bengal ‘ - . g, ; ? ; - 5 arasat, Bengal . : ; . 109 Jd
Balfron, Stirling, Scot. . . 54 Nk | Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, ].F.S. 64 Hq 3ane
L., Westmeath, IFS. 67 Gp Barasoli, Eritrea 129 Ge Balgonie, Sask. . , . 147 Rf |
Ballymote, Sligo, LFS. . 62 Eo | Bafieza, la, Spain 88 C 2 | Barataria Bay,
Louisiana | 157 If Balharshah, Central Prova. . . 108 Df | Ballynacally,
Clare, /.P.S. . . 68 Cr | Banff, Alberta ‘ ) _ 147 Mf | Baraunda ey ate ea ak Ol. .
108 Re Balholm, Norway ‘ . 72 Cec | Ballynagall, Kerry, 1.F.S. . . 68 As | Banff
and co., Scotland 57 Ph | Saxaaiuttia Re weil oF ie 109 Re Bali, I., Dutch FE.
Indies ' . 121 EF Ballynagarrigy, Westmeath, I.F.S. 67 Fp | Bangalore, Mysore = 13a
| B: pace United eas a 108 Ca Balia, Bengal , : . 109 Jb | Ballynagore, Westmeath,
I.F.S. . 64 Gq | Banganapalle, Madras . ; . 110 Dd | Barbacena, Brazil Ss 174 Df
Baliapal, Bihar & Orissa : . 109 He Ballynahinch, Dow n, N. [re. . 63 Ko sangassu,
Fr. Equat. Africa . . ee ae Barbacoas, Colombia ; / 168 Be Balikesir, Turkey , es
Ab Ballynakill Harb., Galway, I.F.S.. 66 Ap | Banggai Is., Dutch E. Indies 121 Fe |
Barbados, I., Windward Is., W.I. . 166 Ee Balik Papan, Borneo. . na Ke | Ballyneen,
ork, lf D. . 68 Dt Bangka I., Dutch EF. Indies 120 Ce Zarbaraville, Ross and Crom.,
Scot. 59 Ng Balintore, Ross & Crom., Scot. . 59 Og Ballynoe, Cork, 1. S. . 69 Es
3ang-kiang, Inner Mongolia . 114 Ac | Barbastro, Spain ; . 89 Ea Baljuan, Tajik,
Russia . 102 Fe | Ballynure, Antrim, N. Ire. . . 63 Kn | Bangkok, Siam . . 119 Cd |
Barberton, Ohio . . . 150 Cb Balk, Holland . ‘ ‘ 78 Ke Ballyporeen, Tipperary, IFS.
. 69 Es Bangor, Caernarvon, Wales . . 48 Nq | Barberton, Transvaal . . 1384 Gd
Balkans, The, Bulgaria. ; ; 31 Kg Ballyquintin Pt., Down, N.Jre. . 68 Lo Bangor,
Down, N. Ire. : . 68 Kn Barbezieux, France ; : . 68 Ca Balkh, Afghanistan : 2 ; 105
Jb Ballyragget, Kilkenny, 1.F'.S. . 69 Gr Bangor, Flint, Wales . . 49 Qr |
Barbigha, Bihar and Orissa . . 109 Ge Balkhash, Kazak, Russia ‘ . 102 Ha Ballyroan,
Leix, I.F.S. ; . 69 Gr | Bangor, Maine . : . je Bb Barbo, Norway . ; _ 72 EEF
Balkhash, Lake, Kazak, Russia . 100 Gd Ballyronan, Londonderry, N.Ire. . 63 Hn
Bangor, Mayo, 1.F.S8. . . 66 Bo | Barboursville, W. Virginia . . 150 Be Balkonda,
Hyderabad ; ; 110 Db Ballyroney, Down, N.TIre. . . 63 Jo } Bangor, Pennsylvania . :
. 151 Fb Barbourville, Kentucky . 150 Bd Balla, Mayo, 1.F.S. . . . 66 Cp
Ballysadare, Sligo, I.F.S. . 62 Do | Bangsang I., Sumatra . ‘ . 120 Bd | Barbuda,
I., Leeward Is., WI. . 166 De Ballabgarh, Punjab. . 108 Ca | Ballyshannon, Donegal,
[.F.S. . 62 En | Bangspan, Siam . : . 119 Bd | Barcaldine, Queensland : . 185 yj
Ballachulish, Argyll, Scot. : : 56 Lj Ballyteige B., Weaford, 1.F.S. . 64 Hs
Banguey, N. Borneo . ; . 121 Ee | Barcarrota, Spain . : . 88 Be Balladonia, W.
Australia ; . 187 FI Ballyvaughan, Clare, 1.F.S. . , “€6 Ca Bangui, Fr. Equat.
Africa. . 128 Bg | Barcellona, Sicily , 91 Ee Ballagh, Tipperary, 2 69 Er
Ballyvary, Mayo, 1.F.S. ; - 3 Se Bangweulu, L., NV. Rhodesia . . 1830 Fe |
Barcellos, Brazil . : . 169 Ed Ballaghaderree n, Roscommon, IF. 8. 66 Dp Bally
vourney, Cork, I.F.8. . ; BS es Ban Hwei Sai, Laos P . . 119 Cb | Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain . . 89 Gb Ballaghbeama Gap, Kerry, ].F.S.. 68 Bt Ballyvoy, Antrim,
N. Ire. . . 63 Jm Bania, Fr. Hquat. Africa . 128 Bg | Barcelona, Venezuela . : .
169 Ea Ballagna, Queensland . . 185 Gm Ballywalter, Down, N. Ire. . . 63 La
Baniyas, Syria. , 1083 Ae | Barcelonnette, France . ; . 838 Gd Ballan, France . ; .
wo eet Ballyward, Down, N. Ire. . 6 ge Banjaluka, Yugoslavia ; . 92 Ed Barcelos,
Portugal ; . 88 Ab Ballandean, Queensland ; . 185 Hm Balmacara, Ross & Crom., Scot.
56 Kh Banjermasin, Borneo . ; _ 120 De | Barcillonnette, France . : . 87 Eb
Ballandine, Queensland ; . 185 Gl Balmaclellan, Kirkcudbright, Scot.. 54 Nm Banka,
Bihar & Orissa : . 109 Fe | Barclay, Maryland : : . 61 Fe Ballantrae, Ayr, Scot. .
‘ . &4 Lm Balmaha, Stirling, Scot. . . §4 Mk Banka, Formosa, Japan ; . 115 Fg |
Barclay, Né vada . ; ; . 159 Fe Ballarat, Victoria ‘ .. 182 Be | Balmedie,
Aberdeen, Scot. . . 57 Rh | Banka Pahari, Central India _ 108 Ee | Barclay,
Pennsylvania . . 151 Eb Ballard, Lake, W. Australia . . 187 Kj Balmoral, Aberdeen,
Scot. : > St ee Bankapur, Bombay : ; . 110 Bd | Barco, el, Spain . . 88 Cb
Ballasalla, Jsle of Man ; . 48 Mo |} Balmullo, Fife, Scot. . A . 57 Qk | Bankend,
Dumfries, Scot. . _ 55 Om | Barcoo Creek, Queensland : . 185 Ek Ballater, Aberdeen,
Scot. , . 57 Ph | Balnearia, Argentina . . 172 Fd 3ankfoot, Perth, Scot. . ; . 57
Oj | Bares, Pegs . 93 Kec Ballaugh, /sle of Man . : . 48 Mo Balod, Central Provs. .
. 109 Ee 3ankheri, Central Provs. ; . 108 Dd Bardai. West Africa ; . 128 Be Ballée,
France. c : . 85 Je Baloda, Bilaspur, Central Prov s. . 109 Fd Banki, Bihar &
Orissa ‘ . 109 Ge Eaeiese. Czechoslovakia : . 93 Gb Balleny Is., Antarctica , - . 2
— Baloda Bazar, Central Provs. . 109 Fe | Bankipore, Bihar & Orissa . . 109 Ge
Bardera, I Somaliland ; . 129 Gg Balleroy, France . : < . 85 Hb Balotra, Jodhpur,
Rajputana . 108 Ac Bankot, Bombay . : ; . 110 Ae Bardfield, Great, Essex, Eng. . 41
Wt Ballia, United Provs. . ; . 109 Ge Balquhidder, Perth, Scot. ‘ . 56 Nk Banks,
Louisiana . 157 He | Bardi, Rewah, C.J. ; . 109 Fe Ballickmoyler, Leiz, J.F.S. . .
69 Gr | Balrampur, United Provs. . . 109 Eb | Banks I., British C columbia. . 146
De | Bardis, Zgypt . . 127. Be Balliguda, Madras : : . 109 Ge | Balranald, N.S.
Wales . : . 182 Bb | Banks [., Canada . 140 Eb | Bardney, ee Y, Lines, E ng. . 80
Vq Ballina, Mayo, J.F.S. . e . 66 Co Balrothery, Dublin, I.F.S. . . 64 Jp | Banks
I., Queensland . : . 184 De Bardoc, W. Australia . . 187 Ek Ballina, New S. Wales .
; . 181 Nd | Balsas, R. de las, Mexico . 162 Cf | Banks Is., New Hebrides ’ . 176
Hj | Bardon Mii, Northumb., Eng. . 62 Rn Ballina, Tipperary, 1.F.S. . . 69 Er |
Bals Fjord, Norway. ’ . 70 Hb | Banks Penin., New Zealand . . 191 De | Bardsea,
Lancs, Eng. . ~ Be £6 Ballinadee, Cork, I.F.S. ; . 69 Dt | Balsham, Cambridge, Eng.
. . 41 Ws | Banks Strait, Tasmania _ 188 Cc | Bardsey I., Caernarvon, Wales . 48 Mr
Ballinafad, Sligo, J.F.S. : . 62 Eo | Balstad, Norway . . 70 Ee | Banksia,
Queensland . ; . 185 Hj Bardstown, Kentucky . 155 Neg Ballinagh, Cavan, I.F.S. : .
67 Gp | Balta, Russia ; : ' . 97 Df | Bankstown, New S. Wales . . 183 Fa Bardwell,
Kentucky ' . 165 Le Ballinagar, Offaly, 1.F.S. . . 64 Gq | Baltanas, Spain . . 88
Cb | Bankura, Bengal . ; . 109 Hd | Bareilly, United Provs. . 108 Da Ballinakill,
Leiz, I.F.S. . . 69 Gr | Baltatesti, Romania . ; . 95 Cb | Ban Ma Keng, Siam . ; .
119 Ce | Bareli, Bhopal,CJ. . . 108 Dd Ballinalack, Westmeath, I.F.S. . 67 Fp |
Balti (Byeltsi), Romania ‘ . 95 Cb | Bann R., Armagh, N. Ire. . . 63 Jo | Barentin,
France ‘ . 8h Lea Ballinalea, Wicklow, I.F.S. . . 64 Jq | Baltic Port (Baltiski),
Hstonia . 73 Fe | Bann R., Londonderry, N. Ire. . 63 Hm | Barenton, France , . 85
He Ballinalee, Longford, I.F.S. . . 67 Fp | Baltic Sea, N. Hurope . . 80 Jd | Bann,
R., Wezford, IFS. . . 64 Jr | Barenton-Bugny, France . 86 Fd Ballinamallard,
Fermanagh, N. Ire. 62 Fo | Baltimore, Cork, I.F.S. ‘ . 68 Cu | Ban Nai, ‘Siam . 119
Be | Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean . . 24 Ballinamore, Leitrim, I.F.S. . . 62 Fo |
Baltimore, Maryland . ; . 151 Ec | Bannalec, France . 84 Be | Barentu, Eritrea . .
129 Fd Ballinascarty, Cork, J.F.S. . . 68 Dt | Baltinglass, Wicklow, I.F.S. . . 64
Hr | Bannock, California . . 159 Fh | Barfleur, France . . 85 Ga Ballinasloe,
Galway, TF 8... . 67 Eq | Baltiski (Baltic Port), Hstonia . 73 Fe | Bannock,
Sask. . ._ 147 Se | Barfleur, Pte. de, France , . 82 Cb Ballincollig, Cork, IFS. .
69 Dt | Baltistan, Kashmir , . 106 Da | Bannockburn, Stirling, ‘Scot. . 65 Ok |
Barford, Warwicks, Eng. . 40 Ss Ballincollig Hill, Stacks Mts., F 3 F.S. 68 Bs
Baluchistan, Asia ; ; . 106 Ac Bannow B., Weaford, IFS. _ 64 Hs | Barford, Wilts,
Eng. . ; . 40-.8u Ballinderry, Tipperary, 1.F. 8. . 67 Eq | Balumath, Bihar &
Orissa . . 109 Gd | Bannu, N.-W.F.P. . 106 Cb | Barfrush, Persia . . 105 Fb
Ballinderry R., Tyrone, N. Ire. . 63 Hn | Balvi, Latvia ; : ‘ . 73 Hd | Bano, Bihar
and Orissa . 109 Gd | Barga, Manchukuo ‘ ; . 113 La Ballindine, Mayo, I.F.S. ‘ . 66
Dp | Bam, Persia . . 105 Gd | Bajiolas, Spain . ' . 89 Ga | Bargarh, Bihar and
Orissa . . 109 Fe Ballingarry, Limerick, I.F.S. . 68 Ds | Bamako, F’. West Africa F
. 125 Cf | Banon, France . _ 87 Eb | Bargé, France ; ; ; . 85 Kd Ballingarry,
Tipperary, IFS. . 69 Fr | Bamanghati, Mayurbhanj, B. & O. 109 Hd | Banova Jaruga, Y
ugoslavi ia . . 92 Ed | Bargemon, France ; et OS Ballinger, Texas . . 156 De |
Bamanwas, Jaipur, Rajputana . 108 Cb | Banovce, Czechoslovakia ; _ 93 Fb | Bargoed,
Glamorgan, Wales . . a Ballinhassig, Cork, JF. 8. ; . 69 Dt | Bamba, Fr. West
Africa ; . 125 De | Ban-pot, Siam . ’ ._ 119 Be | Bargrennan, Ayr, Scot. . 54 Mm
Ballinlough, Roscommon, L.F.S. . 66 Dp | Bambari, Fr. Equat. ne . . 128 Cf |
Banpur, Bihar and Orissa. . 109 Gf | Bargur, Madras . : eo) my, > Ballinluig,
Perth, Scot. . ‘ . 57 Oj | Bambe, Angola ; . 131 Cf | Bansda, Bombay . : 108 Ae |
Barguzin & Mts.,Bury.-Mongol,Russ.101 Ke Ballinrobe, Mayo, 1.F.S. , . 66 Cp Bamber
Bridge, Lancs, E ng. . 49 Qp Bansdih, United Provs. . - 109 Ge | Barh, Bihar and
Orissa ; . 109 Ge Ballinskelligs & B., Kerry, J.F.S. . 68 At Bamberg, Germany : : .
74 Dd Bansgaon, United Provs. ; . 109 Fb Barhaj, United Provs. . . . 109 Fb
Ballintober, Roscommon, I.F.S. . 67 Ep | Bamberg, S. Carolina . ; . 153 Dd |
Bansha, Tipperary, J.F.S. . _ 69 Es | Barhalganj, United Provs. . . 109 Fb
Ballintoy, Antrim, N. Ire. . . 63 Jm | Bambili, Belgian Congo . 130 Eb | Bansi,
United Provs. . _ 108 De | Barharwa, Bihar and Orissa . . 109 He Ballintra,
Donegal, 1.F.S. . . 62 En | Bamble, Norway . . 72 Fe | Bansi, United Provs. . ._
109 Fb | Barhi, Bihar and Orissa : . 109 Ge Ballitore, Kildare, I.F'.S. ; . 64 Hq
Bambuk, Fr. West Africa ; ae ae Bansihari, Bengal
. 109 Je Barhiya, Bihar and Orissa. . 109 Ge Ballivor, Meath, IFS. ; . 64 Gp
Bamburgh, Northumb., Eng. es Banska By strica, C Seen We ae, _ 93 Fb | Bari,
Dholpur, Rajputana . 108 Cb Balloch, Dunbarton, Scot. , . 684 Mk Bamenda, Nigeria :
; . 125 Gg Banska Stiavnica, Czechoslovakia . 93 Fb | Bari, Ethiopia : ; . Sb 8
Ballon, Carlow, J.F.S8. . ; . 64 Hr | Bamford, Derby, Eng. . ‘ . 50 Sq Bansko,
Bulgaria . 05 Ae Bari, Jtaly . : ; — ee Ballon, France . ; ; . 85 Kd Bami, Turkmen,
Russia : . 102 Ce Bansloi R., Bihar and Grisen. . 109 He Zaria, Cochin China . .
119 Dd Ballots, France . : . 85 Ge Bamian, Afghanistan . ; . 106 Bb Bansur, ‘ates
ar, Rajputana . _ 108 Cb | Bariloche, Argentina . - . 175 Bd Ballotsdale, Cape
Proe. ; . 1386 Fg Bamori, Bhopal, Cl. . . 108 Dd Banswada, Hyderabad . . 110 Cb |
Barima, R., Brit. Guiana . 169 Eb Ballston Spa, New York : . 152 Ac Bampton, Devon,
Eng. , . 45 Pv Banswara, Rajputana . . 108 Bd Barin, Jehol ; . 114 De Ballum,
Holland . . . 783 Eb Bampton, Oxon, Eng. . . . 40 Bt Bantalor, New Brunswick . .
148 Lad Barinas, Venezuela : . 168 Db Bally, Bengal ‘ : . 109 Jd Bampton, Westmor.,
Eng. : . 82 Qn Bantam, Java : . : ; 6 co Baringo and L., Kenya . 1382 Ke Ballybay,
Monaghan, I. F.S. -_ 63 Ho | Bamra, state, Bihar & Orissa . 109 Ge | Banteer, Cork,
LFS. . ._ 68 Ds | Baripada, Mayurbhanj, B. ond 0. . 109 He Ballybofey, Donegal,
I.F.S. . _ 62 Fn | Banagher, Offaly, 1.P.S. ‘ . 67 Fq | Bantry and B., Cork, i Pe .
68 Ct | Barisal, Bengal . ; . 107 Gd Ballyboghill, Dublin, I.F.S. . . 64 Jp Banam,
Cambodia ' ; _ 119 Dd | Bantval, Madras . , 33> Be 3ariya, Bombay . . 108 Ad
Ballybrittas, Leia, J.F.S. ; . 64 Gq | Banana, Belgian Congo ; . 130 Bd | Banw R.,
Montgomery, W ales . 48 Pr | Barjac, France . : ae Bb Ballybunion, Kerry,
J.F.S. . .. 5. Be Banana, Queensland . ; . 185 Hk Banwell, Somerset, Eng. ; . 47 Qu
Barjols, France . - 2 . 87 Ke Ballycanew, Wezford, I.F.S. ._ 64 Jr | Bananal, [ha
do, Brazil : . 169 Gf | Banyak Is., Dutch EF. Indies . . 120 Ad Barjora, Bengal : ;
; 109 Hd Ballycastle, Antrim, N>TIre. . _ 63 Jm | Banas R., Jaipur, Rajyputana .
108 Cb | Banyuwangi, Java . 121 Df | Barkaker, Norway ; 72 Ge Ballycastle, Mayo,
J.F.S. . _ 66 Co | Banat, div., Romania . : . 93 Gd Banzyville, Belgian Congo . .
130 Db Barkald, Norway ; ; 72 Ge Ballyclare, Antrim, N. Ire. . . 63 Kn | Banbridge,
Down, N./re._ . . 63 Jo | Bao-lak, Tongking ; . 119 Db | Barker, Montana * ; ; 158
Hb Ballyclogh, Cork, 1.F.S, . . 69 Ds | Banbury, Oxon, Eng. . . 40 Ts | Baoule, Fr.
West Africa ._ 125 Cg | Barkerville, Br. Columbia. . 146 Je Ballyconnell, Cavan,
I.F.S. . . 62 Fo Banchory, K incardine, Scot. . 57 Rh Bap, Jaisalmer, Rajputana . .
108. Ab Barkhera, Bhopal, CLI. . . 108 Cd Ballycottin & B., Cork, I.F.S. . 69 Et |
Bancroft, Ontario . 142 Fe | Bapatla, Madras . 110 Ed | Barking, Essex, Eng. . . 41
Wt Ballycroy, Mayo, I.F.S. ; . 66 Bo | Banda, Central Provs. . ; . 108 De |
Bapaume, France ; . 86 De | Barkley Sd., Vancouver I., B. i 146 Gg Ballycumber,
Offaly, I.F.S. . . 67 Fq | Banda, United Provs. . . 108 Ec | Bapinia, Jodhpur,
Rajputana . 108 Ab | Barkly East, Cape Prov. ; ; 137 Le Ballydehob, Cork, I.F.S. ;
_ 68 Bt | Banda Is. Dutch E. Indies . . 121 Ge | Ba’quba, /raqg. . 104 De | Barkly
West, Cape Prov. . 137 Ha Ballyduff, Kerry, I.F.S. ‘ . 68 Bs | Bandajuma, Sierra
Leone. . 125 Bg | Bar, Russia : : =" Se =e Barkston, Lincs, Eng. . . . 60 Ur
Ballyduff, Waterford, I.F.S. . _ 69 Es | Bandaks Vand, Norway . . 72 Ee | Bar,
Yugoslavia . ; ; . 94 Aa | Barkul, Sinkiang — ; ; ~ Ae He Ballyfarnan, Roscommon,
I.F.S. . 62 Eo Bandamurlanka, Madras ; . 110 Fe Bar, le, France . ; ; . 87 Ge
Barkway, Herts, Eng. = 4] Ws Ballyforan, Roscommon, I.F.S. . 67 Eq | Bandar ‘Abbas,
Persia ; _ 105 Gd | Bara, A.-H. Sudan . 128 Ee Barkwith, East, Lincs, Eng. . - d0
Vq Ballygalley Hd., Antrim, N. Ire. . 63 Kn Bandarawela, Ceylon . . 111 Eh | Bara,
United Provs. . . 100 Ke Saried anc... Soman “a ag Ballygar, Galway, IFS. , . 67 Ep
Bandar Bela, /t. Aomaiiinad ~- 3290: - at Barabai, Borneo . a ‘ 121 Ee Barlborough,
Derby, Eng. 3 ; Tq Ballygawley, Tyrone, N. Ire. . 63 Go Bandar Maraya, Jt.
Somaliland _ 129 He | Bara Banki, United Prov ee . 109 Eb Bar-le-Duc, France ‘ ; 82
Fb Ballygowan, Down, N. Ire. . 63 Ko | Banda Sea, Dutch EL. Indies . _ 121 Hf |
Barabar Hills, Bihar and Orissa . 109 Ge | Barlee, L., W. Australia . 187 D}
Ballygrant, Islay, Scot. : oe: ame | Bandawe, Nyasaland . F . 1380 Fe Barabhum,
Bihar and Orissa ; 109 Hd Barles, France . : ; a Fb Ballyhaise, Cavan, ].F.S. . .
62 Go | Bande, Belgium . . 79 Ge | Baraboo, Wisconsin. . 155 Kd | Barletta, Italy .
. 91 Fd Ballyhalbert, Down, N. Ire. . . 63 Lo | Bandeira de Mello, Brazil. _ 174 Eb
| Baradero, Argentina . ; ._ 173 He | Barley, Hertford, Eng. . . 41 Ws Ballyhale,
Kilkenny, I.F.S. . _ 64 Gs | Bandera, Argentina : . . 173 Fe Baraga, Michigan : :
155 Lb Barlin, France _ : 86 De Ballyhaunis, Mayo, I.F.S. . . 66 Dp | Bandera,
Texas . . 156 Ef | Baraganu, Romania. . 95 Ce Barmby on the Moor, Yorks, EB nq. 50
Up Ballyheige & B., Kerry, I.F.S. . 68 Bs | Bandgaon, Bihar & Orissa . _ 109 Gd |
Barail Range, Assam . ' 107 Ge Barmedm: an, New S. Wales . . 183 Db Ballyhoe L.,
Meath, I.F.S. . . 63 Hp Bandhogarh, Rewah, Cl. ; . 109 Ed Barak R., Assam ; ; . 107
Ge | Barmen, Germany = ; , ee Be Ballyhoura Hills, Cork—Lim.,J.F.S. 69 Es Bandia
R.. Central Provs. ; . 108 Ef Barakar, "Be ngal . : : . 109 Hd Barmouth, Merioneth,
Wales . 48 Nr Ballyjamesduff, Cavan, I.F.S. . 67 Gp Bandiagara, Fr. West Africa _
125 Df | Baralaba, Queensland : 185 +k Barmoy, Norway _ = ; s— Ia Bb Ballylanders,
Limerick, IFS. . 69 Es Bandikui, /aipur, Rajputana . 108 Cb Baramanni, Brit. Guiana
F . 169 I b Barna, Galway, I.F.S. : ; : 66 Cq Ballylongford, Kerry, LFS. . 68 Cr |
Bandirma, T'urkey _ 104 Aa | Baramati, Bombay . . 110 Bb Barnaby, New Brunswick. .
143 Md Ballylynan, Leix, I.F.S. . 69 Gr Bandiss, Alberta . : _ 147 Nd | Baramba,
Bihar and Orissa . . 109 Ge Barnaderg, Galway, I1.F.S. . 66 Dq Ballymacarbery,
Waterford, I.F.S. 69 Fs | Bandol, France . ; , _ 87 Ed | Baramba, Queensland . .
185 Jl | Barnard, Kansas ; 154 Ff Ballymacoda, Cork, 1.F.S. . . 69 Ft | Bandon,
Cork, 1.F.S. . ‘ _ 69 Dt | Baran, Kotah, Rajputana. . 108 Ce Barnard Castle,
Durham, E ng. . 53 Sn Ballymacward, Galway, I.F.S. . 66 Dq | Bandon, Oregon . . 158
Ad Baranagar, Bengal : . . 09 Jd | Barnaul, W. Siberia. . 100 He Ballymahon,
Longford, I.F.S. . 67 Fp | Bandon R., Cork, I.F. aa _ 68 Ct | Baranof I., Alaska .
140 Be | Barnby Moor, Nottingham, Eng. . 50 Tq Ballymena, Antrim, N. Ire. . . 63 Jn
| Bandon ‘iikbacs Tir), Suam _ 119 Be | Baranowicze, Poland . , 73 Hf | Barnegat
and R., New Jersey . 15) s Ballymoe, Galway, EPR... . 66 Ep | Bandra, Bombay . .
108 Af | Baraque-de- Fraiture, Belgium . 79 He Barnesboro, Pennsylvania a 151 Db
Ballymoney, Antrim, N. Ire. _ 63 Hm | Bandundu, Belgian Congo ‘ . 1380 Ce Baraque
Michel, Belgium : . 9 Jb Barnes Gap, Donegal, IFS. . 62 Fm
a roe
PE ee
Citizen’s Atlas
3aumber, Lincs, Eng. Baurtregaum, Mt., Kerry, 1.F. S. Bausi, Bihar and Orissa
Bauska, Latvia Bautzen, Germany Bavaria (Bayern), Bavda, Bombay Bawal, Nabha,
3awdeswell, Norfolk, Lng. Bawdsey, Suffolk, King. Bawe, Mozambique
Bawean (I.), Java Bawtry, Yorks, ng. Baxley, Georgia 3axter, Victoria
say Is., Honduras Bay Is., Ontario
Bay L., Philippines Bay Mts., Tennessee Baya, Belgian Congo F Bayana, Bharatpur,
Rajputana Bayanbudak, na Bayanup, W. Australia Bayard, hia
Bayard, Virginia Bayard, W. Virginia Sayazit, Turkey .
Bay City, Michigan
Bay City, Texas : Bayern (Bavaria), state, sayeux, France sayfield, Queensland
Bayfield, Wisconsin Bayle, Missias ppt Bay Minette, Alabama Bay of Is. L. (Gd. L.),
sayonne, France 3ayreuth, Germany 3ayrischer Wald, Germany Bay St. | souis,
Mississippt Bayside, New Jersey Bayuda Steppe, A.-EF. Baza, Bazageé, la, France
Bazargic, Romania Bazas, France Bazias, Romania . Bazoches-sur-Ho*ne, Bazougers,
France Bazouges-la-Pérouse, Jeach, N. Dakota Seach, Virginia . Beach Haven, New
Jersey Beachport, S. Australia Beachy Hd., Sussex, Hing. Beacon, New York ;
Beaconsfield, Bucks, Eng. Beaconsfield, Cape Prov. Beaconsfield, Tasmania 3eadnell
B., Northumb., 3eaford, Devon, Eng. Beagle Is., W. Australia Beal, California
Germany .
New found d
Ss ila
Spa in
Beal, Northumb., Hng. . Bealaha, Clare, J.F.S. . Bealton, Virginia
Beaminster, Dorset, Eng. Bear Is., Yakutsk, Russia Bear L., Utah-Idaho Bear L.,
Great, N.-W. Bear River, Utah Beardsley, Arizona Beardstown, //linois Béarn, old
prov., France Bears, Jdaho
Terr. .
Bearsden, Dunbarton, Scot. Beas, R., Punjab
Beata, C. and I., West Indies Beatrice, Nebraska
Beattie, Kansas
Beattock, Dumfries, Scot. Beattyville, Kentucky
Beaucaire, France : Beaucamps-le- Vieux, France Beauceville, Quebec
Beauchamps, France
Beaudesert, Queensland
Beaufay, France .
Jeaufield, Sask.
Beaufort, France
Beaufort, Luxembourg . Beaufort, N. Carolina
Beaufort, S. Carolina
Beaufort, Victoria
Beaufort: Castle, Inverness, Scot. Beaufort Sea, C ‘anada
Beaufort West, Cape Prov. Beaugency, France
Beaulieu, France
Beaulieu, Hants, Eng. ; Beauly and R., Inverness, Scot. Beauly Firth, Inverness,
Scot. Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales . Beaumesnil, France ; Beaumetz-lés-Loges,
France . Beaumont, Belgium
Beaumont, I[ndre-et-Loire, Fr rance Beaumont, Manche, France Beaumont, New Zealand
Beaumont, Seine-et-Oise, Beaumont, T'exas Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, France Beaune,
France Beauport, Quebec Beaupréau, France Beauquesne, Somme, Beauraing, Belgium
Beauséjour, Manitoba Beautiful I., Queensland Beauvais, France Beauval, France .
Beauvezer, France Beaver, Nevada
Beaver, Oklahoma
France .
50 Vq 68 Bs 109 He 73 Fd 75 Fe 74 Dd 110 Ae 108 Ca Sl “XT 41 Ys i311 «OF 120 Df 50
Uq 153 Ce 182 Cd 160 Gd 142 Be 121 Fb 153 Cb 130 Ee 108 Ch 114 Cb 187 Bl 150 Ch 151
De 151. De 104 Db 155 Od 157 Gf 74 Dd 82 Cb 185 Hj 155 Kb 157 Jd 157 Le 139 Be 83
Ce 74 Dd 74 Ed 157 Ke 1I5l Fe 128 Ke 88 Dd 85 Kd 95 Cd 83 Cd 93 Gd 85h Ke 85 Hd 85
Fd 154 Db 151 Ed 151 Fe 180 Fh 41 Wv 142 Hg 40 Ut 137 Ha 188 Ce 53. = sé! 44 Nv 187
Bj 159 Fh 53 =sSs 68 Br 151 Ee 45 Qv 99 Ta 158 Hd 140 Fe 158 xe 159 Gj 155 Ke 83 Ce
158 Ee 54 Nil 106 Db 165 Hf 154 Ge 154 Gf 55 Om 150 Bd 83 Fe 86 Bd 143 Jd 85 Ge 185
Jm 85 Kd 147 Pf 82 Ce 79 Jd 153 Fe 153 Dd 182 Be 56 Nh 140 Bb 136 Fe 2 De 87 Ac 40
Ty 56 Mh 56 Nh 48 Nq 85 Lb 86 De 79 Ee 85 Le 84 Fa 191 BE 86 Ce 157 Ge 85 Kd 82 Fe
143 Jd 3 He 82 Ea 79 Fe 144 Ee 184 Cf 82 Eb 86 Ce 87 Gb 158 Fe 156 Db
Pennsylvania Texas
Beaver, Seaver, Beaver, Beaver L., Beaver City, Nebraska . 3eaver Dam, Wisconsin
Jeaver Falls, Pennsylvania Beaverlodge, Alberta : Beaver Meadows, Pennsylvania
Beavermouth, Br. Columbia , Beawar, Ajmer-Merwara Beazley, Argentina Bebedouro,
Bebra, Germany .
Beccles, Suffolk, Eng. Bécherel, France . - Bechuanaland, S. Africa 3eckfoot,
Cumb., Eng. Beckford, Worcs, King. Beckhampton, Wilts, Hing. 3eckingham,
Nottingham, Eng. Beckington, Somerset, Eng. Beckley, W. Virginia seckwith, Wyoming
Beclean, Romania
3écon, France
Béconne, France . : Becontree, Mssex, Eng. 3ective, Meath, 1.F.S. Bedale, Yorks,
Eng. Bédarieux, France
3édarrides, France ; Beddgelert, Caernarvon, Wales 3eddingham, Sussex, Eng.
Beddington, Alberta
Bedford, Cape Prov.
Bedford, Jndiana
Bedford, /owa
Bedford, Ohio . Bedford, Pennsylvania . Bedford, Quebec
Bedford, Virginia
Bedford and co., England Bedford Level, Lincs, Eng. Bedla, Udaipur, Rajputana
Bedlam, Donegal, I.F'.S. Bedlington, Br. Columbia Bedlington, Northumb., Eng..
Bedoin, France .
Bedum, Holland .
Bedzin, Poland
Bee L., South Uist, Scot. Beeac, Victoria : Beebe, Arkansas .
Beechtree, Pennsylvania Beechworth, Victoria Beekbergen, Holland
Bee »nboona Creek, Queensla nd Beenleigh, Que enaland . Beenoskee, Mt., Kerry, I.F
8. Beer, Devon, Eng.
Beeringen, Belgiu m
Beernem, Belgiwm
Beerse, R., Holland Beersheba, Palestine . Beersheba, S.-W. Africa Beerta, Holland
Beeston, Notts, Eng. Beetsterzwaag, Holland Beeville, Texas R Beg, L., Londonderry,
N. Tre. Bega, New S. Wales Bégard, France Begelly, Pembroke, Begndal, Norway
Bégude-Blanche, la, France Begusarai, Bihar und Orissa . Beho, Belgium
Behon, Alberta
Behror, Alwar, Rajputana Beilen, Holland
Be .ilpajah, New S. W ales Beilul, Hritrea
Beinn Dearg, Perth, Scot.
Beinn Dearg, ‘Ross and Crom., Scot.
Beira, Mozambique Beira, dist., Portugal Beira Mar, Brazil Beirlegem, Belgium
Beirut, Syria ‘ Beisugsk, L., Russia Beit Bridge, Transvaal Beith, Ayr, Scot. .
Beit Jibrin, Palestine Beito, Norway Beius, Romania Beja, Brazil
Beja, Portugal Bejan, Albania Béjar, Spain Bekaa, Arabia Bekal, Madras . Bek-Budi
(Karshi), Békés, Hungary Békes Csaba, Hungary . Beksteren, N orway
Bela, Baluchistan
Bela, Bihar and Orissa .
Bela, United Provs.
Bela Crkva, Yugoslavia : Bela Dila (Mt.), Bastar, C.P. Bel Air, Maryland . Belapur,
Belas, — gal
Belat, Egypt
Belcher Is., Hudson Bay Belchite, Spain :
Belclare, Galway, I.F. 8.
Belcoo, Fermanagh, N. Ire. Beldanga, Bengal ; Belderg and Harb., Mayo, I. F. S.
Belebei, Russia
Beled el-Engris, Arabia
Beled Nejram, Avaiia ,
[ _— Russia .
150 157 159 155 154 155 150
Je Dg Ef
BEL = Beledugu, Fr. West Africa Belekhen, Mongolia Belem (Para), Brazil Belem,
Lisbon, Portugal Belén, Argentina .
Belen, New Mexico
Belén, Uruguay Belfast, Belfast, Belfast, New Zealand Belfast, T'ransvaal Belfast
L., Antrim Belfield, N. Dakota Belford, Northumb., Belfort, France Belgard, Germany
Belgaum, Bombay Belgentier, France Belgian Congo, ¢ ‘entral 2 Belgium, kingdom, W.
Belgooly, Cork, IFS. Belgrade (Beograd), Yugoslavia Belgrove, New Zealand '
Belhavel L., Leitrim, I.P.S. . Belhaven, N. Carolina . : Belitong I., Dutch E.
Indies . Belize and R., Brit. Honduras Bell, Queensland . Bell I., Conception B.,
Bell I., Newfoundland Bella Bella, Br. Columbia Bellac, France
Bellaco, Uruguay
Bella Coola, Br. Columbia Bellaghy, Londonderry, N. Ire. Bellahy, Sligo, [.F.S.
Bellaire, Michigan
Bellaire, Ohio : , Bellamkonda, Madras . Bellanagare, Roscommon, Bellary, Madras .
Bellaugh, Roscommon, Bellavista, Argentina Bella Vista, Brazil Bella Vista,
California .
Bell Cay, Queensland
Belle, Missouri
Belle Center, Ohio
Belledune, New Brunswick Belleek, Armagh, N. Ire. Belleek, Fermanagh, N. Ire. .
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania Bellefourche, S. Dakota Bellegarde, France
Belle le, France .
Belleisle, Alaska . ;
Belle Isle, New Brunswick
Belle Isle and Strait, Newfoundla nd. Belle-Isle-en-Terre, France Belléme, France
Bellencombre, France .
Bellenden Ker, Mt., Queensland Belle Plaine, Jowa
Belleplaine, Minnesota
Bellerby, N.R. Yorks, Eng. Bellerive, T’'asmania
Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Belleville, France Belleville, [/linois Belleville,
Kansas Belleville, Ontario Bellevue, Cape Prov. Bellevue, Jdaho Bellevue, Jowa
Bellevue, Kentucky Bellevue, Louisiana Bellevue, Ohio
Bellevue, Ontario Bellevue, Queensland Belley, France
Bellheim, Germany Belli, Madras
Bellicourt, France Belligne, France . Bellingham, Northumb.., Bellingham, W
ashington Bellingmo, Norway Bellington, W. Virginia Bellingwolde, Holland .
Bellinzona, Switzerland Bello Horisonte, Brazil Belloram, Newfoundland Bellot
Strait, Canada Bellou, France Bellows Falls,
NV. Fre.
Antrim, 4
Down, N. Tre. .
ifrica Kurope
Newfoundla nd
ER ng.
V ions
Bell Rk. (Inchcape) Lt. H. Ang. Reak.
Bells, T'ennessee
Belluno, Italy
Bell Ville, Argentina Bellville, Ohio
Bellville, Texas
Bellwood, Pennsylvania Belly R., Alberta
Belmez, Spain
Belmond, Jowa
Belmont, Lancs, Eng. Belmont, Nebraska Belmont, Nevada
Belmont, New York. Belmont, Shetland Is., Scot. Belmonte, Spain ‘ Belmont Sta.,
Cape Prov. Belmullet, Mayo, I.F.S., Beleeil, Belgium Belograd¢ik, Bulgaria Beloit,
Wisconsin Belorado, Spain Beloviezha, Poland Belp, Switzerland Belpech, France
Belper, Derby, Eng. Belpora, Panna, C.I. Belpre, Ohio
125 114 169 SS 172 156 173 63 152 19] 134 63 154 a3 82 110
» =~
30 69 93
19] 62
146 83
ws io
146 63 66
L110 67
110 67
143 63 62
81 174 139 140
General Index
Belsvik, Norway . selt, Montana Beltana, S. Australia Belton, Leics, ing. Belton,
JJontana Belton, S. Carolina Belton, Texas Beltra. Sligo, Beltra and L., Mayo,
Beltran, Colombia Belturbet, Cavan, Belum, Malaya Belur, Mysore Belvedere,
Belvedere, Jtaly Belver, Portugal . selvidere, Jllinois Jelvidere, New Belz, France
Belzig, sabia ; Bembridge, J. of W ight, Eng.
ee in . | Bt gr 5 IFS.
Cape Prov.
Je rsey .
sJemfica, Brazil semidji, Minnesota Bempton, Yorks, Lng. .
Benabarre, Spain
Bena Dibele, Belgian Congo Benadir Coast, /t. Somaliland Benalla, Victoria Benares,
United Provs. Benarty, Mt.., Fife Kinross, Benathora R., Hyderabad sen Attow, BR. &
C. Benavente, Spain Benavides, J'exas ; Ben Avon, Banff, Scot. : 3enbane Hd.,
Antrim, N. Ire. Benbecula I., Hebrides, Scot. Benbrack, Cavan, I.F.S. Benbulbin,
Sligo, JF .S. Benbury, Mayo, 1.F.S. Bencroy, Leitrim, I.F'.S.
Ben Cruachan, Argyll, Scot. Bend, Oregon
Ben Dearg, Ross and Ch rom., Scot. 3enderi (Tighina), Romania . Benderloch Sta.,
Argyll, Scot. Bendigo, Victoria Bendorf, Germany : Bendugu, Fr. West Africa
sen Eay, Ross and Crom., Scot. Benefield, Northants, Eng. Beneraird, hill, Ayr,
Scot. Bene&sov, Czechoslovakia Beneveian, L., Jnverness, Scot, Benevento, /taly .
Bengal, /ndia
Bengal, Bay of, India Benghazi, Libya
Bengkalis I., Sumatra Bengorm, Mayo, I.F.S. Benguella, Angola
Benham, Kentucky
Benholme, Queensland . ; Ben Hope, Sutherland, Scot. . Beni, R., Bolivia ; Béni
Abbes, Algeria
Benicarlo, Spain .
Benicia, California
Beni Harb., Arabia
Beni Hasan esh-Shuruq, Baye
lnverne 88,
Benin, Nigeria
Benin, Bight of, West Africa Benington, Holland, Lines, Eng. Beni-Saf, Algeria
Beni Shangul, Hthiopia
Beni Suef, Egypt .
Benito, Rio Muni
Benjamin, TJ'exas .
Benkelman, Nebraska ; Ben Klibreck, Sutherland, Scot. Benkovac, Yugoslavia .
Benkulen, Sumatra ,
Ben Lawers, Perth, Scot.
Ben Ledi, Perth, Scot. : 3en Lomond, Stirling, Scot. . Ben Lomond, New 8S. Wales .
Ben Lomond, Tasmania
Ben Loyal, Sutherland, Scot. Ben Macdhui, Aberdeen, Scot. Ben More, Mull J., Scot.
Ben More, South Uist, Scot. - Ben More Assynt, Sutherland, Scot.
Bennas, Finland . Bennett, Br. Columbia
Bennett I., Yakutsk
Bennetts, New Zealand Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, /. K. S. Bennettsville, S. Carolina
Ben Nevis, /nverness, Scot. Bennington, [daho
Bennington, Vermont Bennington, Long, Hng. Bénodet, France . Benonchamps, Be lgium
Benoni, 7'ransvaal Benouville, France Bensberg, Germany Bensheim, Germany Benson,
Arizona . Benson, Minnesota Benson, Oxon, Eng. . Benson Mines, New York Ben Stack,
Sutherland, Scot. . Benti, Fr. West Africa Bentinck I., Queensland Bentinck’s I.,
Burma Bentley Springs, Maryland Benton, Arkansas
Benton, California
Benton, Newfoundland Benton, Pennsylvania Benton Harbor, Michigan Bentonville,
Arkansas .
Scot .
10) 169 155
53 8Y 130 129 182 109
| 10 56 838
156 57 63 538
62 66 62 56 158 56 95 56 182 76 125 58 50 54 92 56 91 107 107 128 120 66 130 150
185 59 168 126 89 159
— _ — pen
~ ey 1 bo bo be St bo &
— ~
_ we
a fond fumes oe Bo Bee) a)
_ x ve y nwo,
120 56 56 56
168 59 57 56 58 59 70
19] 69
153 56
152 50 84 79
134 85 76 74
154 40
142 59
i 07
ee ee oni wt wt > > -] ~S & pant
~~ Pen Om eA? twt Ut w wl
“ = ~~] wt =
Db Mh Ed Fd Fe Ba Bd Bp
Bd G h Mf Df Cd Fb Bf De Bb ig Eh Waq Db
Oh Kk Gh Mf
Bb Oa De Gr Ee
Hf Ec He De Ce Eb Md Gb
Bentonville, Virginia Bentota, Ceylon
Benue R., Nigeria sen Venue, Perth, Scot. Ben Vortlich, Dunbarton, Ben Vorlich,
Perth, Scot. Ben Vrackie, Perth, Scot. Mayo, I.F.S. . Cambs, Eng. . Benwood., W.
Ben Wyvis, Ross and Crom., sen-y-Gloe, Pe rth, Scot. Seograd ( Belgrade), Beoraid,
| seppu, Japan Beragh, T'yrone, N. Beralo, Br. Somaliland serar, div., Central
Provs. Berasia, Bhopal, C.J. Berat, Albania Berbeburg, Germany
Berber, A.-#
Benwee, Benwick,
1, Inverness. Scot. .
Ire /
. Sudan
Berbera, Br. Somaliland Berbice, R., Brit. Guiana Berchen, Holland
Berck, France
Berd’huis, France
Berdiansk, Russia
Berdichev, Russia
Bere |., Cork, I.F.S
Berea, Kentucky .
3erea, —
Berehovo, ‘zechoslovaks ia Berenice, gypt
Bere Regis, Dorset, Eng. Beresford, S Australia Beresford, S. Dakota Beresov, Ural
Beresti, Romania Berettyoéujfalu, Hungary Berezina, R., Russia Berezne, P oland ; .
: Berezny, Velky, Czechoslovakia Berg, Norway
Berga, Spain
Bergamasche Alps, Italy Bergamo, /taly
Berganthal, 2. Prussia Berge, Norway
Berge on, Germany
Bergen, Limburg, Holland Berge sn, North Holland, Holland Bergen, Norway
Bergendat, Dutch Guiana Bergen-op-Zoom, Holland
Bergentheim, Holland Sergerac, France ; : Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Bergo, Finland
Bergset, Norway . Bergues, France Bergzum, Holland
Bergumer Meer, Holland Bergiin, Switzerland
Bergvik, Sweden . Bergville, Natal Bergzabern, Germany Berhala Str., Sumatra
Berhampore, Bengal Berhampur, Madras Beri, Punjab Beri, Central India Bering I.,
Far EF. Area Bering Sea and Str., Asza Béris, Egypt Berislavl, Russia Berja, Spain
Berjou, France Berkak, Norway . Berkel, R., Holland Berkeley, California Berkeley,
Glos. Eng. Berke ley, W. Virginia . i Berkeley Springs, W. Virginia Berkhampstead,
Great, Herts, Berkhout, Holland
serkley, Virginia Berkovitsa, Bulgaria Berkshire, co., England Berkshire Hills,
Mass. . Berle, Norway
Berlengas Is., Portugal. Berlevag, Norway Berlicum, Holland Berlin, Germany .
Berlin, Maryland
Berlin, New Hampshire Berlin, Wisconsin Berlinchen, Germany Berlin Heights, Ohio
Bermejo, R., Argentina Bermillo, Spain Bermuda Is., Atlantic Ocean Bernalillo, New
Mexico Bernau, Germany Bernaville, France
Bernay, Eure, France Bernay, Sarthe, France Bernburg, Germany
Berne, New York
Berne, Switzerland Berneau, Belgium
Bernera, Hebrides, Scot. Bernera, I., Lewis, Scot. Berneray, Hebride s, Scot.
Bernese Alps, Switzerland Berneval, France .
3ernina Pass, Swiiz zerland Bernina, Piz, Switzerland Bernisdale, Skye 1., Scot.
Bernissart, Belgium Bernkastel, Germany Beroun, Czechoslovakia Berre and Etang,
Scot, ;
116 62 129 108 108 94 76 128 129 169 78 86 85 97 97 68 150 150 93 127 45 L80 154
100 95 93 97 73 93
a) $a
SY 90
10 to
cor, NO
>=] «J +] +] «J + bo OO
an, wn Oe * om
Bo ~~ - ie 2
bo bo
o oe 2
“IW ~1 © +3 +31 © +1 +1 +10 +1 +!
_ we
120 109 109 108 108 10] LO]
or af
97 88 85 72 78 159 47 151 15] 40 78 151 95 40 152 88 70 78 74 151 152 155 75 150
172 88 138 156 74 86 82 85 74 152 80 79 58 538 60 80 86 8] 8] 58 79 76 92 87
Df Bt Ad Cb Hb De Rv Ed Gd Fb Cb Ge De Hg Hb He
Bb Bb Jb Ke Ka
B d Gb Bf Ge Dd Cb Je He Ka Eb Ib
Gf Fg Df Be Jc Gf Ca De Qe Sb 3d
Dd Je Fb Fd Bg Rt Ee De Ut
Ed Ad
Db Jd
Hb Gg
Kd Jd Jh De Ce Cb Dd
Berrias, France , 87 Bb Berriedale, Caithness, Scot. 59 Pf Berrien, France - 84 Bd
Berrigan, New S. Wales 182 Cb Be srry, Kentucky . 150 Ae Be srry, New S. Wales 183
Fb Berry, old prov., France 82 Ee Berry Bank, Cape Prov. 137 Ge Berry Hd., Devon,
Eng. 45 Pw Berry Is., West Indies . 164 Db Berryhillock, Banff, Scot. 57 Q¢g
Berryville, Arkansas 157 Hb Berryville, Virginia 151 De sersbo, Sweden 71 Gg
Bersée, France 86 Ec Bersillies, Belgium 79 Ke Bersimis, Quebec - 143 Ke Bersted,
North, W. Sussex, Hing. 40 Uv serthier, Quebec 142 Hd Berthold, N. Dakota 154 Ea
Berthoud, Colorado 154 Ce Bertiehaugh, Queensland 184 Dd Bertincourt, France 86 De
Bertogne, Belgium 79 He Bertraghboy B., Galway, LFS. 66 Bq Bertrix, Belgium . 79 Gd
Bertry, France 86 Ee Bertua, Cameroons : 125 Gh Servie, Kincardine, Scot. 97 Rj
3erville-sur-Mer, France 85 Kb Berwick, Pennsylvania 151 Eb Berwick, co., Scotland
- ; = 5d QI! Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northb., Eng. 5: Sl Berwind, W. Virginia 150 Cd
Berwyn, Alberta 146 Ke Berwyn Mts., Wales 46 Pr Berzee, Belgium 79 Ee Besancon,
France 82 Ge Beshir, Libya 128 Ba Beshnagar, Gwalior, India ; . 108 Cd Beskids,
East, Mts., Czecho.-Poland 93 Gb Beskids, West, Mts., Czechoslovakia 93 Fb Besna,
Turkey 104 Cb Bessarabia, Romania 95 Db Bessé, Sarthe, France 85 Le Bessé, Var,
France 87 Fd Bességes, France 87 Bb Bessemer, Alabama 157 Ld Bessemer, Michigan 155
Lb Bessemer, Virginia 150 Dd Beta, Queensland 185 Fj Betanzos, Spain 88 Aa 3ethal,
Transvaal 134 Fe Bethany, Missouri 155 Je Bethany, Orange Free State 135 Bh
Bethany, S.-W. Africa 131 Ch Bethel, Connecticut 152 Bd Bethel, Maine 152 Cb
Bethel, Ohio 150 Ae Bethel, Vermont ; 152 Be Bethelsdorp, Cape Prov. , 137 (if
Bethesda, Caernarvon, Wales 48 Nq Bethesda, T7'ransvaal 134 Fb 3éthisy-St. Pierre,
France 86 De Bethlehem, Maryland : 151 Fe Bethlehem, Orange Free State 135 Eg
Bethlehem, Palestine 103. Ae Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 151 Fb Bethulie, Orange Free
State 135 Bj Béthune, France . 82 Ea Bethune, Sask. 147 Rf Béthune R., France 82 Db
Betley, Staffs, Eng. 49 Rq 3etling Sib, Assam 107 Gd Betmangala, Mysore, Madras lll
De Betroka, Madagascar 131 Jg Bettemburg, Luxembourg 79 Jd Bettiah, Bihar and
Orissa 109 Gb Betton, France . 85 Kea 3ettws-y-Coed, Caernarvon, Wales 48 Og Betty
hill, Sutherland, Scot. 59 Ne Betul, Central Provs 108 Ce Betuwe, Holland . 78 Ee
Betwa R., Gwalior, India 108 De Betz, France - 86 De Beulah, Brecon, Wales 46 Os
Beulah, Colorado . 154 Cf Beulah, Manitoba 144 Ce Beuningen, Holland 78 Ee Beuthen,
Germany 75 He Beuvraignes, France 86 Dd Beuvron, France . 85 Jb Beuvron, R., France
2 De Beuzeville, Eure, France 85 Kb Beuzeville, Seine-Inférieure, France 85 Ka
Bevaix, Switzerland ; 80 Ce Beveland, North (1.), Holland 78 Ae Beveland, South
(I.), Holland 78 Af Beveren, Belgium 79 Ka Beverley, W. Australia 187 Cl Beverley,
Yorks, Eng. 50 Vp Beverley Group, Queensland . 185 Gh Beverloo, Belgium 79 Ga
Beverly, Mass. 152 Ce Beverly, Ohio 150 Ce Beverst, Belgiwm 79 Gb Beverwijk,
Holland 78 Cd Bevier, Missour: . 155 «(Sf Bewdley, Worcs, Eng. 47 Ks Bex,
Swiizerland . 80 Dd Bexhill, Sussex, Eng. 41 Wv Bexley, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Beybazar,
Turkey 104 Ba Beynes, France 86 Bf Beyoglu, Turkey . 95 De Beypore, Madras lll Bf
Beysehir, Turkey 104 Bb Beyton, Suffolk, Eng. 41 Xs Bezdan, Y ugoslavia 93 Fd
Béziers, France 83 Ee Bezwada, Madras ; 110 Ee Bhabua, Bihar and Orissa 109 Fe
Bhadaura, Gwalior, CI. 108 Ce Bhadohi, Benares, U.P. 109 Fe
Citizen’s Atlas
BHA Bhadra, Bikaner, Rajputana , 108 Ba | Bigby, Lines, Hing. , ; 50 Vp Bhadra R.,
Mysore, India 110 Ae sig Cheyenne R., S. Dakota . 154 De | Bhadrachalam, Madras 110
Ee Big Creek, California 159 Deg Bhadrajan, Jodhpur, Raj. 108 Ac Bigelow, Mame 152
Cb Bhadrak, Bihar and Orissa 109 He Biggar, Lanark, Scot. 55 =O] Bhadreswar, Bengal
109° Jd siggar, Sask, 3 147 Qe Bhagalpur, Bihar and Orissa . 109 He Bigge I., W.
Australia . 186 Gb Bhagwangola, Bengal 109 Je | Biggenden, Queensland 185 Hk
Bhainsdehi, Berar 5 108 Ce | Bigge’s Range, Queensland 185 Gk Bhainsror, Udaipur,
Rajputana 108 Be Biggleswade, Bedford, King. 40 Vs Bhaisa, Hyderabad 110 Cb |
Bigha, Turkey 104 Aa Bhaisaunda, Central India 109 Ec | Big Horn Mts., Wyoming 158
Ke Bhakkar, Punjab ~. 106 Cb | Big Horn R., Wyoming—Montana 158 Ke Bhalki,
Hyderabad 110. Cb Big Lake, Texas . 156 De Bhamgarh, Central Provs. 108 Ce Bignan,
France 84 De Bhamo, Burma 107° Hd Bigpine, California 159 Dg Bhandak*} €entral
Provs 8. 108 De Big Rapids, Michigan . 155 Nd Bhandara, Central Proves. 108 De |
Big River, Sask. . 147 Qe Bhander, Gwalior, India 108 De sigrun, Pennsylvania 151
Db Bhangha, United Provs. 109 Eb | Big Sandy R., W. Virginia 150 Be Bhanrer Range,
Central Provs. 108 Dd | Big Spring, Nebraska 154 Ee Bhaptiahi, Bihar and Orissa .
109 Hb | Big Spring, 7'exas 156 Dd Bharatpur, Changbhakar, C.P. 109 Ed Big Stone
City, S. Dakota 154 Ge Bharatpur, Rajputana . 108 Cb Big Stone Gap, Virginia 150 Bd
Bhatapura, Central Provs. 109 Ee Bigtimber, Montana 158 Je Bhatgaon, Nepal . - 109
Gb Big Valley, Alberta 147 Ne Bhatinda, Patiala, Punjab 106 Db | Bihac, Yugoslavia
92 Dd Bhatkal, Bombay 110 Be | Bihar, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge Bhatpara, Bengal 109
Jd | Bihar and Orissa, /ndia 107 Fd Bhavani, Madras 32 22 Zihar Mts., Romania . 93
He Bhavani R., Madras Lit 2 sihat, Bundelkhand, C_I. 108 De Bhavnagar, W./.
States : . 106 Cd | Bihiya, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge Bhawani Patna, Kalahandi, B.
&..0.109 Ff | Bihoro, Japan 116 Jb Bhelki, Rewah, CI. 109 Ke Biisk, W. Siberia 100
He Bhera, Punjab ; ‘ . 106 Cb Bijaipur, Bastar, C.P. . 109 Ef Bheraghat (Marble Roc
ks ),Cen. Prov. 108 Dd Bijapur, Bombay ; ; . 440° Bo Bhikna Thoree, Bihar and
Orissa 109 Gb Bijarakot, J'alcher, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge Bhilsa, Gwalior, Cl. 108
Cd Bijawar, C¢ ntral India 108 De Bhilwara, Udaipur, Rajputana 108 Be Bijeljina,
Yugoslavia 93 Fd Rhima R., Bombay 110 Be | Bijelo Polje, Yugoslavia 93 Fe
Bhimavaram, Madras . 110 Ee Bijepur, Gwalior, India 108 Cb Bhind, Gwalior, C.l. 108
Db Bijeraghogarh, Central Provs. 108 Ed Bhinga, United Provs. . 109 Fb Bijistan,
Persia 105 Ge Bhingar, Bombay 110 Bb | Bijji, Bastar, C.P. 110 Eb Bhingeswar,
Central Provs. 109 Fe Bijna, Central India 108 De Bhir, Hyderabad . 110 Bb | Bijou
Hills, 8. Dakota , 154 Fd Bhitargarh, Bengal: 109 Jb Bijuri, Rewah, CLI. 109 Fd
Bhiwandi, Bombay 110 Ab | Bikaner, Rajputana 108 Aa Bhiwani, Punjab 106 De | Bikin,
Far Kast Area 101 Nd Bhojpur, Bihar and Orisea 109 Ge | Bilaigarh, Central Provs,
109 Fe Bhojpur, Bhopal, CI. 108 Cd | Bilara, Jodhpur, Rajputana 108 Ab Bhokardan,
Hyderabad 108 Be Bilaspur, Central Provs. 109 Fd Bhongir, Hyderabad 110 De |
Bilbao, Spain 88 Da Bhopal, Central India . ; 108 Cd Bilbster, Caithness, Scot. 59
«Pf Bhopalpatnam, Bastar, C.P. 108 Ef | Bileéa, Yugoslavia 93 Fe Bhor, Bombay ; .
110 Ab | Bilecik, Turkey 104 Aa Bhraoin, L. a’, Ross & Crom., Scot.. 59 Lg | Bilé
Karpaty, C zechoslovakia. 93 Eb Bhuban, Dhenkanal, B. and O. 109 Ge Bitgoraj,
Poland . 73 Fg Bhubaneswar, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge Bilheri, Central Prove. . 108
Ed Bhuj, Cutch, W.I. States 106 Bd | Bilin, Burma 107 He Bhusawal, Bombay 108 Be |
Bilina, Czechoslovakia 92 Ca Bhusawar, Bharatpur, Rajputana 108 Cb | Billa-Billa,
Queensland . 185 Hm Bhutan, state, Himalayas 107 Ge | Billé, France : 85 Gd
Bhuvanigiri, Madras 111 Df | Billericay, Hssex, Eng. . 41 Wt Biafra, Bight of, West
Africa 125 Fh | Billesdon, Leics, Eng. . 50 Ur Biata, Poland 73 Ff |
Billingborough, Lincs, Eng. 50 Vr Bialystok and co., Poland 73 Ff | Billingen,
Norway_ 72 Db Biaora, Bhopal, C.1. 108 Cd | Billingham, Durham, E: ng. 53 Tn
Biarritz, France 83 Ce | Billinghay, Lincs, Eng. 50 Vq Bias Bay, China . 115 Ch |
Billings, Montana 158 Je Biasca, Switzerland 81 Gd | Billings, Oklahoma 156 Fb
Biberach, Germany 74 Cd | Billingshurst, W. Sussex, Eng. 40 Vu Bibile, Ceylon 111
Eh | Billingsley, Salop, Eng. 47 Rs Bibo, Arizona 159 Jh | Bilma, Fr. West Africa
124 Ge Bibra R., Hyderabad 110 Db | Bilo Mts., Yugoslavia 92 Ed Bibury, Glos. Eng.
47 St | Biloli, Hyderabad 110 Cb Bic, Quebec . 143 Ke | Biloxi, Mississippi 157 Ke
Bicaz, Romania 95 Bb | Bilsen, Belgiwm 79 Hb Bicester, Oxon, Eng. 40 Tt | Bilsi,
United Provs. 108 Da Bicholim, Goa, India 110 Bd | Bilston, Staffs, Eng. 47 Rr
Bickington, Devon, Eng. 45 Ov | Bima, Belgian Congo 128 Cg Bickleigh, Devon, Eng.
45 Pv | Bima, Sumbawa, D.H_I. 121 Ef Bickley, Cheshire, Eng. 49 Qq Bimbili, Gold
Coast 125 Eg Bicknell, Indiana 155 Mf | Bimgal, Hyderabad 110 Db Bicske, Hungary .
93 Fe | Bimini Is., Bahamas 149 Lf Bida, Nigeria 125 Fg | Bimlipatam, Madras 110 Fe
Bidar, Hyderabad 110 Cec | Bina, Central Provs. 108 De Bidassoa R., Spain 89 Ea |
Binbrook, Lincs, Eng. 50 Vq Biddeford, Maine 152 Ce | Binche, Belgium . 79 Ee
Biddenden, Kent, Eng. 41 Xu | Bindal, Norway 70 Ed Biddle, Montana . 154 Ce |
Bindal Fjord, Norwa y. 70 Dd Biddulph, Staffs, Eng. . 49 Rq | Bindki, United Provs.
109 Eb Bideford, Devon, Eng. . 46 Nu | Bindra Nawagarh, Central Prove 109 Fe
Bideford (Barnstaple) B., Dev. Eng. 46 Nu | Bindslev, Denmark 77 Ca Bidesir,
Bikaner, Rajputana ; 108 Bb | BinevenaghMt., Londonderry, a. Fre. 63 Hm Bidford,
Warwicks, — 40 Ss | Bingara, New 8S. Wales 181 Md Bié, Angola 130 Ce | Bingen,
Germany 74 Bd Bieber, California 158 Ce | Bingerville, Fr. West Africa 125 Dh
Biebermiihle, Germany 76 Df | Bingham, Maine ; 152 Db Biedenkopf, Germany 76 Fe |
Bingham, Notts, Eng. 50 Ur Biehrich, Germany 76 Ed | Bingham, Queensland 185 Jk
Biel (Bienne) and L., Switzerland . 80 Db Bingham Canyon, Utah 158 Ge Bielaia R.,
Russia P 97 Jd Binghamton, New York 151 Fa Bieldside, Aberdeen, Scot. 57 Rh |
Binginapalli, Madras 110 Kd Bielefeld, Germany 74 Cb | Bingle, Ontario 145 Nf
Bielgorod, Russia 97 Fe | Bingley, Yorks, Eng. 50 Sp Biella, Italy 90 Bb | Binh-
dinh, Annam 119 Dd Bieloi, Russia 97 Ed | Binic, France 84 De Bieloretsk, Russia 97
Ke Binka, Sonpur, B. and 0. 109 Fe Bielsk, Poland 73 Ff | Binley, Warwicks, Eng. 50
Ts Bielsko, Poland 73 Dh | Binpur, Bengal 109 Hd Bienfait, Sask. 147 Sg |
Binscarth, Manitoba 144 Cle Bien-hoa, Cochin China 119 Dd Bintan I., Sumatra 120 Bd
Bienne (Biel), Switzerland 80 Db | Bintulu, Sarawak ; , 120 Dd Biére, Switzerland
80 Be Bio-Bio, prov. and R., Chile . 172 Ag Bierné, France 85 He | Bir, Central
Provs. 108 Cd Bierum, Holland . 78 Gb Bir Alali, Fr. Equat. Africa 128 Be
Biervliet, Holland 78 Af Birbhum, Bengal ; 109 Hd Biévres, France 86 Cf | Bir
Birein, Palestine 103 Ae Big I., Ontario : 144 Ff | Birchington, Kent, Eng. 41 Yu
Big Bar, Br. Columbia . 146 Hf | Birch River, Manitoba 144 Cd Big Belt Mts.,
Montana 158 Hb | Birdhill, Tipperary, IFS. 69 Er Bigbury B., Devon, Eng. 44 Ow Bird
Island, Minnesota 155 He Bigbury-on- -Sea, Devon, Eng. 44 Ow Birdlip, Glos., Eng.
47 Rt
$m mi,
Black Hd., Clare, I.F.8. 66 Cq Black Hd., Cornwall, Eng. 44 Ly Black Hills, S.
Dakota ; 154 De Black L., Sask. . 147 Rb Black L., Wigtown, Scot. 54 Mn Black Mts.,
Eng. and Wales . . 4h Black Pagoda (Kanarak), B.and 0. 109 He Black R., Lowisvana -
157 He Black R., Arkansas , . 18T Je Black River Falls, Wisconsin . 155 Ke
Blackall, Queensland . 185 Bk Blackburn, Aberdeen, Scot. 57 Rh Blackburn, Lancs,
Eng. 49 Qn Blackburn, W. Lothian, Scot. 55 Ol Black Castle, Wicklow, IFS. 64 Jr
Blackcave Tunnel, Antrim, N. Ire. 63 Kn Blackdown, Queensland . 184 De Black: Duck,
Minnesota - 155 Hb Blackfalds, Alberta . 147 Ne Blackfoot, Idaho . 158 Gd
Blackford, Carlisle, Cumb. ” Eng. 55 Qn Blackford, Perth, Scot. . 57 Ok Black
Forest (Schwarzwald), ‘Ger, . 14 Cd Blackhead, New Zealand . 190 Fd Blackhead B.,
Newfoundland - 1389 De Blackheath, New S. Wales - 183 Fa Black Isle, Ross and
Crom., Scot. 59 Ng Blacklion, Cavan, I.F.S. 62 Fo Blackpool, Lancs, Eng. 48 Pp
Black Rock, Arkansas . . 157 Jb Blacksburg, S. Carolina . 153 De Blacksburg,
Virginia . 150 Cd Black Sea, Hurope—Asia - ae Blackshear, Georgia . 1538 Ce Black
Snake, Queensland . 185 Ji Blacksod B., Mayo, I.F.S. 66 Ao Black Soil Area, Russia
97 Fe Blackstairs Mt., Carlow, LF.S. . 64 Hr Blacktown, New S. Wales . 183 Fa
Blackville, New Brunswick . 143 Ld Blackville, S. Carolina 153 Dd Blackwater, Br.
Columbia . 146 He Blackwater, Hants, Eng. ; 40 Uu Blackwater, I. of Wight, Eng. 40
Ty Blackwater, Queensland . . 185 Gj Black Water, Sutherland, Scot. 59 Nf
Blackwater, Wexford, I.F.S. 64 Js Blackwater Foot, Arran I., Scot. 54 Lm Blackwater
Res,, Inver.-Argyll, Scot. 56 Mj Blackwater, R., Hssex, Eng. . 4i. Blackwater R. ai
F.S. 69 Fs Blackwater R., Meath, 1. F; 8. . 63 Hp Blackwater R., T'yr.-Arm., N.
Ire. . 63 Ho Blackwell, Oklahoma 156 Fb Blackwood, Lanark, Scot, 54 Ol Blackwood,
Monmouth, Eng. 47 Pt Blackwood, Victoria . : . 182 Ce Bladenoch, R., Wigtown, Scot.
54 Mm Bladenoch, Wigtown, Scot, . 54 Nn Bladworth, Sask, . 147 Q Blaenau
Ffestiniog, Merioneth, Wales 48 Or Blaenavon, Monmouth, Eng. 47 Pt Blaengarw,
Glamorgan, Wales 46 Ot Blaenporth, Cardigan, Wales . 46 Ms Blaenrhondda, Glamorgan,
Wales . 46 Ot Blagdon, Somerset, Eng. 45 Qu Blagovyeshchensk, Far E. dren Rus. 101
Me Blain, France . & & Blaine, Washington . 158 Ba Blainville, France . 85 Fb
Blair, Montana . ‘ . 154 Ca Blair, Nebraska . ‘ . 154
Blair Athol, Queensland . 185 Fy Blair Atholl, Perth, Scot. 57 Oj Blair Castle,
Perth, Scot. 56 Oj Blairgowrie, Perth, Scot. . han Blairmore, Alberta . 147 Mg
Blairmore, Argyll, Scot. 54 Mk Blairstown, New Jersey . 151 Fb Blairsville,
Pennsylvania . 150 Db Blaj, Romania 93 He Blakely, Georgia . 153 Be Blakemere,
Hereford, Eng. 47 Qs Blakeney, Glos. Eng. . 47 Rt Blakeney, Norfolk, Eng. s 51 Xr
Blakenham, Great, Suffolk, Eng. 41 Ys Blaker, Norway ‘ . 72 Hd Blaketown, Ne
wfoundland . 139 Dd Blambangan Penin., Java . 120 Df Blanc, le, France 83 De Blane,
Mont, France- Italy . $3 Gd Blanca Grande, Argentina . 173 Gg Blanca, Sierra, New
Mexico . . 156 Bd Blanchester, Ohio , . 150 Be Blanche Town, S. Australia . . 180
Fg Blanchland, Northumb., Eng. . 52 Rn Blanco, Cape Prov. : . 136 Ff Blanco, C.,
Tunisia . 124 Fa Bland, Virginia . 150 Cd Blandford, Dorset, Eng. 45 Ry Blanes,
Spain . 89 Gb Blaney Junc., Cape Prov. , 137 Le Blangy, Calvados, France 85 Kb
Blangy, Seine-Infér., France . 82 Db Blankenberghe, Belgium 79 Ba Blankenburg,
Germany 74 De Blankenheim, Germany 76 Bd Blankney, Lincs, Eng. . . 50 Va Blanquilla
I., Venezuela . 169 Ea Blansko, Czechoslovakia . 92 Eb Blantyre, Nyasaland _ 131 Gf
Blantyre, Lanark, Scot. 54 Ni Blaregnies, Belgium 79 De Blarney, Cork, ].F.S. 69 Dt
Blasket Is., Kerry, I.F.S. , 68 Bs Blatchford, Montana . 154 Ch Blatna,
Czechoslovakia . 92 Cb Blaton, Belgium . ‘ 79 De Blaven, Mt., Skye I., Scot. 58. dh
Blavet, R., France 82 Be Blaxton, Yorks, Eng. 50 Up Blaydon, Durham, Eng. 53 $n
Blaye, France : . 83 Cd Blayney , New S. Wales . 183 Ba
ses et et ot et et tos
—— to fee toe fer ec te Se
General Index
BOU eo AEs ie = eS Ha Bomassa, Fr. Equat. Africa 128 Beg | Borgotaro, Jtaly . 90 Bb
Be Bomba Gulf, Libya 128 Ca Borgsj6, Sweden "1 Fe $C Bombala, New S. Wales 183 Ee
sorgu, Dahomey . . 125 Ef Je sombay, Bombay, India los Af Borgue, Caithness, Scot.
' 59 =«~P£ Gh Bombay, New York . 152 Ab sorgue, Kirkcudbright, Scot. . n4 Nn De |
Bombay, New Zealand 190 Eb sorgund, Norway 72 De Te | Bombo, Uganda 132 Ce | Bori,
Central Provs. 108 De Sh Bomboma, Belgian Congo 130 Cb | Borisoglyebsk, Russia 97
Ge Bd Bombotu, Jnner Mongolia 114 Ac Borisov, Russia 97 De Og Bom Despacho,
Brazil . 174 Ce Borja, Paraguay . 173 Ja Kd | Bomfim, Bahia, Brazil 171 Ge Borja,
Spain 89 Eb Qs Bomfim, Brazil 174 Ad Borjas, Spain 89 Fb Ep | Bom Jardim, Brazil
171 Ge Bork, Germany 76 Ca Pq | Bomla Fjord, Norway . 72 Be Bérkop, Denmark 77 Be
Cb | Bémlo, Norway 72 Be | Borku, Fr. Equat. Africa 128 Bd Cf Bomst, Germany . 75
Fb | Borkulo, Holland ; 78 Fd Mw Bomstad, Norway 70 Hb Borkum, I|., Germany 74 Bb
Qe Bom Successo, Brazil 174 C4 Bormes, France 87 Fd ie Bon, C., Tunisia : 124 Ga |
Bormio, Italy 90 Ca Dr | Bonai, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge Borne, Holland 78 Gd Ke
Bonaigarh, Bonar, B. ere 109 Ge Borneo, |I., Hast Indies 99 Oh Gd Bon Air, Virginia
151 Kd Bornholm, Denmark 77 Ge Ed | Bonaire (I.), Dutch We st Indies 168 Da |
Bornu, Nigeria 125 Gf De | Bonar Bridge, Sutherland, Scot. 59 Ng | Borodino, Russia
97 Fd Ef Bonaventure & Hd., Newfoundland 139 De | Borolji, Inner Mongolia 114 Ae Hb
| Bonavista B. and C., Newfoundland 139 De Borondi, Madras . . 110 Fb Ec Boncath,
Pembroke, Wales 46 Ms Boroughbridge, W.R. Yorks, Eng.. 53 To Cq | Boncelles,
Belgiwm ; ., oe Borough Green, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Fp | Bonchester Bridge, Roxburgh,
Scot. 55 Qm Borovichi, Russia 96 Ed Ke Bondo, Belgian Congo . 130 Db Borovsk,
Russia . 97 Fd Da Bondowoso, Java ; 120 Df Borris, Carlow, IFS. : 64 Hr Fj) |
Bondu, Fr. West Africa 125 Bf Borris in Ossory, Leizx, 1.F.S. 69 Fr Ch Bondville,
Kentucky 150 Ad Borrisokane, Tipperary, IFS. 69 Er Ce | Béne, ade” 126 Ha
Borrisoleigh, Tipperary, IFS. 69 Er Ds Bo'ness, W. Lothian, Scot. 55 Ok Borsa,
Norway 72 Fa Qh Bongandanga, Belgian Congo 130 Db Borsa, Romania 95 Bb Fh Bongon,
NV. Borneo 121 Ee Borsselen, Holland 78 Af Uv 3onham, 7'exas 157 Fd Bort, France 3
83 Ed Fe Bonheur, Ontario 144 Hf Bérte and Vand, Norway 72 De De Bonhill,
Dunbarton, Scot. 5 Ml Borth, Cardigan, Wales : . 46 Ns Ne | Boni and Gulf, Celebes
J. 121 Fe Borthwick Water, Roxburgh, Scot.. 55 Qm Ee Bonifacio, Corsica ‘ ‘ 83 —
Bértnis, Norway eee > es Ce Bonifacio, Str., Sardinia—Corsica 91 Bd Borum, Arabia
105 Eg He Bonifay, Florida . 153 Be Bérum, Norway . 72 Ge Fd | Bonita, Arizona 159
Hj 3oruma, NV. Rhodesia 131 Ef Gf | Bonito, Brazil 171 Hb Borve, Lewis, Scot. 53.
Jf Ed | Bonn, Germany 74 Be 3orysiaw, Poland 73 Fh Cb | Bonnavoulin, Argyll, Scot.
56 Kj Borzna, Russia 97 Ee Fq Bonne Bay, Newfoundland 139 Be Bosa, Sardinia 91 Bd
Cs Bonnebosq, France 85 Kb Bosa, Jebel, /rag : 104 Ee Ed Bonne-Esperance, Belgium
79 Ke Bosanska GradiSka, Y ugoslavi va 92 Ed* Fe Bonnemain, France 84 Fd Bosanski
Brod, Yugoslavia 93 Ed Kb Bonner, Montana 158 Gb Bosanski Novi, Yugoslavia 92 Ed Ld
Bonners Ferry, /daho 158 Ea Bosanski Samac, Yugoslavia 93 Fd Fd Bonner Springs,
Aansas I55 He Bosbéen, Norway ‘ 72 Ee Ed Bonnétable, France 82 Db Boscastle,
Cornwall, Eng. 44 Mv Cb 3onne Terre, JJ/issouri 155 Kg Bose-le-Hard, France 86 Ad
Ed | Bonneuil-les-Eaux, France 86 Cd Boscobel, Wisconsin . 155 Kd De | Bonneval,
France 87 Ea | Boscombe, Hants, Eng. 40 Sv ha Bonneville, France : 83 Ge | Boshof,
Orange F.S. 135 Bg Ac | Bonniéres, Pas-de-Calais, France 86 Ce Bosiljgrad,
Yugoslavia . 94 Ca Cf Bonniéres, Seine-et-Oise, France 86 Be | Bosley Cheshire,
Eng. 49 Ra Ld Bonnieux, France 87 De | Bosna, R., Yugoslavia . ‘ . 98 Ed Df |
Bonny, Nigeria 125 Fh | Bosporus (Istanbul Bogazi), Turkey 95 De Ac Bonorva,
Sardinia 91 Bd | Bossier City, Louisiana :. 357 - a Be Bontham, Celebes 1... 121 Ef
| Boston, Lincs, Eng. 51 Wr Ke Bonvilston, Glamorgan, Wales 47 Pu | Boston, Mass.
152 Ce Ke Booby I., Queensland 184 Ce | Boston Mts., Arkansas 157 Ge De |
Boobyalla, Tasmania 188 Ce Bos Vand, Norway 72 De Ae Bookaloo, S. Australia 180 Ee
Boswell, Pennsylvania . 151 Db Bq Book Cliff, Colorado 159 CS Bosworth, Leics, Eng.
. 50 Ts Af | Boola, Fr. West Africa 125 Cg Botany Bay, New S. Wales 181 Mg Fe
Boolboonda, Queensland 185 Hk Botchawana, Ontario 142 Bd Be Boolburra, Queensland .
185 Gj Botesdale, Suffolk, Eng. 51 Xs De | Booligal, New S. Wales 182 Ca
Bothaville, Orange F.S. 135 Cf Db | Boom, Belgium 79 Ea | Bothel, Cumb., Eng. . 6&2
Pn Fd Boone, Jowa : 155 Jd Bothnia, Gulf of, Sweden- Finland 70 Je Sv Boone, N.
Carolina 153 Db Bothwell, Lanark, Scot. 54 Nil De Boone Mill, Virginia 150 Dd
Botiala, Jt. Somaliland . 129 He De Booneville, Kentucky 150 Bd Botley, Hants, Eng.
40 Tv Be | Booneville, Mississippi 157 Ke Botne, Norway 72 Ge Cq | Boonsboro,
Maryland 151 Ee Botne Fjeld, Norway 72 Cc Gg Boonville, Missouri 155 CSf Botnen,
Norway . 72 Cd Bd Boonville, New York . 142 Gf Botosani, Romania 95 Cb Jg | Boora,
L., Offaly, /.F.S. 67 Fq Botrange (Mt.), Belgium 79 Hb Da Booroloola, NV. Terr.,
Australia 179 Fb Botten, Hordaland, wedi 72 Ce Ke | Booroorban, New S. Wales 182 Cb
Botten, Norway 72 De Kf | Boorowa, New S. Wales 183 Eb | Bottesford, Leics, Eng. 50
Ur Bb | Boort, Victoria 182 Be Bottineau, N. Dakota ; 154 Ea Eb Boos, France 86 Ae
Bottisham, Cambridge, Eng. . 4] Ws Cd | Boot, Cumb., Eng. ; 52 Po Bottom House,
Staffs, Eng. 50 Sq Fe Boothby Pagnell, Lines, Hng. 50 Ur Bottrop, Germany ; 76 Ba
Fe | Boothia, Gulf of, Canada 140 Lb | Botu, Fr. West Africa . 125 Ef Cb Boothia
Penin., Canada 140 Kb Botucatu, Brazil . . 174 Ag Rq Bootle, Cumb., Eng. 52 Po
Botwood Harbour, NV ewfoundland . 1389 Ce Gf Bootle, Lancs, Eng. 48 Pq Bouafles,
France . 86 Ae Eh Boporo, Liberia 125 Bg Bouaye, France 85 Ff Vv Boppard, Germany
74 Be Boucé, France 85 Je Le Boqueho, France 84 Cd Bouchain, France : 86 Ec Ce Bor,
A.-E. Sudan 128 Ef Bouches-du-Rhéne, dep., France 83 Fe Cb | Boram, Bihar and
Orissa 109 Hd Bouchoir, France 86 Dd Gd Boras, Sweden ; 71 Eh Boudry, Switzerland
80 Ce Ce Borasambar, Central Provs. 109 Fe Bouée, France 84 Ff Pe | Borba, Brazil
169 Fd Bougainville I., Solomon Ts. 189 Ee Db Borca, Romania 95 Bb Boughil, Mt.,
Kerry, IFS. 68 Bt Db | Bordeaux, France 83 Cd Boughrood, Radnor, Wales 47 Ps Cd |
Bordeaux, Wyoming 154 Ce Bougie and Gulf, Algeria 126 Ga tb | Bordehi, Central
Provs. 108 Dd Bouguenais, France 85 Ff Fa | Borden I., Canada . 140 Ga
Bouillargues, France 87 Be Ow | Border Prov. (Grenzmark), Germany 75 Gb Bouillon,
Belgium 79 Gd De Border Town, S. Australia 180 Gh Boukia, Greece 94 Db Rp Bore,
Norway 72 Bf Boularderie I., Nova Seolsa 1438 Od Jd | Boreland, Dumfries, Scot. 55
Pm Boulder, ¢ ‘olorado 154 Cf Sp | Borga (Porvoo), Finland 71 Lf Boulder, Montana .
158 Gb Qo Borge, Norway 70 Eb Boulder, W. Australia . 187 Ek Ow | Borger, Holland
78 Ge Boulder Creek, California 159 Bg Ba | Borger, Texas 156 De Boulogne-sur-Mer,
France 2 Da At Borgfors, Sweden . 70 Jd Bouloire, France . 85 Le Fe Borgholm,
Sweden 71 Gh Boulouris, France 87 Gd Ca Borgie Bridge & R.., Suthe wlan, Saab 59 Nf
Boundary, Br. Columbia 146 De Bd Borgne, L., Louisiana . 157 Ke Bountiful, Utah 158
He Fb Borgo, Toscana, Italy 90 Ce Bounty, Sask. . 147 Qf He | Borgo, T'ridentina,
ltaly 90 Ca Bounty I., 8. Pacific na 17 Y1 Af Borgo Pass, Romania 95 Bb
Bourbonnais, old prov., France 83 Ec
a3= —_—_——--- >
Citizen’s Atlas
Breda, Holland ; Bredasdorp, Cape Prov. Brede, King. 3redenbury, Sask. Bredevoort,
Holland Bredheim Vand, Norway Bredhurst, Kent, Lng gredon, Worcs, ng. Bredsund,
Norway Bredvik, Norway sree, Be lgaum Breedene, Belgium greeza, Queensland Bregenz,
Austria Bré hi ul, F ramnce ; Breiddals Vand, Norway Breidvangen, Norway Breifonn,
Norway Breikvam, Norway Breim, Norway Breistélen, Norway Brejo, Brazil Brekkest6,
Norway Bremanger, Norway gremangerland, Norway Bremen, Germany sremen, Ohio Bremen,
Sask. 3remerhaven, Germany Bremersdorp, Swaziland Bremerton, Washington Bremgarten,
Switzerland Bremgarten, Switzerland Bremnias, Norway Bremond, Texas Bremsnes,
Norway Brenford, Delaware Brenham, T'exas Brenner Pass, Austria Breno, /taly Brent,
Devon, Brent, Ontario Brent, East, Somerset, B ng. Brenta R., Jtaly . Brentford,
Middlesex, Eng. Brentwood, Hssex, Eng. Brenzett, Kent, Hing. Brescia, Italy
Breskens, Holland Breslau, Germany Bresles, France Bressanone, /taly Bressay,
Shetland Is., Bressuire, France 3rest, France Brest-Litovsk, Poiana. Bretaye,
Switzerland Breteuil, Kure, France . Breteuil, Oise, France Bretigny, France
Breton, C., Nova Seotia Bretten, Germany Bretteville, France ; Bretton, West,
Yorks, Eng. Breuil-en-Auge, le, France Breuilpont, France Breukelen, Holland
Breval, France Brevard, N. Carolina Breves, Brazil Brevik, Norway Brewarrina, New
WS. Brewer, Maine Brewster, Nebraska Brewster, New York Brewton, Alabama BreZice,
Yugoslavia Bteznice, Czechoslovakia Breznik, Bulgaria Breznon, Czechoslovakia
3rezolles, France Brezova, C: sschusiond bin Bria, Fr. Equat. Africa Briagolong,
Victoria Briancon, France. Briansk, Russia Briare, France Bribie 1., Queensland
Briceni, Romania Bricquebec, France Bride, /sle of Man . Bride, R., Cork—Waterford,
I. FS. Bridell. Pe ombroke, Wales Bridestowe, Devon, Eng. Bridgeburg, Ontario
Bridgehampton, New York Bridgend, Donegal, IFS. Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales
Bridgend, Islay, Scot. Bridge of Alford, Aberdeen, eod. Bridge of Allan, Stirling,
Scot. Bridge of Cally, Perth, Scot. . Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Scot. Bridge of
Earn, Perth, Scot.
Scot .
Bridge of Mondynes, Kincar., Scot.
Bridge of Orchy, Argyll, Scot. Bridge of Turk, Perth, Scot. Bridge of Weir,
Renfrew, Scot. Bridgeport, Alabama Bridgeport, Colorado Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bridgeport, Nebraska Bridgeport, Ohio . Bridgeport, Pennsylvania Bridgeport, T'exas
Bridgeport, Washington Bridger, Montana
Bridges, Nevada
Bridget, L., Clare, IF. 8. Bridgeton, Maine
Bridgeton, New Jersey Bridgetown, Barbados . Bridgetown, Cape Prov. Bridgetown,
Nova Scotia
w ~! Ss oO
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90 40) 4] 4) 90 78 7 86 90) 61 82 82 80) 85 82 8G 145 76 85 5O 85 86 78 86 1538 169
12 18] 143 154 152 157 92 92 95 93 8G GY 128 183 83 97 82 185 95 85 48 69 46 44 142
152 62 46
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og or or Gr Sr or Or wm roc 1 DD
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166 136 143
Ge Ce Xu Bb De Ha Ca Ke Ac Ge Db
beped heed aks Pk —_ ~ ~
EK d Ga Ef Ac Ac Cb 30 te Cb He Bb Fb De Be Ke Da Ke Fe Be Cb Ow Ed (Ju Cb Vu W t
C b Af Ge Ce Ca Tb Ce Ab Gf Dd
Je Ke Dr Cb Fe Ee Bt Me
143 Nd 187 Cm
150 Cb 152 Ce 143 Me 185 Ch 154 Gd 188 Cd 152 Be 151 De 50 Ur 50 Tr
152 153
Bristol, New Hampshire 152
Bristol, Pennsylvania 151
Bristol, Rhode I. . 152
Bristol, Vermont . 152
Bristol, Virginia . . 150
Bristol, W. Virginia . 150
Bristol Channel, England 46 Nu Briston, Norfolk, Eng. . 51 Yr Bristow, Oklahoma .
157 Fe Britannia, Bacup, Lancs, Eng. 49 Rp British Bechuanaland, 8. Africa 131 Dh
British Columbia, prov., Canada 140 De British Guiana, S. America 169 Fb British
Honduras, Cent. Amer. 163 Ce British Isles, W. Hurope 30 Cd British North Borneo,
Kast Indien. 121 Ee British Somaliland, colony, HE. Afr. 122 Og Brito,
Nicaragua : . 163 Df Briton Ferry, Glamorgan, Wales 46 Ot Brits, Transvaal . - 134
Dd Britstown, Cape Prov. . 137 Ge Britt, Zowa ‘ 155 Jd Brittany, old prov., France
82 Bb Brittas, Dublin, IFS. + 64 Jq Brittas B., Wicklow, I1.F.S. . 64 Jr Brittas,
L., Westmeath, IFS. 67 Gp Brittle, L., ‘Skye I., Scot. 58 Jh Britton, S. Dakota 154
Ge Brive, France 83 Dd Briviesca, Spain . 88 Da Brix, France : 85 Fa Brixham,
Devon, Eng. . 45 Pw Brixworth, Northants, Eng. 50 Us Brno (Briinn), Czechoslovakia
92 Eb Broach, Bombay . 108 Ae Broad B., Lewis, Scot. 58 Jf Broadalbin, New York 152
Ac Broad Arrow & Goldfield, W. Aust. 187 Ek Broad Clyst, Devon, Eng. . 4 Fy
Broadford, Clare, 1.F.S. ; 69 Dr Broadford, Limerick, I.F.S. . 68 Os Broadford,
Pennsylvania 150 Db Broadford, Skye I., Scot. 56 Kh Broad Haven, Pembroke, Wales 46
Lt Broadhaven & Stags of, Mayo, 1.F.S. 66 Bo Broad Hinton, Wilts, Eng. . 40 8u
Broad Law, Peebles—Selkirk, Seok. 2 ame Broadrun, Virginia 51 Ke Broadstairs, Kent,
Eng. . 41 Ya Broadus, Montana . 154 Ce Broadview, Sask. _ 147 Sf Broadwas, Worcs,
Eng. _ 47 Be Broadwater, Virginia . 151 Fa Broadwater, W. Sussex, Eng. 40 VW
Broadway, Dorset, Eng. 45 QV
a ee
sralon, France sruly, Belgium Brumby, Lines, Png. Brundidge, Alabama Bruneau, /daho
Brunel, NV. Borneo , Brunet Is., Newfoundland Bruneval, France Brinig Switz rvlaihl
Brunkeberg, Norway Briinn (Brno), ¢ Eambaaiieneieie Brunnen, Switzerland Brunner,
New Zealand sruno, Sask. Brunoy, France Brunsbiittel, srunswick, Brunswick,
Brunswick, srunswick, Maryland Brunswick, Missouri : Brunswick B., W. Australia
Brunswick Penin., Chile Brunswick, state, Germany Bruny l., N. and SS. Tasmania
Bruree, Limerick, 1.F.S. Brusa (Bursa), T’urkey . Brusevitz Is., Arctic Ocean
Brush, Colorado 3russels (Bruxelles), Briister Ort, Z. Bruthen, Bruton, Bruvik,
Norway Bruxelles (Brussels), - Bruzual, ynela Bryan, Colorado Bryan, Ohio Bryan,
Texas Bryan, Wyoming Bryan Mound, Texas 3ryce Canyon National Park, "tah Brydale n,
Norway Bryggja, Norway Bryn, Norway Bryn-am man, Carmarthen, Bryn-crug, Merioneth,
Wales Bryneglwys, Denbigh, Wales Brynmawr, Brecon, Wales Bryson, Quebec : sryson
City, N. Carolina ; Brzesé-nad-Bugiem (Br. Lit.), Brzezany, Poland Bsherri, Syria
Bu, Norway Buais, France Buar, Fr. Equat. Buay, Dahomey subiyan 1., Persian Gulf
Bubry, Prance. Bubwith, Yorks, Eng. . Buca, Fr. Hquat. Africa Bucaramanga, Colombia
Buccaneer Arch., W. Australia Buchanan, Kentucky 3uchanan, Sask. Buchanan, Virginia
Buchanan, Lake, Queensland Buchan Ness, Aberdeen, Scot. Bucharest (Bucuresti),
Romania Buchlyvie, Stirling, Scot. Buchy, France Buckden, Yorks, Bucke, Ontario
Biickeburg, Germany Buckenbun, Queensland ; Buckenham, New, Norfolk, Eng.
Buckfastleigh, Devon, Eng. Buckhannon, W. Virginia Buckie, Banff, Scot. Buckingham,
Bucks, Eng. Buckingham, Quebec Buckingham, Virginia . Buckingham co., Yngland
Buckland, V ictoria
‘| -aASS,
Germany . Feorqia Ge rMany
Belqium Prussia Victoria
Somerse , Eng.
36 Igium
Buckland Denham, Somerset, Eng. 3uckland’s Tablelands, Queensland
3ucklebos Springs, S. Australia suckley, Washington
Bucklin, Aansas . : Buckman, New Mexico Bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scot. Buck Valley, Pe
nnsylvan i
Bucovina, div., Romania Buequoy, France
Bouctouche, New Brunswick Bucuresti (Bucharest), Romania Bucyrus, Ohio
Buezacz, Poland ;
sud, Norway
Buda, 7J'eras
Budal, Norway
Budapest, Hungary
Budaun, United Provs.
Bud Bud, Bengal
Budby, i Nottingham, Enq. Buddh Gaya, Bihar and Orissa 3ude, Cornwall, Eng.
Budéjovice, Moravské, Biiderich, Germany Buderscheid, Luxembourg Budesti; Romania
Budge-Budge, Benga! 3udhana, United Provs.
Budle B., Northumb., Eng. Budleigh Salterton, Devon, Eng.
Budva, Yugoslavia
Budworth, Great, Cheshire, Eng. sue, Norway
Buéa, Nigeria
Buéi, France : ; .
Buenaventura, Colombia Buena Vista, Colorado . Buena Vista, Georgia
) 86 7
L188 69 104 LOO 154 79
i) 183 47 72 79 168 154 150
86 144
Dd Kh Sh
Nk Ad Ro He Cb Gj Ys Ow
Bb Gh Cb Fe Gb
Da Hd Tq Ge
Db Ba Hd
_ Ca
SI Pv Aa Qq
Bf Fh Af Be Bf Bd
Buenavista, Wexico
“ Wes: Buena Vista, Mexico Buena Vista, V re zuela
Buena Vista, Virginia Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Ayres, Brazil Buer, Germany
Buffalo, Alberta Buftalo, Colorado Buffalo, Minnesota Buftalo, Missouri suffalo,
New York
Buftalo, Oklahoma Buffalo, S. Dakota Buffalo, Virginia Buffalo, W. Virginia
Buffalo, Wyoming Buffalo Gap, S. Dakota
Buffalo R., Natal suff City, Tennessee sug, R., Poland
Ni. Russia Colombia
Bug, Buga, Bugaba, Panama Bugaiev R., Russia Buganda, prov., Bugojno, Bugulma,
Russia Buguruslan, Russia sui, Russia
suie, L. “Mull a Buiksloot. Holland suildwas, king.
Uganda Y ugosla wilt
“See »f .
suilth Wells, Brecon, Wales . Buin, Chile : Buinaksk, Daghestan, Russia Buinsk,
Buis-les-Baronnies, France Buitenpost, Holland suitenzorg, Java Bujalance, Spain
Bujnurd, Persia Bujudih, Bihar and Orissa Bukakata, U ganda ‘ Bukalong, New S.
Wales 3uckama, Be lgian Congo Bukhara, Stara, Uzbek, Russia sikk Mts., Romania
Bukoba, Tanganyika Buksnes, Norway Sukuru, Nigeria siilach, Switzerland
Bulandshahr, United Provs. salagq, Kgypt Bulaw ayo, S. Rhodesia Bulbul, Syria
Buldana, Berar Bulford, Wilts, Eng. Bulgaria, kingdom, Lurope Bulgurlu, 7'urkey
3ulhar, Br. Somaliland Buli, Belgian Congo Bulken, Norway . Bulkley Mts., Br.
Bullange, Belgium Bullay, Germany . Bulle, Switzerland : P Bullers of Buchan,
Aberdeen, Bulli, New S. Wales Bullington, Hants, Eng. 3ull Mountain, .Wontana
3ulloo Downs and R., Bulls, New Zealand Bully, France Bully Creek, Queensland
Bulmer, Yorks, Eng. Bulnes, Chile Bulsar, Bombay , Bult Fontein, Orange F.S. Bulun,
Yakutsk Bulun Tokhoi, Sinkiang Bulwell, Nottingham, Eng. Bulwer, N atal Bulwer,
Queensland Bulwick, Northants, ng. Bulyea, Sask. Bumba, Belgian Congo Bumblebadah,
Queensland Bumpass, Virginia ; Buna, Fr. West Africa . Buna, Papua : Bunaveela L.,
Mayo, I. F. a Bunbrosna, Westmeath, I.F.S. Sunbury, W. Australia Bunceton, Missourt
Buncrana, Donegal, 1.F.S. Bundaberg, Queensland Bundanoon, New S. Wales
Bundelkhand, div., Central India Bundi, Queensland Bundi, state and tn., Rajputana
Bundoran, Donegal, 1.F.S. Bunessan, Mull J., Scot. Bungay, Suffolk, Eng. Bungs
Berg, Germany Buninyong, Victoria Bunker, Missouri Bunker Group, Queensland Bunker
Hill, W. Virginia Bunkie, Louisiana Bunmahon, Waterford, 1. F. S. Bunny, Notts,
Lng. : 3unny L., Clare, l.FS. Bunschoten, Holland Buntingford, Herts, Lng. Buntok,
Borneo Bunzlau, Germany Buqbuq, Lgypt Burabalang R., Buraida, Arabia Burakin, W.
Australia . Burao, Br. Somaliland . Buras, Louisiana Burbach, Germany
(ue nsland
Mayurbhan), B. & O.
105 109 132 183 130 LOO
93 132
8 | LOS > Led
13] 103 108
31 104 129 130
146 79 76 80
od 183 40 158 L185 190 86 185 53 172 108 135 101 112 50 135 185 50 147 130 L185 151
125 189 66 67 187 155 62 185 183 LO8 185 L108 62 60 51 74 182 L155 185 151 157 64
5O 66 78 4] 121 75 128 109 104 187 129 157
Of Cf He
Kf Kb De Dd Ce Ke Dd Gf Cb
If Kf Ab Jb
Ed Je Je Gd Kk Cd Qr
Be Hg Hd Db Fb
Cd Gb Hd
>] pie!
Ed Kd He
3d Eb Ga Ca Bd
Bb Ce Su Kg Bb Ge Ed Cd Fd
Cd De Sh Eb Tu Jb Dm Ed
De Bo Gp Bl Jf Gm Jk Eb De Gil Be Ko
Da Be Kg
De He Gs Tr Dq Dd Vt Ee Fe Da He Dd Ck Hf Kf Ee
Burwash, Sussex, Hing. Burwell, Cambridge, Eng. Burwell, Lincs, Eng. Burwell,
Nebraska Bury, Lancs, Eng. Bury at-Mongol, republic, Russia Bury St. Edmunds, se
ati ing. Busa, Ni igerva
Busby, Alberta
Busby, Re nfre w, Seot.
Buseira, Syria
Bush R. aan: N. Ire.
Bushey, ‘Herts, Eng. . ; Bushfield, Tipperary, I.F.S. . Bushire,° Persia , :
Bushman Land, Great, Cape Prov. Bushman Land, Little, Cape Pror. Bushmills, Antrim,
N. Ire. Bushnell, Florida Bushnell, //linois Busigny, France Busk, Poland Buskerud,
fylke, Busra, Syria Busselton, W. 3usso, Mr. Equat. Bussum, Holland Bustamante,
Mexico Bustamante, 7'amaulipas, Bustard Park, Queensland Buta, Belgian Congo
Butakari, Brit. Guiana . Butana, Punjab
Buta Ranquil, Argentina Butedale, Br. Columbia Bute Inlet, Br. Columbia Bute |. and
Bute, Sound of, Bute, Scot. Biitgenbach, Belgium Buthidaung, Burma
Butiaba, Uganda , Butilimit, Fr. West Africa Butler, Alabama
Butler, Georgia
Butler, Kentucky
Zutler, Missouri
Butler, Oklahoma
Butler, Pennsylvania
Butlers Bridge, Cavan, I.F.S 3utlerstown, Cork, J.F NS. 3Zuton, I., Dutch BF.
Indies 3utow, Gre rmany .
Butrinto, Albania
Butte, Montana Buttermere, Cumb., Eng. Butterworth, Cape Prov. Buttevant, Cork,
J.F.S. Buttington, Montgomery, Wales Butuan and B., Philippines Buturlinovka,
Russia 3utzbach, Germany
Buxar, Bihar and Orissa Buxton, Derby, Eng.
Buyuk Cekmeca, T'urkey Buyukdere, T'urkey
Buzaneais, France
Buzau and R., Romania Buzuluk and R., Russia Buzzards B., Mass. : Bwake, Fr. West
Bwlch, Brecon, Wales
By, Norway
Byadgi, Bombay
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Byela, Ruse, Bulgaria
Byela, Varna, Bulgaria
Byela Slatina, Bulgaria Byelaya Tserkov, Russia Byelkov [., Yakutsk 3yelomechetsk,
3yelo Ozero, Russia
Byelopole, Russia Byelotserkovka, Russia Byelovodsk, Russia Byelozersk, Russia
Byeltsi (Balti), 3yelukha, Mt., 3yers, Colorado Byerstown, Queensland Byeshetsk,
Russia syesville, Ohio Byfield, Northants, Eng. syfleet, Surrey, Kng. Bygdea,
Bygdin S16, Bygland, Bygl undsfjord, By gstad, Byhalia, B M8 khov, By kle ‘ N OTway
Bylot 1., Canada Byna Fjeld, Bynesset, Norway Bynum, Montana Byrdstown, T'ennessee
By rness, V orth umb., Hngq. Byrne Town, Natal Byrock, New S. Wales . Byske, Sweden
Byske alv, Sweden Bythorn, Hunts, ing. Caaguazi, Paraguay Caazapa, Paraguay
Cabazon, California Cabedello, Brazil ; Cabeza del Buey, Spain Cabildo, Chile
Cabo, Brazil
Cabo Frio, Brazil ; Cabot Str., Newfoundland, ¢ Cabourg, France .
Cabra, Spain
Romania Siberia
Norway Vorway Norway Norway Mississippi
Mexico .
Firth of Clyde, Scot, Bute, Kyles of, Firth of Clyde, Scot.
4] 4]
51 Wa
154 4Y lO] 41 125 147 54 103 63 40 69 LO5 136 136 64 Ld; L155
3 ) 3
3 2 103 187 128
78 162 162 184 130 169 108 172 146 146
a a
12] Q7 76
— = WI > > =~ wt wt oS
- :
~I— ~1 DO VIO DS . ~I¢ ~I Ur
. =
~t bo
So & wt wl
Qh 97 LO] Q7 96 97 97 97 96 Q5 LOO 154 184 96 L50 1() t{)
Ot) +1 -1 +1 +1 mQIsN WN NS
~tt Ww OW is
row or ve ot J 1 & +)
~j] ~] © +] wi ~!I ~!
— bo Oe
~~ —
oo ie 2
+~— —
Caherconree, Mt.,
Cabrach Church, Banff, Scot. Cabrella, Portugal Cabrera, Balearic Is. Cabri, Sask.
Cabries, France Cabrobo, Brazil Cabuérniga, Spain Cabure, Venezuela Cabusa I.,
Burma Catak, Yugoslavia Cacapava, Brazil Caccamo, Sicily Caceres, Spain Cachar,
Assam Cachco, Port. Guinea Cachipour, C. and R.., Cachoeira, Brazil
Brazil .
Cachoeira, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Cacimbinhas, Brazil Cacouna, Quebec Cadarga, Queensland Cadbury, Devon, King Cadca,
Czechoslovakia Caddo, Oklahoma Cadeby, Leics, King. Cadenet, France Cadereyta,
Mexico Cader Idris, Merioneth, Cadillac, Michigan Cadillac, Sask.
Cadiz, California Cadiz, Kentucky Cadiz, Ohio ; Cadiz and B., Spain Cadnam, Hants,
Eng. Cadogan, Alberta Caen, France ‘ Caergwrle, Flint, Wales Caerlaverock Castle,
Caerleon, Monmouth, Eng. Caernarvon and co., Wales Caernarvon B., Wales Caerphilly,
Glamorgan, Wales Montgomery, Wales Caerwent, Monmouth, Eng. Caerwys, Flint, Wales
Caesarea, Palestine
Caetete, Brazil
Cafayate, Cagayan, Phil st ¢ Is. Ca gliari and Gulf,
“Walk x
d | rgen t ina
ardy nid F TANCE
Cagua Vol. Philippines Caha Mts., Cork Kerry, I FS. Cahagnes, France
Caher I., Mayo, I.F. Caherbarnagh, Cork, TL. PBs. Caherconlish, Limerick, 1.F.S
Kerry, 1.F.S, Cahir, Tipperary, 1.F SNS. Cahirciveen, Kerry, 1.F.S. Cahore Pt.,
Wexford, IFS. Cahors, France
ahul, Rome nia
Caico, Brazil , Caicos Is., West Indies Caillou L. and B., Louisiana Cainesville,
Cai ip yha, Ontario
Car: ury, Brazil , ,
( airndow Inn, irgyll, Scot. C e
5 |
MMi Z , PO airngorm Mts., Inve rness, etc., ocol airn-o'-Mounth, Aincardine, Scot.
‘airnryan, Wigtown, Scot.
airns, Queensland
‘airn Table, Ayr—Lanark, Scot. ‘ { he rdeen, Scot.
( . . Cairnsmore of Fleet, Kirkcud., Scot. (
‘airn Toul,
Cairnwell, The, Perth- Aberdeen, Neot.
Cairo, Kgypt
Cairo, Georgia
Cairo, [llinois
Cairo, W. Virginia Norfolk, Eng. Lines, Eng. ‘aithness, co., Scotland alx, eae
ajamarca, Peru . ajetuba I., Brazil
Caister, i Caistor,
akovec, Yugoslavia ‘tala, Cape Prov. . ala, Spain
N Lge ria
alabasas, Arizona alabozo, Bahia, Venezuela ‘alabria, Italy
alafat, alahorra, falais, France alais, Maine alamar, Colombia
Roma Ht ra '
Spa Ln
alamar, alamocha, alanhel, France Calarasi, Romania Calatayud, Spain Calcutta,
Bengal . Caldas, dep., Caldbeck, Cumb., Hng. Caldecott, Rutland, ng. Caldera, Chile
; Calder, L., Caithness, Scot. Calder Bridge, Cumb., Eng. Caldercruix, Lanark,
Scot. Calder, Mid, Midlothian, Scot. Calder, West, Midlothian, Scot. Caldew, R.,
Cumb., Hing. Caldicot, Monmouth, Eng. Caldwell, [daho ; Caldwell, Kansas : ?
Caldwell, V.R. Yorks, Hng. Caldwell, Ohio
Caldwell, Texas
V au pes, Colombia |
( ; alabozo. Ve rLeZUeé la G
{ Spain C
Colombia P
Dum frie e Necot.,
48 48 17 17 47
Cn or St mw SA St ST Or Sl 5 de CO Ss] OS St St oth bo
wt —* ~~
Oe Cb
Ol Qn Qt
od Gg Sn Ce
s Atlas
Caldwell Caldy IL., P mbroke, Wales Caledon, Cape Prov. . Caledon, T'yrone, N. [re.
Caledon Bec. Orange aS ele, Caledonia, Minnesota Caledonia, Ohio ; Caledonia
(Nassau), Dutch Gaiana Caledonian Canal, Scot.
Calera, Alabama
Calera, Chile :
Calexico, Californ i Calgary, Alberta ; Calgary, Mull 1., Scot. . Calhoun, Georgia
Cali, Colombia
Calicut, Madras Caliente, California Caliente, Nevada .
California, Missouri ‘alifornia, Pennsylvania ‘alifornia, sti rte, U.S.A.
( ( California, Gulf of, Meaico ( (
‘alifornia Hot Springs, California
California, Lr., terr., Mexico . CAlimanului, Muntii, Romania Calimere, Point,
Madras Caling gapat: im, Madras Calistoga, California Calitri, Jtaly Calit tzdorp,
Cape Prov. Calkini, Mexico : pipet and L., S. Australia Callac, France
( akin. Florida.
Callan, Kilkenny, I.F.S. Callander, Ontario
Callander, Perth, Scot.
Calls aiidinere: Queensland
{ atin. Peru Callas, France Callaway, Ne hraska Callernish, Lewis, Scot. Callicoon,
New York Callies, Germany . Callington, Cornwall, Eng. ( valliope, (Jue nsland
Callon R., Armagh, N. Tre. Callosa de Ensarria, Spain Calmar, Alberta Calmar, Jowa
Calmpthout, Belgirwm Calne, Wilts, Eng. Caloundria, Queensland Calpella, California
Calpulalpam, Meaico Caltagirone, Sicily Caltanissetta, Sicily Calthwaite, Cumb.,
Eng. Caltra, Galway, IFS. Calumet, Michigan Calumet I[., Quebec Calvados, dep.,
France Calveley, Cheshire, Eng. Calver, Derby, Eng. Calvert, Texas Calvert I., Br.
Columbia Calverton, Calvi, Corsica Calvillo, Mexico Calvin, Montana . Calvinia,
Cape Prov. al France ; tam, R., Cambridge, Eng. : : amaderry, Mt., Wicklow, I.F.S.
Camaguan, Venezuela Camagtiey, Cuba
} ‘irgi 7] ia
Camaguey, Is.de(Jard. d. Rey),Cuba
FR rence Finiste re, Vaucluse.
Camarat, C., Camaret, Camaret, Camargo, Bolivia
Camargo, Mexico
Camarones and B., Argentina Camaross, Wexford, 1.F.S Ca-mau Pt.(Cambo. C.),
Cambados, Spain ; Cambay and Gulf of, Bombay Cambe, la, France ; Cambeak, Cornwall,
Eng. Camberley, Surrey, King. ambernon, France
ambodia, F'r. Indo-China
France France
‘ 1
ambon, Queensland
‘amborne, Cornwall, King. vambrai, France
‘’ambria, California ambria, Cape Prov, Cambria, Virginia Cambria, Wyoming ;
Cambrian, New Zealand Cambridge, Cape Prov. Cambridge, Glos. Hing. Cambridge, Idaho
Cambridge, Maryland Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Nebraska Cambridge, New York .
Cambridge, New Zealand Cambridge, Ohio . 5 , Cambridge and co., Hngland Cambridge
Downs, Queensland Cambridge Gulf, W. Australia Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania
Cambrin, France Cambron, France : ; Cambus 0’ May, Aberdeen, Scot. Camden, Alabama
Camden, Arkansas
Camden, Delaware
Camden, Maine
Camden, New Jersey
Camden, New S. Wales
( ( ( Cambooya, Queensland ( ( ( {
Castle, Fe rmanagh, N. Ire.
( ( ( { { ( Cameron, Cameron, ( ( ( (
Camet: ( feisilitag Georgia Caminha, Portugal Camlin R Camlough, Camocim, Brazil .
Campina, Campinas, Brazil Campine, Belgium Campo, Fr. Hquat. Campobasso, Jtaly
Campo Bello, Brazil Campo de Calatrava, Spain Campo Formoso, Brazil Campo Gallo,
Argentina Campo Maior, Brazil Campo Maior, Portugal Campos, Brazil
Campos dos Parecis, Braz zil Campos Novas, Brazil .
: ‘AMPS, France
> Dr
2 or SDoowhn ori to
Coch, China
oS ; = = re
Camden, New York Camden, Ohio Camden, S. Carolina Camden, W. Camden on Gauley, W.
Cameille, la, France
Virginia ‘ Virginia
‘amel R., Cornwall, Eng. ‘amelford, Cornwall, Eng. ‘amelon, Falkirk, Stirling,
Scot. amembert, France amerino, Italy Missouri Texas :
Virginia . Falls, Ontario
Jameron, ‘ameron
‘ameroons, |
amerota, Italy Brazil
Longford, I.F.S8 Armagh, N. Ire,
Wexford, L.F.S.
Camooweal, Queensland Samors, France
Camp, Kerry, I.F.8 Campagne, France F : Campana, Buenos Aires, Argentina Campana
[., Campanha, Brazil Campania, T'asmania Campania, div., Campbell, Cape Prov,
Campbell, Campbell, Campbell L., Campbell River, Br. Columbia Campbellford, Ontario
Campbellpur, Punjab Campbellton, New Brunswick Campbelltown, New S. Wales
Campbelltown, Tasmania Campbeltown, Campeche and Bay of, Mexico Campénéac, France
Campenhout, Belgium Camper, Camperdown, Natal Camperdown, Victoria . = re, Brazil
Chile Italy M 188OU ri
C., New Zealand South Pacific
Argyll, Scot.
Campiglia Marittima, /taly Romania
Campsie Fells, Stirling, Beak:
Campti, Louisiana Campton, Kentucky Camptown, Roxburgh, Scot.
Campu Lung, Bucovina, Romania . Campu Lung, Romania
Alberta .
Cana, Annam
Canaan, New Rrunsaiek
Canaan, New Hampshire Canacona, Goa, India
Canada B., Newfoundland
Canada Harbour, Newfoundland
Canadel, le, France Canadian, New Mexico Canadian, Oklahoma
Canadian, Texas . : Canadian Chan., Quebec
Canadian R., Oklahoma—Texas Canakkale, Turkey ; ; : Canala, New Caledonia
Canal Flat, Br. Columbia
Canal Fulton, Ohio
Canal Winchester, Ohio Canandaigua, New York
Cananea, Mexico
Canaples, France
Canar, Hcuador
Canara, 7'asmania
Canarreos Arch., Cuda .
Canary Is., Atlantic Ocean Canaveral, C., Florida .
Canberra, Fed. Cap., Australia Canbo L.. Roscommon, I.F.S. Canby, California
Canby, Minnesota ‘ ‘ : Canby, Oregon. . : ' Cancale, France Canche, R., France
Canchy, France Candé, France Candelaria, Argentina Candelaria, Misiones,
Candelaria, Nevada Candelo, New S. Wales
Cando, Dakota
Cando, Sask.
Candor, N. Carolina
Canea, Brazil
Canelones, Uruguay. : . Canete, Chile ;
Canete and R., Peru. ; , , Kentucky . ; ; ’
173 175 174 188
9] 137 155 191
17 146 142 106 143 183 188
54 Km
160 84 79
174 90 95
174 79
130 9]
174 88
171 88
171 87 54
95 147 119 143 152 110
139 87 156
Fd Ke Fb De Gh Bd Db Ce Be Bg Fa Ab Ed Cf De Ad Fb Ga Be Ef Ff Re Fd Nk He Bd
Bb Be Ne Dd Md Ce Bd Cb Bb Fd Ce Ge De Ne Fe Aa Kg Mf Cb Be Ff Ba Ce Bd Ce Be Ae Df
o bet Tim
Cania, Queensland Canicatti, Sicily Canisp, Sutherland, Sc a Canisteo, New York
Canisy, France
Cafitas, Mexico
Canjayar, Spain
Cankiri, Turkey
Canmaroo, ea en siind . Canmore, Alberta
Canna I., Inverness, Scot. Cannanore, Madras
Cannas, Portugal . Cannelton, /ndiana Cannelton, W. Virginia Cannes, France
Cannich, R., /nvernese, ‘Scot. Canning, Nova Scotia Cannington, Somerset, ng.
Canning Town, Bengal Cannobio, /taly
Cannock, Staffs, King. Cannon Ball, N. Dakota Cannstadt, Germany Canobie,
Queensland Canonbie, Dumfries, Scot. Canon City, Colorado Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Canora, Sask.
Canosa, Italy
Canossa, Italy
Canowindra, New S. W ‘alas Canso and Str. of, Nova Sincbin Canta, Peru ; Cantabrian
Mts., Spain
Cantal, dep., France
Cantanhede, Portugal Canterbury, Kent, Eng. Canterbury, New Brunswick . Canterbury,
New Hampshire Canterbury and Bight, New Zealand Canto de Agua, Chile
Canton, Georgia Canton, Illinois Canton, Mass. Canton, Mississippi Canton, New York
Canton, Ohio Canton, Pennsylvania Canton, S. Dakota
Canton, Texas : Canton (Kwange howfu), China Canty, France
Cantyre, Sask.
Cafiuelas, Argentina
Canuma, L., Brazil
Canwood, Sask.
Cany, France
Canyon, Ontario
Canyon, Texas
Canyon City, Oregon
Capana, Brazil
Caparica, Portugal
Capatarida, Venezuela
Cap de la Magdeleine, Quebec Cape Barren I., Tasmania
Cape Breton I., Nova Scotia . Cape Charles, Virginia
Cape Coast, Gold Coast
Cape Cod B., Maas.
Cape Fear R., N. Carolina
Cape Girardeau, Missouri Capel, ig Eng. Capel Curig, Caernarvon, Capella, Queen
sland. Capella da Buena, Brazil Capella Mts., Yugoslavia Capellen, Luxembourg Cape
May and Pt., New Jerse y Cape May Court House, New Jersey Cape Province, 8S. Africa
Cape River Goldfield, Queensland Caperton, W. Virginia Capetown, Cape Prov.
Cape Verde Is., Atlantic Ocean Cape York Peninsula, Queensland Cap Haitien, West
Capillo Pk., New Mexico
Capim and R., Brazil
Capim Branco, Brazil
Capitan, New Mexico
Caplan, Quebec
Capleston, New Zealand Capodistria, /taly
Capoeiras, Cachoeiras das, Brazil Caporetto, Italy
Japote Mt., Texas
Cappagh W hite, Tipperary, LFS. Cappamore, Limerick, I.F.S. Cappellen, Belgium
Cappoquin, Waterford, I.F.: Capraia, I., Italy
Caprera, I., Sardinia
Capri, I., Italy
Capricorn Channel, Quee naland Capricorn Group, Queensland Caprino, Italy Caprivi
Strip, 8. Capron, Virginia Captain Vilkitski | Capua, Italy ; Caputh, Perth, Scot.
Caqueta, ter., Colombia
Cara Arman, Romania . Carabobo, state, Venezuela Caracal, Romania
Caracas, Venezuela
Caracoles, Chile . , Caragabal, New S. Wales. Caragh, L. and R., Kerry, I.F.S.
Carahue, Chile
Carangola, Brazil
Caransebes, Romania Carapanatuba, Brazil
_ Ya kutak
L185 9] 59
15] 85
162 88
147 60
111 88
150 83 56
143 47
107 81 49
154 74
185 5d
147 9] 90
168 88 83 88 4]
a) a) |
or Sr fe Or SUI AaAaAheHONWAWAWh
~] # OO OI Or
Hk Df Lf Ka Gb Bd Dd Ba Gil Mf Hh Bf Bb
Hd De Re Kd Dh Cd
We Kg Vu Og
Ld Dd Hd
Bd E d
Cb Df Ed Pa Ed Pj Ce De Da Be Da Be Da Bs Ah Df Gd Ee
Carnarvon, Sweer’s /., Carnarvon, W. Australia Carnarvon Sta. & Ran., Carnatic,
dist., Wadras Carncastle, Antrim, N. Ire. Carndonagh, Donegal, 1.F:S. Carnduff,
Sask. ' Carnew, Wicklow, I.F.S. Carnforth, Lancs., ing. Carnic Alps, /taly
Carniéres, France Carnlough,, Antrim, Carno, Montgomery, Wales Carnot, Fr. Equat.
Africa Carnotville, Dahomey Carnoustie, Angus, Scot. Carnsore Pt., Wexford, I.F.S.
Carnwath, Lanark, Scot. Caro, Michigan Carolina, T'ransvaal Carolina, La, Spain
Caroline Is., Pacific Ocean Carolles, France Caron, Sask. : Caroni R., Venezuela
Carouge, Switzerland a. Mts., Hurope aed aaa Rv the nia, dist., Cz Carpentaria,
Queensland Carpentaria, Gulf of, Australia Carpentras, France Carpi, lialy Carpio,
N. Dakota Carpori, Brazil Carquefou, Franc Carqueiranne, France
Queensland .
(JUuee nsland
NV, 7 re.
Carra L., Mayo, 1.F.S8 Carrabelle, Florida : Carrantouhill, Mt., Kerry, LF. S,
Carrara, /taly Carrasco, Banado de, Uruguay Carrathool, New S. Wales Carravellas,
Brazil Carrbridge, Inverness, Scot. Carricgart, Donegal, 1.F.S Carrick, Donegal,
I.F'.S. Carrick, div., Ayr, Scot. Carrick-a-Rede I|., Antrim, Carrickarron, Louth,
1.F.S. . Carrickbeg, Waterford, I.F.S. Carrickfergus, Antrim, N. Ire.
W Tee.
Carrickmacross, Monaghan, 1.F.S Carrickmore or Termon, T'yr., NV. I. Carrick-on-
Shannon, Leitrim, 1.F'.S
Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, 1.F.S. . Carrig I., Kerry, 1.F.S. Carrigaholt, Clare,
I.F.S. Carrigaline, Cork, 1.F.S. Carrigallen, Leitrim, 1.F.S. Carrigans, Donegal,
1.F.S Carrigtohill, Cork, I. FS Carrington, N. Dakota .
Carrion, Spain : Carrizo Springs, T'exas . Carrizozo, New Mexico Carrol, Ohio
Carroll, lowa
Carrollton, Alabama Carrollton, Georgia Carrollton, //linois Carrollton, Kentucky
Carrollton, Missouri Carrollton, Ohio
Carron, L., Ross and Crom., Carron, R., Ross and Crom., Carron, R., Stirling, Scot.
Carronbridge, Dumfries, Scot. Carrouges, France Carrowkeel, Donegal, J. F. S.
Carrowmore L., Mayo, I.F.S. Carrshield, Northumb., Eng. Carrum, Victoria
Carruthers, Sask. ' : Carruthers Mt., Br. Columbia Carrville, Durham, Eng.
Carryduff, Down, N. Ire. Carry-le-Rouet, France Carse of Gowrie, Perth, Carsethorn,
Kirkcudbright, Carson City, Nevada Carsphairn, Kirkcudbright, Carstairs, Alberta
Carstairs, Lanark, Cartagena, Chile Cartagena, Colombia Cartagena, Spain Cartago,
Colombia Cartago, Costa Rica Cartaxo, Portugal Cartaya, Spa in Carter, Kentucky
Carter, Wyoming Carter Bar, Scot. Carteret, France Cartersville, Georgia Carterton,
New Fenland Carthage, [l/inots Carthage, Mississippi Carthage ——
Scot, Scot,
Scot. Scot.
Carthage, New Mexico . Carthage, New York Carthage, N. Carolina
Carthage, Ohio Carthage, Tennessee Carthage, TJ'exas Carthage, ruins, Cartier,
Ontario Cartmel, Lancs, Eng. Cartwright, Labrador Caruipano, Venezuela
Caruthersville, Missouri Carvillente, Spain Carvin, France Carvoeiro, Brazil
187 185 Lil 63 62 147 64 19 90 $6 63 46
“1 bD be OO
we we
r or mam orci he =~] Ui
be! 176
147 169 80 93 93 185 179 83 90 154 169 85 87 66 153 68 GO 173 182 171
8S 156 156 150 L5d5 157 153 155 150 155 L150 56 56 54 5D 845 62 66 5? 182 147 146
53 63
“ ° . bu a tix fan oe ie or or cr em Gr St Or O1 © or - Age htt pally. aD +24 >> =
WW G&S or =) Cl = Ge
7 2 too wt nm ty Vl mw -~) +1
> fe
Hd Kd Bd Kf Ac
Cb re LI} Nk Om Jc Gm >
Ge Sn Kn Dd Pk On Df Nm Mf Ol] Be Ba Ed Cb Fg Ac Bd Be He im Cb 30 Ed Ke Kd Hg Ad
Gf Ee
Lb Gd Ga Dd Qo
Sf Ea Kb Ee De Ed
Castle oon stletownr — Cas oche, Cork —— sooo cig CO ork, IPS. ‘ : i ee ee D, ork,
1.F.S . 69 Es C : ‘ aston, N ’ own, N. Ire ; . 6s Ct mi ate Ttal i : Castor, a Eng.
ik , 63 ¥ Faron A aoa , ik oe Castor, N oh ae: ep. dex tinal : SEG ‘ 61 Xr | Cedar,
th ‘ c | Chag Castra, 7’ orthants, Eng. . 147 Oe Cedar, Vanc . 159 Gh ae ny, France
oceetat mertabai our ee ese wera Ae 2 eae Sian Archipel: 2 # Castros rance . : : _
188 ig Cedarburg "9 A ebraska ; 146 He Chagres, Hosen wo, Indian nia be Fc |
Changtol Cast é um, Holland 2 . e Ce Ceds : 4s m=? V LSCONSIEN . ‘ 154 iy C the
verin k ma ys . I ‘ Rh | C } OK- hsien, rg hi “astries, Franc ; . 83 Ke % ar City,
Utah d 4 Ge Chal ‘alls. Ohio : 168 Ab iangtsing- ki na Castro, Cl ames : ee ‘e
Sedar Falls, J A 155 Md C rahar, prov., /n 15 saa Chi angtufu, sien, Shantung C 115
Casteo. g ne . ; an 4 Cedar Giaiic 8 159 G ( oe Persia ea Mongolia : + . b Changwu
Fades si hina 114 Cg : ay = Ae ~y t 5, 2 a Le xe 8 . 2, $ * a ; , Castro del Ri .
175 Bd Cedar Grove Wareia lb5 Jd es ae Siam 105 Ha | Channagiri Ri - 14 oe Castrog
rs 10, Spain ® ‘ 88 > Cedar ? Whee aryland 159 GI | thaibasa, Bil . f 1] Chan i 5 4
ysore ‘ . 1] Cast geriz, Spain ‘ - 88 Ba Cedar Ra Manitoba 15] +n Chakai Bil tar
and Oviaan 119 (lc Ch napatoa, Mysore ; ‘ ia Fe Jastropol, Spat Bm? Bee ar
Rapids, / tc | Chakda var and O 109 G Uhnannarayaps Oe ae - 110 B Castes Ur OPan
» . 88 Hidue Ranida. owd 144 CO Yhakdaha, Be rissa 9 Gd | Chi yapatna, Mys d a
Wistan C ‘ tapids, NV es Cd | Chaki rs Bengal 10s hannel Is., # » ww ysore - Ii
Pantie hag 8, Spain ; gg Be Cedar oeian eat pt 1565 Kd Semen United iets ; ee He
Channing T English Channel. . 18 : Castovilari 1 — j . 88 Da Cea oo . 154 Fe oe
Togolan d nial ; 109 - Chant: ales’ poe . 4 , Db ‘ag at , Ltaty , _ 88 ‘edarvale »
Weorgua . ~ 155 r akradhs : ; ; ° me | © Sin . natal California a1 s Cedar Val 3°
Columbia 153 Bd Chaksam, Tibet Bihar and Oris we Ef Ch on ans Spain : te re s p
riiie, T'e Le , , 7 ie Ce : ale, Kansas = ‘he kw: 3 r€ : Dil OY GS 1; wy enay, Ih .
. Cd Castuer exas . 159 edarvil nsas 146 E akwal, Punj rd | Cl oire-I ; ra, Spai '
59 Cg “ ille, Cape P x td | Che , Punjab 407 Ge | 1antenay, 5 nferieure, 88 B Cat I
W pai : : : 156 5 Cedarville n pe Prov. 154 fin \alatenang< dep : ‘ ere } Cha vs h
arthe, F Fiveaae = 8 ae 9 est Indies . J . : Kf Cedarvi c, New Jerse . or *E }
Chalchi £0, Salvador E _ 106 Ct ang nu, /rance rance ., 85 Ff eee Pane: ss 5S Ce er
ille, Ohio wikia x B) Chale, I ricomula, Mexico . 163 Ga Chanute, anes a ; » 85 Je
ataguazes Br ae : _ 164 Fb CQ a arville, W. Virgini 51 Fe Chale I. of W ight
Enc : . 162 Ef Chany, S$ We. Y. ‘ ; . 85 H Catalao, Braz igs ; . 168 Ae Leng Sack
rgenia 4 Be aorta New Sil ‘ > Ty | Chanzeaux F Siberia . . . 154 Hg Catalea, 7' . .
. 174 DE edral, Me oe . : . 150 ‘o ig ord, Glos BE swick . a - | Chao I * rance . .
100 ; urke y . : f Ced mg CZiCO : . ; 147 : Chalgali g oe ung. 7 . l 13 Md } C ; *?
} CTU . A Ge C Catalina and Harl : pe Be Packie [., Mexico ; 162 os Cha-lien-t: i
ee C.P. - a al ebinee KR. ie ii - 85 Hf ‘atalonia g dey Newfo . O5 D . a una, S. 4
=, ; ‘ ; De ( d Cl a -taod, K. O} , - i( ‘ a haoche Sy ae ( hina , e 168 Pilea ;
cee ; undland 139 De Cefalu Jicil ustralia —. . 160 Ab owen Che hine.. . + Fd a
plana : i" Be Catam a, £ rgentina : : . 89 ze Cegled } ' Y ‘ 2 - 180 C 1alisgaon }
rnd ® - 0 Fb Ch ee Ow, China ot, *hina ; h J arca ais : é Gb + L, Jungar - e
Challak 1, Bomba: EE 1aochow ; . 1B ees and Gulf. ; rgentina . i Ke i prec it - Ke
a eae ae 108 re | Sereda - Ii a satanzar p ’ Sicily 792 Dt ano, Ttala P - " ve Ke C
: - 18 "rance | © ( thao- } ~ ? Lana 7 x 114 Catan 0, Italy . . » | Celanovs y . 89
E hallis, dal ; 10 Cd | CI sien, Chine Gb atawissa, Pe : : : Ef : Va, Spai . : UC
Ch: tho Q9 : 1a0-hu, ¢ ! : . 1106 Catcle _ Pennsylvani . : Celavs ain . _ gi
‘hallocl 2 Ce ‘hin ; h a ugh Reser? Nord a Be Gelbrid eee . . 88 Saas n, Scot. | .
158 Fe C kn nists Thaleapet - 115 Dd eg oe Frasers Northumb., Eng. oa - Salat sheet
] FS é‘ . 762 Ce ere apne Riis . §4 Mn nip China an), Jhalawar, Rai a Dd An » v =
g* we . 25 xF . r? = yy : Ses e .) eth. =| . . = ° : > e a . Caton! vannel Is. ‘ -
g9 4 Calshon’ Si Jutch HK. Indies ek ee Chiilon-sur-Saéne, f rance . 85 Hf Ch: ote,
Manchuk . ; y- 08 Ce Catfi 1am, Surre —— Ka | Celi ea, Dutch ‘ gg Cham, @ éne,
France . 2 es debs angfu, J kuo . - 112 Gf ene Nortatle En ng. . 84 Db Felie.” Ohio
i. Indies ae O} Cham. neeeee ; _ -g2 » | 6 hao-yang hsi eno: . 114 Q@b st , 407g -
CLE £ . , a , ewitzer . i xe 1 . -nsie Al ra = ash Shetland 1 8 . = be Celle — ‘ :
2 UR | Chama ig 9 : : ‘ 74 Ed 7 ST ee naar z China E a Ed ‘ art, Cape 8., Scot. Se
As ces dines rmany Ab | Chi , New Mesxrec ; . sl .} lap, | » Hhantu on al 15 D
Cathki ape Prov ; ee Celles, Belgi % , ge 4 1aman, B CO Fb irginia ng, Chi h sin,
Victort sagas 31 Tb | Comm Selgiur 92 De | Che , Baluchist 156 Chapal na. 114 Cc
core rctoru : _ 137 Ce ra, ee ; b 1am be a an . , 56 Al a and ‘ Ef ecanaae Peak,
Natal ote “4 Ganiraien Z nglesey 7 ie me Chambal genset . 106 Bb ee Prose Mexico -
[51 Dd ame ; : “ ‘on a Aes og — 18 : } ‘ i : , ; a ape porate wu + ashington : .
doo FF ‘h ages agg eae Wal - Na tae -agtiggs : a Db moe Hi -le-Frith, pe! orks,
Eng. = . Resch £; entuck : : 158 ‘enis M v bey ontgo? at , Ca 46 Ms . 1am berl: rea
bee ak. : : Pe Ce * ape ill N 0 : oY, En p e, C ; y 58 Bb ‘ , Mt., Pranc gomery,
Wale Ms | Che ain, S. Dak 147 Chapell , N. Carolir gq. » 0 Caton ‘; \., Mexico .
150 |! Center, 2 nce—Italy es 48 { Chamberlai aKota : 7 Qf : elle, la, F ua : 50 Sq
; > 7 . ; 30 ‘ ’ Alabar Y : yr Cl ain | Pe VM 7 . 15 C ha sell ? Trance Fs 153
nisak ancs, Eng : 16 Center : na. ; 83 G i yam berst , Marine . 154 F d é i e-Hueli
: Ee | : s, Nevad si ; 0) Ge ‘¢ , NV. Dak : r xd | Che BISOUTes Pennsi ; 162
Chapell in, la, Fr ; . 84 1 Catonsvi aaa . . §2 Center told 153 I Shambéry, F
nnsylvant . 152 Da — o-sur-Hedve. rance Ke . onsville, J . 52 Qo , Oklahoma a sc |
Cl y, France “ ma Chapel, N irdre, la, F : . 85 Cat , Maryland , a Jo | Center m
Sis 154 Sham brelie ste . 151 ke rep New. S , la, Mrance 5 Gf f \ ,oTrce M . .
ma ,. 5Y Kf ‘ ver, Texas E b C Alen, Switzer . ‘ Cha ee , Surrey A = 8 ; > im Cat .
» 44 eXLICO . ; 15 = Center vs ~ 156 hame P : oi Ze rland . 83 Fd ~ pels I. N 7 a?
ung. 5 Ff aa | atria, Mte : . 51 Ke ‘ erville, Alal } Fe |-¢ e, Fanama . Chapel § ,
Newfoundl F , . a at Castaic ., Italy 162 Centervi », Alabama 157 G ‘hamical : - £6
Ce _ apel St. I and Vu ; Ul me skill, New Y . 32 Cd rville, low z Ge Cc pene Argent
. * Chave veonards, Li : _ 139 ® | Catski , New York Centervi wa 157 thamiz ii mm .
168 I ‘ pelton, ) , ce y 39 Ce a | | rere Mts., New York a De imac Maryland 155 i
Chamois, an ; . 172 Dd Chapeltown, Down Scot. Eng. . 51 Wq ' t F| ice bie rere : :
152 = Centerville. riots * rae Chamonix Peach ; : . : 173 Kf Chapeltown, Yorke 2
Tre. Fs fs Nl a) Cattarc gus, New Yc : : ee, Ac | Center in tigars dakota 155 K
lampa in = ' . 155 Jf ere Uppe a, OE: Ko Saeis (Kote wrk A ad Berge 55 Kg | C |
Central Pr | | Chapel, Upper, Brecon, aa , Catte ” ( tor), Y2 : . 15 i ( ent
CENMECSSECE 154 1 ham a” “i rows. . 83 ( j pic ul U mn, VW ales 0 Sq | atterick,
Y : wgoslavia . 151 Da ‘ o, Italy Gd C pagne, Mra E xt Ch , Uruguay 8 4 Cattocic ,
Yorks, E : ee é Cantrat: N; 157 ‘hamp nce 109 Fe apleau, O rad ; . AT Ps i ‘k Bri ,
ang.. 93 Fe = ral. New Mezi i Le A paign, Tlli : € Chanli , Ontario P l aie Ca ick
Bridge, Yo Ke Centr: Mexico of Chan inois - £2: iaplin, Sask . 173 Jd oo ihe Jauca.
OC oY» orks, B - 5 § ral Ameri 00 Ch iparan 1j : yb C , Sask. ‘ h i a ’ Yolomt >
Lng. se bo Orie merica eo ‘ I ‘ ’ ( ist. a B 155 ha ms e . 142 ey) Caucasian pee
7 . 53 So o ntral City, Col a ; 159 Ij Ch: umpayan L., Me ihar and ‘Odisia pe Le
Chas nan, Kansas , 147 Cd f n | : Caucasus Mt a, N., Russia . 168 a ventral City Ne
orado ‘ 138 Jh C 1am peric O, GQ 1" xICO : 9 tb C} I manville, W Vi : ’ 15 Qf . By
Caudet o ine Russia . ele i 7 Central Fal , Nebraska 154 Cf yhampgene t atemala .
162 Dd za 1appell, Nebr . irginia . 154 Gf it Caudry, F Ean SS ae ial Boao Sage
papne 154 Fe Champigné je France. . 163 Ad pei Is _— 150 Cd y, France ; vi “gE en
NOs x ne ‘hs gne, france A ae ‘hapré 8., £asm : . 1b | Cauldcots ar . . 85 La
Centralia esa 152 Cd gee rin L eis ; . 85 Jd Charad, Bihar and Got : aa re ae Vita
A ngus, Scot ; _ 86 Ee 2 métralie., Wa ood 155) OL a aN mont. etc. , he He ae A
rgentina gis ‘ 109 re Yaulnes 7 ori : S Nee aml 2 Yentral Indis Shingron 155 Jf a
amplon Belai e ‘ . 152 Bb CQ cas, Mexico . : ; ¢ eee ; rance . ‘ 182 j Central P
m8, India 158 Champ , beigium : x 39 FF Tharchan Q; ae ; , ae Hb meld mnt, Calv : ’
o>: “Ce : al Point. Or . : Bb Cc poton, Mexic . : ps9 c Che ay inkiang , _ 162
Caumo Jalvados, Fr : . 8 Central P b, Uregon . 106 *~hampsecr vei ; % Be rn archign
y 9 . Cd nt. V mene rance 84 Ed ‘ al Provine ih : : 06 Dd , psecret Fr : , , c Char
e, France ; ] Cauquene aucluse, Fr 85 Centrevi nces, Indi . 158 Chan soe agile .
160 F Shard, S _ . 112 Dd suones. Chs , France ‘an “ evill swage = diva 58 Bd ‘
uptocé, Fr . ‘ Kd : , Somerset, E : Aeurel. pn hile <a , Qn Hb feet teatiie. 4
Columbia , . OG ~ eens enna hele ; _ 85 He eee oe Eng. ¢ ‘ a Hd ~ : ‘ JC , Mississi
: : ' aux ve . - ‘ ” 2 : ° 5 Caurel, Sates 4 ; . 172 Af a. Baltic . 146 Eb pci . et
: . 85 Bf faces R., France ; 150 z ee i Spain . hh Ba 4 oo W. Virginia ek. eH Je oo
Pea ) ay G meen dep., ili ; 99 a Ne uig a =: rs ni . 14 anaral, Chi Me a , ; ee a
Quebec 88 Ba | C Ser Foulletourt "ae = Ld | Ch ce hile . ; 8 Ce | Charin e-
Inférieure, de : . 83 Dd auseway, K c : -. OR Et veredo, W.V e, France . 150 Ce ;
anaral, [., Chi - ; 8 Ae Chari £> Kent, Ex P:» France Causeway, Kerry, PS. baal B
cacy Virginia pe . eee Charité, La, Eng. = iT Xa Cautin, pr aaa rare 68. Bs ‘eres,
Ca es 150 Be thanoey, F : ey: ,ariton, I es u , <. £iee . Bs ae a ape Prov . 50 Be
- cey,
Florid : ; 2 Be C owa ‘ Cauve prov., Chile 8: s | Ceres, Fi rou. . 6 F Chane OTM .
168 tharjui, OD . 82 Ke Jauvery F ; Bo Ne Bae all ee : oe : 8 Bf urk : Cauver} amg
Mysore j . 172 = Cereste 25 S608. « : . 136 CF Chanda, ¢ * : ; ; ; 363 © Charkhari,
st re Russia . 155 Je Cauville oo Madras aes Periontaine, Be 57 Ok Chandai, —
Provs. . 172 Af eee ac and tn., ©. Indi 16a : Caux ., : rance . . . ar a Serignsl
e, selgium gn 4 Chanda’ rance . . . 108 bn olcetenns on, ing. a. 108 De Coren,
Gained £0 2 s5-- 2 85 va Gerigy la Salle! cue, pee Ee Chendbali — ere oe 85 7 ne
eee N. Ive, 0} Cavalai is 'rance ; 169 a | Cerknics a France _ gi Ed Chandele ,
Bihar and Ori ; . 108 Da Charleroi pe ge : . 63 Ho Heraier, gy 3% . 87 Ge | Cerauti
Fugosravea | . 85 ae Chanderi, ur Is. and Sd., oun . 109 He Charles, ¢
ennsylvanta . . WE oe Dakota . ; ; 37 “5 ie ah paths Ro) aes . 99 3 ee CUI.
SOUT8STANA 157 Ke Charles iy, —_ ‘ : 150 Ch Cavang co., LFS . 16 oe Cerne / ,
Romania mania . OF : Chandler gore (Fr.), £ ae tharles Ci pee om 7 . 161 Fd
Cavangarden, Donegal, PS. 67 Gp Cerne Abbas, Dorset, Hng. 95 Ce | Chandler's Ford,
Jenga” 100 Je Charleston, Hin ae Cs 2 =) oman i 6 xp Cerre nS C:X21CO J* : ; An C (
P : j ord I F : nes eis ‘ha 2 ? inots : J 151 E ty New Zeal " . 62 Eh oo to,
Campani 45 Qv i. andod, Barod« Jp Eng. 156 Fe | Ct rleston, Mississip; : . 155 - et
North _— ‘ . 95 Dd Cx rreto, Emilia Te ltaly . 162 Db oe Bomb ee a0 Fy Seabees
Miso. : 157 K ‘ave, S th, Yorks, L . a : ‘errig-y lia, Ital os . th ae ay pea Irie
sourr . os ¢ Jobo Ae 191 GF | Cerrill y Druidion, Deabighy 4 91 Ed | Cl andos,
Queensland . oe ee . + 155 ess pa Suffolk, Eny. . ff) Up Rei ee ’ De nbigh, Wal MP
Bb ei aa Beng o , . 108 Be CH i ston, Queen a 5 7 191 7 ‘aversham ffolk, Hing . >
SO erritos, M exo . Wales. 48 O ‘handpur, Biin . 3 . 184 Bs ‘harleston, 8. C ers "=
Cavet My Berks, E — ; P Cer » HELO « . 156 4 Ch » DYnor U.P : 107 x Charles ==
Yurolina 7 . 185 D town , Eng. a ae : ro Azul, Per ‘ . 156 A : andpur,. Uni , OF, .
107 G 2 eston, W. Vi ie : i ag eri cate eae ra at ee | 1 162 Gd Chandra a ag 1108
Da ot Pettis, a ‘avi “7 "(122 , . is “i x ‘erro a as ° eru : : l - ‘ha i wie Madras
. ; 1¢ 1arle ’ ar ine ae Ps a Cawdo WT ueensland : . 12) 4 C Cngutt hi cis . igs ie
~ Chan arian Bengal : a z C Sasha ie Tatal : cau . 66 * Seeker Guy, 2 ie ras “
Sewers Sea a ae ee 88 i cde me Seman Paes 2% a Ha Charlestown pote Hampahire - Cawn
: ’ ansas F . oy j Corver > A ain . , ‘ AC Ch erar, Indi 8. : *harine ? ode I. . a
Be pore, Uni ere _ 69 Og ; era de Pi . , ~ OE 38d andur, Be ia. _ 109 Fe estown, W.
Virgini rs Cawood, Spee: Provs. , . 154 Ff aad ia, Italy ie ai Spain . 89 Fb C
hanganac ie India . . 108 Ce ymparees Belg poet : a : Cawston, N 8, Eng. 4108 E AE
Ra, ee eo Chang i, Travan 10 harleville, C gian Congo . 151 De ‘ n, N orf ] ° EK b
‘ 1€, Corsic . Ca ~ obhakar, core. M 8 De C le, Cork bas g : 130 Dd Caxambt Oo k,
King . . 50 . Cerzeto It 8ica : ; 90 | Changel st ate, Cer t 9+ cilia ] ] |
‘harlevill : % + TF eK ’ 7 n Brazil : é — Tp Candinn: ‘ aly , : "ge Ib ian see a
Chinn stral Prove. 109 Cg Chawloeilia. France : 69 Ds Cation ei : : . ; 174 es
Cesis, Pac . ‘ : : 9] a a ah Fukien Ch : 3 : 114 Bd Pachcraeee es . . a Fb Cayen ,
Cambridge, EH : 17 Ces Li tes : , fe | Cl tes siniein » Unie = = Char x,
Michiga : . 185 Fi J ne (S + ing. . 7] x apa, Oz . . OD nange at ; ing), J . » pe
is z arlos, } gan. Sa oes oe are Vs Cessford, ttibe ped eee Gd Soasas U New mca ae
Shain, ee — Jayman, G ce . ina =. 169 G essnock “ef : : _ 92 D Chang-t ro
Newfoundland : 115 ee Charlotte, N chigan. ; Caymbe rand, | W ! . tb Ces » 4VewW S
W : : — Ja Ct 4 10, China ? : ; . Bj Che : >, LVew York ‘ F 155 Nd - ithe est Indie
- 86 A son, Mra . Wales . 147 Of vanghsi . ; . ee Ge arlotte, NV. C ada ‘ : Caynh
(mt.), Keuad aves : c Cet nee . i Cl ngtao, M . A Char , N. Caroli . 142 FF am. 8S
or =A Ce atea Alt ‘ . 183 F Shanghw Sat anchuk Ale. . iarlotte C na. Cayton ,
Salop, E . 4 Co | Ceti a (Akke a | Changi a-hsien, Chi ue f | Cl courthouse, Vérgue
. 153 De» a York » Ng. . . 168 Be > inje, Y rman), R ye 2 angihsi , China 114 E 5
rarlotte Hs se, Virgina es Cayu » Yorks, lin ; c | Cet » Yugoslavi omani . f | Ch
ien, Sha e | Cl arbor, Flori 1 .be Yayuga L., NV q. in. Yetraro, It a : i «6995 «6D
angkiak - ntung, Chi 115 1arlottent , Florida Cirahnies: Ch ew York a Cette (S aly
b | Ch akow (K + eee Ed | Cl nburg, Ge . 1538 Cg zadero, Cali mK . ; eee ee te
(Séte ae : ; eee angki algan), Chi 114 1arlottes rmany Cazade , California , 145 o
| Ceut . ), France . a | Ch u-hsien, SA una Df Ch ville, "Vive 714 Eb ro, Mezxi . .
142 Ff “yteubegesy Span. M ‘ ; ar ae angli-hsie antung, Chi 114 Bd 1arlottetown, P
ginia 1 Cazalla de | sed Sa 3 cence ME Morocco : . 83 Changli n, China , China .
114 : Charltc n, Prince Kdw . 151 Dd Cazau a Sierra, S f | Ceyl 2 Mts., Fra , : Ke
| Ch ong: Manel ; 4 Cf} Cl on, Ontario pard I. . 148 Nd X, Etang , Spain . 162 De ‘
yion, island » France . 126 Bb ‘hanglo-hsi thukuo se Ye ‘harlton, V2 : Nazin, Yu
de, France ee Ceyreste, F d, Indian O = ieg Chang-] ien, China : . 114 #9 Charlton
wcloria _ 142 Dd Cazorl goslavi ia > - d Ch ——- rance cean. * Ee Ch &- O- hsien EK
om Gb C mn E Quet 182 Be orla ‘3 -- '33-¢ aam, — an , H. Ch 115 tharl zy 2€€ .
Ceanannus Mor (K de, Spain. . 92 Me Chacabuco, arg : ; “ . aor E. China 115 C pe me
Glos., Hing “ ea Jeara (Fort r (Kells), Me 88 D hachapoy: rgentina é ae ; Changni
n, Shantung, C 115 fa | Charly, F Surrey, Eng oe : t Counncaniet aleza), B ath,
1.F. g d | Cha poyas, Pera : > Ce | Ch ing- -hsien, Chi g, China 5 Eg | Cl y,
France q: . 40 Vu ara-mirin » Brazil 63 H co, Got ae , 1 ea langning- ina 114 J
harmo Ceauc 1, Brazil ‘ p Chad, ». del. A : ; f Ch g-hsien C yf C uth, De : = Ef
se, Fra ; oat ad, colo » Argentin MAG. Fs angpin ’ hina 115 3 harnw yrset, HK ng.
Ceba, § ance. , a | Chad, ny, Fr. E ina . e | Ch g-hsien, Chi Cg | ¢C ood For 45 QV
, Sask . - VEL He L., Sud quat. Afri 843 ang-pu-h wna 115 haroll est, Leics, H ca.
+ Pane Be Fe ea frica b | Ch sien, 2. C 5 BE) C ais, Mts. d we 49 T 5 oi P . . 85
He is desle C : . 128 B angsha C v. China 115 haroll du, Fras Ceboll ws. anama . ]
c Chad y orbett, e Ch : Be ~ Dg C es, Frar we ; 83 Fr ar, Argenti Ae at thadhakh,
Wor . 128 angsh LL: ha we ¢ ers iron ti ° - 168 Ab amet ited Bas phe Eng. _ 47 Re
Changsha. oS st Cina 115 ss - thars, Pra: Bihar and Ore. . i ry Yecilville, Cals :
4 i» ¥7% “Be thadwick 8a = i s+ 108 angshar n, Shantun 1 wna 115 eg Chart. G nce :
c California 5. a -cot ieee Noes. dg = 154 Dd Uhangeho chaion, 2 Space Di Charters
Tower _ Ping. . ae thagford De Madras : "195 Ff Changhes EC ina 115 = essen a,
sab . 185 Fg , Devon, Kng. , . 110 Dd Changtefu E. China 115 oe Ghissioa: France =
le 2 » Ut ry 1 = ‘ . 44 Ov Changtehfu Chin 115 Gd Chase City, Argentina . g2 Db
Chantilly, Fra a 114 |] Dhuaka, a Virginia ’ rance a 3f C SKA, Mir 5 rn 4 115 Ae
‘hasseneui vnesota : 15] Dd 86 Ce Chassille r Fcace 155 Je . Chateaub rance . : .
83 Dd ourg, France ’ 5 : 85 Jd g5 Gd
-ma~ _—— «
r ~~ |
= —- ——— "AES —, ar. — _— > — ae
gO ts GIy Me
General Index
Chillicothe, J//inots Chillicothe, Missouri Chillicothe, Ohio .
De Be Db Je Df Uu Qv Rd Ke Gd Ce
Bb Be Be Fd Ec Db Me Wt Bd Dd De Ad Cb Cb Ce Ce e Be Ce
Cd Cf Ch Dg Dh Bf Jk De Bf De Xu De Cb De Gf Gf Hb Ef Ag Bg Le Jf Be S] Jg Cd Bd Dy
De Tt Le Su Gf
Bd Ee Db Bd Be Fb Eg De
id Jd Ad
| Chintalnar,
General Index
Conflans, France .
Conflans-Ste. Honorine, France Confolens, France
Cong, Mayo, I.F.S ' Congleton, Cheshire, Eng.
Congo, ee Angola
Congo, R., W. Africa isnot prov., Belgian C ongo Congresbury, Somerset, Kng. .
Congress, Arizona
Congrier, France
Coningsby, Lincs, Eng. Conisbrough, Yorks. Eng.
Coniston and Water, Lancs, Eng. Conjeeveram, Madras
Conklin. Alberta
Conlie, France ;
Conlig, Down, N. Ire.
Conlin, Montana .
Conn, L., Mayo, : Pf. S
Conna, Cork, IF.
Connaigre B., Newfoundland. Connaught, prov., J.F.8
Conneaut, Ohio P ; Conneautville, Pennsylvania . Connecticut R., Connecticut, etc.
Connecticut, state, U.S.A.
Connel Ferry, Argyll, Scot. Connellsville, Pennsylvania Connelly, New York
Connemara, dist., Galway, L.F. S. Connerré, France
Connersville, /ndiana
Connors, New Brunswick
Conomo, Mass,
Conon Bridge, Ross and Crom.., Scot. Conquereuil, France
Conquest, Sask.
Conquet, le, France
Conquista, Brazil
Conrad, Montana
Conroe, Texas ‘
Consett, Durham, Eng. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Consort, Alberta ; : Constance
(Konstanz), Germany Constance, Lake of, Ger.—Switz. Constanta, Romania Constantina,
Spain Constantine, Algeria Constantinople (Istanbul), Constitucién, Maule, Chile
Consul, Sask.
Contact, Nevada
Contai, Bengal
Contes, lrance Conteville, France Contich, Belgium Contigné, France Contin, Ross
and Crom., Continental, Ohio Contreras, Islas, Panama Contrexéville, Vosges, France
Conversano, Italy
Convoy, Donegal, 1.F.S Conway, Arkansas Conway, Caernarvon, Conway, Kentucky
Conway, Missouri Conway, S. Carolina
Turkey .
Scot .
Conway, R., Denbigh—Caer., Conway Springs, Kansas Conwel Elvet, Carmarthen, Wales
Coo, Belgium Cooch Behar, Cooden Be se Ir. C ‘ook, A uatvalia Cook ts. Pacific
Ocean Cook, Mt., New Zealand Cook Strait, New Zealand Cooke, Montana Cookeville,
Cookham, Cookhouse, Cookshire, Quebce Cookstown, iti N. ‘Tre. Cooksville,
Newfoundland Cooktown, Queensland . Coolamon, New S. “ds Coolaney, Sligo, 1.F.
Coole, Westmeath, LF. , : : Coolgardie & Goldfield, 1 . Australia Coolgreany,
Wexford, 1.F.S. . Coolham, Sussex, Mng. Coolmore, Donegal, 1.F.S. Cooma, New S.
Wales . Coomacarrea, Mt., Kerry, LP. Coomarthy, Queensland ; Coombe Bissett, Wilts,
Hing. . Coombe Hill, Glos., Eng. Coomera, Queensland . Coonamble, New S. Wales
Coondapoor, Madras Cooney, Alabama Coongarry, Queensland Coongoola, Queensland
Coonoor, Madras - Yooper, Texas
Cooperstown, . ew Y -" Cooperstown, JV. Dakota Cooraclare, hee LFS. Coorada,
Queensland Cooran, Queensland Coorg, prov., S. India Coorong, The, S. Australia
Cootamundra, New S. Wales Cootehill, Cavan, I.F.S. Cooum, R., Madras Cop,
Czechoslovakia Copahue, Voleano, Chile Copdock, HL. Suffolk, Eng. Copeland, /daho
Bengal ; sach, Sussex, Hngq. . , Yueen sland
Tennessec Berks, Eng.
Cape Prov...
Citizen’s Atlas
Coutts, Alberta
Couvin, Belgium . Couvron, France.
Cove, Dunbarton, Scot. Cove, North, Sufolk, Eng. Covelong, Madras Coventry, Rhode I
Coventry, Warwcks, Eng. Coverack, Cornwill, Eng. Covilha, Portuga Covington,
Georgia Covington, Indicna Covington, Kenticky Covington, Louinana Covington,
Ohio . Covington, T'ennessee Covington, Virginia Cowal L., New S. Wales Cowall,
dist., Arjyll, Scot. Coward, S. Australia Cowbit, Lincs, Kng. Cowbridge, Glanorgan,
Cowden, Jllinois . Cowde ap ve Fife, Cowell, Austrilia Cowes, r ‘of Wight, Eng.
Cowfold, W. Sussex, Hng.
Cow Head Harbour, Newfoundland Cowichan L., Vancouver I., B.C. Cowley, Alberta
Cowling, Yorks, Eng. Cowra, New S. Vales Coxhoe, Durham, Eng. Coxsackie, New York
Cox’s Bazar, Beagal Coxwold, Yorks, Eng. Coxyde, Belgiun ; Coychurch, Glanorgan,
Wales Coylton, New, 4yr, Scot. Coyuca, Me XUCO
Cozad, Nebraska .
Crabb’s, New foudland Crab Orchard, Fentucky Craca, Brazil
Crackleybank, Salop, Eng. Cradle Mt., 7'asnania Cradock, Cape Prov. Craftsbury, V
ernont Craig, Colorado
Craig, T'exas : ‘ Craigellachie, Bunff, Scot. Craigellachie, B:. Columbia
Craighouse, Juri, Scot. Craigie, Queenslind Craigievar Castbh, Aberdeen, Craiglee,
Queendand Craigue, Leia, IF .S.
Craiguenamanagh, Kilkenny, ei FS.
Craik, Sask.
Crail, Fife, Scot
Crailing, Roxbuigh, Scot. Crailsheim, Gernany Craiova, Romana
Crana R., Doneyal, IF. S. Cranberry L., Manitoba : Cranberry Portuge, Manitoba
Cranborne, Doret, Eng. . Cranbrook, Briish Columbia. Cranbrook, Kent, Eng.
Cranbury, NewJersey . Crandon, Wisemsin
Crane, Idaho
Crane Lake, Sask.
Cranford, Nortlants, E ng. Cranleigh, Surry, Hng. Cranshaws Church, Cranswick,
Yorks, Eng.
Cranz, EH. Prusia
Craon, France
Craponne, F'rarce
Crarae, Argyll, Scot.
Crask, The, Suherland, Reais Crathes Castle, Kincardine, Scot. Cratheus, Brazil .
Crathie Church, Aberdeen, Pe Crathorne, Yorks, Eng.
Crati, R., Jtaly .
Cratloe, Clare, [.F.S.
Crato, Brazil
Crauchmar, Canbodia Craughwell, Gaway, IFS. Cravant, Frane .
Craven, ‘Sask.
Craven Arms, salops, B ing. Crawford, Lanerk, Scot. Crawford, Nebaska
Crawford, W. Virginia Crawfordjohn, Lanark, Scot. . Crawfordsburn Down, N. Ire.
Crawfordsville, /ndiana Crawley, Susser, Eng.
Cray, Brecon, Vales
Creagorry, Benbecula, Scot. Creala, Virginu
Créances, France
Crécy, France.
Credenhill, Heieford, Eng. Crediton, Devor, Eng.
Cree L., Sask.
Cree, R., Ayr, etc., Scot. Creeslough, Dmegal, I.F.S8. Creetown, Kirccudbright,
Scot. Creevagh, septal ae N. Ire. Crefeld, Germany
Creggs, Galwat, I.F NS. Creighton, elraska
Creil, France Crema, Italy Cremeo (Mesocco), Cremona, /talz ; : Crendon, Long,
Bucks, Eng. . Crépy-en-Valos, France Creran, L., Aryyll, Scot. Crescent City,
Berwick, Scot. .
147 Neg 79 Fe 86 Fd 54 Ml 51 Zs
111 Ee
152 Cd 50 Ts 44 Lw 88 Bb
153 Bd
155 Me
150 Ac
157 Je
150 Ab
157 Ke
150 Cd
183 Da 54 Lk
180 Ed 51 Vr 46 Pu
iss Le
.565 Pk
i180. «—Ef 40 Tv 40 Vv
139 Be
146 Gg
147 Mg 50 Rp
183 Ea 53 Tn
152 Be
107 Gd 53 To 79 Ba 46 Pt 54 Mm
162 Cf 154 Fe
139 Ac
150 Ad 173 Le 47 Rr i188 Be
137 Je 152 Bb 158 Ke 157 Ge 57 Ph 146 Kf 60 Kl 185 Eg 57 Qh
184 Ef 69 Hr 64 Gr 147 Qf 57 Qk 55 Ri 74 Dd 93 Hd 62 Gm 144 Ce 144 Ce 40 Sv 147 Lg
41 Xu 151 Fb 155 Le 158 Ec 147 Pg 50 Us 40 Vu 565 R 50 Vp 75 Ja 85 He 83 Ed 54 Lk
59 Mf 57 Rh 171 Gb 57 Ph 53 To 91 Fe 69 Dr 169 Ee 119 Dd 66 Dq 85 Kf 147 Rf 47 Qs
55 Om 154 Dd 150 Ce 55 Om 63 Kn 155 Mf 40 Vu 46 Ot 58 Gh 150 Cd 85 Fb 82 Da 47 Qs
45 Ov 147 Qe 54 Mm 62 Km 54 Nn 62 Gn 74 Be 67 Ep 154 Gd 82 Eb 90 Bb 81 Hd 90 Cb 40
Tt 86 De 56 Lj 158 Ae
Crown Point, New York Crow’s Nest, Queensland Croxdale, Durham, Eng. Croxton,
Lincs, Eng. Croxton, Norfolk, Eng. Croxton Keyrial, Leics, Eng. Croy, Inverness,
Cr yydon, Queensland Croydon, Surrey, Eng. .
( ‘roydon Goldfield, Queen sland Crozet, Virginia. : Crozet Is., Indian Ocean
Crozon, France ; Cruagh, Galway, I.F.S. Cruas, France : Cruchten, Luxembourg . ;
Cruden Bay, Aberdeen, Scot. . Crudgington, Salop, Kng. Crudwell, Wilts, Eng.
Crulai, France
Crumlin, Antrim, N. Ire. Crummock Water, Cumb., Crusheen, Clare, I.F.8..
Cruyshautem, Belgium . Cruz Alta, Argentina Cruz Alta, Brazil
Cruz del Eje, Argentina Cruz Grande, Chile Crymmych Arms, Pembroke, Crynant,
Glamorgan, Wales Crystal, N. Dakota
Crystal Brook, S. Australia Crystal City, Manitoba Crystal Falls, Michigan Crystal
Hill, Virginza Crystal River, Florida . Crystal Springs, Mississippi . Csepel I.,
Csepreg, Hungary
Csongrad, Hungary
Csurg6, Hungary
Ctesiphon, Jraq
Cuagua I., Venezuela
Cuanza, Angola
Cua-rao, Annam . : Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico Cuautitlan, Mexico
Cuautla, Mexico .
Cuba, New York .
Cuba, Portugal
Cuba, I. rep., West Indies Cubango, dist., Angola
C ‘ubero, New Mexico
Cubley, Great, Derby, Lng. Cucharas, Colorado
Cuciurul, Romania
Cuckfield, Sussex, Eng. Cucuron, France . : Cicuta, San José de, Colombia Cudahy,
Wisconsin Cuddalore, Madrae Cuddapah, Madras Cudgewa, Victoria Cue, W. Australia
Cuéllar, Spain Cuenca, Hcuador . Cuenca and prov., Cuencame, Mexico Cuernavaca,
Cuero, J'exas
Cuers, france
Cuervo, New Mexico Cuetzalan, Mexico
Cuevas de Vera, Spain
Cuffies, France
Cuglieri, Sardinia
Cuguen, France
Cuicuina, Nicaragua
Cuileagh, Cavan, IFS.
Cuillin Hills, Skye J., Scot. Cuillin Sd., Skye I., Scot. Cuifia, Pico de, Spain
Cuinchy, France . ; Cuinne, L. nan, Sutherland, Scot. Cuise-la- aes France Cuitzeo,
L. de, Mexico .
Cul an t Stdaire, Lewx- Offaly, IF. 8.
Culbertson, Nebraska Culeairn, New S. Wales Culdaff, Donegal, I.F.S. Culdesac,
Cul-de-Sarts, Belgiwm Culebra, Sierra de la, Spain . Culiacan, Mexico
Callar de Baza a, Spain . Cullaun, hill, Limerick, IF. 8. Cullaun L., Clare, I.F.S.
j Cullaunyheeda L., Clare, LFS. Culleens, Sligo, 1.F.S. Cullen, Banff, Scot.
Cullen, Virginia
Cullera, Spain
Cullercoats, Northumb., EE ngs Cullin, L., Mayo, I.F. 8. Cullivoe, Shetland Is.,
Cullman, Alabama Cullo, Liberia j - . Culloden, Queensland . :
Culloden Moor, Inverness, Scot. Cullompton, Devon, Eng. Culloville, Armagh, N. Ire.
Cully, Switzerland ; Cullybackey, Antrim, N. Ire. Culm, Romania : Culmington,
Salop, Eng. Culmore, Londonderry, N. Ire. Culoz, France
Culp, Alberta
Culpeper, Virginia
Culross, Fife, Scot.
Culter, Lanark, Scot.
Cults, Aberdeen, Scot. Culverden, New Zealand Cumana, Venezuela J
Wal =
130 119 162
85 163 62 58 60 88 86 59 86 162 64 154 183 62 158 79 88 160 89 69 68 68 62 57 151
89 53 66 61 . 15 185 56 45 63 . 80 . 68 . 9 . 47 ae _ 83 F 146 151 57 55 . et , I
Ce Dd Er Dr Dr Do Qg Dd Ke Tm Cp Ta Le Cg Ej Nh Py Ho Cd Jn Db Qs Gm Fd Ld Ee Ok Ol
Rh De Fa
ee es oo
eee a 5
te ee
a i ee ces a (ale. ee, eee eee,
ee ne FT
= =
Cumanacoa, Venezuela
Cumarebo, Venezuela
Cu-mau, Cochin China .
Cumberland, Maryland
Cumberland, Ohio
Cumberland, Vancouver [., B. C.
Cumberland, Virginia ;
Cumberland, Wisconsin
Cumberland, Wyoming
Cumberland, co., England
Cumberland City, Kentucky .
Cumberland Ho., Sask.
Cumberland I,, Georgia
Cumberland Is., Queensland .
Cumberland Mts., J'enn.—Va.
Cumberland Plateau, J'ennessee
Cumberland R., Kentucky-Tennessee
Cumberland Sd., Baffin J.
Cumbernauld, Dunbarton, Scot.
Cumbrae Is., Gr. & Lit., Bute,
Cumbum, Madras
Cuminestown, Aberdeen, Scot. ‘ummertrees, Dumfries, Scot.
Cummington, Mass.
Cummins, S. Australia
Cumnock, Ayr, Scot.
Cumnock, New 8S. Wales
Cumrew, Cumb., Eng.
Cunco, Chile
Cundinamarca, Colombia
Cunduacan, Mexico
Cuneo, Italy ;
Cunnamulla, Queensland
Cunningham, div., Ayr, Scot.
Cunninghame, Victoria
Cupar, Fife, Scot.
Cuprija, Yugoslavia
Cura, Venezuela
Curacao, I., Dutch W est Indies
Curanipe, Chile :
Curbarador, Colombia
Curepto, Chile
Curi, Brazil
Curicé, Chile
Curityba, Brazil .
Curragh, The, Kildare, LF.S.
Curraghalicky L., Cork, 1.F.S.
Currane, L., Kerry, LF.S. ;
Curraun Penin., Mayo, J.F.S.
Currie, Midlothian, Scot.
Curriwillingi Sta., Queensland
Curry, Sligo, 1.F.S.
Curt Bunar, Romania
Curtis, Nebraska . ‘
Curtis Channel, Queensland
Curtis I., Queensland
Curuahy, Brazil
Curuca, Brazil
Curucga, Brazil
Curumatahy, Brazil
Curuzt Cuatia, Argentina
Curvello, Brazil
Curwensville, Pennsylvania
Cury Cross, Cornwall, Lng.
Cushcamcarragh, Mayo, I.F.S.
Cushendall, Antrim, N. Ire. .
Cushendun, Antrim, N. Ire. .
Cushina, Offaly, I. FS.
Cust, New Zealand
Custer, Idaho
Custer, S. Dakota
Cut Bank, Montana
Cutch, and G., W./. States
Cuthbert, Georgia
Cutra, L., Galway, IFS.
Cuttack, Bihar and Orissa
Cuxhaven, Germany
Cuyaba, Brazil
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Cuyos Is., Philippines .
Cuyuni, R., Brit. Guiana
Cuzco, Peru ,
Cygnet, Ohio
Cynthiana, Kentucky .
Cyphergat Sta., Cape Prov.
Cyprus, I., Mediterranean
Cyrenaica, dist., Libya
Cysoing, France
Cytheria, Queensland
Czar, Alberta ,
Czechoslovakia, rep., Hurope
Czernowitz (Cernauti), Romania
Czestochowa, Poland
Daasnis, Norway
Daba, El, Egypt .
Dabhoi, Baroda, India
Dabhol, Bombay .
Dabie, Poland ;
Dablana, Bundi, Rajputana
Dabra, Libya , :
Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland
Dacca, Bengal
Dachepalle, Madras
Dada, Brit. Guiana
Dade City, Florida
Dadeville, Alabama
Dadion, Greece
Dadri, Jind, Punjab
Daer Water, Lanark, Scot.
Dafina, Fr. West Africa
Daflapur, Jath, Bombay
Dag, Jhalawar, Rajputana
Dagali, Norway
Dagana, Fr. West Africa
Dagda, Latvia .
Daggons, Dorset, Eng. .
Daghestan, rep., Russia
Dagnall, Bucks, Eng.
Dagomba, Gold Coast
Dagus Mines, Pennsylvania
Dahana (Little Nefud), Arabia Dahanu, Bombay , Dahivadi, Bombay
Dahlak Is., Red Sea
wt pd wt
— — mm Oror we ¢ Oo Oe
Ii Do wouwoc SNwmwr OW OI)
_ a on go
160 90 185
30 95 73 72 128 108 110 73 108 124 73 107 110 169 153 153 94 108 55 125 110 108
Dd Rg Pn Be Dg Nm va Qn Ah Cb Fd
Em Ml Ee Pk
+e Da Da Af Bb Af Fd Bf Ff Hq Ct At Bp Pl
Em Do Cd Ee
Hj Gd Ke Hd Cd
Ad »Ac Df Be Gb Dg Gd De Fe Cf Bd Ce Ca Om Df Be Bd Ed Ae Hd Sv Hg Ut Dg
Ee Af Be Gd
General Index
L157 155 Me 155 Mf 150 Ad 151 Eb 152 Bb 151 Dd 85 He 75 Ha 85 He 108 Cb 84 Ad 157
Le 110 Ae 147 Nd 183 Fb 27 Cd 109 Gb 151 Fe 157 He 104 Ab 106 Ca 126 Ae 104 Cd 103
Bb 104 Cb 49 Qq 133 Fg 128 C 191 De 128 Ee 128 Ce 105—oxE 106 Cb 190 Da 64 Jq 183
De 97 Hg 153. De 168 Bb 104 Ee 109 Jb 114 Ce 128 Cf 50 Rr 136 Bf 185 Hl 187 Bj i8l
Je 137 Hef 53 Sn 153 De 155 Kd 110 Db 74 Cd los Af 86 Ae 182 Ba 128 De 89 Eb 158 Ca
185 Kj 41 Zs 110 Dd 45 Ow 128 Ce 41 Wu 180 Gh 182 Ac 44 Ov 45 Ow 143 Ne 189 3c 54
Ni 121 Ed 49 Qp 108 Ce 178 Ea 3 ee i 109 Eb 75 Fb 100 Fe 105 Fe 139 Ce 109 Ge 109
He 108 Da 40 Uu 108 De 159 Jh 108 De 76 Ca 120 Dd 109 Ge 73 Ge 110 Bb 85 Je 76 Bd
151 Eb 144 De 83 Fd 57 Oh 110 Bd 121 Ge 54 Lm 86 Dd 159 Bg 155 Ke li 54 Gb 158 Db
40 Ts 168 Ab 154 Ge 147 Qf 44 Mv 73 Se 56 Nh 159 Cf 154 Ea 156 Fe 150 De 156 Be
66 Bp 62 En 66 Cq 69 Er 69 Dr 54 Nm | 68 Br 68 Br 68 Cr 185 Gm | 78 Dd 136 Cd 78 Ed
150 Cd 72 Fb 104 Ke 109 Gd 45 Ry 143 Me 40 Tt 83 Dd 137 Kd 78 Ce 147 Qd 83 Ed 56 Nh
‘91 Bd 109 Fb 40 Vu 47 Qs 93 Fe 110 Ee 54 Mm 92 Ac 56 Lh 59 Og 55 Pn 94 Dd 97 Ee 95
Ca 70 Gd 147 Mg 173 Gh 49 Qr | 152 Be 45 Rv 76 Ba 47 Ps 74 Be 130 Eb 159 Ce 159 Bf
151 Ed 153. Be 159 Kf 79 Cb 82 Ea 82 Ab 157. Le 32 Ge 190 Da 64 Jq 142 Fe 85 La 85
Jf 159 Jk 146 Jeg 137 Gb 69 Et 153 Ce 48 No 154 Cd 55 «(Ol 55 On 141 Pd 154 Gg 143
Mc | 153 Bd 56 Lh | 82 Ea 85 Ff 68 At 56 Nk 79 De 86 Cf 156 Ce 88 Ab 85 Jb 50 Sq
154 Ce 151 Fe 41 Yu 152 Ce 151 Fb 150 Cb 156 Fe £3. -¥% 152 Db 152 Bd 35 Gf 48 Or
93 Hb 95 Be 72 Fe 72 Fb 130 Fe 57 Oj 47- Pt 4 63 Jo 158 Gd 5l We 63 Hm | 53 So 151
Fb | 63 Ko 66 Co 154 «=F Ff 41 Wu 40 Uv 151 Fa 40 Su 159 Ce
: ot., Ross & Cr - i - Dundren £ gore © 5 ro., scot. 59 Lg oe. Spang ee Sik oS ee
On | “miner Queensland aaa ig _ ‘Pi ; blin, I.F.S : | r “2 em : 5 FE esses ————
Dundrum and B dD od ac . 64 Jq oneal Leix, I. F. S. . a 80 i] East Palestine, Ohio
e ; ] ————_____C lS eee Dundu, Angola ., Down, N. Ire. . 63 Ko staal - ork,
1.F.S. . . = os East Point, Georgia 150 Cb | Edmondbyers, Durham, E a = : : . & as
sige 528 Bd | Edm yers, urnam, £n Z Haniumn Sask. . ; . 1380 Dd Dursley and Hd.,
Cork, I. F. oe a “a Point, Kentucky on te Edmonds, Washington . my. - 52 Bp i
Duneaton Water, dt cmcaek Vr, : 147 Qi Daveton, Sc ce a ce aie . . 47 Rt — Pt., Pr.
Edward Island 43 oie | Pama Alberta - 158 Bb i Donedin, New Zealand 6 Scot. . 65 Om
Durtal, ais gi sig ; 47 Pu ee. Maine . ; ; eo ; Edmonton, Cape Pinca : : - 147 Ne f
Dunellen, New Jersey ; , 191 Cf ating. Ou r 85 Je “9 Prussia, Germany : - ni To |
[;dmonton, Middlesex Eng 137 Gf , K cca Te Donegal, LFS. . 151 Fb | D’Urville I. oe
ek 185 JI “3 Riding, Yorks, Eng 7 : 50 Ur “ -dmundston, New Breneel a i
Pankermiine, Fie, 5 $2 Bm | D , New Zealand eee Jastry, Kent, E .. + p | Edna,
7'exas oun . 148 , Fife, Scot. ape Jurwest a Ai . 191 Dd ‘ fe | Kad J ne Oi Tyrone,
N. Ire . 55 Pk iciiioln —— ing. ae Se on t St. Louis, Illinois . Be ty 2 dnam,
Roxburgh, Scot. : 156 Ft tran Virginia ¥: hy Hn | Dush, Lgypt sylvania . Soe ae ast
lie, Vi sburg, Pennsylvania 151 Ft ede, “Ohio” - 9 me 6 ungarpur, Rajput . . 150 Bd
Dash er : : 42 last ville, irginia a Jeo idon, Ohio : ; - 2 - Dungarvan, K i ana ,
108 Ad Sine ore , I ennsylvania ae a Eastwood, Nottingham, H ; 15 L Ed Edoy, Norwa
‘ . . 150 Ka : “tee nny, 1.F. g. : isky Sd.. New Z . 151 Eb Eat Y » Lng. . 50 Te
E , ms ; Ab ; asin combi & Harb.. Water., I.F ; 69 Gr Diiancldort. rs Zealand ; 191
Af | papi Colorado 154 rs “gabe Turkey . : . Vee f ungeness, Kent RE i SS. 69 F's
Du: ce , rermany J . 2 i ae on Ohio . - o Je of ri, Libya e ° : : 104 D Dungeness
I., Cusensised . 41 Xv "ag, renee 3 ; , i. a Baton, Long, De rby, E ng. jo Be
Edson, Alberta j - 124 i j : a Londonderry V ies 184 Db Duthil, oe ae S. America
169 Fe | a Ri apids, Michigan 3 | hie it —— Alberta . . e le Jungloe, Donegal, LFS.
Fie 63 Hn Duvillaun M igs wens! Ol “apse Socon, Bedford, King. a Edward, L.,
Belgian Co } - 147 Nd ‘ Dungog y ’ , ° . - 9) : in wLore, May } Eatonto Y : : 40 Vs
| Edwards . songo . ) neoe, New Q 4 62 E n D s Yo, if F, g. _ ri, (Feorgva LGW ards
Ve 7 Y r 130 nl Du ih pS. ales ; uvoldstrand, Mise . 66 Ao Eatont : er : 153 Cd |
Kdw Pie ow ork : Ke ? a ngourney, Cork, I.F.S . . 183 Fa ak Shes way "79 OF Ea sate
New Jersey 5) os hb a Creck. ©. Auseue ’ . 142 Ge ungu, Belgian is eee ers . 69 Et
Duxt ¥ 8g - tau Claire, Wisconsin pe ) tdwardsville, Til wie i . 180 D . Dungunab,.
A.-E ange . 130 E ixbury, Massachusett: . 86 De Ebbvale. Mar ; . 155 Ke Edwi
inois . d : gunab, A.-H. Sud : Eb Duyinzaik . 1562 Ce : , Maryland : tdwinstowe,
Nottingl » 155 Lf Dunham, Noiti = 41299 F yinzaik, Burma mi C Ebbw Vale ; . 151 Ee
Edzell tN Nam, En ~ am, Nottingham, Eng Bp Fe Dversnes, Norw : : . 107 He ‘ho ale,
Mon., Lng. A” aoa Angus, Scot. 9 » 00 T — Towers, Dacula. a Uq Retns “% pole “12 Db
cae igs Durham, Eng. ; a xcke, Belgium . ‘ 57 Qj ! Se ig ete Hing. . 185 Dj |
Dvina, North, R Russi "93 Gd | Ebenezer ee 77 Cb Kecloo, Belgiem. 4 = 79 Db | | ink
I., Queensland . 50 Vq Dvinsk (Dauga ca way * i ae . 96 &e EI Sees. Cape Prov. .
136 ' uelde, Holland . ; - 79 Da —— Perth, Scot ; . . 184 FF vomta. # Sch, pils),
Latvia . "m9 Ge a Austria : am e Eenrum, Holland : : . 18 Gb | a aN ; xr . ets, @.
o1voer ; aa 4 pens “<C “ie : YZ ye Beil ° ae aoe ate 185 re Dvory, ¢ coches ing bii
. 101 Je Spe ge ennaylwania = . 15) Db ee ee Belgium -) ie | s2rque (Dunkirk), Fr i
. 185 G Dohe Kedines. Cx ; . 93 Fe eee eee na an vera olland : . Bw Dunkerrin,
Offaly, I ‘ Adeais ; 2 Ea abPay pate, Czechoslovakia «92 Ds Eberswalde, Germany :
760 Ff Eferding, desia ‘ : . 78 DE . Dunkineely, Done 2h Ey _ 69 Fr | Dwor ’ aroda,
India plenty Ebisu, Sado, Japan . 75 Eb | Effingham ar a Dunkirk, Indi Fe, LAE: 62
E D Gr No Forme 106 Bd | Eboli, Jtaly : . 117 Fad Egadi I Pe siete re eo oo igae
agsigg? 8 ; . 62 En | Dyan, Tyrone, N. Ir ' | 73 Ef | Ebolowa, ¢ : : ; igadi Is.,
Ital - + Saran p> ae ee oe Ne Setar wenn Tre. . : $4. Ho oe Cameroons . saa fs
Egan, 8. Pose 8 ; : . a unkirk, Ohio . 142 Ef Dyc cong or s “bro, Mte., Italz . 125
Gh | Eganville, C ; : 15 ) ‘rk ; 5 ‘ Jyce, Aberd S ee ae y Tague Lm e, Ontario .
154 Ge Acacia (Dunkerque), F Trance pt Bb Dye, Br. & Wate oT | = Ki . 57 Rh wal “8
cy ' j ; 30 = Egos de los Caballeros 8 a a, he aon amma of, Kincar., Scot. 57 Qi
canst ena age ’ a ae Lae Bungee sc 2am on) Serengeti (Kingstown), 1.4.8 r+ Dg
Dyersburg, Te cates e . 140 Be A a ie Belgvuin . 79 aE shure Turkey . i ” . 98 Ge D
p, fowd 64 dq Dyetskoye Sel Becoin . 157 Kb | Eccles chan, Dumfries, Scot. lecer
igeroy, Norwa : - 104 Bb Junlap, Tennesse 154 He | Dyft o, Russia 96 tccles,
Berwick, Scot , 55 Pm | Egersund, N ae ; : 72 inka nNesser ; 153 J ryn ‘Castell,
Cardigan, W 8, Da Ste Sade , Scot. . . oe i Sign enesiti Norway : BE Dunl vin,
Wicklow, IFS. “5 3c | Dyle, R., Belgium gan, Wales . 26 As Eccl oe ae Hing. 49 |
Egerton, Kent, ling ; : ocien pout, LPS. . ’ ws nq Dylta, Swede n < a Ee 4 Recle,
hy hippo ; : 7 150 at Egga, Nwerta . - 41 Xu D oe, Gap of. Kerry, LF g . 33 Jp Dyme
-hure h, Go t. K 7] Fg ” 1 oe : } orks, ing. : . ie id Eggedal, ] Jorway ° . . ‘
125 iy unlop, Ayr, Scot : — . 68 Bs Dv + t ing. mn esfield, Yorks, H . 5O Sq Eco H:
Dunluce Castl “s ; ¢ 54 MI ti mock, Glos., EB ng. 41 Yu Eecleshall, St ff Pking ‘
50 Sx eet arbor City New Jersey 72 F ) > Castle, Antrim, N. Lre ae vsart. Fife,
Sc : 47 R Higa ine cms affs, Ling. re oy Lggleston, D s . 161 F | Dunmanus wae ae
Ire. 6: : , Fife, Scot. Rt | Eccl “ie . 49 7m urham, E c 1} s B. ( ork ] —. : 3 H m
Dze Y A m >1. C eston, Lanc 8, k 7 : Rr Eggru d I ing. ; 52 m | Danmanway, Cork, ;
HS. 68 ep, Yugoslarra 55 Pk | Eceabat, 7 so . 49 tggrund Lt. Ho., Swed » 52 Sn i
anway, Cork, I.F.S . 68 Bt | Dzhankoi, Cri 93 | at, Turkey . 9 Qp | Egham, S 4 site
i 71 | Dunmore, All pt. 68 C ankoi, Crimea 93 He Echalle . 26-8 - , Surrey, Eng :
Gf 4 » Alberta . 68 Ct | Dzhbovo, Bulgari 97 Ef ens, Switzerland . 95 Ce | Eghezee,
Bel a spe ' . 40U } ‘ ry . : aj . + , < 4 4 ° 2 os um u | aco P= $aiae Fit ass i He
Dziatoszyce : Poland 95 Bd “ ayn Armenia, Russva os a Kgilsay, pie lags g it ; - 19
Fb 4a ore, Waterford, I.FS . 66 Dp Dziri ee he ms . cho, Utan . . 7 Gg Eg T +»
HCOL. : D we ord, 1.FS. « ‘ irim-gol, Mongoli 73 Eg | Echt, Aber gin, Turkey. - 61
Qd Dann Great, Boee, fing. <2 We | Drugarian ead 53 Be | Behe atendee, Seat > <<
“80 th | Rating, North, — D aa r ry, 4 ntrim, N. Ir ; Rol be zungaria Tt. TT. Be 73
He < , Hollanc : ; ae , iglingham Des . oz | “spree aS” Cialis €. . 63 In Fads. —
Tau, T'urkistan 102 1b aes Luxembourg sin if Eglinton I. Northumb,. , Hing. . . aa
Sn . <n ae Tyrone, N. Ive . ee lic Eager, Arizona 154 Df Roiia. P v ictorva : : ] *
<< Kglisau, Switzerlan i a - 140 Ea HF eaiae gg? Sib Dakota i fet rea “3 Eagle,
Falernic 159 Jh Ecija, eee : a Pa Eglwyswrw, Pembrole. W as . ie sllon, Florida SB
ee mi > | Ea gl 159 K 4 , Hparen : —- a | Eg ates : D nie glefield, Qu 59 Kf oa . ,
: gmont B., , . 46 Ms P| unnet Hd. and fe — pee): -Cf nal. ce Eck, L. Ar. ’ . ; 88
Cd rT. Bdeavd Isl | : _and B.. Caithness, S 7 Eacle G 185 F = , Argyll, Scot Cc
Egmo t sland . 148 M tia Dunnigan, Califor : ithness, Scot. 59 Pe K be trove, Lowa
as h Eckeren, B las pet? ° ,» 64. Lk Ne nt C., New Zealand d ‘ itis >, iformia . rT
taglehawk, Victori 155 Hd Kekf , Deiguum 5 ne x Egmont, Mt., New Z : . 190 De g,
Perth, Scot. . 159° Bf Eagle | . 182 Co 4 ford, Roxbur, h, S . 79 Ea | Egnell, Br
Sabet Zealand . tl tii ' Dunnottar Castle. a aoa 57 Ok Rasle . Lt. Ho., Mayo, I.F.
S. $e Cc Eckington, Feoka yee . 85 Ri Ror : , Br. Columbia . ‘ 90 Ec Dunnville.
Kentuck ardine, Scot. 57 Rj E oI L., Maine hee Ao Eckington, W y; Fick : 2 50 Tq Be
emont, Cumb. Eng 146 Db Bcankhe ae Ue cy ; LAC Lag e hess Ontario . . 52 Da KE :
a ; : OTcs, yng. ; 2 Lgton, Y orks, Enc . “ 3 52 Oo y> ctoria . 150 Ad Eagle z 14 ‘
~commoy France . 47 Rs E . wage . 3 Rivnnicn eased . ; 182 lagle Lake, Texas 4 Gf
“a J» wce ie Sguilles, Franc : . 58 Uo » Z l, Se . 182 Be lagle a Lcos, France . 85
Ke vie Tien alan Pee ; Scot. ea ae Kagle Lakes, Maine 157 FE Ecouct 4 Aa : . ; 86
Egypt, kingdom, N.-£. ‘a - 87 De Ssammhall. Sesconges ‘ . 198 = Eagle Pass, T'exas
143 Kd = cne Ps rance . ; ; an s Ehden, Syria ’ frica . 122 Kd ay a , Moray, a ; Lo
Eagle . 156 “vcouen, rance : : od JsC Eh : ° : 103 , Dunragit W > y MU. ? 59 g
eport, Ohio v0 Df E Sn . . . P o2 ’ en, R. ,t umberl nd, ? Ac he igtown, Scot. ssp
Og Eagle River Pr 150 Ce eee France. ; 86 Ce Eholt B = Eng. : . 62 Oo haneationy
Alberta , 5 Re a Eaglesham, Pies mage 155 | : geen rep., S. America a Ae Ehrang
Pinca ; ; . 146 Kg obin, Queensland : : d d Kal rew, Scot. ~ _ id, Sweden ; . 168
Bd E + ny ; a Dun eae 2 : 7 tales, Mt New ; ’ 54 Ni Sds : F < ~ ehrenbreitstei . re
Be = Ppsoobin Coasts, Sesheriand, Scot. 0 O: Ealing, ee ven . 139 Be ie eke | | 78
De hsiogshaaeen, eae . 16 De = pate wick, Scot. . 59 Og | Ealing, V PA fight ee
Uday, Orkney Is., Sc . 78 De |. Eib ae 76 Dunsandel, New Z . 55 ig, New Zealand QO
Vt | Edd, +» SCO. tibergen, Holland ‘ Ec é 1, New Zealand . 55 RI | Earb ac. : if ‘
tdd, HKritrea . 61 Qd Eic , . Dunscore mM : y, Yorks, E . 191 Cf . ‘ hich, Lu ' .
78 Gd Dunsfold, Suess ries, Scot. ge jee Ear ndisland, Hereford, K . 50 Rp
Eaderton, Ross and Crom., Scot = we ae ae j . 19 dd hs <A urre Se f ‘. . 55 m Karl
ng. a A” Fete eston, Peebl A . = 59 Ng Ei = yr , ny 3 i Dunshau ; y, ocot. ,
ington, Kentuck 5 ee Ede srl bles, Scot. =e £ sid, Norwa , eR ghlin Meath ,¢o . 40
Uu Earls C UCKY . =x tddrachillis B y . ie ; yY ° : | : Dunsmuir, C ras ee
. p 6 LarTis Colne Kesex. EB . . 1d Mg Ed see ., Sutherland, S me ey N ¢ ‘ ¢ Sa Db
P Jalifornia ‘ 4 Hp Ka ‘| ’ , why yng. ; uC drachillis Ch R : 9 A cot, : 59 Lf + +
wr way . Dunstable. B : ‘ 15 tarlston, Berwick, Sc . 41 Xt E nurch, Sutherland, Sc
_ Eide, Norwe : . 712 Fe \ ; », Beds, Er ~ 158 Be Ra , Scot. < ni iddy I., Gal s
und, Scot. 59 Lf ty ‘ p Danstar Br C » ng. . ’ AC < tarn, L., Perth. Sc : 5d Ql E
way, LFS. ~ 4 Eide, Roaaland ‘ . we Cd ster, Br. Columbi . 40 Ut | E » Scot. . Re
OW ddystone Lt. H . . 66 Cc galand, N orway Dunster, Sc is am . 146 arn, R., Perth,
Sce . 56 Nk FE 2 0., = OC} q | Eidet, Norw : . 2a ; , Somerset, Er : Je Earsdo ,
cot. . ‘ oe Eddyville, low tan. . 44 Nw a Joh, my. ; Cicnnte : , Eng. 2 rsdon,
North: ; BF Ol wa . Eidsberg, N . . 2 g' swell, Yorks, E . 4% Pa K umb., king “
Eddyville, : 155 : g, Norway d | D ? 8, Lng. . 2 i fasebourne, Mi Beate: ages ae ak
ane Year Kentucky . een Je | Eidsb : . ’ . . 72 He f ~ et, RS ta Scot. oe Vp |
Easingtor 7 Tidhurst, Sussex, Eng. 40 Cu Eddyville, nae . 155 Mg | Ei isfiord, n,
Norway . . 72 E j Duntelching, Se scale oes 55 (Ol Bacinete “ Derkan, Eng. < = Ede,
Holland ska . 154 Ee ide oe Norway 72 Cd 5 unure, Ayr, Sc ss, Scot. . 56 Nh - ia
ston, Yorks, Eng a : r =p n Edé ’ : . ; , 6 - mat 8 jord, Norwa , ; [| Donvegen.
Athens - + + 54 Mm Bask Ion De Yorks ing eee Bdeback Glas | 125 Gh ae ap ibaa a 72
fe a Dany ees : : y ica DD aap. : =, eT ng , Sweden . ; . lao & Kids toy ‘ . i y HA
Siaacaeear Skye I., Scot. — Kd | Easky, ‘Sligo, LF : naa , 62 = Edefors, Sweden .
4S a we - i Ey i} sessile ag re & L., Skye I., ned s 8 Easky, L. and R. " Ohi , <2
623 - Do rane Antrim, N. Ire ; ; i 40 Je Sidexetl. Quaeas : . : , 2 oe | ome Ms
uffolk, Eng. oP cea 41 z Eassie, Angus, eo igo, 1.F. Tis ee Manitoba ce , . 63 Kn |
Ejidsvoll ? bag : . 185 Hk u, #aaras . Zs | East A : a Sden, Maryland . 144 De | Ei
pv Oreee D : : st Aurc aa oo > . yland , de E : i ( | Beer ech ae = East B v
oslocadi - 142 * ee New 8. Wales . . 151 Fe oe Sur Germany. a = it yer, Montana sy
SPS AEBS ae ee wisigg Sheree) ag iden, R., C pai ,23@3- 3 AIRE +., SRNL Hebrides, S
r Duque de B ; 158 Ge wastbourne, Sussex, H , . 189 Cd | Eden. R.. ‘umberland, Eng
3 Ee | Eik, Br. 8 dis cot. . 60 Jj " Du . raganza, A ngola . ; 7a Eastbourn N d a
Lng. ~ . 4] \ ‘den, iS Fife Se 7 — q. “ E 52 Qn Ei ? é oe A omaliland ‘ 129 Hf
quesne, Pennsylvani . 180 Cd | Eas e, New Zealand Nv | Edenbridge, K: Scot. nm oO)
tikefjord, Norwa , Du Quoin, Jili Ae ° 150 Cb fast Brady, Pennsyl : . 191 Kd ,
ridge, Kent, Hing . 57 Qk | Eike ] olga ' . . 19 : ea sie y vania eS x Edenburg. Or
ug. . 4] , en, N orway Duraha, wanes ; . 155 East C., New Zeal =. . 150 Db , rg,
Orange FS. . nee Wu | Eikeren Sjé, V : : . 72 Dt Duranes, . ‘entral India ; an ag a
Chicago, pa . 190 Gb rae Pen nsylvania . — Bh Bikisdal, ae Te ° . . te Durand, Wi
acer : 83 “ Sastchurch, Kent, ; . 155 Me ee peace New Zealand - 150 Db Eikisd . .
72 Eb ’ 1sconsin ‘ e fk d Ka tdea “y » ong. . remete Edende “yy ‘ es 41K1S¢ als V
and, No ) D 1 m : -- vastaecan, S 88x , ° 4] -: rry, é) al 1 oO : ] Be rway r ; } a
135. Je | East End, Sask. Hing, | We | Reonkobe ee Hil, 1, iene ee 6 tO, Wexrco . :
Sa aae ¢ Easterg ag pg : : a Udenkobe » plo llatcrdac sae . = (i We ee urg,
German ; 3 ; Durangc seer ; 162 astergate, Sussex, H . 147 Peg " en, German 50 Vr
Fil aes: ; . “tee go, Spain . 162 Ac Eas ; ssex, Eng. 5 Edent y y > : 78 Nf Lilt,
L., Inverness 9 Durant Mi abt ie . 5 88 Laster Ls Pacific Oce : . 40 Uv On, N.
Carolina : 76 Kf Kine N : CBS, k cot. . 5 56 Kj : , Mississippi. . 88 Da | Easte
meer tli: Ederny, Fe oe . 163: Fk HLT :4¥ OF CY ' Durant, Oklahoma ; "157 Jd | Eas
st B., Maryland ' oy Rk Sasan. G ermanagh, N. Ire. . ' “a 4a Einbeck, German . . 2
oe Durazno, Ur . : _ 157 Fd s tern Province, Belgi ; - 151 Ee Ed reece. 62 Fn
Kindhov y : ’ . 4 C Durazzo (D dees ; 173 : Eastern Prov., Uga ce Congo . 130 Eb
udgar, Nebraska . . 94 Cb | Einsied “i Holland . an D bo EPUREe), Albania . 173 Je
| Easter Schelde, . He ge . . 132 Edgefield, Norfe lk, . 154 Ge pC eo eln,
Switzerland urban, Natal . . 94 Ab | East G elde, Holland 32 Cb | Edgefield, S.
C’ ) Eng. 5] se Kirisfjord, Norway . oe \ al ae W. Virginia = Hh “el ig nie
Minnesota : 1S at Edgehill Warwie * ' ; 153 = — R., pes: Se . ; , = 7 urbanville.
Cave Pr ; ° . 150 De E : , Cheshire, king ae xb Edgele so i ance ing. 2 ley
visenach, G Durbuyv Bel 4 ay rov. 136 ; dasthampstead, Berks = . . 48 Q uageley, N.
Dakota ‘ . 40) Fe BR; , Germany ; 74 De ¥ y; olgvuum . Bf East H ’ erks, Eng.
{ Edgemo + . - 15 * LIsenerZ, Austri . Durdureh, B : : 79 1 SU ampton New Y ; 40 Ur
nt, S. Dakote : 54 Fb E va 92 De > on, Dr. Somaliland 9 Ge East H » sv Cw York . at
: Edgerton, Albe ies . . 15 iserfeld, German eg bags , wie . 129 He | Kast Humbold:
eg King. . . A i Edgerton, - , 147 te rai Tor (Iron Gate) Pass, R a3 ii ures ake of
. , 74 : ol a.. Neva . 53 So y ; oe e Dis ; 8, omania = sept see reg Attania P . 94
7 Eastland, Texas . Te . 159 Ee Bdeowote Wisconsin - 150 Ab “ate ms Skye I.,
Scot. . _ 56 Kh Durham, N 0 + Sea ‘ 152 Co = Las V egas, New Maxi . 156 Ed Bice
ater, Virginia : . 155 Ld Ritorf, G a ; ~ 74 De HO a ¥ ; . 152 ln } ss » 4 i ar
Ldgeworthst . 150 C sige zerman : Durham, Ont 2 aoa : 153 E astleigh, Hants, H ig .
156 Be E stown, Longford, 0 Cd | Hivinvi y . 76 Cc : ? WaATVO . : : uC East Li ears
ung. . ; , dgware uM d jor i F. S. 67 ip vivinvik, Nort a . Durham, Qu - 142
iverpool Oh £8 Fe E » Hat dlesex Enc 7 ~—Fp Ej way . - 72 Bd , Queensland , 2 De
fast | “seit ee 0 tdgworth, J i, Li 4 j jutla, Mexiec Durham ar 184 I st London,
Cape Pr . 150 Cb 4aNncs, En O Vt | E ss . 162 E id co., Engl 4 Dg Eas On, Vape
Prov, ‘ Edina Mi g- ‘ ¢ tkalaka, M : Duridge Ba vy NG and, no last Lothian, co., Sc
: eee | See » Mvssourt . - 49 Rp | Ek oe : 154 Co . Mosthumb...2e . S63 Sn East Ma;
, co., Scotland . wig hr Edinbain, Sk ‘ 155 tkenas, Finland ; ; Durisdeer » r m *)
king. 53 ‘ 4&5 Lain, Quebec ° oo (JI E . ye °9 Scot. - 00 Je Ek : ana . e 71 K os
Oly umfries Ve ; . 53 Sm East : ; a dinboro. Penns aia f tker, Nord, V ; ; g
Diirkheim, @G » Scot... cae man, Georgia . 145 Od Edi , Pennsylvania 58 Jh Ek »
4vorway =. 72 Ge ; ’ ermant 55 Om East M “sé : dinbur TI di 3 15 ‘ etahuna, Ne ,
Durlach, Ge R 76 auch Chunk, P ~ 263 -€a niyo g, tndvana 50 Cb Ek ew Zealand 190 Ed
sh, German . 76 Ef | East 1 Pennsyloani r Edinburg ui ee vp u hinades 1 Q .
Durlingevi y : ; ie ‘ : stnor, Hereford, EF via. 151 Fb g, Mississippi . 155 Mf 8.,
Greece . ; OS ae ee a aes Banvens, fee A | He dir ens 8 Durma, Inn orset, Eng. . 40
S “aston, Maryland ode ; . 45 Rv E uren, Midlothian, Scot 156 Eg re k rad, }
festa ; 71 Ef er Mongoli . ) Sv East sala : ~ 6 - Sdington, Wil ocot, ~ 5 Sapoeiiia
N y Durness, & oe Ste. By Wa on, Norfolk, En . 151 Fe | Ed ilts, Hing. 55 Pl |
Eksjo, 8 D, OPORE _ 72 Cd Duror yal Be Sutherland, Scot. 59 Me — Pennayivania : 1:
pat F ia eae Men Moray, Scot. +7 he Bl fin), draht : ; . : . ‘ ea ston, Great,
Hsse: > 5 . 151 Fi ‘di MONG 57 Oh nn ily vues < aga agit - 56 : , Essex, En >» |
Edirne (Adri : er El-. . : _ 104 He Lj | Eastonville, Colorado ng. . wie, mypentit
(Adrianople), ye 95 Ca | El. cee, Argentina — 173 De 4s : 154 Of Wdlingham,
Northumb., EH ey - 95 Ce - Ahkaf Desert, Arabia : Ef ) Edmond, Oklaho: oy SMG. fae,
Klaiya, Jebel ks . : . 104 , ahoma 53 Sm | EPAla. el, Arabia . ‘ 104 De . 156 Fe |
EF] Ala, Arabia . " 104 Cd ‘landers, Texas . ‘ ; : . ; . 156 Df
Elands Drift, Cape Prov. Elands Laagte, Natal Elands Vlei, Cape Prov.
Elaphonesi, I. and Channel, Greece. Morocco
El Araish (Larache), Span. El-Asak, Arabia . ; El-Auja, Palestine : Elaziz
(Kharput), Turkey Elba, Alabama ; Elba, I., [taly
El-Bab, Syria
El-Bahra, Syria
El Banco, Colombia Elbasan, Albania
Elbe, R., Germany Elberfeld, Germany Elbert, Colorado . Elbert, Mt., Colorado
Elberton, Georgia
Elbeuf, France
Elbing, E. Prussia Elbow, Sask.
Elbruz, Mt., Russia Elburg, Holland . Elburz Mts., Persia
El Callao, Venezuela
El Cayo, British Honduras El Centro, California
Elchaig, R., Ross and Crom., ‘Bent.
Elche, Spain
Eldama Ravine, Kenya Elde, R., Germany
Elderslie, Queensland
Eldon, Alberta
Eldon, Jowa
Eldora, Iowa
El Dorado, Arkansas Eldorado, Kansas
Eldorado, Mexico
Eldorado Canyon, Nevada Eldorado Springs, Missouri . Eldoret, Kenya ; Eldred,
Pennsylvania Eldred, Sask. Eldridge, T'exas Electra, 7'exas
Elena, Bulgaria , Elephant Pass, Ceylon . Eleuthera, Bahamas, Elewyt, Belgium . El-
Fara, Arabia El-Fejer, Arabia . Elfkarleby, Sweden El Fuerte, Mexico Elgepiggen
(mt.), Norway Elgg, Switzerland . . El-Ghamr, T'rans-Jordan Elgin, Br. Columbia
Elgin, Illinois
Elgin, Moray, Scot.
Elgin, New Brunswick .
_ Elgin, Oregon Elgin, Texas :
Elgol, Skye I., Scot.
Elgon, Mt., Uganda—Kenya El Gran Chaco, Argentina Elham, Kent, Eng. : : El-Hamed
(Hammada), /raq El-Hasa, Arabia . . El-Hayath, Arabia ; El-Hazim, T'rans-Jordan El-
Hajer, Arabia .
El-Hisma, Arabia
Eliasville, Texas .
Elie, Fife, Scot.
Ellijay, Georgia Elisabethville, ere Cong go Elista, Russia
Elizabeth, New J ersey . Elizabeth, Pennsylvania Elizabeth, W. Virginia Elizabeth
City, N. Carolina . Elizabeth I., Mass. ‘ Elizabethtown, Kentucky Elizabethtown,
New York Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania Elji, T'rans-Jordan ‘ Elk, California
El-Kaa, Syria
Elkader, Jowa .
Elk City, Oklahoma El-Kerak, Trans-Jordan
Elk Garden, W. Virginia El-Khaburah, Arabia Elkhart, Indiana .
Elkhart, Kansas .
Elkhorn, Manitoba
Elkhorn, Montana
Elkhorn, Nebraska
Elkhorn, W. Virginia El-Khulil (Hebron), Palestine Elkhurst, W. Virginia . Elkin,
Kentucky ;
Elkins, W. Virginia
Elk Lake, Ontario
Elk Lick, Pennsylvania
Elko, Br. Columbia
Elko, Nevada
Elko, Virginia .
Elk Point, S. Dakota
Elk River, Minnesota
Elkton, Kentucky
Elkton, Maryland
Elkton, 8. Dakota
Elkton, Virginia .
El-Kubra, Syria . . : El-Kuds (Jerusalem), Palestine Elland, Yorks, Eng. °
Ellastone, Staffs, Eng. . El-Leja, Syria
Ellendale, Delaware Ellendale, N. Dakota Ellensburg, Washington Ellenville, New
West Indies .
General Index
C d Gf Ch Hb Gb Ae Hg Ld Pg Me Ee Fe Jh De G b Yu Ce Ed Dd Be Cd Cd Ed
Be Ee +f Fb Db Ce Fb Cd Ng Bb Eb Ae Bf Be Kd Ec Ae De Ge Ne Eg Ce Hb Fd Cd Ae Ce Ad
De Dd De Mg Fe Ed Gd
Fe Ge
Ellerslie, Alberta .
Ellerslie, Pr. Hdward Is land . Ellesmere, Salop, Eng. Ellesmere I., Canada
Ellesmere van New Zealand Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, Ellezelles, Belgium Elliant,
Ellice Is., Pacific Ocean Ellichpur, Berar, India . Ellicott City, Maryland
Ellicottville, New York Elling, Denmark
Ellingham, Great. ] Norfolk, KE) ng.
Ellington, Connecticut Ellington, Hunts, Eng. Ellington, Northumb., Ellinwood,
Kansas Elliot, Cape Prov. Elliot, Queensland Elliotdale, Cape Prov. Elliot Group,
Kwantung, Japan Elliot Junction, Angus, Scot. Elliot, Mt., Queensland .
Ellis, Jdaho .
Ellis, Kansas
Ellis, Ohio
Elliston, Montana
Elliston, S. Australia Elliston, Virginia
Ellisville, Mississippi El-Lith, Arabia
Ellon, Aberdeen, Scot.
Ellora, Hyderabad
Ellore, Madras
Ellsworth, Kansas
Elisworth, Maine
Ellwangen, Germany
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Elma, Washington
Elm Creek, Manitoba
Elmer, New Jersey
Elmham, North, NV orfolk, Rng. Elmhurst, Victoria
Elmina, Gold Coast
El-Mina, Syria
Elmira, Jdaho
Elmira, New York
El Misti (mt.), Peru
Elmo, California .
Elmore, California
Elmore, Ohio
Elmore, Victoria .
El Moro, Colorado
Elmshorn, Germany Elmstein, Germany Elmwood, Oklahoma
Elnora, Alberta
El-Obeid, A.-£. Sudan
El Oro, Mexico
El Oro, prov., Ecuador
El Paso, Illinois ;
El Paso, T'exas
Elphin, Roscommon, LFS. Elphin, Sutherland, Scot. Elphinstone, Queensland
Elphinstone I., Burma
El Porvenir, Panama
El Prado, California El-Qatrani, Trans-Jordan
El Reno, Oklahoma
Elrod, 8S. Dakota .
Elrose, Sask.
Elroy, Wisconsin
Elsberry, Missouri
Elsburg, Transvaal
Elsdon, Northumb., Eng. Elsenborn, Belgium Elsenham, Hssex, Hing. Elsinore,
Elsinore, Utah - ; Elsinore (Helsingér), Denmark Elsloo, Holland ; Elspeet, Holland
Elsrickle, Lanark, Scot. Elstead, Surrey, Eng.
Elster R., Germany
Elstow, Bedford, Eng. Elstree, Herts, Eng.
Eltham, London, Eng. . Eltham, New Zealand Eltham, Victoria .
Eltisley, Cambridge, HK ng. Elton, Hunts, Eng.
Eltville, Germany
El-Ugla, Arabia
Elvanfoot, Lanark, Scot. Elvan Water, Lanark, Scot. Elvas, Portugal
Elveden, Suffolk, Eng. . Elvegard, Norway
El Vegia, Venezuela
Elven, France
Elverum, Norway
Elvington, Yorks, Eng.
El Volcan, Chile .
Elvran, Norway
El-Wadian, Arabia
Elwick, Durham, Eng. Elwood, California
Elwood, Indiana .
Elwood, Nebraska
Elworthy, Somerset, Hing.
Ely, Cambridge, Eng.
Ely, Minnesota
Ely, Nevada
Ely, Isle of, Cambridge, Eng. Elyria, Ohio
Ema R., Estonia . Emaus, "Pennsylvania Emba Bay, Kazak Rep., Embarcacion, Argentina
Embleton, Northumb., Eng. Embokotwa, Cape Prov.
147 143 18 14] 19] 49) 79
160 168 155 156
59 L185 L107 168 159 103 156
+ Ut
Ne Sto
asa eI OIw So St
> or O Ow =]
= ~~
Sanat | tend: Dead inkr Oooo te -1 ® O1rO Ww
Vn ouovws °. = am fe ww Qe ee OS
-_ —_— ~I
wt -* —
Ne Nd Qr Na De q Db Bd
Gf Eb Eg Ed Ol Uu KE iC
Embrun, France ,
Embu, sia
Kmden, Germany Emerald, Queensland Emerson, Manitoba Emerson, Nebraska Emerson,
Newfoundland Emery Grove, Maryland Emhjellem Vand, Norway Emilia, dep., Jtaly
Emine Burun, Bulgaria Eminence, Kentucky Eminence, Missouri Emlenton, Pennsylvania
Emmaboda, Sweden Emmaville, New WN. Emmen, Holland Emmerich, Germany Emmetsburg,
Jowa Emmett, Jdaho Emmitsburg, Maryland Emmons Pk., Utah Emory, Texas Empedrado,
Argentina Empedrado, Chile Empingham, Rutland, Eng. Empire, Michigan Empoli, /taly
Emporia, Kansas Emporia, Virginia Emporium, Pennsylvania Emptinne, Belgiwm
Ems, Germany.
Ems, Easter and We ste rf, Ems, R., Germany Emsworth, Hants, Hing.
Emumba, Queensland
Emu Park (Hewittville), Queen naland Emyvale, Monaghan, LF. S. Enard B., Ross and
Crom., Enare (Inari) L., Finland Encarnacion, Mexico Encarnacion, Paraguay Encinal,
Encinitas, California Encontrados, ——— Encounter B., Australia E ncruzilhada, Braet
Endako, Br. Columbia . ? Endeavour Strait, Queensland Endeh, Flores, D.E I.
Endelave (I.), Denmark Enderby, Br. Columbia Enderby Land, Antarctica Enderlin, V.
Endicott Ra., Alaska
Endon, Staffs, Hing. Endora, Kansas Endréd, Hungary Enebakk, Norway : Enfield,
Middlesex, Eng.
Enfield, New Hampshire
Engadine, Switzerland .
Engano, Pta., West Indies Engcobo, Cape Prov.
Engelberg, Switzerland .
Engels (Pokrovsk), Russia
Engen, Germany .
Engen, Norway
Enger, Norway
Enger L., Norway
Engerodden, Norway
Enghein, France .
Enghien, Belgium
Engis, Belgiwm
England, country, Great Britain Englehart, Ontario
Englewood, Kansas
Englewood, New Jersey
English, J/ndiana
English, Kentucky
English Bazar, Bengal .
English Center, Pennsylvania English Channel, England—France . English R., Ontario
Engudi Panza, Inner Mongolia Enguera, Spain
Enid, Oklahoma
Enkeldoorn, S. Rhodesia Enkhuizen, Holland
Enkirch, Germany
Enképing, Sweden
En-Nabatiye, Syria
En-Nebk, Syria
Ennedi, Fr. Hquat. Africa
Ennell, L., Westmeath, I.F.S. ansetighe: Water, Cumb., Hng. Ennis, Clare, I.F.S.
Ennis, 7'exas
Enniscorthy, Wexford, L.F.S. Enniscrone, Sligo, I.F.S. Enniskeen, Cork, I.F.S. .
Enniskerry, Wicklow, I.F.S. Enniskillen, Fermanagh, N. Ire. Enniskillen, Queensland
Ennistymon, Clare, i fF Ennore, Madras .
Enns, Austria
Enns, R., Austria
Enontekié, Finland
Enoshima, Japan
Enoz, Turkey ‘
Enschede, Holland
Ensenada, Mexico
Enskar, Finland .
Enstone, Oxon, Eng. . - Entebbe (Port Alice), Uganda Enterkinfoot, Dumfries, Scot.
Enterprise, Alabama ; Enterprise, Mississippi Enterprise, Oregon Entrammes, France
Entrance, Alberta
Entraunes, France
Vi rotas
AWwotrt O-1e% 2 dm fe St be IS WS
Qo =I Ui oe OO
mS +] +1
ee ee bo Ww ~1 GO = OO
cna oo Oo
156 131 78
i 71 103 103 128 64 68 156 64
95 78 160 71 40 132
Or OUU oO “IDo@W=-I+1 0
Be Jd
G b Gd Ef
Db G rb
Ed Eg Fb Mf Ac Je Eb Bb Fe Ce Ec Eb Ff De Ce Gg
Gd Aa Tt Ce
Le Kd Ee Hd Le Gb
ESC Entraygues, France 83 Ed Entre Rios, Brazil 174 De Entre Rios, Brazil 174 Cf
Entre Rios, Colonia, Brazil 173 Le Entre Rios, prov., Argentina 173 Hd Entrevaux,
France 87 Ge Entwistle, Alberta 147 Me Enunda Elv, Norway 72 Gb Envermeu, France 86
Ad Enville, Staffs, Eng. 47 Rs Kpaney, France 85 6UCde Epe, Holland 78 Kd Epehy,
France 86 Ee Epernay, France . 82 Eb Epernon, France . 86 Bf Ephraim, Utah 159 Hf
Ephrata, Dutch Guiana 169 Gb Ephrata, Pennsylvania I51 Eb Ephrata, Washington 158
Db Epidavros, Greece 94 Cd Epinal, France 82 Gb Epiniac, France 85 Fd Epira
Mission, Brit. Guiana . 169 Fb Epkhovo (Kizil-Agaé), Bulgari 95 Cd E port L., North
Uist, Scot. 58 Gg Eppeland, Norway 72 Ef Epping, Hssex, Eng. 4] Wt Epping, New a
152 Ce Epping, Victoria . 182 Ce Eppingen, Germany 76 «#Ff Epping Forest, Hssex,
Eng. 41 Wt Eppstein, Germany 76 Ed Epsom, Queensland 185 Gh Epsom, Surrey, Eng. 40
Vu Epworth, Lincs, Eng. 50 Up Epworth, Newfoundland 139 Cd Equator, prov., Belgian
Congo 130 Db Era, W. Virginia . 150 Ce Erakleion and dep., Krete I., Greece 94 De
Erale, Brazil 169 Ge Eran, Central Provs. 108 Dd Erbil, /raq . 104 Db Ercall, High,
Salop, EK ng. 49 Qr Ercheu, France 86 Dd Erchless Castle, Inverness, Scot. 56 Mh
Ercsi, Hungary 93 Fe Erdeven, France . 84 Ce Erdington, Warw ick, E: ny. 50 6Sr
Eréac, France 84 Ed Erebus, Mt., Antarctica 25 — Eregli, Konya, Turkey . 104 Bb
Eregli, T'urkey 95 Ce Eregli, T'urkey 104 Ba Erek, Syria 103 Ce Erezee, Belgium 79
He Erfjord, Norway . 72 Ce Erfurt, Germany . 74 De Ergene, R., Turkey 95 Ce Ergué-
Armel, France 84 Ae Eriboll, Sutherland, Scot. 59 Mf Ericht, L., /nverness, Scot.
56 Nj Erick, Oklahoma . 156 Ec Ericson, Nebraska 154 Fe Erie, Colorado 154 Ce Erie,
Kansas 155 Hg Erie, Pennsylvania 150 Da Erie, L., Canada—U.S. . 141 Nh Erikusi, I.,
Greece 94 Ac Erin, Tennessee : - 16? La Eriskay (1.), Outer Hebrides, Scot. . 60 Gh
Erisort, L., Lewis, Scot. 58 Hf Erith, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Eritrea, Italian colony,
Africa 122 Me Erivan, Armenia, Russia 97 Gg Erjias, Mt., Turkey 104 Cb Erkelenz,
Germany 76 Ab Erlach, Switzerland 80 Db Erlangen, Germany 74 Dd Erlistoun, W.
Australia 187 Fh Erme, R., Devon, Eng. 14 Ow Ermelo, Holland . 78 Ed Ermelo,
Transvaal 134 Fe Ermenek, T'urkey 104 Bb Ermenonville, France . 86 De Ermont,
France 86 Cf Ernakulam, Cochin, Madras , lll (Cf Erne, L., Fermanagh, N. Ire. . 62
Fo Erne, L., Upper, / isis oi N.Ire. 62 Fo Ernée, France . 85 Hd Erode, Madras lll
Cf Eromango I., New Hebrides 176 Hj Eros, Louisiana 157 Hd Erp, Holland 78 Ee
Erquelinnes, Belgium 79 Ee Erquy, France 84 De Er-Ramle, Palestine 103 Ae Erriboll,
L., Sutherland, Hed: 59 Me Errigal Mt., Donegal, ].F.S. 62 Em Errill, Leizx, I.F.S.
69 Fr’ Errin Gosso, Inner Mongolia 114 Ac Erris Hd., Mayo, I.F.S. 66 Ao Errit L.,
Roscommon, I.F.S. . 66 Dp Errogie, Inverness, Scot. 56 Nh Er-Ruhcibe, Palestine .
103. Ae Ertvaagéy, Norway 72 Ea Ervillers, France . 86 De Erwin, S. Dakota 154 Ge
Erwood, Brecon, Wales 47 Ps Erwood, Sask. 147 Se Erz Gebirge, Germany, ete. 74 Ee
Erzincan, Turkey 104 Cb Erzurum, T'urkey 104 Db Esan, Japan 116 Ge Esashi, Japan
116 Ha Esbjerg, Denmark 77 Ac Esbly, France 86 Df Escalante, Utah 159 Hg Escalon,
Mexico . 162 Ab Escanaba, Michigan 155 Me Escatron, Spain . 89 Eb Escaut, R.,
Belgium 79 Ka Esch, Luxembourg 79 Hd Eschdorf, Luxembourg . 79 Hd Esch-sur-la-Sure,
Luxembourg 79 Hd
Escobedo, M eaico
Escondido, California
Escorial, Spain
Escoublac, France Escragnolles, France
Escrick, Yorks, Eng. ‘ Escudo de Veragua (I.), Panama Kiscuinapa, Mexico
Escuintla, Guatemala Esha Ness, Shetland Is., Scot. Esher, Surrey, Eng.
Eshowe, Natal
K’sh- Shallal, Egypt
Esh-Sham (Damascus), Syria Esh-Shobek, 7'rans-Jordan Esk, Queensland
Esk, R., Cumb., Eng. ; Esk, R., Dumfries-Cumberland
Esk, R., North & South, Angus, Scot. Eskbank, Dalkeith, Midlothian, Scot.
Eskdale, New Zealand. . Eskdalegreen, Cumb., King. Eskdalemuir, Dumfries, Scot.
Eski Dzhumaja, Bulgaria Eskilstuna, Sweden Eskisehir, T'urkey
Eskridge, Kansas
sla, R., Spain
Eslof, Sweden
Esmeralda, Brazil Esmeralda, Venezuela Esmeraldas, Ecuador Esmond, NV. Dakota
Esnes, France
Esneux, Belgium .
Esoo, Finland
Espalion, Fra nce
Espanola, Ontario
Esparron, France
Espedal, Norway
Espedalen, Norway Espedals Vand, Norway Espelands Fos, Norway Espen, Norway ,
Esperance, W. Australia Esperanza, Argentina Esperanza, Bolivia Espevik, Norway
Espichel, C., Portugal Espiel, Spain
Espinosa, Spain Espirito Santo, state, Brazil Espiritu Santo I[., Mexico Espita,
Esquelbecq, France ; Esquimalt, Vancouver I., B.C. Esquina, Argentina Ks-Salihiye,
Es-Salt, Z'rans-Jordan . Es-Sanamein, Syria
Essay, France
Ksschen, Belgium
Essen, Germany
Essequibo R., Brit. Guiana Essex, Ontario
Essex, co., England
Essises, France
Esslingen, Germany Essomes, France . Ks-Suweida, Syria
Estaires, France .
Estancia, Brazil
Estancia, New Mezico . Estancias, Sierra de las, Spain Estaque, |’, France
Estavayer, Switzerland Estcourt, Natal
Este, Italy . ; Esteli, Nicaragua : Estella, Spain
Estepa, Spain
Estepona, Spain . Esternay, France ; Estero Camba, Paraguay Estevan, Sask. ;
Estherville, Towa . Esthwaite Water, Lancs, Eng. Eston, Yorks, Eng.
Eston, Sask.
Estonia, rep., Hurope Estoublon, France
Estrada, La, Spain , ; Estrées St. Denis, France Estrella, Serra da, Portugal
Estremadura, region, Portugal Estremoz, Portugal Ksztergom, Hungary Etables, France
Etah, United Prova.
Etal, Northumb., Eng. . Ktalle, Belgium
Etampes, France Etang-de-Mauguio, France Ktaples, France .
Etawa, Central Proves. Etawah, United Prove. Etawney L., Manitoba Eten, Peru .
Ethe, Belgium . Etheridge, Queensland . Ethiopia, E, Africa
Etive, L., Argyll, Scot. Etna, "Mt. ., Sicily .
Ktne, Norway
Etnedal, Nord, NV orway Eton, Bucks, Eng.
ton, Queensland
Etréchy, France
Ktrépagny, France
Etretat, France
Etropole, Bulgaria
Etruscan Apennines, Italy Et-Tafila, T'rans-Jordan Ettaiyapuram, Madras :
162 159 SS 84 87 5O 168 160 163 61 40
~J] ~I ~] ~] ~1 @ H © =I +
~IS -~1 © OO bo OO WS =I bo bb bo SD WS +1 BO OO
Oo os
103 86 17] 156 89 87
135 90 163 89
93 84 LO8
§2 79 82 87 82 LO8 LO8 144 168 79 184 122 56 9] 72 72 40) L185 86 86 85 95 90 103
Fay, Texas a, 156 Be Ferns, Wexford, I.F.S. : . 64 Hr | Fionn L., Ross and Crom.,
Scot. Faya, Fr, Equat. Africa 128 Bd | F ‘erokh, Madras , ; . ab me Firbank,
Westmorland, Enq. . Fayette, Alabama 157 Ld Kerolle Pte., Newfoundland ‘ . 139 Bb
Firenze (Florence). Italy Fayette, Mississippi 157 Je Ferozepur, Punjab ; ; . 106
Cb Fire River, Ontario . Fayette, Missouri 155 df Ferrara, /taly . . . 90 Cb
Firminy, France
Fayette, Ohio 150 Ab | Ferreira, Portugal . 88 Ac | Firozabad, United Provs.
Fayetteville, Arkansas 157 Gb Ferriby, Yorks, Eng. . . 50 Up Firozpur Shir ka,
Punjab Fayetteville, N. Carolina 153 Ec Ferriby, South, Lincs, Eng. . . BO.Vp
Firsterwolde, Holland Fayetteville, Ohio 150 Be Ferri¢re-sur-Risle, la, France . 85
Le Firuzabad, Persia Fayetteville, Pennsylrania 151 Ke Ferris, T'exas ; : . 156 Fd
| Fischhausen, 2. Prussia Fayetteville, Tennessee 157 Le | Ferro, 1., Canary
Is. . . 124 Ac | Fishbourne, J. of Wight, Eng. Fayetteville, W. Virginia 150 Ce |
Ferrol, Spain . : ; . 88 Aa | Fishburn, Alberta ; Fayt- -le-Frane, Belgium 79 De
Ferrum, Virginia . ; . 150 Dd | Fishel’s, Ne wfoundland . Fazeley, Staffs, Rng. . .
. 50 St | Ferrybridge, Yorks, Hny. . . 50 Tp | Fisher, S. Australia
Fazilka, Punjab . . . 106 Ch | Ferryhill, Durham, Eng. . 63 Sn | Fishertown,
Pennsylvania —. Fea, L., Monaghan, /. F. ms . 67 Hp | Ferryhill, Louth, I.F.S. . 6
Jo Fishguard, Pembroke, Wales . Feakle, Clare, I.F.S. . ‘ . 69 Dr | Ferryland,
Newfoundland _. . 139 Dd | Fishguard B., Pembroke, Wales Feale R., Limerick, 1.F.S.
. . 68 Cs | Ferryside, Carmarthen, Wales . 46 Nt Fishkarheden, Sweden Fearnan,
Perth, Scot, . ; . 56 Nj Ferté-Alais, la, France . , 66 te Fishkill, New York
Fearne, Ross and Crom., Scot. . 59 Og | Ferté-Bernard, la, France _. . 82 Db
Fishwater, Cape Prov. . Featherston, New Zealand . 191 Ed Ferté-Macé, la,
France , . 8 Je Fiskerbod, Norway
Fécamp, France . . 82 Db Ferté-Milon, la, France . 86 Ee Fister, Norway .
Feckenham, Worcs, HK ng. ; . 40 Ss Ferté-sous-Jouarre, la, France . 86 Ef |
Fitchburg, Mass. Feda, Norway. : ek eS Ferté-Vidame, la, France ; . 86 Le Fitful
Hd., Shetland Is., Scot. Fedamore, Limerick, /. P. = ; T° ee Fertile, Minnesota .
154 Gb Fitjar, Norway Federacao, Brazil ; . 173 Le | Ferto Tava (Neusiedler See),
Austria 92 Ee Fittleworth, Sussex, Eng. Federacion, Argentina . ‘ . 173 Hd Ferwerd,
Holland 5 , 48> Fitzgerald, Alberta
Fedje, Norway ; : _ te Be Fes (Fez), Morocco : ; $26 “a Fitzgerald, Georgia
Fedj Fjord, Norway . . 72 Ad | Feshie, R., Inverness, Scot. . . 56 Oh Fitzgerald,
Fedusar, Jodhpur, Rajputana . 108 Ab | Fessenden, N. Dakota . . 154 Eb Fitzpatrick,
Fee L., Galway, 1.F.S. . . 66 Bp | Festubert, France , . 86 Db Fitzroy, W.
Feeagh L., Mayo, 1.F.S. . 66 Bp | Festus, Missouri . . ; . 155 Ke Fitzroy I.,
Queensland . Feenagh, Limerick, ].F.S. . . 68 Ds Fetesti, Romania . . 95 Ce Fitzroy
R., Queensland . Feeny, Londonderry, N. Ire. . . 63 Gn | Fethaland Pt., Shet land
Is., Scot. . 61 Ta Fitzroy R., W. Australia Fégréac, France . . 84 Ee | Fethard,
Tipperary, 1.F.S. . . 69 Fs | Fiume, /taly Fehmarn I. and Belt, Germany . 74 Da |
Fethard, Wexford, I.F.S. . 64 Hs | Fivemiletown, Tyrone, N. Ire. Fehrbellin,
Germany . ; . 74 Eb | Fetlar, Shetland Is., Scot. . . 61 Ua | Fjaagesund, Norway
Feifu, Annam ; ; . 119 De | Fetsund, Norway . . 72 He | Fjare, Norway
Fei-hsien, 2. China : ; . 115 Eb | Fettercairn, K incardine, Scot. . 8 Qj Fjelberg,
Feilding, New Zealand . ‘ . 190 Ed | Fetterman, W. Virginia ; . 150 Ce | Fjeldhaug,
Feios, Norway . . 72 Ce | Feugh, Water of, Aber.—Kincar., Scot. 57 Qh Fjell, Norway
Felanitx, Majorca, Balearic oe . 89 Ge Feuillée, la, France . ; . 84 Bd Fjcerlands
Vand, Norway Felbridge, Surrey, Eng : . 41 Vu | Feuquiéres, france , . 86 Bd |
Fjortoft, Norway .
Feldbach, Austria ; . “92 De | Fevik, Norway . : . 72 Ef | Fjosanger, Norway
Feldkirch, Austria ; . 92 Ac | Fez (Fes), Morocco . 126 Bb Fjoseide, Norway
Felicity, Ohio. . 150 Ac | Fezzan, Libya. , . 124 Ge | Fjotland, Norway
Feliksberg, Latvia - ; . 3 Ed Ffestiniog, Merioneth, W ales . . 48 Or Fla, Norway
Felixstowe, Suffolk, Eng. : ee” SES Se aaa age Madagascar . ; Lol “ee Flaaerud,
Felling, Durham, Eng. . ; . 53 Sn | Fianga, Fr. Equat. Africa. es Flaam, Norway
Felling, Norway . , ; * W Be Fichtel Gebirge, Germany. « Fee —— Norway
Felpham, Sussex, Eng. . 40 Uv | Ficksburg, Orange F.S. . 1385 Dg | Flagler,
Feltham, Middlesex, Eng. - . . 40 Vu Fiddown, Kilkenny, I.F.S. . . 64 Gs Flagstaff,
Felton, California p , . 159 Ce | Fidenza, Italy . . 90 Bb | Flagstaff, Cape Prov.
Felton, Northumb., Eng. ; 53 Sm | Field, Br. Columbia . 146 Lf Flaksvand, Norway
Felton, West, Salop, Eng. . . 48 Qr | Fieldbrook, California . . 158 Be
Flamanville, France. ; Feltre, Italy ‘ ‘ , . 90 Ca | Fielding, Sask. . , . 147 Qe
Flamborough and Hd., Yorks, Eng. Fem Sjé, Norway ; . 5 SJ ie Fieri, Albania ; ; ; .
94 Ab Flanders, East, prov., Belgium Femund Elv, Norway . - ie Se Fierro, New
Mexico ; . . 16 - Flanders, West, prov., Belgium Femund L., Norway. , . 71 De |
Fife, N. Rhodesia ' . 130 Fe | Flandreau, 8. Dakota Fenagh, Leitrim, 1.F.S. j ,. £2
Fo Fife, co., Scotland . : > 8B. P& Flannan Is., Outer Hebrides, Scot. Fenchow,
China . . 113 Jd | Fife Keith, Banff, Scot. . 57 Qg | Flasjén, Sweden
Fengchen, China . 114 Ad | Fife Ness, Fife, Scot. > FT oS Flassans, France .
Fengcheng-hsien, China ; . 115 Ce Figeac, France . . 83 Dd Flatbush, Alberta
Feng-hsien, H. China . ; . 115 Fd | Figig, Algeria . 126 De Flatdal, Norway .
Fenghsien, Kiangsu, China . . 115 Db | Figline, Italy . . 90 Ce | Flateland, Norway
Feng-hwa-hsien, #. China. . 115 Fe | Figueira, Brazil . : . 174 Ee Flathead L.,
Montana . Fenghwahsien(Maimaikai), M’chukuo 114 Ge | Figueira da Foz, Portugal . .
88 Ab Flatholm, Somerset, K'ng. Fenghwangchen, Manchukuo . 114 Gd | Figueras, Spain
. ; . 89 Ga Flatonia, re ras Fengjun-hsien, China . . 114 De | Figueroa, Argentina
72 Fb | Flattery, C., Queensland
, 24 Cb | Fiji Is., Pacific Ocean . . 76 Jj Flattery, C., Washington Fe | Filakovo,
Czechoslovakia . 93 Fb | Flatwood, W. Virginia Cd | Filby, Norfolk, Eng. . ; . 51
Zr | Flaugstad, Norway Dy Filey, Yorks, Eng. ; . BS ¥e Flavy, France Ce Filiasi,
Romania . ; : . 93 Hd Flaxcombe, Sask. Ce | Filicudi, L., Jtaly . ; . 91 Ee |
Fiéche, La, France
Fengkin-hsien, Honan, China l Fengli, EL. China . | Fengning-hsien, Jehol l
Fengshih, China . ' ey Fengsin-hsien, China . a Fengtai, Peiping, China l I l l
ealbrah wala meg aaa
Fengtiav-shan, China . ; Filinsk, Ural Area . : . 100 Gb Fleet, Hants, Eng.
Fengtienfu (Moukden), Manchukuo Fd | Fille Fjeld, Norway. . 2 Be Fleet L. and R.,
Sutherland, Scot. Fengyangfu, China Ch Fillmore, Utah . : ; . 159 Gt Fleet, Water
of, Kirkcudbright, Scot. Fenit, Kerry, IFS. 68 Bs | Filton, Glos. Kng. : : - Se as
Fleetwood, Lancs, Eng. Fenn, Alberta 147 Ne | Finale, /taly ; _ 90 Cb | Fleetwood,
Pennsylvania Fenner, California ; 159 Fh | Finborough, Great, Suffolk, Hng. . 41 Xs
Flekkefjord, Norway
Fenny Stratford, Bucks, E) ng. . 40 Ut Fincastle, Kentucky. , . 150 Bd | Fiekkeroy,
Norway Fénoarivo, Madagase ar : . il Jf Fincastle, Virginia ; . 150 Dd Flemalles,
Fenou, France. . 85 He | Finchingfield, Hssex, ng. . . 41 Wt | Fleming, Colorado
Fens Fjord, Norway . ; . 42 Ad Finchley, Middlesex, Eng. . wer > Saks Flemingsburg,
Kentucky Fenshui-hsien, China . . 115 Ee | Findalen Elv, Norway . . 2 Ee
Flemington, New Jersey
Fen Stanton, Hunts, Eng. . > he he Findhorn and R., Moray, Se ol. . 59 Og
Flemington, Pennsylvania Fenton, Michigan ; E . 155 Od Findlater, Sask. . ; . 1447
RE Flemséy, Norway
Fenwick, Northumb., Eng. . . 53 Sl | Findlay, Ohio ; . 150 Bb Flen, Sweden
Fenwick and Water, Ayr, Scot. > Bey Fk indlay Is., Canada ; ; . 140 Ja Flensburg,
Feodosia (Kafia), Crimea ; . 97 Fg | Findoc shty, "Banff Scot. ; 8) Gg Flenskamp
(mt.), Norway Feolin, Jura, Scot. ; . @ dl F indon, Kincardine, Scot. . T-a Flers,
France Feragen 8jé, Norway . ‘ .- 2 Bp Findon, Sussex, Kng. . : . 40 Vv Flesberg, N
Ferbane, Offaly, I,F.S. ; . 67 Fy Kinedon, Northants, Eng. ; . 50 Us Fletcher, Ohio
Ferdinand, Bulgaria ‘ . 95 Ad Fingal, NV. Dakota ; : . 164 Fb Fletwode, Sask.
Fére, la, France ; , ; . 86 Ed Fingal, Tasmania : {68 De Fleurance, France : .
Férel, France ; ; ; . 84 Ef | Finglass, Dublin, I.F.S. : . 64 Jq Fleurieu (Oyster)
B., Tasmania Ferfay, France . ; . 86 Cb | Finistére, dep., France . . 82 Ab
Fleurus, Belgium , Ferghana, Uzbek, Russia ; . 100 Gd Finisterre, C., Spain. , . 88
Aa Fleury, France.
Fergus, Ontario . , . 142 Df | Finland, rep., Hurope . <a Ts Flimby, Cumberland,
Eng. Fergus Falls, Minnesota : . 154 Hb Finland, Gulf of, Finland : FG 458 Flinders
Group, Queensland Fergus R., Clare, 1.F.S. , > Rie Finlay Forks, Br. Columbia . .
146 Gd Flinders I., 7' asmania . Ferguson, Missouri 155 Kf | Finley, New S. Wales .
2 . 182 Cb Flinders Ra., S.A ustralia Ferguson, Quebec . : P 142 Hd Finmark, fylke,
Norway , TO Lp Flin Flon Mine, Manitoba Fergusson (Maratau) I., Papua 189 Ex
Finmere, Oxon, Eng. . " ae Flins, k rance 2 Feriana, Tunisia . 124 Fb | Finn,
Montana ; ; . 158 Hb Flint, Michigan
Fermagha, Fr. West Afrien 125 De Finn L., Donegal, I.F. S. : , 62 En Flint and CO.,
Wales Fermanagh, co., N. Ire. 62 Fo | Finn, R., Donegal, IFS. . 62 Fn | Flipstad,
Sweden Fermanville, France : > Sh Be Finnea, Westmeath, 1.F.S. . . SF.-Gp Fliseggen
(mt.), N orway Fermeuse, Newfoundland ; , £38 Be Finnen, Norway . ; , = 2: Ga
Flitcham, N orfolk, King. Fermo, Italy . ; ; . 90 De | Finnéy, Norway 72 Be |
Flixecourt, France
Fermoy, Cork, I.F.S. . . 69 Es | Fins, France 86 Ee Flocton, Yorks, Hing.
Fern, Angus, Scot. : ; ; “Sr Finsdals Elv, Norway 72 Hb Flodden Field, Northumb., 1
ng. Fern, L., Donegal, 1.F.S. ' 62 Fm | Finse, Norway 72 Dd Flekke, Norway .
Fernandez, Mexico ; : . 162 Ce Finset, Norway 72 Eb F lomaton, Alabama Fernandina,
Florida. 153 De | Finsland, Norway 72 Df Floore, Northants, Hing. Fernando, Texas .
: . 156 Fg | Finspang, ‘Swede n ; ae ‘g Flora, Lilinows , Fernando ee I, Brazil _
16 Kh | Finsteraarhorn, Switzerland . « 80° Keo Flora, N orway
Fernando Po, I. Africa . . 130 Ab | Finstermiinz, Austria . .- 92 Be Florac, France
Ferndale, California . 158 Ae | Finsterwalde, Germany » TS Be Florala, Alabama
Ferness, Nairn, Scot. . ; ; aT Finstown, Orkney Is., Scot. . ee Floraville,
Queensland . Fernhurst, Sussex, Lng. . 40 Uu | Fintona, Tyrone, N. Ire. ; . 62 Go
Floreffe, Belgium
Fernie, British Columbia F . 147 Mg | Fintown, Donegal, 1.F.S. . 62 En Florence,
Fernlees, Queensland . ‘ . 185 Gj | Finuge, Kerry, 1.F.S. . ._ 68 Bs | Florence,
58 (}() 145 83 1O8 108
Sy A wd 9 97 9 9) +) 3-3 2 +1 +1
—— ed et
J Oo
— a Se
ie ome i oe Be ier nd) Wie] ee) BN BS BS Be) ee |
mNmwNhRwWwe— Os
nN to
~ ~
~ = —
~I bo to
Db Mt
Ef Bd Bd Dd
Fb Cf Kf Gb De
Florence, Colorado
Florence, Kansas
Florence, Oregon .
Florence, S. Carolina Florence, Wisconsin Florence (Firenze), [italy Florence Vale,
Queensland Florenceville, New Brunswick Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia Florennes,
Belgium Florenville, Belgium
Flores, Brazil
Flores, Guatemala
Flores, dep., Uruguay Flores, Isla de, Uruguay
Flores, |. and Sea, Dutch Hast Indies
Floresrencia, Brazil
Floresta, Brazil
Floresti, Romania Floresville, 7'exas
Floriano Peixoto, Brazi/ Florianopolis (Desterro), Brazil Florida, Chile
Florida, New Mexico Florida, Transvaal
Florida, Uruguay
Florida, state, U.S.A. Florida B., Florida
Florida Keys, Florida Floridia, Sicily
Florin, California
Flor6, Norway . lotta, Orkney Is., Scot. Floweree, Montana
Floyd, Virginia
Floydada, Texas .
Fluessen Meer, Holland Flushing (Vlissingen), Holland Flutmark, Norway
Fluvanna, Texas .
Fly R., Papua
Foéa, Yugoslavia
Focant, Belgium . Fochabers, Moray, Scot. Fochville, Transvaal
Foci del Po, /taly
Focgsani, Romania
Foga, A.-H. Sudan
Foggia, /taly
Fogmont, Kentucky . Fogo I., Newfoundland .
Fohr L., Germany
Foilelogh, Mt., Aerry, I. FS, Foinaven, Sutherland, Scot. Foix, France : Foix, old
prov., France Fojnica, Yugoslavia Fokstua, Norway Fokstuhé (mt.), Norway ; Folda
Fjord, Nordland, Norway Folda Fjord, T'rondelag, Norway Foldal, Norway : Foldereid,
Foleyet, Ontario . Folgefonna, Norway
Foligno, Jtaly ; Folkestone, Kent, Eng. . Folkingham, Lincs, Eng. Folla Elv, Norway
Follinge, Sweden .
Fol Sjé, Norway .
Folsom, New Mexico
Folsom City, California Foltesti, Romania
Fo-lu, T'ongking
Fonda, /owa 2
Fonda, New York
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Fond Fijeld, Norway
Fongen (mt.), Norway . Fonsagrada, Spain
Fonseca, Gulf, Honduras Fontaine, Belgium Fontainebleau, France . Fontaine-le-
Bourg, France Fontaine-St. Martin, la, France Fontan, France
Fonteboa, Brazil
Fonteintje, Cape Prov. Fontenay-le-Comte, France Fontenay-St. Pére, France
Fontenay-Tresigny, France Fontenoy, Belgium
Fonte Vera, Peru Fontevrault, France
Fontmell Magna, Dorset, King. Fontstown, Kildare, 1 F.S. Fontvieille, France
Fonwary, New Caledonia Foochow, China ; Forbes, New S. Wales . : Forbes, L.,
Longford-Ros., 1.F.S. Forbesganj, Bihar and Orissa Forcados, Nigeria Forcalqueiret,
France Forcalquier, France Forchheim, Germany
Ford, Argyll, Scot.
Ford, Kentucky : Ford, Northumb., Eng.
Ford, Wexford, 1.F.S.
Ford City, Pennsylvania Férde, Norway
Férde, Rogaland, Norwa ay Ford Fjord, Norway Fordham, Cambridge, Eng.
Fordingbridge, Hants, Eng. Fordoun Sta., Kincardine, Scot. Fordyce, Arkansas
Fordyce, Nebraska ; , Foreland, N. and 8., Kent, Eng. Foreland As, ees Eng.
Foreland, I. of Wight, Eng. F een tan ), Norway
FOR 154 Cf 154 Gf 158 Ae 153 Ee 155 Le
QQ) Ce 185 Ch 143 Ld 168 Ce
79 ‘e
79 Gd 171 Hb 163 Ce 173 Je 173 Kf 121 Ff 168 De 171 Hb
95 Db 156 «Ef 168 De 171 Ff 172 Ag 159 Kj 134 De i73 Jf 149 Kf 153. Dh 153° Dh
91 Ef 159 (CE
72 Ac
61 Pe 158 Hb 150 Cd 156 Dd 78 De
78 Af 72 Db
156 Dd 189 Ce 93 Fe 719 Ge 459 Peg 134 De 90 Db 95 Ce 128 De 91 Ed 150 Ad 139 Ce 74
Ca 68 At 59 Mf 83 De 83 De 93 Ee 72 Fb 72 Fb 70 Fe 70 Dd 72 Fb 70 Ed 145 Mf 712 Ce
90 De 41 Yu 50 Vr 72 Gb 70) Fe 72 Fe 156 Cb 159 Cf 05 Ce 119 Cb 155 Hd 152 Ac 155
Ld 72 Ha 72 Ha 88 Ba 163 De 79 Ee 82 Eb 86 Ad 85 Ke 87 Hb 168 Dd 137 He 83 Ce 86 Be
86 Df 70 Db 168 Bd 85 Kf 45 Rv 64 Hg 87 x 192 Kg 115 Eft 183 Ea 67 Fp 109 Hb 125 Eg
87 Fd 83 Fe 74 Dd 54 Lk 150 Ad 52 Ri 64 Jr 150 Db 72 Ce 72 Be 72 Be 41 Ws 40 Sv 57
Rj 157 Hd 154 Gd 41 Yu 46 Ou 40 Tv 72 Gb
——— ee ae
Gb Eb Kd Bb Cf Be Jd Fb Ee Gd Gg Cf Dd Vu FI] 3e Kd Qi Dd Ad Sg Qh De Cb Cb Gb Pp
Bd Dd Cf Hb Hb Be Ge Fh Xs Gb Og Bd Je Be Gb
126 155 Ke 158 Jb 105 Ed 130 Fe 142 Dd 142 Dd 153 Deg 154 De 106 Be 153 Dg 146 Hb
146 Hb 153 Dg 153 Be 153 Deg 154. Ec 147 Pe 142 Gf 132 Be 154 Eb 191 Bg 59 Ng 130
Ee 146 Ff 154 Ce lll Df lll Ee 146 Hd 146 Je 106 Bb 147 Ne 155 Hg 128 Bf 156 Ec 158
Cb 157 Ge 107 Hd 156 Ce 159 a 157 Gd 72 De 159 OF} 158 Ae 139 Cd 139 Cd 139 Ce 153
Cd 147 Lb 158 Jd 155 Ne 107 Gd 56 Lj 144 Jf 159 Jh 156 Fd 154 Eb 151 Eb 140 Ac 70
Ed 79 Gb 147 Rg 72 Gb 72 Ad 90 Ab 79 Fe 72 Cd 72 Ee 158 Ce 184 Ef 90 De 154 Gb 150
Bb 51 Vq 50 Vr 84 Ae 82 Cc 2 Cb 85 Hd 86 Dd 107 Ge 61 Rb 41 Xt 52 Po 191 Cd 154 Cf
55 Ql 151 Fb 49 So 8] xe 135 Eg 82 E b 50) «6Sr 87 Ce 40 Ru 191 Ag 114 Cf 44 Mw 154
Cf 155 Me 115 De 41 Ws 115 Ee 114 Be 139 Cb 48 Mo 141 Ne 14] Oc 66 Cp 191 Dd 53 Vo
143 Me 50 Ur 190 Ed 147 Pf 56 Nh 67 Fp 62 Gm 185 Gl 68 Cr Te 89 Fb 173 Ke 79 Ke
Citizen’s Atlas
Ee Framboise, Nova Scotia
Frameries, Belgium Frametown, W. Virginia Framingham, Mass. Framlingham, Suffolk,
Framnes, Norway Framrust Sanatorium, Franca, Brazil Francavilla Fontana, Italy
France, rep., W. Hurope Frances, S. Australia Franceville, Fr. Hquat. Franche
Comté, old prov., Francis, Nevada
Francis, Sask.
Francis, C., . Vewfoundland Francisco, Braz zal Francistown, Bech wanaland Kr
angois OP oo ae Columbia Francorche amps, Bi lgium Franeker, Holland
Frank, Alberta
Frankenberg, Germany Frankenthal, Germany . Frankford, Offaly, IFS. Frankfort,
Jndiana Frankfort, Kansas Frankfort, Kentucky Frankfort, Maine
Frankfort. Michigan Frankfort, Orange F.S. Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany Frankfurt-on-
Oder, Germany Frankland 1., Queensland Franklin, Indiana
Franklin, Kentucky Franklin, Louisvana Franklin, Mass.
Franklin, New Hampshire Franklin, New Jersey Franklin, NV. Carolina Franklin, Ohio
Franklin, Pennsylvania Franklin, Tasmania Franklin, J'exas
Franklin, Virginia
Franklin, W. Virginia . Franklin Chan., Victoria Franklin District, Canada Franklin
Str., N.-W. Terr. Franklinton, Lowisiana Frankton, New Zealand Frant, Sussex, Eng.
Franz, Ontario Frascati, /taly . Fraser (Gt. Bie Fraser R. dn Br. aa Cape Prov.
Fraserburg Rd. Sta., Fraserburgh, Aberdeen, Scot. Frasertown, New Zealand Frasnes,
Belgium .
Frater, Ontario Frauenburg, H. Prussia Frauenfeld, Switzerland Fray Bentos, Uruguay
Frazee, Minnesota
Frechen, Germany
Freda, Ontario
Frederica, Delaware Fredericia, Denmark Frederick, Maryland Frederick, —
Frederick,.8. Dakota Frederick itaoes I. Fredericksburg, Ohio Fredericksburg, Texas
. Fredericksburg, Virginia Frederickshaab, Greenland Fredericktown, Missouri
Fredericktown, Ohio Fredericton, New Brunswick Frederiksborg, amt, Denmark
Frederikshavn, Denmark Frederikssund, Denmark Frederikstad, Transvaal Frederiksten,
Norway Frederiksvark, Denmark Frederiksvern, Norway Fredonia, Kansas
Fredonia, New York Fredrikstad, Norway Freehold, New Jersey . Freels C.,
Newfoundland Freemansburg, W. Virginia . Freemount, Cork, J.F.S. Freena, Norway
Freeport, Florida
Freeport, Jilinois
Freeport, New York Freeport, Ohio
Freeport, Pennsylvania Freetown, Sierra Leone Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain .
Fréhel, C., France
Frei, Norway
Freiberg, Germany
Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg, Nevada
Freirina, Chile
Freising, Germany
Freistadt, Austria
Freital, Germany
Freixedas, Portugal
Freixiel, Portugal
Freixo, Portugal .
Fréjus, France , Fremantle, W. Australia Fremont, Nebraska Fremont, Ohio Fremont,
Pennsylvania Fremont Pk., Wyoming French, New "M exico French I., Victoria
King. ;
, Queen sland . Columbia
Cape Prov.
. Da. N ew G uinea
_ Y wt ~]
Oo >
vee Ue ee ee So SPN IKAaPAR ANS
or Or Sr Gr Ot St QD I 3 Go St St Gt Ot Or
153 150 150 188 157 151 150 182 140 140 157 19]
41 145
9] 185 146 136 136
57 190
79 142
81 173 154
76 144 151
77 151 156 154 189 150 156 151 14] 155 150 143
717 134
| a
— pe crs cic =] ~J
ee oe eee Sou cng © bo Oo =] bo
— ©
~I 00 bo bo
~~] +I i He bo b
159 172 74 92 75 88 88 88 83 187 154 150 151 158 156 182
Dd Kb
vc Bd Fg Be Dd Db Ee Bb Bb Bb Ge
Bb Eb
Bb Cd
a ee, ee
Gardanne, France Gardelegen, Germany Garden City, Kansas Garden City, Texas Garden
Pass, Nevada Gardiner, Maine Gardiner, Montana Gardiner, Oregon Gardiners I. and
B., Gardner, Colorado Gardner, Mass. Gardner Canal, Br. Gardnerville, Nevada Gare
Loch, Dunbarton, Garelochhead, Dunbarton, Garéoult, France . Garfield, Washington
Garfield Beach, Utah Garforth, Yorks, Eng. Gargalianoi, (freece Gargano Mts., /taly
Gargrave, Yorks, Eng. . Gargunnock, Stirling, Scot. Garha, Central Provs.
Garha, Gwalior, Central Inilia Garhakota, Central Provs. : Garhi, Bhopal, Central
India . Garhmuktesar, United Proves. Garies, Cape Prov. Garland, Montana Garli,
Norway Garlieston, Wigtown, Scot. Garlogie, Aberdeen, Scot. Garmo, Norway
Garmouth, Moray, Scot. Garneill, Montana
Garner, /owa
Garnes, Norway
Garnet, Jdaho
Garnett. Kansas .
Garnish, Newfou ndland
Garo, Colorado
Garo, Fr. West Africa
Garo Hills, Assam
Garola, Central Prova. . Garonne, R., France- Garrabost, Lewis, Scot. Garrauli,
Central India. tarraway, Liberia
Garrett, Indiana . Garrettsville, Ohio
Garrigues, Mts., France , Garrison, Fermanagh, N. Ire. Garrison, Kentucky Garrison,
Montana Garrison, N. Dakota Garristown, Dublin, Garron Pt., Antrim, Garron Tower
Hotel, Garrovillas, Spain Garry, L., Sag ae Scot. Garry, L., V.-W. Terr. Garry L.,
Perth, Scot.
Ne w York
Neot. . Scot.
TFS. N. Ire. Antrim, N.
Garry, R., Inverness, Scot. Garry, R., Perth, Scot. . Garsjéen, Norway Garstang,
Lancs, Eng. .
Garston, Lancs, Eng. Gartan L., Donegal, I.F.S. Gartempe, France
Garth, Brecon, Wales Garth, Glamorgan, Wales Garthorpe, Lincs, Eng. Garthus, Norway
Gartly Sta., Aberdeen, Scot. Gartmore, Perth, Scot. . : Gartnagrenach, Argyll,
Scot. Gartok, J'ibet Garua, Cameroons
Garvagh, Londonderry, N. fie Garvald, E. Lothian, Scot. Garve and L., Garwa, Bihar
and Orissa Garwolin, Poland.
Gary, Indiana
Gary, S. Dakota Garynahine, Lewis, Scot.
Gasburg, Virginia
Gascony, old prov., France Gascoyne Goldfields, W. Australia
Gascoyne R., W. Australia Gasmata, New Britain . Gasny, France : F Gaspé Penin. and
C., Quebec . Gassaway, W. Virginia Gasselte, Holland
Gastein, Austria .
Gastonia, N. Carolina
Gata, Spain
Gata, Sierra de, Spain . Gatchina, Russia Gate City, Virginia Gatehouse of Fleet,
Gateshead, Durham, Gatesville, Texas . GAtine, Hauteurs de la, Gatineau, R., Quebec
Gatooma, S. Rhodesia Gatrun, Libya Gatteville, rance Gattiécres, France Gatton,
Kirke wd. Scot.
Gatun, Panama ; Gaua, Fr. West Africa .
Gaugin Mt., Donegal, BB: Gauhati, Assam
Gauko Otavi, S.- Africa Gaupne, si ai
Gaur, Bengal
Gaurihar, Central India Gauri-Sankar, Nepat—T ibet Gausdal Sanatorium, Norway
Gautajaure, Sweden : Gautestad, Norway
Ross and Crom., Scot.
74 154 156 L159 152 158 158 152 154 152 146 159
a wmogewownws-
moawoondaaasos ~- — 2
58 108 125 155 L150
62 150 158 154
Dd Db Eg De Ef Db He Ad Bd
Re Te Df Mk Mk Ed Eb Ge Tp Bd Ed Rp Nk Dd De Dd Dd Ca Be Ce Gb Nn Rh Ee Pg Jb Jd Bd
Ed Hf Cd Cf Cf Ge De Cd Jf De Ch Ne Cb ie Eo Be Gb Eb Jp Km Km Be Mh Je
L h Qj Hd Qp Qq Fn De Os Ot Up Fd Qh Nk LJ Be Af Hn QI Mg
Eg Me Ge Hf Ed Ce Cg Bg Ee Be Mc Ce Ge Ce De Bb Bb Dd Bd Nn
Ha Ge Fd He
Gojjam, dist., Hthi LUft0 ia Gokak, Bombay 2 : 10 Gorham, NV. Dakota Gokarn, Bombay
. ( Be Gori, Georgia, Russi ‘ . . 154 Db | Gr * G k h I ‘ £16 Ba Q : » LUSSIA : is
train Coast. West okcha, l., Azerbaijan ' Q7 rorinchem, Holland . . 97 Ge |
Grainfiel cae: inde Africa ' 1295 RB Gokiol, Mt., Mongolia . vi Hg Goring, Oxon Ene
: . ‘ 78 De | : , 1€ d. Kansas - . — Bg (sro Mogol Brazil —, Persia . | . ion Da
Gorizia Italy ita ga | ceibvaheae Russia . — Ef Grasett Ontari a ; . 174 Dd : : 5s
Gg ‘ regi 4 7ramm “ORS . -. “OF ie ; ’ arvo . ‘ = Go- kong, Coc hin oe “ Gb Gorki,
Leningrad Russi : ? 00 Db | Cr: ont, B lgium : pa x Graskop, Transvaal ‘ . 145 Lf
Gol, Norway ‘ . ae 9 Dd Sacki Rexsia , Russia on ae ampian Mts., Scotland _ 79 Db |
Grasmere. W« wd : 184 Ge 92 3 ape 8 a ‘\rampound, Cornw Rese 3 . 56 Mk 1 ,
Westmorland, En nib i Gola I., Donegal, 1. F. 8. ; 69 “4 Gorki ag Nov gorod), R at
Ce 97 Ke set wth Cornwall, Ling. . 14 = Grasnut (mt.), Norwar ioe . 52 Po Golaghat,
Assam . 107 fe Gorleston / NV orf, Uk. i tUussid : 97 Gd Pian . . regen,
Holland . . ods Viw | Gris6, Sweden wag 72 De ole ? i M7 : . 5 i Ce I Pees J vs
ung. oe 7 } < rs Se OTWwar j (Je Gr: eas : wy =! a. “$e a orks, Eng. . a ae rane ,
Poland . . 51 Zr | Granada Venae, | no Gal G 'assaNo, Italy . | ae Hi , »ylconda,
Hyderabad ) SI Lérlitz. Germany : _ ee TR | Geena, 2 agua ; 163 | Grasse, Wecsens .
_ SL Be Golconda, Illinois . L110 De Gorlovka Ryu v : 75 Fy C: nada and prov. Spain
. 05 Kf Gzrassington y | k , . . BS (xe . 55 | ‘ a, L£USS8A : ie) sranar ’ ‘ F . Fs
be Pe: ‘ > 4 Ay OT KS, 4 s re Golconda, Nevada : * Le | Gormanston se ia a ; oF Ff
Cr — Longford, 1.F'.S = Dd Grass Valley, Califor ng. . . 49 So - ‘ . E * ‘ » ac y ’
rTi sada a a cs . ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ li } a Goldap, E. Prussia : he Ke Gormanston * Sipiteh .
a Se . 64 Ip Genny Ci l'e2 as “i Fp ( trassy Me ieee Ken ; _ 159 -C¥ Goldbeach,
Oregon rid Ka Gormaz. Spain va , . 188 Bd | Gees ste on necticut * Ed Grate’s Cove
ee Pt... V rginva 150 Cd yoldburg, Idaho 158 Ad Gorna. Paina 8 r BP; j ‘ 88 Db | :
i DY, Missouri : 38 Bd Gratz, Kentuck 3 ewfoundland 139 De Gold C ° 158 G ; Q ’ u
na state, Bihar ad: Oriast ae) Granby, Quebec . 155 He (ty; . LUCKY . > » ° d Coast
Colony, W al 4 arly tornya-Oryekhovitsa, B rissa. 109 Fe ER ele ‘ , 5 a traudenz
(Grudziad; : ; . 150 Ae d frica 12 yekhovitsa, Bulgar rranb . 142 He ziadz), Pol s
Golden, Arizona _ Dg | Gorodnia, Russia a, Bulgaria . 95 Bd Gr: - Us Sweden ; "0 e
| Graulhet, France ), Hokane . TS Golden, British C we “i Gj Gorodok, Russia : . .
97 Ee | Grand cn 1., Canary Is. a os | Grauw, Holland . 83 Ke Golden, Colorado oe
Lf Gorontalo Celéhes ] : . _ 97 Ed | Grand Senko France = a | Gravdal. Norway . .
Se 2 . . ~ ‘N _ < P . . : é 2 | , 2Aal T sf, ; . ou re | Tave : ~ . 7° \ Golde n,
Tipperary, F. S. 69 C f Gorontalo ( lomini) Gulf c - ° ] 2 | Fd Gr: and B iK, A
ewfoundland 139 Ca Grave = Holland 2 . i2 iy Golden B., N ew Zealand ’ ye K's
Gorredijk Holla a 5 eléebe 2 £. l: 2] Fe | ( assa, Libe rida : no 7 Grave, Pte. de
Pin ? . . ° 78 Ke Goldendale, Washington ‘ ; Jo Dd Gorron mise nu : . «FS Be apt ee
Kr. West ivvien ~~ Bg Civ wah Neeviiss . : nce . ; 98 Ca : : . 158 ‘n ee . ; Ae ao
| tom eac “tee iy cies $9 125 Dh | Graveli 5, GSR. : ; i 7h Maryland . : 151 “ Got
ssel, Holland . . 85 Hd | icunicams "i i incites 139 C ‘d | as lines, France ; ee :
We olden Lake, Ontario : aa LC Gort, Galway, I.F.S . , 3 Ra | Bien C i rance ; eK
Gl | rravelotte, France . . 86 Cb _ . . > . » 7 ‘ ‘ : 33 . ake > se IFi¢ | f y . .
° . Ow ri) ; “ cute * . - < - Gol Derris, Inner Mongolia 7 I ( Gorteen, Galway ] PF
¢ . : 6b Dq Grand C; nai, China : ; ; 114 C I si fi, N Orway . : 82 i b Golder’s
Gree FES "y i 4 Ac Gortee 1A x Gro ae . 66 Da! G anal, Kildare, 1.F'.S < ~ s
Gravenhage (Hs re : , FAS Ca G een, Middlesex, Ling. 43 zorteen, Sligo, 1.F.S 6 Dq
| Grand Cany ‘nie a . 64 Hq | G age (Hague, The), Holl 78 oldfield, Colorado { : —
Gortin, Tyrone, N p= . ; . 66 Dp | Grand Cs 1yon, Arizona 159 GC i Gravenhurst,
Ontario , Holland 78 Bd a ' ’ . rs 5é 1¢ ol P. 9 AV re. » ; tle anv re ies — e +3 >
ro ‘ 2. r - = A* + Goldfield, Nevada “oe Cf Gorumna I., Galway, I.F.S . 62 Gn |
Cirand Ch: yon Nat. Desk Asiana 159 Ge z Gravenzande. Holland 142 Ee Gold Hill,
Oregon : 58 Kg Goryn, R. Picoail peeree aoe, 1 . 66 Ba Grand Cl amp, France . Q4 De
rravesend, Kent, Hng. i8 Bd 4 r e . ‘ be ; a ; ? . mys) i ried larctreuse Ly 7 . o
a xTAVES . . d y Goldsboro, N. Carolina Tt Bd | Gosberton, Lincs, Eng . 73 Hg |
Grand’ C or ~— France . «3 Fd a France +1 Wu Goldsboro, Pennsylvania . 151 Fe |
Gosfield, Hssex, Eng. . 50 Vr | Grand Cons riche 83 Fd ro ealligg a France ee . - f
yy ‘ “9 st « : - | a . ¥ > a ° Ot ’ : 217 1 » Goldstone, Queensland . — mL |
Gosford. New 8. Wales "Oi Et | rand uronne, France ae aac France 86 Ae Goldthwaite,
Texas j . 184 Dg | Gosforth, Cumb., Eng. | . 183 Fa | Grand sg te hobaacs Migs : 86
B 2 eile iy <ee Golea, El-, Algeria “ : . 156 Ke | Gosforth N ort} “> igh , : ' 52
Po enna Bi. A rge ning. . . ae fe | Gray, —. 152 Co Golgonda, Madras ; . 126 Fd |
Goshen California ae . 53 Sm | Geant _ dene | 74 ae | Grayling, Mic higan 147
Rf : : : . : ; } ( * ran 91T3 : . is of Fa aa 45 Goliad, Texas . 2 Fe | Goshen,
/ndiana 159 Dg | Gr satin, R., Bo Alberta 146 Kd ATaYTIBG, Westmorland, Eng 155 Ne
2 . s § > + ~~. b : ; Ses = | ¥ t e 4 . ‘ < ( } ! - =” 4 ~o an Germany D6 Ff |
Goshen, New York . 155 Me | Grandes-V ; ONE 170 Cd | ae Cape Prov. - i Qo . . r < j
ry, ~ t 4 : we ALE S- e : . | “AVS “ee é . ry rolo, R Corsica rhs I b Goshogawara
Ja “i . : 152 Ad Grand ie 1] ntes, F TwWA1NCe : 86 Ad i - ys s Essex, E ng. 37 Le
Golspie, ‘Sutherland, Geos. . 83 Goshun. Monsodia n 116 Ge pha: Se 8, New Pa in . :
/ Grayson, Kentucky 41 Wu Golubovsk, Kazak, Russia . 59 Og | Goslar, Germany 114 Ab
| Grand Fo * Newfoundland . 139 re | Grayson, Sask. . = EO) Be Gomba, Nigeria : . —
Ge Gosné, France i 74 De Grand Porke British Columbia : 146 Keo | riers
Virginia ; ; et " Gombe, Nigeria . — Ef | Gospié, Fugosiavia ; . 85 Gd | Grand Ha
we N. Dakota ina Gb Gray ville, Illinois . 150 Cd Gomel, Russia : . . — Ff Gosport,
Hants Ha . ° : Q» Dd i Cleandis yee Michigan : Te Mi | a Austria . . 155 Lf Al .
- . a i 7 ° . 8S, J { ‘ : a are l l. / iY . - eve | ’ en aa e . = : ; ( 5) i Semen,
ican ntitcnia = Ee Gonna. Posen 40 Tv | Grandin. Mi phe . . 147 Od —_ r, Norway Z
De tomera, I., Canary Js. ; 124 Jf Gosselies, Belgium ; . 8$lL Hb Grand (ale
its : : 155 Ke ' sees inp Yorks, Eng. . > Ge Gometra, I., Argyll, Scot . 124 Ac |
Gossen Norway . 7 Ec | Grand ‘ale. ¥ Nebraska ; 154 Ke | ae L., Tasmania : . 50 Tq
Gomez, Argentina - 60 Jk | Gostivar, Yugoslavic _ 72 Cb | Grand J wl ein 152 Bb |
as Australian Bight, Australic — Ceo Gomez Palacio, Mexico ° . 173 Hf Gostvnin Pola
‘d vid, ; _ 94 Bb | Grand Cana Colorado 159 “ Great Barrens, N« efonadins ; ia. 178
De Gommené, France : . 162 Be Gota R Swe le 7 oT Grand sano, £7000 155 H t | Great
Barrier | Vew Sesluad a >. : a, . ? es A c é ave 44 ‘Tt evr 1 . i 4 } rn Gomoh,
Bihar and Orissa : . 84 Dd Gotaland, Swed 2 71 Eg a ee ie tion. Tennessee 1B : d a
Basin, Nevada 1M . 1990 Eb Sonaives y ae . , ( 1s a EN 6 aT% 4an ny pee aie : vl <a
| Gres ; . ‘ : " +. eee West Indies . oe a Goteborg (Gothenburg), S 71 Eh | Grand I
Li Fr. West Africa . 125 Ch | On ut Belt, Denmark . = - onave I.. West Indies . +
£00 Ge | Géteborg and Bohus, A ; sem - 71 Eh Grand & ~ atagp . 187 He | es at Bend,
Kansas. op “> Gonda, U nited Provs. ” Ge | Gotemba, Japan in, Sweden 71 Dg Grand
Lak “N Brunswick 143 M | a Colorado Plat., Ariz ron . cote “i ‘ s es ( 7 ‘ - > * oz
~ Fic wake N , e e tres ‘tt = «5 «64 vA | . 5 a Gondal, Kathiawar, West I ij 09 Fb
| Gotha. Germant 117. Ff Peso Ke, ewfoundland 139 B Po at Div iding Range, Australi
9 Hh Gondar, thiopia ’ ndies . 106 Cd Gothenburg Nol ; 74 De - an | ones, Michigan
me | | Great Falls, Man PP it ustralia . 181 Leg . : . : > yy ~ mo + COTUSHK( ot
xrand- a > onal : . . are) IN¢ | & = ny RFS ° ‘ : 7, Gondia, Central Provs . 129 Fe
| Gothenburg (G6 bc Oe aa 154 Ee | Grand nae Lind Ge, F HaNCs 82 C =a Falls,
Montana 44 Gonerby, Great a 108 Eo | Gotherstonc he sone), Haneaen 71 Eh | G so cme
mi 85 Ke | Groat Fink &., Vape Prov. . > J 5, LnC8, £ pe zi m : c ‘be #H 4 TE ee cs
' a a = 2): al ). . Qn , Gonfaron, ssa sng. « . 50 Ur | Gotitoria Clent i gag . #2
Bao >a see Rss N ew Brunswick 19 ~ Gre at Ham, Durham, Eng 1s? Kf Goniadz, Poland .
. 87 Fd | Gotska =a a ome, . . 108 Dd Grand = yee Michigan ae om — xatham, Hants,
Eng. wees . ee . ° . 7° . Veoka = » Owede - AES Marais ’ ? = eri x , : ; J Gonnord,
France : (3 If Géttingen, Germani pee , . 71 Hg | Grand’ Me ar , Minnesota . . 1d
Kb G reat Jervis, New er ae See Gonzales, California : _ 85 Hf | Gottland (] Su
id . - a Sh, iia ea es Quebec 149 | = at Namaqua Land, S.- 7. Africa = Bd : > if :
5G 1 aa .), OwWeEden : we ans ola. ort / . $2 ( treat Oasis (WS Abies ca : Coe
xyonzales, Texas 159 Og Gouare : . . 1 HI ‘ yrtuga : = asis (Wah el-K “Ee . ~p <2 :
aC, Fra y : I Gre > Ys . 53 : an . < ei- h. , oe Or Gooburrum, Queensland . 156 Ff
| Gouda, Holland , ; . 84 Cd| G — setts Dahomey . 125 “4 Great Salt L., Utah ),
Hgypt . 127 Ba Goochland, V diese ; . 185 Jk ps acer 7, ° : : "78 Cd | Gs a {apids,
Minnesota 155 m4 Great Salt Lake Desert Utah : 158 Ge Pie aet, | qu : ; 151 Ed | ,
rance ; " 37 BI irand Rapids, Mic higan < Ser Se | Great Sandy (Fraser) I » © . 158
Ge gh I., Papua : ‘ Goudhurst, Kent, V » | Grand R . 155 Md | Gres ral) ser) I.,
Queensland 185 Gooderham, yg ' . 189 Ee Gouesnou, Fr Jie : a “KEW Grand apice, -W.
Dakie 154 FI seas Sas tee ’ or me Good H ; ; . 142 Ee es Secs : ' srandrieu,
Belgium 54 Fb | Great Whale R ‘ : 4 Cd ope, V.-W. Terr. nas Gouézec, France . 84 Ad
| Grand R - he "9 Ec | G ale R., Quebec .
‘ . ‘ é . ‘ d : . } AE OES “9 Mich ; mn Ec | Grebste : . . 145 Oe ag = of, Cape
Prov + —— L., Cork, I.F g on Grand R icc caa 155 Nd | Gredo ie tokens : ; . 72 DE
ing, Idaho =e g toulburn, New S. W oe go | 68 Ct | Grand Rin ner iss «(Jf | Gre s,
Sierra de, Spain 8 Goodlar , . e cs 158 Rd ~ 7 Wi. Vv ale 8 - = rrant River,
Quebe . . veo Jt | (c;reece. Te EB ; : . “ RS Cb
id, Kansas c ( Gourdon FR - ae . 9 183 Eb G 8 > : IEC re s : ] 43 ; a ; p-; yurope
‘ 4 D8 Goodna, Queensland . 154 Ef | Gourin Decne : . 83 Dd aime “% Dakota 154 =
Greeley, Colorado ; . ' fe Bh Goodooga (Bokhara), New S . _. 185 Jl | Gourma, F in
pes 3 Bat On id R., Utah—Colorado a. | Greeley, Nebraska «see Ss = > 0 lara) N ew N
Vi le : = urma, K'r. VW est { mR ( Grandsherre | , 159 Jf Ore . 7 1! 4 * Goodrich,
Colorado . Wales 181 Kd | Gournay, Fra isp ie , . 125 Ef | Gr i Py, Oey 72 Ee | ena
ai, ag | 14 fs 1 : . : : 3 ~ 4 sit ay» ance z - - trandson, Switzer e : : (sa Ee
‘reen B: . 47 option Hereford, ing — = Gourock, Renfrew, Scot ; . 82 Db | Grand
Teton on pices . 80 Cec | Green B et Newfoundland 139 Cc
oot ater 4labe - . : 4/ t Gouvern Ee N bets ° . : 54 MI Gran ar aah A “5 yoming :
158 | : LY, wrgunia : oa ; Sanadwi > 4 Jama . , P 153 B | , eur, i¥ ew y ork - :
rand lower, [lline & ‘ . x Hd (s-reen Bav W sal i . P 151 Dd ck. Pembroke, W ‘ 3d
Gouville. Franc : 142 Ge Geand V MWS . F Ins | ee ay, isconsin RP Cc os Se wv we,
ales . : 46 ; ; rance : . os “ jrand \ alley, Colorad . vo se | Greenbushes Tinfie
= . . 155 Me xoodwin, W. I irginia . iz Ls Gouvy, Belgium . bo Kb Grand Victoria |
re LO ; _ 159 ie + Gisepors 7 es Tinfield, W. Australia 187 BI sare Sands, Kent,
Eng . 150 Ce | Gouzeaucourt, F ; . 79 He | Grandvi vr ny Quebec. 142 Fd | Cr
encastle, Donegal, I.F'.S 6 3 ( ; o% ng. — , france ee ATE new, Arizona ; = <r
rreenca baie age Pai 3G oodwood, Sussex ,, : . 41 Zu | Govan, Glas ' : . . 86 Ec Ss
bite aoa : . 5! ‘ eae astle, Down, N. Ire ve = Gooiland ‘Iolland’ ang. . 40 Uv Gov:
5 “a Heol. . _* Ba NI] Grandview, Manitoba . ~ Gh Greencastle, Indiana er? . 63 Jo
Goole, Forks < . 78 Dd Gove & ss ; ' 147 Ref a France [ os | Greencastle,
Pennsylvania 155 Mf Lng. ~ . ay ansas : 2 AT? Vy ' a ‘ ’ 3 > fo reag ‘ es 7 “ 5 i.
acs ss ee | Gavindge a eo 86 Bd | Green Cove Springs, Florida. 53 Dt 8 . - LR: as .
7 AT ALIS ¢ e, owe } 3 oy | (rreene, OUM ai: Ve Goolwa, S. Australia 183 Ka Gov
indgarh, Alwar, Re - 84 Kd Grange, Ca P “ Mt ° ‘ : 71 Ff | Gree “ : pee : ‘ 155 ]
Goomalling W Australi . 180 Fg Gowanda aa York ijputana . 108 Cb Grang I Se j : 137
Hb | i ne, New York . fa “s Gooms Og a tama : ; 4867: SE eee oF ’ 9 WF range,
Lancs, Ling ee » | Greenfield, Fh ae : » at ‘a sur, Madras or Gower Pen., Gl . 142
Ef Gr: ne a : cai it la tees int, Wales Goondal pects ¢ ‘ ’ 109 Gt : ., Glamorgan,
Vi ab 9 : = = ange, Sligo FS » 52 Qo | Greenfield, Indi : . 48 Pq
1, N ew S W ] As x Gowganda Ont a : 46 Nt Gri rel f . ° ‘ _ 62 E i ‘ : ? NAVana ~~
- Goondiwindi oe : . 183 Eb | G ~ or ; angebellew, Louth, 1.F.S 2 Eo | Greenfield,
Jowa 155 Nf
iwindi (ueen 3] ] wrinnte 40 Gowna | I ’ . 142 Dd Gri sa CG = g ef We ss 63 J i
ae . ? wa . ~ he Goonga ogg 2NSLAMU : 185 H ’ » divs Longford, LP.S, ia a sTAaAN gE
City, Washingt es p Greenfield, Massac 155 He rrie, W. Australi 85 Hm | Gowran,
Kilk Sl . 67 Fp | Grange : A Sh tale . 158 Db | G Se ge rssachusetts 59 ies if , .
AuUusiratia z _ 187 - ; ial enny, LF.S. n¢ . ange mouth. Stirling, Sc : )
Greenfield. Miss : 152 Be , Holland S/ uJ Gowrie, Que J . 62 Gr eae , g, scot. : =
Ok : , , Missouri zs Goorar . a ' 78 G { ens and | ats xranger, Texas ur Greenfield
Ohi 155 dg —? Queenslar “pes Goya, Argenti 85 HI | Granger, W 156 Fe i ‘ - + - _ NV
Setionz . 185 Hk | Goyanna, pet. 173 He | G ane ville “idaho 158 He = — ares
Massachusetts 162 Ce : ‘ ¥ “t xT ge >, sh . jreenheat N : . +. 7 c oose Creek Te .
139 Cb Govaz a l Pi | J b x = . - aaho : 4 L! R n. ~ > + orth umb., iD Tu ~ ¢ Goose
L Seeien-C : : : . 157 +=Gf re a Hrasti i71- Ed rae Colorado 7 oe | Greenhow,
Yorks, Eng J. , oa
*? Z yd Pi YU, pan é , , ~ dove ‘ree y J* . . Gacty: Madras alifornia . 158 Ce |
Goz Bada Fy ky a: 117 Ef G Serr aR 158 " — _ nd, New Zealand as es Gop Bi oe ’ . *
2). Ge ‘= aie . kquat. Africa 128 _ » Ulby, inots wae oe xreen Is., Solo . : at ’
thar and Oris A Goz Reg . 7 : J 98 Ce Crani = Z 15! , ’ mon Ts. : = % : ISSA. ‘ ee
J, ye He Ss? xranite F< ] Pees 0 Kf Green 5 T ‘ ud . 189 tai Bihar and Orissa ee =
Graaff Reinet, Cape i 128 Ed | Granity a re gy 154 He aie ag es > ctl call . 138 SE
zOpaipur Vadra pre a at xb Graaho (mt.) Ny ies 137 He Gra ner aM 191 ‘ “ aw,
Berwick, Scot aS
‘ . 8 , a tel t.), 4yorwa = | srinna, Sw | : Cd Greenloani : : ; 55 Ri Gopiga 7
rr , ' Pee! (i. aS ‘ : ¥ » “ws eer ’ eaen . “s enloaning, Perth, Sc fan) United
Provs : aa Graasiden (mt.), Norw 12 Fe Gri Sey Eee, . : ‘ 71 Fg —_— =e rth, Scot. :
56 3 Géppingen, ce. ‘ . 109 Fe Graasten her oe si 72 Cd Pon te cre ; : 89 Gb | Soe
ae her, hill, Lanark, Scot ss an = sven, rmark aa | Gran Sass alis . 89 Gb | Gree
ae » HCOL. f Gorakhpur, United > _ 74 Cd | Grabbenvoorst, H 77 Bd | Grans te
Italia, Jtaly . 00 De | ohaaieian Mts., Vermont . ee ae G Speke ited £rovs. : 109 F
: :voorst, Holland mre ch transele, Sweden Soe c Greenock, Re nee : . 152 Be Gorhe
Gwalior, India ’ 108 Fb Graben, Germany 8 kf Gransha, Antrim, N. I : . 70 Hd Sienna
7 nfre —— . . §4 MI orbatov, Russic . . . 8 5¢ Gratac , i 76 Ef b, sv. LTE, ; 6 s
20 ancs, Lng = 88d aTAacac, Yugoslav 4i Grant. Nebrask ; 63 Kn Greens . 12 P
Gorde ? ; : 97 Gd hinges goslavia Q» , Nebraska . = | Greenore, Louth, IFS. - Of Oo
s, France ve ou Gratanica, Yugoslavi 92 Dd Gri De : ’ . 154 Ee ‘ - ‘ A - . : op an
wate a, goslav a > rrant, Oklahor a Greenore ae . 63 OJ a Nebraska . . So De
Gracefield, Quebe C : 93 Fd Grant, pasa ‘ . . S82 fo] prasiecaba t. ‘exford, LFS. .
64 Ts tordon, W. Virginia . . : 154 Dd | Gracemere, Gucensiand . i 142 Fd Grant.
‘ees . : : * tak Ka | Geel te Vew York ae = Gordon, Wisconsin ° ; 150 Cd |
Graceville, Florida . ‘ 185 Hj Grant City i et; . . 183 De | Oveon Rn. ne 155 Mg
Gordon R., Tasmania . . 155 Kb | Gracias, Honduras . . 16a Be | Grantham, L as
"ED . 155 He | Green ives "Dy, “ 159 Hf es W ‘est, Berwick, Sc ai ; 188 Bd | Grado,
Spain ; . 163 Cd Granton hdinburgh, 8 i 50 Ur | Green aria i. 159 Hf ordon > . DO
QI Gr: 4 , << es ’ . . 88 Ba Venn on + : UTGR, OCOl. Sr | ® 5 yoming a Gord Arms,
Selkirk, Scot. . "BB ~ arady, W. Virginia 150 Grantown, Moray, Scot. DO P1 |
Greensboro, Alabama s 158 Je "ce Brit. Bechuanaland 131 Dh | Geaieone, Germany i 74
: ; Grantsburg, Wisconsin 57 Oh | Greensboro, Georgia 157 Ld onsvi > Je pe, : 1 =
Toon ’ iv ; hs ‘ uf | . “{ . ? Hd : 1. “ . a = ‘ eames irginid . ' " 151 De “gg = ’
S. Wales ; 181 Na | —— House, Berwick, Scot. — ~ Greensboro, Maryland 3 Cd ’ ueens
AVE on, iv. Jak a aN‘ frants Pass Dv treens oe ee 5 a Resdonvitic y ensland ‘ . 184
Ef Grafton. W ah ola : : 154 Ga Or: ts ‘i iSs, Oregon 158 Bd Greensboro, N.
Carolina DI Fe G aeiegs ashington ; _ 158 Ab | 9 yn, W. Virginia . 150 ‘ rrantsy
ille, Utah vo 3 Greensboro, Pennsylvani 153 Eb ie New Zealand ‘ai : » | Grafton,
C., Queensland . 18 De Grantsville, W. Virgini 158 Ge | Greensburg, Indi ylvania
150 Ce O ‘ $ ; . . - ( “ie ' ‘ J § 7 . ; ‘ giunia . ~ : == . g, inarana ae tae a s
gir arene Scot. 45 a ose om > Queensland 2 a a Castle, Perth, Scot os ; ec |
Greensburg, Aan st 155 Nf idge, Kilkenny, I.F.S. ert raham, Montar es ‘ rranum,
Alber eile 57 Oj | Greens . w 154 F ; i *¢ i ‘. ? va : ~ ‘ 1, Alberta . =
J }reensburg, L : v0 I g aid C hannel ™ Yy ° “ =: Graham, N. Carolina . a : ‘ |
Granum, Buskerud, Norwa 147 Ng | Fecnnabicte. oe . 157 Je orey, , : . ‘ “Db trahi i
: . ; we Sb | ie ee ay 72 io aie aaa enNnSsylvanrd r a. bd exford, LF S. ae he = ——
Ontario ; "144 Hf Granum, Opland, Norway ae Gd Greenspring, Ohio 150 Db Gorg _
anama ‘ 168 BI a — . 156 Ed | Granville, France i 12 Gd Greenstone Pt., Ross & C
- . 150 Bb gona |. Colombi ; < ) Graham Is., A : . 156 Ed | Granville 82 Cb | Gr en
a ss & Crom., Scot 5 “ . ia é a ntarctic.. es anvil le, Mass. x UD | Greenup,
Kentuck ; %. 58 Kg es ag I., Ltaly yn * — I., British C er a8 Os Granville, New
York +e Be | Greenvale isin ae 150 Be am, New ; ' ce c jrahams + ay e ‘ranville.
N : 52 ; = “1 atl 5 » New Hampshire ; . 182 Cb leas seg B, © ape Prov. . . 487.. BS
_ — ille , NV. Dakota , ca Be Greenville, Alabama 15S Eh xTaian Alps, France -Italy
90 4} Granville, Ohio ss Ka Greenville, California 157 Le 90 Ab Graville L.,
Manitoba ee Bb | Greenville, Georgia 159 Ce Cb | Greenville, [Illinois 153 Bd 155
| i)
= a Sem
Hatfield Heath, Essex, Eng. Hatfield Peverel, ie ex, King. Hath, Udaipur, C.P.
Hatha, Arabia ‘ Hatherleigh, Devon, King. Hathern, Leics, Lng. Hathersage, Derby,
King. Hathras, United Provs. Ha-tien, Cambodia
Hatin, Punjab
Ha-tinh, Annam .
Hatta, Central Prove. Hattem, Holland
Hatteras, C., N. Carolina Hattersheim, Germany . Hattfjelldal, Norway . ; Hatti R.,
Kalahandi, B. and O. Hattiesburg, Mississippi Hattingen, Germany Hatton, Aberdeen,
Scot. Hatton, France
Hatton, N. Dakota
Hatton, Queensland Hatton, Sask,
Hatton, Warwicks, Eng. Hatvan, Hungary Haubourdin, France
Haugesund, Norway Haugstad, Norway
Hauka Ely, Norway Haukedal and V ~_ Norway Haukeli Fjeld, Norway Haukeli Seter, N
orway Haukipudas, Finland Haukivesi, Finland Haukivuori, Finland
Haura, Arabia . ; Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand ; Hauran, Wady, /raq
Haus, Norway
Hausa, Trans-Jordan Hauser, Jdaho
Hausruck, Austria , Haute-Garonne, dep., France Haute-Loire, dep., France Haute-
Marne, dep., France Hautes-Alpes, dep., France Haute-Saine, dep., France Haute-
Savoie, dep., France Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium Hautes-Pyrénées, dep., Haute-Vienne,
France . Haut-Rhin, dep., France Hautteville, France
Hauville, France .
Havana, Cuba
Havana, Illinois .
Havant, Hants, Eng.
Havel, R., Germany Havelange, Belgiwm Havelberg, Germany Havelland, Germany
Havelock, Nebraska
Havelock, New Brunswick Havelock, New Zealand Havelock, North, New Zealand Havelte,
Holland Haverfordwest, Pembroke, Haverhill, New Hampshire Haverhill, Ohio . ;
Haverhill, Suffolk, Eng. Haveri, Bombay .
Haveré, Sweden
Haversin, Belgium Haverstraw, New York Havillah, Queensland Havnsund, Norway
Havre, Belgium
Havre, France
Havre, Montana .
Havre de Grace, M aryland Havstein, Norway
Hawaii (I.), Hawaiian Is. Hawaiian Is., Pacific Ocean Hawarden, Flint, Wales
Hawarden, Jowa . Hawarden, New Zealand Hawarden, Sask.
Hawea L., New Zealand Hawera, New Zealand . Hawes, Yorks, Eng. : Hawes Water,
Westmor., Eng. Hawick, Roxburgh, Scot. Hawke Bay, Labrador . Hawke, B. New Zealand
Hawkedon, Suffolk, Eng. Hawker, S. Australia Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia Hawkesbury,
Ontario Hawkhurst, Kent, Eng. Hawkinsville, Georgia Hawkshead, Lancs, King.
Hawkwood, Queensland Hawley, California
Hawley, Pennsylvania . Haworth, Yorks, Eng. . Hawsker, High, Yorks, Eng. Hawston,
Cape Prov. ‘ Hawthorne, Nevada
Haxey, Lincs, Eng.
Hay, Brecon, Wales Hayatomonoseto, Japan Hayatpur, Bengal ; Hayburn Wyke, Yorks,
Eng. Haydon, Queensland
Haydon Bridge, Northumb., ER ng.
Haye-Descartes, La, France . Hayes, Middlesex, K'ng. Hayes Center, Nebraska Hayes
Penin., Greenland Hayfield, Derby, Eng. Hayfield, Minnesota
Hayle, Cornwall, Eng. Hayling, I., Hants, Eng.
4] 4] 109 104 44 50 50 108 L19 108 119 108 78 153 76 70 LO9 157
82 83 79
83 82 85 85 164 155 40) 74 79 74 74 154 143 191 190 78 46 152 150
— — — moO -1-1 0 O-3-! wowrewWnwonbwan o-
—_ © =~]
177 48 154 19] 147 191 190 52 52 55 14] 190 4] 180 143 142
153 52 185 159 151 50 5¢ 136 159 50 47 116 109 53 184 52 2 41 154 141 50
44 40
Wt Hayling, South, Hants, Eng. Xt Haylow, Georgia .
Kd Haynau, Germany
De | Haynes, Alberta
Nv Hayons, France
Tr | Hayrabolu, 7'urkey
Sq Hays, Kansas
Db Hays, Montana
Cd Hayton, Yorks, Eng.
Ca Haytor Vale, Devon, ng.
De | Hayward, California
De Hayward, Wisconsin Ed Haywards Heath, Sussex, Eng. Ge Hazara Highlands,
Afghanistan Ed Hazard, Kentucky
Fd Hazaribagh, Bihar and Orissa Ff Hazebrouck, France
Ke Hazelhurst, Mississippt
Cb Hazelton, Br. Columbia
Sh Hazerswoude, Holland .
Ce Hazlehurst, Georgia
Gb Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Gh Heacham, Norfolk, Eng.
Pf Headcorn, Kent, Eng.
Ss | Headford, Galway, I.F'.S.
Fe Healdsburg, California
Db Healesville, Victoria
Be Heanor, Derby, Eng.
Cf Heard I., Indian Ocean
Gb Hearne, Texas
Ce Hearst, Ontario . ; 7 Ce | Hearts Content, Newfoundland De | Hearts Delight,
Newfoundland Ld Heath, Derby, Eng. . Ne | Heathsville, Virginia
Mf | Hebbronville, 7'exas
Eg | Hebburn, Durham, Eng.
Eb | Hebden Bridge, Yorks, Eng De Hebe, Pennsylvania
Bd Heber, Utah
Be | Heber Springs, Arkansas
Eb | Hebrides (Western Is.), Scot. Cb | Hebron, Labrador
De | Hebron, Nebraska
Ed | Hebron, New Mexico
Fb | Hebron, NV. Dakota
Gd Hebron, Transvaal ‘ Ge Hebron (El-Khulil), Palestine : Ge Hebron (Windsorton),
Cape Prov. . Gd Hecate Strait, British Columbia De Hecelchacan, Mexico
Dd | Hechingen, Germany
Ge Hechtel, Belgium
Fe Heckfield, Hants, King.
Lb Heckington, Lincs, Eng. ‘ Be Heckmondwike, Yorks, Eng. Le Hecla, S. Dakota Tv
Hecla L., Manitoba
Eb Hectanooga, Nova Scotia
Ge | Hector, California
Eb | Heda, Japan
Eb | Hedalen, Norway
Ge Hedamora, Sweden
Md Hédauville, France
Dd Heddeland, Norway . . Fe Heddon on the Wall, Northum., Eng. Fe Hédé, France ; Lt
Hede, Sweden :
Cb | Hedemarken, Norway .
Be | Hedenstad, Norway Ws | Hedesunda, Sweden ‘
Bd Hedgehope, New Zealand
Fe Hedieh, Arabia .
Ge | Hedley, Br. Columbia
Ad | Hedmark, fylke, Norway
Kh Hedon, Yorks, Eng.
Cb Heemstede, Holland
Ec | Heer, Belgium
Cb | Heerde, Holland .
Ja | ’s Heerenberg, Holland
Ee Heerenveen, Holland
Ga | Heerlen, Holland
Fd | Heeswijk, Holland
Le Heeze, Holland
Pq | Heflin, Alabama .
Gd | Hegg, Norway
De | Heggadadevankot, Mysore Qf Hegge (Slidre, Oster), Norway Bf Heggem, Norway fe
| Heggestél, Norway
Ro | Heidal, Norway : Qn | Heidalsmuen (mt.), Nor rway Qm | Heide, Germany
Sf | Heidelberg, Cape Prov.
Ke | Heidelberg, Germany
Xs | Heidelberg, T'ransvaal ,
Fe | Heiden, Switzerland
Oe | Heieren, Norway ; Ge | Heighington, Durham, Eng. . Xu | Heilbron, Orange F.S.
Cd | Heilbronn, Germany
Po | Heilen, L., Caithness, Scot. Hk | Heiligenbeil, 2. Prussia
Cf | Heiligenstadt, Germany
“b Heilsberg, LE. Prussia
Sp | Heilungkiang, div., Manchukuo Uo | Heim, Norway
1g | Heimdalshé (mt.), Norway DE Heinerscheid, Luxembourg Uq | Heino, Holland
Ps | Heinze Bay, Burma
Bg | Heirefos, Norway
Je | Heiton, Kelso, Roxburgh, Scot. Vo Heizyo, Korea
Cf | Hejaz, Trans-Jordan
Rn Hejaz, state, Saudi, Arabia De | Hekla, Mt., Iceland
Vt | Helchteren, Belgium
Ke | Helden, Holland .
Qa | Helder, Holland
Sq | Helen, Georgia
Jd | Helena, Arkansas Lw Helena, Montana Uv | Helena, New York
—_— a) _
~1 69 +3 3 ~~) -7 +
— GO — a
— VAI ws © Orc
Io t
“J .j J] = +1 +] ~ IwAIwmOnnNnwar
_ — ht ee ~ or-~3I -~1 +] OO Kor -1 CO «~3] WOmCAaKHPWOwWS
157 158 152
Dd Dd I'g K id Tn Sp Eb He He Hf Re Ge Bb Eb Ed Ae Ha De Ie Cc Cd Ga Uu Vr Sp Fe Ke
Me Kh If
De Df Sm Fd Ke Ge Fe Bg Cd Kg Df Vp cd
Ed Fe Ee
Ee Df Bd De Be Fe Db De Fe
Ca Deg Cd Ee Jb Dd
_ Helensburgh,
Helena, 7'exas
Dunbarton, Scot.
Helensburgh, New S. Wales . Helensville, New Zealand Hele Vand, Norway
Helford R., Cornwall, Eng. Helga L., Sweden Helge ao Sweden Heli, Norway Heligoland
and B.. Heliopolis, Egypt Hell, Norway Helle, Buskerud, N Helle, Norway Helleland,
Norway oo Holland Hellesylt, Norway Hellevoetsluis, Holland Hellifield, Yorks, Eng.
. Hellin, Spain
Hellyer, 7'asmania Helmand R., Afghanis stan Helmond, Holland Helmsdale and R.,
Helmsley, Yorks, Kng. Helmstedt, Germany Helpmakaar, Natal
Helpter Berg, Germany Helsby, Cheshire, Eng. Helseraaen, Norway. Helsingfors
(Helsinki), Finland Helsingér (Elsinore), Denmark Helsinki (Helsingfors), Finland
Helston, Cornwall, Eng. Helvecia, Argentina
| Helvellyn, Cumb., Eng.
Helvick Hd., W aterford, he s. Helvik, Norw ay / Helvoirt, Holland Hemaruka,
| Hemel Hempstead, Herts, Eng. | Hemelum,
Holland Hemingford, Nebraska . Hemnes, Norway Hemphill, Texas . Hempnall, Norfolk,
1 ng. Hempstead, Texas Hemsby, Norfolk, Eng. Hemse, Swede n Hemsedal, Norway Hemsil
Elv, Norway Hems6, Sweden : Hemsworth, Yorks, Kng. Hen, Norway
Henakiya, Arabia Hénanbihen, France Hénansal, France Henaratgoda, Ceylon Henderson,
Kentucky Henderson, Minnesota . Henderson, N. Carolina Henderson, 7'ennessee
Henderson, 7'exas Hendersonville, N. Carolina . Hendon, Queensland Hendreforgan,
Glamorgan, Hendricks, W. Virginia Hendy, Carmarthen, Wales Henfield, Sussex,
Hing. . Hengchowfu, C Rina , Hengelo, Gelderland, Holland Hengelo, Overijsel,
Holland Heng-shan, China Hengshan-hsien, China Hengstey, Germany. Henley in Arden,
Warwicka, E nq. Henley on Thames, Oxon, Eng. Henlow, Bedford, Eng. . Hennebont,
Hennef, Germany
Hennessey, Oklahoma
Henniker, New Hampshire Henning Sta., Cape Prov. Hénonville, France Henri-Chapelle,
“re Henrietta, Texas .
Henriette I., Yakutsk
Henry, C., Virginia
Henstridge, Somerset, Eng. Henty, New S. Wales
Henzada, Burma
Heppendorf, Germany . Heppner, Oregon .
Herad, Norway
Heraklia, Syria . ;
Herald I., Far EH. Area
Herat, Afghanistan Hérault, R. and dep., Herbede, Germany Herbert, New Zealand .
Herbert, Queensland
Herbert, Sask.
Herberton, Queensland Herbertsdale, Cape Prov. Herbertstown, Limerick, I.F.S.
Herbert Town, S. Australia Herbertville, New Zealand Herbertville, Quebec
Herbesthal, Belgium Herbeumont, Belgium . Herbignac, France
Herborn, Germany
Hercegnovi, Yugoslavia Herchmer, Manitoba Herck-la-Ville, Belgiwm Heredia, Costa
Hereford, J'exas .
Hereford and co., England Heremakono, Fr. West Africa Herenthals, Belgium
Herford, Germany
Hergenrath, Belgium
Hergott Springs, S. Au stralia Herington, Kansas
Sutherland, Scot.
~I~m-I-I-i +i + +!
DS NwWOeONNWNWN=1 > Ne eS lo
~J ~J ~] -1 +1 +]
GO +
188 106 78 59 53 74 l 39
1 ~!] Sm
— ~IsI1 Ui +7 S +) =] +] + CNONwWH wrlwies
78 114 115
76 156 152 137
79 156 10] 151
45 183 107
76 158
72 103 101 106
76 191
147 184 136 69 L180 190 143 79 79 84 76 93 144 79 163 156
125 79 74 79
If Mk Fb Eb Ee Lw
He Ba Ba Ga Fd De Cf Fd Cb Be Ro Ee Be Ab Ef Of To Db Gg Eb Qq I*f Gb Eb Gb Lw Gd
BE De Of Vt De Dd Ee He
Herinnes, Belgium
Heriot, Midlothian, Scot.. Heriot, New Zealand
Herisau, Switzerland
Herkimer, New York Herkingen, Holland
Herlé, Norway
Herm I., Channel Is.
Hermann, Missouri . Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Romania Hermansverk, Norway
Hermes, France
Hermeton, Belgium
Hermies, France
Hermil, Syria
Hermitage, l’, France . Hermitage B.., Newfoundland Hermon, Cape Prov. ; Hermon,
Mt., Syria
Hermosa, S. Dakota Hermosillo, Mezico
Hernando, Mississippi Herndon, Pennsylvania Herndon, Virginia
Herne, Germany . ‘ Herne and Bay, Kent, King. Herning, Denmark
Héron, Belgium
Heron Bay, Ontario
Heron Lake, Minnesota Herrera, Spain Herrera del Duque, Herreras, Mexico Herriard,
Hants, Hng. Herrick, Tasmania Herrington, E., Durham, King. Herrljunga, Sweden
Herschel, Cape Prov. Herschel, Sask.
Hersey, Michigan
Hersfeld, Germany
Hersselt, Belgium
Herstal, Belgium .
Hersvik, Norway .
Herta, Romania
Hertain, Belgiwm
Herten, Germany
Hertford, Queensland Hertford and co., Herts, Hing.
’s Hertogenbosch (Bois le D.), Holl.
Herval, Brazil
Hervas, Spain
Hervé, Belgium Hervest, Germany Hervey Bay, Queensland Hervey Islands.
Hesomenieatiaa! Switzerland Hesdin, France Heskestad, Norway ; Heslerton, West,
Yorks, Hing. Hesper, Alberta . ; Hesperia, California
Hesse, state, Germany . Hessen- Nassau, Germany Hessle, Yorks, Eng. Hessleholm,
Sweden Hestbroepiggene (mt.), Norway Hestevolden, Norway
See Cook Islands.
80 82 72 53 147 159 74 74 50 71 72 72
Heston and Isleworth, Middles SCX, Hing. 40)
Heswall, Cheshire, Eng.
Het Bildt, Holland
Heteren, Holland ‘ Hethersett, Norfolk, Eng. Hetton le Hole, Durham, Kng. Heuchin,
France . : , Heukelum, Holland Heungshanhsien, China Heuqueville, France
Heusden, Holland
Heéve, C. de la, France
Hever, Kent, Eng. Heversham, Westmorland, Eng. Heves, Hungary .
Hevne and Fjord, Norway
Hewittville (Emu Park), Queensland
Hexham, Northumb., Eng. Heydekrug, Lithuania . Heysham, Lancs, Eng. Heyst,
Belgiwm ; ‘ Heyst-op-den-Berg, Belgium Heytesbury, Wilts, Eng. Heythuisen, Holland
Heywood, Lancs, Eng. Heywood, Victoria Hhwajung-hsien, China Hiangchang- hsien,
China Hiawatha, “Kansas Hibaldstow, Lines, Eng. Hibbard, Arizona
Hibbing, Minnesota Hickleton, Yorks, Eng. Hickman, Kentucky Hickory, Mississippi
Hickory, N. Carolina Hicksville, New York Hicksville, Ohio
Hico, Texas
Hidalgo, Mezico .
Hidalgo, Mexico .
Hidalgo, 7'exas Hidra, Norway , Hienghéne, New Caledonia Hierissou, Gulf, Greece .
Higashi Iwase, Japan Higginsport, Ohio
Higginsville, Missouri .
Higham Ferrers, ae ee E ng. Highampton, Devon, Hn
High Bentham, Yorks, zea High Bridge, Idaho : Highbridge, Somerset, Eng. Highclere,
Hants, Eng. Highfield, Montana
High Force Hotel, Durham, Eng.
48 78 78 51 53 86 78 115 86 78 82
ee Eb Ke Yr Tn Ye Ce Bh Ae De Cb
41 Wu
52 93 72
_ 158
Qo Ge Fa
Rn Ke Qo Ca Fa
Highgate, Vermont
High Heskett, Cumberland, Hing.
Highland, California Highland, Florida Highland, New York . Highland Falls, New
York Highmore, S. Dakota High Point, N. Carolina High Prairie, Alberta
High River, Alberta
High Springs, Florida Hightstown, New Jersey Highworth, Wilts, Eng. Higueras,
Hiiu Maa (Dagé), Hstonia Hijar, Spain ’ Hijili, district, Bengal . Hikawa, Japan
Hikeda, Japan
Hiko, Nevada
Hikone, Japan
Hikurangi, New Zealund Hilborough, Norfolk, King. Hilchenbach, Germany . Hildal,
Norway Hildburghausen, Germa ny Hilderstone, Staffs, Eng. Hildesheim, Germany
Hildestad, Norway Hilgay, Norfolk, Eng. Hilla, Arabia Hilla, [rag .
Hill City, Kansas Hillegom, Holland Hill End, New S. Hillerod, Denmark Hilliard,
Alberta . Hillington, Norfolk, Lng. Hillman, Michigan Hillsboro, Jllinois
Hillsboro, Kentucky Hillsboro, N. Carolina . Hillsboro, N. Dakota Hillsboro, New
Mexico. Hillsboro, Ohio. Hillsboro, Oregon. Hillsboro, Texas . ; : Hillsborough,
Down, N. Ire. . Hillsborough, New Brunswick Hillsdale, Michigan Hillsdale, Wyoming
Hillsgrove, Pennsylvania Hillsley, Glos., Eng. Hillston, New S. Wales Hill Street,
Roscommon, Hillsview, S. Dakota Hillsville, Virginia ; Hillswick, Shetland Is.,
Hill Top, Yorks, Eng. Hilltown, Down, N. Ire. Hilo, Hawaiian Is. Hilpsford Pt.,
Lancs, Eng. Hilvarenbeek, Holland . Hilversum, Holland Hilyan, Arabiu , Himalaya
Mts., /ndia-Tibet Himanka, Finland
Himeji, Japan
Himeshima, Japan Himeville, Natal
Himi, Japan
Himley, Staffs, Lng. Himmels Berg, Denmark Hinagu, Japan . , ; Hinchinbrook I[.,
Queensland Hinckley, Leics, Eng.
Hinckley, Minnesota ; Hindaun, Jaipur, Rajputana. Hindeloopen, Holland Hindenburg,
Germany . Hinderwell, Yorks, Eng. Hindhead, Surrey, Eng. Hindley, Lancs, Eng.
Hindman, Kentucky
Hindol, Bihar and Orissa Hindon, Wilts, Eng.
Hindoria, Central Provs.
Hindri R., Madras
Hinds, New Zealand Hindsholm, Denmark
Hind’s Pond, Ne ogee Hindu Kush (mts.), ——— Hindupur, Madras
Hinesburg, Vermont
Hineston, Louisiana Hinganghat, Central Provs.
W ales
Hingan-hsien, China Hingham, Montana ; Hingham, Norfolk, Eng. Hinghwafu, China
Hing-hwa-hsien, 2. China Hingkingfu, Manchukuo Hingkwochow, China Hingkwo-hsien,
China . Hingle, le, France P Hing-ning-hsien, China Hingning-hsien, China .
Hingoli, Hyderabad Hinna, Norway
Hinnéy, Norway .
Hino, Japan
Hinobaru, Japan. Hinojosa del Duque, Spain Hinsdale, Montana Hinsdale, New
Hampshire Hinstock, Salop, Eng. . Hintlesham, Suffolk, Eng. Hinton, Hants, Eng.
Hinton, W. Virginia Hiradoshima, Japan Hirakata, Japan
Hirapur, Central Provs. Hirekerur, Bombay Hiriyur, Mysore
_ wt
© tv? tw
Se alia” aa ai eet aaa (ine or Or orci cr SI wt
a St ee mm OS a2 Ie tS
> >} —
ina. in. Se en ae wt Ot wt vl wt Roa ias Ww QS wl wl
—_— am —_—
Sr Or St Gi St o> 2
ouc » Hd Or Ww
Ss ~~ -~Ito 1
SoS Oe
~~ —_
116 184 50 155 108 78 53 40 49 150 LO9 47 LO8 L1LO 191 17 139 106 110 152 L157 LO8
_— wt Sti oO
wt a Vi
— a a) ee cen ISCNwmounwt oO
— AS ie os BS le oe all el ele A
152 49 4] 40
Be Be Xe Jo Me Ne
Eb Rt Ca ep
General Index
Hirono, Japan Hirosaki, Japan Hiroshima, Japan Hirsch, Sask. Hirschberg, Germany
Hirschhorn, Germany Hirwain, Glamorgan, Hisagasima, Japan
His Fjord,
W ales
Hishe Forest, Trans-Jordan . Hisé, Norway Hispaniola, West Indies 8 Hissa, Libya
Hisar, Punjab
Hissar (Gissar), 7'ajik, Russia Histon, Cambridge, Eng. Hisua, Bihar and Orissa
Hit, Iraq.
Hitcham, Suffolk, Bing. Hitchcock, S. Dakota Hitchin, Herts, Eng. Hiterdal and
Vand, Hitra, Norway
Hiu, Egypt . Hiungyao, Manchukuo . Hiwarkhed, Berar, India Hjailmar, L., Sweden
Hjelle, Norway Hjelmeland, Norway Hjelmen (mt.), Norway Hjelmséy, Norway
Hjelte Fjord, Norway Hjerkinn, Norway Hjertdal, Norway
Hjo, Sweden ;
Hjérring and amt, De nmark . Hjorund, Norway
Hlabisa, Natal Hlohovec, Czechoslovakia Hlotse, Basutoland Hoa Binh, shige ed ;
Hoathly, we Sussex, Ing. . Hoaxanas, S.- Africa Hobart, niles Hobart, J'asmania .
Hobartville, Queensland Hobbema, Alberta ; Hobkirk, Roxburgh, Scot. Hoboken,
Belgium Hobro, Denmark . Hobson, Nevada . ; Hoburg Light, Sweden . Hochdorf,
Switzerland . Hochheim, Germany Hochow, China Hochspeyer, Germany Hochst, Germany
Héchstadt, Germany Hochzeit, Germany Hockenheim, Germany Hockering, Norfolk, Eng.
Hockley Heath, Hockliffe, Beds, King. Hodal, Punjab Hodalen, Norway Hodder, R.,
Yorks, Hoddesdon, Herts, Hoddevik, Norway Hodeida, Arabia . ; Hodgenville,
Kentucky. Hodgson, Manitoba
Hodgson, Queensland
Hodh, El-, Fr. West Africa Hédmezé-Vasarhely, Hungary Hodna, Chott el-, Algeria
Hodnet, Salop, Eng. Hodonin, Czechoslovakia Hoduciszki, Poland Hoedekenskerke,
Holland Hoedjes Bay, Cape Prov. Hoek, Holland . Hoekschewaard, Holland Hoevelaken,
Holland Hof, Germany
Hoéfde, Norway
Hofden, Norway . Hofmeyr, Cape Prov. Hofuf, Arabia
Hofva, Sweden
Héganas, Sweden Hogansville, Georgia Hogeland, Montana Hoggien (mt.), Norway
Hoghton, Lancs, Eng. . Hogland, Vinland
Hog’s Back, Surrey, Ming. Hégtongen, Norway Hohenlinden, Bavaria . Hohenzollern,
Germany Hohe Venn, Belgium Ho-hsien, China
Hoiby, Norway Héidalsmo, Norway Hoido, Japan 3 Hoi-fung-hsien, #. China Hodigjord,
Norway Hoiheim, Norway Héilandet, Norway Hoima, Uganda Hoiping-hsien, China
Hoisington, Aansas Héivaag, Norway
Hojo, Chiba, Japan Hojo, Hyogo, Japan Hojo, Ibaraki, Japan Hokienfu, China .
Hokitika, New Zealand Hokkaido (1.), Japan Hokksund, Norway Hokoda, Japan Hokshan-
hsien, Hol, Norway Holalkere, Mysore Holbwk, Denmark
Norway .
Eng. ing.
China .
Warwicks, Eng.
—" - ee * Ll7 Ge Holbeach, Lines, Eng. . ; 51 117 Ge Holbeach Marsh, Lines, Hng. .
“3 116 Cf Holbrook, Arizona ; 159 147 Sg | Holbrook, New S. Wales 183 75 Fe
Holcombe, Lancs, Hing. 19 76 Ff | Holden, Alberta 147 46 Ot Holden, Wissouri : ; .
185 116 Ag Holdenville, Oklahoma . ; . 157 72 Cd Holdredge, Nebraska n e . 154 103
Ae | Héle and Fjord, Norway w? 72 Ef | Holeb, Maine 152 165 Hd io Norway 72 128 Ba
| Hole Narsipur, Mysore 11] 1O8 Ba Holgate, Ohio 150 102 Fe Holic, SE EE 9? 41 Ws |
Holkham, Norfolk, Eng. . i 109 Ge | Hollabrunn, Austria Q? 104 De Holladay, Ore gon
L158 41 Xs Holland, Manitoba 144 I54 Fe Holland, Michigan 155 4 Vt Holland, Ohio ,
150 72 Fe | Holland, kingdom, W. Lurope . 30 70 Ce | Holland, Parts of, Lincs,
Ming. , 127 Cd | Hollandale, Mississippi 157 114 Fd Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea 189
10S Ce Hollandsch Diep, Holland -e 71 Fg Hollange, Belgium ; : =a 72 De Hollen,
Norway ‘ . . oe 72 Ce Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 151] 72 Ea Hollingbourne, Kent,
Eng. 4] 70 La Hollis, Oklahoma 156 72 Ad | Hollister, California : . 159 72 Fb |
Hollogne, Belgium ; . a 72 Ee Hollum, Holland . 78 71 Fg | Holly, Colorado 154 77
Ba | Holly, Michigan . 155 72 Cb | Hollymount, Mayo, /. F.S. 66 135 Hg Holly
Springs, Mississippi L57 93 Eb | Hollywood, California . . 159 135 Eg | Hollywood,
Florida : . ss 119 Db | Hollywood, Wicklow, 1./.S. . 64 41 Wv | Holm, Norway ' 72
131 Cg | Holme, Yorks, Xng. . , 156 Ec | Holme, Hunts, Eng. . :° Se 188 Cd |
Holme, Westmorland, Lng. . ; 185 Bj Holmedal, Norway : 72 147 Ne | Holmes Chapel,
Cheshire, Ing. 49) 55 Qm | Holmesfield, Derby, Lng. : » 50 79 Ea | Holmestrand,
Norway . . 2 77 Bb | Holme Vand, Norway oR 159 Fe | Holmfirth, Yorks, Eng. ;) oo 71
Hh | Holmén, Sweden . ‘ wet 81 Fb | Holmpton, Yorks, Eng. , 76 Ed | Holmsbo, Norway
72 115 Ed | Holm Sjé, Sweden 7) 76 Df | Holmsley, Hants, Eng. +() 76 Ed Holmsund,
Sweden ae 74 Dd Holo I., Philippines ; : , es 75 Gb | Holéydal, Norway , 76 Ff |
Holsen, Norway : 72 51 Yr | Holsen, Oster, Norway . 72 50 Ss | Holset, Norway 72 40
Ut Holstebro, Denmark 77 108 Cb Holsted, Denmark 77 72 Hb Holstein, Germany : 74 49
Qp_ Holstenborg, Greenland . 14i 41 Vt Holsworthy, Devon, Eng. t4 72 Ab Holt,
Denbigh, Wales 49 104 Deg Holt, Norfolk, King. DI 155 Neg Holt, Norway 72 144 Ke
Holt, Worcs, Eng. 47 185 Gl Holtaalen, Norway 72 125 Ce Holten, Holland 78 93 Ge
Holtenau, Germany 74 126 Gb Holton, Aansas 154 49 Qr. Holt Sj6, Norway ; :- ee 92
Eb | Holtville, California. ; . 159 73 He | Holum, Norway 72 78 Af | Holvik, Norway
. 72 136 Ae Holwerd, Holland 78 78 Af Holy I., Bute, Scot. 54 78 Be Holy I., Clare,
EPS: . . 69 78 Dd | Holy I., Northumb., Eng. , ee 74 De | Holybourne, Hants, Lng.
40) 72 Ee Holy Cross, Worcs, Eng. 47 72 De Holye ross, Tipperary, 1.48. 69 137 Jd
Holy Cross Bay, Far HE. Area . 1Ol 105 Ed Holy head and B., Anglesey, Wales 48 71
Fg | Holyhead L., Anglesey, Wales 48 71 Eh Holyoke, Colorado i . 154 153 Bd |
Holyoke, Massachusetts ' . 352 158 Ja Holvrood, Kansas : 154 72 Fb Holyrood,
Newfoundland . 139 49 Qp | Holytown, Lanark, Scot. : . 65 71 Mf Holywell, Flint,
Wales 48 40 Uu Holywood, Down, N. fre. 63 72 Db | Holzhausen, Germany 76 74 Dd
Holzminden, Germany . 74 74 Cd} Holzwickede, Germany . 76 79 He | Homburg, Germany
74 115 Ag | Homburg, Sarre 76 72 Ga | Home, Pennsylvania 15] 72 Ke | Homedal,
Norway 72 117 Ef Homer, California L59 115 Ch | Homer, Louisiana 157 72 Ge} Homer,
New York 142 72 De Homer City, Pe nnsylvanic 15] 72 Ga | Homersfield, Suffolk, ing.
5] 132 Be | Homerville, Georgra 153 115 Bh Homestead, Florida 153 154 Ff Homestead,
Pennsylvania 150 72 Ef | Homestead, pe 185 117 Ef | Hommelvik, Norway 72 116 Df |
Hommes, Franti 85 117 Ge | Homnabad, Hyde rabad. 110 114 Be | Homs, Syria 103 191
Ce | Honan, prov., China ; . 114 116 Hb | Honanfu, China . ; . . 16 72 Fe
Honavalli, Mysore L110 117 Ge Honavar, Bombay 110 115 Bh | Honda, Colombia 168 72
Ed Honda, Keonjhar, Bihar and Orises L109 110 Cd Hondapa, Athmallik, B. and O. LO9
717 De | Hondeklip Bay, Cape Prov. 131
Wr Wr Jh Db Rp Ne Jf Ke Ke Bf Cb 16 ‘e Ab Kb Xr Kb Ac Df Nd Bb Ge Vr Jd Cb Be Had
Ke Db Xu Ke Cy Gb Eb Df Od
Bd Eb Ab
Dad Ce Da Ce Cf Db Kf Fh Hd
Kf Db Ys Ce Dh Cb Kh Ga Kf Ce Be Ag Bb Ce Bd Cb Ge Ge Cj
Hondo, Texas Hondschoote, Honduras,
France rep., Central Honduras, Gulf of, Cent. Hoénefos, Norway Honesdale,
Pe aL sylru i) ia
Honey Grove, T'exas Honfleur, France Hong-hai (B.), F. ¢ ‘hie
Hong Kong (Brit. ), € ‘hina Hongo, Japan
Hongu, Japan . Honingham, Norfolk, Honington, Suffolk, Honister House, Honiton,
Devon, Honjo, Japan Honnali, Mysore . Honnef, Germany Honolulu, Hawazian Is.
Honomu, Hawaiian Is. Honor, Michigan Honshu (1.), Japan Honward, Bombay Hoo, Kent,
Eng. ; Hood, Mt., Oregon Hood River, Oregon Holland
King. King. Cumb.,
KR ng.
H oogeveen, Hoogezand, Holland Hooghly, Bengal . Hooghly, R., Bengal Hoogkerk,
Hoogland, Holland Hoodlede, Belgium
Hoogly Point, Bengal . Hoogstade, Belyium — Hoogstraeten, Belgium Hoogwoud, Holland
Hook, Hants, Eng. Hook, Surrey, Eng. : Hook Hd. “ W exford, LFS. Hook I.,
Queensland Hook of Holland, Holland , New Hampshire Colorado : Ne braska = Hooper's
I., Maryland . Hoopeston, Illinois Hoopstad, Orange | ees Holland . Hoorn,
T'erschelling, Hoosick Falls, New Hooutplaat, Holland Hope, Arkansas Hope, Br.
Columbia Hope, Idaho Hope, Kansas Hope, Ke ntucky Hope, N. Dakota. ‘ Hope, L.,
Sutherland, Scot. Hope Bowdler, Salop, Eng. Hopedale, Labrador Hopefield, Cape
Prov. Hopeh, prov., China Hopeman, Moray, Scot. Hope Mills, A Carolina Hopen,
Norway e Hoperstad (Vik), Vorway Hope Ss Nose, De vor, ing. Hope town, ¢ ‘ape Prov.
Hope under Dinmore, Hope Valley, Rhode 1. . Hopewell, New Brunswick Hoping-hsien,
China Hopkins, Minnesota Hopkins, Missouri s Hopkinsville, Kentucky Hopland,
California Hops, Norway Hopso, Norway Hopton, Suffolk, Eng. Hoquiam, Washington .
Horazdovice, Czechoslovakia . Horburg, Alberta . Hoérby, Sweden Horcajo, Spain
Hordaland, fylke, Hérde, Germany . Hordland, Nord, Norway Hordland, Sér, Norway
Horg, Norway Horgen, Switzerland Horion, Belgium . Horka, Germany . Horley, Surrey,
Eng. Hormuz, Strait of, Persia Horn, Switzerland Horn ae Chile 2 Horn Hd., Donegal,
1.F.S. Horn L., Queensland Horn-avan, Sweden Hornby, Lancs, Eng. Hornby, New
Zealand . Horncastle, Lincs, Lng. Horndean, Hants, Lng. Horndon, Essex, Eng.
Horndon, East, Lssex, Hérnefors, Sweden Hornelen, Norway Hornell, New York
Hornesund, Norway Hornhuizen, Holland Hornindal, Norway Hornindals Vand, Norway
Hornoy, France " Hornsby, New 8. Wales Hornsea, Yorks, Eng. Horre, Norway Hoérsand,
Norway ; Horsebridge, Sussex, Eng. Horseheads, New York Horseleap, Galway, 1.F'.S.
Horsell, Surrey, Lng. Horsens, Denmark
Hookset Hooper, Hooper,
Hoorn, : Holland York
King. .
America .
He reford, K ng.
Arabia .
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Citizen’s Atlas
HOR Horseshoe \W { a 5 . | ————— se nals » #£ut strata eee Horsf rth Vv bi ’ ote :
“ 187 1 ur . ee U , 1 OTKS, kk ny. = a Hsiikow-hsien SS) Hy a} a bi — ——_-__—
Horsham, Norfolk, Ena ov Sp Huacho, Pe hae ansi, China 114 Af Hunter. é SS eee _ ae
a Victoria a - Yr | Huacrochuco Pex 168 Bf Hustoe, VoD ca ; ie a Hyannis, Nebr
orsham, Sussex, Hing. 182 Be Huahine (1 i Soaety 1 168 Be Hunter l., / peg F 154 Gb
Ho attaviiiel er J ° 15 = alle East, Surrey, Eng ape Huajuapam ; VW ri al 192 Ri
Hunter (Fl avon ‘olumb ay 146 Ef Hyatt, mT oe : _
ors ky TY she » 7g. 40 V : Dé , LH €2C0 © er eurle u) eS i neni i 4 y< 1ile, g omin
0 E ee wid y ti Czechoslovakia Q? Ch = erat R., Peu on Ee - Hunterganj, Bihar and
pie aa +o A Hyde, Cheshire Lng 158 Ke
f olan V / us ‘ : . Te: 4? vat LSS Us +c yee ; ’ . 9 <amrs*
Pe wateat oe 72 Ef - nites untla, Mexco 169 Hunters Is., 7'asmania ee | Hyde, New
Zealand 49 R ‘siradeegge "S Norfolk, Ling. Bl Me | uamuxtitlan, Jexico 32 Ef |
Huntersville, W. Virgini 188 Be | Hyden, Kentuck 19] ‘
orten, Norway . : r | Huancavelica, Pr 162 Dg | Huntervi Seale ce ae 150 Ce Hyde
Park Y ‘ Cf Horton, Dorset, King 72 Ge | Huanchac Pp = ‘ 168 Bf | H “itil ille, New
Zealand 190 Ed Hv i a Massachusetts - 150 Bd Horton, Aansas ej 40 Sv | Haanuec "Pp
"ere 168 Be erie ag Indiana . 155 Mf | “ e Park, Vermont - 152 Ce Horton, Mont 154
Hf | Huara; “* eru 167 B untingdon, Penns pecans 15] | lyderabad, India 152 Bb
Hor . >: a . 4. 8 araz, Peru i - Huntingdon, T'ennes: ~ Db Hyderabad Si 106 H rton
in Ribblesdale, Yorks, 52 = Huarmey, Peru 168 Be | Huntingdor ian, 157 Ke |
Hyderabad, it, 106 Be
orwich, Lancs, Eng ts, Hng. 52 Ro | Huase ‘Ch 168 Bf sis la ag ngland 50. Ve , DGC,
CNY) #: India ° Hosanger. Nor eos de . 49 fe o, Chil a ‘ Huntington, Arkansas ele
pone Hyderabad (Nizam’s .
* i “* Me thes 72 nt 3 uatusco, Mexio te Be Huntington, asian ; st. Se Hydra, ride
izam’s dom.), S. India 110 cpduaie, Atgaors Vie Se ae ai 168 Huntington, New York “
5 Ne | Bye i 94 Cd Eovabaci, Olena. 110 Ce | Huauth “ ssi 168 BE epi pe a —- 158 “5
~ ipa: France 72 Be Hoshangabad QO : : ic hx |-o é a, Mexico, e ms untington, Utah
ss = fyéres, France 85 G angabad, Central Provs Aa | Hubbar 162 E SOD 159 - F C
Hoshiarpur, Duniab ui Provs. 108 Cd ete 9 iso C : sieorecige’s W. Virginia vr ‘ |
oe Iles d’, France 83 Ge aetna Calas Be; 106 Db + ard, Texas . pe intley, Glos.,
Lng rss , ylen, Norway 83 G sien, : si, Chi ubli, Boml 156 Fe Huntley af 47 Rt H
yles id : Hospet, Ma Ira sin aaa 114 Af H ay intley, Montana ‘ yle stad, Norw 12 Gs
et, Madras - uchowfu, Chim 110 Bd Huntly - ; 158 Je E : Se ‘ Hospital, Ficssrick.
E.¥R 110 Cd Hucknall T senate’ : 115 Fd * in “ Abe rde en, scot. 57 Qh ace stad, N
orway 72 De Hoste . Chile ’ ‘ A 69 Es Pi cise sli OrKa;ry, « Nottingham, I? ng. 50
T unt 5 , N ew Zealand 190 BI ylo, Albe rla 72 Be Hosur, Mac 175 Cf A alee R:
Pravce 7: Huntsville, Alabama ree ee Hyndman, Pen 147 N fad Nd Ho : Abie ll ¢
Huddersfield. Yoks ling 86 Bb Huntsville, Missou ; 157 Le H ynes N nsylvania 151 DB
SZCZAa, n and . 2 Je Hudiksv: | > i ¢ 4 mM ° 50) Q ) nf a 5 + 5a" Tl 155 ; etn or
way 2 ‘ Cc Hotagen and L., Sw i ‘ 73 Hg dann sta Ijord, Sweden 7] Ce ane > oe Hy
solttuahanl Holland 72 Be er oss der cites ") Fe uson, ‘ida . ae ak sville, Tenness
2 ae Hotchkiss, Colorado V Re Hudson, Maine 153 Cf | Hunts ‘lle : 7 as 153. Bb = 8
U tah ° 18 De Hotin (Khoti > 159 «Cf te 52 UNTSVING, £ eras ~ = yrynsalmi, Fi 158 H
‘Khotin), Romani Hudson. Mic 152 Db H is7 G , Finland @ Hoting. Sw ws 95 Cs » sn
tenga ay unxe, eee £%: aig Hythe Hants. EB 70 N ng, Sweden a | Hudson, New Yok 155
Ne Hunyiis } vy ; 76 Ba | Hvtl » Hants, Ling. Nd eo stceiing ae EE a . , Gd Hudson.
Ohi : 152. Be igi em sed Shansi, China \f4 Aw dp 1€ ee Eng. re Tv ot Springs, a >
Ab Huds 7 eS 150 Cl sos. nar Panes 106 ( yvinkéa, Finland Yu : E a8 ea : son, 8c ‘
‘ . ‘ ; : yf \, ul 5 se Springs, A costae rs, 4 He odesn - eg 155 Te ak oe =
Penin.., Papua a6 a : slings, Fr. Kquat. Africa 71 Lf Sei Gatinen, 6. Dako. 56 Be |
Hudson Falls, Nao Yor 141 Md anh. PeOv; Linea ae ar Connaught, Galrwe gers Hot
Sprin; ig oF anole is4 Dd son Falls, Nw York a Huppy, France 4 Aj lasi (Jass Ri
OaYs LPS. 66 OC
S 28, irginia 2 Judson Ho ye, Bi O . 152 Be Hur F , is 3 - RG B y)s omanta & Cq
fice 5 ha Washington ve De Hudson 7. vee = da yeas 146 Jd re, ge sawed 2 Ga se Digg
jee = Ch
ot Sulphur Springs, Colorad cf Cb Hudson Str Can l o 152 Be Hurle Pa sale ware,
LPS. . 68 D “ai an, Nigeria 121 Ka ee Belgium (LO 154 Be Hué, ees Caada 14] Pd Hurl
y; ao King. 0 U a" fi , Colombia 125 Kg
ee ‘ =O é Jurleyv. S a ; arre APS i a New ( laledonta rc : = Huedin, Romanu 119 De
resis. W sine 154 Gd Thastat Kcuador 168 Be oudain, France oe Kg Huehuetenango, !
93 He | Hu He ater 155 «(Ki vasfalau, Romania 168 Be Houdan, Franc 86 Ce |
Huejuquilla, M Fuatemala aa ee ae 5 Kh 95 Bb Houdeng, Belgium 56 Bt Huejutla = Rath
ao? 162 Ad Tur ock, Maryland 151 - [bembo, Belgian C ongo fe Houffalize, Belgium 79
Ke el eames Franc 162 De “sb ( alifornia as Ce [bha, Arabia 130 Db y . . ee ° ‘ +e)
( Oo 1, "e-d( . i OF + ya egg le Spring, Durham, En sh Lb Huercal Overa, ‘pa a € 88
Bd Huron =e: . 158 D sat Paraguay . 125 Fg ouhora, New Zealand , Hing. 53 In Huesca
and pr ¥ oe . 89 Ed Hur ie Dakota 154 : [bicuy, Argentina 173 Jb Houilles, France
190 Da | Huescar. S prov, Spain aq EF, uron, L., Canada—U.S 54 Fe | Tbiza (Iviz 173
H F ps : uescar, Oparn 89 Ka Hursl acts 141 N a), Balearic Is, r Houlgate, an 86 Cf
| Huetamo, Mexic 89 Dd | rsley, Hants, Eng. re 'h [bo, Mozambique 89 Fe phere Maine
85 Jb | Huete Sein. 162 OF Soni Old, Hunts, Eng = [bo-gawa, Japan 130 He "a Pe ae
‘iad hat urs e y° ' 5 i OK: emits Louisiana : sich Kd | Hufteren, Norwa 89 Db le oa
Priors, Hants, Ing. 40 Tu Thranimnpetas, Hyderabad 116 Dt ounslow, Middlesex, E 157
Jf | Hugeate, Yorks, E 72 1 stbourne Tarrant, Hanis, Eng. u | Ibrahy, Brazil — 110
De Hourn, L.. Jnv x, Ling. 40 Vu | H ra be Yorks, Eng. de a Hurstpierpoint, Sus
Peay king. 40 Tu [bri Arabi os 174 Cd werness, Scot. Kp I Tughenden, Quens lane
paid Hurstville, NV ¢ Oe ee 4 ly < Wi se 2 ene onic R., Connecticut -~ Kh Hughes,
S. pe setae land 185 Eh “tae ille, New 8. Wales faa a [brim, Lgypl 105 Ge ouston,
Br. Columbia L52 Bd | Hughesville “4 a 180 Ae . id sboro, Alabama ve » | Ibsley,
Hants, Eng 127 Be Houston, Mississippi 146 Fd | Hughesville, pith oc 151 Ke aveee
gece Sh = [bstock, Leics Eng 40 Sv Houston, Missouri 157 Kd Baca. Por cid msylvania
Is] Eb © urworth, Durham, Eng. i Ge [ea, Peru ; J: 50 Tr Steer Texas 155 Kg | Hugo,
Oklahom 154 Df esi Trans-Jordan a So | Iceland, North Atlanti 168 BE a Belgium 157
Gf | Hugoton, Kan ae 157 Ge oe Bosworth, Leics, Eng a os Ichak, Bihar and rare 6 Ac
outen, Holland . | 19 Gb | Huguenot, C P 154 Eg usby, Sweden = 0 I's | Ichang,
China aoe 109 Ge aber Kraal Sta., Cape Prov . ve Dd | Huichapan Vex oe 136 Cf Sse
ecg 2: Lohang:- Taken, Svein ihe outzdale. Pennsz Prov. 37 Ge Lees apan, 4 eXCO + J
usiatyn, Pol / 95 Db Ichchi sien, UA 115 B ; , Pennsylvania 2 Huigra, He 162 De
ea ) ane pay ichapuram, M 5 Bg eggs Belgvum 151 Db | Huila, fae got bi 168 Bd Aer
cepatas New S. Wales fei Hh | Icheng-hsien, en 109 Gf i, N orway 79 Ge eh. aM % pe
1a 168 Be sedate Sweden 183 F b Ichi, Japan | 115 Ad altar Norway = Gd Hacedainen,
Holand 131 Bf Hustad ae ve tp Ichi-gawa, Japan i ove, Sussex, Ene 72 Ac | Huise
eave 72 ustad, Norway aa [chinomi ‘ Aichi 116 Df Hove Norwas ’ 4] Vv | ia Holland .
: oy Hiisten, Ger Ta. : ye, ichi, Japan " as y ite \ Huismes, F ~ 78 Ee pire ee ie
Po Ichinomiya, Chil 117 Ef Hovin, Warne =. : 72 Ce scion & ee gs Kf = ioe
Pennsylvania 76 Db Ichinoseki, Seigade Japan 117. GE pe Yorks, Ling. a Ga Huizen,
Holla ‘ie 82 Db eo ee Czechoslovakia ys Db Ichow, Manchukuo 117 Gd Howard, Kansas .
53 To at Se Valle = , 78 Dd oe Germany. vz Eb Ichowfu. China 114 Ed bela Michigan
oe Gg Hukow-heien ie, ee 107 He Hutehic Norway . " Ca Ichteghem, Belgium 114 Dg
Spidey Pennsylvania ine Nd Hulett, W yomin: 115 De - nb 9 lt Kansas ea we Ichwaro,
Gwalior, Indic 19. anionic Queensland 51 Eb | Hull, Mass 154 Ce peprenatin
Aitencoule 155 Ff | Icklingham, Suffolk, & : eo aetenling S. Dakota = Jk | Hull.
eabee 152 Ce Space xe June., Cape Prov = He Ic6, Brazil . ung. 41 Xs I oward,
Transvaal oF Ge Hull, Yorks, # 142 Ge utis, Finland 37 Ga Idabel, Oklahom 171 Hb
belay Yorks, Eng 134 Fd Hulland, Derby, @ 50 Vp ea Norway 71 Kg | Ida Grove fae 157
Gd owe, /daho = 50 Up | Hul . by, ny. 2 uto Ho. Shansi. Chi : 72 Be | Id ty : 154 H
r ; me. Upper, / 50 Sc wnsi, China daho, state, U.S ’ d Si Oklahoma . ; oe Gd
Hulst, "Holland Mtaffs, eee: 49 Sq -apeage Finland . 114 Ae Idaho City pees . 148
Co inne ag Ps ‘ef S. Wales 183 = Hultsfred, Sweda 78 Bt “oh ie & Upper, New
Maclauad 4 bg a Falls, Idaho ; : i Ae » HM ichigan ' 53 Ke | Hume ac 7 R00; 285
FVORCE ; - daho Springs, C 5 “pete of Fife, dist., Fife Scot 155 Od | H aaare ss
170 arcane Austria. : . 85 Kd Idalia Carte —— 154 Of owesville Comat » Scot, 57 Pk
H BNnSCorp, Cpe Prov. Lave 5 utton. Somerset. E 92 De Id ? ado 154 Df Howick. N, by
155 umansville, Mssouri 137 He H Cae set, Eng. s danah, Oregon Howick, New 2 155 Mg
| Humayta, Brazi sie 155 Jg | Hutton le Hole, Yorks, ing. . oe |: Sate eee oe
Howick G ew Zealand . 190 os Humbe, A ngola 169 Ke eae Rudby, Yorks, Eng. oe U 2
[ddesleigh, Alberta 108 Ad Howie xroup, Queensland 1s 4) | Humber, R., Li 131 Cf |
H on Station, Queensland 54 To | Ide Oros, Krete I., G 1a owley, Newfoundl 84 Ee
H : WICS Yorks. K n ve rs uttwil, Switze ee, 185 Gk vs ple L., Greece 94 D ah
vdland 139 umbermouth, Ver q: 50 Vp Huy »S itzerland : Idfu, Egypt e ae nem sai
Uist, Scot 58 ra Humboldt, Lowa i taiaega 139 Be Ta Belgium 80 Eb | Idindakarai,
Madra . 127 GA rah, Bengal ‘ 5 1 ant +2 ° 155 uying-shan, H. Chi : 79 Gb Idle a Tas
. : 11. ¢ SE ae “a 109 Ja imboldt, Kanas 55 Hd nats , 4. China 15 OF dle, R.,
Nottingham, E - it g ser, Br. Columbia 9 JS a, or 154 He uyton, Lancs, Eng is Ff |
Idlib. Suri , Lng. 50 U Howth, Dublin TPS. ee a Humboldt pein nag 154 a eet sigs pe
Bedecoiad 7 Qq dria, California j : 103 Be
xie, Arkansas . 64 Jq | Humt ek 15 : valer, Norwa 0 Ec | Idria, * Sie ; 159 C
Hoxie, Kansas 157 Jb!|H voldt, Sask 58 De Hvar, I., Fu # zs 72 Ge | I sar Italy :
90 Be H P ri umboldt. T'enres 147 Re f ’ gosiavia dsal, Norw ‘a Hoxter Suffolk, ng
154 Ef | Humboldt R Mead 157 K Se Norway 92 Ee | Idutywa Can r 3S
oxter, German : 51 Ys .» Jlevada. . = Cc vidsten. N St. ™ eaaee , Cape frov. y 2 s
| Humenné, Czec ; idsten, Norwa 72 Fe | ler 137 Me Hoy and Hd. ints a aS 14 Ce ee
loslovakia — “ Hvittingfoss, wn 72 Ge ae ae . —_ l., Greece 94 De Hoo} oe Man of,
Orkney Is Sead ss 4 aces Nee 79 Hb oh ittisbofjard, Finland 72 Fe ‘cane! ves :
ateiias 124 Be oylake, Re E: : 8., OCOL, > ro H oY, LVe0asKa a : waianfu, Chi 71 If
eae 132 C ie vie — rin mi at “est ( NO cet ing 158 Je Semen hsien, Hopeh, C es $ =
[garapé-Assti ate oe =
‘ ustralia = umppila. Fi 9? 0, China ( Ig , Minty, .
Hoyos, g 180 F ppila, Finlind 92 Db H : garapé-Mirim, Brazi Spain g Humpy ‘a - fa
waikingfu, Chi 115 Ce razil . 169 Hd Hoyt, ; New Bias t 88 Bb eek ren, aaa aie 185
a 8 ailai-hsien, Peiping Ohi 114 Ag eat an Gaae 108 Af oytdale, Pennsyl 3. 102 H
pom 83 Scot. . pitgeg wailu-hsi : ‘ne 114 Bd xidi) Desert, F'r. W est 4 124 Cd
Hoytiainen, Finla vania 150 Cl unan, prov., China S6- Wa td Sieatine' Hopeh, China
d | Igle Fjeld, No pss frica .
. n, Finland : » | Hunde 115 wailung-shan, Chi ; 114 Be | I brie 72 Fb Hoytville Pp
"3 Ja ider, NV orwal . 5 Af Hwaite ~ » Vhina . Z glesia, Arge nlina pi Hovtin-
Polegrn sipgece: ‘KI Bh IS i L., @kney Ja Mek = Ge aie ar ae pee “ sees, Sardinia
yi = Hrade C 115 ndred House f . 51 =Pd ep ery nn, & hina eh gnace, Ontari : Se ek
2 I ns choslovaki ia & De oe or ieee ears 47 Ps kf aimitaeroo Anhwei, China +H ze
Igneada Pubbes 144 Hf
, Czechosolvakia eee undvik. NV 72 ‘andyu, Kore 5 De igs. Meni We 95 De Hron, R.,
Cze 93 FE vik, Norwy 72 Bd Hw: nigsicb= Iguala, Mezxic , R., Czechoslovaki 93 Eb |
Hunedoara, Ronani "9 wangan-hsien, Chi 113 Md apiece 162 Df Hrubieszow, P ” 93 F
1edoara, Ronania 12 Be Hw: ia tage x [gualada, Spai oland ap b | Hung : 9:
wangchowfu, H opie 115 Cd oe 89 Fb Hsenwi, 13 Gg gary, kingdm, HF 93 Hd | Hwang-Hai
(Y upeh, China ee § lguape, Bra Hsia Burma iat Gg | Hungen, Germai — 30. «Jf aes
(Yellow Sea), Chi 115 Cd | Iguassu, R.. eo . 174 Bh ng- shan, Chi 7 Hd y i wang-
ho : » China 114 F tn. and F ll ‘ Gcenccias ‘hina 115 De Hunger ford. Beke. B 76 Fd
bie. a Old Mouth of, 2. Chin a Fg Iguatu, Petal alls, Brazil . 173 Ka ee -hsien,
Shansi, Chi : ~ ung-| 40 § ang Ho (Yellow es a 5 Ee re 171 Hb Hsiaowutai Shan. tage
China Ba At sarees ee : 119 on pea anager eke aoe 114 Cf 15 OB Pr Equat. Africa 130
Ac isi-chi-chin Bay, EF. Chi 14 Be H Sty SMe, VOR, 4 gk * : wanghwa-shi ae i lai
ll4 E ig-hsien, China r i Hsifengkow Oke 4%. China 115 C: } ungtsul, Kwarune J 68
Bt Hw: = z 5 1an, China if I-ho, BR Oh : 115 Ed ates 7, UR ; i Hunet : J, Japan 114
F angmei-hsien, Chi 114 Ae bey — 115 Eb er eee na ; 114 I gtung-hsien Shansi, Chi
Ke iw, A-nsien, Uhind a [-hsien, Ci
ate Sound, H. Chi Id Hungtze ce gt China 7) wangpei-hsien, H '} 115 Cd oh a 115 Ed
Hsinkins , &. Uhina . 115 Fk gtze-hu, Chna 5 Aa Hw: : » Hupeh, Chine sda. [hwang-
hsie 123 o
g, Manchukuo. See C 5 Eg | Hi i ‘wangkutung, Jeh ue 115 Cd g-hsien, China = (Cf
Hsinling, Hc o. See Changchun ingund, Bomliy 14 Dh | Hw g, Jehol s li and Joki, Fi
inling, Hopeh, Chine ° Hun-! 110 C wang-shan, Chi 114 Cd i, Finland 70 Ld Hsipaw,
Bur ‘ 1l4 | 10 (R.), Minchuk ) Co Hw ‘ a ~ Tr lida, Jape
; , Burma 3e | Hun-l ng apr anaier oiaga 114 wangyang-shan, Chir 115 Ed ida, Japan
7 E Hsiu-ho, Chi 107 H 10, Peipin, Chi a \ Greane oun Gan © Ok ud | timuma, J :
, China d Hun dip |. wna 1] wang-yen-hsier E. Chi . 1l4 Bd : », Japan 117 G
Hsiwantsz’, / : : 115 @ manby, Yoks, En 4 Bd Hecianche in, #. China “2 C lioka,
Japa © . - SZ, nner WU onc li ~ e Huns ' R >» +4 q. 53 i-an-hsien BR Chi be 115 Fe
‘ ? x pe n g 117 Gf Hsiyingtze, / wis gl. ene 114 B se R., Hollad 53 Vo | Hweic yp
EB ‘ > | Tisalmi, # ) g Le, 4 3 d ‘ ' ws . ~ yeichan " _ 1L l : oy . > inland > or
e de it Saeed Mongolia 114 Ad asia Nafolk, Eng = os H stars, Pig hina Ce = eng
Japan A rd Hsiienpin: .: eS . . et NSUr, LU YSOrE . Br Os ank H wei-lai eats . ae
jist, Holland g-hsien, Chekiang, Chi Bh | Hunt, Ontari lll © ei-lai-hsien, HL. Chi
115 Ee | Timuiden. Hi 78 E tang, China. 115 Ee | H ntario ; 1 Ce Hwochow, Shansi se
115 Dh [jmuiden, Holland & 4 unte, R., Gernany a ee eee en ote China 115 A Ijsel,
R., Holland 78
7 ) -hsien, OU /0n ‘ a Pe : depesshng 7 74 Cb | Hyannis, Maisedaineis 115 De athe
ae — 78 De
sit 152 Cd jselmonde, Holland
Ij , 78 Be jselmuiden, Holland . , 78 Ec
Fae sg Sy
= &
2. =
SS ess Sa
Se i 2S a ee
oe es os
Ijselstein, Holland . Ijuhy Grande, Colonia, Brazil Ijzendijke, Holland Ikaalinen,
Ikari, Sado, Japan
Ikaria, I., Greece . ; Ikeda, Hikoku, Japan . Ikeda, Hokkaido, Japan Ikhin Elesu,
Mongolia .
Iki, Japan .
Ikoma, Tanganyika Terr. Ikuno, Japan Ikutha, Kenya
Ilam, Nepal :
lava, Czechoslovakia Iichester, Somerset, Eng.
Ile 4 la Crosse L., Sask. lleje, Tanganyika Terr.
Tlen, R., Cork, I.F.S.
fle- Rousse, L’, Corsica Ile-Tudy, France
Ilford, Hssex, Eng. Ilfracombe, Devon, Eng. Ilfracombe, Queensland Ilfracombe,
Tasmania . Iigachuz Ra., Br. Columhia Ilhavo, Portugal .
Ilheos, Brazil
Ilia, Romania.
llim Mts., Siberia
Ilimsk, 2. Siberia
Ilinka, Russia
Ilkal, Bombay
Ilkeston, Derby, Eng.
Ilkley, Yorks, Eng.
Til, R., France
Illampu, Mt., Bolivia
Illapel and R., Chile Illayangudi, Madras Ille-et-Vilaine, France . Iller, R.,
France .
Illescas, Spain
Illiers, France
Illig, Jt. Somaliland Tilimani, Mt., Bolivia Illinois R., Illinois
Illinois, state, U.S.A. Illipur, Madras
Illois, France ©
Illora, Spain
Ilmen, Lake, Russia Ilminster, Somerset, — lo, Nigeria
lloilo, Philippines
llori, Russia
llorin, Nigeria
Ilsington, Devon, Bing. : Ilsley, E., Berks, Eng
Ilter L., N orway .
Ilu, Manchukuo
Llukste, Latvia
Ilung-ko, Manchukuo Ilwaco, Washington. Ilysky, Kazak, Russia . Tiza, Poland :
Imabetsu, Japan
Imahama, Japan
Imaichi, Japan
Imamachi, Japan
Iman, Far E. Area Imandra, Russia . : Imarieh, Jebel, Arabia Imasho, Japan :
Imatra ‘Rapids, Finland Imatsurugi, Japan Imbabura, Ecuador Imchu-sume, Mongolia
Imendingen, Germany . Imi, Ethiopia
Imler, Pennsylvania Immarna, S. Australia . Immenstadt, Germany . Immingham Dock,
Lincs, Eng. Imola, Italy ; ; Impendhle, Natal Imperatriz, Maranhao, Brasil Imperia,
Imperial, Nebraska Imperial, Pennsylvania Imperial, Sask.
Imperial Bajo, Chile Imphal, Manipur, Assam Imros I., Turkey . Imst, Austria
Imtan, Syria
Imvani, Cape Prov... Inagh i Galway, IFS. Inagua Is., Gt. and Lit., Inami, Japan
Inangahua, New Zealand Inari, Finland . Inari (Enare) L., Finland Inawashiro-ko,
Japa ; Inbatsk, Upper, dist. E. Siberia Ince, Cheshire, Eng. .
Inch, Kerry, IFS.
Inch, Weazford, I.F.8. . Inch I., Donegal, I.F.S. Inchbare, Angus, Scot. Inchcolm,
Fife, Scot. Incheville, France Inchicronan L., Clare, I.F. s. Inchigeelagh, Cork,
F; PF. S. Inchiquin L. , Clare, L.F.S. Inchiguin L. , Kerry, 1.F.S. Inchkeith,
Fife, Scot.
Inch Marnock, I., Bute, Scot. Inchnadamph, Sutherland, ; Inchture, Perth, Scot.
Inchy, France
Incourt, Belgitim . ‘ Incudine, P, Mt., Corsica Indals Elf, Sweden Indara, United
We Tadies
78 173
73 117
154 150 147 172 107 95 92 103 137 66 165 116 19] 70 70
100 49 68 64 62
55 86 68 68 68 68 54 59 57 86
83 71
- 109
Xd Ke Af Fb
id Cf Hb Ab Ag De Df Ke Hb Fb Qu Qd
General Index
Indargarh, Datia, Central India Indargarh, Kotah, ss. cg Indas, Bengal
Indawgyi Lake, Burma
Indeal L., Islay, Scot. Independence, Idaho Independence, Jowa Independence, Kansas
. Independence, Kentucky Independence, Missouri Independence, Oregon Independence,
Indi, Bombay
India, Asia Indian B., Newfoundland Indian L. North, Manitoba Indian L. South,
Manitoba Indiana, Alberta .
Indiana, Pennsylvania . Indiana, state, U.S.A. . Indianapolis, /ndiana
Indian Bay, Arkansas . Indian Desert (Thar), Rajputana Indian Head, Sask. :
Indianola, Jowa
Indianola, Nebraska Indiantown, New Drunewieb. Indija, Yugoslavia Indio, California
. Indore, state and tn., Indramayu, Java Indravati R., Basiar, C.P. Indravati R..,
Kalahandi, Indre, dep., France Indre, R., France ‘ Indre-et-Loire, dep., France .
Indur (Nizamabad), Hyderabad Indurti, Hyderabad
Indus, Mouths of R., Bombay Indviks Fjord, Norway
Indwe and R., Cape Prov. Ineboli, Turkey
Inegeul, Turkey
Ineu, Romania
Inez, Kentucky
Infantes, Spain
Inferno, I. do, Brazil Ingatestone, Lssex, Kng.
~ oye ted Yorks, Eng. . Ingdal, Norway
Ingelmunster, Belgium. Ingelsam, Libya .
Ingeniero White, Argentina Ingersoll, Ontario
Ingham, Virginia , Ingham, Suffolk, Eng. . Ingleby Greenhow, Yorks, ng. Inglenook,
Ingleside, W. Virginia . Ingleton, Durham, Eng. Ingleton, Yorks, Eng. Inglewood,
New Zealand Inglewood, Queensland. Inglewood, Victoria
Inglis, Florida .
Ingoldmells, Lincs, Eng.
Ingolf, Ontario ; Ingolstadt, Germany
Ingonish, Nova Scotia . Ingrandes, France
Inguiniel, France
Ingul, R., Russia.
Ingur R., Russia .
Ingushetia, auton. area, Russia Ingwavuma, Natal
Ingworth, Norfolk, Eng. Inhambane, Mozambique Iningchow, China
Inishark, Galway, I.F.S. Inishbofin, Donegal, I.F.S. Inishbofin, Galway, I.F.S. .
Inishcrone(Enniscrone), Sligo,].F.S. Inisheer, Aran Is., I.F.S. Inishglora, Mayo,
LFS. Inishkea, Mayo, I.F.S. ; Inishmaan, Aran Is., I.F.S. . Inishmore, Aran Is.,
I.F.S. Inishmurray, Sligo, 7. } eee Inishowen Hd., Donegal, I.F.S. Inishtooskert,
Kerry, TFS.
Central India
B. and 0.
Inishtrahull, I. & Sd., Donegal, a S.
Inishturk, Mayo, I. P.S. ; Inishvickillane, Kerry, I.F.S. Inistioge, Kilkenny,
I.F.S. Injune, Queensland Inkberrow, Worcs, ng. Inkermann, Crimea
Inkom, Idaho ‘
Inkster, N. Dakota : Inland Sea (Suo Nada), Japan Inn, R., Ausiria . : ; Inn, R.,
Innai, Japan ;
Innellan, Argyll, Scot.
Inner Sd., Ross & Crom. _Skye, Scot. Innerleithen, Peebles, Scot. ; Innisfail,
Alberta .
Innisfail, Queensland Innoshima, Japan
Innsbruck, Austria :
Inn Tal, Lower and Upper, Austria Inny R., Kerry, 1.F.8. Inny R., Longford, I.F.S.
Inny R., Westmeath, I.F.S. Inongo, "Belgian Congo . Inowroctaw, Poland
In Salah, Algeria
Insar, Russia
Insch, Aberdeen, Scot.
Insein, Burma Insh and L., Jnverness, ‘Scot. Inskip, Lancs, Eng. Insterburg, H.
Prussia Instow, Devon, Eng.
108 108 109 107
60 158 155 154 150 155 158 150 110
L159 LO8 120 109 109 83 82 82 110 110 106 72 137 104 104 93 150 88 169 4] 50 72 79
124 173 142 151 41 53 159 150
62 66 66 66 66 66 62 63
130 73 124 97 57 107
De Ce Hd He Jl Gd Jd Hg Ac Hf Be Cd Ce 99 De Eb Db Md Db Je Mf Je
L d Ab
Hr m
Dd Od Hf Ce Ef Gg Hf Yr Gg Ce Ap Em Ap Co Bq Ao Ao Bq Bq Do Hm
Gm Ap
Gs Gk
Ss Eg Gd Ga Bg Be Ke Gd
Jalapa, Guatemala
Jalapa, Mexico
Jalarpet, Madras
Jalaun, United Provs. Jaldrug, Hyderabad Jalesar, United Provs. Jaleswar, Bihar and
Jalgaon, Berar, India Jalgaon, Bombay
Jalhay, Belgium Jalisco, state, Mexico . Jallais, France
Jalna, Hyderabad
Jalor, Jodhpur, Rajputana Jalostotitlan, Mexico
Jalpaiguri, Bengal
Jalpan, Mexico Jalsa, Norway Jalsur, Madras
l., West Tadic 8 Jamalpur, Bihar and Orissa Jamberoo, New S. Wales Jambi, Sumatra
Jambol, Bulgaria Jamburg, Russia
Jamda, Bihar and Orissa James Bay, Canada James R., Virginia James and Mary Sands,
Jamesburg, California Jamesburg, New Jersey Jamestown, Cape Prov. Jamestown,
Dunbarton, Scot. Jamestown, Kentucky Jamestown, New York Jamestown, N. Dakota.
Jamestown, Ohio. Jamestown, Pennsylvania
Jamestown, S. Australia Jamikunta, Hyderabad Jamkhandi, Bombay Jamkhed, Ahmadnagar,
Bombay Jammalamadugu, Madras Jammerlands B., Denmark Jammu, Kashmir
Jamni R., United Provs. Jampur, Punjab .
Jamrao, Sind, Bombay. Jamrud, N.-W. Frontier Prov. Jimsa, F cued ; Jamshedpur,
Bihar and Orissa Jamtara, Bihar and Orissa Jamtland, lin, Sweden
Jamui, Bikar and Orissa Jamunda, R., Brazil : Janakpur, Chang Bhakar, C.P.
Janesville, Wisconsin ; Janetstown, Caithness, Scot. . Janeville, New Brunswick
Jangaon, Hyderabad
Jangaon, Hyderabad
Jangipur, Bengal
Janis Jarvi, Finland
Janjira, Bombay .
Jan Mayen L., Arctica .
Janow, Manitoba
Janéw, Poland . Jansath, United Provs. Jansenville, Cape Prov. Januaria, Brazil .
Janwada, Hyderabad
Janze, France
Jaochowfu, China Jao-ping-hsien, #. China
Jaora, state and tn., Japan, Asia ; Japen I. and Str., Dutch N. Japog, Jaipur,
Rajputana Japvo Mt., Assam Jara, La, Spain
Jaral, Mexico
Jarales, New Mexico Jardines del Rey (Cama., Jaren, Norway Jarlsberg, Norway Jarnis
C., Sweden Jarostaw, Poland Jarratt, Virginia Jarrow, Durham, Eng. . Jarwa, United
Provs. Jarwa, dist., Hstonia Jary, Rio, Brazil
Jarzé, France , Jasenovac, Yugoslavia . Jashpur, state, Central Provs.
Jashpurnagar, Jashpur, U.P. Jasina, Czechoslovakia
Jask, Persia
Jasmin, Sask.
Jaso, Central India
Jasper, Alabama .
Jasper, Alberta
Jasper, Arkansas
Jasper, Florida
Jasper, Georgia
Jasper, Indiana Jasper, Tennessee Jasper, T'exas
Jasrasar, Bikaner, Rajputana Jassy (Iasi), Romania Jastrow, Germany Jaswantnagar,
United Prova. Jasz Arokszallas, Hungary Jasz Berény, Hungary . Jasz Ladany, Hungary
Jath, Bombay Jativa, Spain Z Jauapiry, R., Brazil Patan and I., Brazil Jauche,
Belgium . Jauer, Germany Jauf, Arabia Jauja, Peru Jaumave, Mexico
Central India.
I. de), Cuba
150 151 154 150 L50 L180 110 L110 L110 110
77 106 108 106 106 106
71 LOY 109
70 109 169 109 155
59 143 110 L10 L109
73 110
16 144
73 LO8 137 174 110
82 115 115 108
99 189 108 107
88 162 156 164
Cd Ef De Db
Db He e Be Hb De Hf Bb Ac Be Jb De
Be ve He Fb Be Cd Dd Gd Nd Ed Jd Cg Eb Kd MI Ad Da Fb Be Cb Kf Db Bd Bb Dd Ce Cb De
Be Cb Lf Hd He Ke He Fd Ed Ld Pf Md Db De Je Ka Ab Nb Ef Fg
He Ce Be Mf Be
Ab Cb Gb Db Ge Ke Ge Be Ee Ed Ed Fb Ge Cd Bf Dd
Jaun Jaunlatgale, Jaunpur, Java, Java, Java Sea, Javie, Javron, Jawad, Jawai,
Jawar, Jawara, Jawhar, Jaworow, Jayena, Jaynagar, Jazir, Jeannette [., Jebado
Oasis, Jebba, Jebel es-Faris, Hgypt Jebelesh-Sharki(Anti-Le Jmcanen’. Sy. Jeble,
Jedburgh, Jedcherla, Hyderabad Jedide, Jed Water, Jefferson, Jefferson, Jefferson,
Jefferson, Jefferson, Jefferson,
Jouars, France
Joué-sur-Erdre, France
Joure, Holland
Jouy, France ;
Joyces Country, Galw ay, LFS. Juab, Utah . , Juanacatlan, Mexico
Juan de Fuca Str., Wash.- Vancouver Juan Fernandez Is:, Chile
Juaniye, /raq
Juan-les-Pins, France
Juarez, Argentina
Juarez, Coahuila, Mexico
Juarez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico . Juba, Surguja, Central Proves.
Juba, R., /t. Somaliland
Jubaland, Jt. Somaliland Jubbulpore, Central Provs.
Jubga, Russia
Jubilee L., Newfou ndland
Jublains, France .
Juear, R., Spain .
Juchipila, Mexico
Juchitan, Mexico
Juchow, China
Juddangi, Madras
Judenburg, Austria
Judique, Nova Scotia
Judith, Montana .
Jugon, France , Jui-an-hsien, #. China . Juichang, China . Juichowfu, China Juikin-
hsien, China Juilly, France
Juist, I., Germany
Juiz de Féra, Brazil Jujuy, Argentina ; Ju-kao-hsien, E. China Jukkasjirvi, Sweden
Julamerk (Hakari), T'urkey Julesburg, Colorado Juliaca, Peru ;
Julian Alps, Jtaly Julianehaab, Greenland Julianstown, Meath, I.F.S. Jiilich,
Germany . Jullundur, Punjab Julouville, France
Jumas, Brazil
Jumbo, It. Somaliland: Jumelles, France Jumelliére, la, France Jumet, Belgiwm
Jumilla, Spain
Jumna, R., United Dice:
Junagarh, Kalahandi, Bihar & Orissa
Junagarh, W./. States . Junction, Arizona Junction, Queensland Junction, T'exas
Junction, Utah Junction City, Arkansas Junction City, Kansas . Junction City,
Kentucky Junction City, Ohio Junction City, Oregon .
Junction Creek Tel. Sta., Queen sland
Jundiahy, Brazil .
Juneau, Alaska .
Junee, New S. Wales Jungceylon, Siam Jungcheng-hsier, Shantung, China Jungfrau
(mt.), Switzerland Jungfrun, Sweden Junglinster, Luxembourg Juniata, Pennsylvania .
Juniata R., Pennsylvania Junin, Argentina .
Junin, dep., Peru
Juningfu, China . ; Juniper, New Brunswick Juniye, Syria
Junkins, Alberta .
Junnar, Bombay . Jiinosuando, Sweden
Junsele, Sweden
Jupille, Belgium .
Jupilles, France
Jura, dep., France ; Jura, I. and Sd. of, Argyll, Scot. Jura Mts., France Jura,
Paps of, Jura, Scot. Jorara 1., Brazil .
Jurbarkas, Lithuania Jurbise, Belgium .
Jurby, Isle of Man Jurf-ed Derawish, Trans- Jordan Jurua Cataract, Brazil Juruty,
Jussey, France
Justo Daract, Argentina Jiiterbog, Germany
Jutiapa, Guatemala Jutigalpa, Honduras . Jutland (Jylland), Denmark . Juvigné,
France . ; Juvigny, France . Juvigny-sous-Andaine, France Juvisy, France
Juwain, Afghanistan
Jydske Aas, Denmark : Jylland (Jutland), Denmark
Jylland, S. (Slesvig, Nord), Denmark
Jyvaskyla, Finland Kaalasjarvi, Sweden Kaavi, Finland Kab, El-, Egypt Kab, Wady
el-, A.-H. Sudan Kabadian, Tajik, Russia Kabaena I., Dutch E. Indies Kabakaburi,
Brit. Guiana Kabakli, Turkmen, Russia Kabale, Ugunda .
General Index
Kabalo, Belgian Congo 130 Ed | Kale, Bombay Kabardino Balkar, Russia 97 Ge Kale,
Burma Kabashima, Japan 116 Ag | Kalewa, Burma Kabba, Nigeria 125 Fg Kalfonna (mt.),
Norway Kabbani R., Mysore ba. G2 Kalgan (Changkiakow), ¢ hina Kabina, Ontario . 145
Mf Kalghatgi, Bombay Kabinda, Angola . 130 Bd Kalgoorlie W. Australia Kabinda,
Belgian Congo 130 Dd Kali Akra, Romania Kabonga, Belgian Congo 130 Ed Kalianda,
Sumatra Kabul and R., Afghanistan 106 Bb | Kaliganj, Rangpur, Bengal Kaéanik,
Yugoslavia . 94 Ba Kaligiri, Madras . ; Kachins (Singphos), tribe, Burma . 107 He
Kalimpong, Bengal Kachiyama, Japan 117 Ff Kalingar, United Prove. Kadaiyanallur,
Madras lll Cg | Kaliot, Madras Kadam R., Hyderabad . 110 Db Kaliow, Kenya Kadaura,
Central India 108 Db Kali Sindh R., Rajputana Kade, Fr. West Africa . 125 Bf
Kalispell, Montana Kadina, S. Australia 180.) EF Kalisz, Poland Kadirabad,
Hyderabad . 110 Cb Kalix, Sweden Kadiri, Madras 110 Dd Kalix, alv, Sweden Kadmus,
el-, Syria 103. Be Kalkaska, Michigan . Kadoka, S. Dakota 154 Ed Kalkfontein, S.-W.
Africa Kaduna and R., Nigeria 125 Ff | Kalkudah, Ceylon — Kadur, Mysore 110 Be |
Kall and Sjé, Sweden Kadwa R., Bombay 110 Bb Kallakurchi, Madras Kaede, Japan 116
Hb Kallantsoog, Holland Kaedi, Fr. West Africa 125 Be Kalla Vesi, Finland ‘ ; “prea
ie Zealand 190 Da Kallidaikurichi, Travancore, Madras
af, Arabia 104 Ce Kallikota, Madras Kafa, Ethiopia : 129 Ff Kallur, Hyderabad Kaffa
(Feodosia), Crimea 97 Fg Kalmar, Sweden . ; Kafiakangi, A.-H. Sudan 128 Cf Kalmar,
lan and Sd., Sweden Kafima, Angola 131 Cf | Kalmunai, Ceylon Kafjord, Norway 70 Kb
| Kalmyk, Russia . Kafue, R., N. Rhodesia 131 Ef | Kalna, Bengal Kagan, Uzbek,
Russia . 102 Ee Kalocsa, Hungary Kagera R. , Tanganyika Terr. 132 Bd Kalofer,
Bulgaria Kagi, Formoea: Japan . 115 Fh Kalol, Bombay Kagoro, Nigeria . 125 Fg
Kalpi, United Provs. Kagoshima, Japan 117 Bh | Kalpitiya, Ceylon Kahafa, Arabia 104
Dd Kalstad, Norway Kahatu, New Zealand . 191 Dd | Kalu, Bikaner, Rajputana Kahoka,
Missouri 155 Ke Kalu R., Bombay. Kahoku-ko, Japan 117 Ee | Kaluga, Russia
Kahoolawe, Hawaiian Is. 192 Ee | Kalundborg, Den mark . Kaiapoi, New Zealand . 191
De Kalutaru, Ceylon . Kaibar, Japan 116 Df | Kalvakurti, Hyderabad Kaibiljar,
Bulgaria 95 Cd | Kalvarija, Lithuania Kaichow, Hopeh, China 115 Cb | Kalvérde,
Germany Kaieteur Falls, Brit. Guiana . 169 Fe | Kalyan, Bombay . Kaifengfu, China
114 Bg Kalyandrug, Madras Kaigorodsk, Russia 96 Jd Kalyani, Hyderabad
Kaihu, New Zealand 190 Da Kama, Ontario Kaihwa-hsien, Chekiang, China 115 Ee Kama,
R., Russia
Kai-iwi, New Zealand , 190 Ec Kamado, Japan
Kaij, Hyderabad . 110 Cb | Kamakura, Japan
Kaikohe, New Zealund 190 Da Kamakuso, Brit. Guiana Kaikoura, New Zealand 191 De
Kamalapuram, Madras Kailas, mts., 7'ibet 112 Ce Kaman, Bharatpur, Rajputana Kailun,
Jehol 114 Ee Kamar B. and Jeb., Arabia . Kailung-shan, £. China 115 Ch |
Kamareddipet, Hyderabad Kaimanawa Ra., New Zealand 190 Ec | Kamasi Mts., Kenya
Kaimganj, United Provs. 108 Db Kamasin, United Provs. Kainsk, W. Siberia ; 100 Ge
Kambam, Madras
Kaintira, Athmallik, Bihar & Orisa 109 Ge Kambia, Sierra Leone . Kaipara Harb., New
Zealand 190 Db Kambove, Belgian Congo Kaiparowits Pk. and Plateau, Utah 159 Hg
Kamchatka Pen., Far Hast Area Kaipeng Is., China 115 Qj Kameda, ~~ - Kaiping, China
: 114 De Kamen Is retic Ocean apiehsion Manchukuo 114 ae eared vey Russia Kaira,
Bomba ; 108 Ac amenjak, Bulgaria Kaisarganj, United Prova. 109 Eb | Kamensk, Far
Hast Area Kaisarie (Kayseri), 7'urkey 104 Cb | Kamenskaya, Russia Kaisedorys,
Lithuania . 73 Ge | Kamenz, Germany Kaiserslautern, Germany 74 Bd | Kamerik,
Holland Kaiserstuhl, Switzerland 81 Fa aici gags Kaishu, Korea 118 Be | Kames,
Argyll, Scot. Kaisunuma, Japan 117 Ff | Kamet, Mt., United Provs. Kaitaia, New
Zealand . 190 Da ee — n Kaitaichi, Japan ‘ 116 Cf Kamiah, Jdaho
Kaitangata, ; Zealand 191 Bg | Kaministikwia, Ontario Kaitumialv, Sweden 70 Jc |
Kaminoyama, Japan Kaitung, Manchukuo 114 Fb | Kamioka, Japan.
Kaiwaka, New Zealand 190 Eb Kamionka-strumitowa, ‘Pola nil Kaiyiian, Manchukuo 114
re ge a gy BO
Kajaani, Finland 70 Mc Camisuwa, Japan ; ‘ pe ral Japan : 117 Ff Kamla R., Bihar
and Orissa . Kajo Kaji, A.-H. Sudan 128 Ee a ge pee hues Kakamas, Cape Prov. 136 Da
amloops, British Columbia . Kakamega, pp 132 De a mei Albania . ; Kakegawa, Japan
117 Ff <ammin, Germany Kakisalmi, Finland 73 Kb ree io Kakizaki, Japan . 117 Fe
Kamo, New Zealan
Kakori, United Provs. . 109 Eb | Kamoro, Japan
Kakuda, Japan 117 Ge | Kamouraska, Quebec
Kala, J'anganyika Terr. 133 Bh | Kamp, Germany . Kalabagh, Punjab 106 Cb Kamp,
Holland Kalabaka, Greece 94 Be Kampa Dzong, Tibet Kalabgur, Hyderabad 110 De
Kampala, Uganda Kalabsha, Egypt . 127 Ce | Kampen, Holland
Kalach, Russia 97 Ge | Kamper Nieuwstad, Holland Kaladan, Burma . 107 Gd pen. gH
Norway . Kaladgi, Bombay : . 110 Be | Kampli, Madras . Sea ane Bihar and Orissa 109
Ff Kampot, Cambodia Kalahari Desert, Bechuanaland 131 Dg | Kamptee, Central Provs.
Kalahasti, Madras 110 De Kamsack, Sask. Kalajoki, Finland 70 Kd | Kamtha, Central
Prove. Kalam, Berar, India 108 De | Kamtong- -Niai, Laos
Kalam, Hyderabad 110 Cb | Kamudi, Madras .
Kalam, Nigeria 125 Gf Kamuela, Hawaiian Is. Kalama, Washington 158 ne ——— Lane:
Calamai, (rreece 94 Cr Camurishima, Japan Seen. Michigan ; 155 Md Kamyshin, Russia
Kalamianes Is., Philippines . 121 Eb Kamyshlov, Ural Area Kalamnuri, Hyderabad ;
110 Cb Kanab, | tah
Kalanaur, Punjab 108 Ca Kanadei, Russia .
Kalannie, W. Australia 187 Ck | Kanagawa, Japan .
Kala Oya, Ceylon 111 Eg | Kanaka, Br. Columbia . Kalapan, Philippines : 121 Fb |
Kanaka, Japan Kalat, state and tn., Baluchistan 106 Be Kanal, Poland
Kalava Kol, Hyderabad 110 De Kanalia, Greece .- Kalavryta, (reece 94 Cc
Kananikolsk, Russia Kalaw, Burma 107 Hd Kanar, Gwalior, India .
108 Ab Kanara, N., dist., Bombay
Kalayat, Bikaner, Rajputa na
108 110
See Kanara, S., dist., Madras. ; Kanarak (Black ?agoda), B. and O. Kanauj, United
rrovs. . ; Kanawha and R, W. Virginia Kanaya, Japan .
Kanazawa, Japa
Kanazu, Japan
Kanburi, Siam
Kanchowfu, Chia '
Kandahar, Afghaistan
Kandahar, Hydeabad . Kanda Kanda, felgian — Kandalaksha, Rissia
Kandalaksk, Guf of, Russia. Kandangan, Borieo ; Kandavu I. and Passage, Fiji /s. .
Kandel, Germans
Kandersteg, Swiz erland
Kandi, Bengal
Kandi, Dahomey.
Gf eo Cd Ef Ll Db Kf Fb
Gd Ge Gg Bg
Ke Cd Bd
Kandi, Hyderabad ; Kandra, Bihar aid Orissa Kandukur, Madné4 Kandy, Ceylon Kane,
Pennsylrmia . Kanem, Fr. Hqut. Africa Kaneyamamachj Japan Kangar, Malaya. Kangaroo
I., S. dustralia Kangayam, Maras Kangean Is., Duch EF. Indies . Kangomba, Angla
Kangping, Manhukuo . Kangra, Punjab .
Kangsa R., Bernal ’ Kanhar R., Biha and Orissa. Kani,” Burma
Kaniapiskau, Quebec
Kanieri, New Zaland Kanigiri, Madra
Kanin Peninsult, Russia Kaniva, Victori. Kanivskaya, Rwsia Kaniwara, Centnl Prove.
Kanjiza Stara, Jugoslavia ; Kankai R., Nepidl-Bihar & Orissa . Kankakee,
Jllinns ; ; Kankan, Fr. Wat Africa Kankanhalli, Mysore Kanker, state ard tn.,
Kankesanturai, Ueylon Kan-kiang, China Kanko, Korea Kankuppa, Myore Kannad,
Hyderiwbad Kannod, Jndore Central India Kannus, Finlard Kano, Nigeria Kanozero,
Russa Kanpetlet, Burna , Kanpur, Narsiyhpur, B. and O. Kansanshi, V. 2hodesia
Kansas R., Aarsas
Kansas, state, /.S.A. .
Kansas City, Ainsas
Kansas City, Massouri .
Kansk, H. Sibena
Kansu, prov., China
Kantai, Bihar md Orissa Kantanagar, Bagal Kantanos, Kret J., Kantens, Hollad
Kantho, Cochin China .
Kantilo, Khandara, Bihar & Orissa Kantli R., Jaigr, Rajputana Kanturk,
Cork,I.F.S. . Kanuma, Japa .
Kanuparti, Matras
Kanyii-hsien, 4. China
Kao-bang, T'onking Kaocheng-hsie1, China
Kaokiao, Manhukuo
Kaoko-veld, S.W. Africa Kaolimen, Maichukuo . Kao-mi-hsien, 7. China Kaoping-hsien,
Shansi, China Kaoshun-hsien China . Kaotangchow, Shantung, China Kaoyiian-hsien
Shantung, China Kaoyu- chow, Jiangsu, China Kaoy u-hu, Chira
Kapanga, Belgan Congo
Kapelle, Hollaid Kapileswarapu'am, Kapili R., Assim Kapiz, Philippnes Kaplice,
Kapos, R., Hugary
Kaposvar, Huigary
Kappel Vik, Sveden
Kapsabet, Kenya
Kapsi, Hyderaiad
Kapuas, R., Birneo
Kapunda, S. 4ustralia . , Kapurthala, stite = tn., Punjab Kapuiany, Velké,
Czechoslovakia . Kapuskasing, Intario
Kapuvar, Hunjary
Kara, Arabia Karabanovo, Kara Bay, Rusia : Karabugas, G.of, Turkmen, Russia
Karabunar, Bilgaria Karachaievsk, Russia
Karachev, Rusia
Karachi, Sind, Bombay
Karad, Bomba;
Kara Dagh, Yigoslavia.
Karafuto (Saklalin) L., Japan- -Russ. Karagandinsk, Kazak Rep. ; Karagin I., Fa
Kast Area Karagola, Bihur and Oriasa Karaikudi, Maras
Karaitivu I., Ceylon
Cent. Provs. .
M ail ras .
KAR ill Be 109 Hf 108 Db 150 Ce Lit. 2 117 Ee 117 Ee 119 Bd 115 Cg 106 Bb 110 Cb
130 Dd
96 Eb 96 Eb 121 Ke 192 Vp 76 Ef 80 Ed 109 Jd 125 «Ef 110 De log Hd 110 Dd 111 Eh
151 Db 128 Ae 117 Gd 119 Ce 180 Eg lll Cf 121 Ef 130 Ce 114 Fe 106 Db . 107 Ge .
109 Fe 107 Gd 141 Qf 191 Ce 110 Dd 96 Gb 182 Ac 97 Ff 108 Dd 93 Fe 109 Hb 155 Le
125 Cf lll Ce 109 Ee lll Deg 115 =Cf 118 Be 110 Cd 110 Ba 108 Cd 70 Ke 125 Ff 96 Eb
107 Gd 109 Ge 130 Ee 154 Gf 148 Gd 155 Hef 155 Hf 100 =~UJe 112 Gd 109 Gb 109 Je 94
Ce 78 Gb 119 De 109 Ge 108 Ba 68 Ds 117 Fe 110 Ed 115 Eb 119 Db 115 Cb 114 Ed 131
Bf 114 Gd 115 Ea 114 Ag 115 Ed 114 Cf 114 Df 115 Ee 114 Dh 130 Cd 78 Af 110. Fe 107
Ge 121 Fb 92 Db 93 I 93 Ee 71 Hg 132 De 110 Cb 120 Ce 180 Fg 106 Db 93 Hb 145 Mf 92
Ke 104 Cd 97 Kd 96 Mb 97 Jeg 95 Cd 97 Gg 97 Ee 106 Bd 110 Be 04 Ba 118 Ea 100. Gd
1Ol Qe 109 He ILl Df Ill Deg
— 5 ane
Wet a { .
- - a ome ms —- rae 8 atin: tet PO —— ; aly
Karajgi, Bombay .
Ke ae Sg aut. area, K azak, Russ. Kara Kol, Kirghiz, Russta Karakoram Range,
Sinkiang Tibet. Karakose, T'urkey
Kara Kul (L.), Pamir
Kara Kul, Uzbek, Russia
Kara Kum, J'urkmen, Russia Karaman, T'urkey
Karamea, New Zealand
Karamea Bight, New Zealand Karanja, Berar, India . Karanja I., Bombay Karanjia,
Central Provs. Karanjia, Mayurbhan), Karanle, Hthiopia Kara Sea, on Karas Mts.. S.-
Karasgaon, Berar, Karasjok, Norway Karasjokka Elv, Norway Karasubazar, Russia
Karasuyama, Japan Karativo L., Ceylon Karatsjaur, Sweden Karauli, state and tn.,
Karawanken Mts., Karbala, /raq Karcag, Hungary Karditsa, Greece Karchana, United
Proves. Karelia, rep., Russia Karema, J'anganyika Terr. Karempudi, Madras
Karenni States, Burma Karera, Gwalior, India Karesuando, Sweden Kargopol, Russia
Karhal, United Provs. Karharbari, Bihar and Oriasa Kariboe, Queensland
Karikal (French), Madras Karimata Is. and Str., Borneo Karimnagar, ie nen Karimon
Java Is., Karin, Br. Deiatilandl ;
Karind, Persia .
Karioi, New Zealand
Karis, Finland
Karitind, Norway
Karito, Japan
Karjat, Bombay : Karkai R.., Mayurbhanj, B.and O. . Karkala, Madras
Karkamb, Bombay
Karkara R., Central Provs. Karkaralinsk, Kazak Rep. Karkinitski, Gulf of, Russia .
Karkku, Finland
Karlbotn, Norway
Karlidi, Ete tno Central Prove. Karlin, Czechoslovakia .
Karl Johans Varn, Norway
Karlo, California Karlobag, Yugoslavia Karlovac, Yugoslavia Karlovei, Yugoslavia
Karlovka, Russia Karlovo, Bulgaria Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Karlsborg, Sweden
Karlshamn, Sweden Karlskrona, S
B, ae 0,
Africa ‘India
Rajputana . Yugoslar.-Austria
Java Sea .
Yweden Karlskrona (Blekinge), lan, Karlso, Norway Karlsruhe, Germany Karlstad,
Sweden Karmala, Bombay Karméy, Norway
Karnak, Egypt
Karnal, Punjab
Karnes, 7'exas
Karnobat, Bulgaria Karogawa, Japan Karonga, Nyasaland Karree Bergen, Cape Prov.
Karroo, Great, plateau, Cape Prov. Kars, Turkey
Karshi, Uzbek, Russia . : Karshi (Bek-Budi), Uzbek, Russia . Karuizawa, Japan ;
Karumba (Kimberley), Queensland Karunagapalli, T'ravancore, Madras Karungu, Kenya .
Karur, Madras
Karvetnagar, Madras
Karvia, Finland .
Karvinna, Czechoslov akia
Karwar, Bombay
Karwi, United Provs.
Karymsk, EF. Siberia
Karysto, Greece
Karyukovka, Russia
Kasai R., Belgian Congo
Kasai R., Bengal
Kasama, Japan .
Kasama, N. Rhodesia
Kasanga, T'anganyika Terr. Kasaoka, Japan .
Kasaragod, Madras .
Kasba, Bihar and Orissa
Kaseda, Japan
Kasempa, JN. Rhodesia
Kasenga, Belgian Congo
Kasganj, United Provs.
Kashan and prov., Persia Kashem, Russia
Kashgar, Sinkiang
Kashima, Japan .
Kashingfu, China ;
Kashipur, Kalahandi, B. and O. Kashipur, United Proves. Kashiwazaki, Japan
Kashmir, state, NV. India
92 92 93 97 95 92 71 71 7] 7] 70 74 71 110 72 127 106 156 95 116 130 136 136 104
100 102 117 184 11] 132 Lil L110 71 93 110 109 10] 94 97 130 109 117 130 133 116
11] 109 116 130 130 108 LO5 96 112 117 L115 109 LO8 117 106
Citizen’s Atlas
3c Ed Jb De Db Ge Ee Ed Bb Dad Cd Ce Ab Ed He Gf La Ch Ce Lb Lb Kf Ge Dg He Cb De
De Ge Be
Ec Bg De He De Jb Ke Db He Hk Df e
Bd Ee
De Ke Ce Hd Ge Fe Bh Cf Be
Bh Ke Ke Db F Cc
Bd +e I'd If Da
— —__—y—__—_— —EE
Kazan, Russia ‘ ; Kazanjerri, L., Manitoba Kazanlik, Bulgaria Kazansk, Russia .
Kazbek and Mt., Russia Kazikazi, Tanganyika Terr. Kazvin and prov., Persia Kdvne
Nova, Czechoslovakia Kea, 1., Greece ; ; Keadew, LF... Keady, Armagh, N. Ire.
Rosco mMmImMONn,
Keal, Lincs, Eng. ; Keal, L.-na-, Mull /., Scot. Keam, Arizona . Kearney, Down, N.
Kearney, Nebraska Keban Maden, J'urkey . Kebbi, Fr. West Africa Kebelitta, Ceylon
Kebnekaise, Sweden Kebumen, Java Kecskemét, Hungary
Kedah, state, Malaya Kedainiai, Lithuania Kedgeree, Bengal Kedgwick, New Brunswick
Keefers, Br. Columbia . Keel L., Donegal, 1.F WN. Keelby, Lincs, King. Keele,
Staffs, Eng.
Keeler, Californ ia
Keeline, W a
Keeling (Cocos) J Keelung, vcanan. ‘Japan Keen, Mt:, Aberdeen Angus, Keenagh,
Longford, 1.FS. Keene, Kentucky ‘ Keene, New Hampshire Keeper Hill, s eperery, LF.
8. Keer, Holland . : Keeseville, New York Keetmanshoop, S.-W. Keewatin, Ontario
Keewatin, dist., Kef, T'unisia Kefhi, Nigeria Kegalla, Ceylon ° Kegworth, Leics,
Eng. . Kehrig, Germany ; Kei Is., Dutch New Guiana Kei R., Great, Cape Prov.
Keighley, Yorks, Hing. . Keijofu, (Seoul) Korea . Keil Berg, Czechoslovakia
Keimouth, Cape Prov. . Keiss, Caithness, Scot. Keitele and L., Finland Keith,
Banff, Scot. Keithsburg, J/linois Kekerangu, New Zealand Kekirawa, Ceylon
Kekri, Ajmer—Merwara Kelantan, state, Malaya Kelasur, Russia ; Kelberg, Germany
Kelfield, Sask. . ; Kelham, Newark, Notts, Eng. Kelheim, Germany ; Kelle, Fr. West
Africa . Keller, Virginia Kelleys I., Ohio .
Kells, Antrim, N. Ire. . Kells, Kilkenny, I.F'.S
Kells (Ceanannus Mor), Meath, I. F.S. Kells, Rhinns of, Kirkcudbright, Scot.
Kelly, New Mexico Kelly’s Grove, Galway, I.F. 8. Kelmarsh, Northants, Eng. Kelmé,
Kelod, Central Provs. Kelowna, British Columbia Kelsall, Cheshire, Eng. . Kelsey,
South, Lincs, Eng. Kelseyville, California . Kelso, New Zealand Kelso, Roxburgh,
Scot. . Kelso, Washington
Kelso Junc., Natal Kelton, Arizona
Kelton, Utah
Kelty, Fife, Scot, Kelvedon, Hssex, Eng. Kelve Mahim, Bombay . Kelvia, Finland
Kelvin, Arizona Kelvington, Sask. Kelwood, Manitoba
Kem and R., Russia Kemanlar, Bulgaria
Kemi, Finland
Kemijoki, Finland Kemitrask, Finland Kemmerer, Wyoming Kemnay, Aberdeen, Scot.
Kemp, Texas ; Kempen, Holland.
Kemp Land, Antarctica Kempsey, New 8. Wales Kempston, Bedford, Eng. Kempten,
Germany Kemptville, Nova Scotia Ken, L. and Water, Kirkcud.., Ken R., Central India
. Kenaston, Sask. Kenbridge, Virginia Kenda, Central Proves. Kendal, Java
Kendal, Sask. .
Kendal, Westmorland, Eng. Kendari, Celebes Kendrapara, Bihar and Orissa Kendrew,
Cape Prov. Kendrick, Idaho , Kenedugu, Fr. West Africa
, Indian Deena F
Scot. .
Y, 144 Da 95 Bd 97 Gf 97 Gg 133 Df 105 Fb 92 Cb 94 Dad 62 Ko 63 Ho 5 | W q 60 Jk
159 Hg 63 Lo 154 Fe 104 Cb 125 Ef 111 Eh 70 He 120 Cf 93 Fe 119 Ce 73 Ge 109 Je 143
Ld 146 Jf 62 Fm 50 Vp 49 Rr 159 Eg 154 Cd 17 Th 115 Fg 57 Qj 67 Fp 150 Ad 152 Be 69
Er 78 Eg 152 Bb 131 Ch 144 Ff 140 Ld 124 Fa 125 Fg lll Eh 50 Tr 76 Cd 189 Ac 137 Me
50 Sp 113 Md 92 Ca 137 Me 59 Pe 70 Le 57 Qg 155 Ke 191 Ee lll Eg 108 Be 119 Ce 97
Gg 76 Bd 147 Pf 50 Uq 74 Dd 125 Ae 151 Fd 150 Bb 63 Jn 69 Gr 63 Hp 54 Nm 159 Kh 67
Eq 50 Us 73 Fe 108 De 146 Kg 49 Qq 50 Vq 159 «OBE 191 Bf 55) RI 158 Bb 135 Gj 159
Jk 158 Ge 55 Pk 41 Xt 110 Ab 70 Ke 159 Hj 147 Se 144 De 96 Eb 95 Cd 70 Ld 70 Le 70
Me 158 He 57 Rh 157 Fd 78 Df 25 — 181 Ne 40 Us 74 De 143 Me 54 Nm 108 Ee 147 Qf 151
Dd 109 Fd 120 Df 147 Sf 52 Qo 121 Fe 109 He 137 He 158 Eb 125 Cf
Kenedy, Texas
Keng-sen, Siam
Keng-tung, Burma
Kenhardt, Cape Prov. Ken-iao, Laos
Kenilworth, Queensland Kenilworth, Warwicks, Eng. Kenmare, N. Dakota . Kenmare and
R., Kerry, I.F S. Kenmore, Perth, ‘Scot. Kenn, Somerset, Eng. Kenna, New Mexico
Kennebago, Maine Kennebec, S. Dakota Kennebunk, Maine Kennedy, Sask. . Kennedy,
South, dist., Kennema, Sierra Leone Kennemerland, Holland
Kenner, Louisiana ; Kennerleigh, Devon, Eng. Kennet, R., Berks—Wilts, Eng. Kennett,
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania Kenninghall, Norfolk, Eng.
Keno Lake, Russia
Kenora, Onturia j Kenora (Patricia Portion), Ontario Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kensington, Maryland . Kensington, Pr. Edward Island Kent, Nevada :
Kent, New Brunswick .
Kent, Ohio .
Kent, J'exas . Kent, Washington Kent, co., England Kent Peninsula, N.- Kentani, x
W. Terr..
Kentford, W. Suffolk, Eng. Kentland, lane Kentmere, Westmorland, Eng.
Kenton, Kentucky
Kenton, Ohio
Kenton, Oklahoma
Kent’s Group, 7'asmania Kentstown, Meath, 1.F.S, Kentucky R., Kentucky Kentucky,
state, U.S.A. Kentville, Nova Scotia . Kentwood, Louisiana Kenya, colony, H. Africa
Kenya, Mt., Kenya
Keokuk, Tow a ; Keonjhar, Bihar and Orisaa . Keota, Colorado Kephallenia, I.,
Kepno, Poland . Keppel Bay, Queensland Kera, Bihar and Orissa. Keratea, Greece
Kerbrat, France . ; Kerch and Strait, Crimea Kerdzhali, Bulgaria Kerema, Papua
Kerens, W. Virginia Kerensk, Russia . ; Keret and Lake, Russia Kergrist-Moelou,
France Kerguelen I., Indian Ocean Kericho, Kenya
Kerien, France
Kerikeri, New Zealand
Kerio Prov., Kenya
Kerki, Turkmen, Russia Kerkyra (Corfu), I., Greece Kerloch Hill, Kincardine, Scot.
Kerlouan, France. Kermadec Is., Pacific Ocean . Kermah, California
Kerman, Persia
Kermanshah, Persia . Kermineh, Uzbek, Russia Kermode, T'asmania . Kerne Bridge,
Hereford, Png. Kernstown, Virginia
Kerrera, I., Argyll, Scot. Kerreri, A EB. Sudan Kerrobert, Sask.
Kerrville, Texas .
Kerry, Montgomery, W ales Kerry, co., [.F.S.
Kerry Hd., Kerry, I.F 8. ‘ Kerry Hill, Montgomery, Wales Kerrykeel, Donegal, IFS.
Kersey, Suffolk, Eng. Kershaw, S. Carolina
Kerung, Victoria .
Kerur, Bombay
Kervignac, France
Kesan, Turkey
Kesariya, Bihar and Orissa Kesh, Fermanagh, N. Ire. Keslabori, Central Provs.
Kessel, Holland . Kessingland, Suffolk, Eng.
Greece .
Kessock, Ross and C — Scot, .
Kesswil, Switzerland Kestel, Syria
Kestert, Germany , Kesteven, Parts of, Lincs, E71 ng. Keston, Kent, Eng. . Keswick,
Cumberland, Eng. Keswick, Virginia Keszthely, Hungary
Keta, Gold Coast . Ketapan, Borneo Ketchikan, Alaska Ketchum, Idaho . : Kete-
Krachi, Gold Coast Kettering, Northants, Eng. Kettle Rapids, Manitoba Kettlewell,
Yorks, Eng. Ketton, Rutland, Eng. .
. 156 . 12
. 162 ; . 147 Queensland,
. 143 . 159 . 143 . 150 . 156 . 158
156 119 107 136 119 185 50 154 68 56 47
185 125 78 157 45 40) 155 151 51 96
. 155
140 137
] 03
50 41 52 15] g2 125 120 140 158 125 50 144 52 50
$$ $$$
Fm Xs
Eg Ce Fd Eg Us
Ro Ur
gal jee fer feet Kel, Key bert fere in i fy jlo hu
{hae Khe je Ku Khai NAY Nn Kbit
Nu Ay) ih Kul (hl (al (ul Kha
es eet ett et eet eet ee oe oes feo bes ces ce bea es pes pes bes be pes pes ops
oes Po
General Index
Khozat, Turkey Khuchurtu, Mongolia Khuldabad, Hyderabad Khulna, Bengal Khungchai,
Burma Khunti, Bihar and Orissa Khur, Persia Khurai, Central Provs, . Khurasan,
prov., Persia Khurda, Bihar and Orissa Khurja, United Prora. . Khurpai, Bengal .
Khurramabad, Persia Khushalgarh, NV.-W. Khutgaon, Central Provs. Khuzistan, prov.,
Persia Khvalynsk, Russia Khvoina, Bulgaria Khyber Pass, N.-W. Kiakhta, Turkey
Kiama, New S. Wales . Kiambu, Kenya Kianfu, China Kiangchow, China Kianghung, China
Kianghwa-hsien, China
104 114 L110 LO7 107 109 LO5 108 105 109 108 109 LO5 106 108 105
oe ee ee eg ped ay Ty OEY REY ts] Orv oror OF ot Ot me Vt vi
ee OS OS bd * + a
60 66 63 64 66 67
185 54 64
Cb Ac Ba Fd Gd Gd Ge
Ml Dt To Dn
Dq Ko Hq Dq Eq
Jq Fq
MI Hq To Hp
Dr Of Lm Hq Es Gn Qh Df
Ll Es Ct Dr Ep Vo
Kilimatinde, Tanganyika Terr.
Kilindini, Kenya . Kiliseli, Greece y Kilkee, Clare, /.F.S. Kilkeel, Down, N.
Ire. .
Kilkelly, Mayo, I.F.S, Kilkenny and co., /.F.S., Kilkenzie, Argyll, Scot. Kilkerran
Sta., Ayr, Scot. Kilkhampton, Cornwall, Kilkis, Greece ; - Kilkishen, Clare, I.F.S.
Kilkivan, Queensland Kill, Kildare, J.F.S. . Kill, Waterford, I.F.S. . Killadysert,
Clare, IFS. Killagan, Antrim, N. Ire. Killala, Mayo, IJ.F.S. Killala B., Mayo-—
Sligo, Killaloe, Clare, ].F.S. Killan, Offaly, J.F.S. . Killanne, Weaford, 1.F.S.
Killarney, Kerry, /.F.S, Killarney, Manitoba Killarney, Ontario Killarney,
Queensland . Killary Harb., Killashandra, Cavan, IFS. Killashee, Longford, 1.F.S.,
Killawillin, Cork, JF .S., Killay, Glamorgan, Wales Killbuck, Ohio Killeagh, Cork,
nh Killean, Argyll, Scot. Killeany, Aran Is., IFS. Killearn, Stirling, Scot.
Killeen, Armagh, N. Ire. Killeigh, Offaly, 1.F.S. Killenagh, Weazford, 1.F.S
Killenaule, Tipperary, 1.F'S. Killiecrankie, Pass of, Perth, Killimor, Galway,
1.F.S, Killin, Perth, Scot.
Killin, L., Jnverness, Scot. Killiney, Dublin, J.FS. Killinghall, Ripley, Yorks,
Hing. Killingi, Sweden
Killingly, Connecticut Killingworth, Connecticut Killisport, L., Argyll, Scot.
Killorglin, Kerry, I.F.S. Killough, Down, N. Jre
Donegal, IFS. Killylea, Armagh, N. Ire. Killyleagh, Down, N. Tre. Killyon, Offaly,
1.F S. . Kilmac duagh Church, Gal., Kilmacolm, Renfrew, Scot. Kilmacrenan, Donegal,
I.F NS. Kilmacthomas, Waterford, IFS. Kilmaganny, Kilkenny, 1.F SN. Kilmaine, Mayo,
1.F.S. : Kilmallock, Limerick, 1.F.S. Kilmaluig, Skye, J., Scot. Kilmany, Fife,
Scot. Kilmarnock, Ayr, Scot. Kilmartin, Argyll, Scot. Kilmaurs, Ayr, Scot. .
Kilmeage, Kildare, 1.F'S. Kilmeedy, Limerick, I .F.S. Kilmelford, Argyll, Scot.
Kilmichael, Argyll, Scot. Kilmichael, Mississippi Kilmichael Pt., Weaford, I.F. S.
Kilmihil, Clare. LFS. Kilmorack, /nverness, Scot. Kilmore, Victoria
Kilmore Quay, W exford, L.F.S. Kilmun, Argyll, Scot.
Kilmurry, Clare, 1.F.S. Kilnaleck, Cavan, J.F'.S. Kilninver, Argyll, Scot.
Kilnsea, Yorks, Eng.
Kilosa, Tanganyika Terr. Kilparne y, New S. Wales Kilpatrick, Old, Dunbarton, Scot.
Kilrea, Londonderry, N. Ire. Kilrenny, Fife, Scot. . Kilronan, Aran /s., IFS,
Kilrush, Clare, ].F.S. . Kilsby, Northants, Eng. : Kilsheelan, Tipperary, I.F.S.
Kilstr6mmen, Norway . Kilsyth, Stirling, Scot. . Kiltealy, Wexford, 1.F.S Kilteel,
Kildare, I.F.S. Kiltegan, Wicklow, I.F.S. Kiltimagh, Mayo, 1.F.S. ; Kiltoom,
Roscommon, I.F.S. Kiltormer, Galway, I.F.S. Kiltyclogher, Leitrim, 1.F.S..
Kilvington, South, Yorks, Eng. Kilwa, Tanganyika Terr. Kilwinning, Ayr, Scot. .
Kilworth, Cork, 1.F.S. ; Kilworth Mts., Cork, I.F.S. . Kimama, Idaho Kimball,
Nebraska Kimball, S. Dakota Kimbandu, Angola Kimberley, Br. Columbia Kimberley,
Cupe Prov. Kimberley, Queensland . Kimberley, Norfolk, Eng. Kimberley Goldfield, W.
Kimbolton, Hunts, Eng. Kimen-hsien, China Kimito, Finland . Kimsquit, Br. Columbia
Kinabalu Mt., NV. Borneo Kinaird’s Hd., Aberdeen, Scot. Kinale, L., Longford,
I.F.8. . Kinarsani R., Hyderabad Kinbrace, Sutherland, Scot.
Mayo Galway, LF. S.
Neot. .
185 66 62 67 69 46
150 69 a4 66 54 63 64 64 69 57 67 56 56 64 50 70
158 154 154 130 147 137 184 51 186 40 115 71 146 121 57 67 110 59
Df | Kincardine,
If Eb Br Jo Dp Gr Km Mm Mv Cb Dr
Hq Gs Cr Jm Co Co Ker Gq Hr
Df Dd Jm Bp Fo ir P
Cr Gp Lk
Hn Qk Bq Cr Ts
Ad Nl
Fe Ee Sg Gp Ee Of
/ £ J |
ave POE eer
Kintyre, Mull of, Argyll, Scot. Kinvarra, Galway, 1.F'.S Kinwat, Hyderabad
Kinzua, Pennsylvania Kidlen Mts., Norway—Sweden. Kioshan-hsien, China
Kiowa, Colorado .
Kiowa, Kipawa and Bias Kipini, Ke nya Kipling, Sask. Kipp, Alberta Kippax, Yorks,
Kippen, Stirling,
Kansas ; Quebec
i nq. Scot. .
K ippford, Kirkcudbright, Scot. i.
Kippure, Dublin, 1.F.S. Kiptopeke, Virginia Kirakat, United Provs. Kirando,
Tanganyika Terr. Kirby, Wyoming : Kirby Hill, Y orks, Kirbyville, Texas Kirby, West
5 ( ‘he sh ure ‘ Kirchhain, Germany Kirchheimbolanden, Germany Kireubbin, Down, N.
Ire. Kirensk, #. Siberia Kirghiz, republic, Asiatic Kir-Harman, Bulgaria . Kirilov,
Kirin, Manchukuo Kirkbampton, Cumberland, King. Kirkbean, Airkec udbright, Scot.
Kirkbride, Cumberland, Eng. Kirkburton, Yorks, Eng. Kirkby, Lancs, Eng.
Kirkby Lonsdale,
kin q.
King. .
Kirkby Moorside, Yorks, Eng. : Kirkby Ste phe n, Westmorland Eng. Kirkby Thore,
Westmorland, Eng.
Sc ot, Scot. Scot.
Kirkealdy, Fifi : Kirkcolm, Wigtown, Kirkconnel, Dumfries, Kirkcowan, Wigtown,
Scot. Kirkcudbright & B., Kirkcud., Kirkeudbright, CO., Scotland . Kirke O, Norway.
Kirkee, Bombay Kirkemoen, Norway Kirkfieldbank, Lanark, Kirkham, Lancs, Eng. .
Kirkinner, Wigtown, Scot. Kirkintilloch, Dunbarton, Kirkland Lake, Ontario
Kirklareli, 7'urkey Kirklington, Yorks, Hing. ; Kirklington, Nottingham, Eng.
Kirkliston, W. Lothian, Scot.. Kirkmichael, Ayr, Scot. Kirkmichael, /sle of Man
Kirkmichael, Perth, Scot. Kirknewton, Northumb., Kirkoswald, Ayr, Scot. Kirkoswald,
Cumberland, Eng. Kirkpatric :k, Dumfries, Scot. Kirkslatt, Finland
Kirkstone Pass, Kirksville, Missouri
Kirktown of Auchterle as, Aber r. Kirkuk, lraq i . Kirkwall, Orkney Is., Scot.
Kirkwood, Cape Prov. .
Kirn, Argyll, Scot.
Kirn, Germany
Kirong Dzong, Tibet Kirriemuir, Angus, Scot. Kirsanov, Russia
Kirsehir, T'urkey
Kirtland, Ohio Kirtlebridge, Dumfries, "Scot. Kirton, Holland, Lincs, Eng. Kirton,
Lindsey, Lincs, Eng. Kiruna, Sweden ‘ Kirwin, Kansas
Kiryu, Japan
Kisagata, Japan .
Kisampet, Hyderabad ; Kisangire, Tanganyika Terr.. Kisaraza, Japan . ; : Kisbér,
Hungary . Kishamganj, Bihar and Orissa Kishangarh, Alwar, Rajputana Kishangarh,
Rajputana Kishengarh, Panna, C.J. Kishin, Arabia F ; Kishinev (Chisinau), Romania
Scot. .
Kishorn & L., Ross and Crom., Scot.
Kishui-hsien, China Kisii, Kenya ' Kis Kérés, Hungary ; Kiskun-felegyhasa, Hungary.
Kiskunhalas, Hungary . Kiskunmajsa, Hungary Kismayu, It. Somaliland Kispest,
Hungary ; Kissamos and B., Krete I., Kissimmee, Florida Kissingen, Germany
Kississing L., Manitoba
Kistna, Mahbubnagar, Hyderabad .
Kistna, dist., Madras Kistna, Mouths of R.., Madras Kistnapatam, Madras . Kis
Ujszallas, Hungary Kisumu, Kenya
Kis Varda, Hungary Kiswere, Tanganyika Terr. Kita, Fr. West Africa Kitab, Uzbek,
Russia Kitale, Kenya
Kita-ura, Japan
Kit Carson, Colorado Kitchener, Ontario
Kite Cove, Newfoundland
W ¢ winaetinal:. iD) iq.
We stmorlond, Eng.
, Scot.
54 66 LO3 151 70 L15 154 154 142
*2+) nS
147 147 5O 54 DD 64 15] LOY 133 158 53 157 48
Km Dq Df Db Kd Be Cf ig Ed Ge SI Ng Tp Nk On Jq Kd Fe Bg Jd So He Pq Fc De Ko Ke He
Cd Fd Me Pn On Pn Sp Qq Qo Uo
Mm Mo
Qn Pm Kf Qo Je Qh Db Qe
Jf Ml Ce Ga Qj Ge Bb Cb Pm Vr Uq Jb oly
F d De Ng Ff Ee
Cb Bb
— - — —
Ito &
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Po Ss ss Ts si sl + non © ww
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158 158 158 119 71 92
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15 68 68 69 62 69 57 68 68 67 79 69 68 68 69 64 64 48
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> ae —
_ roe we |
~ — pa e >) -
If Ha Bf Hf Bb
To Qn Gj Uq Gf Ps Cg At Ke
Knutsford, W. Australia Knutshé, Norway Knysna, Cape Prov. Knyszyn, Poland Kobdo,
Outer Mongolia Kobe, Japan Kobern, Germany Kobryn, Poland - Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey
Kotane, Yugoslavia Koéevje, Yugoslavia Kochem, Germany Kochi, Japan Kod, Bombay
Kodaikanal, K odangal, K odanosawa, Kodarma, Bihar and Orissa Kodiak I., Alaska
Kodok, A.-EH. Sudan Kodumur, Madras
jihar and Orissa
Madras Hyde rabad
Koedyk, Koel R., K oesfeld, Koevorden, Holland Koforidua, Gold Coast Kofu, Japan
Koga, Japan
Kogan, Queensland Kohala, Hawaiian Is. Kohat, N.-W. Kohima, Assam
Kohir, Hyderabad Kohlfurt, Germany Ko-ho, China
Koh-Rud (mts.) _ Persia Kohukohu, New . Zealand Koidejima, Japan ; Koilkonda,
Hyderabad . Koilkuntla, Madras Koilpatti, Madras Koina R., Bombay Koitoi, Japan
Koivisto, Finland
Koja Yaila, Bulgaria Kojima-wan, Japan Kojonup, W. Australia Kokar Is., Finland
Kokfara, Ethiopia Kokkilai, Ceylon . Kokoda, Papua Kokomo, Jndiana Kokopo, New
Britain Kokshenga, R., Russia. Kokstad, Cape Prov. Kokura, Japan s Kola and Bay,
Russia . Kola Peninsula, Russia Kolab R., Madras
Kolaba, Bombay . ; Kolabira, Bihar and Orissa Kolaka, Celebes
Kolan, Queensland
Kolar, Mysore Kolaras, Gwalior, Kolari, Dholpur, Kolari, Finland Kolasin,
Yugoslavia Kélbe, Germany
Kolberg, Germany Kolbu, Norway . Kolda, Fr. West Africa Kolding, Denmark Kolguev
I., Russia Kolhan, Bihar and Orissa Kolhapur, state and tn., Kolin, Czechoslovakia
Kolki, Poland ; Kollegal, Madras. Kollum, Holland . Kollur, Madras : Kéln
(Cologne), Germany Kolno, Poland
Kolo, Poland
Kologriv, Russia Kolomea, Poland. Kolomna, Russia. Kolpny, Russia
Kolur, Bastar, Central Prov. Kolva R., Russia Kolvereia, Norway : Kolwan, Bhor,
Bombay Kolyma Mts., Far #. Area Kolymska, Yakutsk Kolyvan, W. Siberia Komagatake,
Japan Komagfjord, Norway Komagver, Norway Komalty, Oklahoma . Komandorski Is., Far
£. Komarno, Czechoslovakia Komarom, Hungary Komati Goldfields, Tran svaal Komatsu,
Japan Kombumori, Japan
Komgha, Cape Prov. Kominato, Japan Kominato, Japan Koming-hsien, 2. Komnis, Norway
Komono, Pic des, Fr. Komotine, Greece ; Kompong-Cham, Cambodia Kompong Chnang,
Cambodia Kompong-tom, Cambodia Kon, United Provs.
Konada, ag
Konakri, Fr. West Africa Koncha, O ameroons Kondakambru, Madras Kondalwadi,
Hyderabad Kondapalli, Madras Kondavid, Madras
India Rajputana
Kondoa-lrangi, T'anganyika T err.
Frontier Prov.
West Africa
n~I OS
mae —— cS
cr bo
119 119 119 LO9 110 125 128 L10 110 110 110 133
Fa Gd Af Be Hb Gd Be Da Gg Ce Fb Be Be Ff Df Gd Gh
Jb Le Ge
Bh Ke Deg Db Dd
Cd ve Fb Bg Af Eb Cb Kx Ke Kf
Kondraleva, #. Siberia
Kone, New Caledonia
Kong, Fr. West Africa Kongalv, Sweden
Kongmoon, China
Kongolo, Belgian Congo Kongor, A.-#. Sudan Kongsbacka and Fjord, Sweden Kongsberg,
eS? * Kongsli, Norway .
Kongsofjord (Geanje jokka), N orway
Kongsvinger, Norway Kongsvoll, Norway
Konigsberg, #. Prussia Koénigsberg, Germany Koénigslutter, Germany Koénigstein,
Germany Koénigswinter, Germany
Konin, Poland
Konjic, Yugoslavia
Konkan, tract, Bombay Konolfingen, Switzerland Konora, Brit. Guiana Konotop, Russia
Konpara, Raigarh, Central Provs. Konsmo, Norway ; Konstantinovsk, Far E, Area
Konstanz (Constance), Germany Kontagora, Nigeria Kon-tum, Annam Konya, Turkey Konz,
Germany Konza, Kenya Konzhakovsk Kamen, Koolatah, Queensland Koorawatha, New S.
Wales Kooringa, 8S. Australia. Kootenai Falls, Montana Kootenay L., Br. Columbia
Kootenay R., Br. Columbia Kopargaon, Bombay Kopari, Bihar and Orissa Kopbal,
Hyderabad Kopervik, Norway
Képing, Sweden : Koppa, Mysore, India . Koppang, Norway Kopparberg, lin, Sweden
Koprivnica, Yugoslavia Kopseng, Norway Kora, United Provs. Koracha, Central Provs.
Korakbel, Central Provs. Korapat, Madras Koraput, Madras Korat, Siam
Koratla, Hyderabad Korba, Central Provs. Korbach, Germany Korbel, California
Korche, Albania . Koréula, I., Y ugoslavia Kordofan, A.-#. Sudan Korea (Chésen),
Ural Area
Korea, state, Central Provs. Korea Bay, Korea Koregaon, Bombay ‘ ‘ Kori, Japan
Koriabo, Brit. Guiana . Korinchi, Mt., Sumatra Korinthia and Argolis, Greece
Korinthos (Corinth), Greece . Korinthos, Gulf, Greece ‘ Kérmend, Hungary
Kornet Spruit, Basutoland Korneuburg, Austria
Koro (1.), Fiji Is.
Korocha, Russia .
Korogwe, Tanganyika Terr. Koroit, V wcloria
Korone, Greece
Korop, Russia
Koropi, Greece
Korés, R., Hungary Korosten, Russia. Korotoyak, Russia Korpilahti, Finland
Korpo, Finland . : Kors Fjord, Norway Korshavn, Norway Korsholm C., Sweden
Korsnis, Finland ; : Korsé and Groénskar Lts., Sweden . Korsér, Denmark
Kors 8jé, Norway ‘ .
Korssjo Fjeld, Norway Kortgene, Holland Korumburra, Victoria . ‘ Korwai, state,
Bhopal, CJ. . Kosam, United Provs. ; Kosciusko, Mississippi : Kosciusko, Mt., New
S. Wales Kosgi, Hyderabad
Kosha, A.-E. Sudan
Koshiki Retto, Japan . Koshima, Hokkaido, Japan Koshima, Honshu, = Koshu, Korea
Koshva R., Russia
Kosi, United Provs.
Kosi R., Bihar and Orissa Kosice, Czechoslovakia . Kosigi, Madras
Koski, Finland . ; Koskullskulle, Sweden . Kosli, Russia
Késlin, Germany . Kosmodemiansk, Russia Kosse, J'exas
Kosta, Sweden
Kostajnica, Yugoslavia Kostelec, Czechoslovakia Kosti, A.-H#. Sudan Kostroma,
Russia ‘ °
101 192 125 71 115 130 128 71 12
132 100
= oS oe =- — fa
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— —- —
SS SS a a a
ee ee
Pa Ee ee ee es
0 ten ptt det tei, i te Got pia
KOS General Index LAG
Citizen’s Atlas
La Conner, Washington
La Coruna, Spain
Lac Remi, Quebec
La Crosse, Kansas
La Crosse, Virginia
La Crosse, Wisconsin
La Cygne, Kansas ‘ Ladakh, prov., Kashmir Ladbroke, Warwicks, Eng. Ladenburg,
Germany Ladismith, Cape Prov. . Ladner, Br. Columbia Ladoga, Russia . ' Ladoga, L.,
Finland Ruasia La Dorada, Colombia Ladovskaya, Russia Ladrone Is., China Ladrones
(Marianas) Is., Ladybank, Fife, Scot. Ladybrand, Orange FS. Lady Eliot I.,
Lady Frere, Cape Prov.
Lady Grey, Cape Prov.
Lady’ s Island L., We aford I. F. S. Ladysmith, Natal Ladysmith, Vancouver I.,
Ladysmith, Wisconsin . Laeger, W. Virginia Laeken, Belgium .
Lerdal (Tonjum), Norway Lerdalséra, Norway
La Esperanza, Honduras Lafayette, Alabama
La Fayette, Georgia
La Fayette, Indiana Lafayette, Louisiana
La Fayette, Virginia Lafontaine, Quebec
Laga R., Sweden
Lagan R., N. Ire. Lagarto, Brazil
Lager, Norway
Lagg, Jura, Scot. ; gg Inn, Arran I., Scot. ran B., Islay, Scot. . ran Bridge,
an L.,
JQ 19
Inverness, Scot. Scot. itgeorge, Galway, I.F.S. . y, Donegal, I.F.S. y, France
one , Portugal
, Nigeria
Portugal ike Oregon range, Georgia range, Jndiana agrange, Kentucky
La Grange, Missouri Lagrange, Te LAs
Lagrange, W. Australia
La Guaira, Venezuela
Laguna, New Mexico
Laguna Paiva, Argentina Lagunillas, Venezuela
Lahad Datu, N. Borneo Lahaina, Hawaiian Is. Lahara, Pal Lahara, B. and 0. Sprengel
United Prova. Lahat, Sumatra . . Lakinch, Clare, I.F.S. .
Lahn R., Germany
Lahnstein, Germany
Laholm and B., Sweden Lahore, Punjab
Lahr, Germany
Lahti, Finland
Laian-hsien, China Laichanpur, Bihar and Oviaen Lai-chau, Tongking
Laic howfu, China ‘Laide, Ross and Crom., Scot. Laidley, Queensland
Laigle, France
Laihia, Finland
Laila, Arabia
Laingsburg, Cape Prov.
Lainio aly, Sweden
Lairg, Sutherland, Scot.
Lais ily, Sweden .
Laishev, Russia
Laitila, Finland
Lai-wu-hsien #. China Laiyang-hsien, Shantung, China La Jara, Colorado
La Jolla, California
Lajoya, New Mexico
La Junta, Colorado
La Junta, Costa Rica
Lake Andes, 8S. Dakota
Lake Arthur, New Mexico Lake Benton, Minnesota
Lake Butler, Florida
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Lake City, Arkansas Lake City, California Lake City, Colorado Lake City, Florida
Lake City, Jowa . Lake City, Michigan Lake City, Minnesota Lake District, N.-W.
Lakefield, Ontario Lakefield, Queensland Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Lake George, New York Lakehurst, New Jersey
Lakeland, Florida
Lake Louise, Alberta .
Lake Majella, California , Lake Nash Sta., NV. Terr. Australia Lakenheath, Suffolk,
Lake Placid, New York
JQ 99 ie FQ =
R a
fo © 98 9
ie Wg 99
i =~ 44 O &
1s ~
La La Ls Ls Li La La Lé . Li * La La = Le La
Pacific Oc.
ey Dwwowwd >of «3-7 O1
Ut he Ge —~ S
ee “a om Cn aed
> ~~] «J ~] Jl
—_ 7 Ww
NW bo
on ave Om Pe “Io w w
Vt Ot OT Ot
ID ~I » me LO ©
oe ~j +] = bh so
cd wt Oe e 2
li 56 L186 168 159 173 168 121 192 109 109 120 68 74 76 71 106 74 7] 115 109 119
114 58 185 82 70 104 136 70 59 70 97 71 L15 114 154 159 156 154 163 154
—_— cn ay
—_ ou = Sd
1 or ar
™ 2 ~
>) >) a) | rAaAwonc=-1-+i
o~ a -
i oi oi © & Cro or Wr bo a Rm NM bb St OI
—_— ~ Or ~I
159 179
51 152
Ba Aa Gd Dd Kd Hf Db
Lakewood, Ohio
Lakhandai R., Bihar onal Oibissa Lakhimpur, Assam
Lakhimpur, United Provs. Lakhnadon, Central Provs. Lakhpat, Cutch, W.1.. States .
Lakhsetpet, Hyderabad
Lakin, Kansas
Lakki, VN.W.F.P.
Lakonia, Gulf and dep., Greece Lakota, N. Dakota
Lakse Fjord, Norway Lakselv, Norway . ‘ | Lakshmikantapur, Bengal La Laja, L. de,
Chale Lalapasa, T'urkey
La Lata, Uruguay Lalbagh, Bengal
Lalbara, Central Provs.
France Bihar and Orissa Lalganj, United Provs. Lalgudi, Madras . La Libertad,
Ecuador La Libertad, Nicaragua La Libertad, Salvador La Ligua, Chile Lalitpur,
United Provs. Lalsk, Russia ‘ Lalsot, Jaipur, Rajputana La Maddalena I., Sardinia
Lamadjan, Manchukuo La Madrid, Argentina La Malbaie, Quebce Lamalin, Newfoundland
Lamar, Arkansas | Lamar, Colorado . | Lamar, Missouri Lamastre, France Lamballe,
France Lambarene, Fr. Equat. Lambay, Dublin, 1.F.S Lambayeque, Peru : Lamberhurst,
Kent, Hing. Lamberts Bay, Cape Prov. | Lambertville, New — Lambescec, France
Lambourn, Berks, Eng. Lambsburg, Virginia Lamé, Fr. Kquat. Africa Lamego, Portugal
La Merced, Peru .
Lalevade, | Lalganj,
La Mesa, California
Lamesa, T'exas
Lamia, Greece
Lamington, Lanark, Scot. Lamlash, Arran I., Scot. Lammer Law, #. Lothian, Scot.
Lammermuir Hills, 2. L oth, Ber.
La Mocha, I., Chile Lamont, Jowa Lamorteau, Belgium La Moure, NV. Dakota Lampang,
Lampasas, 7'exas Lampazos, Mexico ; Lampeter, Cardigan, Wales Lamphey, Pembroke,
Wales Lampinan, Sask. . Lamport, Northants, Vng.
Lamu, Kenya
Lamy, New Mexico Lanaeken, Belgium Lanai, Hawavian Is. Lanark, W. Virginia Lanark
and co., Scotland Lancashire, co., England Lancaster, Kentucky Lancaster, Lancs,
Eng. Lancaster, Missouri Lancaster, New Hampshire Lancaster, New York Lancaster,
Ohio Lancaster, Pennsylvania Lancaster, S. Carolina . Lancaster, Virginia
Lancaster, Wisconsin Lancaster Sd., Canada . Lanchéres, France Lanchester, Durham,
Eng. Lanchow, China Lanciano, /taly Lancieux, France Landau, Bavaria, Germany
Landau, Germany Landean, France Landeck, Austria Landegode, Norway Landeleau,
France Landelles-et-Coupigny, France Landen, Belgium Lander, Wyoming Landerneau,
France Landeron, Switzerland . Landes, dep., France Landes, Les, France Landeshut,
Germany Landévant, France Landévenne, France Landford, Wilts, Eng. Landi Kotal,
General Index
Laupen, Switzerland
Laura, and R., Queensland Laurel, Delaware
Laurel, Maryland
Laurel, Mississippi
Laurel, Montana .
Laurel, Virginia
Laureles, Paraguay
Laureles, Texas
Laurencekirk, Kincardine, rot. Laurencetown, Galway, 1.F-.S. Laurens, S. Carolina
Laurentide Mts., Quebec Laurentides Park, Quebec Laurgaard, Norway
Lauria, Italy
Laurier, Manitoba
Laurieston, Kirkeudbrigh, Scot. Laurinburg, NV. Carolina
Lauris, France
Laurium, Michigan
Lauriya Nandangarh, Bihar & Orinea Lausanne, Switzerland . : Lausitzer Geb.,
Czechoslovakia Laut, I. and Strait, Borneo Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland Lauterecken,
Germany . Lauwers Zee, Holland Lavacherie, Belgium Laval, France
Lavalle, Argentina Lavalleja, Uruguay Lavamiind, Austria Lavandou, le, France
Lavant, Sussex, Eng. Lavara, Hyderabad Lavaré, France Lavassaan, Finland Lavaur,
France .
La Vega, West Indies La Vela, Venezuela Lavendon, Bucks, Eng. Lavenham, Suffolk,
Eng. Lavernock Pt., Glamorgan, Laversburg, Transvaal Laverton, W. Australia La
Veta, Colorado
Wales ;
Lavic, California . : ; Lavik, Norway . : Lavina, Montana
Lavington, West, Wilts, Rng. Lavinia, Mt., Ceylon’ : Lavongai I., Bismarck Arch. .
Lavonia, Georgia . ‘ Lavos, Portugal Lavra, Greece : :
Lavras, Brazil Lavrion, Greece Lawa, Rajputana. Lawers, Perth, Scot. Lawk Sawk,
Burma Lawlers, W. Australia Lawrence, Kansas Lawrence, Mass. . Lawrence, New
Zealand Lawrenceburg, Indiana Lawrenceburg, Kentucky Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
Lawrencetown, Down, N. Ire. Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia Lawrenceville, Illinois .
Lawrenceville, Virginia Laws, California . ‘ Lawson, New S. Wales. Lawton,
Cheshire, Eng. Lawton, Oklahoma Lax, Georgia
Laxa, Sweden
Laxan, Sweden
Laxay, Lewis, Scot. Laxdale, Stornoway, Lewis, Scot, Laxey, Isle of Man
Laxfield, Suffolk, Eng. .
Laxford Bridge, Sutherland, Scot. Lay, R., France
Laycock, Chippenham, W ilts, Eng. Layland, Manitoba
Laytown, Meath, I.F.S.
“nS gh Yugoslavia .
Lazio, dep., Italy ‘
Lazonby, Cumberland, Enq.
Lea, Hereford, Eng. Lea, Lincs, Eng. . Lea, R. , Herts, ete. Lead, S. Dakota ;
Leadboro, Montana Leadburn, Peebles, Scot. Leadenham, Lincs, Eng. Leaden Roding,
Essex, Eng. . Leader, Sask. ; Leadhills, Lanark, Scot. Leadville, Colorado : Leake,
Old, Lines, Eng. Leakesville, Missis. sippi Leaksville, N. Carolina Leam, R.,
Warwicks, Leamington, Ontario Leamington, Utah Leamington, Warwicks, Leane, L.,
Kerry, 1.F.S8 : Leap, ‘a L.F.S.
asingham, Lines, Eng.
Leask, Sask. Leatherhead, § Surrey, Eng. Leathley, Y orks, Eng. Léau, Belgium :
Leavenworth, Indiana . Leavenworth, Kansas Leba, R.., Germany Lebanon, Connecticut
Lebanon, Indiana Lebanon, Kansas Lebanon, Kentucky Lebanon, Missouri
, Eng.
ung. K Eng.
. . “
9] 144 54 153 87 L5d LO9 80 92 121 80 76 78 79 82 173 17 92 87 40) 110 85 71 83 165
168 40
= @ wt
ut ~]
— wt nw Ste Or
Se ee Tle) OE eM Se
wt wt Ut Ol
cel ~ oct LY
De Ee We Ke Ke Je Bd Jb Fg
a) Kq Ce Hd Jd
ve Ed De
Bf Nf
He Hf
No Ys Mf
Ru Df
Gd De Qn Rt
Leland, Lelie Fontein,. Cape Prov.
M iss iss l Pp l
Lelle,. Estonia
Le Locle, Switzerland
Le Maire, Argentina Léman, Lac (Geneva, L. of), ’r.-Switz. Le Mars, Jowa
Lemberg. Sask. ;
Lemberg (Lwow), Poland
Lemgo. (re rimany Lemmer, Holland
| Z2mnos, Lt (reece Lemont, /Illinois Lemoore, California Lemvig, Denmark
Lemyethna, Burma Lena, Spain
Lena Archipelago, Lenarthur, Alberta Lencoes, Brazil Lendalfoot, Ayr, Scot, Lene,
L., Westmeath, I. FS. Lengyong-hsien, China. Lenham, Kent, Eng. Lenhovda,
Leninakan, Russia Leningrad, Russia Lenk, Switzerland Lenkoran, Azerbaijan Lennop,
Montana Lennox, S. Dakota Lennoxtown, Stirling, : Lenoir, .V. Carolina Lenora,
Kansas Lenore, Manitoba Lenox, Jowa
Ya kutsk
Lens, France
Lens-sur- Dendre, Zeloium Lent, Holland
Lentiira, Finland
Leny, Pass of, Perth. Scot. Lenya, Burma
Switzerland Austria
Lenzburg, Leoben, Leobschiitz, Germany Leola, S. Dakota . Leominster, Hereford,
Leominster, Mass. Léon, France
Leon, Jowa
Leon, Mexico
Leon, .Vicaragua , Leon, W. Virginia Leon, prov., Ecuador Leon and prov., Spain
Leonardtown, Maryland Leoncita, New Mexico . Leonforte, Sicily . Leonia, /daho
Leonidion, Léopold Canal, Belgium Leopoldina, Brazil ;
Leopold II, L., Belgian Congo Leopoldville-Kinshasa, Bel. Congo . Leoti, Leova,
Lepar |., Le 7pe sl], Russia
Lepini Mts., /taly Lepontine Alps, Switz evdeid Lepreau, New Brunswick Lepsinsk,
Kazak, Norway Sweden. , Norway
Kansas fomania Sumatra
Russia L epsoy, Lerback, Lerbrikke, Lercara, Sicily
Lerdo, Mexico ; . Lere, I) Afriea Lerida, Queensland Lerida and prov., Spain Lerma,
Mexico Lerma, Spain Lerné, France Leroy, [llinois
Le Roy, Kansas Le Roy, New York Lervik, Vorway
Lerwick, Shetland I[s., Léry, France . Lesbos (Mytilene) L., Greece
Lesbury, Vorthumberland Eng. Les Escoumains, Quebec
Lesh, Albania
Lesja, Norway Lesjaskog, Norway Lesjaverk, Norway Leskovac, Yugoslavia Leskovik,
Albania Leslie, Fife, Scot.. Leslie, S. Dakota Lesmahagow, Lanark, Lesneven, France
Lesparre, Mrance Lessay, Mrance “oe Lesser Slave L., Alberta Lesseyton, Cape Prov.
Lesso, Denmark
Lester Manor, Virginia Lestock, Sask. .
Le Sueur, Minnesota
Leswalt, Wigtown, Scot. Leszno, Poland
Letaba R., Transvaal Letcher, S. Dakota Letchworth, Herts, Letea, Romania
Lethbridge, Alberta ; Letheringsett, Norfolk, Eng. . Letichev, Russia .
Leticia, Colombia
Letjesbosch, Cape Prov. Letpadan, Burma
Lettercraftroe, L., Galway, I, F. S.
G4 15d Ldad
88 10] 147 171
155 154 142
61 86
97 168 136 107
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un(. , 8) De | . | leerwe e, Ricci th eee eet =9 pa + es Germar ny . 72 Bd ties
Yor| Lidké vood, N rgh, Se ., Scot.. 13 Gf inden, . ‘y . . 52 Q sister ¢ rks, ] ae
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it. niaru . ‘ 12 ; Aec Ye Dur 4 . . oP “ as 4 St ) , ( i htenstei Prussia : il Kg
Lindesb . Transve . 155 a Lite } veden . . 08 , | Lianf Aeva n, sté . OK 48 ] erg,
S val ve Lb : 1am, : (‘'s uiryn 6p etata Calif, ate, EH ; 90 DI indesnes , Swede
157 G Litchfi No ' . pag | Lik ach, f Lie uli et Ur dah ) , snes (T en ye | ite}
rfolk, , SZ inf sre le ge and ! Jor nia rope . . "5 Hi Lind fie id. ( The N , - 138
Ld | Lit aes Co? Rng . m Dt | LI ! yllin, Vo pees Wal Aegnit: TOV. a 3 ; Lindi ‘id,
£. S Naze), N ooh De alc ifiel Connectic zs iv Ke | Jangad Montgome ea: < I 50;
1tZ,, Gre rT? : Be lgi ww? : 31 J b indi, T"" » HUSSEX ’ A Orwai , / | 2 Litct . d,
Ha nts 7 ut y 5] x. Llang: fan, Mo Nery, W . 47 Li ncheng-h esi mae . 15d Ce
Lindley inganyika 1 =e . 12 g | Lit oe [linoi. Hing 152 1 r | Lia gadock, C«
nigomery, oe ‘ Pt ale g-nsie ie <a ’ : y, Or ‘ig oe oF | itchfie 108 a 2 , 1562 Bb
ange , Car : oe ieee et hina 79 Gb oo Fife. F.S gic I in Lith ie Minsiost . i La
one W ae re Pr 2 : dd 1L70 f : 1a Gk ind s, fife Ve ‘ : - 133 | x ’ olla sota ae a
| ze ni 4 ’ eco : 8 0 Lie onghsien, (¢ ‘ rc Indoso ANY gh cot 33 F ither nd ldo
slat , Angles n, W r %2 ansh BX J : - +. ee Lit ’ ij orti ‘ s pres ae if rland . .
Lf igeler ‘es Gvesey } , ale 5 46 Lie an, M buna : : Dg 1dsay igal : . 135 ; Lit .
Lancs . . 160 Lla ? », Var? es V ales Ot Jjen-shs anchuk 115 5 Lir y, Onta bn! . rs
If gow, V ics, Hn ; e He ‘ ngelyni narthe 28 . £8 Lie an-til KUO ’ ‘ Cf 1\dsborg, K
rio . ’ - 55 2 Lithi: > 4 ew S 2 q. ‘ 78 Lla ynin, Mex on, W Os AeCNZ j ig, Ohi . .
| 15 Lit 2, Ke : . k 3 1a, } ” ees ’ Vb al 5 De ; ngenni erione ales 48 N Lie 9 4
ustri ma . ‘ Ef 1dseyv P nsas : : SS \ Lith rgvnva oo . 48 > Liar it h, GI eth, W q
aiepaja (Li i i = Line Is., arts of ; 142 Ab | Liti uania, T . 8 Pq angernie nhac
ale 46 N : t ib: “ ; ry S : t ; 4? . | Ati: ee re 7 : , Se . Lik 1e Ww rgan a N oe
ca tga ree ; . PbS “tn Linea ‘ ij acific eae Kn 154 “ a el e Abe & urope ; a eo Pir
- ; aks 7 2 Ne dlerne y "92 Ce rccaiis, Rete < I: 54 Gt ‘itin, Rus “igi 7 = a |
Bene ae , Denbigh, W "ies Pag ux, Belqi bee Ce inesville pain . ; sD NX Lititz. 88a
ie , Lian: Be; Brecc h, Wales : Nt Lier, Belgivn = Kid ing, R srt nnsylvan - 1G Mo
Litomé 3 ennsylvant | _ oe a Vleng was Montge Wales Pe Oq sis 3elgi iz G anga i. <n
an " es Mg | Li ice, ” a7 © | vnadl gomer P ae ps re sia, i ; iiss OK ‘ 1to ¥ Ha de
\f alé myo , WwW P “ ; - ryitte Tran io Hi a , "5 Crom., Scot . 150 : " &. ‘ite ine
Seheogeeatet 8 ia 51 | | a ll, Caernarvon ys: = Pt Jiestal os “ance 79 : ? Li
fagiri, Kis s., Scol Ol” os ‘bh . sing hsi vos oval Ae) Tb sJangy! om ‘digan ees ‘a
. 46 Lie al, Switz : hei Fa Aingam ps sina. M . . BB. I | Littl ien. SI cv Q? Ll =p
10g, M b £ Wale C8 Os jeurev : serland ‘ 70) Li parti , gs adras . 4 th : e Belt.
bhantut E 2 Da anidlo ontgo es . 48 Lie Cy, Fra ut ; 9 Hb iam . Madr 8 ee Ce Littl
Den ug, Ohi _ 92 Pee es, M gomert ’ Mr 4 sail nCC ° ‘ Q6 Lir pet, H: as . b ae e
Belt mark wat _— Db anilar O ontgo Y; 5! aes ’ 46 | 1s : nt, Fre . ° 3a igayer
yderat 5 ‘ , | 10 | Littl .} Mts } . 5 | ] { Lik > Yardi : mery } Sey 8 Ns jévin. F
Ince ‘ _ 80 a Lir yen and B had . ‘ a le : eboro .. Monta 4 a Df anllvfni igan | wo
Vaks 1 See Lie: » Hrane F lb igdale ., Phili lO F Littl ugh, J ana Ped |i Li yini,
Caer , Wales , Pr aezen € ° , 85 . | Ling 9 York vilip : 1C ° ebour , Lancs B 1s ‘
Be . anmad ernarv $ . 46 | iff ; A ustri . : ~” Kb ige, R cs. EB pines ; L110 | |
Littl ne, Ke ; Lng . 158 Lik “4 oc, Gi von W Os iffey, R va . 86 Lis .., Holl Wy.
+42 db ebury, EH nt. Eng. rs 8 Hb annon, C tlamor , Wale: . 46 N Liff J? . Wi ’ :
Df igeh, P and >| i Littl ag is Essex 1 nq. . 49 Lik , Var rgan W Ns afford
icklow . ‘ RG Lir ersic . oF “9 , e Color 8exX, Enc ; : Rp 4ano \ marthe ; Vales .
48 N Lift , Doner wv, etc . De igen, G { . §38 U Littl 3 yxrado R q. ae ; Lz , Vew
Mexi hen, W 3 N 4 ord RB gal, ] F 3 I. F Q : Q? Lir rer pu \ : Eure n 2 e kK alls
Fa A viet F, y u 4ano | M exicc ales . 46 Liff r., D LS i 2 De igen, H uny a 5 ae
Little F s, Minn izona ae Flake exas ) Nt jffre. Fr , Doner . . 64 Lit ere fe ‘ ¥
Ye e Falls , nnesolt Ws ylano Es ‘ . . =o pe gal, IFS. . 4 dq gga A rd, E va Rs Fd
| Littl ® New York | 159 Hi Lis istacado, 7 | ul ‘ on, De . MY ee: ae Fae, : eee |
Time- re hipe oF nq. : - * i eham York . pi Hh A anquil do, Tex : . 156 Li evon ,
F'n & “hs LgoO, 14 | Littl pton, S . Lda Lk rue, I Las } Be igne, F n, Lin 62 Fn |
Lingki en, Chi Dutel lb eport, ussex, EB 55 He censyele lt Chi » ele. . 156 E Lis
ae rance q. . 2 Fn igkiu-| ; una LE. 7 as 47 Littl Caml x, Hn _ 152 LI ystyd a hile
Ee iigniéres, F ite | Lins wien. S ndies t: Qs IvULE Ri bridge, E g- 52 Ac Janrwst,
, Cardi , . 156 Lign a 8, France ‘ yg » Fd | | ee hsi 1, Shansi, Chi 120 Ce Little
| iver, Vewf ge, Hing. . 0 rT. Llar vst, Denbi digan, W e Ce | se y» Belgiun Ct :
44 Ny ie s ien, Hona , China 11S Be Little Zock, Arh toundland ; : BI We Lla
isannan. D igh, W ale ales x 2 Bd Ay iria : 1 . : 85 : At sien CO} : iL. CO} . ] >
oe k CaAnNSa : e s zansa ’ enbi 28 . 6 Lis ooet dep . ' (SF E igshal , 4tina ina 14
B | Littl y Mt 8. ‘ 136 . Ll ntffrai igh W ' Ns aguria .» Lial . 89 Lin i-tao, coe
ee esto! s., M ’ 39 Ad Aansoy id, Ca y ales . 48 Serdar Ace He 85 Je ingsugur , BE.
Chi . Ils eee “on-Sea, ontan . 157 “pri te Mo ardigan, W 0 aguria ps, Ttal ‘ ° i9 +
Lit gur, Hr J] wna “ Ab " estoy nea, K a. Jf H . anst nmot n, W l ° 48 q Li lan
Apenni Y , Q Fb iueti yde rab 115s J Littles vn, Pe ent, E . 158 C I : ephan ith,
Ki cles 0 Jguria nnines . 90 B Luir a, © ad z de anton, C nnsyli ing. 58 CSI
Aantt , Car » 4]. . q ii vig sea Ds Tha . Bb E wund: ae Alba . L115 Lit ‘ ’ ( ol: .
ey paNnta ‘ 4 s ) p 1oOny, marth “ ( Ns iim Fjord , Italy ly. . 90 Al Ratt nas 1.
Belgian iia ' 110 Fb | Li tlaton. Ne rade ; = Xv Llantrisant oauae a Wiles 47 Q
kasi , Den “<n Ab | Linki s, Br oe, ond Ce sittlet he Ham; vs ; . 151 E Llantwi at,
GL L, Hr a. = t Lili i, Belgian ea ) Bb | ae _ ie . 94 Al | Littl nl Tipper
mipshsre . 154 sc | Ll itwit Maj ean sists We, 6 Nt 4 ng-t poe, a Oo ; : 30) inka
1S u. Chi ’ 13 Ab | - eton : rary, I i+ C# Januw p ne aa : ad _ At | aT : s1eNn a
ngo : es (oo | , I <Opi . tina : oU | | Littl frie, iG! - Vi ¥ h fh re ’ 152 ‘ |
wehll ° Yam 1s 7 Pt 4 e. B J ms hinc . . 17 _ Lit le 1g, Nop . Ib ‘ e \ : ll
irgen . As ae 2 pe Ct} ilanv yn, VU x organ ] - J 47 , Lill elgiun , 77 Ab inkuva,
Li eden / Ate 2 Littori alley, Vev va . in ze thers, | ious Val 7 Pt ‘lle, Fra .
130 E bankwwas Lithuani a Ee | oria, Italy ew Ye 9 «Fr dJlanvi ine, M veth, Wi es.
46 ‘ ; ‘ : nine 4 cw } . ’ r , , r# 1 : = 9 ) Lillebonne, NS o | perro Marylit "A
Ct peste rk , ei . 150 Ce soir Precis Psi - 48 Ps ea Pe 2) yeind feed betes , China
. ee ee aye, Moniooae , Eng. ; f i; + 4 ’ . mys) | apa F - a ‘ . ‘ Aanw ee J» 4 ; :
a Lille sina N € ; . ; Mk I*a | inn, Germ # Lothia ; : 72 OR Livar r-hsien, C] f
2 ; 9] Da I \ rwnen, C onigomer MU onmouth 47 Qt Lille “es France orwny : 82 Ka aay
Mi any n, Scot > PBI i Live a France wna F 48 Dd ies a We Wiles he 47 Qt 2 sand, N
a . 8d Jinne ssourt . bE "C Evers) W. Vi 3 H alanwr » VOTm » WALES 3 , 48 P L , Nor
i Li Inneus Di Live _ Virgini ; ° r u rt : arthe: ity . illest rom vr, way p y ?
( in Linnev F Missouri ‘ 78 { )} | aN € Oak, Fl rgenta p I Ld Be ope: W ells, roa W
ale ‘ 46 bs Lillhirdal, g orway 86 Db | Linnh« “a Pembrok ; | . 155 ot cia pte
beaters | 3 a Kb Llanymy ap Conmalae Wale ae: Ot ailliesle , Swede n 7+) oh id Fak
FSS yroke, W ; aise Kf averm 3 ve iforn fos ae) (| a Lla . yneth ¢ arthen ales . 46
Lilli sleaf, Roa l oe Kf Ann of ¢ , Invernes ’ ales . 155 | Li ore, Col neva ‘ 15:
d anyre R , Salop ae Vales 6 O allimur, Vi reburgl 72 | Linpi Juoicl s3—Ar » fl
verme veda — . 153 C Liaw ile adnor , Eng s . 46 ? Eo, Be Visors Scot. . zee
inping, # 1, Aber gyll, Seat. 165 Li ia cael ee eke y Llay, C r, Wal gf 6 N 4 Oo,
Belk : oria Ht. . 71 : Lin ah ic Ji C] berdce? . ce ey yt. > Lt ve rpo ntucky . : .
59 C Llec} Yo Chil €8 ¢ 4 8 : ‘¢ | ying Laine 1, Nee 56 ol, : z on ry Unive . 8 ae
Spain Me ; . / - 55 A ei Beh He ( H. . ao Lj 3 Ave r pool, “see $, Rng ° : ° or Ce
Llera i ( ardigan . ‘ 47 = Jllooet t : . 182 " Li eens Saved ina Je Ph iverp ews. |
eas 55 Lle ie ex1CO ’ V ales “ 17: 8 Lillv , Br. C ; : Red Ac | Ainsch vi iin. Li
pool, .V Vales . Mg erena, + "oo : cs . + ee I “~ » Pen nau olumbia . he a |
Einshsien n, Holland 1 5 . I phe pool Ri ees ge ] He Qq : ane Pe pat 8 it 4 vdal of
Man i : z RR ae | ; 2 L No ; Ps ‘oy | 4 erse M., i ew P 83 lo e . ; . ‘ 162 i ai
aaces W Vieus . ot ae sorway il Fe apa eck. } » S. Wales la ydmin : 32 Dd suongwe
Sf Virgini : - 146 Linsi o-hsier ' ~ Ie zivichans ‘orks, KR ‘ales . 143 D Llu
ister, S . Pe Lilv.. we, Nyas gina . . ee Hf insihsie 1, Cho 72 Livi ansk, Rus
ng. ; Me chma , Sask,- ‘ 8 Be rele Kentucky . oe Db a eee io 72 d I ss oi ei ; we
Me Liwehvee (Le Balearic i P . ee aulyaale aia : : — 156. @ | dur , Bucks : =: ee
7B: nest : ann : : . Bs lwy pugt s , 147 ] il : e, | icl . . Cd ithal rar VS, KR
115 | = > on VU a op y new s £ 10r) ( 2 / 0) = yval a oria - .
1380 Linti , Swil2 uly. : H¢ avingst , Monta : Q7 + Lly 2° ril, Veri ’ tla) ; i e
Lin e, Quee B30 Fe Aintien lin . His i Susu on, Te mae v7 FE yn Ogw Mervon n., Wal
9 G So : 150 senor ok : 3 7} eee enness ER Bre gwen, Pragati te Ein, R. Vue nd : Ad
Anton. C chuki . = he ee gston, 7 28SEC i Kd yn Pads , Caernar , Wabks , 6 Nt Jima,
M goslavi : . 182 Li , Cambri aad ’ Ut AVINgS -“" 158 Liv adarn, C’ arvon . , aon
te . - (‘eo antor bridge te . R ee gston . ie H , = yswe , aer $ Wa 7 7 48 — an . .
: » 185 Cs tn, Indiana ge, Hing. . re He Fivimgstone | Rhodesi 1S Bb Loa, un Brecon
Wales eg . 48 = ae Peru . . ee = dee Dakot d ; . Pry Ga Livingston Ra, ein 157 Ge
Loanda ah . ? ales es . 48 Ne dima, S . 158 ; , Eas : = avi > Ra., 7 : , a, 2 : pay
Sweden ; : 158 Ge Linton, waa K. Lothi » 155 pide — se Tanganyi ee Ef Loango aye ‘
’ ; . ot : : la Is.. (! i : , 150 / Lintr: est, Pe . wean, Ne . } if } 1f : ingstor
a . yasali yika T'e se 47 N Loang : Fe Ke u _ é 159 | ] A | ; 7 1 r If {Ne uimache
Lina . . 168 , Lint athen, ebles, Sec at, y4 Ib Livno, Y ville, Ve nd ye, 133 4 Loa
gwa, R., N al. Africa : . 13k Hf soos “bag nee ! : 7 oe a Hage Greec ngus, Scot
ee . + Ql Livny, He, igs w York 130 i J 2 Midlc Rhodesia j ee a ze 7 7" 4 S , ™ fi
55 P J? WR , = ay sO% l- et + ( e ‘ . ‘ 4 ami Cy Great, Rr ‘ » ANS . ee She FI
paints a 152 K Loans preg oven Seot.. . 130 7 iImav YPrus issu 172 J Li od, »
Shantun ; 57 Pj jvré, F zee nor Q? ig l s, Ayr, S 3 nn e Lit ady, L ' i2 Be Ainwu-|
New Jers gy, Chi _ | iin: Mrar Si tal 92 Ke obatera, » Hot : / SMe AMay ondo ae :
Li sien, C raey sia v4 Bd aivrud, V nee Y : Oe I ra, Ve : ; - l | in J»? I ran
niles > wd Gf 4AnZ, { - ( his . » < | 14 | $ ( Nor 5 ‘ os a | ‘ wbbes nezuel . .
115 1D aAmay M Ce Y; N. Ir ‘ 104 | . 4 mst rie ia ° 13f sJVIY, rway ° P G() ] Ss
Bel * ad . re e Lin 3 ahui = re. Be Anz. Pci i ? Se : . F ra i y ’ (‘eo wberi quam
4 . 54 \ sim bar: ids : Ms * . rer) . : 5] ; ws nce ; ; hm ( 2 la, A? ° : . MI | j
ara, M : L, Aryen P - 63 Hi Lion-d’ nanny ; A | | a I ¢ : vale, Ta s - 8) G Lo bite
Lryentir e . 168 ' ames i te ae Sar ii erry F Qh NN | i Anvers . - ») Be Liwond
nganytk 1 “ 72 d I : ’ ». Angol wd . m1) ( b i, Latvi dint To ions, Gulf B, te. F |
92 Db Li @, 20 at ‘ 2 Kd bonis, 8: dl ; . DWE amber atria vel am . Foy: vulf , Fra
92 D Axné Vyasal eres : a [ ais, S Yee Lin r, Lines . ; (oN) fe jon-sur of, Fr
NCE : =. ) | = aw, K = tland ‘ 86 Df sobos ’ werden : . wks H Jimbor 8, Ene . eS 5
hi ur-Mer, / PUREE : i6 Ce Ayal erry, 1.F > . 1S: [ s, Argenti ‘ : h Lin irg, Belgi
My ' M1 Bd pari Is r, Pre . 88 : = 1g, China » TPS 33 bos gentine . 130 4 4 rbo1
elgiu P ¢ 73 Li =. ii ice i Oo H Jzard Lena o « - 13 1 | 5, i d A t . ic 3e Lin rg,
a, an . se Gd apcal : aly ‘ é Qs eC Li ( and > ‘ . 3] If ,0b0s8 eC, l re 7 , 73 } -
rbu proyv., B x . 5) | : u, Ro 2 2 . . 3 Py AZV-S | t CO e - 6 ) | " de Af qua . mA
3b I = rg, (le elgir . ’ V Aperi i preanire : : Qn c : . -sur-Q “> ornw : Ss Bs bos
Atuera . yy. e 173 H Aimbur rmany sii os a P Li , Pinte Hh Jt jan, V ureq, F vall,
E , AE . I s de Ti a, Peru . A f Lin rg, pe y ' es Hb aipetzk unl : ; , nm , Vorw
{, MTANC 5 #U Mi 5 Kd bse ierra, J? . ae 4 1e1r Vv. ay : 79) Li DK, Russi : 4 : Ke
jublj: ay € ‘ 5 44 aC | ombe (! ‘ eru . : f Lin a, Braz olland a Gb Aphook ae -
99 : Lj ang : Lx i orner ; . 168 A simerick, il Se i Luipni ‘, Ha ; : 99 Ci
sjubuski , Yugos hile » > BS - | no, Swi er, Will ; ‘ 2 I i Li . H Ce Aipnik 0 nts,
Dy . 2 7 a I uSki y : slavu ‘ 86 1) woh: | , witzerl iis, In . 168 A aimerick
pmerick pon ee Li , Czech ung. 70 Ne jung: , Yugoslavi we. + a e I aber, di and
yng. e Li » CO t . F. 8. ; ; Kg st dasa P wslor eg ees ahs | ; gan, R laa . eS
achai , dist., / : . 4-8 aimerick -» Lin . 174 is Li , Poland aka 07 Fe jung! » R.,
Swe ~ = I ailort » Pnver su Lin Jur nerick, ; Bg apova, R ss : ce. : I; gly, Sw
eden . 12 ~ wchali », Inver NESS, IC , ae Amerle, 1c. a ft BS : 69 ms Li a, Aon . F
Tee Bi jjusdi : wede) - . av Cc I aline, rness. , scot. sa rd Lin Belgi uppere 9 Dr
appe LanUe . 8 x)" fa a, Swe : 93 i wchal Argyll, S » rot . 4M imerzel. F gin
ry, /. Kr F G8 Li , state : ; we [et jus! = eden ; : am ue I alsh, O / Seot “8 2,
Mj : Cl, E 8 Ds Appe and : oy day ie K ‘ : ; 7| ; O nto . . ob : Sm Bae ; . 80 Et
einier Bases Germa) 93 Df Kanaler, Werine ; ree “4 Be “ert and ae ; ; = “ amink vu
“ ; - av : stadt ” 1 Ly ° we . dan: , We . ‘ - ; re nh arb e : i — Fitaad : Pi ; 79
He Lipscomb, Germany ‘ ; nd oe sree Feira Wal . 71 (Hf — ness, Hoa R. oC. Ser t 145
i Lit ra, Pard 84 Ke sipuchi , Texas. ae ts eS aelhais rnva alt - WF aclbordal
Perth ties, Neul. 1, 56 K imoges ek. Bras; 29 GQ, Li i, Moz ih FI Jani iarn, C ; e
iboisdi 1, Se h “gti sep 1 , braz ig G ira, U yzambi nee ) all , Cae . 48 Loc
isdale, S cot. . 5b eno cone ji il. a oe : ek veant mbiqie : a Co Fee A aces: Wale
ms ; 159 Nr ’ : ~_ vA yea Viet. & : a Om amon, C orado : 16 yi lini , France
¢ : : . 56 DI Llan: on |)vff Ys Viilon ales Or Cg socneca»rre hl I. Sc al, Scot, od
Nk Li , Coste Se ; 9 Hd iri, R : ~ ks ) | arth, C yftryn © —" . 48 N Lock yn, Ross
col. . 58 G sAmours 1 Rica s - B43 | . sas Ttal P R ov) a Jlan: ; ardi . eiriog %
Wr irdont SS and ( : € Gh ] in 58, Fra . . Dd arla, N\ i y . , 132 I arthn K gan W
£; Vv al ry 48 N Lock 1ead WV rom ‘ . 56 K Amousi nce ; . lod Lis pain : . a2 63
lant ey, Car ? ales 8 ING 1earnt , Mull 1 saat Neot k Fin sin, Mt ° : if isala. . .
85 ) | vedr. I armart : : . 48 P Locheilsi read, P .-. OC0l | wee K Amousi gnes | z
.. Lis de lgi : . 5 8 alan , Denbi rthen, W r reilsid , Perth, S wie h Li Sin, ¢
sdu, Fr : 3 Fy sisbel an C wong : edr igh, W , Wales . 46 Loche e, /nver , CO . 56K
I “at es it Pers ¥ dai a Cf uring F en a a * bd Llanbedr omeath, ote pes * “ * =
Friese meee. re ' : 36 25 imple QQ nce , “ance : Q3 ] si . ast ragh : SY K sat k
1g, Or ’ Val : Nt ae igair ° , . : Lin y Stox 83° Da isbon, Ne yon) ar ,N. Ire . 13
we | | \beris, C sernarv es . ea Locl , Argyll _ 66 Wj 4am po e, Wil ; . 83 Lis ,
New f id dis Ge 30° DI wlan beri » © aer von, W q igelly gy , Scol . Lj Lin po R
ilts, Ki : 3 Dd aisbon, N tam ist, Pe ; 2 ) | eris, P narvo , Wales jr 4S oN Lochgi
y, Fife, 8 ot... _ §2 - ipsfi . “2 Moz a UI. . 83 | ‘al ? N. dD pshire yrlugal 1s
ke lant . ? ass n, Wal INT igil I} f hes Scot % - De Lit eld, S zambr ; : ; [ke
4aispon é akotc ‘ ja QR O I yister s of, W ues . *8 , Locl I 1ead Wy . of jares es
urrey,. E que, ete . ee ; Lis , Ohio ' 88 A dlanboi r, Rad ales Nr igoill , Argyll,
S . Lk Lin s, Chile Y, Ling ; i Ru sisbon . ‘ . £2 i | vwidy, C nor, W ‘ . 48 N
Lock : read, A Jy", Scot . oF Anares q- . 131 ~ List (Lishos : : 52 Ch Janbrvn ,
Car ; ales ING rindort , Argyll, S - 5 Pk Ea eal Masry ; Fy aisbon F va), P . 154
ae. orynmai earthen. Wale . 48 N Lochi rb, Moray, 3 Scol . Of anares ee tco ' : 4]
hn List alls ; ortugal ° ‘ GI Janda: 1air. M en, W al q 1inver ee oray g i lt Lk
Lir s, Spai , ; ki Wu Asburi , Mai ya . 1s | aff, G , Mont ales . 41 > Lock r, Sut
y, Scot . 66 janas, M un ; Sen i’. Lis 1, Antri ne F 50 Ct land , Glamor gomer Ps
imat herland : ' Mk | in r x te. v y sd os Bf ascani ree NT : . RR JD | daros rgan
° y, W sd 46 A Loct en, dD 3: ul, Scol ‘ 57 ainch, S , Sardini , - FEV Lis ror
and , N. Ire . 88 Ac Jandefei g, Car , Wal ales Mt ymad umfre a 7 Oh | ss ,
HSUSssex s nia - m De AsScarr | ( B ( 4 = 152 AAC I efeil rmarth es . . 46 Lock dv
W és, Ne : 59 aincheng a, Hing ; , Li oll, Cor ., Clare a2 C slandi og, C hen, W Or
aarke 2 North Ut “ol, 59 Lf 1 . q. . . De ascot } ork. | : Cs | ae é 6: Cc ilo QQ
armar ? WW ales . 47 La gar, M isl v ‘ =x i Linc} a Hopeh, Chi 5 ae : ‘fe nb, Now 5
Leh PD, Se Liandi , Car urthe spit aes. ochwi Mt., Aber , Sot. 55 Om | i pace Ch me
China ; mn Be Lidoonvamn a Scotia . . 68 A “ae as ile We = ales. ~ Nt Lochy ae
aerate Yeol . 58 Gg ; } y as iY : Y ’ ; . P ¢ iil 6s ates . , 2 J? #4 rew a - --
‘ate ee PR Bir Ss a (Libebe} te Ee ae Ds ae i i i: ‘Wal cathe “shi? R. Inverness wt
i . oF ne Linc _ Californi 7 sf Jshui-hsi ‘), Bee FS. wee} = | verv. CO broke >
ales “~ 386 0 ie ., Inver ss, Scot oe a ce oi Pierce nia 3 15 Be Lisie rete . n.
Seg uanaland . = i Llandowror, ; WEES Wales eh eS 2 hs cr Caletorat yea : os “> 4 4
coln A 18 . * 73 i k ra ‘ 4 and z re ‘a . hen W 8 <er i : ; orn . m . ‘ M) 2 1
Lir ? Ka > ¥ . Gf skear l, we r . 131 | | rillo / rmarth ? ale “ ~ 46 \ Lo k e, Du
2 ta r = 56 4 i Ancoln : ASAs ° _ 159 Pa d. Co . ° ¢ Df Jandri . Denbi hen. W 8 Mt
ekeshi mfrie <A F v0 L) ’ Lin _ Lines = Cf JIsle. S rnwall, aS Ll rilto, J igh W 4
ales . 46 Lock Irg, Ar s, Scol . 159 : sincoln 8, En 155 I'Is , Switze En: 5 Ed
alandri » Merc » Wales ‘ Ot hart, rkans a 9 Cf i} | in ’ Mai q. Sh Le slet ( '
rland J : RQ? ] | rindod yneth , - * Z 46 Loe “kk Tex sas . , 5d P sincoln, Mi a
154 _ Lis » Quebec F 2 Db Jandud d Well , Wales 2. ie Mt hart (G as . . st m :
Lincol , Michige Ff ismore \' ; . . 44N Li: dno. C s, Rad 8 8 O Lock (Greer -
{876 ; ? : ; gan 50 U Lis , \ew 8S : Nw andvbi » Laer dnor s . q Ha isG = 1C 4 I =
n, N eb : L rs smore S. W . gO | | ~ ye C narve . a ( i 48 : Locki ven P unyal I; 6
aincoln, N raska . 143 my Lis , Quee ales Be taal arn on, W wes = Pr cing, S »
Penns 1) N N.S] 56 FE Lir , New ‘ = Ke Jismore, W ensla . 143 LI yssul, C varthe
ales is ag Lock g, Somer ylvani V. 183 a 4 1coln N Mexi . 155 | - . Vu at nd - , Jd
4 ancll 9 Cardi 7, W Ps ( Kpo P erset EB ia ’ . Db : , Ne -LUCO 5 Oc asmor uterford
: . 18] I tyd adegar ales . 48 l rt, Ve y Mg . 151 E qj Lincoln I ew Zeal . . 154 ‘
Lis re, fr { (, tot. 2 : " Nd wlanell SS: Meri t, Wal : Og zemari ew York a : K b )
i! sand C and " = (re aisnacree ies rgyll Sr si%s > 185 ‘ Lk y; Car oneth J » ES .
46 N Loer 1a, Frar = . e 47 ( ; , Canade : : . 156 B Lisns . Down » Cot, ' par Dj
anerchy marth , Wales i Nt I narla we ju i 1 sd z ask = n, \ 69 . ] ls l1vme Len f
8 6 AT Pere zs quer a , 142 2 ‘ . Lisr ea, Fer N. Jre . = K's
silanes ~ 1edd. 4 ; Wa : Ns eminé. F , Fr : - lof : 1 De isryan ] ermanc e. . 56
“s LI s, Spar , Anglese les . 48 ¢ Lacre 1é, France ance . ie . 140 Mi Liss. F ,
Longford igh, N. I ge Kk anfaelo n sey, Wal he yr re, Belqi ce. ; De Ma | Lien
Jants, En d, LPS. re a Jo Lianfac 4 Anglese ; ules Pr Nt peed shi _ gt Ce SSC »
fang o's . ;* ae , ser r ‘ ; 4 . ’ ; a. ’ Holland (J. - ‘ ne Go pss pe ’ A lanes
Wales : 88 Ng | ro Norfolk ‘ es De ‘ j j ; ) ‘ Janfai aerel ig 24, ? : ‘ vdeve ro
79 : aoe Gp | unfairfec einion Wales . 48 Us | éve, Fr lk, Eng ; Bb s 0 Ur anf: fs
echan O ’ Mont Nq wodge p ance {j. : 84 Ae "48 Cd ; sansitie sen gg .. Wales . 48 M
Lodhi ala Mebes = Cd | Lianfibangel Aber De fom Wal ge. 2g = “rete a Src : 7 83 4 4
anfih: 5 Aber Ai yee h . Les . r 4 iran ’ entre . . : a de AG angel Fleden a ,
Wales 48 Og Lodi, C : Punjab wl Provs _ 154 De rod, C recon 48 Ox Lodi aliforni .
10 ® ard fs . 46 Oq I rdi, Ttal ma. . ; 8 De .» Wales ae Os wodi, Oho : 7 . 106 (‘e
6 Os Lodi bad ; ° 2 . 159 ( 5 Lo ] Wiscon e., & M e 90 dosa, Ss sun : ‘ i . Bb
pain, : . er (Cb lie = lal . 89 Da
General Index
Lodwar, Kenya .
Lédz and co., Poland Loen and Vand, Norway Loerie, Cape Prov. Loeries Fontein, Cape
Pror. Loeuilly, France .
Lofer, Austria
Lofoten Is., Norway Loftahammar, Sweden . Lofthouse, Yorks, Eng. Loftus, Yorks,
Eng. Logan, Jowa
Logan, Kansas
Logan, Montana . Logan, Ohvo
Logan, Utah
Logan, W. Virginia Logan, Mt., Quebec Logan Mt., Yukon Logan Creek, Queensland
Logand, Nevada .
Logan Downs, Queensland Logansport, Indiana Logansport, Louisiana Ligde Alv, Sweden
Loges, les, France | Loggerheads, Staffs, ng.
Logie Easter, Ross and Crom., Scot.
Logierait, Perth, Scot.
Logrofio and prov., Spain Logrosan, Spatn .
Légstér, Denmark Logumkloster, Denmark Lohardaga, Bihar and Orissa Loharu, Punjab
States . Lohawat, Jodhpur, Rajputana Loheac, France . 5 Loheia, Arabia
Lo-ho, China ; : Lohtaja, Finland , Loibl Pass, Yugoslav.—A ustric Loikaw, Karenni,
Burma Loing, R., France Loir R., France : Loire R. and dep., France Loire-
Inférieure, France Loiret, dep., France Loir-et-Cher, dep., France Loiron, France .
Léiten, Norway . Loja, Ecuador . Loja, Spain ‘ . Lokandu, Belgian Congo Lokchong-
hsien, China Liken, Norway Lokeren, Belgium Lokhvitsa, Russia Liékken, Denmark ;
Lékken, Norway . Loko, Fr. Equa'. Loko, Nigeria Lokoja, Nigeria . Loktak, L.,
Lolo, Cameroons .
Lom, Bulgaria . Lom, Norway. : Lomami, R., Belgian Congo Lomas, Argentina
Lomax, Illinois
Lombard, Montana Lombardia, region, Italy Lombartzyde, Belgium Lombez, France .
Lombok, I., Dutch EF. Indies Lome, T'ogo Lomela, Belgian
Lomie, Cameroons ; Lommel, Belgium : Lommen, Norway
Lomond, Alberta . ; Lomond Hills, Fife, Scot.
Lomond, L., Dunbarton—Stir., Scot.
Lomov, .Russia ‘ ‘ Lompoc, California : Loms Horungen (mt.), Vorway hLomza, Poland
Lonaconing, Maryland Lonar, Berar, India . Lonavla, Bombay Londa, Bombay
Londerzeel, Belgium Londiniéres, France London, England London, Kentucky London,
Ohio London, Ontario London Colney, Herts,
Londonderry, Londonderry, N. Ire.
Londonderry C., W. Australia Londonderry, co., NV. Ire. Londonderry Is., Chile
Lonely L., Arctic Ocean Lonepine, California Long B., 8. Carolina Long I., Hudson
Bay Long I., Newfoundland Long I., Newfoundland Long I., Queensiand Long L., West
Long, L., Argyll-Dunbarton, Scot. ;
Long L., Ontario . : Long Mt., Montgomery—Salop Long Pt., Newfoundland Long Ra.,
Newfoundland Long Beach, California
Long Branch, New Jersey. Longbridge Deverill, Wilis, Eng. Longchamps, Belgium
Longdale, Virginia
Longdon, Staffs, Eng. . Longdon, Worcs, Eng. . Longeddy, New York . , Longfleet,
Poole, Dorset, Eng. Longford, Offaly, I.F.S.
— WwW to -1 +I Nn~I Orc es
> IS
ian) Ww Gi
7 © Qt ot I Tbe Ge bot wmoynhkasanwoass
Gr st 1 Gh - wr
— _—
He Cd
Ka 2 r Ng Oj Da Ce Bb Ac Gd Ba Ab Ke Df Ab Kd De He Eb Ce Ed Ce
Gn Ha Gn
Bf Ha Kg Ed Ne Bd Ce De Ke
Pr Ac Ac Dj (tb Ru
Dd Sr Rs Fb
Pe |
i |
Luib Hotel, Perth, Scot. : Luichart, L., Ross and Crom., Scot. Luiksgestel, Holland
Luing L., Argyll, Scot.
Lujan, Argentina Lukfung-hsien, #. China Lukhsume, Mongolia ; Lukiang-hsien,
Anwhei, China Luki-hsien, China
Lukikow, China
Lukow, Poland
Lukoyanov, Russia Luksefjell, Norway
Lula, Mississippi
Lulea, Sweden
Luleburgaz, T'urkey
Luling, 7'exas ; Luluaburg, Belgian Congo Lulworth Cove, Dorset, Eng. Lulworth,
East & West, Dorset, Lumberport, W. Virginia Lumberton, Mississippi Lumberton, New
Mexico Lumberton, NV. Carolina Lumbira, Tanganyika Terr. Lumbo, Mozambique
Lumbovsk, I. and B., Lumbres, France Lumby, Br. Columbia Lumding, Assam Lummen,
Belgium Lumphanan, Aberdeen, Lumpkin, Georgia Lumsden, Aberdeen, Scot. Lumsden, New
Lumsden, Sask.
Lunan B., Angus, Scot. Lunawada, Bombay
Lund, Sweden
Lund, Utah
Lunda, dist., Angola
Lundanas, Norway
Lunde, Norway
Lundenes, Norway
Lunder, Norway
Lund Vand, Norway
Lundy I., Devon, Eng. .
Lune, R., Lancs, etc., Eng. Lineburg, Germany
Liineburger Heide, Germany Lunel, France ;
Liinen, Germany . Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Lunenburg, Virginia
Luneray, France . ; ; ; Lunéville, France : : Lungchiian-hsien, Chekiang, China
Lungchian-hsien, China Lungchii-shien, China . , ‘ Lungkow, Shantung, China .
Lungmen-hsien, Hopeh, China
Scot :
or =! rSsIiWwwwan cf OW POD SO
ne ~) +) «73 ~2 +1
I-16 bo hobo Ww tN
83 76 143 151 85 82 115 115 115 Ll4 L14
Be De Bb Cd
3d Db Hd Dd
Dd Gd
If De Gg
Cb Ba Gd Mi Gd He Ec Ge Jh Mk Mg Df Kk Hf Ch Da Dd Df Be Ff Gd Fe Je Kd Ce
Gf Cd
La Gb Ke Cf if ‘2 if Bd
7iaee= ~ wimeeeT bP nal &
Lungmoon-hsien, China Lungnan-hsien, China . Lungyang-hsien, China Lungyenchow,
China ' Lungyu-hsien, Chekiang, China. Luni and R., Jodhpur, Rajputana . Luniniec,
Poland . ; , ' Lunkaransar, Bikaner, Rajputana .
Bikane £
Norway .
Lunkha, tajpulana Lunner, Luozi, Belgian Congo Lupton, Westmorland, Eng. Luque,
Paraguay Luraville, Florida
Luray, Virginia , Lure, Mtgne de, Mrance Lurgain L., Ross and Crom., Lurgan,
Armagh, N. fre. Lurio and B., Mozambique Luristan, prov., Luréy, Norway Lurs,
france Lusa R., Russia Lusaka, NV. Rhodesia
Lusambo, Belgian Congo
Scot. .
Lusancay Is., Papua Luscar, Alberta Lushai Hills, Assam
Lushan-hsien, Honan, China. Lushoto, Tanganyika Terr. Lusikisiki, Cape Prov.
Lusk, Dublin, 1.F.S.
Lusk, Wyoming Luss, Dunbarton, Lussan, France Lussin, L., Italy Lustin, Belgium
Lut, desert, Persia Lutai, Hopeh, China Lutfabad, J'urkmen, Luther, Michigan
Luther, Oklahoma Lutherville, Maryland . Luton, Beds, Eng.
Lutry, Switzerland Lutterworth, Leics, Hng. Lutton, West, Yorks, Kng. Luttre,
Liitzen, Germany Luumaki, Finland Luverne, Alabama Luverne, Minnesota Luvia,
Finland , Luxembourg, Luxembourg Luxembourg, prov., Luxembourg, Grand-duchy,
Luxeuil, France
Luxor, Br. Luxor, Egypt
Luynes, France
Luzanger, France ; a Luzern and eanton, Switzerland Luzern, L. of, Switzerland
Luzon, L., Philippines .
Luzy, France
Lwanchow, China
Lwan-ho, China
Lwanping, Jehol .
Lwoéw, co., Poland
Lwéw (Lemberg), Poland Lyakhov Is., Yakutsk Lyallpur, Punjab
Lyare, Norway
Lybster, Caithness, Scot.
Lyck, E. Prussia
Lycksele, Sweden
Lydd, Kent, Eng.
Lydda, Palestine .
Lydenburg, T'ransvaal . Lydford, Devon, Eng.
L ydne y, Glos., Eng.
Lydoch, L., Argyll Perth, Scot. Lye, Worcs, Eng.
Lyell, New Zealand
Lyell Mt., California Lyeskovets, Bulgaria
Lyford, T'exas
Lykens, Pennsylvania
Lyme, New Hampshire Lyme B., Devon—Dorset, Eng. Lyme Regis, Dorset, Eng. Lyminge,
Kent, Eng. Lymington, Hants, Kng. Lymm, Cheshire, Eng. . Lympne, Kent, ng.
Lynchburg, Ohio
Lynchburg, Virginia
Lynd, The, Queensland Lynden, Washington
Lyndhurst, Hants, Kng. Lyndhurst, Queensland Lyndhurst, S. Australia
Belgium Kurop
Lyndon, Alberta
Lyndon, ooo :
Lyne, R., Cumberland, Ei ng. Lyneham, Wilts, Eng. Lyngdals, Norway
Lyngen Fjord, Norway Lynge Vand, Norway Lyngér, Norway . ; Lynmouth, Devon, Eng.
Lynn, Massachusetts Lynton, Devon, Eng. Lynton, W. Australia Lyon, Montana
Lyon, L., Perth, Scot. Lyon, R., Perth, Scot. Lyonnais, Mts. du, France Lyonnais,
old proy., lrance Lyons, Colorado
Lyons, France
Lyons, Georgia
Lyons, Kansas
Lyons, Vebraska .
ipa 3)
114 Li4
101 LOG
nm.) l-
59 40 70 4] 103 134 44 47 56 47 19] 159 Q5 156 L151 Ld:
wl Io
45 4] 40 49 4] 150 15] I8d L158 40) 18d L8O 147
L187 158 56 56 83 8:3 154 83
— PITA i A Ch Lyons, New York Cg | Lyonshall, Hereford, Rn ng. Ae Lys, R., Belgium
Dg Lyse Fjord, Norway ie Lysekam (mt.), Vorway Ab | Lysekil, Sweden Hf Lysekloster,
Norway Aa Lyss, Switzerland Aa Lyster, Quebec ; Gd Lytchett Minster, Dorset, ing.
Bd Lytham, Lancs, Eng. . Qo Lyttelton, New Zealand Ja Lytton, Br. Columbia Ce
Lytton, Queensland De Maam Bridge, Galway, /. FS. id Maam Cross, Galway, I. FS. .
Lf Maamturk Mts., Galway, I.F.N. Jo Ma‘an, 7'ravis- Jordan He Maansiterklet (mt.),
Vorway Kx Maaren, Norway . a Maarr, Holland ; Kx Ma‘arrat-en-Nu‘man, Syria He
Maartensdijk, Holland . lif Maar Vand and Elv, Norway De Maas, Donegal, I. F.S. Kc
Maas, R., Holland Le Maasbree, Holland Gd Maasland, Holland Be Maassluis, Holland
ef Maastricht, Holland Nd Mabama, Tanganyika Terr. Jp Maberry L., Ayr—Wigtown,
Scot. Cd | Mablethorpe, Lines, Eng. Mk | Mabou. Nova Scotia ' Bb Mabruk, Ir. West
Africa Kb | Mabton, Washington ike Macabi [., a ; Ge | M‘Adam, New Brunswick Cr
Macahé, Brazil Ke M‘Alester, Oklahoma Ne Macalister, Cuee nsland . Fe | Macao I.
(Port.), China Kc Macapa, Brazil Vt Macara, Heuador . Cd | Macarapan, R., Brit.
Giana Ts | M‘Arthur, Ohio Uo | Macarthur, Victoria Kb | Macarthy, Queensland fc |
Macas, Heuador Mf Macassar, Celebes I. i ; Le Macassar, Strait of, Dutch H. Indies
Gd Macau, Brazil Jf Macbey, Ontario . Hd | M‘Brayer, Kentucky Gd M‘Bride, Br.
Columbia Jd M‘Call, Jdaho Ge | M‘Cammon, /daho Lf Macclenny, Florida Cd
Macclesfield, Cheshire, Eng. Lif M‘Clintock Chan., Canada Ke M‘Cluer (Berau) Gulf,
Du, New Guin. Kb | M‘Clure Str., Canada Ib M‘Clusky, NV. Dakota la M‘Comb,
Mississippi Ke M‘Connellsburg, Pennsylvania De | M‘Connelsville, Ohio De | M‘Cook,
Nebraska Cd M‘Cool, M ississippt Ih M‘Cormick, S. Carolina Gh M‘Cracken, Kansas Oa
M‘Creary, Manitoba Ch M‘Culloch, Br. Columbia Bd M‘Dame, Br. Columbia Pf M‘Dermitt,
Vevada Kb M‘Donald, Pennsylvania Hd M‘Donald Hills, Sask. Xv | Macdonnell,
Queensland Ae Macdonnell Ra., NV. Terr., Australia Gd M‘Dowell, Kentucky Nv
Macduff, Banff, Scot. (Jt Macedonia, dist., Greece Mj Maceié, Brazil Ris Macerata,
ed Dd Macetown, Vew skal Dy Macfarlane, W.V irginid Ba Macfarlane, IL., ::
Australia . Ky M‘Gillivray Is., V.-W. Terr, Kb Macgillye suddy’ S Rocks, Kerry,
1.F. 8. ec M‘Gregor, Cape Prov. Ov M‘Gregor, Jowa Qv Macgregor, \Vewf oundland Yu
M‘Gregor, Texas . Sv Machado Dorp, Transvaal iq Machakos, Kenya Yu Machala, Heuador
xe Machecoul, /'rance : Dad Machen, Monmouth, Eng. Ky Macheng-hsien, China Ba
Macheri, Alwar, Rajputana Sv Macherla, Madras Kg Machers, The, Wigtown, Scot. Ke
Machgaon, Bihar and Orissa Nf Macbhlishahr, (United Provs, Hf Machias, Maine, Qm
Machilpur, Karauli, Rajputana St Machiya, Japan Cf Machland, Austria Jb
Machrihanish, Argyll, Scot. Ce Machynlleth, Montgomery, Wales If Maci, Vorway Ou
Macin, Romania : Ce Macina, Fr. West Africa Ou M‘Intosh, 8S. Dakota 13) Mackamp,
Maine He Mackay, Alberta Mj Mackay, [daho Nj Mackay, Queensland. I'd Mackay L., V.-
W. Terr. Kd M‘Kee, Kentucky Ce M‘Keesport, Pe nnsylvan ea id M‘Kenny, Virginia ('d
M‘Kenzie, Tennessee If Mackenzie, prov., Canada Cre Mackenzie B., Canada ,
~I to
mB OO 1-3-1 -1-1 + > iwoW—WW
I85 115 169 1G8 169 150 182 L85 168 121 121 171 145 150 146 158 L58 1538 49) 140
L189 140 L154 L57 L5] L150 154 157 153 154 144 146 146 158 L150 147 184 178 L50 ‘7
4 171 (4) 19] 150 180 140 OS 136 155 139) 156 134 132 168 he pe 47 115 108 110 DA
Log Lag 143 LOS 117
Bd Db Jd Rv Qp
(‘b (re Db Km Q)r Kb De Df Jc Db Oc Gd Gh Cid Ad Db Kd Kb ed
2 2c
Mackenzie R., V.-W. Terr. Mackenzie R., Queensland
Mafeteng, 135 Dh Mafia I.,. Tanganyika Terr. 133 Fg Mafra, Portugal ‘ 88 Ac Magad
(Natron L.), 4 Tanganyika 132 Re Magadi and L., Kenya . 132 Ra Magallanes (Punta
Arenas), Chile . 175 BE Magallanes, Terr. de, Chile . 175 BE Magama, Ceylon . lll
Eh Magangue, Colombia 168 Bb Maganik, Mt., Yugoslavia 93 Fe Magdala, Nicaragua ,
163 Fe Magdalen Is., Quebec , 143 Nd Magdalena, Argentina 175 ae Magdalena, Bolivia
169 Ef Magdalena, Mexico 160 Ba Magdalena, New Mexico 159 Kh Magdalena, dep.,
Colombia 168 Cb Magdalena I., Chile 175 Bd Magdalena, R., Colombia 168 Cb
Magdeburg, Germany 74 Db Magee, I., Antrim, N. Ire. 63 Kn Magellan, Strait of,
Argentina 175 Cf Mageréy, Norway 70 La Maggiore, L., Italy 0) Ba Maghar, United
Proves. . ; . 109 Fb Magharee Is. (Seven Hogs), J.F.S. 68 As Maghera, Londonderry,
N. Ire. . 63 Hn Magherafelt, Londonderry, N. Ire.. 63 Hn Magheralin, Down, N. Ire.
63 Jo Maghery, Armagh, N. Ire. 63 Hn Maghull, Lancs, Eng. 49 Qp Maghzen, Morocco
126 Be Magina, Sierra, Spain 88 Dd Magiscatzin, Mexico 162 Dd Maglaj, Yugoslavia 93
Fd Maglic, Mt., Yugoslavia 93 Fe Mazglie, Italy , . 91 Ga Magnetic L., Queensland
185 Fg Magnisa, Turkey 104 Ab Magnitogorsk, SES 97 Ke Magnolia, Alabama 157 Ld
Magnolia, Arkansas 157 Hd Magnolia, Mississippi . 157 Je Magnolia, .V. Carolina .
153 Ee Magny, France 86 Be Magog, Quebec 143 He Magor, Monmouth, Eng. 47 Qt Magori,
Bombay . 108 Ad Magrath, Alberta . 147 Ng Maguelone, France 87 Ad Maguires Br,
Fermanagh, N. Ire. 62 Go Magwe, Burma 107 Hd Mahabaleshwar, Bombay . 110 Ac
Mahabalipur(Seven Pagodas), Madras \\\ Ee Mahaban, United Provs. . 108 Cb Mahabo,
Madagascar 131 Jf Mahad, Bombay . ‘ . 110 Ab Mahadeo Hills, Central Provs. . 108 Dd
Mahadeopur, Hyderabad . 110 Eb Mahaftey, Pennsylvania . 151 Db Mahagaon,
Hyderabad . 110 Ce Mahaica, Brit. Guiana . 169 Fb Mahajan, Bikaner, Rajputana 108
Aa Maham, Punjab 108 Ca Mahanadi (R.), Bihar and Orissa . 109 He Mahanadi R.,
Central Provs. 109 Ke Mahanoro, Madagascar . LL Jf Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. 151
Eb Maha Oya, Ceylon 111 Eh Maharajganj, Bihar and Orissa 109 Gb Maharajganj, United
Provs. 109 Fb Maharani, Malaya 119 CE Mahares, Tunisia ; . 124 Gb Mahasamund,
Central Prove. . 109 Fe Mahaweli Ganga (R.), Ceylon lll Kg Mahbubabad, Hyderabad
110 De Mahbubnagar, Hyderabad 110 Ce Mahé (French), Madras lll Bf Mahendragiri
(Mt.), Madras . 109 Gf Mahenge, T'anganyika Terr. 133. Kh Maheno, New Zealand . iol
Cf Maheshwar, /ndore, C.J. 108 Bd Mahia Penin., New Zealand 190 Ge. Mahi Kantha,
Bombay 108 Ad Mahmudabad, United Provs. 109 Eb Mahmudia, Romania 95 De Mahnomen,
Minnesota 154 Gb Mahoba, United Provs. 108 De Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia . 143 Me
Mahoningtown, Pennsylvania 150 Cb M: thoonagh, Limerick, IFS. 68 Cs Mahroni, United
Provs. 108 De. Mahur, Hyderabad 110 Db Mahuva, Kathiawar, W.1. 106 Cd Maibara,
Japan 117 Ef Maidan, Afghanistan 106 Bb Maiden Bradley, Welts, Eng. 47 Ru
Maidenhead, Berks, Eng. 40 Ut Maiden Newton, Dorset, ee 45 Qv Maidens, Ayr, Scot.
54 Mm Maidens, The, Lt. Ho. _ Antrim, md ine: 63 Kn Maidstone, Kent, Eng. . . 41 Xu
Maiduguri, Vigeria 125 Gf Maienfeld, Switzerland . 81 Jb Maigne lay, France 86 Cd
Maigue R., Limerick, 1. FS. 68 Dr Maihar, state and tn., C.J. 109 Ke Maikal Range,
Central Provs. 109 Kd Maikop, Russia i 97 Gg Mailleraye-sur-Seine, Fi rance 85 Lb
Maimaikai (enghwasien), M’ chukuo 114 Ge Main R., A nirim, N. Ire. 63 Jn Main R.,
Germany 74 Cd Maine, old prov., France 82 Cb Maine, state, U.S.A. 149 Nb Maine,
Gulf of, Maine . 143 Kf Maine, R., Kerry, I.F.S. 68 Bs Maine-et-Loire, dep., France
82 Ce Maing Kaing, Burma 107 Hd Maingkwan, Burma . , . 107 He Mainland, Shetland
Is., Scot. . 6a Mainland (Pomona), Ork. Is., Scot. 61 Pe Mainlongyi, Siam 119 Be
Mainpat, Surgujor, OC ‘entral Provs. . 109 Fd
or? oe yo isi ot sip? ih ups yi (yi ws \ys (st ps Vis
iif 11
. 107
Fb | Mandalgarh, Udaipur, Rajputana . 108 Ka Mandan, N. Dakota 154 Dn Mandapam,
Madras Li] Bb Mandara Mts., Cameroons . 125 Ib | Mandargiri Hill, Bihar and Orissa
109 Ib | Mandarin, Florida 153 Ce Mandasa, Madras . 109 Ac Mandasor, Gwalior,
Central Fuilin . 108 Ce Mandawa. Jaipur, Rajputana 108 Ce Mandawar, Alwar,
Rajputana 108 Kh Mandeville, Louisiana 157 Bp Mandhata, Central Provs. 108 Be |
Mandi, Punjab States . 106 De Mandihi I., Brazil . 169 De Manding, Fr. West Africa
125 Wu Mandla, Central Provs. 108 Cx Mandor, Jodhpur, Rajputana 108 Ge Mandrael,
Karauli, Rajputana 108 Ds Manduel, France : 87 Or | Manduria, /taly . 9] 3d Mandvi,
Cutch, W./. States . 106 Je | Mandya, Mysore Li] Je Maner, Bihar and Orissa 109 Bf
| Maner R., Hyderabad . 110 Rt | Manfalat, Hgypt 127 Gg Manfred, Arkansas ; 157 Kj
Manfredonia, Gulf of, Jialy . 91 Kj Manfuha, Arabia ; 104 Ce Manga, Brazil : 174 Jd
Manga, Fr. Equat. Africa 128 Nd | Mangahpett, Hyderabad 110 Fb Mangalagiri, Madras
110 Fe Mangaldai, Assam 107 ‘ec | Mangalia, Romania 95 Fb Mangalore, Madras 11] Ab
Mangalore, Queensland 185 Kd Mangalore, Victoria . 182 Gg Mangaon, Bombay : ._ 110
Be Mangapai, New Zealand 190 fd | Mangaweka, New Zealand 190 Qq | Mangawhai, New
Zealand 190 Bd Manger, Norway . 72 Bb | Mangerton Mt., Kerry, 1.F NS. 68 Hb Manglar
Alto, Render 168 Be Mangoli, Bombay : ; 110 Ka | Mangolvedha, Jath, Bombay 110 Ce
Mangonui, New Zealand 190 Fk | Mangrol, Kotah, Rajputana . 108 Ga Mangrul, Berar,
India 108 Tq | Mangrul, Pir, Berar, India 108 De | Mangualde, Portugal 88 Uo
Mangueira, L. da, Brazil 173 Uo | Mangum, Oklahoma 156 Ef | Mangwi, S. Rhodesia 131
Ac | Manhattan, Kansas 154 He | Manhay, Belgium 79 Cb | Manheim, Pennsylvania 15]
Fe | Manhuassu, Brazil : 174 2s | Mania, Dholpur, Rajputana . 108 2s°| Manicore,
Brazil 169 %s | Manihari, Bihar and Orissa . 109 Ga | Manihiki Is., Pactfic Oc. 177
Jd | Manikgarh (Rajura), Hyderabad 110 Hb | Manikpur, Bengal 107 To | Manikpur,
Central India LO9 Cf | Manila and B., Philippines . 12] is Manipur, state, Assam
107 Jd | Man, Isle of, England . 48 Db | Manistee, Michigan 155 Fg | Manistique,
Michigan . 155 Eg | Manitoba L., Manitoba 144 Le | Manitoba, prov., Canada 140 Eb |
Manitou, Manitoba 144 Hj Manitou Is., Michigan 155 Bb Manitoulin I., Ontario 142 Be
Manitowoc, Wisconsin 155 Gm Maniwaki, Quebec 142 Dd | Maniyachi, Madras 11] Cd
Manizales, Colombia 168 Lh | Manjarabad, Mysore 11] Ee | Manjeri, Madras 11] Be
Manjhi, Bihar and Orissa 109 Mo Manjra R., Hyderabad 110 ge Manjulik, T'urkey ; .
104 Ge Mankarnacha Mt., Bonai, B. and O. 109 Ad Mankato, Kansas 154 Ed Mankato,
Minnesota 155 Ed Mankheri, Bihar and Orissa 109 Ge | Mankur, Bengal . 109 Eb |
Manly, New S. Wales . 183 De | Manmad, Bombay 108 Ec Manmelgudi, Madras . : 11] Fe
Mannar, G. of, Jndia—Ceylon 111 Dg | Mannargudi, Madras . 11) Bf Mannboro, Virginia
151] Jg | Mannheim, Germany 74 Fd Mannin B., Galway, J. P. S. 66 Af | Mannin L.,
Mayo, I.F.S. 66 Ke Manning, NV. Dakota 154 Ge Manning, S. Carolina . 153 Fb |
Manning, /owa 155 Bg Mannington, W. Virginia 150 Ee Manningtree, Hssex, Hing. 4]
Fad Mannu, R., Sardinia 91 Hd Manoel Cardoso, Brazil 169 Ne Manoharpur, Jaipur,
Rajputana 108 Ab | Manohar Thana, Kotah, Rajputana 108 Dd Manokwari, Du. New Guinea
189 Cb Manolas, Greece ; 94 Bd Manoora, S. Australia ; 180 Kad Manorbier, Pembroke,
Wales . 46 Bd Manor Hamilton, Leitrim, J.F.S.. 62 Rp Manosque, France 83 Ce Manpur,
Central India 108 Be | Manresa, Spain 89 Le | Manwat, Hyderabad 110 Be Mans, le,
France 82 Pd Mansavillagra, Uruguay 173 Ce Mansel I., V.-W. Terr. 14] Jg |
Mansfield, Louisiana 157 Je Mansfield, Mass. 152 Dj | Mansfield, Vebraska 154 Df |
Mansfield, Vottingham, Eng. 50
Hd Be Eb Dg
| x
He De Gf Be Ba Ch Je Cd Db Ed Cf Ed A b Cb Be Fd Bd Ce Ge Db Be He Fd Ee Cd Bd Eb
Ee Ge Dd Be Fl Ce Ab Ka Ee Eb Ad Bt Ad Be Be Da Ce
Ce Bb Le Ec Kg Gt He Eb Ef Db Ke He Mh Db Gd
IF ‘b Gd Mo Mec Mb De Ke Df Me Ce Me Fd Ce Bb Be
Cb |
If He Gd Hd Fa Be Df Dg Df Ed Cd Aq Dp Db Dd He
Yt Be Fe Bb Ce Ab Be Ff Mt Ko
Bd Fb
Db Ke Nd Hd Ce Dd Tq
MAR Mansfield, Ohio 150 Bb Mansfield, Pennsylvania 151 Eb Mansfield, Victoria 182
De Mansfield Mt., Vermont 152 Bb Manshah, El-, Egypt 27 Be Mansi, Burma 107 Hd
Manson, /owa ‘ 155 Hd Manston, Dorset, Eng. . 45 Rv Mansura, Egypt 27 Ba Mansursk,
E£. Siberia 10l Ke Manta, Ecuador 168 Ad Mantai, Ceylon lll Eg Mantes, France 82 Db
Manthani, Hyderabad 110 Db Manthelan, France 85 Lf Manti, Utah 159 Hf Mantou-shan,
China 114 Ae Mantova (Mantua), /taly 90 Cb Mantua, Ohio : 150 Cb Mantua (Mantova),
Italy 90 Cb Mantudi, Greece ; 94 Ce Mantyharju, Finland 71 Mf Mantyluoto, Finland
73° Eb Manulla, Mayo, I.F.S. . 66 Cp Manvi, Hyderabad 110 Cd Many, Louisiana . 157
He Manych, R., Russia 097 Gf Manyoni, T'anganyika Terr. 133 Df Many Peaks,
Queensland i85 Hk Manzanares, Spain 88 De Manzanillo, Cuba. 164 Ed Manzanillo,
Mexico 162 Af Manzanola, Colorado 154 Df Mao, Fr. Equat. Africa. 128 Be Mapa,
Brazil ‘ 169 Ge Mapimi, Mexico 162 Ac Maple Creek, Sask. 147 Pg Mapleton, Jowa 154
Hd Mapleton, Minnesota 155 Jd Mapleton, V. Dakota 154 Gb Mapleton, Pennsylvania 151
Db Mappleton, Yorks, Eng. 51 Vp Mapua, Brazil 169 Gd Mapuga, Goa, India 110 Ad
Mapumulo, Natal 135 Hh Magatin, Arabia . 104 Eg Magna, Arabia 104 Cd Maquenoise,
Belgium 79 Ed Maquoketa, Jowa 155 Kd Mara, Br. Columbia 146 Kf Maraba, Brazil 169
He Marabahan, Borneo . 12h “Be Marabastad, 7'ransvaal. 134 Fb Maraca, Ilha,
Brazil : 169 Ge Maracaibo, and G. de, Venezuela 168 Ca Maracaibo, Gran Lago de;
Venezuela 168 Cb Maracay, Venezuela 168 Da Maragheh, Persia 104 Eb Maragogipe,
Brazil 171 He Marais-Vernier, France. 85 Kb Marajé, Ilha de, Brazil. 169 Hd Marak,
Norway : : 72 Db Maramuresh, div., Romania . 93 He Marand, Persia 104 Eb
Marandellas, S. Bisicaii 13] Ff Marang Buru, Bihar and Orissa 109 Gd Maranguape,
Brazil 171 Ha Maranhao, state, Brazil 171 Fa Maranoa R., Queensland 185 Gl
Marajfion, R., Peru ‘ 168 Bd Mararoa, New Zealand 191 Af Maras, Turkey 104 Cb
Marasesti, Romania 95 Cec Marathon, Greece 94 Ce Marathon, 7'exas 156 Ce Maravatio,
Mexico 162 Cf Marayes, Argentina 72 Dd Marazion. Cornwall, Eng. 44 Lw Marbehan,
Belgium 79 Hd Marbella; Spain 88 Cd Marble, Colorado . ; 159 Kf Marble Bar, W.
Australia 186 De Marble. Falls, 7'exas 156 Ee Marblehead, Mass. 152 Ce Marble Head,
Ohio 150 Bb | Marblemonnt, Washington . 158 Ca . Marble Rocks (Bheraghat), C.P. 108
Ed Marburg, Germany ; 74 Ce Ma rby, Sweden 70 Ke Marcali, Hungary 93 Ee Marceline,
Missouri 155 Jf March, Cambs, Eng. 51 Wr Marchand, Manitoba 144 Ef Marche,
Belgium . 79 Ge Marche, dep., /taly 90 De Marche, old prov., France 83 De Marchena,
Spain 88 Cd Marchfeld, Austria 92 Eb Marchienne, ‘Belgium 79 Ee Marchiennes- Ville,
France 86 Ee Marchin, Belgium 79 Ge Mar Chiquita, Argentina 172 Fd Marchwiel,
Denbigh, Wales 48 Qq Marcille-la-Ville, france 85 Hd Marcilly, Prance 86 Af Marck,
France 86 Bb Marcoing, France 86 Ee Marcon, France : ; 85 Le Marco Polo Mts., Kuku
Nor . 112 Ed Marcourt, Belgium 79 Ge Marcus, Washington 158 Da Marcy, Mt., New York
142 He Mardale, Westmor., Eng. 52 Qn Mardan, N.-W. Frontier Prov. 106 Cb Mar del
Plata, Argentina 173 Jg Marden, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Mar d’Hespanha, Brazil 174 Df
Mardin, Turkey 104 Db Maree L., Ross and Crom., Scot. 58 Lg Mareeba, Queensland 184
Ef Marengo, /owa 155 Je Marengo, Italy 90 Bb Marengo, Wisconsin 155 Kb Marengo
Goldfield, Queen sland 185 Gh
Marenn¢ a ———_-
siclp 3, France =
Mareshie | 7 se . re a a
; , ; d, EK. S &s . ’ ‘ ° 33 (* —a ST
Marettimoa, I., Teale x, ing. . ar ‘ bs Marlinton, W. Virgini eae
“ay France ” ; . ° Qj] ('f | S80 Victoria eee . ~ eG Ce M a ok f F-
nt gee . 86 Ee phi 5 lgium ‘ _ 183 Ee paisa Utah . Prone a Margada, Syri : . re
Marlow, Bucks, # : ; " ‘ Marysville . wt : , . lof if FA
Marga gts alee i . 156 Be Sarvs ( ucks, Eng. . / AR Se ve alos ? Br. ¢ olumbia " Gi
Matsukawa, Ja Za Marg: i Glamorgan, Wales . . 103° De Marm: , Oklahoma - 40, Ut Ma
Lees ly California . ; » ba Lg Matsul, Ja - saat 7 :
Ma ie Goa, India : 160 «=—Ot M; eee Goa, India ; ; . 156 Fe Mi: ryeville, Kansas ;
Lo Ct ies I . : . - IIT Ge 3 spat Nova Scotia . 110 Ad acs ei France ‘ . 10 Ad |
“doth ille, Montana . ; 154 Gf | Mataunital PRR : ee og - i eae Nova Scotia . 143
Od | “api dea of, Turkes j ; 83 Dd | paki Vew Brun ncree LS Gb Matsushima past : °
se Ee ie 7 rgarety se Woes York ‘ 44e Me | oe rmarice, Turkey y ha ha gpl eae on
Ce . 43 ke Matsushir a, Japan , . Te ia ec I., Venezuela 151 Fa “vied Menor,
Spain : . 104 Ab nical Pennsylvania . 150 Bb | Mateuts op Japan : f . LT 6 Ty. At
aay Ke nt, Eng. » 180: Be} <i dep., France ' 99 Kad | =m ille, Washington 151 Eb
Matus Oe , ; : . 117 Be Mus eae Tasmania . P “ 4] Vu Marod; i. France . ‘ : g? Kb
Vv ary V ale, () wet n sland 1538 Ba si steeae — Hikoku, Japan . ° 117 Ke Vso ia
Set Mtgne de * F : 188 Cd ; arodile, Ethiopia . . } 82 Eb . 3 ary vale e, Mexico,
Que as “ . 185 Ji A at bere Honshu, Japar . . 116 . \ba Margie, Albert B, MTOM : 2
wa | Marolles, Sar . j ay _ Maryvale, OC censand 185 Ek Matsuzaka, Japan si . 5 Vhg
Margo, Sask. ci 83 Kd | Maroll tne, FARK . 129 Gt Maryvill onnell, Queensland | =
Matsuzaki, ./ ‘ ; 117 = “8 sic go, as 3 A , 147 Od atic Olles, Ne ine of I ‘ ; : 85
K svic yvil e, Missouri ss SLO Did ‘ RH Ke n ‘ apan . ‘ 7 E ha alder Be ngal : ‘ .
147 ae eee ge France farne, France . 86 = resale Tenne vil : , . 1dd He mee ane
nie'g L.. V. Carolin : . 116 : uh I argueritt ‘ a ‘ ' I aroni, R #- uv Marvw I] ae
é . ; 52 ‘ apenas ancnerl, C ° , AL F KE £2 Mari. foes France ; i He Marania
Toohang Fre ce ecacis ee Lb evcasi ig Scot. , pt 0; Mattao, Brazil ochin, Madras t
= Mh Ms =o em . : ? Of 40 i" Ae sd nT eOCE , ; s Y) (ib | : Fon <7 rance . ; rs J
Matte ve ie 4 . . , ‘or Mb Maria = l'asmania ‘ , 97 Hd eat Victoria : . 94 Db oe
I., Arabia ; : 84 Ke <pebncsies ie - ‘14 At \h WATE "| y . : en War 2 ; NViasé ee 2
avast 5a We l nan y P : F od) cana ean i) er Seen Sy oe | Mumia, Uo Kenya 08 Ca. |
Matterhorn New York .142 ka hh M. as ger, Denmark . ? 108 De \ Y rotsushima, Japan
na ? 108 B by "i asdanka, Uganda ; 132 Dd M: tt} orn, Switzerland . ‘ 152 Bd Vb
sige cid Kjord, Denmark . a Bh ~ alee France . . 116 Fe ‘tegay Boren 132 Bd
Mattituck one - + 80 Ee i “alent (Ladrones) Is ‘lp vA : : 77 (Ch \ arova, Brazil ;
- . : R4 Dd a Bihar can d (oe Hh BS Md <Spntniet New York “ : 159 Hi : sia Arkansas
s., Pacific Oc. 176 FFE Marple, Cheshire, E ; ; . 169 Ed Masasi, J'anganyika Terr .
108 Ge M: o Grosso, state and - 152 Ba ip Marianna. Flori : : noha Marauesas Is ;
ung. - if | Masava Vice , ' err, : ; 29 oe Mattoon, Tlli ye tn., Brazil i ye A dn
eaks lorida Seige oe Beare Is., Pacifie Oc 49 Rq | Masbate | woaragua 133 Fj |
Matue oe 169 FE a nari Lazné (Mack : . 153. Be Marquette, Michigan RT Sy 3s ae | 3
asbate 1., Philippi , 163 Df M: ucana, Peru . : . 1d i i — and R tus . ien.),
Czecho. 92 Cb Marquez, Mtns qa) . 155 Mh Mascara, Algeria ppines 121 Fb i oe Ceylon
. ‘ . 168 BF i
RE oo Gl ita dad ae 2 o 8 . ade ; f me. _ Ms é ‘ : \e Maria s Dal, Cape ni . oS SS
oo France . : «157 Ke aaa Mexico . 126 Eb | i Afghanistan ; > ie dh i; te Diemen
(., New Zealand 136 Cd | Marquise, Franc bce: hi Be | Maseru, Basutoland 160 De sae
Braz . .. , fe * Maria Zell, s ., New Zeala d is Marr. Yorks ' : x es a | Masfiord
es 9 Maturin V enez : : 3 = ut Maril , Austria n 190 Da M: , orks, Hng. _ §6 Bb | M
yora, Norway 135 Dh M: , Venezuela . 168 Dd i, Marie and amt.. De ee ‘ 92 De ie
Jebel. A “E Sud: : ; 50 T D ego ie Yorks ‘EB? F z . ’ 72 Bd Maw Se U.P . ‘ . 169 Eb
i, Mar ee mark sana Marrakes iba Be 1 | Ma-sh: eee ere ea Mé Lambe oie a M: ie
ees } ugoslavia : fi. Da \ a sh (Morocco) VV ‘ ee 128 Ce | D shan, China : . 53 So
M: u, entral Provs. “ . 109 Fe il
arica, Bre = : 3 Qo Marree (ae ‘ ! , 44 0r0CCO ave Mashon: ; 5 ? : ~ Da au, nited
Ta * ‘ 7 Maric] . 92 De | Mars, Pen Australia "196 Ad | Masindi, Land, S. Rhodesi
115 Dg | Mau Ai a . 108 Ed a Ceylon 174 Dg | “a Pennsylvania . | | 180 Fd | cri
Uganda % _ 131 Ff be sa United Prove. . 109 Eck M, IC 0, Transvaal ; = i — ae
Marsabit, Kenya . 150 DI | : asindi Port. Ugand , : By Ae 3s ubeuge, France Ae te .
100 " Marico R Ty : : 6 + Marsac. FB : . : ; ) Masirah : a nda . = Maubin, B F uC
Me Mari ... Transvaal . 34 Cd M: rance _ 132 Eb Mas; ah and Chan, Arabi . 3S. 66 M
urma . ‘ . 82. Ba 1 Maricopa and Mts., Ariz 134 Ce usa Hali, Arabi — 2 2 Masirah
B., Arabia ve . 105 G auch Chunk, P . 107 ¥, Maridi, A.-E. S -» Arizona . 7 i
Marsala, .V = ; : » Fe | Mask, I Vi sige j , ‘ Ge Mauchline, A ennsylvania i He Me
Marie Pere 1 Sudan = Gi] So sanla- oh nada ; . 104 Df | ee — ayo, LFS. ° 105 Gf
Maud. Al a yr, Scot. . . 151 Fb Ke Mari a yi : wand, A ntarcti . Pen int Deg Ma =
Ay 4 icily > 7 . bay Df | M: : eres, France - : 66 C p M: 7.4 berdeen, Scot . ‘ 54
Nl \, 75 x red, Sweden ca _ 25 a a France ; QOL Df 1 ason, Michigan j 86 Ee etic
United Pane: ; . wees " Voge ae (Mariansk¢ Lien ¥. (evel, 71 Gg | ats Durham, Eng .
Sh Gas = iy 8. Dakota . 15d Nd “sini See, E. fooled ap ; . 108 Re \ Tae Sei Papua
izné),Czecho. 92 Cb ae New 8 Wales , ica ee =e tia tomes . 154 De Mca Rewah, Cl , .
75 Ja \ Marien “F ° . } ‘ Wiarsae got = a es s >< WLASO rs rae : 2 Ka VLE ry} Ake
fe 8 : a eb elgg = iguum . 1Sd Cb | Marseille decree king. ° . 183 Da | Me a,
Virgunea . - 156 ve ee Vew Brunseliie . 109 Ke \h Maticntvorde sg ewe / + 79 Fe |
Mare > lg tiptoe France. 50 Sp | Ma Bho Illinois | | 150 Be | Maug omg 3 of Men a
143 le |
der, EB. Prussi . he ee Marseilles, Mrance ‘ a «8B OCd sid son City, / : . 156 :
Mauguio, France , . y Baa stad. Sweden Prussia eis Hb ce a; Sse : at ps Massa,
Italy sg , : l 55 a Maui (I.) Hinweis ] ‘ 31 Be he . et | Marsh: vials f . ts ‘e |
Teo ‘ . : ese ' 3 MP an I8 2 Cc Maric tta, Sesroin. : : 7] Be 1 . irshall, Illinois
157 Hf | Massachusetts RB uf ¥ : : O0 . Maulde, France = < . 192 E y oe Ohio 153 Bd
ara Liberia 155 Mf armas gee stat "U, - 152 Ce hace Ha Chil se Ke Marietta, ¢ < |
Marsh: tars : assafr s, state, U.5.2 ee ec | Maule a , . £ | st gtrib Oklahoma ;
150 Cc | oe Michigan 125 Bg | “es afra, Jtaly . A. . 149 Me -onser L. del,
Chile : . 172 BE i ya ay Pennsylvania j , 156. Fe MM. rshall,, Minnesota 155 Nd |
ar ae Fr. Equat { avg » OL Bea Mauléon-Licharre, Fr é 2a i
é ietta, | S. Caroli 15] a tae. arshall, Missouri . : 15 Massal,. /t. S -/ frica 30
Maumari, Flor » Hrance : 3 g M Marifjar, N ia aa he Eb | Marshall. % S8OUT 154 He |
Mass: . Somaliland . 128 Be M: , Flores, DE. . 83 Ce \ Marig orway . . th Co-t Me ‘
all, Texas 15h 86d f <a B., Arete 1 Cy : , 129 Be Maumee and B., Ohi ; . 121 r
t igneé M:; 1ine nt. I ~ : 72 4 arshall Is.. P cers : | y lassawa Eri ; xy SET
OCOCOR se { Maumuss¢ y i al ‘ 5 rf Maviond: 6 pire, France Ls a eS eee acific Ge.
57 Gd | Mass , Hritrea . 94 De M: m, France . 150 Bb \ Marigny. tibet rane Eee ae
Maree nigh fowa 176 Hg “May New York. . 129 Fd “ede a ia ' 86 Gt
ow? rance . , ~ — Ri on Marsham, Nor a Bh = Massena Springs z 2. ; As . Mauna Kes
aS ‘ , ‘ # Mariguana I “s ae Ke eT ae orfolk, Eng. 15 Jd +o ae prings, New York .
142 Ge Mauna | ea, Hawaiian Is. . 131 Def Y Mariinsk op esl Taidivs ; , 5 Gb
Marshfield f agi Eng 51] Yr ae a oo rance ee . 182 Ab Mau F oa, Hawaiian Is : . 192
Fd \ LnskK, ©10er1 ; . 165 Ge Marshfield, Glos., # xf . ae Massey, Mar Maunda,
Centr all 9: i Marijampole, =e = : 00 Ge Marshfield af: Hh Ng. « +7 Qr Massev
( aryland : 54 Ke Mauper Central Provs. . 192 Fd } Mari ithuania . 1) He M tera,
Missouri . 47 Ru y> Jntario : ie | Ke pertuis, France : . 108 De \ ivlé In, Mexico
‘ - 73 i + arsh field Ore = 155 Massie. Ven ] . ; re ¢ Mau Rant : #e , F ) Marind -
| 3. Ke | Marshfield, Wisconsin. Sigs tg | Maxcilion, OMe... . 142 Dd | M pur,
United Prov. 6 induque, Phili 162 D rshfield. Wisconsi : 158 Massillon, Ohi ; ° 15S
Maurawan, Uni rovs, l ‘ Marine Cit ‘ ppine 8 y : = Cc Marsill: : , SCONSLI . Ds Ad
| M; or ; 210 4 . 59 Df M .f nited Provs . 08 De \ Marines Be Michigan . 121 Fb |
Marsk am France 155 Ke reat ge Great Norf lk I - 150 Cb ib France i : . 109 Eb \
ines, Mrance . ; . be 4 Marske, York ’ — Mastert in ek. JOtr, Jn n 4 Maurertow os
Mane : : colar tig Wisconsi ; 96 rn Marstall. De BO - Be Sone bang aA w Zealand d-
a Xr Maures ‘Chai Virginia . : = Fe \
ee si? . ; Tr | g, his : ‘ 7 , s, Chaine ’ , 7 = specs Grande Port ; ; « 155 Le
Marstow, Herefe vd, = ae Masuda jae naan : we Mauriac Fide wie: 83 Ge : Marinilla,
Colo bi bis agli 88 « | Marstrand, 8 . Eng. ye d | Masuli ee ae . 106 Be | Mauri a
ee . oe Mari omova . 88 Ae Siz . Sweden : he ae sulipatam, Madras : aie ‘ aurice
River, New . . 83 Ed ° silt Russia . 168 Bi Martaban, Bur ; 7) a Mat. United P
udras . Lic Gd Mauricevill Ne ew Jersey Isl F Marion, Alat ae “ing Martafal, /
Sagas sts dh Mata 3 Sis die i . . 110 Ee | Mauritani e, New Zealand i= ¢ Maton. ee
eelaey ‘ a Ke lcci A.-E. Sudan . het. He Leoelenbg dense Argentina : . 108 Cb eR a
a Fr We 4 el 190 Ed , Marion Pe seroaay ie id |. Sharia - Travancore, Madras. 128
De Sata _ Land, S. Rhodesi 175 Be eg L.,.Indian Oc st Africa. 125 Be ; > ae I nae
57 dé M: , france ’ ran | TE Ce Mata de Putam: sme ou. 13] ‘ Mauron, Fran . ; ta
t . pape Martel: se , : - g | Matadi : a, Port. G Kf , c oe . ] ’ Mario ndiana .
155 Le a. clange, Belgium ; . .33- De latadi, Belgian Con, a 125 Af Maurs, France :
. 84 Ed Mari n, Jowa 155 Ne | } artes, Sierra, Spat _ 79 Hd Matador, Texas aS 130
Maurset, Norway , . 8 ka: x rion, Kansas 155 Kd Martham, Norfolk . ; = ? Matagalpa
N .. . cited Bd Maussane, F ay ; , a Marion, Ke r ; Mart t, Hing. . 89 Ec | Matag
pa, Nicaragua 156 Dd oleae Vrance . 12 Dd Mec. ~ ntucky 154 Gf M 1apal, Bastar, C.P
; , 5] 7 4 atagorda and Ba) ‘ - : 163 E Mauston, Waconst : s ; 87 Ce “Pe eR Montana
. 155 Lg artha’s Vineyard L., } . 109 * Matakana, New / uin., Texas 157 a
Mavelikara, 7’ none. : 155 Ld Mawson’ N d Carolina 158 Fa Ss artigné, F rance Mass,
: 152 oe Matakana 1] 7 Zealand 106 Kf Mawk VM i RB ravancore, Madras . +f , Marion,
\. Dak as ta Martigné-Bri » 152 Ce Mat: spice emails Zeal 90 Eb ee ae al, Durma aie
g Marion, es sie vA Ce = hc ae oa France . 85 Hd oe Ceylon ane 190 Fb “= N.
Dakota . : . 107 Hd Marion. S. C F 54 I'b Mar anal erchaud, France ee ae Matam,
I’r. West A ‘ee lll El Maxcanu, Mezxicc , : . 154 Eb Mari , S. Carolina 150 Bt
artigny, Switzerl ea? Fs Matamoras, P friea P a Maxent, F :
Marion, S. Dakotc 159 0 Moviionen. ¥'re zerland . + 3e tae Mata as, Pennsylvania
125. Be M: ae ee rance . : . 160 Fe ere Virginia l ea ee Martin eiags ; : . 80 Dd
aoa Coahuila. Mexic 151 Fb asia Springs, Tous : . . 84 Ee Marion I., Indic ‘ : r
Martin, 9 ie ahi : ; j 833 “© M: ioros, Puebla, Me =n - » 162; Be Maxton, .V.
Carolina : . 156 Ce Sfovinis Vine ulian Ocean . 150 Cd Mart; » Dakota ; _ Ba. We :
skemars, Werimaeti aa . 162 Maxton. Roxburgh, S . A . 153 Ee Mari ef, Queensland
phe tin, Tennessee ‘ 154 Matane, Quel ipas, Mexter : Dt Maxwell gh, Scot. 55 aoa Pt
lee ; =~ ee. a Martin L (lal : : ; ies Dd Matan : Vales ' ; spice > es Max oll woe
New Mexico : ‘zh _ Maripaondre ye 85 J/g | Martin: = eich herae . 157 Kb aes ee .
148 Le axwell Reef, Quee . 156 Bb ee Cdliforni ieicccaa . a Je Martinet | le. Fn
Htaly . . 157 Ld a Chile. ; : . 9 Ct hein n, p baraneies . 185 Hg Mar ornia ' : de
Te ge , le, France ; ca ae a Matanzas, Cub : : ae ax welltow ~ - wi, Neot. 5B *
istuen, Vorway 159 De Martinez, Californi , ay, Rd Matapan (Tai . 4 ’ 172 Be May,
I., see n, New Zealand . Om — Alps, Frar T - te Te Martinez, Tex Mineiga 1 Re Bb
Matay A ainaron), (., (re - 164 Ce Ma Firth of Forth, Scot . aritsa R. 1ce- taly ie
~ Marti ~ ras A ; , . HY Be c lla, Quebec "5 ' CCE ; 94 < yague Z. Puert A ‘ : 57
Qk arias a - Gd Martin eee Ontario . 156 Eg | aa Beit eins... . 143 rg Mayang IL, a
. _ 166 Ab
j : ’ SS8UE ” : Ee) - rarCclé E 9 : : Ak -~ Watare ay . ¥ r = Mavavars . ¢ —
Somerset, Eng ; ; << SW = Martin Spire Argentina ; bk Ke ‘ROR ie pie ; . 169 Fb Sat
kell. Cl Madras ; . 120 Ce ok os 47 Q isiiaies ts Louw Worcs, Eng. . (3 Hf | Matar
m, Lombok, DBL. ill Kj | May ell, Colorado . , ae oo Hentvnt De ‘ "ag =
Mawhinaitaien ge a Foe, i 47 Rs anor cs wae . . 391 =F oo Ayr, Scot. . ‘ . 158 Ke
aga Sa Madras al . 108 Df Martin’s Ferry m irginia | i a Mataticle Po Zealand . 89
Gb Ma; Otiy ere ; . 54 Mm Markelo. Holl : a ; a Martinsvi J? 110 : . » De Vi . 4 oe
‘ape Prov 4 . 190 FI WMayence (Mainz) Ge . 74 Be ie Se 1 land. “110: Da | Marti
sville, Indiana , 150 CG} Mataura, Vew Z Ns oe ) Mayenne 2), Germany . “4 Cd
-), Holl — 7 a 2 Wastineville. Viena. 90 Cb | Mati tealand . 135 Kj and dep., Fr
ren. Market Hi ) and ie Fd M e. 4} irginia 155 M atautu Hart ’ ‘ ( J Mayenn » R 7 ’
rance . 82 Cc ; arbor« ke : _ * Martley. Worcs, E : ; oe a f Mataw arb., Samoa Is -
191 Bg e R., France . 82 Cb Market | : ugh, Leics, E i8 Dd \ y, Worcs, Eng . 150
atawan, .Vew t 48. . Mayer . . 2 é , Deeving ; ‘3, Hnq. 1 Martock. S i 0 Dd M: , \
ew Jerse . 192 Ny sville,. Missi . 82 Ce Market .D ping, Lines, Eng . 50 Ts \ <,
Somerset, H . ae Mataye, Fr. W mo ‘ - J May t ssippt ; st Dray , Lng. - ; Mart ,
ing. 7 Rs ah r. West Afric » kl yet, Franc . 157 Jd Markethill syson, Salop, Eng —
BE Vp = alt Li NCS, Eng. J : , 45 Qv Matehuala, Mexicc Africa , ; es Ib Mayfield Su
fs pe . . . 85 Ke Market oe pres N. Fog . _ Rr ariel ioe Ce ee , - Ug <a Italy XUCO
; . 169 i Mayfield, ee ; ; Wu Ma viet 7 e, daho ; ‘ : 3 Ho M: mM, orks, Eng 5 . -
190) ie Matese Mts . 7 . : pe ( Mavfeld. ¢ UCKY . 155 ) avinete ass = ; 158 ‘ +
arton, Sale = v* ‘ : = dd Mat ra, Mes aly e Q] Kd “ o A taffs, En . oo Lg Market R
gton, Wilts, EL 8 Gd M »p, Eng , §2 F ité Szalka, H ); ' ‘ Mayni, B gq. + ny asen.
Li > ung. : 47 : Marton, Tes fs , : . n Mateur : sat do ungary . G9] Kd 7 ’ ombay :
. 50 Sq Market Ww , sencs, Eng i Su M: aru icks En ‘. 48 P : ae ur, 7 UNISI y . as
Maynor t} ye " ‘ ll ) , Warso Votti — = pe Martos, Spat Bint ; ; Matew: gaan : . 93
.Ge : th, Kildare, I F.S ' ? 0 Be Market \ ys Pp, 4 ottingham BE ) Vq M i tun ; ‘
40) T ewan Vi Vi ged : Ma . . : .S. ’
. , We ial » ~ : Martre : . S } ’ ‘ . meee |i: > ynooth, ¢ . ‘ . 64 Markileld,
Letcn Yorks, King 2 rq age la, V.-W. Terr ; . 88 Cd aay bodes . 186 a Mayo,
Fidide : : . 142 . Markha » Lewes, ing. . «ii . 50 Up M a, Cameroons site . 140 F
Matheson, Ontaric : : : Mayo, c ite: . nro (
am, Nott : . 66 Maruas. Brazi d ‘d Matt » Untarro oo OO YO, CO. Ye ltr : . 13 Ce
Markha ty ingham, En 50 Tr M: , Brazil. t ~ $28 A athews, Virgini ; . i ee Mayol
ae. . ae
' am, Virgini > G- nT) Marugame, J “a £40 Mathow*a rgunva 145 Ne yobamba, Peru ; ,
C6 ip Markinclt = gunia : 50 | q M: — , Japan . _ 19). Gi Mathew’s Ra Aa ‘ m i
Mavotte : ;
y} l, Fife Se . ; 15] 9 arvejols, F . ’ ra Mati 5 Kenya . Ld5l BE | . a Re India
( : ‘ 168 Be Markleevi , Scol. 51 Ee N rance - ee athoura. New S. W : , ; oe
Mavport. Flori an Ocean 96
¢ seville, Cali bir . ts larvell, A ’ f Matt , Vew S. Wales . 132 Ke yport, Florid
‘ . 13 Ol Markst , California + 00 PR M: rkansas : . 88 8 athry, Pembr seg ; : A
Mavres. F a. ; nt
arksbury, Somerse : ; = ee ‘ arwar, state 7 ud Matibi. 7’ broke, Wales . 182 Cl M
ead, France ; . 153 De : Pao sit Eng. . ri Cf Mayirari. al to Sine ithe 157 . Je
Mation sabres ii a 3 : =a ca Peal ; _ 87 Ba
arks Tey, F cee tn ’| Menerene fwnetice wl. ci aii "rance Se ee es | ays acide Now
dee. oe 174 Ed Marksv ssex, Eng. . 142 Dd M: ar Junction, Jad] _ 108 Ke Matigny,
Franc ; ; 4 a Mav-sur an en New Jerse " :
ille, Lo 2 { : Marwas R : M Lpur Re . Fr M; ti . ance . x R4 E y sur-Evre Fr Yy . "
151 Fe Mark OUISIANA . . 4) Xt | Me s, Rewah, C.1 , Maj. . 108 Ae Matin, Central Pr
: a ee Mavsvi re, Mrance . yate § oe Marxsté ; 2 Ac Mk toe al Provs « 86.3 ysville,
Kentuck : . 85 Hf Marlboro, — a Eng. ? ef “% a co Russia : . 109 Ee ae 5g a Same
Pen ; lag me Maysville pao : : " 150 Be chuse : f ybank, /oss - — oa Matlock, Der !
ee isle iad Gt ssourt. ‘ a” New “sie : 152 Ms Maryborough — ri Scot. oe i Matlock
ieee . 1386 Df ~<a Queensland ‘ . + Hf Marlborough, Bri . . 152 3 Marybor p) SeeRS
oaeeeee ae ee Mat] ank, Derby, EB : i 2 Mayumi, Japa : . _ 184 Ee Bisribor gh,
Bret. Guiana . 152 Ad M: : ough, Victori ; . PRS Matlock Batt Eis ~ per Mayur d = :
- ¢ AY Ms ss . = Mary ze a - 1, Derl , ‘ ast | , y urbl é wip é : e ] Ma
ueensland . : dd aryland : . sf. e -@4 1G oe oOpo lills ! ° p : Og Mavvi % sill ;
ork ‘ Le Marlborough Wilts, Eng. 5 185 Gj Moryfield Sask. Gait ee on ae ae . 131 Kf
deat es hee a Gh Be > e AGS - ; Z I ary ° : +C M; ‘a Data / ae ar : ° . + NMLALE u
a. N a y . = ‘ Marlin. Ve lichigan ‘ . 40 Su tid irk, Kincardine, 8 : 147 Te
latrah, Arabia * , Mar. 48 Mazag \V. Rhodesia : ‘ by ’ CX : st: | arylat l, cot. ow
5 Mi . y 93 ( > gan, M , . 131 Ef as ; . 155 Od Mae’ id, co., Libe . «BT OR Matre,
Norw : *¢ M orocco " . nao Marylar ' ria : j Matra “eee: ee . 105 \ 6, Mazalgaon me
: . . 124 Cb . 156 Fe Ma id, abate. WT.S8 A : J On ore Egypt ; ? fe Mazamet eens
110 Cb y\ ary port . o4).41. : ats: ‘ , s » 3 aL > ‘ My 2 . . . port, Cumberland,
En Tes | wee aie ee | Sere ane, we q. ss Matsugasaki D rgent : - 52 s ugasaki J . a
M: . wna 52 On Matsui Kl, J ApH moe & by , azandera : . 172 D Matsuida, Japr ~ Ff
Maz n, prov., Persia : pan 117. Ff Ma apil, rita . . 105 Fb 117 Fe azara de : : _
162 i Fe Mazar-i- = Vallo, Sicily Ce -Sharif Af h ° . 91 Df , Afghanistan . . 102
General Index
Meirapenima, Brazil Meiringen, Switzerland .
Meissen, Germany Meissner, Mt., Germany Meja, U nited Provs.
Mejicana, Argentina Mejillones, Chale
Meknes, Morocco Me-kong, Fr. Indo China Melagiris Range, Madras Melampes, Arete /.,
Melan, Albania Melanesia, div., Oceania Melanies Kop, Orange FNS. Melasgird, Turkey
Melay, France Melbo, .Vorway Melbourn, Cambridge, Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne,
Florida Melbourne, Victoria Melbury Ab bas, Dorset, ng. Meldal, Vorway Meldrum,
Old, Méle, le, France Melegnano, /taly . Melet, Turkey Melfi, Fr. Equat. Melfi,
Jtaly . Melford, Long, Suffolk, Melfort, Sask. Melgaco, Brazil
Mel Ighat, Berar, India Melghir, Chott, Algeria Melgund, Ontario Melgven, ibcatens
Melhus, .Vorway Mélicourt, France Melide, Switzerland Meligala, Melilla, Span,
Melipilla, Chile Melita. Manitoba Melito, /taly Melitopol, Russia Melk, Austria
Melksham, Well, Melle, Belgium Melle, France Mellenville, Vew Mellerud, Sweden
Mellier, Belgium Mellifont Abbey, Louth, Mellingen, Switzerland . Mello, France ; :
Melmerby, ( umberland, Eng. Melmoth, .Vatal Melness, Sutherland, Melnik, Bulgaria .
Mélnik, Czechoslovakia . Melo, Uruguay
Melos, I., Meléy, \orway Melreux, Belgium Melrose, Florida Melrose, Minnesota
Melrose, Roxburgh, Melsetter, S. Rhode Melshogna (mt.), Melsonby, Yorks, Meltham,
Yorks, Melton, Suffolk, Melton Mowbray, Melun, France Meluprey, Cambodia Melur,
Melvaig, Ross and Crom. Melvich, Sutherland, Seot. Melville, Sask. 1 ; Melville B.
and C., Greenland Melville, C., Queensland Melville I., Melville L., .Y.
En q. A rka nSas
Derby, Eng.
Aberdeen, Scot. Africa
Enq. ‘
s, Eng. York
Scot. sia . Norway King. Eng. ; En.
Leics, Enq.
. Neot,
Terr., Australia
Melville Penin, W. Terr. Melville Sd., Terr.
Melvin, L., Fermanagh—Leitrim, Memba, Mozambique
Membij, Syria
Membre, Belgium
Membrolle, la, France
Memel, Orange F.S. Memel (Klaipeda), Lithuania Meme! R., E. Prussia Lithuania
Memmingen, Germany . Memphis, Egypt
Memphis, Missouri
Memphis, Memphis, 7'exas
Memramcook, \Vew Bre uNSWIC k Mena, Arkansas Menado, Celébes 1. ‘ Menai Bridge,
Anglesey, Wales Menai Strait, A nglesey—Caer., Menaldum, Holland
Me-nam R., Siam
Menard, J'exas
Menasha, Wisconsin
Mende, France
Menden, Germany
Menderez, R., Turkey
Mendez, .We2xico
Mendi, Sierra Leone
Mendip Hills, Somerset, Eng. Mendocino, California . Mendocino C., California
Mendon, Utah
Mendota, California Mendota, /llinois Mendoza, prov. and tn., Mendrisio,
Switzerland . Mendukei, Manchukuo Méneac, France
Menfi, Sicily
169 80) 74 74
=.) ‘i-
170 126 L119 111 Q4 Q4 176 135 104
156 L155 83 76 104 162
Ed Ke Ke Ce We De Ae
? 1 ©
Ce (‘ge De Bb Gh Fg Db Hf
Ws Jb rr Df Ce 2V Ka Rh Ke Bb
Be Ed
Db tu Db Ce Be Kg Hd Jp Ib Ce Qn Hy or
Ha So Sp Ys Ur Eb Cd Df Kg Oe Sf Xa Ke Ga Ea Mec He Ko He Bb Fd Lf
Ke ve De Bb Je Ke De Me Ge Kd Nq Nq Eb
Ke Le Ed Db Ab De Bg Qu Af
d { rge nti na
119 Ce 115 De 119 Cd oe, Soe 119 ~Be 120) (" L199” Be 119: -G 119 3¢ Pia: & 119
=~Ce 119 Cd 119 Cd 119 Ce 119 Bd 119 Ce 119 Be 119 Ce 119 Ce 119 Ce L119 Cd 119 Ce
119) =~Ce 119 Ce 119 Cd 119 Ce 119 Cd 119 Ce 119 =6Ce Lid Ce 119 Ce 119 Bd 119 Cd
119 Be 119 Ce 119 Be 119 Cd 119 Cd 119 Cd 119 Cd 115 Eb 119 Be 119 Cd 112 Gg 119 Be
119 (% Lid “Ge 115 Eb O4 Ce 79 Cb 182 Ba 66 Dq 86 Cf 4 Gd dD «Om 155 Me 155 =e 89
Hb 97 Jd 55 Ok Is4 (Cf 120 Ae 5b Nk 83 (Ge 127 Ba 27 Ge 76 Aa Is7 Ky; ‘Oo Tu tl Wu
147 Pe 87 Id 119) Be 78 Fe 78 Ke 74 Bb ri? ey 90 Ca 139) Cd Iso Ce 79 KK Li] 5 9)
De 159 «Ce 173 Hf 173 He 173 He 159 Ce 150) Cb 190) Eb L5L De 79 Eb 79 Bb 84 Ed 49
iq 47 Ru 162° Ge tl Wu 74 Cd 107 Hf 160 Ge SS Be 168 Cb 152 Bd 152. Be 50 Ss 158 Ed
157 Kd 156 Fe 87 De 182 Ab 48 Or 185 Gk 129 Hg lll Ee 59 Mf 87 Ce 85 Ke 173 Hf 180
Fe 128 Ed 108 Ef 187 Dk 54 Nm
Merrill, H LSCONSIN Merrillan, Wisconsin Merrimac R., Vew Hampshire Merriman, .\
ebraska Merrimbula, Vew S. Wales Merritt. British Colombia Merritt, Montana
Merritts IL. Florida Merrivale. Devon, Kngq. . Merriwa, New S. Wales Merrow,
Surrey, King. Mersch, Luxembourg Merse, The, div., Be ruick, Mersea I., Hssex, Eng.
. Merseburg, Germany Mersey, R., Cheshire Mersin, J'urkey Mersrags, Latvia . Merta,
Jodhpur, Rajputana Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Mertola, Portugal
Merton, Devon, Eng.
Méru, France Meru, Kenya Merum, Holland Merv, Turkme n. Me France Merwede, i Hi
tland Me Selqrum Me New S. Wales Me Mesa, Mesa, Mesaba Ra., Minnesota Mesagne,
I/taly Mésanger, France Mesa Verde Nat. Pk., Meschede, Germany Mesembrija, Bulgaria
Meseritz, Germany Meshaw, Devon, Enq.
E nq.
-La ncs,
rxplas, ryula, rzig, Sarre
Arizona Colorado
Meshchovsk, Russia
Meshed, Persia : Meshoppen, Pennsylvania oe Req., A.-H#. Sudan Mesilla, ‘ Vew Me
Mesilla Park, Vew Mezxico Meskene, Syria
Meslay, France
Mesmiye, Syria
Mesniéres, France
Mesnil, France , Mesnil-Villement, le, France Mesoceo (Cremeo), Switzerland
Mesolongion, Greece Mesopotamia. See Iraq. Mesquer, France
Mesquite, California Mesquite, Nevada
Messancy, Belgium Messara Mts., Krete /., Greece Messei, France
Vessene, Greece
Messenia, dep., (reece Messenia, Gulf, Greece Messina and Str., Sicily Messina
Mine, Transvaal Messines, Be lyinm : Messingham, Lines, Hing. Mestanlie, Bulgaria
Mestre, /taly ‘ Meta, intendencia, Colombia . Meta Incognita, V.-W. 7. Metaline,
Washington Metapan, Salvador Metaponto, ltaly
Metealf, Arizona . } Meteor Creek, Queensland Méteren, France
Methana Penin., (reece Methil, Fife . Scot. ; Methlick, Aberdeen, Scot. Methven,
Vew Zealand. Methven, Perth, Scot. Methwold, Norfolk, Eng. Metis, Quebe Cc
Metkovic, Yugoslavia Metlakatla, Br. Columbia Metlaui, 7'unisia .
Metlika, Y ugoslavia Metropolis, /1linows Metropolitan, Michigan
Metsovon, Greece .
Mettet, Belgium Mettingham, Suffolk, Enq. Mettupalaiyam, Madras Metuchen, New
Jersey : Metulla, Palestine
Metz, France
Metz, TJ'exas " Metztitlan, Mexico
Meudon, France
Meulaboh, Sumatra
Meulan, France
Meulebeke, Belgrvum
Meulles, France
Meurthe R., France 5 : Meurthe-et-Moselle, dep., France Meuse, dep., France
Meuse R., France
Meuse, R., Belgium
Me Mé
Cornwall, Eng. — scar
vagissey, vatanana, Mew I., Down, Ire.
Mewar, Peat See U daipur. Mexborough, Yorks, Eng.
Mexia, 7'exas Mexiana, Ilha, Mexico, Mexico Mexico, Missouri. , ; Mexico, rep.,
North A merica . Mexico, Gulf of, Mexico, etc. Mey, Caithness, Scot. Meyadin, Syria
Bra zil
104 73 LOS 47 88 44 86 132 LO2
50 157 169 162 155 138 160
59 103
Df Nv Fa Uu Jd Rl Xt De Qq Bb id Ab Pt $d Nv Ce Ke Fb Dd Db Ce Fa
Dd Fb Dd Lg Me Be
Ys Cf Fb Ad Gb Ce De Cf Ad Be Cb Ke Gb Gb Fb Fb Gb Mw
Df Kf
General Index
Moline, Jllinois Moline, Kansas Molinos, Argentina Molkwerum, Holland Moll, Belgium
Molla Is., Norway Mollans, France Mollendo, Peru Molles, Uruguay . Molliens-Vidame,
France Mollinburn, Lanark, Scot. Mélmen, Norway . Mologa and R., Russia. Molokai,
Hawaiian Is. Moloma R., Russia Molong, Vew S, Wales . Molson, Manitoba Molteno,
Cape Prov. Moltén, South, Devon, Molucca Is., Dutch E. Molucea Passage, Moma,
Belgian Congo Mombasa, Kenya Mombets, Japan . Mombets, Nishi, Japan Momeit (Méng
Mit), Burma Momence, /llinois Momignies, Belgiwm Mominabad, Hyderabad Mompona,
Belgian Congo Mompos, Colombia Monaca, Pennsylvania . Monach Is., Out. Hebrides,
Scot. Monach, Sd. of, Out. Hebrides, Monaco, 8S. Europe Monadhliath Mts.,
J/nverness, Monagas, state, Venezuela Monaghan and co., J. F.S.
Eng. . Indies
Monamolin, Wexford, I. F.S. . Monango, V. Dakota
Monar, L., Ross and Crom., Scot. Monarch, Colorado
Monarch, Montana ; Monashee Mts., Br. Columbia Monasterace, /taly Monasterevin,
Kildare, 1. FS
Monastir, J'unisia Monastir (Bitolj), Monbuey, Spain . Moncayo, Sierra del, Spain
Monchique and Serra, Portugal Monclova, Mezxico Moncontour, France Moncton, New
Brunswick Mondego, R., Portugal . Mondombe, Belgian Congo Mondonedo, Spain Mondorf,
Luxembourg Mondovi, /taly
Mondovi, Wisconsin Mondragon, France Monduran, Queensland Monemvasia, Greece
Monessen, Pennsylvania Moneta, Virginia
Monett, Missouri
Moneva,. Spain
Moneyash, Derby, Eng. Moneygall, Offaly, I. F.S. Moneymore, Londonderry, .
Moneyneany, Londonderry, N. Ire.
Monfalcone, Italy Monforte, Spain . Sudan.
Mongalla, A. -E. Mong Hsat, psa Mong Hsu, Burma
Monghyr, Bihar and Orissa Mong- kai, Tongking Mongkol-bori, Cambodia Méng Kung,
Mong Kyet, Burma ‘ Ming Mit (Momeik), Burma . Mong Nawng, Burma : Mongolia, Asia
Mongolo-Buryat, rep., Mong Pai, Burma Mong Pan, Burma Mong Pawn, ‘Burma Méng-Sit,
Burma Moniaive, Dumfries, Scot. Monica B., California Monieux, France . Monifieth,
Angus, Scot. Monivea, Galway, I. F.S. Monkey Point, Vicaragua Monkleigh, Devon,
Eng. Monkote, Belgian Congo Monkton, Ayr, Scot. Monmouth, Jilinois ‘ Monmouth and
co., England . Monmouth June., New Jersey Monnai, France Monnaie, France . :
Monnickendam, Holland Monnow R., Mon.—Heref., Eng. Mono Fd., Finland ; Monoblet,
Monongah, W. Virginia Monongahela, Pe nnsylvania : Monongahela R., Pa.—W. Va.
Monopoli, /taly
Monovar, Spain
Monroe, Georgia
Monroe, Louisiana
Monroe, Michigan
Monroe, .V. Carolina
Monroe, Utah
Monroe, Wisconsin
Monroe City, Missouri Monroeville, Alabama Monroeville, Ohio
Monrovia, Liberia
Mons, Belgiwm
Monsanto, Portugal
Dutch Bt. Indies.
96 192
96 183 144 137
YY 121 130 133 116 116 LO7 155
79 L10 130 L168 150
D8 83 56 169 63 (4 154 56 154 158 146 9] 64 124 4 88 89
162 84 143 88 130 88 79 90) 155 87 185 Q4 150 150 155 89 50 69 63 63 GO 88 128 107
107 109 L119 119 LO7 LO7 L107 107 QQ 10] 107 LO7 107 L107 55 159 87 57 66 163 44
155 47 151 85 85 78 47 70 87 150 150 150
t GO Oo —
noo NIoaow oanws
~ os & TUS
« ~
eee et et et et et ~I bo Or a ae N = wt
Oo oo)
Ad = Cd Nl Eb Kd Kb Hd Ka Ke Kd Qu
Ge De
Db Ba Kf
Db Cd Hd Hd Hd Hd Md
H a Hd Hd Om Dj Db Qk Dq Ff Nv De MI Ke Qt Kb Ke Lf Dd Qt Je Ab Ce Cb De Fd Ec Cd
Hd ( Je
. : || i
Moree, New S Morehead,
W ales Kentucky
Morehead City, N. Carolina Morel R., Jaipur, Rajputana., Morelia, Mexico ‘ F
Morella, Queensland
Morella, Spain
Morelos, Mexico : Morena, Gwalior, India Morena, Sierra, Spain Morenci, Arizona
Moresby, Cumberland, Eng. Moresby I., British Columbia Moresby Is., Papua Moresnet,
Be lgrum Morestead, Hants, Eng.
Moret, France ; : Moreton, Cheshire, Enq. Moreton, Hereford, Eng.
Moreton, Queensland ; Moreton, B., C. and I., Queensland Moreton Hampstead, Devon,
Eng. . Moreton in the Marsh, Glos., Eng. .
Moreuil, France Morez, France Morgan, S. Australia Morgan, 7'exas Morgan, Utah
Morgan City, Lowisiana Morganfield, Kentucky . Morganton, N. Carolina Morgantown,
W. Virginia Morgenster, 4S. Rhodesia Morges, Switzerland
Morgny, France ; Morhar R., Bihar and Oria SSa. Morhet, Belgium .
Mori, Japan
Moriac, Victoria Morialme, Belgiwm Moriani, Assam Moriarty, New Me. Moricambe Bay,
Morice L., Br. Columbia Moricetown, Br. Morie, L., Morinville, Alberta Morioka,
Japan Moriston, R.., Morjarv, Sweden . Mork, Norway Morkreid, Norway Morlaix,
France Morley, Alberta Morley, Yorks, Hng. Morlich, L., Jnverness, Mormant, France
Mormoiron, France Morningside, Alberta . Mornington, Meath, I.F.S. Mornington I.,
Queensland Morobe, Papua Morocco, country, Morocco (Marrakesh), Morogoro,
Tanganyika Terr. Moron, Spain
Morondava, Madagascar Moroni, Utah
Morotai, I., Moluccas Moroto, Uganda ; Morpeth, Vew S. Wales ; Morpeth,
Northumberland, Eng, Morphou, Cyprus
Morretes, Brazil
Morrilton, Arkansas Morrinsville, New Zealand Morris, Illinois
Morris, Manitoba
Morris, Minnesota : Morris, Newfoundland . Morrisburg, Ontario
Morrison, Colorado Morrison, Jllinois Morrisset, .Vew S. Morriston, Florida
Morriston, Glamorgan, Morristown, Arizona Morristown, New Jersey Morristown,
7'ennessec . Morrisville, Pennsylvania Morrisville, Vermont Morrosquillo, G. de,
Morrow, Ohio Morrum R., Sweden Mors, Germany Mors I., Denmark Morsains, France
Morsbach, Germany Morshansk, Russia Morshovetz I., Russia
Morsi, Berar, India
Mortagne, France
Mortagua, Portugal
Mortain, France
Mortara, Jtaly
Mortat, Victoria ,
Morte, B., Devon, Eng.. Mortes, R., das, Brazil. Morthoe, Devon, King. . Mortier
Bay, Newfoundland . Mortimers Cross, Hereford, Eng. Mortlach, Sask. Mortlake,
Barnes, Mortlake, Victoria Mortmere, California Morton, Mississippi Mortree, France
Moruba, Fr. Equat. A, ‘ Morundah, New S. Wales. Moruya, New S. Wales Morvah,
Cornwall, Eng. Morvan, Mts. du, France Morven, Argyll, Scot. Morven, New Zealand .
Chum Foacak King R
Ross and Crom., Scot.
Inverness, Scot,
Africa .
Surrey, Eng.
18] 150 153 LO8 162 185 8Y 162 LOS rete] L159 5? 146 L89 79 40 86 48 47 184 185
D> ~~] +1
oc ~I bo lo We
47 147 40 182 159 L157 8D 128 182 183 44 82 56
Ld Be
Cb Ad Cd Hg Hf Gd Db Ia Sm Bb
Ac Nu Gf Nu Cd (Js Qf Vu Bd Fy Kd Ke Bf Db Ib Kw Ke Kj Cr
Citizen’s Atlas
Morven, Queensland Morven, Hill, Aberdeen Morville, Salop, Eng. Mosalsk, Russia
Mosbjerg, Denmark Mosby, Vorway Mosca. Colorado Moscos Is., N. and 8., Moscow,
Jdaho Moscow, Pennsylvania . Moscow (Moskva), Moselkern, Germany Moselle, dep.,
France Moselle, R., Germany Mosgiel, New Zealand Mosha R.., ; Moshi, Tanganyika
Terr. Mosita, Br. Bechuanaland Mositlane, Br. Bechuanaland Mosjéen, Norway
Mosken, Norway . Moskenes, Norway Moskeneséy, Norway Moskva, R., Russia
Moson, Hungary . : Mosquero, New Mexico Mosquito B., Quebec Moss, Fr. West Africa
Moss, Norway Mossamedes and dist., Mossat. Aberdeen, Scot. Mossburn, New Zealand
, Scot.
Mossel Bay, Cape Prov. Mossgiel, New S. Wales Mossoro, Brazil Mosspaul Inn,
Dumfries, Scot. Moss-side, Antrim, '. Ire. Mosstrand, Vorway
Moss Vale, New S. Wales Most. Czechoslovakia Mostaganem, Algeria
Mostar, Yugoslavia Mosterton, Dorset, Enq. Mostyn, Flint, Wales
Mosul, /raq
Mos Vand, Norway
Mota, Ethiopia Mota Botello, Argentina Mota del Marques, Spain
Motala, Sweden
Motegi, Japan
Moth, United Provs. ; Mother and Child, Mts., Motherby, Cumberland, Eng.
Motherwell, Lanark, Scot. Motihari, Bihar and Orissa Motilla, Spain
Motleys, Virginia ; Motovski Gulf, Russia . Motril, Spain
Mott, N. Dakota . Motteville, France Mottram, Cheshire, Eng. Motu, New Zealand
Motueka, New Zealand Motuhora, New Zealand Motukaraka, New Zealand Mouchin,
France .
Moudon, Switzerland Mougins, France
West Africa
Moujéria, F’r.
Moukden (Fengtienfu), Manchukuo Moulamein, New S. Wales Moulicent, France
Mouliherne, France
Moulin, Perth, Scot.
Moulins, Allier, France
Moulins, Sarthe, France Moulins-la-Marche, France Moulmein, Burma
Moulton, Alabama
Moultrie, Georgia
Mound City, Jllinois
Mound City, Kansas
Mound City, Missouri Mound City, S. Dakota Mound Sta., Sutherland, Scot.
Moundsville, W. Virginia Mounier, Mt., France Mountain Ash, Glamorgan, Mountain
City, Nevada Mountain Grove, Missouri Mountain Home, Arkansas Mountain Home, /daho
Mountain Park, Alberta Mountain View, Arkansas Mount Airy, Maryland Mount Airy, N.
Carolina Mount Alto, Pennsylvania Mount Ayliff, Cape Prov. Mount Ayr, lowa. ; Mount
Bellew, Galway, I.F. S. Mount Britten, Queensland Mount Carmel, Jllinois
Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania Mount Carroll, /llinois
Mount Clare, W. Virginia Mount Clemens, Michigan Mount Crawford, Virginia Mount
Desert I., Maine
Mount Douglas Sta., Queensland Mount Dutton, S. Australia Mount Fletcher, Cape
Prov. Mount Forest, Ontario .
Mount Frere, Cape Prov.
Mount ( Canibine ,_ 8. Australia Mount Garnet, Queensland Mount Gilead, Ohio Mount
Hamilton, Tyrone, Mount Hebron, California Mount Hogan, Queensland Mount Holly,
Arkansas Mount Holly, Vew Jersey Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania
Wu Ire.
A111 Oo to 1 1 1 1
en pen
LO7 158 15] Q7 76 82 74 19] 96 132 134 134 70 70
ee SCA Se Ww
Se a Se
CO cS Uw or co - . co)
1+ cr
a ee ee ~
m Sr or gy ot rnwO— OI OS Ut oS Ci
gO o
Fl Ph Rr Ke Ca Df Bg Hf Eb Kb Fd Cd Gb Bd Cf Ge Ke Ae Be Ed
Le Be Lg Hf He Ke Ng Ce Gd Pt ie Jg Hb id Le He Ec Db Ee F He Dq Gh Mf Eb Ld
Nombinnie), V.S. W.
Mount Hope ( Mount Idaho, Mount Jewett, <p erie Mount Lofty Ra., 8. Austraha Mount
M‘C ‘onnal cil Queensland . Mount Magnet, W. Australia Mount Margaret, 5 Australia
Mount Margaret Goldfield, W. Aus. Mount Mary, S. Australia Mount Melleray,
Waterford, IFS. Mountmellick, Leiz, I. F.S.
Mount Morgan, Queensland
Mount Morris, New York
Mount Morris, Pennsylvania . Mount Olive, Jllinois
Mount Olive, Mississippi
Mount Olive, N. Carolina
Mount Olivet, Kentucky
Mount Perry, Queensland
Mount Pleasant, /owa
Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania Mount Pleasant, S. Australia Mount Pleasant, 4. Mount
Pleasant, T'ennessee
Mount Pleasant, J'exas
Mount Pleasant, Utah . Mountrath, Leia, I. FS.
Mount’s B., Cornwall, Hng.
Mount Savage, Maryland Mountshannon, Clare, [. FS. Mount Shasta, California
Mountsorrel, Leics, Hing.
Mount Sterling, /ilinois
Mount Sterling, Kentucky
Mount Sterling, Ohio
Mount Stewart, Cape Prov. . ‘ Mount Stewart, Pr. Edward Island Mount Union,
Pennsylvania . Mount Vernon, Georgia
Mount Vernon, /llinows
Mount Vernon, /ndiana
Mount Vernon, Kentucky
Mount Vernon, New York
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Mount Vernon, Virginia
Mount Vernon, Washington
Mount Victoria, New. S. Wales Mount Victory, Ohio
Moura, Brazil
Moura, Portugal
Mourao, Portugal
Mouries, France : : : Mourilyan and Harb., Queensland . Mourne, L., Donegal, I. F.S
Mourne Mts., Down, V. Tre. . Mousa, Shetland Is., Scot. Mouscron, Belgium
Mousehole, Cornwall, Eng. Moussac, France . ; Moussoro, Fr. Equat. Africa .
Moustiers, /’rance ; : Mouswald, Dumfries, Scot. Moutere, Vew Zealand Moutier,
Switzerland Moutiers, France Moutiers-au-Perche, Mouy, France Moville, Donegal, I,
PS. Moville, Jowa
Mowar, Central Provs.
Mowasi Landing, Brit. Guiana Moxico and dist., Angola
Moy, France
Moy, Inverness, Scot.
Moy, Monaghan, I.F.S
Moy, Tyrone, N. Ire. Moyabamba, Peru
Moyale, Kenya
Moyar R., Mysare
Moyasta, Clare, I. FS. Moyaux, France
Moycullen, Galway, LFS. Moyeni, Basutoland
Moy Lodge, Inverness, Scot. Moynalty, Meath, I. FS. Moyne, Longford, I. FS.
Moyo (1.), Dutch E. Indies Moyvalley, Kildare, I. F.S. Moyvore, Westmeath, I.F.S. .
Moyvoughly, Westmeath, I. FS. Mozaceni, Romania Mozambique, Mozambique .
Mozambique, colony, Port. HZ. Africa Mozambique Chan., /ndian Oc. Mozdok, Russia
Mozhaisk, Russia
Mozyr, Russia ;
Mpika, N. Rhodesia
Mpofana, Natal .
Mporokoso, NV. Rhodesia Mpwapwa, Tanganyika Terr. Mganduli, Cape Prov,
Mrkonjicgrad, Yugoslavia
Msta, R., Russia
Mstislavl, Russia
Mszezonow, Poland
Mtangula, Mozambique.
Mto Tana, Kenya Mtsensk, Russia Muadhdham, el-, Muana, Brazil Muang Chana, Siam
Muang Chaya, Siam
Muang Langsuan, Stam
Muang Palien, Siam
Muang Patalung, Siam
Muang Patani, Stam
Muang Ranawng, Siam Muang Sawng Kla (Singora), Siam Muang Trang, Siam
Muaratewe, Borneo
Muaroaman, Sumatra Muarotembesi, Sumatra
Hf Nd Db Cd
Mf Ad
Bb Ke Ba Ia Bb Kd
eee med. Geet Gees Qe Q650 Gee’ Go’ fe
General Index
Murzzuschlag, Austria . Musalamiya, Arabia
Muscat, Arabia
Muscatine, Jowa
Musgrave, Queensland Musgrave Ra., S. Australia Musgrove, Westmorland, Enq. Mush,
Turkey | Mushenge, Belgian Congo Musheramore Mt., Cork, Mushinsk, Ural Area Musi,
R. Hyderabad Musiri, Madras , Muskeget I. and Chan., Mass. Muskegon and R.,
Michigan . Muskogee, Oklahoma Muskoka L., Ontario Muskwaro L., Quebec Muslimiya,
Syria Musmar, A.-E. Sudan Musselburgh, Midlothian, Mussidan, France Mussooree, U
nited Fisinine Mustafabad, United Provs Mustang, Nepal
Mustang I., T'exas Musters L., Argentina Muston, Yorks, Eng.
Musuby Sanatorium, Muswellbrook, New NS. Mut, Egypt
Mut, 7'wrkey Muthill, Perth, Scot. Mutombo Mukulu, Muton, Celébes /. Mutsu-wan,
Japan Mutton I., Clare, I. F.S. Muttra, United Provs. Muttum, 7'ravancore, Mutuns,
Brazil Mutupet, Madras Mutur, Ceylon
Mu Vand, Norway Muvatupuzha, Muvukuni, Kenya
Muwaila, Arabia .
Muy, le, France Muzaffarabad, Kashmir Muzaffargarh, Punjab Muzaffarnagar, United
Prove. Muzaffarpur, Bihar and Orissa Muzillac, France
Muzquiz, Mexico
Mwambo, T'anganyika Terr. Mwanza, Tanganyika Terr. Mwatate, Kenya .
Mwaya, Tanganyika Terr. Mwene Tembe, Angola
Mweru, L., NV. Myadaung, Burma
Myall Downs, Queensland Myanaung, Burma Myaungmya, Burma Mybster, Caithness, Scot.
Mycenae, ruins, Greece . Mydrecht, Holland Myebon, Burma Myedny (Copper) L,
Myenmoletkhat Mt., Myers, Kentucky . Mye rstown, Pennsylvania My- Hoa, Annam.
Myingyan, Burma Myitkyina, Burma Myitnge R., Burma Myjava, Czechoslov akia et 1 ,
Greece Mykland, Norway Mymensingh, Bengal Myndus, New Mexico Mynydd Eppynt, Brecon,
Myohaung, Burma : Myohaung (Arakan), Burma Myola, Queensland
My rdal, Norway
Myre, Norway
Myre Seter, Norway
Myrtle, Virginia . Myrtlecreek, Oregon Myrtleford, Victoria
My rtlepoint, Oregon
Myrtos, Krete I., Greece Mysen, Norway Myshall, Carlow, Mysore, state and tn.,
Mysovsk, EB. Siberia Mystic, Connecticut Mystic, lowa
Mystic, 8. Dakota Mytho, Cochin, China Mytikas, Greece ; Mytilene (Lesbos) I.,
Greece Myto, Vysoké, ¢ Czechoslovakia Naa, Norway
Naa (Narbé), Norway
Naab, R., Germany Naaf, Bengal Naantali, Finland Naarden, Holland Naas, Kildare, I.
F.S. Naas, Vorway Naauw Poort Junc., Nabadwip, Bengal Naba Junction, Burma Nabha,
state and tn., Punjab Nabinagar, Bihar and Orissa Nabi Shaaib, Arabia
Nablus, Palestine
Nacaome, Honduras Nachitoches, Louisiana Nachod, Czechoslovakia Nacimento, Chile
Nackten, Sweden Nacogdoches, Texas
Norway W ales Belgian Congo
Madra ;
‘eal 7 ravancore,
Far BE. Area Burma .
T.F.S. S. India
Cape Prov.
Rhodesia—B. Congo .
92 LOS LO5 L55 L184 LSO 52? 104 130 68 100 110 11) 152 L55 L157 142 143 103 129
— -_ — ~] ~!] —=-I1 Wh
yy -
De Ed Ge Ke De Rn Db De Ds Eb De Df | Cd | Md Ge | Ke Ob Bb Fd | Pl |
Hd Gd Ef
Hr Ce
Cd Je
Dd Be
Cd Bf
Nacorra L., Nacorralea, Nacung L., Nadachi, Nadiad, Nadlac, Romania Nadworna,
Bundi, Rajputana Denmark
Mayo, iP Vayo, Donegal,
Japa n
Bombay ,
Naenwa, Nestved, N Naf uda, Nigeria
Ni ifels, Switzerland Nafferton, Yorks, Nafooey L., ¢ Galway, Naga, Philip ypines
Naga roe N: agal, Japan
Nagamangala, Nagano, Japan Nagaoka, Nagar,
Enq. IFS
A SsSam M ysore
Japan . P ; Bharatpur, Rajputana Nagar, Madras Nagar, Mysore . India Nagari Hills,
Madras Nagar Karnul, Hyderabad Nagar Parkar, Bombay Nagar R., Bengal Nagasaki,
Japan lagashima, Japan agashino, Japan ; agaur, Jodhpur, Rajputana agavaram, Madras
Nagercoil, Travancore 7 agles Mts., Cork, I. F.S. Nagod (Unchahra), state, agohama,
Japan agore, Madras agorny-Karabakh, agoya, Japan lagpur, Central Provs. ag®
Qirtas, Egypt
agu, Finland ; agy -Kanizsa, Hungary agy-Kata, Hungary ae: Kérés, Hungary . Nahlin,
Br. Columbia Nahr el- Asi (Orontes), Nahren Vand, Norway Nahud, En-, A.-E. Sudan
Naicam, Sask. Naidupet, Madras Naigaon, Gwalior, Naihati, Bengal Naik Murad, Bengal
Nailsworth, Glos., Eng. Nain, Labrador Nain, Persia Naini Tal, United Prove.
Nainpur, Central Provs. Nairn, Nairn, Scot. Nairn, co., Scotland Nairn, R.,
[nverness—Nairn, Nairne, S. Australia Nairobi, Kenya Naismith, Montana Naivasha,
Kenya Naizin, France Nakadorishima, Japan Nakaizami, Japan Nakajo, Japan Nakamura,
Japan Nakanashima, Japan Nakatsu, Japan Nakatsu-gawa, Japan Nakaumi, Japan Nakawn
Patom, Nakawn Sritamarat, Nakfa, Eritrea Nakhichevan, rep., Russia Nakhlat Well,
Hgypt Nakina, Ontario Nak! Mubarak, Nakoso, Japan Nakskov, Denmark Nakuru, Kenya ;
Nakusp, Br. Columbia . Nalanda, Ceylon.. Nalchik, Russia Naldrug, Hyderabad
Nalgonda, Hyderabad
Nalhati, Bengal Nalinnes, Belgium Naltigiri Hill, Bikar and Orissa Namaka, Alberta
Namakkal, Madras Namangan, — ep Namaqualand, S.-W. Africa . Namasagali, fae § Nam-
dinh, T'ongking Namestovo, Czechoslovakia Namie, Japan Namkin Mts., Burma Namkoab,
Bechuanaland Nam-kwan, H#. China Nam Mao, Burma Namoa I., #. China Nampa, /daho
Nam-pang, China Nampont, France Nampula, Mozambique Namsen Fjord, Norway Namsen R.,
Norway Namslau, Germany Namsos, Norway Nams Vand, .Vorway Namtu, Burma Namu, Br.
Columbia Namur and prov., Belgium Namyung, China Nanai, Japan Nanaimo, Vancouver
I., Nananfu, China Nanango, Queensland Nanao, Japan Nanaoka, Japan .
a a ae
Siam . Siam
66 12] 107 117 Li] 117 117 LO8 L10 110 110 L1O L106 LO9 L116 117 117 LOS LLO LL)
69 LO9 L116 Lil
97 117 108 127
93 146 L103
79 ‘a
128 147 110 L108 LO9 LOY
47 14] LO5 108 LO8
56 L80 132 158 132
84 116 L117 117 117 116 116 117 116 119 119 129
145 104 117
iid 132 146 11]
97 L110 L10 109
79 109 147 Lil L100 13] 132 119
93 117 107 131 115 107 115 158 115
86 131
70 107 146
79 115 117 146 115 185 117 115
ve Ic Da Kd Og Oh Nh ig Ed Ha Kd Dd
Db Fb Ge He Dg
Hd Dh Ed Bj Be Gf Dd Ed Ge Dd Ed Hd Ff Ke Cg Ge Gg J]
Ee Ge
Sai |
Yt | Nesle, France
Cf | Nesna, Norway
Ab Nesri, Kolhapur, Bombay
Fe | Ness, R. and L., /nvernesa, Scot. Cf -| Ness City, Kansas
Bd | Nesscliff, Salop, Ang. ; Cf | Nesting B., Shetland Is., Scot. Ke | Neston,
Cheshire, Eng.
Ha | Nestum, Norway
Jn | Nes Vand, Norway
Cp | Nethe, R., Belgium
Gb | Netherdale, Queensland Ed | Netherwitton, Northumb., Hng. Cd | Nethou. Pic de,
France-Spain De | Nethybridge, Jnverness, Scot.
Ot Netley, Hants, Eng.
Bf Nettilling L., Baffin /. .
Bb Nettlebed, Oxon, Hng.
Hc Nettuno, /taly
He Neu-Brandenburg, Germany . Kf Neuburg, Germany ; ° ; Lic Neuchatel and canton,
Switzerland Bb | Neuchatel, Lake of, Switzerland Cb | Neudamm, Germany
(d | Neudorf, Sask.
Hh | Neufahrwasser, Danzig.
Xr | Neufchateau, Belgium
Je Neufchateau, France
Ef Neufchatel, Sarthe, France Db Neufchatel, Seine-Inférieure, France Ef
Neufmarche, France
Ee Neuhaldensleben, Germany
Se Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, France
Gd Neuilly-St. Front, /rance
AS Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Fh Neulliac, France
Sv Neumark, Germany
Be Neumarkt, Germany
Le Neu-Mittelwalde, Germany
De Neumiinster, Germany .
Ff Neunkirchen, Austria
Ga | Neunkirchen, Sarre
Ib Neuquen, Argentina
Ga Neu-Ruppin, Germany .
Dd Neusalz, Germany
Ed Neuse R., N. Carolina . ; Gb Neusiedler See (Ferto Tava), Austria Df Neuss,
Mb Neustadt, Bavaria, Germany Dh Neustadt, Germany ;
Hd Neustadt, Schleswig Holstetn, “Ger, Ge Neustadt, Silesia, Germany
Cb | Neu-Stettin, Germany
Cf Neu-Strelitz, Germany .
Ed Neuve Chapelle, France
Fb Neuve-Eglise, Belgium
Ge Neuveville, Switzerland
Be | Neuville, Belgium
Db Neuville, France .
Jb Neuwerk, Germany
PI Neuwied, Germany
Hb Neva, Sweden
Nl Neva, R., Russia
Ke | Nevada, Jowa
Ge Nevada, Missouri
Be Nevada, Ohio
Dd Nevada, Sierra. Spain
Ca Nevada, state, U.S.A.
Gb Nevada City, California
Ce Nevada de Toluca, Mezco
Gd Nevado Vol., Mexico
Fb | Nevasa, Bombay .
Df Nevel, Russia :
Dd Nevendon, Hssex, Enq.
Gd Nevern, Pembroke, Wales
Gh Nevers, France
Lg Neville, France
Cf Neville, Sask. :
Pt Nevin, Caernarvon, Wales
Rp Nevis, L., Jnverness, Scot.
Ke Nevis I., West Indies
Dd | Nevlunghamn, Norway
Fb | Nevsehir, Turkey
Be Nevyansk, Ural Arca
Fe | New Albany, /ndiana
Gd | New Albany, Mississipm
Ce | New Almaden, California
Bd New Amsterdam, Brit. Guiana Cd Newark, Delaware
Db | Newark, New Jersey
Dd Newark, Nottingham, Eng.
Cb Newark, Ohio : ‘
Eb | Newark Valley, New York
Jb New Augusta, Mississippi
Ja | Newaygo, Michigan
Wr | Newbald, Yorks, Eng.
Er New Baltimore, New York
Rn New Bedford, Mass.
QI New Belgium, Transvaal
ad Newberg, Oregon
Hg | New Berlin, Pennsylvania
Hg New Bern, N. Carolina
Fa Newbern, 7'ennessee
Hf Newberne, Virginia
Co Newberry, Michigan
Bo | Newberry, Pennsylvania
Ed Newberry, S. Carolina .
Dd New Bethlehem, Pennsylvania J] Newbiggin bythe Sea, Northum., Eng. Le
Newbigging, Durham, Eng. . Le Newbliss, Monaghan, I.F.S. . Ce Newborough, Anglesey,
Wales Gd New Boston, 7'exas
Ef New Braunfels, 7'exas
De New Bremen, Ohio Bb Newbridge, Monmouth, Eng. : De Newbridge (Droichead
Nuadh), /. F.S Fb Newbridge-on-Wye, Radnor, Wales Eb New Brighton, Cheshire, Enq.
Ce New Brighton, Pennsylvania Hb New Britain, Bismarck Arch. Kb New Britain,
Ce New Brunswick, New Jersey Ac New Brunswick, Ohio
ey “I ~} «Jj =] *
— ~ ad
~] ~j] +] ~1 ~I +1 +1 ¢
79 80
oS Dvuig c cos!i a
ne ee | '
a- ~
ee ™T wt oa «J
wt wt WA OY = — VY
oh |
« t
** ~ r * .
“Ine © & te bo
a SAB tt ot Vt oT x = — Ol YS
oo cS —_~ «A + a ee
wet *.*
150 L189 152 L151 L150
Ib Sf Ha Gd Ib Kd Db Be Db Le Ke Fd Dd Fb Dd Ge Ca De Bd Ch Eb
Fe Ee Be Dd Bd Da Ge Gb Eb Db Bb Db Hb Ad
Be Bb Ec
Bb Cd Dd
Df Bf Bb Dd Wt Ms Kec La Qg Mr Kh
if Bb
Nf Ke F b Fe Fb Ug Bb Ka
Cb De Bd Fb Ab
New Brunswick, prov., Canada , 14} Newburg, New Brunswick . 143 Newburg, W.
Virginia 150 Newburgh, Aberdeen, Scot. 57 Newburgh, Fife, Scot, 55 Newburgh, New
York 152 Newbury, Berks, Eng. 40 Newbury, Vermont : 152 Newbury Junction,
Queensland 185 Newburyport, Massachusetts 152 Newby Bridge, Lancs, Eng. 52 Newbyth,
Aberdeen, Scot. 57 New Caledonia I., Pacific Oc. 176 New Canton, Virginia . 151 New
Carlisle, Ohio 150 New Carlisle, Quebec 143 New Castle, Colorado 159 New Castle,
Delaware 151 Newcastle, Down, N. Ire. 63 Newcastle, Dublin, I. FS. 64 Newcastle,
Indiana 155 New Castle, Kentucky . 150 Newcastle, Limerick, I. F.S. 68 Newcastle,
Natal 135 Newcastle, New Brunswick 143 Newcastle, New S. Wales 183 Newcastle,
Pennsylvania ‘ 150 Newcastle, Virginia ; 150 Newcastle, Wicklow, I. FS. 64
Newcastle, Wyoming 154 Newcastle Bay, Queensland . 184 Newcastle Emlyn, Carmar.,
Wales. 46
Newcastle under Lyme, Staffs, Eng. 49 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northum., Eng. 53
Newchurch, Lanes, Eng.
Newchwang (Yingkow), Manchukuo 114
New City, New York New Comerstown, Ohio New Concord, Ohio New Cumberland, W.
Newdale, Manitoba Newdegate, W. Australia New Denver, Br. Columbia Newell, S.
Dakota : New England, NV. Dakota New England Ra., New 8. Newent, Glos., Eng.
Newfane, Vermont ; New Forest, Hants, Eng. Newfoundland, colony, \, New Franklin,
Missouri Newgale, Pembroke, Wales New Germantown, Pennsylvania New Germany, Nova
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
New Glasgow, Virginia
New Guinea (Papua), ), Pacific Oc. New Hampshire, state, U.S.A. New Hampton, /owa
New Hanover, Natal
New Haven, Connecticut
New Haven, Missouri . Newhaven, New Zealand Newhaven, Sussex, Eng.
New Hebrides, Pacific Oc.
New Hey, Lanes, Eng.
New Holland, Lincs, Eng.
New Holland, Ohio 4 New Holland, Pennsylvania . New Hope, Pennsylvania Newhouse,
Lanark, Scot.
New Iberia, Lowisiana . Newington, Kent, Eng.
New Inn, Galway, I. F.S.
Newinn, Tipperary, I.F.S.
New Ireland I., Bismarck Arch, New Jersey, state, U.S.A.
New Kensington, Pennsylvania New Kent, Virginia
Newkirk, Oklahoma
Newland, Virginia
New Lexington, Ohio
New Lisbon, Wisconsin
New Liskeard, Ontario.
New London, Connecticut
New London, Jowa
New London, Missouri
New London, Ohio
New London, Wisconsin
Newlyn, Cornwall, Eng.
New Madrid, Missouri . ‘ Newmains, Lanark, Scot. Newman, California
Newman Grove, \ebraska Newmarket, Cork, J.F.S. Newmarket, Vew Hampshire Newmarket,
Ontario. Newmarket, Suffolk, Hing. Newmarket on Fergus, Clare, I. F.S. New
Martinsville, W. Virginia New Matamoras, Ohio .
New Mexico, state, U.S.A.
New Milford, Connecticut
New Milford, Pennsylvania
New .Mill, Yorks, Eng. .
New Mills, Derby, Eng.
Newmilns, Ayr, Scot.
New Moorefield, Ohio
Newnan, Georgia Newnes, Vew 8S. New nham, Glos., New Nickerie, Dutch Guiana New
Norfolk, J'asmania New Orleans, Louisiana Newpaltz, New York
New Paris, Ohio
New caps Ohio
New Plymouth, New Zealand New port, p RE ee
Newport, California Newport, Delaware
Newport, Hssex, Eng. Newport, Sie Scot. . Newport, Isle of Wight, Eng.
Wales: Enq.
152 150 150 150 144 187 146 154 154 181 47 152 40 14] 155 46 151 143 143 151 99 149
155 135 152 155 19] 4] 176 49 50 150 151 151 55 157 4] 66 69 189 149 150 151 156
151 150 155 142 152 155 155
— oo oa oe
--_- _-- ee
as oes —_ a
4 — ¢
ase a ot oe at SS - Ee?
sa aa
Newport, Kentucky Newport, Maine . Newport, Mayo, I.F. s. Newport, Monmouth, Eng.
Newport, Vew Hampshire Newport, Oregon . Newport, Pembroke, W ales
Newport, Pennsylvania
Newport, Quebec .
Newport, Queensland
Newport, Rhode J.
Newport, Salop, Eng.
Newport, Tennessee. Newport, Tipperary, I. FS. Newport, Vermont
Newport, Washington
Newport News, Virginia Newport Pagnell, Bucks, Eng. Newport Trench, Tyrone, N. Ire.
New Prague, Minnesota
New Providence I., West Indies New Quay, Cardigan, Wales . Newquay, Cornwall, Eng.
New Raymer, Colorado
New Richmond, Ohio
New Richmond, Quebec
New Richmond, W. Virginia New Richmond, Wisconsin
New Roads, Louisiana
New Rochelle, New York
New Rockford, NV. Dakota
New Romney, Kent, Eng.
New Ross, Wezford, I. FS. Newry and Canal, Down, N. Ire. New Salem, V. Dakota
New Seaham, Durham, aa New Sharon, Jowa
New Shildon, Dirham, Eng. . New Siberian Is., Yakutsk
New Smyrna, Florida
Newsome, Virginia
New South Wales, state. A ustralia Newstead, Queensland .
New Straitsville, Ohio .
Newton, Argyll, Scot.
Newton, Cambridge, Eng. Newton, /llinois .
Newton, Jowa
Newton, Kansas .
Newton, Mass.
Newton, New Hampshire Newton, New Jersey
Newton, Ohio
Newton, 7'exas
Newton, W. Virginia
Newton, Yorks, Eng. .
Newton Abbot, Devon, Eng. . Newton Arlosh, Cumberland, Eng. Newton Bridge, Perth,
Scot. Newton Ferrers, Devon, Eng. Newtonmore, Inverness, Scot. Newton on the Moor,
Northwmb., Eng. Newton Poppleford, Devon, Eng. Newton Reigny, Cumberland, Eng.
Newton Stewart, Wigtown, Scot. Newtown, Hanis, Eng. Newtown, Hereford, Eng.
Newtown, Montgomery, Wales Newtown, Pennsylvania Newtownards, Down, N. Ire.
Newtownbarry, Wezford, I. F.S. Newtown Bellew, Galway, I. F.S. Newtown Butler,
Fermanagh, N. Ire.
Newtown Crommelin, Antiim, N. Ire.
Newtown Cunningham, /.F.S. Newtown Hamilton, Armagh, N. Ire. Newtown Monasterboice,
/. F.S. Newtown Mount Kennedy, /.F.S. . Newtown St. Boswells, Roxb., Scot. Newtown
Sandes, Kerry, I. F.S. Newtown Stewart, T'yrone, N. Ire. Newtyle, Angus, Scot.
New Ulm, Minnesota
New Utengule, Tanganyika Terr. New Westminster, Br. Columbia New World I.,
New York, New York . :
New York, state, U.S.A.
New Zealand, S. Pacific Oc. . Neyland, Pembroke, Wales : Neyyattinkara, Travancore,
Madras Nez Perce, Idaho
Nezugaseki, Japan
Ngabang, Borneo
Ngami, L., Bechuanaland
Ngapara, New Zealand
Ngara, Nyasaland ‘ Ngaruawahia, New Zealand Ngataba, New Zealand
Ngau (I.), Fiji Is.
Ngaundéré, Cameroons
Ngauruhoe Mt., New Zealand Nggamea (I.), Fiji Is.
Ngilas, Cameroons
Ngomo, Belgian Congo
Ngong, Kenya Ngora, Uganda Ngo-shan, China . N’Gouri, Fr. Equat. Nggeleni, Cape
Prov. Nha-trang, Annam Nhill, Victoria Niagara, Ontario . ; Niagara, W. Australia .
Niagara Falls, New York Niagara Falls, Ontario .
Niamey, Fr. West Africa Nianfor, Sweden . Niangara, Belgian Congo Niangbo, Fr. West
Africa Nias 1., Dutch E. Indies
Nibe, Denmark
Niblock, Ontario .
Nicaragua, rep., Central America
150 Ae 152 Db 66 Bp 47 Qt 152 Be 158 Ac 46 Ms 151 Eb 143 Mec 185 Gj 152 Cd 49 Rr
153 Co 69 Er 152 Bb 158 Ea 151 Ed 40 Us 63 Hn 155 Je 164 Eb 46 Ns 44 Lw 15 De 150
Ae 143 Me 150 Cd 155 Je 157 Je 152 Bd 154 Fb 41 Xv 64 Hs 63 Jo 154 Eb 53 Tn 155 Je
53 Sn 1Ol Oa 153. Df 151 Ed 179 Ge 185 Gh 150 Be 54 Lk 41 Ws 155 Lf 155 Je 154 Gf
152 Ce 152 Ce 151 Fb 150 Be 157 He 150 Ce 49 Rp 45 Ov 52 Pn 57 Ok 44 Nw 56 Nh 53 Sm
45 Pv 52 Qn 54 Mn 40 Tu 47 Qs 47. Pr 151 Fb 63 Kn 64 Hr 66 Dg 62 Go 63 Jn 62 Fn 63
Ho 63 Jp 64 Jaq 65 Ql 68 Cr 62 Gn 57 Pj 155 He 133 Ch 146 Hg 139 Ce 152 Ad 149 Le
176 Hm 46 Mt lll Cg 158 Eb 117 Fd 120 Cd 131 Dg 191 Cf 130 Fe 190 Eb 190 Fe 192 Wp
128 Af 190 Ee 192 Xn 125 Gh 130 Ee 132 Ed 132 Ce 115 Ab 128 Be 137 Md 119 Dd 182 Ac
142 Ef 187 Ej 142 Ef 142 Ef 125 Ef 71 Gf 130 Eb 125 Dg 120 Ad 77 Bb 144 Hf 163 Cd
General Index
Niort, France Nipani, Bombay Niphad, Bombay . ; Nipigon and L., Ontario Nipigon B.
and R., Ontario Nipissing L., Ontario. Nippers Is., Newfoundland Nippur, /raq
Nira R., Bombay Nirazaki, Japan
Niriz and L., Persia Nirmal, Hyderabad
Nirmal Range, Hyderabad Nis, Yugoslavia
Niscemi, Sicily
Nishapur. Persia Nishinoshima, Japan Nishiichi, Japan . Nishumikaya, Sado, Nisibin,
Nissa R., Sweden. Nisse, Holland Nissedal, Norway Nisser Elv, Norway Nisser Vand,
Norway Nissila, Finland
Nissum Fjord, Denmark Nistelrode, Holland
Nith R., Dumfries, Scot. Niton, Jsle of Wight, Eng.
Nitra, Czechoslovakia
Nittedal, Norway Nivala, Finland
Nivelles, Belgium Nivernais, old prov., Nivillers, France . Niwasaka, Japan
Nizamabad (Indur), Ayilerabad Nizam Ghat, Assam Nizampatam, Madras
Nizam’s Dominions (Hyde rabad) Nizhma R., Russia ; Nizhne Kamchatsk, Far. £. Nizhne
Kolymsk, Yakutsk Nizhne-Udinsk, H#. Siberia Nizhni Lumpakolsk, W. Siberia Nizhni
Novgorod. See Gorki. Nizhni Tagilsk, Ural Area Nizne Tatry, Czechoslovakia Njole,
Fr. Equat. Africa Njurunda, Sweden
Nkandhla, Natal .
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland
No, Japan .
Noailles, France
Noakhali, Bengal :
Noak Hill, Hssex, Eng... Nobber, Meath, I. F.S. .
Nobel, Poland
Noblesville, Indiana Noboripets-dake, Japan Nocera, Italy
Nochistlan, Mexico
Nochixtlan, Mexico Nocklabruck, Austria
Noéerd, Luxembourg
Neesset, Norway .
Neeverdalen, Norway
Nogal, New Mexico Nogales, Arizona . Nogales, Mexico . Nogent, France Nogent-le-
Rotrou, France Noge nt-sur-Seine, France Nogon-usu, Jnner Mongolia Nogoya Argentina
Nohar, Bikaner, cane Noheji, Japan
Noire, Mt., France
Noires Mts., France
France .
Noir, Mont, France Noirmoutier, I. de, France Noisiel, France Nojimazaki, Japan
Nojiriko, Japan Nokesville, Virginia Nokomis, Sask. ; Nola, Fr. Equat. Africa
Nola, /taly .
Nolan, Utah
Nolinsk, Russia Nolleval, France . Nombre de Dios, Mexico Nombre de Dios, Panama
Nome, Alaska
Nomeny, France .
Nonai, Japan
Nonampo, Korea Nonancourt, France Nonant, Calvados, France Nonant, Orne, France
Nonnenwerth, Germany No Ness, Shetland Is., Scot. Nong-han, Siam .
Nong-kai, Siam Nongoma, Natal .
Nong-son, Annam Nonsnibba (mt.), Nontron, France . Noodsberg, Natal Noogilla,
Noojee, Victoria .
Noorddyk, Holland Noordweijherhout, Holland Noord Willems Canal, Holland Noosa,
Nora, Orebro, Sweden
Nora, Sweden
Norang, Vorway .
Nora Springs, Towa
Norborg, Denmark
Norcross, Maine .
Nord, dep., france ; Nord, Canal-du-, Holland
A rea ,
83 110 L110 144 145 142 139 104 110 L117 105 110 110 93 9] 105 116 116
~_~ —_ Ww =I
WwWWwNw Oe Ww
~~ Sr) a1 +] +1 +1 +1 +) +1 o-Ic
- —
— “IO Sr 1 Sta +1 +12 -+1- Pwwwa iy mK vo
Be Ba Jf Jf Ed Ce Te Bb Ff Fd Db Cb Ge Ef Gb
Me Ab Ke Om Tv Fb Gd Le Eb Ee Ce Ge Db He Ed De Hd Pe
De Gh
Ce Gb Bd Gb
F g
Gt Cb Jd Be Db Ka
ig aa ay <= "FS ie Norddal, Norway 72 Db Nordelph, Norfolk, Eng. dL Wr Norden,
Germany ; : 74 Bb Nordenskiold Arch., Arctic Ocean 100 Ja Nordenskiéld Sea,
Yakutsk, etc. 10l Ma Norderhov, Norway 72 Gd Norderney I., Germany 74 Bb Nordfjérd,
Vorway 72 Be Nordfjordeidet, Norway 72 Ce Nordhausen, Germany . 74 De Nordkyn,
Norway 70 Ma Nordland, Norway 70 Fe Nérdlingen, Germany 74 Dd Nordmanns Lagen,
Norway 72 Dd Nordmore, Norway 72 Db Nord Sjé, Norway 72 Fe Nordstrand, Germany 74
Ca Nord-Trondelag, fylke, Norway 70 Ed Nore, Norway 72 Ed Nore,. R., J. F.S. 64 Hs
Nore, The, England 41 Xu Nore Fjeld and Fjord, Norway 72 Fd Norfield, Mississipi
157 Je Norfolk, co., Eng. 51 Xr Norfolk, Connecticut 152 Bd Norfolk, Nebraska 154
Gd Norfolk, Virginia 151 Ed Norfolk Be Pac ific Doean 176 Hk Norg, Holland 78 Fb
Norgate, Manitoba 144 De Norham, Northumberland, Eng. 52 Ri Norheim, Norway 72 Cd
Norikura-dake, Japan . 117 Ke Normal, Jllinois 155 Le Norman, California i59 B
Norman, Oklahoma 156 Fe Normanby, New Zealand 190 Ee Normanby, Queensland 185 Gh
Normanby I., Papua , 189 Ed Normandie, Collines de, France 82 Cb Normandy, old
prov., France 82 Cb Normanton, Queensland 184 Cf Normanton, Yorks, Eng. 49 Tp Noré
(Bakke), Vorway 72 Cd Norquin, Argentina 172 Bg Norrbotten, lin, Sweden 70 He
Nérresundby, Denmark 77 Ba Norris, Montana . 158 He Norris Arm, Ve wfoundland 139
Ce Norristown, Pennsylvania 151 Fb " Norrképing, Sweden 71 Fg Norrland,. Sweden 1
Sa Norrsundet, Sweden 7 Gf Norrtalje, Sweden 71 Hg Norseman, W. Australia 187 El
Norsewood, Vew Zealand 190 Fd Nort, France 85 «Ff North C., New Ze aland 190 Da
North C., N orway 70 La North, C., Nova Scotia 143 Od North Chan., /re.—Scot. 63 Km
North Chan., Ontario 142 Cd North L., New Zealand ; 190 De North Pt., Prince Edward
I. 143 Nd North Adams, Massachusetts 152 Be Northallerton, Yorks, Eng. 53 To
Northam, W. Australia 187 Ck Northampton, Mass. ; 152 Be Northampton, W. A ustralia
. 187 Bj Northampton and co., England 40 Us North Anson, Maine , 152 Db North
Attleboro, Mass. 152 Ce North Baltimore, Ohto 150 Bb North Battleford, Sask. 147 Pe
North Bay, Ontario 142 Ed North Bend, Br. Columbia 146 Jg North Bennington, Vermont
. 152 Be North Berwick, #. Lothian, Scot. 55 Qk North Brabant, prov., Holland 78 Ce
North Branch, Minnesota 155 Je North Bulkley, Br. Columbia 146 Fd North Canadian
R., Oklahoma 156 Eb North Carolina, state, U.S.A. 149 Kd North Channel, N. Jreland
34 Cd North Charlton, Northumb., Eng. 53 «Sil North Coolgardie Goldfield, W. Aus.
187 Bj Northcote, Queensland . 184 Ef North Creek, New York 152 Be North Dakota,
state, U.S.A. 148 Fb Northeast, Maryland 151 Fe North East, Pennsylvania 150 Da
North East Polder, Holland . 78 Ee Northern Area, Russia 96 Ge Northern Bight,
Newfoundland 139 Cd Northern Frontier Prov., Kenya 132 Fb Northern Prov., Uganda
132 Be Northern Provinces, Nigeria. 125 Ff Northern Territories, Gold Coast 125 Df
Northern Territory, Australia 178 Eb Northfield, Minnesota 155 Je Northfield,
Warwicks, Eng. 50 Ss Northfleet, Kent, Eng. . 41 Wu North Girard, Pennsylvania .
150 Ca North Graham I., Antarctica 95 — North Hero, Vermont ’ 152 Bb North Holland,
prov., Holland 78 Ce North Holland Canal, Holland 78 Ce Northiam, Sussex, Eng. 41
Xv North Land, Arctic Ocean 101 Ka Northleach, Glos., Eng. 47 St North Lewisburg,
Ohio 150 Bb North Little Rock, Arkansas 157 He North Manchester, /ndiana 155 Ne
Northolt, Middlesex, Eng. 40 Vt Northop, Flint, Wales 48 Pq North Platte, Vebraska
154 Ee North Platte R., Wyoming, etc. 154 Bd Northport, Maine 152 Db Northport, Vew
York 152 Bd Northport, Washington 158 Ea North Riding, Yorks. Eng. 53 To North
Rona, Outer Hebrides, Scot.. 34 Db North Sea, W. Europe . 30 Ed
General Index
Oneonta, Alabama Oneonta, New York Onetomanai, Japan
Ong R., Bihar and Orissa Ongerup, W. Australia. Ongles, France
Ongole, Madras Onich, Inverness, Scot.
Onida, S. Dakota Onishika, Japan . Onitsha, Nigeria .
Ono, Japan Onoharashima, Japan . Onomichi, Japan. Ononiimachi, Japan Onslow, W.
Australia Onslow B., '. Carolina Onséy, Norway
Ontake, Japan ; Ontario L., Canada—U.S. Ontario, prov., Canada Onteniente, Spain
Ontonagon, Michigan Onuma (Lake), Japan . Oodnadatta, S. Australia Ookiep, Cape
Prov. ; Oola, Limerick, I.F.S. . Ooldea, S. Australia Oostburg, Holland Oosteamp,
Belgium Oost-Dunikerke, Belgiwm Oostel Beers, Holland Oosterhesselen, Holland
Oosterhout, Holland Oosterleek, Holland Oosthuizen, Holland Oostmalle, Belgium
Ootacamund, Madras Ootmarsum, Holland Opaki, New Zealand Opal, Alberta
Opalton, Queensland Opanake, Ceylon . Opava, Czechoslovakia . Opdal, Vorway , ‘
Opdal, Sor-Trondelag, Norway Opdal and Elv, Norway Opdol, Vorway
Opelika, Alabama
Opelousas, Louisiana Opheim, Montana
Ophemert, Holland
Ophir, Colorado
Ophir, New Zealand Ophoven, Belgium
Ophus, Vorway
Opis, lraq
Opladen, Germany
Opland, fylke, Vorway
Oploo, Holland
Opobo, Nigeria
Opochka, Russta .
Opoezno, Poland .
Opop, Japan
Oporto, Portugal .
Oposhnya, Russia
Opotiki, New Zealand Oppegaard, Vorway
Oppeln, Germany
Oppenheim, Germany Optima, Oklahoma
Opunake, Vew Zealand Opwyck, Belgium
Ogair, Arabia ; Oradea Mare, Romania
Orefa Jékull, /celand
Orai, United Provs.
Oraison, France
Oran, Argentina .
Oran, dep., Algeria
Oran and Gulf, Algeria Orange, California
Orange, Connecticut
Orange, France ; Orange, Massachusetts . Orange, Vew Jersey
Orange, Vew S. Wales Orange, Texas
Orange, Virginia
Orange, C., Brazil
Orange R., S. Africa Orangeburg, S. Carolina Orange City, Florida Orange City, Jowa
Orange Cliffs, age Orange Free State, Africa Orange River, Cape ‘hae Orangeville,
Ontario Orangeville, Pennsylvania Orange Walk, Brit. Honduras Oranienbaum, Russia :
Oranienburg, Germany
Oranje Canal, Holland . Oranmore, Galway, I.F.S. Orany, Poland
Orari, New Zealand
Orastie, Romania
Oravais, Finland
Oravita, Romania ‘ Oravska Magura, Czechoslovakia Orbana, Brazil
Orbe, Switzerland
Geben France
Orbetello, Jtaly
Orbisonia, Pennsylvania Orbost, Victoria Orcera, Spain Orchha, state and tn.,
Orchies, France : Orchilla, I., Venezuela . Ord, Nebraska
Ord, Mt., Arizona Ordie, Aberdeen, Scot. Ordu, T'urkey
Central India
Otavalo, Ecuador Otavi, S.-W. Africa Otawara, Japan Otepaa, Aston ia Otford, Kent,
Eng. Othe, Forét d’, Othery, Somerset, Othonot, Pe Greece Othrys, Mts., Otis, Vew
Brunswick Otley, Yorks, £ng.
Otobe, Japan
Ototac, Yugoslavia Otoine ppe, Japan
Otokia, New Zealand Otorohanga, Vew Zealand Otoshibe, Japan .
Otra Elv, Norway Otranto, /taly Ots., Japan Otsego, Ohio Otsu, Japan Otsuki, Japan
Otta, Norway ; ; Ottappidaram, Madras Otta Vand, Vorway Ottawa, /llinois
Ottawa, Kansas
Ottawa, Ohio
Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa Is., Hudson Bay Ottawa R., Ontario—Quebec Otter R., Devon, Eng. Otterbacken,
Sweden Otterbourne, Hants, Eng. Otterburn, Northumb., Eng. Otter Ferry, Argyll,
Scot. Otterington, South, Yorks, Otteréy, Norway . Ottershaw, Surrey, Eng. Ottery,
R., Ottery St. Mary, Ottestad, Vorway Ottignies, Belgrum
Otto, Manitoba
Ottoko, Japan
Ottosdal, Transvaal
Otto’s Hoop, Transvaal Ottumwa, /owa
Ottweiler, Sarre
Otumba, Mezico .
Otway, Ohio
Otway o Victoria
Otyo, 8.- Africa
Otzthaler Me Italy Ouagadougou, Fr. West - Africa Ouahigouya, Fr. West Africa
Qualata, Fr. West Africa Ouarville, France ; Oubatche, Vew Caledonia Ouchy,
Switzerland Oudcarspel, Holland
Ouddorp, Holland ‘ Oude Beierland, Holland Oudecappelle, Belgium Oude Diep, Holland
Oude Ijsel, R., Holland Oude Maas, R., Holland OQudenbosch, Holland Oude Rijn,
Holland Ouderkerk, Holland Oudeschild, Holland Oude Tonge, Holland Oudh, United
Provs. Oudewater, Holland Oudler, Belgiwm
Oudon, France Oudtshoorn, Cape Prov. Qued, El-, Algeria Quegoa, Vew Caledonia
OQuessant (Ushant), |. d’, Ouffet, Belgium
Oughter, L., Cavan, I. B.S. Oughterard, Galway, I. FS. Ouistreham, France Oulainen,
Finland Oulchy-le-Chateau, France Oulton, Cumberland, Hing. Oulu, Finland
Oulu L., Finland
Ounas, R., Finland Oundle, Northants, Eng. Ouray, Colorado . Ouray, Utah Ourem,
Brazil . Ourimbah, New S. Ouro Preto, Brazil Ourthe, R., Belgiwm Ourville, France
Ouse R., Little, Norfolk, etc. Ouse, R., Norfolk, etc., Eng. Ouse R., Sussex, Eng.
Ouse, R., Yorks, Eng.
Oust, R., France . ; ; Outhgill, Westmorland, Eng, . Outlook, Sask.
Outram, \Vew Zealand .
Qut Skerries, Shetland da. : Boot: Outtrim, Victoria ; Outwell, Norfolk, Eng. .
Ouyen, Victoria ; Ovalau (I.), Faye Ls.
Ovalle, Chile
Ovar, Portugal
Oventrop, Germany
Overath, Germany
Overdal, Norway .
Over Flakkee (1.), Holland Overijsel, prov., Holland Overkalix, S werden
Overlea, Alberta
Overo, Cerro, Argentina Overpelt, Belgiwm
Overscaig, Sutherland, Scot.
France . Eng.
Gre éce
Devon, Eng.
Wa laa
Devon—Cornwall, Eng. .
, Eng. ;
—_ nO ste le
Cl ll ee Ed ~~] ee OO OS * Obs — bo +! =I
Orbos Gr by
78 78 78 106 78 79 85 136 126 192 82 79 67 66 85 70 86 52 70 70 70 50 159 159 149
183 174 79
Bb Vo Bd Ab Eb Ce Dd Be F d
Md Cf Ga
rr Palisade, Nebraska b 154 Fe | valinnde . Nevada. . 158 Be Paliseul, Belgium. 79
Ga Palizada, Mexico. 162 ¢f Palkonda, Madras 109 Palkonda Range, Madras 110 De
Palkot, Bihar and Orissa 109 Gd Palk Strait, India—Ceylon lll Dg Palladam, Madras
lll ¢¥ Pal Lahara, state, Bihar and Orisea 109 Ge Pallas Green, Limerick, I. FS, 69
Er Pallaskenry, Limerick, I. FS, 68 Dr Pallavaram, Madras lll Ke Pallavarayankadda,
Ceylon lll Rg Palling, Norfolk, Eng. Bl Zp Palliser, Br. Columbia . 146 Lf
Palliser, C. and B., New Zealand 191 Ra Pallu, Bikaner, Rajputana 108 Ba Palma,
Bihar and Orissa 109 Ha Palma, Brazil 174 Bb Palma, Paraguay. 17% Je Palma, Sicily
91 Df Palma, la, Spain 88 Bd Palma and B., Balearic Is, . 0 eis Palma, L., Canary
Is. , 1 ee Palmanova, /taly 9) Db Palmares, Brazil . 171 Hb Palmarito, Mexico 160
Be Palmarito, Venezuela 168 Db Palmas, C., Lvory Coast 125 Ch Palmas, Gulf,
Sardinia. 91 Be Palmas, Las, Canary Is. 122 Be Palm Beach, Florida 153 Eg Palmeira,
Brazil . 171 Hb Palmeira, Rio Grande rs sul, ‘Braz il 173 Lb Palmer, Colorado 154
Cf Palmer, Massachusetts , 152 Be Palmer, W. Virginia 150 Ce Palmer ’ Goldfie ld,
Queensland 184 Df Palmerston, Vew Zealand 191 Cf Palmerston, Ontario 142 Df
Palmerston North, New Zealand 190 Ed Palmerville, Queensland 184 Ef Palmetto,
Florida 153 Cg Palmi, Italy 91 Ee Palmiet Fontein, Cape Prov. 137 Le Palmillas,
Mexico 162 Dd Palmira, Colombia 168 Be Palm Islands, Queensland 185 Fg Palmitas,
Uruguay 173 Je Palmtree Creek, Queensland . 185 Gk Palmyra, Brazil 174 Df Palmyra,
Missouri 155 - Kf Palmyra, Syria 103 Ce Palmyra, Virginia 151 Dd Palmyras Point,
Bihar and Orissa 109 He Palnackie, Kirkcudbright, Scot. 55 On Palni, Madras : ‘ 111
Cf Palo Alto, California 159 Bg Palomas, Brazil . 173 Kd Paloncha, Hyderabad 110 Ke
Palos, Spain 88 Bd Palpa, Nepal 109 Fb Palpa, Peru : 168 Bf Palsi, Hyderabad . 110
Cb Palu, Celébes I, 121 Ee Palu, Turkey ; 104 Cb Palud, la, France. 87 Fe Palwal,
Punjab 108 Ca Pama, Fr. West Africa. 125 Ef Pamaga, Alberta . 147 Of Pamban and
Chan., Madras . lll Dg Pamidi, Madras . 110 Cd Pamiers, France . 83 De Pamir
Plateau, Central Asia 102 Ge Pamlico Sd., NV. Carolina 153 Fe Pampa, Texas . 156 De
Pampa, Gob. de la, Argentina 172 Eg Pamplin City, Virginia 151 Dd Pamplona,
Colombia 168 Cb Pamplona, Spain : . 89 Ea Pampoen Poort, Cape Prov. . . 136 Fd
Pana, Illinois 155 Lf Panaca, Nevada 159 Fg Panadure, Ceylon 111 Dh Panagar,
Central Provs. . 108 Ed Panagiri, Hyderabad 110 De Panagyurishte, Bulgaria . 95 Bd
Panama, rep., Central America . 168 Ab Panama and Canal, Panama. 168 Bb Panama
City, Florida . 153 Be Panamint Mts., California . 159 Eg Panarea I., Jtaly . 91 Ke
Panat, Siam 119 Cd Panay I., Philippines . 121 Fb Pancada Falls, Brazil . 169 Gd
Pancé, France 85 Fe Pantevo, Yugoslavia . 93 Gd Panchamnagar, Central Provs. . 108
De Panchet Hill, Bihar and Orissa . 109 Hd Panch Mahals, dist., Bombay . 108 Ad
Panchun, Bikaner, Rajputana 108 Ab Panciu, Romania. . 95 Ceo Pancras, Alberta . :
147 Of Pandada, Nandgaon, Central "Prova. 109 Ke Pandaria, Central Provs. ‘ 109 Ed
Pandatarai, Kawardha, C.P. . . 109 Ed Pandhana, Central Provs. . 108 Ce Pandharpur,
Bombay . 110 Be Pandhurna, Central Provs. . 108 De Pando, Uruguay . 173. Kf Pandy,
Monmouth, Eng. 47 Qt Panerden, Holland 78 Fe Panevezys, Lithuania 73 Ge Panga,
Belgian Congo 130 Eb Pangaion Mts., @reece . 94 Cb Pangal, Hyde rabad 110 De
Pangani and R. . Tanganyika Terr. 133 Ff Pangbourne, Berks, E ng. : 40 Tu Pangkal
Pinang, Bangka, D.E.I. . 120 Ce Pangman, Sask. . ; ; . 147 Rg Panguitch, Utah . .
159 Gg Panhandle, T'exas . 156 De Panipat, Punjab . 106 De
tf b
ae” «a ea”
eS eS sa
General Index
Arizona Parker, S. Dakota Parker, Virginia . Parker Is., E. China Parkersburg, W.
Parkers Landing, Pennsylvania New S. Wales . Parkesburg, Pennsylvania Parkeston,
Park Falls, Wisconsin Parkfield, California
Parkin, S. Parkman, Parkman,
Virginia Parkes, Essex, Australia
Ohio Wyoming
Parknasilla, Kerry, J. FS. Park Rapids, Minnesota Park River, V. Dakota
Parks, Arizona Parksley, Virginia Parkston, S. Dakota Park View, New Mexico
Parlakimedi, Madras Parlakot, Bastar, C.P. Parli, Hyderabad . Parma, /daho
Parma, /taly Parnahyba and R., Brazil Parnassos, Mt., Greece Parnassus, New Zealand
Parnassus, Pennsylvania Parnell, Texas
Parner, Bombay
Parnu and dist., Hstonra
Paron, Gwalior, C.l. Paropamisus, Afghanistan Paros, IL., Greece
Parowan, Utah : Parracombe, Devon, Hng. Parral, Chile
Parral, Mexico ; Parramatta, Vew S. Wales
Parras and L., Mexico . Parret, R., Somerset, Eng. Parrsboro, .Vova Scotia Parry I.
and Sd., Parry Is., Canada Parsa, Bihar and Orissa
Parsons, Kansas
Parsons, Mississippt
Parsons, W. Virginia Parsonstown. See Birr. Partabgarh, Bombay
Partabgarh, United Prova. Partabgarh, state & tn., Rajzpulana Partabpur, Bastar,
Partabpur, Surguja, C,P.
Partan, Kirkcudbright, Scot. Parthenay, France
Partinico, Sicily
Partney, Lines, Eng.
Partridge, Kentucky
Partry, Mayo, 1.F.S. .
Partry Mts., Mayo, I. F.S.
Paru, Rio, Brazil. ; Parur, 7T'ravancore, Madras Parur, Travancore, Madras
Parvatipuram, Madras Parwan R., Kotah, Rajputana Parys, Orange FS.
Pas, The, Manitoba Pasadena, California Pasargadae, Persia
Pascagoula and R., Mississipp Washington ‘alais, dep., Pasewalk, Germany Pashmakli,
Bulgari Pasir, Borneo Paska, Ontarw : Paso de Indios, Argentina Paso de los Libres,
Argentina Paso de Sotos, Mexico .
Paso Robles, California Paspebiac, Quebec
Pasqua, Sask.
Passage West, Cork, l. F. S, Passaic, New Jersey Passais, France Passamaquoddy B.,
Passau, Germany Passchendaele, Belgium Pass Christian, Mississippi Passenheim, 2.
Prussia Sicily
Pas-de-( France
Passero, C., Passo Fundo, Passos, Brazil Pastanza, Heuador
Pasto, Colombia
Pastora, Venezuela
Pastos Bons, Braztl > Java
Pasvik, Vorway
Pasvik Elv, Norway Fi Just Paszto, Tungary . Patayonia, region, Patan, Jaipur,
Rajput Patan, ; Patan, Satara, Bombay. Patancheru, Hyderabad Patan Saongi, (¢ ntral
Provs.. Patapseo R., Maryland Pataudi, state, Punjab Patchewollock, Victoria
Patchogue, New York Patchole, Devon, Eng. Patea, New Zealand Pateley Bridge, Yorks,
Patera, Central Provrs. Paterno, Sicily Paterson, New Jersey Paterson, Queensland
Pathankot, Punjab Pathari, Bhopal, 3 & Pathhead, Fife, Scot.
Argent.—€ hile
Kngq. .
New Brunswick
159 154 15] L1d L50 150 183 15] 4] 155 159 L80 L150 L58 68 155 154 L59 15] 154 156
LO9 L10 158 XY) 17] 94 191 L150 156 110 73 LOS LO6 4 159 46
mrs) b-
160 183 162
47 143 142 140 109 Ld5d 157 150
L10 109 108 109 109 54 83 }] 5 150 66 66 169 111 11] 109 LO8 135 144 159 LOD 157
158 >»)
! t
oui ed awe pum te woe « ~~ . ~ oom
oS Ss) sl & Lo a om he, oe @ By —- -wwwv=—= av
143 147 69
I'h Gd Ke id
Se co
| :
| Pathhead, Midlothian, Scot. Pathri,~H yderabad - Patiala, state and tn., Punjab
| Patipal Aar, Ceylon
Pativilca, Peru ;
Patkai Hills, Assam—Burma
Patmos Aigean Sea
Patna, Scot. ;
Patna, Patna, Bihar and Ovisse
Patna, state, Bihar 4:
Patoda, Hyderabad
| Patong-shan,
Patos, Brazil F :
| Patos, Parahyba, Brazil
| Patos, Cachoeira dos, Brazil . Patos, Lagoa dos, Brazil
| Patquia, Argentina
| Patrai and Gulf, Greece Patrasayar, Bengal
( ri ISSO
Patrick, Jsle of Man ‘ Patrick Brompton, Yorks, Eng. Patrickswell, Limerick, 1.
F.NS. | Patrington, Yorks, Eng. | Patrocinio, Brazil . Patta L., Kenya
Pattanapuram, Travancore Patterdale, Westmorland, Eng. Patterson, Louisiana
Patterson, Vew York
| Patti, Sicily
Patti, United Provs. Pattikonda, Madras
| Pattisons, 7'exas
Patton, Pennsylvania Pattonsburg, Missouri Pattukkottai, Madras Patun, Bihar and
Orissa Patur, Berar, India
Paturages, Mons, Belgium
| Patutahi, New Zealand Patuxent R., Maryland Patzcuaro, Mexico Pau, France
Paulding, Missiasi pp Pauillac, France Paulding, Ohio
Paulpictersburg, Natal
| Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Paungde, Burma .
Pauni, Central Proves. Pauri, Gwalior, India
| Pauri, United Provs.
Pavia, /taly
Pavilion, Br. Columbia
Pavlodar, W. Siberia
Pavlograd, Russia
| Pavlovo, Russia
Pavlovsk, Russia
Pavlovsk, Leningrad . rea,
Pavlovskoi, Russia
Pavugada, Mysore
| Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Pawlett, Somerset, King.
Pawling, New York
Pawnee, Oklahoma
Pawnee City, Nebraska
| Paw Paw, Michigan
| Pawtucket, Rhode J.
Paxio, L., Greece
Paxton, /llinois
Payagpur, United Pics,
Paye rne, Switz erland
| Payette, Idaho
Payne, Ohio :
Payne L., Quebec
Paynesville, Minnesola
| Paynesville, W. Australia
| Paynton, Sask.
Payo Obispo, Mexico
| Paysandt, Uruguay
| Payson, Arizona
| Payson, Ulah
Payta, Peru
Pazaung, Karenni,
| Peabody, Kansas
| Peace Dale, Rhode 1. Peace R., Alberta Peace River, Alberta
Vue en slnseal
Peach (Archer) R., | Peaima Falls, Bri. | Peak, S. Carolina
| Peak, The, Derby, Eng. Peake, The, 8S. Australia Peakeen Mt., Kerry, /. FS. Peak
Forest, Derby, Hing. Peak Hill, Vew S. Wales Peak Hill, W. Australia Peak Hill
Goldfield, W.
Peak Range, Queensland
Aust ralia
Pearce, Arizona ! Dosrisburg, Vir : earisburg irginia
Pearl R., Miss.—La. | Pearl Cay Lag., Viearagua Pearsall, T'exas
Pearston, Cape Prov. Peasenhall, Suffolk, Eng. Peasmarsh, Sussex, Hng. Péaule,
France Peazens, Holland. | Pebas, Peru | Pebble, /daho Yugoslavia Pecanha, Brazil
Pechabun, Stam Pechihli, G. of,. China | Pechihli, Strait of, China Pechora R.,
Russia Peein, Albania Peck... /daho
| Peckville, Penn sylvan 1
| Pecos, New Mexico
Pecos, 7't vas '
| Peeos R., New Mex.-Texas | Pées, flungary
168 Lbs (y3 174 Lig Li4 114 YG 4 L58 L51 156 156 L56 33
Ke Cd Ab Gf
He De Ce Db Bb
Jf Ge
If Gd (re Kd Kd Cid Fb Pu Bd Ib (re Nd Cd Be
Hh He Ae He Gf Cd Mb Lic Dal Kb De Sq Dd Bt Sq Ka Dy
Peddapuram, Madras
Peddavagu R., Hyderabad Peddie, Cape Prov. Pedee R., Great, NS. Pedernales,
Carolina V ene A tke mSso,
cuela Brazil Spain . (11), Brazil Pedroso, el, Spain Pedrotallagalla (Mt.),
Pedro Los, Pedro Segundo
Peebles, Ohio Peebles, Sask. Peebles and co., Scof. Peekskill, New York Peel, Isle
of Man.
Peel Fell, Northumberland, Eng. Peel Marsh, Holland
Peel Str., V.-W. Terr.
Peene R., Germany
Peer, Be lgium : Pegasus B., New Mahal
Pego, Spain Pegu, Burma
Pegu Yoma, Burma
Pegwell B., Kent, Eng. Pehsinchen, #. ¢ bie Pehtaiho, China Pehtang, China
Pehtang-ho, Peiping, China Pehuaja, Peicheng (1.), Peichow, #. China Peigan,
Alberta Pei-ho, China Peihsien, China Pei-kiang, China . Peille, France Peipiao,
/ehol Peipin, France Peiping, China Peipsi (Peipus) L., Peiraievs, Peize, Holland
Pekalongan, Jara
A rgentina China
(ire CeCe
Pekan, Malaya
Pekela, Holland
Pekin, Illinois
Pekisko, Alberta Pekuyonto ([.), Korea Pelat, Mt., France Pelée, Mont, Martinique
Pelham, Pelham, Queensland Pelhitimov, Czechoslovakia Pelican Rapids, Peling L. and
Str., Pelion, Mt., PeljeSac, Pelkum, Pella, ‘ Pella, Cape Prov. Pelle, dep.,
Pellegrini, Pellerin, France Pellerine, la, Franee Pello, Finland Pellouailles,
/rance Pellworm, L., Peloponnesos (Morea), (reece Pelotas, Brazil
Pelvoux, Mt., France Pelymsk, Ural Area
Pelynt, Cornwall, Eng. Pemalang, Java
Pemba, Rhode sid
Pemba, I., Zanzibar
Pemba Chan., E. Africa Pemberville, Ohio
Pembina, Dakota ; Pembrey, Cormen™ n, Wales Pem bridg = reford, king. Fearon New
Zealand Pembroke, Ontario Pembroke, Pembroke, Pembroke, CcO., Wales - Pembroke
Dock, Pembroke, Pembury, Kent, King. Pemuco, Chile
Pemukan, Alberta
Pen, Bombay Pena Blanca, Pena de Francia, Pefiafiel, Spain Penaflor, Chile
Pefialara, Pico de, Spain Penally, Pembroke, Wales Pena Negra, Sierra de, Penang
L.. Straits Settlements Pefaranda de Bracamonte, Spain Penarth, Glamorgan, W ales
Pefias, Golfo de, Chile
Pena Verde, Portugal
Penco, Chile Pend d’ Oreille, Pend d’ Oreille, L., Pender, Vebraska Penderyn,
Pendine, Carmarthen, Pendleton, Pendleton, Pendra. Central Provs. . Penduv, Bombay.
Penedo, Brazil Penedono, Portugal : Montgomery, Wales Ontario
Celéhes |,
(reece Yugoslavia
Germany .
Sierra de, Spain.
Albe rta Idaho
Brecon, Vi ales ; Wales . Arkansas
Penegues, Penetanguishene, Pentield, Pennsylvania i Penganga (R.), Berar, India .
Pengshan-hsien, Hopeh, China
Pengtse-hsien, China Penguin, Tasmania c Penhow, Monmouth, Eng. Peniche, Portugal
Penicuik. Midlothian, Scot.
id 79 191 89 LO7 L107 +} LLdS Li4 114 114 173 114 Ld 147 115 LLd Ld 87 L114 87 114
73 (}4 78 120 119 78 Ldd 147 114 83 166 153 185 Q? 1 4 121 {4 2? 76 155 36 4
3d Mo ()Jm Ke Kb Eb (ya De ve He He Yu Kd De Ce (le Gf Ke Eb Ng De Db bg He Ed Eb
Cd He ('d Ib (‘f Cf Hb Le Mf Gif Gd Da Kx HI Db (tb Ie Ce Ke Da
De Db Ce Be De Ce (Jt Ac
Pioche, Nevada
Piolence, France . Piombino, /taly
Pioneer, Ohio
Pioneer R., Quee nsland Pioneer Downs, Queensland Piotrkéw, Poland
Pipairo, Japan Pipar, Jodhpur, Rajputana Piparda, Kotah, Rajputana Piparwani,
Central Prors. Pipestone, Minnesota Pipestone L., Manitoba Pipiriki, New Zealand
Pipleda, Central Provs. Pipoon, Manitoba
Pippli, Bihar and Orissa Pipraud, Kanker, C.P. Pipriac, France
Piqua, Ohio Piquetberg, Cape Prov. Piracicaba, Brazil Piracutuba, Brazil Piraeus.
See Peiraievs. Pirahy, Brazil
Pirano, /taly Piranhaquara, Brazil Piranhas, Brazil Pirapora, Brazil
Pirara, Brit. Guiana Piratiny, Brazil Piravanam, Travancore, Pirawa, Tonk,
Rajputana Pirdop, Bulgaria . Pirganj, Bengal Pirgos, Krete I., Piriac, France
Piridpolis, Uruguay Piribebuy, Paraguay Pirin Planina, Bulgaria Pirmasens, Germany
Pirmed, Travancore, Pirna, Germany Pirnmill, Arran J., Scot. Pirot, Yugoslavia
Pirou, France
Pirpainti, Bihar and Orissa Pir Panjal Pass, Kashmar Piryatin, Russia
Pisa, /taly
Pisagua, Chile
Pisco, Peru
Pisek, Pictinslovekio Pishin, Baluchistan Pishma R., Russia
Pisino, Italy , Pisonia I., Queensland Pisticci, [taly
Pistoia, /taly ,
Pistolet B., V ewfoundland Pisuerga, R., Spain
Pitanguy, Brazil ,
Pitcairn I., Pacific Ocean Pitcaple, Aberdeen. Scot. Pitea, Sweden
Pite alv, Sweden
Pitesti, Romania . Pithapuram, Madras Pithiviers, France
Pithoria, Central Provs. Pitihra, Central Provs. . Pitkin, Colorado
Pitlochry, Perth, Scot. Pitrufquen, Chile
Pitscottie, Fife, Scot.
Pitsea, Essex, Eng. . Pitsligo, New, Aberdeen, Reot. Pitt 1., Br. Columbia
Pittenweem, Fife, Scot. Pittsboro, NV. Carolina . Pittsburg, Kansas
Pittsburg, Kentucky Pittsburg, Texas . ; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pittsfield,
Pittsfield, Mass.
Pittsfield, New Hampshire Pittsford, Vermont
Pittston, Pennsylvania Pittsworth, Queensland Pitur Rani (Mt.), Bastar, C.P.
Pitzewo, Kwantung, Japan Pitzunda, Russia Piura, dep. and tn., Piza, Latvia
Plabennec, France . ; Placentia and B., Newfoundland Placentia Junc., Newfoundland
Placerville, California Placerville, Colorado
Placerville, Idaho
Placilla, Chile :
Pladda I., Arran I., Scot. Plainby, Queensland
Plain City, Ohio
Plain Dealing, Louisiana Plainfield, Connecticut
Plainfield, New Jersey .
Plains, Montana .
Plainview, Minnesota
Plainview, Nebraska
Plainview, Texas .
Plainville, Connecticut
Plainville, Kansas
Plainwell, Michigan
Plaistow, Sussex, Eng.
Plana I., Spain
Plancoét, France . Plankinton, S. Dakota .
Plant City, Florida
Plaquemine, Louisiana Plasencia, Spain .
Plassey, Bengal .
Plaster Rock, New Smsaiek
Madr as
General Index
Plymouth, Wisconsin Plymouth and Sd., Devon, Plympton, Devon, Eng. Pizen (Pilsen),
Czechoslovakia Pnom-penh, Cambodia .
Po: K.. Italy
Pobe, Dahomey
Pocahontas, Pocahontas,
Arkansas Virginia
Pocatello, Jdaho
Pochow, Anhwei, China Pochutla, Mexico
Pocito, Arge ntina : Pocito, sierra del, Spain Pocklington, Yorks, Eng. Pocomoke
City, Maryland Pocos de Caldas, Brazil Podanur, Madras
Cezchoslovakia ( 'exchoslovakia
Podborany, Podébrady, Podgorica, Podili, Madras Podima, Turkey Podkamenno-
Tunguzkoe, Podolsk, Russia : Podor, Fr. West Africa Podzeplije, Yugoslavia
Poeleappelle, Belgvum Pog
S iberia
rma, Ontario ; ; P ohsic ng-hsien, Hopeh, China Pohui, New Zealand
Point a la Hache, Lowisiana . Pointe Noire, F'r. Equat. Africa Point Pleasant, Vew
Jersey Point Pleasant, W. Poissy, France Poitiers, France
Virgin id
Poitou, old provy.,
Poix, Belgium
Poix, France
Pojo, Finland = Pokatshena, Ural Area, Russia Pokemouche, New Brunswick Pokeno, Vew
Zealand Pokhara, Nepal
China Siberia Russia
Poklo-hsien, E. Pokrovka, £. Pokrovsk (Engels), Pola, Italy
Poland, Arizona Poland, Ohio Poland, rep., Hurope Polavaram, Madras Polbathick,
Cornwall, Eng. Polch, Germany Poldhu, Cornwall, Polegate, Polesie, Polfoss,
Polgahawela, Ceylon
Polgar, Hungary .
Policastro, Gulf, /taly Poligny, France , Polillo, L., Philippines . Polk, Ohio :
Pollachi, Madras
Pollard, Victoria . Pollensa and B., Balearic /s. Pollitt, Pollock, Louisiana
Pollock, S. Dakota Polmaddie Hill, Ayr, Polmak, Norway . Polmont, Stirling, Scot.
Pol’na, Czechoslovakia Polnovatsk, Ural Area, Polo, /llinois : Polocheng, Jehol .
Polonnaruwa, Ceylon Polotsk, Russia Polovina, Siberia Polperro, Cornwall, Eng.
Eng. Sussex, Eng. . Poland
Scot °
Polson, Montana Poltava, Russia Polur, Madras
Polutorno, Finland Russia Polwarth, Berwick, Scot. Polzin, Germany Pomaran
(Dondrekin) Is., Pombal, Bahia, Brazil . Pombal, Brazil Pombal, Portugal Pombets,
Japan . ; Pomerania, prav., Germany Pomeranian B., Germany Pomeroon R., Brit.
Pomeroy, Natal Pomeroy, Ohio : Pomeroy, 7'yrone, Tre.
Pomeroy, W cakcniios Pomona, California Pomona (Mainland), Orkney /s., Pomorze,
Poland Pompano, Florida
Pompei, /taly
Pompignan, France
Pompton, New Jersey
Ponca, Nebraska .
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Pond Creek, Oklahoma . Ponder’s End, Middlesex, Eng. Pondicherry (French), Madras
Pondo Land, Cape Prov. Ponds Inlet, Canada
Ponente, Riviera di, /taly Ponferrada, nner Pongnirtung, N.-W. Terr.
Pongola R., NV ae oe Ponnaiyar (Penner), Madras Ponnampet, Coorg, 3. “india :
Ponnani, Madras.
Ponneri, Madras .
Ponoi and R., Russia
9? 119 QO) 125 157 L150 115 162 172 betel D0 15] 174 LI] 92 GY? G4 LLO 95
154 156 166 156 4] 11] 131 141
90 88 141 135 Lil lll 111 110 96
B f
Ca Da Aa Dd De Jb Id
Ke Bb Dd
Fe Kf
Be Fb
2; »C
De Ce Ge Bd Kf Gb Md Eb
Hb Fb Fa Fb Gg Ce Hn Eb Eh Pd Gt Dg Ed Ac Fb Gd Fb
Eb Vt Df Kj Ob Be Ba Qe Hf De Be Bf Ee Gb
Ponoka, Alberta
Pon-pi-sai, Siam .
Pons, France
Pont, le, Switzerland
Ponta de Pedras, Brazil
Ponta Grossa, Brazil Pont-a-Mareq, France Pont-a-Mousson, France ; Pontardawe,
Glamorgan, Wales Pontardulais, Glamorgan, W ales Pontarlier, France Pont-Audemer,
France Pont-Aven, France
Pontchartrain, Louisiana
Pont-Chateau, France Pont-Croix, France Pont-de-Barret, France ; Pontdolgoch,
Montgomery, Wales Pont-d’Ouilly, France Pontecorvo, /taly
Pontedera, Jtaly
Pontefract, Yorks, Hn Ponteland, i etek bec Eng. Ponte Nova, Brazil : Pont-erwyd,
Cardigan, Wales Ponte Tresa, Switzerland Pontevedra and prov., Spain
Pontfarcy, France Ponthierville, Belgian C ongo . Pontiac, Jllinois Pontiac,
Michigan Pontianak, Borneo Pontine Is., ltaly Pontine Marshes, Pontivy, France Pont
l’-Abbé, France Pont-l’-Eveque, France Pont-Melvez, France Pontoise, France Ponton,
Great, Lincs, Pontoon Br. and Hotel, Pontorson, France Pontotoc, Mississipptr
Pontotoc, T'exas Pontremoli, /taly Pontresina, Switzerland Pontrhydfe ndigaid,
Cardigan, Pontrieux, France
Pontrilas, Hereford, Eng. Pont-St. Esprit, Pont-Scorff, France Ponts-de-Cé, France
Pontvallain, France Pont Yates, Carmarthen, Pontypool, Monmouth, Pontypool, Ontario
Pontypridd, Glamorgan, Pony, Montana Ponziane Is., [taly Pool, Yorks, Eng. : ;
Poole and Harb., Dorset, Eng. Poolesville, Maryland
Poolewe, Ross and Crom., Scot. Pooley W cattnarinadl Eng.
Eng. Mayo, I.F.S.
F rance les,
Wale 8 Eng. .
Poona, Bombay Poonamallee, Madras Pooncaira, New S. Wales
Lake, Bolivia Popa, Mt.. Burma Popayan, Colombia Poperinghe, Belgium Popigaisk, #.
Siberia Poplar, Montana Poplar Bluff, Poplarville, Mississippi Popo, Grand, Dahomey
Popocatepetl, Mexico
>= On
50 66 85 157 156 90 8] 46 84 47 87 84 85 85 46 47 142 17 L158 9] 50 40 15] 58
L110 11] 182 170 107 168 79 (0) fy
nS Gn
-_ ay ~- wr mM vr ~] wb | —
Popokabaka, Belgian Congo 130 Popova Gora, Russia 96 Popovo, Bulgaria 95 Poppel,
Belgium . : 79 Poprad and R.. Czechoslovakia 93 Porahat, Bihar and Orissa 109
Porangahau, New Zealand 190 Porbandar, W./. States L106 Porcher L., Br. Columbia
146 Porcos in. Brazil 168 Pori (Bjérneborg), Finland 73 Porirua, New Zealand 19]
Porjus, Sweden 70 Porkhov, Russia . 96 Porkkala, Finland 71 Porla, Sweden . 71
Porlock, Somerset, Eng. 46 Pornic, France 82 Poromes, Russia . 96 Poronai, Japan
116 Poronup, Japan 116 Poros L., Greece 94 Porosaru, Japan . 116 Poroshiri, Japan .
116 Porrentruy, Switz iawl 80 Porsanger F {eee Norway 70 Porsgrund, \orway 72 Port
Adelaide, S. Australia 180 Portadown, Armagh, \. /re. 63 Portaferry, Down, N. Jre.
63 Portage, Wisconsin 155 Portageé-la-Prairie, Manitoba 144 Portage bei r, New
Brunswick 143 Portal, NV. Dakota : 154 Port poe rni, Vancouver /., B. oS. 146
Portalegre and dist,. Portugal 88 Portales. New Meaico 156 Port Alfred, Cape
Prov. ; 137 Port Alice (Entebbe), Uganda 132 Port Allegany, Pennsylvania. 151 Port
Allen, Louisiana 157 Port Alma, Queensland 185 Port Angeles, Washington 158 Port
Appin, Argyll, Scot. 56 Portarlington (Cal an t Sidaire), J. F.S, 64 Port Arthur,
7'exas RF 157 Port Arthur, Ontario 144
Ne Ce Cd Be
Eb Ib ()t Nt Ge Lib Be Je Ef Ad Da (or Je Dd Ce Tp sm Df Os Ge Aa Gc De
Od Cd Dd Dd Bb Ac op Cd Db Ur Cp Ge Ke Ke Cb Jd Os Ce Qt Cb Ce Hf Ke
Pt Ke Pt He Dd Sp
our “se Ee oe Aeea®
at os - Ss ee ES ema .
Citizen’s Atlas
Port Moresby, Papua Port Morien, Nova Scotia Port Mouton, Nova Scotia Port
Mulgrave, Nova Scotia Port Musgrave, Queensland Portnacroish, Argyll, Scot.
Portnahaven, Islay, Scot. Portnan Long, North Uist, Port Natal, Natal
Port Nelson, Manitoba Portneuf, Quebec
Port Nicholson, New Dealand Port Nolloth, Cape Prov. Portnoo, Donegal, 1.F.S. Port
Worris, New Jersey Porto, Golfe de, Corsica Porto and dist., Portugal Porto Acre,
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Porto Alexandre, Angola Porto Amelia, Mozambique Portobello, Edinburgh, Scot. .
Porto Civitanovo, [taly
Porto d’ Anzio, Italy
Porto degli Aranci, Sardinia Porto de Moz, Brazil
Porto Empedocle, Sicily Porto Farina, Tunisia . Porto Ferrajo; Elba I., Italy .
Port of Menteith, Perth, Scot. Porto Franco, Goyaz, Brazil . Port of Spain,
T'rinidad Portogruaro, /taly
Portola, California
Porto Nacional, Brazil
Porto Novo, Dahomey
Porto Novo, Madras
Portér, Norway
Port Orange, Florida
Port Orchard, Washington Port Orford, Oregon Porto Santo Stefano, Sa rdinia Brazil
Porto Torres, Sardinia
Porto Veechio, Corsica
Porto Velho, Brazil
Porto Vesme, Sardenia
Porto Victoria, Brazil Portoviejo, Ecuador : Port Patrick, Wigtown, Scot. Port
Phillip Bay, Victoria Port Pirie, S. Australia Portreath, Cornwall, Eng. Portree,
Skye I., Scot.
Port Renfrew, Port Rexton, Newfoundland : Portroe, Tipperary, I. FS
Port Royal, Pennsylvania
Port Roy al and Sd., S. Carelina Portrush, Antrim, N. Tre.
Port Said, Egypt .
Port St. Johns, Cape Pror.
Port St. Mary, Jsle of Man
Port St. Pere, France . Portsalon, Donegal, I. F.S
Port San Luis, California
Port Saunders, Newfoundland Port Shepstone, Natal .
Port Simpson, Br. Columbia . Portskerra, Sutherland, Scot. Portsmouth, Hants, Eng.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire Portsmouth, Ohio Portsmouth, Virginia Portsonachan,
Argyll, Scot. Portsoy, Banff, Scot.
Port Stanle y, Ontario Portstewart, Londonderry, Port Sudan, A.-#. Sudan Port
Sunlight, Cheshire, Eng. Port Swettenham, Malaya Port Talbot, Glamorgan, Wales Port
Tampa City, Florida
Port Tewfik, Hgypt Port Townsend, Washington . Portugal, Europe e Portugalete,
Italy Portoscuso, :
Porto Seguro,
Portuguesa, state, Venezuela Portuguese Guinea, West Africa
Portumna, Galway, I. FS Port Union, Newfoundland Porturlin, Mayo, [.F.S Port
Vendres, France
Port Victoria, Kenya
Port Victoria, S. Australia Portville, Vew és
Port Wakefield, Australia Port W uae Florida Port Washington, Wisconsin Port Weld,
Malaya Port William, Wigtown, Scot. Porumamilla, Madras
Porvenir, Uruguay Poryechye, Russia Porz, Germany
Posadas, Argentina Posadas, Spain Poschiavo, Swit: zerland Posen (Poznan), Poland
Po-shan-hsien, #. China Poshekhonye, Russia Posidi, Greece
Péssneck, Germany Posso and L., Celébes Post, T'exas Postawy, Poland Post Bridge,
Devon, Postumia, Jtaly Postville, Jowa Posusje, Yugoslavia Potaro R., Brit. Guiana
Potchefstroom, T'ransvaal Poteau, Oklahoma
Vancouver J.. B.C.
N Tre.
189 143 143 143 184 56 60 58 135 144 143 19] 131 62 151 $3 83 168 17] 131 130 55 90
9] 9] 169 9] 124 YU) 56 169 166 90 L159 L69 125 11]
153 L58 L58 90 9] 171 9] 83 169 9 | 169 168 54 L&2 L180 44 58 146 139 69 L151 L153
63 27 137 48 84 62 159 139 135 146 5Y 4() 152 L50 15] 56 HZ 142 63 129 48 119 46
L53 128 L158 30 88 168 125 67 139 66 83 132 L8O
173 Ss 8] 73
115 96 4 74
156 73 44 90
155 93
De Pd Mf Oc Ce
De Dd Bd Gd Df Ga Ce Nk He
Mn Dd Je Ed Ce Jb Cd Kd Cf Ka Id Ce De Fe Dd He Ov Db Kd Ee Fb De Ge
Potegaon, Central Provs. Potenza, Italy Potes; Spain Potgietersrust, Poti, Russra
Potigny, France
Potikal, Bastar, C.P. . Potomac R., Maryland, ete Potosi, Bolivia
Potosi, Missourt Potrail Water, Lanark, Potsdam, Germany Pottangi, Madras Potter,
Nebraska . Potterne, Wilts, Eng. . ; Potter’s Bar, Middlesex, Eng. Potter Street,
Essex, Lng. Potter Valley, California Potton, Bedford, Kng. Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Pottsville, Pennsylvania Pottuvil, Ceylon
Pouancé, France ; Pouce Coupe, Br. Columbia Poughkeepsie, New York Pouldergat,
France Pouldreuzic, France Poullaouen, /rance
Poulton, Glos., Eng.
Poulton, Lancs, Eng. Pourville, france
Pouso Alegre, Brazil Pouzauges, France
Poverty B., New Zeal land Povoa de Varzim, Portugal Povyenetz, Russia Powderville,
Power. Montana .
Powers, Kentucky
Powers, Oregon
Powhatan, Virginia Powhatan Point, Ohio . Powick, Worcester, Eng. Poyang-hu, China
Poynings, Sussex, Lng. Poynton, Cheshire, Eng. Poyntzpass, Pozarevac, Yugoslavia .
Potega, Drinska, Yugoslavia Pozega, Savska, Yugoslavia Poznan, co., Poland
Poznan (Posen), Poland Pozoblanco, Spain
Pozzuoli, [taly : Prachi R., Bihar and Oriana Prachim Buri, Siam
Prades, France Prado, Brazil Preesté (Faxe) B., Preesté and amt., Praga, Poland
Prague (Praha), Praha (Prague), Praia da Rainha, Praid, Romania Prainha, Brazil
Prairie, Queensland
Prairie City, Oregon
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin , Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin Prairie Point, Alberta
Prampram, Gold Coast . Pranhita R., Central Provs. Prasu, Gold Coast
Prata, Brazil
Prato, Brazil
Prato, Italy
Pratt, Kansas
Pratt City, Alabama Prattigau, Switzerland . Prattville, Alabama Pravia, Spain
Prawara R., Bombay Prawle Pt., Devon, Eng. Précey, France Précigné, France . Précy,
France Pré-en-Pail, France Prees, Salop, Eng. Preesall, Lancs, Eng. Pregel, R., #.
Prussia Preili, Latvia
Prei-veng, Cambodia Prelensk, Poland Preloué, Czechoslovakia Premier Group Mts.,
Br. Prentice, Prenzlau, Germany Preobrazhensk, EH. Siberia Preobrazhensk, Russia .
Preolenna, T'asmania
Preparis l., Bay of Bengal Prerov, Czechoslovakia . Prescot, Lancs, Eng.
Prescott, Arizona
Prescott, Arkansas
Prescott, Ontarto
Prescott, Washington Preservation Inlet, New Sealand Presidio, T'exas ,
PreSov, Czechoslovakia .
Prespa L., Yugoslavia, ete. Presque Isle, Maine Pressburg (Bratislava), Czeciosl.
Prestatyn, Flint, Wales Prestea, Gold Coast ‘ Presteigne, Radnor, Wales PreStice,
Preston, Dorset, Eng.
Preston, Glos., Eng.
Preston, Jdaho
Preston, Lancs, Eng.
Preston, Maryland
Denmark Denmark
Armagh—Down, N. Tre.
LO8 9] ete;
134 97 8h
155 55
154 40
146 152 84
bo OI oI Ss . 2 Ao Sr =1 Gi Gi CO t
Hm Or G0 ¢
2 =I bo
nN 7D D> - — —~ =m
t I
157 8] 157 88 LLO
85 85 86 85 49 48
158 49 15]
Wt Bf Vs Eb
Eb ih
Bd Ad Ae
Bd St
Qp La Bg
Ge Ab Te C Hb Ad Ad Ed Ce
De Vv tq Jo Gd Fe Ed Cf Cf
Cd Dd He Cd Ke Hd Ee Ke kf Da Da He Bb Gd Kh De Kd Ld Lb Eg 1D f Dg Ae Hd
Ii'g Ld Je Ld Ba Ab Ow Ge Je Ce Jd Qr Qp
Hd Dd Gf Da Je Ke Eb Kb Ke Be Gf Kb Qq Gh Hd (re Db Ag Bf Gb Bb Kd Eb Pq Dg Ps Cb
LV Rs Hd Qp ne
Przasnysz, Poland
Przedborz, Poland
Przemysl, Poland
Psara, I., (reece
Psiol R., Russia
Pskov, Russia
Ptuj, Yugoslavia .
Puan, Argentina
Puchay, France
Pu-cheng-hsien, L. China
Puchow, " Shantung, China
Puck, Poland
Puckaun, Tipperary, LF. S.
Puckeridge, Herts, Eng.
Pudasjarvi, Finland
Puddletown, Dorset,
Pudozh, Russia
Pudsey, Yorks, Eng. :
Pudukkottai, Madras States
Puebla, Mexico
Puebla, la, Balearic Is.
Puebla, La, Spain
Puebla de Alcocer, Spain
Puebla de Sanabria,
Pueblo, Colorado .
Pueblo, Texas ‘
Pueblo Nuevo, Venezuela
Pueblo Nuevo del Mar, Spain
Pueblo Viejo, Mexico
Puelches, Col Los, Argentina
Puenteareas, Spain :
Puentedeume, Spain
Puente Genil, Spain
Puers, Belgium
Puerto Arista, Mexico
Puerto Armuelles, Panama
Puerto Averias, Uruguay
Puerto Barrios, Guatemala
Puerto Belgrano, Argentina
Puerto Bello, Panama
Puerto Bermudez, Peru
Puerto Berrio, Colombia
Puerto Bolivar, Ecuador
Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
Puerto Cabezas, \Vicaragua
Puerto Carrizal, Chile
Puerto Chicama, Peru
Puerto Colasane, Argentina
Puerto Colombia, Colombia
Puerto Coronilla, Uruguay
Puerto Cortez, Honduras
Puerto Coyle, Argentina
Puerto de Luna, Vew Meatico
Puerto-de-Santa Maria, Spain
Puerto Deseado, Argentina
Puerto Galvan, Argentina
Puerto Isabel, Mezico
Puerto Libertad, .Weaico
Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Puerto Mexico, Mex ico.
Puerto Militar, Argentina
Puerto Montt, Chile
Puerto Nacional, Colombia
Puerto Parana, Argentina
Puerto Pizarro, Ecuador
Puerto Plata, West Indies
Puerto Princesa, Philippines.
Puerto Quemado, Colombia
Puerto Rieo, Bolivia. :
Puerto Rico, L., West Indies .
Puerto Salinas, Venezuela
Puerto San Antonio, Argentina
Puerto Suarez, Bolivia
Puerto Varas, Chile
Puerto Wilches, Colombia
Puerto Yessup, Peru
Puesti, Romania
Puffin [., Anglese 7 Ww ali 8
Pugachevsk, Russia
Aaa Bikaner, Rajputana uget, France, .
Puget Sd., Washington
Puget-Théniers, France
Puglia, dep., Jtaly
Pu-Hak, Laos
Puhsien, Shansi, China
Puigcerda, Spain.
Puigreig, Spain
Puimoisson, France
Pukaki, L., New Zealand
Pukearuhe, New Zealand
Pukehohe, New Zealand
Pukerua, New Zealand .
Puket, Siam
Puketutu, Vew Salat
Pukiang-hsien, ( ‘hekiang, China
Pukkila, Finland
Pukow, Kiangsu, China
Pulacayo, Bolivia
Pulantien, Kwantung Pen.
Pulaski, Kentucky
Pulaski, New York
Pulaski, Tennessee
Pulaski, Virginia.
Pulborough, Sussex, Eng.
Pulgaon, Central Provs.
Pulham, NX orfolk, Eng.
Pulicat and L., Madras
Pulivendla, Madras
Puliy angudi, Madras
Pulkkila, Finland
Pullam pet, Madras
Pullman, Washi ington
Pullman, W. Virginia
Pulmoddai, Ceylon
Pulonga, Russia
Puttusk, Poland .
Pulukhir Bir, Mongolia :
Pumpsaint, Carmarthen, Wales
Puna I., Ecuador .
Punaka, Bhutan
pa Central Prova, . unata, Bolivia
79 160 L68 173 163 173 168 L68 168 168 L68 L163
iim 168 173 168 173 163 175 L56
88 175 173 160 160 175 168 160 173 175 168 173 168 165 121 L168 168 166 168 175 170
L75 168 168
Q7 108
87 L158
| 119 LLd5
87 191 L9O L190 19]
pened — <a tT
Seed) Sania Gadel Yuh posh pet's ed ol | Bd Bd Be: as id
— eS Vt
~I bo
“5° (pata _ os eee Dh i Punch, Kashmir Kg Pundu, Bihar and Orissa Ih Punganuru,
Madras De Pungo Ndongo, Angola Ke Pu-ning-hsien, #. China Dd Punjaab Sta.,
Queensland De Punjab, India I'g Puno, Perv ; Be | Punpun R., Bihar and Orissa Kf
Punta Arenas (Magallanes), (hile Cb Punta del Este, Uruguay De Punta Gorda, Brit.
Honduras Er Punta Gorda, Florida Wt Puntarenas, Costa Rica Md | Puntas de Maciel,
Uruguay Rv | Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania Fe | Puolanka, Finland Sp Pupunhas, Brazil
Df Purandhar, Bombay Df Purbeck, I. of, Dorset, Eng. Ge | Purcell, Oklahoma Ce
Purchena, Spain . Ce | Purfleet, Assex, Eng. Ba Puri, Bihar and Orissa Cf
Purificacion, Colombia Ke Puriri, Vew Zealand Da Purisima, Mexico Ke Purley,
Surrey, Eng. Nd Purmerend, Holland Dh Purna R., Berar, India Aa Purna and R.,
Hyderabad Aa Purnabhaba R., Bengal Cd | Purnagad, Bombay Ka Purnea, Bihar and
Orissa Kd Purple Mt., Kerry, /.F.S. Ab Purple Springs, Alberta - Pursat, Cambodia
Cd Purton, Wilts, Eng. Gh Puruandiro, Mexico Bb | Puruktjahu, Borneo Bf Purulia,
Bihar and Orissa Cb Puruni, R., Brit. Guana Bd Purus, R., Brazil Da Purvis,
Mississipyni “d Purwa, United Prors. Be Purwakarta, Java Be Purworejo, Java Gd Pus
R., Berar, India Ba Pusa, Bihar and Orissa Le Pusad, Berar, India Cd Pusht-i-Kuh,
Persia (‘f Puspal, Bastar, Central Provs. 3c.-'| «~Piispék-Ladany, Hungary Bd |
Pussemange, Belgium Ce Puster Tal, Austria Kh Pustoryetsk, Fur E. Area Ba
Pustozersk, Russia Ba P ustyn, Russia Cd | Putai-hsien, Shantung, ( hina Df |
Putanges, France Fd | Putbus, Germany. Gh | Putignano, /taly . 3d Putnam,
Connecticut Cb Putney, Vermont He | Puto-ho, Hopeh, China. Ad | Putrid Sea
(Sivash), Russia He Puttalam, Ceylon ic Putte, Belgium Bb Putte, Belgium 3 Lf
Putten, Gelderland, Holland Ab Putten, North Brabant, Holland Ca Puttur, S. Kanara,
Madras Cd Putumayo, ter., Colombia Dd Puy, le, France . Bd Puy -de- Déme, dep. and
Mt., France Cb Puys, France : Bf Pwllheli, Caernarvon, Wales Cb Pyana R., Russia Nq
Pyapalli, Madras He Pyapon, Burma Aa Pyatigorsk, NV. Cuucasia Id Pyavozero (L.),
Russia Bb Pycombe, Sussex, Hing. Gre Pyhajarvi, Finland Fd | Pyhajoki, Finland De
Pyhimaa, Finland Aa Pyhaselka, Finland Fa Pyinmana, Burma : Ib Pyle, Glamorgan,
Wales te | Pylos, Greece Cf | Pyote, Texas ; Zc | Pyramid, Br. Columbia Eb |
Pyramid L., Nevada Ed | Pyramids, Egypt : Be Pyrénées Mts., France : Ee | Pyrénées
Orientales, dep., France Ke P yrenopolis, Brazil Lf P yrgos, Akhaia and Elis,
Greece Ee | Pyrgos, Lakonia, Greece Be | Pyritz, Germany Fe | Pyrmont, Germany Ad |
Pyttis, Finland Ff Pyu, Burma Le Qabés, Tunisia Cd Qabés, Gulf of, Tunisia y Vv
Qafar, Arabia ; De Qain, Persia Ys | Qairwan, TJ'unisia Ke Qais, Persian Gulf Dd
Qaiya, Arabia 1g Qal‘al el-Mudig, Syria é Md Qal‘at‘Aneiza, T'rans- Jordan Dd
Qal‘at el- Hasa, T'rans-Jordan Eb | Qal‘at el-Husn, Syria . Ce Qal‘-at en-Nakhl,
Egypt 2g | Qal‘at es-Salihiye, Syria Fb | Qal‘at ez-Zerga, T'rans-Jordan Ef
Qantara, El-, Egypt Cb | Qaraja Bey, Turkey Os Qarashahr, Sinkiang Ad Qara Urghan,
Turkey Fe | Qasa, El-, Egypt . Cd Qasargand, Persia Bd | Qasr Amij, /rag .
General Index
Qasr el-Azraq, Trans-Jordan Qasr Zigal, Vatar, Qatif, Wena, Qift, Lgypt
Qishm ., Persia
Qizil Qum, Aara Kalpak, Qomul, Sinkiang
Syria . Arabia Arabia Egypt
Qoseir, El-, Egypl Quabothoo, New S. Wales Quaker City, Ohio
Quakertown, Quamby Sta., Quanah,
Pennsylvania V Hee nsla nd Texas
Quantock Hills, Somerset, King. Qu’ Ap ypelle, Sask.
Quarff, Shetland Is., Scot. Seana ro, Gulf of, Italy
Quarnerolo, Quarryville, Pennsylvania Quarto Santa Elena, Quatai, California
Quathlamba (Drakens. Quatre Bras, Belgium
Yugoslavia Sardinia
} Mts..,
Quatro Travessoes, Cach de = Braz il
Quatsino and Sd., Br. Columbia Quatt, Salop, Eng. Que rece yan, ew S. (Jue bec +,
Quebec Quebec, prov., Quedlinburg, Germany . Quedlinburg, Transvaal
Queen Alexandra Ra., Antarctica Queen Anne, Maryland Queenborough, Kent, Eng. Queen
Charlotte Is., Br. Queen Charlotte Sd.,
Queen Charlotte Sd. & Str., Br. Queen City, Missouri
Queen Mary Land, Antaretica Queen Maud’s Ra., Antarctica Queensbury, Yorks, Eng.
Queenscliff, Victoria. Queensferry, Flint, Wales Queensferry, North, Fife, Scot.
Queensferry, South, W. Lothian, Queensland, state, Australia Queenstown, Cape Prov.
Queenstown, Vew Zealand Queenstown, Tasmania Queenstown (Cobh), Cork, [. FS.
Uruguay France
Queguay, Quelaines, Quelimane, Moz ambique Quelpart 1., Aorea Quéménéven, France
Quen (I1.), Vew Caledonia Quendale B., Shetland Is., Quendon, Essex, EH ng. Quepem,
(roa, India Que Que, S. Rhodesia Querétaro, Mexico Querqueville, /rance Querrin,
France Quesnel, Br. Columbia . Quesnel L., Br. Columbia Quesnoy, /rance Quesnoy,
le, France Quesnoy-sur-Deule, le, (luessoy, France Questa, Vew Mexico Questembert,
France Quetta, Baluchistan Quettreville, Prance Quevauvillers, France Quevilly,
France Quezaltenango, ¢ Quiapo, Chile Colombia
Guate aie
Quibdo, Quiberon and Quiberville, France Quicksburg, Virginia Quidico, Chile
Quievrain, Belgium Quiévy, France
Quigley, Alberta Quilandi, Madras Quilberry, Queensland Quilea, Peru ‘ Quilcene,
Washington Quilchena, Br. Columbia Quillan, France Quillayes, Chile Quillebeuf,
France Quillen, Chile
Quill Lake, Sask.. Quillota, Chile
Quilly, France
Quilmes, Argentina Quilon, Travancore Quilpie, Queensland Quilty, Clare, [.F.S.
Quimerch, France Quimper, France . Quimperlé, France Quin, Clare, I.F.S. Quinag,
Sutherland, Scot. Quincy, California Quincy, Florida
Quincy, Jllinows Quincy, Massachusetts . Quincy, Michigan Quincy, Washington
Quines, Argentina Quines, Chile Quinéville, France Quiney, Kentucky Quinson, France
Quinta, Brazil
Quintai, Chile Quintana, Texas . Quintanar, Spar Quintana Roo, Mexico
bB x Fra nce
Columbia . Vew Zealand Coll.
Quintero, Mexico. 162 Quinteros, Chile 17? Quintin, France Q4 Quinton, Virginia 15]
Qui iquyo, Paraquay 173 Quirang, Mt., Skye, /., Scot, 58 Quirihue, Chile 7?
Quirindi, .Vew S. Wales 18] Quiriquina, L., Chale 172 Vulssac, France ; RT
Quistinic, France Q4 Quitman, Georgia 1353 Quitman, Mississippi 157 Quito, Ecuador
168 Quixada, Brazil 17 Quixeramobim, Brazil 17 WJum, Persia . 105 Qumbu, Cape Prov.
135 Q@umisheh, Persia 105 Quoich, L., /nverness, Scot. 56 Quoile R., Down, N. Ire
63 Quorn, Ontar 144 Quorn, S. Aw eS Iso Quorndon, Leics, Eng 50) Qis, Egypt . 127
Qusaiba, Arabia 104 taabjerg, Denmark w be Raade, .\orway 7? Raahe, Finland =1)
Raalte, Holland , 78 Raasay ca. Inverness, Se 58 Raasey, Sd. of, Skye /., Scot 58
Raba, .V ige ria D5 Raba, R., Hungary Qj? Rabai, Kenya 133 Rabat, Morocco 126
Rabaul. Vew Britain 189 Rabenscheid, Germany . 76 tabinal, Guatemala 163 Racconigi,
Italy 90 Race, C., Newfoundland 139 Race Pt., Massachusetts 152? Racepond, Georgia
153 Rach-gia, Cochin China 119 Racine, Wisconsin . 155 Rackenford, Devon, King. 45
Rackett, Nebraska 154 Raezeve, Hungary 93 Rada, Sweden 7) Radakota, Madras 110
Radauti, Romania : i 95 Radcliffe-on-Trent, Volts, Eng. 5O Radford, Virginia ; L50
Radhanpur, W./. States LOG Radhapuram, Madras LL] Radir, Syria 103 tadisson, Sask.
147 Radkersburg, Austria ()? gst: lerts, King. 4() Radnor, Ohio L50 Radnor, Co,,
Wales : 47 Radnor Forest, Radnor, Wales 17 Radnor, New, Radnor, Wales 47 Radom,
Poland 13 Radomir, Bulgaria Q5 tadomsko, Poland 73 Radomysl, Russia Q7 Rad Oster,
Norway 72 Radoviste, Yugoslavia . 4 Radstadt, Austria ‘ 2 Radstock, Somerset, Eng.
47 tadujevac, Yugoslavia 93 Radville, Sask. 147 Radwinter, Hssex, Lng. 4] Rae
Bareli, United Proves. 109 Rae Isthmus, V.-|V. Terr. 14] Raeren, Belgium . 79
Jaetihi, New Zealand 190 Rafaela, Argentina 173 Rafah, Palestine ; 103 Rafai, Fr.
Hquat. Africa 128 Rafsbotn, Norway 70 Raga, A.-E. Sudan 128 Ragalla, Ceylon 11]
tagaz, Switzerland 81 taghugarh, Gwalior, C.J. 108 Raghunathpur, Bihar and Orissa
109 Raglan, Monmouth, Eng. 47 Raglan, Vew Zealand 190 Ragnit, #. Prussia 75 Rago,
Kansas 154 Ragunda, Sweden 70 Ragusa, Sicily ,- Ragusa, Yugoslavia, See Dubrovnik.
Rahab, Alberta ; 146 Raharney, Westmeath, I. FS. 67 Rahatgarh, Central Provs. 108
Laheita, Hritrea 129 Rahimatpur, Bombay 110 Rahovo, Czechoslovakia 93 2ahuri,
Bombay LOR Raiatea (I.), Society Js. 192 taichur, Hyderabad 110 taiganj, Bengal 109
Raigarh, Vizagapatam, Madras 109 Raigarh, state and tn., ( ntral Proves. 109
Railton, 7'asmania L838 taincy, le, France 86 Rainford, Lancs, Eng. 49 Rainham,
Hssex, Eng. 4] Rainham, Kent, Eng. 4] Rainhill, Lancs, Eng. 49 tainier, Oregon 158
Rainier, Mt., W ashington 158 Rainy L., Ontario 144 Rainy R., Ontario, ete. 144
Raipur, Bankura, Bengal 109 Raipur, Central Provs. ; 109 Rairakhol, Bikar and
Orissa . 109 Raisen, Bhopal, C.1. 108 Raismes, France 86 Raith, Onlario R 144
Bapemcrmtey, Madras. 110 fajakhera, Dholpur, Rajputana 108
Kg Ad Dg De Bd Cb Ce Ru Hd Rg Ws Eb Me Jb
Gd Ae
Cf Ka
Df Kh Hb
Kd Gp Dd Ge Be Jb Bf QI
Df Qq Wt Xu Qq Bb Bb
Ff Hd
Ee Ge Cd
Ke Db
RAS Raja * : a] & palatye : , = Raja yam, Madr —_— 12 | pur, Bomba LOT as Se ue Ce
ety ' aya ie | 5 -- . C \ ti 1 vf ¢C. m’ g At ni Bihar seb pe | . a Ae pein .
Alabama ies las we 1) "i . va OG LATURN “ M) im Wicd Ce 4 ° —- — Le % ea i an " sd
a rt pte le J and Laake yo : y L! a a R wali, = pnibay . ' - 109 Ge R : gely,
Colora Maine . 7 Le Mh Reiger, ison sg Se , 119 Bd | Pan eee aa Ae | Wave: Rolly =a
: tajgarh, a r, say pulana . . 110 Bb | ngi, Ue me a : 150 de Ruawem, JA27 .),
Norwar a : se 8) 7 P ‘ i ETc Wve . vt | , he y . ao — + aj Bat ss Bh« ig Lc
MF : ; . LOS (h a My rLOTs Ale, Ve Aaa ‘ ; . | 56 Ra i R AVA : bey “a : . iz (xb 8,
: 1} ie 7 — REN caja art Bika ymbay 4 LOS (id R Lami “iri, Nea a recall ° . 108 Rie
! Kavwene a1. ray ork : ; . LOU Bd Re ull, Virginia vay gir 'B ner, Rajputa ; . LLO
Rangitaiki Lealand ; . 191 ) Ravens g We . ; 152 Be tedhills, Cav ' oo] . Bihar ar
vd fand Ab BR taiki, N : : Dye las, C ; ape = Red Indi an, IFS : Raihi and Or Re ’
ew Le R umberl . d Indi S ' ajhara, Bike rissa . LOS B angoon a a healand ~ 1M) Eb
tavenna ( rT ee Ena . 30 Dd ; dian L Vv deni 15] ns Raiil. W thar and Orv . 10s 3a
| «Rang and R., Burm 100 ’ Rave California sic ae .. Redlands, C 2 fe ewfound! . 62
Ri peli ady, T'r russa 09 Ge R igpur, Bengal seg essen . 190 Fe nla ror Po | Red!
eulh alifornia and in? Central NEL ONE . 109 Ge tanheim, Nori . . 107 He Ravenna,
Neb 159 Dh | R odge, Mont ; . os Oe Raiko t L Provws ° ; 1¢ 4 AN Ranibe » LVorway ‘
; ane € | Ra a y4 ebraska * a0 2odmire prs ana : : ] ) it, Ke th . . 03 2 1oenn _ ©
1O7 Ke | venna O . . lb > ; ) 07 ks . 59 i) Raj Mah : viawar, W.I . 109 ~g Ranigai
nur, Bombay — 7 ol Ravenovi Dhvo j 1A Fe | Redmond Ut o, + 158 r {ajmahe ie say
Rajput . 106 m2 Ranigan} a cones ” Bengal . 110 a | “eo ile, France . 150 Oh | Red
lak, Ion we » 58 . ahal and Hi an ( ne unh ds Ur » Senga ; D Be vensbirg, Germ ; ’
wy NP | edo! c,fowa . ? . yey vajnagar, Ben i Bihar “a 0 ae 108 Be apr eart United’
Bihar a nd O me 109 Hd tavensca’, Yorks, En . . 85 Gb | “5 don, France / - 159 GE a
(Jriss ? , ; rate 5 risa / as 7 - zis 2a, } ‘ ba) Btacdleacn. Gentéal oxen cd Beats
Paap ON a oe Bored ke, Bing. . 14 Co | tedondela, Spain — Rajpipia, Ste ‘entral
Baris . 109 Hd Renkin, eo : _ 106 De = pitied aig Prov. : ; 53 Vo nga Port soe ‘ .
se Be va) putana ] ay : . 109 Ke Rankin’s S " ° 4 : o hE D 3 Si connie ©, We
simorlar 7. 137 Ld tedondo Beacl air 5 ‘ 88 A Rajs ores ndia ; a Ri prings, NV . Ke
. Rav d, Nevad # Eng. 5D ¥ Redo : 1, Californ : % »jshahi, Ber : . 108 Ae annes,
Quee vo Rigi ew S. Wale . 156 De avenswiod, q e's 52 Ro | R ut Kale, R ws a - 88 B
4 red . » 106 C Rannoch | € — ates , 182 ie Ravensw ey gg nsland zi . L159 Kf | ih
Wh eased Sask ; - , 159 Di tajura . adpur), / : 107 fF , L., Perth, 8 ; ° 2 Rav
swiod, W. V ; , 2 ed Pine Me kee ‘ ; }
c N ‘ *) ’ 12 d To ? 07 3" annoc bib, oc ) . 18! rt avensw' - are 7 3 7 : ine, Ve :
. : . 9 Rakaia | a ae Hyd as - 110 i Rone i . royll- Pert 56 7G Ravensw a apa ia.
eo 150 a Redruth, Gorm Brunswick : 147 "
> + ; > q f WUE > “My oh Qe 3 ; . i 4 ens , 7 : .
Spain + asic had ~=6.. «110 Db sen of aes a Scot vr, Scot, 56 Mj inant HT, -
estmorland i land 185 Fh | Redruth, S pre ne Eis . 18 Ma chovnak: 0) ray Pek eae
tanpur, th, Western Indi 56 Mi tavi, R..P olland , Eng. . 52 Qn | Xed Sea, A
wees, , . 44 Rakiw. P Czechoslovaki 91 De | Re state and India 5 Mj | R i v.,
Punjab. : "7g Qn | Reds ms rabia, ites 2 Lw opti Delnied ovakia : be He set Stine
tn., B. and O ; $e Cd et Pdand : ; Bb Ee | sey ia preside : : ‘ ) 13 akovski, E ae
ante - » i valpirdi . . 106 Cb | ved DI , ~ f Rak Text, Bulgari = Ca R; ssn 1.,
Sumatr ; ue Ge R, ral pindi, Punj ; shed Cb Rec ilphur Springs, W ; 38 Ff ~parbescy
Ceyl a 73 Hf nice ie tra 121 Ee ae Ruska. P pa _, SS Re R lu, Belgium gs, W.
Virgini . 159 Ke sh ess (We On. : : O5 - 2antha , you ndland . _ 120 4 2awatss —
oland . _ 106 Ch 2edwhik uf B . gina, 150 ao zs lesenbere a : ve sd Wit ambhor, Jai
- = Bd atsar, Bikaner, R . : Sas b | a re B., A =: Cd — igh, cape Estonia . 111 Eh
ee L.., preggers Rajputa - 139 Dd Raw belle Pane bs Rajputana . 73 Fe d Wing, pe
Bey Ww ale, 8 » 19 Ge aleigh, New Z Si . 73 He tapallo, tal n I., Scot. na. 108 Cb
Raweliffe Yc eease“oell . 108 Ba tedwood City Arstsigle . 48 .N Raleigh, V. €
ealand . : . 157 Kd Rapel and “ef ’ : ee Rawdon, B Heston. King. ; . 185 Hk Redwood
F: ile California ~ 156 4 Ralei g N. Caroline ? 2% : Raphin ames Chil . = ” 2a we :
Bradford Y <i 4 ; 5 y Ree = Is, Minnes - fk Je Ral igh, Ontarvo ta be Be R eet
Virgunt ; 90 Bb | awene, Vew Ze | orks, ling 60..Up R a L., Roscom bbe —— Bg a eigh
B us : : * one ee vaphoe Ste va. = 72 2A WiCZ 400: and . gs >. SO. .8 eed City :
mon, etc ~ . 16 ie i Sask. N. Carolina . 144 Gt Rapid y Reatalae et LFS 151 oA |
Raw and tid ' . 190 Dh | eedham, Vorfolt 2 ci, {ae re Zalsto ; : 15: Rani Sef dad
Manitot ; . vc A R yomrn : . ry é Reeds , Norfolk, # 7 p :! q £ n, O : 158 Fe apid
City, 8 oba . _ 62 F Rawmars J oe Te ee dsburg. Wi , Lng. . 155 N Ralston, —— . _
147 he Rapla, Rac s. Dakota . ; 5a a Dees ” Yorks, Eng. ; _ 158 “4 Re ndaatlin ba
LSCONSIN J : 2 51 Nd Rama, imi. coi . 156 Fb Sec bang ok ; . 154 De ne a - 50 Ti |
Reefton, N ennayloania - 155 Ki : 4 "0 , . : or | — c oc = > ts . : <5 Cc Dp. . e.
’ : . ; ste ( : e Ww ZF, : * Ramachandrapu r 6 151 Eb eee. oe L irginia ; 73 Ge
Rawtensall pg Prov. ~ BIB Dd Reek. Holland ealand , . 151 Eb pesca iran iram,
Madras . 163 Ke aap R., “gee : ~ 351 Ed | “app Ariona vancs, ling. . . 136 CF | ——
Jarvpur, F - Ce va a0} o> , 3 . . ‘ va . , : , . “ 2 > cs | +: r . " . < rT . Fs :
Ri magiri- Udayagiri 110 Fe Be Nellore, M , 81 Gb tay, N. Dakot . 49 Rp teepham,
Nor taj putana . 7 Ke Spear, Colora i giri, Madras . 104 De Se Syria » Madras . 109
Fb ii C., 4 ine } ; . 159 Hy Rees, German folk, King. . 108 Bb amah. Lol ao . 109 G
Jaratonga ; , Bas fs ee |} + avachoi foundland . . 154 ; teeth, Yo y . ’ . 651 Rams
, LG yrador r a rf ; eee pa Ary ( ook ] : : 2 F Dd Rs ¥ Ol, Mad . : 4 5 : Da R oe
orks E . 5 0 Yr c allakots : . 154 C# farce R mY 8, . 163 | Ravadri ras . ae : e
Fjeld tke ung. . = Ram ota, Madras : f Rari ve TANCE ; . e ec | Ray ut, Madras : 9
Ad R d, Norwa : 76 Aa amandrug as . ~ P47 - Ra taritan R ’ ; . 7 ih ta vagad as .
F710 2 eform, / vay ; . Rama =? Madra : “ ve R: Vey New Jer . LK R; ms ot b, Madre
> , , Id > , Alabama : - OL So , ¢ patna oc : 10 Dd | is Abu SI] J CTSEY . R2 Bt
va) leigh Es si ; , tO SO tefsnzes, J t a y Rama am, Madras d | R hagara, / 4 r Seg
Fay gh Essex, H d ] , Denmark ; ; 2 Fe ave : as ae © tas By a, A.-H SOS ta 7
vaymo , Eng. ee » Lega var . 157 aide Samay et Hyderabad 110 me | Ras —. z Syria _
Suan os b as ™? aa rta se = Regen . Germany ‘= a Ra na, ae ras . ) Kd | Ras as (Ras
el ‘A : me ‘ec | Ravn ont, Californi ; ; =e t iene vail: Gern : : ; Rambl Ch Fiji
Is pe ‘ee ini Tikiopin Egypt 2 Be | Splaaieery se tabs . ) ee Ng | capt, eie
Siti: . 7 Fb Ts ala, 2 / 2 o. . f CH vaSs( orsk: = Ovid . JIL” : 27 1) Jaymont ¢ ‘
Oo : ‘ 59 © 2é ge nt. A 2? x nany . P -” Ramboui -» Spain , Q : Raseini aay os
Russi e€ >, i. Washinat ’ ; z Dg > fanitol at 14 Ed houillet x e . [S2: xX
vaselnial Li Ssta ; . 129 F vaymon mr wngion . 159 veggan, : ra : : 74 Ramd iy
France : celle 9 Ras 4g Athuanr - e | Ri ( Terrace, N 9 Jeg Algert ‘ Ed 1urg , 4 .
Re |G) as el-Ai a : va ' Q7 re aymont we ace, A ew N s . 158 ; Re gee | a . ; ‘ 144
Rame | 5) state and : : \ d | 2p n, oyrva . : e +f R . TeV ille Te ‘ >. V al ae Bb
’ Tolland : Cf = id., Cc d tn., Be . 82 Db | tas el-Hadd, ee ee ayne, Issex, ipa es
. 183 F Leg gi yes 124 Ramel A ne ornwall s ymbay ) 2g ei d, Arabi © Ray e,
Issex, . 3 Ba R ggio, Calabri . 124 De amel Ali, Arabia — Eng. y . 110 B vas el-
Khanzir sce ab . 103 D aynhan, Es ung. . 156 E eggio, ia, Italy 2 Ramelton oteecait
: : : ; 44 aa Rasen, ecg fs ge . 105 Ravon 74 — Norfolk R . , 4] we Re = tab Italy
¥ : bs e val %y ega . ] a : : vas . St, LUNs my ‘ ° ¢ min Xi cer Pepa sid uy. Be >
asesc, D : oe . : - santa ae re. 104 Dd | Ras Hafun, It. Som Eng. 103 Ab | 1
ayville, Louisi FM ee Regina, Sask. vipa . 90 Cb ymeswar . 62 F ashark maliland ey
ea 2az, Pt ana . 162 Regnévi . : ( Ramgarh am, Madras ‘ , 71 = {ashe — A nirim., N
Tp ‘ . 129 4 Reo) edu, France , : pe De | Rég éville, France ‘ . 35 Bb SRS . Alwar,
Rak . . Ff | Rasi ya, Syria a. a ws Je R: Ee m,L., Rom 2 ‘ . 57 Jd le Portugal : .
147 Ré Re i Central = ; ae Deg R, Sigg Madras : ae In a Vadras ana . . 82 Ab eh
Patan ° ; . . 85 Fb Dect, Hocsribagh, Be: BB na sen : ee we. azam $ ee ee iis
Peattal Pea . 8 Ramg , Hazaribagh 5 ’ Ras K ugoslavi Ad | pita, Madr 95 De > ,
Central P . 88 Bb mgarh, Jai bagh, B. aT 109 E tas Kasar. Bri a : ae Lazere aras .
108 . ve hc rovs. ; ; Ramillies, era : elon QO. . 109 ie Ras Madral seat . 93 8 Re
Fee — | : 110 vb Saat aera Africa ' 108 Dd P mcr eugrvu : 70 >4,, adraka,. Arabi ’
> ote re > , ce, Kr : ; ( wie 7 eee : ¢ ' amiiba yuum 108 > Ag NV rabic ae bi! < 2
eve ; ance . of aka seach, De ‘ . Bacal "79 “i oy mare ate el : ee Hd =e a ile LF
g ; re Cd Baie spacey a ? : ‘el Cg -oohmnyge fate ee es ate ee g = oe ae = a i i
gaa ie | zerlane . 151 Fe shit Mateos a, O25) of . 109 Hd “cae Sa ; . et De veading
Ohio ’ Eng. : 2 GB De er 8 Saxony, Germ a Re yarn seeks Renae Za . 109 Fd | ri gc R
He . 42 Be Reading Pe . 40 Ty cisbensiiell: Silesia, Ger? any . 74 Ke a ee itac
Pivcs . lll Dg econ United — . 95 Ce Rendiya oraeaiees . 150 “te Reid River pre
nany oo ie amnaga : ; at rovs vs, 109 . ass. Ar rovs. . ; Q7 j eq] . DaS8k. ’ . 15
Ac | Rei 1? oT. ueen 3] . . Beh Ramnes r, Rewah, C nae: ( ps 1 Bata: rabia 97 Gf
and Belgiu . 151 Fb | id’s Creek, ¢ ensland . 4 Ke Ramnici : orway i os Ed pam
Norway , ; 3 7 Ke » -alico, Arge aon . 147 Rg Sereda joe . 185 Bg . : ul Sar ; . .
Kc vastan, er- ee . : } D ear Cr : ; , ee eidsvi # ye j . 18 Ramnicu Vs: at, Romani
; oe ee Rastatt os are . 4 d | Rear ss, Tipperar ; ee Je Reig: ille, N. Carol ‘ ' :
Hk Bh cce 1} allots, Rom a. He Ge Rast : Germany ee He R sby. Leics, E y, IF. g 172
Ef R igate, Surrey — . 153 Ce 1... Cav x anva - 95 Co asten burs 1 3 ; . 103 eata
oa aig. i - eig! sagen i n¢ ‘ . 15 Ramo , Cavan, I. F.S tite R: irg, E. Prussi Be ,
Hexico 9 Er ghton, Yor is 53 Eb te re 0 an, 1. es : 95 B asu, Mt i we russia i 74 3
Re LY, Cui . ' . : wn _ Reills gs orks E .
Ramos » Ontarro c >s e,, Sardini 4 Cd Cuthness 50 Ur illanne, F , Ng. . . 40 Vu 8,
M cals . ‘ " 67 G Vatan Co. nwa $ a Leay ty 88, Scot : 162 I Rei a — rance ® ~ Ram
€X7CO = rp R: 7; eu eden : iv Ja “crest ‘ <r ‘ 7»? C } ims, F : : 53 V
8 Ari ; ; . 145 N atangar : i | RB Suther - 4 sine FaNCE ‘ “sala ‘Mexiws ; ae - nc
atin ay es oe Bd | Bebe pee Pe gg Scot. ; 59 Oc ee Switz eee: 4 ; : : Ec Ram sANCS,
E : , in C R; : ur, Centr i : vay putana : ‘ Jd ais, "ranc oe & . 59 Mf eina Adel n
: “ Eb
pur, Bil ung. ; eee aten ( tral Provs . 108 | Rebbene @ . 108 Rei elaida, A Ram
thar and ba Co | Re mt.), Nor es ts “a Be yenedy, N . 108 De sinbeck, lowe. rch.,
Ch . 80 Fb
be pur, R Firteaa . 5? P ath. Offe OF way _ 109 4 Re bc | orwal . me Cc Rei , £0wa
vile ” Ram airakhol, B o | Ra ffaly, I.F.S Kd led), Ur ee . 86 Ef indeer L., Sask .
175 Af ampur, st Bihar 109 G tath, U ay LS. - ee , Reb ugquay ; ~ . Rei Bdoy Sask .
np Ram " ay ate and & Fy x€ Rs nited Pr ’ i“ ie | ~ un, ape $ . 70 Hs Pine;rzZ QQ .
; 155 Jd t pura I tn. U P 8a 109 re athan 3 ie TOVS. . d 6 . | Reb i un 3 = pes a R
< oF rermani ° : Vv Ram ; ndore ‘ai oy ag ‘ re R gan, Kild : , 7 H'¢ unshma, . fe K
x inheim Q y , 147 T pur Boali tt. . 108 Ds: athconr: dare, I.F.S : 108 | Rec .
Japar ; e Rei , Germa : . c : ; alia : : Ja rat r OP eB: D anat, t ; . ae 3 €inose
Y . ny ’ 75 See aed Hat oe . 108 Be Rathcoole D : estmeath, : . oes cC | ice: hd a
Ha Sina 3 Spain . ; | e a — eae ngal 2 . 109 Je Ratheorma u Pe LF.S Ls. 3 67 = |
Rechere 2 fed I.F.S. : 90 = “pe te Norway - 2 88 re Se babaina. . 109 Sti tanes k
Cek FFs. e ‘p | Rech ., Are. of the , me ck ieee roll, Norway ’ & Rainule , Ontario
: . “4 He R angan, Wie | TFS, . 4 Jq | sec 1itsa, Russi _W. Aus ce ae eisen, N
way . 19 Bd sbottom ; . 107 Ge athdownev icklow, LF . 69 «Es | echt. le W88UA «
Australia 187 >q Rotate orway . . , ¢ Ramscappelle oe ing. . 142 Ga Rathdrun, Pg
LFS WS, . 64 Hr | Recife ps ee: * : gion Raita nae n, Maryla ] ‘ i . amsele, S »
beiguum : ; . 49 Lathdr et a re r | Reckli Pernambuc Secs os co Je Rei sents dorset
. Ramae , Sweden . re Rp : rum, Wick ee | cklinghause CO); Brazi ey f ‘ Reitz, O as
A : ‘ . 151 caiaw. Hunts, Eng. : 19 Ba | ssa ee Abe seine LFS. . 158 Eb | Recogne
Belgin Germany x » 17) x Solchoss te B.S, . 72 bs amsey, NV ing. . , “TO Gs |
Rathenow & 1, Scot 1 . Lec , guum ; : en eg Reis g, Orange F.S j :
Ri , New Jer: eu We ae etal: (Sapte | 4 Jr onqusta, / Fe Bi tejaf, A.-H. 8 ge FS. .
135 Gt ae lee Man: ae eee Tio ee | teen rood 7 hie gpaee Gad Rekapallo, Madras - +
135 a se V P 20 la : 5] F Lath keale i) A i . ‘ - bs e f na ie 3 R et os = | ad: :
S . ;
Via Fe ee I ale Ir i4 ctortcw as I ekefjor ras . 12 Ramsgate, K mbroke, Wal 48 > |
Rathlack: Limerick i B «63 Kb ‘site ‘tow ns Vivoini 73 He Re cefjord, yemeiee : 128
Eg “Ses ent, Eng. es. 16 No | Rathli can, Mayo j Lye ae 3 Jo Re a Sent if 0a 172 Ee
= ks Fjeld, NV ay ; 110 Ee Ramshég orks, Eng. . | 46 Lt | Rathlin I., Antrim, N S.
i ie: | Te B., Antrim weg 151 Ec pieane, Als orway . 2a
amshogdi HAG. s eS athlin ( rim, N. Ire. . ; GRE 6 Red |] rim, N. Ir lc | Re ,
Algeria . 4 Ram gda (mt.) . u i ) Birt ; ~ £TE. ‘6 Co ,.. Ontari . LTE. 41 Y ema :
ae Ed mslad No =}s Norwa ‘ 49 § 2athn 1€ i De . no | Red arvo 3 u I gen, Gern : a
Ram * orwar y . a So R 10olyon Vv mnegal LFS . 63 Jn | d Ls..U : 63 J 2émala d,
nany . : 126 Eb
ahstin. y : 79 j Pathn 2 4 eath. 1.F a io 3 69 Re dod F ,UPp. & Low ; . m | T Fra .
Ji Bastck. ¢ Germar 72 Ge 2 10re, Kerr LPS. 2 D ved R., Louisi ower, Mi . 144 F tem
ba = . 6s é ek. C vy 2 70) a Pathn rry, LFS ‘ Fe n Red R , Louisiana, innesote Fe |
ang, Jav c Rana ’ Jentral Pr ° . - Ed R Aullan D “ 0D. , 4 Hx OC R. Sx = etc, L 155
} 2em bat %j va ° : . 85 Ld c ghat B rovs, - 76 . Pathnew 8 oneqal LFS . , GR Ei
Red R mg-koi), T a la R ‘3 x, Latw : ina bir | id | Rathnew, Wicklow LES ae | Sek a
Bes ongki et a. - 120 DE agua 0 ws : y LOs | 2athoa CLOW, ] PR . : : G9 me Re 1, 1é
Nort} ng Je R aS on, Vi a : : pe Rane - b Thile _ cups Je > mn, Meat} . BG Ps Fy
aqaance ] r ae N., dD ] 19 4 emire rginia i 73 Gd . e, Belai ° . . 109 tathower .
Ly [f'..8 , s . n | Red 5° uxemoc akota. i 3 (Cb , mont F ° . Rane gium 09 Jd wen,
Wes 7. 64 Jr vedbani, Ne nUurg . cL temouc » Hrance a sear : Montana . 172 BE guid!
Beveunaer. LFS. - 04 a Redban:, te Jersey : 3 ne ee Belgium : 52 on 1es of T ; . ea
2 athwell ow, I.F.S a 83 Red B hy Sees wghewt 7. : - ( | ins, Fra; K, j an RL ae ‘
We Rati ell, Mani 6. 7 -F d Bit. Cals und 181 F 2em pst nce ae thi, Bis , New Me .
158 K tatibor, G vitoba : A p | Red , Californi Fb pstone, No 9 He Rand thar and ¢
XUCO <b : yr, Gern ° 4 Hr dboun v nia — ARS Remschei tts, En : 87 ( é alstow ;
Jrissa . 156 Ratinge f any . . Fe I Re , Herts, E . f 354 Hk s¢ 1eid, Ger J. : r?
GG Randebe : Antrim, N ne . 108 Bb Ratl: gen, Germany : . wie Df | Re dboune, Lines
“ae . 158 Be Remuna, Bik re ; . R rg, No ; . Ire Q Gd am, até y bs . 19 ‘ 4edbr ;
nem cs, Enc Re thar and : . le anders rway ; ae Ratli -- ate and ti ; an Ge R oc.
Glos i ug. . £O. Vt € mungol Pr d Orissa . 74 Be Ran iii sand amt., D th Jn R
inghope, Sal n., Central I vie Bb | vedby, Mi s., Hing. ies | Oe 2, : Rémuzi PBs .
109 8 aure , ; -NLINAT ke iZ atnagiri OD, 7 (ta ; : esote - Hs C Lat, Ta : $ - -
Pasiiek : Sweden siti 7 5 ee “oe ei; Bosbag ing. ndia 108 Bd = MOO, York I = Qt
Rena ma sfact ; 84 De y 7 C atne ane y ‘ . a edes orks, Eng: . pe ps ; I 5 ee . -
Rand ph, Nebrask 77 Cb | I napura, Ceylo 7 Qr deaste J: . 15 Renaa Fj es . Ste
ol h N a a 70 2atoat By eylon : aed I > Ane ; Ross 4 : a Hb aa Fjeld, Ns a he Yb
Peaikolet Mor York 154 he: Raton Os Meath, I.F.S. ; ae 1 a e an Aikecda nd Crom.,
Scot 53 ‘Tn SDOnAD, Frames Orway - . 72 He Randolph, a 151 Da Rattvik, Su oie | .
64 8 ted Serer | ag Ng “aeet Belgium . a oo
andom I 1s nont 158 é Rin tant , Sweden ° , wt Jp R o1d, Nebre : 7 Of snapur
H . : : Fe Rand eT ewfo 58 He , zebuhr. Ger : : . 156 Bt ed Dea, A raska ; Fee
Renazé aS yderabad . 7 onnai : undland 152 tatzek 4 rmany ‘ - ) R lberte : : ‘ Bf
aze, fk rance “ ‘ Db Ran i, Fran 2 Be murg, Ge eee + toe vedders : . 14 F Rene:
we . . 11056 dsbu : ce 139 Raucl ft, German, : bates f R yurg, Or > Ke ica, Argenti
> ) Cb Rand Tg, Californt 39° De i 1, Argenti 8 . TH GI ed Dia, C ange FS. 147 Ne
Rene gentina : . 88 s Fjord, NV Tne . 85 I Rau Fjel — : Pagers Radidian umberl i Ne
ontre, Ne 5 Ge 2 2 ‘ ] : ‘ ; 1 ¢ ar : . 74 edc y ‘ Triar zs Qn ~ » LV ew - 6 hig
docies oe 159 Dh Reutfjordsheim, Vo . 273 Re arr ons nia se noe en me em en ee ye a
ane alv, Sw 72 G a aia ye Mates oe 13 Hg | Re , Worcs, Eng. eee wndal, Ytre,
Nortoag’. . 139 Bd Rane , Sweden Mo Gd R uenaen Ta... N way ~. 12 Ge dditt, Ont
ang. : . 158 Rendst re, Vorwag 4 "99 ala io. Rauland ieee gra sce Sear Norte eee ae
Bly, Girmata eee 72 He Ran seat rance , Je R na, Norw ; _and O , 90 Fb edesd: ls um
herland, . 144 e Renew orway : ” Re 4 re ar . & 1a ‘ . J € BR > 1ewse, ® 74 sete a
Norway ~ Ge <Saeoragge Fjeld Wy ; - 109 Ff asi y este % rug - 52 a Reatvete, sie
foundland . 72 He R mati, Ber Sy aa de ima, Finl Sahat . 2 He edfield Ar =. - . 182
* ntencr. tenfrew, : : angaunu B gal ; a Re: “Be Rauma El] land . : - 93 a Redfiel
Arkansas . : 2 Ce R nfrew, Ontart Scot. . 139 Dd ., New Zealand . . 109 na
Raundalen 25 ~— , f 7] ~ ae § a ° . : ae = ie co., Pendle ; ; : 7 io _ . : 190 Dp ;
aunds . LIV, 4 lorwe . "9 e . Re if ) Bdey enness . ’ " of Cc : sat, Sur : nd. . Z
‘e ef ee yay . 72 Db Citcaded 1 — . . & Mi ausdals V nis, Eng ee Red Hil, 2 ensland
, nae hae Me i, Bikaner, Raj and, NV q- ; Cd il, New 2 . 157 K Reni, tet)
Rajput : . 120 ae "40 Us | Redhill, peace 1185 Fk Reaigunts, ie ae 08 Be ? Ls A) =
» 5 - TLS sd me c J 3 . 2 ° 12 De amg ennai — : e 190 Db Renish ni Madras - = 95 De
OALAK Garren tea oe ta t., Harris, Scot. 3 110 De rrey, E - Kh 3 0, Fy > 4 cot. 0
De y, Eng. . 47 Q site ere 58 H u rk, 8. Australia . ae itl Va zy nnebu, a ‘ . hs €
nnes, Fra aus ay , ° ° 180 Gg , - ; . . yf Fb . : 82 Cb
Renneséy, Norway Rennie, Manitoba Reno, Alberta
Reno, Nevada
Renovo, Montana Renovo, Pennsylvania . Rens Fjeld, Norway Rensselaer, /ndiana
Rensselaer, New York Renswoude, Holland Renton, Dunbarton, Renvaga, Norway
Renville, Minnesota Renvyle Hotel, Galway, /.F. 8. Renwer, Manitoba . Renwick.
Cumberland, Enq. Renwick, New Zealand
Réole, la, France .
Repalle, Madras .
Repce, R., Hungary
Repton, Derby, Eng. Republic, Washington
Republican R., Nebraska- Kansas .
Republiek, Dutch Guiana Repulse Bay, Queensland Repunge, Japan .
Requa, California
Requena, Spain
Rer R., United Proves.
Rere, Chile .
Resan, Yugoslavia
Resht, Persia
Resistencia, Chaco, Arg rgentina Resita, Romania . Resolution I., New Zealand
Resolution L. (Tujakjuak) V Resolven, Glamorgan, W ales Resort, Jdaho ; Resort, I.,
Lewis, Scot. . Ressons, France . Rest and be Thankful, Restigouche, R., New
Brunswick Reston, Berwick, Scot. .
Reston, Manitoba
Retalhuleu, Guatemala . Retamosa, Uruguay
Retford, East, Nottingham, ing Rethel, France
Rethy, Belgium Rethymnon and dep., Retiers, France Retlaw, Alberta Retreat Sta.,
Queensland Rettendon, Essex, Eng. Réunion L., Jndian Ocean
Reus, Spain
Reutlingen, Germany
Revel, France .
Revel (Tallinn), Hstonta Revelganj, Bihar and Orissa . Revelstoke, Br. Columbia
Revesby, Lincs, Eng.
Revilla Gigedo Is., Mexico Réville, France .
Revillo, S. Dakota :
Rewah, state and tn., C./. Rewa Kantha, Bombay
Rewari, Punjab
Rexburg, /daho
Rexford, Montana
Rexpoede, France
Rexten, Norway .
Rexton, New Brunewick Reydon, Suffolk, Eng. Reykjavik, Iceland
Reynella, Queensland Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania . Reynosa, Mexico
Rez Mts., Romania
Rezé, France
Rezekne, Latvia
Rezende, Brazil
Rezina, Romania
Rhetian Alps, Switzerland Italy
Reels l.,
Rhayader, Radnor, Wales Rheden, Holland j Rheidol, R., Cardigan, Wales Rhein, Sask.
Rheinberg, Germany Rheine, Germany Rheineck, Switzerland Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Rheinsberg, Germany Rhenen, Holland
Rhenish Prussia, Germany Rhens, Germany .
Rhergo, Fr. West Africa Rheydt, Germany : Rhiconich, Sutherland, Scot. .
Rhine, R., Germany, etc. Rhine (De Rijn) R., Holland Rhinecliff, New York
Rhinelander, Wisconsin Rhinns Pt., /slay, Scot. Rhino Camp, Uganda
Rhio Archipelago, Sumatra Rhoadsville, Virginia
Rhode Island, state, U.S.A. . Rhoden, Ausser, Switzerland . Rhoden, Inner,
Switzerland Rhodes, Cape Prov.
Rhodes, Nevada : Rhodes 1., Mediterranean , Rhodesia, Northern, S. Africa Rhodesia,
Southern, S. Africa Rhodope Mts., Bulgaria Rhoén Gebirge, Germany Rhondda, W ales .
Rhéne, Mouths of the, France Rhone, R. and dep., France . Rhos-on-Sea, Denbigh,
Wales Rhu, Dunbarton, Scot.
Rhu Coigach, Ross and Crom. bs Scot.
Rhuddlan, Flint, Wales
_W. T er.
Argyll, Scot.
General Index
ROC | oe ie T ates * T -
Seg tay ns ca Wales ise ae assy oe 162 Ce Riviere, Pas-de-Calais, France 86 De ee
oe BSN a! yo rg oS . Vew Mexico 156 Ad tiviére du Loup, Quebec 143 Kd edie ta i
Monk ung. wh Sonar Aad im Fa iviére-St. Sauveur, la, France 85 Kb Riaillé "France
$5 7 ie ‘ =— vial. Me ho De Rivington, Lanes, ling. 49 Qp ian (Riyan) i. ity =
ane ; Re Ye a ae Pasmanta 188 Ce Rivoli, Italy , ; 90 Ab Riafo Spain pe? I} , oe Ce
oe Denmark 77 Ce Xtiwaka, New Ze aland ‘ 191 Dd Biaus’ Deana - ’ 39 Fe tinge au, gf
ay 72 Gc tixford, Pen nsylvania . L5l1 Db
Fate iB) oe ae Ringerike, Norway i2 Fd Riyadh, Saudi, Arabia 104 Ee Riantec, France
84 | Ringford, Kirke udbright, Scot. 54 Nn tiyaq Syria 103 Bd Riaza, Spain . 88 Db
| tinggold, J'exae . 56 Fd Rize “Turke <3 Ribachi Peninsula, Russia 066 Bb |
Rinesold la. Fin Ie ne a eee 104 Da Bitton Bund ’ ou 0 win PR Is., Prji Ls. | i 192
Xn Rizeiqat, Er-, Egypt 27 (Cd
1Dade parn 88 Ba Ringkjébing and amt., Denmark 77 Ab Rjukan Fos, Norway 712 Ke
Ribble, R., Lancs, Eng. 49 Qp | Ringkjébing (Stavning) Fjord, Den. 77 Ac | Roa,
Norway 72 Gd Ribe, Den mark 77 Ac Ringme = Susse z. ing. 11 Wy “Te Spain g pe =
Ribécourt, France = s 86 Dd Ringsaker, Norway 72 Gd Road, Offaly, LF. 9. G4 Gq wl
ee ‘ foe Mes a nd, Londonderry, N. Ire. 63 Hm Roade, Northants, Eng. in. Tin Ribera
aes Mexico 158 Bo ns ws d » De nmarle 1 De Roadford, Clare, l. F SS. 66 Cq
ea ee : ingvasséy, Vorway . i0 Hb Roadside, Kincardine, Scot. : Stay Ribera, Stoily
91 Df Ringville, Waterford, 1. FS. 69 Fs Roag, L., E. and W., Lewis, Scot.. 58 Hf
Ribérac, France 83 Dd | Ringwood, Hants, Enq. 40 Sv toald, Norway 72 (h Riberalta,
Bolivia 168 Df Ringwood, Victoria — 182 Ce Rai: France a9 Fc Ribiers, igs 87 Eb
tinn L. and R., Leitrim, 1. FS. 67 Fp Roanoke, Alabama 153. Bd Rigany,
( Yzechoslovakia 92 Da tinsumageest, Holland 78 Eb Roanoke, Virginia 150 (Cd
Riccarton, New Zealand 191 De tinteln, Germany 74 Cb Roanoke, R., .V. Carolina 153.
Eb Riccarton Junce., Roxburgh, Scot. 55 Qm Zinxent, France 86 Bb oaring Branch,
Pennsylvania i51 Eb Rice Lake, By ead 155 Je tiobamba, Hcuador 168 Bd Roaring
Spring, Pen nsylvania 151 Db Rich Pt., Newfoundland 139 Bb | Rio Bonito, Brazil 174
Dg | Roaringwater B., Cork, I.F.S. 68 Ct Richard, Sask. Sere: 147 Qe Rio Branco,
Acre, Brazil 168 De Roatan I., Honduras 163 De Richards L., N.-W. Terr. 140 Be Lio
Bravo, California 159 Dh Robbins |., Tasmania 188 Be Richardson, Kentucky 150 Bd
Rio Caribe, Venezuela 169 Ea Robe, R., Mayo, I.F.S. 66 Cp Richardton, N. Dakota 154
Db | Rio Cuarto, Argentina . 72 Ee Robert Lee, Texas 156 De Richborough, Kent,
Hing. 41 Yu | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . 174 Dg Roberton, Lanark, Scot. » Ol
Richdale, Alberta 147 Of Rio de la Plata, Ss etc. 173 Jf | Roberton, Roxburgh,
Scot. 55 Qm Richemont, France 86 Bd tio de Oro (Adrar), Africa 124 Bd |
Robertsbridge, Sussex, Eng. . 41 Wy Richey, Montana 154 Cb | Rio Grande, Are
monic : 175 Cf | Robertsdale, Pennsylvania 151 Db Richfield, Kansas 154 Eg |
Riogrande, Texas : . 156 Eg Lobertsganj, United Provs. 109 Fe Riehfield, Utah 159
Gf | Rio Grande del Norte, U.S.A._Mex. 156 Eg Robertson, Cape Prov. 136 Cf
Richford, V ermont 152 Bb | Rio Grande de § — Mexico 162 Be Robertsonpet, Mysore .
lll De Rich Hill, Missouri 155 Hf | Rio Grande do Norte, state, Brazil 171 Hb
Robertsport, Liberia . ; 125 Bg Richibucto, N ew Brunswick 143 Md | Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil 173. Le | Robertstown, Kildare, 1. F.S. 64 Ha Richland, Missouri — 155
Jg | Rio Grande do Sul, state, Brazil 173 Kd | Roberval, Quebec . . . 142 He
Richland Center, V iSCONSLN 155 Kd tiohacha, Colombia 168 Ca | Robeston Wathen,
Pembroke, Wales 46 Mt Richlands, Virginia 150 Cd Rio Hondo, Argentina . 172 Eb
Robin Hood’s B., Yorks, Eng. 53 Uo Richmond, Arkansas 157 Gd | Riola, Sardinia 91
Bd Robinson, Jllinois ~ 155 Mf Richmond, California 159 Bg Riom, France . 93 Ed
Rktcenn Bae ddan 158 Fe Richmond, Cape Prov. . 137 Hd Rio Muni, colony, V Africa.
130 Bb %obinson’s, Newfoundland 139 Ae Richmond, Indiana 155 Nf | Rion, R.,
Russia . ' 97 Gg Robinvale, Victoria 182 Bb Richmond, Kentucky 150 Ad | Rio Negro,
Brazil 171 Ff Robla, La, Spain 88 Ca Richmond, Missouri 155 «(Jf | Rio Negro,
Uruguay : , 173. Je Roblin, Manitoba 144 (Ce Richmond; Natal 135 Gh | Rio Negro,
Terr. of the, Argentina . 175 Cd 20obson Mt., Br. Columbia 146 Ke Richmond, New S.
W ales 183 Fa Rionero, Italy 91 Ed toby, Texas 156 Dd Richmond, New Zealand 191 Dd
Rio Pardo, Brazil : 173 Ld Loca, la, Spain 88 Be Richmond, Quebec 143 He Rio Pardo,
Espirito Santo, Braz il 174 Ef Rocamadour, Cahors, France 83 Dd Richmond,
Queensland 185 Dh | Rio Seco, Argentina 172 Fe Roccella, Jtaly 91 Fe Richmond,
Surrey, Lng. 40 Vu | Rio Segundo, Argentina 172 Fd Rocester, Staffs, Eng. 50 Sr
Richmond, T'asmanta 188 Cd Riosucio, Colombia 168 Bb Roch. Pembroke, Wales 46 Lt
Richmond, Texas 157 Gf | Rio Tinto, Spain 88 Bd Rocha, Uruguay . 173 Kf Richmond,
Utah . 158 Ge Rio Verde, Hcuador 168 Be Rochdale, Lancs, Eng. 49 Rp Richmond,
Virginia 151 Ed | Rio Verde, Mexico 162 De Roc hdale, Queensland 185 Gk Richmond,
Yorks, Eng. 53 So | Rio Vista, California 159 «Cf Roche, Switzerland 80 Cd Richmond
L., Quebec . 145 Pb Rio Vista, Nevada 159 Df Roche- Bernard, la France R4 Se
Richmond Furnace, Pennsyliania . 151 Ee | Ripley, Derby, Eng. 50 Ta tochechouart,
France . 83 Dd Richmondville, New York 152 Ac | Ripley, Mississippi 157 Ke
Rochefort, Belgiwm 79 Ge Richwood, Minnesota 154 Hb Ripley, New York 150 Da
Rochefort, France 83 Cd Richwood, Ohio 150 Bb Ripley, Ohio 150 Be XLochefort-du-
Gard, France 87 Cc Richwood, W. Virginia 150 Cec Lipley, Oklahoma 156 Fe Rochefort-
en-Terre, France 84 Ee Rickmansworth, Herts, Eng. 40 Ut tipley, Surrey, Eng. 40 Vu
2ochelle. Illinois 158 Le Riddon, L., Argyll, Scot. 54 Li | Ripley, Tennessee 157
Ke tochelle, La, France 83 Ce Ridge Farm, /llinois 155 Mf | Ripley, W. Virginia 150
Ce Roche Percée, Sask. 147 Sg Ridgeland, S. Carolina 153 Dd | Ripley, Yorks, Eng.
49 So | Rochester, Alberta 147 Nd Ridgelawn, Montana 154 Cb | Ripoll, Spain 89 Ga
Rochester, Jndiana 155 Me Ridgeville, Manitoba 144 Ef | Ripon, Quebec 142 Ge
Rochester, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Ridgeway, Virginia 150 Dd | Ripon, Wisconsin 155 Ld
Rochester, Michigan 155 Od Ridgewell, Essex, Eng. . 41 Xs Ripon, Yorks, Eng. 49 So
Rochester, Minnesota 155 Je Ridgewood, New Jersey 151 Fb Ripponden, Yorks, Eng. 50
Sp Lochester, New Hampshire 152 Ce Ridgway, Colorado 159 Kf Ris, France 86 Cf
Rochester. New York 142 Ff Ridgway, Pennsylvania 151 Db Risafe, Syria ’ 103 Ce
Rochester, Northumberland, Eng. 52 Rm Ridi Fjeld, Norway 70 Gb | Risca, + etait
Eng. 47 Pt Rochester, Penn sylvania 150 Cb Riding Mill, Northumberland, Eng. 52 Sn
| Rise, Norway ’ ; 72 Fb Rochester, Victorza 182 Ce Riding Mountain Nat. Pk.,
Manitoba 144 Ce | Riseley, Bedford, Eng. . 40 Vs Roche-sur- Yon, la, France 83 Cc
Ridisiya Bahari, Er-, Egypt : 127 Cd Rishirishima, Japan 116 Ga Rochford, Essex,
Eng. . Se <: Ridley Park, Pennsylvama 151 Fe | Rishton, Lancs, Eng. 49 Rp tochfort
Bridge, Alberta . 147 Me Ridout, Ontario 142 Cd | Ri Sjé, Norway 72 Hb
Rochfortbridge, Westmeath, I.F.S.. 64 Gq Ridsdale, Vorthueadberlaad. Eng. 52 Rm
Risle, R., France 82 Db Rochlitz, Germany 74 Ec Riebeek East, Cape Prov. 137. sof
Risley, Derby, Eng. 50 Tr Rock, The (Kingston), N ew s. W ales 183 Db Riebeek West,
Cape Prov. 136 Bf | Risér, Norway 72 I Roe kabill Lt. Ho., Dublin, 1. FS. 64 Jp
Ried, Austria 92 Cb | Riston, Long, Yorks, Eng. 50 Vp | Rockall (L), Atlaniic Ocean
30 Cd Riegelsville, Pennsylvania 151 Fb | Ritchie, Sask. 147 Rg Rockeastle Springs,
Kentucky 150 Ad Riesa, Germany 74 Ee Ritzville, Washington 158 Db Rockcorry,
Monaghan, I F.S. 63 Go Riesco I., Chile 175 Bf | Riva, Italy . ; 90 Cb Rock Creek,
Jdaho 158 Fd Riesen Geb., Germany, etc. 92 Da | Riva Bella, France 85 Jb Rockcreek,
Kentucky 150 Ad Riesi, Sicily . 91 Ef | Rivadavia, Angentina 170 Ce Rockdale, Texas
. 156 Fe Riet R., Cape Prov.,.etc. 137 Ha | Rivadavia, Chile . » 172. Be Rock
Ferry, Cheshire, Eng. 48 Pq Rieti, [taly 90 De | Rivadavia, Mendoza, Argentina 172
Ce Rockfish Depot, Virginia 151 Dd Rietvlei, Cape Prov. 135 Fj | Rivas, Nicaragua
163 Ef Rockford, Br. Columbia 146 Jf Rieux, France 84 Ke Rive-de-Gier, France 83 Fd
Rockford, Illinois 155 Lad Rievaulx, Yorks, Eng. . 53 To | Rivera, Argentina 172 Fg
Rockford, Ohio ; 150 Ab Riez, France 87 Fe | Rivera, Uruguay 173 Kd Rockford,
Washington . 158 Eb Riezes, les, Belgiwm 79 Ed | Riverchapel, Wezford, I. F. s. 64
Jr Rockglen, Sask. 147 Q¢g Rifaina, Brazel 174 Bf | Riverdale, New Brunswick 143 Ld
| Rockhall, Maryland 151 Ee Rif, Er-, Span. Morocco 126 Bb | Riverhead, New York
152 Bd Rockhampton, Queensland 185 Hj Rifle, Colorado : 159 Kf | Riverhead,
Sevenoaks, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu tockhill, Limerick, 1. FS. 69 Ds Rifton Glen, New York
152 Ad | Riverhurst, Sask. ; 147 Qf Rock Hill, 8. Carolina . 153 De Riga, Latvia 73
Gd | River Junction, Florida 153 Be Rockholds, faunas 150 Ad Riga, Gulf of, Latvia
73 Fd Rivers, Manitoba. 144 Ce Rockingham, Northants, Eng. 50 Ur Rigby, Jdaho 158
Hd Riversdale, Cape Prov. 136 Eg Rockingham, V. Carolina 153 Ee Rigi (mt.), Swetz
serland . 81 Fb Riversdale, New Zealand 191 Bf Rockingham, Queensland 184 Ef Rigny-
Ussé, France 85 Kf | Riverside, California 159 Ej Rockingham, Vermont . . 152 Be
Rigo, Papua 189 De | Riverside, New York 152 Bc Rock Island, /llinots . 155 Ke
Rigolet, Labrador 141. Sf | Riverside, Oregon 158 Dd Rockland, Maine . 152 Db Riha,
Syria 103 Be | Riverside, Utah 159 Gf Rockland, Massachusetts . 152 Ce Rijniand,
Holland 78 Cd Rivers Inlet, Br. Columbia 146 «FF Rockland, Ontario . 142 Ge
Rijnsburg, Holland 78 Bd | Riverston, Queensland . 184 Deg Rockland, Texas . . 157
Ge Rijsen, Holland 78 Fd | Riverstone, New S. Wales 183 Fa Rockport, Jndiana . 155
Mg Rila Planina, Bulgaria . 95 Ad | Riverstown, Louth, I. F.S. 63 Jp | Rockport,
Massachusetts . 152 Ce Rille, France ‘ 85 Kf | Riverstown, Sligo, J. FS. 62 Eo |
Rockport, Missourt . 154 He Rillington, Yorks, Eng. 53 Uo tiverton, Manitoba 144 Ee
| Rockport, Texas . . 156 Ff Rimavska Soboto, Czechoslorakia 93 Gb | Riverton, New
Zealand 191 Ag | Rock Rapids, Jowa . 154 Gd Rimbey, Alberta . 147 Me | Riverton, S.
Australia . 180 Fg Rock River, Wyoming . . 154 Ce Rimini, Jtaly 90 Db | Riverton,
Virginia . 151 De Rock Springs, Texas. . 156 De Rimini, Montana 158 Gb | River
Zonder,Einde, Cape Prov. 136 Cg | Rock Springs, Wyoming 158 Je Rimlon, California
159 Ej Riviera, coast region, Jtaly-France 90 Ac Rockstone, Brif. Guiana . 169 Fb
Rimouski, Quebec 143 Ke | Riviera Beach, Texas 156 Fg | Rockvale, Colorado . 154 Cf
Rineén, Argentina 173 Gd Riviére, Orne, France 85 He Rock Valley, Jowa . Lt Gd
Se or ee oe
ROC Citi Citizen’s Atlas RUS
General Index
rm = —
Sadberge, Darlington, Durham, Eng. Saddell, Argyll, Scot. Saddleback (mt.),
Cumber., Saddleback, Mt., Maine Saddle Is., #. China Sadiya, Sado, Japan Sadon,
Burma Sadova, Cz choslovakia Sadra, Mahi Kantha, Sadras, Madras Saduan, Arabia
Sadvajaure, Sweden Seby, Denmark Saegerstown, Sacul, Luxembourg Safed, Palestine
Safford, Arizona Saffron Walden, Safi, Morocco Safonovsk, Russia Safranboli, Turkey
Saga, Japan
Sagaing, Burma
Sagaki, Japan
Sarees Ni ida, Japan Sagamore, Massachusetts Sagan, Germany
Sagani, L., Romania Hyderabad Sagar, Mysore Sagar |., Bengal Sagara, Japan
Sagastyr, Yakutsk Sagauli, Bihar and Orissa Saggat, Sweden
é lssan
Bom bay
Kin (}.
Sag Harbor, New York Saginaw, Michigan Saginaw B., Michigan
Sago, W. Virginia Sagone, Gulf of, Corsica Sagra, La, Spain Sagres, Portugal
Sagri, United Prods. Saguache, Colorado Sagua la Grande, Cuba. Saguenay R., Quebec
Sagunto, Spain
Sagurun-khuduk, Mongolia Sahagun, Spain
Saham, Arabia : Sahara, desert, Africa Saharanpur, United Provs.
Bihar and Orissa United Proves.
United Provs.
West Africa . ; Sahibganj, Bihar and Orissa . Sahuaripa, Mexico
Sahy: Czechoslovakia . Sahyadriparvat (Ajanta) Mts.,
Saharsa, Sahaswan, Sahatwar,
Sahel, F’r.
Sai R.. United Provs. Saidabad, Persia Saidapet, Madras
Saidpur, United Provs. Saifganj, Bihar and Orissa Saigon, Cochin China Sailana,
state and tn., Siim, Vorway
Saima L., Finland Saimenyusi, Jnner Mongolia Sainghin, France Sain-Noinkhan, Outer
Mongolia St. Abbs, Berwick, Scot.
St. Affrique, France
St. Agathe, Manitoba
St. Agnes, Cornwall, Eng.
St. Alban, France ;
St. Albans, Herts, Eng.
St. Albans, New S. Wales
St. Albans, Vermont
St. Albans, W. Virginia
St. Alban’s Head, Dorset, ius St. Albert, Alberta
St. Amand, Cher, France
St. Amand, Nord, France
St. Ambroix, France
St. Andiol, France
St. André, France
St. André, Quebec St. André-de-l’ Eure, France . St. André-d’Embrun, France St.
André-les-Alpes, France
St. Andrew, C., Madagascar . St. Andrews, Fife, Scot.
St. Andrews, New Brunswick St. Andrews, New Zealand
St. Ann, Alberta ; : St. Ann and B., Nova Scofia . St. Annaland, Holland .
Ste. Anne, France Ste. Anne, Quebec Ste. Anne, Quebec ‘ : Ste. Anne des Chénes,
Manitoba St. Annes, Queensland ,
St. Annes on the Sea, Faned: St. Ann’s Hd., Pembroke, Wales St. Anthony, Idaho
St. Anthony, Newfoundland . St. Antonin, France
St. Arnaud, Victoria
St. Arnoult, France ;
St. Asaph, Flint, Wales
St. Auban, St. Auban, Basses- Alpes, St. Aubin, Channel /s. St. Aubin, Calvados,
France .
St. Aubin, Manche, France
St. Aubin, Seine- Inférieure, France St. Aubin-de-Scellon, France
St. Aubin-du-Cormier, France
St. Augustin-des-Bois, France
St. Augustine, Florida .
St. Austell and B., Cornwall, Eng. .
H yd.
Alpes-Maritimes, France
53 h4
88 109 154 164 143
89 114
88 105 122 106 109 108 109 125 109 160
93 LO8 LO9 105 111 109 LO9 119 108
71 114 86 112 55 83 144 44 84 40 183 152 150 45 147 83 86 87 87 84 143 86 87 87 13]
57 143 191 147 143 78 85 142 143 144 185 48 46 158 139 83 182 86 48 87 87 84 85 85
86 85 85 85 153 44
Tn Kl Pn (‘bh Gd He Kd He Da Cd Ke Df Gre Ca (Cb Had Ad Jj Ws Cb Hb Ba Bg Hd Df If
Cd Ke De Ce 3d Je If Ma Gb He Bd Nd Od Ce “Dd Ad Kb Bf Ce Je Ee Bb Ca Ge De He Da
Ge Ce He Cb Fb 3e Fe Gd Ke Fe He Dd Bd Bd Nf Bd Db Gb Rl ve Ef Lw .De Vt Fa Bb Ce
Rv Ne Ee Ec Bb Ce Ef Kd Af Ga Kc Hf Qk Le Cf Me Od pe
Ha Kd Ef
Pp Lt
Ch Dd Be Bf Pq
Eb Eb Jb Ge Ad Lb Gd
Df Mw
RH | if 130) =—Ae sy - CF 14 Nw 153 st Si 79 ire 82 Db 85 Hd 85 Kb 85 Fb 44 Nw 8H
40 79 De 84 Df 82 3c 84 Ke 79 Ka 83 Ke 82 Be 79 Ea 83 De 76 Dd 76 Dd 86 Ed 8] (sc
46 Mt 147 Re 139 Ac 84 Ae 159 Bf 123 Cm 153 Dd 136 Be 40 Ty 49 Qq 158 Be 84 Eb 150
Ab 109 Hd 85 Jf 85 Ge 154 Ga 143 Kd 85 Hb 79 Ge 142 He 155 Ne 145 Kf 158 Fb 80 Cb
143 Jd 44 Nw 44 Kw 41 Vs 44 Lw 85 Fd 139 Cd 85 Ge 144 Ef 155 He 79 Bb 169 Gb 85 Gd
85 Gb 85 Jd 142 He 143 Jd 83 Gd 83 Cd 84 De 83 Ce 87 Ab 142 Ge 156 Fd 84 Ef 143 Jd
74 Bd 154 =F 154 Fa 143 Me 139 Bb 139 Ch 143. Je 143 Kd 159 Jh 155 Nd 139 Dd 62 Dn
63 Ko 153 De 152 Bb 52 Rn 62 Fn 152 Ac 143 Le 85 Gb 157 Je 155 Md 155 Hf 139 Cd 143
Jd 142 Cd 156 Fg 144 He 86 Be 142 Gd 87 Ge 85 Kb 84 Dd 87 Ea 83 Ge 85 Ge 85 Gf 83
Dd 44 Kw 84 Fe 86 Ef 86 Cd 143 Jd 44 Lw 44 Mv 191 Cf 34 Be
Ste. Ste. Ste. Ste.
St. St. St. St. St. St.
St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Sai St. St. St.
St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St.
;, Lambert-du-Lattay, . Laurent, Gard, . Laurent, Jndre-et-Loire, . Laurent, : aa
aii Mer, . Lawrence,
. Lawrence, . Lawrence, . Lawrence L., . Lawrence L., . Lawrence, . Leger, .
. Leonard,
. Leonard,
|. Leonards, . Leu, . Lin, ‘ Lé, France . Louis, F'r.
. Louis, . Louis,
. Louis, . Lucia B.,
. Lucie, . Luke’s L., . Lyphard, France . Maarten, . Macaire,
. Martin, . Martin, . Martin, . Martin, . Martin L., » Martin L., . Martin Pt .
Martin-en-Campagne, ; Martins, . Martin- Vésubie, . Martinville, . Mary, Channel
Is. . Mary B., ». Mary, ¢
. Marys, Georgia
. Mary’s, Kansas
. Mary’s, Ohio
. Marys, Pennsylvania Mary’s, Tasmania
. Mary’s, W. . Mary’s and B., . Mary’s City, Maryland : Mary’ s L., Selkirk,
Scot. . Mathieu, : Matthew ie . Matthew’s L., Burma
: “Maurice, . Maurice, . Maurice, . Maurice R., Quebec
. Mawes, Cornwall, Eng.
. Maximin, . Mayeux, France
. Mellons,
France France
France French Guiana Seg
I. of Wight, Eng. Queensland
Gulf of, Canada Alaska
Far HK, Area
R., Quebec, etc. Belgium
France New Brunswick. Sussex, Eng. France Quebec West Africa Michigan Missouri
New Brunswick Natal . Lucia, I., Windward Is. Florida
Bu rina
. Magnus B., Shetland Is., Scot.
. Malo, France
. Malo, Gulf of, Franc
. Malon, France
. Mamert, France
. Mare, France .
. Marcellin, France
. Mard, Belgium
. Margaret, Kent, Eng.
. Margaret B., Nova Scotia ; Margaret’s Hope, Ork. Is., Scot.
Marguerite, France Marie, C., Madagascar Marie I., Madagascar Marie-aux- Mines,
Maries, Idaho Mark’s, Cape Prov. Marks, Florida
Mars, France : Mars-du-Desert, France Mars- la- Jaille, F rance
. Martin, Alpes- Maritimes, France
Bouches-du-Rhéne, Fra. Calvados, France Manche, France Morbihan, France Seine-el-
Oise, France Leeward Is.
. Channel Is.
} 'rance New Brunswick Fra NCE Lowisiana
Nova Scotvta , Newfoundland
Virginia Newfoundland
Pte de, France Far E. Area
France France Louisiana Switzerland
. Maure,
. Maxime, France France
. Meen, France . Mcasnneh: Eng. . Menehould, France
». Mére-Eglise, France . Michael,
Lancs, Eng. Michaels, Maryland
Michael’s Mount, Cornwall, Eng.
Michel, Michel, Baie de, Mihiel, France Monans, Fife, Scot. Moritz, Switzerland -
Nazaire, France Neots, Hunts, Eng. . Nic, France Nicholas, Glamorgan, Nicolas,
Belgium Nicolas-du-Pelem, France Ninians, Stirling, Scot. Oedenrode, Holland
Olaves, Norfolk, Eng. Omer, France. ntonge, old prov., Osvin, France Osyth, Essex,
Eng. . Ouen-l’Auméne, France Pair, France
Palais, France
Paris, Ohio
Paterne, France Patrick, Newfoundland Paul, Alberta . Paul, Arkansas , Paul,
Basses-Alpes, France Paul, Dréme, France
Paul, Minnesota
France France
RH Q7 85 169 85 10 L85 14] 138 LO] 143
79 $3 143
bh oO Sr or bo bo
wt Ww OT OT
[Ww - On
Se ee a we ~ ~?
Do or
1% OO
85 61 82 $2 84
85 49 44 85 82
83 85
He Cb Ae Nd Kf Md
Ea Cd Ok De ZY Ka Cd Ge Yt Ce Fe Ce Ab Kd 3c Oe He Ga Cb Je
Citizen’s Atlas |
Sakode, 7'ogo
Sakoli, Central Provs. Sakon- lakon, Saksumdal, Sakti, state and tn., Saktisgarh,
United Prove Sakudyu, Korea Sakuma, Japan
Sakura, Japan
Sakurai, Japan Sakurajima, Japan
Sal, Vorway
Sal, R., Russia
Sal’a, Czechoslovakia Sala, Sweden Salacgriva, Latvia Saladillo, Buenos Saladillo,
San Luis, Salado,: Chile Salado, R., Argentina Gold Coast Arabia Guatemala
Siam Vor w ay
Aires, Argentina
A rgentina
Salamanca, Mexico
Salamanca, Yew York
Salamanca and prov.,
Salandi R. Salas, Spain
Si vias de los-Infantes, Spain
Salaverry, Peru
Salavina, Argentina
Salawati, I., Moluccas .
Salayar I. and Str., Dutch £.
Sala y Gomez Is., Pacific Ocean
Salbai, Gwalior, India
Salcette I., Bombay °
Saleombe, De von, Eng.
Saldana, Spain
Saldanha B.,
Saldus, Latvia
Sale, Che sh tre,
Sale, Victoria
Salem, Cape Prov.
Salem, /llinois
Salem, Indiana
Salem, Madras
Salem, Maine
Salem, Massachusetts
Salem, Missouri
Salem, Vew Jersey
Salem, Vew York
Salem, Ohio
Salem, Oregon
Salem, S. Dakola
Salem, Virginia
Salemi, Sicily :
Salen, Argyll, Scot.
Sale nn, Mull I., Scot. . Salepali, Raigarh, Central Provs. Salernes, France .
Saléens and Gulf of, Italy
Sales Pt., Essex, Eng.
Saletekri, Central Provs.
Saleux, France
Salford, Lancs, Eng.
Salgo Tarjan, Hungary
Salgueiro, Brazil .
Salhus, Vorway
Sali, Morocco ;
Salibabu (Talaur) Is., Du.
Salida, Colorado
Salies, France
Salina, Colorado
Salina, Kansas
Salina, Oklahoma
Salina, Utah
Salina, I., taly
Salina Cruz, Mexico
Salinas, Brazil
Salinas, Ecuador
Salinas, Mezico
Salinas, Minas Geraes,
Salinas, Peru
Salinas and R.,
Salin-de-Giraud, le, France
Salindres, France.
Saline, Fife, Scot.
Salineville, Ohio
Salins, France
Salis, R., Latvia
Salisbury, Maryland Salisbury, Missouri
Salisbury, New Brundwith
Salisbury, .V. Carolina
Salisbury, S. Australia
Salisbury, S. Rhodesia .
Salisbury, Wilts, Hing.
Salisbury L., V.-W. Terr.
Salisbury Plain, Wilts, Eng. .
Salkhad, Syria
Salki R., Baud, Bihar and Oriaen
Salland, Holland .
Salles, France
Salling, Denmark
Sallins, Kildare, J. FS.
Sallisaw, Ollakoie
Sallyana, Nepal .
Sallybrook, Cork, 1. F. 8.
Sally Gap, Wicklow, 1. FS.
Salmi, Finland
Salmo, Br. Columbia
Salmon and R., Jdaho .
Salmon Arm, Br. Columbia
Salmon Cove, Newfoundland
Salmon Falls, New Hampshire
Salmon River Mts., /daho
Salo, Finland
Salon, France F
Salon, United Provs. ;
Salonika (Thessalonike), Greece
Salonta Mare, Romania
Salsacate, Argentina
npert Greece , Bihar and Or issa
Cape Prov.
Braz 7
Central Provs
RK. ee oe .
) -] +] +3 -1 +1 ~+I1°¢ nin OF bo bo Ww
— a wt
Ne ee YW w
Se ee wooo =! bo CO = ly
~ fr ioe
on S mw oOnwnwe
ac ieee foe wt St St Ot a | = m=
“> Oy oe _—
56 56 109 87 9] 4] LO9 86 49 93 171
64 L157 109
73 146 158 146 139 152 158
83 109
93 172
Ow a Af i'd Rg Dd Kf Lf Mf Df Cb Ce Kg Fe Be Cb Be Gd Cd Df Kj
ie Ed Xt Ee Cd Rq Fb Hb Bd Ab Gd i Ce Ce Gf Gb Hf Ke id Hd Ad Cd Dad Bf Cg Cd Bb Ok
Cb Fe Gd
Ge Kf Fe Eb Cb Ge Ed
Salsette I., Bombay Salta, Argentina Saltaire, Bradford, Yorks, Eng. Saltash,
Cornwall, Eng. Saltburn, Yorks, Eng. Saltcoats, Ayr, Scot. Saltcoats, Sask.
Saltdal, Norway . Saltee Is., Weaford, I. F. S, Salten Fjord, Norway
Salter, Sask. Salte rn, Queensland Salter’s Brook, Yorks, Eng. Saltersgate, Yorks,
Eng. Saltfleet, Lincs, Eng. Salt Hill, Galway, I. FS. Saltholm, Denmark
Saltillo, Mexico Salt Lake City, Salto, Uruguay Saltoluokta, Sweden Salton, #.
Lothian, Scot. Salton L., California Saltpond, Gold Coast Salt Range, Punjab
Salt Springs, Newfoundland Saltville, Virgunia
Salubria, Jdaho
Salud, Panama
Saluda, 8. Carolina
Saluda, Virginia .
Saluda R., 8S. Carolina
Salum, Fr. West Africa Salumbar, Udaipur, Rajputana
Salur, Madras : Salut, Isles du, French Guiana
Saluzzo, Italy ' ; Salvador, rep., Central America Salvage Pt., Newfoundland
Salvaterra, Portugal Salvatierra, Mexico
Salvatierra, Spain Salvator, Lake, Queensland
Salween, R., Burma Salyany, Azerbaijan Salyersville, Kentucky Salzburg, prov. and
town, Salzkammergut, Austria Salzwedel, Germany Samaden, Switzerland Samakh,
Palestine Samalkot, Madras Samana, C. and B., Samar, Philippines Samara and R.,
Samara, R., Ukraine, Russia Samarai, Papua
Samaria, /daho
Samarinda, Borneo ; Samarkand, Uzbek, Russia Samarovsk, Ural Area .
Samarra, /raq
Samasata, Bahawalpur, Punjab Samastipur, Bihar and Orissa Samawa, /raq
Sambalpur, Bihar and Orissa Sambhal, United Proves.
Sambhar and L., /arpur, Rajputana Sambor, Cainbodia Sambor, Poland ‘ , Samborombon,
R., Argentina Sambre, R., Belgium Samchow L, China
Samer, France
Samhopa, China .
Samka, Burma
Samlen, Vorway .
Sammaro, Finland
Samnan, Persia
Sam-nua, Laos
Samoa, California
Samoan Is., Pacific Oc. Samod, Jaipur, Rajputana Samoiedes, tribe, Russia Samokov,
Samos I., Greece .
Samorin, Czechoslovakia Samothrake, I., Greece . Samozero, Russia
Sampacho, Argentina Sampaio, Portugal
Sampit and B., Borneo Sampwe, Belgian Congo Samrée, Belgium . Sams, Kentucky
Samsat, J'urkey Samshui, #. China Sam Sj6, Norway Sams6 (I.), Denmark Sams6 Belt,
Denmark Samsun, T'urkey Sam-tai, Laos Samthar, state & tn., Samuga, Syria
San, Fr. West Africa San, /taly
San, R., Poland San‘a, Arabia : San Andreas, California San Andres, Uruguay San
Angelo, Texas San Antioco and [., San Antonio, Angola San Antonio, Argentina
San Antonio, Atacama, Chile
San Antonio, Goajira, Colombia San Antonio, New Mezico
San Antonio, Peru : :
San Antonio, Santiago, Chile.
San Antonio, T'exas
San Antonio, oo
San Antonio, C., Cuba-.
San Antonio e los Cobres, Argent. San Ardo, Califor nia
West Indies
Central India
106 170 49 44 53 54 147 70 64 70 147 185 49 53 51 66 77 162 158 173 70 55 159 125
106 139 150 158 168 153 151 153 125 108 109 169 90 163 139 88 162 88 185 107 7 150
92 92 74 81 103 110 165 12] 97 97 189 158 121 100 100 104 106 109 104 109 108 108
119 73 173 79 115 86 115 107 72 71 105 119 158 176 L108 96 95 104 92 94 96 172 88
120 130 79
Ce Be 8 Nw Un Ml Sf Fe Hs Ke Pe ij Sq Uo Wq Cq Ke Je He Jd He Ql Fj Dg Cb Ac Xd Ee
Ab Ce Ed De Af Be
If De
Bd Ee Bb Ca Kj Bd
Ef Cb
‘an. hye
Sanat San } San
San I Gan | San ] an |
San -
io oe Oe oe #1 os => > S sererEe te
Le 2 QS iS
Sanary, France
San Augustine, 7'exas
San Bartolomeo, /taly
San Bautista, Uruguay
San Benedetto, Jtaly
San Benito, 7'exas
San Bernardino and Ra., California San Bernardino Str., Philippines San Bernardo,
Bernardo Is., Colombia San Blas, Mexico.
San Blas, Gulf of, Panamé Sanborn, Jowa
Sanborn, N. Dakota
San Buenaventura, Mexico San Camilo, Argentina . San Carlos, Arizona San Carlos,
Chihuahua, San Carlos, Chile San Carlos, Cojédes, San Carlos, Colombia San Carlos,
Cordoba, San Carlos, Mendoza, San Carlos, Nicaragua
San Carlos, Salta, Argentina . San Carlos, Santa Fé, Argentina San Carlos,
J'amaulipas, Mexico San Carlos de la Rapita, Spain Sancerre, France .
Sanchez, Mexico
Sanchez, West Indies
Sanchi, Bhopal, C.J.
San Clemente, Chile
San Clemente, Spain
San Clemente I., California Sancoins, France . ,
San Cristébal, Argentina
San Cristobal, Mexico
San Cristébal, Venezuela
Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
Sand, Norway ! Sand and Fjord, Norway Sanda, Argyll, Scot. Sandakan and B., N.
Renee: Sandakphu Peak, Bengal Sandalwood (Sumba) I., Sandarne, Sweden : Sanday,
Orkney Is., Scot. Sandbach, Cheshire, Eng. Sandbank, Argyll, Scot. Sandcoulee,
Montana Sande, Sogn-og-fjordane, Sande, Vestfold, Norway Sandefjord, Norway
Sandeherad, Norway Sandeid and Fjord, Norway Sanders, Arizona Sanderson, 7'exas
Sanderstead, Surrey, Eng. Sandersville, Georgia Sandersville, Mississipy Sandgate,
Kent, Eng. Sandgate, Queensland
Sand Girt L., Labrador. Sandhammar, Sweden Sandhead, Wigtown, Scot. Sandhornéy,
Norway Sandhurst, Kent, Eng. Sand Hutton, Yorks, Eng. San Diego, California
San Diego, T'exas
Sandikli, T'urkey .
Sandila, United Provs. Sandilands, Manitoba Sandiran, Syria
Mexico V enezuela
A rgentina Argentina
Sandnes, Norway
Sandnas, Norway Sandnes, Norway Sandness Hill, Shetland Is., Sandoa, Belgian Congo
Sandomierz, Poland Sandon, Br. Columbia Sandoway, Burma Sandown, J. of Wight, Eng.
Sandown, Queensland . ; Sandéy Fjord, Norway Sandpoint, Idaho.
Sandray I., Out. Hebrides, Scot. Sandringham, Norfolk, Eng. . Sandsend, Yorks, Eng.
Sandstone, Minnesota Sandstone, W. Australia Sandsvar, Norway Sandur, state and
tn., Sandusky, Michigan Sandusky and B., Ohio Sandusky R., Ohio Sandvig, Bornholm,
Den. Sandvik, Aust-Agder, Norway Sandvik, S. Hordland, Norway Sandwich, Jllinois
Sandwich, Kent, Eng. Sandwich, Ontario Sandy, Bedford, Eng.
Sandy, Utah
Sandy L., Ontario
Sandy Hook, Kentucky Sandy Hook, New Jersey Sandylake, Pennsylvania Sandymount,
Louth, I.F.S. Sandy Pond, Newfoundland San Elizario, Texas San Felipe, Chile San
Felipe, Mexico San Felipe, Venezuela San Feliu de Guixols, San Feliu de Llobregat,
San Fernando, Buenos Aires, San Fernando, California San Fernando, Colchagua, Chile
San Fernando, Mexico .
San Fernando, Philippines
San Fernando, Spain
San Fernando, Trinidad
Spa in. Spa in Argent.
Dutch E. I.
— |
bo bo bo bo bo @
rn =-J ~I +] +] +!)
~ ~
Gf Rd Rg
Ll Hb Be Ge
Ke Ge Be Jh Ce Vu Cd Ke Yu
Kj Mn Ke Xu Ej Eg Bb Eb Ef Ab
T Vv
Ce Da Gb Fb Hf Dh
Bf De Ka Bd Df
General Index
Santa Maria di Leuca, C., /taly 91 Ge Santa Maria Vol., Guatemala. 163 Bd Santa
Marta. Colombia 168 Ca Santa Maura, Jonian Is., Greece 94 Be Santa Monica,
California 159 =D} Santana, Romania 93 Ge Santander, Peru 168 Bd Santander _— 88 Da
Santander, pro Spain RR Ca Santander, N. ;: andS., deps.,( bioeliess 168 Cb Santa
Paula. ¢ ‘alife rnd ; . 159 Dh Santapilly, Madras 110 Fb Santarem, Brazil ; y 169
Gd Santarem and dist., Portugal 88 Ac Santa Rita. New Mexico L159 Jj Santa Rosa.
Arge ntina 172 E e Santa Rosa, California 159 Bf Santa Rosa, Cordoba, Argentina 172
Fd Santa Rosa, 2 reg e. 163 Cd Santa Rosa, New Mexico . 156 Be Santa Rosa, Paraguay
. mae as ers Santa Rosa. Salvador 163 Ce Santa Rosa, Uruguay 173 Jd Santa Rosa L.,
California 159 CC} Santa Rosa de Toay, Argentina 172 Eg Santa Rosalia, Meztco . :
160 Bb Santa Teresa Gallura, Sardinia 91 Bd Santa Victoria do Palmar, Brazil 173 Le
Santa Vittoria, Mte. di, Sardinia 91 Be Santhia, /taly 90 Bb Santiago, Colombia 168
Bb Santiago, Meaico 160 Ce Santiago, Panama 168 Ab
Santiago, Paraguay 173 Jb
Santiago, Spain 88 Aa
Santiago, prov. and cap., Chile 172 Be Santiago de Cuba, Cuba . 164 Ee Santiago del
Estero, Argentina 172 Eb Santiago de los Caballeros, W. Jndies 165 He
Santiago Vazquez, Uruguay i tf Santiago-Zamora, prov., Hewador 168 Bd Santillana,
Spain 88 Ca Santipur, Bengal . 109 Jd Santiva, Bolivia 5 170 Bd Santo Domingo, West
Indies 165 He Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain 88 Da Santo Eduardo, Brazil 174 Ef
Santon, Isle of Man 48 Mo Santorin (Thera) I|., Greece 94 Dd Santos, Brazil 174 Bg
Santos, Sierra de los, Spain 88 Ce Santo Tomé, Argentina 173 Je Santry, Dublin,
I.F.S. . 64 Jq Santuao, EH. China 115 Ef Santyliet, Belgiwm 79 Ea San Urbano,
Argentina 173 Ge San Vicente, Argentina ; . 172 Ed San Vicente, Chile : ; . 192 Be
San Vicente, Salvador 163 Ce San Vicente, Spain 88 Ca San Vicente, C., Portugal 88
Ad San Vicente, Sierra de, Spain 88 Cb San Vito, Jtaly 90 Db San Vito, C., /taly 91
Fd San Vito, C., Sicily 91 De Sanyakhtaksk, Yakutsk LOL Mb Sio Amaro, Brazil 5 , ;
372 Be
Sio Angelo, Brazil ? : . 173 Ke Sao Bartholomeu de Messines, Portu. 88 Ad Sao
Borja, Brazil 173 Ke Sao Carlos, Brazil 174 Bg Sao Christovao, Brazil 171 He Sio
Domingos, Parad, Brazil 149 Hd Sao Estevao, Portugal , 88 Ac Sao Feliciano,
Colonia, Brazil 173 Lad Sao Fidelis, Brazil 174 Ef Sao Francisco, Brazil : . 174 Ce
Sao Francisco, Matto Grosso, Brazil 169 Ee Sao Francisco, Sta. Catharina, Brazil
171 Ff S4o Francisco, Rio de, Brazil L711 Gb Sao Francisco de Assis, Brazzl 173 Ke
Sao Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Braz. 173 Kd Sao Gabriel, R. Negro, Brazil 168 De
Sio Joao, Portugal . 88 Bb Sao Joao da Barra, Brazil . . 174 18 Sao Joao d’el Rei,
Brazil ' . 1k a Sao Joaquim, R. Negro, Brazil 168 Dd Sao José, Brazil . 174 Dg Sao
José, R. Negro, Brazil 168 Dd Sao José do Campos, Brazil 174 Cg Sao José do Rio
Pardo, Brazil . 174 Bf Sao Leopoldo, Brazil i7t-- Ke Sao Luiz, Brazil . 171 Ga Sao
Manoel, R., Braz S. 169 Fe Sao Martinho, Portugal 88 Ac Sao Miguel, Brazil 171 He
Saona IL., West Indies 165 Je Sadne, R., France ; 83 Fe Sadne-et-Loire, dep.,
France . 83 Fe Saoner, Central Prove. 108 De Sao Paulo, Brazil , : . 174 Df Sao
Paulo and state, Brazil 171 Fe Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Brazil 168 Dd Sao Pedro,
Brazil : ; . 171 Ga Sao Pedro de Uberabinha, Brazil 174 Ae Sao Pedro do Sul,
Portugal 88 Ab Sao Rita, Brazil , 174 Ac Sao Salvador (Bahia), Brazil . . Piast Sao
Sebastiao, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra. 173° Kd Sao Thome L., Gulf of Guinea 125 Fh Sao
Vicente, Braztl 173 Ke Sapele, Nigeria 125 Fg Sapelo L., Georgia 153 De Sapey,
Upper, Here ford, Eng. 47 Rs Sapientza, (reece 4 Bd Sapinero, Colorado 159 Kf
Saposhok, Russia ; ; . BF Ss Sappemeer, Holland. ‘ . 7 Gb Sapporo, Japan 116 Gb
Sapucua, L., Brazil 169 Fd Sapulpa, Oklahoma 157 Fb Saqqiz, , Persia 104 Eb
Saraccees (Zaragoza) & prov., Spain 89 Eb Saraichikovskaya, Kazak Rep., Rus. 97 Jf
, a { j :
Citizen’ s
Saude, Brazil : ‘ ; . 174 Saude, Norway 72 Saude and Fjord, Norway 5 $2 Saudi
Arabia, kingdom, Arabia . 104 Saugeen Penin., Ontario . 142 Saugerties, New
York . : Ripe 15> Saughtree Sta., Roxburgh, Scot. . 65 Saugor, Central Provs. . ; .
108 Saugus, California ; :; . 159 Saujbulagh, Persia , . 104 Sauk, Washington ; .
158 Sauk Center, Minnesota . 165 Saukira B., Arabia 3 . 105 Sauk Rapids, Minnesota
L155 Sauland, Norway 72 Saulieu, France 82 Sault, France : ; » 2a Sault Ste. Marie,
Michigan . . 155 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ; . 142 Saumarez Reef, Queensland . .
185 Saumur, France . , oe - Saundatti, Bombay : . 110 Saunders C., New Zealand . ;
39) Saundersfoot, Pembroke, Wales . 46 Saunshi, Jamkhandi, Bombay . 110 Saunton,
Devon, Eng. . _ 44 Saura R., Bihar and Orissa . . 109 Saurath, Bihar and Orissa . .
109 Sausalito, California ; . 159 Sausar, Central Provs. . ; . 108 Sautron,
France . : : =~ eR Sauve, France ; ; : ee | Sava, Persia , . 105 Sava, R.,
Yugoslavia oe Savage, Maryland ; . 45) Savage, Montana. ; . 154 Savail (i, ).
Samoan Ts. ‘ SZ Savankalok, Siam ; . 119 Savanna, Jllinois ; ~ 166 Savanna,
Oklahoma : ; 3. Se Savannah, Georgia . 153 Savannah, Missouri . 155 Savannah,
Queensland . : . 185 Savannah, J'ennessee . : ~ FSF Savannah R., Georgia-S.
Carolina 153 Savanne, Ontario ' ; . 144
Savantvadi, state and tn., Bombay 110
Savanur, state and tn., Bombay . 110 Savar, Sweden ; : ‘ so a Savé, Dahomey . . 125
Save, R., France ee Savenay, France . ; ; ee Saventhem, Belgium . :; — 49 Savereid,
Norway 2 5 os 1 ee Savernake, New S. Wales . 182 Savernake Forest, Wilts, Eng. . 40
Saverne, France . ; - $2 Savigné, Le Mans, Sarthe, France . 85 Savigné, Sarthe,
France p S7 = ey Savigny, /ndre-et-Loire, France , 86 Savigny, Lowr-et-Cher, France
=> BS Savik, Norway . aay Savines, France . . ; Y =87 Savitaipale, Finland . , rae
Savitri R., Bombay . 110 Savoie, dep., France . ; <1eea Savolinna, Finland r x= -Fa
Savona, Italy ; ‘ . 90 Savska, div., Yugoslavia : Bor Savu Is. and Sea, Dutch FH.
Indies 121 Sawa, Arabia : : ; . 105 Sawai Madhopur, Jaipur, Rajputana 108 Sawaki,
Japan . 3 : . 116 Sawa-ko, Japan . t eS Sawara, Hokkaido, Japan . 116 Sawara,
Honshu, Japan . > Sag Sawbridgeworth, Herts, ng. a Sawel Mt., Londonderry, N.
Ire. . 63 Sawley, Yorks, Eng. . : ; 49 Sawston, Cambridge, Eng. . . 4) Sax-alven,
Sweden ¢ rape i Saxilby, Lincs, Eng. . ; <pe Saxmundham, Suffolk, Eng. . , =a}
Saxony, Cape Prov. ; < isi Saxony, state, Germany ‘ ae Saxthorpe, Norfolk, Eng. ia
Saxton, Kentucky 150 Saxton, Pennsylvania . ‘ rae se Say, Fr. West Africa 125
Sayalkudi, Madras $3] Sayan, Peru , . 168 Sayan Mts., Central Asia ; ea 12 2
Saybrook, Connecticut . my Sayre, Oklahoma . <A Sayre, Pennsylvania. 35 1 Sayula,
Mexico . ; : . 162 Sayville, New York : . 152 Sazonovsk, Ural Area . ; . 100 Scaér,
France . 84 Scaftworth, Nottingham, Eng. > 60 Scalasaig, Colonsay, Scot. : =
Scalby, ‘York ee ie Scallow ay, She tland Is., Scot. =n Scalp, The, Dublin,
I.F.S. . oe Scalp Mt., Donegal, J.F.S.. , SY Scalp, Mt., Galway, 1.F.S, -= Ci
Scalpay, Harris, Scot. . : = SR Scalpay (1.), Inverness, Scot. .- 5B Scamblesby,
Lincs, Eng. : ee Scampton, Lincs, Eng. . 50 Scandia, Kansas . ; - . 154 Seania,
Sweden . , : _—— Scanteia, Romania : <ee Scapa, Orkney I[s., Scot. ee Scapa Flow,
Orkney /s., Soot: ae Scaraben, Caithness, Scot. . . -69 Searba, L., Argyll, Scot. !
. §4 Scarboro, Maine . , ; « 4152 Scarborough, TJ'obago, WJ. . . 166 Searborough,
Yorks, Eng. . 82 Scardroy Lodge, Ross & Crom., Scot. 59 Scarfskerry, Caithness,
Scot, . eee! | Scariff, L., Kerry, J. FS. ‘ . 68 Scarinish, 7'tree J., Scot. ; = =
Df Fe Ce
De Ac
He Gf He Ee Ke Db Nb Bd Jh Ce Bd Cf
Bd Nu He Hb De
Harris, Scot. Clare, I. F.S. Down, N. Ire. . Olare, § FS,
Scarpay, Scarriff, Scarva,
Scattery L,
Scaur Water, Dumfries, Scot. Seavaig, L., Skye I., Scot. Scawfell Pike, Cumberland,
Eng. Scawton, Yorks, Eng.
Sceaux, France
Sceaux, Sarthe, France
Sceptre, Sask.
Schafer, NV. Dakota Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schagen, Holland Schalkwyk, Holland Schardam, Holland Scharding, Austria Scharhorn,
Schayk, Holland
Scheibbs. Austria Scheifling, Austria Schelde (Escant), R., Belgvum
Eaoreétady , New York Schermbeck, Germany Scherpenzeel, Holland Scheveningen,
Holland Schiedam, Holland ‘ Schiehallion, Mt., Perth, Scot. Schiermonnikoog (I.),
Holland Schifferstadt, Germany
Schio, Italy : 4 Schipbeek, R.., Holland Schlawe, Germany Schlebusch, Schleswig,
Schleswig Holstein, Schloppe, Germany Schmalkalden, Schmallenberg, Schnabelwaid,
Schneekoppe, Schneidemiihl, Germany Schoftland, Switzerland Schoharie, New York
Schokland (I.), Holland Schénebeck, Germany Schoénfeld, Germany. Schoonhoven,
Holland . Schoorl, Holland . Schouten I., Tasmania Schouten Is., Du. New Schouwen
(I.), Holland Schreckhorn, Switzerland Schreiber, Ontario
Schull, Cork, I. F.S.
Schuls, Switzerland
Schurz, Nevada
Schuyler, Nebraska Schuylerville, New York Schwabach, Germany Schwabmiinchen,
Germany Schwanden, Switzerland Schwaner Mts., Borneo Schwarzenburg, Switzerland
Schwarzwald, Germany
Schwedt, Germany
Schweich, Germany
Schweidnitz, Germany Schweinfurt, Germany Schweizer Reneke, Teanseaad Schwelm,
Schwerin, Brandenburg, Germany Schwerin, Mecklenburg, Germany Schwerte, Germany
Schwetzingen, Germany Schwiebus, Germany Schwyz and canton, Schyndel, Holland
Sciacca, Sicily Scicli, Sicily Scilly Is., Hnglane Scio, Ohio
Scio, Oregon
Scioto R., Ohio Sciotoville, Ohio Scipio, Utah : Scituate, Massachusetis Sciyala,
Scobey, Montana
Scofield, Utah ;
Scole, Norfolk, Eng. Scollard, Alberta
Scone, New S. Wales . Scone, Old and New, Perth, Score B., Skye I., Scot. Scotch
Bay, Manitoba Scotch Corner, Yorks, Scotforth, Lancs, Scotia, California Scotia,
Nebraska . Scotia, Ontario : ‘ Scotland, country, Great Britain Scotland, S. Dakota
Scotland, Virginia
Scotland Neck, V. Carolina Scott, New Hampshire
Scott, Ohio
Scott, Sask. ,
Scott, W. Virginia
Scott City, Kansas
Scottdale, Pennsylvania Scotter, Line 8, Eng.
Scott Hansen Is., Arctic Ocean Scottsbluff, Nebraska Scottsboro, Alabama
Scottsburg, Natal
Scottsville, Kentucky Scottsville, Virginia
Scoulton, Norfolk, Eng.
Scourie, Sutherland, Scot. Seovil, Ontario. ‘ Scrabby, Cavan, I. FS. Scrabster,
Caithness, Scot. Seranton, Jowa . ;
Germany Germany Germany
Germany Germany Germany Czechoslovakia .
Eng. Eng. :
58 69
78 56 78 76 GQ) 78 iD 74 74 75 74 76 74 G2?
~] +
SO 152 78 74 76 78
78 188 189 78
SU 145
8] 159 154 152
8] 120
74 135
76 75
35 150 158 150 L150 159 152 127 154 y 51 147 183
57 DS 144
49 158 154 142
oe tor t
- ay : * wt Ot Ol w -6 [
1 bo
. ~
_~ —
nok 1 ~I]
> =
144 67 59
Gf Dr
Be Bb Be Gf
Mg Dd Xr Lf Kf Fp Oe Hd
CLCEESE SSS , a a a a ee ee ee
Pop ap 9p 9p op tp Ee op
oo oe ome Ome # me: oe es
io ome 2) 2 & ¢
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i" 2m? 2) co o>
Ge tD
RonrpmnppPpew wp
mammmmnmw w
rao rw rw rw rm ra rm ra ro
rw) ra ram
ren fm tr ro Ta on Ee EZ
rm Fad fm
re Fe Oe ro) oD Pw re re rm ro
ee ee ee eee ee
Pe aia ata ata a’
Selaf, Libya Selangor, state, Selapum, Siam . Selbo Fjord, Norway Selborne, Cape
Prov. Selborne, Hants, Eng.
Selbu, Vorway
Selbu 8jé6, Norway
Selby, S. Dakota .
Selby, Yorks, Eng.
Selemet, Romania
Selemiya, Syria .
Selenga R., Buryat- Mon. Rep. Sélestat, France
Selevac, Yugoslavia
Selfund (mt.), Norway . Seligenstadt, Germany . Seligman, Nevada Selinsgrove,
Pennsylvania Selinti, T'urkey
Selizharovo, Russia
Selje, Norway
Seljested, Norway
Seljord, Norway
Selkirk, Manitoba
Selkirk, Selkirk, Scot, Selkirk, Yukon
Selkirk, co., Scotland
Selkirk Mts., Br. Columbia Sella, Libya
Sellinge, Kent, Eng. Sellwood, Ontario ‘ Selly Oak, Warwicks, Eng, Selm, Germany
Selma, Alabama
Selma, California
Selma, V. Carolina
Selmer, J'ennessee
Selonnet, France
Selpau Selka, F inland . Selsaas, Norway
Selsey, Sussex, Eng. . Selsey Bill, Sussex, Eng. Selstead, Kent, Eng. Selukwe, S.
Selwyn Ra., Yukon
Selzach, Switzerland Selzaete, Belgium
Sem, Norway
Semallé, France
Semarang, Java
Semaria, Rewah, C.1. Sembiem, Madras Semblangay, France Semenov, Russia
Semenov Is., Yakutsk Semine, Japan . Semington, Wilts, Eng. Seminole, Texas .
Semio, Fr. Equat. Africa Semipalatinsk, Kazak, Russia Semmering, Austria
Semna, A.-E. Sudan Semoise, R., Belgium Sempach, Switzerland Semsales, Switzerland
Semsha, Russia
Semur, France
Sena, Mozambique
Senafe, Eritrea
Senami, Japan
Sénarpont, France
Sénas, France ‘ Senatobia, Mississippi Sendai, Japan
Sendai, Kyushu, Japan Sendurjana, Berar, India Seneca, Kansas
Seneca, Missouri
Seneca, S. Carolina
Seneca Falls, New York Seneca L., New York Seneffe, Belgium ‘
Senegal, colony, Fr. W eat Africa Senegal R., Fr. West Africa . Senekal, Orange
Senez, France.
Seng Miau Tsze, C hina Senigallia, Jtaly
Senise, Jtaly
Senj, Yugoslavia .
Senja, Norway .
Senlac (Battle), Sussex, ‘Eng. Senlis, France Senna-Madureira, Braz il Sennar, A.-
H#. Sudan
Senne, R., Belgiwm
Sennen, Cornwall, Eng. Senneville, France Sennybridge, Brecon, Sens, France
Sensburg, HZ. Prussia Sensuntepeque, Salvador Senta, Yugoslavia Sentinel, Arizona
Seo de Urgel, Spain Seonath R., Central Provs. Seondha, Datia, C./. Seoni, Central
Provs. Seoni, Chanda, Central Provs. Seoni-Malwa, Central Provs. Seori-Narayan,
Central Provs. Seoul (Keijofu), Korea . Sepik R., Papua . Seppenrade, Germany
Septémes, France Septeuil, France .
Sept Forges, France Septilveda, Spain Sequeros, Spain Seraikeui, 7'’urkey Seraing,
Seram, Hyderabad Serampore, Bengal
ee ——_~ — a
of ~1 +1 +1
— pe hm -1 1 00 Or or Or ©
bor -1 “1 Ww
fm — ao — =
131 140 80 79
or bo
8: 120 109 110
97 101 117
47 156 128 100
92 128
82 131
~ 199
117 86 87
142 79
135 87
113 90 9] 92 70 41 82
128 79 44 85 46 82 75
163 93
159 89
189 76 87 86 85 88 88
104 79
110 109
Of mw Nw ee
General Index
Serang, Java
Serang, I., Moluccas Serdeles, Libya Serdobsk, Russia Sered, Czechoslovakia
Seredina Buda, Russia Seremban, Malaya Serena, Chile
Serenje, V. Rhodesia Serenli, Jt. Somaliland . Sérent, France
Seres, dep., Greece Sergach, Russia Sergines, France . Sergipe, state, Brazil
Sergiyevo, Russia
Sergiyevsk, Russia Sérifontaine, France
Sérignan, France : Seringapatam, Mysore . Seriphos, [., Greece
Sermadevi, Madras
Sermin, Syria
Sernin, France Serowe, Bechuanaland . Serpeddi, Monte di, Sardinia Serpent’s Mouth,
Venezuela, etc. Serpo La (Pass), Sikkum—Tibet Serpukhov, Russia Serqueux, France
Serquigny, France Serracapriola, Jialy
Serrai, Greece Serrere, Pic de, Serres, France Serrezuela, Argentina Serrinha,
Brazil Serro Frio, Brazil Sertaosinho, Brazil Sertulbahir, J'urkey Seruna, Bikaner,
Rajputana . Serviceton, Victoria
Séry, France Seshachalam Hills, Madras Sesnut (mt.), Vorway
Sesse Is., Uganda ; Setchey, Norfolk, Eng.
Séte (Cette), France
Seteia, Krete I., Greece Seteia Mts., Krete I., Greece Setesdal, Norway
Sétif, Algeria
Setluli, Transvaal
Set Mahet, United Prove. Seto, Japan
Setsing, Norway .
Sette Camma, F’r. Equat. Sette (VII) Comuni, Jtaly Settle, Yorks, Eng. : , Setubal
and prov., Portugal . Setubal, Bay of, Portugal Seugud, Turkey
Seul, L., Ontario .
Sevalen 8jé, Norway Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia Seven Heads, Cork, I. F.S.
Af rica
Seven Hogs (Magharee Is.), LFS.
Seven Islands, Quebec Sevenoaks, Kent, Eng. . Seven Oaks, Natal
Seven Pagodas, Madras Seven Persons, Alberta
Seven Springs, Glos., Eng. Sevenum, Holland
Sévérac, France
Severek, Turkey .
Severn, Ontario ; Severn, R., Hng. and Wales . Severn R., Ontario
Severn Stoke, Worcs, Eng. Severn Tunnel Junc., Von., Severy, Kansas Sevier L. and
R., Sévignac, France Sevilla (Seville) and prov., Sevlievo, Bulgaria
Sevlus, Czechoslovakia . Sevre, Norway
Sévres, France
Sévres, R., France
Sevti, Norway
Seward, Nebraska
Seward, New York Seward, Sask.
Sewell, W. Virginia Seychelles Is., Indian Oc. Seydisfjérdur, Iceland . Seymour,
Cape Prov. Seymour, /ndiana Seymour, T'exas
Seymour, Victor ia
Seymour Arm, Br. Columbia Seymour Inlet, Br. Columbia . Seyne, France
Seyne, la, France Seyssel, France Sézanne, France Sfantu Gheorghe and L. Sfantul
Gheorghe, Romania ; Sfax, T'unisia : Sgurr Alasdair, Skye L., Scot. Sgurr na
Lapaich, Jnverness, Scot. Shabori, Inner Mongolia Shabunda, Belgian Congo
Shadeville, Ohio Shadrinsk, Ural Area
Shafa ‘Amr, Palestine
Shafah, Jebel el-, Arabia Shafeitien (I.), China
Shafter, Nevada
Shaftesbury, Dorset, Eng. ; Shahabad, Gulbarga, Hyderabad Shahabad, Hardoi, U.P. :
Shahabad, Hyderabad
Eng. Utah
S Spa in
120 121 124 97 93 97 119 172 130 132 84 Q4 7 86 171 97 Q7 86 87 11] Q4 111 103 87
131 9] 169 109 Q7 86 85
104 145 47 144 47 47 154 159
G b Kg Dt As Lb Wu Gh Ke Og Rt
Ed Cb Kb Qt Je
E d Ge Ac Qf Cd Qh Cb Ke Mf Ed
Ff Fb Fe Fd Eb De Be Gb Jh Lh
Be Ke Ad Cd De
Ru Ce Eb De
Ce | Shegaon, Berar .
Sheho, Sask. Shehsien, Honan Sheikh Miskin, Syria Sheikhpura, Bihar and Orissa
Shekak, Ontario
Shekar Dzong, Tibet Shekhawati, div., Shekichen, China Sheklung, #. China Sheksna
R., Russia Shelbina, Missouri Shelbourne, Shelburne, Shelburne, Shelburne,
Shelburne Shelburne
, China
Victoria Nova Scotia Ontario Vermont say, Queensland Falls, Ma ssachusetts
Shelby, Alabama
Shelby, Michigan
Shelby, Montana
Shelby, V. Carolina
Shelby, Ohio
She by ville, Jllinors Shelbyville, Indiana Shelbyville, Kentucky Shelbyville,
Missouri Shelbyville, T' NNECSSEE
She don, lowa E 5 Shelekhova, G. of, Far E. Area Shell, L., Lewis, Scot.
Shellborough, W. Australia Shellbrook, Sask. Shell Harbour, New S. Wales Shell
Lake, Wisconsin . Shelon R., Russia Shelter I., New York Shelton, Nebraska Shelton,
Washington Shelton Abbey, Wicklow, Shemakha, Russia Shenandoah, Jowa Shenandoah,
Pennsylvania Shenandoah, Virginia Shenandoah R., Virginia Shenandoah (Gt. North)
Mts., Shenchow, Hopeh, China Shencottah, 7'ravancore Shendi, A.-#. Sudan Shenkiu-
hsien, Honan, Shenkursk, Russia Shensi, prov., China Sheopur, Gwalior, C. | ae
Shepparton, Victoria Sheppey, Isle of, Kent, Eng. . Shepstone, North, Natal Shepton
Mallet, Somerset, Eng. Sherada, Hthwopia
Sherbin, Egypt
Sherborne, Dorset, Eng. Sherboro I., Sierra Leone,
She hrovks 5 N. Dakota ‘ Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia Sherbrooke, Quebec
Sherburn, Yorks, Eng. . Sherburn in Elmet, Yorks, E ng. Shercock, Cavan, I.F.S.
Shere, Surrey, Eng.
Sherfield, Hants, Eng. ; Shergarh, Kotah, Rajputana . Sherghati, Bihar and Orissa .
Shergiya, Jebel, Libya . Sheridan, Arkansas
Sheridan, Montana
Sheridan, Oregon
Sheridan, W. Virginia . Sheridan, Wyoming
Sheridan Lake, Colorado Sheridan Mt., Wyoming Sheriff Hutton, Yorks, Eng. .
Sheriffmuir, Dunblane, Scot. . Sheringa, S. Australia . Sheringham, Norfolk, Eng.
Sherkin I., Cork, I.F.S. Sherman, Kentucky
Sherman, Texas .
Sherm El-, Egypt
Sherm Rabigh, Arabia Sherodsville, Ohio
Sherridon, Manitoba
Sherston, Wilts, Eng. Sherttala, 7'ravancore, Madras Sherwood, N. Dakota Sherwood,
Sherwood, Texas
Sherwood Forest, Notts, E ng. Shetland Is., Scotland Shevaroy Hills, Madras
Shevgaon, Bombay Sheyenne and R., NV. Dakota. Shiant Is., Lewis, Scot. Shibakawa,
Shibam, Arabia
Shibata, Japan Shibin-el-Kém, Egypt Shicheng-hsien, China . Shickshinny,
Pennsylvania Shickshock Mts., Quebec Shiel Bridge, Ross and Crom.,
Shiel, L., Jnverness—Argyll, Scot. Shieldaig, Ross and Crom., Scot. Shields, Kansas
Shifnal, Salop, Eng. Shigatse, 7'ibet Shiggaon, Bombay Shih-pu-ting, HZ. China
Shihshow-hsien, China Shihtai-hsien, China Shihweiyao, China Shiiya, Japan Shikabe,
Japan Shikama, Japan . Shikara, Japan Shikarpur, Mysore
Jaipu r, Rajputanc a
SHI LOS Ce 147 Sf 114 Af 103. Bd 109 Ge 145 Lf 109 Ha 108 Bb 114 Ah 115. Ch 96 Kd
155 Jf [$2 -€o 143 Mf 142 De 152 Bb 184 De 152 Be 1l57 La 155 Md 158 Ha 153 De 150
Bb 155 «6 155 Nf 150 Ac 155 Jf L57° -Lie 154 Hd 101 Pe 58 Jeg 186 De 147 Qe 183 Fb
155 Je 96 Ed 152 Bd 154 Fe 158 Bb 64 Jr 97 Hg 155 He 151 Eb 151 De 151 Ec 150 De
114 Bf lll Cg 128 Ed 115 Ce 96 Ge 113 He 108 Ce 182 Ce 41 Xu 135 Gj 47 Qu 129 Ff
127 Ba 45 Qv 125 Bg 154 Gb 143 Ne 143 Kd 53 Vo 50 Tp 67 Hp 40 Vu 40 Tu 108 ,Ce 109
Ge 128 Bb 157 He 158 Ge 158 Be 150 Be 158 Ke 154 Df 158 He 53 To 86 Ok 180 Df
51 ..Yr 68 Cu 150 Ac 156 Fd 127 De 104 Ce 150 Cb 144 Ce 47 Rt lll Cg 154 Ea 150 Ab
156 De 50 Tq 61 Sb lll Df 110 Bb 154 Fb 58 Jg 117 Fe 105 Ef 117 Fe 127 Ba 115 Df
151 Eb 143 Le 56 Lh 56 Kj 58 Kg 14 Ef 47 Rr 112 Df 110 Bd 115 Ge 115 Be 115 Ed 115
Cd 117 Fe 116 Gb 116 Df 116 Jb 110 Bd
Shikarpur, Sind, Bombay Shikho, Sinkiang Shi-kiang-chang, Z&. Shikineshima, Japan
Shikiu, Japan Shikoh abad, Shikoku (I.), Shildon, Durham, Eng.. Shillelagh,
Wicklow, I.F.S. Shillingford, Eng. Shillong, Assam
United Provs. Japan
Shiloh, Shiloh, Tennessee. Shilon Gol, Mongolia Shilton, Warwicks, Eng. Shimabara,
Japan Shimada, Japan Shimada, Japan Shimano Omachi, Japan Shimen Shan, China
Shimizu, Japan
Shimoda, Japan Shimodate, Japan Shimoga, Mysore Shimonayoro, Japan Shimonita, Japan
Shimonoseki, Japan Shimosuwa, Japan Shimotsui, Japan Shimsha R., Mysore Shin, L.,
Sutherland, Scot. Shinagawa, Japan Shinainuma, Japan Shinchi, Japan ; Shinchiku,
Formosa, Japan Shiness, Sutherland, Scot.
Shingu, Japan
Shinjo, Japan
Shinonoi, Japan .
Shinrone, Offaly, I. F. g.
Shinshiro, Japan Shinyanga, Tanganyika Terr. Shinzan, Japan
Shiogama, Japan
Shidjiri, Japan
Shiono, Japan
Shionomizaki, Japan
Shipborne, Kent, Eng. . Shipdham, Norfolk, Eng.
Shipets, Japan
Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia
Shipka Pass, Bulgaria .
Shipley, Yorks, Eng. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania . Shippigan I., New Brunswick
Shipston on Stour, Warwicks, Enq. Shipton, Salop, Eng. Shipton, Yorks, Eng.
Shipton-under-Wychwood, Ox., Shirahama, Japan
Shiraishi, Japan
Shirakawa, Japan
Shiranuka, Japan
Shiraoi, Japan ;
Shirati, T'anganytka Terr. Shiraz, Persia
Shire R., Nyasaland Shiretokozaki, Japan Shiripets, Japan
Shiriyazaki, Japan
Shirkuh, Persia
Shirley, Montana.
Shirley, Warwicks, Eng. Shiroko, Japan . Shitati, Fr. Hquat. Shiuchowfu, China
Shiuhing, China . ; Shivpuri, Gwalior, C.I.
Shiyali, Madras
Shizuoka, Japan .
Shklov, Russia .
Shkoder (Scutari), Albania ‘ ; Shkodres, L., Yugoslavia—Albania . Shoa, Ethiopia .
Shoal L., Manitoba Shoal Harbour, Newfoundland Shoal Lake, Manitoba
Shoals, Indiana
Shodo, Japan
Shoeburyness, Hasex, Eng.
Shoji (L.), Japan. Shojo, Japan
Sholapur, Bombay Sholavandan, Madras Shoranur, Madras ; Shorawak, Afghanistan
Shoreham, New, Sussex Shorewood, Wisconsin . Shorkot, Punjab . Shorncliffe Camp,
Shorne, Kent, Eng. Shororo, veers Shorwell, J. of Wight, ling. Shoshone, Jdaho .
Shoshone, Nevada
Shoshone Falls, Jdaho
Shoshone Mts., Wyoming Shoshone Ra., Nevada .
Shoshong, Bechuanaland
Shotley, Suffolk, Eng. . : Shotley Bridge, Durham, Eng. Shotts, Lanark, Scot. ;
Showchang-hsien, Chekiang, C hina Showchow, China
Showlow, Arizona Showyang-hsien, Shans, China Shoya, Japan
Shpola, Russia
Shreve, Ohio ; Shreveport, Louisiana . Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania Shrewsbury, Salop,
Shrewton, Wilts, Eng.
Shrigonda, Bombay
, Eng.
Folkestone, Eng.
Ein J.
Se ee
at ped a J a) ol I
116 143 95
dO 15] 143 40 47
5O 40 117 117 L117 L116 116 132 105 131 116 116 116 105 154
47 117 128 115 115 108 lll 117
94 129 144 139 144 155 116
4] 117 116 110 Ll] 111 106
40 £55 106 4]
4] 116
40) L158 158 158 158 159
115 115 L159 114 116
97 L150 157 15]
40 L110
Ae Bg
Ke Aa
i'd Ee
Ef Kg Yt Sn Ol Ke De
Bb Hd Ke Qr Su Bb
Enq. ° Eng.
Shrivenham, Berks, Shropshire (Salop), co., Shrule, Mayo, I.F.S. Shucheng-hsien,
China Shu-ho, #. China Shui-kow, #. China Shujalpur, Gwatlvor, Shumen and dist..,
Shumikha, U/ral Area Shumla, J'exas . Shunan-hsien, China Shunchang-hsien, China
Shuntehfu, China
Shu or Kin-kiang, China Shugra, Arabia
Shuqualak, Mississippi Shusha, Nagorny—Karabakh Shushtar, Persia . Shuswap and L.,
Br. Shuya, Russia Shu-yang-hsien, #. Shwebo, Burma Shwedaung, Burma Shwegyin, Burma
Siakiang-hsien, China Sialkot, Punjab
Siam, kingdom, #. Asia Siam, Gulf of, Fr. Indo China Siamu-shan, #. China Sian,
Sian, Shensi, China Siangcheng-hsien, Honan, Siang-kiang, China Siang-shan-hsien,
#. China Siangsiang-hsien, China Siangtanhsien, China Siangtung-kiang, China
Siangyangfu, China Siangyin-hsien, China Siaofeng-hsien, China Siao-hsien, Kiangsu,
¢ Siaokan-hsien, China Siao-shan-hsien, #. China Siatista, Siatsun,
Greece Shantung, C hina Siauliai, Lithuania Siayi-hsieng, Honan, Sibbald, Alberta
Sibenik, Yugoslavia Siberia, East, Russia Siberia, West, Russia . Siberut Str. and
L., Dutch. E. Sibi, Baluchistan . Sibiriakov I., Arctic Ocean Sibiu (Hermannstadt),
Romania Sible Hedingham, Hasex, Eng. Sibley, Jowa
Sibolga, Sumatra
Sibsagar, Assam
Sibsey, Lincs, Eng.
Sibuyan, I., Philippines Sicamous, Br. Columbia Sichem, Belgium .
Sichow, Shansi, China . Sichwan-ting, China
Sicie, C., France
Sicily, L., Italy
Sicuani, Peru
Sid, Yugoslavia
Sidaka, Jraq
Sidbury, Cape Prov.
Sidcot, Somerset, Eng.
Sidcup, Kent, Eng.
Siddington, Cheshire, Eng. Siddipett, Hyderabad
Sideby, Finland
Siderno, /taly
Siderokastro, Greece
Sidhout, Madras .
Sidi Barrani, Egypt Sidi-bel-Abbes, Algeria Sidlaghatta, Mysore
Sidlaw Hills, Perth-Angus, Scot. Sidlesham, W. Sussex, Eng. Sidmouth, Devon, Eng.
Sidmouth, C., Queensland Sidney, Jowa
Sidney, Montana
Sidney, Nebraska
Sidney, New York
Sidney, Ohio
Sidney, Vancouver I., B.C. Sidon, Syria R Sidra, Gulf of, Libya Siebengebirge,
Germany Siedlce, Poland
Sieg, R., Germany Siegburg, Germany Siegen, Germany . Sielec, Poland Siempang,
Cambodia Siem-reap, Cambodia Siena, ltaly
Sien-hsien, Hopeh, China Sie nyuhsien, China Sieradz, Poland
Siero, Spain
Sierpe, Poland
Sierra Blanca, T'exas Sierra City, California . Sierra Leone, colony, Africa Sierra
Leone Penin., Sierra Leone . Sierra Madre, Mexico
Sierra Madre, Philippines
Sierra Mojada, Mezico .
Sierra Morena, Spain
Sierra Nevada, California
Sierra Nevada, Spain
Sierre, Switzerland
Sievsk, Russia
Sifeng, Manchukuo
Sifton, Manitoba .
Sigdal, Norway
Sigean, France
80 97 114 144
Of Fd Db Kf Qu
Ab Hg Ad
Ba Ce Ff Be Be Ce Gf Dd Cd Ce Ce Kg Dg Ca Df Be
Cf Dd Dd Ke Ge Ce |
Fd |
’s Atlas
Sigge vara, Sweden Siggurdsrud, Sighet,
Norway Romania Sighisoara, Romania Sigiriya, Ceylon Siglufjérdur, Iceland
sigma Glermany
ringen, Signakh, (reorgua, Rus Signal, Arizona France
lowa Ecuador
Signes, Sigourney, Sigsig, Sigtuna, Sweden Sigiienza, Spain
F Trance . Sihawal, Rewah, CJ. Sihora, Ce ntral Provs. Sihora, Bhandara, Sihsien,
China : ; Sikandarabad, United Provs. Sikandra, United Provs. ; l nited Prows
Ssigy 4
ry +: ( entral 1 TOUS
Sikandra Kao,
Sikar, Jaipur, Rajputana Sikasso, Fr. West Africa Sikhota Alin, Far H. Area Si-
kiang (R.), China
Sikkim, state, Bengal Siklés, Hungary Siktivkar, Russia Silao. Mezico Silchar,
Silchester, Silda, Sildeganet, Silecroft, Silenrieux, Sileru R.,
Vorway Norway
Cumberland, Eng.
Silesia, Germany
Silesia, Montana
Silesia O., Poland
Silesia, prov., Czechoslovakia Silifke, Turkey
Siliguri, Bengal
Silistra, Romania
Silivri, T'urkey
Siljan L.. Sweden
Silkeborg, Denmark Silkstone, Yorks, Eng.
Sillan L., Cavan, I. FS. Sillans, France ; Sillé-le-Guillaume, France Silli, Bihar
and Orissa
Sillod, Hyderabad
Silloth, Cumberland, Eng. Silly, France
Siloam Springs, Arkansas : Silsden, Keighley, Yorks, Eng. Silsila, Egypt
Silverbell, Arizona Silver Bridge, Armagh, Silver City, Idaho Silver City, Nevada
Silver City, New Mexico Silver City, Utah
Silvercliffe, Colorado
Silver Creek, Nevada Silvercreek, New York. Silverdale, Lancs, Eng.
Silver Gap, W. Virginia Silvermines, Tipperary, I. FS. Silver Mountain, Ontario
Silvernails, New York
Silver Plume, Colorado Silverstone, Northants, Eng. Silverton, Colorado Silverton,
New S. Silverton, Oregon Silverton, Texas . Silves, Brazil ; Silvretta (mt.),
Austria Simalur I., Dutch EH. Indies Simaria, Bihar and Orissa Simaria Ghat, Bihar
and Orissa Simcoe, Ontario
Simcoe L., Ontario
Simdega, Bihar and Orissa Simferopol, Russia
Simiti, Colombia
Simla, Punjab...
Simla Hill States, Punjab Simleul Silvaniei, Romania Simmern, Germany
Simnas, lithuania
Simo and R., Finland .
N. Ire.
Simonburn, N orthumberland, Eng. .
Simonsbath, Somerset, Eng. Simonstad, Norway Simon’s Town, Cape Prov. Simplon Pass,
Switzerland Simpson, Kentucky Simpson, N.-W. Terr. Simpson, Sask.
Simpson, W. Virginia Simrisham, Sweden
Sina R., Bombay Hyderabad Sinaia, Romania
Sinai Penin., Egypt Sinaloa, Mexico
Sinamaica, Venezuela Sinan, Kwangtung, China Sinbo, Burma
Sincelejo, Colombia Sinchang-hsien, China Sin-chang-hsien, . China
Sincheng-hsien, Che-Kiang, China .
Sincheng-hsien, Sinchow, China Sinchiian, China . Sinclair, W. Virginia Sinclair’s
B., Caithness, Sinclairville, New York Sind, div., Bombay : Sinder, Fr. West Africa
Sindgi, Bombay
Kiang-Si, China
om or orc ~~ oom — ©
Ot Oo m O°
On 9) 6s te
ee ee ee ee
rn Ore to bo
| Or Ot Ore o> Or _ + Fife sa ie
oro © & WS YF CO CO
2 Se ee
as 120 109 109 142 142 109 97 168 106 106 93 76 yf 70 52 46 72 136 80 150 140 147
150 71 110 95 127 160 168 115 107 168 L115 115 115 115 114 115 150 59 15] 106
Aa Be De Fd Be Ad Ge He Df Ee Gd Ef Cb Db Db He Ce Fe
Doi Bg i'd Bd Ed Rf Ce Fj Bb Be Cb Cb
Sindh R., Gwalior, India Sindhara, Bhopal, OM indhnur, Hyderabad sSindhuli Garhi,
Sindi, Central Provs.
ee Nepal a ae = ae ndkhed, berar, india lkheda. rsk, Russia
na. R.. Hyde rabad
ne s and B.. Portugal . Sinfeng-hsien, China Singa, A.-#. Sudan Singalang, Mt.,
Madras and Str., Madras 7 Bali, Dutch E. Hyde rabad 4 : dist., Bihar and Orissa .
Manch ukuo
Rajputana Tanganyika Terr.
Kore a :
Gulf, Greece
Singkel, Sumatra
Singkep, I., Swmatra
Singanallur, ; Singapore I. Malaya Singapuru, Singaraja, Singareni, Singbhum,
Singchan, Singhana, Singida,
Single Fjord, Norway Singleton, Lancs, Eng. . Singleton, New S. Wales Singleton,
Sussex, Hing.
Singora (Muang Sawng Kla), Mice Singphos (Kachins), tribe, Burma . Singsaas, Norway
Sing Sing (Ossining), New York
Singwara, Rewah, ( ae ee Sinia R., Russia . Siniawka, Poland
Sining-hsien, Hopeh, China Sinj, Yugoslavna Sinkan-hsien, China
Sinkat, A.-H#. Sudan Sinkiang, prov., China Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania Sinminfu,
Sinn, Germany Sinnamahoning, Pe nnsylvania Sinnamary, French Guiana Sinnar, Bombay
Sinneh, Persia . Sinnington, Yorks, Eng. Sinoe, co., Liberia Sinoe, L., Romania
Sinoia, S. Rhodesia Sinop, T'urkey Sinsheim, Germany Sinsiang-hsien, Honan, Sinsk,
Yakutsk Sin-tai-hsien, #. China Sintaluta, Sask. Sintang, Borneo Sintien-hsien,
China Sinton, 7'exas Sintsai-hsien, China Sinyang-chow, China Sinye-hsien, China
Sidfok ; Hu Ngary
Sion, France
Sion, Switzerland Sioule, R., France Sioux City, Jowa 7 Sioux Falls, 8S. Dakota .
Sioux Lookout, Ontario Sioux Rapids, Jowa Siparuni, R., Brit. Guiana Siphnos,
Siping-hsien, China
Sipora L, Dutch E. Indies Siquisique, Venezuela
Sira, Mysore :
Siracusa (Syracuse), Sicily Sirajganj, Bengal :
Sir C. Hamilton Sd. , Newfoundland Sirdal, Norway P : Sirdals V beg Norway . ‘ ‘
Sir Darya, Uzbek, Russia
Sir E. Pellew Group, N. Terr., A ustral, Sire Elv, Norway
Siret, Romania
Siret, R., Romania
Sirhan, Wady, Arabia
Sirhind, Patiala, Punjab
Siris, Bihar and Orissa
Sirjan, Persia
Sir J. H. Glover’s L., New} foundland Sir Jos. Banks Group, 8. ‘Ausvitia Sir
Muttra, Dholpur, Rajputana Sirohi, state and tn., Kajputana Sironcha, Central
Sironj, Tonk, Rajputana
Sirpur, Berar, India
Sirpur, Hyderabad
Sirsa, Punjab
Sirsa, United Provs.
Sir Samuel, W. Australia
Sirsi, Bombay
Sirsi, Gwalior, India
Sirsilla, Hyderabad
Sirsundi, Central Provs.,
Siruguppa, Madras
Sirur, Bijapur, Bombay
Sirur, Poona, Bombay
Sirvel, Madras
Sis, Turkey
Sisak, Yugoslavia
Sisaket, Siam
Siskiyou, Oregon
Sisopon, Cambodia
Sissach, Switzerland
Sisselh6 (mt.), Norway
Sisseton, S. Dakota Sissinghurst, Kent, Sisteron, France Sistersville, W.
108 Db 108 Od 110) Cd 109 Gb 108 De los Cf 108 Be 96 Je L110 Bb 88 Ad 115 Cg 128 Ke
120 Ae lll. 119 Cf 110 Fb 121 Be 110 Ee 109 Gd 114 Gb 108 Ba 133. a 113° Ld 94 Db
120 Ad 120 Be 72 Ge 49 Qp 183 Fa 40 Uv 119 Ce 107 He 72 Gb 152 Bd 109 Ed 96 Kb 13
HE 114 Bd 92 Ke 115 Cf 129 Fd 112 Ge 151 Eb 114 Fe 76 Ee 151 Db 169 Gb 108 Bf 104
Eb 53 Uo 125 Cg 95 De 131 Ef 104 Ca 76 Ff 115 Cb 101 Mb 115 Eb 147 Sf 120 Dd 115 Ag
156 Ff 115 Ce 115 Ce 115 Be 93 Fe 85 Fe 80 Dd 83 Ee 154 Gd 154 Gd 144 He 154 Hd 169
Fe 4 Dd 115 Ce 120 Ae 168 Ca 110 Ce 91 Ef 107 Gd 139 Ce 12 Cf 12-4 102 Fe 179 Fb
12° 95 Bb 95 Cb 104 Ce 106 Db 109 Ge 105 Gd 139 Be 180 Kg 108 Cb 106 Cd 108 Ef 108
Ce 108 Ce 110 Db 106 Ce 109 Fe 187 Eh 110 Bd 108 Ce 110 Db 108 Ee 110 Cd 110 Be 110
Bb 110 Dd 104 Cb 92 Ed 119 Ce 158 Bd 119 Cd 80 Eb 72 Fb 154 Ge 4] Xu 83 Gd 150 Ce
108 De
Sitabaldi, Central Proves.
Sitam Sitam Sitant Sitap' Sitka. Gjtlah Gittal Gittal sittin Situb Siula! Siuni
Siuye Sivag Sivag Sivak Sivas Sivas Sivas Sivri Sivrs Siwa Siwa Siwa Sixt Six }
Sixt, Siz! Sil Sjel Sjan Sjen Sioa Sjob jal Sjun Skal Skay Ska Skay Skay Skay Skay
Skat Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska Ska
Ska Ska Ska Ske Ske Ske Ske Ske Ske Ski Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk 8k Sk
Sk Sk Sk 8k Sk 8k Sk Sk 8k Sk Sk
mma ae ae ee eee oo
General Index
~—e,. eee Par
—s —
Somovit, Bulgaria Sompeta, Madras Sompi, Fr. West Africa
Som pting, Somvarpet, Somzee, Belgium . Son, Norw ay
Son, R., Son oy Sonagir,
Sussex, H Muy.
Coorg, S. India
Bihar and Orissa Re wah, ,¢ XE Datia, Cut, Sonahatu, Sonai,
Bihar and Orissa Bombay
Sonaj, Gwalior, India Sonakhan, Central Provs, Sonala, Berar, India Sonamukhi,
Sonar R., Central Provs. Sonbarsa, Bihar and Orissa Sonchamp, France Séndeled,
Norway Sénderborg, Denmark Sondershausen, Sondin, Korea Séndre Land, Sondrio, Italy
Sonepat, Punjab .
Sonepet, Hyderabad Sonestown, Pennsylvania
Son Fijell, Sweden
Songa Vand, Norway Song-bo (Black R.), Tongking Songea, 7'anganyika Terr. Songeons,
Song-kau, Annam z = Song-koi (Red River), Tongking Sonhat, Korea, C.P.
Sonjereim, Norway é; Sonkach, Gwalior, India
Sonki, A.-H#. Sudan
Sonmiani, Baluchistan .
Sonnblick, mt., Austria Sonneberg, Germany Sonning, Berks, Eng. Sonoma, California
Sonora, California Sonora, Mexico
Sonora, 7'exas
Sonoyta, Mezico . Sonpur, Saran, Bihar and Orissa Sonpur, state & tn., Bikar &
Orissa Sonsbeck, Germany Sonson, Colombia Sonsonate, Salvador Sénstevold, Norway
Sontai, T’ongking Sontyon, Korea Sonzay, France Soochow, China
Sooke, Vancouver I., B.C. Soperton, Georgia Sopetran, Colombia Sophikon, Greece .
Sopingfu, China
Sopley, Hants, Eng. Sopris, Colorado Sopron, Hungary
Sora, Jtaly
Sorab, Mysore
Sorata, Bolivia . Sorata, Mt., Bolivia Sorau, Germany
Sorbas, Spain , : Sorbie, Wigtown, Scot. . Sére Fjord, Norway Sorel, Quebec
Sorell, Tasmania .
Sér Fjord, Norway Sorgono, Sardinia Sorgues, France
Soria and prov., Spain Soriano, Uruguay Sorigny, France
Sorn, Ayr, Scot.
Soro, Bihar and Orissa Soré and amt, Denmark Soroca, Romania . Sorocaba, Brazil .
Soroka, Russia Soroksar, Hungary Soron, United Provs. Sorong, Du. New Guinea
Soroti, Uganda
Séréy and Sd., Norw ay Sorrento, Jtaly Sorrento, Victoria Sorsele, Sweden :
Sorskarv (mt.), Norway Sorso, Sardinia
Sort, Spain ' Sortavala, Finland Sorum, Norway
Sorum, Opland, Norwa y Sér Vagséy (1.), Vorway Sos, Spain , Sosa, Portugal
Sosh R., Russia
Sosna, R., Russia
Sosniza R., Russia Sosnovka, Russia Sosnowiec, Poland
Sospel, France Sosvinsk, Ural Area Sotkamo, Finland Soto, Argentina Soto la Marina,
Sotra, Norway Sottegem, Belgium Sottevast, France Sotteville, France Souance,
France . Soubosko, Greece Souchez, France Souderton, Pennsylvania Soulby,
Westmorland, Eng.
QS LO9 125
1) L11 74
109 109 108 LO9 L110 108 109 L108 109 L108 LO9
i 74 113
9) 108 110 151
72 119 133
86 119 119 109
72 108 128 106
40 159 159 160 156 160 LO9 LO9
76 168 163
119 114 85 115 146 153 168 94 114 40 154 92 91 110 170 170 75 89 4 72 142 188 72 91
87 89 173 85 54 109 77 95 174 96 93 108 189 132 70 9] 182
—~ —
“1-1 QD +13 +! bo ho be
GO OO OO bo or ©
a+ t
94 86 15]
(re Ge
De Gd Bb
Hd De He BE If 3c De Me Gd Ba Ca Cb Eb Ke De Cb Dj Bd Dd Cb Fd Dd Cd
Bd Bd
Kc Dd Nn
De Da Bg
Ke Db Ab Ce Ka Ed Cd Gd
Kd Ac Ja Ab Ee Fe Ke Ge Dg He Fb Nd Ed Dd Ad Db Fa Db Ld Cb De Fb Rn
-le-Bruant, France Souligné, France Sound, The, Denmark Souphli, Greece Mont-aux-,
Sourdeval, France Soure, Brazil Soure, Portugal Souris, Manitoba
V. Dakota - Edward | f
Soulgé Sweden
Sources, Basutoland
Souris, Prince France Sourton, Devon, Hng. Souterraine, la, /rance South L., Vew
Zealand South Africa, Union of, Southall, Middlesex, Southam, Warwicks, South
Amboy, New Jersey Southampton, New York Southampton, N.-W. Terr. Southampton,
Ontario . : Southampton & Water, Hanis: Eng. South Australia, state, Australia
South Bank, Yorks, Eng.
South Bend, Jndiana
South Bend, Washington Southborough, Kent, Eng.
South Boston, Virginia Southbridge, Mass. Southbridge, New Zealand
South Brownsville, Pennsylvania South Carolina, state, U.S.A. South Charleston,
South Dakota, state, U.S.A.
South Dean, Roxburgh, Scot.
South East C., 7'asmania
South East Is., Dutch E. Indies
Souris, Sours,
Africa Eng. Eng.
South East Polder, Holland Southend, Argyll, Scot. Southend-on-Sea, Hssex, Hng.
Southern Alps, New Zealand Southern Cross, W. Australia Southerndown, Glamorgan,
Wales . Southern Kurdistan, Iraq Southern Provinces, Vigeria Southern Territories,
Algeria Southery, Norfolk, Eng.
Southesk, Alberta
South Fork, Pennsylvania
South Georgia I., 8. Atlantic South Graham I., Antarctica
South Haven, Michigan ‘ South Holland, prov., Holland South Jacksonville, Florida
South Londonderry, Vermont South Milwaukee, Wisconsin Southminster, Hssex, Eng.
South Natuna Is., Dutch H. Southold, New York
South Orkneys, Antarctica South Paris, Maine
South Pittsburg, Tennessee South Platte R., Colorado Southport, Lanes, Eng.
Southport, Pr. Edward Island Southport, Queensland .
Southsea, Hants, Eng.
South Shetlands, Antarctica . South Shields, Durham, Eng.
South Slocan, Br. Columbia
South Sound, Galway, 1. FS. South Taranaki Bight, New Zealand South Victoria Land,
Antarctica Southwell, Nottingham, Eng.
South West Is., Dutch FE. Indies . South West Africa, Terr. of, S. Afr. South West
Polder, Holland . South Williamsport, Pennsylvania Southwold, Suffolk, Eng.
Southwood, Queensland
Soutra Hill, Midlothian, Scot. Souzel, Brazil
Sévassn, Vorway
Sévde, Norway
Sovereign, Sask.
Sévik, Norway
Sowaira, Hritrea .
Sow R., Staffs, Eng. . ; Sowerby Bridge, Yorks, Hng. Soya-wan, Japan
Soydeberg, Norway
Séyland, Norway
Sozopol, Bulgaria
Spa, Belgium
Spain, Hurope
Spalding, Lincs, Lng.
Spalding, New Mexico . Spaldwick, Hunts, Eng.
Spandau, Germany
Spangereid, .Vorway
Spanish Fork, Utah .
Spanish Hd., /sle of Man
Spanish Pt., Clare, I. F.S.
Spanish R., Ontario , Spanish Sahara, .V.-W. Africa Spanish Town, Jamaica, West
Indies Sparkford, Somerset, Eng.
Sparks, Georgia Sparks, Maryland ‘ Sparrows Point, Maryland Sparta, Georgia
Sparta, /llinois
Sparta, New Jersey
Sparta, V. Carolina
Sparta, Tennessee
Sparta, Wisconsin Spartanburg, S. Carolina Spartansburg, Pennsylvania . Sparte,
Spartel, C., Morocco Spartivento, C., [taly Spartivento, C., Sardinia Spask, Middle
Volga, Russia
85 85 71 Q4 135 85 169 88 144 154 143 86 44 83 191 123 40) 40
* . — UI bo Ge
i a | m— Orin Ww OO Oo cr =I
ie a we e la ae . ow Ui te = Cl ol ~ _ crt ©
m WW bo
— ——
a Qo
143 L185 40 25 53 146 66 190 25 50 12) 123 78 151 51 185 55 169 72 72 147 72 129 49
50 L116
74 Yb 159 48 68 142 122 164 47 153 151 L51 153 155 151 153 153 155 153 150 94 126
9] 91 97
Jo Vt Tg Fb Bd Nd De Tv
Me Bb Wu Dd Be De Db Ke Be Ke Qm Cd
Dd Km Xt Cle Dk Ou Db ig Eb Wr Of Db Ih
Md 3d De Be Md Xt Cd Bd
Cb Be De Pp Nd
Jl Tv
di n
Uq Gf Hn De Eb
s Atlas
Area, Russia Area
Ka 21 i: Re p-
Spask, Northern Spassk, Far EL. Spassky Mine, Spatsum, Br. Spean Bridge, Speedwell,
Virginia ; Speke Gulf, Tanganyika Terr. Spelve, L., Mull J., Scot.
Inverness, Scot.
Spenborough (Liversedge, et ), Hing. Spence Bridge, Br. Columbia. Spencer, Indiana
Spencer, /owa
Spencer, Mass.
Spencer, Ohio
Spencer, S. Dakota
Spencer, W. Virginia Spencer Gulf, S. Australia Spencerville, Ohio
Spe nnymoor, Durham, Eng. spe rile . and Sjé, .Vorway
fice rle, Vorway ; ; | Spe pmonde Arch., Dutch E. Indies Sperrin Mts., T'yrone, \V.
Ire. spe ttchley, Worcs, Ang. Spetsat, Gree :
Spey Bay, Moray, Sec ok:
Spey, R., /nverness, Scot. Speyer, Germany .
Spezia, Italy
Sphakia, Krete /., Greece Sphinx, Montana
Sphinx, Utah
Spiddal, Galway, /.F.S. Spierte Niargga, Vorway Spiez, Switzerland ‘ : Spiggie, L.,
Shetland Is., Scot. Spijkenisse, Holland
Spilsby, Lincs, Eng. Spinazzola, Italy
Spind, Norway ‘ Spinningdale, Sutherland, Scot.
Sploen Berg, Cape Prov.
Spioen Kop, Natal
Spion Kop, Natal , Spirding See, #. Prussia
Spirit Lake, Jowa
Spiro, Oklahoma SpiSska Bela, Czechoslovakia . Spisska Nova Ves, Czechoslovakia
Spital, Lincs, Eng. : Spital of Glenshee, Perth, Spithead, Hants, En4. Spittal,
Spittal, Northumberland, Eng. Spitsbergen. See Svalbard. Spitz Kop, Transvaal
Split, Yugoslavia Spliigen and Pass, Swit: erland Spofford, Texas . Spofforth,
Yorks, Eng. . Spokane, Washington Spoleto, Italy
Spontin, Belgium .
Sporades, Northern, (Greece Spotsylvania, Virginia . Sprague, Washington
Spree R., Germany : Spreeklesville, Hawaiian Is. . Spree Wald, Germany Spremberg,
Germany Sprimont, Belgium Springbok, Cape Prov. . Springboro, Pennsylvania
Springburn, Alberta Springburn, Vew Zealand Spring City, Pennsylvania Spring City,
Spring City, Utah . Spring Coulee, Alberta . Springdale, Arkansas Springdale,
Montana Springdale, Pennsylvania Springdale, Washington Springer, Vew Mexico
Springerville, Arizona Springfield, Colorado Springfield, Cook, Queensland
Springfield, Jllinois Springfield, Kentucky Springfield, Lynd, Queensland
Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield, Minnesota . Springfield Missouri
Springfield, New Zealand Springfield, Ohio . Springfield, Oregon Springfield, S.
Dakota Springfield, T'’ennessee
Springfield, Vermont Springfontein, Orange F.S. Spring Forge, Pennsylvania Spring
Hill, Kansas
Springhill, Massachusetts Springhill, Nova Scotia . : Springholm, Kirkcudbright,
Scot. Spring Hope, N. Carolina Springlands, Brit. Guiana Springs, 7'ransvaal
Springsure, Queensland Springton, Queensland . Springvale, Kansas
Spring Valley, Minnesota
Spring V alley, New York Springview, Nebraska Springville, Vew York . Springville,
Viah . ‘ Springwood, Vew S. Wales Sproatley, Yorks, Eng. Sprouston, Roxburgh, Scot.
Sprucegrove, Alberta Spruce Knob, W. Virginia Spur, 7'exas ‘ Spurn Hd., Yorks, Eng.
Spuzzum, Br. Columbia
96 LOl 100 146
56 150
2° a
56 pv 146 Ld55 155 152 150 154 150 180 150 53 ea
12] 62
4 59 59
9) 94
a <o to
>) | |
| yt
a. Sw .
me or or Sr OD _— ooh >
Se ee Om OVSToHW sro gos
= ¥ : ¥
Sr to ote Crile =] Go >
169 134 185 185 154 155 152 154 142 159 183 50 5d 147 150 156 5 146
— ay ~~ - ~
id Ke He Df
Eb De
Eb Eb Ee Fb Ke He Ab Cb Ld Ce Fb Be Hf Ng Gb
Cd Ne Om Ee
Me De Dd Wp Jg
Squamish, Br. Columbia Squillace and Gulf, /taly Srakheo, Siam , Srbobran,
Yugoslavia Srebrenica, Yugoslavia Sredna Gora, Bulgaria Sredne Kolymsk, Yakutsk
Srepok, Cambodia Sre-umbel, Cambodia Sriharikota I., Madras Sri Madhopur, Sri Maha
Raja, Siam Srinagar, Kashmir
Sringeri, Mysore . Srirangam, Madras Srisailam, Madras Srivaikuntam, Madras
Srivardhan, Bombay Srivillipputur, Madras Srungavarappukota, Madras. Sryetensk, H.
Siberia Stabben, Vorway.
Stack L., Sutherland, Scot. Stack, South Lt. Ho., Angl., Stackpool, Ontario ‘
Stacks Mts., Kerry, 1. F.S. Stade, Germany
Staden, Belgium Stadhampton, Oxon, Eng. Stadsbygd, Norway
Stads Canal, Holland Stadtkyll, Germany
Staffa, L., Argyll, Scot. Stafford, Kansas .
Stafford, New Zealand . Stafford, Virginia
Stafford and co., Hng. Stafford Springs, Connecticut. Stagsden, Bedford, Eng.
Stagshaw Bank, Northwmb., Staincross, Yorks, Eng. Staindrop, Durham, Eng. Staines,
Middlesex, Eng. Stainforth, Yorks, Eng. Stair, Ayr, Scot.
Staithes, Yorks, Eng. Stakke, Norway Stalbridge, Dorset, Eng. Stalham, Norfolk,
Eng. Stalheim, Norway
Stalin, Russia . ; Stalinabad, T'adzhik, Russia . Stalingrad, Russia , Stalling
Busk, Yorks, Eng. Stalybridge, Cheshire, Eng. Stambaugh, Michigan Stamford,
Connecticut Stamford, Lines, Eng. Stamford, New York Stamford, Queensland Stamford,
J'ezxas . Stamford Bridge, Stamnas, Norway Stamping Ground, Kentucky Stamproy,
Stamps, Arkansas
Stamullin, Meath, I.F. 8. Stanardsville, Virginia Stanberry, Missouri
Standard, Alberta
Standerton, T'ransvaal . Standish, Lancs, Eng. Standish, Michigan
Standon, Herts, Eng.
Stane, Lanark, Scot.
Stanford, Cape Prov.
Stanford, Kentucky
Stanford Bridge, Worcs, Eng. Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, py: Stange, Vorway Stanger,
Natal .
Stangvik and Fjord, Nor way Stanhope, Durham, Eng. Stanimaka, Bulgaria Stanistawéw,
Poland . Stanley, Crook, Durham, Eng. Stanley, Falkland Is.
Stanley, V. Dakota
Stanley, Ontario .
Stanley, Perth, Scot.
Stanley, Tasmania
Stanley, Wakefield, Yorks, Eng. Stanley, Wisconsin j Stanley Falls, Belgian Congo
Stanley Pool, Belgian Congo . Stanleyville, "Belgian Congo Stanmore, Middlesex,
Eng. Stann Creek, Brit. Honduras Stannington, Northumb., Eng. Stanovoi Mts., Far #,
Area Stans, Switzerland : Stanstead Abbots, Herts, Eng. Stansted, Hssez, Eng.
Stanthorpe, Queensland Stanton, Kentucky
Stanton, Michigan
Stanton, Nebraska
Stanton, V. Dakota
Stanton, Texas .
Stanton, Suffolk, Eng. . Stanton Drew, Somerset, Eng. Stanway, Glos., Eng.
Stanwell, Queensland
Stanwix, Cumberland, Eng. Staphorst, Holland
Stapleford, Notis, Eng. Stapleford, Wilts, Eng.. Staplehurst, Kent, Eng. Staples,
Minnesota : Stapleton, Yorks, Eng.
Star, Alberta Stara Bukhara, Stara Gradiska, Yugoslavia Stara Planina, Bulgaria
Yorks, Eng.
Jaipur, Rajputana ,
Uzbek, Russia °
93 95 10] 119 119 110 108 119 106 110 lll 110 11] 110 Lil 110 101 72 59 48 142 68
74 79 40 70 78 76 60 154 191 151 49 152 40 53 50
40 52
53 70 45 51 97 102 97 52 49 155 152 50 152 185 156
72 150 78 157
151 155 147 135 49 155 41 55 136
Stara Stara} Stara Sta rb Gtarb Star | Stare! Stang: starh Stari Start Stari Stark
Stark Stark Stark Star Start Start Start Star Star Start Start Stas: State Stat
Stats Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Star Sta’ Sta’ Sta’ Sta’ Sta’ Sta’
Sta Sta Sta Sta Sta Sta Sta Sta Sta Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste Ste
Ste Ste Mt Ste St St St
— on
za fa =a
rma £m) fH? fm
PA roe ro
'¢a20axatiaeataeantdeédie «i
asa SS =. =
—" =
Stewarton, Ayr, Scot, Stewartstown, T’yrone, .V. Stewart Town, Queensland Steyning,
Enq. Steynsburg, Cape Prov. Steynsdorp, Transvaal . Steyr, Austria Steytlerville,
Cape Prov. Stia, [taly Stickford,
Lincs, Eng. Stickney, Lincs, Eng. Stickney, S. Dakota Stiens, Holland
Stiffkey, pag Sac Eng. Stige -rsand, Vorw ay Stigler, Oklahoma Stikine R., Br.
Columbia Still Bay, Cape Prov. Stillington, Yorks, Eng. Stillwater, Minnesota
Stillwater, Nevada Stillwater, New York Stillwater, Oklahoma Stilton, Hunts, Eng.
Stilwell, Oklahoma Stinchar R., Ayr, Stip, Yugoslavia Stirling, Alberta Stirling,
New Zealand Stirling and co., Scotland Stirling City, California Stites, Idaho
Stithians, Cornwall, Eng. Stjerneréy, Vorway Stjernéy and Sd., Norway Stobo,
Peebles, Scot. Stobs, Roxburgh, Scot. Stock, Essex, Hngq. Stockbridge, Hants,
Stockbridge, Mass. Stockdale, Texas Stockerau, Austria Stockholm and lan, Sweden
Stockinbingal, New S. Wales Stockport, Cheshire, Eng. Stockport, New York
Stocksbridge, Yorks, Stockton, California Stockton, Hereford, Enq. Stockton, Kansas
Stockton, Missouri Stockton, New Jersey . Stockton, New S. Wales Stockton, Salop,
Eng. Stockton, Virginia Stockton on Tees, Stockum, Germany Stockville, Nebraska
Stéde, Sweden
Stéen, Norway
Stoer, Pt. of, Sutherland, Scot. Stoke, New Zealand Stoke, East, Nottingham, Stoke,
Pt., Devon, En v. Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, Eng. Stoke Fleming, Devon, Eng. Stoke
Mandeville, Bucks, Eng. Stokenchurch, Bucks, Eng. Stokenham, Devon, Eng. Stoke
Poges, Bucks, Hing. Stokesay, Salop, os Stokesley, Yorks, Eng.
Stoke upon Trent, Staffs, Bing. Stokke, Norway
Stolac, Yugoslavia
Stolberg, Alberta =
Stolberg, Germany
Stolhoi I., Yakutsk
Stolin, Poland
Stolp, Germany
Stolpe, R., Germany Stolpmiinde, Germany Stolzenfels, Germany . Stolzenfels, S.-W.
Africa Ston, Yugoslavia
Stone, Bucks, Eng. Stone, Glos., Eng.
Stone, Staffs, Eng. Stoneboro, Pennsylvania Stonecliff, W. Virginia Stonehaven,
Kincardine, Stonehenge, Wilts, Eng. Stonehouse, Glos., Eng. Stonehouse, Lanark,
Scot, Stone House, Nevada Stonewall, Manitoba Stoneykirk, Wigtown, Scot.
Stonington, Connecticut Stony L., Ontario Stony Cross, Hants, Stonyplain, Alberta :
Stony Point, New York Stony Stratford, Bucks, Hng. Stor Aa, Denmark
Storades Is., Greece
Stora Luleé, Sweden
Stora Lule Trask, Sweden Stor-avan, Sweden Stord, Norway Stordal, Nordmore, Norway
Stordal, NV. Trondelag, Norway Store Bérge Fjeld, Norway Storefond (mt.), Norway
40 146 147 146 19]
63 184 40) 137 134 92 137 90
ed ~I gr Sr Ga po OF psd pons
a | roan Oa Ga Ww eS Cr =] a ak in a on 7 Sor wD GS =! ty
o Iw
1 Ou
at ~ bo
— He CO -~1 TO U Owe lo OC:
~j «Jj =~j] ~] «] oro
_ re
131 93 40
49 150 150
54 158 144
54 152 142
40 147 152
Le Be Ke = tb se Et Hg Of Dad
Df Be
Ib Vs Ge
Cb Bg Nk
Cf Eb Lw Be Ka
(Jm Wt Su Be Ff Db Hg Db Rq Be Sq Cg Qs Ff Hg Fb Fa Dd Tn Cb Ke Ge Gb
~I ~]
Store Hedinge, Denmark Store Herje, Sweden Stor Elvdal, Norway
Stéren, Norway ; ; Storey Arms, Brecon, Wales Stor Fjord, Norway Storforsen, Sweden
Storh6, Norway : : Storhépiggen (mt.), VYorway .
Stor-juktan, Sweden Stor Laison, Sweden Storlien, Vorway
Storm Bergen, Cape Prov.
Stormberg Junc., Cape Prov Storm Fjeld, Norway
Storm Lake, Jowa : Stornoway and Harb., Lewis, Scot. Storojinet, Romania
Storr, The, Skye T., Scot. Storrington, Sussex, Eng. Storruste Fjeld, Vorway
Stor Sj6, Norway Stor Sj6, Sweden . Storskarven (mt.), Stor Sélen (mt.), Storsveen,
Vorway Storuman, Sweden Storvigelen (mt.), Storvik, Norway . Storvik, Sweden
Storvolde n, Norway Story ( ity, Towa . Stoughton, Massac huoetta Stoughton, Sask.
Norway Norway
Stoughton, Sussex, Eng. Stoumont, Belgiwm
Stour, R., Dorset, etc., Hing. Stour, R., Essex, etc., Hng. Stour, R., Kent, Eng.
Stour, R., Worcs—Staffs, Eng: Stourbridge, Worcs, Eng. Stour, East, Dorset, Eng.
Stourpaine, Dorset, Eng. Stourport, Worcs, Eng.
Stow, Midlothian, Scot. ; Stowey, Ne the or, Somerset, ing. Stowmarket, S uf olk,
Eng. . Stow on the Wold, Glos., Eng. Strabane, Tyrone, N. Ire. Strabane Bridge,
T'yrone, N. Ire. Strachan, Kincardine, Scot. Strachan, Quebec
Strachur, Argyll, Scot. Stradbally, Kerry, L.F.S. Stradbally, Leix, J.F.S. :
Stradbally, Waterford, 1. FS.
Stradbroke, Suffolk, Eng. Stradbroke, Queensland Stradone, Cavan, I.F.S. Stradsett,
Norfolk, Eng. Strafford, New Hampshire Strahan, 7'asmania
Straimont, Belgiwm
Straiton, Ayr, Scot.
Straits, Lancs, Eng. P Straits Settlements, Malaya . Strakonice, Czechoslovakia
Straloch, Perth, Scot. Stralsund, Germany Strancally Castle, W aterfor Strand, Cape
Strand, Hedmark, Norway Strand, Telemark, Norway Strand, Rogaland, Norway Stranda,
Strandebarm, Strande Fjeld, Strande Fjord, J J Strandvik, Norway Strangford, Down,
Strangford L., Down, N. Ire. Strangways Springs, S. Australia Stranorlar, Donegal,
I. FS. Stranraer, Wigtown, Scot. Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, Sask.
Strasburg, Virginia
Strata, Br. Columbia
Stratford, New Hampshire Stratford, New Zealand Stratford, Ontario Stratford, Texas
Stratford, Victoria Stratford, Wicklow, Stratford on Avon, Warwicks, Strathaven,
Lanark, Scot. Strath Avon, Banff, Scot. Strath Bagastie, Sutherland, Scot.
Strathblane, Stirling, Scot.
Strath Bogie, A berdeen, Scot. Strath Bran, Perth, Scot. ; Strath Bran, Ross and
Crom., Scot. Strath Brora, Sutherland, Scot. Strath Carron, Ross and Crom., Strath
Dearn, Nairn, Strathdownie, Strath Earn, Strath Erric, Inverness, Scot. Strath
Fillan, Perth, Scot. : Strath Halladale, Sutherland, Scot. Strathkanaird,
Strathleven, Queensland Strathmiglo, Fife, Scot. Strathmore, Alberta Strathmore,
Perth, etc., Strathmore, Queensland Strathmore, Queensland Strath Nairn, /nverness—
Nairn, Strathnaver, Br. Columbia Strath Naver, Sutherland, Scot. Strath Oykell &
R., Scot. ; Strathpeffer, Ross and Crom., Scot. Strathrory R., Ross a nd Crom.,
Scot. Strath Spey, Inverness, etc., Scot.
Norway iota Vorwa y 'orw ay
N. Ire.
Inverness Victoria . Perth. Scot.
Swe de | (i
l, LFS.
Scot. Seol A
Ross & Crom., Scot.
IJ 2 2 1 1 Sr S2— SD NWWWN CS te ea
1 ore] +1 +1 +1 . me lO
~I to vt
— i
40 4} 4] 47 47 45 15 47
=) 47 4]
47 62 6§2
oi 142 56 68 64 64
~ ~~
>) 3 4 +1 1 J) 1 el a
by bo bo bo WW WO bo le
~ ~
63 L8O 62 54 82 147 L151 147 152 190 142 156 183 64 40)
Be Cb Bd
Dd Bd Ko Ko Ed Kn Ln Gb Rf De Mf Cb Ee Df Cb De Hr Ss Nl P h
Nl Qh Oj Mg Nf Mg Oh Ac Ok Nh Mk Of Lg De Pk Nf
Df Fh Nh He
Nf Mg Mg Ng Oh
Strath Ullie, Sutherland. NSeol. Strathy, Sutherland, Scot. Strathy, R., Suth
tland, Scot. str athyre, Perth, Scot. Strathyre, Transvaal Stratton, Cornwall,
Bing. Stratton, Long, Norfolk. Enq.
Straubing, Germany Straume,
Norway N 1)? way F
StraZnice, Czechoslovakea
Streaky Bay, S. Australia Streatham, London, Eng. Streatley, Berks, Eng.
Streator, /llinois .
St reefkerk, Holland
Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, Eng. Streeter, VY. Dakota
Strehaia, Romania
Strehlen, Germany
Strengen, Vorway
Strengnas, Sweden
Strensall, Yorks, Hing. Stretford, Lancs, Eng. . Stretham, Cambridge, Eng.
Stretton, Cheshire, Enq. Stretton, Derby, Enq.
Stribro Mze, Czechoslovakia Strichen, Aberdeen, Scot. Strickland, Ontario
Striegau, Ge rmany ; Strimonikos, Gulf, Greece Strinda, Norway : Striven, L.,
Argyll, Scot. ; Strokestown, Roscommon, I.F.S. Stroma, L., Caithness, Scot.
Stromberg, Germany Stromboli, L., /taly ‘ : Strome Ferry, Ross and C'rom., Seot.
Strommen, .Vorway Stromness, Orkney Is., Scot. Stromsburg, Vebraska Stromsnes,
Norway Strémsneset, \Vorway Strémstad, Sweden Strémsund, Sweden
Stréms Vattudal, Sweden Strom Vand, Norway Stronachlachar, Stirling, Scot. Strong,
Strong, Maine
Strongoli, [taly Stronmilchan, Argyll, Scot. Stronsay, Orkney Is., Scot. Strontian,
Argyll, Scot. Strood, Kent. Eng.
Stropkov, Czechoslovakia Stroud, Glos., Eng.
Stroud, Oklahoma Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Struan, Perth, Scot. Strudshavn, Vorway
Struer, Denmark
Struga, Yugoslavia
Struma, R., Bulgaria : Strumble Hd., Pembroke, Wales
Strumica, Yugoslavia
Struv. Jnverness, Scot. Strydenburg, Cape Prov. Stry}, Poland
Stryker, Ohio
Stryn, Vorway Stryn Vand, Norway Stuart, Florida Stuart, Jowa
Stuart, Montana . Stuart, Virginia . Stuart Creek, S. Australia Stuart L., Br.
Stuart Ra., S. Australia Stubbekjébing, Denmark Studholme Junc., New Zealand
Studland, Dorset, Eng. Studley, Warwicks, Eng. Studley, Wilts, Eng.
Stuen, Norway
Stuguflaten, Vorway
Stugun, Sweden
Stukeley, Hunts, Eng. Stung-treng, Cambodia Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Sturgeon Falls,
Ontario Sturgeon L., Ontario Sturgis, Michigan Sturgis, Sask. : Sturgis, S. Dakota
Sturmer, Hssex, Eng. Sturminster Newton, Sturry, Kent, Ing. Stutterheim, Cape Prov.
Stuttgart, Arkansas Stuttgart, Germany Stylis, Greece
Dorset, Enq.
St yria, pre »vV., A ust ria Styrso, Sweden
Styrvold, Norway
Styve, Vorway
Suakin, A.-#. Sudan Suala Selka, Finland Siianhwafu, China Suara, Libya
Subarnarekha, Bihar a ail Orissa Subarnarekha R., Bengal Subashiri, Japan :
Suberbieville, Madagascar Subiaco, /taly
Sublette, Kansas Subotica, Yugoslavia Subtsov, Russia
Sucé, France
Suceava, Romania Suchow, Anhwei, China Siichowfu, China Suchowola, Poland
SUC 9 OFf 59 Ne aye) Nf 56 Nk | 4 iy i4 Nv 51 Ys 74 Kd i eG fs ae & 92 Eb 1s0 —Df
il Vu at) "Ft 155 Le 78 Ce 47 Qu 154 Fb 93 Hd 75 Ge 72 Fe 71 Gg 50 To 49 Rq 51 Ws $
{) Qq +0 Tq 92 Cb a7 Rg 145 Nf Ts Ge Q4 Db 72 Ga 54 LI 67 Ep 59 Pe 76 De 91 Ke 56
Kh 70 Fe 61 Pe 154 Ge 70 Gb 72 Ea 71 Dg 70 Ge 70 Fd 72 Fe 56 Mk 154 Gf 152 Cb 9] y
56 Mk 61 Rd 56 Kj 41 Wu 93 Gb 47 Rt 156 Fe 151 Fb 56 Nj 72 Bd 77 Ab 94 Bb 95 Ae 46
Ls 94 Cb 56 Mh 137 Gb 73 Fh 150 Ab 72 Ce 72 De 153 Dg 155 He 158 Gb 150 Cd 180 Ed
146 Gd 180 Dad 77 Dd igi CF 40 Sv 40 Ss 47 Ru 72 Fb 72 Eb 70 Fe 50 Vs 119 Dd 155 Me
142 Ed 144 Hf 155 Ne 147 SE 154 De 41 Ws 45 Ry 41 Yu 137 Le 157 Je 74 Cd 94 Ce 92
De 71 Dh 72 Fe 73> Ga 129 Fd 70 Kb 114 Bd 124 Gb 109 He 109 Hd it~ 3 131 Jf 91 Dd
154 Eg 93 Fe 97 Ed 85 Gf 95 Cb 115 De 114 Cg 73. «=O*¥FF
Sl al al
tt in OI,
—, ,
eee PI
he aan ogiamles Jd Sussex, Vew Jersey Bb Sussex, Virginia . Df Sussex, co., England
Eb Susung-hsien, China De Susunia Hill, Bengal Dd Sutherland, Cape Prov. Df |
Sutherland, Nebraska Ke Sutherland, New S. Wales Kj Sutherland, Sask Eb Sutherland,
co., Scotland Ce | Su-tien-hsien, #. China Fb | Sutlej, R., Punjab Hg | Sutter
Creek, California P Ce Sutterton, Holland, Lincs, Hing. Bd Sutton, Cambridge, Eng.
Nj Sutton, Nebraska Bf Sutton, Surrey, Eng. Eb Sutton, W. Virgina Eb Sutton, Yorks,
Eng. Eb Sutton, Long, Lincs, Eng. Ce Sutton, Long, Somerset, Lng. Fd | Sutton
Benger, Wilts, Hng. Gd | Suttonbridge, Lincs, Eng. Gd | Sutton Coldfield, Warwick,
Eng. He Sutton Forest, Vew S. Wales Fe | Sutton St. James, Lincs, Eng. Tn | Sutton
Scotney, Hants, Eng. He | Sutton in Ashfield, Nottingham, Eng. Bd Sutton on Sea,
Lincs, Hing. Ke | Suttor R., Queensland Ee | Suva, Fiji Is. , Ge Suvarnamukhi, R.,
Madras Gd Suwalki, Poland . Ce | Suwannee R., Florida . Cb | Suzak, Kazak Rep.,
Russia Mb | Suzdal, Russia Cd | Suze, France Bb | Suze-sur-Sarthe, la, France Ej |
Sv nite nsverk, Sweden Ef Svag, Sweden ‘ : Ke Sv: gle (Spitsbergen), Arctic Oc. Bb
| Svaljava, Czechoslovakia Ke | Svaneke, Bornholm, Denmark Eb | Svangstrand, Norway
Ac | Svandéy and I., Norway Dd Svardsj6, Sweden Ac Svartisen, Norway Uu | Svatsum,
Norway Bh | Svaty Befiadik, Czechoslovakia Cb | Svaty-Mikula’, Czechoslovakia Ne
Sveaborg, Finland Cb | Sveene, Norway Hf | Sveio, Norway Fb | Svelvik, Norway . ;
Cc | Svendborg and amt, Denmark Bh Sv enljunga, Sweden Dg Svennesund, Norway La
Svensken, Norway Mf Sverdlovsk, Ural Area Nd | Sverdrup Is., Arcti¢ Ocean Bg
Sverdrup Is., Canada Sviatoi Nos, Lake Baikal Bg Svidnik, Czechoslovakia Me |
Svilajnac, Yugoslavia Ge | Svilengrad, Bulgaria Bd Svir, R., Russia Hb Svishtov,
Bulgaria Bf Svitavy, Czechoslovakia Pf Sverholtklubben, Norway , Fe Svolver, Norway
Jb | Svorkmo, Norway He | Svyatoi Cape, Yakutak Mg | Swabia (Schwaben), Germany Ce
Swabue, HL. China Ec Swaftham, Norfolk, Eng. Ge Swain Reefs, Queensland Cg
Swainsboro, Georgia. Df Swainsthorpe, Norfolk, Eng. Gf | Swainswick, Somerset, Eng.
Ba | Swakopmund, S Africa Df Swale, The, Kent, Eng. Ce Swale, R., Yorks, Eng. Ae
Swalwell, Alberta , Gl Swalwell, Durham, Eng. Ke Swan L., Manitoba Fj Swanage,
Dorset, Eng. . Vu Swan Hill (Castle Donnington), Vic. Jd | Swanlinbar, Cavan,
I.F.S. . Fa | Swannay, L., Orkney Is., Scot. Ae Swan River, Manitoba . Ce Swan R..,
W. Australia Fd | Swanscombe, Kent, Eng. Gb Swansea and B., Glamorgan, Hd Swanson
Bay, Br. Columbia . De Swanton, Vermont Gc | Swardeston, Norfolk, Eng. Cd |
Swastika, Ontario | Swat, V.W.F.P. Ef Swaton, Lines, Enq. Dd Swatow, China ca
Swatragh, Londonderry, . Tre. Eb Swaziland. terr., S aica Ab | Sweden, kingdom, W.
Europe Ed Swedesboro, New Jersey Vu Sween, L., Argyll, Scot. Kb | Sweep, The,
Waterford, I. F. 8. Ib Sweer’s [., Queensland . Fd Sweet Springs, Missouri © Ff
Sweetwater, T'ennessee Hd Sweetwater, T'exas Ab | Sweetwater R. and Mts., Wyoming
De Swellendam, Cape Pror. Ke | Swevezeele, Belgium Ab Swieciany, Poland Ga Swift
Current, Sask. Dd Swilly, L., Donegal, J. FS. Ce | Swilly, R., Donegal, I. F.S. Cb
| Swimbridge, Devon, Eng. Cd | Swindon, Wilts, Eng. . Kd | Swineford, Mayo, I.F.S.
Fb Swinemiinde, Germany Eb | Swineshead, Lincs, Eng. Be Swinton, Berwick, Scot. Me
Swinton, Lanes, Eng.
40) 115 109 136 154 183 147
59 115 106 159
40 50 5] 185 192 110 73 153 102 97 87 85 71 7] 17 93
jj aj a} -J « Ore hh -
93 93
~] «~] +] ~] ~] ~] +] ~~]
bo bo +1 bo bo
—_— — ——- -—< —
100 140 101 93 93 95 96 95 92 70 70 72 101 74 115 51 185 153 51 47 13] 4] §2 147 53
144 40 182 62 6] 144 178 4] 46 146 152 5] 145 106 50 115 63 131 30 151 54 64 184
155 153 156 158 136 79 73 147 62 6§2 46 40 66 75 50 55
td Fe Cf ib Gd Cb Ke Ff Fe Na Hb He Ge
Ff Ec
Fb Fb Lf Be Be Ge Ce Eh Fe Ed Fe ta Ja Ke Gb 1d
Ec Bd Eb Ma Fb Fa
Dd Ch Xr Jh Cd Yr Ru Bg Xu Ro Nf Sn Cd Sv Bb Fo Pd Cd Be Wu Ot Ee Bb
NE Cb Vr Dh Hn Kh He Fe Kl Gs Bf Jf Be Dd Jd Dg
Pf i'm Fn Ou
Dp Fb
Swinton, Yorks, Eng. Swir, Poland : Switzerland, rep., Hurope Switzers, New Zealand
Swona, Orkney Is., Scot. Swords, Dublin, I. FS. Swyre, Dorset, Eng. Syambazar,
Bengal Sybil Pt., Kerry, 1. FS.
Sycamore, [llinois Sycamore, Ohio Sychevka, Russia Syderstone, Norfolk, Eng.
Sydney, Vew S. Wales
Sydney, Nova Scotia Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Sydproven, Greenland Sygnefest,
Sykea, Greece
Sykes, Mt., Newfoundland Sykeston, V. Dakota Sykesville, Maryland
Sylarna (mt.), Sweden Sylhet, Assam
Sylt I., Germany .
Sylte, Norway
Sylte Fjord, Norway Sylvania, Georgia Sylvania, Ohio
Sylvester, Georgia Symond’s Yat, Heref. -Gllos., Syndin Vand, Norway . Synes Fjeld,
Norway . Synod, Cardigan, Wales Syracuse, Kansas Syracuse, Nebraska Syracuse, New
York Syracuse, Ohio ' Syracuse (Siracusa), Sicily Syr Darya, Kazak, Russia Syria,
state, W. Asta Syriam, Rangoon, Burma Syrian Desert, Arabia—Iraq Syros, L., Greece
Sysola, R., Russia Syston, Leics, Eng. Syzran, Russia
Szarvas, Hungary Szezuczyn, Poland Szechow, China Szechwan, prov., Szeged, Hungary
Szekesféhervar, Hungary Szekszard, Hungary
Szenan, China
Szendro, Hungary
Szent Endre, Hungary . Szentes, Hungary
Szent Gotthard, Hungary Szepingkai, Manchukuo Szewui-hsien, #. China Szigetkéz,
Hungary Szigetvar, Hungary Szolnok, Hungary Szombathely, Hungary Szretinye Mts.,
Romania Szydtowiec, Poland Taabinga, Queensland
Taba, Arabia
Taba, Egypt
Tabab, Arabia . Tabanan, Bali, D. AJ. . Tabankulu, Cape Prov. Tabapy, Paraguay
Tabarinsk, Ural Area Tabasca, Venezuela Tabasco, state, Mexico Tabatinga, Brazil
Tabelbala, Algeria
Taber, Alberta . ; Tablas, I., Philippines . Table B. and Mt., Cape Prov. Taboca,
Brazil Tabocal, Amazonas, Tabocal, Brazil Taboga, Panama Taboonbay, Queensland
Tabor, Czechoslovakia Tabora, Tanganyika Terr. Tabornes, Norway
Tabriz, Persia . ; Tabu, Fr. West Africa . Tacale, Brazil
Tacambaro, Mexico
Tacana Vol., Guatemala Tacheng-hsien, Hopeh, China Tachin (L.), China Taching-shan,
China Tachira, state, Venezuela Tachov, Czechoslovakia Tacna, Peru
Tacoma, Washington Tacuaras, Paraguay Tacuarembo, Uruguay . Tacumshin L.,
Weaford, /.F. 8. Tadcaster, Yorks, Eng. Tadley, Hants, Eng. Tadmarton, Oxon, Eng.
Tadmor, New Zealand . Tadmor (Palmyra), Syria Tadotsu, Japan
Tadoussac, Quebec
Tadpatri, Madras
Tadwale, Hyderabad
Tadzhik, rep., Russia .
Taf, R., Carmarthen, Wales Tafalla, Spain . : Taff, R., Glamorgan, Wales . Taf-
fechan. Res., Brecon, Wales Taff’s Well, Glamorgan, Wales Tafilelt, oasis, Morocco
Tafiviejo, Argentina
Tafjord, Norway .
Taftville, Connecticut
Eng. :
49 73 30) 19] 6] th 45 109 68 155 150 97 51 183 143 143 14] 72
139 154 15]
107 74 72 70
153 47 72
46 154
142 91 100
104 107
~ 1038
116 143 110 110 100
47 47 126 172 72 152
— ee Be Ba)
pe ee ee el ee eel ee ee ee et bel fel bl
TAG G ene: neral Ind dex xX
Ee eer
Tebicuary, Tebicuary, R.,
Pee / araqia uy
Tebing Tinggi, Sumatra Tebuk, Arabia Tecamachaleo, Mexico
Teck, (re rmany
Tecoh, Mexico
Tecoma, Nevada
Tecoripa, Mexico
Tecpan, Mexico
Tecuci, Romania . Tecumseh, Mich igan Tecumseh, Vebraska Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Tecuoi, Romania . Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, Eng.
Tees, R., Teetulpa, S. Tegern See,
Durham, Eng. Australia Germany Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Tehachapi and Pk., Tehama,
Arabia Tehama, California ehchow, Shantung, China Tehhing-hsien, China Tehran,
Persia : . Tehri, state and tn., United Provs.. Teh-tsing-hsien, #. China Tehuacan,
Tehuantepec and Gulf, Mexico Te-hwa-hsien, #. China Tehwato (1.), Korea Teianfu,
China Teian-hsien, Kiangsi, China Teift, R., Cardigan, Wales Teign, R., Devon, Eng.
Teignmouth, Devon. Eng. Teikovo, Russia
Teil, le France
Teillay, France
Teillé, France
Teith, Perth, Scot. Tejend, Turkmen, Russia Tejupileo, Mexico
Tekamah, .Vebraska Tekapo and L., New Zealand Te Karaka, Ne w Zealand Tekari, Bihar
and Orissa Tekirdag (Rodosto), Turkey Tekir Dagh, T'urkey
Tekkali, Madras
Tekmal, Hyderabad
Te Kuiti, Vew Ze aland .
Tel R., Madras Tela, Honduras Telav, Georgia, U.: Tel Aviv, Palestine Telé,
Czechoslovakia Telechany, Poland Telegraph Creek, Br. Telejin, Syria Telemark,
fylke, Telemarken, Telen, Teleno, el, Telgruc, Teliagarhi, Telkwa, Br. Tell City,
Indiana Tell el-Abyad, Tell el-Amarna, Hgypl Tell el-Kebir, Lgypl Tellicherry,
Madras Tellico Plains, Tellin, Belgium Tell Shedadi, Telluride, ¢ ‘olorado
Telneset, .Vorway
Telok Anson, Malaya Telok Betong, Sumatra TelSiai, Lithuania
Telulla, Ceylon
Temax, Mexico Tembeling, Malaya Tembuland, Cape Prov. Teme, R., Worcs, elc., Enq.
Temerloh, Malaya Temiscouata, L., Temisoara, rT s .
Temma, Japan
Temnikov, Russia ; Temora, Vew S. Wales
Tempe, Arizona
Tempio, Sardinia
Templand, Dwmfries, Scot. Temple, Midlothian, Scot. Temple, Texas ; : Temple Bar,
Cardigan, Wales Templecombe, Somerset, Eng. Temple-de- Bretagne, le, France Temple
Ewell, Kent, Eng. Templehouse L., Sligo, I. F.S Templemore, Tipperary, 1. FN.
Templepatrick, Antrim, .\, /re.
( ‘olu mbia
F Trance
Bihar and Orissa Columbia
ry T'en neCSSEE
Quebe C Roman ia
Temple Sowerby, Westmorland, Eng.
Templetouhy, Tipperary, 1.F'.S Templeuve, Belgium
Tempo, Fermanagh, \. Ire. Temryuk, Russia
Temuco, Chile.
Temuka, Vew Zealand .
Tenafly, Vew Jersey
Tenali, Madras
Tenancingo, Mexico
Tenango, Mexico .
Tenasserim, Burma
Ten Boer, Holland
Tenbury, Worcs, Eng.
Tenby, Manitoba Tenby, Pembroke, Wales Tenda, and Colle di, /taly Tendo, Japan
Tendra I., Russia : Tendring, Essex, Eng. . :
183 159 Q| sty 5d 156 £6 47 85 4] 69 63 52 69 79 62 7 172 19] 151 110 162 162 L107
78 47 144 46 $7 117 97
Ov. |
Py Gd
Cb ( x ) if Ah Cf Ib Ee Df Df Hf Gb Qs De Mt Jb Gd Ef Xt
Tendukheda, Central Provrs. Tendula R., Central Prors. . Tenedos (Bozcaada) 1.,
Turkey Tenerife, |l., Canary Is. Tengchow, China Tengchowfu, China Tengfeng-
hsien, //onan, Teng-hsien, China Tenginsk, Russia
Tengri Nor, Tibet
( h wna
Tenimber (Timorlaut).Is., Du. HJ.
Tenino, Washington
Tenkasi, Madras . Tennessee, state, U.S.A. Tennessee R.., Tennessee, etc. ™
Tennille, Georgia . Tenoko, Japan Tenryu-gawa, Tenterden, Kent, Tenterfield, Vew S.
Ten Thousand Is., Tentugal, Brazil . Teocaltiche, Mexico Teocelo, Mexico
Teocuitatlan, Mexico Teodolina, Argentina Teonthar, Rewah, Cl.
Japan King. . W ales
se aye Florida
Tepatitian, Mexico Tepehuanes, Mexico Tepelen, Albania Tepetango, Mexico Tepic,
Mexico Teplice, Cz choslovakia Teposcoluia, Mexico
Te P uke, New Zi aland Ter Aar, Holland
Teradomari, Japan
Terakanambi, Mysor Teramo, Italy Teran, Mexico Terang, Victoria . Ter Apel, Holland
Terborg, Holland
Terceira Les Azores Terek, R., Russia Terenceville, Dublin. 1. F-.
hos iow ak if
\ a 17 j ews pindtand
Terenure, beitig C/zec
Terezi _ Czechoslovakia ' Terglou (Triglav), mt., Yugoslavia . Tergnier France
Térgu Oecna, Romania Terheiden, Holland Ter Heyde, Holland Terjoki, Finland ‘
Terkos, Tur ke y Termas, Chile lermini, Sicily
Termino, Lago de. V4 ne nela Termo, California
Termo! dee
mised Belgium
Termonfe oki in, Louth, 1. FS. Termunten, Holland Ternaard, Holland ’ Ternate,
Moluccas, D.HB ud. Terneuzen, Holland
Ternhill, Salop, Eng.
Terni, /taly Terowie, NS, Australia Terra Alta, W. Terra Bella, Terrace, Br.
Terracina, /taly
Terra Nova, Ne wfhoundland Terranova, Sardinia
Terre Haute,
Virginia California Columbia
Terrel, Mt., Utah Terrell, Texas ; Terrible, Mont, Switzerland
Terrington, Norfolk, Eng. Terrington, Yorks, Kny. Terror, Nits WS. Victoria Land
Terry, Mississippi
Terry, Montana . : Terschelling (1.), Holland Terskei Ala-Tau, Kirghiz, Russia
Teruel and prov., Spain
Be lgi Mn Belgium Holland
Y ugosla Vi
Tervola, Tervueren, Terwagne, Terwolde, Tesanj, Teschen (Cieszyn), Teshima, Teshio,
Teshio-gawa, Tesla, California Teslin Lake, B.C.-— Yukon Tessawa, Viger Colony .
R., Belgium Tessel, I. and Stroom, Tessenderloo, Belgium Tesse Vand, Tessung Elv,
Tessy, France
Test, R., Hants, Eng. Testa, C., Sardinia
Poland Japan Japan
Norway Vorway
Testigos Is., Venezuela Tet, R., France Tetbury, Glos., Eng.
Tete, Moz ambique Téte Jaune, Br. Columbia Teteko, New Zealand Teterev R., Russia
Tetford, Lincs, Eng. Tetif, Syria Tetonman, Korea Tetovo, Yugoslavia
€ : gosla Tetschen (Décin), Czechoslor: ki id Tetsworth, Oxon, Eng. . Tetuan, Span.
Morocco . Tetyonto (1.), Korea Teufen, Switzerland
LOS 109
Q4 124
RO Q5 is 78 i? Qy 172 |
}() L8O 150 159 146
9] 139
| 15d
85 41) 9] 169 83 47 131 146 190 Q7 5l 103 114 Q4 75 40 126 L14 $l
Dd Ke De Ac Be
(Jr De
De Dh Ed Dd
Bd Mf Hf Id Db Wr Uo
De Wa Bb Ge Ba Fe Tt Bb Gf Hb
gs Atlas
Teulada and (C., Sardinia
Teureshima, Japan Teutoburger Wald, Germany . Teuton, Manitoba
Tevaram, Madras
Tevete (Tiber) R., /taly Teviot, R., Roxburgh, Scot. Teviotdale, Roxburgh, Scot.
Teviot he Roxburgh, Scot.
Te Waewae B.. Ne w Ze aland Tewantin, Queensland Tewfik, Port, Egypt
Tewkesbury, Glos..,
Texarkana, Texas—Arkansas Texas, Clive, (Jue nsland Texas, Ohio :
Texas, state, U.S.A.
Texas City, Texas Texcoco and L., Mexico
Texico, New Mexico Texline, Texas. Mi XiCO Orange
Thabanchu, KS.
Thaba Putsua and Ra., Thackaringa, New S. Wales Thadiq, Arabia
ee Korea, C.P.
ha -binh, Tongking haingen, Switzerland hai-nguyen, Tongking hair, yde rabad ee k,
vakurgaon, vakurtola,
Laos Bengal : Ce ntral Provs. vallon, GY teensland
rame, Oxon, E ng. ; 1ame. R.. Oxon—Bucks, ames, R., England R., Ontario
I ‘] hale, Germany | } I
: hames and Firth of, Vew Zealand hamshavn, \orway hana, Bombay ° : hana Gazi,
Alwar, Rajputana I Punjab Thanet, Isle of, Kent, Hng. Thangool, Queensland Thanh-
hoa, Annam Vhankerton, Lanark, Thann, France
Thar (Indian Desert), Tharin, Tharrawaddy, Tharsis,
yi T js és é i ‘J ‘J = P P T TI i T T T fi T
Raj putana Georgia
Spain : (freece
Thasos, L. and Str., Thatcham, Berks, Hng. Thatcher, Arizona Thatcher, Colorado
Thaton, Burma Thaungdut, Burma Thaxted, Assex, Eng. Thayer, Missouri Thayetmyo,
Burma Thazi, Burma
Theale, Berks, Hnq. Thebes, Egypt
Thebes (Theva), Greece
Thedford, Theebine, Theil, le, rane ’ 7 Theiss (Tisa) R., Yugoslavia . Thelbridge,
Devon, Hng. Themail, /raq
Theodore, Alabama Theodore, Queensland . Theophilo Ottoni, Brazil Theoule, Thepong,
Cambodia Thera, ; Thereza Creek, Queensland Therezina, Brazil. Thermal, California
Thermopolis, Thermopylae, Thermopylae Passage, Peru Thérouanne, France ;
Thessalonike (Salonika), Greece
Nebraska Queer nsland
Fra nce
Thet R., Norfolk, Eng. Thetford, Vorfolk, Eng. Thetford, Quebec Thetford, Vermont
Theuville, France Theux, Belgium Thevai (Thebes), Greece
Theze, Thiberville, Thibodaux, Thief River Falls, Thielt, Be lgium Thiepval, France
Thiers, France Thionville, : Thirlmere, Cumberland, Eng. Thirlmere, New S. Wales
Thirsk, York 8, King.
Thirston, .V orthumberland, Eng. Thisted, Denmark
Thistle, Utah
Thityabin, Burma
Thivars, France
Thiviers, France
Thoard, France
Thoiry, France.
Tholen (1.), Holland
Tholonet, France
Thomar, Brazil
Thomas, Oklahoma
Thomas, W. Virginia
Thomaston, Georgia
Thomastown, Kilkenny, LFA Thomasville, Alabama Thomasville, Georgia
Thomasville, Oklahoma ; Thomery, France. : ‘ ;
Louisiana : Minnesota
157 L85 150 148
oi 162 156 L156 162 L135 135 L182 104 109 119 8] 119 LLO 119 L109 LO9 74 185 40)
10) t+} 142 LOO
72 108 LO8 106
4] 185 119
82 L106 153 107
4() 159 154 107 107
t | 155 LO7 LO7
FS ard a=
Q4 154 185
45 104 157 185 174 L19
4 185 17] Ld59 158
4 168
—_— **
a | ~
—oe ~I
(id Hm Ab
Df Eb Ka Af Cb De
Bd Gr Ke Be Ge Dg
R., Br.
Lompson, Columbia
Thomps son Falls, Thompsons, Utah Thompsonville, Connecticut The ympsonville,
Illinois Thomson, Georgia Thomson Creek, /owa Thomson 3 Queensland lr} Kenya
Thomsonville, Michigan r" Burma
fs France
1omson’s Falls, Thongwa, ho mon, horeau, horée, France
France North, Alberta
Thorence, Thoresby, Thorhild, Thorn (Torun), Poland
Thornaby, Yorks, Eng. Thornborough, Queensland Thornbury, Glos., Eng.
Thornbury, Vew Zealand Thornby, Northants, Eng. : Thorne, Yorks, Eng. . Thorner,
Yorks, Eng. ’ ; Thorney, Cambs, Eng. . : " Thornhill, Dumfries, Scot. Thornhill,
Perth, Scot. Thornton, Fife, Scot. . Thornton, S. Australia Thornton Curtis, Lines,
Eng. Thornton Dale, Yorks, Eng. ; Thornton le Street, Yorks, Hng. . Thornville
Junc., Natal
Thorold, Ontario . : Thorpe -le-Soken, Essex. Eng. ; Thorpe Market, Norfolk, ane
Thorshalla, Sweden
Thouarce, France : : Thouars, France
Thourie, France Thourotte, France Thourout, Belgiwm Thousand Isles, Vew York
Thousand Lake Mt., Utah Thrace, Greece, etc. Thrapston, Northants, Ring. Three
Cocks Junc., Brecon, Three Creek, /daho : : Three Hills, Alberta , ; Three Hummock
L., J'asmania Threekingham, Lines, Eng. : Three Kings Is., New Zealand ; Three
Pagodas Pass, Burma . Three Points, C., Gold Coast . Three Rivers, Michigan
Three Rivers, Quebec ; Threlkeld, Cumberland, Enq.
Thren Is., Norway ; Threshfield, Yorks, Eng. Thropton, Northumberland, Eng.
Thrumster, Caithness, Scot. Thrybergh, Yorks, Eng.
Thueyts, France
Thui-hoa, Annam
Thuin, Belgium
Thun and L. of, Switz om re Thunder B., Ontario
Thur, R., Switzerland
Thurber, 7'exas ‘ , ; Thurgau, canton, Switzerland ‘ Thiiringer Wald, Germany
Thuringia, state, Germany Thurles, Tipperary, 1. PS Thurlow, Suffolk, Eng.
Thurlstone, Yorks, Eng.
Thurman, Colorado Thurman, Vew York Thurmaston, Leicester, Thurnby, Leics, Eng.
Thurnscoe, Yorks, Eng. Thursby, Cumberland, Eng. Thursday L., Queensland
Thurso and B., Caithness, Scot. Thurston, Ohio. ; / . Thury-Hareourt, France
Thusis, Switzerland
Thwaite, Suffolk, Eng. .
Thwart I., Vewfoundland Thyholm, Denmark
Thysville, Belgian Congo
Tiagan, Fr. West Africa
Tian Shan, T'urkistan
Tiaret, Algeria
Tiaro, Queensland
Tibagy, Brazil
L inNCcSs,
K ng.
Eng. .
Tibati, Cameroons ‘ ; Tibbie Shiels Inn, Selkirk, Scot, Tiber (Tevere) R., lialy
Tiberias, ; Lake of, Syria- Palestine ,
Tibesti (Tu), Fr. West Africa Tibet, VV. Asia
Tibne, T'rans-Jordan
Tibnin, Syria ‘ Tibooburra, New S. Wales
Tibrikot, Nepal Tiburon L., Mexico Ticehurst, Sussex, Eng. Tichfield, Sask.
Ticino, canton and R., Ticino, R., [taly
Tickhill, Yorks, Eng. . i ; Tickle Harbour, Newfoundland ; Ticknall, Derby,
Eng. . ; . Ticonderoga, Vew York A ; Ticul, Mexico re ; : ; Tidaholm, Sweden - P ;
Tideswell, Derby, Eng. . ‘ : Tidioute, Pennsylvania. :
Tidworth, North, Wilts, Eng. ’ Tidworth, South, Hants, Eng.
Tiedemann, Mt., Br. Columbia : Tiefencastel, Switzerland
coe Oo S>
ws <3 =
nwt Sa st
- _— -~
. vl iw Vl te
tw oO 1to oS
191 d0 dO
7 ~~ om
i @ wt & = oe
% 1
55 180 50 53 49 135 142 4} 51 7] 85 82 85 86 79 142 L159 05 50 47 158 147 188 50
190 L107 125 155 142 x9
70 52 §2 59 50 83 119 79 80 144 81 156
139 77 130 124 102 124 L185 171 128 5d 9] 103 103 128 112 103 103 181 109 160 41
147 81 90 50 139 50 152 160 71 5O 150 40 40 146 81
Gh Ef Yt Yr Gg Jf
re De Ca Ge Hf Ce Vs Ps Fd Nf Be Vr Ca He Dh Md Hd Pn De Ro Sm Pf
Ed Dd Ke
Ga od Ga De De
Ws Sp DE Be TF Tr
) Tp Pn De Oe Be Je He Ys Ce Ab Cd Be He
Jk Ke Af Pm De Ad Ad Be De Ad Ad Hd Fa Bb Wu Qf 3d Bb
See ee
. . = > =
=— ye Y= 2 .- 2
7 4. 6
Tiehlinghsien, Manchukuo Tiel, Holland
Tieland, Alberta : Tienchang-hsien, Anhwei, China Tienchwangtai, Manchukuo ry
Tienkiaotsang, Manchukuo Tienmen-hsien, China Tien-Shan, Sinkiang, etc. Tien-tai-
hsien, #. China Tientsin, China
ry: ne ~/ =
Tien-yen, T'ongking
ry: LA 7
Tiercé, France ; ‘ Tierra Amarilla, Vew Mezico Tierra Blanco, Mexico .
Tierra del Fuego, Argentina— Chile .
Tietar, R., Spain. Tiete, Brazil Tiffin, Ohio . Tiflis, Russia Tifton, Georgia
Tighary, North Uist, Scot. Tigheci, Romania Tighina (Benderi), Romania .
Tighnabruaich, Argyll, Scot. Tigilsk, Far #. Area Tigiria, state and tn., Tignish,
Prince Edward I. Tigre, Argentina . Tigre, Ethioma Tigris R., /raq Tig Water, Ayr,
Scot. Tih, Jebel et-, Egypt Tijara, Alwar, Rajputana Tijikja, Fr. West Africa
Tijuana, Mexico . Tikamgarh (Tehri), Orchha, C.1. Tikrit, Iraq. ; Tikura, Idaho
Tikvin, Russia Tilburg, Holland . Tilbury, Hssex, Eng. Tileara, Argentina Tilden,
Nebraska . Tilden, T'exas Tilgo, I., Chile Till, R., Northumberland, E ng.
Tillabery, Fr. West Africa Tillamook, Oregon
Tilley, Alberta : Tillicoultry, Clackmannan, Scot. Tilliers, France Tillsonburg,
Ontario Tilly, France Tillyfourie Sta., Aberdeen, Scot. Tilshead, Wilts, Eng.
Tilsit, Z. Prussia. Tilstock, Salop, Eng. Tilt, R., Perth, Scot. Tilton, Leics,
Eng. Tilton, Newfoundland Tilton, New Hampshire Tilu I., China ; Timagami L.,
Ontario Timahoe, Leia, 1. F.S ; Timan Mts. and Tundra, Russia Timarni, Central
Provs. Timaru, New Zealand Timbédra, Fr. West Africa Timber Lake, S. Dakota
Timberscombe, Somerset, Eng. Timbo, Brazil :
Timbo, Fr. West . Africa Timbuktu, Fr. West Africa Time, say
Timimoun, Algeria
Timiskaming, Quebec Timiskaming L., Ontario Quebec Timmins, Ontario
Timoleague, Cork, I. F. S. Timolin, Kildare, I. FS. Timor, L, Hast Indies
Timor Sea, Australasia. Timotakem Mts., French Guiana Timotes, Venezuela
Timpas, Colorado.
Timpson, 7'exas
Tin and Sjé, Vorway
Tinahely, Wicklow, 1. FS. Tinassagid, lr. West Africa Tinchebray, France
Tindivanam, Madras
Tineo, Spain
Tingapua, Brazil
Tingchow, Hopeh, China Tingchowfu, China
Tingha, Vew S. Wales . Ting-hai-ting, 2. China
T inghing- hsien, Hopeh, China Tinglev, Denmark
Tingnes, Norway .
Tingri Dzong, T'ibet Tingtao-hsien, Shantung, China
Tingtszetswikou, Shantung, China .
Tinguiririca, Vol. de, Argentina Tingvold and Fjord, N orway . Tingwall, Shetland
Is., Scot. Tingyiian-hsien, Anhwei, China Tinki Dzong, Tibet
Tinnampo, Korea
Tinnevelly, Madras
Tinnoset, Vorway ©. inogasta, Argentina Tinos, L., Greece
Tinsherifen, Fr. West Africa ; Tinsukia, Assam . ‘ Tintagel and Hd., Cornwall,
Ring. Tintellust, Fr. West Africa Tinténiac, France
Tintern, Monmouth, Eng. ; Tintern Abbey, W ~~ LFS. Tintic, Utah
Tintigny, Belgium
Tinto Hill, Lanark, Scot. Tinwald, New Zealand .
Bihar & Orissa
114 78 147 115 L114 Ll4 115 112 L15 114 119 85 156 162 175 88 174 150 97 153 58 95
95 54 101 L109 143 173 129 104
54 2
127 LO8 124 160 L108 104 158 96 78 41 170 154 156 172 52 125 158 147 57 85 142 85
57 40 75 49 57 50
125 107 44 124 84 47 64 L59 79 55
General Index
Ge De Md Ke Kd Kd Bd
Ab Ef Cf
Cb Bg
Hg Ce
Db LJ)
Ou He Bf De Bf Ke Ed td Nf Dt Hr
C b Dg Ge Ke Hr Ke He De
Gd Be D g Me Ge
Be Bd Be Ha Cb
Eb Tb De Ha Md Cg Ke De Dd De He Mv Ke Id Qt Hs Gf Gd Ol Ce
ee LTE
| !
Togher, Louth,
| | |
Tonopah, Nevada Tonquedec, France Tons, R., Pig Provs. Tons R., Central India
Toénsberg, “* orway
Tonwarghar, dist., (/walvor, Ton-yr-efail, Glamorgan, Wales Tooele, Utah
Toolamba, Victoria Tooloomba, Queensland : Toomebridge, Antrim, N. Ire.
Toomyvara, Tipperary, 1.F.S. Toorbul, Queensland Toowoomba, Queensland Topanas,
Topcliffe, Yorks, Eng. Topdals Elv, Norway Topeka, Kansas
Topla, Central Provs.
Topola, Yugoslavia Topoléany, Czechoslovakia Topolobampo, Mexico . Topozero,
Toppenish, Washington Toprak Kala, Turkey
Topsail, Newfoundland . Topsham, Devon, Eng. - Topsin, Topton,
’ “rreece
Toquerville, Utah Tor (Tar), Egypt . lor B., Devon, Eng.
Torbay, Ne wfoundland . Torbay, Nova Scotia Torbert, Texas .
Tore Mt., Kerry, I.F. Ss. Tor Cross, Devon, Eng.. Tordal, Norway Tordesillas, Spain
Tordillo, Argentina Torefors, Sweden . Torekov, Sweden . Torgau, Germany. ;
Torgyle, Inverness, Scot.
Tori, Bihar and Orissa .
Tori Fathpur, state, Central India Torigny, France
Torifiana, C., Spain
Torino (Turin), /taly
Torksey, Lincs, Eng.
Torma, Estonia Tormes, R., Spain ; Torne alv, Sweden—Finland Torness, Jnverness,
Scot. Tor Ness, Orkney I[s., Scot. Torne Trask, Sweden Tornio, Finland
Tornquist, Argentina
Toro, Spain
Toro, El, Spain Térékszentmiklés, Hu ngary Toronto, Kansas .
Toronto, New 8. Wales Toronto, Ohio
Toronto, Ontario .
Toronto, S. Dakota Toropets, Russia .
Tororo, Uganda
Torou, Brazil Torozos, Mtes. Torpe, Norway Torpen, Norway . Torphichen, Bathgate,
Scot. Torphins, Aberdeen, Scot. Torpoint, Cornwall, Eng. Torquay, Devon, Eng.
Torrance, New Mexico . Torraio, Portugal .
Torre Annunziata, Italy Torrecilla, Spain
Torre del Greco, Italy Torrelaguna, Spain Torrelavega, Spain Torrens Creek,
Queensland Torrens L., S. Australia Torrente, Spain
Torreon, Mexico .
Torres, Mexico
Torres Novas, Portugal Torres Strait, Queensland
de, Spain
Torres Vedras, Portugal ‘ Torrevieja, Spain
Torridge, R., Devon, Eng. ; Torridon & L., Ross & Crom., Scot.
Torridon L., Upper, Scot. Torrijos, Spatn
Torrington, Connecticut Torrington, Devon, Eng. Torrington, Wyoming
Torrén, L., Sweden
Torrox, Spain
Torryburn, Fife, Scot.
Torsas, Sweden
Torsken, Norway ; Torthorwald, Dumfries ’ Bask. Tortola, Virgin Is., West Indies
Tortoli, Sardinia .
Tortona, [taly Tortorici, Sicily : Tortosa and.C., Spain . Tortuga, C alifornia
Tortuga I., West Indies
Torun (Thorn), Poland
Torup, Sweden
Torvastad, Norway
Torver, Lancs, Eng.
Torvik, Norway
Torvloisa, Norway
Tory I. and Sd., Donegal, LF. S. Torzhok, Russia : ; Toscaig, Ross and Crom., Scot.
Toscana, dep., Jtaly
Toseas, Argentina
Tosen Fjord, Norway
I nilitt .
159 84 LO9 LO9 72 L108 47 158 182 1&5 63 69 L185 185 159
56 109 108
70 17é
183 150 142 154
97 132 169
1% fe 9
Abo MN
- -_
7 OU) + ~ 1
154 70 88 57
N h Pe Hb
Fh Cb
Ed De Gd Cb Ed Ge Ol Qh Nw Pw 3c
Da Ed Db Da Eh
ae ee el
Citizen’s Atlas
Trinidad, Colorado
Trinidad, Cuba
Trinidad, Flores, Uruquay Trinidad, Paraguay
Trinidad, R. Negro, Brazil Trinidad I., Argentina
Trinidad, I., West Indies
Trinity, Newfoundland .
Trinity, Texas.
Trinity B., Newfoundland
Tripoli, Libya
Tripoli, Syria
Tripolis, Greece ; . Tripolitania, dist., Libya
Tripp, S. Dakota . ; Tripunittura, Travancore, Madras . Tripura, state, Bengal
Triset, Norway Tristan da Cunha, L., : Trith, France Triumpho, Brazil : Trivandrum,
7'ravancore, Madras Trn, Bulgaria
Trnava, ( eechoslovakia
Trnovo and dist., Bulgaria
Troarn, France
Trobriand Is., Papua
Troedal, Norway .
Troed-y-rhiw, Glamorgan, Wales Trogen, Switzerland
Trogir, Yugoslavia
Troina, Sicily : : Trois Fourches, C. des, Sp. Morocco Trois Pistoles, Quebec
Trois Ponts, Belgrum
Trois Vierges, L uxembourg
Troitsk, Russia
Troitsk, Ural Area Troitskosavsk, Buryat- Mongol., Lus8. Troitzkoe, Russia
Trojan, Bulgaria .
Troldhetta (mt.), Norway Troldkirke, Norway
Trollhatta Fall, Sweden Trollheimen, Norway
Trombay, Bombay
Tromie, R., Inverness, Scot. Troméy, Norway
Trompsburg, eases FS
Troms, fylke, Vorway
Tromsa Elv, N orway
Tromsé, Norway .
Trona, California
Tronchiennes, Belgium
Trondelag, Sér- , fylke, Norway Trondheim, Norway
Trondheim Fjord, Norway
Tron Fjeld, Norway
Tronstad, Norway
Troéo, France
Trool, L., Kirke udbright, Scot. Troon, Ayr, Scot.
Tropea, Italy
Trosa, Sweden , Trossachs, The, Perth, Scot. Trotternish, Skye I., Scot.
Troup, Texas
Trout L., Ontario
Troutbeck, C umberland, Eng. Troutbeck, Westmorland, Enq. Troutdale, Virginia
Troutville, Virginia
Trouville, France.
Trowbridge, Wilts, Eng.
Trowell, Notts, Eng.
Trowse, Norfolk, Eng.
Trowutta, T'asmania
Troy, Alabama
Troy, Colorado
Troy, [daho
Troy, Kansas
Troy, Missouri
Tr V, New Ha mpsh ire
Troy, New York
Troy, VN. Carolina
Troy, Ohio .
Troy, Pennsylvania
Troy, Turkey
Troy, W. Virginia
Troyes, France
Tratena, © ‘sechoslovakia
Truba, Arabia
Trubchevsk, Russia
Truchas Pk., New Mexico
Trucial Oman, Arabia
Truckee, California
Trudeau, Ontario
Trujillo, Honduras
Trujillo, Peru
Trujillo, Spain , Trujillo, state and tn., Venezuela Trumpington, Cambridge, Eng.
Trun, France ;
Trundle, New S. Wales
Truro, Cornwall, Eng.
Truro, Nova Scotia
Truro, S. Australia
Truskmore, Sligo, I. F.S.
Trutnov, Czechoslovakia Truttemer, France
Truyére, R., France
Tryevna, Bulgaria
Trygstad, Norway
Tryon, Nebraska .
T ryssil, Norway
Tsaidam Nor, Mongolia Tsangchow, China
Tsanpo (R), Tibet ; ‘ ; 2 Tsaochowfu, China ; ‘ . 114 Tsaochwang, Shantung, China
ES Tsaoshih, Hupeh, China ; Sa Tsaoyang-hsien, Pin j 115 Tsarskoye Selo. See
Dyetskoye Selo. Tsas-aktu Khan, Outer Mongolia . 112
S. Atlantic Oc.
No — bo bo oO
Io «1 -3 ~1 +1 © 7
SO =~1 +1 -~1 +1 +1 +1 wt tS t DS ty be S
mT yt x -—
a: = ome
Tsau, Bechuanaland
Tsavo, Kenya
Tsehchowfu, China
Tshilongo, Belgian Congo Tsianglo-hsien, China Tsienan-hsien, China .. Tsienkiang-
hsien, China Tsienkinchai, Manchukuo . Tsienshan-hsien, Anhwet, China Tsienwei,
Tsi-mo, #. China.
Tsinanfu, China
Tsinchow, China .
Tsinchow, Hopeh, C hina Tsingan, Manchukuo Tsing-an-hsien, China Tsing-chow-fu, #.
China Tsingfeng-hsien, Hopeh, China Tsinghai-hsien, Hopeh, China Tsinghaiwei, China
Tsing-hsien, Hopeh, China Tsinghwachen, China Tsingkiang-pu, H. China Tsingkow, EH.
China Tsingliu-hsien, China
Tsing-pu, #. China
Tsingshi, China : Tsingsing-hsien, Hope h, China Tsing-tao, #. China’ : Tsingteh-
hsien, Anhwei, China Tsing-tien-hsien, #. China Tsingyiin-hsien, China . Tsin-hu,
Anhwei, China Tsining-chow, Shantung, China Tsinshui, Shansi, China Tsinsien-hsien,
China Tsin-yiin-hsien, Z. China Tsisia-hsien, Shantung, China Tsising-shan, #.
China Tsitsihar, Manchukuo ‘ Tsitung-hsien, Shantung, China Tsiyang-hsien,
Shantung, China Tsolo, Cape Prov.
Tsomo, Cape Prov.
Tsoshan, 2. China
Tsoshan, Shantung, China , Tsowping-hsien, Shantung, China . Tsu, Japan , ; :
Tsubata, Japan . : : Tsuchiura, Japan Tsugaru-kaikyo, Japan Tsukechi, Japan
Tsumeb, S.-W. Africa Tsungfa-hsien, China ; Tsung-ming-hsien, #. China . Tsungyang-
hsien, Anhwei, China Tsungyang- hsien, China Tsunhwachow, China
Tsuno, Japan
Tsunsachi, /nner Mongolia Tsuruga, Japan
Tsurugiji, Japan .
Tsuruoka, Japan .
Tsushima, Japan . Tsushima-kaikyo, Japan Tsutagi, Japan
Tsuyama, Japan
Tsylma R., Russia ;
Tu (Tibesti), Fr. West Africa Tua, Portugal
Tuam, Galway, I. F.S. Tuamarina, New Zealand . ‘ Tuamotu (Low) Arch., Pacifie Oc, .
Tuapse, Russia .
Tuat, Sahara
Tuatapere, Vew Zealand
Tuath, L., Mull J., Scot.
Tuba City, Arizona
Tubatinga, Brazil
Tubbergen, Holland
Tubik, Jebel, T'rans-Jordan Tiibingen, Germany
Tubize, Belgium : , e Tubuai (Austral) Is., Pacifie Ocean Tubun-khuduk, Mongolia
Tucacas, Venezuela Tuchang-hsien, China Tuckahoe, New Jersey . Tuckerton, New
Tucson, Arizona , , Tucuman, prov. and tn., Argentina Tucumary, Brazil
Tucumcari, New Mexico Tucupita, Venezuela
Tudaram, Hyderabad
Tuddal, Norway
Tudela, Spain
Tuen, Queensland
Tuffe, France
Tufi, Papua ;
Tufton, Pembroke, W ales Tugaske, Sask.
Tugby, Leics, Eng.
Tugela, Natal
Tugela, R., Natal
Tuggerah, New S. Wales Tuggourt, Morocco
Tuguegarao, Philippines Tugurik, Mongolia
Tuhsie-ho, China
Tuinplaats, Transvaal Tujakjuak (Resol. I.), V.-W Terr. Tukums, Latvia
Tukuyu, Tanganyika Terr.
Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico .
Tula, Tamauli pas, Mexico
Tula, Russia
Tulameen, Br. Columbia Tulancingo, Mexico
Tulare, California ‘
or catigt New Mexico .
Tulasi (mt.), Bastar, C.P. Tulbagh, Cape Prov. Tulean, Ecuador
. .
> ato
a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee he mh Sn bee |
—™ .
Tulcea, Romania .
Tuléar, Madagascar Tulette, France Tuli, S. Rhodesia .
Tulia, Texas
Tuljapur, Hyderabad Tulla, Clare, 1. FS
Tulla, L., Argyll, Scot. Tullaghoge, Tyrone, N. Ire. Tullahoma, 7'ennessee
Tullamore, New S. W ale 8 Tullamore, Offaly, 1. F.S.
Tulle, France ; Tullibigeal, New S. Wales
Tulloch Sta., /nverness, Scot. Tullow, Carlow, 1. F.S. ; Tullyhommon Br., Ferman.,
N. Ire. Tullynagrow, Monaghan, 1. F.S. Tulsa, Oklahoma .
Tulsk, Roscommon, I.F.S.
Tulun, Z. Siberia
Tulu Walel, Lthiopia
Tumac Humac Mts., Guiana Tumaco, Colombia
Tumatumari, Brit. Guiana Tumba, L., Belgian Congo Tumbarumba, New S. Wales Tumbes,
dep., Peru
Tumby, Lincs, Eng. Tumkur, Mysore Tumlong, Sikkim
Tummel, Bridge & R. . Perth, Scot.
Tummel, L., Perth, Scot. Tumoulin, Queensland Tumsar, Central Prove.
Tumut, New S. Wales . Tun, Persia ; : Tuna, Cuich, W.J. States
Tuna, Sweden
Tunbridge, Tasmana . Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Hing. Tundla, United Provs, Tundra, H.
Siberia, etc. Tundra, Great, Russia . Tune, Norway . ; Tunga R., Mysore, India
Tungabhadra R., Madras Tunga-hsien, Shantung, China Tung-an-hsien, China Tung-an-
hsien, £. China Tungarahua, Ecuador Tungchangfu, China Tungcheng-hsien, Anhwei, ¢
hina Tungcheng-hsien, China Tungchow, China
Tungchow, China i Tung-hwang-shan, #. China . Tung-kiang, Kwangtung, China
Tungkiaying, Jehol ’ Tungkun, China . Tungkwang-hsien, Hopeh, China Tungliao-ho,
Manchuria ; Tungling-hsien, Anhwei, China Tungliu-hsien, Anhwei, China Tunglu-
hsien, Chekiang, China Tungming-hsien, China Tungpeh-hsien, Honan, China Tungping,
sees China Tung-shan, H. China Tungshan-hsien, China Tungsiang-hsien, China Tung-
tai-hsien, Z. China Tung-ting-hu, China . Tungurahua, prov., Ecuador . Tunguska R.,
Lower, E. Siberia Tunguska R., Stony, H. Siberia Tung-yang- -hsien, EB. China
Tunhévd Sjé, Norway . Tunhwa, Manchukuo
Tuni, Kenya
Tuni, Madras
Tunica, Mississippi
Tunis, 7'unisia
Tunisia, country, V. Africa Tunja, Colombia . ; : Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania .
Tunkiang, Manchukuo Tunnelton, W. Virginia Tunnsjé, Norway
Tunstall, Staffs, Eng.
Tunstall, Suffolk, Eng. Tuolumne, California
Tuparoa, New Zealand
Tupelo, Mississippi Tupinambarannas I., Tupiza, Bolivia Tupper Lake, New York
Tuquerres, Colombia Tura, Assam
Turaiyur, Madras Turakina, New Zealand Turakom, Laos Turavanur, Mysore Turballe,
la, France Turbe, Colombia Turbenthal, Switzerland Turbo, Kenya . Turbot I.,
Galway, I. F. 8. Turbotville, Pennsylvania Turéiansky Sv. Martin, Czecho. Turda,
Romania . : Turgai, Kazak Rep., Turgutlu, Turkey Turiamo, Venezuela Turin,
Alberta : Turin, Jialy. See Torino. Turinsk, Ural Area Turisthytte, Vorway
Turka, Poland
Turkana Prov., Kenya Turkey, rep., Asia—Hurope Turkistan, Kazak Rep., Russia
Turkmen, rep., As. Russia Turks Is., West Indies .
QS 131 87 131 156 L110 68 D6 63 157 183 67 83 L183 56 64 62 63 L157 67 LO) 129 169
168 169 130 183 168 50 110 109 56 56 184 108 183 105 106 TI L188 4] 108 101 96
L10 110 114 115 L115 168 114 L115 115 114 114 115 115 114 115 114 114 115 L115 L115
115 115 114 115 115 115 115 115 168 101 LOO 115
laa 113 132 110 157 124 124 168 L5 113 150 70 49 41 L59 190 157 169 170 152 168 107
lll 190 119 110 84 168 81 132 66 151 93 93 100 104 168 147
100 7?
73 132 98 102 100 165
De Hy (‘b Kg De (‘b
Dr Mj
Le Da
Dd Da Mj Hr Fn Ho Gib
Ef De Eb Ge Cd
Ff Cd
Db La Lb Ge Ae Cd Cf Ah Eg Bd cr Dd Be Ce Kh Ff
Ce Bh Cf Ge Dd
Cb Be Cf Ff Ce De
Be Bd Kb Jb
Ed Mc Kd Ke Je Ga Fb Cb Fb Nb De Ed tq Ys G b Ke Fd Be Ab Be
Df Ed
Cd Df Bb Gb De Aq Eb Fb
F d Ab Da No
Dd Kh Db Ke Fb Ee Hd
Turku (Abo), Turku-Pori, dep., Turlaci, Turlock, California Turnberry, Turnberry,
Turneffe L., Turners Falls, ‘Turnhout, Turnu-Magurele, Turnu Severin,
Finland . Finland
Ayr, Scot. Manitoba Brit. Honduras Massachusetts Belgium Romania Romania Turon,
Kansas Turriers, France urriers, Fran Turriff, Aberdeen, Turshiz, Persia
Turtleford, Sask. Turtola, Finland Turtucaia, Romania Turukhansk, Siberia Turutiz,
Brazil . ; Turvey, Bedford, Eng. . Turvo, Brazil : Tury- Brazil Turzovka,
Czechoslovakia Tuscaloosa, Alabama Tuscarawas R., Ohio Tuscola, /llinois . Tuscor,
Montana Tuscumbia, Alabama Tuscumbia, Missouri
Tushetu-Khan, Outer Mongolia
Tushielaw Inn, Selkirk, Scot.
Tushihkow-ting, Peiping, China Tushka Gharb (Toski), Egypt Weaf'd.,
Tuskar Rock Lt. Ho., Tuskegee, Alabama Tusket, Nova Scotia Tusora, Romania Tustna,
Norway Tusvik, Norway Tutalsk, W. Siberia Tutbury, Staffs, Eng. Tuticorin, Madras
Tutoya, Brazil Tiitters, Gt. and Lit., Tuttlingen, Germany Tutuila, Samoan Is.
Tuvalik, Quebec ; Tuwaiq, Jebel, Arabia . Tuxford, Nottingham, Eng. Tuxpan,
Mexico . Tuxtla, Chiapas, Mexico Tuxtla, Vera Cruz, Mexico Tuy, Spain ; Tuyen-
kwang, Tongking Tuz Cheullu, Turkey Tuzla, Yugoslavia
Tuzu R., Burma . Tvareda, Sweden . Tvedestrand, Norway Tvedt, Norway
Tveite, Norway . Tver (Kalinin), Russia . Tverdalskirken, Norway Tver Fjeld, Norway
Tversted, Denmark Tvet, Norway
Tvetekviting (mt.), Nor way .
Tviberg, Norway . Twante, Burma Tweed, Ontario Tweed, R.,
Tweed He ile New S. Wales Tweedie, Alberta . Tweedsmuir, Peebles, Scot.
Tweed’s Well, Peebles, Scot.
Twelve Pins, The, Twente, Holland .
Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal Middlesex, Eng.
Twickenham, Twillingate, Newfoundland Twin Bridges, Montana Twin Buttes, Arizona
Twin Falls, Jdaho ‘ Twin Ponds, Newfoundland Two Bridges, Devon, Eng. Two Harbors,
Twomileborris, Tipperary, [.F.S.
Two Rivers, Wisconsin Twycross, Leics, Eng. Tw yford, Berks, Eng. Twyford, Hanis,
Eng. Twynholm, Twyn-Llanan, Carmarthen, Tyansankotu, Korea Tyanyon, Korea .
Tybee, Georgia Tybo, Nevada Tydal, Norway
Tydd St. Mary, Lincs, Eng.
Tyholland, Monaghan, I.F.S.
Tyin, Norway
Tyldal, Norway Tylden, Cape Pror. Tyler, Texas
Tylers, Virginia Tymsk, W. Siberia Tyn, Czechoslovakia Tynagh, Galway, I. FS.
Tyndall, S. Dakota
Tyndrum, Perth, Scot.
Tyne, R., Northumberland, Eng. Tynemouth, Northumberland, Enq.
Tynna Elv, Vorway Tynron, Dumfries, Scot. Tynset, Norway
Tyn- y-groes, Merioneth, Tyondyu, Korea Tyorusan, Manchukuo .
Tyoto (1.), Korea.
Tyrconnel (Donegal), L.F.S. .
Tyre, Syria. > Tyrell, Manitoba . : Tyrella, Down, N. Ire. .
co -1~1 +1 +!
bo bo bo =12 BO bO =I WS bb bo
~] +] +] +] +I +!
—_— a = po bo =]
or to
Scotland— England
Galway, I. FS.
Kirkeudbr ight, Scot. Wales
Fb Kf Db Cg
Cd De Be Fa 3d Hd Kg Fb 2
Hb Pm Bd
Ef Bd Ac He Rl Nd Od
Pm Bp Gd Fd Vu Ce
Hk Fd Ce Ov Jb
Ha Wr Ho
Ec Gb
Gd Ed He Db a Gd Mk Sn Tm Gb Om Gb Or Ge Ge Ge En Ad De Ko
Tyri Fjord, Tyrnavos, Ty rone, Pennsylvania Tyrone, Kentucky Tyrone, co., N. Lrelan
ox Tyrrell L., Victoria Tyrrellspass, Westmeath, Tyrrhenian a, Italy
ei ysla E lv, Vorway Tysnes, Norw ay
Tysnes 0, Tysvi ar, Norway . Tyugakh, Yakutsk Tyumen, Ural Tyvand, Norway .
Tyvoll, Norway
Tzaneen, 7'ransvaal Tzechow, China Tzuchi-ho, Peiping, ¢ hina Tzii-kiang, China
Uango, Fr. Equat. . Uba, Brazil
Ubach, Holland Ubait, Arabia Ubangi R., Belgian Congo Ubangi-Shari, colony, /’r.
Ubate, Colombia . Ubbergen, Holland Ubeda, Spain
Uberaba, Brazil
Uberg, Norway Ubeshinkawa, Japan Ubiriba, Brazil
Ubombo, Natal
Ubort, R., Russia Ubraye, France
Ubun, Siam
Ucayali, R., Peru
Uccle, Belgium Uchinoumi, Japan Uchiura Wan (Volcano Bay), Uch Turfan, Sinkiang .
Uckfield, Sussex, Eng. Udaipur, Jaipur, Rajputana . Udaipur, Keonjhar, Bihar &
Orissa Udaipur and state, Rajputana Udaipur, state, Central Provs. Udaiyarpalaiyam,
Madras Udamalpet, Madras
Udayagiri, Gwalior, India Udayagiri, Madras
Udayagiri Hill, Bihar and Orissa Udayapur, Gwalior, India Uddevalla, Sweden
Giadiovstees, Lanark, Uddjaur, Sweden Uden, Holland
Udet R., Central Prove. Udgir, Hyderabad : Udhua Nullah, Bihar and Orissa Udhus,
Udine, Italy
Udipi, Madras
Udit, Jodhpur, Rajputana
Udong, Cambodia Udzungwa Mts., Tanganyika Terr. Ueberlingen, Germany .
Ueda, Japan
Uele R., Belgian Congo
Ueno, Japan
Uenohara, Japan
Ufa and R., Russia
Ufford, Suffolk, Eng.
Ufton, Warwicks, Eng.
Uganda, prot., #. Africa
Uggerby, Denmark Ugie, Cape Prov. Ugie, re. Aberdeen, Uglich, Russia Uglovsk,
Russia . Ugoi (Ujiji), Tanganyika Terr. Uherské Hradi&te, Czechoslovakia
Uhrichsville, Ohio
Uhrstown, Queensland . Uidyu, Korea
Uinta Mts., Utah
Uist, North, L., Scotland Uist, South, L., Out. Hebrides, Uitenhage, Cape Prov. .
Uitgeesi, Holland.
Uithoorn, Holland Uithuistermeeden, Holland Uithuizen, Holland
Uitkijk, Dutch Guiana .
Uit Kyk, Cape Prov.
Ujda, Morocco
Ojhani, United Provs.
Ujiji (Ugoi), Tanganyika Terr. Uji- Yamada, Japan ; Ujjain, Gwalior, C.1.
Ujpest, Hungary . ‘ Ukamba Prov., Kenya.
Ukara, Tanganyika Terr.
Ukawa, Japan
Ukerewe, Tanganyika Terr. Ukermark, Germany
Ukhana, Mt., Manchukuo Ukhlovo, Russia .
Ukiah, California
Ukinsk, Far HE. Area
Ukmerge, Lithuania
Ukraine, rep., Russia
Ukushima, Japan
Ulala, Oyrat, Russia.
Ulan Bator Hoto (Urga), ), Mongolia Ulankhada, Inner Mongolia . Ulankhalga,
Mongolia . Ulankoshu, Jnner Mongolia Ulbster, Caithness, Scot.
Uleceby Cross, Lincs, Eng.
Ulchin- gol, Mongolia
Uleinj, Yugoslavia
Uldale, Cumberland, Eng.
Ulefos, Norway
Norway Greece .
Fa pan n
Scot .
NSeot 5
Kquat, Af.
Su 3-1 Ss mwa et
rm bo bo
10 LOO ae
| a mrey
134 114 114 L15 128 174 104 130 128 168 78
88 174
116 169 135 97 87 119 168 79 L16 L116 112 41 L108 109 108 LO9 Li] 11] 108 L10 109
108 71 54 70 78 109 L110 109 72 Oo LLO LO8 119 133 74 117 130 117 117 Q7 41 40 122
i/ 137 57 96 OG 133 2 150 L184 114 L58 58 58 137 78 78 78 78 169 136 126 108 133
117 108 93 132 132 117 132
114 97 159 101 73 97 116 LOO 113 114 114 114 59 51 114 O4 53
Hb Gb Bf
Cb Bf Cb Ke De Be
Bg Fd Jf De Ge Cec Ce Eb Cf Gb De
Bb Ge Ac i'd Df Cf Cd Dd Ge Cd Deg Gd Ke Fe Cb He Ha Da Be A b Cd Dh Ce Fe Db Ef Ff
| h Ca Md Sg Fd Ed Af Eb Cb Ef Gd He Gg Gh Jf Ce Cd Gb Gb Fb
Db Db Af of Bd Ke Ed Cd Ee Ce Eb Eb Ge Bf
if 6, lo ham.
Norway Northumberland, Enq.
lianov sk, Russia
liassutai, Outer
Hach une, New WS.
llanger, Sweden
llape = Ross and Crom..,
W ales
Neol. lidecona, Spain. llensaker, Vor
way Norway , ; ae iter, Westmorland, Hng. im, Germany
Im, Montana
men, rermany
Ines, .Vor way
Ipha, ¢ '‘umberland, Eng. lricehamn, Sweden
Holland Isberg, Norway ; Ister, A lreland : ister ( ‘anal, Monaghan, I. FS. lua,
R., Honduras
lubaria, Bengal lundi, Natal
lva, L., lverston, lverstone,
Argyll, Scot. Lancs, England Tasmania . lvestad, .Vorway lvik, Norway lvin, Vorway
lvén, Sweden lyvsten, lysses, Kansas Pennsylvania
U lze n, Ge rmany
Uman, Russia : Umaria, Rewah, C.1. Umarkhed, Berar, India Umarkot, Sind, Bombay
Umbargaon, Bombay Umberleigh, Devon, Eng. Umbria, region, Italy Umbum, S. Australia
Umea, Sweden
Umea Alv, Umfolosi and R., Natal
Um Hajer, Fr. Hquat. Africa Umkomanzi R., Natal . Umlalazi, Natal
Umlej, Arabia Ummarakota, Madras . Umm Ruwaba, A.-#. Sudan Umrer, Central Provs.
Umri, Gwalior, Cl. Umsinga, Natal
Umtah, S. Rhodesia
Umtata, Cape Prov. Umul-Khatun, Mongolia Umzimkulu, Cape Prov.
U U U U U ( U U U ry it U U t U) U U U Ir um, U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Norway U
Umzinto, Natal Una, R., Yugoslavia Unadilla, New York
Unalaska, Aleutian Is. . Unao, United Prova. Unapool, Sutherland, Scot. Uncastillo,
Und L., Sweden Underberg, Natal Undredal, Norway Undulla, Queensland Ungarie, New
S. Wales Ungava B., Quebec Uniara, Jaipur, Rajputana Uniara, Jaipur, Rajputana
Uniket, Mongoha Union, Missour: . Union, Montevideo, Union, Oregon Union, S.
Carolina Union,.W. Virginia Union (Tokelau), Is., Union, la, Spain . Union City,
Michigan Union City, Ohio—Indiana Union City, Pennsylvania Union City, Tennessee .
Uniondale, Cape Prov. Unionhall, Cork, 1. FS.
Union of Soviet Socialist Rep., Union Springs, Alabama Union Sta., Ohio
Uniontown, Alabama Uniontown, Kentucky Uniontown, Pennsylvania Unionville, Missouri
United Provinces, India Unity, Sask. : Universales, Mtes., Unna, Germany Uno, Japan
Unset, Norway Unsha, Russia . Unst, L., Shetland Is., Scot. Unstrut, R., Germany
Untari, Bihar and Orissa Unter See, Switzerland .
Spa tn
Unterwalden, canton, Switz evlana .
Unung, Burma Unyamwezi, Tanganyika Unyoro, Uganda . Unzen- dake, Japan Uotsu,
Japan, .
Upar Ghat, Jashpur, C.P. Upata, Venezuela
Uperbada, Mayurbhanj, B. and 0.
Upernivik, Greenland
Uphall, W. Lothian, Scot. Upham, Hants, Eng.
Uphill, Somerset, Eng. Upholland, Lancs, Eng. ‘ Upington, Br. Bechuanaland Upland,
Pennsylvania . Upminster, Essex, Eng. Upolu (I.), Samoan Is,
Pacific Ocean
Upottery, Devon, Eng. Upper L., Kerry, I. F.S. : Upperchurch, Tipperary, 1. FS.
Upper Colo, New 8. Wales Upper Denton, Cumberland, Eng. Upper Egypt, Egypt Upper
Fathom, Armagh, N. Ire. Upper Marlboro, Maryland Upper Ohio, Nova Scotia Upper
Sandusky, Ohio Upper Volta, colony, Fr. W. Africa R Uppinangadi, Madras Uppingham,
Rutland, Eng. Uppsala and lan, Sweden Uprara, Central Provs. Upsala, Ontarvo Upset,
Norway Upstart Bay, Queensland Upstreet, Kent, Eng. Upton, Cornwall, Eng. . Upton,
Worcs, Eng. Upton, Wyoming Upton Warren, Worcs, Eng. . Uracara, Brazil Uracatuba,
Brazil Uraga, Japan Uragawara, Japan U raghum, Cochin, Madras Urakawa, Japan Ural
Area, As. Russia Ural Mts., Russia Ural, R., Russia Uralla, Vew S. Wales Uralsk,
Kazak, Russia . Uran, Bombay Urana, New S. Wales Uranaas Tinder, Norway Urarinas,
Peru Urasa, Japan Uravakonda, Madras Urawa, Japan Urbach, Russia Urbana, /Illinois
Urbana, Ohio Urbino, /taly Urcel, France Urchfont, Wilts, Eng. Ure, R., Yorks, Eng.
Uren, Sask. Urenui, .Vew Zealand Ures, .Wezxico Urfa, Turkey Urfahr, Austria , Urga
(Ulan Bator Hoto), Wongolia Urgel, Seo de, Spain Uri, canton, Switzerland
Uririshima, Japan Uriti, New Zealand Uriunkansk, Manchukuo Uriupinsk, Russia Urk
(1.), Holland ' Urlaur L., Mayo, J.F.S. Urlingford, Kilkenny, I.F.S. . Urmia and
L., Persia Urnas, Norway . ; Urr, L. and Water, Kirkeud., Scot. ; Urre Lauquen, L.,
Argentina Urshult, Sweden Ursine, Vevada Ursviken, Sweden Urtazymsk, Russia
Uruapan, Mexico Uruara and R., Braz iE Urubu, Brazil : Urubu, R., Brazil Vructi,
Brazil Uruguay, rep., S. America Ble Uruguay, R., Arg.-Uruguay . . Uruguayana,
Brazil Uruhaim, Brazil . Urumchi, Sinkiang Urunnah, Queensland Urville-Hague,
France Urziceni, Romania P| Usa, R., Russia ain Usami, Japan , Usedom L., Germany
Usetsu, Japan 5 Y Ushak, T'urkey Ushant (Ouessant) |. d’, France Ushishima, Japan
Ushnuiyeh, Persia Ushuaia, Argentina Usingen, Germany Usk, Br. Columbia iz Usk,
Monmouth, Eng. . Usk, R., Eng. and Wales Uska, United Provs. . Uskavagh, L.,
Benbecula, Scot. Uskela, Finland ; Uskudar (Scutari), Turkey Ussel, France Usselby,
Lincs, Eng. Ussy, France Ustadal, Norway . Usta Vand, Norway Uster, Switzerland :
Usti (nad Labem), Czechoslovakia Ust-Ishimsk, Ural Area Ust Labinsk, Russia Ust-
Laminsk, Ural Area Ust-Maisk, Yakutsk Ust-Medvieditsa, Russia Ust-Olensk, Yakutsk .
Ust Orda, Buryat—-Mon. Rep. Ust Tsyima, Russia Ust Udinsk, #. Siberia Ust Unga,
Ural Area , Ust Urt Plateau, As. Russia Ust Usa, Russia . Ust-Yansk, Yakutsk
Ustyushna, Russia -. Usu, Japan Usudake (Volcano),
Se ee
68 69 183
_ " —_ —_
— Te oO oO Oe +I +1 +1 +! SS Or Ur GA GD WH wD &
pad pe ~ iy +I
— a) —~ et —
175 76 146 47 47 L109 58 7] 104 83 50 85 72 72 8] 92 100 Q7 LOO 10] 97 101 10] 96
101 L100 100 96 101 96 116 116
Hb Ib Lb Je Me Ke Ab Db De 3d Ke Cd If He
Bb De
ip Su Ro (Qf
Bb Cb Db Hb Fa Ge Jb Kd La Ge Ee ve
Db De Om Eh Bd I'g Jd Ke
Ke Nb Gf
| yey
Jb Ke Eb Ed Kb Na Fd Gb
Valence, Seine-et- Marne, France Valencia, Spain Valencia, Venezuela Valencia and
prov., Spain Valencia, Gulf of, Spain Valencia I., Kerry, 1. F.S. Valencia de Don
Juan, Spain Valenciennes, France Valeni, Romania . Valensole, Frances Valentine,
Vebraska Valentine, 7'exas Valestrand, Vorway Valetta, Malta Valevaag, Vorway Vale
Vand, Vorway Valga (Valk) and dist., Hstonva : algorge, France
Valgr und, egal Valinco, Gulf de, Sica Valivar R.., par Valjevo, Y ugoslavia Valk
(Valga), Hstonia Valkenburg, Holland soma Russia
Vali: abres cues France Valladolid, Mexico Valladolid and prov., Spain Vallam,
Madras Vallauris, France Valldemosa, Balearic Is. Valle, Norway Valle, dep.,
Colombia Vallecas, Spain Vallecillo, Mexico Vallecitos, New Mexico Valle de Mena,
Spain Valle de Santiago, Mexico Valle de Upar, Colombia Valle Fertil, Arg niina
Vallejo, California Vallenar, Chile Vallendar, Germany Valles, Mexico Vallet,
France ; Valley, “ie sey, Wale 8 Valley City, N. Dakota. Valley Falls, Kansas
Valley Falls, New York Valleyfield, Quebec Valley Junction, /owa . Valley Mills,
Texas Valley Springs, California Vallier, Mt., France ; Vallikodu, Travancore,
Madras Valliquerville, France Vallombrosa, /taly Vallon, Ardéche, France Vallon,
Sarthe, France Vallorbes, Switzerland Valloy, Norway Valls, Spain Valluru, Madras .
Valmaseda, Spain Valmiera (Volmar), Latvia Valmont, France Valmy, France Valognes,
France Valona (Vlore), Albania Valora, Ontario Valoria la Buena, Spain Valparaiso,
Chile Valparaiso, Indiana Valréas, France ; Valsch R., Orange F.S. Valtimo, Finland
Valuiki, Russia Valverde del Camino, Spain , Vamos, Arete /., Greece Vampula,
Finland Vamsadhara R., Madras — and L., Turkey
Van Alstyne, Texas Van Buren, Arkansas Van Buren, Maine Van Buren, Missouri Vance,
Colorado Vance, France Vanceboro, Maine Vanceburg, Kentucky Vancouver, British
Columbia Vancouver, Washington Vancouver L., British Columbia Vandalia, /llinois
Vandalia, Missouri Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania Vandergrift, Pennsylvania Van Diemen
Gulf, NV. Ter., Australia Vanegas, Mexico Vanelvs Fjord, Vorway Vanelvsgabet,
Vorway Vaner L., Sweden Vanersborg, Sweden Vang, Hedmark, Norway Vang, Opland,
Norway Vanga, Kenya ; Vangaindrano, Madagascar Vange, Essex, Eng. Vangsnes, Vorway
Vanguard, Sask. . Vangun, Mongolia Vanimo, Papua Vaniyambadi, Madras ‘
Vankerckhovenville, Belyian Congo Vinnis, Sweden Vanndale, Arkansas Vannes, lrance
Vanniy, Norway Vannylven, Norway Van Rhyns Dorp, Cape Prov. Vanrook, Queensland
Vans, les, France Vanse, Norway
Vanua Levu (L.), Fai Ls.
86 De 88 Be 168 Da 89 Ke 89 Fe 68 At 88 Ca 82 Ea 95 Ce 87 Ee 154 Ed 156 Be 72 Be
124 Ga 72 Be 72 (Ct 73 Hd 87 Ba 70 Je 83 Lit 93 Fd 73. Hd 78 Kg 97 Ff 87 Ce 160 Ge
88 Cb lll Df 87 He 89 Ge 72 De 168 Be 88 Db 162 Cb 156 Ab 88 Da if OA 168 Ca 172 Dd
159 «Bf 72 Be 76 Dd 162 De 85 Gt 48 Mg 154 Fb 154 Hf 152 Be 142 He 155 Je 156 Fe
159 Cf 83 De lll Cg 85 La 90 Ce 87 Bb 85 Je 80 Be 72 Ge 89 Fb 110 Ee 88 Da 73 Gd 85
Ka 82 Fb 82 Ch 94 Ab 144 Hf 88 Cb 172 Be 155 Me 83 Fd 135 «=Df 70 Ne 97 Fe 88 Bd 94
De fp ee. 109 Gf 104 Db 156 Kd L57 Ge 143 Ld 155 Kg 159 Jeg 85 Le 143 Le 150 Be 146
Hg 158 Be 146 Ff 155 «Lf l55 Kf 150 Db 150 Db 178 Ea 162 Cd 72 Bb 72 Bb 71 Eg 71 2g
72 Hd 72 Ee 133 OF f 131 Jg 4] Wi 12 Ce 147 Qg 114 Cb 189 Cb lll De 130 Eb 70 Jd
157 Je 82 Be 70 Ha 72 Bb 136 Bd 184 Cf 87 Bb fie Ea Se 192 Wn
Ed Fb Eb
Rd Dd Ef
Cb Fd
Jf Qd 7d Ge Ce Bd Be Ca Dg ( }f Ed
oe ee
yeh Ve Vel Ve V el
—— es =
ee ee a a a
, at
General Index
Villingen, Villisea, Jowa Villupuram, Madras Vilmontel, Quebec Vilm See, Ge rmany
Vilnes, Norway . Viluisk, Yakutsk Vilvorde, Belgium Vimeiro, Portugal Vimioso,
Portugal Vimmerby, Vimoutiers, France Vimperk, Czechoslovakia Vimy, France
Vina, ¢ ‘alifornia
Vina del Mar, Chile Vinal Haven L., Maine Vinaroz, Spain
Vinas, Vincennes, Vincennes, Vincent, Alabama
Vincent, Ohio
Vinchina, Argentina
Vinde Fjord, Norway
Vind Eggen, Norway
Vindel alv, Sweden
Vindhya Range, Central India Vineland, New Jersey
Vinga, Romania
Vingelen, Norway
Vinh, Annam
Vinh-Thuy, Tongking
Vinita, Oklahoma.
Vinita, Virginia
Vinje, Norway
Vinje Fjord, Norway Vinkeveen, Holland
Vinkovei, Yugoslavia Vinnitsa, Russia . Vinodyelnoye, Russia
Vinon, France : Vinster Vand, Norway . Vinstra, Norway .
Vinstra Elv, Norway
Vinton, lowa
Vinton, Ohio
Vinukonda, Madras
Viosa, R., Albania
Viper, Kentucky
Vipite no, Italy
Viransehir, Turkey
Vir wrajendrapet, Coorg, India Viravanallur, Madras Virden, Jllinois Virden,
Manitoba Vire and R., France Virelles, Belgium Virgenes, C. de las, Virgin,
Utah : ; Virgin Is., West Indies Virginia, Cavan, I. F.S Virginia, Illinois .
Virginia, Minnesota Virginia, state, U.S.A. Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia City,
Montana Virginia City, Nerada Viroqua, Wisconsin Virovitica, Yugoslavia . Virpazar,
Yugoslavia Virrat, Finland Virton, Belgiuum Virudunagar, Madras Virz-Jarvi, Estonia
Vis, 1., Yugoslavia Visalia, California Visapur, Bombay Visayas, Philippines Visby,
Sweden. Viscount Melville Sd., Visé, Belgium Visegrad, Yugoslavia Vishalgarh,
Bombay Vishera R., Russia Viska, Sweden
Viski, Latvia
Visnita, Romania Viso, Mte., Italy . Visoko, Yugoslavia Visp, Switz zerland
Vissanapeta, Madras Vista, California . Vista Alegre, Brazil Vistdal, Norway .
Vistula (Wista) R., Poland Vitebsk, Russia
Viterbo, Italy
Vitigudino, Spain ; Viti Levu (L.), Fiji Js. . Vitim, Yakutsk, Russia Vitim
Plateau, EL. Siberia Vitoria, Spain
Vitré, France
Vitry-le- Francois, France Vittoria, Sicily Vittorio, Italy. Vivarais, Mts. du,
Viver, Spain Vivero, Spain Vivian, Louisiana Viviers, France Vivoin, France
Vivorata, Argentina Vizagapatam, Madras . Vizcaya, prov., Spain Vize, Turkey ‘ ;'
Vizeu and dist., Portugal Vizianagram, Madras Viziru, Romania . Vizovice,
Czechoslovakia Vizzini, Sicily
Vkra, R., Poland Vlaardingen, Holland
Norway France Indiana
74 Ld5 Lil 142
838 88 71
8) G2? 86 159 172
i? 3) Bf
GO «I S bo
* ' ~
= — 1 Or
~J -~1 ~1 +1 YI Ut
— ~
to bo bo
— = al
151 93 72
Orr J
— | 'rmwwnwaI-Ia1wW ONwNwr-
T3100 O ©O-1-+1-1
ep eM WY —
94 150
OH) 104 lll 11] 155 144
79 175 159 166
roc YI ol Bo rm SO Or or
- ~
—_ _—
t t
Se ee ee ee
Hb Hb Fe Ac
Je Hd Hd Ba Ab Fe
cc Ej Ed Db Eg
Viadikavkas, Russia
Viadimir, Russia .
Viadimirovka, Russia Viadimirovka, Lr. Volga, Russia Viadivostok, Far E. Area
Viajnja, Yugoslavia
Vledder, Holland
Vieuten, Holland
Vlieland (1.), Holland
Vlie Stroom, Holland
Vliet, R., Holland
Vlijmen, Holland , Viissingen (Flushing), Holland Vlistora, Finland.
Vlivieska, Finland
Viore (Valona), Albania
Vitava, R., Czechoslovakia
Vodlo, Lake and R., Russia . Voenebygden, Norway .
Veréy, Norway
Vogels Berg, Germany .
Voghera, Italy
Vohémar, Madagascar . Vohwinkel, Germany
Voi, Kenya . '
Voil, L., Perth, Scot.
Voiotia and Attika, Greece
Voiron, France
Voitsberg, Austria
Voivéis, L., Greece
Volcano Bay (Uchiura Ww an), Japan Volchansk, Russia
Volden and Fjord, Norway
Volga and R., Russia
Volga, German, Russia
Volga, Mouths of the, Russia Volgsjén, Sweden. Volhynia (Wotyn), co., Voll,
Norway : Vollenhove, Holland Volmar (Valmiera), Latria Volnay, France Volnovakha,
Russia Vologda, Russia
Volonne, France Volontirovea, Romania Volos, Greece
Volovec, Czechoslovakia Volsk, Russia Z
Volta, R., Gold Coast Volterra, Italy Volturino, Mte., Volx, France Vonda, Sask.
Vonéche, Belgium Vonitsa, Greece
Vonormy, Texas Vontimitta, Madras Voorne, Holland . Voorschoten, Holland Voorst,
Holland Voorthuizen, Holland Vorarlberg, prov., Austria Vorden, Holland .
Vordingborg and B., Voring Fos, Norway Vorma Elv, Norway Voronezh, Russia Voronovo,
Poland Vosges, Mts. and dep., Voshe Lake, Russia Vosnesensk, Kazak, Russia Voss,
Norway , Vosse Skaval (mt.), Norway . Vossestranden, Norway Votiak, aut. area,
Russia Votice, Czechoslovakia Voutré, France Vouvray, France . Vouziers, France .
Voves, France Voxna, Sweden Voznesensk, Russia Vraadal, Norway . Vraa Vand, Norway
Vranje, Yugoslavia Vranov, Czechoslovakia. Vrattsa and dist., Bulgaria Vrbas, R.,
Yugoslavia . Vrbaska, div., Yugoslavia Vrehlabi, Czechoslovakia Vrehovina
Ceskomoravska, Vrede, Orange F.S. ; Vredefort, Orange F.S. Vredenburg, Cape Prov,
Vreden Dal, Cape Prov. Vreeswyk, Holland
Vresse, Belgium Vriddhachalam, Vries, Holland Vriezenveen, Holland Vron, France
Vrouwe Polder, Holland Vrsac, Yugoslavia
Vritky, Czechoslovakia
V ryburg, Br. Bechuanaland Vryheid, Natal
Vsetin, Czechoslovakia Vutitrn, Yugoslavia Vught, Holland
Vukovar, Yugoslama Vulcan, Alberta
Vulcan, Chile
Vulcan, Missouri.
Vulcan Pass, Romania . Vuleano L., Italy . Vuoksen, Finland Vuollerim, Sweden
Vuolvojaur, Sweden. Vuren, Holland
Vyatka and R., Russia Vyazma, Russia . Vyazniki, Russia Vychegda, R., Russia
Pola ae
97 97 7 97 LO] 93 78 78 738 78 78
90 31 76 132 56 94 83 58 hed }4 L16
13 © =] «J «1 + ImeaWwWwOODW Ow
«Jj «
Qo =! °¢
- ~ wo eo Sivrw ito w-
Equat. Africa
Dd ve Vp Ce Fe Uv Wt Vt Wt Ur Ac Fa Ne Gj Vu Yt Bg Eb Hl Gf Ke Bf Cf Bd De Eb De Gl
Kg Ge Hb Ef Lg Ee De Eb Zs Dd Cb Reg ef Om Ac Sm
se -
Jansford, Northants, Eng. . BO Ve ti ‘anssum, Holland ; ‘ . TB Be at Tanstrow,
Somerset, Eng. ; . Rn fe ‘fantage, Berks, Eng. . ; . 40° Tr fe ‘antsai-hsien,
Kiangsi, China . 115. & Wo Tanyanga (Wajanga), Fr. Hquat. Af. 128 Cd We ‘anyang-
Shan, ¢ ‘hina , 5 Cf We japakoneta, Ohio : : . 150- Ab fr ‘apella, Sask. . ‘ : .
Kis Tf We Napello, Iowa. 5 ; . 155- Ke f
Wapi, Idaho ‘ . 158 |
Wappingers Falls, New York . 15s Vi
Warabi, Japan . ‘ ; ; m
Warandab, Ethiopia . . 199 Geme F
Warangal, Hyderabad
Wara Seoni, Central Prova.
Waratah, 7'asmania
Warboys, Hunts, Eng. .
Warburton, Victoria
Warburg, Germany F
Warburton Ra., S. Australia
Warcop, Westmorland, Eng.
Ward, Colorado ,
Ward, New Zealand
Warden, Alberta .
Warden, Orange F.S,
Wardha and R., Central Prors.
Wardington, Oxon, Eng.
Wardner, Br. Columbia
W ardner, Idaho
Ware, Herts, Eng. j
Wareham, Dorset, Eng.
Wareham, Massachusetts
Waremme, Belgium
Waren, Germany :
Warenford, Northumberland, Eng :
Warftum, Holland
Wargrave, Berks, Eng.
War Hill, Wicklow, I. F.S.
Warialda, New S. Wales
Waringstown, Down, N. Ire.
Wariyapola, Ceylon
Wark, \orthumberland, Eng..
Warkworth, New S. Wales
Warkworth, New Zealand ’
Warkworth, Northumberland, Eng. .
Warlingham, Surrey, Eng.
Warman, Sask. . ;
Warmbad, S.-W. Africa Warmington, Warwicks, Eng. Warminster, Wilts, Eng.
Warmspring, Oregon
Warm Springs, Virginia Warmwell, Dorset, Eng.
Warna R., Bombay
Warnemiinde, Germany
Warner, Alberta
Warner L., Oregon
Warneton, Belgiwm
Warnford, Hants, Eng.. Warnham, Sussex, Eng.
Warnond, Holland
Warns, Holland
Warnsdorf, Czechoslovakia Waronda, Hyderabad
Waroo, Queensland
Waroona, Queensland
Warora, Central Provs.
Wargla, Algeria
Warr, Uganda
Warra, Queensland Warracknabeal, Victoria Warragul, Victoria
Warrego R., Queensland
Warren, Arkansas
Warren, Colorado
Warren, /Ilinois ‘
Warren, Massachusetts .
Warren, Minnesota
Warren, New Hampshire
Warren, New S. Wales
Warren, Ohio
Warren, Ontario .
Warren, Pennsylvania .
Warren, Vermont.
Warrenpoint, Down, N. Ire. Warrensburg, Missouri Warrenton, Cape Pror. Warrenton,
Warrenton, Missouri
Warrenton, N. Carolina Warrenton, Virginia
Warri, Nigeria
Warrington, Florida
Warrington, Lancs, Eng. Warrnambool, Queensland Warrnambool, Victoria
Warroad, Minnesota Warrumbungle Ra., Warsaw, /Ilinois . Warsaw, /ndiana Warsaw,
Kentucky Warsaw, Missouri Warsaw, New York Warsaw, N. Carolina Warsaw, Virginia ;
Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland. Warslow, Staffs, Eng. Warszawa (Warsaw), Poland .
Warszawa, co., Poland Warta, Poland ; Wartburg, Fisenach, Germany Wartburg,
Warter, Yorks, Eng.
Warthe R., Germany
Warthe, R., Poland Wartling, Sussex, Eng. Warton, Lancs, Eng.
Warud, Berar, India ; Warwick, Cumberland, Eng. . Warwick, New York
Warwick, Queensland
Warwick, Rhode J.,
Warwick and co., England
nn nn ns ek es el ae ee ee a ee ee ee ane ee a a ae
N.S.W. .
Wasa, Br. Columbia Wasatch Mts., Utah Wasco, Oregon Wasdale, Cumberland, Eng.
Waseca, Minnesota Wash, The, England . Washburn, N. Dakota . Washburn, Texas
Washburn, Wisconsin Washburne, Mt., Wyoming Washdyke, New Zealand Washford,
Somerset, Pag. Washington, Arkansas . Washington, Georgia Washington, Indiana
Washington, Jowa Washington, Kansas Washington, Kentucky . Washington, Missouri .
Washington, New Jersey Washington, NV. Carolina Washington, Ohio Washington,
Pennsylvania Washington, Sussex, King. Washington, Utah Washington, Virginia
Washington, state, U.S.A. Washington, City of, D.C. Washington Court House,
Washington I., Wisconsin Washington Junc., Maryland Washington, Mt.,
Washingtonville, Ohio . Washita R., Arkansas Washoe, Nevada . Washraf, Irag Wasi,
Hyderabad Waskada, Manitoba Wasmes, Belgium Wasserbillig, Luxembourg Wassigny,
France Wasson, Colorado. Wassu, Gold Coast : Wassulu, Fr. West Africa Wassy, France
. Wast Water, Cumbe rland, Eng. Watari, Japan Wataroa, New Zeala nd. Watawa,
Queensland Watchet, Somerset, Eng. Waterbeach, Cambridge, Waterberg, S.-W. Africa
Waterbury, Connecticut Waterbury, Maryland . Waterbury, Vermont Waterfoot
(Glenariff), Waterford, Cape Prov. Waterford, Connecticut Waterford, New York
Waterford, Pennsylvania ' Waterford, Waterford, I. F.S. Waterford, co., J. F.S. .
Waterford Harb., /.F.S. Watergate B., Cornwall, Eng. Watergrasshill, Cork, 1.F.S.
Waterloo, Alabama Waterloo, Belgium Waterloo, Hants, Eng. . Waterloo, [Illinois
Waterloo, Jowa Waterloo, Ontario Waterloo, Lancs, Eng. Waterloo, Quebec Waterloo,
Queensland Water Plaets, Queensland Waterside, Ayr, Scot. Watertown, New York
Watertown, S. Dakota . Watertown, Wisconsin Watervale, Colorado Water Valley,
Mississippi Waterville, Kerry, 1.F.S. Waterville, Maine Waterville, Minnesota .
Waterville, Washington Watervliet, New York . Waterways, Alberta Watford, Herts,
Eng. Watford City, V.. Dakota Wath-on-Dearne, Yorks, Eng. Wathar, Bombay ; ,
Watkins Glen, Vew York Watling (San Salvador) L., Watlington, Oxon, Eng. Watonga,
Oklahoma Watou, Belgium Watrous, New Mexico . Watrous, Sask. Watsa, Belgian Congo
Watseka, [llinois. Watson, Sask. Watsontown, Penn sylva ania Watsonville,
California Watsonville, Queensland Watt, New Brunswick . Watten and L., Caithness,
Scot. Watton, Herts, Eng. Watton, Norfolk, Eng. . _ Wau, A.-E. Sudan Wauchope,
Sask. Waugh, Manitoba Waukegan, /llinois Waukesha, Wisconsin Waukomis, Oklahoma
Waukon, Jowa Waupaca, Wisconsin Waupun, Wisconsin Waurika, Oklahoma Wausau,
Wisconsin Wauseon, Ohio Wautoma, Wisconsin Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Wavendon, Bucks,
Eng. Waveney, R., Suffolk, etc., Lng.
Ove Poe Aye Ove CY 1or org ot aun Ot 6% wt wt we
New Hampshire .
-- ony Oxy 05 — @
tre wie < Iw oes
N. 1.
Wi. Fades
ot) |
rn Or cr
en &
vt cor or Or G2 Cr
~_ ~~
non on
i) | a ro vi
ee el ee el
Oe oi mou
Mg Hf Ce Po
De Kb He Cf Pu Hd Cd Mf Ke Gt |
) Kf Fb Fe Cb Cb Vv
De Bb Ec Be Mc Ee Cb Cb Hd Df De Bb
ee —— enn
Waverley, Cape Prov. Waverley, New Zealand Waverly, Jowa Waverly, New Waverly, Ohio
Waverly, Tennessee Waverly, Virginia Wavre, Belgium Wavrin, France Wawa, Ontario
Wawanesa, Manitoba Wawne, Yorks, Eng. Waxahachie, Waxhaw, V. Carolina Waxweiler,
Germany Waycross, Georgia Wayland, Ontario
Waymart, Pennsylvania Wayne, Nebraska
Wayne, W. Virginia Waynesboro, Georgia Waynesboro, Mississippi Waynesboro,
Pennsylvania W aynesboro, Virginia . Waynesville, Missouri . Waynesville, V.
Carolina Waynesville, Ohio
Waynoka, Oklahoma Wazirabad, Punjab Waziristan, V. W.F.P. Wazzan (Ouezzane),
Morocco Weald, Kent, Eng.
Wear Head, Durham, Eng. Wear, R., Durham, Eng. Weathercote, Yorks, Eng.
Weatherford, Oklahoma Weatherford, Texas Weaverham, Cheshire, Eng. Weaverthorpe,
Yorks, Eng. Weaverville, California Webb, Mississippi
Webb City, Missouri
Webbe Shibeli (R Webbville, Kentucky Webbwood, Ontario
Weber, New Zealand Webster, Mass.
Webster, S. Dakota
Webster City, Jowa ’ Webster Springs, W. Virginia Wechelderzande, Belgium Wedde,
Holland Weddell Quad. & Sea, Wedderburn, Victoria Wedmore, Somerset, Eng.
Wednesbury, Slaffs, Eng. Weed, ¢ be som
Weedon, Northants, Eng. Weedon, Quebec
Weedon Beck, Northants, Eng. Weedville, Pennsylvania Weeford, Staffs, Eng. Weeley,
Essex, Eng.
Weem, Perth, Scot.
Weenen, Natal ; Weeping Water, Nebraska Weerselo, Holland
Weert, Holland
Weesen, Switzerland
Weesp, Holland
Weeting, Norfolk, Eng.
Wehl, Holland ; Wehlau, #. Prussia Weichangting, /nner Mongolia Weichwan, Honan,
China Weiden, Germany
Weidenau, Germany
Weidum, Holland
Weihaiwei, China
Wei-ho, China
Weihsien, China .
Wei-hsien, Hopeh, China
Weihwei, China Weilburg, Germany
Weilheim, Germany Weimar, Germany Weimar, Texas
Weiner, Arkansas ; Weinfelden, Switzerland Weinheim, Germany Weinteriga, New S.
Weiser, Idaho
W eisifu, China ; Weissenburg, Bavaria . Weissenfels, Germany Weisshorn,
Switzerland Wejh, Arabia Welbeck Abbey, Welch, W. Virginia
Weld, New Zealand
Weldon, N. Carolina
Weldon, Sask. .
Weldon, Great, Northants, Eng. Welford, Berks, Eng. Welford, Northants, Eng.
Welkenraedt, Belgium . Well, Holland Well, Yorks, Eng. Welland, Ontario Welland,
R., Lincs, etc., Wellawaya, Ceylon Wellesbourne Hastings, War.. Wellesley Is.,
Queensland Wellfleet, Massachusetts Wellfleet, Nebraska
Wellin, Belgium . Wellingborough, N orthants, Eng. Wellingore, Lincs, Eng.
Wellington, Cape Prov. Wellington, Kansas Wellington, Madras _. Wellington, New S.
Wales Wellington, New Zealand Wellington, Ohio
_E ne.
.), Ethiop. - It. Som.
Nottingham, Eng.
137 Ka | Wellington, Salop, Eng.
190 155 L151 150 Ld7 Ld] 79 86 145 144 5O 156 153 76 153 145 15] 154 150 153 157
15] 15] 155 153 150 156 106 L106 126 4] 52 53 52 156 156
ee ee
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40 143 40 151 50 4] 56 135 154 78 78 8] 78 51 78 114 115 74 76 78 114 114 L114 114
114 76 74 74 156 157 81 74 182 L58 112 74 74 80 104 50 150 191 153 147 50 40 50 79
78 53 142 dl 111 40 184 152 154 79 40 50 136 154 lil 183 191 150
Ke Ad Ka Be Lb Ed Ib Db Lf Cf Vp Fd De Ad Ce Mf Ib Gd 30 Cd Ke Ec De Jg Ce Be Eb Cb
Bb Bb
Rn Sn Ro Ee Fd Qq Vo Be Jd Hg
Be Cd Fd
Ed De De
Ff Je Ha Cd Ba
Bf Qo Kg Gh Ke Bb De
Qr Rr Be Ce Tt Pu Deg Be Ce Kg Bd Kd
Bb C d
Bb Jd
Ce Ab Ne
Ge Kd Nu
Qj So
Ne Qn
M k Ke
Qr | West Leesport, Pennsylvania 151 Py Westleigh, Orange FS. 135 Fg | Westleton,
Suffolk, Eng. 4} De Westley, California 159 Gg West Liberty, lowa 155 Uu West
Liberty, Kentucky 150 Be West Liberty, Ohio 150 Jd Westlock, Alberta 147 Ke West
Lothian, co., Scotland 55 Xr West Manchester, Ohio 150 Qu Westmeath, co., J.F.N. 67
Eb | Westmeston, Sussex, Eng. 4] Ka West Middlesex, Pennsylvania 150 Ch
Westminster, Maryland 151] Bb Westmoreland, Kansas 154 Dm Westmoreland, Queensland
184 3c | Westmorland, co., England 52 Kf West Nicholson, S. Rhodesia 13] Ea Weston,
Natal 135 Cb | Weston, N. Borneo 12] Hm | Weston, Ohio 150 De Weston, Oregon L58 Cb
Weston, Salop, Eng. 49 Le Weston, Staffs, Eng. 49 Qr Weston, Vermont 152 Pr |
Weston, W Virginia . 150 Pn Weston on the Green, Oxon, Eng. . 40 Vt | Weston-super-
Mare, Somerset, Eng. 47 Qr | West Palm Beach, Florida 153 Vt | Wes tphalia, prov.,
Germany . ; Ga Vest ‘Pilbarra Goldt ields, W. Austral, 186 Ml Westplains, Missouri
155 Pk | West Point, Georgia 153 Cb | West Point, Mississipm 157 Ff | Westpoint,
Nebraska 154 Ws | Westpoint, Virginia 15] Tt | Westport, California 159 Xr |
Westport, Mayo, I.F.S. 66 Ut | Westport, New York 152 Ge | Westport, New Zealand
19] Cd | Westport, Ontario 142 Ba | Westray, Manitoba 144 Gd | Westray I. & Firth,
Orkney Is. , Scot. 61 Qs | West Richfield, Ohio . 150 Db | West Riding, Yorks, Eng.
50 Ab | Westruther, Berwick, Scot. 55 So | West Salem, Ohio 150 Xr | West Union,
Jowa 155 Tp | West Union, Ohio 150 Ff | West Union, W. Virginia 150 Ab | West rage
Ohio 150 Fa | Westville, Nova Scotia 143 Pu | Westville, Oklahoma ' ; 157 Dh | West
Virginia, state, ee. 149 Fe | Westward Ho!, Devon, Eng. . 46 Cb | West Water,
Angus, Scot. 57 He | West Witton, Yorks, Eng. 53 Cb | Westwood, California 159 Hb |
Westwood, Queensland 185 Db Wetaskiwin, Alberta ; 147 Cb | Wetheral, Cumberland,
Eng. . 52 Da | Wetherby, Yorks, Eng. 50 Eb | Wetheron, Queensland . 185 De |
Wetley, Staffs, Eng. 49 Ce | Wetter, Germany 76 Me | Wetteren, Belgium 79 Bb |
Wetumpka, Alabama 157 Be | Wetwang, Yorks, Eng. 50 Eb Wetzlar, Germany 74 He
Wewoka, Oklahoma 156 Cb | Wexford and co., I. F.S. 64 Cb | Wexford B. & Harb.,
Weaf'd, = F. S. 64 Ca Wey, R., Surrey, Eng. . . 40 Fc Weybourne, Norfolk, Enq. 51
3g Weybridge, Surrey, Eng. 40 Je Weyburn, Sask. 147 Ld Weyhill, Hants, Eng. 40 Sn |
Weymont, Quebec 142 Qv We ymouth, Massachusetts 152 Ld | Weymouth, Nova Scotia 143
Ne | Weymouth, Jasmania . 188 Sr | Weymouth and B., Dorset, Eng. 45 Ld Wezep,
Holland : 78 Ce Whakahara, New Ze aland 190 So Whakataki, New Zealand 19] Rt
Whakatane, New Zealand 190 Qr | Whaleybridge, Cheshire, Eng. 49 Ce | Whaleyville,
Virginia : 151 Ru | Whalley, Lancs, Eng. 49 Db Whalsay, Shetland Is., Scot. . 61 Bb
| Whalton, Northumberland, Eng. 53 Fe | Whangape, New Zealand 190 Cf | Whangarei,
New Zealand . 190 Ba Whangaroa and B., New Zealand . 190 Ge | Whangaruru, New
Zealand 190 Ef Wharanui, New Zealand 191 Ce Wharfe, R., Yorks, Eng. 56 Wu Wharram
le Street, Yorks, — 53 Fa | Wharton, Texas . 157 Cd | Whatatutu, New Zealand 190 Ce
| What Cheer, Jowa 155 Cd Whatton, Notts, Eng. 50 De | Whaup Hill, Wigtown, Scot.
54 Be | Wheatland, Wyoming 154 f | Wheatley, Nottingham, Eng. 50 Db | Wheatley,
Oxon, Eng. 40 Bb | W heaton, Minnesota 154 Fe | Wheddon Cross, Somerset, Eng. 47 Be
| Wheeler, 7'exas ; 156 He | Wheeler Peak, Nevada . 159 Xv | Wheeler Reef,
Queensland 185 Be | Wheeling, W. Virginia 150 Le | Wheelock, Cheshire, Eng. 49 Da |
Whernside (mt.), Yorks, Eng. 49 Eb | Wherwell, Hants, Eng. 40 Rn | Whickham,
Durham, Eng. 53 Yu | Whidbey, Washington . 158 Fe | Whiddy L., Cork, I.F.S. 68 Gk |
Whimple, Devon, Eng. . 45 Tn | Whippingham, J. of W ight, Eng. 40 Qp | Whipsnade,
Bedford, Eng. 40 Le | Whistlefield Sta., Dunbarton, Scot. 54 Be Whistler, A labama
157 He Whiston, Staffs, Eng. 49
40 17 4() 49 47 45 139 LOO 64 152 154 63 55 147
128 40
* - ~~ Ut wt Ge we
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eet i
40 137 182
49 147 180 155 142
58 154 154 156
Eb De Da Rp Cb Fa Nb Er Et Kf Md Ge $c Ke Gr On Eb Kn Mn Qg Cd Kn LI Qk Ib
Ee Su Jm ib Kb 3d
E d Be Ee
De Nw Lt Fd Bd Ib Ce Hb Cd Ca
Kj Sm Qo Qr Us Ke Ce Vr Ps Sn Tq Rp Ng Ef Kb De Gh Cb Gg Ed Pf
Hb Uu Ov Bb
Hd Le De De
Fd Jb
Og Cd Ke
Winnipeg L., Manitoba 144 Kad Winnipegosis, Manitoba 144 Ce Winnipegosis L.,
Manitoba 144 (Cd Winnsboro, Louisiana . 157 Jd Winnsboro, S. Carolina . 153 De
Winona, Kansas . . 14 BE Winona, Minnesota - 155 Ke Winona, Mississippi . 157 Kd
Winona, V. Dakota . 154 Eb Winooski, Vermont . 152 Bb Winschoten, Holland 78 Hb
Winsen, Germany 74 Db Winsford, Cheshire, # ng. 49 Qq Winsford, Somerset, Eng. 46
Ou Winslow, Arizona 159 Hh Winslow, Bucks, Eng. 40 Ut Winslow, Maine . 152 Db
Winslow, New Jersey 151 Fe Winsted, Connecticut 152 Bd Winster, Derby, Eng. 50 Sq
Winster, Westmorland, Eng. 52 Qo Winston, Colorado 154 De Winston, Durham, Eng. 53
Sn Winston, Virginia , 151 Ke Winston Salem, V. Carolina , 153 Db Winsum, Holland
78 Gb Winterbarn, W. Virginia 150 De Winterborne Abbas, Dorset, Eng. 45 Qv
Winterborne St. Martin, Dorset,Hng. 45 Qv Winterborne Whitchurch, Dor., Hng. 45 Ry
Winterbourne Stoke, Wilts, Eng. 40 Su Winter Garden, Florida 153 Df Winter Haven,
Florida 153. Df Winterhoek Mts., Cape Province 137 «Sf Winteringham, Lincs, Eng. 50
Up Winters, California 159 Bf Winterset, Jowa 155 He Winterslag, Belgiwm 79 Hb
Winterswijk, Holland 78 Ge Winterthur, Switzerland 81 Gb Winterton, Lincs, Eng. 50
Up Winterton, Natal 135 Fg Winton, Hants, Eng. 40 Sv Winton, New Zealand 191 Bg
Winton, Pennsylvania . 151 Fb Winton, Queensland 185 Dj Winton, Westmorland, Eng.
52 Rn Winwick, Hunts, Eng. . 50 Vs Winwick, Lanes, Eng. 49 Qq Wiota, Montana . 158
Ka Wipper, R., Germany 75 Ga Wipperfiirth, Germany . 76 Cb Wirksworth, Derby, Eng.
50 Sq Wirraminna, S. Australia 180 De Wirtz, Virginia 150 Dd Wiru, dist., Astonia
73 He Wirwignes, France 86 Bb Wisbech, Cambs, Eng. . 51 Wr Wisborough Green,
Sussex, Eng. 40 Un Wisconsin, state, U.S.A. 149 He Wisconsin R., Wisconsin 155 Kd
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 155 Le Wisdom, Alberta . 147 Og Wise, Virginia 150 Bd
Wiseton, Sask. 147 Of Wishaw, Lanark, Scot. . 55 Ol Wishek, N. Dakota 154 Fb
Wishon, California 159 Deg Wiske, R., Yorks, Eng. 53° Te Wista (Vistula), R.,
Poland 73 Kg Wismar, Brit. Guiana 169 Fb Wismar, Germany 74 Db Wisner, Nebraska 154
Ge Wissant, France 86 Bb Wissembourg, /rance 82 Gb Wissey, R., Norfolk, Eng. 51 Wr
Witchelina, S. Australia 180 Fe Witham, Hssex, Eng. 41 Xt Witham R., Lines, Eng. 50
Vq Witheridge, Devon, Eng. 45 Ov Withernsea, Yorks, Eng. 51 Wp Withersfield,
Queensland 185 Fj Withersfield, Suffolk, Eng. 41 Ws Withington, Lancs, Eng. 49 Rq
Withleigh, Devon, Eng. 45 Ov Witley, Great, Worcs, Eng. 47 Rs Witney, Oxon, Eng. 40
St Witry, Belgium 79 Hd Witten, Germany . 74 Be Wittenberg, Germany 74 Ee
Wittenberge, Germany . 74 Db Wittenburg, Germany 74 Db Wittersham, Kent, Eng. 41 Xu
Wittingen, Germany 74 Db Wittlich, Germany 74 Be Witton Gilbert, Durham, Eng. 53 Sn
Witton le Wear, Durham, Eng. 53 Sn Wittstock, Germany 74 Eb Witu, Kenya 132 Ge
Witwaters Rand, ‘Transeaal . 134 Bd Wiveliscombe, Somerset, Eng. 47 Pu Wivenhoe,
Essex, Eng. 41 Xt Wix, Essex, Eng. 41 Yt Wizernes, France 86 Cb Wtoctawek, Poland
73 Df Wtodawa, Poland 73 Fg Wtodzimierz, Poland 73 Gg Woburn, Beds, Eng. 40 Ut
Woburn, Massachusetts 152 Ce Wodonga, Victoria 183 De Woensdrecht, Holland . 78 BE
Woensel, Holland 78 Df Woerden, Holland 78 Cd Weerth, France . 82 Gb Wognum,
Holland 78 De Wohlen, Switzerland 8 Fb Wo-ho, China . 115 Cb Woking, Alberta . 146
Kd Woking, Surrey, Eng. 40 Uu Wokingham, Berks, Eng. 40 Uu Wolca, Queensland 185 Hk
Wolcott, Colorado 159 Ke Wolcott, Vermont 152 Bb Wolds, The, tract, Lincs, Eng. 51
ol af af at of at ot ot
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F ot af af
- + = See Ss Ss SS 4 : = = =>
j . t
a ‘
ak -seie
Wolfaartsdyk, Holland Wolfboro, New Hampshire Wolfcreek, Oregon Wolfe, 7'exas ;
Wolfenbiittel, Germany Wolferton, Norfolk, Eng. Wolf Point, Montana Wolfsberg,
Austria Wolf’s Castle, Pembroke, Wolfstein, Germany Wolfville, Nova Scotia .
Wolgast, Germany Wolhusen, Switzerland Wotkowysk, Poland Wollaston, Northants, Enq.
Wollaston Is., Chile Wollaston L., Sask.
Wali 8
Wollaston Penin, V.-W. Terr. Wollin I., Germany Wollongong, New 8. Wales
Wolmaransstad, 7'ransvaal Wotozyn, Poland
Wolseley, Sask.
Wolseley, S. Australia . ' Wolseley Bridge, Staffs, Eng. Wolsey, S. Dakota
Wolsingham, Durham, Eng. . Wolve Fontein, Cape Prov. Wolvega, Holland
Wolverhampton, Staffs, Wolverthem, Belgium Wolverton, Bucks, Eng. Wolverton, Hants,
Eng. Wolvey, Warwicks, Eng. Wolviston, Durham, Eng. . Wotyn (Volhynia), co., Poland
Wotynski, Poland
Woman River, Ontario Wombwell, Yorks, Eng. Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania Wommels,
Holland Wondelgem, Belgium
Wonosobo, Java . Wonthaggi, Victoria
-Wooburn, Bucks, Eng. Woocalla, 8S. Australia . Wood, 8. Dakota Wood Bay, Manitoba
Wood L., Nebraska Woodbine, Jowa . Woodbine, Maryland Woodbine, New Jersey .
Woodbine, W. Virginia Woodbourne, New York Woodbridge, Suffolk, Eng. Woodburn,
Oregon Woodbury, Devon, Eng. Woodbury, New Jersey Woodchurch, Kent, Eng.
Woodenbridge, Wicklow, Woodford, Essex, Eng. . Woodford, Galway, I. F.S. Woodford,
Newfoundland Woodford, 8S. Carolina . , Wood Green, Middlesex, Eng. Woodhall Spa,
Lincs, Eng. Woodhead, Cheshire, Eng.
Woodhorn, Northumberland, Eng.
Woodland, California Woodland, Durham, Eng. Woodland, Pennsylvania Woodland Park,
Colorado Woodlands, New Zealand Woodlark (Marua) I., Papua Wood Mountain, Sask.
Woodpecker, Br. Columbia Woodruff, 8S. Carolina . i Woods, L. of the, Ontario, etc.
Woodsfield, Ohio .
_ Woods Hole, Massachusetts Woodside, Aberdeen, Scot. Woodside, Utah . Woodstock,
Illinois Woodstock, New ae Sa Woodstock, Ontario Woodstock, Oxon, Eng. Woodstock,
Queensland Woodstock, Vermont Woodstock, Virginia Woodsville, New Hampshire .
Woodtown, Meath, I. F.S. Woodville, Mississippi Woodville, New Zealand Woodville,
Ohio .
Woodville, Queen sland . Woodville, Queensland . Woodville, Texas
Woodville, Virginia . Woodward, Oklahoma . Woodworth, Montana .
Woodyates, Cranborne, Daraet. Eng
Wool, Dorset, Eng. Woolacombe, Devon, Eng. Woolanmarroo, Queen sland Wooler,
Northumberland, E ny. Woolgar Goldfield, Queensland Woolpit, Suffolk, Eng. .
Woolthorpe, Queensla nal Woolton, Queensland Woolverton, Somerset, Eng. Woolwich,
London, Eng. Woondool, Queensland . Woonona, New S. Wales Woonsocket, Rhode I.
Woonsocket, S. Dakota —Woore, Salop, Eng. Wooster, Ohio. Woosung, E. China . —.
South, Norfolk, Eng. tton Bassett, Wilts, Eng. ‘orb, Switzerland . Vorcester, Cape
Prov. Vorcester, Massachusetts Worcester and co., England .
78 152 L58 157
5] 154
76 143
=<) io
40 L75 147 140
is) 183 135 73 147 180 49 154 53 137
L51 154 191 189 147 146 153 144 150 152 57 159 155 143 142 40 185 152 151 152 63
157 L190 150 184 185 157 151 156 158 40 45 46 184 §2 185 4] L185 185 47 41 185 183
152 154 49 150 115 51 40 80 136 152
Ae (‘ec Bd Kd Db Wr Ca De Mt De Me Ka Ib If Us Cf Sb Ge Fb Ib Bf He Sf Gh St Fe Sn
Hf Ic Rr Kb Us Tu T's Tn Gg Gg Cd Tp Eb Db Da
W t Eq Dd Dd Vt Vq Sq Sm Cf Sn Db Cf Be Ee Qg He Ce Ff Ce Cd Rh Hf Ld Ld Df Tt Dg
Be De Cb i
Fd Bb Ef Hj Ge De Eb Gb Sv
Nu Ff Rl
Ru Wu
St Ec Cf Be Rs
—— ss Mes has =a Worgl, Austria 92 Be | ‘Wytheville, Virginia Wor king gton, U
wmbertand. KR nq. 52 On Wyzwa, Poland Worksop, Nottingham, Eng. 50 Tq Xanten,
Germany Workum, Holland 78 De Xanthe. Greece . Worland, Wyoming 158 Ke Xanxere,
Colonia, Brazil Worle, Somerset, Eng. 47 Qu RR Nese Wormer, Holland 7 (Ce Kenia.
Ohio Wormhoudt, France 86 Db Sbrokhori. Greece Wormit, Fife, Scot. 57 Qk Xeronisi,
Greece Wormley, Herts, Eng. 41 Vt Xicotencatl, Mexico Wokmn, Socmany. 74 Cd |
Xingu, R., Brazil Worms Hd., G amorgan, Wales 46 Nt Xylokastron, Greece Wormsi,
stonia . 73 Fe Yaamba, Queensland | + heheig n, gira 76 Bb Yaapeet, Victoria
Wortel, 8 -W. Africa 13] Bg a haahi. Japan | Worth. Oe rmany . 76 Ff W. basi. (ETON
Worthen, Salop, Eng. 49 Pr Wabber. Oueensiand Worthing, Sussex, Enq. 40 Vv
Yabebiri. Paraguay Worthington, Minnesota 154 Hd Yablonoi Mts., Far E. Are a,
Russia Worthington, Ontario 142 Dd Yabuhara, Japan Worthville, Kentucky 150 Ac
Yacka, S. Australia Wortley, Yorks, Eng. 50 Sp Yackandandah, Victoria Woru (Verro),
Estonia . : 73 Hd Yacuiba, Bolivia Wotton under Edge, Glos., Eng. 47 Rt Yacuman,
Brazil Woudenberg, Holland 78 Dd Yadgiri, Hyderabad Woudrichem, Holland . 73 De
Wacver. Arizona Wouw, Holland 78 Be Yahiko, Japan Wowan, Quee nsland 185 Hj Yahk.
Br. ( ‘olumbia ; Wowoni (1.), Celébes 121 Fe Yaila Dagh, Crimea, Russia . Woy Woy,
New S. W ales 183 Ka Vaita,. bg set | Wragby, Lincs, Eng. 50 Vq Yakake, Japan c
Wragby, Yorks, Eng. 49 Tp Yakata, Belgian ( ‘Ongo ; Wrangel, Alaska . 140 Ce
Yakima, Washington | Wrangel I., Far EZ. Area 101 Ra Yakoma, Belgian Congo |
Wrangell, Mt., Alaska . 140 Ad Yakosuka, Japan vo Lines, Eng. 51 Wa Yakushima,
Japan Wrath, Sutherland, Scot. 59 Le Yakutsk, rep. and tn., As. Russia . Wi ‘ay,
Spin ado . 154 De Yala, Ceylon Wrekenton, Gateshead, Durham, Eng. 53 Sn Yala, Kenya
W re >kin, The > Salop, Eng. 49 Qr Yalding, Kent, Eng. | Wrentham, Suffolk, King.
51 Zs Yale, Br. Columbia | Wrexham, Denbigh, Wales 48 Qq Yale, Michigan Wriezen,
Germany 75 Eb Yalgogrin, New S. Wales Wrightsville, Georgia 153 Cd Yalgoo and
Goldfield, W. Australia Wrightsville, V. Carolina 153 Fe Yalmal Peninsula, Russia
Wrightsville, Pennsylvania 151 Eb Yalpug, L., net Writtle, Hssex, Eng. 41 Wt Yalta,
Crimea, Russia . Wrotham, Kent, Eng. 41 Wu Yalu R., Manchukuo—Korea . Wrotham,
Queensland . 184 Ef | Yalutorovsk, Ural Area Wroxeter, Salop, Hing. . 49 Qr |
Yalvigi, Bombay . Wroxham, Norfolk, Eng. 51 Yr | Yamada, Japan Wroxton, Oxon, Eng.
40 Ts | Yamada, /apan Wuchangfu, China 115 Cd Yamagata, Japan Wuchang-hsien, China
115 Cd | Yamaguchi and co., Japan Wuchow, China 115 Ah | Yamakoshinai, Japan Wudam,
Arabia 105 Ge | Yamanaka, Japan Wuestwezel, Belgium 79 Fa Yaman-tau, Russia Wuhu,
China 114 Dj | Yamba, New S. Wales . Wu-i-hsien, #. China 115 Fe | Yambering, Fr.
West Africa . Wu-kang, China . 113. Jf | Yambio, A.-H. Sudan Wular, Lake, Kashmir
106 Cb | Yambol (Jambol), Bulgaria Wiilfrath, Germany 76 Bb Yambuya, Belgian Congo
Wulitao-wan, China 114 Ef Yamdok Tso, T'tbet Wulu-shan, China 115 Aa | Yamethin,
Burma Wun, Berar 108 De Yamkanmardi, Bombay Wuning-hsien, China 115 Ce | Yampol,
Russia Wuntho, Burma . 107 Hd | Yamsk, Far EF, Area Wuping-hsien, China 115 Dg |
Yana Bay, Yakutsk Wuppertal, Germany 74 Be | Yanac, Victoria Wiirm See, Germany 74
De Yanaizu, Japan Wurnu, Nigeria . 125 Ff | Yanam (French), Madras Wurtsboro, New
York . 152 Ad | Yandanburra, Queensland Wiirttemberg, state, Germany 74 Cd Yandina,
Queensland Wuru, Nigeria 125 E Yandoon, Burma. Wirzburg, Germany 74 Cd Yanfa-hsien,
China Wurzen, Germany : 74 Ee Yanga, Belgian Congo . Wusiang-hsien, Shansi, China
114 Af | Yangandi, Cameroons Wu-sih-hsien, 2. China 115 Fd | Yangchowfu, China
Wusiieh, China ; 115 Ce Yangeshirishima, Japan Wutai-hsien, Shansi, China 114 Ae |
Yang-ho, China = aie * : Wutai-shan, China 114 Ae Yangkao-hsien, Shansi, China
Wutingfu, China Li4 “= a ee China Wuweichow, China 115 D ‘ang-shan-hsien, China
Wuyang-hsien, Honan, C ‘hina 115 Be | Yangtze-hsien, China| Wuyuen-hsien, China 115
De | Yangtze-kiang, HZ. China W yalong, New S. Wales 183 Da | Yanisades Is., Greece
Wyalusing, Pennsylvania 151 Eb | Yankton, S. Dakota W yandotte, Queensland 185 Eg
Yannitsa, Greece . WwW yandra, Queensland 185 Fl | Yan Oya, Ceylon WwW ybong, New
S. Wales 183 Fa | Yanping-hsien, China Wybunbury, Cheshire, Eng. 49 Rq | Yany Paul,
Ural Area . Wych Cross, Sussex, Hing. . 41 Wu | Yap, Curoline Islands Wycombe,
Chepping, Bucks, Eng. . 40 Ut | Yapati, Belgian Congo . Wycombe, High, Bucks, Eng.
40 Ut | Yaphank, Vew York Wycombe, West, Bucks, iia 40 Ut | Yapura, R., Brazil Wye,
Kent, Eng. . 41 Xu |} Yaqui, R., Mexico Wye, R., Derby, Eng. 50 Sq | Yara, Japan ‘
Wye, R.., Eng. and Wales 46 Os Yaracuy, state, Venezuela Wyk, Germany Le - asa =e
Tyke Ln, 53 oO aransk, 88a . ee Lh mage See ng. 142 Gd Yarbatenda, Fr. West Africa
Wylye, Wilts, Eng. 47 Ru Yarcombe, Devon, Eng. | - Wymark, Sask. 147 Qf | Yardley
Gobion, Northants, ie Wymeswold, Lezes, Eng. 50 Tr Yardley Hastings, Vorthants,
Eng. . Wymola, Arizona 159 Hj | Yare, F _ Norfolk, Eng. Wymondham, Norfolk, ‘Eng. .
51 Yr pees RB, Russia Wymore, Nebraska 154 Ge Yarensk, Russia : Wynberg, Cape Prov.
136 «6B Yarigatake, Japan ‘ = Wyndham, New Zealand 191 Bg Yarim Tapa, Turkmen,
Russia Wyndham, Queensland 185 Gj | Yarkand, Sinkvang W yndham, W. Australia 186 Hb
Yarm, Yorks, Eng. : Wynghene, Belgium 79 Ca Yarmouth, J. of Wight, Eng. . Wynne,
Arkansas 157 Je Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Wynnewood, Oklahoma 156 Fe Yarmouth, ¢ rreat,
Norfolk, E ng. Wynyard, Sask. : 4 - eo one =< Tasmania ; Yarrawonga, Victoria wo
Wontene . . 158 Ke | Yarra Yarra, R., Victoria Wyoming, Delaware 151 Fe | Yarrol,
Queensland Wyoming, state, U S.A. 148 Ee | Yarrow Church, Selkirk, Scot. Wyong, New
S. Wales . 183 Fa | Yarrow W ater, Selkirk, Scot. Wyre, R., Lancs, Eng. . 49 ep a
Seger Wysock, Poland . 73 Hg ‘artsovsk, Siberva Webraacd, Holland 78~- Eb Yarumal,
Colombia Wythburn, Cumberland, Eng. 52 Pn | Yasawa Group, Fiji /s.
General Index
Ynys Llochtyn, Cardigan, Wales Yoakum, T'exas - Yochow, China Yoichi, Japan Yojoa,
L., Honduras Yoka, Japan Yokkaichi, Japan Yokobori, Japan . Yokohama, Aomori,
Yokohama, Japan Yokoshiba, Japan Yokosuka, Japan Yokote, Japan Yola, Nigeria
Yolombo, Belgian Congo Yonago, Japan Yonezawa, Japan Yonhun, Korea Yonkers, New
York ‘ Yonne, R. and dep., France . Yonte, It. Somaliland Yontyon, Korea
York, Alabama
York and co., Engla nd
York, Maine :
York, Nebraska
York, Pennsylvania
York, S. Carolina
York, W. Australia
York, C., Queensland
York R., Virginia
York Sd., W. Australia
Yorke Penin., 8. Australia
York Factory, Manitoba
Yorkton, Sask.
Yorktown, Texas.
Yorktown, Virginia
Yoro, Honduras
Yosemite, California
Yosemite, Kentucky .
Yosemite National Park, C ‘alifornia Yoshen-shan, China : Yoshida, Japan
Yoshida, Ka., Japan
Yoshidama, Japan
Yoshino, Japan
Yoshino-gawa, Japan
Yoshioka, Japan
Yo-teing-hsien, Z. C hina Yotsukura, Japan
Youghal, Cork, I.F.8. .
Youghal B., Cork, I. F.S, Youlgreave, Derby, Eng.
Young, New S. Wales .
Young, Sask.
Youngstown, Ohto
Youngsville, Pennsylvania
Yowah and Creek, Queensland Yoxall, Staffs, Eng. ;
Yoxford, Suffolk, Eng.
Yozgat (Bozok), Turkey
Ypres, Belgium
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Yreka, California
Yrfon, R., Brecon, Wales
Yser, R., Belgium
Ysleta, Texas
Yspytty Ystwyth, Cardigan, ‘Wales Yssingeaux, France
Ystad, Sweden
Ystradfiin, Carmarthen, Wales Yatradgynlais, Brecon, Wales Ystrad Meurig, Cardigan,
Wales Ystwyth, R., Cardigan, Wales Ythan, R., Aberdeen, Scot.
Ytre Adal, Norway
Ytredal, Norway
Ytre-Sulen, Norway
Yutianchowfu, China Yiiankiang-hsien, Hunan, China
Viiankii-hsien, Shansi, China Yiian-shan, China ; Yiianwu-hsien, Honan, China
Yuba City, California . Yubari, Japan Yucatan and Chan., Yiichow, China Yiichow,
Honan, China Yii-chow Promontory, £. Yug, R., Russia .
Y ugansk, Ural Area Yugoslavia, kingdom, Europe Yugovsk, Russia
Gulf of Mexico
156 15] 163 159 150 159 115 116 117 117 116 117 117 115 117
50 183 147 150 150
57 72 72 72 115 115 115 115 115 159 116 160 114 L15 115 96 L100 30 Of)
G xe Ee De
De Ed Gb Eg Gb Sf Ff Ed Dd Dg Ad Dg Ab Cf Ff Gd Cg Df Gd
Od Be Os Bb Ae Os
Bj Os Ot Os Os Rh Gd Cb Ac Cf Ae Ab De Bb
xb Ge Be Bb Eb He Gb Jg Kd
Citizen’s Atlas
Yu-hsien, China . Yii-hwan-ting, £. C hina
Yukaduma, Cameroons. Yiikan-hsien, China Yuki, Japan
Yukon, terr., Canada Yukon R., Alaska Yula R., Russia Yuma, Arizona Yuma, Colorado
Yumba, Fr. Hquat. Yumoto, Japan Yiincheng, Honan, China
Yiincheng-hsien, Shantung, China .
Yungai, Chile
Yungan-hsien, Kwangtung, China .
Yungcheng-hsien, Honan, China Yungchowfu, China Yungchunchow, China Yungchung-shan,
China Yungera, Victoria Yungfeng-hsien, China Yung-fu-hsien, #. China Yunghing-
hsien, Hunan, China Yungning-hsien, Honan, China Yungning-hsien, Kiangsi, China
Yungpingfu, China Yung-shun, China Yungsin-hsien, China Yungting-hsien, China .
Yungtse-hsien, Honan, China Yung-yiin-hsin, China . Yiin-ho-hsien, E. China Yunnan,
prov. and tn., China Yunokawa, Japan Yunoyama, Japan Yiin-siao-ting, #. China
Yunta, S. Australia Yiinyangfu, China
Yupets, Japan
Yuputs, Japan
Yurecuaro, Mezxico
Yuriev. See Tartu. Yurimaguas, Peru Yurnasheni, W’. Siberia Yuryevetz, Russia
Yusearan, Honduras Yiishan- hsien, Kiangsi, China Yiishih, Honan, China . Yushima,
Japan . ‘ Yiitai-hsien, Shantung, C ‘hina Yiitienhsien, China
Yutou Hu, #. China Viitsai-shan, China Yiitsien-hsien, China Yiitu-hsien, China
Yuty, Paraguay . Yii-yao-hsien, £, C hina Yuzawa, Japan
Yuzawa, Japan
Yverdon, Switzerland Yvetot, France
Yvias, France .
Yvoir, Belgium
Yvoire, France - Yvonand, Switzerland . Yvre-l Evéque, France Ywathit, Karenni,
Burma Zaamslag, Holland
Zaandam, Holland
Zab, R., Jraq
Zabid, Arabia
Zacapa, Guatemala Zacapoaxtla, Mexico Zacatecas, Mexico Zacatecoluca, Salvador .
Zacatlan, Mexico
Zachila, Mezico
Zadonsk, Russia . : Zafarabad, United Provs. Zafra, Spain
Zagan Nur, Russia
Zagazig, Egypt
Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Zagubica, Yugoslavia Zagubye, Russia .
Zahle, Syria Zaidpur, United Provs.
Zaire, dist., Angola Zajecar, Yugoslavia
Zakany, Hungary Zakataly, Russia . Zakho, /raq
96 103 109 130
Q7 104
De Bg
Ab Db Bg Dg Db Af
Db Ce Eb Bb Ed
Jb Fd Fe Gd
ee ee
Zakopane, Poland : Zak River, Cape Prov, . Zakynthos and I., Greece Zalaegerszeg,
Hungary Zalau, Romania
Zaleski, Ohio
Zalingei, A.-H#. Sudan Zalma, Missouri .
Zalt Bommel, Holland . Zamaniah, United Prova. Zambezi, R., 8S. Africa
Zamboanga, Philippines Zamia, Queensland Zamky, Nové, Czechoslovakia Zamora,
Ecuador .
Zamora, Mexico .
Zamora and prov., Spain Zamora, state, Venezuela Zamosc, Poland
Zancara, R., Spain
Zandia, Mozambique Zandpoort, Holland ; Zand River Mts., Transvaal . Zandvoort,
Holland Zanesville, Ohio
Zanzibar I. and Chan., #. Africa Zanzibar Prot., HK. Africa Zapallar, Argentina
Zapatoza, L, de, Colombia Zapican, Uruguay
Zaporozhe, Russia
Zapotianejo, Mexico
Zara, Italy .
Zara, Turkey Z ; Zaragoza, Coahuila, Mexico .
Zaragoza, Colombia
Zaragoza, Vuevo Leon, Mexico Zaragoza (Saragossa) & prov., Spain Zaraguro,
Ecuador . Zarate, Argentina
Zaria, Nigeria
Zaruma, Ecuador. Zaskar, prov., Kashmir Zastavna, Romania
Zastron, Orange FS.
Zatec, Czechoslovakia
Zayul, Chwamben
Zbaraz, Poland
Zbaszyn, Poland .
Zdice, Czechoslovakia
Zeal, South, Devon, Eng. Zealand, New Brunswick Zealand (Sjzlland), Denmark Zebara,
Jebel, Egypt Zebdani, Syria
Zedelghem, Belgium Zeebrugge, Belgium
Zeehan, 7'asmania
Zeeland, Holland
Zeeland, prov., Holland Zeerust, Transvaal
Zeila, Br. Somaliland
Zeist, Holland
Zeitun, Turkey Zeitz, Germany Zele, Belgium Zelhem, Holland . Zell, Austria
Zell, Germany
Zell, Tirol, Austria Zemegale, Latvia Zemlyansk, Russia Zempoaltepetl, Mezico
Zemun, Yugoslavia Zenica, Yugoslavia Zenjan, Persia
Zenkovy, Russia. Zenkovka, Far E. Area Zennor, Cornwall, Eng.
Zephyr, Texas Zerbst, Germany . Zermatt, Switzerland
Zernez, Switzerland Zetska, div., Yugoslavia Zevenaar, Holland : Zevenbergen,
Holland . Zevenhuizen, Holland Zevenwolden, Holland . Zhitomir, Russia . Zhizdra,
Russia Zhizhensk, I., Russia Zhob R., Baluchistan Zhurinsk, Yakutsk
73 136 4 92 93 150 128 155 78 109 131 121 185 93 168
. 162
97 160 93 93 105 Q7
156 74 SO 81 93
78 78 78 7 97 96
Dh Zialuwe, Holland
De | Bd Ec He si | |
Kg De Fe Ff me
te Fs | Bf Cb Db Fg De Ff Cd Ec Bd Be Fg Gf Hb Cb Ke Ff Be Dd Cb Ca Cb De Eb Bd Hf
Ff Bd Db Ba Dj Ca Ff Gh Cf Cb Ov Ld De Dd Ad Ca Ca Be Ke Af Bd (Ge Dd Cb | De Ea Fd
Ce Cd Be Fd Fe Ed Gd Ed Eb Ke Nd Kw Ke Eb Ed Ke Fe | Fe Ce Cd Ee De
s “Ze
Fb Bb Mb
ie 2 ~ —. So “i 2 meet — ala <a * ——
ae >
ah ane i en
cn Oe eT : oe y Ve Rai Sas eo eee a SA Me eS ye q .