Project 1 Foundation 2019

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Geoengineering-Foundations-Project 2018-2019 Sara Fernández Díaz

Wroclaw University of Science and


Design Project #1
Foundation beam subjected to
mining demoformations

Sara Fernández Díaz


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Table of Contents

1. Scope and objetives of the Project………………………………………………………………………………

2. Data analysis and Geotechnical desing situation………………………………………………………….
3. First appraach to the foundation Length L due to optimal bending moments…………..…
4. Evaluation of the minimal foundation width B; shaping of the beam cross section………
5. Selection of the subsoil model, evaluation of its parameter…………………………………………
6. Numerical solving of the beam…………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Plots…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Mining influences…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Tensile Forces………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Concrete Desing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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• Scope and objetives of the project

The objective of this project is to calculate and design a foundation beam subjected to
mining deformations. In order to this aim we asume the behavior of deformation of the soil under
the loading of four concrete columns (Pid) and it will be presented the results and differents
models, with a view to achieved the analyticsl results and finals plots.

• Data analysis & Geotechnical design situation

Vertical dead loads Pi'd Length rectangular section

P1,d 1270 KN
P2,d 1350 KN L1 5,70 m
P3,d 1350 KN L2 5,70 m
P4,d 1270 KN L3 5,70 m

Mining deformations of the subsoil

Mining radius of the subsoil Rd 6,0 km

Mining strain of the subsoil ɛd 5,2 mm/m

5,7 5,7 5,7

Characteristic ground values

# Soil Name γk (kN/m3) ϕ'k (º) c'k (kPa) ʋ (-) E0 (MPa) hf (m)
Backfill (NB) - - - - 1,1
Clayey Sand - clSa
Soil #1 21,0 15 14 0,35 30 1,00
Silty Clay - sasiCl
Soil #2 20,5 12 15 0,40 16 2,20
Medium sand -
Soil #3 20,0 30 0 0,20 70 4,00
grSa (Po)

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3. First approach to the foundation Length L due to optimal bending

According to the main aim we have to calculate wl and wp in order to find the total
lenght of the beam. Taking into account that our foundation beam have symmetrical loads we
proceed to make a first approach for the w value and then calculate the bending moment plot.
To do that is necessary to calculate the reaction of the beam as a continuous load “q”:


L = 5,7 + 5,7 + 5,7 + 2·w

= 1270 + 1350 + 1350 + 1270 = 5240

The correct value of “w” has to follow the next condition:


The calculation of the moments with the first way follows the next equations:

So, in order to calculate the “w” value, it is going to be used the trial and error method, starting
with the value of 2,3 m and check which value fits the condition best:

Moments Points
M0 0 KNm 0 0 m
M1 159,675115 KNm 1 1,15 m
M2 638,700461 KNm 2 2,3 m
M3 -417,24424 KNm 3 5,15 m
M4 488,19 KNm 4 8,00 m
M5 -492,50 KNm 5 10,85 m
M6 488,19 KNm 6 13,70 m
M7 -417,24424 KNm 7 16,55 m
M8 638,700461 KNm 8 19,4 m
M9 159,675115 KNm 9 20,55 m
M10 -1,819E-11 KNm 10 21,7 m

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wp = wl
2,3 m
Σ Li 600
21,7 m
Σ Pi 5240 KN
qw 241,474654 KN/m
-3,5-200 1,5 6,5 11,5 16,5 21,5
Condition 1,29685373 ok

Final length

The value which fits the best condition is wl=2.3 [m]

L = wl + L1 + L2 + L3 + wp = 2.3 + 5.7 + 5.7 + 5.7 + 2.3 = 21.7 m

4. Evaluation of the minimal foundation width B; shaping of the beam

cross section
For the next step we have to calculate the width of the beam, taking into account the
next condition



- Vd: effects of all loads (KN)

- Rd: resistance load (KN)

Vd=∑ + 1.35 · ℎ + 1.35 ·
self weight = B · beam height · L · γsoil
soi=B·L(hf-beamheight)· γsoil
Rk=B’·L’·(q’·Nq·bq·Sq·iq+c’·Nc·bc·Sc·ic·+0.5·B’·γ·Ny·by·Sy· iy)
q’=hf· γsoil

Non dimensional bearing capacity factors

F= Friction angle of the soil

Nq= · ! · (# + ! )

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Foundation inclination factors

Bq = (1-& · %)!
by = (1-& · %)!
bc = bq-+,·

Foundation shape factors

Sq= 1 + (B’/L’) · sinf

Sy = 1 – 0.3 · (B’/L’)
Sc = +*('

After the method of trial and error we assumed B=1.3 which fits the first condition

- Data

ϕ 0,261799388 rad
α 0 rad
B' 1,1 m
L' 21,7 m
q' 21,45 kN/m2
c' 14,00 kPa

- Non dimensional bearing capacity factors

Nq 3,941146654
Nc 10,97650875
Nγ 1,576155742

- Foundation inclination factors

bq 1
bc 1
bγ 1

- Foundation shape factors

Sq 1,01311986
Sc 0,98479263
Sγ 1,01758066

iq 1
ic 1
iγ 1

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- Calculation of self weight

Self weight beam 417,725 kN

Self weight soil 186,186 kN

- Condition

Vd 6055,27985 KN
Rk 9711,26463 kN
Rd 6936,61759 KN
Condition 0,87294416 0,85~0,90

With respect to the virtual foundation, the second soil has to be checked and it has to fit the
condition exposed before. In order to define correctly the features of the virtual foundation, it is
compulsory to define its influence that is going to be the width of the beam plus a value that is
going to depend of the type of the soil.

B’’ = B + b

L’’ = L + b

The subsoil is cohesive and h <= B, so:

b = ℎ/4

With h = 1m, that is the distance from the foundation level to the soil #2. Once again, the
calculations are attached below, for B=1.3 m in order to see if it fits the condition:

- Non dimensional bearing capacity factors:

Nq= 2,967236
Nc= 9,259952
N γ= 0,835861

- Factors

b= 1
s= 1
i= 1
- Condition

q'= γk0*hr+γk1*h= 42,45

γ'= γk1= 20,5

Rk= 9043,72
Rd= Rk/γd= 6459,8
Vd/Rd 0,979919

As it is seen, the condition is met, so:

B = 1.3 m
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5. Selection of the subsoil model, evaluation of its parameter

As it puts the statement of the project, the subsoil model selected for this case is the
elastic half-space and it is also proved below:

H = 1 + 2.2 + 4 = 7.1

H/B = 5.5 > 5  Elastic half space

For this model it is necessary to calculate Es*. The equations and the table used for these
calculations are attached below:

Data and calculations

γk c’k E0
# Soil Name hf (m) 3 ϕ’k (º) ʋ (-) Es z z/B L/B ω Es
(kN/m ) (kPa) (Mpa)
Backfill (NB) 1,15 - - - - 0
Clayey Sand
1,00 21,0 15 14 0,35 30 34,19 0,00 0,77 16,69 0,64 34,19
Soil #1 – clSa (Pg)
Silty Clay –
2,20 20,5 12 15 0,40 16 19,05 1,00 2,46 16,69 1,27 19,05
Soil #2 sasiCl (Gᴨ)
sand – grSa 4,00 20,0 30 0 0,20 70 72,92 3,20 5,54 16,69 1,71 72,92
Soil #3 (Po)

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Where ‘’Z’’ s the depth of the layers and ‘’q’’ is the pressure of the soil. As far as the
pressure of the soil is concerned, it is only taking into account the construction backfill and the
soil #1.

Using the formula that was exposed before, it is going to be done the calculation of
w,av ,3:

Wav,3 0,00317851

And now, once all the parameters are calculated, Es* it is going to be calculated, with the
following equation:


Es* 43,9256374
v* 0,31785094
Eo 39,4878646

6. Solving of the foundation beam

In order to calculate the foundation beam, it is going to be used a discrete numerical
modelling, the ZEM_SIN software. The discretization of the beam, that it is symmetrical, will be:

Also, it is necessary to calculate the stiffness of the beam:

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I 0,03715833
E 30 Gpa
EI 1114,75 MN/m2

Now, in the input file of the program, it is going to be introduced the following data
corresponding to the subsoil model that has been assigned:

POS ! Wybierz w zaleznosci od modelu podloza sprezystego: albo WAS = WArstwy Sprezyste,
albo POS = POlprzestrzen Sprezysta, albo WIN = podloze typu WINklera

0.32 39.49 ! dla POS: wspolczynnik Poissona i modul Younga [MPa], (dowolne dwie liczby
rzeczywiste, jesli nie POS)

18.6 ! dla WIN: wspolczynnik winklerowski [MN/m3],(dowolna liczba rzeczywista, jesli nie

3 ! dla WAS: liczba warstw sprezystych LW, 1<=LW<=10; dalej wsp.Poissona, modul Younga i
grubosc kolejnych warstw

0.35 40.0 1.5 ! wsp.Poissona, modul Younga i grubosc najwyzszej warstwy

0.30 60.0 1.0 ! jak wyzej, ale dla kolejnej nizszej warstwy

0.25 80.0 8.0 ! wsp.Poissona, modul Younga i grubosc najnizszej warstwy;

szorstkibrzeg ! wybierz "szorstkibrzeg" albo "gladkibrzeg" - sa to warunki brzegowe na spodzie

najnizszej warstwy odksztalcalnej: szorstki brzeg = zerowe przemieszczenia poziome, gladki brzeg =
zerowe naprezenia styczne

srednie ! wybierz "srednie" albo "srodek" - tj. wspolczynniki Wij oblicza sie w srodku segmentu
"j" lub jako srednie na tym segmencie (mniej dokladne)

20 20 ! liczba wyrazow w szeregu Fouriera dla WAS, zazwyczaj "25 25", co najwyzej "50 50"
ale mniej, np. "20 20", jesli jakis segment jest bardzo waski wzgledem grubosci warstw i nie ma
zbieznosci ("overflow" , sygnalizowane dzielenie przez 0, itp.)

17 ! liczba segmentow obliczeniowych lawy o parametrach w kolejnych segmentach:

1.00 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000 ! L(1),B(1),EI(1),P(1),delta(1)

1.00 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000 ! jak wyzej, ale dla drugiego segmentu

0.60 1.30 1114.7 1.270 0.000 ! itd.

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

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0.60 1.30 1114.7 1.350 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

0.60 1.30 1114.7 1.350 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.70 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

0.60 1.30 1114.7 1.270 0.000

1.00 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000

1.00 1.30 1114.7 0.0 0.000 ! L(N),B(N),EI(N),P(N),delta(N)

* kolejne kolumny oznaczaja dla segmentow i=1,,...,N:

* dlugosc segmentu L(i) [m]

* szerokosc segmentu B(i) [m]

* sztywnosc segmentu EI(i) [MNm2]

* obciazenie zewnetrzne P(i) [MN],np. 1.300MN = 1300kN

* dodatkowe osiadania segmentu delta(i) [m]

And, once the program is executed, it brings the following output file corresponding to the
results of the calculation of the beam:
****************************** LAWA SZEREGOWA ******************************

Polprzestrzen sprezysta: ni = 0.32 Eo = 39.5MPa



xi= Li= Bi= EIi= Pi= Deltai=

[m] [m] [m] [MNm2] [MN] [m]

0.50 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

1.50 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

2.30 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.270 0.0000

3.45 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

5.15 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

6.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

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8.00 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.350 0.0000

9.15 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

10.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

12.55 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

13.70 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.350 0.0000

14.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

16.55 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

18.25 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

19.40 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.270 0.0000

20.20 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

21.20 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WYNIKI OBLICZEN PROGRAMU ZEM_SIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Segment i = 1 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.300 MN

Segment i = 2 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.230 MN

Segment i = 3 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.149 MN

Segment i = 4 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.397 MN

Segment i = 5 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.373 MN

Segment i = 6 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.410 MN

Segment i = 7 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.157 MN

Segment i = 8 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.413 MN

Segment i = 9 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.382 MN

Segment i = 10 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.413 MN

Segment i = 11 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.157 MN

Segment i = 12 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.410 MN

Segment i = 13 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.373 MN

Segment i = 14 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.397 MN

Segment i = 15 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.149 MN

Segment i = 16 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.230 MN

Segment i = 17 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.300 MN

Calkowite osiadanie lewego konca lawy UA = 0.0114 m

Calkowite osiadanie prawego konca lawy UB = 0.0114 m

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Przekroj Wspolrzedna : Osiadanie Reakcja Moment Sila poprzeczna

lp. xi[m] : yi[m] ri[MPa] Mi[MNm] Qi[MN]

1 0.50 : 0.01191 0.2307 0.0375 0.1499 / 0.1499

2 1.50 : 0.01287 0.1773 0.3287 0.4151 / 0.4151

3 2.30 : 0.01344 0.1914 0.7354 0.6050 / -0.6650

4 3.45 : 0.01372 0.1794 0.1295 -0.3921 / -0.3921

5 5.15 : 0.01398 0.1687 -0.2051 -0.0075 / -0.0075

6 6.85 : 0.01470 0.1856 0.1070 0.3840 / 0.3840

7 8.00 : 0.01512 0.2011 0.7090 0.6675 / -0.6825

8 9.15 : 0.01497 0.1870 0.0903 -0.3975 / -0.3975

9 10.85 : 0.01470 0.1727 -0.2408 0.0000 / 0.0000

10 12.55 : 0.01497 0.1870 0.0903 0.3975 / 0.3975

11 13.70 : 0.01512 0.2011 0.7090 0.6825 / -0.6675

12 14.85 : 0.01470 0.1856 0.1070 -0.3840 / -0.3840

13 16.55 : 0.01398 0.1687 -0.2051 0.0075 / 0.0075

14 18.25 : 0.01372 0.1794 0.1295 0.3921 / 0.3921

15 19.40 : 0.01344 0.1914 0.7354 0.6650 / -0.6050

16 20.20 : 0.01287 0.1773 0.3287 -0.4151 / -0.4151

17 21.20 : 0.01191 0.2307 0.0375 -0.1499 / -0.1499


7. Find settlements s(x), reactions r(x), moments M(x), shearing

forces Q(x)

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- Settlements

Xi (m) Yi (m)
0,5 0,01191
1,5 0,01287
2,3 0,01344
3,45 0,01372
5,15 0,01398
6,85 0,0147
8 0,01512
9,15 0,01497
10,85 0,0147
12,55 0,01497
13,7 0,01512
14,85 0,0147
16,55 0,01398
18,25 0,01372
19,4 0,01344
20,2 0,01287
21,2 0,01191

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- Reactions

Xi (m) ri[MPa]
0,5 0,2307
1,5 0,1773
2,3 0,1914
3,45 0,1794
5,15 0,1687
6,85 0,1856
8 0,2011
9,15 0,187
10,85 0,1727
12,55 0,187
13,7 0,2011
14,85 0,1856
16,55 0,1687
18,25 0,1794
19,4 0,1914
20,2 0,1773
21,2 0,2307

ri (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25

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- Moments:

Xi (m) Mi (MNm)
0 0
0,5 -0,0375
1,5 -0,3287
2,3 -0,7354
3,45 -0,1295
5,15 0,2051
6,85 -0,107
8 -0,709
9,15 -0,0903
10,85 0,2408
12,55 -0,0903
13,7 -0,709
14,85 -0,107
16,55 0,2051
18,25 -0,1295
19,4 -0,7354
20,2 -0,3287
21,2 -0,0375
21,7 0

Mi (MNm)


0 5 10 15 20 25




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- Shearing forces

Xi (m) Qi (MN)
0 0
0,5 0,1499
0,501 0,1499
1,5 0,4151
1,501 0,4151
2,3 0,605
2,3001 -0,665
3,45 -0,3921
3,4501 -0,3921
5,15 -0,0075
5,1501 -0,0075
6,85 0,384
6,8501 0,384
8 0,6675
8,001 -0,6825
9,15 -0,3975
9,1501 -0,3975
10,85 0
10,8501 0
12,55 0,3975
12,5501 0,3975
13,7 0,6825
13,701 -0,6675
14,85 -0,384
14,8501 -0,384
16,55 0,0075
16,5501 0,0075
18,25 0,3921
18,2501 0,3921
19,4 0,665
19,401 -0,605
20,2 -0,4151
20,201 -0,4151
21,2 -0,1499
21,201 -0,1499
21,7 0

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Qi (MN)
-0,2 0 5 10 15 20 25

7. Taking into account mining influences R and ε

- Mining characteristics deformations:

Rk = 6 km

εκ = 5,2 mm/m
Along the beam, we have for –L/2 < x < L/2 additional mining subsidence that can be
approximated as a parabolic curve:

In this project, there are two cases:

- R<0 (concave)
- R>0 (convex)

In both cases, the center of coordinates is in the middle of the beam.

Convex case

Convex Rk [m] 6000

L(m) xi[m] Δi[m]

0 10,85
1 10,35 0,00892688
1 9,35 0,00728521
0,6 8,55 0,00609188
1,7 7,4 0,00456333
1,7 5,7 0,0027075
1,7 4 0,00133333
0,6 2,85 0,00067688
1,7 1,7 0,00024083
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1,7 0 0
1,7 -1,7 0,00024083
0,6 -2,85 0,00067688
1,7 -4 0,00133333
1,7 -5,7 0,0027075
1,7 -7,4 0,00456333
0,6 -8,55 0,00609188
1 -9,35 0,00728521
1 -10,35 0,00892688
21,7 -21,7

These calculations are written in the input file of ZEM_SIN.

And, once the program is executed, it brings the following output file corresponding to the
results of the calculation of the beam:

****************************** LAWA SZEREGOWA ******************************

Polprzestrzen sprezysta: ni = 0.32 Eo = 39.5MPa



xi= Li= Bi= EIi= Pi= Deltai=

[m] [m] [m] [MNm2] [MN] [m]

0.50 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0089

1.50 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0073

2.30 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.270 0.0061

3.45 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0046

5.15 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0027

6.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0013

8.00 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.350 0.0007

9.15 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0002

10.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0000

12.55 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0002

13.70 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.350 0.0007

14.85 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0013

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16.55 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0027

18.25 1.70 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0046

19.40 0.60 1.30 1114.70 1.270 0.0061

20.20 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0073

21.20 1.00 1.30 1114.70 0.000 0.0089

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WYNIKI OBLICZEN PROGRAMU ZEM_SIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Segment i = 1 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.268 MN

Segment i = 2 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.226 MN

Segment i = 3 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.150 MN

Segment i = 4 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.403 MN

Segment i = 5 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.384 MN

Segment i = 6 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.421 MN

Segment i = 7 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.156 MN

Segment i = 8 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.421 MN

Segment i = 9 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.382 MN

Segment i = 10 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.421 MN

Segment i = 11 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.156 MN

Segment i = 12 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.421 MN

Segment i = 13 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.384 MN

Segment i = 14 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.403 MN

Segment i = 15 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.150 MN

Segment i = 16 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.226 MN

Segment i = 17 ............ Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0.268 MN

Calkowite osiadanie lewego konca lawy UA = 0.0204 m

Calkowite osiadanie prawego konca lawy UB = 0.0204 m


Przekroj Wspolrzedna : Osiadanie Reakcja Moment Sila poprzeczna

lp. xi[m] : yi[m] ri[MPa] Mi[MNm] Qi[MN]

1 0.50 : 0.02024 0.2060 0.0335 0.1339 / 0.1339

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2 1.50 : 0.01993 0.1739 0.2961 0.3808 / 0.3808

3 2.30 : 0.01950 0.1927 0.6741 0.5690 / -0.7010

4 3.45 : 0.01842 0.1824 0.0288 -0.4243 / -0.4243

5 5.15 : 0.01689 0.1739 -0.3540 -0.0307 / -0.0307

6 6.85 : 0.01622 0.1904 -0.0718 0.3718 / 0.3718

7 8.00 : 0.01594 0.1997 0.5200 0.6601 / -0.6899

8 9.15 : 0.01534 0.1905 -0.1061 -0.4015 / -0.4015

9 10.85 : 0.01481 0.1729 -0.4391 0.0000 / 0.0000

10 12.55 : 0.01534 0.1905 -0.1061 0.4015 / 0.4015

11 13.70 : 0.01594 0.1997 0.5200 0.6899 / -0.6601

12 14.85 : 0.01622 0.1904 -0.0718 -0.3718 / -0.3718

13 16.55 : 0.01689 0.1739 -0.3540 0.0307 / 0.0307

14 18.25 : 0.01842 0.1824 0.0288 0.4243 / 0.4243

15 19.40 : 0.01950 0.1927 0.6741 0.7010 / -0.5690

16 20.20 : 0.01993 0.1739 0.2961 -0.3808 / -0.3808

17 21.20 : 0.02024 0.2060 0.0335 -0.1339 / -0.1339


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- Settlements

xi[m] yi[m]
0,5 0,02024
1,5 0,01993
2,3 0,0195
3,45 0,01842
5,15 0,01689
6,85 0,01622
8 0,01594
9,15 0,01534
10,85 0,01481
12,55 0,01534
13,7 0,01594
14,85 0,01622
16,55 0,01689
18,25 0,01842
19,4 0,0195
20,2 0,01993
21,2 0,02024

yi [m]





0 5 10 15 20 25

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- Reactions

xi[m] ri[MPa]
0,5 0,206
1,5 0,1739
2,3 0,1927
3,45 0,1824
5,15 0,1739
6,85 0,1904
8 0,1997
9,15 0,1905
10,85 0,1729
12,55 0,1905
13,7 0,1997
14,85 0,1904
16,55 0,1739
18,25 0,1824
19,4 0,1927
20,2 0,1739
21,2 0,206

ri [MPa]
0 5 10 15 20 25

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xi[m] Mi[MNm]
0 0
0,5 0,0335
1,5 0,2961
2,3 0,6741
3,45 0,0288
5,15 -0,354
6,85 -0,0718
8 0,52
9,15 -0,1061
10,85 -0,4391
12,55 -0,1061
13,7 0,52
14,85 -0,0718
16,55 -0,354
18,25 0,0288
19,4 0,6741
20,2 0,2961
21,2 0,0335
21,7 0

Convex Mi [MNm]



0 5 10 15 20 25




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- Shearing forces

xi[m] Qi[MN]
0 0
0,5 0,1339
0,501 0,1339
1,5 0,3808
1,501 0,3808
2,3 0,569
2,3001 -0,701
3,45 -0,4243
3,4501 -0,4243
5,15 -0,0307
5,1501 -0,0307
6,85 0,3718
6,8501 0,3718
8 0,6601
8,001 -0,6899
9,15 -0,4015
9,1501 -0,4015
10,85 0
10,8501 0
12,55 0,4015
12,5501 0,4015
13,7 0,6899
13,701 -0,6601
14,85 -0,3718
14,8501 -0,3718
16,55 0,0307
16,5501 0,0307
18,25 0,4243
18,2501 0,4243
19,4 0,701
19,401 -0,569
20,2 -0,3808
20,201 -0,3808
21,2 -0,1339
21,201 -0,1339
21,7 0

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Qi [MN]




0 5 10 15 20 25




Concave case

Convex Rk [m] 6000

L(m) xi[m] Δi[m]

0 10,85
1 10,35 -0,00892688
1 9,35 -0,00728521
0,6 8,55 -0,00609188
1,7 7,4 -0,00456333
1,7 5,7 -0,0027075
1,7 4 -0,00133333
0,6 2,85 -0,00067688
1,7 1,7 -0,00024083
1,7 0 0
1,7 -1,7 -0,00024083
0,6 -2,85 -0,00067688
1,7 -4 -0,00133333
1,7 -5,7 -0,0027075
1,7 -7,4 -0,00456333
0,6 -8,55 -0,00609188
1 -9,35 -0,00728521
1 -10,35 -0,00892688
21,7 -21,7

These calculations are written in the input file of ZEM_SIN.

And, once the program is executed, it brings the following output file corresponding to the
results of the calculation of the beam:

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****************************** LAWA SZEREGOWA ******************************

Polprzestrzen sprezysta: ni = 0,32 Eo = 39,5MPa


= 17 ****


xi= Li= Bi= EIi= Pi= Deltai=

[m] [m] [m] [MNm2] [MN] [m]

0,5 1 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0089

1,5 1 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0073

2,3 0,6 1,3 1114,7 1.270 -0,0061

3,45 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0046

5,15 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0027

6,85 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0013

8 0,6 1,3 1114,7 1.350 -0,0007

9,15 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0002

10,85 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 0

12,55 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0002

13,7 0,6 1,3 1114,7 1.350 -0,0007

14,85 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0013

16,55 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0027

18,25 1,7 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0046

19,4 0,6 1,3 1114,7 1.270 -0,0061

20,2 1 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0073

21,2 1 1,3 1114,7 0 -0,0089


Segment i = 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,332


Segment i = 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,235


Segment i = 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,148


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Segment i = 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,39


Segment i = 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,361


Segment i = 6 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,399


Segment i = 7 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,158


Segment i = 8 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,406


Segment i = 9 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,381


Segment i = 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,406


Segment i = 11 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,158


Segment i = 12 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,399


Segment i = 13 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,361


Segment i = 14 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,39


Segment i = 15 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,148


Segment i = 16 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,235


Segment i = 17 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wypadkowa reakcja podloza = 0,332


Calkowite osiadanie lewego konca lawy UA = 0,0025 m

Calkowite osiadanie prawego konca lawy UB = 0,0025 m


Przekroj Wspolrzedna : Osiadanie Reakcja Moment Sila poprzeczna

lp, xi[m] : yi[m] ri[MPa] Mi[MNm] Qi[MN]

1 0,5 : 0,00359 0,2554 0,0415 0,166 / 0,166

2 1,5 : 0,00581 0,1807 0,3613 0,4495 / 0,4495

3 2,3 : 0,00738 0,19 0,7966 0,641 / -0,629

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4 3,45 : 0,00902 0,1765 0,2303 -0,3599 / -0,3599

5 5,15 : 0,01106 0,1635 -0,0561 0,0158 / 0,0158

6 6,85 : 0,01318 0,1808 0,2859 0,3961 / 0,3961

7 8 : 0,01429 0,2024 0,8981 0,6748 / -0,6752

8 9,15 : 0,01461 0,1835 0,2867 -0,3935 / -0,3935

9 10,85 : 0,01459 0,1726 -0,0426 0 / 0

10 12,55 : 0,01461 0,1835 0,2867 0,3935 / 0,3935

11 13,7 : 0,01429 0,2024 0,8981 0,6752 / -0,6748

12 14,85 : 0,01318 0,1808 0,2859 -0,3961 / -0,3961

13 16,55 : 0,01106 0,1635 -0,0561 -0,0158 / -0,0158

14 18,25 : 0,00902 0,1765 0,2303 0,3599 / 0,3599

15 19,4 : 0,00738 0,19 0,7966 0,629 / -0,641

16 20,2 : 0,00581 0,1807 0,3613 -0,4495 / -0,4495

17 21,2 : 0,00359 0,2554 0,0415 -0,166 / -0,166


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- Settlements

xi [m] yi[m]
0,5 0,00359
1,5 0,00581
2,3 0,00738
3,45 0,00902
5,15 0,01106
6,85 0,01318
8 0,01429
9,15 0,01461
10,85 0,01459
12,55 0,01461
13,7 0,01429
14,85 0,01318
16,55 0,01106
18,25 0,00902
19,4 0,00738
20,2 0,00581
21,2 0,00359









0 5 10 15 20 25

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- Reactions

xi [m] ri[MPa]
0,5 0,2554
1,5 0,1807
2,3 0,19
3,45 0,1765
5,15 0,1635
6,85 0,1808
8 0,2024
9,15 0,1835
10,85 0,1726
12,55 0,1835
13,7 0,2024
14,85 0,1808
16,55 0,1635
18,25 0,1765
19,4 0,19
20,2 0,1807
21,2 0,2554

ri [MPa]






0 5 10 15 20 25

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- Moments

xi[m] Mi[MNm]
0 0
0,5 0,0415
1,5 0,3613
2,3 0,7966
3,45 0,2303
5,15 -0,0561
6,85 0,2859
8 0,8981
9,15 0,2867
10,85 -0,0426
12,55 0,2867
13,7 0,8981
14,85 0,2859
16,55 -0,0561
18,25 0,2303
19,4 0,7966
20,2 0,3613
21,2 0,0415
21,7 0

Mi [MNm]

0 5 10 15 20 25





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-Shearing forces

xi[m] Qi[MN]
0 0
0,5 0,166
0,501 0,166
1,5 0,4495
1,501 0,4495
2,3 0,641
2,3001 -0,629
3,45 -0,3599
3,4501 -0,3599
5,15 0,0158
5,1501 0,0158
6,85 0,3961
6,8501 0,3961
8 0,6748
8,001 -0,6752
9,15 -0,3935
9,1501 -0,3935
10,85 0
10,8501 0
12,55 0,3935
12,5501 0,3935
13,7 0,6752
13,701 -0,6748
14,85 -0,3961
14,8501 -0,3961
16,55 -0,0158
16,5501 -0,0158
18,25 0,3599
18,2501 0,3599
19,4 0,629
19,401 -0,641
20,2 -0,4495
20,201 -0,4495
21,2 -0,166
21,201 -0,166
21,7 0

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Qi [MN]
-0,2 0 5 10 15 20 25


R<0 R>0
-10,35 -0,00892688 0,00892688
-9,35 -0,00728521 0,00728521
-8,55 -0,00609188 0,00609188
-7,4 -0,00456333 0,00456333
-5,7 -0,0027075 0,0027075
-4 -0,00133333 0,00133333
-2,85 -0,00067688 0,00067688
-1,7 -0,00024083 0,00024083
0 0 0
1,7 -0,00024083 0,00024083
2,85 -0,00067688 0,00067688
4 -0,00133333 0,00133333
5,7 -0,0027075 0,0027075
7,4 -0,00456333 0,00456333
8,55 -0,00609188 0,00609188
9,35 -0,00728521 0,00728521
10,35 -0,00892688 0,00892688

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

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8. Calculation of tensile cross section forcé Z(x)

In order to calculate the Z(x) force it is necessary to calculate first the θvalue.

The data that is going to be used belongs to soil #1 and it is exposed below:

ϕ 12 degrees
γf 1
c 14 KPa
qav 241,474654 KN/m
K 0,59 (interpolation)

And as the soil #1 is cohesive and e <0.006, we get:

L 21,7 m
ε 4,7 mm/m

xθ 1,38510638 m

So, with these values, it is possible to calculate the tensile pressure plot:

x θ
-10,85 38,5429431
-5 38,5429431
-1,38510638 38,5429431
0 0
1,38510638 -38,5429431
5 -38,5429431
10,85 -38,5429431

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-11 -6 -1 4 9

Between -1.3021 and 1.3021 the equation of the line is: θ = −42.1x

Now, we have to obtain Z(x):

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-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15






9. Concrete design and construction drawings

In this part of the project, the reinforcement that the beam needs to support the loads is going
to be calculated.

- Data:

M 674,1 KNm
Z 115,2517 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

The reinforcement is going to be calculated at the cross sections A-A, B-B, C-C, DD.




0 5 10 15 20 25





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Section x Max M
A-A 2,3 0,7966
B-B 5,15 0,354
C-C 8 0,8981
D-D 10,85 0,4391
In order to do the calculations, we are going to separate the cross sections in two groups:

- Support cross sections: A-A and C-C.

- Span cross sections: B-B and D-D.

Support cross sections (A-A, C-C)

1. Convex case (R+)

And R is obtained.

2. Concave case (R-)

And R is obtained.

Span Cross sections (B-B, D-D)

1. Convex case (R+)

And R is obtained

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2. Concave case (R-)

And R is obtained.

Now, the calculations made in an Excel file are going to be attached:


1. Convex case (R+)

Section AA

M 674,1 KNm
Z 27,5767 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,02838479 m

C 1107,00693 KN
R 1134,58363 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 6

Section CC

M 520 KNm
Z 400,8217 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m

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h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,02298944 m

C 896,588255 KN
R 1297,40996 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 7

Section BB

M 354 KNm
Z 170,3617 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,01023869 m

C 399,309022 KN
R 569,670722 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 3

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Section DD

M 439,1 KNm
Z 508,927 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,00498483 m

C 194,408273 KN
R 703,335273 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 4

2. Concave case (R+)

Section AA

M 796,6 KNm
Z 27,5767 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,03349363 m

C 1306,25169 KN
R 1278,67499 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 7

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Section CC

M 898,1 KNm
Z 400,8217 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,03931496 m

C 1533,28338 KN
R 1132,46168 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 6

Section BB

M 56,1 KNm
Z 170,3617 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,00670576 m

C 261,524678 KN
R 91,1629776 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 1

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Section DD

M 42,6 KNm
Z 508,927 KN
fyd 420000 KPa
fcd 30000 KPa
B 1,3 m
h 0,7 m
a 0,075 m

xeff 0,01497654 m

C 584,085059 KN
R 75,1580586 KN

Φ 25 mm
As 490,873852 mm2
0,00049087 m2

Number of bars 1

Finally, in each cross section we choose the most restrictive case.

- In cross section A-A, we choose the most restrictive for the bottom part
- In cross section B-B, we choose the most restrictive for the top part
- In cross section C-C, we choose the most restrictive for the bottom part
- In cross section D-D, we choose the most restrictive for the top part

A-A 7 7
B-B 3 3
C-C 7 7
D-D 4 4
TOTAL 21 21
As (m2) 0,01030835 0,01030835
Total Area 0,020616702

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