Develop Your Writing Skills: Lecture 1, Introduction
Develop Your Writing Skills: Lecture 1, Introduction
Develop Your Writing Skills: Lecture 1, Introduction
Which is more difficult, speaking or writing? Most people will say that
writing is more difficult than speaking. Why? When speaking to
another person, you are forced to come up with the words and use
the grammar on the spot, regardless of how it might sound when it
leaves your lips. What you say is often imperfect; however, you say it
anyway and you learn to live with your spoken word abilities. Writing,
on the other hand, causes some people to freeze up. I think this is
because they naturally want perfection when they write. A desire for
words written flawlessly results in an excess of caution when writing,
or worse, a person simply does not write. No words are put on the
paper, and the writer simply gives up.
Lecture 1, Introduction
the computer or the tablet. Let your imagination go. Do what children
do. Explore and invent. Children are effective learners because they
constantly try new things. They aren't overly concerned about how
something looks or how it sounds. They just do it. So, that's my
advice to you. Just do it, and fix the mistakes later.