PD521 Manual EN (D2M050 - B) PDF
PD521 Manual EN (D2M050 - B) PDF
PD521 Manual EN (D2M050 - B) PDF
Before working in the terminal strip area, the device must be isolated. Where stranded conductors
are used as connecting leads, wire end ferrules must be employed.
Proper and safe operation of this device depends on appropriate shipping and handling, proper
storage, installation and commissioning, and on careful operation, maintenance and servicing.
For this reason only qualified personnel may work on or operate this device.
Qualified Personnel
are individuals who
o are familiar with the installation, commissioning and operation of the device and of the system to which it is being
o are able to perform switching operations in accordance with safety engineering standards and are authorized to
energize and de-energize equipment and to isolate, ground and label it;
o are trained in the care and use of safety apparatus in accordance with safety engineering standards;
The operating manual for this device gives instructions for its installation, commissioning and operation. However, the
manual cannot cover all conceivable circumstances or include detailed information on all topics. In the event of
questions or specific problems, do not take any action without proper authorization. Contact the appropriate ALSTOM
technical sales office and request the necessary information.
Any agreements, commitments, and legal relationships and any obligations on the part of ALSTOM, including settlement
of warranties, result solely from the applicable purchase contract, which is not affected by the contents of the operating
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Modifications After Going to Press
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2 Table of Contents
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1 Table of Contents
9 Commissioning 122
10 Troubleshooting 137
11 Maintenance 140
12 Storage 143
Appendix 147
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1 Application and Scope
PD 521 distance protection devices are used for selective Besides the functions listed above, as well as measuring
short-circuit protection in high-voltage systems. circuit monitoring and comprehensive self-monitoring, the
following functions are always available in the PD 521 for
The systems can be operated with impedance grounding, optimum fault evaluation and system management:
with ground fault compensation or with isolated neutral.
¨ Measuring circuit monitoring
The PD 521, a single-system distance protection device,
has the following protective functions: ¨ Operating data measurement
¨ Four distance stages, including one that can be used ¨ Fault recording
as a special stage
The PD 521 has a multifunctional case design that is
¨ Six timer stages, including two that act as backup timer equally well suited to either wall surface mounting or flush
stages panel mounting due to the reversible terminal blocks and
adjustable mounting brackets. The auxiliary voltage for
¨ Direction voltage memory the power supply can be switched internally from
110-250 V DC or 100-230V AC to 24-60 V DC.
¨ Circuit breaker failure protection
The PD 521 has the following inputs and outputs:
¨ Switch on to fault protection
o 4 current-measuring and 3 voltage-measuring inputs
¨ Backup overcurrent time protection (Backup DTOC)
o 2 binary signal inputs (optical couplers) with freely
¨ Protective signaling (teleprotection) configurable function assignment
¨ Ground fault direction determination using steady-state o 8 output relays with freely configurable function
values assignment
o PC interface
The product designated as "PD 521 Distance Protection Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Device" has been developed and manufactured in
conformity with the international standard EN 60255-6 and Interference suppression
in accordance with the EMC Directive and the Low According to EN 55022 and DIN VDE 0878 Part 3,
Voltage Directive issued by the European Community. class B
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2 Technical Data
For this EN, ENV or IEC standard, the DIN EN, DINV
ENV or DIN IEC edition, respectively, was used in the test.
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2 Technical Data
For the three phase currents at 1 A or 5 A: 100 Inom ILSA interface (optional)
For the residual current at 1 A or 5 A: 10 Inom Per IEC 60870-5-103
Transmission rate:
Binary Inputs (Optical Couplers) 50 to 19,200 Baud (adjustable)
Fitted: 2 optical couplers, both freely configurable Glass fiber connection G 50/125 or G 62.5/125
optical wave length: typ. 820 nm
Nominal input voltage Vin,nom: 24 to 250 V DC distance to be bridged: max. 2000 m
Wire leads
Operating range: 0.8 to 1.1 Vin,nom
per RS 485, 2kV-isolation
with residual ripple of up to 12% of Vin,nom
distance to be bridged: max. 1200 m
Current consumption per input:
Vin = 19…110 V DC: 0.5 W ± 30%
Vin > 110 V DC: 5 mA ± 30%
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2 Technical Data
Phase currents IA, IB, IC: to 100 Inom Deviations relative to the set value with sinusoidal
(IN is calculated at output) measured variables, total harmonic distortion £ 2%,
Phase-to-ground voltages VA-G, VB-G, VC-G: to 1 Vnom ambient temperature 20°C and nominal auxiliary voltage
(VN-G is calculated at output) VA,nom.
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2 Technical Data
Operating Data Measurement Start-up peak current for a duration of 0.25 ms: < 13 A
Current, voltage
Deviation: ± 3%
Influence at 20°C ± 20 K: ± 1%
Influence at fnom ± 5%: ± 0.2%
Load angle j
Deviation: ± 2°
Factory setting underlined
For AC voltage supply
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3 Operation
The PD 521, a numerical protection device, is one of the The following interfaces are available for the exchange of
pieces of instrumentation in Subsystem P of the Integrated information between operator and device:
Protection and Control System for Substations (ILS). The
devices that are part of this system are built from identical ¨ Integrated local control panel
uniform hardware modules. Figure 1 shows the basic
hardware structure of the PD 521 distance protection ¨ PC interface
¨ ILSA interface
¨ Parameters:
This group contains all set values including the device
identification data, the configuration parameters for
adapting the device interfaces to the system and the
function parameters for adapting the protective function
to the process. All values of this group are stored in a
non-volatile memory, that is the values will be
preserved even if the power supply fails.
1 Basic hardware structure
¨ Operation:
This group includes all information relevant for
operation, such as measured operating values and
binary signal states. This information is updated
The input transformers and optical couplers convert the periodically and consequently is not stored. In addition,
external analog and binary variables - electrically isolated - various control parameters are grouped here, for
to the internal processing levels. Commands and signals example those for resetting counters, memories and
generated within the device are accessible via floating displays.
contacts. The external auxiliary voltage is applied to the
power supply module which provides the voltages required ¨ Events:
internally. The third group is reserved for the recording of events.
Hence all information contained in this group is stored.
In particular the start/end signals during a fault, the
measured fault data as well as sampled fault records
are stored here and can be read out at a later time.
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3 Operation
3.3 Distance Protection From these currents (IA, IB and IC) the phase-to-phase
currents IA-B, IB-C and IC-A are formed.
The secondary phase currents and voltages of the system
transformer are fed to the PD 521 and – electrically The current with the highest magnitude (IP,max) and the
isolated – are converted to normalized electronics levels. current with the intermediate magnitude (IP,med) are
The analog quantities are digitized and are thus available determined from the phase currents.
for further processing.
The ground current 1IN is calculated by summation of IA, IB
Settings that do not refer to nominal quantities are and IC.
converted by the PD 521 to nominal quantities. The
nominal current of the PD 521 must be set for this The phase-to-phase voltages 1VA-B, 1VB-C and 1VC-A are
purpose. formed from the digitized phase-to-ground voltages
1VA-G, 1VB-G and 1VC-G and the neutral displacement
The connection arrangement of the distance protection voltage 1VN-G.
measuring circuit on the PD 521 must be set. (Figure 2
shows the standard connection.) The phase of the
digitized phase current is rotated 180° by this setting.
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3 Operation
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3 Operation
3.3.1 Fault Detection Logic The fault detection logic function starts the timer stages of
the trigger levels and – as a function of the phase-
The purpose of distance protection fault detection logic is selective fault detection decision – selects the measuring
phase-selective short-circuit detection. Fault detection loop in which the fault impedance is determined. Fault
logic is divided into the following areas: detection logic is blocked in the following cases:
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3 Operation
Overcurrent Detection Logic If I>> is exceeded in one phase, then it is sufficient for
overcurrent detection if I>>> is exceeded in the other
Overcurrent detection logic monitors the phase currents phases. In this case the fault detection time is shortened
for values in excess of the threshold values I>> and I>>>. since there is no longer any need to wait for the second
The I>> threshold can be set. I>>> is 2 × I >> . The half-wave.
thresholds are identical for all three phases.
Evaluation of the trigger decisions is a function of the type
The output signals of the I>> trigger assume a logic value of neutral-point treatment set in the PD 521. If isolated-
of "1" if the threshold is exceeded in two consecutive half- neutral/resonant-grounded or short-time grounding is
waves. Overcurrent detection is delayed by the set time set, then I>> overcurrent detection occurs in the phase(s)
tI>> if the current is below 5 × I>>. Thereby, false fault in which the I>> threshold is exceeded. With the setting
detection decisions caused by inrush currents on impedance-grounded the following condition must also be
switching can be suppressed for lines with connected satisfied:
transformers. In the case of the I>>> trigger only one half-
wave must exceed the threshold for the output signals to 2
assume a logic value of "1." I³ × IP,max
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3 Operation
Ground fault detection logic monitors the average 5% of the current maximum phase current is added to the
magnitude of the ground current 1IN and the neutral-point set threshold IN>, which means that the operate value of
displacement voltage 1VN-G for values exceeding set the ground current function increases with an increasing
thresholds. phase current level as a form of stabilization.
5 Monitoring the ground current 1IN and the neutral-point displacement voltage 1VN-G
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3 Operation
The ground fault detection mode is a function of the Even in the case of a single-phase fault, that is, in the
neutral-point treatment set in the PD 521. event that only one base point is detected, ground fault
starting will occur, but not until tIN> has elapsed.
¨ MAIN: Neutral-point treat(ment)
Low impedance-grounding ¨ MAIN: Neutral-point treat(ment)
Ground fault starting SG occurs with this setting when Short-duration grounding
the threshold of the IN> or VN-G> trigger is exceeded. Operation in this mode corresponds to operation with
the setting isolated neutral/resonant-grounding except
¨ MAIN: Neutral-point treat(ment) that timer stage tIN> is started when the IN> or VN-G>
Isolated neutral/resonant-grounding trigger operates. In the case of a sustained ground
If the setting isolated neutral/resonant-grounding is fault the timer stage tIN> remains in the elapsed state
selected, instantaneous starting SG occurs when there due to the operating trigger VN-G>>. If the ground fault
is multiple phase-to-ground fault detection if the changes to a phase-to-ground fault then ground fault
threshold value of the IN> or VN-G> trigger is exceeded. starting operates without delay when the threshold of
the IN> or VN-G> trigger is exceeded.
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3 Operation
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3 Operation
Undervoltage Detection Logic ¨ Ground fault detection brings about a switch from
phase-to-phase to phase-to-ground loops.
Undervoltage detection logic monitors the phase-to-
ground voltages or the phase-to-phase voltages to If the following – contradictory – setting combination has
determine whether they fall below the set threshold V<. been selected, namely
¨ Undervoltage detection logic evaluates only the then when ground starting SG occurs, the phase-to-phase
decisions of the phase-to-ground loops, once these loops are always enabled. If no ground starting occurs,
functions have been enabled by ground fault detection. then the undervoltage detection function is blocked.
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3 Operation
Underimpedance Detection Logic The following values must be set in order to determine the
underimpedance detection characteristic:
Underimpedance detection logic determines the
impedances of the phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase ¨ Reactance in the forward direction: Xfw
¨ Load angle >
Operation of underimpedance detection logic – as well as
undervoltage detection logic – can be controlled through ¨ Ratio Zbw/Zfw
selection of the operating mode. The following modes are
(Impedance in backward direction: Zbw
Impedance in forward direction: Zfw)
¨ Both the underimpedance and undervoltage detection
logic are disabled. ¨ Phase-to-ground resistance in forward direction:
Rfw P-G
¨ The underimpedance and undervoltage detection
functions evaluate only the decisions of the phase-to- ¨ Phase-to-phase resistance in forward direction:
ground loops, once these functions have been enabled Rfw P-P
by ground fault detection logic.
If, on the basis of the settings, the reach in the backward
¨ Ground fault detection brings about a switch from
direction is greater than 3 × Z nom , then the range is limited
phase-to-phase to phase-to-ground loops.
to 3 × Z nom ( Z nom = Vnom / I nom ).
If, as a special case, the following – contradictory –setting
combination has been selected, namely
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3 Operation
3.3.2 Selection of Measured Variables In the case of three-phase fault detection, either grounded
or ungrounded, the minimum voltage of the phase-to-
The PD 521 selects a measuring loop based on the phase voltages and the associated phase-to-phase
phase-selective fault detection decision and the selected current are selected as measured variables. In the case
phase priority. The short-circuit impedance and fault of double-phase-to-ground fault detection, the set phase
direction are determined from this measuring loop’s priority is the determining factor for selecting the
voltage and current. measured variables.
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3 Operation
3.3.3 Distance and Directional Measurement If the condition is satisfied, the voltage memory is enabled.
The frequency condition is checked in cycles at intervals
The PD 521 determines the fault impedance and the fault of approximately 10 ms. As soon as the condition is no
direction on the basis of the selected measured variables. longer satisfied, the enable is canceled.
A voltage memory is available so that measurement will
function correctly, even with very low fault voltages. If the magnitude of the reference voltage drops below
0.65 Vnom or if “distance protection starting” occurs,
Voltage Memory synchronization of the voltage memory is terminated. The
voltage memory is then free-running and remains enabled
The voltage 1VA-B is the reference voltage for the voltage for 2 s.
memory. If the voltage exceeds the default value of
0.65 Vnom and if there is no "distance protection starting,"
then the voltage memory is synchronized.
Synchronization requires approximately 100 ms. Then a
check is carried out to determine whether the frequency
satisfies the following condition:
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3 Operation
16 Angle determination
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3 Operation
For distance and directional measurement the following direction is determined using the fault angle jF.
angles are used – as a function of the magnitude of the Directional determination using jX or jF is not possible if
selected measuring voltage and the fault duration: the voltage memory is not enabled or if the measuring
voltage is less than 200 mV. In these cases the set
¨ the fault angle jF, angle a is used for directional measurement, which means
that a decision is made in favor of the forward direction.
¨ the angle jX,
V. memory 0.002 ×Vnom < V meas < 0.15 ×Vnom V meas < 0.002 ×Vnom
Directional Measurement
17 Directional measurement
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3 Operation
¨ If the fault voltages are less than 0.15 Vnom and the
voltage memory is enabled, a check is made to
determine whether angles jF and jX are in the forward
direction (-45° < j < +135°).
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3 Operation
¨ If the voltage memory is not enabled, a check is made The impedance zones are determined by the following
to determine settings:
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3 Operation
The resistances for phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase If, as a consequence of the settings kze, a wider reach
loops can be set separately for each zone. The different than 200 W at Inom = 1 A or 40 W at Inom = 5 A results in
impedances are therefore compared with different R- or X-direction, then the reach is automatically limited to
impedance characteristics. 200 W or 40 W, respectively.
In addition to the settings described above, the zone The increase in reach by the zone extension factor
extension factors kze can be set separately for phase-to- kze HSR is controlled by
ground (P-G) and phase-to-phase (P-P) loops for
impedance zone 1. ¨ protective signaling (PSIG: Z o n e e x t . );
As a result of this setting, impedance zone 1 is extended ¨ switch on to fault protection
or reduced accordingly in the R and X directions. Thus (S O T F : Z o n e e x t e n s i o n );
the R and X values modified by the zone extension
factor kze are calculated according to the following ¨ an external signal
formulas: (D I S T : Z o n e e x t e n s i o n E X T ).
R1,kze = k ze × R1
X1,kze = kze × X1
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Z F,corr =
1 + sin @
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3 Operation
Z1,kze = kze × Z1
¨ an external signal
(D I S T : Z o n e e x t e n s i o n E X T ).
In addition to the settings described above, the zone
extension factors kze can be set separately for phase-to-
ground (P-G) and phase-to-phase (P-P) loops for
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3 Operation
3.3.4 Impedance-Time Characteristics The "Distance trip" decision is reached for zones 1 to 4 if
the following criteria are satisfied simultaneously:
A maximum of four impedance zones and six timer stages
are available for impedance time grading. All impedance ¨ A distance decision exists for the zone.
zones can be operated in a forward direction, backward
direction, or non-directionally. The distance-independent ¨ The timer stage assigned to this impedance zone has
timer stage t5 can also operate forward-directionally, elapsed.
backward-directionally or non-directionally. Timer stage t6
operates independently of distance and direction. All timer ¨ The measured direction agrees with the directional
stages are started by "distance protection starting." The setting assigned to this impedance zone.
stage times are corrected by the inherent delay or operate
time of starting (approximately 30 ms). If several timer stages and directions are set to the same
values, a distance trip occurs in the zone with the highest
Zone 4 can be utilized as a special zone by means of the number.
D I S T : Z o n e 4 setting. This makes it possible to
implement special characteristics for applications in cable The "Distance trip zone 5" decision is reached if the
or line networks. following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
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3 Operation
Special Zones
¨ D I S T : Z o n e 4 "Section cable-line"
This setting is selected for a mixed cable-line section if
automatic reclosing will only be carried out if there is a
fault in the line area. In this case the cable must form
the front part of the transmission section and the line
the rear part.
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¨ D I S T : Z o n e 4 "Section line-cable"
This setting is selected in the case of a mixed line-
cable section if automatic reclosing will only be carried
out if there is a fault in the line area. In this case the
line must form the front part of the transmission section
and the cable the rear part.
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3 Operation
3.4 Measuring-Circuit Monitoring memory. If this is not desired, entry of the monitoring
signals in the monitoring signal memory can be disabled.
The PD 521 monitors the phase currents and voltages for
balance during healthy system operation. If unbalance or Ground starting results in a warning signal if at least one
the lack of measuring voltage is detected, action is taken phase-to-ground voltage is greater than 0.7 Vnom/Ö3.
to prevent the protection device from malfunctioning. The Thereby, warnings for lines disconnected at both ends are
monitoring signals issued in the event of a fault in the avoided in low-impedance-grounded systems where
measuring circuits are entered in the monitoring signal capacitively coupled neutral-displacement voltages in
excess of VNG> may occur.
35 Monitoring signals
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3 Operation
Monitoring the Voltage-Measuring Circuits If one of the monitoring functions described above
operates, then distance protection is blocked and the
The voltages used by distance protection as measured device switches to backup overcurrent time protection – if
variables are monitored by the voltage-measuring circuit the appropriate setting was selected.
monitoring function for plausibility. However, this does not
replace the auxiliary contact of the voltage transformer In addition, the monitoring signal “M O N : M e a s . v o l t .
m.c.b., which is absolutely necessary in the case of O K ” is issued if all phase-to-phase voltages exceed the
activated undervoltage and underimpedance starting. default threshold of 0.65 × Vnom and negative-sequence
monitoring has not operated.
Monitoring of the voltage-measuring circuits is based on
the following criteria: Monitoring Starting
¨ Monitoring the phase-to-phase voltages for voltages If ground starting SG is present for more than 10 s without
that fall below the default threshold of 0.4 × Vnom . This phase starting, the following monitoring signal is issued:
monitoring function is enabled when the phase current M O N : M e a s u r i n g c i r c u i t s "Ground fault starting"
is greater than 0.05 × I nom or for the “closed“ position of (see Figure 35).
the circuit breaker provided that MON: Meas . volt.
c irc uit is set to Vneg w. CB contact enabl.
Vneg =
× 1VA - G + a2 × 1VB - G + a × 1VC - G
a = e j 120
a 2 = e j 240
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3 Operation
3.5 Backup Overcurrent-Time Protection tI> is started. After the set time period has elapsed, a trip
(BUOC or Backup DTOC) signal is issued.
If there is a fault in the voltage-measuring circuit, distance If the "Low impedance-grounding" setting has been
protection is blocked, since accurate impedance selected, the ground current 1IN is also monitored by the
measurement is not possible. Backup overcurrent time settable trigger IN>, in addition to the phase currents. If
protection is automatically activated – if set accordingly. the ground current exceeds the set value, timer stage tIN>
is started. After the set time has elapsed, a trip signal is
Backup overcurrent time protection is enabled if there is a issued.
fault in the voltage-measuring circuit. It monitors the
phase currents for overcurrents exceeding the set values
I>. If a phase current exceeds the set value, timer stage
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3 Operation
3.6 Switch on to Fault Protection is converted to an internal pulse. The pulse time can be
set. It is possible to specify whether the following shall
When the circuit breaker is closed manually it is possible occur during operation of the timer stage:
to switch on to an existing fault. This is especially critical if
the line in the remote station is grounded since the ¨ The appearance of general starting (see Section
distance protection would not clear the fault until t2 had “Tripping Logic” for a definition of general starting) shall
elapsed. The fastest possible clearance is desirable in cause a trip (S O T F : T r i p a f t . m a n . c l o s e ).
this situation, however.
To guarantee rapid clearing with manual closing, the
manual close signal must be issued not only to the circuit ¨ A zone extension of impedance zone 1 shall occur
breaker but also to the PD 521. The manual close signal (SOTF: Zone extension).
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3 Operation
3.7 Protective Signaling In order for protective signaling (PSIG) to function, the
following requirements must be satisfied:
The reach of the first impedance zone of the distance
protection function is normally set for values less than ¨ It must be activated.
100%. Protective signaling is used to extend protection to
100% of the section. This is achieved by logical linking of ¨ There must be no external block.
the signals that are transmitted by the remote station’s
protection device. ¨ There must be no transmission fault.
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3 Operation
Once protective signaling is ready, distance protection ¨ Direct transfer trip underreaching
timer stage t1 is blocked. A trip enable in distance
protection zone 1 is then issued after the protective ¨ Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (PUTT)
signaling tripping time has elapsed.
¨ Zone extension
42 Transmission fault
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3 Operation
P S I G : O p e r a t i n g m o d e "Zone extension"
In the idle state the measuring range of zone 1 in both In the idle state the measuring range of zone 1 in both
protection devices is extended by the zone extension protection devices is extended by the zone extension
factor kze HSR. The “Distance trip zone 1” of both factor kze HSR. The “Distance trip zone 1” of both
protection devices is blocked. protection devices is enabled.
If distance protection starting begins and the fault lies in
the forward direction, a signal is sent to the remote station. If distance protection starting begins and the fault lies in
the backward direction, a signal is sent to the remote
In the event of a fault, both protection devices measure by station.
using the normal measuring range and the range
extended by the zone extension factor kze HSR. A trip In the event of a fault, both protection devices measure by
enable is issued if one of the following conditions is using the normal measuring range and the range
satisfied after the distance protection timer stage t1 has extended by the zone extension factor kze HSR. A
elapsed: “Distance trip zone 1” can be issued instantaneously (t0)
¨ The fault lies within the non-extended measuring with the normal reach. The “Distance trip zone 1” is
range. blocked if the following conditions are satisfied
simultaneously after distance protection timer stage t1 has
¨ The fault lies within the extended measuring range and elapsed:
a transmitted signal is received by the remote station.
¨ The fault lies within the extended measuring range.
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P S I G : O p e r a t i n g m o d e "Reverse interlocking"
47 Reverse interlocking
49 P S I G : R e c e i v e & g e n e r a l s t a r t i n g signal
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3 Operation
51 PSIG send
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 57
3 Operation
¨ Signal comparison blocking scheme In the mode referred to as "Direct transfer trip underreach"
no test is possible, since a received signal will immediately
If the "with" echo setting is selected, a signal is sent to the lead to a “Trip” in the remote station. Likewise, testing is
remote station if the received signal is present for more not possible with the "Reverse interlocking" setting.
than 50 ms and no “distance protection starting” is active.
58 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
3.8 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 3.9 Ground Fault Direction Determination Using
Steady-State Values
Circuit breaker failure protection is activated by a general
trip command from the PD 521 or – when a general Ground fault direction determination using steady-state
starting state exists – through an appropriately configured values requires the neutral-point displacement voltage -
binary signal input. After the settable time period formed from the three phase-to-ground voltages - and the
C B F : t C B F has elapsed, the fault must be cleared. ground current as measured variables. A special
Otherwise it can be assumed that the circuit breaker has transformer is provided in the PD 521 for the residual
failed. In this case the C B F : C B f a i l u r e signal is current. The current transformer is designed specifically
issued. for this application so that it has a low phase-angle error.
When there is a trip of the voltage transformer circuit
breaker, ground faults can be determined by steady-state
evaluation of the ground current. The user can specify
whether both ground current and displacement voltage will
be evaluated (steady-state power) or if only the ground
current will be evaluated (steady-state current). The
switch from steady-state power evaluation to steady-state
current evaluation can also be carried out through a binary
signal input – given appropriate configuration.
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 59
3 Operation
3.9.1 Steady-State Power Evaluation requires the neutral-point displacement voltage 1VN-G and
the ground current 2IN.
In order to detect the ground fault direction, ground fault
direction determination by steady-state power evaluation
60 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
The settable frequency f0 is filtered out from these Measurement is enabled after timer stage t V N - G > has
quantities using Fourier analysis. Three periods are used elapsed; this module is started by the trigger VN-G>.
for analysis if the setting selected for the timer stage
Depending on the operating mode selected – either
G F D S S : t V N - G > is greater than 60 ms. This means
cos phi circuit or sin phi circuit – the sign of active power
that typical ripple control frequencies are suppressed in (G F D S S : O p e r a t i n g m o d e cos phi circuit ) or
addition to all integer-frequency harmonics. If the timer reactive power (G F D S S : O p e r a t i n g m o d e sin phi
stage has been set at values less than 60 ms, only one circuit ) is used. Connection of the measuring circuits is
period is used for filtering purposes. taken into account by the setting G F D S S : C o n n e c t .
m eas . c ir c . With the standard (forward) connection
(see Figure 55) a decision for "LS" is reached in the case
of a ground fault on the line side and "BS" in the case of a
ground fault on the busbar side.
56 Direction determination
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 61
3 Operation
The direction decision is not enabled until the following The direction decision is enabled if the reactive
additional conditions are satisfied: the active component component of current 2IN has also exceeded the set
of the ground current 2IN exceeds the set value, and the threshold operate value. With these settings the
phase displacement between ground current 2IN and characteristic shown in Fig 58 can be realized.
neutral-point displacement current 1VN-G is smaller than
the set sector angle. The sector angle makes it possible Output of the direction decisions is operate- and reset-
to extend the “dead zone” to take into account the delayed.
expected phase-angle errors of the measured variables.
With these settings the characteristic shown in Figure 57
can be realized.
57 Characteristic of ground fault direction determination by steady- 58 Characteristic of ground fault direction determination by steady-
state power evaluation, operating mode cos j state power evaluation, operating mode sin j
62 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 63
3 Operation
The number of ground faults and direction decisions is The settable frequency f0 is filtered out of the ground
counted. The counters can be reset at the address at current 2IN using Fourier analysis. Three periods are
which they are displayed by pressing the enter key (E) used for steady-state current evaluation. If the current
twice. exceeds the set threshold value, then a ground fault signal
is issued after the set operate delay has elapsed.
64 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
The number of ground faults is counted. The counter can The PD 521 stores the following measured ground fault
be reset at the address at which it is displayed by pressing data:
the enter key (E) twice.
¨ Ground fault duration
¨ Ground current IN
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 65
3 Operation
66 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
The measured values are reset together as a group. It is 66 Storing the measured ground fault data
possible to specify whether resetting shall be done
together with the LED indicators. After resetting, the
symbol for “no value measured” (....) appears in the value
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 67
3 Operation
3.10 Starting Signals and Tripping Logic The following signals of the protection device are
combined to form common trip signals and trip
The distance protection and backup overcurrent time commands:
protection starting signals are linked to form common
starting signals. The number of general starting signals ¨ Distance trips for zones 1 to 6
(GS) is counted.
¨ START: Trip VN-G>>
68 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
69 Tripping logic
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 69
3 Operation
3.11 Pass-Through Functions mode can be set. The user can choose between the
following modes:
The PD 521 distance protection device offers the
possibility of collecting external binary signals for the
purpose of indicating and recording them during a fault. ¨ Operate-delayed
The protection functions are not affected by these pass-
through functions. ¨ Passing make contact
Input 1 for the freely configurable pass-through functions ¨ Passing break contact
triggers a settable timer stage. The timer stage operating
71 Pass-through functions
70 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
72 Overcurrent signal
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 71
3 Operation
The PD 521 displays the following measured operating ¨ Active power factor
¨ Load angle j in all three phases
¨ Phase currents for all three phases
¨ Frequency
¨ Ground current IN, which is either calculated from the
three phase currents or, if ground fault direction The measured values for current, voltage and power are
determination using steady state values is active, is the displayed both as referred to the nominal quantities of the
current measured by the PD 521’s T4 transformer. PD 521 and as primary quantities. In order for these
quantities to be displayed as primary values, the primary
¨ Active or reactive current, determined by steady-state nominal current of the current transformer or the nominal
power evalution (see Section “Ground Fault Direction transformation ratio multiplied by the nominal device
Determination Using Steady-State Values”). current and the primary nominal voltage of the voltage
transformer must be set in the PD 521.
¨ Phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase voltages on the
line side The measured data are updated at 1 s intervals. Updating
is interrupted if a general starting state occurs.
¨ Neutral-point displacement voltage
72 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 73
3 Operation
The active and reactive power and the active power factor are within the acceptable measuring ranges (see the
are determined when currents and voltages in all three ranges given above).
phases are within the acceptable measuring range.
If the values are outside the measuring ranges, a symbol
Current measuring range: 0.05 × Inom < I < 5 × Inom for “overrange” (-..-) is displayed. If values cannot be
Voltage measuring range: 0.1 × Vnom < V < 2 × Vnom updated or determined, a symbol for “value not
determined” (....) appears.
The load angles are only determined when the associated
phase current and the associated phase-to-ground voltage
74 Measured operating data: load angle, power and active power factor
74 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
¨ FREC: Trigger
The fault recordings are stored in non-volatile memory. 75 Fault counting and time tagging
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 75
3 Operation
The fault records can be erased in different ways. The ¨ Area-specific resetting, such as only the signal
following mechanisms are available: memory, for example, through addresses on the local
control panel or appropriately configured binary signal
¨ Automatic resetting of the fault signals indicated by inputs.
LED indicators and of the measured fault data
displayed at the appropriate addresses whenever a ¨ General reset.
new fault occurs.
In the first two cases listed above only the displays on the
¨ Resetting of LED indicators and measured fault data local control panel are cleared but not internal memories
on the local control panel by pressing the reset key (R) such as the signal memory.
on the panel.
In the event of a cold restart, for example by control via
address 00 85, all stored signals and values will be lost.
76 Resetting
76 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
Protection signals during a fault, including the signals When there is a fault in the network the PD 521
during the settable pre-fault and post-fault times, are determines the following measured fault data:
logged in chronological order with reference to the specific
fault. A total of five faults, each involving a maximum of ¨ Operating time (duration)
64 start or end signals, can be stored in a non-volatile ring
memory -- the signal memory. After five faults have been ¨ Fault current
logged the oldest fault log will be overwritten, unless faults
have been erased in the interim. If more than 64 start or ¨ Fault voltage
end signals have occurred during a single fault, then
“Signal mem. overflow” (address 35 01) will be entered as ¨ Fault impedance
the last signal. If time and date are changed during the
pre-fault time, the signal FREC: F aulty tim e tag is ¨ Fault reactance in percent of line reactance and in W
¨ Fault angle
In addition to the fault signals, the measured fault data are
also entered in the signal memory. ¨ Fault distance
The fault logs can be read on the local control panel or ¨ Ground fault current
through the PC or ILSA interfaces.
¨ Ground fault angle
78 Operating time
77 Signal memory
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 77
3 Operation
The fault must last for at least 60 ms so that the fault data ¨ FLOC: Start determination
can be determined. Fault end
Determination at the end of the fault. The measured
The fault data are determined using the measured F L O C : F a u l t l o c a t i o n value is output.
variables Imeas and Vmeas selected by the distance
protection function, if the fault is detected by distance ¨ FLOC: Start determination
protection. A phase current is selected as the fault current Fault end / trip during t1)
in accordance with the selected measuring loop. In the Determination at the end of the fault. Output of the
case of multi-phase starting this is the current of the measured “F L O C : F a u l t l o c a t i o n ” value only
leading phase in the cycle. If the measuring-circuit voltage occurs if a trip occurred in distance protection zone 1.
Vmeas < 200 mV, the set angle a is used to determine the
¨ FLOC: Start determination
fault reactance. The set angle a is then also displayed as
Trip or trigger
the fault angle. The primary short-circuit reactance is
Determination when a trip starts or a correspondingly
calculated from the per unit short-circuit reactance using
configured signal input is triggered. Output of the
the set primary nominal current and voltage transformer
measured F L O C : F a u l t l o c a t i o n value only
occurs if a trip occurred or if the binary signal input was
triggered. If neither a trip was issued nor the binary
The ground fault data are only determined if a phase-to-
signal input was triggered, the fault values are stored at
ground loop has been selected for measurement by the
the end of the general starting state. There is then no
distance protection function. The geometric sum of the
output of fault location.
three phase currents is displayed as the fault current. The
ground fault angle is the phase displacement between
In order for the fault location to be determined in percent
ground fault current and selected measuring voltage.
of line length and in km, the value of the line reactance –
100% of which corresponds to the line section being
If the fault is detected by the backup overcurrent time
monitored – and the value of the corresponding line length
protection function, then only the fault current can be
in km must be set in the PD 521.
determined. The maximum phase current is displayed.
Fault current and voltage are displayed as per-unit
The F L O C : S t a r t d e t e r m i n a t i o n setting
quantities referred to Inom and Vnom. If the measured or
determines the actual time during a fault when the fault
data are determined and whether output of fault location calculated values are outside the permissible measuring
shall take place. The following settings are possible: range, the “overrange” indication (-..-) appears.
78 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 79
3 Operation
In addition to the fault data, the following load data are thresholds 0.1 × Inom and 0.1 × Vnom , respectively, in order
determined upon dropout of distance protection starting: for the load data to be determined. If the thresholds are
not reached or if distance protection starting does not last
¨ Load impedance as long as 60 ms, the symbol for “not measured” (....) is
¨ Load angle
After the reset key (R) on the local control panel is
¨ Ground current pressed, the symbol for “not measured” (....) is displayed
at the respective addresses. However, the values are not
The same measuring loop used to determine fault erased and can continue to be read out through the PC
impedance is used to determine load impedance and load and ILSA interfaces.
angle. The load current and the voltage must exceed the
3.14.3 Fault Data Acquisition recording before and after the fault can be set. A
maximum time period of 4.35 s / 3.33 s (including the pre-
The phase currents and the phase-to-ground voltages are fault and post-fault recording times) is available for
recorded before, during and after a fault. The times for recording if the nominal frequency is 50 Hz / 60 Hz..
80 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
If the maximum recording time of 4.35 s (or 3.33 s) is The analog data of the fault record can only be read out
exceeded, the analog values for the oldest fault are through the PC or ILSA interfaces. When the analog data
overwritten, but not the binary values. If more than five are sampled the neutral displacement voltage VN-G is
faults have occurred since the last reset, then all data for calculated from the phase-to-ground voltages and the
the oldest fault are overwritten. ground current IN is calculated from the phase currents.
81 Fault recording
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 81
3 Operation
3.15 Self-Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis If at least one entry is stored in the monitoring signal
memory, this fact is signaled by the red LED indicator H1
Comprehensive monitoring routines in the PD 521 on the local control panel. Each new entry is indicated by
distance protection device ensure that internal faults are a flashing light. The combined signal for all warnings may
detected and do not lead to malfunctions of the protection also be issued via an output relay. The output relay
system. responds as long as an internal fault is detected.
After the supply voltage has been turned on, various tests
are carried out to verify full operability of the PD 521. The
local control panel display shows which test is currently
being run. If the PD 521 detects a fault in one of the tests,
then startup is terminated. The display shows which test
was running when termination occurred. No control
actions may be carried out. A new attempt to start up the
PD 521 can only be initiated by turning the supply voltage
off and then on again.
82 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
¨ Signaling Only
If there is no malfunction associated with the
monitoring signal, then only a signal is issued, and
there are no further consequences. This situation
exists, for example, when internal data acquisition
memories overflow.
¨ Selective Blocking
84 “Blocked/faulty” signal
If a fault is diagnosed solely in an area that does not
affect the protective function, then only the affected
area is blocked. This would apply, for example, to the
detection of a fault on the ILSA bus interface module or
in the area of the PC interface. 3.16 Serial Interfaces
¨ Cold Restart
If a corrupted parameter subset is diagnosed in the
checksum test during self-monitoring, then a cold
restart is carried out. This is necessary because the 85 Setting the test mode
protection device cannot identify the corrupt parameter
within the set. A cold restart has the result that all
internal memories are returned to a defined state.
After a cold restart, this means that all settings of the
protection device have been discarded. The default
settings as found in the address list in the column
headed “Default” apply instead (see Appendix C). In
order to establish a safe initial state, the default values
have been selected so that the protective function is
blocked. Both the monitoring signal that triggered the
cold restart and the value indicating parameter loss
(address 90 28) are entered in the monitoring signal
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 83
3 Operation
86 PC interface settings
84 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
3 Operation
3.16.2 ILSA Interface In order for data transfer to function properly, several
settings must be made at the PD 521.
Communication between the PD 521 and the control
station’s computer is via the ILSA interface. The interface The ILSA interface can be blocked through a binary signal
protocol complies with IEC 60870-5-103 ‘Transmission input. Moreover, a signal or measured-data blocking can
Protocols - Companion Standard for the Informative also be imposed via a binary signal input.
Interface of Protection Equipment, First edition, 1997-12’.
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 85
4 Design
The PD 521 is mounted in an aluminium case. The label strip is located in a pocket accessible from the
Connection is via threaded terminal ends. The case is rear of the front panel. It can be replaced by user-specific
suitable for either wall surface or flush panel mounting. labels. A further label strip lists the addresses for
The angle brackets and connector blocks are adjustable operation-related protection information and can also be
for mounting in the chosen configuration. replaced by a strip with customized labeling. The
processor module with the local control module is
Figures 88 and 89 show the case dimensions and fixture attached to the reverse side of the removable front plate
positions. For flush mounting, a cover frame is available and connected to the I/O module via a ribbon cable.
(see Installation and Connection). The I/O module incorporates the power supply, the input
transformers and the power supply converters as well as
Regardless of the design version, the PD 521 – as the eight output relays and two optical couplers for binary
other device types of the ILS-P system – is equipped with signals.
a standard local control panel. In order to protect the
device according to the specified degree of protection, the The serial interface -X6 for parameter setting via a PC is
local control panel is covered with a tough film. In addition set into the front panel.
to the essential control and indication elements, a parallel The optional ILSA interface -X7 and -X8 or -X9 (Order
display consisting of a total of 8 LED indicators is also extension number -302 and up) is located on the
incorporated into the local control panel. The meaning of underside of the case.
the various displays is shown in plain text on a label strip.
88 Dimensional drawing of the PD 521 in wall surface mounting configuration, -X7 and -X8 or -X9 are optional (dimensions in mm)
86 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
4 Design
89 Dimensional drawing of the PD 521 in flush panel mounting configuration, -X7 and -X8 or -X9 are optional (dimensions in mm)
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 87
5 Installation and Connection
The PD 521 is packaged separately in its own carton and The PD 521 has been designed to conform to the
shipped inside outer packaging. Use special care when standard EN 60255-6. Therefore when choosing the
opening the cartons and unpacking the equipment, and do installation location it is important to make sure that it
not use force. In addition, make sure to remove from the provides the conditions specified in the Technical Data
inside carton the Supporting Documents supplied with (see Chapter 2). Several important conditions are listed
each individual device. below.
The design revision level of each module included with the Climatic Conditions
device in its as-delivered condition can be determined
from the list of modules provided in the ‘Assembly List’ ¨ Ambient temperature: - 5 to + 55°C
supplied with the device (see ‘Components/Modules’).
This list should be carefully saved. ¨ Air pressure: 800 to 1100 hPa
The PD 521 nominal data and design type can be Mechanical Conditions
determined by consulting the type identification label (see
Figure 90). The type label is located on the underside of ¨ Vibration stress: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.035 mm
the unit and on the lower side face in front of the terminal and 60 to 150 Hz, 0.5 g
strip. The type label is also affixed to the outside of the PD
521 packaging. ¨ Earthquake resistance: 5 to 8 Hz, 3.5/1.5 mm and
8 to 35 Hz, 10/5 m/s
PD 521 Schaltbild/diagram 89521.401 CE Electrical Conditions for Auxiliary DC Voltage for the
P 89521-0-XXXXXXX-302-401-602 XX.XX Power Supply
Unom=100 V AC Inom= fnom=50/60Hz
¨ Operating range:
UE,nom=24V..250VDC UH,nom=24 ... 60 V DC / 110 ... 250 V DC, 100 ... 230 V AC 0.8 to 1.1 VA,nom with a residual ripple of up to 12%
Vorschrift / specification DIN EN 60255-6 2kV (III) Made in Germany
Electromagnetic Conditions
90 PD 521 type identification label
88 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
5 Installation and Connection
5.4 Installation ¨ The two angle brackets D are now re-mounted using
bolts E with the longer leg of the angle bracket
The case and mounting dimensions are given in mounted flat on the face surface.
Chapter 4. The PD 521 is delivered in the wall surface
mounting or the flush panel mounting configuration ¨ The upper sections of the two connector blocks B can
depending on the order specifications. be pulled away after opening bolts A and remounted
after turning by 180 degrees (see Figure 91).
When the PD 521 is being installed in a cabinet door, for
example, special sealing steps must be followed in
accordance with the IP 51 protection required for the * Please make sure
that all bolts A are loosened before attempting to pull off
Should the PD 521 mistakenly have been ordered for the upper sections of the connector blocks!
surface instead of flush mounting, the connector blocks
and angle brackets can be adjusted as shown in For flush panel mounting, a panel cutout as per Figure 92
Figure 91. is necessary.
¨ The two angle brackets D need to be removed after The panel thickness must not exceed 3 mm.
undoing bolts C (three each on the upper and lower
face). Subsequently, bolts C are repositioned and
Front panel
Front panel
91 Reconfiguration for flush panel mounting
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 89
5 Installation and Connection
For wall surface mounting, the leads to the PD 521 are For flush mounting, the PD 521 must be fastened using
usually run along the front side of the mounting level. If the four bolts provided within the packing carton.
the wiring is to be behind, an opening can be provided
below or above the terminal strip (see Figure 93). The cutout edges and the bolt heads can be concealed
using a cover frame with a snap-on fixture to the bolt
heads (see Figure 94).
93 Opening for the connecting leads. Shown for the lower terminal strip
(dimensions in mm).
90 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
5 Installation and Connection
The device case must be reliably grounded for reasons of 5.6.1 Measuring and Auxiliary Circuits
protective equipment grounding. This grounding step is
also absolutely essential for proper operation of the device Connect the PD 521 in accordance with the terminal
and is thus equivalent to system grounding. Potentials that connection diagram specified on the type identification
need to be grounded from an operational standpoint are label. The terminal connection diagram is included in the
already properly connected to the equipment ground Supporting Documents supplied with the unit and is also
inside the unit. given in Appendix E of this manual.
Holes for the grounding connection are located in the two Copper leads having a 2.5 mm2 cross-section are
mounting brackets of the PD 521 and are labeled generally suitable as connecting leads between the
accordingly. current transformers and the PD 521. Under certain
conditions the connecting leads between the main current
A ground connection assembly kit is supplied with the unit. transformers and the PD 521 must be short and have a
The ground connection must be assembled as shown in larger cross-section in order to handle the permissible
Figure 95. burden on the main current transformers. Copper leads
having a 1.5 mm cross-section are sufficient for the
Grounding must be low-inductance. binary signal inputs, voltage inputs, the signaling and
triggering circuits, and for the power supply input.
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 91
5 Installation and Connection
92 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
5 Installation and Connection
97 Connecting protective signaling with two lines 98 Connecting protective signaling with four lines
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 93
5 Installation and Connection
Connecting Steady-State Ground Fault Direction For ground fault direction determination by steady-state
Determination values, the neutral-point displacement voltage - formed
from the three phase-to-ground voltages - and the ground
If the PD 521 is to function using ground fault direction current are required as measured variables. Figure 99
determination by steady-state values, then the current shows the standard connection of ground fault direction
transformer T4 must be connected to a window-type determination by steady-state values. For this connection
current transformer or a current transformer in Holmgreen “forward/LS“ is displayed if a ground fault occurs on the
configuration. If the metal sheath of the cable is led line side. A different connection scheme for the current
through the window-type transformer, then the overhead transformer can be allowed for by making the appropriate
ground wire must be led (insulated) through the core again setting (see Chapter 7).
before it is connected to ground. The cable sealing end
must be attached so that it is insulated from ground. In
this way any currents flowing through the sheath will not
affect measurement.
94 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
5 Installation and Connection
99 Connecting steady-state ground fault direction determination devices to Holmgreen-configuration and window-type transformers
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 95
5 Installation and Connection
Connecting the Auxiliary Voltage In the upper portion of the I / O module, between output
relay and current input transformers, are plug-in jumpers,
Before connecting the auxiliary voltage VA for the which are plugged in as shown as follows, depending on
PD 521 power supply, make sure that the nominal value of the desired auxiliary voltage range.
the auxiliary device voltage agrees with the nominal value
of the auxiliary system voltage.
96 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
5 Installation and Connection
Before connecting the control voltage Vin,nom for the binary The PC interface is provided so that PS 441 parameters
inputs in the PD 521, check to see whether the control can be assigned from a personal computer (PC). The
voltage Vin,nom is within the operating range of 24 V DC to special connection cable available as an accessory is the
250 V DC. Polarity reversal protection is provided in the only type of PC connection that may be used.
form of a rectifier bridge.
The PC interface is not intended for permanent
5.6.3 Tripping and Signaling Circuits ! connection. Consequently the socket does not
have the extra insulation from circuits
The freely configurable output relays and their connections connected to the system that is required per
are shown in the terminal connection diagram. The output VDE 0106 Part 101. Therefore when
relays are suitable both for tripping and signaling connecting the connection cable make sure
purposes. that you do not touch the socket contacts.
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 97
6 Control
All data required for operation of the protection device are ¨ Value
entered from the local control panel, and the data The value of the information or parameter just selected
important for system management are read out there as is displayed.
well. The local control panel permits the following specific
functions: ¨ Address
The address of the information or parameter just
¨ Readout and modification of settings selected is displayed.
¨ Readout of updated measured operating data and ¨ “Up” and “Down” Keys
state signals as well as stored monitoring signals Addresses can be selected, parameter values
changed and event records read out by pressing the
¨ Readout and resetting of counters “up” and “down” keys.
¨ Enter
102 View of the local control panel To enter the input mode, press enter key (E). Press a
second time to leave the input mode. Activation of the
input mode is signaled by the red LED indicator on the
enter key (E).
The settings, signals and measured values are numerical-
ly coded. This code is called the address and is displayed
in the lower of the two 7-segment displays on the local
control panel. The value associated with the address is
displayed in the upper 7-segment display.
98 89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN
6 Control
will remain dark. The existence of entries in the signal or LED indicator on the enter key will 0
monitoring signal memories is indicated during operation. light up. The value can now be
changed by pressing the “up” or 03 10
This is indicated by the fact that while the “up” and “down”
“down” keys. x y
keys are being pressed the value display does not remain
dark; instead, the following messages are displayed:
Information in Information in Information in
Signal Memory Monitoring Signal Signal and
Memory Monitoring Signal
Memories 3 Press the enter key (E). The red E
47 11 47 11 47 11
x y x y x y
89521-302/-303-401/-402-602 / AFSV.12.06470 EN 99
6 Control
keys is pressed.
Even when the change-enabling function is activated, not 2 Press the enter key (E). The red E
by setting the value to “0.” The protection device is factory- LED indicator on the enter key will go 04 20
out, and the device will now operate
set so that the protective function is deactivated. with the new value. Another address 03 13
can be selected for value changing x y
Control Step or
Action Display 5 If the intended value change is R
appropriate entry address. For this purpose it is not dress display changes from 03 00 to 2
necessary to activate the change-enabling function or 04 20. A period is displayed after
each digit in the address. This 0.4. 2.0.
even to deactivate the protective function. Accidental
indicates that a special memory x y
clearance of a memory via its entry address is not mode is now active. The fault
possible. number of the most recent fault (e.g.
number 2) appears in the value
6.5.1 Signal Memory Readout display for address 04 20. In every
fault record the fault number is placed
at the beginning of the related fault
Control Step or Action Display log for identification purposes. Since
Description for each new fault record the actual
0 Example of a display. F
value of address 04 20 is increased
by the value of "1" in order to count
0 faults, the fault number of the most
recent fault also corresponds to the
03 10 number of recorded faults since the
x y
signal memory was last reset. If,
after entry into the signal memory,
the address 04 20 and the value "0"
are indicated, then no fault is stored
in the signal memory.
¨ Day/Month Address 03 97
¨ Hour/Minute Address 03 96
¨ Seconds Address 03 94 E R
¨ Milliseconds Address 03 93
6 If the “down” key for y continues F 10 If the display does not change F
to be pressed, the fault signal log is L 1 when the “down” key for y is pressed, 0
read in chronological order, i.e., in the then the end of the record for the
direction of more recent signals. 4.1. 0.1. oldest stored fault has been reached. 4.1. 0.1.
Signals that have appeared during x y x y
12 When the x “up” key is pressed F
display (number 1 in this example). pressing the reset key at any location - - - L
in the signal memory. The periods
displayed after each digit disappear, 03 00
9 When the “up” key for y is F and the address for entry into the
signal memory is displayed (03 00).
x y
0 Example of a display. F
6 If the display no longer changes F
when the “up” keys are pressed, then 1
the oldest stored monitoring signal
03 10
has been reached. 9.0. 2.8.
x y x y
the monitoring signal memory (03 01) E- -- exited by pressing the reset key (R) E- --
by pressing the “up” or “down” keys. at any location in the monitoring
03 01 03 01
signal memory. The periods
x y
displayed after each digit in the x y
9.0. 2.8.
x y
6.6 Resetting
2 Press the enter key (E). The E
associated with the reset signal pattern is reliably triggers an LED indicator test. 0
prevented. After it is completed the red LED
indicator on the entry key will go 03 06
out, and all fault records will be x y
Because of the signal memory’s ring structure the erased. Any address can then
information in this memory is automatically updated for be selected by pressing the “up”
five consecutive events, so that in principle a manual reset and “down” keys.
would not be necessary. However, if the signal memory E R
Certain actions from the local control panel, such as a
manual trip command for testing purposes, have a special 03 40
access lock to prevent accidental output. This special x y
0 Example of a display. The F
03 40
change enabling command has been 1
issued (03 10=1). x y
03 10
x y
active, the value cannot be changed 03 40 issued (value display returns to 0).
by pressing the “up” and “down” keys. x y
03 40
x y
locked. This means that unauthorized or unintentional keyboard is locked. The reset key 0
changes are no longer possible. To lock the keyboard the (R) is enabled for resetting the LED
indicators. 03 10
value “1” must be set at address 03 11 (password). When
x y
the keyboard is locked the only key still functionally active
is the reset key. When the “up” or “down” keys are
pressed there is no response from the device.
x y
value display. The return address in
this example is 03 10.
03 10
x y
The PD 521 distance protection device must be adjusted 7.1 Device Identification
to the system and to the protected equipment by means of
appropriate settings. This section gives instructions for The device identification settings are used to record the
determining the proper settings. ordering information and the design version of the
protection device. They have no effect on the protective
The address list in the Appendix lists all parameters with function. These settings should only be changed if the
their setting ranges and incrementation or selection tables. design version of the protection device is modified.
The Set Value Record Sheets in the Appendix make it
possible to keep a complete and well-organized record of 7.1.1 Ordering Information
all settings.
00 00 IDENT: Device type
The units are supplied with a factory-set configuration of The type designation numbers are displayed,
settings that in most cases correspond to the “default for example, “521” for PD 521. The display
setting” given in the address list. If the factory settings cannot be altered.
differ from the default settings, then this is indicated below
at the appropriate points. 00 48 IDENT: Device password 1
00 49 IDENT: Device password 2
The default settings given in the address list are activated This setting is used by the FPC software for
after a cold restart. All settings must be re-entered after a identification. For further details regarding
cold restart. these settings see the description of the FPC
operating program.
00 50 IDENT: Auxiliary voltage
Setting of the auxiliary voltage employed,
for example, “220” for 220 V DC.
00 51 IDENT: Nominal voltage
Nominal voltage setting, for example, “100”
for Vnom = 100 V.
00 52 IDENT: Nominal current
The nominal current setting of the phase
current transformers, for example, “1.0” for
Inom = 1 A.
00 53 IDENT: Nominal frequency
The nominal frequency setting of the
measuring circuits, for example, “50” for
50 Hz.
00 54 IDENT: Nominal current IN
The nominal current setting of the residual
current transformer, for example, “1.0” for
Inom = 1 A.
00 80 IDENT: Add. HW modules
The hardware expansion setting for the
protection device. The PD 521 automatically
carries out a warm restart in accordance with
this setting. The value can be increased but
not decreased. If a lower value is to be set,
a cold restart must be carried out.
This setting can only be made from the
integrated local control panel.
The software version of the modules used in the PD 521 The interfaces are adapted to the system conditions by
can be read out at the addresses in this group. setting the configuration parameters.
The measured frequency is transmitted via 03 70 ILSA: Command enable USER Fig. 87
the ILSA interface if it differs by the set delta ILSA interface communication enabling
quantity from the last measured value function.
Note: If the ILSA interface has been
03 53 ILSA: Delta t Fig. 87 activated from address 00 80 and
All measured data are transmitted again there is no ILSA connection or it is
through the ILSA interface after this time inactive, then the command enable
period has elapsed. should be set at "0". For this setting,
the commands are rejected and the
03 54 ILSA: Delta P Fig. 87
time synchronization signal is
The active power is transmitted through the received and reset; cyclic measured
ILSA interface if it differs by the set delta data are not transmitted.
quantity from the last measured value
transmitted. 03 71 ILSA: Baud rate Fig. 87
The ILSA interface baud rate setting.
03 55 PC: Delta V Fig. 86
A measured voltage value is transmitted via 03 74 ILSA: Transm. cycl. data Fig. 87
the PC interface if it differs by the set delta The measured data that are to be
quantity from the last measured value transmitted cyclically through the ILSA
transmitted. interface are selected.
03 56 PC: Delta I Fig. 86 03 76 ILSA: Sig./meas.blck. USER Fig. 87
A measured current value is transmitted via When the signal and measured data block is
the PC interface if it differs by the set delta activated, no signals or measured data are
quantity from the last measured value transmitted through the ILSA interface.
transmitted. Commands to the ILSA interface are
03 57 PC: Delta f Fig. 86
The measured frequency is transmitted via Note: When the ILSA interface is activated
the PC interface if it differs by the set delta via address 00 80 and there is no
quantity from the last measured value ILSA connection or it is not active,
transmitted. the signal and measured value
blocking should be set to“1”.
03 58 PC: Delta t Fig. 86
All measured data are transmitted again 03 77 ILSA: Contin. general scan Fig. 87
through the PC interface after this time period A continuous or background general scan
has elapsed. means that the PD 521 transmits all settings,
signals and monitoring signals through the
03 59 PC: Delta P Fig. 86
ILSA interface during slow periods when
The active power is transmitted through the there is not much activity. This ensures that
PC interface if it differs by the set delta there will be data consistency with a
quantity from the last measured value connected control system. The time to be
transmitted. set defines the minimum time difference
03 68 PC/ILSA: Device addr. (CU) Fig. 86 between two telegrams.
03 69 PC/ILSA: Device addr. (PU) Fig. 86 03 80 PC: Command enabling Fig. 86
The device address is used for device PC interface communication enabling
identification when communication is being function.
carried out through the serial interfaces. The
device address of the communication unit 03 81 PC: Baud rate Fig. 86
(CU) and the device address of the process Baud rate setting for the PC interface.
unit (PU) must have the identical setting.
03 84 PC: Transm. cycl. data Fig. 86
The measured data that are to be
transmitted cyclically through the PC
interface are selected.
The operating mode of every binary signal input can be 7.2.4 LED Indicators
selected. It is possible to specify whether the presence or
absence of a voltage (mode active “high” or active “low,” The PD 521 has a total of 12 LED indicators for parallel
respectively) shall be interpreted as the logic “1” signal. display of binary signals. The address list gives
information about the configuration options for all LED
54 01 INP: Fct. assignm. U 1 indicators (see Appendix C).
54 04 INP: Fct. assignm. U 2
Assign functions to binary signal inputs. A standard setting that differs from the “default setting”
given in the address list has been factory-set for some of
54 02 INP: Operating mode U 1 the freely configurable LED indicators. The factory setting
54 05 INP: Operating mode U 2 is given in the terminal connection diagrams of the
Specify operating mode of binary signal Supporting Documents supplied with the device and in
inputs. Appendix E of this manual.
kG =
X 0 - X pos 2 + R0 - Rpos 2
3 × Rpos 2 + X pos 2
Ground Fault Direction Determination Using Steady-State Operate delay setting for the direction
Values decision in the backward direction.
16 60 GFDSS: Enabled Fig. 54 16 70 GFDSS: Connect. meas.circ. Fig. 56
Deactivation or activation of steady-state Connection of the measuring circuits deter-
ground fault direction determination. The mines the directional measurement function
GFDSS function may be enabled only if the of steady-state ground fault direction deter-
nominal frequency is set to 50 Hz. mination. If the connection is as shown in
Chapter 5, then the setting must be Forward
16 61 GFDSS: tVN-G> Fig. 56
(value “1“) if the PD 521’s “forward” decision
Setting for the operate delay VN-G>. is to be in the direction of the outgoing
16 62 GFDSS: VN-G> Fig. 56 feeder. If the connection direction is
Setting for the neutral-point displacement reversed or – given the connection direction
voltage threshold value. according to Chapter 5 – if the “forward”
decision will be in the busbar direction, then
16 63 GFDSS: Operating mode Fig. 56 the setting must be “2.”
Setting for the operating mode of ground fault
direction determination using steady-state 16 71 GFDSS: Common reset Fig. 67
values. The following settings are possible: This setting determines whether the
¨ “cos phi circuit” for networks having measured data of steady-state ground fault
ground fault compensation, direction determination and the LED
¨ “sin phi circuit” for networks having an indicators shall be reset together.
isolated neutral. 16 72 GFDSS: Release delay LS Fig. 59
16 64 GFDSS: IN,act>/IN,reac> LS Fig. 59 Release delay setting for the direction
Setting for the threshold value of the active or decision in the forward direction.
reactive component of the ground current, the 16 73 GFDSS: Release delay BS Fig. 59
value that must be exceeded in order for the Release delay setting for the direction
LS (line side) direction decision to be decision in the backward direction.
16 90 GFDSS: Select GFD/GF Fig. 54
16 65 GFDSS: Sector angle LS Fig. 59
This setting determines whether a steady-
Sector angle setting for measurement in the state power evaluation or a steady-state
direction of the line side. current evaluation shall be carried out.
Note: This setting is only active if the
16 91 GFDSS: f0 (GFD) Fig. 56
operating mode “cos phi circuit”
Frequency setting for the measured
has been selected.
variables that will be evaluated by steady-
16 66 GFDSS: Operate delay LS Fig. 59 state power evaluation.
Operate delay setting for the direction 16 92 GFDSS: f0 (GF) Fig. 61
decision in the forward direction.
Frequency setting for the measured
16 67 GFDSS: IN,act>/IN,reac> BS Fig. 59 variables that will be evaluated by steady-
Setting for the threshold value of the active or state current evaluation.
reactive component of the ground current, the 16 93 GFDSS: IN> Fig. 61
value that must be exceeded in order for the
Operate value setting for steady-state
BS (busbar side) direction decision to be
current evaluation.
16 94 GFDSS: Operate delay IN Fig. 61
16 68 GFDSS: Sector angle BS Fig. 59
Operate delay setting for steady-state current
Sector angle setting for measurement in the
direction of the busbar side.
16 95 GFDSS: Release delay IN Fig. 61
Note: This setting is only active if the
Release delay setting for steady-state
operating mode “cos phi circuit”
current evaluation.
has been selected.
This setting defines in km the section that the Backup Overcurrent-Time Protection (Backup DTOC)
fault locator considers to be 100 % when
calculating the fault distance. 14 00 BUOC: Operating mode Fig. 38
The operating mode of backup overcurrent-
10 11 FLOC: Start determination Fig. 79 time protection is selected. The following
This setting determines at what point during a operating modes are possible:
fault the fault data shall be measured. Without backup DTOC
With backup DTOC
10 12 FLOC: Line reactance Fig. 79
This setting defines the reactance (X) that the 17 00 BUOC: I> Fig. 38
fault locator considers to be 100% when Threshold operate value for phase currents in
calculating the fault distance. backup overcurrent-time protection.
17 03 BUOC: IN> Fig. 38
Overcurrent (I>) Signal Threshold operate value for ground fault
current in backup overcurrent-time protection.
14 04 I>SIG: Threshold value Fig. 72
Threshold setting for the overcurrent signal. Note: A trip command is issued only if
MAIN: Neutral-point treat.
14 08 I>SIG: t Fig. 72 is set to Low-impedance
Operate delay setting. grounding.
17 04 BUOC: tI> Fig. 38
Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Operate delay for backup overcurrent-time
11 67 CBF: tCBF Fig. 53 protection.
Setting for the operate delay time after which 17 08 BUOC: tIN> Fig. 38
a “circuit breaker failure” signal shall be Operate delay for backup overcurrent-time
issued. protection.
03 15 MON: Peripheral fault Fig. 35
This setting determines whether monitoring
signals issued in the event of faults in the
measuring circuits are also entered into the
monitoring signal memory.
14 01 MON: Meas.circuit mon. Fig. 36
Deactivation or activation of measuring-circuit
The PD 521 generates a large number of signals, 04 55 OMEAS: Load angle phi A Fig. 74
processes binary input signals and acquires measured 04 56 OMEAS: Load angle phi B Fig. 74
data during fault-free operation of the protected object; it 04 57 OMEAS: Load angle phi C Fig. 74
also acquires measured fault-related data. For statistical Display of the updated load angle value in
purposes a number of counters is maintained. This phases A, B and C.
information can be read out from the integrated local
control panel. 05 40 OMEAS: Current A prim. Fig. 73
05 41 OMEAS: Current A p.u. Fig. 73
8.1 Measured Values Display of the updated phase current value in
A as a primary quantity or referred to Inom.
04 40 OMEAS: Frequency f Fig. 73 05 42 OMEAS: Voltage A-G prim. Fig. 73
Display of system frequency. 05 43 OMEAS: Voltage A-G p.u. Fig. 73
04 41 OMEAS: Volt. VN-G prim. Fig. 73 Display of the updated value for the phase-
04 42 OMEAS: Volt. VN-G p.u. Fig. 73
to-ground voltage A-G as a primary value or
Display of the updated value for the neutral- referred to Vnom.
point displacement voltage as a primary 05 44 OMEAS: Voltage A-B prim. Fig. 73
quantity or referred to Vnom. 05 45 OMEAS: Voltage A-B p.u. Fig. 73
04 43 OMEAS: Current IN prim. Fig. 73 Display of the updated value for the phase-
04 44 OMEAS: Current IN p.u. Fig. 73
to-phase voltage A-B as a primary value or
Display of the updated ground current value referred to Vnom.
as a primary quantity or referred to Inom. 06 40 OMEAS: Current B prim. Fig. 73
Either the current calculated by the PD 521 or 06 41 OMEAS: Current B p.u. Fig. 73
- if ground-fault direction determination using Display of the updated value for the phase
steady-state values is ready – the measured current in B as a primary quantity or referred
current is displayed. to Inom.
04 45 OMEAS: Curr. IN,act p.u. Fig. 59 06 42 OMEAS: Voltage B-G prim. Fig. 73
Display of the updated value of the active 06 43 OMEAS: Voltage B-G p.u. Fig. 73
ground current component referred to Inom. Display of the updated value for the phase-
04 46 OMEAS: Curr. IN,reac p.u. Fig. 59 to-ground voltage B-G as a primary quantity
Display of the updated value of the reactive or referred to Vnom.
ground current component referred to Inom. 06 44 OMEAS: Voltage B-C prim. Fig. 73
04 47 OMEAS: Current IN filt. p.u. Fig. 73 06 45 OMEAS: Voltage B-C p.u. Fig. 73
Display of the updated value for the harmonic Display of the updated value for the phase-
content of the ground current, referred to to-phase voltage B-C as a primary quantity
Inom. This is only displayed if steady-state or referred to Vnom.
current evaluation is enabled. 07 40 OMEAS: Current C prim. Fig. 73
04 50 OMEAS: Act. power P prim. Fig. 74 07 41 OMEAS: Current C p.u. Fig. 73
04 51 OMEAS: Act. power P p.u. Fig. 74 Display of the updated phase current value in
Display of the updated value of active power C as a primary quantity or referred to Inom.
as a primary quantity or referred to Snom. 07 42 OMEAS: Voltage C-G prim. Fig. 73
04 52 OMEAS: Reac. power Q prim. Fig. 74 07 43 OMEAS: Voltage C-G p.u. Fig. 73
04 53 OMEAS: Reac. power Q p.u. Fig. 74 Display of the updated value for the phase-
Display of the updated value of reactive to-ground voltage C-G as a primary quantity
power as a primary quantity or referred to or referred to Vnom.
Snom. 07 44 OMEAS: Voltage C-A prim. Fig. 73
04 54 OMEAS: Power factor Fig. 74 07 45 OMEAS: Voltage C-A p.u. Fig. 73
Display of the updated power factor value. Display of the updated value for the phase-
to-phase voltage C-A as a primary quantity
or referred to Vnom.
36 51 MAIN: CB closed sig. EXT Fig.: 37 The state of the binary inputs is displayed as
36 60 PSIG: Telecom. faulty Fig.: 42 follows:
36 63 SOTF: tManual-close runn. Fig.: 39
¨ Value of "0": not energized
36 64 SOTF: Trip aft. man.close Fig.: 39
36 65 DIST: Zone extension Fig.: 23 ¨ Value of "1": energized
36 66 CBF: tCBF running Fig.: 53
36 69 MON: Trip by Ineg Fig.: 36 This display appears regardless of the mode
36 70 MON: Warning Fig.: 82 setting for the binary signal inputs.
36 71 MAIN: General trip cmd. Fig.: 69
36 88 FLOC: Trigger EXT Fig.: 79
51 00 OUTP: State K 1
36 89 FREC: Trigger EXT Fig.: 81
51 02 OUTP: State K 2
37 18 MAIN: Man. trip cmd. EXT Fig.: 69
51 04 OUTP: State K 3
37 20 MON: Measuring circ.mon. Fig.: 35
51 06 OUTP: State K 4
37 21 BUOC: Backup DTOC mode Fig.: 38
51 08 OUTP: State K 5
37 24 PSIG: Send (transm. relay) Fig.: 51
51 10 OUTP: State K 6
37 27 PSIG: Ready Fig.: 40
51 12 OUTP: State K 7
37 28 PSIG: Not ready Fig.: 40
51 14 OUTP: State K 8
37 29 PSIG: Receive & gen.start Fig.: 49 The state of the output relays is displayed as
37 30 PASS: Output 1 (updating) Fig.: 71 follows:
37 31 PASS: Output 2 (updating) Fig.: 71
37 34 PASS: Output 1 (latching) Fig.: 71 ¨ Value of "0": output relay not activated
37 35 PASS: Output 2 (latching) Fig.: 71 ¨ Value of "1": output relay activated
37 70 PC/ILSA: Test mode EXT Fig.: 85
37 71 PC/ILSA: Test mode Fig.: 85
37 72 ILSA: Command enable EXT Fig.: 87 57 00 LED: State H 1
37 73 ILSA: Command enable Fig.: 87 57 02 LED: State H 2
37 74 ILSA: Sig./meas.block EXT Fig.: 87 57 04 LED: State H 3
37 75 ILSA: Sig./meas.block Fig.: 87 57 06 LED: State H 4
37 76 FREC: Trigger Fig.: 81 57 08 LED: State H 5
38 06 MAIN: Auxiliary address Fig.: 3 57 10 LED: State H 6
38 07 PSIG: Trip signal Fig.: 50 57 12 LED: State H 7
38 16 MAIN: Starting trig. EXT Fig.: 69 57 14 LED: State H 8
38 20 GFDSS: GF evaluation EXT Fig.: 54 57 16 LED: State H 9
38 23 MON: Volt. meas. circuits Fig.: 37 57 18 LED: State H 10
38 24 MON: Peripheral fault Fig.: 35 57 20 LED: State H 11
38 26 GFDSS: GFD ready Fig.: 54 57 22 LED: State H 12
38 27 GFDSS: GFD not ready Fig.: 54 The state of the LED indicators is displayed
38 28 GFDSS: GF ready Fig.: 54 as follows:
38 29 GFDSS: GF not ready Fig.: 54 ¨ Value of "0": LED indicator not activated
38 37 DIST: Fault in cable run Fig.: 32
38 46 MAIN: Prot. ext. disabled Fig.: 3 ¨ Value of "1": LED indicator activated
38 48 MON: Meas. volt. ok Fig.: 37
40 16 PASS: Input 1 EXT Fig.: 71
40 17 PASS: Input 2 EXT Fig.: 71
40 20 PASS: Output 1 (t) Fig.: 71
54 00 INP: State U 1
54 03 INP: State U 2
After the wiring work is completed, check the system to ¨ PC/ILSA: Device addr. (CU) (address 03 68)
make sure it is properly isolated. The conditions given in
VDE 0100 must be satisfied. ¨ PC/ILSA: Device addr. (PU) (address 03 69)
Once all checks have been made, the power supply ¨ FREC: Time-switching (address 03 95)
voltage may be turned on. After voltage has been applied,
the protection device starts up. During startup various ¨ FREC: Time of day (address 03 96)
startup tests are carried out (see Section 3.18, "Self-
Monitoring"). The LED indicators for "Operation" (H2) and ¨ FREC: Date (address 03 97)
"Blocked/Faulty" (H3) light up. After approximately 11 s
the PD 521 is ready for operation. This is indicated when ¨ FREC: Year (address 03 98)
the display changes from address 99 00 to the preset
address (factory-set default: 03 10). Further instructions regarding these settings are given in
Chapters 7 and 8.
In as-received condition the keyboard is not locked.
Therefore all settings can be made after the change
enabling command (address 03 10) has been issued. The
procedure for entering settings from the integrated local
control panel is described in Chapter 6.
After the settings have been made, the following checks Checking the Binary Signal Inputs
should be carried out once again:
When the binary signal inputs are configured for the
appropriate signals, then it is possible to determine from
¨ Does the function assignment of the binary signal
the signals (see Section 8.2) whether the protection device
inputs agree with the terminal connection diagram?
recognizes the binary signals correctly.
¨ Has the correct operating mode been selected for the ¨ Address 54 00: display of the current state of binary
binary signal inputs? signal input U1
¨ Address 54 03: display of the current state of binary
¨ Does the function assignment of the output relays
signal input U2
agree with the terminal connection plan?
The displayed values have the following meanings:
¨ Have all settings been made correctly?
¨ Value of "0": Not energized.
Now the blocks at the following addresses can be cleared:
¨ Value of "1": Energized.
¨ Address 03 30: M A I N : P r o t e c t i o n a c t i v e "on". This display appears regardless of the binary signal input
mode selected.
¨ Address 21 12: MAIN: T r i p c m d . b l o c k U S E R .
Checking the Output Relays
It is possible to trigger the output relays for a settable time
By using the signals and displays generated by the period for test purposes (time setting at address 03 44).
PD 521 it is possible to determine whether the PD 521 is First set value „1“ at address 03 12 ( PC/ILSA: T es t
correctly set and properly interconnected with the station. m ode USER), then select the output relay to be tested
Signals are signaled by output relays and LED indicators (address 03 42). Test triggering then occurs through
and entered into the signal memory. In addition, the address 03 43. It is password-protected (see Chapter 6,
signals can be checked by selecting the appropriate signal Section "Password-Protected Control Operations").
V test
= 2 × Z<
I test
V test × e jjtest
= 2 × Z < × e j jZ
I test × e j0 °
V test
= 2 × Z< 0
103 Example of the fault detection settings in a V-I diagram I test
jtest = j Z
Checking I> (IN), V< and I>>:
The phase displacement between the measured variables
V and I should be selected so as to be smaller than the
set angle “START: b . ”
Checking Z<:
The phase displacement between the measured variables
V and I should be selected so as to be greater than the set
angle START: b .
j L = arc tan
X fw sinjZ + k G × sin jZ + jG
Rfw jtest = arc tan
cosjZ + k G × cos jZ + jG
Rfw : START: Rfw P-G or
START: Rfw P-P setting or
b: START: b setting jtest : phase angle between test voltage and test current
: START: Zbw/Zfw setting
From the input measured variables the PD 521 calculates Checking Distance and Directional Measurement
the residual current IN and the neutral-point displacement
When checking the impedance zones using single-phase
voltage VN-G, , which are used for ground starting. They
test current we obtain the following relation for the operate
are calculated according to the following formulas:
condition for a phase-to-phase loop:
I N = I A + I B + IC V test
= 2 × Z<
I test
V N -G = × V A -G + V B - G + V C - G V test × e jj test
3 = 2 × Z < × e jj Z
I test × e j 0 °
For a single-phase test where V A-G = V C -G = 0 , the
For absolute value and angle this means:
result of the calculation formula for VN-G just cited is that
the START: V N - G > or S T A R T : V N - G > > triggers
operate if the test voltage exceeds the following value: V test
= 2 × Z<
I test
V test = 3 × VN-G > × j test = j Z
VN-G>: S T A R T : V N - G > or
START: VN-G>> setting Z<: tripping impedance
DIST : Charact erist ic “Polygon“ Setting In the range of the resistance limits, that is, for impedance
angles in the range of 0° < jZ < jL, the tripping impedance
The tripping impedance is calculated in the range of the
is calculated according to the following formula:
reactance limits, that is, for impedance angle jZ in the
range jL < jZ < 90°, as follows:
Z< =
sin j Z
X cos j Z -
Z< = tan a
sinj Z
When checking phase-to-ground loops the complex
X: Settings D I S T : X1 to D I S T : X 4 ground factor kG that has been set must be taken into
account if the setting for D I S T : k G a b s . v a l u e is
The limit angle jL is defined by the point of intersection of not equal to one and/or the setting for D I S T : k G
reactance and resistance limits and is calculated as a n g l e is not equal to 0°. When the test is carried out
follows: using single-phase test current, the following relation for
the operate condition is obtained:
j L = arc tan V test
tan a I test
= 1 + kG × Z<
R: Settings
V test × e jj test
DIST: R1 P-G to DIST: R4 P-G or
I test × e j 0°
= 1 + k G × e jj G × Z < × e jj Z
DIST: R1 P-P to DIST: R4 P-P
a: Settings DIST: a For absolute amount and angle this means:
V test æ 2 ö
= ç1 + k G + 2 × k G × cosjG ÷ × Z <
I test è ø
sinj Z + k G × sinj Z + j G
j test = arc tan
cos j Z + k G × cosj Z + j G
jZ : impedance angle
In impedance zone 1 the set zone extension factor kze DIST : Characteristic “Circle“ Setting
enters into the tripping impedance in all fault cases.
If a circular tripping characteristic has been selected, the
Rtrip = kze × R
tripping impedance is set on the PD 521. If, in addition, the
setting “Arc compensation: yes “ has been chosen then,
Xtrip = kze × X for the measurement of sine variables, the characteristic
shown in Figure 106 is obtained.
Z trip = Z × (1 + sin @ )
where: where
Ztrip = kze × Z1
V test × e jj test
I test × e j 0°
= 1 + k G × e jj G × Z < × e jj Z where
For two-phase test current in phase opposition we obtain: If negative-sequence monitoring has been enabled, the
PD 521 determines the absolute value of negative-
1 1 sequence voltage according to the following formula:
I neg = × I test + a 2 × ( - I test ) = × I test
3 3
If the PD 521 is operating with protective signaling or ¨ PUTT (permissive underreaching transfer tripping)
ARC, tripping of the backup overcurrent time protection
proceeds after the corresponding tripping times have ¨ Zone extension
¨ Signal comparison release scheme
107 Auxiliary circuit in resonant-grounded systems with Holmgreen group, ground fault in BS direction
A pilot wire is threaded into window-type current In the example shown below a ground fault is simulated
transformers, and through it a current is taken from phase on the line side. In order to check a ground fault on the
B (see Figure 108). The vectorial assignment of currents busbar side, the pilot wire must be threaded in the
and voltages is shown in the phasor diagrams included opposite direction.
with the terminal connection diagrams.
108 Auxiliary circuit in resonant-grounded systems with window-type current transformer, ground fault in BS direction
Auxiliary Circuit in Systems with Isolated Neutral smaller by a factor of 3 than that of the displacement
voltage in the case of a dead fault to ground.
First the fuse in phase A on the primary side of the voltage
transformer is removed and the corresponding secondary If the current is measured in a Holmgreen group, then the
side is short-circuited (see Figures 109 and 110). The current transformers in A and B on the secondary side
result is a displacement voltage VN-G whose magnitude is must be disconnected and short-circuited (see Figure
109 Auxiliary circuit in systems with isolated neutral and Holmgreen group, ground fault in LS direction
A pilot wire is threaded into window-type current In the example shown below a ground fault is simulated
transformers, and through it a current is taken from on the line side. In order to check a ground fault on the
phases B and C (see Figure 110). The vectorial busbar side, the pilot wire must be threaded in the
assignment of currents and voltages is shown in the opposite direction.
phasor diagrams included with the terminal connection
110 Auxiliary circuit in systems with isolated neutral and window-type current transformer, ground fault in LS direction
Completion of Commissioning
Before the protection device is released for operation,
make sure that
Listed below are several conceivable problems, their Checksum errors in the EPROM area.
causes, and possible methods for eliminating them. This Response: warm restart or blocking
section is intended as a general orientation only, and in Output relay: latching
cases of doubt it is better to return the PD 521 to the
manufacturer. In such cases the packaging instructions in 90 01 MON: RAM
the “Unpacking and Packing” section of Chapter 5 must Write or read error in the RAM area.
be followed. Response: warm restart or blocking
Output relay: latching
Malfunctioning after Connection to the System: 90 02 MON: Exception
Processor malfunction.
¨ The 7-segment displays do not light up. Response: warm restart or blocking
n Check to see whether there is supply voltage at the Output relay: latching
equipment connection points. 90 03 MON: Parameters
n Check to see whether the magnitude of the auxiliary Checksum error in settings area.
voltage is correct. The PD 521 is protected against Response: cold restart
damage resulting from polarity reversal. Output relay: latching
Turn off the power supply voltage before 90 08 MON: PC interface
90 00 MON: EPROM
The device has switched to backup ¨ The PD 521 signals "Block/faulty" (LED H3).
overcurrent-time protection.
n Check to see whether a “Warning” signal is present.
Response: none
If so, the warning must be identified more closely,
Output relay: updating
as described above.
98 05 MON: Curr. meas. circuits n Check to see whether the PD 521 is deactivated
Negative-sequence monitoring has (off). (This can be checked at address 03 30.)
Response: none n Check to see whether the trip command is being
Output relay: updating blocked from the local control panel (this can be
checked at address 21 12).
98 06 MON: Protect.sig.transm.
The protective signaling transmission n Check to see whether the trip command is being
channel is faulty. blocked via a binary input.
Response: blocking of protective signaling
Output relay: updating If none of the checks listed above are successful and the
problem is not eliminated, send the unit to the
98 07 MON: Measuring circuits manufacturer along with a detailed description of the
Ground starting has operated. problem.
Response: none
Output relay: updating
98 09 MON: Low voltage
A phase-to-phase voltage has fallen below
the 0.4 × Vnom threshold.
Response: none
Output relay: updating
The PD 521 is a low-maintenance device. The Components located behind the front panel are
components used in the units are selected so that they
meet exacting requirements. Recalibration is not
! energized. Turn off the power supply voltage
before opening the unit.
After loosening four bolts on the front side of the front
The PD 521 is equipped with a lithium battery for non- panel, the local control module (front panel and processor
volatile storage of event data and for continued operation module) can be removed once the following plugs have
of the internal clock in the event of a failure of auxiliary been removed first:
voltage. Loss of capacity due to module-internal self-
¨ The tab connector on the case
discharging amounts to less than 1% per year over a
period of availability of 10 years. Since the terminal ¨ The tab connector on the lower circuit board
voltage remains virtually constant until capacity is (I/O module)
exhausted, usefulness is maintained until a very low
residual capacity is reached. Given a nominal capacity of ¨ The ribbon cable connecting the local control module
(front panel and processor module) with the I/O module
800 mAh and discharge currents of only a few mA during
device storage and/or in the range of the self-discharge ¨ The ribbon cable connecting the local control module
current during device operation, a correspondingly long with the optional ILSA interface (-X7 and -X8 or -X9)
service life results. It is therefore recommended that the
lithium battery only be replaced after a period of about ten Check the position of the connector. Do not allow the
years. connecting cable to kink.
Analog Input Circuits the basis of reliability analysis one can expect statistically
that in 10 years in 1000 devices only one component will
Within the PD 521 an analog-digital converter is used to be outside the tolerance zone.
convert analog measured variables. However, an
instrument transformer, filter, analog multiplexer and Additional testing in the analog area, such as for the
1/16 amplifier are also incorporated in each single impedance or starting characteristics, is not necessary in
measuring channel so that a test from the device our opinion since complete digital processing of this
terminals is required in order to verify proper functioning. information is carried out on the basis of the measured
The supply voltages are monitored continuously. analog current and voltage values. Proper operation will
have been demonstrated in conjunction with the type test.
In conjunction with self-monitoring, moreover, the
measuring circuit monitoring feature integrated into the The function ‘ground fault direction determination using
protection function can in many cases exhibit a higher steady-state values’ can be checked in a similar way, that
sensitivity and thus detect additional deviations, depending is by means of operating data measurement and a test
on the parameter assignment. device.
The binary inputs are not checked in conjunction with self- The integrated self-monitoring function of the PC interface
monitoring. Therefore a test function is integrated into the includes the communications module (UART). The entire
device software so that the control state of the individual communications system, including the interconnection and
input can be read out at a matrix point address (54 00 and any fiber-optic module, is always completely monitored as
54 03), where "0" is “low” (not triggered) and "1" is “high” long as a link has been created by the FPC program or
(triggered). This check should be performed for each the ILSA protocol.
input being used, and if necessary it can be done without
disconnecting the unit wiring. Other Internal Functions
Turn off any auxiliary voltage before replacing the Battery and bracket 89512-4-0341946
! label strips. Components located behind the
front panel are energized. PC connection cable 255 002 096
After four bolts on the front panel face are loosened and FPCC parameter assignment 251 254 271
the tab connector (internal grounding) is detached from program
the rear of the front panel, it is possible to remove the
local control module (front panel and processor module), FPCF operating program 251 254 676
which is connected to the input-output module by a plug-in
ribbon cable. The label strip can be removed or inserted
from the bottom of the rear of the front panel.
¨ Laser printer.
Designs Order-No.
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ -303 -402 ³ ³ -602
Design ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Case (surface-mounting) 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Case (flush-mounting) with cover frame 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Variants ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Nominal current I nom ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Inom = 1A, 4-phase 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Inom = 5A, 4-phase 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Inom = 5A, 3-phase; Inom = 1A, 1-phase 3 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Nominal frequency fnom = 50/60 Hz 2 ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³
Nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom ³ ³ ³ ³
VA,nom = 24 to 60 V DC / 110 to 250 V DC, 100 to 230 V AC T 3 ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
without ILSA-communications module 0 ³ ³
with ILSA-communications module, to plastic fiber 1 ³ ³
with ILSA-communications module, to glass fiber 2 ³ ³
with ILSA-communications module, RS 422/485 3 ³ ³
³ ³
Labels & supp. documents Engl. <1> -598 ³
Acceptance test certificate B to DIN 50049 - 3.1B <2> -599
<1> Valid for ordering prior to device production. Available as accessory (separate position) for stock items.
<2> Must be ordered prior to device production. This order extension no. will not be printed on the name label of the device or shipping box.
T Settable range, delivery setting underlined.
A Glossary
B List of Signals
C Address List
A 2 Symbols
Symbol Description
Graphic symbols for block diagrams
Binary elements Components of a symbol
according to DIN 40900 Part 12, September 1992, A symbol consists of a
IEC 617-12: amended 1991 contour or contour
combination and one or more
Analog information processing qualifiers.
according to DIN 40900 Part 13, January 1981
This rule does not necessarily Settable control block
apply to configurations with The four digits represent the
two or more signal flow address under which the
directions, such as for function shown in the text
symbols with a control block after the colon may be set via
and an output block. the local control panel.
Change-over contact
with device identifier
Special symbol
Output relay in normally-
energized arrangement
(‘closed-circuit operation’).
t Time, duration
Signal Name Description
V Voltage, potential difference
K FREC: Fault start Internal signal names are not
coded by an address. In the V Complex voltage
block diagrams they are
marked with a diamond. I Electrical current
The internal signal names
used and their origins are I Complex current
listed in Appendix B.
Z Complex impedance
DIST: Signal names coded by an
Z1' triggered address are referred to once Z Modulus of complex
[ 3904 ] by their address (in square impedance
brackets). The source is
documented in Chapters 7 f Frequency
and 8.
d Temperature in °C
DIST: Subsequent references use
Z1' triggered the signal name only.
S Sum, result
t Time constant
DT Temperature difference in K
Internal signal names are not coded by an address. They DIST: Selected meas.loop A-B 14
are indicated by a diamond in the block diagram. DIST: Selected meas.loop A-G 14
DIST: Selected meas.loop B-C 14
Internal Signal Names Figure
DIST: Selected meas.loop B-G 14
BUOC: Blocked by DTOC 38 DIST: Selected meas.loop C-A 14
BUOC: I N> trigd. 38 DIST: Selected meas.loop C-G 14
BUOC: IA triggered 38 DIST: Selected meas.loop P-G 14
BUOC: IB triggered 38 DIST: Selected meas.loop P-P 14
BUOC: IC triggered 38 DIST: t0 28
BUOC: SN 38 DIST: Trip zone 1 29,32,34
DIST: jcorr 15 DIST: Trip zone 2 29,32,34
DIST: jF 16 DIST: Trip zone 3 29,32,34
DIST: jX 16 DIST: Trip zone 4 29,32,34
DIST: Trip zone 5 29,32,34
DIST: jZ 19
DIST: Trip zone 6 29,32,34
DIST: 1VA-B (stored) 15
DIST: Vmeas 14
DIST: Dist. decision Z1 23,27
DIST: Voltage memory enabled 15
DIST: Dist. decision Z1E 23,27
DIST: Dist. decision zone 1 23,27
DIST: Dist. decision zone 2 22,26 DIST: Zmeas 25
DIST: N5bw 28
Internal Signal Names Figure
DIST: N5fw 28
MAIN: Automatic reset 76
Internal Signal Names Figure MAIN: kInom 2
START: Block 3
START: Dist. prot. starting 13
START: Enable 1 8
65 41 36 02 START: Starting B
145 91 06 41 2.4 OMEAS: Current B p.u.
66 42 36 03 START: Starting C 05 45 2.4 OMEAS: Voltage A-B p.u.
83 53 36 31 DIST: t6 elapsed
85 55 36 17 CBF: CB failure
only if address 03 74 is set to the value “1“
only if address 03 74 is set to the value “2
only if address 03 74 is set to the value “3
only if address 03 74 is set to the value “4“
only if address 03 74 is set to the value “5“
3 Phase current IC
4 Residual current IN
Function Groups on: "on" (on-line) means that the value can be changed
even when the protective function is enabled.
BUOC: Back-up overcurrent-time protection off: "off" (off-line) means that the value can be changed
CBF: Circuit breaker failure protection provided that the protective function is disabled.
DIST: Distance and directional measurement -: "-" means that the value cannot be modified by
FLOC: Fault localization control action.
FMEAS: Fault data acquisition
FREC: Fault recording KEY
GFDSS: Ground fault direction determination using
steady-state values f): A change in value is possible without activating
GMEAS: Ground fault measurement data the value-change enabling function.
IDENT: Device identification n): Indication "..." is possible and means that no
ILSA: ILSA communications link value has been measured.
INP: Binary input o): Indication "-..-" is possible and means that the
I>SIG: Overcurrent (I>) signal value is out of range.
LED: LED indicators p): The value change is password-protected.
LOC: Local control panel u): The setting "¥" is represented by the "0--0"
MAIN: Main function display.
MON: Self-monitoring
OMEAS: Operating value measurement
OUTP: Binary and analog output
PASS: Pass-through functions
PC: PC communications link
PSIG: Protective signaling
SOTF: Switch on to fault protection
START: Starting
C 1 Parameters
C 1.3.1 Global
12 36 DIST: kG angle on 0 0 0°
4 4.5°
9 9°
13 13.5°
18 18°
22 22.5°
27 27°
31 31.5°
36 36°
40 40.5°
45 45
49 49.5°
54 54°
58 58.5°
63 63°
67 67.5°
72 72°
76 76.5°
81 81°
85 85.5°
90 90°
94 94.5°
99 99°
103 103.5°
108 108°
112 112.5°
117 117°
121 121.5°
126 126°
130 130.5°
135 135°
139 139.5°
144 144°
148 148.5°
153 153°
157 157.5°
162 162°
166 166.5°
171 171°
175 175.5°
180 180°
- 4 -4.5°
- 9 -9°
- 13 -13.5°
- 18 -18°
- 22 -22.5°
- 27 -27°
- 31 -31.5°
- 36 -36°
- 40 -40.5°
- 45 -45°
- 49 -49.5°
- 54 -54°
- 58 -58.5°
- 63 -63°
- 67 -67.5°
- 72 -72°
- 76 -76.5°
- 81 -81°
- 85 -85.5°
- 90 -90°
- 94 -94.5°
- 99 -99°
-103 -103.5°
-108 -108°
-112 -112.5°
-117 -117°
-121 -121.5°
-126 -126°
-130 -130.5°
-135 -135°
-139 -139.5°
-144 -144°
-148 -148.5°
-153 -153°
-157 -157.5°
-162 -162°
-166 -166.5°
-171 -171°
-175 -175.5°
-180 -180°
Back-Up Overcurrent-
Time Protection
Fault Localization
10 05 FLOC: Line length on 10.0 0.01 ... 9.99 Refer. value (e.g. km) 0.01
10.0 ... 500.0 0.1
Fault Recording
Operation Value
Pass-Through Functions
Protective Signaling
Switch On To Fault
C 2 Operation
C 2.2.1 Functions
Possible Entries
C 3 Events
04 22 FLOC: Fault location - 0.0 ... 500.0 Ref. unit line length 0.1 n)o)
04 27 FLOC: Fault location % - 0.0 ... 200.0 % Refer.value / reactance 0.1 n)o)
09 20 GMEAS: Voltage VN-G p.u. - 0.000 ... 1.500 Vnom/Ö3 0.001 n)o)
Possible Entries
Serial No. 6.
Inom A AC
Vnom V AC
VA,nom V DC
fnom Hz
D 1 Device Identification
D 2 Configuration Parameters
D 3 Function Parameters
D 3.1 Global
Distance measurement
12 00 DIST: Zone 4
12 01 DIST: X1 (polygon) W
12 02 DIST: X2 (polygon) W
12 03 DIST: X3 (polygon) W
12 04 DIST: X4 (polygon) W
12 05 DIST: R1 P-G (polygon) W
12 06 DIST: R1 P-P (polygon) W
12 07 DIST: R2 P-G (polygon) W
12 08 DIST: R2 P-P (polygon) W
12 23 DIST: Direction N1
12 24 DIST: Direction N2
12 25 DIST: Direction N3
12 26 DIST: Direction N4
12 27 DIST: Direction N5
12 28 DIST: t1 s
12 29 DIST: t2 s
12 30 DIST: t3 s
12 31 DIST: t4 s
12 32 DIST: t5 s
12 33 DIST: t6 s
12 34 DIST: kze P-G HSR
12 35 DIST: kze P-P HSR
12 36 DIST: kG angle
12 37 DIST: kG abs. value
12 38 DIST: Arc comp. (circle)
12 40 DIST: Characteristic
12 41 DIST: a (circle) °
12 42 DIST: Z1 (circle) W
12 43 DIST: Z2 (circle) W
12 44 DIST: Z3 (circle) W
12 45 DIST: Z4 (circle) W
Pass-Through Functions
Fault Localization
CB-Failure Protection
Back-up Protection
Fault Recording
111 Terminal connection diagram for PD521 version -302 -401 -602, diagram 89521.401
part 1 of 2
112 Terminal connection diagram for PD521 version -302 -401 -602, diagram 89521.401
part 2 of 2
113 Terminal connection diagram for PD521 version -303 -402 -602, diagram 89521.402
part 1 of 2
114 Terminal connection diagram for PD521 version -303 -402 -602, diagram 89521.402
part 2 of 2
D - 60491 Frankfurt
This operating manual is drafted according to our experience and is composed conscientiously. If nevertheless you
still find any mistakes in it, please tell us by this enclosed form. We are also grateful for your further hints and
improvement proposals.
Address: Phone: