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ight is emitted from a material when Fig. 4: Reverse ates a region on ei-
it is stimulated by the incident en- Ultraviolet 100-400 biased p-n junction ther side of the
ergy. If the energy is in the form of Visible 400-700
photons, photoluminescence is produced. Infrared 700-1500
Optoelectronic devices produce electrical
energy when exposed to incident light en- produces semiconductors. The process of
ergy. They utilise energy in the visible introducing impurities into a pure semi-
and infrared regions of the electromag- conductor material is known as doping.
netic spectrum. Phosphorous, arsenic, boron, and alu-
Solidstate devices like sensors, IR emit- minium are some of the materials used as Fig. 5: Anode and cathode in p-n junction
ters, and laser emitters are used for opto- impurities for doping. By means of so- and the direction of current flow
electronic applications. Optoelectronic de- phisticated processes, it is possible to pro-
vices can be classified into photoconduc- duce p- and n-type junctions within the junction with no free charges. This region
tive and photovoltaic devices. same slice of silicon or germanium. The is known as depletion layer (refer Fig.
Photoconductive devices such as photo 2). The continuous movement of electrons
resistors are widely used in counting sys- and holes results in an equilibrium, with
tems, twilight switches, house security sys- the p region acquiring a small negative
tems, etc. These detect variations in the charge and the n region acquiring a small
light intensities and activate or deactivate positive charge. This creates a small po-
electronic circuits. Photodiodes and tential across the p-n junction equivalent
phototransistors also fall in this category. to a small voltage.
These utilise the reverse biased junctions Fig. 1: Diffusion of electrons and holes When an external voltage having a po-
for generating current when illuminated. across the n-p junction larity opposite to that of the p-n junction
Photovoltaic devices produce a volt- is applied to the p-n junction, it effec-
age when these are exposed to light. The resulting junction is called p-n junction. tively negates the internal potential differ-
light energy produces a potential differ- Within the p-n junction there is move- ence and reduces the width of the deple-
ence across the p-n junction depending ment of electrons and holes (refer Fig. 1). tion layer. As the external voltage is in-
on the intensity of the incident light. So- From the n creased, the depletion layer becomes zero,
lar cells and photovoltaic cells are widely region elec- and this causes easy diffusion of charge
used in various applications to generate trons diffuse carriers across the junction. Electrons move
electricity. across the from n region to p region and the junc-
junction into tion is forward biased (refer Fig. 3). A
the p region large current flows from the p region (an-
The p-n junction as a voltage
and combine ode) to the n region (cathode). If the ex-
Fig. 2: Depletion layer with with the ternal potential has the same polarity as
The controlled diffusion of impurities into no charges on either side holes present that of the junction, no current flows, as
such materials as germanium and silicon of the junction in p-type ma- the depletion layer widens and inhibits