Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Take a moment to reflect on what worked well for the business when responding to the crisis—and
what didn’t. What can be learned from the digital only marketing efforts that worked during this time
and apply to the non-digital world.
By scaling successful tactics to address other gaps in their process, they can set up a strategic approach
that works for them.
When redefining marketing objectives, think about how the business has changed to meet these new
goals. Finally, look at the recovery efforts that followed other crises of recessions to see if there are any
learnings that could apply now.
When it comes to measuring the results, it is important to prioritize metrics that drive tangible business
outcomes like profitability. Once they identify the right things to track, use them to make measurement
framework more robust. By investing in deeper marketing analytics and forecasting, the company can
better understand changes in consumer behavior and anticipate when demand will return towards
recovery. Identify which trends from the marketing analytics are temporary responses, which are
accelerated consumer trends and which are permanent behavior shifts. They can also implement an
impact matrix to measure the bottom line impact of their campaigns.
Redefine the brand principles and reassess what the brand needs today
During this crisis, consumers are turning to brands they trust and engaging with new brands that have
offers an innovative or compassionate response to COVID 19. The company must evaluate what the
company means to their most valuable customers today and periodically reassess whether their needs
have changed. Use this context to create flexible creativity that allows to react to fast changing
consumer behaviors- and make sure to spend some time developing, investing, or rethinking their
loyalty strategy to build brand love during recovery.