Running Head: Google Case Study Analysis 1
Running Head: Google Case Study Analysis 1
Running Head: Google Case Study Analysis 1
Tara Looie
Google Inc. was founded in 1998 by Page and Sergey Brin. The company is a
information industry which builds products and provides services to organize information. This
industry has an aggressive growth of stock market. The company offers a wide variety of products
such as Google search engine, AdWords, AdSense, Double Click Ad Exchange, and AdMob.
Google Inc. also offers YouTube for video, Android; a mobile software platform, hardware
products such as Chromebook, Chrome OS device, Chrome Cast, Google Drive and Nexus
Devices. In addition, the company provides Google Maps, Google Apps for Gmail, Docs, Google
+ for sharing things online with people. The company recently expands its production to Google
Cloud Storage and Drives, Google Big Query for real time analytics, Google Glass and Google
SOWT Analysis
Google’s business strategy is simpler that we think. It’s “Get people to use the internet
more.” This means that the more time people spend on the internet, the more time they will
engage in revenue generating activities such as viewing and clicking display ads and performing
searches (Dickey, 2013). This is the main reason Google is focused on improving internet access
and speed and make its goal to shortening the distance between any activity and the internet.
To illustrate primary issue of Google Inc., we will briefly highlight company’s SWOT
analysis in Table 1.
Strengths Weaknesses
Own 70% of market share profit in 90% of Google’s profit comes from
the industry from internet searches. search and ad alone, making them heavily
Android has 80% of global market dependent.
share Labor compensation is too high for short
AdSense is the #1 money makers, term result; employees can manipulate
which drives a lot of traffic to Google earnings higher by cutting back.
& their ad partners. Mozilla replaced Google and made its
Loyal employees who want the default search engine for its Firefox to
company to succeed, with the best Yahoo which affects Google market share
engineers on the world to develop and its share price.
work incredibly. Lowest probability and revenue among
Pipeline of products coming out competitors like Microsoft , Yahoo &
within R&D investment. Apple,
Opportunities Threats
Google driverless car has opportunity Facebook; 1st threat to Google, people
to transform the world. spend on this website tremendously.
Nest is developing “the internet of Apple; is considering replacing Google as
things” to connect devices. Google & the default search engine in iPhone which
Nest can get the smart home market can affect on Google’s short term price.
share. Amazon; people directly use Amazon
Google Glass instead of searching through Google for
Google fiber; providing broadband product to buy.
internet and cable television and Security breach liability and criminal
increasing number of location. liabilities were always a threat.
Primary Issue
Google business model relies heavily on advertising through Google website and Google
network members’ website. The financial analysis in figure 1 reveals that 85 to 90% of company
revenue drives from ads alone in 2014. The advertisers can easily terminate their contracts if
their investments in advertising do not generate sales leads or brand awareness to their customers
or if not deliver their advertisements efficiently. Google revenues and business adversely affect if
advertisers stop placing. Although advertising revenues of company is growing recently, the data
in Figure 2 for probability ratios indicates that Google is suffering from declining of net profit
margin, return on asset and return on equity. Therefore, Google operating margin is experiencing
downward pressure as a result of increasing competition and increased expenditures for many
Figure 1_ Advertising Revenues, Google 10-K Financial Report 2014. Members’ websites are AdSense for
search, AdSense for content, AdExchange, AdMob, and DoubleClick Bid Manager- Other Revenues are digital
content products such as apps, music, and movies.
Google Inc. can increase its revenue by continuing earning revenue from advertising of
Google website aggressively but adjusting business strategy pricing model, generate revenue
Google Inc. can continue earning revenue through Google websites; however, company
has to adjust business model to earning revenue aggressively. The biggest threat for Google is its
rivals such as facebook with high traffic which is more attractive for advertisers. Advertising
revenue growth is driven primarily by an increase in the number of aggregate paid clicks through
Google advertising program. The increase in the number of clicks is due to some factors such as
new and richer ad formats, an increase in aggregate traffic across all platforms, the continued
global expansion of products, advertisers, and user base, and an increase in the number of
Google Network Members which partially offset by certain advertising policy changes. Google
revenue growth has generally declined overtime due to increasing competition, query growth
rates, challenges in maintaining growth rate as their revenues increase to higher levels, the
evolution of the online advertising market, investments in new business strategies, changes in its
product mix, and shifts in the geographic mix of their revenues (Google, 2014).
Google has to consider the rate of change in revenue as well as the rate of change in paid
clicks and average cost per click (CPC) which is the current model of pricing on Google websites
and Google Members’ websites correlatively. Google has to work with different pricing models
such as cost per thousand (CMP) and cost per acquisition (CPA), and click through rate (CTR)
depend on company type of campaign (World Press 2008). For example Pepsi would just like to
enforce their brand and be seen across many websites, without any need for the user to click on
their banners and CMP model is the best deal to be preferred. Google also can make changes in
advertising quality or formats in expand ad sizes or contextual and display to adjust rate in paid
advertised to public attention properly and there is a lack of awareness of how to use AdSense
which is one the first money makers of advertising revenue. Improvement in AdSense for search,
AdSense for content, AdExchange, AdMob, and Double Click Bid Manager can increase Google
revenue remarkably.
Portion of Google revenues is derived from non-advertising revenue which are digital
content products such as apps, music, movies, Google fiber and technology products such as
Google smart watch, Google Glass. Google has to focus on expanding offers to their users
through products like Google Play, Google for Work, and Nexus devices to boost up its revenue
in this segment. Google has to focus on advertising and marketing new products and introduce
them to public efficiently. For example, Google fiber can be a threat of substitute for Net Flex if
it’s present properly with an effective business strategy model. Moreover, Google smart watch is
one of the products that were predicted for massive revenues when it’s launched to market,
however Google has a slow start, and its sales were lower than expectations. Even Google Glass
failed compare to Apple watch. Google Glass didn’t fail because of the technology, rather
because it wasn’t clear to the customer what problem it’s solved or why they needed it.
There are many ways to reduce expenditures to get to lower cost of revenue and higher
profit. Although cost of R&D is not capitalized, company has to spend cash to invest in this
segment. Google is currently invested heavily in R&D and capital expenditures in areas of
strategic focus, such as search and advertising, as well as in new products and services. Google
can save value and profit via joint venture or starts up fund financing options especially in
Google driverless car. There are many automobile manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes Benz
which are willing to invest in vehicle innovation and technologies. For example BMW launched
new series of BMWi3 as vehicle efficiency which definitely is open to add more specifications to
its new products and invest in R&D with Google Inc. As a result of that Google not only will
save profit in R&D segment, but also will obtain significant saving in compensation wages and
Table 2 illustrates six factors that are assigned to the alternative solutions. Google’s
organization structure is primarily functional key with weighted 21%. Google structure is not
particularly unusual and is overseen by a board of directors, which passes instructions down
through an executive management group; however, what makes it different is that Google’s
management helps their employees meet the objectives that the employees set for themselves.
The company sees its managers as leaders who facilitate inspiration and empower employees.
Google leadership structure is based on a rule called the 70/20/10 which employees are accepted
to devote 70% of every work day to assigned projects, 20% to projects and ideas related to core
projects, and 10% to any new ideas that pursue them to creativity (Thompson, 2015).
The second factor is to compete with other media such as Microsoft and Yahoo. Google
requires employing the power of differentiation to create a competitive advantage. Google has
been focused on becoming a search engine and has to have a high advantage in cost and speed as
well. Moreover, Google has to compete with Apple products in non-advertising segment to gain
Another critical success factor with weighted 18% is employee development and
retention. Google’s goal is always attract the best and brightest skill sets.
Internal and external environmental factor can also affect in strategic control and is
weighted 14%. Google systems are vulnerable to any electrical service disruptions and failing to
provide search results for approximately 20% of traffic which is only about 30 minutes will
affect the entire Google system and result in lost revenue. Another environmental concern is new
technologies that do not compliment Google’s current operating systems. For example, the
number of people who access the internet through devices other than personal computers,
including mobile phones, tablets, handheld calendaring and email assistance, and television set-
One of the other keys to success of Google is the culture of the organization which is
weighted 11%. Google’s atmosphere is relaxed, fun and laid back to foster creativity. Google
provides free lunch and encourages employees in weekly roller hockey games, skiing trips,
picnics, and is generous in its rewards to employees by offering bonuses, stock options and profit
Cost is designated with weighed of 14% because every segments of company from traffic
Table 2_ Weighted decision matrix _5-6= High = Great; 3-4 = Medium; 1-2 = low = Poor.
Alternatives Solutions
Revenue, 4 6 5 6 2 4
Continue 4 x 0.21= 6 x .21= 5 x .18= 6 x 0.14= 2 x .11= 4 x .14= 4.62
Improvemen 0.84 1.26 0.90 0.84 0.22 0.56
Medium High High High Poor Medium
advertising 6 6 6 5 2 4
Revenue- 6x .21= 6 x .21= 6 x .18= 5 x .14= 2 x .11= 4 x 0.14= 5.08
Developmen 1.26 1.26 1.08 0.70 0.22 0.56
High High High High Poor Medium
Reducing 3 2 5 2 6 2
Cost of 3 x .21= 2 x .21= 5 x .18= 2 x 0.14= 6 x .11= 2x .14= 3.17
Revenue 0.63 0.42 0.90 0.28 0.66 0.28
Medium Poor High Poor High Poor
Implementation Plan
The timeline and implementation process and schedule of advertising and marketing for
Table 3_ Implementation Plan for Non Advertising products such as Google Watch, Google
Glass, digital content products such as apps, music, movies, and Google fiber.
Although culture of creatively and hiring best skills at Google has resulted in many new
products, however most of these products have not produced substantial new revenues and the
advertising on search engine is resulted much of Google’s revenues. Many of Google products
are offered for free to customers to encourage them to use the Google engine, but Google is still
undergoes lower sales in its products because of a lack of customer awareness. Users usually are
not clear about new products function and what problems can be solved and why they need these
new products. Google should seriously identify issues related to lower sales and find reasons of
unattractiveness of products to customers and launch a marketing model for its products. Google
requires establishing realistic time frames and goals for milestones review and identify the
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Dickey, M. (Jan. 29, 2013). Google's Entire Strategy Can Be Boiled Down To 7 Words,
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