Self-Assessment 9.8: For Each Learning Objective, Tick ( ) The Box That Best Matches Your Ability

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For each learning objective, tick (✓) the box that best matches your ability.
= I understand and can help a friend. = I understand but have some questions.

= I understand and can do it by myself. = I do not understand.

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Students’ Book
9.1 Vocabulary 9.1 Ex. 1–4, 9.9

Students’ Book
9.2 Grammar 9.2 Ex. 5–6, 9.9

Students’ Book
9.3 Reading 9.3

Students’ Book
9.4 Grammar 9.4 Ex. 5–6, 9.9

Students’ Book
9.5 Listening 9.5

Students’ Book
9.6 Speaking 9.6 Ex. 7, 9.9

Students’ Book
9.7 Writing 9.7

9.1 I can talk about means of transport and travel.

9.2 I can use the Present Continuous to talk about future arrangements.
9.3 I can find specific detail in a text and talk about day trip activities.
9.4 I can use going to to talk about future plans.
9.5 I can identify specific detail in conversations and talk about the weather.
9.6 I can ask for and give directions.
9.7 I can write an invitation email.

What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read
(the words you most want to (any expressions or phrases you think outside class
remember from this unit) sound nice, useful or funny) (e.g. from websites, books,
adverts, films, music)

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