T Rec E.804.1 202010 P!!PDF e
T Rec E.804.1 202010 P!!PDF e
T Rec E.804.1 202010 P!!PDF e
ITU-T E.804.1
This prepublication is an unedited version of a recently approved Recommendation.
It will be replaced by the published version after editing. Therefore, there will be
differences between this prepublication and the published version.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
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Recommendation ITU-T E.804.1
The current list of services presented in section 7 of [ITU-T E.804], and the associated list of metrics
defined, is rather large:
- 11 service independent QoS parameters (section 7.2)
- 14 direct services, with a total of 175 QoS parameters (section 7.3)
- 3 store-and-forward services, with a total of 70 QoS parameters (section 7.4)
When readers and potential users (mostly service providers and national regulation authorities, for
monitoring purposes) consider this material, and before considering the provision in the following
sections of [ITU-T E.804], the first principal question arising is how to practically use it.
The solution to this question can be divided into two separate threads:
1) The prioritization of services and metrics1. Indeed, the supervision of a network cannot be
based on a too large amount of criteria. A subset of relevant services and metrics must be
identified. To do so, recent evolutions in the usage of mobile applications, as well as new
philosophies for monitoring, which are not yet incorporated in the current version of [ITU-T
E.804], must also be taken into account.
2) The application of the selected metrics. Even if [ITU-T E.804] provides trigger points as well
as instantiation across various access technologies or guidance for the usage of measurement
tools, in some cases the elements provided need to be completed to achieve an applicable
measurement procedure.
This Recommendation answers both parts of the question, taking into account the relevance of the
service or metric for end-users. To do so, the following information is provided in the following
sections of this Recommendation:
- In section 6, service independent QoS parameters from section 7.2 of [ITU-T E.804] are
reviewed, a subset of meaningful KPIs is proposed, and when needed detailed information
provided to better apply them practically.
Since the adoption of E.804 (in 2014), the usage of vocabulary around mobile services has slightly
evolved. The term “service” itself in E.804 corresponds to what end users experience, while
nowadays it is often understood with a meaning restricted to the access to network interface, and
replaced by the term “application” taken from the vocabulary of Google and Apple. The usage of
mobile services or applications has also become less monolithic than before, what could result in
some difficulty to apply the categories (both in terms of services and parameters) defined in
E.804. In the current version of this document however, most of the vocabulary and assumptions
of E.804 are kept.
1 Scope
This Recommendation provides detailed guidance on the application of QoS metrics defined in
Recommendation ITU-T E.804 section 7 on the definition of quality of service parameters and their
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this
Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T E.804] Recommendation ITU-T E.804 (02/2014), Quality of service aspects for
popular services in mobile networks.
[ITU-T E.807] Recommendation ITU-T E.807 (02/2014), Definitions, associated
measurement methods and guidance targets of user-centric parameters for
call handling in cellular mobile voice service.
[ITU-T E.830] Recommendation ITU-T E.830 (10/1992), Models for the specification,
evaluation and allocation of serveability and service integrity.
[ITU-T G.1028] Recommendation ITU-T G.1028 (06/2019), End-to-end quality of service for
voice over 4G mobile networks.
[ITU-T G.1028.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.1028.1 (02/2019), End-to-end quality of service
for video telephony over 4G mobile networks.
3 Definitions
5 Conventions
From a practical point of view, some end-to-end service KPIs (such as the one mentioned in section
7.2.2 for telephony, for instance) implicitly contain the element of unavailability. The result will
basically be the same if there is no network at all or if there is a network which just cannot handle the
setup attempt. Finding which was the case would then be part of “drilldown”.
Note that the respective section of [ITU-T E.804] is entitled “Video streaming”
Note that the respective section of [ITU-T E.804] is entitled “Web browsing”
- Figure 1: Typical phases of IP-based audio-visual services, as from [ETSI TR 101 578],
7.2 Telephony
From end-user’s point of view, the IMS multimedia telephony (MTSI) direct service (see section
7.3.12 of [ITU-T E.804]), corresponding to packet-switched IMS voice over 4G networks (VoLTE),
is a sub case of telephony and does not need to be separated from it. All parameters identified and
defined in this chapter apply also to this service.
For additional considerations on end-to-end quality of service for voice over 4G mobile networks see
[ITU-T G.1028] and [ITU-T G.1028.2].
The fact is that the results of these various tests will be expressed in terms of statistics on MOS scores
that can’t be compared with each other, since the respective benchmarks are different. Practically, a
condition with a MOS score of 4.5 in NB mode will be scored only 2.8 in FB mode. If the probability
exists (even if it is very small) that the results of tests performed on network with different radio
technologies are compared with each other or with a single performance threshold, then a solution
combining tests with different modes of [ITU-T P.863] is no longer valid.
For simplicity reasons, it is therefore recommended in such case to adopt the mode of [ITU-T P.863]
with the widest scope, i.e. the FB mode. Anyway, the scope of the FB mode of [ITU-T P.863] fully
englobes the scope of the NB mode, as illustrated below by Figure 2.
This Recommendation is also justified beyond simplicity considerations, i.e. from a QoS perspective
which also includes the user’s expectation. In a contemporary mobile network, users have experience
of, and are likely to expect, high voice quality. So, if they don’t get it due to any reason, respective
MOS values are justified and cannot be hidden by the usage of another MOS scale.
In complement with the information provided above, ITU-T Recommendations P.862.3 and P.863.1
provide clear guidance on the application of the standard models for voice quality prediction:
To be valid and applicable, any specification from network operator or national regulator addressing
the estimation of speech quality with objective measurements must comply with the following
The objective estimation of the end-to-end quality of a telephone communication is made using MOS-
listening speech quality objective (MOS-LQO) scales. These scales describe the opinion of users with
speech transmission and its troubles (e.g., noise, robot voice, dropouts, etc.) according to:
- [ITU-T P.863] (NB or FB mode), to be preferred,
- or alternatively [ITU-T P.862], in conjunction with [ITU-T P.862.1] (NB mode) or [ITU-T
P.862.2] (WB mode).
The selection of the most appropriate algorithm, application mode and reference files must comply
with rules explained in ITU-T Recommendations [ITU-T P.863.1] and [ITU-T P.862.3]. One can also
refer to [ETSI TR 103 138] on which speech samples to use and how.
- In most cases, where telephony service is available or will be available for users in WB audio
or beyond, or when the quality of the service is expected to be compared with the quality of
another service running in WB audio or beyond, ITU-T Recommendation [ITU-T P.863] FB
mode is the only algorithm to apply, with FB or SWB reference speech files.
- NB modes of [ITU-T P.863] and [ITU-T P.862] can be applied, with NB reference speech
files, only in very limited contexts where there is the absolute certitude that only NB
conditions will be tested, and that the results of the tests won’t be compared with other tests
performed on conditions where WB audio (or beyond) is used.
- For the time being, it is not recommended to use the WB mode of [ITU-T P.862.2].
In any case, the algorithm used ([ITU-T P.862] or [ITU-T P.863]) and its application mode (NB, WB
or FB) must be reported.
The metrics reported in this section apply to web browsing as well as to other HTTP-based services
such as HTTP based data transfer (down/upload). This larger scope, compared to [ITU-T E.804],
corresponds to the actual usage of mobile data services. This is in accordance to the introduction of
the present Recommendation, where it is stated that there are special test types which do not directly
represent a user scenario, but are understood as a useful proxy for a wide range of actual usages. The
most prominent member of this category is data downloading and uploading using the http(s) protocol.
Appendices I and II to this Recommendation provide examples of approaches based on this larger
understanding of HTTP-bases services.
Section 7.3.8 of [ITU-T E.804] introduces a difference between the service (i.e. the corresponding
PDP context, covered in sections to, the IP service (i.e. the TCP connection, covered
in sections to, a session of the service (covered in sections to, and the
data transferred during sessions (covered in sections to The concept with more
relationship to the end-user perspective is the session, it must be considered in priority.
Relevant KPIs must refer to events relative to successful (or not) events in the session. For each event,
the logical KPIs are then the success rate and the timing.
Scenarios using a fixed amount of data face a practical problem coming from the fact that in different
radio access technologies there are huge differences in maximum data rate. This leads to the situation
where, for a data volume sufficient to determine data rate in e.g. 4G, this volume would always cause
a time-out in 2G or even 3G. This is the reason for introducing the alternative method. In practice,
this means transmitting a data file of very large size, and stopping the transmission after the given
7.4 Other direct services with lower usage and less priority for QoS supervision
This Recommendation does not give any emphasis to other services that the three ones studied in the
sections 7.1 to 7.3 above, and therefore provides no further definition of corresponding parameters.
These services are (the numbers in bracket correspond to the respective section in [ITU-T E.804]):
- File-transfer protocol (7.3.1): no big usage on mobile devices
- Mobile broadcast (7.3.2): similar characteristics to video streaming
- Ping (7.3.3): not a service
- Push to talk over cellular (PoC) (7.3.4): almost no usage
- Video telephony (7.3.7): almost no usage
o For additional considerations on end-to-end quality of this service see [ITU-T
- Web Radio (7.3.9): similar characteristics to video streaming (audio part)
- WLAN service provisioning with HTTP based authentication (7.3.10): contributes to the
access and usages of other services, but not a service by itself
- Wireless application protocol (WAP) (7.3.11): almost no usage
- IMS multimedia telephony (7.3.12): included in Telephony service in section 7.2 above
- E-mail (7.3.13): no specific parameters, only service independent QoS parameters are
identified in [ITU-T E.804],
- Group call (7.3.14): included in Telephony service in section 7.2 above
Furthermore, other QoS parameters defined in section 7.4.1 of [ITU-T E.804] are less important to
implement and supervise: they are generally specific to a limited aspect of service delivery or of the
customer journey, or can be redundant with other parameters closer to real users’ perception. These
are (the numbers in bracket correspond to the respective section in [ITU-T E.804]):
- Message upload access failure ratio (
- Message upload access time (
- Message upload data transfer cut-off ratio (
- Message upload data transfer time (
- Notification start failure ratio (
- Notification start time (
- Notification download session failure ratio (
- Notification download session time (
- Notification download access failure ratio (
- Notification download access time (
- Notification download data transfer cut-off ratio (
- Notification download data transfer time (
- Message download access failure ratio (
8.2 SMS
See section 7.4.4 of [ITU-T E.804]
From end-user’s point of view, the Multimedia messaging service (MMS) (see section 7.4.3 of [ITU-
T E.804]) is a sub case of SMS and does not need to be separated from it. All parameters identified
and defined in this chapter apply also to this service.
The interesting parameters for SMS are well defined in [ITU-T E.804] section 7.4.4 and do not require
any further definition. These are (the numbers in bracket correspond to the respective section in [ITU-
T E.804]):
- Service non-accessibility (
- Completion failure ratio (
- End-to-end delivery time (
Furthermore, other QoS parameters defined in section 7.4.4 of [ITU-T E.804] are less important to
implement and supervise. These are (the numbers in bracket correspond to the respective section in
[ITU-T E.804]):
- Access delay (
- Receive confirmation failure ratio (
- Receive confirmation time (
- Consumed confirmation failure ratio (
- Consumed confirmation failure time (
8.3 Other store-and-forward services with lower usage and less priority for QoS supervision
This Recommendation does not give any emphasis to other services SMS, and therefore provides no
further definition of corresponding parameters. These services are (the numbers in bracket correspond
to the respective section in [ITU-T E.804]):
- E-mail (7.4.2), mostly used on fixed access, less often on mobile phones
- MMS (7.4.3) ), included in SMS service in section 8.2 above
9 Summary
In Table 1 below, the currently proposed list of services and parameters to be selected from [ITU-T
E.804], as exposed in sections 6 to 8 above is recapitulated. For each parameter in this table, the
corresponding reference inside [ITU-T E.804] and trigger point are given.
The material in this appendix is based on recent work contributed at ETSI by actors from the field of
QoS monitoring and benchmarking of mobile networks and services. It reflects the current state of
the art (as for 2019) in this area, when latest version of [ITU-T E.804] has been published in 2014.
ETSI, in the Technical Report [ETSI TR 103 559] entitled “Best practices for robust network QoS
benchmark testing and scoring”, provides several practical principles to help designing efficient
mobile QoS benchmarking. The recommended tests concern telephony, video streaming, data
throughput and more interactive applications such as browsing, social media and messaging.
According to this technical report, the main governing principles for mobile benchmarking are:
- Fair play: Steps should be taken to ensure that the measured results are truly representative of
the real customer experience.
- Coverage extent: Benchmarking should be performed in such a way that it highlights coverage
differences in the results.
- Radio technology in use: Benchmark scoring should account for operators who offer
performance differentiation through early adoption of new technologies by way of a 'bonus'
for such deployment.
- Test device selection: Care should be taken in the selection of such devices to ensure they do
not favour one operator's network over another in the results.
- Test server selection: Test servers should be selected so they do not favour one network
compared to another. Web pages should be selected such that they represent a cross section
of pages commonly used by customers and that they ensure a representative performance
- Transparency: Given the importance of the clear interpretation of benchmark results, all
results should be accompanied by a declaration containing information about factors required
to understand them fully.
The recommended test metrics are the following:
Telephony tests are tests with a fixed call length where two terminals, either both mobile or one
landline and one mobile call each other. To consider unsustainable quality in a call, for a low
speech quality score (e.g. MOS < 1,6) or silent periods for consecutive measurement samples (e.g.
> 20 s), the call can be counted as unsustainable, and as an unsuccessful call or treated by a separate
- Telephony success ratio: The success rate of the voice service independent of access or relay
technology is the Telephony non Accessibility and the Telephony Cut-Off Call Ratio in [b-
ETSI TS 102 250-2], clauses 6.6.1 and 6.6.5.
- Setup time: Defined in [b-ETSI TS 102 250-2], clause 6.6.2. It starts with the initiation of the
call and ends when the alerting of the called side is indicated. Alternatively, the time when
the acceptance or successful setup of the call is signalled to the user can be used as the end
- Listening quality: The value is calculated on a per sample basis as described in [b-ETSI TS
102 250-2], clause 6.6.4 where Recommendation [ITU-T P.863] in FB mode needs to be used.
Video testing
These practices have a long history of usage in commercial network performance measurement as
well as in regulatory contexts, and they are covered in various technical documents issued by
standardization bodies. For instance, [ETSI TR 101 578] describes the principle, and [b-ETSI TR
103 501] takes this further towards KPI computation based on events taken from the application plane
or corresponding operating-system API levels. This takes care of the fact that in https, transport layer
events (e.g. http resp. TCP-layer events) are not visible anymore even if packet capture tools are used.
Also, on the background that testing is typically done using smartphones, using packet capture tools
requires system-level (root) access. This would in any case create a gap of direct comparability to
measurements done by crowdsourcing, where such access is practically unfeasible and also not
desirable because it would remove crucial security mechanisms.
[b-ETSI TR 103 501] also introduces a consistent terminology for different methods of upload and
download testing: Using transfer of a fixed amount of data, typically a data file, and measuring the
transfer time is named Fixed-size method. Transferring data for a given amount of time and measuring
the data volume transferred is named Fixed-time method. The data rate is in both cases calculated by
the quotient of data volume and time.
For the actual calculation, a spectrum of additional rules is common practice, which are aimed at
dampening extremes due to the packet nature of data transfer. The purpose of such measures is to
increase the applicability of results in the aforementioned sense, i.e. usability as a proxy to assess the
performance of actual services.
Commonly used is time windowing which excludes the first data packet of content, or a certain
amount of time at the beginning of the transfer. This has the purpose to get a better approximation to
steady-state data rates by at least partially removing the ramp-up phase which is e.g. typical for TCP
The definition of the Stop method A in Rec. E.804 (ETSI-A in the original TS 102 250-2) is a
standardized example of the former approach where the reception of the first packet of content also
serves as a trigger point for respective KPI definitions, making the measurement easily implementable.
Also, when data is taken in a time-resolved way (e.g. recording samples of data volume every second),
other techniques are used such as removing the sample with the lowest and the highest data rate from
the set before averaging.