Peyronie Disease

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TAU0010.1177/1756287218823671Therapeutic Advances in UrologyK Randhawa and C J Shukla

Therapeutic Advances in Urology Review

Non-invasive treatment in the

Ther Adv Urol

2019, Vol. 11: 1–13

management of Peyronie’s disease DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2019.

Article reuse guidelines:
Karen Randhawa and C. J. Shukla

Abstract:  Peyronies disease (PD) is estimated to affect approximately 3–9% of men worldwide
and maybe associated with pain, erectile dysfunction and penile deformity including shortening.
The condition has significant debilitating effects on quality of life, self-esteem and psychological
wellbeing in addition to sexual function. Surgical results add further to this by patients having
dissatisfaction with various aspects of outcomes. Non-surgical management may allow patients
Correspondence to:
to avoid the morbidities associated with surgery and still achieve improved functional and C. J. Shukla
aesthetic outcomes. Several non-surgical options are currently being employed in the treatment Western General Hospital,
Crewe Road South,
of PD that may reduce or stabilize both objective measures (e.g. penile length and deformity) Edinburgh, EH4 2XU, UK
and subjective measures (including sexual function, pain and partner satisfaction). Nonsurgical [email protected]
Karen Randhawa
management can allow patients to avoid the morbidities associated with surgery and still achieve Western General Hospital,
improved functional and aesthetic outcomes. In this article we explore the current non-surgical Edinburgh, UK

management options for PD including oral, mechanical therapies, intralesional and topical
treatments. We also briefly discuss future treatment options in the form of stem cell therapy.

Keywords:  Peyronie’s disease, collagenase, intralesional injections, mechanical penile

therapies, stem cell therapy

Received: 25 July 2018; revised manuscript accepted: 5 December 2018.

Introduction relationships.5,7,8 A qualitative study of the psy-

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is characterized by a chosocial outcomes for patients with PD identi-
fibrous, inelastic lesion of the tunica albuginea. It fied four core domains important to men including
is estimated to affect approximately 3–9% of men physical appearance and self-image, sexual func-
worldwide, although this figure may be higher in tion and performance, PD-related pain and dis-
high-risk subgroups, for example, diabetes.1–3 comfort and social stigmatization and isolation.8
The disease maybe associated with pain, erectile Other themes highlighted include loss of sexual
dysfunction, and penile deformity, including confidence and feelings of attractiveness, perfor-
shortening. The condition has significant debili- mance anxiety and concern about not satisfying
tating effects on quality of life, self-esteem and partners sexually.8
psychological wellbeing in addition to sexual
function.4 Relationship stress was also reported with 54% of
men reporting that PD had negatively impacted
Approximately 48% of men with PD suffer from their relationship, demonstrating that the burden
depression (26% moderate, 22% severe) with of the disease is shared by both patients and their
81% reporting emotional distress related to PD.5,6 partners.9–11 Partners of men with PD were found
These psychological effects are mostly due to to have decreased sexual function, sexual satisfac-
changes in physical appearance and self-image tion, and mood compared with population-based
induced by penile deformity. The resultant effects norms.12 Preliminary research has also shown neg-
include reducing the quality and frequency of sex- ative partner reactions to be associated with lower
ual relationships, reducing libido and intimacy, sexual and relationship satisfaction in men with
and resultant social and personal difficulties for PD.13 Assessment of the emotional, psychosexual, 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Urology 11

and relationship aspects of the patient’s PD symp- progression of their disease. Approximately
toms that negatively impact the patient’s quality of 3–13% of men describe spontaneous improve-
life, are needed to prioritize treatment goals.14 ment,24 however, 30–50% of men will have pro-
gressive deterioration. The optimal time for
Despite multiple treatment options, PD remains a nonsurgical intervention is likely during the active
therapeutic dilemma due to an incomplete under- phase, when the inflammation is treatable.25 The
standing of its aetiology, and the relative paucity of chronic phase is characterized by stable curva-
larger multi-institutional series and randomized, ture, pain resolution and the palpation of a hard,
placebo-controlled trials.15 The pathophysiology is palpable plaque, although a plaque may not be
multifactorial in origin and is believed to occur as a present in all patients. Fibrosis, dystrophic calcifi-
result of aberrant penile wound healing in geneti- cations and rarely ossification may occur in this
cally susceptible individuals, who experience a phase.26
localized response to endogenous factors [trans-
forming growth factor beta (TGF-β)] released in
response to microtrauma. This inflammatory Management options
response leads to the formation of fibrous inelastic Management options include mechanical, oral,
plaque(s) within the bilayer of the tunica albug- intralesional and topical therapies. The nonsurgi-
inea.16,17 The exact aetiology is unknown. cal management options with the most compel-
Nonsurgical treatment modalities to date have ling contemporaneous evidence to support their
focused on disrupting these processes. use in PD are intralesional collagenase Clostridium
histolyticum (CCH) and mechanical penile thera-
Surgical options are suitable in correcting the pies, which may be used individually or in con-
deformity and aiding the ability to resume sexual junction with one another.
function. However, they leave the patient with dis-
satisfaction due to loss of length of the phallus,
residual deformity or erectile dysfunction necessi- Intralesional CCH
tating the use of treatment.18–20 Evidence suggests CCH consists of purified enzymes (Auxilium [AUX]
that more than 65% of patients experience dissatis- I and II) produced by the bacterium C. histolyticum.
faction following Lue’s procedures for PD.21 The collagen types I and III targeted by CCH are
Additionally, satisfaction following penile prosthesis the most abundant fibres found in the plaques of
surgery for PD is lower than with the general popu- Peyronie’s patients. When CCH is administered
lation receiving the implant for other reasons, for intralesionally, it cleaves type I and III collagens in a
example, vasculogenic or diabetic erectile dysfunc- synergistic manner.27 CCH has also been shown to
tion.20 The psychological effects of available surgical directly induce apoptosis in fibroblasts and decrease
treatments and possible complications should all be the expression of smooth muscle actin, transforming
taken into account when counselling patients growth factor-β1 and fibronectin.28
regarding treatment options. Several nonsurgical
options are currently being employed in the treat- CCH is the only drug approved by the US Food and
ment of PD that may reduce or stabilize both objec- Drug Administration (FDA) in 2013 for treatment of
tive measures (e.g. penile length and deformity) and PD in men with dorsal or lateral penile curvature
subjective measures (including sexual function, greater than 30° with or without a noncalcified penile
pain and partner satisfaction).22 Nonsurgical man- plaque.27 It has also been approved in 2014 by the
agement can allow patients to avoid the morbidities European Medicines Agency.
associated with surgery and still achieve improved
functional and aesthetic outcomes. Initial studies have demonstrated its safety in ran-
domized, placebo-controlled double-blind phase
IIa trials which have also shown statistically sig-
Course of Peyronie’s disease nificant improvement in penile curvature at an
There are two distinct phases of the disease; with optimal dosage of 0.58mg.29,30 Subsequent stud-
the acute or active phase being characterized by ies have also tested the therapeutic effects seen
active inflammation, penile pain and evolving with different treatment regimes with and without
deformity of the erect penis.23 The pain usually the use of modelling.31
resolves by 12–18 months in 90% of men. After
this phase, the vast majority of patients will pro- Two large randomized double-blinded, placebo-
gress on to stabilization of the plaque or controlled phase III trials in the US and Australia

K Randhawa and C J Shukla

(IMPRESS I and II) have confirmed its efficacy. of collagenase in patients with ventral curvature,
Each participant underwent up to four treatment calcified plaques, hourglass deformity or plaque
cycles (consisting of two injections of either CCH located proximal to the base of the penis, it is
0.58 mg or placebo) 6 weeks apart, with approxi- uncertain as to whether these effects could be rep-
mately 24–72 h between injections. After the second licated in all PD patients.
injection of each cycle, patients underwent penile
plaque modelling performed by the investigator, The use of collagenase within the acute phase is
after which they were then instructed to perform also currently being assessed in trials where a
home penile modelling three times per day during mean curvature decrease of 20° after treatment
the 6-week period in between each treatment cycle.32 was seen compared with 13.9° curvature seen in
patients with chronic disease.35 There are limita-
Patients treated with CCH showed a statistically tions to this analysis based on the small number of
significant improvement in penile curvature com- patients in this trial, however early intervention
pared with those receiving placebo (34% versus during the acute phase could decrease penile
18.2% respectively) and significant improvement deformity, the degree of penile fibrosis and subse-
in Peyronie’s disease questionnaire (PDQ) bother quently decrease pain and sexual dysfunction.36
score compared with placebo. Changes in penile
plaque consistency were reported, in addition to To date, clinical trials have not evaluated CCH
improvement noted on International Index of use in ventral plaques, due to previous concerns
Erectile Function (IIEF) overall satisfaction and of urethral injury during penile modelling.37
PDQ psychological symptom score. These results
have also been replicated in other phase III trials.33
Most common treatment-related adverse events Mechanical penile therapies
(AEs) observed were mild to moderate in severity
and were mostly localized to the injection area. Penile traction therapy (PTT)
The most frequently reported AEs (45% or The role of traction therapy in PD is to stop the
greater) in CCH-treated men included penile progression of scarring, recover penile length and
ecchymosis, penile swelling and penile pain.32 Six girth, reduce curvature, enhance sexual function
patients experienced treatment-related serious and ultimately to avoid or simplify surgery.38
AEs including three corporeal ruptures and three
penile haematomas. All three corporeal ruptures Application of mechanical stress modulates cell
and one penile haematoma required surgical function through mechanotransduction, a cellu-
repair, although the incidence of this may be higher lar process that translates mechanical stimuli into
and may not require surgical intervention based on a chemical response leading to activation of cell
a survey by the Sexual Medical Society of North proliferation. Traction devices decrease myofi-
America (SMSNA).32,34 The senior author CJS broblast activity and lead to upregulation of
himself does not use any compressive dressing, matrix metalloproteinases.39
and any bruising/oedema, etc. usually resolves by
the end of 1 week following treatment and is mild European Association of Urology (EAU) guide-
enough to target a second injection into the plaque. lines state that ‘PTT may reduce penile deform-
The SMSNA Survey34 found that 37% of respond- ity and increase penile length.’40 Preliminary
ers also recommended no dressing following injec- studies have revealed that its regular use maybe
tion. Interestingly, this survey also showed no associated with reduction in penile curvature,
increase of haematoma incidence was detected in increase in flaccid penile length and improve-
patients in whom penile dressing was not applied ment in penile pain.41,42
and in anticoagulant- or platelet-using patients.
A recent nonrandomized, controlled trial assessed
The International Consultation on Sexual the use of penile traction in the acute phase of
Medicine (ICSM) guidelines15 recommend that PD, assessing not only the impact on curvature,
the use of collagenase should be restricted to those length and sexual function, but also correlation
with a stable curvature greater than 30° and less with sonographic penile evaluation. This trial
than 90°, no isolated hourglass deformity, calcified showed a mean improvement in penile curvature
plaque or proximally located plaque at the base of of 20°, decreased pain and improved sexual func-
the penis, with normal erectile function (grade B, tion, in addition to disappearance of sonographic
level 2). As clinical trials have not evaluated the use plaques in 48% of patients. The need for surgery 3
Therapeutic Advances in Urology 11

was reduced in 40% of patients who would other- stratified by PTT, no statistically significant dif-
wise have been candidates for surgery. Predictors ferences were identified in mean penile curvature
of success were penile curvature < 45% at base- improvement or stretched penile length, although
line, time from diagnosis < 3 months, absence of only a minority of patients in the PTT arm were
plaque on the ultrasound study, age < 45 years actually compliant with the therapy.
and Visual Analogue Scale score for penile
pain > 5.43 Further studies are currently being carried out to
assess the optimal protocol; with a recently pub-
This study recommended the duration of PTT lished study adopting three intralesional injections
should not be shorter than 6 months, and must be of CCH (0.9 mg) given at 4-weekly intervals using
worn at least 6 h a day to obtain these results. The a new modified injection technique in an attempt to
therapy therefore requires a committed and com- reduce cost and number of patient visits. A sum of
pliant patient who is willing to devote time to a 95.5 of patients in this study had an improvement
relatively long treatment period. PTT is, how- in curvature with a mean value of 17.08° (0–40°) or
ever, a tolerable minimally invasive method for 30.8% from baseline (0–57%) after three injec-
men with PD.44 tions.48 One retrospective study has also assessed
the relation between the number of treatment
Studies are currently in process to help design an cycles and clinical outcomes for patients treated
optimal protocol, assess efficacy of the different with CCH. Penile curvature was found to improve
devices available and which men are most likely significantly after the first three treatment cycles
to benefit from their use. Further prospective, but not the fourth, suggesting that further trials
randomized, controlled studies with a larger with fewer cycles may need further consideration.
number of patients and longer follow-up periods This trial also showed that patients who have a
are needed. The ICSM guidelines support this, strong response to the first cycle of CCH are more
stating there may be some benefit in its use in PD likely to have a superior final decrease in penile cur-
patients (grade C, level 3). vature after completion of treatment cycles.49

Furthermore, the use of PTT concomitantly with A recent study has evaluated patient and partner
either verapamil or interferon (IFN) α2b has also satisfaction following CCH, showing 67% part-
been shown an effective therapy.45 A study per- ner and 71% female sexual partner satisfaction
formed investigating the benefit of PTT with with treatment respectively and is correlated with
intralesional verapamil, oral L-arginine and pen- recall of prior penile trauma, improved ability to
toxifylline showed better curvature improvement have sexual intercourse, and absence of post-pro-
and stretched penile length gain seen in the combi- cedural glans hypoesthesia.50 Goldstein and col-
nation group. Additionally, length improvement leagues similarly had the same findings in their
was related to the duration of traction device use. study based on 30 female partners of patients who
had undergone CCH therapy.51
Daily PTT was assessed in men with PD who also
underwent IFN α2b, however this study showed
that PTT did not change penile girth. An impor- Vacuum erection device
tant finding was that the use of PTT for 3 h or The role of vacuum erection device (VED) as a
more resulted in a significant increase in stretched treatment for PD is less well established than
penile length of 0.31 cm compared with the use of PTT. Basic science studies suggest that VED
PTT for less than 3 h.46 results in dilation of cavernous sinuses, retrograde
venous blood flow, and increased arterial
Combined use of PTT with collagenase Clostridium inflow.52,53 The additional penile blood supply
histolyticum. One study has been performed to enhances cavernosal tissue oxygenation that sub-
evaluate the impact of combined use of PTT with sequently leads to decreases in hypoxia-inducible
CCH.47 Utilization patterns, attrition, and com- factor-1a, TGF-β1, collagenase. This leads to
pliance issues were noted to be relevant factors increases in endothelial nitric oxide synthase and
impacting efficacy. PTT use declined in both fre- α-smooth muscle actin.54 When comparing the
quency and duration with subsequent injection impact of VED and PTT in a rat model of PD,
series. Overall, men treated with CCH exhibited results showed enhanced preservation of α-
significant decreases in penile curvature, consis- smooth muscle actin and decreased TGF-β1 with
tent with the phase III trials (IMPRESS). When VED versus PTT. The underlying mechanism

K Randhawa and C J Shukla

could be related to antiapoptosis, antifibrosis, and Intralesional injections

smooth muscle preservation.55 There is, however, Intralesional injections, specifically IFN α2b,
limited evidence establishing the effect of VED in verapamil and CCH have proved more effective
different phases of PD. than topical and oral medications in the treat-
ment of PD.
The clinical evidence for its efficacy is based on
one single-arm observational study by Raheem
and colleagues on 31 patients using the device for Corticosteroids
20 min per day.56 They noted that two thirds of Corticosteroids have been employed in PD due to
their patients had a modest improvement of their anti-inflammatory effects since the 1950s.
between 5–25°, with 10% having a worsening of Initial studies showed some objective improve-
their curvature and 23% experiencing no change. ment in penile curvature, however similar find-
Their primary endpoint was a change in curva- ings were also seen in the placebo groups.57–62
ture, but not how many patients avoided surgery This raised the possibility that observed therapeu-
from this intervention. tic effects seen with intralesional steroid injection
were likely related to the mechanical effect of the
Consensus statements on VED from the ICSM in injection rather than the drug on PD remodelling.
2015 suggested that, with the limited data availa- Unfavourable side effects (wound infection, local
ble in PD, it could have a role as a primary treat- tissue atrophy and fibrosis) coupled with limited
ment or postoperatively after incision or excision efficacy do not support its use.
and grafting surgery.15

VED combined with CCH. Raheem and col- Intralesional injection verapamil

leagues48 evaluated a shortened modified proto- The use of intralesional verapamil in PD was
col of CCH in combination with VED showing an introduced in the mid 1990s, with initial studies
equal efficacy across all categories of curvatures showing an improvement in penile curvature and
as compared with the IMPRESS trials. This plaque volume using a biweekly series of injec-
requires 4 instead of 14 visits, over 12 instead of tions, with several modifications to treatment
24 weeks. It remains to be seen in future trials regimens since.63–67
whether VED is more efficacious with CCH as
opposed to either treatment alone. The rationale for intralesional use of verapamil (a
calcium-channel antagonist) in patients with PD
The remaining nonsurgical options can be divided is based on in vitro research showing interference
by various delivery modalities into oral therapies, with fibroblast cellular proliferation.68,69 In ani-
intralesional, and topical therapies. mal models, histological evidence of cellular
changes of decreased collagen and elastin fibres
were seen, with improvement in penile pressures
Oral therapies also noted.70
Although oral treatments are an attractive option
due to the ease of delivery, the evidence of out- Intralesional verapamil has been evaluated in
comes from published series has proved disap- multiple randomized studies, including most
pointing. As a result, many international guidelines recently, comparisons with tadalafil,71 hyaluronic
advise only limited use of these therapies based on acid,72 and thiocolchicine.73 In a trial comparing
the low level of evidence. The EAU guidelines state its use with tadalafil, intralesional verapamil did
that oral treatment with potassium para-aminoben- not improve plaque size or curvature degree with
zoate may result in a significant reduction in penile a mean baseline curvature of 20° in all groups
plaque size and penile pain, as well as penile curva- with no statistically significant improvement in
ture stabilization with level 1b evidence.40 curvature.73 This was also confirmed in a pro-
spective, double-arm, randomized, double-
The published literature shows minimal or no blinded study that showed no improvement in
benefit regarding the use of other oral therapies penile curvature with verapamil, although this
(e.g. vitamin E, colchicine, pentoxifylline) to sig- concluded a greater efficacy of hyaluronic acid in
nificantly improve the penile deformity in PD; terms of penile curvature and patient satisfaction
therefore, they are not recommended in the in over 100 patients when compared with vera-
ICSM guidelines.15 pamil. However, the mean baseline curvature was 5
Therapeutic Advances in Urology 11

33°, with change following treatment deemed as improvement in penile curvature (13° versus 4° in
between 0° and 4° decrease in curvature.71 the placebo arm), decreased pain relief and plaque
size. A more recent study also supported these
Intralesional thiocolchicine, achieved similar findings, demonstrating a statistically significant
results to verapamil, with improvement in curva- improvement in curvature with intralesional IFN
ture reported in 69% of cases treated with thio- α2b, without affecting vascular parameters.83 The
colchicine and in 66% of those who received absolute improvement in curvature was found to
verapamil. However, the study was limited due to be independent of pretreatment curvature or dura-
its small size (only 25 patients) and the improve- tion of disease. Recent evidence has also shown
ment in curvature which was not deemed statisti- this improvement to be independent of plaque
cally significant with either treatment.73 location with a >20% reduction in curvature seen
in the majority of men with PD when treated with
Comparisons among previously published non- intralesional IFN α2b.84
controlled, single-arm, prospective clinical trials
on intralesional verapamil injections have shown IFN α2b injections have a good safety profile,
a greater decrease in penile curvature after pro- with the most common AEs being self-limiting
longed treatment with 12 injections over 6 months flu-like symptoms.
compared with 6 injections over 3 months.74,75
The ICSM guidelines state that intralesional IFN
It appears that the injected volume, frequency, con- has shown some outcome benefits in PD manage-
centration, and duration of the injection protocol ment15 (grade B, level 2).
affects outcome results. Longer treatment periods
of concentrated intralesional verapamil in younger
men with small plaques but large curvature have Hyaluronic Acid (HA)
been shown to receive the optimal benefit.76,77 Intralesional HA decreases inflammatory
cytokines, and thereby reduces inflammation and
Overall, the evidence suggests that intralesional scar formation. This is a relatively novel treat-
verapamil injections could be advocated for the ment that appears to have some efficacy in
treatment of noncalcified acute phase or chronic improving symptoms, however data comparing
plaques to stabilise disease progression or reduce HA treatment with placebo or alternative thera-
penile curvature, although no optimal treatment pies are lacking.
regime exists at present. The ICSM guidelines
support that intralesional verapamil has shown In one recent study, 81 patients in the active
some outcome benefits in PD management15 phase of the disease underwent a 10-week cycle of
(grade C, level 3). weekly plaque injections.85 HA demonstrated sta-
tistically significant improvement over controls in
Common reported AEs include penile bruising, plaque size, penile curvature and improvement in
swelling, and pain at the injection site, however, penile rigidity at 12 months. Improvements
dizziness, nausea, sweating and loss of libido have remained stable at 24 months.
also been reported in rare cases.78
In a prospective, single-arm, multicentre pilot
study, 65 patients underwent a 10-week cycle of
Intralesional interferon α2b weekly intralesional injections with HA. This study
IFN α2b has been shown to decrease extracellu- showed a significant decrease in plaque size, and
lar matrix production, inhibit fibroblast prolifera- decreased penile curvature in 37% with improve-
tion, and therefore decrease collagen production ment in overall sexual satisfaction.86 These findings
from fibroblasts and improve the wound healing were also confirmed in a prospective, double-arm,
process from PD plaques in vitro.79,80 Evidence randomized, double-blinded study showing greater
also suggests that IFN leads to an improvement efficacy of HA in terms of penile curvature and
in penile haemodynamics, thereby improving patient satisfaction compared with intralesional
erectile function.81,82 verapamil.72 Although plaque size and overall sex-
ual satisfaction improved with both therapies, bet-
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial80 showed ter outcomes were observed in patients treated with
that intralesional IFN α2b, when injected biweekly HA, although not deemed statistically significant.
for 12 weeks, led to a modest but significant Further prospective, randomized controlled trials

K Randhawa and C J Shukla

(RCTs) will need to be performed prior to bring Topical therapies

about the routine recommendation of HA. Topical verapamil is not recommended in
Peyronie’s patients15 (ICSM guidelines grade B,
HA has a lower risk of adverse effects compared level 3). These recommendations are based on a
with other molecules used ‘off label’ for intrale- study where men who were pretreated with topical
sional therapy. Its use is also being evaluated in verapamil then immediately underwent surgical
electromotive administration comparing the correction for their PD.91 These excised samples
effects with verapamil. However, although HA (mean 1.1 g) of tunica failed to show the presence
proved to be more efficient than verapamil in of any verapamil, demonstrating that the gel does
both reducing curvature, pain and plaque area, not infiltrate the tunica albuginea.
and in improving erectile function, this was not of
statistical significance and was evaluated in
patients with curvature < 30°. Electromotive drug administration/
Iontophoresis involves the transport of ions
Plasma-rich platelets (PRP) + Hyaluronic Acid through tissue by means of an electric current,
(HA) causing electrokinetic repulsion of positively
PRP injections have been used to improve angi- charged medication toward the diseased target
ogenesis and wound healing, and could theo- tissue, limiting systemic side effects.92 It is also
retically improve ED, PD and stress urinary thought to provide superior tissue penetration for
incontinence.88 the transdermal application of medications.22

PRP is derived from the centrifugation of whole Excised Peyronie’s plaques following electromo-
blood with a separator gel to remove the red and tive drug therapy with dexamethasone, verapamil
white blood cells. The resulting supernatant has a and lidocaine have been shown to have decreased
greater-than-fourfold increase in platelets and expression of basic fibroblast growth factor.93
other plasma proteins.89 This concentrate is then Despite initial trials showing promising results on
administered via injection into the lesion com- plaque size, curvature and pain using a variety of
bined with HA. different pharmacologic agents over the course of
short, three-week treatment regimes, a subse-
There have been limited trials into its use to date, quent RCT demonstrated that there was no supe-
mainly by Virag et al.90 In a recent trial, 90 patients riority of the use of verapamil alone compared
were injected intralesionally under ultrasound with saline placebo.94–96
guidance with four to eight sessions applied at
15-day intervals for the first four and monthly A recent study compared the administration of
thereafter.90 Changes in PDQ, IIEF-5, angula- combination therapy of verapamil and dexametha-
tion and maximum thickness were evaluated 1 sone administered via electromotive drug adminis-
month after the last session. Average angulations tration (EMDA) with intralesional administration;
(curvature or deformation) were reduced by although EMDA administration showed improve-
39.65%; with the mean final improvement 16.54 ments with regards to plaque length, plaque width,
± 10.51°. The average maximum thickness penile curvature, plaque volume and erectile dys-
diminished by 1.1 mm, with the average PDQ function, these were not statistically significant.
score decreased by 5.5. IIEF-5 improved signifi-
cantly, with 43.3% judging that their erections The ICSM guidelines have therefore not recom-
were better and 46.7% perceiving that sexual mended the use of iontophoresis in PD patients
activity was easier following the treatment. (grade B, level 3). 15
Superficial haematomas were observed in 10% of
the injection sites with ecchymosis present in
16.7% of patients. Topical H-100 gel
H-100 gel combines a natural carrier agent, emu
PRP with HA has been demonstrated efficiency oil, with nicardipine and superoxide dismutase.
in 70%, without any severe complication. If con- Emu oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, demon-
firmed in additional and larger series, PRP with strated in animal studies and, when applied topi-
HA could be adopted as a cost-effective mini- cally, decreases the levels of pro-inflammatory
mally invasive treatment of PD. cytokines in tissue and therefore inhibits local 7
Therapeutic Advances in Urology 11

secondary inflammation to promote wound Stem-cell therapy/Regenerative medicinal

healing.97,98 In a double-blind, placebo-con- therapies
trolled pilot study designed to assess safety, 22 There is now increasing evidence for the role of
patients in the acute phase of PD were rand- mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a potential
omized to receive 3 months of either placebo or treatment for fibrosis in PD. These cells originate
H-100 gel to be applied focused on the plaque, from fetal tissue, umbilical cord blood, or adult tis-
but to also cover the entire shaft. Following these sues and may also exert beneficial effects promot-
3 months, all study participants received H-100 ing local growth, repair, and regeneration of the
gel for a further 3 months.99 tissue in which they reside.109–111

In the treatment group, significant reductions in Studies involving rat models have been performed
penile curvature and pain level were seen, as well as to determine the effects of stem-cell treatment in
an increase in penile length. The drug was well tol- PD.112,113 Injection of adipose tissue–derived stem
erated overall, with a self-limiting skin rash as the cells (ADSC) into the tunica albuginea in rat mod-
only adverse event. Although this trial was designed els during the acute phase of PD prevented forma-
to assess safety, its initial positive outcomes make it tion of fibrosis in the tunica and corpus cavernosum
an encouraging novel treatment although more effi- and statistically significantly improved erectile
cacy and safety data from larger trials are required function.112 Another study demonstrated that
prior to recommendation for usage.100 ADSCs combined with IFN α2β injections pre-
vented or reduced Peyronie’s plaques by decreas-
ing the expression of tissue inhibitors of
Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave metalloproteinases.113 They showed that ADSCs,
therapy both alone and in combination with IFN, resulted
Local penile low-intensity extracorporeal shock- in improved erectile response and decreased
wave therapy (Li-ESWT) has been used to treat PD-like manifestations in a PD rat model.
PD with mixed results. The hypotheses behind its
mode of action include direct damage to the To date, there have been very few studies per-
plaque, resulting in an inflammatory reaction formed in humans.114 In one prospective study,
with increased macrophage activity leading to patients with PD were injected with PM-MSCs
plaque lysis, improved vascularity resulting in (placental-matrix-derived mesenchymal stem cells)
plaque resorption, and the creation of contralat- and followed up to assess changes in plaque vol-
eral scarring of the penis resulting in ‘false’ ume, penile curvature, and erectile function.114 Of
straightening.101 a total of 10 plaques managed, 7 had disappeared
completely at 3-month follow up. Changes in end-
Most uncontrolled studies have failed to show diastolic velocity, stretched penile length and penile
any significant improvements in patients with girth were not statistically significant. Both penile
PD.102–104 Increasing evidence suggests that curvature and peak systolic velocity were signifi-
Li-ESWT has minimal impact on deformity cor- cantly improved at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6
rection but provides a more rapid decrease of months after PM-MSC injection, but end diastolic
pain and stabilization of curvature in patients volume (EDV) did not prove to demonstrate a sta-
with PD (grade B, level 3).15,105,106 The treatment tistically significant improvement. The results sug-
may not be recommended, as pain may resolve gest that PM-MSCs may be beneficial and effective
spontaneously in the natural history of disease as a nonsurgical treatment in PD patients.
and the deviation may worsen with ESWT. Its
potential side effects, including penile fibrosis and It seems evident in experimental settings that stem
development of erectile dysfunction, have pre- cells in general (ADSCs in particular) provide a
cluded its widespread use.107,108 feasible, safe and effective therapy for PD.114
However, further prospective human studies are
Overall, the published literature has largely failed needed to further elucidate the therapeutic poten-
to demonstrate any significant benefit in treating tial of stem-cell therapy in PD.
penile curvature, however outcomes are inter-
preted with caution due to methodological flaws.
There is anticipation of future studies clarifying Conclusion
ESWTs role in PD curvature improvement/reso- Oral therapies serve a very limited role in treat-
lution more clearly. ment due to their limited efficacy and are not

K Randhawa and C J Shukla

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